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authentication method is disabled怎么解决

2023-07-07 23:29:32



Ubuntu待机启动出现Authentication Error

这两天用笔记本偶尔打开盖子时,Login界面会出现“Authentication Error”并且一直闪烁,同时无法输入密码并登录。万分无奈之下只好 ctrl+alt+f2 进入tty2,然后 sudo reboot 。 网上的资料不多,并且和我的情况似乎千差万别。后来我仔细回忆了一下,发现每一次这种情况之前,我都手动执行过 这个命令,这个主要是因为某些原因想尝试刷新一下 gnome-shell ,会不会是这个原因呢。手动实验了一下,果然待机启动后又出现这种情况。 这可能是gnome一个bug(附:所用gnome版本为3.28.4)。暂时没有解决方法,只好尽量不要使用这个命令。gnome是比较脆弱的,也尽量不要去kill掉gnome-shell的进程。即使真的需要重启gnome,那么记得待机之前保存好你的文档。
2023-07-07 18:57:211

http proxy server authentication error是什么意思

http proxy server authentication error是什么意思代理服务器认证错误
2023-07-07 18:57:315

qq邮箱发送邮件提示server authentication error

2023-07-07 18:57:542

authentication error occurred怎么解决

1. 在“计算机管理->服务”中,停止以下服务: VMware Authentication Service VMware Registration Service VMware DHCP Service VMware NAT Service
2023-07-07 18:58:001

【sudo】sudo: PAM authentication error: Module is unknown

是否使用PAM认证模块禁止wheel组之外用户su为root 这表明只有wheel组的成员可以使用su命令成为root用户。 可以把用户添加到wheel组,以使它可以使用su命令成为root用户。 添加方法为: 解决方法: sudo 命令的两个错误解决 无法添加用户,报“useradd: cannot open /etc/passwd”问题解决过程记录 CentOS 7.7 - sudo: PAM account management error: Permission denied
2023-07-07 18:58:071

VAC authentication error 这个是什么意思

VAC authentication errorVAC认证错误增值网(VAC,Value-Added Carrier,或称为公用数据网)是为需要建立国内或国际专用或虚拟网络的顾客提供远途通信服务的完整服务提供商。VAC提供顾客所需的所有数据链路,顾客只需付一张账单。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-07 18:58:151

ie浏览器在内网的一个网站总是出现Error 500: CAS authentication error错误

2023-07-07 18:58:242

ADT编译时报错:Authentication Error errorcode: 200 uid: -1 appid -1 msg: APP不存在,怎么解决?

日志信息是:E/baidumapsdk(1927): Authentication Error errorcode: 201 uid: -1 appid -1 msg: APP被用户自己禁用三星9500和三星note3,都提示这个日志信息,不能正常显示地图,只显示方格;小米3能正常显示地图。
2023-07-07 18:58:311

User authentication failed怎么解决

布阿提开 阿卜拉
2023-07-07 18:58:392


2023-07-07 18:59:062

Error of remote An authentication error has occurred The local Security Authority cannot be contac

