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2023-07-07 00:38:13
TAG: 美国
  美国没有国父之说,wiki上对于usa‘s father是这样解释的:
  The Founding Fathers of the United States of America were political leaders and statesmen who participated in the American Revolution by signing the United States Declaration of Independence, taking part in the American Revolutionary War, establishing the United States Constitution, or by some other key contribution. Within the large group known as the "Founding Fathers", there are two key subsets: the "Signers of the Declaration of Independence" (who signed the United States Declaration of Independence in 1776) and the Framers of the Constitution (who were delegates to the Federal Convention and took part in framing or drafting the proposed Constitution of the United States).

  Most historians define the "Founding Fathers" to mean a larger group, including not only the Signers and the Framers but also all those who, whether as politicians, jurists, statesmen, soldiers, diplomats, or ordinary citizens, took part in winning American independence and creating the United States of America.[2] American historian Richard B. Morris, in his 1973 book Seven Who Shaped Our Destiny: The Founding Fathers as Revolutionaries, identified the following seven figures as the key Founding Fathers:
  * Benjamin Franklin,
  * George Washington,
  * John Adams,
  * Thomas Jefferson,
  * John Jay,
  * James Madison,
  * and Alexander Hamilton.

















政治家的英语翻译 政治家用英语怎么说

2023-07-06 21:41:402


1、politician英 [u02ccpu0252lu0259u02c8tu026au0283n] 美 [u02ccpɑ:lu0259u02c8tu026au0283n] n.政治家;政客,玩弄权术者;<蔑>政客,<美>政治贩复数: politicians2、statesman英 [u02c8steu026atsmu0259n] 美 [u02c8stetsmu0259n] n.政治家
2023-07-06 21:42:171


2023-07-06 21:42:385


  政治家是指那些在长期的政治实践中涌现出来的具有一定政治远见和政治才干、掌握着政党或国家的两道权力并对社会历史发展起着重大影响作用的领导人物。那么你知道政治家用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   政治家的英语说法1:   politician   政治家的英语说法2:   statesman   政治家相关英语表达:   美国政治家 American politicians   政治家勋章 Statesman"s Medal   律师政治家 Lawyer-Statesman   乡村政治家 village statesman   政治家的英语例句:   1. He is widely regarded as Hungary"s most skilful politician.   他是公认的匈牙利最有手腕的政治家。   2. Those familiar with Sanders call him a consummate politician.   那些熟悉桑德斯的人都称他为手段高明的政治家。   3. Interviewing politicians may not be rocket science, but it does matter.   采访政治家可能并不是什么高难度的事,但的确很重要。   4. There is an uneasy relationship between us and the politicians.   我们和那些政治家之间的关系很不稳固。   5. Senior politicians connived to ensure that he was not released.   几位资深政治家串通起来确保他不会获释。   6. He was widely respected as a wise and statesmanlike governor.   他作为一位睿智、具备政治家才干的州长而广受尊崇。   7. The ruling party"s veterans know how to calm their critics.   执政党的老牌政治家们知道怎样让批评他们的人安静下来。   8. Nobody that I spoke to doubted his sincerity as a politician.   和我谈过话的人中没有一个怀疑他作为一个政治家的诚意。   9. Interviews with politicians were juxtaposed with news items of quite astonishing triviality.   对政治家的访谈与内容相当耸动的八卦新闻放在同一个版面。   10. Nervous politicians might well feel more comfortable with a step-by-step approach.   神经脆弱的政治家们似乎更容易接受一种循序渐进的做法。   11. He praised the two leaders warmly for their statesmanship.   他热情地称赞了两位领导人的政治家风范。   12. Neither of the front-runners in the presidential election is a mainstream politician.   总统选举中的两位领先者都不是主流政治家。   13. He"s a nice old rascal but a disaster area as a politician.   他是个不错的老家伙,但是作为一个政治家就太差劲了。   14. Politicians accuse the media of talking up the possibility of a riot.   政治家们谴责媒体夸大了发生骚乱的可能性。   15. Politicians are usually careful not to ruffle the feathers of their constituents.   政治家们通常都很小心,避免激怒了他们的选民。
2023-07-06 21:43:191


2023-07-06 21:43:347


2023-07-06 21:43:519


写作思路:首先介绍一下什么是政治家,比如政治家是那些在长期的政治实践中涌现出来,具有一定政治远见和政治才干,对社会历史发展起着重大影响作用的领导人物等等,再叙述一下政治家的历程。正文:Politicians refer to those leaders who have certain political foresight and political ability, hold the leading power of political parties or countries and have a significant impact on the development of social history.政治家是指那些在长期的政治实践中涌现出来的具有一定政治远见和政治才干、掌握着政党或国家的领导权力并对社会历史发展起着重大影响作用的领导人物。In Chinese, it is a positive noun, which is used for positive affirmation, which is different from the derogatory use of the word "politician". "Politicians" are generally people who engage in or actively engage in politics. They have ideals, can think for the country and the people, and their motives focus on the well-being of the people and the peace and development of the world.在中文里是一个正面的名词,用于正面肯定的用法,与具有贬意的“政客”一词的用法不同。“政治家”一般是从事或积极投入政治的人,且其
2023-07-06 21:45:251

politics/politician 这 英语单词怎么念?

2023-07-06 21:45:335

政要 怎么说政要用英语怎么说

2023-07-06 21:45:592

statesman 和politicians在语义上的区别

politician,statesman这两个名词均可表示“政治家”之意politician 指有才能的职业政治家或政坛人物。在美国英语中,多含贬——特指玩弄阴谋、勾心斗角以谋以私利的政客、政治骗子。statesman与politician 相反,,常用于,指有远见,为国为民的正派的政治,既着重才,又侧重身居要职罗尔斯关于“政治家”(statesman)与“政客”(politician)之间区别的如下刻画也值得一提:“政治家必须关注的是政治世界,在极端情形下,必须有能力把他或她效力的那个良序政权的利益,与他或她作为个人当作生活准则的那些宗教的、哲学的或道德的学说区分开来.”尤其重要的,罗尔斯称自己的万民法设想为一种“现实主义的乌托邦,并对此作了很具有康德精神的阐述。在罗尔斯看来,这种乌托邦固然还只是一种可能性,而可能性既不等于逻辑可能性,也不等于历史必然性,但乌托邦设想之所以重要,是因为可能性如果被意识到了,就会发生实际作。信念会产生希望,希望会影响我们的行动:“因为只要我们出于好的理由相,一个自我维持的合理地正义的政治社会秩,在国内和在国外都是可能,我们就能合理地希,我们或别人在某日某地会达到这个目,于是我们就能为了追求这种实现而做些什么”
2023-07-06 21:46:061


politicadj.1. 精明的;有策略的例:an astute and politic statesman一个老谋深算的政治家2. 狡猾的;不择手段的3. (计划、言行等)考虑周到的4. 【古】政治的vi.1. 进行竞选活动,拉选票politicaladj.1. 政治的;政治上的例:political cartoonists are good at making light of politicians. 他的政治思想走了极端。political views政治观点2. 政党的;党派的3. 国家的;政府的;行政的4. 对政治感兴趣的首先两者在解释上有一定差异,politic较强调主观具有的特性主要指人,political则是客观事物某种特性.多指事物.在词性上两者都可以做形容词...但politic还可以做动词political则不能这是本人的理解....希望对你有用...
2023-07-06 21:46:131

statesman 和politicians在语义上的区别

politician和statesman的字面意义都是"政治家",但实际上politician往往用于贬义,表示"政客"之意,双解词典对其解释是"a person who takes part in or is much interested in politics, who is in politics merely for personal gain and self-interest",表示褒义的"政治家",通常用statesman,其英语释义为:"a person with wisdom and skill in managing the affairs of state"望采纳啦!!
2023-07-06 21:46:211

