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Sentenced的《Noose》 歌词

2023-07-06 16:49:07
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专辑:Kaikkien Aikojen Suomimetallit

The Offspring
Well our souls are all mistaken in the same misguided way
We all end up forsaken, we"re just choosing our own way
The future now incinerates before our very eyes
And leaves us with emptiness of no more tries
Well our visions of glory have spiraled down the drain
The best of our intentions come crashing down in flames
The depths of our despair we are unable to contain
It"s shallow living
The noose is falling
And all my friends are crawling
The noose is falling
And enemies are rising
A truth appalling
Our mak"r comes a calling
The noose is falling
And enemies are rising
Well the tracers from yesteryear are burning in the dust
Your bruises are reminders of naivete and trust
You"re only feeling stronger cause your body"s getting numb
Now I lay you down
Put the coins in your eyes
And blow the candles out
The noose is falling
And all my friends are crawling
The noose is falling
And enemies are rising
A truth appalling
Our mak"r comes a calling
The noose is falling
And enemies are rising
The noose is falling
And all my friends are crawling
The noose is falling
And enemies are rising
A truth appalling
Our mak"r comes a calling
The noose is falling
And enemies are rising
No more!
No more!
No more!
No more!
The noose is falling
And all my friends are crawling
The noose is falling
And enemies are rising
A truth appalling
Our mak"r comes a calling
The noose is falling
And enemies are rising
The noose is falling
And all my friends are crawling
The noose is falling
And enemies are rising




  纯真的意思是纯洁真挚,现在多用来形容小孩子或者单纯的小姑娘。那么你知道纯真用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来纯真的英语说法,供大家参考学习。   纯真的英语说法1:   pure   纯真的英语说法2:   naivete   纯真的英语说法3:   genuine   纯真相关英语表达:   pure and innocent   纯真无邪   纯真的英语例句:   1. I was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of early childhood.   我内心充满着对纯真的童年时光的怀念。   2. She could have established her own innocence and virtue easily enough.   她本可以轻易地证实自己纯真善良的品性。   3. He loves to learn, and has a boyish enthusiasm for life.   他热爱学习,对生活有一种少年般纯真的热情。   4. Tess was a chaste young girl.   苔丝是一个纯真的少女.   5. These lovely children are very naivete and carefree.   这些可爱的孩子们非常纯真且无忧无虑.   6. She is a pure young girl.   她是一个纯真无邪的姑娘.   7. This delightful musical comedy transports the audience to the innocent days of 1950s America.   这部令人开怀的音乐喜剧把观众带到了20世纪50年代美国的纯真时期。   8. She could smell the taint of sin in the most innocent of passions.   哪怕是再纯真的恋情她也能从中嗅出罪恶的味道。   9. Youngsters are losing their childhood innocence too quickly.   青少年正过早地失去他们童年的纯真。   10. Such openness , such sincerity! No one can be deceived in him.   多么无私, 多么纯真! 谁也不可能误解他.   11. Mary"s uncle gave her a sure - enough pearl on a little gold chain.   玛丽的叔叔送给她一枚拴在一条小金链上的纯真珍珠.   12. He had the simplicity and naturalness of the Chinese peasant.   他有着中国农民的质朴纯真的性格.   13. His ingenuous nature was always trusting.   他性格纯真,对人总是信而不疑.   14. She was fair and pure as a lily that had bloomed in Paradise.   她如同天堂中开放的百合一样娇好纯真.   15. The witnesses of Hester Prynne"s disgrace had not yet passed beyond their simplicity.   亲眼看到海丝特-白兰示众的人们尚未失去他们的纯真.
2023-06-29 09:25:571

天真烂漫的英语翻译 天真烂漫用英语怎么说

天真烂漫tiān zhēn làn màninnocent and unaffectednaive; innocent
2023-06-29 09:26:141


以N开头的英语单词:Nailing 极好的,出色的;Naivete 天真,纯真无邪;Nat守护神;Nice 美好的,和蔼的;Nirvana 天堂,涅槃;Nireous 雪白的;Nimble 敏捷的,聪明的;Niftic 漂亮的,俏皮的;Noel圣诞节等。不知道如何学英语?【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击蓝字领取欧美一对一外教课一节,还可以免费测试英语水平哦~学英语,欢迎大家来阿卡索,纯正外教一对一教学,外教皆持证上岗,跟着外教学习纯正的口语,价格也是很划算的,课均不到20元,保证每一位学员在这里都能找到合适的外教老师!不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。
2023-06-29 09:26:491

童真 用英语怎么翻译?最好是一个单词,在线等,谢谢~

2023-06-29 09:27:235


innocence boy
2023-06-29 09:27:371

‘天真’这个单词 用英语怎么拼写?

