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有一首女生唱的英文歌,中间停顿部分是啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦,哼了很长一段,整首歌节奏感很强,求歌名

2023-07-08 00:09:38
TAG: 英文

1、这首歌的歌名叫《Undress Rehearsal》,主唱是Timeflies,这首歌收藏在专辑《Just For Fun》中,发行时间为2015年09月18日,发行公司是环球唱片,这首歌是快手上较火的歌曲之一。

2、《Undress Rehearsal》歌词如下:

Ooh la la la la la la la la

Ooh la la la

You deserve more than a cameo

How are you not in my video

Lets take it back to my studio

And we can let it roll tonight

Girl come with me now

Your scene"s about to start

I do believe I can see you"re a star

Don"t know your name but you"re made for the part

Cause you"re perfect babe

Time to work it babe

It"s your undress rehearsal

So take your clothes off

Show me how you show off

It"s your undress rehearsal

You the main attraction

Lights camera action

Ooh la la la la la la la la

Ooh la la la la la la la la la

Ooh la la la la la la la la

Ooh la la la

No you don"t need to audition babe

Don"t need no headshots or pictures babe

There"s no contract to negotiate

So we should let it roll tonight

Girl come with me now

Your scene"s about to start

I do believe I can see you"re a star

Don"t know your name but you"re made for the part

Cause you"re perfect babe

Time to work it babe

It"s your undress rehearsal

So take your clothes off

Show me how you show off

It"s your undress rehearsal

You the main attraction

Lights camera action

Ooh la la la la la la la la

Ooh la la la la la la la la la

Ooh la la la la la la la la

Ooh la la la la la la la la la

Stop let the credits roll

On star status need a telescope

Magazines that centerfold

All the dudes like "She could get it though"

She could get it though

(She could get it though)

From the top down like it sexual

See that wardrobe at awards show

Now it"s your name in a envelope like

It"s your undress rehearsal

So take your clothes off

Show me how you show off

It"s your undress rehearsal

You the main attraction

Lights camera action

Ooh la la la la la la la la

Ooh la la la la la la la la la

Ooh la la la la la la la la

Ooh la la la

Se-xy gi-rl let"s undress rehearsal

Se-xy gi-rl let"s undress rehearsal

Se-xy gi-rl let"s undress rehearsal

Se-xy gi-rl let"s undress rehearsal

Let it ride out let it ride out



1、TIMEFLIES乐队成立于2010年10月,是由制作人Rob Resnick和主唱Cal Shapiro组成的美国流行电子音乐组合。主唱卡尔和制作人雷兹分别来自纽约和新泽西,在波士顿建立TIMEFLIES乐队。TIMEFLIES乐队的音乐风格主要包含流行音乐、电子音乐和摇滚音乐。

2、一开始只致力于在音乐网站发表作品的他们,在发布了几张单曲之后,TIMEFLIES乐队在2011年9月19日发表他们的首张专辑《The Scotch Tape》,在itunes音乐上的下载量排行榜中迅速飙升至第2位,知名度开始大增。



歌曲名字叫《Undress Rehearsal》

歌手:timeflies 专辑:just for fun

Ooh, la la la

La la, la la la

Ooh, la la la

You deserve more than a Cameo

How are you not in my video?

Lets take it back to my studio

And we can let it roll tonight.

Girl come with me now your scenes about to start

I do believe I can see you"re a star

Don"t know your name but you"re made for the part

cause you"re perfect babe

Time to work it babe

It"s your undress rehearsal

so take your clothes off

show me how you show off

It"s your undress rehearsal

you da main attraction

Lights, camera, action

Ooh, lalala

Lala lalala

Ooh, lalala


Ooh, lalala

lala lalala

Ooh, lalala

No you don"t need to audition babe

don"t need no headshots or pictures babe

There"s no contract to negotiate

so we should let it roll tonight.

Girl come with me now your scenes about to start

I do believe I can see you"re a star

Don"t know your name but you"re made for the part

cause you"re perfect babe

Time to work it babe

It"s your undress rehearsal

so take your clothes off

show me how you show off

It"s your undress rehearsal

you da main attraction

Lights, camera, action

Ooh, lalala

Lala lalala

Ooh, lalala


Everybody say: Ooh, lalala

lala lalala

Ooh, lalala


Stop, let the credits roll

On star status "neath the telescope

Magazines at center fold

All the dudes like, she can get it though

she can get it though?

She can get it though.

From the top down looking sexual

See that wardrobe at a war shows

Now that"s your name in the envelope

It"s your undress rehearsal

so take your clothes off

show me how you show off

It"s your undress rehearsal

you da main attraction

Lights, camera, action

Ooh, lalala

Lala lalala

everybody say: Ooh, lalala


Everybody say: Ooh, lalala

lala lalala

Everybody say: Ooh, lalala

(Hey, hey, hey, hey, Let"s go!)