2023-07-07 18:59:131


2023-07-07 18:59:211


600 An operation is pending. 一项未定的操作。601 The port handle is invalid. 该端口控制器不可用。602 The port is already open. 该端口已经打开。603 Caller‘s buffer is too small. 呼叫缓冲器太小。604 Wrong information specified. 错误的定义内容。605 Cannot set port information. 不能设置端口内容。606 The port is not connected. 该端口不能够被连接。607 The event is invalid. 该事件无效。608 The device does not exist. 此类设备不存在。609 The device type does not exist. 没有该设备类型。610 The buffer is invalid. 缓冲器不可用。611 The route is not available. 不可用的路线。612 The route is not allocated. 该路线不能够被分配。613 Invalid compression specified. 无效的压缩说明。614 Out of buffers. 缓冲器溢出。615 The port was not found. 端口没有找到。616 An asynchronous request is pending. 未定的非同步请求。617 The port or device is already disconnecting. 该端口或驱动器正在被断开连接。618 The port is not open. 该端口不能被打开。619 The port is disconnected. 该端口不能被拆除。620 There are no endpoints. 这没有端点。621 Cannot open the phone book file. 不能打开电话本。622 Cannot load the phone book file. 不能装入电话本。623 Cannot find the phone book entry. 不能找到电话本入口。624 Cannot write the phone book file. 不能写入电话本。625 Invalid information found in the phone book. 在电话本中存在不可用内容。626 Cannot load a string. 不能装入字符串。627 Cannot find key. 没有找到关键字。628 The port was disconnected. 该端口不能被连接。629 The port was disconnected by the remote machine. 该端口不能被远程计算机连接。630 The port was disconnected due to hardware failure. 该端口因为硬件设备故障而不能被连接。631 The port was disconnected by the user. 该端口不能被当前用户连接。632 The structure size is incorrect. 结构大小是正确的。633 The port is already in use or is not configured for Remote Access dial out. 该端口已经被使用或不能被配置为远程访问使用。634 Cannot register your computer on the remote network. 不能在远程网络上注册你的计算机。635 Unknown error. 未知错误。636 The wrong device is attached to the port. 一个错误的设备被连接到该端口。637 The string could not be converted. 该字符串不能够被转换。638 The request has timed out. 请求超时。639 No asynchronous net available. 没有可用的异步通讯网络。640 A NetBIOS error has occurred. 产生一个NETBIOS错误。641 The server cannot allocate NetBIOS resources needed to support the client. 该服务不能分配NETBIOS资源为用户所使用。642 One of your NetBIOS names is already registered on the remote network. 你的NETBIOS名字中的一个已经在远程网络中被注册。643 A network adapter at the server failed. 网卡的此项服务有问题。644 You will not receive network message popups. 你不能收到POPUPS的网络消息。645 Internal authentication error. 内部鉴定错误。646 The account is not permitted to log on at this time of day. 这个帐号在当天的这个时间不允许被登陆。647 The account is disabled. 这个帐号已经被禁止。648 The password has expired. 该密码已经中止。649 The account does not have Remote Access permission. 该帐号没有远程访问权限。650 The Remote Access server is not responding.远程访问服务没有被响应。651 Your modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error. 你的MODEM或其他网路设备报告一个错误。652 Unrecognized response from the device. 来自该设备未被认可得的响应。653 A macro required by the device was not found in the device .INF file section. 该设备必须得宏在该设备的INF文件中没有被找到。654 A command or response in the device .INF file section refers to an undefined macro。 在该设备INF文件中的一条命令或响应提供了一个未定义的宏。655 The macro was not found in the device .INF file section. 该“message”宏在该设备INF文件中不能被发现。656 The macro in the device .INF file section contains an undefined macro. 该“defaultoff”宏在该设备INF文件中包含了一个未定义的宏。657 The device .INF file could not be opened. 该设备的INF文件不能被打开。658 The device name in the device .INF or media .INI file is too long. 在INF文件中设备名或在INI文件中的介质说明太长。659 The media .INI file refers to an unknown device name. 该媒体的INI文件提供了一个未知的设备名。660 The device .INF file contains no responses for the command. 该设备的INF文件包含对该命令不响应的内容。661 The device .INF file is missing a command. 该设备的INF文件丢失一条命令。662 Attempted to set a macro not listed in device .INF file section. 试图设置的一个宏在设备的INF文件中没有列出。663 The media .INI file refers to an unknown device type. 媒体INI文件提供了一个未知的驱动器类型。664 Cannot allocate memory. 无法分配内存。665 The port is not configured for Remote Access. 该端口没有给远程访问配置权限。666 Your modem (or other connecting device) is not functioning. 你的MODEM或其他通讯设备当前是不活动的。667 Cannot read the media .INI file. 无法读取媒体INI文件。668 The connection dropped. 掉线。669 The usage parameter in the media .INI file is invalid. 在媒体INI文件中使用参数无效。670 Cannot read the section name from the media .INI file. 无法从媒体INI文件中读取段名。671 Cannot read the device type from the media .INI file. 无法从媒体INI文件中读取驱动器类型。672 Cannot read the device name from the media .INI file. 无法从媒体INI文件中读取驱动器名称。673 Cannot read the usage from the media .INI file. 无法从媒体INI文件中获得用法。674 Cannot read the maximum connection BPS rate from the media .INI file. 无法从媒体INI文件中读取最大连接BPS速率。675 Cannot read the maximum carrier BPS rate from the media .INI file. 无法从媒体INI文件中读取最大载波BPS速率。676 The line is busy. 线路忙。677 A person answered instead of a modem. 人工应答替代MODEM。678 There is no answer. 没有应答。679 Cannot detect carrier. 不能侦测到载波。680 There is no dial tone. 没有拨号音。681 General error reported by device. 设备报告的一般性错误。682 ERROR WRITING SECTIONNAME 写段名错误。683 ERROR WRITING DEVICETYPE 写设备类型错误。684 ERROR WRITING DEVICENAME 写设备名错误。685 ERROR WRITING MAXCONNECTBPS 写最大连接BPS错误。686 ERROR WRITING MAXCARRIERBPS 写最大载波BPS错误。687 ERROR WRITING USAGE 写用法错误。688 ERROR WRITING DEFAULTOFF 错误提示:写默认设备。689 ERROR READING DEFAULTOFF 错误提示:读默认设备。690 ERROR EMPTY INI FILE 错误提示:INI文件空。691 Access denied because username and/or password is invalid on the domain. 访问被拒绝是因为在本局域网中用户名或者密码无效。692 Hardware failure in port or attached device. 端口或者附属设备的硬件有故障。693 ERROR NOT BINARY MACRO 错误提示:没有二进制的宏。694 ERROR DCB NOT FOUND 错误提示:DCB没有被发现。695 ERROR STATE MACHINES NOT STARTED 错误提示:机器设备没有被启动。696 ERROR STATE MACHINES ALREADY STARTED 错误提示:机器设备已经被启动。697 ERROR PARTIAL RESPONSE LOOPING 错误提示:部分循环响应错误。698 A response keyname in the device .INF file is not in the expected format. 驱动器INI文件中的响应关键字不是标准的格式。699 The device response caused buffer overflow. 驱动器响应导致缓冲器溢出。700 The expanded command in the device .INF file is too long. 在驱动器的INI文件中的扩展命令太长。701 The device moved to a BPS rate not supported by the COM driver. 驱动器改变的BPS速率不被COM口支持。702 Device response received when none expected. 以外的收到设备响应。703 ERROR INTERACTIVE MODE 错误提示:交互模式。704 ERROR BAD CALLBACK NUMBER 错误提示:不可用的回叫号码。705 ERROR INVALID AUTH STATE 错误提示:无效的AUTH状态。706 ERROR WRITING INITBPS 错误提示: 初始化BPS错误。707 X.25 diagnostic indication. X—25诊断指示。708 The account has expired. 该帐号已经被拒绝。709 Error changing password on domain. 密码改变错误。710 Serial overrun errors were detected while communicating with your modem. 但使用你的MODEM通讯时,串行超限错误被侦测。711 RasMan initialization failure. Check the event log. RasMan 初始化失败。请检查事件记录。712 Biplex port is initializing. Wait a few seconds and redial. Biplex 端口正在初始化。等一会儿再拔号。713 No active ISDN lines are available. 非活动有ISDN线路可用。714 Not enough ISDN channels are available to make the call. 半速动行的ISDN通道对电话呼叫来说是有效的。715 Too many errors occurred because of poor phone line quality.电话线路低略造成太多的错误。716 The Remote Access IP configuration is unusable. 远程访问IP配置不可用。717 No IP addresses are available in the static pool of Remote Access IP addresses. 对于静态的远程访问IP地址库来说没有IP地址也是可用的。718 PPP timeout. PPP(Peer-Peer-Protocol)点对点协议通讯超时。719 PPP terminated by remote machine. PPP通讯被远程设备终止。720 No PPP control protocols configured. 没有PPP控制协议被配置。721 Remote PPP peer is not responding. 远程PPP设备没有应答。722 The PPP packet is invalid. 该PPP数据包是无效的。723 The phone number, including prefix and suffix, is too long. 电话号码(包括电话区号和分机号)太长。724 The IPX protocol cannot dial-out on the port because the computer is an IPX router. 因为这台计算机是IPX路由器,所以IPX协议在该端口不能被发送。725 The IPX protocol cannot dial-in on the port because the IPX router is not installed. 因为IPX路由器没有安装,所以IPX协议不能在该端口被接收。726 The IPX protocol cannot be used for dial-out on more than one port at a time. IPX协议在同一时间里只能由一个端口发送。727 Cannot access TCPCFG.DLL. 不能打开 TCPCFG.DLL文件。728 Cannot find an IP adapter bound to Remote Access. 没有找到用于远程访问的IP适配器。729 SLIP cannot be used unless the IP protocol is installed. 除非IP协议被安装,才能使用SLIP。730 Computer registration is not complete. 计算机注册没有完成。731 The protocol is not configured. 通讯协议没有被配置。732 The PPP negotiation is not converging. PPP数据流不能被收集。733 The PPP control protocol for this network protocol is not available on the server. 在该服务器上PPP控制协议对于整个网络协议是不可用的。734 The PPP link control protocol terminated.PPP链接控制协议被终止。735 The requested address was rejected by the server. 请求的地址被服务器弹出。736 The remote computer terminated the control protocol. 远程计算机终止了控制协议。737 Loopback detected. Loopback 被检测。738 The server did not assign an address. 该服务器没有分配一个地址。739 The remote server cannot use the Windows NT encrypted password. 远程服务器不能使用WIN NT 加密密码。740 The TAPI devices configured for Remote Access failed to initialize or were not installed correctly. 用于远程访问有TAPI设备初始化失败或没有被正确安装。741 The local computer does not support encryption. 本地计算机不支持加密。742 The remote server does not support encryption. 远程服务器不支持加密。743 The remote server requires encryption. 远程服务器需要加密。744 Cannot use the IPX net number assigned by the remote server. Check the event log. 不能使用由远程服务器分配的IPX网络号。请检查事件记录。752 A syntax error was encountered while processing a script. 当运行到该代码时产生了一个语法错误。753 The connection could not be disconnected because it was created by the multi-protocol router. 通讯不能被断开,因为该通讯被多协议路由器完成。754 The system could not find the multi-link bundle 系统不能找到多功能链接包。755 The system cannot perform automated dial because this entry has a custom dialer specified. 因为端口已经被打开,所以系统不能自动完成拔号。756 This connection is already being dialed拔号连接正在进行。757 Remote access services could not be started automatically. Additional information is .....远程访问服务器不能自动启动。增加信息是.......758 Internet connection sharing is already enabled on the connection. 可以进行INTERNET共享连接。760 An error occurred while routing capabilities were being enabled. 当路由容量正被打开时产生了一个错误。761 An error occurred while Internet connection sharing was being enabled for the connection. 当共享INTERNET连接被打开时产生了一个错误。763 Internet connection sharing cannot be enabled. There are two or more LAN connections in ..... 共享INTERNET连接不能被打开。在....中有两个或多个局域网连接在一起。764 No smart card reader is installed. 没有安装智能卡读卡器。765 Internet connection sharing cannot be enabled. A LAN connection is already configured ..... INTERNET共享连接不能被打开。局域网连接被配置为.....766 The system could not find any certificate. 系统不能找到任何加密算法。767 Internet connection sharing cannot be enabled. The LAN connection selected on the ..... . INTERNET共享连接不能被打开。局域网连接被设置在....768 The connection attempt failed because of failure to encrypt data. 因为错误的加密数据造成连接请求失败。769 The specified destination is not reachable. 没有找到目标设备。770 The remote machine rejected the connection attempt. 远程设备拒绝连接请求。771 The connection attempt failed because the network is busy. 因为网络忙造成连接请求失败。772 The remote computer‘s network hardware is incompatible with the type of call requested. 远程计算机的网络硬件与该类型的呼叫请求是不一致的。773 The connection attempt failed because the destination number has changed. 因为目标设备号码被改变导致连接请求失败。774 The connection attempt failed because of a temporary failure. Try connecting again. 因为临时性错误导致连接请求失败。请再试着连接。775 The call was blocked by the remote computer. 呼叫被远程计算机阻止。776 The call could not be connected because the destination has invoked the Do Not Disturb feature. 因为目标设备已经调用Do Not Disturb feature,所以呼叫不能被连接。777 The connection attempt failed because the modem on the remote computer is out of order. 因为远程计算机中的MODEM超负荷工作,连接请求失败。778 It was not possible to verify the identity of the server. 校验服务器的身份是不可能的。779 To dial out using this connection, you must use a smart card. 你必须使用智能卡才能在该连接上发送。780 An attempted function is not valid for this connection 对这次连接来说请求函数是无效的。781 The encryption attempt failed because no valid certificate was found. 因为没有找到有效的
2023-07-07 18:59:281