2023-06-29 09:27:453


2023-06-29 09:27:553


1.The person is not welcome.2.He is not one straightforward person.3.During the dating.4.That woman looks like very purely!5.Ring box6.It doesn"t matter for what kind person he is.7.One trumpet8.Latter10.A neat and clean room.
2023-06-29 09:28:277


2023-06-29 09:28:447


2023-06-29 09:29:251

请教一下Tough talking youth naivete

有吧, rough有坚固, 不易打破的意思, naivete就是天真, 所以我觉得可以那样理解啦
2023-06-29 09:29:322


好听纯洁的英文名字 Agnes 爱葛妮丝, 希腊,拉丁, 纯洁,高雅,贞节 Blanche 布兰琪 ,条顿, 纯洁无暇的;白种人的;白皙美丽的 Candice 坎蒂丝 ,拉丁, 热情,坦诚,纯洁的 Catherine / Katherine 凯瑟琳 ,希腊, 纯洁的人 Cathy / Kathy 凯丝, 希腊, 纯洁的人 Crystal 克莉斯多, 希腊, 晶莹的冰,透明的灵魂,没有欺瞒 Enid 伊妮德, 塞尔特人, 纯洁得毫无瑕 Karen 凯伦, 希腊, 纯洁 Lillian 丽莲, 希腊, 一朵百合花,代表纯洁;上帝的誓约 Regina 蕾佳娜, 拉丁, 女王,皇后;纯洁的人 女孩好听的英文名,表示纯洁,永恒 aurora,希望,ever,永恒 寻找一些代表纯洁的英语单词。 Purity n.纯洁,纯净 chasteness n.纯洁,简洁 Virgin n.童贞 naivete n.天真,质朴 innocent n.天真的人 artlessness n.天真 女英文名 纯洁的意思 Nancy 南茜 希伯来 优雅、温文;保母 Natalie 娜特莉 法国 圣诞日出生的 Natividad 娜提雅维达 西班牙 在圣诞节出生的 Nelly 内丽 希丽、拉丁 火把 Nicola 妮可拉 希腊 胜利 Nicole 妮可 希腊 胜利者 Nina 妮娜 拉丁 有势有的;孙女 Nora 诺拉 拉丁 第九个孩子。 Norma 诺玛 拉丁 正经的人,可做范的人 Novia 诺维雅 拉丁 新来的人 Nydia 妮蒂亚 拉丁 来自隐居之处的人 好听、梦幻、高雅、纯洁的英文名 Catherine 凯瑟琳 : 纯洁的人 Crystal 克莉斯多 : 晶莹的冰;透明的灵魂 ; 没有欺瞒 Cynthia 辛西亚 : 月亮女神黛安娜的称号 Lillian 丽莲 : 一朵百合花;代表纯洁;上帝的誓约 Ja *** ine 杰丝敏 : 茉莉 更多的名字 你如果有兴趣,可以看看 想找一个象征美丽,纯洁,爱,的英文名。(女生的) Agnes["?gnis] 中文拼写:阿格尼丝 名字含义:纯洁的,神圣的 名字来源:希腊语 Lynne[lin] 中文拼写:林恩,琳 名字含义:漂亮的 名字来源:英语 Linda["lind?] ?返回 中文拼写:琳达 名字含义:漂亮的 名字来源:西班牙语 Mary["m??ri] 中文拼写:玛丽 名字含义:完美的人 名字来源:希伯来语 Virginia[v?(:)"d?inj?] 中文拼写:弗吉尼亚 名字含义:少女,处女 名字来源:拉丁语 Venus["vi:n?s] 中文拼写:维纳斯 名字含义:爱和美的女神 名字来源:希腊语 代表天真善良纯洁之心的英文名字 Katelyn 译名卡特林; 卡提林; 卡德林; 和特林; 卡蒂林。 解释纯洁。 起源盖尔语; 美洲; 英语; 古英语; 希腊 Caetlin 译名凯特林; 凯德林; 凯雷林; 凯特兰; 凯托林。 解释纯洁 纯。 起源现代英语。 变体形式 Fiona 译名菲奥纳; 费奥纳; 菲奥娜; 菲欧娜。 解释美丽 白皙 白色。 起源盖尔语; 塞尔特; 英语; 盖尔苏格兰人; 爱尔兰盖尔; 爱尔兰; 苏格兰。 Catherine 译名凯瑟琳; 凯萨琳; 卡特琳; 卡特林。 解释纯洁 纯真。 起源希腊; 英语; 法文; 盎格鲁-撒克逊人; 爱尔兰; 拉丁。 如果有问题请百度hi我 我将尽快给您回复 如果满意 请尽快采纳 O(∩_∩)O谢谢... 表示高傲纯洁的女孩的英文名 Anna,Elizabeth
2023-06-29 09:29:391


