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2023-07-07 12:17:14






镜头说明兼容AF尼克尔镜头,包括G型、E型、D型镜头(PC镜头受到某些限制)、DX镜头(使用DX 24×16 1.5×影像区域)、AI-P尼克尔镜头以及非CPU AI镜头(仅限于A和M模式)。






scene 的常用意思如下:1.地点,现场 如, be on the scene 在现场2.场面,情景 如,the scene of panic 恐慌的场面3. (电影,戏剧等)片段,镜头或场 如,Act 1, Scene 2 第一幕第二场4.景色,风光 如,a delightful rural scene 赏心悦目的乡村风光
2023-07-07 04:13:191


2023-07-07 04:13:274


scene是可数名词。scene,英语单词,名词,意思是“场面;情景;景象;事件”。SceneExplorer:增强的场景浏览器;场景浏览器。 例句: 1、WhyIhavetorememberthatscene为什么我会记住那个场景 2、Theywereonlyonsceneforanhour.他们只是在现场呆了一个小时。
2023-07-07 04:13:351

scene是什么意思 解析scene一词的含义?

2023-07-07 04:13:544


scene [sin] [词典释义] n. 1. (戏剧的)一场;(电影、电视的)一个镜头 2. 场面;事件 3. 景色,景象;(舞台...[网络释义] scene 1.景色,景象 2.场面,情景,景色 3.景色(动态) 4.风景 5.现场
2023-07-07 04:14:024

【词语辨析】sight, scene, site三者区别?

2023-07-07 04:14:251

scene什么意思 英语scene什么意思

1、scene,英语单词,名词,意思是“场面;情景;景象;事件”。 2、双语例句 Why I have to remember that scene? 为什么我会记住那个场景? They were only on scene for an hour. 他们只是在现场呆了一个小时。
2023-07-07 04:14:321

scene 与view 有什么区别 ???

2023-07-07 04:14:434


scene,名词风景/ 情景/ 景象;形容词需要加后缀形容词ic,形成scenic,表示风景如画般的/ 具有诗情画意特点等。
2023-07-07 04:15:021

英语翻译 哪个是act,哪个是scene?

第一幕是Act one,第一场是scene 1,这个你看英文版戏剧里面一般都会
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2023-07-07 04:15:203


scene 英 [siːn] ,n.翻译:发生地点;现场;一段情节;景象;场面;情景;景色;发脾气;当众吵闹;活动领域 有两个音节 望采纳
2023-07-07 04:15:292


[siːn]英音和美音是一样的。n. 场面;情景;景象;事件He described the scene to me.他向我描述了那个场景。according to the scene survey根据现场调查。
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2023-07-07 04:17:121


Act比Scene级别上要“大”一点儿,比如: 第一幕是Act one,第一场是scene 1。
2023-07-07 04:17:191


scene 最后一个字母e不发音,只有一个音节,它的音标是[si:n]单词有多少个元音就有多少个音节。
2023-07-07 04:17:261


2023-07-07 04:17:341

scene view sight look 的差别

scene、scenery、sight和view都有景象的含义; scene指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内; sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,必须要用复数
2023-07-07 04:17:411


《装甲列车》:被祖国抛弃的人们合力为祖国而战【订补版】笑独行编评 《装甲列车》(全四集) 影片档案 原名:последнийбронепоезд中文名:装甲列车、最后的铁甲列车国家:俄罗斯、白俄罗斯年份:2006年导演:日诺维·洛伊斯曼 ЗиновийРойзман主演:安德列·巴宁 АндрейПанин ... []
2023-07-07 04:16:352


2023-07-07 04:16:371

back to december歌词 有标准时间 有中文翻译 有英文

Back To December - Taylor SwiftI"m so glad you made time to see me 真高兴你能抽出时间来看我How"s life? Tell me how"s your family 告诉我,近来如何,家人都平安吧?I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经有很长时间没有见他们了You"ve been good, busier than ever 你的事业一帆风顺,忙碌更胜从前Small talk, work and the weather 我们闲聊着,谈着工作天气等零碎小事Your guard is up and I know why 你明显加强了戒备,其中缘由我心知肚明Because the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mind 因为上次我俩见面的痛楚,依旧在你心底挥之不去You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你赠与我玫瑰,我却任由它们枯萎凋零So this is me swallowing my pride standing in fron of you saying I"m sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I"d realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and make it all right 真希望能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重头来过I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月These days I haven"t been sleepin 这些天来我都辗转难眠Stayin up playing back myself leavin 脑海中一直浮现出当初我离开的场景When your birthday passed and I didn"t call 当你的生日到来的时候,我却没有打电话给你庆生Then I think about summer all the beautiful times 脑海里又回忆起当年夏日,美好时光宝贵I watched you laughin from the passenger side 我看着你开心地在人行道上漫步And realized I loved you in the fall 随后的秋天,我不可救药的爱上了你And then the cold came the dark days when fear crept into my mind 可是寒冬降临,黑暗的日子随之而来,忧惧占据了我的心头You gave me all your lovin all I gave you was goodbye 你用你的爱呵护我,而我所回赠的却只有绝情的分手So this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I"d realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and change my own mind 真希望能回到那年十二月,改变我错误的想法I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile 我无比想念你那黝黑的肌肤,真挚的微笑So good to me so right 你对我的好And how you held me in your arms that September night 那年九月的晚上你把我挽在胸前又是如此美好The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看到我流泪的时候Maybe this is wishful thinkin 也许这只是我一番痴心妄想Probably mindless dreamin 或许这只是我幼稚天真的痴想If we loved again I swear I"d love you right 如果我们还有机会相爱的话 我发誓我会好好对你的I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会回到过去改变自我,可惜已经太晚了So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你依旧拒绝我的话,我很理解This is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December 我回到那年十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I"d realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and make it all right 多希望我能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重新来过I go back to December turn around and change my own mind 我要回到那年十二月,改正我错误的想法,改变过错I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月all the time 一直都想
2023-07-07 04:16:393