怎么解决邮箱在收取邮件时弹出“ERR认证失败-authentication failed,重新输入口令”?

?(提示535 Error: authentication failed) SASL认证失败的原因可分为如下几个可能的方面: Permission问题:对系统用户的SASL Auth尤其重要,要保证postfix用户(smtpd)对/etc/shadow有读权限,这必须将postfix加到root组并将shadow文件的组权限加到可读,但这毕竟有些危险,建议不要使用系统用户认证特性;另一方面,如果是用pam(例如pam_mysql, pam_ldap等),特别注意/etc/pam.d/smtp文件(Linux系统)对postfix用户也必须是可读,否则照样会造成认证失败的原因。 配置问题:如果使用pam_ldap, pam_mysql,那么要注意/usr/lib/sasl/smtpd.conf或/usr/lib/sasl2/smtpd.conf的内容不要写错,应该为pwcheck_method: pam 另外/etc/ldap.conf(pam_ldap)及pam_mysql的配置文件一权限要对,二配置必须正确,否则一样无法认证通过。 链接问题:主要指编译Postfix时将Postfix连接到错误的sasl 库,这在cyrus2.x里更加明显,一般linux发行版的cyrus 2.0.x其实是1.5.x及2.0.x的集成版,因此编译Postfix时如果连接到sasl1.x而smtpd.conf却放在/usr/lib/sasl2下那么认证无论如何都不会成功,请注意这点
2023-07-07 18:59:431


