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瑞奇马丁的come with me 的歌词中文音译谁有?急急急!哪位大神帮帮忙啊!

2023-07-08 11:57:16



















































I can tell that you"re a sinner

From behind

your angel eyes

A beautiful deceiver

But I can handle anything, you


Your finger"s on my trigger

You play it like a winner


pulling me entire

Let"s stop talking about it

Just stop thinking about


Let"s get crazy about it

I got you now

I"m gonna take you to the

edge tonight

I, I"ll show you how

So will come with me tonight, oh oh


Come with me tonight, oh oh oh

Come with me tonight

There"s no

limit to forever

And there"s no ceiling in the sky

We"ll hit the finish

line together

Way beyond the morning light

Your finger"s on my


You play it like a winner

You"re pulling me entire


stop talking about it

Just stop thinking about it

Let"s get crazy about


I got you now

I"m gonna take you to the edge tonight

I, I"ll

show you how

So will come with me tonight, oh oh oh

Come with me tonight,

oh oh oh

Come with me tonight

Oh oh oh

Tonight, tonight


with me tonight


Come with me

Come with me

Come with


Come with me

Come with me

Come with me

Are you


I got you now

I"m gonna take you to the edge tonight


I"ll show you how

So will come with me tonight, oh oh oh

Come with me

tonight, oh oh oh

Come with me tonight.





2023-07-08 06:51:162


2023-07-08 06:51:231


2023-07-08 06:51:332


风趣,幽默,机智是每个脱口秀节目的特点,但美国的脱口秀节目除了上述特点以外,还有个最大的特点,那就是随意,是那种很让人放松的感觉,感觉很自由,因为他们连美国总统都作为调侃的对象。起源于18世纪英国咖啡吧聚会的脱口秀,如今已成为美国社会中记录文化与历史发展的重要载体。在脱口秀发展的六十年中,它形成了自己“用娱乐的方式影响着严肃的政治”的特征。脱口秀是一把理解西方思维模式、政治观点和社会现状的钥匙。扩展资料脱口秀在电视上的播出源于电视时代早期。深夜脱口秀节目包括"今夜秀"(The Tonight Show)和"大卫深夜秀" (The Late Show with David Letterman,港译大卫牙擦骚)等已经播出了几十年,以名人嘉宾和幽默小品为其主要特征。电视新闻先驱爱德华·摩洛(Edward R. Murrow)曾于1950年代晚期主持了"小世界"(Small World),从那时起政治脱口秀主导了星期天早晨的电视节目,每日联合播出的脱口秀包括从家庭导向的"奥普拉·温芙芮"(Oprah Winfrey)和"罗茜·欧丹尼秀" (Rosie O"Donnell shows)到"垃圾电视"如"杰瑞·斯普英哥秀"( Jerry Springer Show)等众多节目。参考资料来源:百度百科-脱口秀节目
2023-07-08 06:51:391


回答:奥巴马踹门视频是假的 一个来自the tonight show名为奥巴马演讲后愤怒踹门的视频在网上疯传。视频只有十几秒,但从结束发言到踹门离开极其连贯,连火眼金睛的美国网友也难辨真假。 由于视频极其逼真,大部分网友信以为真,纷纷猜测是何事让奥巴马如此大动肝火。 在经过多方考证之后,确定该视频为网友恶搞。 上为剪辑后的恶搞视频,下图为真实情况
2023-07-08 06:51:531


2023-07-08 06:52:002


2023-07-08 06:52:214


《惊奇队长2》将于2023年7月28日上映。惊奇队长扮演者布丽·拉尔森(生于1989年10月1日),美国女演员、歌手。童年出道开始参演喜剧小品《The Tonight Show with Jay Leno》。2009至2011年参演喜剧电视剧《倒错人生》。2015年主演的电影《房间》收获广泛好评,并获得第73届金球奖最佳戏剧类电影女主角奖、荣获第69届英国电影学院奖最佳女主角奖、荣获第22届美国演员工会奖最佳女主角奖,荣获第88届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角奖。《惊奇队长1》漫画中的初代“惊奇女士”原名Carol Danvers,她曾经是一名美国空军情报局探员,暗恋惊奇先生。此后她得到了超能力,成为“惊奇女士”,在漫画中是非常典型的女性英雄人物。她可以吸收并控制任意形态的能量,拥有众多超能力。《惊奇队长》是漫威首部以女性超级英雄为主角的电影。
2023-07-08 06:53:011


2023-07-08 06:53:242

艾薇儿Tik Tok里唱合声的吉他手是谁

Jim McGorman
2023-07-08 06:53:414


2023-07-08 06:54:251


主持人  catdeeley是英国顶级的电视节目主持人之一。她获得过两次英国电影电视学院奖,并凭藉一些她主持的、在英国热播的黄金时段节目获得过多个奖项,这些节目包括:《starsintheireyes》、《cd:uklive》(该节目每周播出一次,她主持了六年)、《smtv:live》(她主持了三年)、《comicreliefdoesfameacademy》、《vfestival》(2004年和2005年)、《thebrits》、《recordoftheyear》、《eltonjohnlivefromnewyork》、《thelatingrammyawards》和在itv电视台与u2乐队合作的特别节目《whencatmetu2》。deeley在非常成功地主持了一季《舞池争锋(soyouthinkyoucandance)》之後,成为美国电视节目中最受欢迎的新面孔之一。自那以後,deeley成为jayleno《今夜脱口秀(thetonightshow)》中的第一位固定娱乐记者。她现在也在《早安美国(goodmorningamerica)》中担任这一职位。她还参加了fox电视台在时代广场的新年前夜现场录制。  deeley多年来采访过的人物包括众多巨星,如madonna、mariahcarey、u2、prince、marilynmanson、eltonjohn、jossstone、tomjones和50cent。她在伦敦最大的广播电台主持过一个每周播放的广播节目《catandedith"shitmusicsunday》。也曾在喜剧《happiness》和《littlebritain》中出演过角色。nigellythgoe评委  nigellythgoe是《舞林争霸(soyouthinkyoucandance)》的制片人兼舞蹈指导和评审。他是19电视台的台长,在2001年离开伦敦世界电视台,出任19电视台总裁并主管娱乐和喜剧节目。在伦敦世界电视台,很多获奖节目都是出自lythgoe之手,包括《icewarriors》、《livebyrequestwithphilcollins》、《michaelbarrymore"smykindofmusic》、《don"ttrythisathome》、《fridaynight"sallwright》、《tvnightmares》、《kidssaythefunniestthings》、《animalsdothefunniestthings》、《guinnessworldrecords》和《hiddentalentsoftherichandfamous》。  lythgoe是英国最受尊敬的电视天才之一,他十岁时作为舞蹈演员出道。之後不久,他参加了年轻一代(theyounggeneration)舞蹈团的舞台表演,并在世界五百多个电视节目中进行舞蹈表演,包括engelberthumperdinck的节目、《themuppets》和五次《royalvarietyperformances》。lythgoe在英国《popstar》节目中严厉的评委形象,使其名字家喻户晓,观众称他为「凶恶的nigel」。他制作了很多节目,包括《gladiator》、《popidol》、和他制作并导演的英国版《生存者(survivor)》。他还和kenwarwick合作,创作并出演了反映其真实生活的节目《corkscrewed》;该节目2006年在fox记录频道播放。  除了《舞林争霸(soyouthinkyoucandance)》和《allamericangirl》,lythgoe制作的作品还有fox电台收视第一的《美国偶像(americanidol)》的所有节目,包括第一次慈善演出《idolgivesback》。该节目至今已为慈善项目娱乐界基金cpef筹集了七千万美元。cpef是一个美国慈善组织,为改善美国及世界上极度贫困而筹集资金,重点帮助地区为非洲。cpef旨在利用娱乐界的力量,为极度贫困、处於社会边缘和弱势的人群传递社会帮助。
2023-07-08 06:54:342

有英文歌,歌词中有by the way,哪一首歌?

歌曲名:By The Way歌手:Matt Monro专辑:The Rare MonroRed Hot Chili Peppers - By The WayStanding in lineTo see the show tonightAnd there"s a light onHeavy glowBy the way I tried to sayI"d be there... waiting forDani the girlIs singing songs to meBeneath the marquee... overloadSteak Knife Caro SharkCon Job Boot CutSkin that flickShe"s such a little DJGet there quickBy street but not the freewayTurn that trickTo make a little leewayBeat that nicBut not the way that we playDog Town Blood BathRib Cage Soft TailBlack Jack Dope DickPawn Shop Quick PickKiss that DykeI know you want to hold oneNot on strikeBut I"m about to bowl oneBite that micI know you never stole oneGirls that likeA story so I told oneSong Bird Main LineCash Back Hard topBy the way I tried to sayI"d be there... waiting for(Chant)By the way I tried to sayI know youFrom it for
2023-07-08 06:54:411


