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make friends with him对吗? 短语friend有加s那单人要不要s

2023-07-08 01:28:20

make friends with him 正确

make friends with sb 是固定短语,就算后面的 sb 是单人,还是必须使用 friends 的






with him 才对。【with 是介词,后接宾格】
2023-07-07 23:53:344


with him的意思是娃娃脸;跟他一起;和他在一起;和他一起;例如:The story goes that she went home with him that night. with himself的意思是和他自己;他自己;自己;例如:He was furious with himself for letting things get so out of control.
2023-07-07 23:53:411

英语:He brought a new book with him. 这句话的with him是

2023-07-07 23:53:494

with him是什么意思

是啊,with him是方式状语,不是句子主要成分,意思是:与他一起,即随身携带 他随身携带着书.没有的话,意思是:他带着书.
2023-07-07 23:53:561

求《with him》歌词,中文大意

withhim babyface 和他一起 娃娃脸 So you never meant to hurt nobody. 你从未想过伤害任何人 Well, I think you"re full of it, yes, 好吧,我想你就是这么认为的,是的 Cause if you really really didn"t wanna hurt nobody, 因为如果你是真的真的不想伤害别人 You wouldn"t have slept with my best friend, baby. 你不会和我最好的朋友共度春宵,宝贝 And to bring insult to my injury, 在我的耻辱上增加耻辱 You weren"t a bit discreet, 你不会这么不小心 And while the world stood witness, 全世界作证 To my embarassment。 为我的尴尬窘迫 You put a knife inside of me. 你将刀插在了我身上。 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然我们作为爱人,会变老 Together til the end. 相伴到永久 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 和他坠入爱河? I know we"ve had our ups and downs, 我们经历过起起落落 And that I do admit, yes, 我承认,是的 But sometimes lovers go astray, 有时爱会进入歧途 But you made it permanent. 但是你会让爱永远 Well, I can"t be that understanding, no. 好吧,我不能这么谅解 My heart"s just not that big, no it ain"t. 我的心没有这么宽,不,没有 I can take the pain of infidelity, 我不能承受失真的痛 But I can"t take you with him. 但是我不能把你和他放在一起 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 和他坠入爱河? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 和他坠入爱河?
2023-07-07 23:54:031

with him合在一起怎么发音

with him发音;为 死=with, 黑 木=him和在一起的发音;wei sei mu (sei 没有中文,所有写拼音)求采
2023-07-07 23:54:101

he takes an umbrella with him里的宾语是哪个?

He takes an umbrella with him.宾语是 an umbrella
2023-07-07 23:54:195

What does he take with him为什么要him?

2023-07-07 23:54:3414

i become mad with him中with him做什么成分

你好!I become mad with him 中 with him做什么成分?with him 是介词短语,来修饰说明在何种情况下become mad的,所以是状语。
2023-07-07 23:56:111


2023-07-07 23:56:181

with him 歌词中英文对照

2023-07-07 23:56:361

请教 must I be with him 语法

1. with him是介词短语做表语,表明主语的状态。表语就是用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态的,表语常由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、动词的-ing、从句来充当,它常位于系动词之后。2. am is are又叫be动词,它们的动词原形都是be。
2023-07-07 23:56:431