ADSL(非对称数字用户线环路)被欧美等发达国家誉为“现代信息高速公路上的快车”,因具有下行速率高、频带宽、性能优等特点而深受广大用户的喜爱,成为继Modem、ISDN之后的一种全新更快捷、更高效的接入方式。 ADSL是一种非对称的DSL技术,所谓非对称是指用户线的上行速率与下行速率不同,上行速率低,下行速率高,特别适合传输多媒体信息业务,如视频点播(VOD)、多媒体信息检索和其他交互式业务。ADSL在一对铜线上支持上行速率512Kbps~1Mbps,下行速率1Mbps~8Mbps,有效传输距离在3~5公里范围以内。 现在比较成熟的ADSL标准有两种——G.DMT和G.Lite。G.DMT是全速率的ADSL标准,支持8Mbps/1.5Mbps的高速下行/上行速率,但是,G.DMT要求用户端安装POTS分离器,比较复杂且价格昂贵;G.Lite标准速率较低,下行/上行速率为1.5Mbps/512Kbps,但省去了复杂的POTS分离器,成本较低且便于安装。就适用领域而言,G.DMT比较适用于小型或家庭办公室(SOHO),而G.Lite则更适用于普通家庭用户。 ADSL是目前众多DSL技术中较为成熟的一种,其带宽较大、连接简单、投资较小,因此发展很快,目前国内广州、深圳、上海、北京、成都等地的电信部门已先后推出了ADSL宽带接入服务,而区域性应用更是发展快速,但从技术角度看,ADSL对宽带业务来说只能作为一种过渡性方法。 ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line,非对称数字用户线)是一种通过现有普通电话线为家庭、办公室提供宽带数据传输服务的技术。ADSL即非对称数字信号传送,它能够在现有的铜双绞线,即普通电话线上提供高达8Mbit/s的高速下行速率,{由于ADSL对距离和线路情况十分敏感,随着距离的增加和线路的恶化,速率会受到影响}远高于ISDN速率;而上行速率有1Mbit/s,传输距离达3km----5km。ADSL技术的主要特点是可以充分利用现有的铜缆网络(电话线网络),在线路两端加装ADSL 设备即可为用户提供高宽带服务。ADSL的另外一个优点在于它可以与普通电话共存于一条电话线上,在一条普通电话线上接听、拨打电话的同时进行ADSL传输而又互不影响。用户通过ADSL接入宽带多媒体信息网与因特网,同时可以收看影视节目,举行一个视频会议,还可以很高的速率下载数据文件,这还不是全部,你还可以在这同一条电话线上使用电话而又不影响以上所说的其它活动.安装ADSL也极其方便快捷。在现有的电话线上安装ADSL,除了在用户端安装 ADSL通讯终端外,不用对现有线路作任何改动。使用ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line,非对称数字用户线)技术,通过一条电话线,以比普通MODEM快一百倍浏览因特网,通过网络学习、娱乐、购物,享受到先进的数据服务如视频会议、视频点播、网上音乐、网上电视、网上MTV的乐趣,已经成为现实。DSL(数字用户线路,DigitalSubscriberLine)是以铜质电话线为传输介质的传输技术组合,它包括HDSL、SDSL、VDSL、 ADSL和RADSL等,一般称之为xDSL。它们主要的区别就是体现在信号传输速度和距离的不同以及上行速率和下行速率对称性的不同这两个方面。HDSL与SDSL支持对称的T1/E1(1.544Mbps/2.048Mbps)传输。其中HDSL的有效传输距离为3-4公里,且需要两至四对铜质双绞电话线;SDSL最大有效传输距离为3公里,只需一对铜线。比较而言,对称DSL更适用于企业点对点连接应用,如文件传输、视频会议等收发数据量大致相应的工作。同非对称DSL相比,对称DSL的市场要少得多。VDSL、ADSL和RADSL属于非对称式传输。其中VDSL技术是xDSL技术中最快的一种,在一对铜质双绞电话线上,上行数据的速率为13到 52Mbps,下行数据的速率为1.5到2.3Mbps,但是VDSL的传输距离只在几百米以内,VDSL可以成为光纤到家庭的具有高性价比的替代方案,目前深圳的VOD(Videoondemand)就是采用这种接入技术实现的;ADSL在一对铜线上支持上行速率640Kbps到1Mbps,下行速率 1Mbps到8Mbps,有效传输距离在3-5公里范围以内;RADSL能够提供的速度范围与ADSL基本相同,但它可以根据双绞铜线质量的优劣和传输距离的远近动态地调整用户的访问速度。正是RADSL的这些特点使RADSL成为用于网上高速冲浪、视频点播(IAV)、远程局域网络(LAN)访问的理想技术,因为在这些应用中用户下载的信息往往比上载的信息(发送指令)要多得多。据CNNIC(中国国家网络信息中心)统计,截至1997年10月31日,中国上网用户数达62万,其中49.1%的用户认为Internet最令人失望的地方是网上速度太慢,36.2%的用户则认为是上网收费太贵;而截至1998年6月30日,在不到一年的时间里,以上三个统计数字都将近翻了一番,分别是:117.5万,88.9%,61.2%。由此可见,随着中国Internet上网用户数的飞速膨胀,网上速度太慢和收费太贵愈发成为中国 Internet发展的两大障碍。ADSL接入服务能做到较高的性能价格比这一点,与ADSL接入技术较其它接入技术具有其独特的技术优势是分不开的。下面看看ADSL与其它接入服务的比较:ADSL与CableModem的比较:与CableMode相比,ADSL技术具有着相当大的优势。CableModem的HFC接入方案采用分层树型结构,其优势是带宽比较高(10M),但这种技术本身是一个较粗糙的总线型网络,这就意味者用户要和邻近用户分享有限的带宽,当一条线路上用户激增时,其速度将会减慢。再者,有关资料表明,大部分情况下,HFC方案必需兼顾现有的有线电视节目,而占用了部分带宽,只剩余了一部分可供传送其它数据信号,所以CableModem的理论传输速率只能达到一小半。国外公司实验表明,其速率减为1M-2Mbps,更常见的是400K-500Kbps。综合来看,即使在理想状态下,HFC只相当于一个 10Mbps的共享式总线型以太网,而ADSL接入方案在网络拓扑结构上较为先进,因为每个用户都有单独的一条线路与ADSL局端相连,它的结构可以看作是星型结构,它的数据传输带宽是由每一用户独享的。ADSL与普通拨号Modem及N-ISDN的比较:A)比起普通拨号Modem的最高56K速率,以及N-ISDN128K的速率,ADSL的速率优势是不言而喻的。B)与普通拨号Modem或ISDN相比,ADSL更为吸引人的地方是:它在同一铜线上分别传送数据和语音信号,数据信号并不通过电话交换机设备,减轻了电话交换机的负载,并且不需要拨号,一直在线,属于专线上网方式。这意味着使用ADSL上网并不需要缴付另外的电话费。不对称数字用户线(ADSL)ADSL可以向用户提供6Mbps以上的数据传输带宽,这一条件已经足以实现Internet接入、视频点播和访问局域网。在交互模式下ADSL能够达到640 kbps的双向传输速率。ADSL技术把现有公共电话网络的数据传输带宽提高了50倍。ADSL技术ADSL通过普通电话线传输数据的速度几乎比今天的调制解调器快200倍,比ISDN快90倍。全球范围内的早期测试和实验都表明,ADSL是一种大有希望的接入技术。ADSL掉线处理方法 ADSL掉线涉及到多方面的问题,包括线路故障(线路干扰)、ADSL Modem故障(发热、质量、兼容性)、网卡故障(速度慢、驱动程序陈旧)等等。运营商与用户应做以下常规检查:ADSL电话线接头是否稳妥可靠:是否远离电源线和大功率电子设备;ADSL入户线和分离器之间是否安装电话分机、传真机、计费器等设备:是否正确安装分离器;淘汰老式的ISA网卡,换成10/100M的PCI网卡及最新驱动程序;ADSL Modem散热是否良好;ADSL Modem指示灯状态是否正常。 ADSL掉线的原因和处理方法如下: (1)接地线质量问题。 PC接地性能一定要好。否则静电会影响ADSL的传输速率甚至会引起掉线。一般PC接地电阻应小于10Ω。另外,由于施工时电源布放不规范,有的没有接地线,或地线质量不合格,也会影响网络设备的正常使用,甚至出现掉线问题,应及时整改。 (2)线路有强干扰源。 距离用户电缆线路100m内的无线电发射塔、电焊机、电车或高压电力变压器等强信号干扰源,使用户下线接收杂波(铜包钢线屏蔽弱.接收信号能力强),对用户线引起强干扰。受干扰的信号往往是从无屏蔽的下线部分进入,因为中继电缆有屏蔽层,干扰影响很小,如果在干扰大的地方用一些带屏蔽的下线,就会减少因干扰造成的速率不稳定或掉线。另外,电源线不可与ADSL线路并行,以防发生串扰导致ADSL故障。 (3)网卡质量不稳定。 故障现象是网络只要一断开,再也连不上。用户Modem的DSL灯常亮,基本排除线路故障,问题多数出在网卡上。如果排除了网线、微机、插槽的问题,一般为网卡质量不稳定,应及时更换网卡。 (4)用户线路距离远。 不规则掉线多由线路质量差或距离远引起,可用ADSL测试仪测试信号衰减和干扰强弱,找出比较好的线路替换。一般用户中继线路不应超过5km,从分线箱进入用户房间的电话下线不应超过100m。 (5)能上网,但电话掉线。 原因多为交接间端子板线卡断,因断线头和端子板距离很近,因此数据感应能通过,而语音过不去;如用户距局端很近,室内线混线也可造成上述故障。 (6)上网、通话不兼顾。 一般为外线绝缘不良或有接头接触不良。用户端外线绝缘不良,用户上网时一拿电话手柄告警灯就闪,WAN灯熄灭,修好外线后故障立刻解除。 (7)能通话,但上网掉线。 一般用户接错线的情况是把接Modem的线接在话机上,就会出现话机能用,而上网掉线。这时ADSL Modem状态灯LINE灯不亮。在查故障时应先仔细查看设备使用接线位置,平时尽量少变动,以免接错线。 (8)错误串电话分机。 由于不正确串接电话分机,从而造成串扰,引起上网数据畸变。如果必须使用电话分机,则应串接一个分离器。 错误代码:602 The port is already open. This error usually occurs under Windows 95/98 and indicates that there is no dial-up adapter present in the Network applet of the Control Panel. To resolve the problem, remove WinPoET, add a dial-up adapter, and then restart the PC. You may also receive this error if you attempt to connect when WinPoET is already connected. 602错误,端口已经打开。原因:计算机上没有安装拨号网络,或连接已经连接。 604 Wrong information specified. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. 604错误,你输入了不正确的用户名或密码。 617 The port or device is already disconnecting. This error usually occurs under Windows 95/98 and indicates that there is no dial-up adapter present in the Network applet of the Control Panel. To resolve the problem, remove WinPoET, add a dial-up adapter, and then restart the PC. 617错误,端口已经断开。原因计算机没有拨号网络。 618 The port is not open. This error usually occurs on Windows 95/98 and indicates that there is no dial-up adapter present in the Network applet of the Control Panel. To resolve the problem, remove WinPoET, add a dial-up adapter, and then restart the PC. 618错误,端口没有打开。原因计算机没有拨号网络。 619 The port is disconnected.OR The specified port is not connected. This error could indicate a problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Contact your ISP for assistance. 619错误,ISP错误,联系ISP以寻求帮助。 621 Cannot open the phone book file. This error occurs on Windows NT 4.0 Workstation or Server. To resolve the problem, go the RAS settings and configure the iVasion PoET adapters for dial-out only. 621错误,不能打开电话本。解决:修改RAS的设置,使虚拟网卡可以拨出。 622 Cannot load the phone book file. Same as error 621. 622错误,不能加载电话本。 623 Cannot find the phone book entry. Same as error 621. 623错误,没找到电话本 624 Cannot write the phone book file. Same as error 621. 624错误,不能写电话本文件 625 Invalid information in the phone book. Same as error 621. 625错误,电话本中含有无效信息。 629 The port was disconnected by the remote machine. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. ?OR ?The connection is not valid (for example, the cable is unplugged). 629错误,连接被远程计算机中断。原因;你输入了不正确的用户和密码,或连接是无效的(电缆被拔出) 630 The port was disconnected due to hardware failure. This error occurs if you try to connect when WinPPPoverEthernet.exe is not running or is not fully loaded. Wait a moment and try again. 630错误,硬件故障。 631 The port was disconnected by the user. You clicked Cancel on the WinPoET Dialer dialog box. 631错误,连接被用户中断。 633 The port is already in use or is not configured for Remote Access dial out. On Windows 95/98, refer to error number 602 for information. On Windows NT 4.0, refer to error number 621 for information. 633错误,端口正被使用。 634 Cannot register your computer on the remote network. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. ?OR ?There is a problem with your ISP. Contact them for assistance. 634错误,不能在远程网络注册你的计算机。原因;你输入了错误的用户和密码,或ISP问题。 645 Internal authentication error. Typically, this error occurs if you have not appended your user name with the correct AC-specified context. ?OR ?No dial-up adapter is installed. See Installing the iVasion PoET Adapter for Windows NT. 645错误,内部认证错误。 646 The account is not permitted to log on at this time of day. Your account is time-restricted. Try again during your designated time period. 646错误,帐号此时不可使用,你的帐号有使用时间限制。 647 The account is disabled. Your account is disabled. Contact your ISP for assistance. 647错误,帐号被禁止。 648 The password has expired. Your password has expired. Contact your ISP for assistance. 648错误,密码已经到期。 649 The account does not have Remote Access permission. You probably have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. 649错误,帐号没有远程访问许可, 651 Your modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error. You may have either incorrectly installed WinPoET or removed the iVasion PoET adapter (in Windows 95/98). Remove WinPoET, restart your PC, and then install WinPoET again. 651错误,MODEM或连接设备报告错误。 652 Unrecognized response from the device. You may have either incorrectly installed WinPoET or removed the iVasion PoET adapter (in Windows 95/98). Remove WinPoET, restart your PC, and then install WinPoET again. 652错误,无效的设备应答。 665 The port is not configured for Remote Access. This error occurs under Windows NT (WKS or SVR). The solution is to go into the RAS settings and configure the iVasion PoET adapters for dial-out only, as well as the TCP/IP protocol only. 665错误,端口未被配置为可使用RAS。 691 Access denied because username and/or password is invalid on the domain. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. 691错误,访问拒绝,因为用户或密码在域上无效。 692 Hardware failure in port or attached device. This error occurs if you try to connect when WinPPPoverEthernet.exe is not running or is not fully loaded. Wait a moment and try again. ?OR ?On Windows NT, you may have reinstalled WinPoET without removing the previous installation adapters. 692错误,硬件错误。 708 The account has expired. Your account has expired. Contact your ISP for assistance. 708错误,帐号已经到期。 711 RasMan initialization failure. Check the event log. This error may occur on Windows NT. Reapply the Microsoft Windows NT Service Pack. 711错误,RAS管理初始化失败。 718 PPP timeout. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. ?OR ?The connection is not valid (for example, the cable is unplugged). 718错误,PPP超时。原因:用户密码错误或连接无效。 719 PPP terminated by remote machine. Although a valid connection is detected, it is not working. Contact your ISP for assistance. 719错误,PPP被远程机器中断。原因;虽然检测到有效的连接,但该连接不可工作,联系ISP请求帮助。 720 No PPP control protocols configured. This error is generated when there is an Access Concentrator (AC) problem with your ISP; contact them for assistance. 720错误,没有PPP控制协议。该错误产生于ISP的AC(访问集中器)故障。联系ISP。 721 Remote PPP peer is not responding. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. ?OR ?The connection is not valid (for example, the cable is unplugged). 721错误,远程PPP没有响应。 734 The PPP link control protocol has been terminated. This error occurs on Windows NT if NetBIOS is not installed. In the Network applet of the Control Panel, install the NetBIOS Interface service. 734错误,PPP连接控制协议被终止。该错误通常发生在NT中没有安装NETBIOS时。 735 The requested address was rejected by the server. You may have entered an IP address in the phone book entry. Remove the IP address and try again. 735错误,请求的地址被服务器拒绝。 739 The remote server cannot use the Windows NT encrypted password. You may have selected an NT encrypted password in the phone book entry. Clear this check box and try again. 739错误,远程服务器不能使用加密口令。你可能选择了加密口令,请使用明文或可被服务器接受的口令方式。 751 Error occurred during dialing. Error code = 751. Extended error code = 0. Both dial -up adapters are already in use by other connections. 751错误,拨号时发生错误。原因;所有的拨号网络都在被其他连接使用。 752 Error occurred during dialing. Error code = 752. Extended error code = 0. This error occurs if the TCP/IP bindings have been removed from the Ethernet card. To resolve the problem, restart your computer. 752错误,拨号时发生错误。原因:网卡上TCP/IP协议绑定被删除了。 说明:本错误代码是WINDOWS拨号网络的通用错误,适用范围是一切拨号网络,包括ADSL的WINPOET虚拟拨号。
2023-07-07 18:59:542


