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2023-07-07 12:17:10
TAG: 英文



1、外行人:layman; non-professional

2、行人隧道:pedestrian tunnel

3、遗嘱执行人:executor of a will

4、行人流量:flow of pedestrians;flow of pedestrians





The square was jammed with people, coming and going all the time.


In a crosswalk, pedestrians have the right of way.


The driver honked (his horn) at the pedestrian to get out of the way.



A harmless pedestrian was killed in the car crash.


The speeding cars spattered mud onto the pedestrians.



pedestrian[英][pu0259u02c8destriu0259n][美][pu0259u02c8du025bstriu0259n]n.步行者; 行人; adj.徒步的; 平淡无奇的; 一般的; 复数:pedestrians例句:1.Such a car would also spot a pedestrian stepping into the road and brake. 具有这些装置的汽车也许能够发现路上的行人并自动刹车
2023-07-07 04:05:152


"行人"在英语中的翻译是 pedestrian,是一个由两个字母单词组成的英语单词,读作pu0259u02c8du025bstru026au0259n。它来源于拉丁语pedester,意为“步行的”。在英语中,pedestrian除了表示“行人”之外,还有一个含义是“平淡无奇的、缺乏新意的”,常用于批评某些东西的不足之处。例如,我们可以说一部电影“太过平淡,缺乏新意”,即该电影是“pedestrian”。另外,行人在英语中也有其他词汇可以翻译,例如“walker”等。此外,与“行人”相关的单词还有“步行”,可以翻译为“walking”。因此,我们需要根据不同的语境来选择合适的单词和短语来表达。学会并掌握英语中“行人”的翻译和用法,对于我们的日常生活和英语交流是很必要的。我们需要在不断的学习和实践中不断提高我们的英语能力,以便更加自如地运用英语表达我们的想法和思考。
2023-07-07 04:05:471


passerby或者passer 亦可
2023-07-07 04:06:521


2023-07-07 04:07:243


还有陆家嘴,南浦大桥,南京路步行街_有道翻译翻译结果:And lujiazui, Nanpu Bridge, nanjing road pedestrian streetpedestrian_有道词典pedestrian英 [pu026au02c8destru026au0259n]美 [pu0259"du025bstru026au0259n]n. 行人;步行者adj. 徒步的;缺乏想像力的pedestrian 行人,行人,步行者Pedestrian crossing 行人穿越道,人行横道,行人穿越道
2023-07-07 04:07:321


行人 (复数形式)
2023-07-07 04:07:392


adj. 徒步的;缺乏想像力的n. 行人;步行者pedestrians英 [pu026au02c8destru026au0259ns]美 [pu0259u02c8du025bstru026au0259ns]n. 行人(pedestrian的复数)
2023-07-07 04:07:461


2023-07-07 04:07:579


“一行人”用英语怎么说? legion,a legion of delegation,a delegation of 普通点的用a group of, 这里用delegation较好市长一行人到新建的火葬场进行视察工 The mayor,along with his delegation came to crem范torium that was newly built for the purpose of inspection. 行人用英语怎么说 pedestrain xx一行人 英语怎么讲? peter and other members 行人闯红灯用英语怎么说 闯红灯,一般正确有两种说法,但意义不太一样, 一个是 RUN A RED LIGHT,这个意思是说红灯了,但是行人没有停下来,直接冲过去了 另外一个是JUMP A RED LIGHT,这个意思是说红灯了,行人停下来在等了,等了一会,等不及了,看没有车就冲过去了。 而日常生活中,口语中,穿也听到一些美国朋友经常说CRASHED A RED LIGHT,这个口语说说还可以,但是不正确的。 “一行人”用英语怎么说 “一行人” A pedestrian" 禁止行人通行英语怎么说 No entry....就行了。。。 行人们寸步难行的英文怎么说 行人们寸步难行 翻译结果: Line of people 遇到行人减慢你的车速 用英语怎么翻译 slow down your car when you see a pedestrian.个人认为这个“遇到”理解成“看到”就好了。行人呢, pedestrian和passerby应该都可以。 passerby更侧重于“过路人” ,pedestrian指的是在城或镇里走路的人,按需选择吧
2023-07-07 04:08:241


