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turn into turn into中间可以加单词吗?

2023-07-08 10:46:29

可以加的呀,例如,turn the sentence into Chinese 把这个句子翻译成中文


Turn into是什么意思?

2023-07-08 03:41:482

turn into是什么意思?

2023-07-08 03:41:587

turn into的音标怎么写

turn into 英[tu0259:n u02c8u026antuu02d0] 美[tu025an u02c8u026antu] [词典] 成为; (使) 变成; 译成; [例句]I think I have got to stop or I might turn into a machine我想我得停下来了,否则我就会变成一台机器。
2023-07-08 03:42:131

turn into什么意思,

“俊狼猎英”团队为您解答。把。。。变为。。。。如;We can turn water into ice.我们可以把水变成冰。祝你进步!
2023-07-08 03:42:352

英语 turn to和turn into都有变成的意思,那么这两个变成有什么区别

2023-07-08 03:42:443


2023-07-08 03:43:123

turn into用法及例句?

turn into的意思是“变成”,用法例句有:Never let your persistence and passion turn into stubbornness and ignorance(永远不要让你的坚持和激情变成固执和无知)。 扩展资料   一、turn into的意思   v.(使)变成;进入,驶入,拐入   二、turn into的`用法   turn into转变成… 例如:water turn into ice 水变成冰   三、turn into双语例句   1.I think I have got to stop or I might turn into a machine   我想我得停下来了,否则我就会变成一台机器。   2.The fighting is threatening to turn into full-scale war   这场战斗有可能会演变为全面的战争。   3.The machine can recognise handwritten characters and turn them into printed text   这种机器能够识别手写字体,并将其转化为打印文本。   4.She had requested the community to turn it into a museum upon her death .   她要求社区在她死后把它变成一个博物馆。   5.With a little imagination, you could turn this place into a palace.   稍微动点脑筋,就能把这个地方变得富丽堂皇。   6.He showed me how to turn my ideas into plans and then into new things.   他教我如何把我的想法变成计划,然后变成新事物。
2023-07-08 03:43:261

become into与turn into的区别

Become into自己变成。into into,别人使变成。
2023-07-08 03:43:344

turn into和turn around区别

Turnaround停止一事无成,变得越来越好;转动某物或某人的方向;Turninto变成;Turninto用作性状的改变。turn into用法:作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构;用作不及物动词时,可表示“改变,换衣,换车”。
2023-07-08 03:44:011

turn to 和turn into

turn A into Bturn to sb./sth.(转向……)turn A into B (把A转换成B)
2023-07-08 03:44:223

become和turn into都是变成的意思,请问两者分别在什么情况下使用

1.become 它是一个中性词,用于意义好、坏两方面的变化都可以.可与形容词和名词连用.What do you have to do to become a pilot?人们需要做些什么才能成为飞行员?Richard became aware of the gravity of the situation.理查德开始意识到情况的严重性.(1)通常不用become来谈论有目的的行动.Please get ready now.现在请作好准备.(不能说:Please become ready now.) (2)表示将来之事的"成为…",在口语中常用be来表示.He wants to become a doctor.=He wants to be a doctor.(3)"演变到,终于……"不用become而用come to do来表示.She has come to like rock music.她终于喜欢摇滚乐了.2.turn 大多用于看得见的或人人注目的状态上的变化.常用在表示颜色的词之前(在文体上比go较为正式).She turned bright red and ran out of the room.她的脸一红,就跑出了屋子.He turns nasty after he"s had a couple of drinks.他喝了几杯酒后就开始胡来.(1)turn into用在名词前,谈论某人性格或某事性质发生了重大变化.He"s a lovely man,but when he gets jealous he turns into a monster.他是个讨人喜欢的人,但是当他嫉妒起来时,就成了一个恶煞.A girl has to kiss a lot of frogs before one of them turns into a prince.女孩还要亲吻很多青蛙,才能使其中的一个变成王子.(2)turn to和turn into两个词组都可用在表示事物的名称之前.His worry turned into fury.他由烦恼变成了大怒.Everything that King Midas touched turned into gold.迈达斯国王用手碰什么东西,那东西就变成金子.They stood there as if they had been turned into stone.他们一动不动地站在那儿,那东西就变成石头人了.(3)谈论人们变换职业,宗教信仰,政治观点等等,有时候turn(后面不跟介词或冠词)加上名词或形容词.He worked in a bank for thirty years before turning painter.他在银行工作30年以后才改行画画.Towards the end of the war he turned traitor.战争快结束的时候,他成了叛徒.At the end of her life she turned Catholic.她在临终时信起天主教来.(4)turn(in)to也可以用作带有宾语的及物动词,表示引起某种变化.In the Greek legend,Circe turned men into pigs.在希腊传说里,咯耳刻把人便成猪.
2023-07-08 03:44:291

change into和 turn into的区别,谢谢了各位! ^_^

2023-07-08 03:44:362


turn into 的被动语态应该是 be turned into前者是自发的主动的转变,而后者则是受到外力作用被动转变
2023-07-08 03:44:451

change into 和 turn into 有什么区别

前者是把一种状态变成另一种状态,多指屋里变化,如:change ice into water,把冰变成水。后者,多指抽象的变化,如:turn loss into gain,扭亏为盈。
2023-07-08 03:44:531

become into和turn into 的区别

2023-07-08 03:44:591

请问convert和change和turn into有什么区别?