2023-07-07 19:00:115

telnet路由器地址可以输入Username和Password 但下一步输入ena时就提示error in authentication 怎么办

en密码没设置 所以不让进入特权模式
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2023-07-07 19:01:061

authentication token manipulation error 什么原因

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用foxmail连接企业邮箱,在发邮件的时候显示“错误信息:454 Error: authentication failed, system busy

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我的QQ邮箱出现了"authentication failed"错误,如何解决?

2023-07-07 19:01:461


2023-07-07 19:01:531

Foxmail邮箱发邮件时显示454 Error: authentication failed, system busy,发不了了,怎么办?

这个提示的发送错误,系统繁忙。你改下这个试试 账户--》属性--》服务器--》勾选“我的smtp服务器需要身份认证”,这个是QQ邮箱的 账户-》POP3/IMAP/SMTP--》选择开启POP3/SMTP服务
2023-07-07 19:02:021

IOS报错 Code=1000

原因:因为Xcode中没有添加sign in with apple。
2023-07-07 19:02:211

foxmail邮件发不出去,总显示454 Error: authentication failed, system busy,服务器上该钩的都钩了

2023-07-07 19:02:281

Command failed with error 18 (AuthenticationFailed): ‘Authentication failed.’

先说原因 语法: db.createUser(user, writeConcern) user这个文档创建关于用户的身份认证和访问信息; writeConcern这个文档描述保证MongoDB提供写操作的成功报告。 · user文档,定义了用户的以下形式: { user: "<name>", pwd: "<cleartext password>", customData: { <any information> }, roles: [ { role: "<role>", db: "<database>" } | "<role>", ... ] } user文档字段介绍: user字段,为新用户的名字; pwd字段,用户的密码; cusomData字段,为任意内容,例如可以为用户全名介绍; roles字段,指定用户的角色,可以用一个空数组给新用户设定空角色; 在roles字段,可以指定内置角色和用户定义的角色。
2023-07-07 19:02:351

passwd: Authentication token manipulation error

这是Linux/Unix 修改密码(或单用户模式重置密码)的时候提示的错误,修改失败有很多种原因,以下是权限问题的解决办法: (1)查看 /etc/passwd /etc/shadow 的属性 发现两个文件的属性不一致所致,如下图: (2)去掉/etc/shadow文件的a属性: 使文件 /etc/passwd和 /etc/shadow具有相同的属性。如下图: (3)再执行passwd修改用户密码即可成功。如下图:
2023-07-07 19:02:531