with[wIT] prep.1.与…(在)一起,带着:Come with me. 跟我一起来吧。/ I went on holiday with my friend. 我跟我朋友一起去度假。/ Do you want to walk home with me? 你愿意和我一道走回家吗 2.(表带有或拥有)有…的,持有,随身带着:I have no money with me. 我没有带钱。/ He is a man with a hot temper. 他是一个脾气暴躁的人。/ We bought a house with a garden. 我们买了一座带花园的房子。/ China is a very large country with a long history. 中国是一个具有历史悠久的大国。3.(表方式、手段或工具)以,用:He caught the ball with his left hand. 他用左手接球。/ She wrote the letter with a pencil. 她用铅笔写那封信。4.(表材料或内容)以,用:Fill the glass with wine. 把杯子装满酒。/ The road is paved with stones. 这条路用石头铺砌。5.(表状态)在…的情况下,…地:He can read French with ease. 他能轻易地读法文。/ I finished my homework though with difficulty. 虽然有困难,我还是做完了功课。6.(表让步)尽管,虽然:With all his money, he is unhappy. 尽管他有钱,他并不快乐。/ With all his efforts, he lost the match. 虽然尽了全力,他还是输了那场比赛。7.(表条件)若是,如果:With your permission, I"ll go. 如蒙你同意我就去。8.(表原因或理由)因为,由于:He is tired with work. 他工作做累了。/ At the news we all jumped with joy. 听到这消息我们都高兴得跳了起来。9.(表时间)当…的时候,在…之后:With that remark, he left. 他说了那话就离开了。/ With daylight I hurried there to see what had happened. 天一亮我就去那儿看发生了什么事。10. (表同时或随同)与…一起,随着:The girl seemed to be growing prettier with each day. 那女孩好像长得一天比一天漂亮。11.(表伴随或附带情况)同时:I slept with the window open. 我开着窗户睡觉。/ Don"t speak with your mouth full. 不要满嘴巴食物说话。12.赞成,同意:I am with you there. 在那点上我同你意见一致。13.由…照看,交…管理,把…放在某处:I left a message for you with your secretary. 我给你留了个信儿交给你的秘书了。/ The keys are with reception. 钥匙放在接待处。14 (表连同或包含)连用,包含:The meal with wine came to £8 each. 那顿饭连酒每人8英镑。/ With preparation and marking a teacher works 12 hours a day. 一位老师连备课带批改作业每天工作12小时。15. (表对象或关系)对,关于,就…而言,对…来说:He is pleased with his new house. 他对他的新房子很满意。/ The teacher was very angry with him. 老师对他很生气。/ It"s the same with us students. 我们学生也是这样。16.(表对立或敌对)跟,以…为对手:The dog was fighting with the cat. 狗在同猫打架。/ He"s always arguing with his brother. 他老是跟他弟弟争论。17.(在祈使句中与副词连用):Away with him! 带他走!/ Off with your clothes! 脱掉衣服!/ Down with your money! 交出钱来!【用法】1.表示方式、手段或工具等时(=以,用),注意不要受汉语意思的影响而用错搭配,如“用英语”习惯上用in English,而不是with English。2.与某些抽象名词连用时,其作用相当于一个副词:with care=carefully 认真地 / with kindness=kindly 亲切地 / with joy=joyfully 高兴地 / with anger=angrily 生气地 / with sorrow=sorrowfully 悲伤地 / with ease=easily 容易地 / with delight=delightedly 高兴地 / with great fluency =very fluently 很流利地 3.表示条件时,根据情况可与虚拟语气连用:With more money I would be able to buy it. 要是钱多一点,我就买得起了。/ With better equipment, we could have finished the job even sooner. 要是设备好些,我们完成这项工作还要快些。4.比较with和as:两者均可表示“随着”,但前者是介词,后者是连词:He will improve as he grows older. 随着年龄的增长,他会进步的。/ People"s ideas change with the change of the times. 时代变了,人们的观念也会变化。5.介词with和to均可表示“对”,但各自的搭配不同,注意不要受汉语意思的影响而用错,如在kind, polite, rude, good, married等形容词后通常不接介词with而接to。6.复合结构“with+宾语+宾语补足语”是一个很有用的结构,它在句中主要用作状语,表示伴随、原因、时间、条件、方式等;其中的宾语补足语可以是名词、形容词、副词、现在分词、过去分词、不定式、介词短语等:I went out with the windows open. 我外出时没有关窗户。/ He stood before his teacher with his head down. 他低着头站在老师面前。/ He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on. 他和衣躺在床上。/ He died with his daughter yet a schoolgirl. 他去世时,女儿还是个小学生。/ The old man sat there with a basket beside her. 老人坐在那儿,身边放着一个篮子。/ He fell asleep with the lamp burning. 他没熄灯就睡着了。/ He sat there with his eyes closed. 他闭目坐在那儿。/ I can"t go out with all these clothes to wash. 要洗这些衣服,我无法出去了。这类结构也常用于名词后作定语:The boy with nothing on is her son. 没穿衣服的这个男孩子是她儿子。(摘自《英语常用词多用途词典》金盾出版社)
2023-07-07 23:56:581

with him 歌词的中文翻译?

