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date with naomi怎么玩

2023-05-19 16:00:51

date with naomi怎么玩

TAG: with at


2. click the kiss

icon then place it over her lips it will get color. Click


3. click


3。单击“沙发。 touch

then move cursor to bottom of screen on her right leg look for the color



5 slowly move up

her leg til she says something new.


6. TOUCH her

right breast a couple times then her left after she says something new



7 when the scene

changes GRAB where she crosses her legs.


8.TOUCH her ankle

and work your way up.


NOTE: if at

anytime during these actions your cursor stays colored just click a new action

then click the old 1


9.when u get

close to her "lips" u might have to click the other side then her "lips" a

couple times


10.when the scene

changes again KISS her leg around her knee and move close u will click 4



11. after the 4th

click LICK her til the scene changes.


12. now u have a

choice lick her butt or suck her breast.


13a. if u click

ass then click her skirt to remove it.


14a KISS her ass

a couple time moving around the 1st spot being just at the bottom of left cheek.

when the next color spot chnages to the top of her crack change to LICK and

click your way down.


13b.if you click

breast then KISS her left breast twice then right breast twice.


14b.LICK her

nipples left,right,left,right

14b.lick她的乳头,左,右,左,右 your will

need to move your mouse around the area told in the box.


NOTE: you will

notice while your moving your mouse two solid red lines during this part of the

game. in order to make the bar move up u need to move your mouse cursor over

both lines top and bottom moving along the object.


16. move the

mouse over the lines in the dick at the base and near tip for a nice



17.repeat 16 for

a blowjob. the line will be on her face while its in her mouth.


17.repeat吹箫。这条线将在她的脸上,在她嘴里。 its time

for some next action lol the lines are at the top and bottom of your spine.


19. after 3

rounds of fucking you will get to choose where you cum. take your pick and you





handjob: (对男性的)手淫复数。HandjobA handjob is the manual stimulation of a male"s penis by another person, usually to the point of orgasm and ejaculation. The manual stimulation of a female"s vagina, clitoris or rest of the vulva is fingering,while the manual stimulation of the genitals performed by two people at the same time is mutual masturbation.作为人类正常的生理现象和性行为方式,自慰会伴随人的一生,在不同发展阶段有不同的发生频率与表现形式  。由于历史文化等多方面因素,人类关于自慰的认识和理解存在诸多争议和误区。目前现代医学通常认为自慰行为本身与精神或身体疾病之间没有明确的因果关系 。自慰本身可能有改善性健康、促进亲密关系和减少非意愿妊娠、性传播感染的作用,但关于自慰的学术讨论和知识科普在学术界、教育界相对缺失。有关自慰的相关问题常不恰当地被商业媒体讨论,而不是在家庭、学校和公众中被理性看待 。了解关于自慰的知识,建立对于性行为的全面正确认识,学习性决策技能,避免和拒绝风险性接触,有利于维护自己和他人的健康与福祉,也是全面性教育的重要教学内容。
2023-01-02 19:14:361


handjob的意思是手淫。英文翻译是the act of a person rubbing a man"s penis with their hand to give sexual pleasure。手交是性交的一种方式,是二个或以上的人互相抚摸生殖器官达到性兴奋的一种方式,多见于思想开放的年青人,是一种安全的性行为。男男手交:用手同时套住双方的阴茎一起摩擦,用阴茎来逗弄阴茎。互相抓住对方的阴囊、睾丸。尝试不断地变化各种姿势来做相互手交。女女手交:互相抚摸外阴(如阴唇、阴蒂等)达到性兴奋。以手指插入对方阴道。男女手交: 男性抚摸女性的外阴部或以手指插入阴道,女性套著男性阴茎摩擦或抓住男性的阴囊、睾丸商业性行为的手交:在某些国家和地区,进行插入式性行为的性交易是违法的,但没有明文禁止其他类型的性服务,一些色情场所(例如色情按摩院)就提供手交服务。这种性服务也常见于男男商业性行为。这种性行为较其他性行为容易方便,不需要脱去衣服,有些人会于较为隐蔽的公共场所进行而不易被发现。由于没有直接的体液接触,属于安全性行为的一种。
2023-01-02 19:14:461


2023-01-02 19:15:012


2023-01-02 19:15:091


【拼写有误】handjob是由他人实施的;masturbation是自己做的;onanism 是为防对方出状况而故意在关键之处中断ML。
2023-01-02 19:15:171


2023-01-02 19:15:233

handjob 跟 masturbation 它们有什么区别?