Sexy girl, bro

Let"s undress rehearsal

Sexy girl, bro

Let"s undress rehearsal

Sexy girl, bro


TIMEFLIES乐队成立于2010年10月,是由制作人Rob Resnick和主唱Cal Shapiro组成的美国流行电子音乐组合。 主唱卡尔和制作人雷兹分别来自纽约和新泽西,在波士顿建立TIMEFLIES乐队。TIMEFLIES乐队的音乐风格主要包含流行音乐、电子音乐和摇滚音乐。

主唱卡尔(Cal Shapiro)从少年时期开始就一直训练唱歌和即兴说唱,并在汉普郡举行的即兴说唱比赛中击败了卫冕冠军Puge,赢得他的第一个公开奖项。他在塔夫斯大学修读音乐与创业专业,并获得他的大学学位。其中在他的大学的二年级加入The Ride乐队后,卡尔爱上了表演。卡尔后来与The Ride乐队的鼓手雷兹组成了TIMEFLIES组合。卡尔的主要音乐影响来源为Robert Johnson,Janis Joplin,Muddy Waters和他最喜欢的Big L(D.I.T.C.组合的成员)。他喜欢苏格兰已经成为众所周知的事实,因此他们的第一张专辑的名字就叫做《The Scotch Tape》。

在高中时期,主编曲人雷兹(原名Rob Resnick)已在他的Pro Tools地下工作室曾尝试建立他的乐队Inevitable and After Tonight。而到了读塔夫茨大学的时候,主修音乐和哲学的雷兹在大二学年中,开始使用Reason, Digital Performer and Ableton Live等音频制作软件制作音乐。在这段时间里,雷兹已经培养成一个正式的DJ,并在一个著称于能在蓝调、庞克、嘻哈等音乐风格中穿梭的乐队The Ride中担任鼓手。雷兹还曾在Cedar Lake Camp中担任音乐总监,这给了他大量的音乐制作经验。他的主要音乐影响来源为Porter Robinson,Benny Blanco,Pretty Lights,and JR Rotem。


Kim Taylor的《I Am You》,经常出现在优酷小视频的温馨背景音乐


my boyfriend is gay 听听这首吧中间有啦啦啦!这是我力荐的一首英文歌!


Undress Rehearsal.这才是正确的,如果对了记得回来点赞






就叫la la la,Naughty Boy和Sam Smith的







umbrella (matte remix)这个很好听,中间有lalala


I Am You,很多人结婚放这首歌








控制台启动server时报"对于服务器server-1与计算机machin对于服务器AdminServer, 与计算机Machine-0相关联的节点管理器无法访问。所有所选服务器当前都处于与此操作不兼容的状态, 或未与运行的节点管理器关联, 或没有授权您执行请求的操作。不会执行任何操作次错误基本都遇到过。在网上搜了半天,最后才解决,基本如下:对于服务器server-1与计算机machine-2相关联的节点管理器无法访问。所有所选服务器当前都处于与此操作不兼容的状态, 或未与运行的节点管理器关联, 或没有授权您执行请求的操作。不会执行任何操作。原因:nodemanager没有启起来一、对于managedServer于adminServer在同一服务器上的情况:1、在控制台可查看该机器的节点管理器端口,比如为55562、用netstat -nap | grep 5556命令查看端口为5556的进程是否存在便知nodemanager是否已启动,这时肯定是不存在的3、但是用ps -ef |grep java命令查看进程,可看到NodeManager进程4、用kill -9 NodeManager进程号5、vi /etc/hosts查看ip地址配置是否正确6、vi /etc/sysconfig/network查看机器名配置是否正确7、vi $WL_HOME/common/nodemanager/nodemanager.properties查看以下配置是否正确,这里的端口5556就与上文提到的端口一致,如果端口不对可能是因为在前一次nodemanager起来之后,在控制台修改了端口,而在nodemanager.properties文件中保存的还是原端口,所以当再次启动nodemanager时,启动的端口不是修改后的而是原来的。ListenPort=5556SecureListener=falseStartScriptEnabled=true二、如果AdminServer在服务器A上,ManagedServer在服务器B上的情况:这时候不能启动nodemanager还可能是因为服务器B无法与服务器A通讯,这时候会报socket相关错误。此时,1、在B服务器上修改$WL_HOME/common/nodemanager/nodemanager.properties文件:SecureListener=falseStartScriptEnabled=true2、在B上$WL_HOME/common/bin/目录下执行wlst.sh脚本./wlst.sh即可3、执行完2后会来到wls:/offline>下,在此输入connect()回车4、此时会依次要求输入AdminServer的用户名、密码及url如下Please enter your username [weblogic] :weblogicPlease enter your password [weblogic] :Please enter your server URL [t3://localhost:7001] :t3://adminServerIP:port以上三项指服务器A上登录控制台时的用户名、密码及IP地址和端口5、如果第4步执行成功,则显示Successfully connected to Admin Server "AdminServer" that belongs to domain "my_domain".会跳到wls:/my_domain/serverConfig>my_damain指服务器A上的domain如果第4步执行不成功,会返回第3步重新输入connect()此时也可输入dumpStack()回车,查看具体错误6、第5步执行成功后,在wls:/my_domain/serverConfig>下依次执行nmEnroll("/home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager")nmEnroll("/home/weblogic/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/server_b_domain")这里的weblogic目录指服务器B上的weblogic目录,视自己的目录修改语句。7、注册成功后,按ctrl+c返回weblogic目录,再到$WL_HOME/servers/bin目录下nohup ./ &启动nodemanager如果启动时报以下错误严重: Fatal error in node manager Address already in useat Method)at weblogic.nodemanager.server.Listener.init( weblogic.nodemanager.server.NMServer.start( weblogic.nodemanager.server.NMServer.main( weblogic.NodeManager.main(说明前面以执行过该语句,此时需要杀掉nodemanager的进程号再次执行启动语句。补充:节点管理器类型可选择"普通"。
2023-07-07 20:47:173