v. 使转变,使...改变信仰,倒置n. 皈依者,改宗者通常用于一些较抽象的东西的转换如Coal can be converted to gas.煤可以转化成煤气。The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy.太阳能电池能把阳光的能量转化为电能。He is a recent convert to Christianity.他最近改信基督教了。changen. 变化,零钱v. 改变通常指事态,货币,物体之间的变化关系1. If we are to avoid defeat we need a change of leadership.我们要避免失败的话,就要换掉领导人。3. In autumn the leaves change from green to brown.秋天树叶由绿色变成黄褐色。turn into短语,变成XX东西如果严格的区分的话,convert是转变最彻底的,可以说是本质上的转变turn into 可以说是形态上的改变,但是也不一定准.看自己理解下面是2个例句A flicker of interest soon turn into the burning flames of desire.一丝情趣的星星之火很快变成了乾柴烈火。Caterpillars turn into butterflies.毛毛虫可以变成蝴蝶。而change才是在转变上最小的尤其从这条解释上可以体现出来呵呵,我尽力了! 还在上班,不能在这上面花太多时间
2023-07-08 03:45:061

turn into的同义词

2023-07-08 03:45:154


  turn有翻转;旋转;转动;转向;轮流等意思,那么你知道turn的常用 短语 都有哪些吗?下面是我为大家带来关于turn的常见短语和用法,欢迎大家参考学习!  turn的常用短语:   1. turn up ①出现,到达 ②开大音量 ③被发现或找到 ④查(字典等)   例1)He promised to come but hasnu2019t turned up yet.   2)I canu2019t hear the radio very well; could you turn it up a bit?   3)Iu2019m sure your watch will turn up one of these days.   4)You may turn the word up in the dictionary.   2. turn in ①归还 ②就寝 ③将某人交给警方拘押   例1)You must turn in your equipment before you leave the army.   2)Well, I think Iu2019ll turn in. Iu2019ve got to get up early.   3)She threatened to turn him in.   3. turn on ①打开 ②依赖 ③突然攻击某人   例1)could you turn on the light, please?   2)The success of a picnic usually turns on the weather.   3)Why are you all turning on me?   4. turn off 关掉(煤气,水,电,收音机,电视机等)   例1)They have turned the gas off for a couple of days.   2)Donu2019t forget to turn off the light when you leave.   5. turn out ①证明是,结果是 ②关掉 ③生产 ④赶走   例1)The experiment turned out to be a great success.   2)It turned out that she didnu2019t get the job.   3)Remember to turn out the lights before you go to bed.   4)The factory turns out 100 cars per day.   5)Benjamin turned his son out of the house without any money.   6. turn against 背叛   例1)She will never turn against her country.   2)She turned against her old friend.   7. turn down ①关小 ②拒绝   例1)Can you turn the TV down? Iu2019m trying to get some sleep.   2)He tried to join the army but was turned down because of poor health.   8. turn into 把u2026u2026变成,译成   例1)Youu2019ll never turn me into a salesman.   2)Turn the following sentences into Chinese, please.   9. turn to 翻到,求助于   例1)Please turn to page10.   2)The child turned to its mother for comfort. 3)turn to a dictionary (look up the words in the dictionary)   10. turn over ①翻身,翻转 ②移交,交付   例1)She turned over and went to sleep.   2)The car turned right over.   11. turn (a)round ①绕着u2026u2026转 ②面向另一方向   例1)The earth turns around / round the sun.   2)Turn around / round and let me look at your back.   12. turn away ①转过脸,不面对或不再看 ②拒绝帮助,拒绝某人进入某处   例1)She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood.   2)A doctor canu2019t turn away a dying man.   3)Hundreds of people had to be turned away from the stadium.   13. turn back 原路返回,往回走   例1) The weather became so bad that they had to turn back.   2)We were turned back at the border because of the fighting.   14. take turns (at) doing sth. / to do sth. 依次,轮流做某事   例1)We took turns (at) doing the driving on the way up to Canada.   2)Youu2019ll have to take turns being captain of the team.   15. in turn ①结果 ②依次   例1)Interest rates were cut, and in turn, share prices rose.   2)He asked each of us in turn to describe how alcohol had affected our lives.   16. by turns 依次   例1)Letu2019s drive the car by turns.   2)We did the work by turns.   17. at every turn 经常地,每次   例1)I kept meeting him at every turn.   turn的用法:   turn的用法1:turn的基本意思是“旋转,转动”,指做圆周运动或弧形运动。引申可作“翻转”“开始涨或落”“瞄准,指向”“使u2026向某方向走”“达到,超过”“表演”“(使)变酸”“(使)不适,作呕,恶心”“翻译”“赶走”“考虑”“用车床加工,车削”等解。作“改变”解时,指彻底改变,以至面目全非,且常用于朝坏的方向改变。   turn的用法2:turn可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。   turn的用法3:turn还可用作系动词,意为“成为,变成”,后接名词或形容词作表语,用作表语的名词须用零冠词。   turn的用法4:turn后接副词away表示“离开,走开,把u2026打发走”; 后接副词back表示“折回,返回”; 后接副词down表示“拒绝接受某人〔某事〕”; 后接副词in表示“睡觉,转身进入,拐入”“把某物上交,把某物交出”; 后接副词off表示“关(自来水、电源、煤气等)”; 后接副词over表示“翻身,将u2026翻身”; 后接副词out表示“结果是u2026,证明是u2026”“撵出”“生产”; 后接副词up表示“出现,出席,到达”“发现”。
2023-07-08 03:45:241