2023-07-08 06:54:581


《奥普拉秀》 美国最著名电视脱口秀节目。 《艾伦.德吉尼斯秀》 美国著名脱口秀电视节目。这是一档综艺谈话节目,主持人有着丰富的生活经验,对新闻人物、普通人进行访谈,就观众感兴趣的话题展开讨论。节目同时对现场观众以及场外观众进行交流。节目经常会介绍那些在日常生活中表现出非凡智慧的普通人,节目中有现场音乐伴奏和观众参与的游戏。 《大卫莱特曼的深夜秀》(又名:大卫牙擦苏) 美国著名深夜滑稽娱乐访谈脱口秀节目。艾美奖将最佳综艺节目奖,莱特曼也获得了最佳谈话类主持人的称号。从1993年开始的大卫·莱特曼晚间脱口秀在美国《TV guide》评选的50年以来最佳电视榜上列位第七。大卫·莱特曼的招牌是一副“龇牙咧嘴”的笑容,他经常拿自己当笑柄取悦观众,为了让节目具有可看性,莱特曼会时不时在节目中用社会名流的新闻讲个笑话,或者出个脑筋急转弯考考节目的嘉宾。 《乔恩·斯图尔特美国天天秀》 第57届美国电视艾美最佳综艺、音乐或喜剧节目,真相触目心,但的确滑稽可乐。 《比尔·马什时间》 HBO一个午夜政治搞笑节目,主持人Bill Maher是一个极端的自由主义者。他以反布什、反保守而出名,每期节目他都会花大量时间骂布什。节目每次都请一两个保守派和一两个自由派,就近期的政治热点问题进行辩论。上至加拿大前总理、美国的州长、议员们,下至影星、歌星、作家,每次请到的都是顶极人物。一场Show就是一场智慧+见识的战斗。有些明星就只能插科打诨,敲敲边鼓,基本插不上什么嘴了。老练的政客们,争论的时候懂得适可而止、保持风度;而年轻人作嘉宾,争着争着就开始意气用事,话说得不客气、尖锐起来。节目火药味浓烈,但他总能控制住场面。而且,从未输过口水战。他的一些名言:“谁说我痛恨美国的?我不痛恨这个国家,我只是为它感到尴尬、感到惭愧而已。”“就算人类是上帝按照自己形象创造的吧,那上帝就应该是一只猴子。”(这是在争论达尔文的进化论和圣经的上帝造人论时,他说的。) 《查彭秀》 风靡美国的非传统脱口秀节目之一。最受美国大学生欢迎,同时也是对政治问题肆无忌惮。节目通过现场脱口秀和各种短片的演绎,极尽搞笑能事。喜剧中心频道因为这个节目,收视率得以不断提高。晚间娱乐秀这类“非传统的”新闻节目正越来越成为年轻人了解时事政治的主流渠道,在对2004年美国大选中所有媒体报道中,最受观众青睐的不是王牌新闻主播主持的严肃分析类节目,而是搞笑类的娱乐喜剧型节目。 《科南·奥布赖恩深夜秀》 被《娱乐周刊》冠以“最可爱脱口秀”称号的,它不仅占据了所在时段收视率龙头,它的各组成部分都受到媒体毫不吝惜的溢美,从主持人柯南·奥布赖恩、节目的喜剧情节直到伴奏乐队。这个综艺性谈话节目的客座通常是好莱坞的一线艺人,聊着他们最新的大片或者电视剧,惟一特色是奥布赖恩的风格。《娱乐周刊》同样给了他“最鲜明的电视主持”名头,称他是“有才干的机智型访谈者”。针对熠熠生辉的大明星,该节目擅长选择他们各自的特色制造出娱人的效果。 《查理·罗斯秀》 美国著名的人物访谈节目。节目嘉宾,包罗了国家领导人、世界娱乐界顶级明星等。 《哈拉尔德·施密特访谈》 德国最著名的时事脱口秀节目。无论是主题内容还是来宾,算是较丰富的,因为主持人常会以最新发生的新闻为主题,德国各界的人物经常会被邀请到节目中。与美国NBC的The Tonight Show(Jay Leno)及David Letterman的节目很像。施密特以炉火纯青的搞笑技巧,挑战“政治正确”的传统。节目在德国播出了八年(1996-2003),施密特以逗笑为特色的脱口秀节目每周五天在深夜十一点后播出。每晚这个时刻,便会有上百万的德国电视观众坐在电视机前,听施密特的伶牙俐齿扯天说地,这几乎成了无数德国人每天上床前的必休课。 《今夜秀》 这是一个在美国已经播出了51年的节目,它是美国历史最悠久,也是收视率最高的的娱乐脱口秀节目。作为NBC王牌节目The Tonight Show的第五任主持人Jay Leno,他几乎已经成为美国脱口秀节目的代名词。他会把每天发生的大量时事新闻拼贴组合成笑料,接着再找来一位名人,对其私生活刨根问底一番,然后在歌舞升平中结束。节目每周五次。节目中,政客们并没有再加上太多政治色彩,而是被戏剧化、脸谱化。节目通常会邀请至少两位嘉宾,通常会是一位喜剧演员和一位音乐家,主要是好莱坞名流和政坛精英。在邀请嘉宾入场之前,主持人都会喝着咖啡,调侃今天的时事或轶闻,以营造轻松的气氛。在调侃版的新闻中,主持人常常会列出各种各样的排名,数落新闻人物或事件。 《考波特播报》 象喜剧中心频道其它大多数脱口秀节目一样,节目锋芒毕露,对政治和社会事务言词激烈,大量运用各种搞笑手段,是观众能在笑声中收看节目。
2023-07-08 06:55:051

找一首英文歌里面有句高潮show tonight,女声,很好听的歌

这一句歌词应该是nice to show tonight,歌名我也在找。
2023-07-08 06:55:134

今天逛街时候听到一首英文歌,只记得高潮部分是this is the ...