你上传后的图片展示应该用上传后的网络路径,比如:"",而不是用"E:webjob0231personpersonPhoto20100120091326.jpg"这样的本地路径。因为在网络应用程序对本地图片没有访问权限。 -----------------------------------------------------------当你保存的时候,相当于服务端的内部逻辑,所以用FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("../person/personPhoto/" + filename));是没错的。但当从客户端打开网络应用程序时,调用的路径是相对于客户端的,比如"E:webjob0231personpersonPhoto20100120091326.jpg",这被认为是客户端的路径,和你直接在浏览器上键入这个地址是一样的效果,打开的是本地文件而不是服务端文件。所以在面向客户端的时候,比如展示图片,必须用网络路径。
2023-07-07 20:47:371


2023-07-07 20:47:453

Is That You? 歌词

歌曲名:Is That You?歌手:Bill Frisell专辑:Is That You?Bow Wow - Is That You (P.Y.T)Im Looking for thatpretty young thangup in the spot, looking hot playin` no gamesAnd she steady tryina get it crunk right from the jumpand she playin` no games.that you Shawty? (yea thats me)Did you come here to party? (Yes indeed)Ha But could you drop it down lowwhen its time to get lowif so baby girl lets go.(Come and get it boy)They say I act old, but I got that old man gameCause I stay tryina find me a pretty young thangthat I call anytime if she ready to hangand if sun"it jump off she be ready to bangI like `em fresh outta high schooljust about to graduate short shirtsed`day tryina show they little shapelow cut jump jeans lugz on hea feetneighborhood girl but she love the streetsIn a party she da main one doin dat right thurrEv"time hea jam drop hands up in the airr.And she aint thinkin you, she aint thinkin bout hea hurrAnd if you ballin homie she dont even really currShe got her mind set on what she wanna doAnd she aint come alone she got her whole little crew.Her P.Y.T"s that"ll make ya head spinEry nigga in the club tryina get inIm Looking for thatpretty young thangup in the spot, looking hot playin` no gamesAnd she steady tryina get it crunk right from the jumpand she playin` no games.that you Shawty? (yea thats me)Did you come here to party? (Yes indeed)Ha But could you drop it down lowwhen its time to get lowif so baby girl lets go.(Come and get it boy)They got a whole lot of attituderap is all that they listen tostays in the sweet tryina find somthin newcustom ipods with the rhinestonesnextel camara phones with all the hot ringtones.Light skin til black little PYT"sboricua mami"s that like to eat Mickey D"salways into sumthin like NWAgota little bittie frame but home she dont playYou know a gyrl is the reason that a nigga wanna stuntAnd im weak for em homie I aint even gon frontSee most young nigga"s like em oldernot me spot they spot me like in the summerI run up hit them with that Moss A gamelike "Baby wuz ya phone numba? Were ya live at?Shawdy what part of town? Cuz I just wanna be down!"Im Looking for thatpretty young thangup in the spot, looking hot playin` no gamesAnd she steady tryina get it crunk right from the jumpand she playin` no games.that you Shawty? (yea thats me)Did you come here to party? (Yes indeed)Ha But could you drop it down lowwhen its time to get lowif so baby girl lets go.(Come and get it boy)Pretty Young Thang repeat after mesay Nah nanana "Nah nanana"Nah nanana "Nah nanana"say pretty young thangs repeat after mesay Nah nanana "Nah nanana"Nah nanana "Nah nanana"Im Looking for thatpretty young thangup in the spot, looking hot playin` no gamesAnd she steady tryina get it crunk right from the jumpand she playin` no games.that you Shawty? (yea thats me)Did you come here to party? (Yes indeed)Ha But could you drop it down lowwhen its time to get lowif so baby girl lets go.(Come and get it boy)
2023-07-07 20:47:521

