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2023-06-28 06:28:43
TAG: ite isi



visited["vizitid] climbed[klaimd] metres ["mi:tu0259z]


["vizitid] 唯十特得


【"vizitid】 访问






当动词的最后一个字母是清辅音时 ed读[t]

当动词的最后一个字母是浊辅音时 ed读[d]

当动词的最后一个字母是以t或d结尾的 ed读[id]





2023-06-28 04:53:242


"visited"是visit的过去式和过去分词形式,意思是“访问”、“参观”、“拜访”等。这个词在日常生活中经常被使用,下面将从以下几个方面进行阐述visited的意思。一、访问"visited"最常见的意思是“访问”,指的是去某个地方或某个人的家中进行拜访或会面。例如:I visited my friend in the hospital yesterday.(昨天我去医院看望了我的朋友。)二、参观"visited"还可以表示“参观”,指的是去某个地方或某个景点进行观光或游览。例如:We visited the Great Wall last year.(去年我们参观了长城。)三、拜访"visited"还可以表示“拜访”,指的是去拜访某个人或某个机构。例如:I visited my professor during his office hours.(我在教授的办公时间去拜访了他。)四、检查"visited"还可以表示“检查”,指的是去某个地方或某个机构进行检查或审查。例如:The health inspector visited the restaurant to check the hygiene.(卫生检查员去餐厅检查卫生情况。)五、探望"visited"还可以表示“探望”,指的是去看望某个人,通常是因为他们生病或遇到了困难。例如:I visited my neighbor to offer my condolences after her husband passed away.(邻居的丈夫去世后,我去探望她并表示慰问。)总之,"visited"是一个常用的英语单词,意思是“访问”、“参观”、“拜访”等。在日常生活中,我们可以根据具体的语境来理解它的含义。
2023-06-28 04:53:431


凡具有下列条件之者,可申请英国探亲签证:夫妻一方或父母或兄弟姐妹(包括养父母、养兄弟姐妹)在英国,且取得英国国籍的;祖父母或养祖父母在英国,且取得英国国籍的;子女(包括养子女)及孙子女(包括养孙子女)在英国定居,且取得英国国籍的;叔伯或堂兄弟在英国定居,且取得英国国籍的;姑、姨及表兄弟姐妹在英国定居,且取得英国国籍的;有直系亲属在英国工作或学习的。 ---陪读签证在英国,父母不可以陪读,但是配偶或者未成年子女可以陪读,在父母学业完成之时随父母一同回国。男女朋友或未婚夫、妻则不被承认。 如果夫妻间有一方在英国学习期间,学生配偶(陪读身份) 可以申请团聚签证。英国规定配偶可读书或工作,不需要工作许可,所获签证将和已在英国一方一样长。办理英国陪读签证,申请人除了具备两个基本条件,一是合法婚姻,一是有足够的经济保障之外,还需要认真准备材料。
2023-06-28 04:54:126


2023-06-28 04:54:523


2023-06-28 04:55:251

visited怎么读 英语visited怎么读

1、visited英[u02c8vu026azu026atu026ad]美[u02c8vu026azu026atu026ad],v.访问; 拜访; 看望; 参观; 访问(互联网上的网站); (短暂地)作客,逗留;visit的过去分词和过去式。 2、[例句]Its my first visit to New York.这是我第一次访问纽约。
2023-06-28 04:55:321


visited 是动词, 通常不可用为形容词(例外见下)另外, visiting 和 visitable 也是形容词。例:The Summer Palace is one of the most visited tourist sites in China.John is a visiting professor at Tsinghua.We need to make schools more accessible and visitable.你的句子 that 要改为 the one :This museum is the one you visited the other day.
2023-06-28 04:55:401

visit是什么意思 详解visit的含义和用法?

visit通常用作及物动词,后面跟上名词或者代词作宾语。例如:一、visit的含义二、visit的用法I visited my friend in the hospital yesterday.(我昨天去医院看望了我的朋友。)1. 拜访
2023-06-28 04:55:483


visited英 [ˈvɪzɪtɪd] 美 [ˈvɪzɪtɪd] v.访问;拜访;看望;参观;访问
2023-06-28 04:56:071

visited 和came 的区别?