信息太不足了- 0 - 就给三个字。。还有个没挺清楚。。
2023-07-08 06:55:203


2023-07-08 06:55:298

柯南·奥布莱恩 毕业大学

演讲稿:我在洛杉矶生活了2年,一辈子都没碰到过这么冷的天。现在谁能给我一副GORE-TEX手套,我就给他/她300美元。谁都可以,我是认真的!我身上带着现金呢。在我的演讲开始之前,我必须指出的是我身后“坐着”万人景仰的美国总统和缀满勋章的战争英雄,而我,一个有线电视脱口秀主持人,竟然被选中站在这里传授智慧。我发誓自己从没见过这么坑爹的事情,简直就是美国之怪现状的一个缩影。在座的各位毕业生、老师们、父母们、亲戚们、其他年级的同学们、以及那些来参加你们毕业典礼的老家伙们(译者注:自嘲,指的是同期接受荣誉学位的几位嘉宾),大家早上好!并在此祝贺达特茅斯2011届毕业生!今天,你们做到了一件了不起的事情,了不起到在美国只有92%的人在你们这个年纪才能做到的事:一个大学学位。没错儿,凭借着这个大学学位,你们在剩余那8%的人才面前就有了压倒性优势。我指的是那些中途辍学的失败者,比如比尔·盖茨、史蒂夫·乔布斯、以及马克·扎克伯格。说到扎克伯格再顺便提一句,只有在哈佛这种地方才需要有人发明一套繁复的社交网络,为的只是跟隔壁的某个同学说句话。作为你们的毕业典礼演讲嘉宾,首要任务是告诉大家生活本来就是不公平的。比如,你们废寝忘食的辛苦了4年,为的就是拿到这周末即将授予你的学位。那感觉一定棒极了!而达特茅斯授予了我一个同样的学位,仅仅因为我采访了《暮光之城》的四号主角。接受这个现实吧!另一个生活不公平的案例就在眼前,如果现在天降大雨,台上这些有钱有势的人才能在帐篷下避雨。接受这个现实吧!非常感谢Kim校长邀请我来参加今天的毕业典礼。Kim校长的电话挂断之后,我就决定研究一下这个家伙的背景。他总是被称为Kim校长和Kim博士。对于他的朋友来说,他是Jim Kim、J to the K、Special K(Kellog"s一款早餐谷物)、JK Rowling(小说《哈利波特》的作者)、the Just Kidding Kimster(F1车手莱科宁逗你玩儿),以及最令人不解的称呼,”Stinky Pete”(动画片《玩具总动员》里的矿工皮特)。他曾是哈佛医学院全球健康与社会医疗专业的系主任,作为世界卫生组织在全球健康行动计划的排头兵,他获得了麦克阿瑟天才奖的肯定,而且被《时代》杂志评为2006年最有影响力的100个人之一。上帝啊,这个人究竟是怎么做到的呢?我是认真的!我懂了,因为他非常聪明。顺便再对Kim博士说一句,你虽然被达特茅斯选为校长,但同时作为一个世界级的人类学家,你还被雇来研究为什么每一个这里毕业的学生都要绕着篝火跑上111圈。不过我要谢谢你今天请我来这里,“矿工皮特”,我感到非常荣幸。尽管你们中的一些人会把我看作是明星,但你要知道其实你们现在坐的地方我也坐过。如我所言,昨天深夜我偷偷溜到这里,在每个座位上都稍微坐了一下。我这么做就是为了证明一点:我和你们一样是普通人,而且有的是大把的时间。不过,这是一个难得的机会,来到新罕布什尔的感觉棒极了。在这里我不仅能得到一个荣誉学位,而且我还能把车子的后备箱塞满合法的烟花。大家都知道,新罕布什尔是个如此特别的地方。当我抵达这里的时候,深深地吸了一口新英格兰干冷的空气,心想:“哇!与这个州比邻的那个州(译者注:指的是佛蒙特)就是Ben & Jerry冰激凌的老家。”不过大家别误会我的意思,我非常认真地对待今天交给我的任务。2个月当前我接到电话说要来这儿演讲的时候,我就决定要以你们准备重要学期论文的那种强度来准备我的演讲。所以直到昨天夜里,我才开始动笔。我喝了2罐红牛,吸了一点Adderall(一种“聪明药”),玩儿几个小时《使命召唤》,接着才打开我的浏览器。我认为维基百科已经写得很好了,它说:“达特茅斯学院是美国新罕布什尔州汉诺威市的一所私立大学,属于常春藤盟校。”谢谢大家,祝各位好运!为了今天跟你们这些学生交流,我特意花了很长时间学习你们特有的语言风格。事实上,就在今天早上当我发给Francesca的调情电子邮件被某FSP(Foreign Study Program,出国学习项目)的一个SB截获的时候,我正和“旅伴”Barry一起离开Baker Berry(达特茅斯图书馆)去Bema(一片宿舍前的空地)吃Billy Bob(一种早餐肉蛋卷)。没错儿,我做了一些研究。这个学院的名字来自达特茅斯伯爵二世,他是“加州大学圣克鲁斯分校伯爵三世”和“芭比松美容学校公爵”的好朋友。贵校的校训是”Vox clamantis in deserto”,意为“广漠大地上的哭声”(译者注:这只是字面意思,引申义为广漠大地上对知识的呼唤)。这简直就是我所听过的最招人怜悯的校训。显然,这比“在灌木深处默默流泪”和“不穿裤子在潮湿的叶子上啜泣”要略微好一点。贵校的代表色为绿色,是Frederick Mather在1867年选定了这个颜色。据说“这是当时唯一没有被其他学校选走的颜色”,这句话一点儿都没错,我真的查过。我实在不记得还有什么事比这个更让人难过了。达特茅斯,你们总有种低人一等的情结,其实大可不必。你们学校毕业的伟大的虚构人物要比其他学校多,比如《实习医生格蕾》剧中的Meredith Grey,《广告狂人》剧中的Pete Campbell,《教父》剧中的Michael Corleone。事实上,我非常期待明年这个时候由你们尊敬同学Count Chocula(漫画吸血鬼形象)发表的毕业生告别演讲。当然了,你们最伟大的“虚构”毕业生就是财政部长蒂莫西·盖特纳。同学们,你们能想象一个“真实”的财政部长会做出现在这些决定吗?哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!现在我知道你们要说什么了,达特茅斯,你们会说:“好吧,我们至少有苏斯博士(译者注:著名儿童文学作家)。”你们猜怎么着?我们早就听腻了苏斯博士。直面事实吧:这家伙用saznoozle来押fafloozle的韵。在文学领域,那就叫作弊。达特茅斯,你们的不安全感如此之大,以至于你们自认为连个真正的讲台都不配有。抱歉,这是个什么玩意儿?看起来就像是你们从新苏格兰岛幸存者那里偷来的一样。说真的,这东西就像是大熊开会用的桌子一样。不,达特茅斯,你们必须挺直腰杆。扬起你们的头,由衷感到骄傲。因为如果哈佛、耶鲁和普林斯顿是你们自私、虚荣、按名气排在前面的兄长,你就是有点酷、性感自信、玩网兜球的小妹,你知道如何组织爬梯,也知道在羽绒背心里面穿什么更好看。当然了,布朗是你那个永远宅着的同性恋姐姐。还有宾夕法尼亚、哥伦比亚以及康奈尔,坦白地说,没人在乎他们。是的,我和这所学校之间有种特殊的纽带。事实上,这是我第二次到这里。这事儿要追溯到1980年,我17岁那年到各大名校旅游的时候来过达特茅斯。那时候达特茅斯真是个非常艰难的地方。我那次旅程是骑着骡子从波士顿出发的,在West Leb(新罕布什尔的一个地区)向铁匠打听好了方向,我就径直来到了这个美丽的校园。当时还没有任何宿舍,所以我寄宿在White River Junction一个皮草易商的家里。我来这里的那段时间恰逢天降大雪,以至于自己在这里被困了4个月。我当时不得不吃掉了那头骡子,而这头骡子一周前逼不得已时吃掉了那个皮草交易商。即便如此,我依然爱上了达特茅斯,并且发誓一定会再回来。但是命运给我以沉重一击。由于没钱,我不得不选择了一家很小的地方性的计算机学校(译者注:揶揄自己的母校哈佛大学),那段生活简直是查尔斯河泥湾上令人震颤的痛处。我当时是个痛苦万分的倒霉蛋,直到现在我还总是会情不自禁的想象:如果我那时选择了达特茅斯会怎样?如果我当时选择了达特茅斯,或许至少有好几学年要在野外度过,而今天我就会对所有植物和绝大多数岩石都过敏。如果我当时选择了达特茅斯,我现在穿的就会是一条羊毛内裤,而不是一条蕾丝内裤。如果我当时选择了达特茅斯,恐怕依然不知道”Dear Old Dartmouth”(达特茅斯校歌)的第二段歌词。承认吧,你们没人能记得,唱到那段都是哼哼过去的。如果我当时选择了达特茅斯,我会有一块像豆袋椅一样大又一样硬的肝脏。最后,如果我当时选择了达特茅斯,今天我就正在哈佛接受一个荣誉学位。想想就觉得很酷!你们是一所伟大的学校,并且配得上一个足以被历史铭记的毕业典礼演讲。这就对了,我想让自己今天的演讲要点因为改变了世界而能被永远记住。为了达到这样的效果,我必须引入一条史无前例的提议。1946年,温斯顿·丘吉尔在威斯敏斯特学院发表了那篇著名的“铁幕演说”。1963年,约翰·F·肯尼迪在美利坚大学概述了他削减核武器的政策。今天,我要在达特茅斯抛出自己的提议:我称之为“柯南教义”。“柯南教义”包括:所有学士学位将被升级为硕士学位。所有硕士学位将被升级为博士学位。而所有MBA学生将被立即变成白领囚徒。遵从“柯南教义”,Winter Carnival(冬季嘉年华)将变成Winter Carnivale(冬季嘉年华的拉丁语),并且将去里约大肆庆祝。建议大家都不穿衣服,所有花费均由校友会承担。你们这个”the Big Green”的昵称将被换成更牛逼的,比如”The Jade Blade”(玉剑)、”Seafoam Avenger”(绿色复仇者)、或者干脆就叫”Lime-Zilla”(绿恐龙)。原来的“达特茅斯计划”和“四分之一体系”将被最终升级为“六十四分之一体系”。一个学期只有3天,接着学生将面对的是一个长达48学期的假期。不过,他们在大二的那个独立日必须呆在校园里。遵从“柯南教义”,我将重新下令举办Tubestock(译者注:达特茅斯学院一个狂欢节,现已被禁止)。那些打算以Fieldstock来替代它的人将接受我的惩罚。乘筏漂流和啤酒的结合比田野和啤酒的结合要美妙得多。我听说2年后他们打算进一步从Fieldstock降级到Deskstock,就静静地在你桌前傻坐7个小时。千万别让那些傻逼得逞!最后,遵从“柯南教义”,所有毕业典礼的演讲嘉宾要是有人无耻下作地通过内部资料逢迎听众,骗取幼稚的掌声,他/她将被要求向这届史上最伟大的毕业生致歉。达特茅斯2011届毕业生主宰一切!除了以上提议,伟大的毕业典礼演讲的另一个特征是深度的建议,要向“摘下天上的星星”一样深奥难明。不过,今天我不打算让你们的时间浪费在空洞无义的陈词滥调上。相反,我将给你们一些真正有用的建议,如果接下来几年你还想活着的话就用得着这些建议。首先,青春痘持续的时间比你想象的要长。2天前我的眼睛上长了一颗痘痘,险些为此取消这次演讲。同学们,这一点非常重要:衬衣穿在身上你是不能直接熨的。还有一点很重要。如果你们长期靠Ramen Noodles(一种日本方便面)为生,你们的双手就会失去知觉,便便也会变成一坨白胶。最后一点,在毕业长袍下穿着五彩斑斓的匡威高帮球鞋是一种绝佳的方式,用它告诉你的同学们这是你余生无数个愚蠢决定中的第一个。当然,在座的还有很多家长,我也为他们准备了真正的建议。各位父母,你们应该记住这些:很多家长已经有四年没怎么见过自己的孩子了。这下好了,从现在开始你们可能每天都能见到他们从地下室爬出来抱怨无线网络出问题了。如果你的孩子是美术或哲学专业,你绝对有理由去担忧。现在唯一能为他们提供工作机会的地方是古希腊。祝这些专业的同学好运!今天East Wheelock(达特茅斯周边的社区)的交通绝对能让人崩溃,所以一旦他们开始颁发学位证书,颁到首字母是K的同学的时候你们就应该提前退场了。我还要告诉你们这些:你们还将为孩子的学位证框架而花钱,他们要等6个月之后才能挣到钱。外面形势不景气,要耐心一点。目前在招聘的只有Panera Bread面包作坊和墨西哥贩毒集团。是的,你们的父母必须保持耐心,因为外面的就业形势的确令人沮丧。找工作如此之难的一个原因是渐渐老去的“婴儿潮”那一代拒绝让位。这一点上相信我绝对没错儿。就算他们在电视上亲口承诺5年后就让位,我的意思是你们甚至可以现在就上YouTube看看这家伙当时是怎么说的,他们可从没说过不会卷土重来。当然了,我是泛指这一代人(译者注:实际上是揶揄自己)。这些话就到此为止。现在不是谈论悲观前景或消极事态的时候。不,我今天到这儿来,不管你们相信与否,真的是为了告诉你们一些货真价实的东西。11年前,我在哈佛毕业典礼上也做过一次演讲。从那之后,我再也没做过毕业演讲,因为我觉得实在没什么东西可说。不过,紧接着2010年来临了。现在我站在这里,距离我家3000英里之外的地方,因为我去年学到了艰深的一课,所以愿意在此与你们分享。2000年的时候,我告诉那些毕业生:“别害怕失败。”好了,现在我要告诉你们的是,尽管你们不应惧怕失败,但你们应该拼尽全力去避免失败。尼采有一句名言:“那些试图打败你却没有打败你的事使你更坚强。”但是,他没有强调的是这件事几乎就打败了你。所谓避免失望的伤痛,对于你们这些雄心万丈的成功人士而言,这样的说法是一种误导。尼采应该说的是:“那些试图打败你却没有打败你的事使你能够尽情享受动画频道,并且能在早上11点美美地喝上一杯不那么廉价的霞多丽。”如今,人们认为常春藤盟校毕业典礼的演讲嘉宾都是很了不起的人。可是就在差不多一年前,我体会过一次耐人寻味而公众皆知的失望。我没有得到自己想要的,于是我离开了一套体系,我曾在这个体系度过了美妙的17年,是它培养、帮助、并最终成就了我。我离开了电视网络的中心,不仅仅彻底离开了这个网络,而且不想看见印有格纹的咖啡桌,甚至会迷失在了这张咖啡桌底下的旧地毯上。这是一次职业生涯上的灾难,也是一个糟糕透顶的比喻。不过,接着发生了一些美妙的事情。烟雾缭绕,随风飘摇,在没有指南针的情况下,我开始尝试一些事情。我长出了一些奇怪的棕色胡须。我沉溺于社交网络的世界。我开始通过Twitter分享我的喜剧创作。我搞了一次全国巡演。我玩起了吉他。我重新站了起来,穿着一件贴身蓝色皮衣灌录了一张唱片,拍摄了一部纪录片,还把自己的朋友和家人吓了一跳。最终,我放弃了所有那些既定的对于自己职业路径和名望的看法,并且接受了一个以不断重播情景喜剧而闻名的小电视台提供的工作,创作情景喜剧那个高高的黑人经常穿得像个老女人。我做过很多愚蠢的、出格的、自发的、以及看起来不够理性的事情,你们猜怎么着?穿着那件蓝色皮衣的我度过了职业生涯中最满意最眩目的一年。到现在我都不明白当时究竟是怎么了,不过我从来没有那么快乐过,从来没有面对那么多挑战,这点很重要,也对于自己在做的事情从未如此的坚定。这一切都是真的吗?当然,这很简单:没有什么事情比你最深的恐惧成为现实更能解放你人生的了。我和很多人一起读大学,让他们骄傲的是他们知道自己是谁也知道自己要走向何方。在哈佛,班上有5个同学曾经告诉我将来他们终有一天会成为美国总统。他们中的4个人在一次汽车旅馆枪击案中身亡,另外的1个曾为电视节目Blues Clues短暂担任过主持人,不久就在另一起汽车旅馆枪击案中变成了植物人。你们在22岁时给自己设计的人生轨迹必定与32岁或42岁的人生轨迹不同。一个人的梦想是不断形成的不断变化的一个过程,有起有伏。从事于任何工作都是这样,不过由于我在喜剧事业上奋斗了25年,我或许最有资格谈谈自己从事的这个领域。回顾1940年代,有个非常非常搞笑的家伙叫做Jack Benny。他是当时的天皇巨星,毫无疑问是他那一代人当中最伟大的喜剧演员。当时有个很年轻的小伙子叫做Johnny Carson一心想成为Jack Benny。从某种意义上说,他做到了,可是从另一种意义上看他又没做到。他模仿Jack Benny惟妙惟肖,但是完全摒弃了自己独有的动作特点,他努力的方向随着周围环境的变化而变化。最终,他没有成为自己偶像那样的人物,根本不能称得上他那一代人中最搞笑的一个。David Letterman想成为Johnny Carson,最后也没做到。结果我们这一代喜剧演员都想成为David Letterman,没人能做到。我和我的同行们从各方面来看都没有达到那个标准。不过,关键在于:虽然没有成为我们理想中最完美的样子,但这个理想中的形象却帮助我们找到了自身的独特性。这并不容易,不过如果你接受这种不幸并恰当地处理好它,你认为的这个失败会成为意义深远的再度创新的触媒。所以,站在47岁这个当口儿,着迷一般追逐了25年自己的梦想,结果发现梦想改变了。几十年来,在娱乐圈里,每个喜剧演员的终极目标都是能主持The Tonight Show。那是一个圣杯,我也像许多人一样认为自己实现那个目标就算是一个成功人士了。但实际上并不是那样。没有任何具体的工作或职业目标能定义我的成败,而且它也一样不能定义你们的成败。2000年的时候,我告诉毕业生不要害怕失败,我依然相信这句话。不过,今天我要告诉你们的是不管你怕它还是不怕它,失望在所难免。好的一面在于你通过失望可以让自己看得更明白,看透彻之后就有了坚定的信仰和真正的创造力。在座的许多同学今天之所以能获得常春藤盟校的学位证书,是因为你们在自己的心中埋下了梦想的种子,并且努力奋斗去实现梦想。在毕业典礼的演讲上,虽然有点老生常谈,但真的没有什么比“追求你们的梦想”更好的说辞了。不过我要告诉你们的是,不管你们现在的梦想是怎样的,它终究会改变。不过没关系。4年前,你们当中的许多人都有过具体的愿景,要有什么样的大学生活,以及自己要成为什么样的人。我敢打赌,今天你们中的绝大多数都会承认你们实际度过的这段时光跟原先自己的想象有很大不同。你们的室友变了,你们的专业变了,甚至一些同学的性取向也变了。我打赌,就在我开始演讲之后,你们当中的一些同学刚刚改变了性取向。我知道自己曾经也是如此。但是通过这些好的、尤其是不好的变化,现在的你已经不再是你印象中2007年秋天的那个你了。我今天已经给你们讲了许多东西,绝大多数都是傻话,但有一些是真言。我准备打破禁忌,通过援引我自己17个月之前的一句话来结束今天的演讲。我在NBC最后一期节目快要结束的时候,就在信号被切断之前,我说了一句:“努力工作,友善待人,美妙的事情终将发生。”今天,在这里获此殊荣并站在一个树桩子后面对着达特茅斯2011届的同学发表演讲的时候,我对此更加深信不疑。非常感谢大家,同时也祝贺大家!
2023-07-08 06:55:552