2023-06-29 09:29:592


形容生活美好的英文单词 有福同享 Share each other"s fortunes 其乐融融 Happy and harmonious 如登春台 Live in a good environment 与民同乐 Have fun with the citizens 笑逐颜开 A *** ile has driven all the hard lines in his face and brightened his countenance 国泰民安 The country is prosperous and the people are at peace 金玉满堂 Gold and jade fill the hall -- abundant wealth or many children in the family 安居乐业 Live and work in peace 天伦之乐 The happiness of a family union 喜出望外 Be overjoyed 欢天喜地 Be full of joy 相敬如宾 Respect 无忧无虑 Be light of heart from care 心满意足 To one"s heart"s content 丰衣足食 Have ample food and clothing 夫唱妇随 The hu *** and to sing and the wife to follow 欣喜若狂 Tread 繁荣昌盛 Thriving and prosperous 眉欢眼笑 Be all *** iles 心花怒放 Be wild with joy 形容秋天美好的英文单词 东方欲晓 East wants to dawn 秋高气爽 Fresh autumn weather 万里无云 Cloudless 金风送爽 Be refreshed by the breeze of autumn 形容童年美好的英文单词 生龙活虎 A lively dragon and an active tiger 童言无忌 Innocence and innocence 天真无暇 Innocent 天真活泼 Naive and lively 欢声笑语 Laughter and laughter 自由自在 Take one"s ease 天真烂漫 Naivete 无忧无虑 Be light of heart from care 无拘无束 Remain free 天真无邪 Innocent 生气勃勃 Be full of vitality
2023-06-29 09:30:061


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2023-06-29 09:30:248


2023-06-29 09:31:023

谁知道A-Z(26个字母)开头关于爱情的英语单词! 谢谢!越多越好!

2023-06-29 09:31:113


2023-06-29 09:31:2012


accept(接受) belief(信任)care(关心)digest(理解)enjoy(欣赏) freedom(自由)give(付出)heart(心)protect(保护) quarter(宽容 receive(接受) share(分享)tender(温柔)。 wait(等待)yearn——想念zest——热情 baby ---宝贝forever——永远kiss----吻love----爱naivete-纯真pardise-我们梦想的地方star----星星warmth--热情romantic—浪漫的wedding—婚礼(想不出来了)
2023-06-29 09:31:592


以N开头的英语单词:Nailing 极好的,出色的;Naivete 天真,纯真无邪;Nat守护神;Nice 美好的,和蔼的;Nirvana 天堂,涅槃;Nireous 雪白的;Nimble 敏捷的,聪明的;Niftic 漂亮的,俏皮的;Noel圣诞节等。不知道如何学英语?【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击蓝字领取欧美一对一外教课一节,还可以免费测试英语水平哦~学英语,欢迎大家来阿卡索,纯正外教一对一教学,外教皆持证上岗,跟着外教学习纯正的口语,价格也是很划算的,课均不到20元,保证每一位学员在这里都能找到合适的外教老师!不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。
2023-06-29 09:32:191


以N开头的英语单词:Nailing 极好的,出色的;Naivete 天真,纯真无邪;Nat守护神;Nice 美好的,和蔼的;Nirvana 天堂,涅槃;Nireous 雪白的;Nimble 敏捷的,聪明的;Niftic 漂亮的,俏皮的;Noel圣诞节等。不知道如何学英语?【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击蓝字领取欧美一对一外教课一节,还可以免费测试英语水平哦~学英语,欢迎大家来阿卡索,纯正外教一对一教学,外教皆持证上岗,跟着外教学习纯正的口语,价格也是很划算的,课均不到20元,保证每一位学员在这里都能找到合适的外教老师!不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。
2023-06-29 09:32:401