使用:throw new AuthException("ssCode","登录错了");返回:{ "error" : "ssCode", "error_description" : "登录错了"}文章知识点与官方知识档案匹配Java技能树首页概览86213 人正在系统学习中打开CSDN,阅读体验更佳springsecurity+oauth2+jwt实现单点登录demo该资源是springsecurity+oauth2+jwt实现的单点登录demo,模式为授权码模式,实现自定义登录页面和自定义授权页面。应用数据存在内存中或者存在数据库中(附带数据库表结构),token存储分为数据库或者Redis。demo包含服务端和客户端,可直接运行测试。Spring Security OAuth2 认证服务器自定义异常处理认证服务器默认返回的数据格式如下: { "error": "unsupported_grant_type", "error_description": "Unsupported grant type: password1" } 上面的返回结果很不友好,而且前端代码也很难判断是什么错误,所以我们需要对返回的错误进行统一的异常处理 1.默认的异常处理器 默认情况是使用WebRespo...继续访问自定义spring security oauth /auth/token的返回内容格式场景 在前后端分离的项目中,一般后端返回给前端的格式是一个固定的json格式。 在这个前提下,spring security oauth 生成access token的请求/auth/token的返回内容就需要自定义 原返回值 我们希望使用我们自己固定的json格式 需求 我们的BaseResponse类 public class BaseResponse { pri...继续访问Spring Security OAuth2模块/oauth/token授权接口自定义返回结果spring security提供了默认的oauth登录授权接口/oauth/token,该接口位于包中的TokenEndpoint类。 公司要实现自定义的登录授权接口,且返回值也要实现私有结构,下面大概讲一下怎么改造这个类来实现要求的业务逻辑。 一、利用Spring AOP方式 二、自定义Controller接口实现 简单粗暴,直接把TokenEndpointer类注入到自定义Controller中;继续访问Spring Security Oauth2 自定义异常返回信息开头引用 在使用Spring Security Oauth2登录和鉴权失败时,默认返回的异常信息如下 { "error": "unauthorized", "error_description": "Full authentication is required to access this r...继续访问oauth2.0源码分析之oauth/token申请令牌本期介绍的是在oauth2.0中 , 通过调用oauth/token接口 , 框架是如何给我们申请到JWT令牌的 , 内部做了些什么事情 ? 在分析源码之前 , 我们首先需要知道的是我们需要具备哪些调试条件 , 不然会发现许多奇奇怪怪的错误 (比如通过/oauth/token时出现401) 1.一张oauth2.0的内置表(oauth_client_details) 注意:这里的密码需要用Bcript加密 , 因为源码内部是用Bcript解密的 2.两把钥匙: 一本是后缀为jks的私钥 另一本是后缀为k继续访问SpringSecurity+OAuth2认证/oauth/token登录报错There is no client authentication报错信息: { "error": "unauthorized", "error_description": "There is no client authentication. Try adding an appropriate authentication filter." } 找到这个问题原因后,发现自己被自己蠢哭了。 在自己的核心配置类里,把这个/oauth/token加入到忽...继续访问spring security+Oauth2密码模式认证时,报401,Unauthorized的问题排查第一种情况: 进行 /auth/token的post请求时,没有进行httpbasic认证。 什么是http Basic认证? http协议的一种认证方式,将客户端id和客户端密码按照“客户端ID:客户端密码”的格式拼接,并用base64编码,放在 header中请求服务端。例子如下: Authorization:Basic ASDLKFALDSFAJSLDFKLASD= ASDLKFALDSFAJSLDFKLASD= 就是 客户端ID:客户端密码 的64编码 springsecurity中的...继续访问最新发布 SpringBoot使用SpringSecurity,使用oauth2登录,使用自定义/uaa/oauth/token报错解决SpringBoot使用SpringSecurity,使用oauth2登录,使用自定义/uaa/oauth/token报错解决继续访问 WebAPI OWIN OAuth2.0授权自定义返回结果及错误或异常问题处理办法 WebAPI OWIN OAuth2.0授权自定义返回结果及错误或异常问题处理核心代码,详情: WebAPI Token JWT Bearer 认证失败和成功返回自定义数据 WebAPI Token Oauth2.0授权自定义返回结果(包括登录正确返回,登录失败返回)。 详细参考: Security OAuth2 token权限隔离实例解析主要介绍了Spring Security OAuth2 token权限隔离实例解析,文中通过示例代码介绍的非常详细,对大家的学习或者工作具有一定的参考学习价值,需要的朋友可以参考下spring security oauth其中的/oauth/token做了哪些项目场景: 问题描述: 提示:这里描述项目中遇到的问题: 例如:数据传输过程中数据不时出现丢失的情况,偶尔会丢失一部分数据 APP 中接收数据代码: 原因分析: 提示:这里填写问题的分析: 例如:Handler 发送消息有两种方式,分别是 Handler.obtainMessage()和 Handler.sendMessage(),其中 obtainMessage 方式当数据量过大时,由于 MessageQuene 大小也有限,所以当 message 处理不及时时,会造成先传的数据被覆盖,进而.继续访问Spring Security OAuth2 自定义 token Exception 1. 前言 在使用Spring Security Oauth2登录和鉴权失败时,默认返回的异常信息如下 { "error": "unauthorized", "error_description": "Full authentication is required to继续访问前后端分离 token过期 返回状态码1.首先配置Mvc配置文件类 @Configuration public class BackendConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport { @Autowired private LoginInterceptor loginInterceptor; @Override public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) { regi继续访问SpringSecurityOAuth2(2)请求携带客户端信息校验,自定义异常返回,无权处理,token失效处理...上文地址:SpringSecurityOAuth2(1)(password,authorization_code,refresh_token,client_credentials)获取token 上一篇博客写了一个至简的OAuth2的token认证服务器,只实现了4种获取token的方式 ,对...继续访问oauth2.0自定义token失效返回信息oauth2.0自定义token失效返回信息 一、问题 由于spring security oauth2返回的失效信息对于客户端不太有好,在网上找了自定义的解决方案以便更优雅的展示返回信息。 重写框架里的方法,实现自定义。 二、配置类 Oauth2ResourceServer extends ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter @Override public void configure(ResourceServerSecurityConfigurer reso继续访问热门推荐 解决Spring Security OAuth在访问/oauth/token时候报401 authentication is required先来张图片 我在用psotman 测试oauth授权码模式的出现了401的异常, 就是调用oauth/token. 我是想用code换token,但是发现报错了。这是为什么呢? 首先你要理解 /oauth/token 这个如果配置支持allowFormAuthenticationForClients的,且url中有client_...继续访问spring security 和OAuth2 整合访问 localhost:8082/oauth/token 报401的问题,或者403的问题@Bean public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() { /** * 采坑 * spring-boot2 之后废弃了MD5,使用BCryptPasswordEncoder()加密; * */ return new BCryptPasswordEncoder(); } 注意在security的配置内中,要使用BCryptPasswordEncoder 加密,..继续访问数据库课程设计c语言文件读写操作代码html+css+js网页设计写评论
2023-07-07 19:03:002

解决 redis (error) NOAUTH Authentication required 问题

mac 进入 redis-cli 运行命令报错:(error) NOAUTH Authentication required 这是 redis 设置了认证密码,输入密码验证即可。 如果忘记了密码,可以在 redis 配置文件( /etc/redis.conf )中查看 requirepass 这个配置项,他的值就是密码
2023-07-07 19:03:071

YAPI内网部署问题:MongoNetworkError: Authentication failed., mongodb Authentication failed

当Yapi部署完成之后,使用命令 node vendors/server/app.js 准备启动Yapi 服务的时候,出现MongoDB权限不够的报错 MongoNetworkError: Authentication failed., mongodb Authentication failed 出现这个问题的原因主要是因为输入启动服务命令的目录位置不对,在部署时会自动生成my-yapi目录,这个是我们在部署Yapi服务时候生成相关配置信息都存放在这个地方,可以 cd my-yapi/ 可以看到服务正常启动 使用默认管理员账号可以正常登录
2023-07-07 19:03:141

DameWare在远处同事电脑是报错 authentication failed:System error:5 System message :Access denid 谢!