不用找别人了,我看你翻译的已经很不错,本人建议你再斟酌斟酌1,You weren"t a bit discreet, 你就不会这么大意 小弟不才,建议修改方案:1,我看vagrantr的这里翻的“无所顾忌”还可以;
2023-07-07 23:57:153

with 的用法

一、with表拥有某物Mary married a man with a lot of money .马莉嫁给了一个有着很多钱的男人。I often dream of a big house with a nice garden .我经常梦想有一个带花园的大房子。The old man lived with a little dog on the lonely island .这个老人和一条小狗住在荒岛上。 二、with表用某种工具或手段I cut the apple with a sharp knife .我用一把锋利的刀削平果。Tom drew the picture with a pencil .汤母用铅笔画画。三、with表人与人之间的协同关系make friends with sb talk with sb quarrel with sbstruggle with sbfight with sbplay with sbwork with sbcooperate with sbI have been friends with Tom for ten years since we worked with each other , and I have never quarreled with him .自从我们一起工作以来,我和汤母已经是十年的朋友了,但我们从没有吵过架。四、with 表原因或理由John was in bed with high fever .约翰因发烧卧床。He jumped up with joy .他因高兴跳起来。Father is often excited with wine .父亲常因白酒变的兴奋。五、with 表“带来”,或“带有,具有”,在…身上,在…身边之意The girl with golden hair looks beautiful .那个金头发的女孩看起来漂亮。The famous director will come to the meeting with the leading actor and actress . 那个有名的导演将带着男女主角来到会场。A storm with a hurricane has come onto its way .带有飓风的风暴要来了。Do you have money with you .身上带着钱吗? Take the umbrella with you in case it rains .随身带伞,以防下雨。六、with表想法,信念,态度与…一致I agree with you on how to deal with it .关于此事如何处理,我同意你的看法。I believe with the headmaster that a good teacher should not only teach a student what to learn but also how to learn it .我相信校长所说,一个好老师不但教学生学什么,而且应教学生怎么去学。七、with表示让步,“虽有,尽管”With all his money and fame, he is not happy .有着钱和名誉,他还是不快乐。With good teachers and warmhearted classmates ,the new comer feels lonely .虽有着好老师和热心的同学,这个新来的还是感觉孤独。八、with表同时,或同一方向,“随着”The temperature of cold-blooded animals change with the temperature of the surroundings .冷血动物的体温随着周围的环境的改变而变化。The big ship is sailing with the wind .这个大船正随风向航行。And with the last words , she turned away.随着最后一句话说完,他转身离开了。九、with的复合结构表行为方式或伴随情况1、 with + n/pron + adj1年前 回答者: nicole7 - Q根九级 我看了上面的答案,虽然很全面,但是有些抽象,我概括上面的可以理解为: 1.伴随状态(如上面的with表拥有某物,with 表原因或理由等),主要强调所处于的状态,一般在句中作状语,定语)eg:The girl with golden hair ;a man with a lot of money; 2.with有“和,与”的意思,for example:make friends with sb;play with sb;talk with sb,agree with sb等 3with有表示方式的用法:eg:write with pen;cut with knife等 4.with最常用的句式:with+宾语+宾补(宾补可用形容词,动词ing形式,不定式to do 形式,介词短语等等) 5.with表示让步,“虽有,尽管”eg:With all his money and fame, he is not happy .有着钱和名誉,他还是不快乐。(这个不常用) 这是我的看法,应该概括上面几点了,用with一般都是with+宾语+宾补结构,考试也考这个,另外常考的是表方式,如用笔写字。若还有不明处,欢迎一起学习!!!
2023-07-07 23:57:231


She is a girl with long hari.What"s wrong with you .大概就是这些用法
2023-07-07 23:57:313