关于 英语中could的用法 谢谢了

could用法:1. Used to indicate ability, possibility, or permission in the past:用来表示过去的能力、可能性或允许:用法与例句:I could run faster then. It could be no better at that time. Only men could go to the club in those days.那时我能跑得更快。那时好得不能再好了。在当时,只有男人可以去俱乐部2. Used with hypothetical or conditional force:用来表推测或条件:用法与例句:If we could help, we would.如果我们能帮上忙,我们会帮的3. Used to indicate tentativeness or politeness:用于表示试探性或礼貌:用法与例句:I could be wrong. Could you come over here?我也许错了。你能到这边来吗?
2023-07-07 04:16:493


  在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都接触过作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?下面是我帮大家整理的七年级英语作文10篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 七年级英语作文 篇1   Sharing Housework   Mother is always the greatest person in the family, because she takes care of everything, she does all the housework, though she is a housewife, what she is so heavy and great. I nearly help my mother to do the housework, when I go home after school, I always go out to play with my friend and then until the dinner, I will come back. Now as I grow up, I start to realize that I need to help my mother, I should share some housework, so that I can reduce her burden. Since I help my mother with the housework, she looks so happy, she will praise me in front of her friends. I feel proud of myself.   妈妈总是家里面最伟大的人,因此她照料着家里的一切,她做了所有的家务,虽然她是一个家庭主妇,但是她所做的繁重而伟大。我几乎不怎么帮她做家务,当我放 学回家后,我总是出去和我的朋友玩,然后直到晚饭时间,我才回来。现在我长大了,我开始意识到我需要帮助妈妈,我应该分享家务,这样就能减少她的负担。自 从我帮助妈妈做家务,她看起来很开心,她会在她朋友面前表扬我。我为自己感到自豪。 七年级英语作文 篇2   Park   There is a park near my home.There are a lot of beautiful trees,flowers and birds in the park.So many people go to the park to enjoy their weekends.They like walking or having a picnic in the park.But I like flying a kite with my sisiter there. 我家附近有一个公园。哪里有很多美丽的树、花和小鸟。所以很多人都喜欢到那里去度周末。他们喜欢在公园里散步或是野餐.但是我喜欢和我姐姐在那里放风筝。   Bedroom   I have a small bedroom.There are only a small bed,a small desk and a small chair in the room.And there is a beautiful doll on my blue bed.Everyday I do my homework,read books and play games with the doll in my bedroom.It is small,but it gives me much happiness. 我有一间小小的卧室。那里有一张小小的床、小小桌子和一把小小的椅子。而且还有一个漂亮的娃娃在我那张蓝色的小床上。我每天都在房间里写作业,看书和与我的娃娃玩。虽然房间很小,但是他给了我很多欢乐。   My father   My father is a tall and handsome man.He is a policeman. Everyday he comes back home very late,because he must help the others.He doesn"t have time to examine my homework and take me to the park.But I like my father,because he is a good policeman. 我的爸爸是一个高大帅气的男人。他是一个警察。他每天都很晚才回家,因为他要帮助其他的人。他没有时间给我检查作业和带我去公园。但是我仍然很喜欢我的爸爸,因为他是一个好警察。   I am from ShenZhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet. I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I can play kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snow.   我是来自深圳。在春天,在天气温暖及潮湿。我可以玩风筝。在夏季,天气炎热及潮湿。我可以游泳,在游泳池。在秋天,天气凉爽,干燥。我可以玩风筝,太。在冬季,天气寒冷及干燥。它从来没有积雪。   Today is my grandpa"s birthday. Our family went back to my grandpa"s home in the morning. We got together to have a big family dinner to celebrate his birthady. We bought a big birthday cake and gave some presents to my grandpa.   In the afternoon, we went to the park to go boating. We had a good time. My grandpa had a nice time on his birthday.   今天是爷爷的生日,我们全家早晨回到爷爷家。我们举行了大型家庭聚会来庆祝爷爷的生日。我们买了一个大生日蛋糕,并且送给爷爷一些礼物。   下午我们去公园划船。我们玩得很开心,爷爷过了一个愉快的生日   Mr.Knott is a teacher. He is at home. The telephone rings. Heanswers the phone.He says,“Hello.This is 82654379. Who"s that”“Watt” a man answers.“watt"s your name,please”says Mr.Knott is angry.“Watt"s my name!”the other man is angey,too. knott先生是一名教师。他是在家中。电话响了。他回答接起电话,说,“ 你好,这是82654379 。你是谁? ”“瓦特”一个男人答道 。“请问你的名字是什么? ”knott先生生气地说。“瓦特就是我的名字!”另一名男子是也生气了。   A farmer has five sons.They are Ted,Bob,Tom,John and Bill. John has no elder brother. He was four years older when his first younger brother was born. The number of Toms elder brothers is equal to his younger brothers. Bill will be twenty-one years old next year, and he is five years older than Bob. Bob is two years younger than Tom. Ted was sad because he has no younger brother. There are twelve years between him and John. 一个农民有5个儿子。他们是Ted,Bob,Tom,John 和 Bill。John没有比他大的哥哥,他比第一个出生的比他小的那个弟弟大4岁,Tom哥哥的数量和他的弟弟的数量是一样的(就是他是老三)Bill 明年就21岁了,他比Bob大5岁,比Tom小2岁,Ted因为没有弟弟而难过 Ted 和John之间差了12岁   On My Way to School   Today I got up very early in the morning. After I finished breakfast, I went to school. On my way to school I saw something lying on the ground. I picked it up and found it was a mobile phone. I was afraid I would be late for school. I had no time to wait for the owner. So I gave it to the policeman.   Shortly after I reached my school, the headmaster came to my class and praised me in front of the class. How could he   knew all about itI guess it must be the policeman who told him what I did.   I am very happy that I have done a good job. 就我在上学的路上   今天,我得到了很早就在上午。当我完成早餐,我去了学校。就我在上学的路上我看到的东西躺在地上。我挑选它,并发现这是一部手提电话。我恐怕我会迟到的学校。我没有时间去等待的所有者。因此,我给它的警察。   不久后,我达到了我的学校,校长来到我的班级,并赞扬我在前面的阶级。他怎么会知道的所有关于它呢?我猜想,它必须是警察谁告诉他,我所做的。   我很高兴我已经做得不错。 七年级英语作文 篇3   在你成长的过程中父母和老师对你帮助很大。根据表中的内容,写短文。    注意   1、从所给的.两个题目中任选一个。   2、短文中要包括表格中的内容,适当举例,并谈谈自己的感受。   3、词数:80~100   4、文中不能出现真实姓名及校名。    