2023-07-07 04:08:323


是的pedestrians [pi"destriu0259ns] n. 行人(pedestrian的复数希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)
2023-07-07 04:08:391


2023-07-07 04:09:271


walkers 更多的一种表达动词的意思。比如:步行者比爬行者运动的要快The walkers moved faster than the crawlers pedestrian 更多是作为一种名词出现。就是一种称呼,一类人群。比如:在洛杉矶很少见到步行者。In Los Angeles a pedestrian is a rare specta两种都可以,这个取决于你想表达哪一种思想。
2023-07-07 04:09:341

pedstrain 和 pedestrain

是不是pedestrian啊?pedstrain查不到阿pedestrian: [ pe"destriu0259n ] a. 徒步的,缺乏想像的n. 行人
2023-07-07 04:09:491


pedestrian-friendly友好行人例句:1.The app also features great pedestrian-friendly walking directions. 这款应用优秀并且方便行人的步行指导是它的特色。
2023-07-07 04:09:561


pedestrian 英[pəˈdestriən] 美[pəˈdestriən] n. 行人; 步行者; adj. 行人使用的; 行人的; 缺乏想象的; 乏味的; 无趣的;
2023-07-07 04:10:151

遇到行人减慢你的车速 用英语怎么翻译

slow down your car when you see a pedestrian.个人认为这个“遇到”理解成“看到”就好了。行人呢, pedestrian和passerby应该都可以。passerby更侧重于“过路人” ,pedestrian指的是在城或镇里走路的人,按需选择吧
2023-07-07 04:10:231

pedestrian access是什么意思

pedestrian access行人通道例句:1.A large-scale public transport interchange will be built to the south of tai wai station, providing ground-level pedestrian access to the station. 大围站以南将兴建一个大型的公共交通交汇处,乘客可利用地面行人通道进出车站。2.A public transport interchange will be built to the south of wu kai sha station, providing ground-level pedestrian access to the station. 乌溪沙站以南将设有公共交通交汇处,乘客可利用地面行人通道进出车站。3.The next 12 months will see the concrete-and-steel skeletons on site fleshed out, with the roof of the aquatic centre, which doubles as the main pedestrian access to the park, due for completion next summer. 接下来的12个月里,工地上的钢筋混凝土骨架会变得丰满,兼作通往公园的主要通道的水上运动中心将要封顶,并且定于明年夏天完工。
2023-07-07 04:10:311