2023-07-07 19:03:211


aaa new-modelaaa authentication login default group tacacs+ localaaa authentication enable default group tacacs+ enableaaa authorization config-commandsaaa authorization commands 15 default group tacacs+ localaaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+aaa accounting commands 0 default start-stop group tacacs+aaa accounting commands 15 default start-stop group tacacs+enable secret 5有缘人 解释一下每条的意思,小弟初学者请教!aaa new-model 启用aaa服务aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ local 定义登陆会话认证,认证名为默认,先采用tacacs服务认证,如果没有就用本地认证aaa authentication enable default group tacacs+ enable 定义登陆特权认证,认证名为默认,先采用tacacs服务认证,如果没有就用本地特权密码设置aaa authorization config-commands 设置授权配置命令aaa authorization commands 15 default group tacacs+ local定义授权,授权权限为级别15,授权名为默认,先采用tacacs服务授权,如果没有就用本地设置的授权aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+ 定义审记,审记名为默认,对会话的开始和结束做审记,采用tacacs服务做审记aaa accounting commands 0 default start-stop group tacacs+定义审记,对权限为0使用的命令做审记,审记名为默认,采用tacacs服务审记aaa accounting commands 15 default start-stop group tacacs+enable secret 5
2023-07-07 19:03:312

ubuntu root命令行改密码,说passwd: Authentication token manipulation error 该怎么修改啊

总提示Authentication failure,我记得在安装时都没有设置root密码,于是密码输入空格或者root,尝试了很多遍... 我的第一次会提示Unknown id: passwd,第二次让输入密码) 2.sudo-s(-H) /直接切换到root权限分析: 1.Ubuntu...
2023-07-07 19:03:371

安装mysql最后一步出现 Error Nr.1364 authentication_string

2023-07-07 19:03:452

telnet交换机输入密码提示authentication fail

2023-07-07 19:03:533

authentication failed 怎么解决

  authentication failed的中文翻译_  authentication failed  认证失败  双语例句  1  The authentication failed error is usually caused by an incorrect user id or password.  身份验证失败错误通常由一个错误的用户ID或密码导致。  2  Proxy authentication failed. Check your username and password settings on the Connection tab.  代理服务器身份验证失败。请检查连接选项卡中的用户名和密码设置。
2023-07-07 19:04:191

authentication failed 怎么解决

  authentication failed的中文翻译_  authentication failed  认证失败  双语例句  1  The authentication failed error is usually caused by an incorrect user id or password.  身份验证失败错误通常由一个错误的用户ID或密码导致。  2  Proxy authentication failed. Check your username and password settings on the Connection tab.  代理服务器身份验证失败。请检查连接选项卡中的用户名和密码设置。
2023-07-07 19:04:351

Oppp error: Authentication fail是什么意思

authentication failed(验证失败)1,这个错误因为您使用不合法的调用解决方法:仔细检查js代码,一般不要改动默认生成的代码。2,认证失败。3,什么会发生证明会失败。例句:1,Authentication failed. Connection aborted.认证失败。连接中止。2, The authentication failed error is usually cause by an incorrect user id or password.身份验证失败错误通常由一个错误的用户 ID 或密码导致。3,Until the connection is re-established, the end users receives error codes indicating thatauthentication requests failed.在连接重新建立之前,最终用户会收到表示身份验证请求失败的错误码。
2023-07-07 19:04:431

Error errorcode:201:APP被用户自己禁用,是什么原因,该怎么解决

日志信息是:E/baidumapsdk(1927): Authentication Error errorcode: 201 uid: -1 appid -1 msg: APP被用户自己禁用三星9500和三星note3,都提示这个日志信息,不能正常显示地图,只显示方格;小米3能正常显示地图。
2023-07-07 19:04:511

authentication failed是什么意思

  authentication failed的中文翻译_  authentication failed  认证失败  双语例句  1  The authentication failed error is usually caused by an incorrect user id or password.  身份验证失败错误通常由一个错误的用户ID或密码导致。  2  Proxy authentication failed. Check your username and password settings on the Connection tab.  代理服务器身份验证失败。请检查连接选项卡中的用户名和密码设置。
2023-07-07 19:04:571

Error errorcode:201:APP被用户自己禁用,是什么原因,该怎么解决

日志信息是:E/baidumapsdk(1927): Authentication Error errorcode: 201 uid: -1 appid -1 msg: APP被用户自己禁用三星9500和三星note3,都提示这个日志信息,不能正常显示地图,只显示方格;小米3能正常显示地图。
2023-07-07 19:05:051

微信authentication failed 是什么意思

具体不是很清楚,不过网上有解析Authentication failed这个错误因为您使用不合法的调用解决方法:仔细检查js代码,一般不要改动默认生成的代码
2023-07-07 19:05:142