Cream的《Politician》 歌词

歌曲名:Politician歌手:Cream专辑:Wheels Of FireSwitchfoot - Politicians(Oh, Oh, Oh,)Everything is broken,Everything is broken,Everything is breaking down, breaking downEverything is bleeding,Everything is bleeding,Everything is breaking down, breaking downI pledge allegiance to a country without borders,Without Politicians,Watching for my sky to get torn apartWe are broken, we are bitter, we"re the problem,We"re the Politicians,Watching for our sky to get torn apart(Come on and break me)Entropy and aching,Where have we been aiming?Everything is fading now,Fading nowWe are the faded,Splintered and sedatedEverything is fading now,Fading nowI pledge allegiance to a country without borders,Without Politicians,Watching for my sky to get torn apartWe are broken, we are bitter, we"re the problem,We"re the Politicians,Watching for our sky to get torn apart(Come on and break me)(Come on and break me)Oh!Oh!I pledge allegiance to a country without borders,Without Politicians,Politicians,Politicians,I am broken, I am bitter!I"m the problem, I"m the Politician,Watching for my sky to get torn apart(Come on and break me)(Come on and break me)
2023-07-06 21:46:271


2023-07-06 21:46:361

politic political politics区别

形容词“精明的”、/ 形容词“政治的”、/ 名词“政治”
2023-07-06 21:46:444


政府英语:Government。政府是指国家进行统治和社会管理的机关,是国家表示意志、发布命令和处理事务的机关,实际上是国家代理组织和官吏的总称。政府的概念一般有广义和狭义之分,广义的政府是指行使国家权力的所有机关,包括立法、行政和司法机关; 狭义的政府是指国家权力的执行机关,即国家行政机关。政府是维护国家安全与主权、加强国防建设、消除社会隐患和内部腐败、控制污染保护生态环境、推广吸收民间先进科学技术和经验、鼓励创新创造、淘汰落后产品产能和生产工艺、提高国民生产能力、优化社会结构,研究社会现象、培养领导,实施城乡规划、开展破除迷信、减贫扶贫防贫、促进社会进步的特殊机构。国家公共行政权力的象征、承载体和实际行为体。政府发布的行政命令、行政决策、行政法规、行政司法、行政裁决、行政惩处、行政监察等等,都应符合宪法和有关法律的原则和精神,都对其规定的所有适用对象产生效力,并以国家武装力量为后盾的强制执行。双语例句:1、Government of a large city is very difficult.管理一个大城市是非常困难的。2、The country needs fair government.该国需要公正的管理。3、If we do not have strong government, there will be rioting and anarchy.如果我们不加强控制就会出现动乱与无政府状态。4、Government has been entrusted to the elected politicians.选出的政治家受委托管理国家。5、The Prime Minister has formed a new government.首相已组建了新的政府。6、The information is fed back to the appropriate government department.这个信息被反馈给政府的有关部门。7、The government should fulfil its pledge.政府应该履行其诺言。8、The government sent relief to the people who lost their houses in the flood.政府向水灾中流离失所的人送去了救济品。9、The product met all requirements set by the government.该产品符合政府规定的所有标准。10、The government increased income tax to pay for defense.政府提高了所得税以支付国防开支。
2023-07-06 21:47:151

你好!英译汉 尾

2023-07-06 21:48:144


定语从句 从句放在名词后修饰speech作定语
2023-07-06 21:48:237


此句有错 ,businessmen后加who,你就明白了吧
2023-07-06 21:48:549


2023-07-06 21:49:093


改过的We always believe that success isthe result of hard working. However, nowadays, some people have pointed out another opinion about success, "Luck is an indispensable factor of success." In my opinion, luck also plays an important role in an individual"s achievement, of course, based on hard-work.In many cases, working hard is essential to a person"s accomplishment. Almost all of us, except those who are bring up in an noble family or whose parents are millionaires, need to pay great attention in studying. Entrepreneurs, for instance, cannot run any business without working hard or keeping learning. Politicians, as well, must study to have advantages to compete against his contenders. Take we students as example, if we don"t study hard, we are not able to learn about the world, we will fail in exams, and finally, without enough knowledge, we may also fail in the society. However, luck does play an important role in a person"s accomplishment. Sometimes what we have done are good enough. With knowledge of almost all sorts in world , knowing enough about the world and our society that help us to survive and launch a business, we just need a chance. Mostly, luck acts as something like catalyst in one"s success. For instance, Nicholas, one of my neighbors, is just such a person. After graduated from university, he is keen on building his own enterprise. However, we all agreed that he is lack of money and experience, none of us believe he can get achievement in the future described by himself. And, no one was willing to lend money to him. Then, Nicholas was favored by luck. My neighbor, coming into a big fortune at his aunt"s death, finally established his own company., his company is very successful now unexpectedly. what is more, Luck sometimes can save a person. There are so many people in world live in poor conditions and cannot get primary education. However, there are some individuals with rare genius among them. They just need a chance, to help them out from the environment that not fits them well. Take my classmate Cathy as example. She was brought up in a poor western area of China, which is so backward that each of her family members can only have a shower once a month. If she did not get the endowment from a philanthropist, she will repeat the constant life as her parents do. Only after her entering our university, we eventually realized that she is a promising person with great potential. She does well in almost all classes and is admired by all of us. That"s how luck change a person entirely.All in all, luck does work in an individual"s achievement. It is very superficial to say that luck has nothing to do with success.
2023-07-06 21:49:294