pedestrian-friendly 是什么意思

2023-07-07 04:10:381


Pedestrian Crossing 人行横道pedestrian walk [way] 人行通道:〉
2023-07-07 04:10:482

步行的英语短语 英语词组和短语的区别

  在路上步行的时候,有什么关于步行的英语短语可以玩的?下面就由我为大家带来关于步行的英语短语的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于步行的英语短语的相关英语短语   to go on foot   to walk   hoof it   ride on horse of ten toes   ride on horse with ten toes   pedestrism   shank it   step it   walking   walk   tread the ground   step   ambulation   pedestrian   on foot   hoof   ambulate   pad the hoof   关于步行的英语短语的英语例句   我步行了二公里。   I footed two kilometers.   那一趟步行真使我疲惫不堪。   All that walking really did me over .   你是步行来的还是坐公共汽车来的?   Did you travel on foot or come by bus?   早上没赶上班车,没奈何只好步行去上班。   I missed the regular bus, so I had to go to work on foot.   他梦想步行周游世界。   He vainly hope to travel round the world on foot.   然后两人一起步行离开.   The two then walk away together.   所有的运输工具都是船或者步行。   All transportation is by boat or on foot.   在一些地方你能够步行穿过它。   In some places you can cross it on foot.   他们总是一起步行去上学。   They always walk to school together.   我步行去学校上学。   I go to school on foot .   你是说我们只能步行去上学了吗?   Do you mean we have to walk to school?   在这个例子中我们有观看,一个人步行的实证。   In this case we had the evidence of watching an individual walk.   随后他步行去搭乘另一部巴士,在距离他的推销区域一英里处下车。   He then walks to another bus that drops him off a mile from his territory.   愈来愈多的人意识到按时锻炼的好处,例如像散步,跑步和游泳等运动,有些人已经不再驾车去上班,而是开始步行或骑自行车。   More and more people are aware of the benefits of regular exercise like walking, running, orswimming; some have begun to walk or ride bicycles to work instead of driving.   如果你想每天锻炼,那么只在跑走运动之间的那一天步行。要不然就在你放松休息的那天使用这个方法。   If you want to exercise every day, walk only on the day between run-walks, otherwise, use it as a rest day.   关于步行的英语短语的相关例句   我们登机前,我步行把他们送到他们的下次航班处,那次航班将带他们到达目的地。   Once we landed, I walked them to their next flight, which would take them to their finaldestination; separation.   他每天步行或者骑脚踏车去办公。   He walks or bikes to the office every day.   你可以看到人们在公共汽车上使用,当他们步行或在家这个东西。   You can see people using this thing on the bus, when they are walking or at home.   人类的尊严强烈要求步行的权利,一种身体不被命令或恐怖逼迫时产生的韵律。   Human dignity insisted on the right to walk, a rhythm not extorted from the body by command orterror.   他们步行穿过森林,呼吸着松树的芳香。   They walked through the forest breathing the scent of pines.   我的同事跟我一起每天午餐后步行一英里。   My colleagues and I walk a mile everyday after lunch.   其中一项减少交通需要的方法就是将所有外出工作集合在一次外出旅程中,那将会减少你的开车或步行时间,并给予你更多时间集中在工作上。   One way to cut down on transportation needs is to group all of your errands together into a single trip. That will cut driving/walking time and give you more time to focus on work.   在你的社区或者网上参加一个步行俱乐部,尝试练瑜伽和自行车并且练习,这会帮助你的肌肉很好的保持张力和平衡,直到你晚年。   Join a walking club in your community or online, try exercises like yoga and biking, and do exercises that will help you keep muscle tone and balance well into your senior years.   您也可以选择步行和自行车向导。   You can choose walking and biking directions, as well.   稍后我们步行到了一个废弃的筒仓。   Later we walked to an abandoned silo.   每天步行一小时或者采用其它锻炼方法燃烧同样的卡路里。   Walk about an hour a day or burn the same calories with other activities.   每天步行一小时或者采用其它锻炼方法燃烧同样的卡路里。   Walk about an hour a day or burn the same calories with other activities.   关于步行的英语短语的双语例句   1. When I was your age I walked five miles to school.   我像你这么大时,要步行5英里去上学。   2. She was rather cross about having to trail across London.   她不得不疲惫地步行穿过伦敦,这让她相当生气。   3. We"ve arranged a walking tour of the city with your guide.   我们已安排大家在导游的带领下步行游览这座城市。   4. We once walked across London at two in the morning.   我们曾在凌晨两点步行穿过伦敦。   5. The sponsored walk will raise money for AIDS care.   本次慈善步行活动将为艾滋病人筹款。   6. The Centre was a pedestrian precinct with a bandstand in the middle.   该中心是步行商业区,正中央有一个室外音乐演奏台。   7. Pedestrian zones mean that children can play in relative safety.   步行区域意味着孩子们可以在那里相对安全地玩耍。   8. He had to walk all the way home.   他不得不一路步行回家。   9. Shall we walk or go by bus ?   我们步行呢,还是坐公共汽车?   10. to walk along the prom   沿步行道散步   11. Most people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour.   大多数人步行的平均速度为每小时5公里。   12. I don"t like the thought of you walking home alone.   我不喜欢你一个人步行回家。   13. In a pinch, you could get home on foot.   在万不得已时, 你可以步行回家.   14. After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk a mile.   正餐以后,休息片刻;晚餐以后, 步行一里.   15. Taxis seem very thin on the ground tonight — I will have to walk.   今晚出租车似乎非常少,我得步行了.    看过步行的英语短语的英语相关知识人还看了: 1.步行的英语短语精选合集 2.步行的英文短语 3.步行用英语怎么说 4.表示方位的英语短语 5.参观的英文短语
2023-07-07 04:10:551