这位朋友你好:前者:只要是用手都算。也就是,你自己,还是别人帮你,都算。另外,这是比较口语化的表达,正式场合不多见。后者:必须是自己帮自己,属于自我发泄和解压。另外,这是比较正式和学术型的表达,用于书面和正式场合。希望我的回答可以在这里停留不被删除 ;)
2023-01-02 19:15:421


2023-01-02 19:15:522

she just did a handjob,why not jerk yourself?

2023-01-02 19:16:002

handjob cabin 中文

handjob cabin翻译过来 手淫小屋
2023-01-02 19:16:091

英语好的进 !!帮忙翻译~~~ 谢谢 !

YanXuan这是所有shits和笑声这里。我不介意你叫我白痴,我已经结婚20年,但还是喜欢马铃薯号头, shithead块茎...等等..有创意..是安娜那里协助您与您的英文,或以其他方式参与她栗连纳
2023-01-02 19:16:152

Vr女友的handjob怎么过啊 停在第三个了

2023-01-02 19:16:241


2023-01-02 19:16:298

求handjob cabin百度云资源,多谢了。

2023-01-02 19:16:582

prostitue that only provide handjob

Contribute to不是造就了……,而是对……起了作用. 所应该是,【面部表情不仅提供一种可讽的情感信号,而且实际上有助于感觉本身的体现】.
2023-01-02 19:17:071


2023-01-02 19:17:1614


2023-01-02 19:18:041


HJ管理模式管理专家郭大山根据本人多年的管理工作经验,结合我国农村实际以及美国著名管理学家史蒂芬�6�1柯维管理思想,运用整合理念所形成的“纵向深度,横向跨度,逆向思维,反传统”的综合管理理论。经国家科技管理部门和专家学者确认为是“推动决策科学化, 管理现代化,促进科技经济与社会协调发展起重大作用的社会理论管理科技成果”。 国家版权局登记注册 版权号:18-A-2005-076⑵HJ管理模式五大系统工程①、《企业诊所与企业医生》的诊断诊治服务与改造困企工程;②、《科技与流通互动》的大科技、大流通、大市场整合运作工程;③、《银企联姻与银行托管》的资金整合与资本运作工程;④、《企校互动与教育扶贫》的教育培训与自救扶贫工程;⑤、《三化标准与四化运作》的新农村建设系统工程。⑶HJ管理模式的管理思想---管的少就是管的好⑷HJ管理模式的管理秘诀 ---(智慧+机会)×(智力+借力)⑸HJ管理模式的管理方略---管理在于定位,责任在于分解
2023-01-02 19:18:104

What is a Happy Ending Massage?