"visited" 和 "came" 的区别在于它们的意义和用法不同。"Visited" 表示"参观","拜访","访问"等意思,通常用于描述去某个地方看望某人或者参观某个地方。例如:Yesterday, I visited my friend in the hospital.(昨天我去医院看望了我的朋友。)"Came" 表示"来",通常用于描述自己到达某个地点。例如:She came to the party late.(她来参加聚会的时候已经很晚了。)
2023-06-28 04:56:151


visit 英["vu026azu026at]美[u02c8vu026azu026at]vt.& vi. 访问;探望;参观;游览vi. 作客n. 访问,参观;逗留[例句]Schoolchildren often visit the place.学生们经常参观这里。1. You can visit the whole palace except for the private apartments. 整座宫殿除内殿外均可参观。来自《权威词典》2. The visit was conducted with all due ceremonial. 访问按照一切应有的礼仪进行。来自《权威词典》3. his first-ever visit to London 他对伦敦的初次访问来自《权威词典》4. I have been fortunate enough to visit many parts of the world as a lecturer. 我很有福气,去过世界许多地方作演讲。
2023-06-28 04:56:233


visit D.J.[u02c8vizit] K.K.[u02c8vu026azu026at] vt. & vi. 访问; 探望; 参观; 游览 They are visiting in that city. 他们正在那个城市参观访问。 I"m just going to visit my friend Smith. 我正要去拜访我的朋友史密斯。 The schools are regularly visited by officials from the Ministry of Education. 教育部的官员们定期视察各学校。 在…逗留; 住宿 He is visiting at a hotel nearby. 他暂住在附近的一家旅馆里。 Many migratory birds visit this lake annually. 许多候鸟每年到这个湖上作短期逗留。 侵袭 vi. 聊天; 闲谈 Let"s sit here and visit together for a while. 让我们坐在这里谈一会儿。 n. 访问; 参观, 游览; 逗留 During our visit to London we often went to the theatre. 我们在伦敦逗留时常去看戏。 聊天, 谈话 We had a nice visit on the phone. 我们在电话里谈得很高兴。
2023-06-28 04:56:333


visit的各种时态  过去式: visited  过去分词: visited  现在分词: visiting  visit的用法  visit的用法1:visit用作名词的意思是“来或去见某人或到某处访问”“参观”“游览”“逗留”。在口语中还可指“聊天,谈话”。  visit的用法2:visit的基本意思是“访问某人或某地”,即“访问”“探望”“参观”“视察”“逗留”“出诊”,指因为礼节、友谊、生意或职责的需要而来到某人处并短时间地与其呆在一起,也可指较长时间地以客人身份在某人家里或所去休息、娱乐、观光的地方居住。引申为“(疾病、灾害等)侵袭”“降临”“惩罚”“施加报复或报应”。  visit的用法3:visit既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。
2023-06-28 04:56:411

visited怎么读音 visited的读音

  visited的读音是["vu026azu026atu026ad]。visited是visit的过去分词和过去式,意思是:参观、访问、拜访、看望。用visited造句如下:“I visited with him in San Francisco.”   visit的用例   1、Helen had recently paid him a visit.海伦最近去探望了他。   2、He"ll be visiting four cities including Cagliari in Sardinia.他将要访问4个城市,包括萨迪尼亚的卡利亚里。   3、I paid a visit to my local print shop.我去了我们当地的照片冲洗店。   4、If necessary the patient can then visit his doctor for further advice.如有必要,病人可以上门咨询自己的医生以得到更多的建议。   5、Violence is visited upon us every day.暴力事件每天都会降临在我们身上。
2023-06-28 04:57:201

