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2023-06-26 12:06:03























独眼 [词典] cyclopia; synophthalmia; synopsy; synopsia; [例句]独眼总比全瞎好。Better to have one eye than be blind altogether
2023-06-26 07:17:041


分类: 理工学科 解析: 单眼 ocellus,simple eye, cyclopia 也称小眼。节肢动物,特别是昆虫类和复眼并存,或以代替复眼,小形,单纯性的眼称为单眼。和复眼中的小眼在构造上略似一种透镜眼。区分为背单眼(dorsal ocellus)和侧单眼(lateralocellus,stemma)。背单眼在成虫及若虫作为副眼而存在,亦称原生单眼(primaryocellus),通常在头部有3个,呈三角形排列,形成单眼三角区,其中顶端的1个,认为是2个愈合而成的。这些单眼从表面向内方由透镜状的几丁质角膜(角膜晶体)、角膜细胞层及若干个视觉细胞包围着视杆 *** 成小网膜而构成。由视觉细胞的轴突在单眼内次级神经元与突触结合,次级神经元的神经纤维达到脑的单眼叶(ocellar lobe)。也有的在小网膜的周围有色素细胞(网膜色素)。背单眼看物体形态的能力低,不如说是对明暗反应影响中枢兴奋状态的一种激发器官。侧单眼主要在幼虫头部侧面,数目和形态因种类而有很大的不同。均受脑的视叶发出的神经支配,和背单眼根本不同,不如认为相当于成虫的复眼。侧单眼不仅感受明暗,而且还有感觉颜色的能力,另外对形态也略有感觉。除了昆虫以外的节肢动物,蜘蛛类头胸部背面具有8个,多足类和鲎的眼可以说都类似复眼。在甲壳类幼年期长出的无节幼体眼,也是一种单眼。
2023-06-26 07:17:121


这是国外维基百科上记载的资料,比较全面,可以参考一下:非洲Acalypha rubrinervis(1870,圣海伦娜)Aspalathus complicata(1940年代,南非:开普植物区系) [35]Aspalathus cordicarpa(1950年代,南非:开普植物区) [35]杂色菊(1900年,南非:开普植物区系) [35]纳特菌(1900年,南非) [35]Brachystelma schoenlandianum(1900,南非:开普植物区) [35]Byttneria ivorensis(1896,科特迪瓦)头孢小夜蛾(1900年,南非:开普植物) [35]Ceropegia antennifera(1910,南非) [35]Ceropegia bowkeri(1900年,南非) [35]lemblinii咖啡(1907年,科特迪瓦)半孔鼻孔菌(1900,南非) [35]Crassula subulata(1900,南非:开普植物) [35]Cyclopia filiformis(1900,南非:开普植物区) [35]Disa forcipata(1900,南非:开普植物区) [35]Dryopteris ascensionis(1889,提升岛)埃里卡亚历山大亚种 acockii(1940年,南非:开普敦) [35]埃里卡(Erica foliacea)亚种。fulgens(1900,南非:Cape Flora) [35]Erica pyramidalis var。pyramidalis(1910,南非:开普弗罗拉) [35]Eugenia pusilla(1920,南非) [35]蜡菊(1950年,南非:开普植物区) [35]Heliotropium pannifolium(1808,圣赫勒拿岛)Isolepis bulbifera(1950,南非:开普植物区) [35]Lampranthus vanzijliae(1920,南非:开普植物区) [35]Leucadendron grandiflorum(1805,南非:开普植物群) [35]Leucadendron spirale(1930年,南非:开普植物区) [35]Liparia graminifolia(1830,南非:开普植物群) [35]Macledium pretoriense(1925年,南非) [35]Macrostylis绒毛亚种。未成年人(1980,南非:Cape Flora) [35]Nemesia micrantha(1900,南非:开普植物区) [35]Nesiota elliptica(2003,Saint Helena)Oldenlandia adscensionis(1889,上生岛)Orchidea eupolyanthis(1910,喀麦隆)Osteospermum hirsutum(1900,南非:开普植物区系) [35]Pausinystalia brachythyrsum(1898,喀麦隆)Polhillia ignota(1950年代,南非:佛罗拉海角) [35]Psoralea cataracta(1900,南非:开普植物区) [35]Psoralea gueinzii(1930,南非:开普植物区) [35]Silphium – Ferula?(c.50,yr)Sporobolus durus(1886,扬升岛)Thamnea depressa(1900,南非:开普植物区) [35]Trochetiopsis melanoxylon(1771,圣海伦娜)非洲象鼻草(1900年,南非) [35]Willdenowia affinis(1920,南非:开普植物区) [35]Byimalobium baurii(1900,南非) [35]美洲 编辑罗恩山假山羊胡子 – Astilbe crenatiloba(1885年,田纳西州罗恩山)加拉帕戈斯A菜 – Blutaparon僵硬(1999,加拉帕戈斯厄瓜多尔)里约热内卢默特尔 – Campomanesia lundiana(1825,Brazil)金丝猴(1997,哥伦比亚)里约热内卢Sapota – 占木瓜(1997,巴西)哈瓦那香树 – Cnidoscolus fragrans(1840,古巴)圣克鲁斯苔藓植物 – Flabellidium spinosum(1911,玻利维亚)古巴芸苔树 – Galipea ossana(1825,古巴)古巴圭塔达树 – 圭塔达雷图萨(1975,古巴)Licania caldasiana(1997年,哥伦比亚)梅森河特尔 - Myrcia skeldingii(1972年,牙买加)阿巴拉契亚黄水仙 – 麻醉药(北卡罗来纳州亨德森县)[36]黑斯廷斯县Neomacounia – Neomacounia nitida(1864,加拿大)Bigleaf Scurfpea – Orbexilum macrophyllum(1899年,北卡罗来纳州波克县)俄亥俄scurfpea瀑布 – Orbexilum stipulatum(1881,肯塔基州杰斐逊县)里约热内卢Pouteria – Pnoteria stenophylla(1997年,巴西)卡哈马卡(Cajamarca Pradosia) – Pradosia argentea(1820,秘鲁)里约热内卢普拉多西亚 – Pradosia glaziovii(1997年,巴西)哥伦比亚波多西亚 – Pradosia mutisii(1925,哥伦比亚)牙买加P - si dumetorum(1976,牙买加)胡安·费尔南德斯·桑塔卢姆(Santalum fernandezianum)(1908,智利)Americanmia – Thismia americana(1916,Chicago,IL,USA)亚洲 编辑铁线莲(中国广东省)斯里兰卡豆科树 – Crudia zeylanica(1990,斯里兰卡)喀拉拉邦豆科树 – Cynometra beddomei(1870,印度)苏门答腊Di - Dipterocarpus cinereus(1996年,印度尼西亚苏门答腊)Arunchal Hopea树 – Hopea shingkeng(1996年,印度)尼尔吉里·霍利(Nilgiri Holly) – Ilex gardneriana(1859,印度)卡纳塔克邦Sapota – Madhuca insignis(1900,印度)海南红豆 – 红豆如何(1997,中国南方)海南耳形耳目 – Otophora unilocularis(1935,中国海南)Pluchea glutinosa(19世纪,也门)Psiadia schweinfurthii(19世纪,也门)砂拉越Shorea – 浓香树cuspidata(1996,马来西亚)梅加拉亚邦(Meghalaya)Sterculia – Sterculia khasiana(1877,印度)Valerianella affinis(19世纪,也门)温特兰迪亚(Centallum Wendlandia) – 温特迪亚(Wendlandia angustifolia)(1997年,印度)羊毛茎秋海棠 – 秋海棠eiromischa(20世纪,马来西亚槟城)Ruzhildalani“ Ruzhil”(1995,印度)欧洲 编辑另请参阅:北欧灭绝植物清单Cry Pansy – Viola cryana(1933,France)大洋洲 编辑另请参阅:澳大利亚绝种植物清单夏威夷Ch夫花 – 牛膝草(1964,夏威夷岛)vigycens(1996,Hawaiian Is。)Balanops microstachya(新喀里多尼亚)Casearia tinifolia(1976,毛里求斯)Clermontia multiflora(1871,夏威夷岛)新喀里多尼亚Sapinda – Cupaniopsis crassivalvis(1869,新喀里多尼亚)Haleakala Cyanea树 – Cyanea arborea(1928年,夏威夷岛)Cyanea comata(19世纪晚期,夏威夷岛)Cyanea cylindrocalyx(1909,夏威夷岛)Cyanea dolichopoda(1990年,夏威夷岛)吉法德的霞树 - 霞giffardii(1917年,夏威夷是。)马克的Cyanea树 – Cyanea markii(1900年,夏威夷州)-在2016年更新:该植物是夏威夷州的特有植物,由于入侵性动植物的影响,其栖息地和数量一直在持续减少。以前它被认为是绝种的,但是重新发现了12种植物(发生在两个不同的亚群中),导致该植物被列入CR。[37]Pohaku Cyanea树 – Cyanea pohaku(1910,夏威夷州)Kohala Cyanea树 – Cyanea pycnocarpa(1997年,夏威夷岛)橡树叶霞树 - 霞quercifolia (1997年,夏威夷是。)龙血树(Mauritius)Taravai紫树 - Fitchia mangarevensis(1997年,Taravai,法属波利尼西亚)莫雷阿岛(Moorea Laurel) – 埃尔南迪亚·德雷卡纳(Hernandia drakeana)(1997年,法属波利尼西亚)Kawaihae Hibiscadelphus – Hibiscadelphus bombycinus(1868,夏威夷岛)Puhielelu Hibiscadelphus – Hibiscadelphus crucibracteatus(1981,夏威夷岛)Auwahi Hibiscadelphus – Hibiscadelphus wilderianus (1910,夏威夷岛)瓦胡岛(Oahu Kokia) – Kokia lanceolata(1888,夏威夷州)交叉承运的Pelea – Melicope cruciata(1997,Hawaiian Is。)毛伊岛芸苔树 – Melicope haleakalae(1919,夏威夷岛)Obovate Melicope – Obicota(1997年,夏威夷岛)Nuku Hiva Neisosperma – Neisosperma brownii(1997年,法属波利尼西亚)法图赫瓦(Fatu Hiva)Ochrosia – 法赫里西亚(Ochrosia fatuhivensis)(1997年,法属波利尼西亚)Nuku Hiva Ochrosia – Ochrosia nukuhivensis(1997年,法属波利尼西亚)大溪地Ochrosia – Ochrosia tahitensis(1997年,法属波利尼西亚)Psychotria veillonii(新喀里多尼亚)KoéStenocarpus – Stenocarpus dumbeensis(1905,新喀里多尼亚)诺福克岛Streblorrhiza – Streblorrhiza speciosa(1997年,诺福克岛)斐济温曼尼亚 – Weinmannia spiraeoides(1840,斐济)斯科茨伯格的维克斯特菌血症 – Wikstroemia skottsbergiana(1997年,夏威夷群岛)Hakeakala Wikstroemia – Wikstoemia villosa(1997年,夏威夷岛)Prony Bay Xanthostemon – Xanthostemon sebertii (1869,新喀里多尼亚)
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2023-06-26 07:18:291