cAdversity reveals genius, fortune conceals it.
2023-01-02 19:18:315


要看具体 语境来说。
2023-01-02 19:18:569


Hancock: [comes flying in a leather suit and the police men are looking at him] What? It"s a little tight. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rail Crossing Crowd #2: I can smell alcohol on your breath! Hancock: That"s cause I"ve been drinking bitch! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Michel: Asshole. Hancock: [leans in close to Michel] Call me an asshole one more time. Michel: Asshole. Hancock: [grabs Michel and launches him into the sky; turns to chubby kid] You got a problem Thickness? [chubby kid shakes his head; turns to kid with glasses] Hancock: How about you Goggles? [kid with glasses shakes his head] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boy at Bus Stop: [taps a sleeping Hancock] Hancock! Boy at Bus Stop: [hits him to wake up] Boy at Bus Stop: Hancock! Hancock: What, boy? Boy at Bus Stop: [points to TV screens] Bad guys. Hancock: What, you want a cookie? Get the hell out my face. Boy at Bus Stop: Asshole. Hancock: What? Boy at Bus Stop: You heard me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[repeated line] Hancock: Call me an asshole one more time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pissed Fat Guy: [referring to the lady in the car that Ray"s car landed on after Hancock threw it] You know what? That lady should sue you! Hancock: You know what? You should sue McDonald"s, "cuz they fucked you up! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: [to pinned-down cop] Good job! Do I have permission to touch your body? Female Cop: Yes! Hancock: It"s not sexual. Not that you"re not an attractive woman. You"re actually a very attractive woman and... Female Cop: [screaming] Get me the hell out of here! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Asian ganster: [in foreign language] Beat it, Soulja Boy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ray Embrey: People should love you. They really should, okay? And I want to deliver that for you. It"s the least that I can do. You"re a superhero. Kids should be running up to you, asking for your autograph, people should be cheering you on the streets... Hancock: [yelling to crowd of neighbors watching] What the hell you pricks looking at? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: I gotta wonder what a kind of a bastard I must have been, that nobody was there to claim me. I mean, I am not the most charming guy in the world, so I"ve been told, but...nobody? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ray Embrey: [shows Hancock a comic book with a picture of a spandex clad superhero on it] What do you think of when you see this? Hancock: Homo. Ray Embrey: [shows him another comic with a hero in red spandex] And this? Hancock: Homo in red. Ray Embrey: [shows him a third comic with a blonde-haired hero] And this? Hancock: Norwegian homo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hostage Taker: [Hancock arrives on the scene] Oh shit, Handjob! Hancock: Yep, now just tell me what you need. Hostage Taker: Well I need them to put those guns down. Hancock: [to the cops] All right fellas just put the guns down. Hostage Taker: Now I need you and that tight ass Wolverine outfit to get me outta here asshole! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: The way you deal with bullies - you take your right foot, bring it right up and catch him in his little piss pump. Mary Embrey: You don"t have to do that, honey. Okay? Seriously. Aaron Embrey: It"s a good idea. Hancock: You aim straight, make sure he can"t use that thing for nothin" but a flap to keep the dust out of his butt crack. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[an elderly woman in a bar stares at Hancock after seeing a news story featuring him] Hancock: Lady, I will break my foot off in your ass! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: [on Aaron"s learning to deal with bullies] Ah the whole turn the other cheek thing huh? [pats Aaron"s butt] Hancock: Just never turn this cheek. Don"t let them punk you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: [flying around while carrying SUV full of Asian gangsters] Konichiwa! Asian gangster: We"re not Japanese, asshole! Hancock: Oh, *now* you speak English! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mary Embrey: Call me crazy one more time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: [to Asian gangsters] Your head is going up his ass, his head is going up his ass, and you get the short end of the straw, cause your head is going up my ass! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: [after seeing a video of himself throwing a whale back into the ocean] I don"t remember that. Ray Embrey: Well, Greenpeace does. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ray Embrey: Did you shove a man"s head up another man"s ass? Hancock: [nods] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[repeated line] Hancock: Good job! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[first lines] Police Officer: All units. All units. Code 3 pursuit of 2-11 white SUV heading east on Alameda service road. Suspects: three Asian males. Request back-up immediately. Be advised. Shots fired. Shots fired. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mary Embrey: [referring to Hancock] Did he...just take the whiskey bottle to the bathroom? Ray Embrey: Do you want him to kill us all? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ray Embrey: My basic diagnosis of your fundamental problem you want to hear it? Hancock: No. Ray Embrey: You"re an asshole. I know. I call it like I see it, though. It"s not a crime to be an asshole, but it"s very counter-productive. Not a crime, but you are an asshole, don"t you think? Hancock: Be careful. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ray Embrey: Right now, there"s a DA trying to coming up here and put you in jail. Hancock: [while eating banana] Bitch can try! Ray Embrey: I say you go. Hancock: [confused] Hmm? Ray Embrey: People take you for granted, you know. We gotta make people miss you. People don"t like you, Hancock. Aaron Embrey: [yelling from other room] I do! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: [reading prepared text] I apologize to the people of Los Angeles. My behavior has been improper and I accept the consequences. I ask my fellow Angelinos for their patience and understanding. Life here can be difficult for me. After all, I am the only one of my kind. During my incarceration, I will be participating in alcohol and anger management treatment. You deserve better from me. I can be better. I will be better. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ray Embrey: So you"ve used the door, the building"s still intact, people are happy you"ve arrived, they feel safe now, there"s an officer there and he"s done a good job, so you might want to tell him he"s done a good job. Hancock: What the hell did I have to come for Ray if he"s done a good job? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ray Embrey: [showing Hancock his uniform] For when they call. Hancock: I ain"t wearing that, Ray. Ray Embrey: Yes, you are. Hancock: Oh no, I"m not. Ray Embrey: No, you are. Hancock: Actually, I"m not Ray. Ray Embrey: You think you"re not, but you are. Hancock: I will fight crime butt-ass naked before I fight it in that, Ray. Ray Embrey: You know, you have fought naked. We got that. That"s on Youtube. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hancock: You and I... Mary Embrey: You and I what? Hancock: ...we"re the same. Mary Embrey: No. I"m stronger. Hancock: Really? Mary Embrey: [smiling] Oh yeah. Hancock: Who are we? Mary Embrey: Gods, angels...Different cultures call us by different names. Now all of a sudden it"s superhero. Hancock: Are there more of us? Mary Embrey: There were. They all died. It"s just the two of us. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mary Embrey: [referring to Hancock] We broke up decades ago. Long before you were born. He just can"t remember. Ray Embrey: But you can, right? You knew? That"s something you might want to bring up on the first date, Mary. I don"t like to travel, I"m allergic to cats, I"m immortal. Those are like some of the things you might want to give a little heads-up on. Mary Embrey: Whatever we are, we"re built in twos. We"re drawn together. No matter how far I run, he"s always there! He finds me. It"s physics. Ray Embrey: Wait, what are you saying? Are you saying you two are fated to be together? Mary Embrey: I"ve lived for a very long time, Ray. And the one thing I learned - fate doesn"t decide everything. People get to choose. 中文没找到:( Sorry
2023-01-02 19:19:274