Tonight Tonight Tonight Tonight Tonight

tonight[英][tu0259u02c8nau026at][美][tu0259u02c8nau026at]n.今晚,今夜; adv.在今晚;例句 1 Tonight, I think he proved to everybody what a great player he was. 我认为今晚他向所有人证明了他是个多么出色的选手。 2 Tonight"s light show is the grand finale of a month-long series of events. 今晚的灯光秀是为期1个月的系列活动的盛大收场。 3 My parents have thrown me out, can I crash with you for tonight? 我父母把我赶出来了,我能不能和你挤一宿呢?
2023-07-08 06:56:022


2023-07-08 06:56:175


问题一:喜剧的英文怎么说 edy我们高一有学过funny movie会不会是中国式的英文 问题二:喜剧用英语怎么说 Comedy 喜剧,喜剧电影 问题三:喜剧片的英语怎么说? 还有恐怖片等 喜剧片edy 恐怖片horror film 。horror movie 悬疑片suspense film。Thrill。Mystery 动作片action movie。actioner。action film 科幻片science fiction film。science fiction movi户。fi film 剧情片feature film。story film。Drama 青春片youth film 歌舞片MUSICAL FILM 家庭片Family films 文艺片literary film。lterary flm。literacy film 罪案片Crime movie 武侠片sword *** en film。soword *** enfilm。Martial Arts 爱情片affectional film 战争片war movie 灾难片disaster 惊悚片thriller 纪录片newsreel 问题四:电影英语怎么说 电影,用英语说是,(一).cinema [5sinimE]它是个名词 1.(=[美] movie theater) 电影院 2.电影, 影片 3.电影业; 电影制片技术 go to cinema 看电影去 (二)film [fil亥] n.影片, 电影 (三)movie [5mu:vi] n. [常用复][英俚、美口]电影(院); 影片 [the movies][口][总称]电影; 制片业; 电影事业 问题五:“英文电影”和“英文电视剧”用英语怎么说? 你问的有些只不过是不同语法的表达,而其他的则是不同意思。以下是详细的译释: English films 英国电影 / 英语电影 films in English 说英语的电影 TV plays 电视话剧 (不同类的电视剧统称) TV series 电视剧集 (一套连续的电视剧) TV episode 电视剧的回数 (即中文的第几回) soap opera 肥皂剧 (也可作连续剧) 希望我的解释会令你明白。 问题六:一部滑稽的喜剧片用英语怎么说?如题 谢谢了 A funny edy 问题七:电影有多少种类型?用英语怎么表达? 电影类型(Film Genres) 喜剧片 edy 惊悚片 thriller 冒险片 adventure film 爱情片 romance film 纪录片documentary恐怖片 horror film 动作片 action movie *** 片 crime & gangster film 科幻片 science fiction film 音乐剧 musical film史诗片 epics/historical film叙事片 Narrative movie战争片 war movie *** ethical movie 卡通片 cartoon预告片 Trailer 歌舞片 musical film西部片 western movie 问题八:我喜欢经典的故事片和喜剧片 用英语怎么说? I like the classics and edies. 问题九:电影“上映”用英语怎么说 每家电影院都上映不同的电影。: Each of the theaters has different movies. 昨天晚上我去看了那部新上映的电影,但它很差劲,我不喜欢。: I went to see that new film last night but it was no great shakes and I don"t remend it. 图书馆里有为孩子们讲故事的地方;现在的图书馆里,还设有电影上映厅。还有什么别的吗? We would go and they have story telling for children with children"s books;And they have movies now,and what else? 新的“洛基”电影何时上映? When is the new Rocky movie e out? 那部老片子再度上映了。 The old film was revived. 这部影片已上映五天。 The film has run for five days. 那部电影正在几家戏院上映中。 The movie is playing at several theaters. 有一部好片子正在那家电影院上映。 There"s a good picture on a功 the cinema. 该部影片预定在纽约的两家戏院上映。 The film was booked to play two theaters in New York. 问题十:电影用英语怎么写 film movie
2023-07-08 06:56:392

麻烦推荐几首好听的英文歌曲要类似the show的那种 适合当铃声的 谢谢

2023-07-08 06:56:477

谁能帮我找到“Tonight,I feel close to you"和"you make me wanna"每个声部的歌谱?要现成的哦!急!!!

曲名:Tonight,I feel close to you 歌手:孙燕姿 仓木麻衣Title: Tonight, I Feel Close To You Sung By: Mai Kuraki And Stefanie Sun Yan Zi Close My Eyes And Feel Your Mind Time Has Passed I Walk Like A Shadow Never Knew, What I"m Going Through You Touch My Heart And Take My Breath Away Whisper On The Wind So Softly Let The Voices Fills Our Dreams With Us And You Show Me The Way Tonight, I Feel Close To You You Open My Door And Light A Sky Above When I Need A Friend, You Are There Where By My Side I Wish We Could Stay As One I Wish We Could Stay Forever As One So Much Love In This Beautiful World Search For The Brightest Star In The Sky You Will Find The Meaning Of The Love We Need This Love ~ I Never Knew ~ Tonight, I Feel Close To You You Open My Door And Light A Sky Above When I Need A Friend, You Are There Where By My Side I Wish We Could Stay As One Tonight, I Feel Close To You You Open My Door And Light A Sky Above When I Need A Friend, You Are There Where By My Side I Wish We Could Stay As One I Wish We Could Stay Forever As One
2023-07-08 06:57:183

Linkin Park-NewDivide 和 Breaking the habit 中文歌词

2023-07-08 06:57:335

4名网络红人穿越时空完美合唱Eminem联手Rihanna新单Love The Way You Lie的歌词

VERSE ONEI"ve been tryna figure out a way of what I wanna sayBut everytime I"m about to say it, my pride just gets in the wayBut tonight that aint" the case, I came to say what I wanna sayMy mind can think whatever, I promise I won"t obeyI"ve been fighting through the stress, tryna get if off my chestBut I guess, you"re the only who truly knows me bestAnd we fighting every other day, but now it"s nothing newIt"s another typical day of the life of me and youSome things you just can"t fix, that"s the way it gotta beSo I put the blame on you, then you bring it back on meDon"t you see that we throwing these problems up in a circle?And if we continue with it, our love will never go furtherIt"s the truth babygirl, don"t act like you don"t knowEverybody else does, we easily let it showWe holding on to something that we will know never lastSo maybe we should call it quits and just leave it in the past, what you think...VERSE TWOBeen here for a while, feels like I"m stuck nowThis is the reason why I didn"t wanna settle downI know I love you, but love is so complicatedAnd now were both debating on something that love createdBut it"s so hard when you fall in love at such an early ageDifferent girl, same story, you"re just scared to turn the pageSo I break into a rage, fresh up outta the cageI can"t even look at you, I got nothing else to sayYou begging me to speak for at least 5 minutes40 minutes go by and we still ain"t even finishedWhat the hell do I do? To finally prove to youThat there ain"t another man that will love you like I doYou say you found another; I say I found another tooBut we both know deep inside that"s not really trueIt"s only me and you, and nothing will come between usSo if it"s really love, I just hope we really mean itVERSE THREEI try to hold in my tears, but I just cannot do itI know you ain"t worth it, but I am about to lose itWait, what am I saying?! Cus baby you are worth itAnd people call us crazy but we like to call it perfectOne second I wanna kiss you, the other, I wanna hit youLying, cheating, fighting, what couple don"t got issues?I"m about to snap, and like magnets we attractBut no matter how bad, we just keep on coming backI promise that I"ve changed,I promise I"m not the sameI can promise this that and that,But I know that I"ll never changeI can"t get away, I"m addicted to the painYou always made sure, I"ll never fall in love againYou"re the pieces to my puzzle, you complete me so it seemsIt was never my intention to smother you in my needsThe moral of the story, is I hope you understandThere" ain"t another man that will love you like I can
2023-07-08 06:57:482