With1. 和,跟2. 伴随着;带着;具有 3. 由于,因4. 关于;对于;在...,由...看来,就...来说 5. 和...一致;赞成 一、with表拥有某物 Mary married a man with a lot of money . 马莉嫁给了一个有着很多钱的男人。 I often dream of a big house with a nice garden . 我经常梦想有一个带花园的大房子。 The old man lived with a little dog on the lonely island . 这个老人和一条小狗住在荒岛上。 二、with表用某种工具或手段 I cut the apple with a sharp knife . 我用一把锋利的刀削平果。 Tom drew the picture with a pencil . 汤母用铅笔画画。 三、with表人与人之间的协同关系 make friends with sb talk with sb quarrel with sb struggle with sb fight with sb play with sb work with sb cooperate with sb I have been friends with Tom for ten years since we worked with each other , and I have never quarreled with him . 自从我们一起工作以来,我和汤母已经是十年的朋友了,但我们从没有吵过架。 四、with 表原因或理由 John was in bed with high fever . 约翰因发烧卧床。 He jumped up with joy . 他因高兴跳起来。 Father is often excited with wine . 父亲常因白酒变的兴奋。 五、with 表“带来”,或“带有,具有”,在…身上,在…身边之意 The girl with golden hair looks beautiful . 那个金头发的女孩看起来漂亮。 The famous director will come to the meeting with the leading actor and actress . 那个有名的导演将带着男女主角来到会场。 A storm with a hurricane has come onto its way . 带有飓风的风暴要来了。 Do you have money with you . 身上带着钱吗? Take the umbrella with you in case it rains . 随身带伞,以防下雨。 六、with表想法,信念,态度与…一致 I agree with you on how to deal with it . 关于此事如何处理,我同意你的看法。 I believe with the headmaster that a good teacher should not only teach a student what to learn but also how to learn it . 我相信校长所说,一个好老师不但教学生学什么,而且应教学生怎么去学。 七、with表示让步,“虽有,尽管” With all his money and fame, he is not happy . 有着钱和名誉,他还是不快乐。 With good teachers and warmhearted classmates ,the new comer feels lonely . 虽有着好老师和热心的同学,这个新来的还是感觉孤独。 八、with表同时,或同一方向,“随着” The temperature of cold-blooded animals change with the temperature of the surroundings . 冷血动物的体温随着周围的环境的改变而变化。 The big ship is sailing with the wind . 这个大船正随风向航行。 And with the last words , she turned away. 随着最后一句话说完,他转身离开了。 九、with的复合结构表行为方式或伴随情况 1、 with + n/pron + adj 1.伴随状态(如上面的with表拥有某物,with 表原因或理由等),主要强调所处于的状态,一般在句中作状语,定语)eg:The girl with golden hair ;a man with a lot of money; 2.with有“和,与”的意思,for example:make friends with sb;play with sb;talk with sb,agree with sb等 3with有表示方式的用法:eg:write with pen;cut with knife等 4.with最常用的句式:with+宾语+宾补(宾补可用形容词,动词ing形式,不定式to do 形式,介词短语等等) 5.with表示让步,“虽有,尽管”eg: With all his money and fame, he is not happy . 有着钱和名誉,他还是不快乐。(这个不常用)请采纳。
2023-07-07 23:57:391


2023-07-07 23:57:591

be sympathized with him对吗?

可以的be sympathized with sb/sth
2023-07-07 23:58:073

He wanted to take some servants with him.为什么不用himself而用him?

2023-07-07 23:58:131

I want to talk with him.中with him是伴随状语吗?

不是。伴随状语是指状语从句的动作伴随主句发生,它的特点是:它所表达的动作或状态是伴随着句子谓语动词的动作而发生或存在的。with him又不是动作怎么能是伴随状语?
2023-07-07 23:58:213

agree to go with him为什么用with?