2023-01-02 19:19:424

marry me是什么意思?

2023-01-02 19:19:569

帮我想个英文名字 我叫刘艳 想个好听的双子座英文名 独特点的 可爱点的 谢谢

2023-01-02 19:20:303

我想 找简短 狠 可以 刷屏的骂人句子

2023-01-02 19:20:444


你这种情况可以考虑其他的疾病 判断是不是糖尿病不是单从血糖或者某些症状来判断的 伤口愈合慢 视力下降 肌肉无力看起来很像糖尿病综合征 但其他的疾病也会引起这些症状的 最好是去医院做个全身的检查
2023-01-02 19:20:592


adou,re,milet"s start at the very beginning a very good place to start when you read you begin with a b c when you sing you begin with ro-re-mi do-re-mi  do-re-mi the first three notes just happen to be do-re-mi  do-re-mi do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti (spoken:all right,i"ll make it easier to listen) doe,a deer,a female deer ray,a drop of golden sun me,a name i call myself far,a long,long way to run sew,a needle pulling thread la, a note to follow sol tea,a drink with jam and bread that will bring us back to do-oh-oh-oh! do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do,sol,do shapinhead and shoulder knees and toeshead and shoulder knees and toes,knees and toes,knees and toeshead and shoulder knees and toes,eyes ears mouth nose head and shoulder knees and toes,knees and toes,knees and toeshead and shoulder knees and toes,eyes ears mouth nosehead and shoulder knees and toes,knees and toes,knees and toeshead and shoulder knees and toes,eyes ears mouth nose
2023-01-02 19:21:073

你好,请问《Handjob Cabin》(手活小屋)的资源你还有吗?帮帮忙,发我一下,好人一生平安!