译文及思考:清洁能源背后的肮脏秘密 经济学人3.4刊社论

被新的一期The Economist的社论的标题吸引,遂翻了这篇文章,谨供参考,欢迎交流观点,同时指正不足之处。 ALMOST 150 years after photovoltaic cells and wind turbines were invented, they still generate only 7% of the world"s electricity. 在太阳能光伏发电和风力涡轮发电技术问世将近150年后,它们依然只产生全球7%的电力。 Yet something remarkable is happening. From being peripheral to the energy system just over a decade ago, they are now growing faster than any other energy source and their falling costs are making them competitive with fossil fuels. 可有些令人瞩目的事情却在发生。十年前还是能源系统里微不足道的一部分,而现在它们比其他任何能源都发展的要快,不停降低的成本使得它们能够同化石燃料旗鼓相当。 BP, an oil firm, expects renewables to account for half of the growth in global energy supply over the next 20 years. It is no longer far-fetched to think that the world is entering an era of clean, unlimited and cheap power. About time, too. BP,一家石油公司,作出预期认为可再生能源将在接下来的20年内占到全球供能数量增长的一半。认为世界即将进入一个干净,无限且廉价能源的时代不再是不着边际的想法。同时,也该是时候了。 There is a $20trn hitch, though. To get from here to there requires huge amounts of investment over the next few decades, to replace old smog-belching power plants and to upgrade the pylons and wires that bring electricity to consumers. 然而,这还存在着一道200亿美刀的鸿沟。从现在的境地到理想的状态需要接下来的几十年中投入巨额的资金,来取代那些喷云吐雾的发电厂,同时将给消费者输送电力的电缆塔和电线进行更新换代。 Normally investors like putting their money into electricity because it offers reliable returns. Yet green energy has a dirty secret. The more it is deployed, the more it lowers the price of power from any source. 通常情况下投资者喜欢将他们的资金投入到电力产业中因为这会提供可靠的收益。 然而,绿色能源却有一个肮脏的秘密——它投入使用的越广泛,来自其他资源产生的能源的价格就将降得越低。 That makes it hard to manage the transition to a carbon-free future, during which many generating technologies, clean and dirty, need to remain profitable if the lights are to stay on. Unless the market is fixed, subsidies to the industry will only grow. 这使得向没有碳排放的未来的转型变得困难了,因为在这个过程中,许多供能的厂家,无论清洁与否,都需要保持盈利,如果灯还需要亮着的话。除非市场的问题解决了,给能源产业的补贴将只会继续增长。 Policymakers are already seeing this inconvenient truth as a reason to put the brakes on renewable energy. In parts of Europe and China, investment in renewables is slowing as subsidies are cut back. However, the solution is not less wind and solar. It is to rethink how the world prices clean energy in order to make better use of it. 政策的制定者已经看到了这个尴尬的事实,同样也将其作为缘由放缓了可再生能源的进一步投放。在欧洲和中国的部分地区,对可再生能源的投资正在放缓,而这正是因为补贴被降低了。然而,解决方法不是减少风或者太阳能,还是去重新思考世界应当如何去给清洁能源定价,进而更好的发挥它的作用。 At its heart, the problem is that government-supported renewable energy has been imposed on a market designed in a different era. 问题的中心在于政府所支持的可再生能源,被投放在了一个与之时代上不相同步的市场里。 For much of the 20th century, electricity was made and moved by vertically integrated, state-controlled monopolies. 20世纪的大多数时间,电力产业都被垂直一体化的国有垄断企业所生产,运输。 From the 1980s onwards, many of these were broken up, privatised and liberalised, so that market forces could determine where best to invest. 从1980s开始,许多这些垄断企业都被分解,私有化或解体了,进而市场力量可以决定哪儿是最好的投资方向。 Today only about 6% of electricity users get their power from monopolies. Yet everywhere the pressure to decarbonise power supply has brought the state creeping back into markets. 今天只有6%的用户从垄断企业获取电力,然而无处不在的对无碳排放能源的需求使得国家不得不走回原先市场化的道路。 **This is disruptive for three reasons. ** 而这件事情将是极具破坏性的,有三个原因。 The first is the subsidy system itself. The other two are inherent to the nature of wind and solar: their intermittency and their very low running costs. 首先是补贴体系自身,另外二者则关于风力和太阳能的本质:它们的间歇性以及极低的运作成本。 All three help explain why power prices are low and public subsidies are addictive. 如上三点解释了为什么能源价格非常低然而公众补贴却仍然是不可或缺的。 First, the splurge of public subsidy, of about $800bn since 2008, has distorted the market. It came about for noble reasons—to counter climate change and prime the pump for new, costly technologies, including wind turbines and solar panels. 第一,公众补贴的随意挥霍,自08年起的约8亿美刀,已经扰乱了市场。它投放时打着高尚的旗号——为了抵制气候变化并且要采取措施促使新兴且昂贵的科技,包括风力涡轮和太阳能光伏技术的发展。 But subsidies hit just as electricity consumption in the rich world was stagnating because of growing energy efficiency and the financial crisis. The result was a glut of power-generating capacity that has slashed the revenues utilities earn from wholesale power markets and hence deterred investment. 但是补贴入市的时机恰好是发达世界中电力消费因逐渐提高的能源效率以及经济危机而遭遇滞涨的时刻。 Second, green power is intermittent. The vagaries of wind and sun—especially in countries without favourable weather—mean that turbines and solar panels generate electricity only part of the time. To keep power flowing, the system relies on conventional power plants, such as coal, gas or nuclear, to kick in when renewables falter. But because they are idle for long periods, they find it harder to attract private investors. So, to keep the lights on, they require public funds. 第二,绿色能源是间歇性的。风和太阳的不可预测性——尤其是在没有有力天气情况的国家——意味着涡轮和光伏电板仅仅只能部分时间产生电力。为了保证能源的供应,这个系统还需要依赖传统的发电方式,比如煤,天然气或者是核能,在可再生能源无法工作的时候接手。但是正因为可再生能源的长期搁置,它们很难能够吸引到私人投资者。所以,为了能够持续供电,它们需要公共的资金支持。 Everyone is affected by a third factor: renewable energy has negligible or zero marginal running costs—because the wind and the sun are free. In a market that prefers energy produced at the lowest short-term cost, wind and solar take business from providers that are more expensive to run, such as coal plants, depressing power prices, and hence revenues for all. 每个人都被第三个因素所影响:可再生能源有着微乎其微甚至可以不计的边际运作成本——因为风能和太阳能是免费的。在一个倾向于短期能源生产成本最低的市场中,风能和太阳能从供应商手中接手过来运营成本更高的供电方式比如火力发电厂,进而压低供能价格,造福整个市场。 注释:我个人对该段的理解是,从短期上来说,新能源收益是非常低的,进而没有投资者愿意投资建厂来提供新能源,这是供不足;而现在越来越多的人有保护环境的意识,进而有对绿色清洁能源的需求,导致需求大,供需之间有缺口,政府却通过给传统能源提供补助的方式来促使人们使用传统能源而非清洁能源,进而有了“清洁能源从供应商手中接过运营成本更高。。。进而造福整个市场”(因为它间接性的拉低了其他能源的供应价格) The higher the penetration of renewables, the worse these problems get—especially in saturated markets. In Europe, which was first to feel the effects, utilities have suffered a “lost decade” of falling returns, stranded assets and corporate disruption. 可再生能源渗透的越深,这些问题就会变得越严重——尤其是在饱和的市场中。欧洲已经首先感受到了这些影响,公用事业已经遭受了一个“失落的十年”——收益下降,资产滞胀以及企业破产。 Last year, Germany"s two biggest electricity providers, E.ON and RWE, both split in two. In renewable-rich parts of America power providers struggle to find investors for new plants. Places with an abundance of wind, such as China, are curtailing wind farms to keep coal plants in business. 去年,德国两家最大的电力公司,E.ON和RWE,都分裂成了两家。在可再生能源盛行的地区,美国的能源供应商努力寻找投资商开设新的电厂。有充足风力的地区,比如中国,都已经雪藏了风力发电厂,以保持火力发电厂的运营。 The corollary is that the electricity system is being re-regulated as investment goes chiefly to areas that benefit from public support. 必然的结果就是电力系统正在被重新设立规则,伴随着投资大部分流向能够从公共补贴中收益的区域。 Paradoxically, that means the more states support renewables, the more they pay for conventional power plants, too, using “capacity payments” to alleviate intermittency. In effect, politicians rather than markets are once again deciding how to avoid blackouts. 矛盾的是,这也意味着支持可再生能源的国家越多,他们支付给传统发电厂的也越多,因为他们用“支付能力”来缓解可再生能源的间歇性问题。实际上,是政客而非市场在又一次在选择如何规避停电的发生。 They often make mistakes: Germany"s support for cheap, dirty lignite caused emissions to rise, notwithstanding huge subsidies for renewables. 他们却又总是犯错误:德国支持廉价的能源,引擎点火导致的污染排放却增加了,尽管为可再生能源发放了巨额的补贴。 Without a new approach the renewables revolution will stall. The good news is that new technology can help fix the problem. 没有新办法的话,可再生能源的改革将要停滞了。而好消息是新的科技将帮助解决这个问题。 Digitalisation, smart meters and batteries are enabling companies and households to smooth out their demand—by doing some energy-intensive work at night, for example. 数字化,智能电表以及电池都在帮助企业和家庭缓和他们的需求——通过例如将能源密集型的工作放在夜晚。 This helps to cope with intermittent supply. Small, modular power plants, which are easy to flex up or down, are becoming more popular, as are high-voltage grids that can move excess power around the network more efficiently. 这有效解决了间歇性供应的问题。同时易于上下弯曲的小型模块化发电厂正在变得十分流行,能够使得更多额外能源更有效的在电路网络中运行的高压系统网络亦然。 The bigger task is to redesign power markets to reflect the new need for flexible supply and demand. They should adjust prices more frequently, to reflect the fluctuations of the weather. 更大的任务是重新设计能源供给市场,以反应对灵活的供需关系的需要。他们应当更为频繁的调整价格,以反应天气的变化。 At times of extreme scarcity, a high fixed price could kick in to prevent blackouts. Markets should reward those willing to use less electricity to balance the grid, just as they reward those who generate more of it. 在极度稀缺的年代,一个高昂的固定价格能够很好的起到防止市场崩溃的作用。市场应当奖励那些愿意用更少的电的人,来调控市场,正如它们奖励那些生产的更多的人。 Bills could be structured to be higher or lower depending how strongly a customer wanted guaranteed power all the time—a bit like an insurance policy. In short, policymakers should be clear they have a problem and that the cause is not renewable energy, but the out-of-date system of electricity pricing. Then they should fix it. 账单价格的高低可以根据客户有多想要无时无刻供应的稳定的能源来制定,有一点像保险的售卖政策。总而言之,政策的制定者应当明确他们目前面临着一个问题并且这问题的原因不是可再生能源,而是早已过时的电力价格机制。他们应该修复这问题。 写在文末的一些感想:这篇文章提出的一些问题确实值得我们思考,比如中国将风力发电弃之不用,目的是为了火力发电厂的持续运作。这的确是我们国家,甚至是全球都需要面对的问题,在转型期间,原有的能源结构如何平稳的过渡,how to get to there from here,在考虑可持续发展的长远目标的同时,又要如何控制住当下的成本,维持经济发展,的确是很棘手的问题。我们不可能违背客观规律,那么可能正如文中所提出的,要么从价格机制上予以调控,要么,就寄希望于科技,改变我们的未来吧。
2023-07-06 21:49:361