以N开头的英语单词:Nailing 极好的,出色的;Naivete 天真,纯真无邪;Nat守护神;Nice 美好的,和蔼的;Nirvana 天堂,涅槃;Nireous 雪白的;Nimble 敏捷的,聪明的;Niftic 漂亮的,俏皮的;Noel圣诞节等。不知道如何学英语?【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击蓝字领取欧美一对一外教课一节,还可以免费测试英语水平哦~学英语,欢迎大家来阿卡索,纯正外教一对一教学,外教皆持证上岗,跟着外教学习纯正的口语,价格也是很划算的,课均不到20元,保证每一位学员在这里都能找到合适的外教老师!不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。
2023-06-29 09:33:001


2023-06-29 09:33:191


netnutnix就这3 3字母的意思还凑活你查查什么意思吧
2023-06-29 09:33:2913


以N开头的英语单词:Nailing 极好的,出色的;Naivete 天真,纯真无邪;Nat守护神;Nice 美好的,和蔼的;Nirvana 天堂,涅槃;Nireous 雪白的;Nimble 敏捷的,聪明的;Niftic 漂亮的,俏皮的;Noel圣诞节 扩展资料   n开头的英语单词:nag、nail、navy、name、nap、nape、nave、neat、need、nest、news、next、nice等。   部分单词解释:   1、nag   vt.不断唠叨;指责;困扰,使…烦恼   n.小马;驽马;竞赛马   [例句]She"s an awful nag.   她唠叨起来让人受不了。   2、nail   vt. 钉;使固定;揭露   n. [解剖] 指甲;钉子   [例句]He had spiked his foot on a nail.   他的脚扎上了一根钉子。   3、navy   n. 海军;船队   [例句]He followed the Navy.   他在海军任职。
2023-06-29 09:34:111


2023-06-29 09:34:291


netnutnix就这3 3字母的意思还凑活你查查什么意思吧
2023-06-29 09:34:3910


字母n开头的单词有:nadir、nag、naiad、nail、nainsook、naive、naivete、naivety、naked、nakedness、name、named、nameless,等等。 扩展资料   单词解析:   一、nadir   1、翻译:n. 最低点;[天]天底   2、例句:The demand for this product will reach its nadir within two years.   对此产品的需求在两年内将达到最低点。   二、nag   1、翻译:   vt. 不断唠叨;指责;困扰,使…烦恼   n. 小马;驽马;竞赛马   2、例句:She nagged him into doing what she wanted.   她向他唠叨,使他不得不去做她所要的事。   三、naiad   1、翻译:   n. (住在水中的)仙女;女游泳家;淡水贝   2、例句:Thy Naiad airs have brought me home.   你仙女般的神韵把我带回家乡。   四、nail   1、翻译:   n. 钉子;指甲;爪   vt. 钉;抓住;使固定   2、例句:He hit the nail into the wall with a hammer.   他用一把锤子把钉子打进墙里去。   五、nameless   1、翻译:adj.不知名的";无名的;不可名状的   2、例句:He discovered some new and nameless plants.   他发现了一些新的未命名的植物。
2023-06-29 09:35:221


2023-06-29 09:35:291

You Had Me (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:You Had Me (Live)歌手:Joss Stone专辑:Live At Austin City Limits Music Festival 2007: Joss StoneJoss Stone - You Had MeYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindSpitting in my eyes and I still seeTried to keep me downI"m breaking freeI don"t want no part in your next fixSomeone needs to tell youThis is itHeyListen you"ll be missin"Out on all my love and my kissingMake your mistakes on your own timeWhen you come down you"re just no good to have aroundInstead of making money you took mineYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindI"ve realized in timethat my eyes are not blindI"ve seen it beforeI"m taking back my lifeYou tried to trade on my naiveteBut the things you do and say embarrass meSee once upon a time I was your foolBut the one I leave behind he is youHeyListen you"ll be missin"Out on all my love and my kissingMake your mistakes on your own timeWhen you come down you"re just no good to have aroundInstead of making money you took mineYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindI"ve realized in timethat my eyes are not blindI"ve seen it beforeI"m taking back my lifeVodka and a packet of cigarettesThat"s all it used to be but nowYou"re sniffing on snow when you"re feeling lowSuffocating dreams that could haveMaybe for a minute I"d be down with thatBut it didn"t take long for me to see the lightYou swore you had control of itBut when I stepped back you slipped on your supplyYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindI"ve realized in timethat my eyes are not blindI"ve seen it beforeI"m taking back my lifeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeAin"t nobody got no business stressing all the timeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindI"ve realized in timethat my eyes are not blindI"ve seen it beforeI"m taking back my lifeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeAin"t nobody got no business stressing all the timeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my life
2023-06-29 09:35:371