2023-01-02 19:21:181


2023-01-02 19:21:431


2023-01-02 19:21:491


2023-01-02 19:22:161


你需要吗?我有地址 nini2 可用
2023-01-02 19:22:222


2023-01-02 19:22:311

美国电影《Handjob Cabin》(手活小屋)有谁有百度云网盘吗?

2023-01-02 19:22:371


paly with your dickdo a handjob
2023-01-02 19:22:473


2023-01-02 19:23:012


2023-01-02 19:23:112


百度《3D Japanese Schoolgirl Handjob!》第一个就是 能直接看
2023-01-02 19:23:201

美国电影《手活小屋》(《 HANDJOB CABIN 》)谁有资源,求分享!

2023-01-02 19:23:351

Mono (Squeaky Clean) 歌词

歌曲名:Mono (Squeaky Clean)歌手:Courtney Love专辑:America S Sweetheart"Mono"heyyeahwe had everything vinyl and monoand we looked the other wayman we were so dumbis the the part in the book that you wrotewhere i gotta come and save the daydid you miss medid you miss meyeah yeah yeahwell they say that rock is deadthey"re probably right99 girls in the pitdid it have to come to thisoh god you owe me one more songso i can prove to you that i am so much better than himoh god please listen fasthere comes the crashwe"re gonna rise abovewe gotta smash it upyou won"t abandon us againheygive us brilliant boys we wanna fuck manfull of ecstacy hard drugs and bad luckyeah yeah yeahturn the lights back onit burns so hardbut you won"t burn longthree chords in your pocket tonightare you you the onewith the spark to bring my punk rock backi dont think sooh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say your sorry againoh god you owe me one more songso i can prove to you that i am so much better than himoh god i"d give you anything to hear you say that i was right and you were wrongoh god before i leave this lifeno and eightball isn"t lovea hookers never gonna comejust give it back to meblow out all of the lights to nightyeah2 million miles down the PCHand now he"s gonei slashed his tiresi bled his brakesit had to be donetheir handjob lives were just too cruelyeah mercy was donewe drown them all in their swimming poolsrun away run away run away yeahoh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say that you were wrong againoh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say that i am so much better than himoh god you owe us one more songjust get out of my lifeand see the world as it really isis this just a sad slide showcan"t make a hooker comean eightball isn"t lovei need one thing thats devinelet me hear it tonightlet
2023-01-02 19:23:411


2023-01-02 19:23:471

美国电影《手活小屋》(《 HANDJOB CABIN 》)谁有百度云盘

2023-01-02 19:23:537

Courtney Love的《Mono》 歌词

歌曲名:Mono歌手:Courtney Love专辑:America S Sweetheart"Mono"heyyeahwe had everything vinyl and monoand we looked the other wayman we were so dumbis the the part in the book that you wrotewhere i gotta come and save the daydid you miss medid you miss meyeah yeah yeahwell they say that rock is deadthey"re probably right99 girls in the pitdid it have to come to thisoh god you owe me one more songso i can prove to you that i am so much better than himoh god please listen fasthere comes the crashwe"re gonna rise abovewe gotta smash it upyou won"t abandon us againheygive us brilliant boys we wanna fuck manfull of ecstacy hard drugs and bad luckyeah yeah yeahturn the lights back onit burns so hardbut you won"t burn longthree chords in your pocket tonightare you you the onewith the spark to bring my punk rock backi dont think sooh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say your sorry againoh god you owe me one more songso i can prove to you that i am so much better than himoh god i"d give you anything to hear you say that i was right and you were wrongoh god before i leave this lifeno and eightball isn"t lovea hookers never gonna comejust give it back to meblow out all of the lights to nightyeah2 million miles down the PCHand now he"s gonei slashed his tiresi bled his brakesit had to be donetheir handjob lives were just too cruelyeah mercy was donewe drown them all in their swimming poolsrun away run away run away yeahoh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say that you were wrong againoh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say that i am so much better than himoh god you owe us one more songjust get out of my lifeand see the world as it really isis this just a sad slide showcan"t make a hooker comean eightball isn"t lovei need one thing thats devinelet me hear it tonightlet
2023-01-02 19:24:191