范文   in my study and life, there are many people helped me a lot, especially my parents.they are kind and matter what i do something, they are my backbone and instructor.take case of my life,they have a very good influence on me.they teach me how to do housework and teach me how to live up to our life.when i am down,they will always behind my back.they encourge me and cheer me up.and in the end,i can get rid of the blue mood quickly with their help.i love and appreciate them。 七年级英语作文 篇4   Christmas is one of the most important celebrations of the year for the western countries. It falls on the twenty- fifth of December and has the same importance as Chinese New Year to people with English backgrounds. The celebration is for the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the son of God in Christianity. Now days Christmas is no longer only celebrated by the Christians, but by most people from all over the world.   On the twenty- fourth of December everyone gets excited for it"s the day before Christmas which is called Christmas Eve. The children are usually sent to bed early and are warned that “Santa Claus will only come and give you a present if you be good.” The younger kids actually believe that Santa will come down the chimney on the sleigh that"s pulled by his reindeers. Food like short bread and beer are prepared for Santa when he comes, however most times parents just eat them. Some children put socks and sacks up for the holding of the presents (that their parents put in).   Rise and shine on Christmas morning! The children are always the first ones to wake up, some even do at four. Present wrappers everywhere! They look into their presents with a big smile on their face and oh dear….I hope no one"s disappointed. I feel sorry for anyone that got pink underwear. Children play while dinner is prepared by the adults. The Christmas dinner are usually eaten together by relatives. The tradition of Christmas pudding and roosters are usually eaten with deserts afterwards. The rest of the day is usually games and fun before the good days all come to an end.   I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 七年级英语作文 篇5   Good environment can make people feel happy and fit . To improve the environment means to improve our life.   好的环境能让人感到快乐和健康。为了改善环境的手段来改善我们的生活。   We should plant more trees and flowers around us . We shouldn"t cut them down . We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.   我们应该在我们周围种植更多的树木和鲜花。我们不应该削减下来。我们应该阻止工厂向河里倾倒废水和废气到空气。   Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins. Never spit in public. Don"t draw on public walls. It"s our duty to protect the environment.   当我们看到垃圾在地上,我们应该把它捡起来,把它扔进垃圾箱。不要在公共场所吐痰。不要在公共场所的墙上画画。保护环境是我们的职责。 七年级英语作文 篇6   esterda was was thirteenthbirthda.i gt up ver earl in the rninganf put n clthes happil. parentsbught e the new clthes as birthdapresents.i invited an f classates tce t birthda part in the evening. inthe evering ,ang f lassates cae t he . the bught e a lt f beautifulpresents. the all said "happ birthda t u!" at the end f the part , we ate the birthdacae and se ther delicius fd . Hw happ I was!   M father is bus n weedas but he is freen weeends. He lie plaing sprt with en Saturda rning. We ften plabasetball r table tennis. In the afternnhe ften helps e with hewr. Inthe evening we watch cartns. OnSundas he ften taes e t the pars.Seties we g t The Suer Palaceand seties we g t Zhngshan Par.M father usuall has a happ and clrfulweeends. 七年级英语作文 篇7   Hello, I"m Pang Bo Yu. I have a very happy family.   My mother is a worker. How old is she? Guess! She"s thirty-five, she like zebras. On Saturdays and Sundays, she likes swimming. She doesn"t work on Saturdays and Sundays.My grandfather and grandmother likes running on Saturdays and walking on Sundays. They like ducks, but I don"t. I like horses very much. In the evening, we watch TV. Some times I listen to music. But my mother, grandfather and grandmother doesn"t, they like reading.   I love my happy family very much. Do you like my family?   你好,我是庞博宇。我有一个非常幸福的家庭。 我妈妈是一名工人。她多大了?猜一猜!她三十五岁,她喜欢斑马。在星期六和星期天,她喜欢游泳。她星期六和星期天不上班。我爷爷和奶奶喜欢在星期六跑步,星期天散步。他们喜欢鸭子,但我不喜欢。我非常喜欢马。晚上,我们看电视。有时我听音乐。但是我的母亲,爷爷和奶奶不喜欢,他们喜欢读书。 我非常爱我的幸福家庭。你喜欢我的家庭吗? 七年级英语作文 篇8   I think my school life is very colorful. Every day, I go to school to have classes with my classmates and dear teachers. I like be there with them.   Not only have I learned knowledge, but also share the happiness together.   In the spare time ,we also do some sports games. I enjoy my school life very much. 七年级英语作文 篇9   Chinese New Year is coming soon!   I"m going to buy some new clothes. Then I"m going to put on new clothes. We are going to clean my house.   We are going to eat a big dinner. We are going to get lucky money from our parents and we are going to say thank you.   It"s going to be lots of fun!   翻译:   中国的新年就快到了!   我要去买一些新衣服。然后我要穿上新衣服。   我们要打扫我的房子。我们要吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。我们要从父母那里拿压岁钱而且要说谢谢。   这将是非常有趣的! 七年级英语作文 篇10   I have happy family, it is my father, my mother and me.   My father is very fat, he is a civil servant, he works very hard.. Father is very funny, put my family very happy. I"m very happy.   My mother is very thin, she is civil servant, too. She is a good cooker, she cooks food for everybody. She is quiet, and she likes books and swimming.   I"m a little girl in the family, maybe I"ll be a writer. I like hamburger, chips, books, swim.   This is my happy family!
2023-07-07 04:16:531