2023-06-26 07:19:331

翻译 不要逐字翻译 简单点翻译

The pirate is refers to marine robs other ships" criminal specially. This is a quite ancient crime profession, since the innate ships navigation, has had pirate"s existence. Specially navigated developed after the 16th century, so long as were the commercial developed littoral, had the pirate to appear and disappear. This kind of crime profession"s main feature is, pirate many non-independent criminals, often are take by force by the crime association"s form. As a result of pirate"s particularity, the mystique, the pirate already became in the people idea to have the legendary even evil spirit imaginary color element. Take the pirate as the subject movie, the soap opera, the animation, music, the computer games emerges one after another incessantly. But in these works presents the skeleton pirate flag, the cyclopia pirate image, becomes the fashionable element which is pursued the human holds.
2023-06-26 07:20:373

Odysseus 为什么是英雄

奥德修斯(Odysseus)是伊萨卡岛(Ithaca)的国王,古希腊著名英雄,智勇双全,为《伊利亚特》中的主角之一,史诗《奥德赛》的主人公。在罗马神话和传统文学中,他被称为尤利西斯(Ulysses)。 在特洛伊战争开战前,他的儿子忒勒玛科斯还是襁褓中的婴儿,因此他不愿意加入希蜡联合远征军,在阿伽门农来找他时装疯,在地里倒著犁地。然而阿伽门农把忒勒玛科斯放在犁下,为免伤害儿子,奥德修斯只得停下,加入这场战争。 在特洛伊战争中,许多优秀的计谋都是奥德修斯贡献的,他受到女神雅典娜的宠爱,最重要也是致胜关键的木马计就是他的主意,让希腊人假装撤退,留下巨大的木马。特洛伊人把木马拖进城中,作为战利品。晚上藏在木马里的希腊人与联军里应外合,毁灭了特洛伊城,结束了十年之久的战争。 然而在《奥德赛》的故事中,由于得罪了海神波塞冬,波塞冬攻击了他从特洛伊返回希腊的船只。奥德修斯经历各种苦难,斗志斗勇战胜了塞壬海妖(Siren)、独眼巨人等,最后只剩一人回到了家。在雅典娜女神和儿子的帮助下,他杀死了所有的在他离开时赖在他家不走,向他妻子求婚以霸占他家财产的求婚人。虽然重新当上了国王,有美满的家,但奥德修斯年老时仍重新出海去探索,从此不知所终。你如何定义一个英雄?有些人可能会定义一个英雄作为一个以极大的勇气和勇敢,给别人一个英雄可能是一个强大的战士和领导者赢得战斗,其他人可能定义一个英雄一样的人使用他的大脑就像自己的体力。在荷马的史诗《奥德赛》,奥德修斯被描绘成一个英雄的定义。勇气和勇敢是两个奥德修斯的事情有很多。这是显而易见的,当他颠覆了神波塞冬,告诉他,他是不可阻挡的。奥德修斯然后回来在开始他的船航行在波塞冬水回到伊萨卡。骄傲是好的,但在奥德修斯抯情况下,抯有点太多了。另一方面,他做的事情使他成为一个伟大的英雄。当Circeturned他的船员到动物,他直接爬上一座山,冒着生命危险来拯救他的船员。他会做任何事情回到伊萨卡,看看他的妻子和儿子,不管它有多疯狂。他甚至进入黑社会说话先知如何回到伊萨卡。勇敢和勇气是被极端愿意并且能够去帮助或者救人,甚至一个需要的地方。以及拥有勇气和勇敢,奥德修斯也是一个强大的战士和领袖。生活作为伊萨卡的国王,他领导他的战士在波塞冬抯海变成一个伟大的斗争木马。在这里,奥德修斯和他的舰队勇士击败了木马,因为他伟大的领导。知道他不可能战胜的木马外巨大的墙壁,他提出了一个不同的计划。一项计划,将让他通过墙壁有一个小波塞冬的帮助。他使一个巨大的木马(特洛伊木马)和一个人把它作为礼物送给接受和平。木马接受礼物,打开墙上的马,不知道里面的马是奥德修斯和一个小舰队的士兵。的木马对他们认为是一个伟大的庆祝胜利。木马终于睡着了,奥德修斯和他的舰队爬出了马和完全杀木马非常血腥的战斗。伊萨卡是胜利和士兵们现在可以返回回家快乐,因为伟大的领导的奥德修斯。奥德修斯和他的士兵们强大的战士,也有实力击败木马,但奥德修斯使用一些更强大的比他的力量——智慧。智力的奥德修斯的一件事是最还的原因,他不仅打败了木马,但也经历了伟大的旅程他经历了回到伊萨卡。在整个故事中,奥德修斯经常在行动前犹豫了一下。这就是因为他使用他的理由,他的礼物的情报评估的情况是什么。这个耐心是他最重要的特征之一。它已经多次救了他和他的手下,在很多实例中,可以很容易地看到他的旅程,不仅使木马时,例如当他伪装自己是乞丐当他终于到达伊萨卡。他使用他的耐心,等待合适的时机展示自己。很多人在他的处境抳e太急于等待,会立即显示他是谁,冒着被杀的机会。奥德修斯犹豫了一下,用他的理由认为更好的方式来展示自己。他成功了,事情就像他想要的。