2023-06-29 09:35:487

Coffee Spoon 歌词

歌曲名:Coffee Spoon歌手:Cold War Kids专辑:Behave YourselfCold War Kids - Coffee SpoonI can argue with the mimeI can argue with the mimehe is reading me the riot actevery lineevery lawyer in his primeevery lawyer in his primegets nostalgic for the bar"snaivete to crimeascetics wring their handsthis decadent misuseinside my china roomyou are my coffee spoonmy indulgence is a jokeand while everybody laughsI"m clipping couponsand saving my breathI was celebrating Lentwith a candle in a tentwhen you came and snatched me upout of retirementnow I"m buying finer clothesin department store windowsthrowing credit cards downnever raise my voice
2023-06-29 09:36:041

Green Day-Viva La Gloria 歌词中文译文

2023-06-29 09:36:255


2023-06-29 09:36:411


- -!没听明白。
2023-06-29 09:36:505

recci naivete series如何充电使用

2023-06-29 09:37:061


miss passion everlasting infection insane mad beloved cherish embrace
2023-06-29 09:37:464


2023-06-29 09:37:562


找到个比较详细的了 2001年 自从他来了(第一部电影) 青春@Y2K 恋爱起义之不得了(4月26日上映) 常在我心(9月25日上映) 2002年 我老婆唔够秤 又名:《我老婆未满十八岁》(9月25日上映) 2003 下一站天后(3月13日上映) 恋上你的床(7月25日上映) 2004年 这个阿爸真爆炸 又名:《了不起的爸爸》(3月27日上映) 追击八月十五(8月19日上映) 新警察故事(9月24日上映) 阿孖有难(11月18日上映) 身骄肉贵(9月28日上映) 2005年 再说一次我爱你(10月20日上映) 情癫大圣(12月22日上映) 2006 宝贝计划(BB计划) 妄想(10月26日上映) 2007年 甜心粉丝王 又名:《疯狂粉丝王》(4月4日上映) 戏王之王 (6月19日上映) 功夫灌篮 Kung Fu Dunk (大陆片名:《大灌篮》)
2023-06-29 09:38:044


2023-06-29 09:38:135


I love the innocent of children
2023-06-29 09:38:463

求greenday的Viva La Gloria!的中文歌词

Hey GloriaAre you standing close to the edge?你是否站在悬崖边缘Lookout to the setting sun守望夕阳The brink of your vision在你视线的边沿Eternal youth is永恒的青春只是A landscape of the lie谎言的风景The cracks of my skin can prove我皮肤的裂纹就可以证明As the years will testify岁月也将见证Say your prayers and light a fire祈祷吧然后燃起一把火We"re going to start a war我们就要发动一场战争Your slogans a gun for hire你的标语就是那寻找主人的枪It"s what we waited for这就是我们一直等待的Hey Gloria,This is why we"re on the edge这就是为什么我们在悬崖边缘The fight of our lives been drawn to生命之战已引来This undying love.这不朽的爱Gloria, Viva La GloriaGloria, 万岁GloriaYou blast your name你让你的名字绽放In graffiti on the walls在墙壁上的涂鸦Falling through broken glass that"s你从破碎的玻璃中坠落Slashing through your spirit划过你的灵魂I can hear it like a jilted crowd我能听到它像一群被抛弃的众人Gloria, where are you GloriaGloria, 你在哪里, GloriaYou found a home你已找到了归宿之地In all your scars and ammunition在你所有的伤痕和攻防里You made your bed in salad days你在你的全盛时期安息Amongst the ruin在废墟Ashes to ashes of our youth在我们青春的灰烬之间She smashed her knuckles into winter她在冬天来临之际打碎了她的关节As autumns wind fades into black当秋季之风褪为黑色She is the saint on all the sinners她是所有有罪者的圣人The one that"s fallen through the cracks那个在裂缝中坠落的圣人So don"t put away your burning light所以不要抛弃你燃烧着的火光Gloria, where are you GloriaGloria, 你在哪里Don"t lose your faith不要对你已逝的纯真To your lost naivete丧失信心Weather the storm and don"t look经历风霜吧,不要回头Back on last November不要回顾去年的十一月When your banners were burning down当你的旗帜被烧毁的时候Gloria, viva la GloriaGloria, 万岁GloriaSend me your amnesty down降大赦于我吧To the broken hearted于那受伤的心灵吧Bring us the season带给我们这样一季That we always will remember将永远铭刻于我们心中的季节Don"t let the bonfires go out不要让篝火熄灭So Gloria,所以,Gloria,Send out your message of the light发送出你光明的讯息That shadows in the night.那在黑夜中投以阴影的光明Gloria, where"s your undying love?你那不朽的爱在哪里?Tell me the story of your life.告诉我你生命的故事
2023-06-29 09:38:531