英文写作 高手帮忙

2023-07-06 21:49:4512

克隆的利与弊 (英语翻译)

每一天人类正困扰着许多道德问题。由于近来 在英国研究机构宣布已成功地克隆了绵羊,还有更多的问题出现。总的问题是,“克隆还是不克隆?”全世界,医生,政治家,宗教人士,这个问题被许多团体研究许多医生认为克隆是一个进步,以帮助挽救更多人的生命。虽然特定的器官或稀有血型还有待克隆和实际提供给整个医疗界。想想看:如果有人急需进行肝脏移植手术,因为他们喝了太多酒。随着克隆技术的帮助,医生就可以克隆该人的肝细胞,产生健康,基因匹配的肝脏,从而节省了病人的生命。克隆技术产生革命性的医疗产业! 虽然许多医生,站在的克隆一边,而许多政界人士对中间立场。许多人认为是医疗需求,但也不愿意。大多数政治家们都希望通过任何方式为自己的事情就自己一个重要问题。由于克隆尚未准备好了访问,以任何方式,向广大公众,这还不是一个大问题的政治家。由于政治人物使全世界的法律,我们将不得不等待,看看是否所有的克隆是合法的,只对部分特定用途和法律,或违法的。 大多数宗教人士是向下的克隆方面。许多人说,克隆是与事物的自然秩序搞乱。这是扮演上帝(哪一方你相信)。许多人说,克隆将夺去的生命和死亡的自然的一部分。如果是一个年轻的孩子在一场车祸中丧生,1悲痛的母亲可以拥有他克隆的。通过这样做,她没有让自己正确地愈合。她创造了一个完全不同的人从她失去了儿子的意思(即他将不可避免地有不同的个性。)。 许多人,宗教或没有,说,克隆人类可视为劣势了。这将是被奴役的克隆,器官移植的器官或收获。两者都是残酷和非常可行的争论。你想被奴役,并已采取只因为你是克隆,而不是你的器官自然出生的? 政客,医生,和宗教团体应下车彼此的高马和谈话。沟通是这一僵局的关键。医生可以解释他们的需要,宗教团体可以告诉他们反对什么,以及政治家们能够制定法律规范的事情将如何工作。 (政治家也可以设立一个分支赶上执法和惩罚那些不遵守法律克隆代码。) 克隆或不克隆?很多人说去了。许多人说,这是不对的,这是最好的扮演上帝留给上帝。克隆可能或可能不是一件好事。
2023-07-06 21:50:103


Imagine you are having an important discussion about ideas. It"s not *** all talk, but a discussion about how you feel about something important like your beliefs, politics, who you feel is better for a job and so on. In this case, you will need to pare and contrast ideas, people"s skills, and so on. Using the right phrases and grammar structures can help you express your ideas well. This will lead to a more interesting conversation or debate.,想象一下你正在进行一个关于想法的重要讨论。这不是闲谈,而是讨论你对一些重要事情的感受,比如你的信仰、政治观念、你觉得谁更适合某项工作等等。在这种情况下,您需要比较和对比想法、人们的技能等等。使用正确的短语和语法结构可以帮助你很好地表达你的想法。这将促成更有趣的对话或辩论。,Words and Short Phrases Used to Compare,用来表达比较的词汇和短语,The following words or short phrases pare o items or ideas:,下列单词或短语可以用来比较两个条目或想法:,like,像,likewise,同样地,same as,和....一样,as well as,还,also, too,也,likewise,类似地,Here is a short paragraph using some of these expressions:,下面是使用到以下一些表达的简短段落:,You"ll find that time like money is a limited resource. You can"t buy everything you want, likewise, you don"t have enough time to do everything you want to do. Our time is the same as our money: it"s limited. Also, time is a resource when work needs to be done.,你会发现时间就像金钱一样是一种有限的资源。你不能买你想要的一切,同样,你没有足够的时间去做你想做的一切。我们的时间和我们的钱一样:时间有限。此外,当在完成工作时,时间是一种资源。,The following words or short phrases contrast o items or ideas:,以下单词或短语将两个条目或想法进行对比:,unlike,不像,in contrast to,与…对比,as opposed to,与…相反,different from,与...不同,whereas,然而,Here is a short paragraph using some of these expressions to contrast:,下面是一个简短的段落,使用其中一些表达方式来进行对比:,Unlike time or money, desire is an unlimited resource. Think about it: In contrast to money which can run out, your desire for new experiences and ideas will never end. Whereas there is never enough time to do everything you want, your desire will always e up with something new and exciting.,与时间或金钱不同,欲望是一种无限的资源。想想看:与可能花光的钱相比,你对新体验和新想法的渴望永远不会结束。虽然从来没有足够的时间去做你想做的任何事情,但是你的愿望总是会带来一些新的、令人兴奋的事情。,Forms Used When Comparing Ideas,比较想法时使用的形式,The most important form to use when paring o ideas is the parative form. For three or more ideas, use the superlative form.,比较两种观点时最重要的形式是比较级。对于三个或更多的想法,使用最高级。,Comparative Form,比较级,These sentences use the parative form to discuss ideas concerning the difficult economy.,这些句子使用比较级来讨论有关困难经济的观点。,Employment issues are more important than political problems at this point in time.,目前,就业问题比政治问题更为重要。,Job training is more critical to sustained well being than food stamps and other welfare programs.,工作培训比食品券和其他福利计划对维持健康更为重要。,Politicians are more worried about reelection than truly improving the economy.,政治家们更担心的是连任,而不是真正改善经济。,As ... as,和...一样,A related form to the parative is the use of "as ... as". The positive form shows something is equal. However, when using "as ... as" do not modify the adjective as in the parative form.,比较的一个相关形式是使用“”。正形式表示某事物是相同的。但是,当使用“as…as”不要把形容词改成比较级。,The loss of manufacturing jobs is as unfortunate as the drop in pay.,制造业的失业和工资的下降一样不幸。,Spending on education in my state is as high as in some foreign countries like Korea.,我所在州的教育支出与韩国等国外国家一样高。,The negative form shows that something is not equal.,否定形式表明事物不对等。,It isn"t as easy as you think.,这不像你想的那么容易。,The loss in production isn"t as great as in the past.,生产损失不如过去那么大。,Superlative Form,最高级,These sentences use the superlative form to state what someone feels are the most important aspect of a success at University.,这些句子中,使用最高级级来陈述某人对大学成功重要方面的观点。,Dedication is the most important factor in success at University.,奉献精神是大学取得成功的最重要因素。,Opening my mind to new perspectives was the most rewarding part of my time at university.,在大学的时候,打开我的思维,接受新的观点是我最有价值的部分。,Conjunctions and Connectors,连接词,Use these subordinating conjunctions, connecting words and prepositions to contrast positive and negative aspects.,使用这些从属连词,连接词和介词来对比正反两方面。,Though, Although, Even Thoughu200b,尽管,Although the initial cost will be high, we will eventually profit from the time spent.,虽然最初的成本会很高,但我们最终会从花费的时间中获益。,It"s important to remember that time is money even though many believe that money is more important.,重要的是要记住时间就是金钱,即使许多人认为金钱更重要。,However, Noheless,然而,We need to improve the local infrastructure. However, we must also respect nature.,我们需要改善当地的基础设施。然而,我们也必须尊重自然。,The government should invest in job training programs. Noheless, these will be expensive.,府应该投资于职业培训项目。然而这些将是昂贵的。,Despite, In Spite Of,尽管,Despite the difficulty, students will soon see the benefit of this topic of study.,尽管困难重重,学生们很快就会看到这个学习主题的好处。,The situation will improve in spite of the economy.,尽管经济不景气,情况还是会好转的。
2023-07-06 21:50:171