像许多英雄,奥德修斯也有缺点,如慢性作弊问题和问题的骄傲。然而,奥德修斯活了下来,在他身上发生了。他的勇气,勇敢,智慧,和耐力使他来通过每一个挑战,最终安全到家。从而证明自己值得成为一个真正的英雄。当你想到希腊史诗英雄奥德修斯会最多可能会涌上心头。奥德修斯是主要角色荷马史诗《奥德赛》的诗”。”“奥德赛”是一个故事诗描述了奥德修斯的冒险和障碍他的追求回到伊萨卡岛,在那里他为王,特洛伊战争。奥德修斯已经二十年了。所有然而,其他酋长已经回家奥德修斯的行踪不明。的一件事就是让希腊英雄奥德修斯是他神的青睐。在《奥德赛》诸神的帮助奥德修斯很多次。当波塞冬了奥德修斯的船与闪电,奥德修斯因为能够生存女神,名叫伊诺给他一个神奇的斗篷。斗篷防止奥德修斯溺水。当奥德修斯的男人由赛丝变成了猪,爱马仕的信使神了奥德修斯阻止赛丝用她神奇的草对他法术。由于这种奥德修斯能够获得支持在赛丝眼中,他说服她把他的人回来正常。书的结尾,当奥德修斯回到Ithica,雅典娜掩盖了他是一个乞丐。的伪装是傻瓜的追求者,他们吃的奥德修斯从他的家庭和骚扰他的妻子佩内洛普,和奥德修斯的宫殿。古希腊人常说,一个真正的英雄必须显示对神给他们的牺牲和祈祷给他们。奥德修斯给诸神在许多牺牲在“《奥德赛》实例。“当奥德修斯去地狱,黑社会,他牺牲一只公羊和母羊的神。当奥德修斯击败波吕斐摩斯,独眼巨人,是谁波塞冬的神的儿子,奥德修斯神的祭祀。最后当奥德修斯失败可怕的追求者,超过他的奥德修斯意识到这是神帮助他做到这一点。的的力量和能力克服壮举不可逾越的几率不可能由一个纯粹的凡人没有神的帮助。因此他牺牲众神。当奥德修斯在麻烦他总是显示他是根据神的祈祷。的事实通常听他表明他是神也受到了众神的喜爱。为了成为一个希腊英雄被众神因为宗教是喜欢这样的很大一部分在他们的生活。奥德修斯,在众神的帮助下,可以生存冒险杀死其他男人。奥德修斯岛旅行Cyclopians。Cyclopians是一个巨人眼,他们不担心,因为他们相信神她们吃东西比神和人。他们代表相反的希腊男人应该是什么。奥德修斯和他的手下见独眼巨人波吕斐摩斯。波吕斐摩斯是一个独眼巨人吃了奥德修斯的男人。奥德修斯在众神的帮助计划逃避和他做。“锡拉”是一种凶猛的怪物有六个头能杀死大多数男人,经过她的岛屿。她杀死6个奥德修斯的男人。奥德修斯阻止她自杀和更多的男人。还有另一个凶猛的怪物叫卡律布迪斯。卡律布迪斯吸收的水海洋和创建一个漩涡,杀死任何经过的船通过。奥德修斯经过她。他的船员被杀,他的船被摧毁的漩涡,但奥德修斯独自生存。有一个小岛,奥德修斯与怪物经过被称为塞壬。塞壬唱优美的歌曲吸引对他们的船只。然后船撞到岛和被杀的人。没有人听过这首歌塞壬和幸存下来。奥德修斯是警告由神岛。他在他的人的耳朵然后把插头因为奥德修斯想听这首歌,他自己的关系前面的船,告诉他男人收紧他的绳索如果他试图离开。奥德修斯和他的人生存和奥德修斯是唯一一个凡人听的歌塞壬和生活来告诉它。古希腊人显示的图片和雕塑只有男性和完美的身体和男人在战斗中。因此为了成为一个真正的希腊史诗英雄你必须强壮和优秀的战斗中。奥德修斯显示这两种的迹象。奥德修斯的旅行费阿刻斯人的土地。的费阿刻斯人有许多游戏,比如掷铁饼和掷标枪。奥德修斯赢得所有这些事件。当奥德修斯回到Ithica佩内洛普,思考奥德修斯的丈夫死了,她的比赛将嫁给获胜者。获胜者必须弓和字符串射箭通过12轴在地板上。所有的强大的追求者,但没有人能接近胜利。奥德修斯,被打扮成一个乞丐,尝试它和成功。追求者都是勇士,但奥德修斯只有胜利。这显示他的伟大。这个战争爆发后,奥德修斯和只有成了朋友欧迈俄斯养猪的人,Malanthius牧羊人失败所有的追求者。奥德修斯是这一事实真正击败追求者肯定表明,奥德修斯一个伟大的战士。奥德修斯是一个真正的希腊史诗英雄。当他能够使用权力给他的神,他也心甘情愿。然而,这本身不会让他成为一个英雄。这将只有让他神的仆人。奥德修斯用他的智力、远视和洞察力来控制他的命运尽他所能的。例如,当他回家时,而不是揭露他的真实身份奥德修斯的用途耐心和谨慎制定并执行一项计划,将击败追求者。奥德修斯现在是代理独立众神和他的英雄人格的胜利。这个是有行数和页码的奥德修斯,英雄作者:未注册的个体抯特征是其行为的关键。荷马抯《奥德赛》发生在地中海约公元前700年,希腊附近。史诗讲述了一个人离开家乡二十年前参加特洛伊战争。现在他的任务就是让伊萨卡回家的路上。奥德修斯展示了好的和坏的特征在整个史诗般的影响回家的路上。(65字)奥德修斯的勇气和智慧帮助他度过整个史诗。例如,奥德修斯杀死了独眼巨人,巨人睡着了,即使怪物吃了两人几分钟前(P.110)。奥德修斯有勇气站出来支持他的信念,不要让别人的意见让他做什么是正确的。一些人认为整个史诗奥德修斯显示了他的勇气,因为他是骄傲,不想留下任何未完成的工作。此外,奥德修斯的插头水手吗?耳朵用蜡时经过塞壬的甜美的歌声引诱水手有厄运(p。141)。奥德修斯在行动前经常犹豫了一下,因为他使用原因评估情况,多次救了他和他的人。奥德修斯知道无进步的智慧。用勇气和智慧在生活可以让一个人看到伟大的生活。跟他一样大,奥德修斯仍有一些缺点,最重要的是他的骄傲和感觉性,延长他的旅程回到伊萨卡。这显然是明显的插曲在库克罗普斯吗?岛当奥德修斯和他的手下被安全地离开岛当奥德修斯吹嘘他的功绩Polythemus用巨大的石块几乎沉没的船(p . 114)。这一事件不仅仅伤害了奥德修斯失去了几个人,因为波塞冬让他回家非常漫长而艰巨的。这个骄傲的特征显示了奥德修斯有一个缺乏对他人的尊重,他是自私的。此外,奥德修斯和赛丝的前一年他的人提醒他回家(p。116)。这感觉性的特征表明,奥德修斯无法抵制诱惑。这阻碍了他的使命;设置在他的旅程。奥德修斯抯生活缩小他的弱点,使自己更强大。故事描述了个体抯特征如何影响他们生活的结果。然而,奥德修斯所有发生在他身上的。他的勇气、智慧、智力和耐力使他度过每一个困难,把他安全回家。
2023-06-26 07:20:441