求找一首英文歌,是一个黑人唱的歌词中有oh baby tonight和dance dance dance的歌词

2023-07-08 06:57:585

everybody so that tonight and you什么的英文歌

歌曲: right here right now 歌手: liberty x 专辑: 《thinking it over》Ooh yeahWondering how our love just slipped awayWas it something that we didn"t sayCould it be that you need what I never could"ve beenFor you my babyNow you"re taking the time to think it throughThis can"t be the end for me and youOn my mind all the timeI still want you by my sideBabyAnd I realised(Now you"re wanting me)Something deep inside(Feelin" so good)Every day and night(How you make me feel)And I"ll be there alwaysRight here, Right nowWith youIs where I wanna beRight by your sideYou are the oneYou are the oneRight here, Right nowWith youIs where I wanna beRight by your sideYou are the oneYou are the oneFor meLiberty XThere isn"t a day when I don"t think of youAnd all of the things we doIf you could see how much you mean to meI"ll be there alwaysWhenever I hear you talk to me that wayIt reminds me of why I wanna stayIn your armsI feel safeI won"t ever go awayI"ll be here alwaysAnd I realised(Now you"re wanting me)Something deep inside(Feelin" so good)Every day and night(How you make me feel)And I"ll be there alwaysRight here, Right nowWith youIs where I wanna beRight by your sideYou are the oneYou are the oneRight here, Right nowWith youIs where I wanna beRight by your sideYou are the oneYou are the one(On my mind all the timeI still want you by my side babyOn my mind all the timeAnd I realised(Now you"re wanting me)Something deep inside(Feelin" so good)Every day and night(How you make me feel)And I"ll be there alwaysRight here (To hold you)Right now (To show you)With you (Just to know you)Is where I wanna beRight by your side (Forever)You are the one (To hold you)You are the oneRight here (To hold you)Right now (To show you)With you (Just to know you)Is where I wanna beRight by your side (Forever)You are the one (To hold you)You are the oneRight hereRight nowWith youIs where I wanna beRight by your sideYou are the oneYou are the oneRight hereRight nowWith youIs where I wanna beRight by your sideYou are the oneYou are the one
2023-07-08 06:58:121

求一首女生唱的英文歌,节奏挺欢快的,中间好像有歌词好像是“maybe tonight maybe you show”

2023-07-08 06:58:209


2023-07-08 06:58:361

美国著名的英语脱口秀节目有哪些,最好有英文字幕,用于学习英语的 麻烦发个网址 谢谢

ellen show
2023-07-08 06:59:023


Robert Downey Sr. served in the army, played minor-league baseball, was a Golden Gloves champion and off-off Broadway playwright, all before he was 22 years old.In 1960 he began writing and directing basement-budgeted, absurdist films that gained an underground following: Balls Bluff (1961), Babo 73 (1964), Chafed Elbows (1966) and No More Excuses (1968). Putney Swope (1969) was the first Downey-directed film to earn a mainstream release. A devastating satire of Madison Avenue, it explored what happens when an African-American activist is given carte blanche at an advertising agency. The film was among the year"s Top 10 Films in New York Magazine. Downey thrived in the laissez-faire film world of the 1970s with such irreverent films as Pound (1970), where humans play dogs waiting to be adopted. Around this time he worked on projects for Joseph Papp and the New York Public Theatre, directing David Rabe"s play Sticks and Bones for CBS (Sticks and Bones (1973)). The strong anti-war sentiments expressed in this live broadcast resulted in a major controversy when its sponsors pulled out at the last minute, and the network had to air the film uninterrupted because it couldn"t find a sponsor. His Greaser"s Palace (1972) is an outrageous restaging of the life of Christ in spaghetti western terms. Time Magazine put this film on its list of the year"s Top 10 movies. Downey"s take-no-prisoners sense of humor is also apparent in Moment to Moment (1975) and Hugo Pool (1997) (world premiere at the Sundance festival in 1997), a film that examines a day in the life of a female pool cleaner in Hollywood. Rittenhouse Square (2005) was the feature presentation of the Galway Film Festival and his second teaming with Max L. Raab, having been a consultant on Raab"s award-winning Strut! (2001).From time to time Downey acts (badly, according to him) and he can be seen in films such as Boogie Nights (1997), Magnolia (1999) and The Family Man (2000). He has appeared twice on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (1962), The Dick Cavett Show (1968), IFC"s At the Angelika (1997), Sundance Channel and countless other TV and radio shows. In addition, Downey has been a guest speaker at film festivals and universities throughout the country. He is developing an update of Putney Swope. He lives in New York City with his wife, Rosemary Rogers.- IMDb Mini Biography By: Liam McKenna (qv"s & corrections by A. Nonymous)
2023-07-08 06:59:091


中国:1. 康熙来了 2. 我爱黑涩会 3. 模范棒棒堂 4. 女人我最大 5. 娱乐百分百 6. 超级星光大道 7. 王牌大明星 8. 我猜我猜我猜猜猜 9. 国光帮帮忙 10. 夜来女人香 11. 王牌大贱谍 12. 麻辣天后宫 13. 全民最大党 14. 大小爱吃 15. 综艺大哥大 16. 大学生了没 17. 综艺最爱宪 18. 完全娱乐 19. 李敖有话说 20. 三只小猪 21. 全民大闷锅 22. 头脑风暴 23. 舞林大道 24. 齐天大胜 25. 周日八点党 26. 残酷一叮 27. 型男大主厨 28. 桃色蛋白质 29. 美食大三通 30. 快乐星期天 31. 名师高徒 32. 冒险奇兵 33. 就是要开运 34. 今夜不流泪 35. 爱上陶花园 36. 综艺旗舰 37. 台北红楼梦 38. 世界那么大 39. 开运万事通 40. 开运鉴定团 41. 无间道不道 42. 我的美人计 43.大学生了没 44.今晚哪里有问题 45.周日冲冲冲 46.K歌王 47.国光帮帮忙 47.鲁豫有约 48.艺术人生 49.剧风行动 50.周日我最大 51.超级乐八点 52.快乐大本营 53.超级访问 54。娱乐无极限 美国:survivor ,the amazing race,top chef,kitchen hill,the Appretence,american idol,Dancing With The Stars,so you think you acan dance,project runway,american"s next top model,make me a top model,queer eye beauty and geek,the bachelor,age of love, Kid Nation,american get talents,big brother ,deal or not deal talk show,The Late Show with David Letterman,The Tonight Show, Rush Limbaugh show,SNL Conan Late Show,Oprah Winfrey,Jerry Springer Show,Rosie O"Donnell shows,saturday night live ,entertainment movie weekend ,全美超模新秀大赛 韩国:情书, X-MAN, 夜心万万,女杰,万元的幸福,万人召集,爆裂, star king,Star Golden Bell, 无限挑战,隐形摄像头,黄金渔场, happy together,人气歌谣,happy sunday ,准备好了,Full House先这些吧~~~~嘿嘿 希望你喜欢啊 ~~~~
2023-07-08 06:59:241


Suit & Tie - Justin Timberlake&Jay-ZI be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit, tie身着制服,风骚领带I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit身着制服,风骚领带Can I show you a few things?可以向你展示吗?A few things, a few things, little baby, cause这种独具一格的风格,宝贝I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit身着制服,风骚领带I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit身着制服,风骚领带Let me show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧You ready, JT?准备好了吗?贾老板I can"t wait til I get you on the floor, good-looking我期待着征服你的美貌Going out so hot, just like an oven如此惹火,如若蒸笼And I"ll burn myself but just had to touch it即使我被蒸发,也无法拒绝触及你的美It"s so fly and it"s all mine快感齐天,充斥灵魂Hey baby, we don"t mind all the watching我们不在乎万众瞩目,宝贝Cause if they study close, real close they might learn something因为我们是他们爱的导师She ain"t nothing but a little doozy when she does it她就是一个如此艳丽的艺术品She"s so fly, tonight今夜,她如此性感And as long as I"ve got my suit and tie我虽身着制服I"ma leave it off on the floor tonight但今晚我会将它扔在一边And you got fixed up too tonight与你缠绵let me show you a few thangs制服诱惑All dressed up in black and white黑白正装And you"re dressed in that dress I like你也身着我爱的那件连衣裙Love is swinging in the air tonight爱的气息在空气弥漫Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things,让我展示我的制服诱惑吧show you a few things about love那爱的蠢蠢欲动now that were in the swing of love那爱的蠢蠢欲动Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧About love以及爱的一切Stop, let me get a good look at it停,让我好好欣赏So thick now I know why they call it a fatty爱是如此的浓烈Shit so sick gotta hit and picked up a habit虽然爱的有些腻味That"s all right, cause you"re all mine但只要你是我的,一切都无所谓Go on and show "em who you call daddy继续展示给那些大叔们I guess they"re just mad cause girl, they wish they had it他们都为你而疯狂,但只有我拥有你My killer, my filler, yeah you"re a classic你偷走了我的心,你这美艳的艺术品You"re all mine, tonight.今夜,我将把你占有And as long as I"ve got my suit and tie我虽身着制服I"ma leave it off on the floor tonight但今晚我会将它扔在一边And you got fixed up too tonight与你缠绵let me show you a few thangs制服诱惑All dressed up in black and white黑白正装And you"re dressed in that dress I like你也身着我爱的那件连衣裙Love is swinging in the air tonight爱的气息在空气弥漫Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things,让我展示我的制服诱惑吧show you a few things about love那爱的蠢蠢欲动now that were in the swing of love那爱的蠢蠢欲动Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧About love以及爱的一切All black at the white shows黑白西装和白色皮鞋闪耀在这夜场White shoes at the black shows黑白西装和白色皮鞋闪耀在这夜场Green card for the Cuban links通往古巴的绿卡Ya"ll sit back and enjoy the light show 大家都坐在后排欣赏着光影盛宴nothing exceeds like succes没什么style got from having the best of the best比制服诱惑更迷人is this what it all about?不是吗?I met the rest, .. the rant我遇见餐厅里Disturbing the guests那些乏味的顾客Years of distress, tears on the dress常年的压抑Try to hide her face with some makeup sex, ugh试图隐藏,在艳妆下寻求精神释放This is trouble season, time for tuxedos for no reason这多事之秋,燕尾服就得选“汤姆·福特”All saints for my angel, Alexander Wang too就连Alexander Wang也这么认为Ass-tight denim and some Dunks紧身的衣物和扣篮服是当下流行I"ll show you how to do this young让哥来教教你No papers, catch favors不用看报纸,即可获得支持Get high out Vegas在赌城外依然玩的highWho says these devils ain"t looking for trouble谁说这些恶棍不会来找麻烦You just got good genes so a nigga tryna cuff you别以为你出身好咱就不会揍你Tell your mother that I love her cause I love you回去告诉你妈妈我爱你所以也爱上她Tell your father we go farther as a couple告诉你爹我们比情侣会走得更远Didn"t lose a daughter, got a son他们没失去女儿,而是多了个女婿I"ll show you how to do this, hun!让哥来教你,哈And as long as I"ve got my suit and tie我虽身着制服I"ma leave it off on the floor tonight但今晚我会将它扔在一边And you got fixed up too tonight与你缠绵let me show you a few thangs制服诱惑All dressed up in black and white黑白正装And you"re dressed in that dress I like你也身着我爱的那件连衣裙Love is swinging in the air tonight爱的气息在空气弥漫Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things,让我展示我的制服诱惑吧show you a few things about love love love那爱的蠢蠢欲动Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧About love以及爱的一切
2023-07-08 06:59:311