c语言输入一串字母 输出字母数字 其它字符的个数

对于这个问题,不需要存到数组。按照如下流程即可:1 输入一个字符,对该字符进行判断:a) 如果是数字,则数字累加器加一。b) 如果是字母,则字母累加器加一。c)如果是换行,则结束统计(以换行为结束符。如需其他结束符,根据需要更改判断)。2输出结果。代码:#include <stdio.h>int main(){int c, n, i;c=n=0;while(1){i = getchar();if(i>="0" && i <= "9") n++;else if((i>="a" && i <= "z")||(i>="A" && i <= "Z"))c++;else if(c==" ") break;}printf("数字%d个,字母%d个 ", n,c);return 0;}
2023-07-07 20:48:021

题目如下 #includestruct s {int a,b;} data[2]=10,100,20,200}; main() { struct s p=da...

struct s {int a,b;} data[2]={10,100,20,200}; 定义了一个数组,data[1]中的a未20b为200然后p=a[1],把a[1]的值赋给p
2023-07-07 20:48:092


#include<stdio.h>int main(){ int date=0,da=0,xiao=0; char c; c=getchar(); while(c!="!") { if(c>="a"&&c<="z") xiao++; if(c>="A"&&c<="Z") da++; if(c>="0" &&c<="9") date++; c=getchar(); // 输入多个字符} printf("xiao=%d,da=%d,date=%d ",xiao,da,date); return 0;}
2023-07-07 20:48:205


/*要求:1.集合元素不超过100个。2.集合用数组表示(数组预先定义大一些)。功能有:1.程序初始运行时任意输入一批初始数放入集合(可少可多,不少于5个,不超过30个)。2对该批数排序存放。程序完成前两步后,通过循环可以不断选择下面的某项功能执行(用提示语句列出菜单,通过读入某变量值,switch判断该变量,如接受到1表示执行第一项,依次类推,某项功能执行完可以返回菜单,也可退出系统):3.任意插入一个数到排好序的集合中,保持集合依然有序。4.在集合中删除一个元素。5.查询某个值是否在集合中(该数由键盘输入)。6.求出该数据集合的最大值和最小值及所在位置。7.找出数据集合中的所有素数。*/#include<iostream.h>#include<windows.h>/*charmenu[][100]={" **************************************","请选择操作:","1:输出现有数据;","2:插入一个数据;","3:删除一个数据;","4:查找指定数据;","5:找出数组中最大值","6:找出数组中最小值;","0:退出","*************************************** "};*/charmenu[]=" *************************************** 请选择操作: 1:输出现有数据; 2:插入一个数据; 3:删除一个数据; 4:查找指定数据; 5:找出数组中最大值; 6:找出数组中最小值; 0:退出。 *************************************** ";classArry{private:intarry[110];intnum;public:Arry();//用随机产生的数初始化数组并排序voidInsert(intia);//插入一个数voidShow();//输出现有数组voidDelete(intda);//删除指定的数voidFind(intfa);//查找指定的数voidFindMax();//找出最大数voidFindMin();//找出最小数};Arry::Arry(){num=30;inttemp=0;for(inti=0;i<110;i++)if(i<30)arry[i]=rand()/100;elsearry[i]=0;for(i=0;i<num-1;i++)for(intj=0;j<num-i-1;j++)if(arry[j]>arry[j+1]){temp=arry[j];arry[j]=arry[j+1];arry[j+1]=temp;}}voidArry::Insert(intia){inti=0;if(arry[0]>=ia){for(intj=num;j>0;j--)arry[j]=arry[j-1];arry[0]=ia;num++;}else{while(arry[i]<ia&&i<num)i++;for(intj=num;j>i;j--)arry[j]=arry[j-1];arry[j]=ia;num++;}}voidArry::Show(){cout<<"现有数据为: ";for(inti=0;i<num;i++){cout<<arry[i]<<" ";if((i+1)%5==0)cout<<endl;}cout<<endl;}voidArry::Find(intfa){intf=0;for(inti=0;i<num;i++)if(arry[i]==fa){f=1;cout<<"数组中第"<<i+1<<"个数是";cout<<arry[i]<<endl;}if(f==0)cout<<"数组中没有找到指定的数!"<<endl;}voidArry::Delete(intda){ints=0;for(inti=0;i<num;i++)if(arry[i]==da){for(intj=i;j<num-1;j++)arry[j]=arry[j+1];arry[j]=0;i--;num--;s++;}if(s)cout<<"删除了"<<s<<"个数据!"<<endl;elsecout<<"数组中没有找到指定的数!"<<endl;}voidArry::FindMax(){intp=0;intmax=arry[0];for(inti=1;i<num;i++)if(arry[i]>=max){max=arry[i];p=i;}cout<<"数组中最大数据是:"<<max<<endl;cout<<"在数组中的位置是第"<<p+1<<"个"<<endl;}voidArry::FindMin(){intp=0;intmin=arry[0];for(inti=1;i<num;i++)if(arry[i]<=min){min=arry[i];p=i;}cout<<"数组中最小数据是:"<<min<<endl;cout<<"在数组中的位置是第"<<p+1<<"个"<<endl;}voidmain(){Arrya;intchoice=0;intdata=0;while(1){//for(inti=0;i<10;i++)//cout<<menu[i]<<endl;cout<<menu;cin>>choice;switch(choice){case0:exit(1);break;case1:a.Show();break;case2:cout<<"输入要插入的数据:";cin>>data;a.Insert(data);break;case3:cout<<"输入要删除的数据:";cin>>data;a.Delete(data);break;case4:cout<<"输入要查找的数据:";cin>>data;a.Find(data);break;case5:a.FindMax();break;case6:a.FindMin();break;default:cout<<"操作错误! ";break;}}}
2023-07-07 20:48:373