Odysseus 为什么是英雄

  How do you define a hero? Some may define a hero as someone with great courage and bravery; to others a hero might be a strong warrior and leader who wins battles; others may define a hero as one who uses his brain as much as his brawn to win. In Homer"s epic poem, Odyssey, Odysseus is portrayed as a hero by every definition.  Courage and bravery are two things that Odysseus has a lot of. This is evident when he defies the god Poseidon, telling him that he is unstoppable. Odysseus then gets back on his ship on starts to sail on Poseidon"s waters back to Ithaca. Pride is good to have, but in Odysseus抯 case, it抯 a little too much. On the other hand, he does things that make him a great hero. When Circeturned his crew into animals, he climbed straight up a mountain, risking his life just to save his crew. He will do anything to get back to Ithaca and see his wife and son, no matter how crazy it is. He even goes into the underworld to speak to a prophet about how to get back to Ithaca. Being brave and courageous is all about being willing and able to go to the extremes to help or possibly save people or even a place in need.  As well as having courage and bravery, Odysseus is also a strong warrior and leader. Living as king of Ithaca, he leads his fleet of warriors across Poseidon抯 sea into a great battle against the Trojans. It is here where Odysseus and his fleet of warriors defeated the Trojans because of his great leadership. Knowing that he cannot defeat the Trojans from outside the immense walls, he comes up with a different plan. A plan that will get him through the walls with a little help from Poseidon. He makes a giant wooden horse (Trojan Horse) and has a person present it as a gift to accept a peace with them. The Trojans accept the gift and open the walls for the horse, not knowing that inside the horse was Odysseus and a small fleet of soldiers. The Trojans had a great celebration for what they thought was a victory. As the Trojans finally went to sleep, Odysseus and his fleet crept out of the horse and completely slaughtered the Trojans in a very bloody battle. Ithaca was victorious and the soldiers could now return back home happy, all because of the great leadership of Odysseus. Odysseus and his soldiers were mighty warriors and did have the strength to defeat the Trojans, but Odysseus used something that was more powerful than his strength - intelligence.  Intelligence is the one thing that Odysseus has the most of and also the reason why he not only defeated the Trojans, but also survived the great journey he went through to get back to Ithaca. Throughout the story, Odysseus often hesitates before acting. This being because he uses his reason and his gift of intelligence to evaluate what the situation is. This patience is one of his most important attributes. It has saved him and his men many times, and can be easily seen in numerous instances throughout his journey, not only when he makes the wooden horse, but times such as when he disguises himself as a beggar when he finally reached Ithaca. Here he used his patience and waited for the right moment to reveal himself. Many people in his situation would抳e been too anxious to wait and would immediately show who he was, risking a chance of being killed. Odysseus hesitated and used his reason to think of a better way to show himself. He succeeds and things work out just the way he wants.  Like many heroes, Odysseus does have weaknesses such as his chronic cheating problem and his problem with pride. Nonetheless, Odysseus survived all that happened to him. His courage, bravery, wits, and endurance enable him to come through each and every challenge and eventually arrive home safely. Thus proving himself worthy of being a true hero.  When you think about Greek Epic heroes, Odysseus will most  likely come to mind. Odysseus is the main character in  Homer"s poem "The Odyssey." "The Odyssey" is a narrative  poem that describes Odysseus" adventures and obstacles in  his quest to return home to Ithaca, where he is king, from  the Trojan war. Odysseus has been gone for two decades. All  the other chieftains have returned home, however, Odysseus"  whereabouts are unknown.  One of the things that makes Odysseus a Greek hero is that  he is favored by the gods. In the Odyssey the gods help  Odysseus many times. When Poseidon struck Odysseus" ship  with lightning, Odysseus was able to survive because a  goddess named Ino gave him a magical cloak. The cloak  prevents Odysseus from drowning. When Odysseus" men are  turned into swine by Circe, Hermes the messenger god gives  Odysseus a magical herb that prevents Circe from using her  spells on him. Due to this Odysseus was able to gain favor  in Circe"s eyes and he convinced her to turn his men back  to normal. Towards the end of the book, when Odysseus  returns to Ithica, Athena disguises him as a beggar. The  disguise was to fool the suitors, who are eating Odysseus  out of his home and are harassing his wife Penelope, and to  get Odysseus access to the palace.  The ancient Greeks used to say that a true hero must show  respect to the gods by giving them sacrifices and praying  to them. Odysseus gives sacrifices to the gods in many  instances in "The Odyssey." When Odysseus goes to Hades ,  the underworld, he sacrifices a ram and an ewe to the gods.  When Odysseus defeats Polyphemus, the Cyclops, who is the  son of Poseidon the god of the sea, Odysseus gives  sacrifices to the gods. Lastly when Odysseus defeats those  horrible suitors that outnumbered him by so much Odysseus  realizes that it was the gods who helped him do this. The  feats of strength and the ability to overcome  insurmountable odds could not be performed by a mere mortal  without help from the gods. Therefore he makes sacrifices  to the gods. When Odysseus is in trouble he always shows  that he is depending on the gods by praying to them. The  fact that the gods usually listen to him shows that he is  well liked by the gods. In order to be a Greek hero you had  to be liked by the gods since religion was such a big part  in their lives.  Odysseus, with the help of the gods, can survive adventures  that kill most other men. Odysseus travels to the island of  the Cyclopians. The Cyclopians are giants that have one  eye, they don"t fear the gods because they believe that  they are better than the gods and they eat people. They  represent the opposite of what Greek men should be.  Odysseus and his men meet Polyphemus the cyclops.  Polyphemus being a cyclops eats some of Odysseus" men.  Odysseus with the help of the gods figures out a plan to  escape and he does. Scylla is a ferocious monster with six  heads that kills most men that pass by her island. She  kills six of Odysseus" men. Odysseus prevents her from  killing himself and more men . There is another ferocious  monster named Charybdis. Charybdis sucks in water from the  sea and creates a whirlpool that kills any ship that passes  by. Odysseus passes by her. His crew is killed and his ship  is destroyed in the whirlpool but Odysseus alone survives.  There is an island that Odysseus passes by with monsters  called Sirens on it. The Sirens sing beautiful songs that  lure ships toward them. The ships then crash into the  island and the people are killed. Nobody has heard the song  of the Sirens and survived. Odysseus is warned of this  island by a god. He then puts plugs in his men"s ears  because Odysseus wants to hear the song, he ties himself to  the front of the boat and tells his men to tighten his  ropes if he tries to get away. Odysseus and his men survive  and Odysseus is the only mortal to hear the song of the  Sirens and live to tell it.  The pictures and sculptures of the ancient Greeks showed  only men with perfect bodies and men in battle. Therefore  in order to be a true Greek epic hero you had to be both  strong and good in battle. Odysseus showed both of these  signs. Odysseus travels to the land of the Phaeacians. The  Phaeacians have many games such as the discus throw and a  javelin throw. Odysseus wins all of these events. When  Odysseus gets back to Ithica Penelope, thinking that  Odysseus her husband is dead, has a contest in which she  will marry the winner. The winner must string a bow and  shoot an arrow through twelve axes on the floor. All of the  mighty suitors try, but none of them come even close to  triumph. Odysseus, being dressed up as a beggar, tries it  and succeeds. The suitors were all mighty men but Odysseus  was the only one to triumph. This shows his greatness.  After this a war breaks out and Odysseus befriended only by  Eumaeus the swineherd and Malanthius the goatherd defeats  all of the suitors. The fact that Odysseus was able to  defeat the suitors definitely shows that Odysseus is truly  a great warrior.  Odysseus is a true Greek epic hero . When he is able to use  power given to him by the gods, he does so willingly.  However this alone would not make him a hero. This would  only make him a servant of the gods. Odysseus uses his  intellect, farsightedness, and insight to control his fate  as best as he can. For example, when he returns home,  rather then revealing his true identity Odysseus uses  patience and caution to devise and execute a plan that will  defeat the suitors. Odysseus is now acting independently of  the gods and his heroic personality triumphs.  这个是有行数和页码的  Odysseus, the Hero  Written by: Unregistered  An individual抯 characteristics are the key to their behavior. Homer抯 The Odyssey takes place about 700BC in the Mediterranean, near Greece. The epic tells of a man who left his home twenty years earlier to fight in the Trojan War. His mission now is to make his way home to Ithaca. Odysseus shows good and bad traits throughout the epic that influence his way home . (65 words)  The courage and wisdom of Odysseus help him survive through the whole epic. For example, Odysseus kills the Cyclops while the giant is asleep, even though the monster ate two men minutes before (P.110). Odysseus has courage to stand up for his beliefs and never lets the opinion of others keep him from doing what is right. Some think Odysseus shows his courage throughout the epic because he is proud and does not want to leave any job unfinished. Furthermore, Odysseus by plugs the sailors?ears with wax when going through the Sirens, whose sweet singing lures sailors to there doom (p. 141). Odysseus often hesitates before acting, because he uses reason to evaluate the situation, which saves him and his men many times. Odysseus knows that there is no progress without the wisdom to back it up. Using courage and wisdom throughout life allows a person to see greatness in life.  As great as he was, Odysseus still had some weaknesses, most importantly that of his pride and sensualness, that prolongs his voyage back to Ithaca. This is clearly evident in the episode on the Cyclopes?Island when Odysseus and his men are safely away from the island when Odysseus brags about his exploits making Polythemus hurl giant boulders almost sinking the ship (P. 114). This incident hurt Odysseus more than just losing a few men, because Poseidon makes his travel home very long and arduous. This proud characteristic shows Odysseus has a lack of respect for others and that he is selfish. Furthermore, Odysseus stays with Circe for one year before his men remind him of home (p. 116). This characteristic of sensualness demonstrates that Odysseus is unable to resist temptation. This hinders his mission; setting him back in his journey. Odysseus抯 weaknesses in life downsize him, making himself less powerful.  The story portrays how an individual抯 characteristics can affect the outcomes of their life. Nonetheless, Odysseus survives all that happens to him. His courage, wisdom, intelligence and endurance enable him to come through each and every difficulty and bring him home safely.  这个是其他网友的搜集  The Odyssey by Homer Written 800 B.C.E  Study Guide for Homer"s Odyssey  The Odyssey Summary  I have found 9 summaries for you to look at, via the links below.   These links will give you a summary of the book, character analysis, plot and much more, so that you will be able to answer literary questions. Here is a short extract of what you can expect from the summaries.  Here are some great websites if you need any information on the odyssey or Greek mythology.   Good luck.  Kevin, Liverpool, England.  最后,本人认为奥德修斯的论文如果结合尼采<<悲剧的诞生>>去写,会在哲学思想上有体现高度.
2023-06-26 07:20:541