2023-06-29 09:38:403


爱自己的唯美经典语录   爱是人生一场特别的考试,在这个考场上,绝对不允许任何人作弊,一旦作弊败露,轻则影响考试成绩,重则取消考试资格。下面是我为大家整理收集的关于爱自己的经典唯美语录,欢迎大家的阅读。   1、女孩,请记住,没有人值得你去流泪。而值得你流泪的人是永远都不会让你哭泣的。   Girl, please remember, no one is worth your tears. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won"t make you cry.   2、青梅竹马的心有灵犀,两小无猜的天真烂漫,红颜知己的温柔呵护,痴心恋人的蜜语甜言,亲密爱人的无悔付出,所有的爱情保证,都是我想给你的前世今生。   Childhood sweetheart heart, childhood naivete, confidante of the gentle care, infatuated lovers intimate love sugary words, pay no regrets, love is all that I want to give you the life.   3、女人知道爱是需要能力的,女人更知道幸福总是要先爱上自己而后才有能力去爱自己所爱的人。再然后,让那个自己爱的人,爱上自己。   Women know that love is needs ability, women know that happiness is always the first to fall in love with yourself and then have the ability to love the people you love. Then, let the one you love, fall in love with yourself.   4、与生俱来的漂亮不漂亮只是上苍考验女人的方式。   Innate beauty is not beautiful, but the way God tests the woman.   5、我会好好去爱自己,我想,或许没有任何事比爱自己更幸福了。   I will love myself, I think, there is nothing better than love themselves.   6、真正的爱情,是双方心灵的互相契合,任何人,都无法对此进行评说。   True love is the heart with each other, anyone can not this comment.   7、人是能够感觉肉体的`快乐和痛苦的,因此他逃避前者,寻求后者。就是这种经常的逃避和寻求,我称之为自爱。   Man is able to feel the pleasure and pain of the body, so he avoids the former and seeks the latter. This is often escape and seek, I called love.   8、女人要爱自己,或许也可以这样说,就是要爱男人之外的生活本身。爱你的家人,你的朋友,你的宠物,你的事业,你的理想。   A woman to love themselves, perhaps it can be said, is to love the life outside the man itself. Love your family, your friends, your pets, your career, your dreams.   9、亲爱的自己,全世界只有一个你,就算没有人懂得欣赏,你也要好好爱自己。   Dear myself, there is only one you, even if no one appreciate, you have to love yourself.   10、肉体的存在,因为灵魂有爱。   The existence of the body, because the soul of love.   11、生命走的极致,心无所托,爱的太极致,以至人间没有如此极致的容器来盛装。   Life is the ultimate, the heart is not entrusted, the love of Tai Chi, and there is no such a world of extreme containers to dress.   12、先要爱自己,才能爱别人。有人在等你来爱。   Love yourself before you can love others. Someone is waiting for you to love.   13、学会爱自己,宠自己。有一个人任何时候都不会背弃你,这个人就是你自己。   Learn to love yourself. There is a man who will never betray you.   14、爱国的主要方法,就是要爱自己所从事的事业。   The main method of patriotism is to love what you do.   15、光看到了阳光明媚鲜花怒放,寒风来临却无力为你遮挡。是我把你迷惑让你迷茫,如果你能忘记那就将我遗弃。千言万语只能说对不起!   See the light bright flowers in full bloom, the wind is coming but unable to cover you. I confused you confused you, if you can forget that I will be abandoned. Thousands and thousands of words can only say sorry!   16、爱自己的祖国。这就是说,要渴望祖国能成为人类理想的体现,并尽自己的力量来促进这一点。   Love your motherland. That is to say, the desire of the motherland to become the embodiment of human ideals, and do their best to promote this point.   17、只要人活着,绝不会消失的唯一情欲是自爱。   As long as people alive, the only passion will never disappear is love.   18、给我个理由,让我勇敢的面对大学生活。   Give me a reason, let me face the university life bravely.   19、真水无香,真爱无言,真爱是发自内心的关心和照顾,真爱是点点滴滴的平实与坚定。   Zhenshuiwuxiang, wordless love, true love is from the heart of care, love is the little bit of plain and firm.   20、爱是人生一场特别的考试,在这个考场上,绝对不允许任何人作弊,一旦作弊败露,轻则影响考试成绩,重则取消考试资格。   Love life is a special examination, in the exam, no one is absolutely not allowed to cheat, cheat once brought to light, light will influence the examination results, while disqualified.   21、无论是天堂还是地狱,我与你同在。   Heaven or hell, I"m with you.   22、有一种爱叫做放手,不理会是否天长地久。   There is a love called let go, regardless of whether the enduring as the universe.   23、爱情的快乐不能在激情的拥抱中告终。爱,必须有恒久不变的特质,要爱自己,也要爱对方。   The joy of love can not end in the embrace of passion. Love must have an abiding character, love yourself, love others.   24、也许我们没有活成自己曾经想要成为的样子,但更要好好爱自己,因为那份独一无二!   Maybe we do not live to be the way we want to be, but also to love themselves, because the unique!   