2023-07-07 04:16:531


CBG内下架,重新上架出售。不行的话 好像只能 游戏内重新登记了
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can的过去式是could,但could 除了可作can的过去式外,还可表比can更委婉的语气,因此在回答由could 表示请求的问句中,不能用could,但可用can。 扩展资料   情态动词can的用法:   1、表示能力,意思是:能,会。   例句:   I can"t swim. 我不会游泳。   2、表示客观可能性,意思是:可以,可能。   例句:   That big cinema can seats 2,000 people.那家大电影院能坐2000人。   3、表示允许(和may意思相近),意思是:可以,能够。   例句:   You can have the book when I have finished it.书我看完了可以给你。   4、表示惊异、不相信等(用于疑问句、否定句或感叹句中),意思是:会,可能。   例句:   This can"t be true.这不可能是真的。   情态动词could的用法:   1、表示“能力”或“可能性”,作为can的过去形式。   例句:   Could you speak English then?那时你能讲英语吗?   2、表示惊异、怀疑、不相信等情绪。   例句:   Who could have taken them?谁会把它们拿走了呢?   在这种情况下,could和can是可以换用的",用could时口气较缓和,用can时不相信的程度更强一些,两者在时间上没有差别。   3、比较委婉客气地提出问题或陈述看法。   例句:   I could come earlier,if necessary.如果必要我可以早点来。   这时could和can没有时间上的差别.   4、在虚拟条件句中构成谓语。   例句:   I would certainly do it for you if I could.要是我能做得到,我一定会为你们做这事儿。
2023-07-07 04:16:561