Mercy - Maria ArredondoHa aah ha aah ha aahAah aaaah ha aah aaaahJust wanna loveDon"t wanna careBut we ain"t going anywhereAs long as ICan"t put these thoughts to usOff you and herA time beforeDid you love her even moreFor all I knowThose words you saidThey"re in her bedAre they the same you used on meHonestlyIf someone"s out thereWatching over meShow me there"s a better waySomething just to ease the painTonight I cross my heartAnd hope to dieThis isn"t who I wanna beHow mercy over meI ask no questionsAnd tell no liesI got no need for alibiesBut that in whyI"m digging up the pastI should have seen itFrom the startYou only love with half a heartNow I know whyI know what"s wrongI can"t go onThough in my heartI"ll always feelYou were for realIf someone"s out thereWatching over meShow me there"s a better waySomething just to ease the painTonight I cross my heartAnd hope to dieThis isn"t who I wanna beHow mercy over meHa aah aaaahHow mercy over meHa aah ha aah ha aahAah aaaah ha aah aaaahI know what"s wrongBut I can"t go onThough in my heartI"ll always feelYou were for realIf someone"s out thereWatching over meShow me there"s a better waySomething just to ease the painTonight I cross my heartAnd hope to dieThis isn"t who I wanna beHow mercy over meHa aah ha aah ha aahAah aaaah ha aah aaaahHow mercy over me
2023-07-08 06:59:381


叫take it off
2023-07-08 06:59:462

Boom! Shake The Room 歌词

歌曲名:Boom! Shake The Room歌手:Dj Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince专辑:CollectionsBoom Shake The RoomWill SmithBy Myselfcsq (陈.....)yo back up now and give a brother roomthe fuse is lit and I"m about to go boommercy mercy mercy memy life is a cage but on stage I"m freehyped up syched up ready for wil"in"standing in a crowd of girls like an islandI see the one I wanna sic come here cutieI flip "em around and then I work that bootywork the body work work the bodyslow down girl you"re "bout to hurt somebodyoh and yo let"s get just one thing clearthere"s only one reason why I came hereya really done want me to tig-a-tig-a-tig-a tell ya wassup (go)ya really done want me to tig-a-tig-a-tig-a tell ya wassup (go)ya really done want me to tig-a-tig-a-tig-a tell ya wassup (go)I came here tonight to hear the crowd goChorus:Boom! shake-shake-shake the roomBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomtic-tic-tic-tic Boom!well yo are yall ready for me yet(pump it up prince)well yo are yall ready for me yet(pump it up prince)well yo are yall ready for me yet(pump it up prince)well here I go here I go here I here I goyodance in the aisles when the prince steps to itthe rhyme is a football y"all and I went and threw itout in the crowd and yo it was a good throwhow do I know? because the crowd went hooooin response to the way that I was kicking itsmooth and individualrhymes always originallike the Dr. Jekyl man and this is my Hyde sideI am the driver and you"re on a rap rideso fellas (yeah)are yall wit me (yeah)I said fellas (yeah)are yall wit me (yeah)why don"t you tell the girls what y"all wanna doya wanna ooh-ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh--oooohthat"s right yo and I"m in the flowso pump up the volume along with the tempoI want everybody in the house to knowI came here tonight to hear the crowd goChorusBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomtic-tic-tic-tic Boom!(year!)Boom! shake-shake-shake the roomBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomtic-tic-tic-tic Boom!(quick!come on now!)pump it pump it come on nowpump it pump it come on nowpump it pump it come on nowpump it pump it come on now(year...)pump it pump it come on now..............year!come on nowChorus:Boom! shake-shake-shake the roomBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomtic-tic-tic-tic Boom! (here I go)the the f-f-f-f-fresh p-p-p-prince is who I amso tell my mother that I never wrote a whack jambut some times I get n-nervous and start to stutterand I f-fumble every word for word I utterso I just try to ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chillbut it gets worse-a but worse-a but-but-but worse stillI need the c-c-c-crowd to k-k-k-kick it to methey help me calm down and I can get through itso higher higherget ya hands to the ceilinglet it go y"all don"t fight the feelingmic in a strangle hold sweat pourin"and like Jordan yo I"m scoringyeah that"s right y"all and I am in the flowso pump up the volume along with the tempomany have died tryin" to stop my showI came here tonight to here the crowd goChorus:Boom! shake-shake-shake the roomBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomtic-tic-tic-tic Boom!Boom! shake-shake-shake the roomBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomtic-tic-tic-tic Boom!Boom! shake-shake-shake the roomBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomtic-tic-tic-tic Boom!
2023-07-08 07:00:041

老鹰乐队的saturday night歌词

seems like a dream now,it was so long ago the moon burned so bright and the time went so slow and i swore that i loved her and gave her a ring the bluebird was high on the wing whatever happened to saturday night finding a sweetheart and holding her tight?she said,"tell me, oh, tell me,was i alright?"whatever happened to saturday night?the years brought the railroad it ran by my door now there"s boards on the windows and dust on the floor and she passes the time at another man"s side and i pass the time with my pride what a tangled web we weave go "round with circumstance someone show me how to tell the dancer from the dance what ever happened to saturday night?choosin" a friend and loosin" a fight she said,"tell me, oh, tell me,are you alright?"whatever happened to saturday night?whatever happened to saturday night?
2023-07-08 07:00:112

Dance With The Devil 歌词

歌曲名:Dance With The Devil歌手:Wil专辑:Both HandsBreaking Benjamin - Dance With The DevilHere I stand, helpless and left for dead.Cleave your eyes, so many days gone by.Easy to find what"s wrong,harder to find what"s right.I believe in you, I can show youthat I can see right through all your empty lies.I won"t stay long, in this world so long.Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,as we dance with the devil tonight.Trembling, crawling across my skin.Feeling your cold dead eyes,stealing the life of mine.I believe in you, I can show youthat I can see right through all your empty lies.I won"t last long, in this world so wrong.Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,as we dance with the devil tonight.Hold on, hold on.Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,as we dance with the devil tonight.Hold on, hold on.
2023-07-08 07:00:181

Welcome To The World 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome To The World歌手:Kevin Rudolf专辑:Welcome To The WorldKevin Rudolf - Welcome To The World (Featuring Rick Ross)You got your popstar, ill be your rockstarWhen it"s a suicide, you call it superstarCheck out the forecast, predictions wont stopYou get your fifteen, and then they take the spotLets go, lets goAnd then youre ready to goLets go, lets goCause it"s the end of the showLets go, lets goSo just get ready to goLets go, lets goLets go, lets goAll the time that you were gone,I thought about how things went wrongNow youre coming down to earthOk, hello, welcome to the worldShe saw the bright lightsShe caught the feverShe got contagiousShe never leave itSo no more time spentAnd no more free shitIn fact this free ride has reached its destinationLets go, lets goAnd then youre ready to goLets go, lets goCause it"s the end of the showLets go, lets goAnd when its over, youll knowLets go, lets goLets go, lets goAll the time that you were gone,I thought about how things went wrongNow youre coming down to earthOk, hello, (welcome to my world) welcome to the worldlifes a tour, im so surethe ex will come before you exit girlno more games, I confessfar from lane im just so freshwhile cubit lee(???), it"s the big bossyou get on the block, mr RudolfKevin! 2 stars, hold your applauseHold it down to yalls all guitarsHalf my life I sacrificeBut I only came to party tonightNew chicks, get my drinks upEvery weekend we can link upNew rings, with the big cutsOnly be the best sport, get your mix upI took my time she love me, me suchWhen she closes her eyes its what she thinks ofBossAll the time that you were gone,I thought about how things went wrongNow youre coming down to earthOk, hello, welcome to the worldWelcome to the worldWelcome to the worldWelcome to the worldWelcome to the world
2023-07-08 07:00:321

the answer to our life 中英文歌词对译

是的,你能看见我坐在这儿笑容展现在脸上时间过得很快,但你知道一切都不算太晚我们有一起看过许多东西假如我们开始相信彼此应该不会太难我们不要带走任何让我们试着忘记所有的伤痛所以请给我一个理由,给我一个提示告诉我逃离现实的方式是在今天或是今晚我们将发现,其实答案就在生活中告诉我为什么我们不得不哭泣我尽量做我 能做的事情为了帮助世界获得重生我需要 一个理由我需要一个提示告诉我逃离现实的方式是在今天或是今晚我们将发现,其实答案就在于生活中yeah You see me sitting here a smile upon my face The time has.e but you know that it"s not too late There"s been too many things together we have seen It"s not too hard if we start to believe And we"re not gonna take anymore Can we try to erase all the pain So please Show me a reason, give me a sign Tell me the way we fall out of line Is it today or is it tonight? We"ll find, the answer to our life This world is not at ease we seem to hide the truth Thinking there"s only so much we really can do It"s up to you and me to face our destiny The journey"s here so let"s take the stand And we"re not gonna take anymore Can we try to erase all the pain So please Show me a reason, give me a sign Tell me the way we fall out of line Is it today or is it tonight? We"ll find, the answer to our life Tell me why we have to cry And I try When there"s so many things we can do To help this troubled world start a new I need a reason I need a sign There"s no turning back I"m here by your side Is it today or maybe tonight? We"ll find The answer to our life Show me the way give me the sign Tell me the way we fall out of line Is it today, is it tonight The answer to our life Show me a reason, give me a sign Tell me the way we fall out of line Is it today or is it tonight? We"ll find, the answer to our life Show me a reason, give me a sign Tell me the way we fall out of line Is it today or is it tonight? We"ll find, the answer to our life
2023-07-08 07:00:391这视频歌的名字``