jervine造句 jervineの例文 "jervine"是什麼意思

All parts of the plant are poisonous; o unique alkaloids, jervine and amianthine, contribute to its toxicity. The toxic alkaloids present in the roots and leaves include jervine and amianthine . " Amianthium " is self-inpatible and is polpnated mostly by beetles. "Veratrum nigrum " contains more than 200 steroid-derived alkaloids, including isorubijervine, jervine , pseudojervine, rubijervine, tienmupumine, tienmupluminine, and verazine. "" Jervine ""is a steroidal alkaloid with molecular formula C 27 H 39 NO 3 which is derived from the " Veratrum " plant genus. "Veratrum album ", or white hellebore, an herbal medicine described by Hippocrates before 400 BC, contains the alkaloids cyclopamine and jervine , which are teratogens capable of causing cyclopia and holoprosencephaly, severe birth defects in which a fetus can be born with a single eye. It"s difficult to find jervine in a sentence. 用 jervine 造句挺难的
2023-06-26 07:21:261


罗汉鱼的饵料分天然鱼饵和人工合成的饲料两种: 天然鱼饵: 天然鱼饵分活的和死的两种。一般观赏鱼对吃活饵比较上劲。活饵可以增加鱼儿的捕猎性及活跃性,害处是活饵身体布满不知多少的寄生虫和细菌。这会直接影响鱼缸里的寄生虫和细菌数量平衡,很有可能会感染到鱼,且在捕猎活饵的过程中鱼儿可能会撞伤。如果需要活饵的喂食,最好先把活饵隔离除虫、除菌后才去喂鱼,而且在放入水里时将其捏昏,使鱼比较容易吃到,减少鱼儿的撞伤。冰冻的天然鱼饵(冰血虫)或是干的天然鱼饵(干虾)因为身上的寄生虫和细菌相对比较少,所以可以配合来喂食。 人工饲料: 人工饲料分低温干饲料和高温干饲料。60℃以下干饲料能保存营养和维生素的含量高一些,而高温的干饲料在60℃以上,相对营养及维生素的含量低一些。低温干的饲料比较清凉,而相反高温干的饲料比较容易使鱼儿上火。相对来讲低温干饲料价格就会贵一些。外国对鱼粮发展已经很长时间,而且现在鱼粮竞争越来越利害,所以鱼粮的营养价值已经越来越高,而且越平衡,所以人工鱼粮在往后的饲养发展上占了很重要的位置。在不同秘方的调配下,鱼粮会根据鱼儿的生长阶段配合它所需的不同营养作出调配而达到最理想的养殖的乐趣。天然和人工的鱼饵都有不同的好处,总的来讲,如果每天让它吃2—3餐的话。头一餐和第二餐最好吃鱼饵,第三餐给它吃天然饲料,让它吸收均衡营养。 喂食注意事项: 1,尽量避免以活小鱼饲喂大型肉食鱼类,选择人工饲料或冰冻饵料。这样可以减少带菌进缸的危险。 2,血虫要清洗干净,然后放入冰柜冷藏后才能放入缸内饲喂,这样可以避免外来病原对鱼的侵害;如果一定要喂活小鱼,也一定要在投入鱼缸前用盐水消毒15分钟,而且要以鱼儿食量为定,千万不要投进过多而积存在鱼缸内,因为鱼儿长期面对这些活饵,会慢慢降低对它们的猎食兴趣。 3, 晚上喂食应在亮灯后30分钟(使其适应)至关等前30分钟进行(使其消化)。 4, 人工饲料应保持干燥,更不应以湿手直接触拿,以免饲料受潮,营养成分损失。 5, 尽量选择质量好,营养全面的饲料。 6, 以1日3餐为好,最好每餐都能投喂不同饵料种类,以提高观赏鱼的摄食兴趣。 7, 每餐的量不宜多, 7成饱为好,肚皮微涨即可;时间上以3-5分钟内吃完为标准。 维生素的重要性: 维生素是鱼类乃至整个自然界生物所必须的一类微量元素,对维持生长发育和提高新陈代谢起到重要的作用,但因为生物对其需要量很少,因此往往被我们所忽视。维生素一般不能由鱼类机体合成,个别维生素机体可以合成但合成量远远不能满足机体的需要,因此主要通过食物摄取。 维生素种类: 1, 水溶性维生素:维生素C、 维生素B族; 2, 脂溶性维生素:维生素A、维生素D、维生素E、维生素K 。 维生素缺乏症: 概括为1,免疫力下降,发病率升高; 2,生长发育不良; 3,平衡失调; 4,痉挛、皮肤出血。鲜活饵料含维生素比较丰富,但同时容易携带病原,因此不提倡长期以鲜活饵料饲喂鱼儿。人工饲料卫生而方便,但建议高信誉的品牌,维生素的损失会较少。到正常水平的90%,它可以导致肠内黏膜和血细胞的坏死。这些细胞可以产生胰腺和胃腺,使一些器官颜色变浅这些副作用反过来又导致鱼类生长缓慢,饲料效果变差。 组织病理学研究发现,霉菌毒素B1可引起(甲壳动物)肝胰腺的损伤,这种损伤还会引发其他病情,虾饲料中的霉菌毒素会影响到产量。菲律宾学者还发现虾饲料的霉菌毒素浓度在73.8 ug/kg时虾生长缓慢,且较容易得皮肤病。 2.2 CPA 的危害 Cyclopiasonic acid(CPA)是由曲霉菌和青霉菌产生的毒素,气候温暖时它常常和黄曲霉毒素被发现在同一样品里,甚至比黄曲霉毒素还常见。黄曲霉毒素只有在最高浓度时才会减缓鱼类增长,降低其血红细胞的数量;而CPA含量0.1 mg/kg时就可以产生同样的危害,并在较高浓度时还会带来消化道的坏死。如每千克体重鲶鱼注射7.0 mg的CPA,鱼类就会发生剧烈的痉挛并在30 min内死去。 2.3 赭曲霉毒素的危害 赭曲霉毒素也主要是由曲霉菌和青霉菌产生的毒素,包含了7种结构类似的化合物。其中以赭曲霉毒素A的毒性最强,赭曲霉毒素A具有肾脏毒和肝脏毒。它经常危害鱼类的肾脏。而且当其和其他毒素一起出现在饲料中时会加强其他毒素的危害。当人、畜摄入被这种毒素污染的食品及饲料后会发生急性或慢性中毒,或致畸、致癌、致突变。口服赭曲霉毒素对生长期的虹鳟鱼其半数致死量是4.7 mg/kg,对虹鳟鱼的危害有肝脏坏死、颜色变暗、肾脏肿大、死亡率变高等。 2.4 脱氧瓜蒌镰菌醇的危害 脱氧瓜蒌镰菌醇简称DON.也就是常说的呕吐毒素,是由镰刀霉菌代谢产生的,在霉变的小麦中DON是一种很重要的毒素。喂养虹鳟鱼的饲料中的DON在0.2 mg/kg浓度以上时。将减缓鱼类生长。当喂养虹鳟鱼的饲料浓度达到20 mg/kg时,将会发生拒食现象。 以上是常见霉菌毒素对水产动物的危害,在实际情况下,霉变的饲料可能含有超过1种的霉菌毒素。而霉菌毒素具有协同作用,两种毒素综合起来的危害比单独作用的危害还要大。 3 水产饲料的防霉对策 3.1 控制饲料原料的质量 原料进库时应逐包检查,严控原料的含水量。一般要求玉米、高粱、稻谷等含水量应不超过l4% ;麦类、次粉、糠麸类等含水量应不超过l3%;豆籽饼粕、棉籽饼粕、菜籽饼粕、向日葵仁、饼粕、花生仁饼粕、鱼粉、骨粉及肉骨粉等含水量应不超过12%。 3.2 控制饲料加工过程中水分和温度 加工水产饲料过程中,必须按规范操作,做到彻底冷却后,再装袋、运输、使用。水产饲料和原料即使符合安全水分要求,若包装密封不合格,也会因吸湿作用导致霉变。据试验,采用双层聚乙烯薄膜包装饲料产品可有效地提高防水作用,在温度5~32℃ ,相对湿度40%~75% 条件下,对达到安全水分的饲料可储备一年,并使产毒菌素、黄曲霉和串珠镰刀菌的带菌量逐渐下降。 3.3 加强饲料原料和产品的贮存、包装和运输的管理工作 3.3.1 仓库设施储藏饲料的仓库应具备不漏雨,不潮湿,门窗齐全,防晒,防热,通风性好的特点。改善仓库储存条件,控制仓储温度、湿度,必要时使用化学制剂灭虫。 3.3.2 日常管理搞好包装密封,切断水分和氧气的吸收通道,就可有效地防止霉变。饲料产品在运输途中应防止雨淋和日晒。应向中间营销商和用户强调饲料产品的储存和保管。 缩短水产饲料产品和原料的保存期,库存原料要有适量存货;但也不宜大量购存,一般以半月用量为宜。产品生产要严格执行以销定产制度,产品生产后在7~1Od内出库,按季节、品种严格执行产品保质期制度。 3.4 应用水产饲料防霉剂 3.4.1 单一型防霉剂目前我国生产的水产饲料防霉剂产品如克雷灵、除雷净、霉敌101等,其主要成分均为丙酸及其盐类。进口的饲料防霉剂产品如露保细盐、万路保、克霉霸、待华抗霉素等,其主要成分也均为丙酸,露保细盐的主要成分为丙酸钙。其他的防霉剂还有山梨酸和山梨酸钾、山梨酸钠、山梨酸钙、苯甲酸、苯甲酸钠、富马酸和富马酸二甲脂、甲酸钙、脱氢乙酸和脱氢乙酸钠等等。 3.4.2 复合型防霉剂除了使用单一型的防霉剂外,目前国际上使用防霉剂的发展趋势是采用复合型的防霉剂,它们是多种有机酸防霉剂,按一定比例配合而成。这种复合型防霉剂可以拓宽抗菌谱范围,增强防霉效果。如日本常用的复方防霉剂有:1)由92%海藻物、4%碘酸钙、4%丙酸钙组成,使用时按8%的比例添加到饲料中,这种防霉剂除了防霉效果好以外,最大特点是增加了海藻物中各种微量元素,如钙、铁、锌、碘、铜等,使饲料中的微量元素更丰富;2)由1份醋酸钠和2份醛酸混合,然后在混合物中加入1%的山梨酸,充分搅拌并干燥,使用时按1%的比例加入到饲料中;3)由1份碳酸钠和2份醛酸混合,然后在混合物中加入1%的山梨酸,充分拌匀并干燥,使用时按1%的比例加入到饲料中。 需要注意的是,不管使用单方或复方防霉剂。一般都不要与碱性物质混合使用,以增强防霉的效果。 4 水产饲料防霉对策研究的新方向 4.1 开发绿色防霉技术 我国是使用天然物中草药防霉剂最早的国家,已经证明具有挥发性气味的茴香、花椒、辣椒、水翁皮等都具有较好的防腐、防霉作用,其无毒副残留,不影响水产动物机体的正常代谢。采用天然物和生物防霉的应用势头日渐上升,受到研究者的重视。 4.2 开发新型的去霉剂 饲料受到霉菌毒素的危害,曾使用沸石土吸附,但因添加量大,影响饲料中营养成分的平衡,干扰氨基酸和矿物质的利用,不能真正解决问题。现在国际上用酯化葡甘露聚糖来吸附霉菌毒素。酵母细胞壁内层的葡聚糖不具有活性,但经改造成霉菌吸附剂(Mycosorb)后大大增加表面积而具有吸附能力,可吸附多种霉菌毒素(黄曲霉毒素、T-2毒素),并且不会对其他营养素造成不良影响。
2023-06-26 07:21:365