visited my uncle中文翻译

2023-06-28 04:57:313


visit英文读音为:英 [u02c8vu026azu026at],美 [u02c8vu026azu026at]。词典释义:v. 访问;拜访;使某人遭受;参观;探望;视察;检查;巡视;闲聊;游览n. 参观;访问;拜访;游览;作客;视察;闲聊;逗留;非正式谈话牛津字典解释:一、作动词时1、go to see and spend time with(someone)socially访问,拜访例句:I came to visit my grandmother. 我来看祖母。2、(常作be visited)inflict(something harmful or unpleasant)on someone使某人遭受(有害或不快之事)例句:The mockery visited upon him by his schoolmates. 他的同学对他的嘲讽。二、做名词时an act of going or coming to see a person or place socially,as a tourist,or for some other purpose 参观;访问;拜访;游览;作客;视察例子:a visit to the doctor. 看病。
2023-06-28 04:58:181


visited是动词visit的过去式和过去分词。造句如下: We visited the Great Wall yesterday. 昨天我们参观了长城。 I visited my parents last month. 上个月我看望了父母。
2023-06-28 04:58:411


visited 不同,过去式是规则变化got went did 是不规则变化
2023-06-28 04:59:503


它们的区别是主动与被动语态。be visited:被访问。visited:访问,它是visit的过去式和过去分词形式。visit:拜访,访问.。
2023-06-28 04:59:571


现在分词:visiting。visit,作名词时译为“访问,参观;浏览;逗留;咨询;会面,闲聊”,作动词时译为“访问,参观;浏览;视察;逗留;咨询;闲谈;救助;遭受”。visit基本含义v.访问; 拜访; 看望; 参观; 访问(互联网上的网站); (短暂地)作客,逗留;n.访问; 参观; 游览; 逗留; 看望; (到网站的)访问; 碰头; 会面;[例句]If you have time, pay a visit to the local museum.你若有空,参观一下当地的博物馆。第三人称单数:visits现在分词:visiting过去式:visited过去分词:visitedvisit双语例句I timed our visit for March 7. 我把我们访问时间定在3月7日。I went back to visit my old school. 我回去拜访了母校。Helen had recently paid him a visit. 海伦最近拜访了他。
2023-06-28 05:00:171


2023-06-28 05:00:321


visited ......
2023-06-28 05:00:423


2023-06-28 05:00:481


2023-06-28 05:01:072


2023-06-28 05:01:141


visit过去式为visited,visit用作名词的意思是“来或去见某人或到某处访问”“参观”“游览”“逗留”。在口语中还可指“聊天,谈话”。 visit的过去式例句 1. Her daughters visited him from time to time when he was ill. 他生病的时候她的女儿们时常去探望他。 2. In most of the residence halls we visited, rules prohibit disorderly conduct. 在我们走访的学生宿舍里,大多明令禁止胡作非为。 3. Death and suffering had been visited on thousands of innocents. 死亡和苦难降临在了数千名无辜的人身上。 4. Visited Park West. Viewed a flat, no. 76. Which I like. 去了中央公园西路,看了一套公寓,76号,我很喜欢。 5. Mr Dinkins visited the bereaved family to offer comfort. 丁金斯先生前往死者家吊唁。 6. Pope John Paul received a rapturous reception when he visited East Timor. 在访问东帝汶期间,教皇约翰·保罗受到了热烈的欢迎。 7. They have been visited by creatures from outer space. 有外星人拜访了他们。 8. He visited the Institute of Neurology in Havana where they both worked. 他访问了两人都曾工作过的哈瓦那的神经病学研究所. 9. His officials have visited Washington to press their case for economic aid. 他的官员们已经访问了华盛顿,竭力要求得到经济援助。 10. He visited Thailand and Singapore to tout for investment. 他访问了泰国与新加坡,以期招揽投资。
2023-06-28 05:01:211


2023-06-28 05:01:291


  1、visit的过去分词是visited。   2、visit:访问; 拜访; 看望; 参观; 访问(互联网上的网站); (短暂地)作客,逗留;   3、[例句]:He wanted to visit his brother in Worcester.他想去看望住在伍斯特的哥哥。
2023-06-28 05:01:361