Which do you appreciate most 或者 the most, politicians or scientists. 这里要不要加 the most?

这里不用加冠词 the. 因为这个most 是副词, 修饰谓语appreciate.Which one fo you appreciate most, politicians or scientists?
2023-07-06 21:50:242


填空题: Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase chosen from the box. Change the forms where necessary. 第一题 A.evaluate B.consume C.aptitude D.make up in F.replace G.ignore H.academic I.lie in J.take a stand 1.Their criticisms deserve our full attention. They are not to be ignored. 请填写答案 2. I"ll have my long skirts shortened because they are fashioned now. 请填写答案 3.Mr. Watt"s worst mistake is his belief that he would never make a mistake. 请填写答案 4.It seems to me that many politicians fail to highlight on equal rights for women. 请填写答案 5. At present nuclear power constitutes only a small fraction of the energy we consume. 请填写答案 6.There are not yet any visible signs to indicate that creative thinking can also done by computer. 请填写答案 7.If your weight remains constant you must be using up all your calories, but if you are gaining weigh, it means that you have excessive intake of calories. 请填写答案 8.This article, though very useful and informative, is much too complicated for the average reader. 请填写答案 9.Bill has a natural talent for thinking out difficult problems. 请填写答案 10.All employees are given a yearly bonus, which decides whether or not their contracts will be rene 请填写答案 第二题 A.routine B.widen C.conclude D.complicate on F.explore G.clue H.comment I.relax the sight of 11. The old couple now have nothing to live on but a small government pension. 请填写答案 12. He understands the economic and social conditions of the period, trying to find the real causes of th 请填写答案 13.She didn"t know who had sent the letter, and the envelope provided no clue. 请填写答案 14.The restless young patient was pleased after being told there really was nothing seriously wrong with t 请填写答案 15.From what I"d heard I realize Miss Noble must be very popular with her pupils. 请填写答案 16.His skill in handling tricky/difficult situations has earned him much praise in diplomatic circles. 请填写答案 17.The mayor refused to make any decision/prosecution on the charges against him. 请填写答案 18.The job, though not difficult, includes many routine tasks which are quite boring. 请填写答案 19. Johnny"s mouth watered after the big pudding. 请填写答案 20.The man"s eyes filled with fear when he saw the robber"s gun.
2023-07-06 21:50:352


2023-07-06 21:50:556


2023-07-06 21:52:093


2023-07-06 21:52:293


politicadj.1.精明的;有策略的例:an astute and politic statesman一个老谋深算的政治家2.狡猾的;不择手段的3.(计划、言行等)考虑周到的4.【古】政治的vi.1.进行竞选活动,拉选票politicaladj.1.政治的;政治上的例:political cartoonists are good at making light of politicians.他的政治思想走了极端.political views政治观点2.政党的;党派的3.国家的;政府的;行政的4.对政治感兴趣的首先两者在解释上有一定差异,politic较强调主观具有的特性主要指人,political则是客观事物某种特性.多指事物.在词性上两者都可以做形容词...但politic还可以做动词political则不能
2023-07-06 21:52:572

有木有大神呐来救救我这英语脑残党 完形填空啊

①take upon ②look forward to ③in person ④recommend ⑤make sure ⑥a variety of1、We __2__a GDP growth rate of 8 percent next year.2、He__1_will take upon_a teaching post tomorrow.3、The chief hotel manager examined our work__3__at the front Desk.4、Our rooms are available in __6__styles.5、Our staff will do our best to_5___that you enjoy your stay in our hotel.6、Could you please __4__me a pleasant hotel in Beijing?①engage ②stand for ③ get through ④ make ⑤deal with1、I tried to telephone you but Icould not__3__.2、I want to __4__an international call.3、What does this sign__2__in the hotel.4、Politicians should not___1_in business affairs that might affect their political judgement.5、All comp laints will be___5dealt with_by the hotel manager.
2023-07-06 21:53:041


你对英国著名人物了解多少?英国在各方面都有国际知名的人物喔,跟着Chris讲师一起认识一些英国名人吧! Royalties 皇室: Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II 伊莉莎白二世 Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh 爱丁堡公爵: 菲利普亲王 Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge 剑桥公爵夫人: 凯萨琳 Prince William, Duke of Cambridge 剑桥公爵: 威廉王子 Politicians 政治人物: Prime Minister, Theresa May 首相: 德蕾莎·梅伊 Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson 外交及国协事务大臣: 鲍里斯·强森 Former Prime Minister, David Cameron 前首相: 大卫·卡麦隆 Former Prime Minister, Tony Blair 前首相: 东尼·布莱尔 Musicians 音乐家: Mick Jagger (Rolling Stones) 米克·杰格 (滚石乐团创始人之一) The Beatles 披头四 Adele 爱黛儿 Boy band 男团: One Direction 一世代 Actors 演员: Benedict Cumberbatch 班尼迪克·康柏拜区 Jason Statham 杰森·史塔森 Tom Hiddleston 汤姆·希德斯顿 Author of the Harry Potter series 哈利波特系列作者: J.K. Rowling J.K. 罗琳 Footballers 足球员: Wayne Rooney 韦恩·鲁尼 David Beckham 大卫·贝克汉 Steven Gerrard 史蒂芬·杰拉德 Tennis player 网球选手: Andy Murray 安迪·莫瑞 有名人物, 英国
2023-07-06 21:53:111