25、我们爱过不同的人,却很少真的爱自己。   We love different people, but seldom really love ourselves.   26、爱之花开放的地方,生命便能欣欣向荣。   The flower of love and open place, life can be thriving.   27、认真的对待你的工作。工作也许不如爱情来的让你心跳,但至少能保证你有饭吃,有房子住,而不确定的爱情给不了这些,所以,认真努力的工作。   Take your work seriously. Work may not be as good as love to make your heart beat, but at least you can guarantee that there is food to eat, have a house to live, and not sure love can not give these, so work hard.   28、亲爱的,为了你,我可上九天揽月,下五洋捉鳖。因为那月是你,那鳖也是你。   My dear, for you, I can be on the zodiac, under the ocean to catch turtle five. Because you are the moon, the turtle is you.   29、你是我掌中的珍宝,所以我绝不会让你有机会从我掌上掉落。   You are my palm treasure, so I won"t let you have a chance to drop from my pocket.   30、女人爱自己就会千方万计地善待自己。   Women love will Qianfangwanji to treat yourself.   31、如果你真的没办法不去爱一个不爱你的人,那是因为你还不懂得爱自己。   If you really can"t love someone who doesn"t love you, it"s because you don"t know how to love yourself.   32、聪明的女人,就是懂得爱护自己的女人,她们不仅能让自己的生活有品质,有情调,还懂得投资,投资青春,投资美丽。   Smart woman, is to know how to take care of their own women, they can not only make their own quality of life, emotional appeal, but also know how to invest, invest in youth, investment in beauty.   33、我是幸福的,因为我爱,因为我有爱。   I am happy, because I love, because I have love.   34、唯有自爱,自识自制,指引人生,才能导出神圣的力量。   Only self love, self awareness self guidance of life, in order to derive the divine power.   35、人生是一出戏,我被安排了,被你们思念。   Life is a drama, I was arranged by you, miss.   36、对与存在的人,如果爱的人一但消失,那份爱也一定会消失,那是属于你的,永远只属于你。   To the person who is with you, if the one you love is gone, the love will disappear.   37、了解爱情的人往往会因为爱情的升华而坚强了他们向上的意志和进取的精神。   Those who know love will always be strong because of the sublimation of love and their upward will and enterprising spirit.   38、对于我来说,生命的意义在于设身处地替人着想,忧他人之忧,乐他人之乐。   For me, the meaning of life is to put yourself in his place, worry about others worry about the joy of music to others.   39、只要自尊自爱,就能行得正。   As long as the self-esteem, can do right.   40、自我热爱远非缺点,这种定义是恰当的。一个懂得恰如其分地热爱自己的人,一定能恰如其分地做好其他一切事情。   Self love is far from a defect. A person who knows how to love himself properly will be able to do everything properly.   41、你都离开了,我还待在这干嘛!疼需要你疼的人,找一个爱你人,哪怕爱的不够深,但他能疼你一辈子,那就这样一辈子吧。   You"re gone, I"m still here! The pain you need to hurt people, to find a love you, even if the love is not deep enough, but he can hurt your life, then it"s a lifetime.   42、我自爱我的野草,但我憎恶这以野草作装饰的地面。   I love my wild grass, but I detest this decorated with wild grass ground.   43、爱己者,仁之端也,可推以爱人也。   Love yourself, the end of the benevolence can also be pushed to love also.   44、爱情容不得任何虚伪和欺骗,就像眼里容不得沙子一样。   Love can not tolerate any hypocrisy and deception, like the eyes can not tolerate sand.   45、对善意欣赏你的男子回报浅浅的微笑。   Appreciate your good man on the return of shallow smile.   46、如果一个男人开始怠慢你,请你离开他。不懂得疼惜你的男人不要为之不舍,更不必继续付出你的柔情和爱情。   If a man starts to neglect you, please leave him. Do not know how to pamper your men not to give up, not to continue to pay your tenderness and love.   47、好面上炙个疤儿,一生带破;白衣上点些墨儿,一身带涴。   With a scar on a good face, with a broken life; some ink points in white, with a body belt.   48、不要奢求你的爱人能够用你的方式来爱你,那样会让他很累。   Don"t expect you to love the way you used to love you, that will make him very tired.   49、爱情的欢乐虽然是甜美无比,但只有在光荣与美德存在的地方才能生存。   The joy of love is sweet, but only in the place where there is honor and virtue.   50、有了你,我尝遍了世间的酸甜苦辣。看你与别的人说话我会酸;和你一起我会感觉甜;不见你时要忍受思念的苦;一觉得苦我就去吃辣椒,于是又感觉到了辣。   Have you, I tasted the sour, sweet, bitter, hot. See you talk to other people, I will sour; and I will feel sweet with you; when you do not want to bear the pain of missing; I think I will go to eat bitter pepper, and then feel hot. ;
2023-06-29 09:38:451