你好!go with sb意思是“与某人”!是一个固定搭配!同意和他一起走。
2023-07-07 23:58:2910


With是个介词,基本的意思是“用”,但它也可以协助构成一个极为多采多姿的句型,在句子中起两种作用;副词与形容词。 with在下列结构中起副词作用: 1.“with+宾语+现在分词或短语”,如: (1) This article deals with common social ills, with particular attention being paid to vandalism. 2.“with+宾语+过去分词或短语”,如: (2) With different techniques used, different results can be obtained. (3) The TV mechanic entered the factory with tools carried in both hands. 3.“with+宾语+形容词或短语”,如: (4) With so much water vapour present in the room, some iron-made utensils have become rusty easily. (5) Every night, Helen sleeps with all the windows open. 4.“with+宾语+介词短语”,如: (6) With the school badge on his shirt, he looks all the more serious. (7) With the security guard near the gate no bad character could do any thing illegal. 5.“with+宾语+副词虚词”,如: (8) You cannot leave the machine there with electric power on. (9) How can you lock the door with your guests in? 上面五种“with”结构的副词功能,相当普遍,尤其是在科技英语中。 接着谈“with”结构的形容词功能,有下列五种: 一、“with+宾语+现在分词或短语”,如: (10) The body with a constant force acting on it. moves at constant pace. (11) Can you see the huge box with a long handle attaching to it ? 二、“with+宾语+过去分词或短语” (12) Throw away the container with its cover sealed. (13) Atoms with the outer layer filled with electrons do not form compounds. 三、“with+宾语+形容词或短语”,如: (14) Put the documents in the filing container with all the drawers open. 四、“with+宾语+介词短语”,如: (15) The young lady with a red ribbon on her head is my former maths teacher. (16) Do you know the gentleman with both hands in his pockets? 五、“with+宾语+副词虚词,”如: (17) Is there any water in the kettle with this cover off ? (18) Out went the boy scouts with their uniforms on.
2023-07-07 23:59:082

with后面跟he 还是him 为什么?

2023-07-07 23:59:586


2023-07-08 00:00:441


2023-07-08 00:00:542

i with him is

and 毫无疑问,谓语动词肯定是复数形式. 当主语有with,together with,like,except,but,no less than,as well as 等词组成的短语时,谓语动词与前面的主语部分一致. 所以后一句应该是I with him am .
2023-07-08 00:01:021

大神帮我看看这个是什么句子啊?句子里不加with him 是不是也可以,但是加了又说明什么?

with him 要有,表示突出随身的,形影不离的意思。take sth. with sb. 表随身携带,形影不离的意思。这里电脑狂人必定随身携带笔记本电脑。所以要加上。如果不用 take , 还可用 carry, 这时可不加上 with him. 因为carry, 把轻东西当成大物件扛着,是一种调侃,相当于“驮着笔记本电脑”比 take sth. with sb的语气更正式。
2023-07-08 00:01:421

with him吉他谱

Asus2 Dmaj7 Asus2 Dmaj7 cis7fis So ya never meant to hurt nobody cis7fis Well I think your full of it cis7fis "Cause if ya realy really didn"t wanna hurt nobodyGEYou wouldn"t slept with my best friend cis7fis And I bring insult to my injury cis7fis You weren"t a bit discreteh7 And while the world stood witness cis7+ To my embarrassmenth7Esus You put a knife inside of meChorus:A Am7 Esus4/C# - EHow could you fall in love with himD cis7 h7 Esus - EHow could you give your heart to himA CIS > CIS7 - DIS7Thought we"d grow old As loversfis7E Dmaj7Together til" the endD - AHow could you fallh7 Esus - E A Asus2fall in lovewith him这就是了 ..CIS7,DIS? 实在不好意思 我也不清楚 希望可以帮到你..
2023-07-08 00:01:561

I want to talk with him.中是with him作状语还是talk with作谓语

2023-07-08 00:02:063

Tom takes (a guitar) with him

2023-07-08 00:02:131


这两个词的主要区别在于词性不同!with是介词而has是动词。举个例子来说吧,如果你要描述一个女孩有很长的头发,你可以说:she(the girl) has long hair或者是she is a girl with long hair !这样说你懂了吗?
2023-07-08 00:02:264

He took the books with him.这个with him是什么意思,我感觉不要with him也可以啊。

2023-07-08 00:03:144

with him 的中文歌词

和他一起 So you never meant to hurt nobody. 你从未想过伤害任何人 Well, I think you"re full of it, yes, 好吧,我想你就是这么认为的,是的 Cause if you really really didn"t wanna hurt nobody,因为如果你是真的真的不想伤害别人 You wouldn"t have slept with my best friend, baby. 你不会和我最好的朋友共度春宵,宝贝 And to bring insult to my injury, 在我的耻辱上增加耻辱 You weren"t a bit discreet, 你不会这么不小心 And while the world stood witness, 全世界作证 To my embarassment. 为我的尴尬窘迫 You put a knife inside of me. 你在我身上插了一刀 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然我们作为爱人,在变老 Together til the end. 相伴到永久 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 爱上他? I know we"ve had our ups and downs, 我们经历过起起落落 And that I do admit, yes, 我承认,是的 But sometimes lovers go astray, 有时爱会进入歧途 But you made it permanent. 但是你会让爱永远 Well, I can"t be that understanding, no. 好吧,我不能这么谅解 My heart"s just not that big, no it ain"t. 我的心没有这么宽,不,没有 I can take the pain of infidelity, 我不能承受失真的痛 But I can"t take you with him. 但是我不能把你和他放在一起 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 爱上他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him?爱上他?
2023-07-08 00:03:201