Hey BittyHey HeyB-I-T-T-Y the parties over here tonight. Hey bitty what youwanna do (hey) Whats up with me and you. B-I-T-T-Y theparties over here tonight. Hey bitty what you wanna do cuzI"m a put it on ya.Hey ma lets get it, I"m with it whats up with you and me. Theloudest brothers commin through your rep in NYC. (oh) Gotthe bittys over there still checkin me. Haters wondern what tobe, what is chasin me. I"m in the F-5 honey you ain"t catchinme. Mind over money set your honeys on the ?back seat?(oh). I need a bitty who"s pretty and keeps her game tight.The type of bitty who"s ready to flip the same night. Nowcould you be that girl that nasty naughty shorty gaudy. Shakethat thing, break that thing, I just wanna see you dance girl.(Oh Nitty your so fine your so fine you blow my mind heyNitty) What you wanna do (hey) whats up with me and you. B-I-T-T-Y the parties over here tonight. Hey bitty what youwanna do cuz I"m gonna put it on ya.They call me Nitty. Some bittys they call me shugga daddy.When I"m in Cali you might see me hangin out with Halle.(oh) Met her in a valley picked her right up in a Caddy. Bittyswas a trophy didn"t even need a grammy. This mommysnasty and shes always wearing freaky panties (oh). I bringthe heat to the g"s. just like a radiator. I"m navigating throughyour body like a Navigator. Can I lick you up and down like anow and later. Pull up to ya pump it to ya like a tailgater.Earthquaker no more haters. Shake ya like a salt shaker.(Oh Nitty your so fine your so fine you blow my mind heyNitty) What you wanna do (hey) whats up with me and you. B-I-T-T-Y the parties over heretonight. Hey bitty what ya wanna do cuz I"ma put it on ya.Come on mommy mommy (hit it) you"s a hottie hottie (hit it)Do your thing I wanna see you shake your boddy boddy (hitit) Come on work it mommy. Girl don"t hurt nobody. Tell yourfriends to get in my Benz so we can have a private party. Tellme where you want to go bittys up town. Bittys in the citiesI"m gonna go downtown. Hatters going down nobodys gonnastop me now. Bittys goin crazy gettin gravy don"t play now.(oh) I"m given money to honeys they know my name now.I"ma take her Benz with her friends this ain"t a game now(oh) niggas off the chain now hey now stay down your notgonna beat me at this. Your the same now. Put away nowdidn"t do your thing now. Bittys all over commin over trying tobreak out. Gotta ?news? world what you wanna do girl yougirl me and you girl really cruel girl cuz I"ma rock your world.Till I hit it in the crib?with the diamonds? to make your toescurl.(Oh Nitty your so fine your so fine you blow my mind heyNitty) What you wanna do (hey) whats up with me and you. B-I-T-T-Y the parties over here tonight hey bitty what youwanna do cuz I"ma put in on ya. (Oh Nitty your so fine yourso fine you blow my mind hey Nitty) What you wanna do(hey) Whats up with me and you. B-I-T-T-Y the parties overhere tonight hey bitty what you wanna do cuz I"ma put in onya.
2023-07-08 07:00:481

威尔史密斯 有一首很嗨场的歌,有谁知道不?能不能告诉我啊?里面有带 shake boom...等的歌词 急求!

Boom! Shake The Room 歌词 yo back up now and give a brother room the fuse is lit and I"m about to go boom mercy mercy mercy me my life is a cage but on stage I"m free hyped up syched up ready for wil"in" standing in a crowd of girls like an island I see the one I wanna sic come here cutie I flip "em around and then I work that booty work the body work work the body slow down girl you"re "bout to hurt somebody oh and yo let"s get just one thing clear there"s only one reason why I came here ya really done want me to tig-a-tig-a-tig-a tell ya wassup (go) ya really done want me to tig-a-tig-a-tig-a tell ya wassup (go) ya really done want me to tig-a-tig-a-tig-a tell ya wassup (go) I came here tonight to hear the crowd go Chorus: Boom! shake-shake-shake the room Boom! shake-shake-shake the room Boom! shake-shake-shake the room tic-tic-tic-tic Boom! well yo are yall ready for me yet (pump it up prince) well yo are yall ready for me yet (pump it up prince) well yo are yall ready for me yet (pump it up prince) well here I go here I go here I here I go yo dance in the aisles when the prince steps to it the rhyme is a football y"all and I went and threw it out in the crowd and yo it was a good throw how do I know? because the crowd went hoooo in response to the way that I was kicking it smooth and individual rhymes always original like the Dr. Jekyl man and this is my Hyde side I am the driver and you"re on a rap ride so fellas (yeah) are yall wit me (yeah) I said fellas (yeah) are yall wit me (yeah) why don"t you tell the girls what y"all wanna do ya wanna ooh-ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh--ooooh that"s right yo and I"m in the flow so pump up the volume along with the tempo I want everybody in the house to know I came here tonight to hear the crowd go Chorus pump it pump it come on now repeat 5X yeah, come on now chorus here I go the the f-f-f-f-fresh p-p-p-prince is who I am so tell my mother that I never wrote a whack jam but some times I get n-nervous and start to stutter and I f-fumble every word for word I utter so I just try to ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chill but it gets worse-a but worse-a but-but-but worse still I need the c-c-c-crowd to k-k-k-kick it to me they help me calm down and I can get through it so higher higher get ya hands to the ceiling let it go y"all don"t fight the feeling mic in a strangle hold sweat pourin" and like Jordan yo I"m scoring yeah that"s right y"all and I am in the flow so pump up the volume along with the tempo many have died tryin" to stop my show I came here tonight to here the crowd go Chorus we go we go we go a little sumthin like dis like
2023-07-08 07:00:561

qq音乐上有个欧美女星唱的一首歌,歌词有. showme tonight

Apologize - OneRepublicI"m holding on your rope Got me ten feet off the groundI"m hearin what you say but i just can"t make a soundYou tell me that you need meThen you go and cut me down but waitYou tell me that you"re sorryDidn"t think i"d turn around and say It"s too late to apologize it"s too lateI said it"s too late to apologize it"s too lateI"d take another chance take a fallTake a shot for youAnd i need you like a heart needs a beatBut it"s nothin newI loved you with a fire red-Now it"s turning blue and you say "sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was youBut i"m afraid It"s too late to apologize it"s too lateI said it"s too late to apologize it"s too lateBridge uff08guitar pianouff09It"s too late to apologize it"s too lateI said it"s too late to apologize it"s too lateIt"s too late to apologize yeahI said it"s too late to apologize yeah-I"m holdin on your rope got me ten feet off the ground
2023-07-08 07:01:051


渣翻==大概看得懂就好 歌名:キミとポッキーゲーム 和你玩百奇游戏 歌词: 日曜日の朝、电话で 星期天的早上,在电话上说着 君が来て欲しいって言うかわら仆は 我想你过来的我 ドキドキが止まらない 心跳不已 溶けそうな程、热くなるよ 内心像快要融化一般炙热 会うと照れくさい 君の横颜が 你见到面很害羞 你的侧脸 仆らの幸せを映してる 映照着我们的幸福 甘い境界线 すべて忘れて 甜蜜的境界线 让人忘记一切 勇気を出して できるかな? 鼓起勇气 我做得到么? 君とポッキーゲーム 和你玩百奇游戏 近づく距离 高鸣る鼓动 随着渐渐靠近,心跳加速 唇が触れ合う前に 笑ってしまうよ 在嘴唇快碰到的时候 就会不小心笑出来 耻ずかしい 照れくさいんだよ 很不好意思,好害羞哟 もっと ほらもっと だからもっと 更多地 来更多地 所以要更多地 君とポッキーゲーム 和你玩百奇游戏 近づく距离 高鸣る鼓动 随着渐渐靠近,心跳加速 目をそっと瞑る君の颜に 看着眼睛轻轻闭上的你的脸 ドキってするよ いけないよ 前に进めないよ 心就会砰砰直跳 不行喔 我做不到喔 仆はいつも ダメな 『臆病者』 我总是这样,一个没用的胆小鬼 駅前11时 待ち合わせ 11点在车站前等候 いつもと违う雰囲気を出すあなた 看到跟平时感觉不一样的你 ドキドキが止まらない 心跳不已 スキの気持ちが増えていくよ 对你喜欢的心情又逐渐增加了 いつも照れ隠し 君の横颜に 很难为情 看到你的侧脸 私は そうよ 惹かれちゃうんだ 我总是这样渐渐被你所吸引 甘い匂いに 期待ふくらませて 甜蜜的味道 期待在膨胀发酵 赤い箱をさ 开けようよ 来,把这红色的盒子打开吧 放课後の教室で 告白されたあの日 在放学后的教室 被告白的那一天 时が流れていくけど 虽然时间在渐渐流逝 手を繋ぐのもままならなかった 有时也不怎么牵手了 君とポッキーゲーム 和你玩百奇游戏 缩む距离 伝わる鼓动 渐渐缩减的距离 将心跳声传达 唇が吐息と共に くすって笑うよ 嘴唇随着一声叹息 窃窃地笑了起来 染まる頬 もどかしくなるの 被染红的脸颊 已经不知所措了 もっと ねぇもっと 更多地 呐更多地 あのねもっと… 那个更多地 ふたりポッキーゲーム 两人的百奇游戏 届く距离 重なる鼓动 渐渐靠近的距离 重叠的心跳声 初めての恋をつなぐ时间 与初恋相连的时间 ドキってしたよ 君が好き 心砰砰直跳喔 我喜欢你 前に进めたよね 我做到了呢 仆は 『幸せ者』 我是幸福的人
2023-07-08 07:01:231