在 back to december 这首歌里 有 it is too late 这歌词吗

2023-07-07 04:16:584


2023-07-07 04:16:591


  在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都写过作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?下面是我收集整理的七年级英语作文9篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 七年级英语作文 篇1   又回到了七年级的舞台,从九年级退下来回到七年级,最初感觉特别的轻松,因为七年级的英语教学对于我来说真的是很轻松,不用再像九年级那样去做每个题目,不用每堂课都上的那么紧张,那么累,也可以上新课时偶尔玩玩小游戏了...总之,最初听到教七年级时是很轻松的。然而,事实并不是像我想的那么的简单。   进入七年级的教室,看到了既熟悉又陌生的面孔,熟悉的是有十几个学生是以前教过的,陌生的是那些曾在罗山上五年级过来的学生。就这样,我开始了这一学期的英语教学工作。最初,班上的每个学生还是挺配合工作的,每天认真完成作业,认真背书,接着第一次考试来了,考完后的结果还是让我挺满意的。我也发现了班上的一些英语尖子生,在后来的教学中,我尽力把自己能传授的东西讲给他们,但慢慢的我就发现班上的一些问题,那几个以前不做作业的同学也终于憋不住了,终于不完成作业了,还有就是刘xx、刘xx等同学在课堂上也越来越喜欢说话,做小动作了,对于这样的情况,最初我能做的就是劝解他们,但一次,两次有效,后来就没那么有作用了...但总体来说班上的小伙伴们表现还是不错的,每一次的考试也没让我失望,紧接着其中考试来了,课考出的成绩却比平时的差远了,这就让我反思这其中怎么了,为什么会这样?后来在这后半个学期,我每堂课依旧认真的上着,每个单元的新课上完就及时讲解练习册中的习题,紧接着就进行单元测试,讲解试卷。每一个单元都这样有条不紊的进行着,把新课结束了就每个单元印一张试卷来进行期末复习,然后进行专题复习,最后进行期末测试,就这样结束了七年级上学期的英语教学工作。但不知这样的步骤,能不能让学生们取得令人满意的成绩呢? 七年级英语作文 篇2   I have a good weekend.On Saturday morning,I do my homework. After lunch, I go shopping with mymother. At about five o"clock, I go to play basketball with my friend. On Sunday, I watch a football game on TV. I often help my mother do housework. I watch TV with my parents in the evening. Then I go to bed at nine o"clock. I"m very happy on weekends.   我有一个美好的周末。星期六早上,我做我的作业。午饭后,我和我的母亲去购物。大约5点,我和我的朋友一起玩篮球。星期天,我在电视上观看足球比赛。我经常帮助妈妈做家务。晚上我和我的父母看电视。然后我在九点钟去睡觉。周末我很快乐。 七年级英语作文 篇3   There are some photos on the wall. They"re very beautiful.   In the middle of the room, there is my bed. It"s not so big, but it"s very   comfortable. Every night, I lay on the bed and have a good dream. On the right of the bed, there is my desk and chair. They"re in front of the window. My computer is on the desk. There is a lamp on the desk, too. I can do my homework here and play computer games.   My bookshelf is on the left of the bed. There are a lot of storybooks and picture books in the shelf. I like them very much.   Not everyone has a bedroom. I"m very lucky, because I have a very beautiful bedroom. I"ll try my best to keep it clean and tidy.   1. Our School   Our school is in the west of the city. It is very big with a tall teaching building. There are thirty classrooms, a modern library, a dinning hall and a gym. There is a big playground where we often have sports. There are lots of trees and flowers beside the playground. There are more than five hundred students and teachers in our school and we all work hard. Our school is so beautiful that we all like it very much.   2. How did you spend your summer vacation   I had a busy and interesting summer vacation. I did my homework every day so I finished doing my homework ten days before the new term. I also played table tennis and basketball with my friends every day. I sometimes went   movies and went to the parks with my friends. I surfed the internet, read books and watched TV every evening. I visited my grandparents and helped them with the housework, too. I helped my parents clean the room and cook meals. The most important was that my parents and I went to Hannan Island and spent a week there.   3.. A happy Day   It was sunny and very hot today. I got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast. Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room. After a short rest I did my homework in the morning. In the afternoon I went swimming in the   nearest swimming pool with my friends. It was really cool to swim in such a hot day. I surfed the internet and read a storybook in the evening. I really had a busy and happy day. 今天天气晴朗比较热。 我起得很早,帮父母做早饭。然后我洗碗打扫屋子。休息一会后我上午做作业。 下午我和朋友去我家最近的`游泳池游泳。 在如此炎热的夏天游泳的确很棒。 晚上我上网、看故事书。我今天很忙过得很快乐。   4.给笔友的一封信   Dear Lucy   I am very glad to hear from you. Now let me introduce myself to you. My name is Li Lei. I am eleven years old. I am tall with a pair of glasses. Now I am   studying at Yuying Primary School. I am in Class One,Grade 5. I like singing and playing the piano very much. I am good at English and Chinese. 很高兴收到你的来信。现在让我介绍我自己。我叫李雷。11岁。我高个子、带眼镜。 我在育英小学。我在五年级一班。我非常喜欢唱歌和弹钢琴。我数学和语文学得都很好。   6。暑假打算   I will have a busy summer vacation. I am going to do my homework every day . I am going to the library to borrow some books and go to the shops to buy some books.I am going to do sports such as playing table tennis, swimming and so on. I am going to visit my grandparents and stay there for a week. I am going to help my parents do some housework. 我暑假会很忙。 我每天要写作业。 我打算去图书馆去借书、去商店买书。我要做运动,如:打乒乓球、游泳等。我要去看爷爷奶奶并在那住一周。我要帮父母做家务。   7.自我介绍   Hello, everyone. My name is Kelly. I am friendly and honest.I am good at English and maths. I like surfing the internet,playing computer games, watching TV and traveling. I also like playing table tennis and I am good at it ,too. I often play table tennis with my friends on weekends. And I want to be a famous table tennis player when I grow up. What I like most is to see the   seagulls flying freely in the sky so I often go to the sea in summer. My favourite colour is white because I think white is symbolize purity. 大家好 我的名字叫KELLY .我很友好、诚实。我擅长英语和数学。 我爱上网、玩电脑网络游戏、看电视 和旅游。我也喜欢打乒乓球。我经常和朋友们在周末打乒乓球,长大了我想当一个乒乓球运动员。最喜欢在海边看着海鸥自由自在的飞翔,因此在夏天我经常去海边。白色是我的最爱。因为我觉得白色是纯洁的象征。   8.海南之旅   went to Hainan Island with my parents for a holidy and we stayed there for a week. It took us only more than three hours to get to Haikou airport. We enjoyed the warm sunshine and the softwind. We walked on the beach and picked up the beautiful shells. We also sufed on the waves and it was really exciting. We played ball games on the beach as well. I believed Hainan was really an attractive city with famous beach and mountains. We really enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Hainan.   