turn to的用法和短语

turn in与turn into和turn to的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、turn in:上床睡觉,把(犯罪嫌疑人)交给警方。2、turn into:变成。3、turn to:向(某人)求助,求助于,转向。二、用法不同1、turn in:turn的基本意思是“旋转,转动”,指做圆周运动或弧形运动。引申可作“翻转”“开始涨或落”“瞄准,指向”“使…向某方向走”“达到,超过”“表演”“(使)变酸”“(使)不适,作呕,恶心”“翻译”“赶走”“考虑”“用车床加工,车削”等解。2、turn into:turn用作名词的基本意思是“转动,旋转”,指使某人或某物转动的行为或某物自己旋转的动作,是可数名词。3、turn to:turn也可表示“方向的改变,转折,转折点”“转弯处”,引申可作“时间上的转折点,交替时期”解,是可数名词。三、侧重点不同1、turn in:侧重于转变成另一种状态。2、turn into:侧重于转变成另一种形态。3、turn to:侧重于转换方向。
2023-07-08 03:45:331

turn into与turn to的用法

turn into转变成… turn to转向…, 经常用到turn to sb for help 向某人求助
2023-07-08 03:45:512

turn …into用法?

使变化,1,Our dream holiday turned into a nightmare. 假期变为噩梦。2,The prince was turned into a frog by the witch. 王子被巫婆变为青蛙。
2023-07-08 03:46:142


Hi~ ,turn into a prince是变成了一个王子的意思,希望能帮到你!
2023-07-08 03:46:213

请问turn into与turn to的区别

2023-07-08 03:46:385


change是改变抽象的东西的意思,比如i changed my mind,我改变了主意transform是改变形状、外形,是实际的东西,比如电影变形金刚的宣传语有一句就是the world will be transformedturn应该指方向,比如turn right,或者是跳转
2023-07-08 03:47:052

turn in 与turn into和turn to 的区别

turn in是睡觉,送还turn into是变成=change intoturn to是求助于,转向,变成(表颜色上的转变=become)
2023-07-08 03:47:121

change into 和 trun into 的细微区别?

turn into可以表示一种潜移默化
2023-07-08 03:47:202

turn into 与go into区别

turn into表示颜色的变化her face turns redchange into 指事物的物理变化,如,冰变成水change ice into water become最普遍,指身份,地位的改变,有时表结果另外go指物质发生化学变化,如;食物变质.the meat goes bad(go作系动词)
2023-07-08 03:47:402

什么意思?还有turn...into...和 come out

neither of you是你们都不 turn..into使。。成为。。 come out出来 出版 出现
2023-07-08 03:47:471

turn into的过去式是什么

turned into
2023-07-08 03:48:012

turn down/ turn over/ turn off/ turn up/turn on/ turn out/ turn into的意思

turn down [关小,调低;拒绝如turn down the radio 调小点turn sb. down 拒绝turn over翻过来,翻倒;仔细考虑;交,移交turn over the book 把书翻过来 turn off一般是关灯,关电器那些turn off the TV turn uP 把音量调大点与turn down 对应turn on 打开电视,电器之类的与turn off 对应turn out 结果是it turns out that he is right. 结果出来了,他是对的。 结果是他对的 turn into 变成= becomethe dog suddenly turned into a cat in my dream
2023-07-08 03:48:082

make into 和turn into 区别

turn intov.进入, (使)变成made intov.把...制成参考:
2023-07-08 03:48:164

turn into

turn into 可以主动表示被动的,例如:Everything that King Midas touched turned into gold.迈达斯国王用手碰什么东西,那东西就变成金子。His worry turned into fury.他由烦恼变成了大怒。楼主的句子water turns into ice是正确的。
2023-07-08 03:48:261

turn into 这个短语前后并列的成分可以是些什么?