Mono (Alternate Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Mono (Alternate Version)歌手:Courtney Love专辑:Mono"Mono"heyyeahwe had everything vinyl and monoand we looked the other wayman we were so dumbis the the part in the book that you wrotewhere i gotta come and save the daydid you miss medid you miss meyeah yeah yeahwell they say that rock is deadthey"re probably right99 girls in the pitdid it have to come to thisoh god you owe me one more songso i can prove to you that i am so much better than himoh god please listen fasthere comes the crashwe"re gonna rise abovewe gotta smash it upyou won"t abandon us againheygive us brilliant boys we wanna fuck manfull of ecstacy hard drugs and bad luckyeah yeah yeahturn the lights back onit burns so hardbut you won"t burn longthree chords in your pocket tonightare you you the onewith the spark to bring my punk rock backi dont think sooh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say your sorry againoh god you owe me one more songso i can prove to you that i am so much better than himoh god i"d give you anything to hear you say that i was right and you were wrongoh god before i leave this lifeno and eightball isn"t lovea hookers never gonna comejust give it back to meblow out all of the lights to nightyeah2 million miles down the PCHand now he"s gonei slashed his tiresi bled his brakesit had to be donetheir handjob lives were just too cruelyeah mercy was donewe drown them all in their swimming poolsrun away run away run away yeahoh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say that you were wrong againoh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say that i am so much better than himoh god you owe us one more songjust get out of my lifeand see the world as it really isis this just a sad slide showcan"t make a hooker comean eightball isn"t lovei need one thing thats devinelet me hear it tonightlet
2023-01-02 19:24:281

take a walk 歌词

歌曲名:take a walk歌手:spoon专辑:girls can tellTough Break Handjob Broke It All Right In TwoAnd It Won"t Get Back Together With Stitches And GlueAnd Now That Song"s Been SungIt"s Just The Cost Of What"s Been DoneThe Cost Of Taking A Walk With YouI Can Tell MyselfThis Is For All Concerned"s HealthAnd I May Yet Dot That IFill It Up And Pour It Down The InsideAnd Tell You All Go And Take A WalkAnd I Said All Y"all Go Take A WalkTough Break Handjob Sent Me Back Home To MaBack To Cowtown And The Fish Shop And The MallOh Yeah It Sent Me Right Back From Where I CameAnd In The Interim Nothing ChangedSo I May Yet Dot That IFill It Up And Pour It Down The InsideUntil You All Go And Take A WalkAnd I Said All Y"all Go Take A Walk
2023-01-02 19:24:342


2023-01-02 19:24:473

Monos (Monkeys) (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Monos (Monkeys) (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Yma Sumac专辑:Exotica: The Best Of Yma Sumac"Mono"heyyeahwe had everything vinyl and monoand we looked the other wayman we were so dumbis the the part in the book that you wrotewhere i gotta come and save the daydid you miss medid you miss meyeah yeah yeahwell they say that rock is deadthey"re probably right99 girls in the pitdid it have to come to thisoh god you owe me one more songso i can prove to you that i am so much better than himoh god please listen fasthere comes the crashwe"re gonna rise abovewe gotta smash it upyou won"t abandon us againheygive us brilliant boys we wanna fuck manfull of ecstacy hard drugs and bad luckyeah yeah yeahturn the lights back onit burns so hardbut you won"t burn longthree chords in your pocket tonightare you you the onewith the spark to bring my punk rock backi dont think sooh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say your sorry againoh god you owe me one more songso i can prove to you that i am so much better than himoh god i"d give you anything to hear you say that i was right and you were wrongoh god before i leave this lifeno and eightball isn"t lovea hookers never gonna comejust give it back to meblow out all of the lights to nightyeah2 million miles down the PCHand now he"s gonei slashed his tiresi bled his brakesit had to be donetheir handjob lives were just too cruelyeah mercy was donewe drown them all in their swimming poolsrun away run away run away yeahoh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say that you were wrong againoh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say that i am so much better than himoh god you owe us one more songjust get out of my lifeand see the world as it really isis this just a sad slide showcan"t make a hooker comean eightball isn"t lovei need one thing thats devinelet me hear it tonightlet
2023-01-02 19:24:591