2023-06-28 05:01:562


2023-06-28 05:02:043


2023-06-28 05:02:112


有时一起用。He visited his grandparents in the morning.He visited his grandparentslast weekend.
2023-06-28 05:02:191


2023-06-28 05:02:2711


vt.& vi.访问;探望;参观;游览 vi.作客 n.访问,参观;逗留 vt.拜访,参观 第三人称单数:visits 过去式:visited 过去分词:visited 现在分词:visiting 易混淆的单词:VISIT Visit 很高兴为您解答,【语数英科】团队为您答题. 请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮, 如果有其他需要帮助的题目,您可以求助我. 你可以随时加入我团队,我随时恭候.
2023-06-28 05:03:001

英语单选初三.求详解我觉得在这里visited和have visited没什么区别啊.?

亲,因为before和现在完成时连用.不用告诉我你是给别人家教,你自己不知道?,4,首先,句意是在此之前我已经去过了,自然是现在完成时。其次,如果你用visited,就是过去时态,后面却是现在时态it is这不行的,时态要一致,2,visited表明你去了广州了,不强调与现在的关系。have visited是说你去过了,并对现在的产生了作用。此题的情景关键在于,你去过,不想再去了,所以要选取对现在产生影响的选项。,0,英语单选初三.求详解我觉得在这里visited和have visited没什么区别啊. -- Would you like to visit Guangzhou with me this summer vacation? -- No. I ________ it before. Besides,it"s hot and humid in summer. A.visit B.visited C.will visit D.have visited 为什么不能用visited而要用have visited?
2023-06-28 05:03:081


2023-06-28 05:03:173


visit的名词形式是visitor visit v.访问;拜访;看望;参观;访问(互联网上的网站);(短暂地)作客,逗留 n.访问;参观;游览;逗留;看望;(到网站的)访问;碰头;会面 第三人称单数: visits 现在分词: visiting 过去式: visited 过去分词: visited 扩展资料   He gave us a very sketchy account of his visit.   他跟我们非常粗略地讲了他参观的情况。   Is this a social visit, or is it business?   这是社交性的"拜访,还是业务性的?   It"s my first visit to New York.   这是我第一次访问纽约。
2023-06-28 05:03:241

以/t/或/d/结尾的词后面加-ed构成过去式时,ed发/id/的音, 如:needed/visited。以元音结尾的词后面加-ed时,ed发/d/。如:played.
2023-06-28 05:03:322


visit vt.& vi.访问;探望;参观;游览 vi.作客 n.访问,参观;逗留 vt.拜访,参观 visiting 是动名词 visit在这里作名词,所以填visit
2023-06-28 05:03:391