不明觉厉 网络错误925 没听说过 不是不是看错了!
2023-07-07 19:05:223

电信错误代码731是怎么回事 怎么解决 谢谢

好像就没有731这个错误 602 The port is already open. This error usually occurs under Windows 95/98 and indicates that there is no dial-up adapter present in the Network applet of the Control Panel. To resolve the problem, remove WinPoET, add a dial-up adapter, and then restart the PC. You may also receive this error if you attempt to connect when WinPoET is already connected. 602错误,端口已经打开。原因:计算机上没有安装拨号网络,或连接已经连接。 604 Wrong information specified. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. 604错误,你输入了不正确的用户名或密码。 617 The port or device is already disconnecting. This error usually occurs under Windows 95/98 and indicates that there is no dial-up adapter present in the Network applet of the Control Panel. To resolve the problem, remove WinPoET, add a dial-up adapter, and then restart the PC. 617错误,端口已经断开。原因计算机没有拨号网络。 618 The port is not open. This error usually occurs on Windows 95/98 and indicates that there is no dial-up adapter present in the Network applet of the Control Panel. To resolve the problem, remove WinPoET, add a dial-up adapter, and then restart the PC. 618错误,端口没有打开。原因计算机没有拨号网络。 619 The port is disconnected.OR The specified port is not connected. This error could indicate a problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Contact your ISP for assistance. 619错误,ISP错误,联系ISP以寻求帮助。 621 Cannot open the phone book file. This error occurs on Windows NT 4.0 Workstation or Server. To resolve the problem, go the RAS settings and configure the iVasion PoET adapters for dial-out only. 621错误,不能打开电话本。解决:修改RAS的设置,使虚拟网卡可以拨出。 622 Cannot load the phone book file. Same as error 621. 622错误,不能加载电话本。 623 Cannot find the phone book entry. Same as error 621. 623错误,没找到电话本 624 Cannot write the phone book file. Same as error 621. 624错误,不能写电话本文件 625 Invalid information in the phone book. Same as error 621. 625错误,电话本中含有无效信息。 629 The port was disconnected by the remote machine. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. ?OR ?The connection is not valid (for example, the cable is unplugged). 629错误,连接被远程计算机中断。原因;你输入了不正确的用户和密码,或连接是无效的(电缆被拔出) 630 The port was disconnected due to hardware failure. This error occurs if you try to connect when WinPPPoverEthernet.exe is not running or is not fully loaded. Wait a moment and try again. 630错误,硬件故障。 631 The port was disconnected by the user. You clicked Cancel on the WinPoET Dialer dialog box. 631错误,连接被用户中断。 633 The port is already in use or is not configured for Remote Access dial out. On Windows 95/98, refer to error number 602 for information. On Windows NT 4.0, refer to error number 621 for information. 633错误,端口正被使用。 634 Cannot register your computer on the remote network. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. ?OR ?There is a problem with your ISP. Contact them for assistance. 634错误,不能在远程网络注册你的计算机。原因;你输入了错误的用户和密码,或ISP问题。 645 Internal authentication error. Typically, this error occurs if you have not appended your user name with the correct AC-specified context. ?OR ?No dial-up adapter is installed. See Installing the iVasion PoET Adapter for Windows NT. 645错误,内部认证错误。 646 The account is not permitted to log on at this time of day. Your account is time-restricted. Try again during your designated time period. 646错误,帐号此时不可使用,你的帐号有使用时间限制。 647 The account is disabled. Your account is disabled. Contact your ISP for assistance. 647错误,帐号被禁止。 648 The password has expired. Your password has expired. Contact your ISP for assistance. 648错误,密码已经到期。 649 The account does not have Remote Access permission. You probably have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. 649错误,帐号没有远程访问许可, 651 Your modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error. You may have either incorrectly installed WinPoET or removed the iVasion PoET adapter (in Windows 95/98). Remove WinPoET, restart your PC, and then install WinPoET again. 651错误,MODEM或连接设备报告错误。 652 Unrecognized response from the device. You may have either incorrectly installed WinPoET or removed the iVasion PoET adapter (in Windows 95/98). Remove WinPoET, restart your PC, and then install WinPoET again. 652错误,无效的设备应答。 665 The port is not configured for Remote Access. This error occurs under Windows NT (WKS or SVR). The solution is to go into the RAS settings and configure the iVasion PoET adapters for dial-out only, as well as the TCP/IP protocol only. 665错误,端口未被配置为可使用RAS。 691 Access denied because username and/or password is invalid on the domain. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. 691错误,访问拒绝,因为用户或密码在域上无效。 692 Hardware failure in port or attached device. This error occurs if you try to connect when WinPPPoverEthernet.exe is not running or is not fully loaded. Wait a moment and try again. ?OR ?On Windows NT, you may have reinstalled WinPoET without removing the previous installation adapters. 692错误,硬件错误。 708 The account has expired. Your account has expired. Contact your ISP for assistance. 708错误,帐号已经到期。 711 RasMan initialization failure. Check the event log. This error may occur on Windows NT. Reapply the Microsoft Windows NT Service Pack. 711错误,RAS管理初始化失败。 718 PPP timeout. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. ?OR ?The connection is not valid (for example, the cable is unplugged). 718错误,PPP超时。原因:用户密码错误或连接无效。 719 PPP terminated by remote machine. Although a valid connection is detected, it is not working. Contact your ISP for assistance. 719错误,PPP被远程机器中断。原因;虽然检测到有效的连接,但该连接不可工作,联系ISP请求帮助。 720 No PPP control protocols configured. This error is generated when there is an Access Concentrator (AC) problem with your ISP; contact them for assistance. 720错误,没有PPP控制协议。该错误产生于ISP的AC(访问集中器)故障。联系ISP。 721 Remote PPP peer is not responding. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. ?OR ?The connection is not valid (for example, the cable is unplugged). 721错误,远程PPP没有响应。 734 The PPP link control protocol has been terminated. This error occurs on Windows NT if NetBIOS is not installed. In the Network applet of the Control Panel, install the NetBIOS Interface service. 734错误,PPP连接控制协议被终止。该错误通常发生在NT中没有安装NETBIOS时。 735 The requested address was rejected by the server. You may have entered an IP address in the phone book entry. Remove the IP address and try again. 735错误,请求的地址被服务器拒绝。 739 The remote server cannot use the Windows NT encrypted password. You may have selected an NT encrypted password in the phone book entry. Clear this check box and try again. 739错误,远程服务器不能使用加密口令。你可能选择了加密口令,请使用明文或可被服务器接受的口令方式。 751 Error occurred during dialing. Error code = 751. Extended error code = 0. Both dial -up adapters are already in use by other connections. 751错误,拨号时发生错误。原因;所有的拨号网络都在被其他连接使用。 752 Error occurred during dialing. Error code = 752. Extended error code = 0. This error occurs if the TCP/IP bindings have been removed from the Ethernet card. To resolve the problem, restart your computer. 752错误,拨号时发生错误。原因:网卡上TCP/IP协议绑定被删除了。 说明:本错误代码是WINDOWS拨号网络的通用错误,适用范围是一切拨号网络,包括ADSL的WINPOET虚拟拨号
2023-07-07 19:05:411


  宽带并没有一个准确的定义,但是对于日常大众来说,宽带就是连接千家万户的那根线,而宽带则是由数据传输与转换组成的一种传输模式,而区分于模拟以及卫星传输,作为发展中国家的中国,在如此强大的增长力下,宽带对于科技、军事、生活的作用越来越大。  宽带通信网是一种全数字化、高速、宽带、具有综合业务能力的智能化通信网络。宽带通信网的显著特点就是在信息数据传输上突破了速度、容量和时间空间的限制。宽带通信网络可大致分为宽带骨干网络和宽带接入网络两个层面。
2023-07-07 19:05:512

用VNC软件时一直出现authentication failure,但是在另一台电脑就没有问题

遇到过一种情况,可能对你有帮助。VNC登陆失败,单用户重置密码还是进不去系统。进单用户查看安全日志发现报错Authentication failure经排查是/etc/securetty原权限为600被修改为777导致,在单用户模式下将该文件权限改回600:chmod 600 /etc/securetty即可登录。
2023-07-07 19:05:593

xcode authentication failed 怎么解决

  authentication failed的中文翻译_  authentication failed  认证失败  双语例句  1  The authentication failed error is usually caused by an incorrect user id or password.  身份验证失败错误通常由一个错误的用户ID或密码导致。  2  Proxy authentication failed. Check your username and password settings on the Connection tab.  代理服务器身份验证失败。请检查连接选项卡中的用户名和密码设置。
2023-07-07 19:06:281

问题:centos5.6普通用户自行修改密码报错:passwd: Authentication token manipulation error

因为你给passwd文件设置了suid,这是非常不安全的设置,所以现在你必须去掉passwd的suid属性。我擦。不对啊,这个passwd本来就有suid属性啊。你执行下ls试试,看看这个文件的属性 。另外,你是用什么用户执行的passwd?
2023-07-07 19:06:431

VNC如何 实现Disable the No Authentication security type.

The No Authentication security error appears when authentication is not configured on a VNC server client. With VNC, you can connect to your company"s VNC server and at the same time have remote access to your work desktop. The best way to disable a No Authentication error is by configuring VNC Password Authentication. Note that you will need administrative rights to perform this task.
2023-07-07 19:06:521

以SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode登陆后出现麻烦?

你的问题把我搞惨了,我也遇到过。解决办法如下:“在建立与服务器的连接时出错。在连接到 SQLServer 2005 时,在默认的设置下 SQL Server不允许进行远程连接可能会导致此失败。 (provider: 命名管道提供程序,error: 40 - 无法打开到 SQL Server 的连接)”我太恨这句话了。本以为会很简单的数据库连接,居然困扰了我好几天。问了身边很多人、查了大量资料无果,今天终于在网上找到正确的答案并顺利解决了。究其根本,原因出在server参数设置的问题上。以下是完整的解决方案:1:最重要,servers服务开启。1.安装一个SQLServer的管理工具(VS2005只有配置工具),据说微软的官方网站有下。2.开启sql2005远程连接功能,开启办法如下: 配置工具->sqlserver外围应用配置器->服务和连接的外围应用配置器->打开MSSQLSERVER节点下的DatabaseEngine 节点,选择"远程连接",接下建议选择"同时使用TCP/IP和namedpipes",确定后,重启数据库服务就可以了.3.登陆设置改为,Sql server and windowsAuthentication方式同时选中,具体设置如下: manage管理器->windowsAuthentication(第一次用windows方式进去),->对象资源管理器中选择你的数据服务器--右键>属性>security>Sqlserver and windows Authentication方式同时选中.4:设置一个Sql server方式的用户名和密码,具体设置如下: 进入manage管理器后,找到服务器下的Security->Logins->sa,右键属性,设置密码为sa(当然也可以设置其他用户名和密码)这样就设置了一个用户名为sa,密码为sa的用户,下次在登陆时,可以用Sql server方式,用户名为sa,密码为:sa的用户进数据库了。5: 做完上面四步后,这样写连接字符串就可以顺利进入数据库了, (server=.\sqlexpress;uid=sa;pwd=sa;database=master");注意!正确的Server名是这样的,机器名SQLEXPRESS而不是LOCALHOST,,MJZG(机器名)比如我的是这样的Server:TDSSQLEXPRESS
2023-07-07 19:07:071