zebra crossing 还是 pedestrain crossing?两者有什么区别?谢谢

如果你要表示“人形横道线”的话,二者是一样的,只不过zebra crossing更常用一些
2023-07-07 04:11:034

pedestrian crossing是什么意思

pedestrian crossing英[piu02c8destriu0259n u02c8kru0254siu014b]美[pu0259u02c8du025bstriu0259n u02c8kru0254su026au014b]n.行人交叉路网络斑马线; 行人穿越道; 人行横道复数:pedestrian crossings数据合作方:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度知道新1He was knocked down on a pedestrian crossing.他在人行横道上被撞倒。
2023-07-07 04:11:102

pedestrian only是什么意思

2023-07-07 04:11:182


2023-07-07 04:11:491


美版 触不到的恋人在这个网址搜索后就能下载了
2023-07-07 04:11:596


人行横道pedestrian crossingcrosswalk
2023-07-07 04:12:173


人车混行 [rén chē hún xíng]pedestrian-vehicle mixed use
2023-07-07 04:12:261


遇到行人要减速慢行英文翻译_Pedestrians need to slow down and slow down
2023-07-07 04:12:351


how much is it 这些多少钱
2023-07-07 04:12:445

pedestrian zone 和pavement 有区别吗?

2023-07-07 04:13:121

zebra crossing 还是 pedestrain crossing?两者有什么区别?谢谢

2023-07-07 04:13:192

捷豹XF 出现check pedestrian system,怎么处理啊

2023-07-07 04:13:295

步行区 英文里怎么表达

pedestrian zone 比较合适其实这个时候去搜一下英文网页就好了,看一下外国人有没有该写法.请见根据以上网页,pedestrian zone 也可称为auto-free zones 或 car-free zones***当然, 这是指英式英语如果满意,望采纳
2023-07-07 04:15:241


pedestrians的读音音标为:/pu0259u02c8destriu0259nz/。pedestrians是pedestrian的复数形式,在词尾直接加“s”,此时是名词行人、步行者的意思。该词还可以做形容词,意为步行的;枯燥的;平凡的;单调的;缺乏想象的。行人直接在词尾加“s”,是单数变复数的规则之一。一般来说,s在元音或浊辅音后读/z/,在清辅音后面读/s/。在48个英语音标中有20个元音音标和28个辅音音标。而28个辅音音标中又有11个清辅音和17个浊辅音。pedestrian tunnel
2023-07-07 04:17:061


2023-07-07 04:18:521

pedestrian 跟passer-by区别?

pedestrian是行人的意思。马路上的行人。外国很多警示牌都用pedestrian这个词。而passer-by指的是过路人,指得是单个一个人.说个例句吧:Police asked passers-by if they had seen the accident happen.(警察询问过路的人是否见到事故发生的经过)
2023-07-07 04:18:591

"请走人行通道"的英文怎么翻译的?请帮翻译一下,不要“百度翻译”里翻译的!谢谢 急急急

"请走人行通道"Please walk on the pedestrian path / sidewalk / pavement.
2023-07-07 04:19:083

pedestrian-only street; vehicle-free promenade是什么意思啊??