lúnbān[in shifts;in relays; be on duty by turns] 分班轮流;轮流值班。这工作由助手们轮班分担,一班大约持续三小时。 lúnchàng[round] 演唱者分成几组,按一定时距先后错综演唱同一旋律的歌曲。轮齿lúnchǐ[gear teeth;teeth of a cogwheel] 在轮周或轮面上的突起部分,能和另一轮上的突起部分相啮合以传递力和运动。 lúnchuán[steamboat;steamer;steamship] 用蒸汽动力推进的船。 lúncì⑴ [in turn]∶循环比赛的一个循环叫一轮,“轮次”指某个轮在比赛中排列的次序;轮流的次序。轮次入内轮次上场⑵ [times of rotation]∶轮流的次数。每日由一人值班,十个人轮流,一个月也就三个轮次。⑶ [take turns]∶按次序轮流。官员轮次上奏 lúndù[ferry] 载运行人、汽车、火车等渡过江河湖海的轮船及其业务。 lúnfān[in turns; by turns] 轮流交替。敌机轮番轰炸 lúnfú[spoke of a wheel] 插入轮毂以支撑轮圈的辐条;轮上的辐射状棒或杆。 lúngū⑴ [rim]∶可以拆装的、安轮胎的汽车金属外轮箍。⑵ [tire]∶构成车轮着地面的金属环箍;特指载重带热套在运货车轮辋上的钢带。 lúngǔ⑴ [nave;wbeel hub;hub; wheel boss]∶轮子的圆柱形中心部分。⑵ [boss]∶轮船螺旋桨装叶片的部分。 lúnhuàn⑴ [rotate;do sth in turn; cyclic order take turns]∶轮流替换。轮换放哨⑵ [change off]∶完成某种行为后由别人来接替。 lúnhuí[incarnation;samsara;wheel of life; transmigration of souls; eternal cycle of birth and death] 佛家认为世间众生,莫不辗转生死于六道之中,生死像轮子旋转的过程。 lúnjī⑴ [turbine]∶汽轮机、燃气轮机和水轮机等的统称⑵ [motorship engine;engine]∶轮船的发动机 lúnjīshǒu[wheelman] 管操纵轮的人 lúnjiān[rape by turns] 两个或两个以上男子轮流强奸同一女性 lúnkuò⑴ [outline;contour; frame; rough sketh]⑵ 表示物件或人像外形的线条在好年景里耕地面积的轮廓扩大了⑶ 一种不衬明暗而强调外形线的素描式样山的崎岖的轮廓⑷ 事情的概况他介绍了工程的轮廓 lúnliú[rotate;do sth in turn;take turns] 按次序一个接一个地周而复始轮流洗盘子 lúnmù[rotation grazing] 牲畜在牧场或放牧区的不同区段上有规律地长期轮流放养,以便牧草恢复和生长 lúntāi[tire; tyre] 环绕并装配到胎环上的连续的实心、半实心或充气的橡胶垫 Lúntái[Lun tai] 古西域地名。在新疆维吾尔自治区轮台县 lúntì[take turns] 轮换轮替休息 lúnxiū[have holidays by turns; rotate the holidays; rotate doys off] 轮流休假 lúnxùn[training in rotation] 轮流培训轮训干部 lúnyǐ[wheelchair] 装在轮上的椅子或装有车轮的椅子,一般供行走困难的人使用 lúnyuán[compass rafter] 切割成曲线形的缘子,通常用在有装饰的屋架或山墙框架上 lúnzhí[be on duty in turns] 轮流值日或值勤 lúnzhǐ[the fingers circular movement by playing a stringed musical instrument] 弹奏乐器的一种指法,几个手指连续弹拨丝弦,发出急促的乐声 lúnzhòng[relay cropping] 轮换种植 lúnzhóu[wheel axle] 一只轮子或一对轮子在其上面或一道旋转的枢轴、棒或轴 lúnzhuàn[rotate] 使轮流交替;交替每种食品都轮转一下,这样每隔一段时间就能重复见到每种食品 lúnzi[wheel] 见“轮1” lúnzuò[crop rotation;rotate crops] 在同一块地上依次种植不同的作物,以保护土壤的生产力 【注音】:lún cáng/zàng【释义】:1.能旋转的藏置佛经的书架。设机轮,可旋转,故名。轮彩【注音】:lún cǎi【释义】:1.指月亮。 【注音】:lún chàng qū/qǔ【释义】:1.歌唱演唱形式之一。所有声部都按同一旋律,但非同时出现,而是按一定时距先后歌唱,各声部相互追逐而又交叠出现,构成良好的和声效果。例如冼星海的《黄河大合唱》中的《保卫黄河》。 【注音】:lún dāng/dàng miàn duì【释义】:1.宋制,官员轮值上殿策对时政利弊,谓之轮当面对。
2023-06-28 04:54:291