以下是一个简单的 C 语言程序,可以用于输入十个数,并求出它们的最大值、最小值和平均值:```c#include <stdio.h>int main() { int i; double sum = 0.0, max, min, num; // 输入第一个数,并将其作为最大值和最小值的初始值 printf("请输入第1个数: "); scanf("%lf", &num); max = min = num; sum += num; // 循环输入剩余9个数,并更新最大值、最小值和总和 for (i = 2; i <= 10; i++) { printf("请输入第%d个数: ", i); scanf("%lf", &num); if (num > max) { max = num; } if (num < min) { min = num; } sum += num; } // 输出结果 printf("最大值为: %.2f ", max); printf("最小值为: %.2f ", min); printf("平均值为: %.2f ", sum / 10); return 0;}```在这个程序中,我们使用了一个 `for` 循环来输入十个数,并分别更新最大值、最小值和总和。需要注意的是,我们在循环开始时已经输入了第一个数,并将其作为最大值和最小值的初始值。最后,我们输出计算得到的最大值、最小值和平均值。需要注意的是,在计算平均值时,我们使用了总和除以10的方式来求解,因为本程序中输入了恰好十个数。如果输入的数目不是十个,应该相应地调整计算平均值的方式。
2023-07-07 20:48:473


没什么问题啊,除了 第7行 // int ;
2023-07-07 20:49:072


//你的错误太多,给你个新的#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>void da(int a[][4],int n){int i,j,row=0,col=0,max=a[0][0];for(i=0;i<n;i++)for(j=0;j<4;j++){if(a[i][j]>max){max=a[i][j];row=i;col=j;}}printf("最大值:a[%d][%d]=%d ",row,col,max); }int main(){int i,j,n,a[10][4];scanf("%d",&n);for(i=0;i<n;i++)for(j=0;j<4;j++)scanf("%d",&a[i][j]);da(a,n);return 0; }
2023-07-07 20:49:173


2023-07-07 20:49:383


2023-07-07 20:49:462


2023-07-07 20:49:542


2023-07-07 20:50:032


#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#define NULL 0void main(){FILE *fp1=NULL,*fp2=NULL;int xiao=0,da=0,shu=0,all[26],i;char ch;fp1=fopen("你要读取的文本名字.txt","r");//要把你要读取的文本放在程序所在的地方fp2=fopen("你想要保存位的文本的名字.txt","w");if(fp1==NULL) { printf("Can not open "); exit(0); }if(fp2==NULL) { printf("Can not open "); exit(0); }for(i=0;i<26;i++) all[i]=0;ch=fgetc(fp1);while(ch!=EOF) { if((ch>=65)&&(ch<=90)) { da++; all[ch-65]++; } else if((ch>=97)&&(ch<=122)) { xiao++; all[ch-97]++; } else if((ch>=48)&&(ch<=57)) { shu++; } ch=fgetc(fp1); }printf("小写字母个数为%d 大写字母个数为%d 数字个数为%d ",xiao,da,shu);fprintf(fp2,"小写字母个数为%d 大写字母个数为%d 数字个数为%d ",xiao,da,shu);for(i=0;i<26;i++)fprintf(fp2,"%c=%d ",i+65,all[i]);fclose(fp1);fclose(fp2);}vc++6.0运行成功
2023-07-07 20:50:112