It"s a quarter to five.
2023-06-29 09:38:473


2023-06-29 09:38:502

viva la gloria(green day)表达的思想

!VIVA LA GLORIA 万岁Gloria! hey gloria, are you standing close to the edge? 嗨,Gloria,你是否站在悬崖边缘 lookout to the setting sun 守望夕阳 the brink of your vision 在你视线边沿 eternal youth is a landscape of the lie 永恒的青春只是谎言的风景 the cracks of my skin can prove 我皮肤的裂纹可以证明 as the years will testify 岁月也会见证 say your prayers and light a fire 祈祷吧然后点燃火把 we"re going to start a war 我们就要发动一场战争 your slogans a gun for hire 你的标语就是那把被出租的枪 it"s what we waited for 这就是我们一直等待的 hey gloria, this is why were on the edge 嗨,Gloria,这就是为什么我们在悬崖边缘 the fight of our lives been drawn to this undying love 生命之战已引来这不朽的爱 gloria, viva la gloria Gloria,万岁Gloria you blast your name in graffiti on the walls 你的名字绽放在墙壁的涂鸦上 falling through broken glass that"s 你从破碎的玻璃中坠落 slashing through your spirit 玻璃划破你的灵魂 i can hear it like a jilted crowd 我能听到它像一群被抛弃的众人 gloria, where are you gloria? Gloria,你在哪里,Gloria? you found a home 你已找到了归宿之地 in all your scars and ammunition 在你所有的伤痕和弹药里 you made your bed in salad days amongst the ruin 你在涉世未深时在废墟中安息 ashes to ashes of our youth 在我们青春的灰烬里 she smashed her knuckles into winter 她的关节在冬天来临时破碎 as autumns wind fades into black 当秋季的风褪为黑色 she is the saint on all the sinners 她是全部有罪者的圣人 the one that"s fallen through the cracks 那个在裂缝中坠落的圣人 so don"t put away your burning light 所以不要抛弃你燃烧着的火光 gloria, where are you gloria? Gloria,你在哪里,Gloria? don"t lose your faith to your lost naivete 不要对你已逝的纯真失去信心 weather the storm and don"t look back on last november 经历风霜,不要回顾去年的十一月 when your banners were burning down 当你的旗帜被烧毁 gloria, viva la gloria Gloria,万岁Gloria send me your amnesty down to the broken hearted 特赦我那破碎的心 bring us the season that we always will remember 带给我们将永远铭记的一季 don"t let the bonfires go out 不要让篝火熄灭 so gloria, 所以,Gloria, send out your message of the light that shadows in the night 发送出你将在黑夜中投以阴影的光明的讯息 gloria, where"s your undying love? Gloria, 你那不朽的爱在哪里? tell me the story of your life 告诉我你一生的故事
2023-06-29 09:38:372


hallwayn. 走廊;门厅;玄关I can hear him in the hallway. 我能听见他在走廊里的声音。He bawled down the hallway at me. 他在走廊里大声对我喊叫。I followed them down the hallway with its peeling walls, as if I had forgotten to say something to one of them. 我跟随他们走过过道(墙壁上的油漆已脱落下来)就好象我忘记了要跟其中一个学生说点什么似的。
2023-06-29 09:38:301


2023-06-29 09:38:283