个人品质重要性的英语 演讲

success:七个使你成功的个性品质I am an ardent fan of the TV series The Big Idea. For the benefit of those of you who haven"t watched it, it is an interview which features a person who has made an idea they once had, a success. Most of them have started with literally just the shirts on their backs but have later went to become great CEOs, property moguls, entrepreneurs, or media stars. Even with little or no money in their pockets - they STILL managed to have amazing success in their lives.Winning character traitsThe show also interviews individuals who were written off as ‘too small", ‘too slow", or ‘not talented enough" who went onto become Olympic champions, or top basketball, football, soccer, or baseball stars.With each interview, I came to realize that it"s not really the talent, money, intelligence or the upbringing that enabled these people to become successful. (don"t misunderstand; I am not saying that these are not necessary!) There are other distinctive winning traits that enabled them achieve greater heights in life.The list below is not an exhaustive list, of course—you could no doubt add to it. I hope that you"ll find it to be a helpful primer for how you can create a lifetime of success.1.Driven by ambition (not fear of failure).How many times have you personally come across a business or an opportunity that you knew would be profitable and successful, but lacked the courage to invest the money or to step into the unknown?Think about it, sometimes we need the courage to move forward without fear or doubt.2. Winners are Doers.I know a lot of people who want greater things in life. They have the desire and the ambition but they are not willing to DO. Reality check: ‘I will get to it someday" never works!It is vital that you take affirmative action on an ongoing basis in order to fully achieve. Stop procrastinating and become an action taker.3. Self-discipline to see it through.A co-worker put it very succinctly: Knowing how to lose weight is simple – fewer calories in, more calories out – but the discipline to do it is hard!Regardless of whether you"re trying to stay on a diet, clean out the garage, or be more productive in your occupation, the secret to success revolves around your ability to recognize and deal with the part of you that offers resistance.Self-discipline is NOT a personality trait that either you have or you don"t have. It is a skill that can be learned and developed.The next time your self-discipline is about to go off track ask yourself, “How can I get myself to do what a part of me doesn"t want to do?”4. Quitters never win and winners never quit (Persist, persist and persist).Calvin Coolidge couldn"t have said it better. “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: Nothing is more common than unrewarded talent. Education alone will not: The world is full of educated failures. Persistence alone is omnipotent.”5. Do not sulk but learn.It"s impossible to get it right 100% of the time. It is because of your failure that you learn what works and what doesn"t. Criticizing yourself is not going to make any difference. Instead it would drain your energy and dissuade you.While being determined is important, do not be so hard on yourself that you become critical of every move you make. Give yourself some room to make mistakes and be flexible. That does not mean you can miss goals but it does mean that if you do, find out how to avoid that from happening again.6. Accept responsibility. You are responsible for what happens with your life. It"s not ok to blame the media, government or your parents for your mistakes and failures. If you keep blaming people you"ll soon learn that you let them control you, and when you realize this you"ll start taking responsibility for your own life and work towards your own success.7. Adapt an “I can” attitude.The way you think, day in day out, affects all aspects of your life. Learning to listen to your “internal dialogue” will help you recognize your thought patterns and how they may be affecting the way you handle the stressful situations of daily living. Having a positive mental attitude will attract what you need to achieve your definite major purpose.What"s your take on this? Why do you think others succeed where perhaps you haven"t (or at least to the degree that you wish you had)?
2023-06-28 04:54:291

protel 99 SE的PCB的过孔的属性中,tenting与override各是干什么用的啊 ?

2023-06-28 04:54:342

有哪些Wh 词

2023-06-28 04:54:422


2023-06-28 04:54:442


iCast (网络广播学习)iCast是在需要有几千甚至上万名学生同时上课情况下,使用的网上广播学习模式。您可以创建高度压缩的教学内容,以获得更好的联机体验。并且可以使用一个界面与大量的参加者进行有效的交流。iCast授课教师可以使用礼堂式的“广场视图”来使自己始终处于关注的中心。当参加者提出问题或建议时,他们的身份可被系统立即识别和认出。iCast的特点:n 广场视图,众多上课学生按照地域分组,显示为广场视图。当学生举手提问时,其他人(包括授课教师、辅导教师和其他同学)会在礼堂风格的视图中看到他们;n 搜索人群,教师端可以在所有学生中快速搜索并选定具体的个人;n 实时转播和即时访问,由授课教师进行实时iCast,或由实时转播助理教师进行内容录像转播。将录制内容以可下载或流格式张贴到课程门户,以供教师和学生随时访问;n 自定义学生界面按钮,通过在学生界面上标记徽标、超级链接和预加地址的电子邮件通信,来自定义每个课时的学生端界面按钮。n 面对面交流,授课教师可以通过USB 摄象机显示自己的图象。n 智能视频转播,对于没有带宽支持的学生,系统会自动阻止视频转播。这样,不管学生端的网络连接速度如何,每位学生都能愉快地参与既定计划的课时学习。n 重复利用,系统可以自动记录iCast的授课内容,从而使您可以保存、共享或重复使用那些在实时广播上课内容的记录。
2023-06-28 04:54:471