变成,把...变成turn into sth turn sth into sth turn sb into sth (通过魔法)变成;使...变成turn into sth turn sb/sth into sth 季节转变 表示等待某事发生时时间过得很缓慢days turned into weeks/months turned into years etc
2023-07-08 03:48:331

turn into可以用进行时态吗

turn into可以用进行时态。turn into:v. 变成;进入。当表示进入可以用进行时态;但是表示变成通常不用进行时态。In the 21st century, he points out that the dawn is turning into day and China isrising at an amazing speed. 进入21世纪后,他指出拂晓已经进入白昼,中国正以惊人的速度发展壮大。It is becoming more clear that the web is turning into a gigantic database. 更明显的是,网络正变成一个巨大的数据库。 我们在最近发表的有关Yahoo!And now it has reversed, and is turning into central bank gold buying. 而现在却倒了过来,央行从售出变成了购进。It is important that we have to turn into profit by 2002. 重要的是我们必须在 2002 年前转亏为盈.
2023-07-08 03:48:411

turn into造句5句越多越好

I think I have got to stop or I might turn into a machine. 我想我得停下来了,否则我就会变成一台机器。
2023-07-08 03:48:482

change into和turn into的区别

change into和turn into的区别:change into更强调的是形式上的改变,turn into也可以指形式上的改变,还能表示状态上的改变。 扩展资料 change into的例句:She could change into a different outfit in two minutes(她能在两分钟内换上一套不同的行头);turn into的.例句:We think he"ll turn into a top-class player(我们认为他会成为一流的选手)。
2023-07-08 03:48:551


2023-07-08 03:49:141


2023-07-08 03:49:201


2023-07-08 03:49:281


2023-07-08 03:49:341


2023-07-08 03:49:411


2023-07-08 03:49:481

turn. into是什么意思啊

2023-07-08 03:49:564


turn into 释义:v.变成;用法:表示由外向里的动作,有时可通用。 例句: We should turn hostility into friendship. 我们应该化干戈为玉帛。 We think hell turn into a top-class player. 我们认为他会成为一流的选手。 扩展资料   I think I have got to stop or I might turn into a machine   我想我得停下来了,否则我就会变成一台机器。   The party is betting that the presidential race will turn into a battle for younger voters   该党期待这次总统竞选变成一场争取年轻一代选民的斗争。   It could well turn into some kind of a media circus.   这很可能会演变成媒体的一场闹剧。
2023-07-08 03:50:221

turn 如何运用?它与turn,turn into有什么区别? 重点回答"与...的区别"

turn 1.”转” 如turn back (转身) 2.系动词 ”变的”turn green(变绿) turn in ”上缴” turn into ”变成” 相当于change into
2023-07-08 03:50:491

change into 和 turn into 有什么区别

A change into Bwater change into steamSomeone turns A into BHe turned the prince into a frog.
2023-07-08 03:50:563

become,turn into,grow,get的区别是什么?

1、become 成为,理所当然地成为; Because of his hard study,he became a famous Doctor finaly.2、turn into 变成,一般表示变化;He just been efected by the virous,he will turn into a zombie(僵尸)soon.(他被病毒感染,很快就变成僵尸了)3、grow 是指一个长的过程;Truth never grows old. (真理永不过时)4、get 带有一种习惯性在里面He is getting more happier.
2023-07-08 03:51:052

turn in 与turn into和turn to 的区别

turn in是睡觉,送还turn into是变成=change intoturn to是求助于,转向,变成(表颜色上的转变=become)
2023-07-08 03:51:122

请问turn into与turn to的区别

turn sth/sb (from A) to/into B:意思为由一种状况变成另一种状况!Water turns into ice when it freezes. turn to :1.开始努力地或热情地工作 We turned to and got thr whole house cleaned in an afternoon 2.turn to sb/sth 向某人(事物)寻求帮助,指教等,The child turned to its mother for comfort
2023-07-08 03:51:371

turn into造句?

How did I turn into this?For years everyone thought that every republic would eventually turn into a dictatorship.We think he"ll turn into a top-class player.Water turn into ice.
2023-07-08 03:51:441