with him 的中文歌词

和他一起 So you never meant to hurt nobody. 你从未想过伤害任何人 Well, I think you"re full of it, yes, 好吧,我想你就是这么认为的,是的 Cause if you really really didn"t wanna hurt nobody,因为如果你是真的真的不想伤害别人 You wouldn"t have slept with my best friend, baby. 你不会和我最好的朋友共度春宵,宝贝 And to bring insult to my injury, 在我的耻辱上增加耻辱 You weren"t a bit discreet, 你不会这么不小心 And while the world stood witness, 全世界作证 To my embarassment. 为我的尴尬窘迫 You put a knife inside of me. 你在我身上插了一刀 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然我们作为爱人,在变老 Together til the end. 相伴到永久 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 爱上他? I know we"ve had our ups and downs, 我们经历过起起落落 And that I do admit, yes, 我承认,是的 But sometimes lovers go astray, 有时爱会进入歧途 But you made it permanent. 但是你会让爱永远 Well, I can"t be that understanding, no. 好吧,我不能这么谅解 My heart"s just not that big, no it ain"t. 我的心没有这么宽,不,没有 I can take the pain of infidelity, 我不能承受失真的痛 But I can"t take you with him. 但是我不能把你和他放在一起 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 爱上他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him?爱上他?
2023-07-08 00:03:281

with him 的中文歌词

和他一起 So you never meant to hurt nobody. 你从未想过伤害任何人 Well, I think you"re full of it, yes, 好吧,我想你就是这么认为的,是的 Cause if you really really didn"t wanna hurt nobody,因为如果你是真的真的不想伤害别人 You wouldn"t have slept with my best friend, baby. 你不会和我最好的朋友共度春宵,宝贝 And to bring insult to my injury, 在我的耻辱上增加耻辱 You weren"t a bit discreet, 你不会这么不小心 And while the world stood witness, 全世界作证 To my embarassment. 为我的尴尬窘迫 You put a knife inside of me. 你在我身上插了一刀 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然我们作为爱人,在变老 Together til the end. 相伴到永久 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 爱上他? I know we"ve had our ups and downs, 我们经历过起起落落 And that I do admit, yes, 我承认,是的 But sometimes lovers go astray, 有时爱会进入歧途 But you made it permanent. 但是你会让爱永远 Well, I can"t be that understanding, no. 好吧,我不能这么谅解 My heart"s just not that big, no it ain"t. 我的心没有这么宽,不,没有 I can take the pain of infidelity, 我不能承受失真的痛 But I can"t take you with him. 但是我不能把你和他放在一起 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 爱上他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him?爱上他?
2023-07-08 00:03:341

帮忙翻译一下《With Him》的歌词

2023-07-08 00:03:423

Babyface的《With Him》 歌词

歌曲名:With Him歌手:Babyface专辑:Face 2 FaceWith HimBabyfaceSo you never meant to hurt nobody.Well, I think you"re full of it, yes,Cause if you really really didn"t wanna hurt nobody,You wouldn"t have slept with my best friend, baby.And to bring insult to my injury,You weren"t a bit discreet,And while the world stood witness,To my embarassment.You put a knife inside of me. How could you fall in love with him?How could you give your heart to him?Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, Together til the end.How could you fall?Fall in love, with him? I know we"ve had our ups and downs,And that I do admit, yes,But sometimes lovers go astray,But you made it permanent.Well, I can"t be that understanding, no.My heart"s just not that big, no it ain"t.I can take the pain of infidelity,But I can"t take you with him. How could you fall in love with him?How could you give your heart to him? oh babyThought we"d grow old, as lovers, Together til the end.How could you fall?Fall in love, with him? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, Together til the end.How could you fall?Fall in love, with him?
2023-07-08 00:03:491


2023-07-08 00:04:061

with him

2023-07-08 00:04:132

with him 还是with he

2023-07-08 00:04:311

with 是什么意思?