在帐篷下躲避日晒的老虎们,尾巴都栓在帐篷的固定绳上。Tenting 动词现在分词,利用帐篷。tie 绑着,栓着。
2023-06-28 04:54:251

wheelman, trikke scooter, outrider, powerski jetboard 分别怎么翻译?

2023-06-28 04:54:213

"克服拖延症"的英文翻译 短点儿

2023-06-28 04:54:192

take a tent什么意思

take a tent带一个帐篷双语对照例句:1.You will need to take a tent and all your own supplies, including water.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-06-28 04:54:153


关于成功励志的英文演讲稿有哪些?励志题材可以讲哪些内容?下面是我为大家收集的的资料,一起来欣赏一下吧。 《You Have Only One Life》 There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet enough trials to make you strong enough sorrow to keep you human enough hope to make you happy? Always put yourself in others" you feel that it hurts you it probably hurts the other person too. The happiest of people don"t necessarily have the best of everything;they just make the most of everything that es along their iness lies for those who cry those who hurt those who have searched and those who have tried for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their begins with a *** ile grows with a kiss and ends with a brightest future will always be based on a fotten past you can"t go on well in lifeuntil you let go of your past failures and heartaches. When you were born you were crying and everyone around you was your life so that when you die you"re the one who is *** iling and everyone around you is crying. Please send this message to those people who mean something to you to those who have touched your life in one way or another to those who make you *** ile when you really need it to those that make you see the brighter side of things when you are really down to those who you want to let them know that you appreciate their if you don"t don"t worry nothing bad will happen to you you will just miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone"s day with this message. 励志的英语文章带翻译一:快乐在你心里Look Within to Find Happiness How often do you hear people say "I will be happy when ..."such as "When I get that thing I will be happy " "I will be happy when I pass the exam" and "I would be happy if I had more money". I have heard these things before and I am sure that I will hear them again. "等我得到那个东西就会开心" "等我通过那次考试就会开心" "等我有更多的钱就会开心" 诸如此类的"等……的时候就会开心"话 你听过不少次吧?我听过这样话 而且相信以后还会听到。 Many people want to believe that finding happiness is all about finding or getting something that they want. However not many people have ever found long-term happiness by achieving a goal. There will always be another thing that they want. There will always be another exam or another dollar. 许多人都相信 找到幸福就等于找到或得到他们的心仪之物。然而 很多人并没有在目标实现之后就获得长久的幸福。这是因为人们总想要得到更多的东西 总还要走入考场 总还要赚更多的钱。 To break this vicious cycle we must find our happiness somewhere else —within ourselves. In other words happiness is pletely an inside job. The key to finding happiness is to understand that happiness is a choice rather than the result of an experience. We have been given everything 为了打破这种恶性循环 我们必须在其他地方找到幸福——那就是在我们的内心世界里。换句话说 幸福是心灵的产物。得到幸福的关键就在于要懂得幸福是一种选择 而不是经历的结果。 We need to be happy. Allow yourself to choose happiness. If life was perfect would you be happy? Life is perfect because we create it with our choices. Since we can create life we can create happiness and choose how much better our lives can get! 