9. A nice Sunday   It is Sunday and it is a fine day today. We come to the People Park with our English teacher who came from Canada. Look ! Tom and other five boys are playing football. Cina and some girl students are flying kites. Alice and I are taking photos near the park. Alice and we are very happy. Alice helps us a lot with our English.   今天是星期天,天气晴朗。我们和来自Canada的英语老师Alice来到人民公园。 瞧,Tom和五个男同学在踢球;Cina和一些女同学在放风筝;我和Alice正在公园附近拍照。Alice和我们都非常高兴。Alice在英语方面帮助了我们很多。   10.This morning,I woke up with a start: my clock was alarming. Unwillingly opened my eyes, I found it was 6:30 already.Nevertheless, the room was very gloomy, for it was raining outside. What a cold day! How comfortable it would be if I could stay in bed for the whole day, reading a favourite book in the   sound of rain. But, I did have to go to work. Though it was a rush hour, on the way, there were fewer people than usual. Many people arduously held an umbrella which was always blown down by a blast of wind.Fortunately , I was dressed in a raincoat. Several yards away, a policeman was guiding the traffic in the rain. I was filled with deep esteem for his seriousness.I kept thinking of today"s plan for a short while and,then,I was in my office. A busy day is beginning ….。 七年级英语作文 篇4   The ancients cloud: "reading to learn." Reading another benefit, is the people to cultivate noble moral character, know the book of rites.   The bacon once said: "books are in the waves of sailing ship to the thought of The Times, it takes careful gave precious goods to generation after generation." The ancient tradition of famous people, such as respect, cherish the time, fools, etc., were later recorded in the book, the nature, read it, understand the truth, can be used, will become a moral person.   Whether Chinese or foreign, have been a lot of celebrities, and the story of these celebrities, their diligence, hard work, also are weaved.   古人云:“读书学礼。”读书的另一个好处呢,就是为了培养人们品德高尚,知书达礼。   英国培根曾说:“书籍是在时代的波涛中航行的思想之船,它以小心翼翼把珍贵的货物送给一代又一代。”古代名人们的优良传统思想,如敬老爱幼、珍惜时间、不耻下问等,都被后人记载在书中,自然,读了它,领悟其中的道理,能应用,就将成为一个道德高尚的人。   不管是中国还是外国,都出过不少名人,而这些名人的故事,他们的勤奋、刻苦,也都编成了是。 七年级英语作文 篇5   esterda was was thirteenthbirthda.i gt up ver earl in the rninganf put n clthes happil. parentsbught e the new clthes as birthdapresents.i invited an f classates tce t birthda part in the evening. inthe evering ,ang f lassates cae t he . the bught e a lt f beautifulpresents. the all said "happ birthda t u!" at the end f the part , we ate the birthdacae and se ther delicius fd . Hw happ I was!   M father is bus n weedas but he is freen weeends. He lie plaing sprt with en Saturda rning. We ften plabasetball r table tennis. In the afternnhe ften helps e with hewr. Inthe evening we watch cartns. OnSundas he ften taes e t the pars.Seties we g t The Suer Palaceand seties we g t Zhngshan Par.M father usuall has a happ and clrfulweeends. 七年级英语作文 篇6    My Day   Today is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises at 7:50.   We have four classes in morning. At 11:30, I"m very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have computer claand art classes.   I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00. 七年级英语作文 篇7   Today is Mother"s Day. I know some of my classmates are going to help their mothers with the housework, others are going to buy some flowers for their mothers. I want to say to her that I love her very much. But as a boy, it is a bit difficult for me to show my heart。 I think only girls can do that.   My mother is very kind. She takes care of me day and night.   She spends little money, but buys anything for me that I need.   This time I must show my love. I am going to give her a card and write like this, "I love you, mother!" I am going to put it under her pillow. 七年级英语作文 篇8   Hello! I"m a student from Class 10, Grade 7. Let me tell you something about my school life. It"s very intersting.   Classes begin at 7:50 am. I have five classes in the morning. In the afternoon, I have three classes. We studay many subjects. They are English, art, history, biology and some other subjects. My favorite subject is English. It"s easy and interesting. I like P.E. and music, too. Our P.E. teacher is very funny. But I don"t like history at all. I think it"s difficult and boring.   After school, I like playing soccer on the playground with my classmates. Sometimes I go swimming. Every Tuesday and Thursday, I go to the library.   I like my school life a lot.   你好!我是一个学生类,7年级。让我告诉你一些关于我的学校生活。它非常有趣。   类从7点50分开始。在早上我有五类。在下午,我有三个类。我们学习许多科目。他们是英国人,艺术,历史,生物和一些其他科目。我最喜欢的科目是英语。很容易和有趣。我也喜欢体育和音乐。我们的体育老师很有趣。但我不喜欢历史。我认为这是困难和无聊。   放学后,我喜欢和同学一起在操场上踢足球。有时我去游泳。每个星期二和星期四,我去图书馆。   我很喜欢我的学校生活。 七年级英语作文 篇9   给老师的短信 A Message to the Teacher   Every year, when Teachers" Day comes, the students will organize some activities for the teachers and show their respect. Sending flowers and cards are the most popular way. Since I came to middle school, I would always think of my former teachers who taught me in primary school. I would never forget them for the things they passed to me. When Teachers" Day comes, I will send the messages to them and show my gratitude and they would reply. When I back to my hometown and sometimes met them, they would speak highly of me because I impressed them so much. Every small act will be remembered by others and decides what kind of person we are.   每年,当教师节来临的时候,学生会给教师组织一些活动,以表尊重。送花和卡片是最受欢迎的方式。自从我来到中学,我总会想起我以前的小学老师。我永远不会忘记他们传授给我的东西。当教师节来临的时候,我会发送短信给他们,表达我的感激之情,他们会回复。当我回到我的家乡,有时遇到他们,他们会赞扬我,因为对我印象深刻。每一个小小的举动会被别人记住,那会决定我们是什么样的人。
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2023-07-07 04:17:031