一首歌是劲爆的,开始给一个女人打电话:hello hello,聊了几句,英文的挺劲爆

2023-07-08 07:01:301

求一首歌 前面很平淡很high的英文歌

Suit & Tie - Justin Timberlake&Jay-ZI be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit, tie身着制服,风骚领带I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit身着制服,风骚领带Can I show you a few things?可以向你展示吗?A few things, a few things, little baby, cause这种独具一格的风格,宝贝I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit身着制服,风骚领带I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit身着制服,风骚领带Let me show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧You ready, JT?准备好了吗?贾老板I can"t wait til I get you on the floor, good-looking我期待着征服你的美貌Going out so hot, just like an oven如此惹火,如若蒸笼And I"ll burn myself but just had to touch it即使我被蒸发,也无法拒绝触及你的美It"s so fly and it"s all mine快感齐天,充斥灵魂Hey baby, we don"t mind all the watching我们不在乎万众瞩目,宝贝Cause if they study close, real close they might learn something因为我们是他们爱的导师She ain"t nothing but a little doozy when she does it她就是一个如此艳丽的艺术品She"s so fly, tonight今夜,她如此性感And as long as I"ve got my suit and tie我虽身着制服I"ma leave it off on the floor tonight但今晚我会将它扔在一边And you got fixed up too tonight与你缠绵let me show you a few thangs制服诱惑All dressed up in black and white黑白正装And you"re dressed in that dress I like你也身着我爱的那件连衣裙Love is swinging in the air tonight爱的气息在空气弥漫Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things,让我展示我的制服诱惑吧show you a few things about love那爱的蠢蠢欲动now that were in the swing of love那爱的蠢蠢欲动Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧About love以及爱的一切Stop, let me get a good look at it停,让我好好欣赏So thick now I know why they call it a fatty爱是如此的浓烈Shit so sick gotta hit and picked up a habit虽然爱的有些腻味That"s all right, cause you"re all mine但只要你是我的,一切都无所谓Go on and show "em who you call daddy继续展示给那些大叔们I guess they"re just mad cause girl, they wish they had it他们都为你而疯狂,但只有我拥有你My killer, my filler, yeah you"re a classic你偷走了我的心,你这美艳的艺术品You"re all mine, tonight.今夜,我将把你占有And as long as I"ve got my suit and tie我虽身着制服I"ma leave it off on the floor tonight但今晚我会将它扔在一边And you got fixed up too tonight与你缠绵let me show you a few thangs制服诱惑All dressed up in black and white黑白正装And you"re dressed in that dress I like你也身着我爱的那件连衣裙Love is swinging in the air tonight爱的气息在空气弥漫Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things,让我展示我的制服诱惑吧show you a few things about love那爱的蠢蠢欲动now that were in the swing of love那爱的蠢蠢欲动Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧About love以及爱的一切All black at the white shows黑白西装和白色皮鞋闪耀在这夜场White shoes at the black shows黑白西装和白色皮鞋闪耀在这夜场Green card for the Cuban links通往古巴的绿卡Ya"ll sit back and enjoy the light show 大家都坐在后排欣赏着光影盛宴nothing exceeds like succes没什么style got from having the best of the best比制服诱惑更迷人is this what it all about?不是吗?I met the rest, .. the rant我遇见餐厅里Disturbing the guests那些乏味的顾客Years of distress, tears on the dress常年的压抑Try to hide her face with some makeup sex, ugh试图隐藏,在艳妆下寻求精神释放This is trouble season, time for tuxedos for no reason这多事之秋,燕尾服就得选“汤姆·福特”All saints for my angel, Alexander Wang too就连Alexander Wang也这么认为Ass-tight denim and some Dunks紧身的衣物和扣篮服是当下流行I"ll show you how to do this young让哥来教教你No papers, catch favors不用看报纸,即可获得支持Get high out Vegas在赌城外依然玩的highWho says these devils ain"t looking for trouble谁说这些恶棍不会来找麻烦You just got good genes so a nigga tryna cuff you别以为你出身好咱就不会揍你Tell your mother that I love her cause I love you回去告诉你妈妈我爱你所以也爱上她Tell your father we go farther as a couple告诉你爹我们比情侣会走得更远Didn"t lose a daughter, got a son他们没失去女儿,而是多了个女婿I"ll show you how to do this, hun!让哥来教你,哈And as long as I"ve got my suit and tie我虽身着制服I"ma leave it off on the floor tonight但今晚我会将它扔在一边And you got fixed up too tonight与你缠绵let me show you a few thangs制服诱惑All dressed up in black and white黑白正装And you"re dressed in that dress I like你也身着我爱的那件连衣裙Love is swinging in the air tonight爱的气息在空气弥漫Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things,让我展示我的制服诱惑吧show you a few things about love love love那爱的蠢蠢欲动Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧About love以及爱的一切
2023-07-08 07:01:371

一首女生英文歌名 开头拉的嗨弱

rolling in the deep
2023-07-08 07:01:442


Suit & Tie - Justin Timberlake&Jay-ZI be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit, tie身着制服,风骚领带I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit身着制服,风骚领带Can I show you a few things?可以向你展示吗?A few things, a few things, little baby, cause这种独具一格的风格,宝贝I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit身着制服,风骚领带I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit身着制服,风骚领带Let me show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧You ready, JT?准备好了吗?贾老板I can"t wait til I get you on the floor, good-looking我期待着征服你的美貌Going out so hot, just like an oven如此惹火,如若蒸笼And I"ll burn myself but just had to touch it即使我被蒸发,也无法拒绝触及你的美It"s so fly and it"s all mine快感齐天,充斥灵魂Hey baby, we don"t mind all the watching我们不在乎万众瞩目,宝贝Cause if they study close, real close they might learn something因为我们是他们爱的导师She ain"t nothing but a little doozy when she does it她就是一个如此艳丽的艺术品She"s so fly, tonight今夜,她如此性感And as long as I"ve got my suit and tie我虽身着制服I"ma leave it off on the floor tonight但今晚我会将它扔在一边And you got fixed up too tonight与你缠绵let me show you a few thangs制服诱惑All dressed up in black and white黑白正装And you"re dressed in that dress I like你也身着我爱的那件连衣裙Love is swinging in the air tonight爱的气息在空气弥漫Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things,让我展示我的制服诱惑吧show you a few things about love那爱的蠢蠢欲动now that were in the swing of love那爱的蠢蠢欲动Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧About love以及爱的一切Stop, let me get a good look at it停,让我好好欣赏So thick now I know why they call it a fatty爱是如此的浓烈Shit so sick gotta hit and picked up a habit虽然爱的有些腻味That"s all right, cause you"re all mine但只要你是我的,一切都无所谓Go on and show "em who you call daddy继续展示给那些大叔们I guess they"re just mad cause girl, they wish they had it他们都为你而疯狂,但只有我拥有你My killer, my filler, yeah you"re a classic你偷走了我的心,你这美艳的艺术品You"re all mine, tonight.今夜,我将把你占有And as long as I"ve got my suit and tie我虽身着制服I"ma leave it off on the floor tonight但今晚我会将它扔在一边And you got fixed up too tonight与你缠绵let me show you a few thangs制服诱惑All dressed up in black and white黑白正装And you"re dressed in that dress I like你也身着我爱的那件连衣裙Love is swinging in the air tonight爱的气息在空气弥漫Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things,让我展示我的制服诱惑吧show you a few things about love那爱的蠢蠢欲动now that were in the swing of love那爱的蠢蠢欲动Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧About love以及爱的一切All black at the white shows黑白西装和白色皮鞋闪耀在这夜场White shoes at the black shows黑白西装和白色皮鞋闪耀在这夜场Green card for the Cuban links通往古巴的绿卡Ya"ll sit back and enjoy the light show 大家都坐在后排欣赏着光影盛宴nothing exceeds like succes没什么style got from having the best of the best比制服诱惑更迷人is this what it all about?不是吗?I met the rest, .. the rant我遇见餐厅里Disturbing the guests那些乏味的顾客Years of distress, tears on the dress常年的压抑Try to hide her face with some makeup sex, ugh试图隐藏,在艳妆下寻求精神释放This is trouble season, time for tuxedos for no reason这多事之秋,燕尾服就得选“汤姆·福特”All saints for my angel, Alexander Wang too就连Alexander Wang也这么认为Ass-tight denim and some Dunks紧身的衣物和扣篮服是当下流行I"ll show you how to do this young让哥来教教你No papers, catch favors不用看报纸,即可获得支持Get high out Vegas在赌城外依然玩的highWho says these devils ain"t looking for trouble谁说这些恶棍不会来找麻烦You just got good genes so a nigga tryna cuff you别以为你出身好咱就不会揍你Tell your mother that I love her cause I love you回去告诉你妈妈我爱你所以也爱上她Tell your father we go farther as a couple告诉你爹我们比情侣会走得更远Didn"t lose a daughter, got a son他们没失去女儿,而是多了个女婿I"ll show you how to do this, hun!让哥来教你,哈And as long as I"ve got my suit and tie我虽身着制服I"ma leave it off on the floor tonight但今晚我会将它扔在一边And you got fixed up too tonight与你缠绵let me show you a few thangs制服诱惑All dressed up in black and white黑白正装And you"re dressed in that dress I like你也身着我爱的那件连衣裙Love is swinging in the air tonight爱的气息在空气弥漫Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧Let me show you a few things,让我展示我的制服诱惑吧show you a few things about love love love那爱的蠢蠢欲动Let me show you a few things, show you a few things让我展示我的制服诱惑吧About love以及爱的一切
2023-07-08 07:01:511

In The Air Tonight 歌词

歌曲名:In The Air Tonight歌手:The Pure专辑:Follow You Follow MeIn The Air Tonight (LP Version)Phil Collins (菲尔 柯林斯)I can feel it coming in the air tonightOh lordI"ve been waiting for this momentAll my lifeOh lordI can you feel it coming in the air tonightOh lord oh lordWell if you told me you were drowningI would not lend a handI"ve seen your face before my friendBut I don"t know if you know who I amWell I was there and I saw what you didI saw it with my own two eyesSo you can wipe off the grinI know where you"ve beenIt"s all been a pack of liesAnd I can feel it coming in the air tonightOh lordI"ve been waiting for this momentFor all my lifeOh lordI can feel it in the air tonightOh lordAnd I"ve been waiting for this momentAll my lifeOh lord oh lordWell I rememberI remember don"t worryHow could I ever forget it"s the first timeThe last time we ever metBut I know the reason why you keep your silence upNo you don"t fool meThe hurt doesn"t showBut the pain still growsIt"s no stranger to you or meAnd I can feel it coming in the air tonightOh lordI"ve been waiting for this momentAll my lifeOh lordI can feel it in the air tonightOh lord oh lordI"ve been waiting for this momentAll my lifeOh lordI can feel it coming in the air tonightOh lordI"ve been waiting for this momentAll my lifeOh lordI can feel it in the air tonightOh lord oh lordI"ve been waiting for this momentAll my lifeOh lord oh lordI can you feel it coming in the air tonightOh lord oh lordI Can feel it coming in the air tonight
2023-07-08 07:02:051