口语 独眼怎么说

独眼 [词典] cyclopia; synophthalmia; synopsy; synopsia口语:One-eye。One-eye Pirate 独眼海盗
2023-06-26 07:21:501

Cyclopia subternata是什么意思

很特别的词啊Cyclopia subternata【南非蜜树茶】
2023-06-26 07:22:011


2023-06-26 07:22:095


目录 1 拼音 2 英文参考 3 注解 1 拼音 dān yǎn 2 英文参考 ocellus,simple eye, cyclopia 3 注解 单眼也称小眼。 [1]节肢动物,特别是昆虫类和复眼并存,或以代替复眼,小形,单纯性的眼称为单眼。和复眼中的小眼在构造上略似一种透镜眼。区分为背单眼(dorsal ocellus)和侧单眼(lateralocellus,stemma)。背单眼在成虫及若虫作为副眼而存在,亦称原生单眼(primaryocellus),通常在头部有3个,呈三角形排列,形成单眼三角区,其中顶端的1个,认为是2个愈合而成的。这些单眼从表面向内方由透镜状的几丁质角膜(角膜晶体)、角膜细胞层及若干个视觉细胞包围着视杆集合成小网膜而构成。由视觉细胞的轴突在单眼内次级神经元与突触结合,次级神经元的神经纤维达到脑的单眼叶(ocellar lobe)。也有的在小网膜的周围有色素细胞(网膜色素)。背单眼看物体形态的能力低,不如说是对明暗反应影响中枢兴奋状态的一种激发器官。侧单眼主要在幼虫头部侧面,数目和形态因种类而有很大的不同。均受脑的视叶发出的神经支配,和背单眼根本不同,不如认为相当于成虫的复眼。侧单眼不仅感受明暗,而且还有感觉颜色的能力,另外对形态也略有感觉。除了昆虫以外的节肢动物,蜘蛛类头胸部背面具有8个,多足类和鲎的眼可以说都类似复眼。在甲壳类幼年期长出的无节幼体眼,也是一种单眼。 [2]即畸形单眼。
2023-06-26 07:22:241