2023-07-08 00:04:488


一、with表拥有某物Mary married a man with a lot of money .马莉嫁给了一个有着很多钱的男人.I often dream of a big house with a nice garden .我经常梦想有一个带花园的大房子.The old man lived with a little dog on the lonely island .这个老人和一条小狗住在荒岛上.二、with表用某种工具或手段I cut the apple with a sharp knife .我用一把锋利的刀削平果.Tom drew the picture with a pencil .汤母用铅笔画画.三、with表人与人之间的协同关系make friends with sb talk with sb quarrel with sbstruggle with sbfight with sbplay with sbwork with sbcooperate with sbI have been friends with Tom for ten years since we worked with each other ,and I have never quarreled with him .自从我们一起工作以来,我和汤母已经是十年的朋友了,但我们从没有吵过架.四、with 表原因或理由John was in bed with high fever .约翰因发烧卧床.He jumped up with joy .他因高兴跳起来.Father is often excited with wine .父亲常因白酒变的兴奋.五、with 表“带来”,或“带有,具有”,在…身上,在…身边之意The girl with golden hair looks beautiful .那个金头发的女孩看起来漂亮.The famous director will come to the meeting with the leading actor and actress .那个有名的导演将带着男女主角来到会场.A storm with a hurricane has come onto its way .带有飓风的风暴要来了.Do you have money with you .身上带着钱吗?Take the umbrella with you in case it rains .随身带伞,以防下雨.六、with表想法,信念,态度与…一致I agree with you on how to deal with it .关于此事如何处理,我同意你的看法.I believe with the headmaster that a good teacher should not only teach a student what to learn but also how to learn it .我相信校长所说,一个好老师不但教学生学什么,而且应教学生怎么去学.七、with表示让步,“虽有,尽管”With all his money and fame,he is not happy .有着钱和名誉,他还是不快乐.With good teachers and warmhearted classmates ,the new comer feels lonely .虽有着好老师和热心的同学,这个新来的还是感觉孤独.八、with表同时,或同一方向,“随着”The temperature of cold-blooded animals change with the temperature of the surroundings .冷血动物的体温随着周围的环境的改变而变化.The big ship is sailing with the wind .这个大船正随风向航行.And with the last words ,she turned away.随着最后一句话说完,他转身离开了.九、with的复合结构表行为方式或伴随情况1、 with + n/pron + adj1年前 回答者:nicole7 - Q根九级 我看了上面的答案,虽然很全面,但是有些抽象,我概括上面的可以理解为:1.伴随状态(如上面的with表拥有某物,with 表原因或理由等),主要强调所处于的状态,一般在句中作状语,定语)eg:The girl with golden hair ;a man with a lot of money;2.with有“和,与”的意思,for example:make friends with sb;play with sb;talk with sb,agree with sb等3with有表示方式的用法:eg:write with pen;cut with knife等4.with最常用的句式:with+宾语+宾补(宾补可用形容词,动词ing形式,不定式to do 形式,介词短语等等)5.with表示让步,“虽有,尽管”eg:With all his money and fame,he is not happy .有着钱和名誉,他还是不快乐.(这个不常用)这是我的看法,应该概括上面几点了,用with一般都是with+宾语+宾补结构,考试也考这个,另外常考的是表方式,如用笔写字.若还有不明处,欢迎一起学习!
2023-07-08 00:05:131

歌曲WITH HIM的中文译词

So you never meant to hurt nobody. 你从未想过伤害任何人 Well, I think you"re full of it, yes, 好吧,我想你就是这么认为的,是的 Cause if you really really didn"t wanna hurt nobody,因为如果你是真的真的不想伤害别人 You wouldn"t have slept with my best friend, baby. 你不会和我最好的朋友共度春宵,宝贝 And to bring insult to my injury, 在我的耻辱上增加耻辱 You weren"t a bit discreet, 你不会这么不小心 And while the world stood witness, 全世界作证 To my embarassment. 为我的尴尬窘迫 You put a knife inside of me. 你在我身上插了一刀 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然我们作为爱人,在变老 Together til the end. 相伴到永久 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 爱上他? I know we"ve had our ups and downs, 我们经历过起起落落 And that I do admit, yes, 我承认,是的 But sometimes lovers go astray, 有时爱会进入歧途 But you made it permanent. 但是你会让爱永远 Well, I can"t be that understanding, no. 好吧,我不能这么谅解 My heart"s just not that big, no it ain"t. 我的心没有这么宽,不,没有 I can take the pain of infidelity, 我不能承受失真的痛 But I can"t take you with him. 但是我不能把你和他放在一起 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 爱上他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him?爱上他? 望采纳~~
2023-07-08 00:05:202

babyface 《with him》歌词,一句英文,一句中文,谢谢!