#include<stdio.h>void main(){ int i,max,min,da,xiao,a[10]; printf("请输入任意10个整数 "); for(i=0;i<10;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); } max=a[0]; min=a[0]; for(i=1;i<10;i++) { if(a[i]>max) { max=a[i]; da=i;} if(a[i]<min){ min=a[i]; xiao=i;} } a[da]=a[0]; a[xiao]=a[9]; a[0]=max; a[9]=min; for(i=0;i<10;i++) printf("%d ",a[i]);}
2023-07-07 20:51:032


#include<iostream>#define max 100using namespace std;class bank{ int top; char date[max][10]; float money[max]; float rest[max]; static float sum;public: bank(){top=0;} void bankin(char d[],float m) { // 数组的名称即可作为指针使用 strcpy(date[top],d); money[top]=m; sum=m+sum; rest[top]=sum; top++; } void bankout(char d[],float m) { strcpy(date[top],d); money[top]=-m; sum=sum-m; rest[top]=sum; top++; } void disp() { int i; printf(" 日期 存入 取出 余额 "); for(i=0;i<top;i++) { printf("%8s ",date[i]); if(money[i]<0) printf("%6f ",-money[i]); else printf("%f ",money[i]); printf("%6d ",rest[i]); } }};float bank::sum=0;void main(){ bank obj; obj.bankin("2002.2.5",1000); obj.bankin("2001.3.2",2000); obj.bankout("2001.4.1",500); obj.bankout("2001.4.5",800); obj.disp();}
2023-07-07 20:51:149


h> void fun(int a[][34],int n) { int i,j; for(i=0;i<n;i++) for(j=0;j<=i;j++) { if(i==j) a[i][j]=1; else if(j==0) a[i][j]=1; else a[i][j]=a[i-1][j-1]+a[i-1][j]; } } int main() { int i,j,k,n; int a[34][34]; k=1; while(scanf("%d",&n)==1) // 输入你要显示的行数,如1,2,3,4,... { fun(a,n); printf("Case %d: ",k++); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for (j = 0; j < n - i; j ++) printf(" "); for(j=0;j<=i;j++) { if(j==i) printf("%d",a[i][j]); else printf("%d ",a[i][j]); } printf(" "); } printf(" "); } return 0; }第2个:#include<stdio.h>struct d{ int year; int month; int day;}data;int main(){ int m(struct d da); int n; printf("输入日期:"); scanf("%d%d%d",&data.year,&data.month,&; n=m(data); printf("该日期是%d年第%d天",data.year,n); return 0;}int m(struct d da){ if(da.month==1) return; int i,sum=0,mo[12]=; for(i=0;i<da.month-1;i++) { sum=sum+mo[i]; }; if(da.year%400==0||da.year%4==0&&da.year%100!=0) if(da.month>2) sum++; return sum;}
2023-07-07 20:51:311


#include<iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T>class List;template <typename T>class Node { friend class List<T>;private: T data; Node<T>* next;public: Node(){data=NULL;next=NULL;} Node(T& da) {data =da;next=NULL;} Node(T& da,Node<T>* ne) {data=da;next = ne};};template <typename T>class List{private: int length; Node<T>* head;//头结点,其next节点为第一个节点 Node<T>* last;//指向最后一个结点的指针public: List(); void insert (T& data); void remove (T data); int getLength() const{return length;}; void print () const; void reverse();};template <typename T>List<T>::List(){ length = 0; head = new Node<T>(); last = head;}template <typename T>void List<T>::insert(T &data){ last = last ->next =new Node<T>(data); length++;}template <typename T>void List<T>::remove(T data){ Node<T>* current = head; while (current->next!=NULL) { if(current->next->data==data) { Node<T>* temp = current->next; current->next = current->next->next; delete temp; length--; } else current = current->next; }}template <typename T>void List<T>::print() const{ Node<T>* current =head; while (current->next!=NULL) { current = current->next; cout<<current->data<<" "; }}template <typename T>void List<T>::reverse(){ Node<T>* temp1;//利用三个临时指针降List中每个结点的next倒向 Node<T>* temp2; Node<T>* temp3; last = head->next; temp1 = head; temp2 = temp1->next; while(temp2!=NULL) { temp3 = temp2->next; temp2->next = temp1; temp1 = temp2; temp2 = temp3; }//倒向完毕 last->next = NULL;//重新设置head和last head->next = temp1;}int main ()//测试代码{ List<int> one; int i1=34,i2=89,i3=232; one.insert(i1); one.insert(i1); one.insert(i1); one.insert(i1); one.insert(i2); one.insert(i3); one.print(); cout<<endl; one.reverse(); one.print(); cout<<endl; one.remove(34); one.print();}我用的是vc2008,应该没问题,都按照要求了
2023-07-07 20:51:393