pedestrians的读音音标为:/pu0259u02c8destriu0259nz/。pedestrians是pedestrian的复数形式,在词尾直接加“s”,此时是名词行人、步行者的意思。该词还可以做形容词,意为步行的;枯燥的;平凡的;单调的;缺乏想象的。行人直接在词尾加“s”,是单数变复数的规则之一。一般来说,s在元音或浊辅音后读/z/,在清辅音后面读/s/。在48个英语音标中有20个元音音标和28个辅音音标。而28个辅音音标中又有11个清辅音和17个浊辅音。pedestrian tunnel
2023-07-07 04:17:061

Back to december和Love story的中文意思~ Taylor Swift 还有什么好听的歌????

回到12月 爱情故事 好听的mine , enchanted, stay beautiful
2023-07-07 04:17:063

跪求泰勒.斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)Back to december 中文歌词?

泰勒斯威夫特-回到12月  我很高兴你能使时间来看我  生活怎么样,告诉我你的家庭  我好久没见到他们了  你很好,比以前  闲谈、工作和天气预报  你的后卫,我知道为什么  因为你最后一次见到我  在后面的仍在燃烧吗  你给我的玫瑰,我就把他们留在那里去死    所以这是我吞我的骄傲  站在你的面前,说我很抱歉  我回到12月。  原来的自由不是除了思念着你  祝我意识到我所当你是属于我的  我回到12月扭转,使它的所有权利  我回到12月。    这些天来我一直没睡觉  熬夜打回自己走了  当你的生日了,我没打过电话吗  然后我想夏天  所有的美丽的时代,我看你笑的  我爱你,实现在下降  然后寒冷黑暗的日子来到  当恐惧闯进了我的思想吗  你给了我你所有的爱  我赐给你们的,再见  祝我意识到我所当你是属于我的  我回到12月扭转,使它的所有权利  我回到12月转过身来改变自己的心灵  我回到12月唔知系唔系 翻译出来的
2023-07-07 04:16:291


"Could" 和 "would" 都是情态动词,但用法和含义有所不同。1. "Could" 表示能力、可能性、请求等,常常用于过去或现在的情况。例如:- I could lift the box if it wasn"t so heavy. (如果不是太重,我就可以抬起这个盒子。)- Could you pass me the salt, please? (请你递给我盐好吗?)- He could be in the office right now. (他现在可能在办公室。)2. "Would" 表示意愿、习惯、虚拟等,通常用于将来或假设的情况。例如:- I would like to go to the beach this weekend. (我想这个周末去海滩。)
2023-07-07 04:16:282


2023-07-07 04:16:281

back to december中文翻译

2023-07-07 04:16:223


情态动词could可用于礼貌地向对方提出请求或请求对方的许可,用于疑问句中,可替代can,在时间上与can没有区别,但语气要比can委婉、有礼貌。其答语没有固定的形式,但要符合上下文的语境。 情态动词could 1、委婉地表示请求别人做某事。 Couldyoupleasemakeyourbed?请你整理一下你的床铺好吗? Couldyoupleaseopenallthedoors?请把所有的门都打开好吗? 2、委婉地表示请求别人允许自己做某事。 CouldIsithere?我可以坐这儿吗? CouldIborrowyourpen,please?我能借用下你的钢笔吗? 情态动词could的用法记忆口诀:表示请求与允许,could委婉又客气;表示能力会不会,could只用在过去;表示怀疑不相信,could缓和语气弱;推测可能与建议,虚拟语气也常用。
2023-07-07 04:16:211


行人的英文是:pedestrian。一、短语搭配1、外行人:layman; non-professional2、行人隧道:pedestrian tunnel3、遗嘱执行人:executor of a will4、行人流量:flow of pedestrians;flow of pedestrians5、过往行人:passers-by;pedestrian二、双语例句1、广场上行人摩肩接踵,川流不息。The square was jammed with people, coming and going all the time.2、在人行横道上,行人拥有路权。In a crosswalk, pedestrians have the right of way.3、司机按汽车喇叭让行人让路。The driver honked (his horn) at the pedestrian to get out of the way.4、在这起车祸中,一个无辜的行人被撞死。A harmless pedestrian was killed in the car crash.5、急驰而过的汽车把泥浆溅到了行人身上。The speeding cars spattered mud onto the pedestrians.
2023-07-07 04:16:211


2023-07-07 04:16:165

back to december的歌词和中文翻译谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我 How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢? I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了 You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多 We small talk, work in the weather 我们简短的对话着,情绪却像天气般善变 Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么 Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得, Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害 You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠 Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天 When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开 And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天 All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光 I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容 And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你 And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来 With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里是,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗 You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱 And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里 Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And change my own mind 然后,我改变了自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月 I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑 So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好 And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中 That September night; 那个九月的夜晚 The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣 Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个能够实现的假设 Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想 If we loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你 I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能 So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身 And change my own mind 改变了自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月 All the time 一直都是 是这个了。
2023-07-07 04:16:122


2023-07-07 04:16:115


2023-07-07 04:16:112


不能。 卖号的钱会打在网易宝里
2023-07-07 04:16:082

跪求taylor swift《 back todecember》的中文音译歌词 急!!