2023-07-07 04:19:162


问题一:步行街用英语怎么说 arcade: a covered passage between streets, with shops/stores on either side 问题二:"步行街"英文怎么翻译阿? Walking海Street 或者是 Pedestrian Street 都可以 我身边的老外用前者的多 问题三:英语步行街怎么说? pedestrian street 在英国街道上看到的。 问题四:上下九步行街 用英文怎么说 Shang Xiajiu pedestrian! 问题五:东门步行街的英语怎么写 Shenzhen Dongmen Walking Street 请设置为最佳答案,谢谢!
2023-07-07 04:19:221


passenger foot-bridge或者是pedestrian overpass
2023-07-07 04:19:401


2023-07-07 04:19:486


"Chinese" to cross the road, the biggest reason is that our way of distribution and the semaphore set "rude". In Spain, the fork of the pedestrian way to over motor vehicles. According to the relevant traffic laws and regulations, in the intersection, as long as the pedestrians are given a clear gestures or a foot to pedestrian crossing through intent, one motor vehicle must be stopped to wait for pedestrians to pass. But if have the right will have responsibility, where pedestrians in the crosswalk to cross the road or ignored the traffic light, will be fined. Is the so-called "culture has no rival, system have advantages and disadvantages", a good system, does not have high quality guarantee, is the premise of high quality. "Chinese" crossing the road can not blindly blame "quality ? China favours in the setting of traffic light motor vehicles, domestic to this phenomenon is more prominent. Right turn vehicles is not affected by light control, too much kerb radius turn right lead to vehicle speed is too high; Both directions of right turn vehicles may force through the same crosswalk, occupy the pedestrian passage of time, lead to the pedestrian and the conflict of right turn vehicles, pedestrians in the signal within the stipulated time finish crossing the street, then forced through a red light or stranded in the middle of the road. Pedestrians and vehicles turning conflicts may cause the pedestrian crossing during green light time rather than cross the street more dangerous strange phenomenon during the red light.
2023-07-07 04:20:041


2023-07-07 04:20:148


pedestrian street
2023-07-07 04:20:314

pedestrian crossing/cross walk/cross zone /zebra crossing是什么意思?

pedestrian crossing:人行横道 crosswalk 人行横道,行人穿越道,斑马线cross zone十字区zebra crossing斑马线
2023-07-07 04:20:381


walking street
2023-07-07 04:20:464


no walking请采纳
2023-07-07 04:21:384

捷豹XF 出现check pedestrian system,怎么处理啊

捷豹XF出现check pedestrian system是提示驾驶员添加汽车发动机的机油,缺少机油的发动机继续运行会加剧零部件的磨损,造成发动机急速老化,应该避免,添加机油的具体操作步骤如下:一、打开捷豹XF的驾驶室这边的车门。二、拉动捷豹XF的驾驶员腿部左侧位置处的引擎盖开关。三、向上掀起捷豹XF的发动机引擎盖。四、用支撑杆支撑起捷豹XF的发动机引擎盖,要确保支撑牢固,避免作业时发生危险。五、拧下捷豹XF发动机的机油盖,加入机油。
2023-07-07 04:21:531

zebra crossing什么时候加s

当第三人称做主语的时候zebra crossing加s。如:Most good drivers stop at zebra crossings.大多数好司机都会在斑马线前停车。Cars must also stop at zebra crossings if a pedestrian is waiting.如果有行人在等待,汽车必须在斑马线那里停下来。zebra crossing和pedestrian lane的区别:zebra crossing是斑马线的意思。zebra就是斑马,crossing是街道的人行道,单独使用时也可以表示十字交叉路口。而pedestrian lane指的是人行道或者步行街,上面没有条纹斑马线的。这里需要注意区分,因为北美和澳洲也比较常用pedestrian lane表示斑马线。如:Could you pull up closer to the pedestrian lane?可以停得离人行道/步行街近点吗?
2023-07-07 04:22:531