politic 和 political的区别

politic[5pClitik]adj.策略性的political[pE5litikEl]adj.政治的, 行政上的
2023-07-06 21:53:212


2023-07-06 21:53:293


2023-07-06 21:53:371


persistence动词是persist,表示“坚持、持久、执着”。例句如下:1、Despite the difficulties, she persisted in her goal to become a doctor.尽管有困难,她还是坚持成为一名医生的目标。2、Politicians persist in imagining that "the people" warm to their cheesy slogans.政客们还在想象着“人民”对他们的空洞口号会越来越感兴趣呢。3、Britons persist in treating any pay rise of less than 5% as a slap in the face.英国人坚持认为加薪不到5%不啻于一种羞辱。4、Despite his constant protestations of devotion and love, her doubts persisted.尽管他一直宣称对她的爱忠贞不渝,她仍然心存怀疑。
2023-07-06 21:53:551


- 我反对。   I don"t agree. 我不这样认为。比I can"t agree.的语气还要强烈,给人一种直接反对的印象。   I know I"m correct. (我认为我是正确的。)   I don"t agree with that.   I don"t agree with you.   - 我不能同意   I can"t agree. 我不能同意你的意见。   例句: All politicians are liars. (所有的政治家都是骗子。)   I can"t agree. (我不能同意。)   I can"t agree with that.   I can"t agree with you.   - 我怀疑。   I doubt it.   例句: Do you think it"s true? (你觉得那是真的吗?)   I doubt it. (我怀疑。)   I don"t think so.   It"s not likely to happen. (才不会发生呢!)   - 我反对。   Objection!   例句: We found out that he wasn"t there. (我们发现他没有在那儿。)   Objection! (我反对。)   I object!   - 你不是这么说的。   That"s not what you said.   You didn"t say that.   - 我无法相信。   I can"t buy that! *buy 除了“买”以外,还有“相信”、“承认”的意思。   例句: I"m telling the truth. (我说的都是真的。)   I can"t buy that! (我无法相信。)   That doesn"t make sense. (那不合乎道理。)   That"s ridiculous! (那太荒谬了。)   I refuse to believe that. (我不敢相信。)   - 馊主意。   Bad idea. *用于不同意对方的提议时。   例句: Let"s cheat. (我们糊弄一回吧。)   Bad idea. (馊主意。)   That"s a bad idea.   That"s not a good idea.   Not a good idea.   - 那可不好哦!   No good. *用于否定对方的意图、打算、计划时。是“那样不好”、“不行”的意思。这种表达方式让人觉得说话人有与对方不同的主意。   例句: How is it? (怎么样?)   No good. (那可不好哦!)   That"s no good.   - 算了吧!   Let"s not. *否定、拒绝对方的提议、定义、暗示。   例句: Let"s go drinking. (我们去喝酒吧!)   Let"s not. (算了吧!)   - 那怎么可能。   That"s impossible. *很有把握时。   例句: He"s guilty. (他有罪。)   That"s impossible. (那怎么可能。)   Impossible.   That can"t be.   - 那完全是胡说八道。   That"s absolute nonsense.   例句: I saw you steal the money. (我看见你偷人家钱了。)   That"s absolute nonsense. (那完全是胡说八道。)   Don"t be so unreasonable. (别那么不讲道理。)   That"s out of the question. (那根本不可能。)   That"s quite impossible. (那根本不可能。)   - 行不通。   It won"t work. *意为“好像怎么也不行”、“好像不顺利”、“好像不妥当”,是No good的较正式的表达方式。   例句: I think it"s a good idea. (我觉得那是一个好主意。)   It won"t work. (恐怕行不通。)   It will work. (看起来不错。)   - 不总是这样。   Not always.   例句: You always work late. (你总是工作到很晚啊。)   Not always. (不总是这样。)   - 不是那样。   Not really. *不能同意对方的意见或信息时,有礼貌地加以否定。   例句: Do you want to go out for dinner? (你想不想去外面吃晚饭?)   Not really. (不太想去。)   例句: Was it fun? (有意思吗?)   Not really. (不怎么有意思。)   例句: It must be expensive. (这个一定很贵吧!)   Not really. (也不那么贵。)   Not especially.
2023-07-06 21:54:171