2023-07-08 00:05:271

用中文标示with him的英文歌词

So ya never meant to hurt nobodyWell I think your full of it"Cause if ya realy really didn"t wanna hurt nobody You wouldn"t slept with my best friendAnd I bring insult to my injuryYou weren"t a bit discreteAnd while the world stood witnessTo my embarrassmentYou put a knife inside of meChorus:How could you fall in love with himHow could you give your heart to himThought we"d grow oldAs loversTogether til" the endHow could you fall fall in love with himNow I know we"ve had our, up and downsAnd that I do admitBut sometimes lovers go astrayBut you"ve made it permanentOh I can"t be there understandingMy heart"s just not that big ( no it ain"t, no it ain"t)And I can take the painOf infidelityBut I can"t take you with himChorusThought we"d grow oldAs loversTogether til" the endHow could you fallFall in love with him
2023-07-08 00:05:341

一首叫with him的歌是谁唱的

babyface唱的~~So you never meant to hurt nobody. 你从未想过伤害任何人 Well, I think you"re full of it, yes, 好吧,我想你就是这么认为的,是的 Cause if you really really didn"t wanna hurt nobody,因为如果你是真的真的不想伤害别人 You wouldn"t have slept with my best friend, baby. 你不会和我最好的朋友共度春宵,宝贝 And to bring insult to my injury, 在我的耻辱上增加耻辱 You weren"t a bit discreet, 你不会这么不小心 And while the world stood witness, 全世界作证 To my embarassment. 为我的尴尬窘迫 You put a knife inside of me. 你在我身上插了一刀 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然我们作为爱人,在变老 Together til the end. 相伴到永久 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 爱上他? I know we"ve had our ups and downs, 我们经历过起起落落 And that I do admit, yes, 我承认,是的 But sometimes lovers go astray, 有时爱会进入歧途 But you made it permanent. 但是你会让爱永远 Well, I can"t be that understanding, no. 好吧,我不能这么谅解 My heart"s just not that big, no it ain"t. 我的心没有这么宽,不,没有 I can take the pain of infidelity, 我不能承受失真的痛 But I can"t take you with him. 但是我不能把你和他放在一起 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 爱上他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him?爱上他?
2023-07-08 00:05:411

Babyface-With Him 中英歌词.

2023-07-08 00:05:471

babyface的with him歌词中文翻译

和他一起 So you never meant to hurt nobody. 你从未想过伤害任何人 Well, I think you"re full of it, yes, 好吧,我想你就是这么认为的,是的 Cause if you really really didn"t wanna hurt nobody,因为如果你是真的真的不想伤害别人 You wouldn"t have slept with my best friend, baby. 你不会和我最好的朋友共度春宵,宝贝 And to bring insult to my injury, 在我的耻辱上增加耻辱 You weren"t a bit discreet, 你不会这么不小心 And while the world stood witness, 全世界作证 To my embarassment. 为我的尴尬窘迫 You put a knife inside of me. 你在我身上插了一刀 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然我们作为爱人,在变老 Together til the end. 相伴到永久 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 爱上他? I know we"ve had our ups and downs, 我们经历过起起落落 And that I do admit, yes, 我承认,是的 But sometimes lovers go astray, 有时爱会进入歧途 But you made it permanent. 但是你会让爱永远 Well, I can"t be that understanding, no. 好吧,我不能这么谅解 My heart"s just not that big, no it ain"t. 我的心没有这么宽,不,没有 I can take the pain of infidelity, 我不能承受失真的痛 But I can"t take you with him. 但是我不能把你和他放在一起 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 爱上他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him?爱上他?
2023-07-08 00:06:141

I had a什么什么with him,这个句型怎么填?

2023-07-08 00:06:233