Odysseus 为什么是英雄

奥德修斯(Odysseus)是伊萨卡岛(Ithaca)的国王,古希腊著名英雄,智勇双全,为《伊利亚特》中的主角之一,史诗《奥德赛》的主人公。在罗马神话和传统文学中,他被称为尤利西斯(Ulysses)。 在特洛伊战争开战前,他的儿子忒勒玛科斯还是襁褓中的婴儿,因此他不愿意加入希蜡联合远征军,在阿伽门农来找他时装疯,在地里倒著犁地。然而阿伽门农把忒勒玛科斯放在犁下,为免伤害儿子,奥德修斯只得停下,加入这场战争。 在特洛伊战争中,许多优秀的计谋都是奥德修斯贡献的,他受到女神雅典娜的宠爱,最重要也是致胜关键的木马计就是他的主意,让希腊人假装撤退,留下巨大的木马。特洛伊人把木马拖进城中,作为战利品。晚上藏在木马里的希腊人与联军里应外合,毁灭了特洛伊城,结束了十年之久的战争。 然而在《奥德赛》的故事中,由于得罪了海神波塞冬,波塞冬攻击了他从特洛伊返回希腊的船只。奥德修斯经历各种苦难,斗志斗勇战胜了塞壬海妖(Siren)、独眼巨人等,最后只剩一人回到了家。在雅典娜女神和儿子的帮助下,他杀死了所有的在他离开时赖在他家不走,向他妻子求婚以霸占他家财产的求婚人。虽然重新当上了国王,有美满的家,但奥德修斯年老时仍重新出海去探索,从此不知所终。你如何定义一个英雄?有些人可能会定义一个英雄作为一个以极大的勇气和勇敢,给别人一个英雄可能是一个强大的战士和领导者赢得战斗,其他人可能定义一个英雄一样的人使用他的大脑就像自己的体力。在荷马的史诗《奥德赛》,奥德修斯被描绘成一个英雄的定义。勇气和勇敢是两个奥德修斯的事情有很多。这是显而易见的,当他颠覆了神波塞冬,告诉他,他是不可阻挡的。奥德修斯然后回来在开始他的船航行在波塞冬水回到伊萨卡。骄傲是好的,但在奥德修斯抯情况下,抯有点太多了。另一方面,他做的事情使他成为一个伟大的英雄。当Circeturned他的船员到动物,他直接爬上一座山,冒着生命危险来拯救他的船员。他会做任何事情回到伊萨卡,看看他的妻子和儿子,不管它有多疯狂。他甚至进入黑社会说话先知如何回到伊萨卡。勇敢和勇气是被极端愿意并且能够去帮助或者救人,甚至一个需要的地方。以及拥有勇气和勇敢,奥德修斯也是一个强大的战士和领袖。生活作为伊萨卡的国王,他领导他的战士在波塞冬抯海变成一个伟大的斗争木马。在这里,奥德修斯和他的舰队勇士击败了木马,因为他伟大的领导。知道他不可能战胜的木马外巨大的墙壁,他提出了一个不同的计划。一项计划,将让他通过墙壁有一个小波塞冬的帮助。他使一个巨大的木马(特洛伊木马)和一个人把它作为礼物送给接受和平。木马接受礼物,打开墙上的马,不知道里面的马是奥德修斯和一个小舰队的士兵。的木马对他们认为是一个伟大的庆祝胜利。木马终于睡着了,奥德修斯和他的舰队爬出了马和完全杀木马非常血腥的战斗。伊萨卡是胜利和士兵们现在可以返回回家快乐,因为伟大的领导的奥德修斯。奥德修斯和他的士兵们强大的战士,也有实力击败木马,但奥德修斯使用一些更强大的比他的力量——智慧。智力的奥德修斯的一件事是最还的原因,他不仅打败了木马,但也经历了伟大的旅程他经历了回到伊萨卡。在整个故事中,奥德修斯经常在行动前犹豫了一下。这就是因为他使用他的理由,他的礼物的情报评估的情况是什么。这个耐心是他最重要的特征之一。它已经多次救了他和他的手下,在很多实例中,可以很容易地看到他的旅程,不仅使木马时,例如当他伪装自己是乞丐当他终于到达伊萨卡。他使用他的耐心,等待合适的时机展示自己。很多人在他的处境抳e太急于等待,会立即显示他是谁,冒着被杀的机会。奥德修斯犹豫了一下,用他的理由认为更好的方式来展示自己。他成功了,事情就像他想要的。像许多英雄,奥德修斯也有缺点,如慢性作弊问题和问题的骄傲。然而,奥德修斯活了下来,在他身上发生了。他的勇气,勇敢,智慧,和耐力使他来通过每一个挑战,最终安全到家。从而证明自己值得成为一个真正的英雄。当你想到希腊史诗英雄奥德修斯会最多可能会涌上心头。奥德修斯是主要角色荷马史诗《奥德赛》的诗”。”“奥德赛”是一个故事诗描述了奥德修斯的冒险和障碍他的追求回到伊萨卡岛,在那里他为王,特洛伊战争。奥德修斯已经二十年了。所有然而,其他酋长已经回家奥德修斯的行踪不明。的一件事就是让希腊英雄奥德修斯是他神的青睐。在《奥德赛》诸神的帮助奥德修斯很多次。当波塞冬了奥德修斯的船与闪电,奥德修斯因为能够生存女神,名叫伊诺给他一个神奇的斗篷。斗篷防止奥德修斯溺水。当奥德修斯的男人由赛丝变成了猪,爱马仕的信使神了奥德修斯阻止赛丝用她神奇的草对他法术。由于这种奥德修斯能够获得支持在赛丝眼中,他说服她把他的人回来正常。书的结尾,当奥德修斯回到Ithica,雅典娜掩盖了他是一个乞丐。的伪装是傻瓜的追求者,他们吃的奥德修斯从他的家庭和骚扰他的妻子佩内洛普,和奥德修斯的宫殿。古希腊人常说,一个真正的英雄必须显示对神给他们的牺牲和祈祷给他们。奥德修斯给诸神在许多牺牲在“《奥德赛》实例。“当奥德修斯去地狱,黑社会,他牺牲一只公羊和母羊的神。当奥德修斯击败波吕斐摩斯,独眼巨人,是谁波塞冬的神的儿子,奥德修斯神的祭祀。最后当奥德修斯失败可怕的追求者,超过他的奥德修斯意识到这是神帮助他做到这一点。的的力量和能力克服壮举不可逾越的几率不可能由一个纯粹的凡人没有神的帮助。因此他牺牲众神。当奥德修斯在麻烦他总是显示他是根据神的祈祷。的事实通常听他表明他是神也受到了众神的喜爱。为了成为一个希腊英雄被众神因为宗教是喜欢这样的很大一部分在他们的生活。奥德修斯,在众神的帮助下,可以生存冒险杀死其他男人。奥德修斯岛旅行Cyclopians。Cyclopians是一个巨人眼,他们不担心,因为他们相信神她们吃东西比神和人。他们代表相反的希腊男人应该是什么。奥德修斯和他的手下见独眼巨人波吕斐摩斯。波吕斐摩斯是一个独眼巨人吃了奥德修斯的男人。奥德修斯在众神的帮助计划逃避和他做。“锡拉”是一种凶猛的怪物有六个头能杀死大多数男人,经过她的岛屿。她杀死6个奥德修斯的男人。奥德修斯阻止她自杀和更多的男人。还有另一个凶猛的怪物叫卡律布迪斯。卡律布迪斯吸收的水海洋和创建一个漩涡,杀死任何经过的船通过。奥德修斯经过她。他的船员被杀,他的船被摧毁的漩涡,但奥德修斯独自生存。有一个小岛,奥德修斯与怪物经过被称为塞壬。塞壬唱优美的歌曲吸引对他们的船只。然后船撞到岛和被杀的人。没有人听过这首歌塞壬和幸存下来。奥德修斯是警告由神岛。他在他的人的耳朵然后把插头因为奥德修斯想听这首歌,他自己的关系前面的船,告诉他男人收紧他的绳索如果他试图离开。奥德修斯和他的人生存和奥德修斯是唯一一个凡人听的歌塞壬和生活来告诉它。古希腊人显示的图片和雕塑只有男性和完美的身体和男人在战斗中。因此为了成为一个真正的希腊史诗英雄你必须强壮和优秀的战斗中。奥德修斯显示这两种的迹象。奥德修斯的旅行费阿刻斯人的土地。的费阿刻斯人有许多游戏,比如掷铁饼和掷标枪。奥德修斯赢得所有这些事件。