2017年大学英语六级训练试题   20.A)Some banks may have to merge with others.   B)Many smaller regional banks are going to fail.   C)It will be hard for banks to provide more loans.   D)Many banks will have to lay off some employees.   21.A)It will work closely with the government.   B)It will endeavor to write off bad loans.   C)It will try to lower the interest rate.   D)It will try to provide more loans.   22.A)It wonu2019t help the American economy to turn around.   B)It wonu2019t do any good to the major commercial banks.   C)It will win the approval of the Obama administration.   D)It will be necessary if the economy starts to shrink again.   Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.   23.A)Being unable to learn new things.   B)Being rather slow to make changes.   C)Losing temper more and more often.   D)Losing the ability to get on with others.   24.A)Cognitive stimulation.   B)Community activity.   C)Balanced diet.   D)Fresh air.   25.A)Ignoring the signs and symptoms of aging.   B)Adopting an optimistic attitude towards life.   C)Endeavoring to give up unhealthy lifestyles.   D)Seeking advice from doctors from time to time.   Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)   Section A   Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.   Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.   According to a report from the Harvard School of Public Health, many everyday products, including some bug sprays and cleaning fluids, could lead to an increased risk of brain and behavioral disorders in children.   The developing brain, the report says, is particularly (36) to the toxic effects of certain chemicals these products may contain, and the damage they cause can be(37) .   The official policy, however, is still evolving. Health and environmental(38) have long urged U.S. government agencies to (39) the use of some of the 11 chemicals the report cites and called for more studies on their long-term effects. In 2001, for example, the Environmental Protection Agency (40) the type and amount of lead that could be present in paint and soil in homes and child-care(41), after concerns were raised about lead poisoning. The agency is now (42) the toxic effects of some of the chemicals in the latest report.   But the threshold for regulation is high. Because children"s brain and behavioral disorders, like hyperactivity and lower grades, can also be linked to social and genetic factors, it"s tough to pin them on exposure to specific chemicals with solid (43)evidence, which is what the EPA requires. Even the Harvard study did not prove a direct (44) but noted strong associations between exposure and risk of behavioral issues.   Nonetheless, it"s smart to (45) caution. While it may be impossible to prevent kids from drinking tap water that may contain trace amounts of chemicals, keeping kids away from lawns recently sprayed with chemicals and freshly dry-cleaned clothes can"t hurt.   A.advocates   B.compact   C.correlation   D.exercise   E. facilities   F. interaction   G. investigating   H. overwhelmed   I. particles   J. permanent   K. restricted   L. simulating   M. statistical   N. tighten   O. vulnerable   Section B   Directions : In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Eachstatement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.   The Impossibility of Rapid Energy Transitions   [ A ] Politicians are fond of promising rapid energy transitions. Whether it is a transition from imported to domestic oil or from coal-powered electricity production to natural-gas power plants, politicians love to talk big. Unfortunately for them (and often the taxpayers), our energy systems are a bit like an aircraft carrier: they are unbelievably expensive, they are built to last for a very long time, they have a huge amount of inertia ( meaning it takes a lot of energy to set them moving ), and they have a lot of momentum once they are set in motion. No matter how hard you try, you can"t turn something that large on a dime ( 10美分硬币 ), or even a few thousand dimes.   [ B ] In physics, moving objects have two characteristics relevant to understanding the dynamics of energy systems: inertia and momentum. Inertia is the resistance of objects to efforts to change their state of motion. If you try to push a boulder ( 大圆石 ), it pushes you back. Once you have started the boulder rolling, it develops momentum, which is defined by its mass and velocity.Momentum is said to be "conserved," that is, once you build it up, it has to go somewhere. So a heavy object, like a football player moving at a high speed, has a lot of momentum-that is, once he is moving, it is hard to change his state of motion. If you want to change his course, you have only a few choices: you can stop him, transferring ( possibly painfully) some of his kinetic energy (动能) to your own body, or you can approach alongside and slowly apply pressure to gradually alter his course.   [ C ] But there are other kinds of momentum as well. After all, we don"t speak only of objects or people as having momentum; we speak of entire systems having momentum. Whether it"s a sports team or a presidential campaign, everybody relishes having the big momentum, because it makes them harder to stop or change direction.   [ D ] One kind of momentum is technological momentum. When a technology is deployed, its impacts reach far beyond itself. Consider the incandescent (白炽灯的) bulb, an object currently hated by many environmentalists and energy-efficiency advocates. The incandescent light bulb, invented by Thomas Edison, which came to be the symbol of inspiration, has been developed into hundreds, if not thousands, of forms. Today, a visit to a lighting store reveals a stunning array of choices. There are standard-shaped bulbs, flame-shaped bulbs, colored globe-shaped bulbs, and more. It is quite easy, with all that choice, to change a light bulb.   [ E ] But the momentum of incandescent lighting does not stop there. All of those specialized bulbs ledto the building of specialized light fixtures, from the desk lamp you study by, to the ugly but beloved hand-painted Chinese lamp you inherited from your grandmother, to the ceiling fixture in your closet, to the light in your oven or refrigerator, and to the light that the dentist points at you. It is easy to change a light bulb, sure, but it is harder to change the bulb and its fixture.   [ F ] And there is more to the story, because not only are the devices that house incandescent bulbs shaped to their underlying characteristics, but rooms and entire buildings have been designed in accordance with how incandescent lighting reflects off walls and windows.   [ G ] As lighting expert Howard Brandston points out, “ Generally, there are no bad light sources, only bad applications. " There are some very commendable characteristics of the CFL [ compact fluorescent (荧光的) light bulb ], yet the selection of any light source remains inseparable from the luminaire (照明装置 ) that houses it, along with the space in which both are installed, and lighting requirements that need to be satisfied. The lamp, the fixture, and the room, all three must work in concert for the true benefits of end-users. If the CFL should be used for lighting a particular space, or an object within that space, the fixture must be designed to work with that lamp, and that fixture with the room. It is a symbiotic (共生的" ) relationship. A CFL cannot be simply installed in an incandescent fixture and then expected to produce a visual appearance that is more than washed out, foggy, and dim. The whole fixture must be replaced-light source and luminaire-and this is never an inexpensive proposition.   [ H ] And Brandston knows a thing or two about lighting, being the man who illuminated the Statue of Liberty.   [ I ]Another type of momentum we have to think about when planning for changes in our energy systems is labor-pool momentum. It is one thing to say that we are going to shift 30 percent of our electricity supply from, say, coal to nuclear power in 20 years. But it is another thing to have a supply of trained talent that could let you carry out this promise. That is because the engineers,designers, regulators, operators, and all of the other skilled people needed for the new energy industry are specialists who have to be trained first ( or retrained, if they are the ones being laid off in some related industry), and education, like any other complicated endeavor, takes time.And not only do our prospective new energy workers have to be trained, they have to be trained in the right sequence. One needs the designers, and perhaps the regulators, before the builders and operators, and each group of workers in training has to know there is work waiting beyond graduation. In some cases, colleges and universities might have to change their training programs,   adding another layer of difficulty.   [ J ] By far the biggest type of momentum that comes into play when it comes to changing our energy systems is economic momentum. The major components of our energy systems, such as fuel production, refining, electrical generation and distribution, are costly installations that have lengthy life spans. They have to operate for long periods of time before the costs of development have been recovered. When investors put up money to build, say, a nuclear power plant, they expect to earn that money back over the planned life of the plant, which is typically between 40and 60 years. Some coal power plants in the United States have operated for more than 70 years!   The oldest continuously operated commercial hydro-electric plant in the United States is on New York"s Hudson River, and it went into commercial service in 1898.   [ K ] As Vaclav Smil points out, "All the forecasts, plans, and anticipations cited above have failed so miserably because their authors and promoters thought the transitions they hoped to implement would proceed unlike all previous energy transitions, and that their progress could be accelerated in an unprecedented manner. "   [ L ] When you hear people speaking of making a rapid transition toward any type of energy, whether it is a switch from coal to nuclear power, or a switch from gasoline-powered cars to electric cars, or even a switch.from an incandescent to a fluorescent light, understanding energy system inertia and momentum can help you decide whether their plans are feasible.   46. Not only moving objects and people but all systems have momentum.   47. Changing the current energy system requires the systematic training of professionals and skilled labor.   48. Changing a light bulb is easier than changing the fixture housing it.   49. Efforts to accelerate the current energy transitions didn"t succeed as expected.   50. To change the light source is costly because you have to change the whole fixture.   51. Energy systems, like an aircraft carrier set in motion, have huge momentum.   52. The problem with lighting, if it arises, often doesn"t lie in light sources but in their applications.   53. The biggest obstacle to energy transition is that the present energy system is too expensive to replace.   54. The application of a technology can impact areas beyond itself.   55. Physical characteristics of moving objects help explain the dynamics of energy systems.
2023-07-06 21:54:281