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>struct A{ int a; char b[10]; double c;};struct A f(struct A t);void main(){ struct A a = {1001,"ZhangDa",1098.0}; a = f(a); printf("%d,%s,%6.1f ",a.a,a.b,a.c);}struct A f(struct A t){ t.a=1002; strcpy(t.b,"ChangRong"); t.c=1202.0; return t;}
2023-07-07 20:51:488

C++实现一个Date类 用日/月/年的格式输出日期,设置日期操作;在Date类基础上,实现一个可以进行加天数操作

#include<iostream.h>static int dys[]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};class date{ int yr,mo,da;public: date(int y,int m,int d) { yr=y; mo=m; da=d; } date() {} void disp() { cout<<yr<<"年"<<mo<<"月"<<da<<"日"<<endl; } date operator + (int day) { date dt=*this; day+=dt.da; while (day>dys[]) { day-=dys[];; if ( {; dt.yr++; } } dt.da=day; return dt; }};void main(){ int y,m,d,a,b; cout<<"输入年月日:"; cin>>y>>m>>d; date d1(y,m,d),d2,d3; d1.disp(); cout<<"输入要加的天数(整数):"; cin>>a; d2=d1+a; d2.disp();}
2023-07-07 20:52:051

The main streets _____ shining in the sun. A.seemed B.are seemed C.are seeming D.has seemed 选哪个

2023-07-07 20:52:123


双击led,在mode type的属性里调成digital
2023-07-07 20:52:223

#include "stdio.h" main() { int x=8; for(;x>0;x--) { if(x%3) {printf(%d,,x--}

#include <stdio.h>void main() { int x=8; for(;x>0;x--) { if(x%3) { printf("%d ",x--); } }}不知道你说什么意思,帮你完整了下
2023-07-07 20:52:432


2023-07-07 20:53:012

123.有以下程序 #include main() { int a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0; (a++ && b++) ? c++ : d++; printf(

2023-07-07 20:53:101


2023-07-07 20:53:192


2023-07-07 20:53:293


2023-07-07 20:53:382


你是沈师软件大一的吧???TC 2.0 /* welcome to use the WanNianLi system! Copyright @ 2005 KongXinCai All rights reserved!:):):)*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> char* month_str[]={"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"}; char* week[]={"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"}; int IsLeapYear(int year) /*find out the year is leap year or not*/ { if((year%4==0&&year%100!=0)||(year%400==0)) return 1; else return 0; } int month_day(int year,int month) { int mon_day[]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; if(IsLeapYear(year)&&month==2) return 29; else return(mon_day[month-1]); } int DaySearch(int year,int month,int day) /*search what day this day is*/ { int c=0; float s; int m; for(m=1;m<month;m++) c=c+month_day(year,m); c=c+day; s=year-1+(float)(year-1)/4+(float)(year-1)/100+(float)(year-1)/400-40+c; return ((int)s%7); } int PrintAllYear(int year)/*print the all year*/ { int temp; int i,j; printf(" %d Calander ",year); for(i=1;i<=12;i++) { printf(" %s(%d) ",month_str[i-1],i); printf("0 1 2 3 4 5 6 "); printf("S M T W T F S "); temp=DaySearch(year,i,1); for(j=1;j<=month_day(year,i)+temp;j++) { if(j-temp<=0) printf(" "); else if(j-temp<10) printf("%d ",j-temp); else printf("%d ",j-temp); if(j%7==0) printf(" "); } } return 0; } int main() { int option,da; char ch; int year,month,day; printf("Copyright @ 2005 TianQian All rights reserved!:):):)"); printf(" Welcome to use the WanNianLi system! "); while(1) { printf(" Please select the service you need: "); printf(" 1 Search what day the day is"); printf(" 2 Search whether the year is leap year or not"); printf(" 3 Print the calander of the whole year"); printf(" 4 Exit "); scanf("%d",&option); switch(option) { case 1: while(1) { printf(" Please input the year,month and day(XXXX,XX,XX):"); scanf("%d,%d,%d,%c",&year,&month,&day); da=DaySearch(year,month,day); printf(" %d-%d-%d is %s,do you want to continue?(Y/N)",year,month,day,week[da]); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&ch); if(ch=="N"||ch=="n") break; } break; case 2: while(1) { printf(" Please input the year which needs searched?(XXXX)"); scanf("%d",&year); if(IsLeapYear(year)) printf(" %d is Leap year,do you want to continue?(Y/N)",year); else printf(" %d is not Leap year,do you want to continue(Y/N)?",year); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&ch); if(ch=="N"||ch=="n") break; } break; case 3: while(1) { printf(" Please input the year which needs printed(XXXX)"); scanf("%d",&year); PrintAllYear(year); printf(" Do you want to continue to print(Y/N)?"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&ch); if(ch=="N"||ch=="n") break; } break; case 4: fflush(stdin); printf("Are you sure?(Y/N)"); scanf("%c",&ch); if(ch=="Y"||ch=="y") exit(0); break; default: printf(" Error:Sorry,there is no this service now! "); break; } } return 0; }
2023-07-07 20:53:481