Mizuki 美月 Handjobjapan 077_mizuki
2023-01-02 19:25:081


2023-01-02 19:25:151


A、在注册表主键:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEWindowsCurrentVersionRunHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEWindowsCurrentVersionRunServices下添加以下键值:Microsoft Administrative Protocol = hksvc32.exeB、在系统目录下添加以下文件:%System%hksvc32.exeC、创建一个名为HK的互斥体,只允许它的一个实列来运行发作现象:1、会窃取以下游戏的CDKEYCommand & Conquer GeneralsFIFA 2003NFSHP2Soldier of Fortune IINeverwinter Rainbow Six III RavenShieldBattlefield 1942 Road To RomeBattlefield 1942 Found Project IGI 2Counter-Strike ( Retail )Unreal Tournament 2003Half-Life2、会进行弱密码攻击,密码表如下:alaliciaalisaalisonallisonallowalphaalphabetamaamadeusamandaamberamericaamorphouamorphousamyanalanaloganarchisanarchyanchorandreaandroidandromacandromacheandyanfoangelaangerineangieanimalanimalsanitaannannaanneannetteanonanonymouansweranthraxanthropoanthropogenicanvilsanythingapollo13aprilariaariadnearlenearmyarrowarthurartistasdasdfasdfghasianasmassholeathenaatmospheatmosphereatomattackauthorizaztecsazurebabebabybacchusbackdoorbackupBACKUPbadassbaileyballbananabananasbanditbankbanksbarbarabarberbarebarfbaritonebartbartmanbaseballbasicbassbassoonbatchbatmanbeachbeammeupbearbeastbeaterbeautybeaverbeckybeethovebeethovenbeginbeheadbellbelovedbenzbeowulfberkeleyberlinberlinerberylbetabethbetsiebettybeverlybiblebicamerabicameralbigfootbillbillybinarybiosbirdbishopbitchbitmapbitnetblablackblankblondeblondiebloodbloodaxeblowblowjobbluebluesboardbobbombbonerboobboobsbookbornBOTHboyscoutbradleybrandibrandybravobreakbreastbrendabrianbridgetbroadwaybrothelbrucebrunettebrutebruteforbsdbullsbullshitbumblingbungburgessburnbutchbuttbuttheadcadcaliforncamillecampanilcampanilecampingcandicandycantorcapitolcaptaincapturecardcardinalcarencarlacarmencarolcarolecarolinacarolinecarriecarsoncascadescashcastlecatcatherincatherinecatholiccathycavecayugacecilyceltcelticcelticsceruleanchangeChangemechangemecharitycharlescharliecharmingcharonchatCHECKchemchemistrchemistrychesschesterchipchrischristinchristinachristinechristyCHTcigarcigarettcindyciscoclassclassesclassicclaudiaclaymorecleavageclintonclusterclusterscoastcocacolacocaincocockcodecodenamecodewordcoffeecoincokecolacoldcollinscolorcombatcomicscommitcommradecommradescompanycompaqcomputercomputincomradecomradescondocondomconnectconnieconservaconsolecontinuecontrolcookcookbookcookiecoolcoopercoppercopscopycorneliucorneliuscorrectcounterscountrycouscouscowboycrackcrackpotcrashcreamcreatecreationcreaturecreditcreosotecretincrimecriminalcristinacrystalcshrcctxcuntcustomercybercyberpuncyberspacynthiad00ddaemondaisydanadancerdanieldanielledannydapperdarkdarkavendatadatabasedatabasepassdatabasepassworddavedawndb1db1234dbpassdbpassworddeaddeathdeathstadebdebbiedeborahdebugdecemberdeckDefaultDEFAULTdefaultdefoeDelldelldeltadelugedemoDEMOdemocratdenisedennisdesireedeskdesktopdesperatdesperatedevelopdevicedevildialdiamonddianadianedicedickdieharddietdieterdigitaldinosaurdipshitdirectdirectordirtydiscdisciplidisclosediscoverdiscoverydiskdiskettedisneydisplaydoctordogdollardomaindomainpassdomainpassworddonaldduckdongdoomdoom2doomiidoomsdaydoonesbudoordoorsdopedosdownloaddragondrdoomdrivedroughtduckdud3dudedudetteduelistdukedulceduncandungeondykeeagereagleeartheasiereasyeatmeechoeddieedgesedinburgedinburghediteditionedueducatioeducationedwinedwinaeggheadeiderdoweiderdowneileeneinsieineinsteinelaineelanorelectronelephantelizabetelizabethellenemailemeraldemilyemmanuelenableenemyengineengineerenglandenglishenterenterprienterpriseenzymeerenityericericaerikaerineroticersatzestablisestablishestateeternityeuclidevelynexchangeexchngeexpertexplodeexploreexplorerexplosivextensioextensionfairwayfaithfalconfamilyfaradfaradayfartfastfearfedsfeliciafenderfermatferrarifidelityfieldfightfileFILESfinitefirefirewallfishfishersflakesfloatfloridaflowerflowersfoobarfoodfoolfoolproofoolprooffootballforcefordforesighforesightforeverformformatfornicatforsythefourierfoxtrotfrancefrankfreakfredfreddyfreefreedomfrenchfridayfriendfriendsfrightenfrogfryguyfubarfuckfuckedfuckerfuckingfuckmefuckyoufudgeFULLfunfunctionfungiblegabrielgamesgardnergarfieldGastgatewaygatheringattgaussgeorgegermgertrudeghostgibsongigabyteginagingergirlglacierglengnugobogodgodblessyougoldgoldengolfgolfergoodgorgeousgorgesgoslinggougegovermengradesgrahamgrahmgrandgrantgreatgreengroupgryphonguardiangucciguessguessmeGuestGUESTguestguitargumptionguntish4x0r1ngh4x0ringh4x1nghackhackedhackerhagarhairhalhalloweehamlethamsterhandelhandilyhandjobhappeninhappeninghardhardcoreharddrivharmonyharoldharveyhatehavenhawaiihaxhax0rhaxingheadheadbangheadofficeheatheathenheatherheavenhebridesheidiheinleinhellhellohelpherbherbertheroheroinhewletthexadecihiawathahiberniahiddenhighhighlandhitlerhitshoholehollyhollywoohomehomepagehomerhomeuserhomeworkhoneyhookerhootershornyhorriblehorrorhorsehorushosthotdoghotelhqhttphunthunterhutchinshydrogenhyperhypertxtianibmicecreamihavenopassilluminaimageimbrogliimbroglioimmortalimperialincludeindiaindianindianaindiansingresingressingridinnainnocuouinnocuousinputinsideintegerinternetInternetintranetinventInviterireneirishmaniruleisisjackiejailjanejanetjanicejaniejapanjasminjavajazzjeanjeannejeffjenjennijenniferjennyjerryjerusalejessicajesterjewelryjilljixianjoanjoannejodyjoejohnjohndoejohnnyjosephjoshuajournaljoyjoycejudithjudyjugglejuicyjuliajuliejulietjunejupiterkakakarenkariekarinakatanakatekathleenkathrinekathykatiekatinakatrinakellykerikermitkernelkerrikerriekerrykevinkewlkeykeybordkeyinkeywordkiddiekidskillkillerkillthemkilokimkimberlykingkirkkirklandkisskissmyaskittenklingonknifeknightknightma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