I"m so glad you made time to see me我很高兴你抽出时间来看我How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?日子过得如何?告诉我,你的家人如何?I haven"t seen them in a while我有一段时间没看到他们了You"ve been good,busier than ever你一直都还好,只是比以前更忙了We small talk, work ,and the weather我们简单的聊了聊,都是关于工作和天气Your guard is up and I know why你有些拘谨了,我想我知道原因Because the last time you saw me因为你最后一次见我的时候It still burn in the back of your mind那情景一直在你心里灼伤着You gave me roses and I left them there to die你送给我玫瑰,而我却任它们凋零So this is me swallowing my pride,所以这次我咽下我的骄傲Standing in front of you saying站在你面前I"m sorry for that night为那晚的事道歉And I go back to December all the time,我时时刻刻都希望回到那个十二月It turns out freedom aint nothing but missing you我自由了,不过带来的是对你更多的思念Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine我真希望当我拥有你时能意识到我所拥有的I go back to December, turn around and make it all right我期望着回到那个十二月,转回我执意离开的背影,让一切变得正确I go back to December all the time我时时刻刻都希望回到那个十二月These days I haven"t been sleeping这些日子我辗转反侧Staying up playing back myself leaving深夜不睡,回想我离开时的情景When your birthday passed and I didn"t call,你的生日过去了,而我竟没有打电话问候一下Then I think about the summer, all the beautiful times,然后我回想起那个夏天,所有美丽的时光I watched you laughing from the passenger side我坐在副驾驶看着你笑And I realized I loved you in the fall在秋天来临时,我意识到我爱上了你And then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind在那时恐惧进入我的心里蔓延,随后寒冷和黑夜袭来You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye你给了我所有的爱,而我给你的一切却是道别So this is me swallowing my pride,所以这次我咽下我的骄傲Standing in front of you saying站在你面前I"m sorry for that night为那晚的事道歉And I go back to December all the time,我时时刻刻都希望回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you我自由了,不过带来的是对你更多的思念Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine我真希望当我拥有你时能意识到我所拥有的I go back to December, turn around and change my own mind我期望着回到那个十二月,转回我执意离开的背影,改变我的想法I go back to December all the time我时时刻刻都希望可以回到那个十二月I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right我怀念你褐色的皮肤,温暖的微笑,对我来说是那么的好,那么合适And how you held me in your arms that September night怀念你在九月的夜晚将我拥入怀The first time you ever saw me cry那是你第一次见到我哭泣Maybe this is a wishful thinking可能这是痴心妄想Probably mindless dreaming也许是无谓的梦If we loved again I swear I"d love you right不过若我们再次相爱,我发誓我将好好爱你I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t我回到那个时刻改变一切,但我终究不能So if the chain is on your door ,I understand所以如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解This is me swallowing my pride,但这是我咽下我的骄傲Standing in front of you saying站在你面前I"m sorry for that night为那晚的事道歉And I go back to December .我期望着回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you我自由了,不过带来的是更多对你的思念Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine我真希望当我拥有你时能意识到我所拥有的I go back to December, turn around and make it all right我期望着回到那个十二月,转回我执意离开的背影,让一切变的正确I go back to December turn around and change my own mind我期望着回到那个十二月,转回我执意离开的背影,改变我的想法I go back to December all the time我时时刻刻都希望可以回到那个十二月All the time时时刻刻
2023-07-07 04:16:041


情态动词could的用法归纳如下:(1) 表示能力。其意为“能”“会”,其中can表示现在的能力,could表示过去的能力。如:One cannot succeed unless he works hard. 人除非努力工作,否则是不会有成功的。He couldn"t find his pen, so he wrote in pencil. 他找不着钢笔,所以他用铅笔写。注:could表示过去的能力通常只表示过去一般性能力,即过去想做某事就随时可做某事的能力,或用于间接引语中或与感知动词see, hear, smell, feel等连用表示过去特定能力。在其他情况下的过去特定能力通常不用could表示,而用was (were) able to。如:他只有叫喊才能让别人听到他。误:Only by shouting was he could make himself heard.正:Only by shouting was he able to make himself heard.但在否定句中,我们可以用couldn"t来表示过去特定的能力。如:I took off my coat, searched all my pockets, but couldn"t find my key. 我脱下外衣,掏了所有的口袋,但没有找到钥匙。(2) 表示允许。意为“可以”。表示请求允许(即请求别人允许自己做某事)时,两者均可用,此时的could 并不表示过去,而是表示一种委婉语气;表示给予允许(即自己允许别人做某事),英语习惯上只用can,而不用 could。如:Can (Could) I say it in Chinese? 我可以用汉语说吗?“Can (Could) I borrow your umbrella?” “Yes, of course you can.” “我可以借用一下你的雨伞吗?”“当然可以。”(不能说 Yes, you could.)注:以上说的是针对现在或将来情况而言的,若谈的是过去情况,则过去could只用于表示过去一般性允许(即表示某人随时都可以做某事),而不表示特定的允许(即表示在过去某一特定情况下允许进行某一特定的活动),遇此情况需换成其他表达。如:I could read what I liked when I was a child. 我小的时候爱看什么书,就看什么书。After questioning he was allowed to go home. 经过问讯后,他得到允许,可以回家。(特定的允许,不能用 could)
2023-07-07 04:16:031

python中 >>>from math import sprt 为什么执行不了

2023-07-07 04:16:022


2023-07-07 04:16:011

谁有 Taylor Swift-back to december这首歌

2023-07-07 04:15:572