我们已经拥有获得幸福所需要的一切。去选择自己的幸福吧!倘若生活是完美的 你会觉得幸福吗?人生之所以完美就因为它是我们通过选择创造出来的。既然我们能创造生活 我们就能创造幸福 并选择更美好的人生! Only when we can accept that life is perfect as it is and that our lives are the sum total of everything that has happened up to this moment can we accept the joy and the happiness we deserve. 我们只有在接受生活原本就很完美 并且生活就是此刻所经历之事的全部之时 我们才能得到我们应得的那份喜悦与幸福。 励志的英语文章带翻译二:找寻自己Find Yourself Who are we? That is the first question. It"s a question that"s almost impossible to answer. 我们到底是谁?这是我们要解答的第一个问题,是一个几乎回答不了的问题 But we all agree that one"s busy or daily self is not quite one"s real self. We"re quite sure that we"ve lost something in the course of just making our living.。 但是我们都同意这一点,那个每天在日常生活中奔忙的自己,并不是我们真实的自己。我们都很清楚,我们在为生计奔波的过程中失去了某些东西。 A crowd is watching a person running about looking for something in a field and a wise man asks “What has that person lost?” Someone may guess a watch another a diamond ring. When everyone has guessed the wise man who like everyone else there has no idea says “I"ll tell you one thing for sure. He"s lost some breath.” 当一羣人看着一个人在田野中奔跑着寻找某个东西时,智者向他们出了一个谜题:“那个人到底丢失了什么?”有个人认为是一块手表,另一个人认为是一枚钻石戒指。其他人也有不同的答案,智者也不知道那个人丢失了什么,但他却说:“我可以明确地告诉你们一件事,他丢失了一些生命力。” And no one can deny that he"s right. The point is that we often fet our true selves in pursuit of things that are external1 to us like a bird fetting its own danger in pursuit of a mantis which in turn fets its own danger in pursuit of some other prey. 没有人认为智者所言是错的。其实我们经常在为生计奔波时忘记了我们自己,就像一只鸟在捕捉螳螂时忘记了自己的安危,相应地,螳螂在捕捉它的猎物时也忘记了自己的安危。 励志的英语文章带翻译三:停止Just Quit Quit making excuses! Making excuses or blaming others for any situation in your life is nothing more than playing the victim. 停止编造借口!无论生活中发生何种情况,编造借口或责怪他人无非是一种假扮受害者的行为。 Take responsibility! Make your life decisions and if you don"t then it"s your fault. You are a spiritual being in a physical body and your spirit should run your life. Take it back! Make today the day you quit playing the victim by making excuses and blaming others for what happens to you. 承担起责任!你应自己做决定,如果没有,那么这是你的失误。你的思想存在于你的身体里,而你的思想左右你的生活。取回你的思想!从今天开始,当面对发生在你身上的事时,停止编造借口或责怪他人。 Quit procrastinating! Cancer is not the most deadly killer; procrastination is. It kills dreams. It kills your future. Never use the phrase “I"ll try”. There is no such thing as trying. Pay attention when others use this phrase: niy-nine percent of the time they do nothing. The words are just an easy way to fort oneself. 不要拖延!癌症并非最可怕的杀手,拖延才是。它扼杀梦想;它断送未来。绝不说“我试试!”这样的话,并没有尝试一说。当其他人这么说时你应注意到,99%的可能是他们并未尝试。这些词不过是种简单的自我安慰。 Quit thinking self-defeating thoughts! Quit thinking that you can"t do what you want to do. It"s not what you are that"s holding you back; it"s what you think you are. You were given all the equipment you need to acplish anything you desire. Use that power today. 拒绝那些会让你受到打击的想法!不要认为你无法完成你想做的事。让你退却的不是你的现状如何,而是你怎样评价自己。你具备那些能够使你达成梦想的条件,从今天起,让它们发挥作用。 As for bad habits: just quit! Take the challenge. Pick one and quit it this week. Next week pick another and so on. Improve your life by being a “quitter” now. 戒掉不良习惯!接受这项挑战。选一个坏习惯,从这个星期开始,戒掉它!下周开始另一个,以此类推。做一个“终结者”,让你的生活越来越好。
2023-06-28 04:54:101