c语言 求数列中最大值和最小值得差

2023-07-07 20:53:585


typedef double (*point) [2]; point read(int n); 这样如何?
2023-07-07 20:54:163


2023-07-07 20:54:251


要DOS下的图形界面的???C++/C#可以不?C太麻烦了 懒得写
2023-07-07 20:54:333


public static void main(string[] args){}
2023-07-07 20:54:523

C语言编程 求1 -3 5 -7 9 ....前20项和

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>int main(){ int n,sum,i; sum=0; for(i=0; i<20; i++) { n=1+i*2; if(i%2== 1) n=-n; sum+=n; } printf("result:%d",sum); return 0;}
2023-07-07 20:55:023


2023-07-07 20:55:111


input函数中,需要改为char a[10][80];int i;
2023-07-07 20:55:214


2023-07-07 20:55:302

老师出的turbo C语言设计题目。题目如下,跪求大神帮我打下源代码。参考。

2023-07-07 20:55:361


写一个程序即可。程序详情:#include "stdio.h"main(){int a,b,c;scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c);if(a>b&&a>c){if(b>c) printf("%d,%d,%d",a,b,c);else printf("%d,%d,%d",a,c,b);}if(b>c&&b>a){if(a>c) printf("%d,%d,%d",b,a,c);else printf("%d,%d,%d",b,c,a);}if(c>a&&c>b){if(a>b) printf("%d,%d,%d",c,a,b);else printf("%d,%d,%d",c,b,a);}getchar();}
2023-07-07 20:55:472


2023-07-07 20:56:036


#include<stdio.h>void fun2(char a1,char a2,char *a3,int b1,int b2,int *b3,float c1,float c2,float *c3){*a3=a1+a2;*b3=b1+b2;*c3=c1+c2;}void fun1(void){char a1=1,a2=2,a3;int b1=100,b2=300,b3;float c1=5.1,c2=6.8,c3;fun2(a1,a2,&a3,b1,b2,&b3,c1,c2,&c3);printf("a3=%d b3=%d c3=%f ",a3,b3,c3);}int main(){fun1();return 0;}
2023-07-07 20:56:181


#include<stdio.h>int main(){char c;int letters=0,space=0,digit=0,other=0;printf("请输入一段字符 ");while((c=getchar())!=" "){if(c>="a"&&c<="z"||c>="A"&&c<="Z")letters++;else if(c==" ")space++;else if(c>="0"&&c<="9")digit++;elseother++;}printf("字母数:%d 空格数:%d 数字数:%d 其他字符数:%d ",letters,space,digit,other);return 0;}如果没有问题请采纳 谢谢
2023-07-07 20:56:3210

请VB.net高手帮忙看一下这个错误 Fill 参数太多

简单的看了下,你代码写的也太不规范了吧?中西结合啊,你以为中西结合代码就很牛B吗?还是全英文吧。Fill方法有11个重载版本的,但是也不是很复杂,因为我们用的时候也就那么一两个。Fill(DataSet)和Fill(dataset ,tablename)。例如Da.Fill(objDataSet),或者Da.Fill(objDataSet,"Users")。我经常用第二种。你代码中的PasswordTextBox.Text是怎么回事?恕我眼拙!
2023-07-07 20:57:192

mcs 51系列单片机

2023-07-07 20:57:491


2023-07-07 20:57:572


#include <stdio.h>enum something{ aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ff,gg} ;void main(){enum something x[2][3]; int i,j;x[0][0]=dd;x[0][1]=ee;x[0][2]=ff;x[1][0]=aa;x[1][1]=bb;x[1][2]=cc;for (j=0;j<2;j++){for (i=0;i<3;i++) printf("%d ",x[j][i]);printf(" ");}}-------------------------------C++ 头文件换#include<iostream>using namespace std;输出用for (j=0;j<2;j++){for (i=0;i<3;i++) cout << x[j][i] << " ";cout << endl;}
2023-07-07 20:58:114


2023-07-07 20:58:213