   5. Read the passage below. Then choose the best answer to each question that follows.   (1) Television has transformed politics in the United States by changing the way in which information is disseminated, by altering political campaigns, and by changing citizens" patterns of response to politics.   (2) By giving citizens independent access to the candidates, television diminished the role of the political party in the selection of the major party candidates.   (3) By centering politics on the person of the candidate, television accelerated the citizens" focus on character rather than issues.   (4) Television has altered the forms of political communication as well.   (5) The messages on which most of us rely are briefer than they once were.   (6) The stump speech, a political speech given by traveling politicians and lasting 11/2 to 2 hours, which characterized nineteenth-century political discourse, has given way to the 30-second advertisement and the 10-second “sound bite” in broadcast news.   (7) Increasingly the audience for speeches is not that standing in front of the politician but rather the viewing audience who will hear and see a snippet of the speech on the news.   (8) In these abbreviated forms, much of what constituted the traditional political discourse of earlier ages has been lost. (9) In 15 or 30 seconds, a speaker cannot establish the historical context that shaped the issue in question, cannot detail the probable causes of the problem, and cannot examine alternative proposals to argue that one is preferable to others.   (10) In snippets, politicians assert but do not argue.   (11) Because television is an intimate medium, speaking through it requires a changed political style that was more conversational, personal, and visual than that of the old-style stump speech.   (12) Reliance on television means that increasingly our political world contains memorable pictures rather than memorable words.   (13) Schools teach us to analyze words and print.   (14) However, in a world in which politics is increasingly visual, informed citizenship requires a new set of skills.   (15) Recognizing the power of television"s pictures, politicians craft televisual, staged events, called pseudo-event, designed to attract media coverage.   (16) Much of the political activity we see on television news has been crafted by politicians, their speechwriters, and their public relations advisers for televised consumption.   (17) Sound bites in news and answers to questions in debates increasingly sound like advertisements.   1) What is the main idea of the passage?   A. Citizens in the United States are now more informed about political issuebecause of television coverage.   B. Citizens in the United States prefer to see politicians on television instead ofin person.   C. Politics in the United States has become substantially more controversialsince the introduction of television.   D. Politics in the United States has been significantly changed by television.   2) The word “disseminated” in sentence 1 is closest in meaning to_______.   A. analyzed   B. discussed   C. spread   D. stored   3) It can be inferred that before the introduction of television, political parties _______.   A. had more influence over the selection of political candidates   B. spent more money to promote their political candidates   C. attracted more members   D. received more money   4) The author mentions the “stump speech” in sentence 6 as an example of _______.   A. an event created by politicians to attract media attention   B. an interactive discussion between two politicians   C. a kind of political presentation typical of the nineteenth century   D. a style of speech common to televised political events   5) The word “that” in sentence 7 refers to _______.   A. audience   B. broadcast news   C. politician   D. advertisement   6) According to the passage, as compared with televised speeches, traditional political discourse was more successful at _______.   A. allowing news coverage of political candidates   B. placing political issues within a historical context   C. making politics seem more intimate to citizens   D. providing detailed information about a candidate"s private behavior   7) The author states that “politicians assert but do not argue” in sentence 9 in order to suggest that politicians _______.   A. make claims without providing reasons for the claims   B. take stronger positions on issues than in the past   C. enjoy explaining the issue to broadcasters   D. dislike having to explain their own positions on issues to citizens   8) The purpose of paragraph 4 is to suggest that_______.   A. politicians will need to learn to become more personal when meeting citizens   B. politicians who are considered very attractive are favored by citizens over politicians who are less attractive   C. citizens tend to favor a politician who analyzed the issue over one who did not   D.citizens will need to learn how to evaluate visual political images in order to become better informed   9) Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?   A. Political presentations today are more like advertisements than in the past.   B.Politicians today tend to be more familiar with the views of citizens than in the past.   C. Citizens today are less informed about a politician"s character than in the past.   D. Political speeches today focus more on details about issues than in the past.    Part IIIRead and Question    In this part, you will read about related or contradictory views on a variety of issues. You will be required to identify the writer"s position and evaluate the effectiveness of the writer"s arguments. Read the following two passages and answer the questions.    Passage A   WhileOn the origin of Species created a great stir when it was published in 1859, Darwinian thought was almost completely out of vogue by the turn of the twentieth century. It took Ronald Fisher"s “Great Synthesis” of the 1920s, which combined the genetic work of Gregor Mendel with Darwin"s ideas about natural selection, and Theodosius Dobzhansky"s “Modern Synthesis” of the 1930s, which was built upon Fisher"s work with genetics within a species by focusing on how genetic variation could cause the origin of a new species, to begin to rehabilitate Darwin.   Yet, what is remarkable is how very prescient Darwin, working without knowledge of the mechanisms of heredity, proved to be. As prominent biologist Ernst Mayr notes, what made Darwinian theory so remarkable was his emphasis on “population thinking”. This contrasts to Jean-Baptiste Lamarck"s theory of evolution, popular throughout the nineteenth century, which posited that individuals changed personal actions and will. Lamarckian theory is often exemplified by a giraffe constantly reaching up to eat leaves off high branches and passing on its lengthened neck to its children.   Such explanations bore a strong resemblance to children"s fables (and indeed Rudyard Kipling"s late-nineteenth-century Just So Storieswas built upon Lamarckian theories). Where Darwin differed was his insistence that significant variation was not based within one particular individual, but rather in the breeding population as a whole. Natural selection was not based on the actions or goals of one individual, but variations in the average character of the species.    Passage B   As Peter Bowler points out in his aptly named The Non-Darwinian Revolution: Reinterpreting a Historical Myth, nineteenth-century Darwinism was quite different from the Darwinism of today. Thomas Huxley, “Darwin"s Bulldog”, so called because of his tireless public campaigning for Darwinian thought, exemplifies this difference. As a result of his advocacy, by the end of the nineteenth century Huxley was the vehicle for Darwinian thought. Noted science fiction writer H. G. Wells, for instance, garnered all of his information about natural selection and evolution through Huxley"s lectures. Yet Huxley"s theory varied significantly from that of Darwin, focusing on the will of humankind.   In the preface to Evolution and Ethics, Huxley wrote that “We cannot do without our inheritance from the forefathers who were the puppets of the cosmic process; the society which renounces it must be destroyed from without. Still less can we do with too much of it; the society in which it dominates must be destroyed from within.” According to Huxley, humankind has moved past physical evolution to the realm of self-directed moral evolution. Huxley, then, acknowledges that humankind has evolved under the pressure of natural selection and must remain aware of the fact or be “destroyed from without”, but he argues that a society that continues in the path that Nature has placed it will be “destroyed from within” because it will no longer be adapted to itself.
2023-07-06 21:55:001


问题一:政治用英语怎么说 Politics 政治 Political 政治的 Politician 政客 问题二:XP会不会比98更加充分的发挥硬件的性能,从而使游戏运行更顺畅? 作为服役十余年的系统,它已经迎来了自己的归宿。现在,全世界的网友不禁为这一顽强存在于microsoft十余载的系统肃然起敬。只有不断地探索、尝试、创新,才能使系统运行更人性化。这一点,是XP无法与7和8.1相媲美的。 问题三:政治英语单词政治的英语单词是怎么写的 政治 politics 问题四:政要 怎么说政要用英语怎么说 dignitary/dignitaries; politician(s):政要 Senior politicians met today to discuss the future of European economic unity. 高级政要今天会晤,探讨欧洲经济一体化的未来。 As the head of state, the king also receives foreign dignitaries on formal visits to Sweden. 作为国家的精神领袖,国王也会接待来瑞典进行正式访问的外国政要。
2023-07-06 21:55:331


Constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the guidelines of a constitution, whether it be a written, uncodified, or blended constitution. This form of government differs fromabsolute monarchy in which an absolute monarch serves as the source of power in the state and is not legally bound by any constitution and has the powers to regulate his or her respective government.
2023-07-06 21:55:414


Thus, knowledge acquisition, sincerity, hearts, slim, family, nation, world peace
2023-07-06 21:56:0315

在外交政策方面政治家主要听取专家们的意见英文翻译用as to

"在外交政策方面政治家主要听取专家们的意见"翻译为:As to foreign policy, politicians mainly listen to the opinions of experts。
2023-07-06 21:56:341


take office 就任 out of office 下台 let alone更别说…
2023-07-06 21:56:424


2023-07-06 21:57:023

我翻译了一段英语短文 大家看看我的问题出在哪

2.along the way 沿途,一路上
2023-07-06 21:57:164

2013年6月英语六级快速阅读norman borlaug原文

ation.In his professional life, Borlaug, who died in 2009 at the age of 95, struggled against prodigious obstacles, including what he called the “constant pessimism and scare-mongering” of critics and skeptics who predicted that in spite of his efforts, mass starvation was inevitable and hundreds of millions would perish in Africa and Asia. His work resulted not only in the construction of high-yielding varieties of wheat but also in new agronomic and management practices that transformed the abi
2023-07-06 21:57:362


圣帕特里克节(St.Patrick"s Day)
2023-07-06 21:58:028

求解析一句考研英语 2009阅读3

alike 在这里的意思是 both economists and politicians alike 既是 by both economists and politicians
2023-07-06 21:58:444