当奥德修斯回到Ithica佩内洛普,思考奥德修斯的丈夫死了,她的比赛将嫁给获胜者。获胜者必须弓和字符串射箭通过12轴在地板上。所有的强大的追求者,但没有人能接近胜利。奥德修斯,被打扮成一个乞丐,尝试它和成功。追求者都是勇士,但奥德修斯只有胜利。这显示他的伟大。这个战争爆发后,奥德修斯和只有成了朋友欧迈俄斯养猪的人,Malanthius牧羊人失败所有的追求者。奥德修斯是这一事实真正击败追求者肯定表明,奥德修斯一个伟大的战士。奥德修斯是一个真正的希腊史诗英雄。当他能够使用权力给他的神,他也心甘情愿。然而,这本身不会让他成为一个英雄。这将只有让他神的仆人。奥德修斯用他的智力、远视和洞察力来控制他的命运尽他所能的。例如,当他回家时,而不是揭露他的真实身份奥德修斯的用途耐心和谨慎制定并执行一项计划,将击败追求者。奥德修斯现在是代理独立众神和他的英雄人格的胜利。这个是有行数和页码的奥德修斯,英雄作者:未注册的个体抯特征是其行为的关键。荷马抯《奥德赛》发生在地中海约公元前700年,希腊附近。史诗讲述了一个人离开家乡二十年前参加特洛伊战争。现在他的任务就是让伊萨卡回家的路上。奥德修斯展示了好的和坏的特征在整个史诗般的影响回家的路上。(65字)奥德修斯的勇气和智慧帮助他度过整个史诗。例如,奥德修斯杀死了独眼巨人,巨人睡着了,即使怪物吃了两人几分钟前(P.110)。奥德修斯有勇气站出来支持他的信念,不要让别人的意见让他做什么是正确的。一些人认为整个史诗奥德修斯显示了他的勇气,因为他是骄傲,不想留下任何未完成的工作。此外,奥德修斯的插头水手吗?耳朵用蜡时经过塞壬的甜美的歌声引诱水手有厄运(p。141)。奥德修斯在行动前经常犹豫了一下,因为他使用原因评估情况,多次救了他和他的人。奥德修斯知道无进步的智慧。用勇气和智慧在生活可以让一个人看到伟大的生活。跟他一样大,奥德修斯仍有一些缺点,最重要的是他的骄傲和感觉性,延长他的旅程回到伊萨卡。这显然是明显的插曲在库克罗普斯吗?岛当奥德修斯和他的手下被安全地离开岛当奥德修斯吹嘘他的功绩Polythemus用巨大的石块几乎沉没的船(p . 114)。这一事件不仅仅伤害了奥德修斯失去了几个人,因为波塞冬让他回家非常漫长而艰巨的。这个骄傲的特征显示了奥德修斯有一个缺乏对他人的尊重,他是自私的。此外,奥德修斯和赛丝的前一年他的人提醒他回家(p。116)。这感觉性的特征表明,奥德修斯无法抵制诱惑。这阻碍了他的使命;设置在他的旅程。奥德修斯抯生活缩小他的弱点,使自己更强大。故事描述了个体抯特征如何影响他们生活的结果。然而,奥德修斯所有发生在他身上的。他的勇气、智慧、智力和耐力使他度过每一个困难,把他安全回家。
2023-06-26 07:22:341

Odysseus 为什么是英雄?? 要用英文介绍 越简单越好。 急!!

Odysseus Defines a Hero in The Odyssey How do you define a hero? Some may define a hero as someone with great courage and bravery; to others a hero might be a strong warrior and leader who wins battles; others may define a hero as one who uses his brain as much as his brawn to win. In Homer"s epic poem, Odyssey, Odysseus is portrayed as a hero by every definition. Courage and bravery are two things that Odysseus has a lot of. This is evident when he defies the god Poseidon, telling him that he is unstoppable. Odysseus then gets back on his ship on starts to sail on Poseidon"s waters back to Ithaca. Pride is good to have, but in Odysseus抯 case, it抯 a little too much. On the other hand, he does things that make him a great hero. When Circeturned his crew into animals, he climbed straight up a mountain, risking his life just to save his crew. He will do anything to get back to Ithaca and see his wife and son, no matter how crazy it is. He even goes into the underworld to speak to a prophet about how to get back to Ithaca. Being brave and courageous is all about being willing and able to go to the extremes to help or possibly save people or even a place in need. As well as having courage and bravery, Odysseus is also a strong warrior and leader. Living as king of Ithaca, he leads his fleet of warriors across Poseidon抯 sea into a great battle against the Trojans. It is here where Odysseus and his fleet of warriors defeated the Trojans because of his great leadership. Knowing that he cannot defeat the Trojans from outside the immense walls, he comes up with a different plan. A plan that will get him through the walls with a little help from Poseidon. He makes a giant wooden horse (Trojan Horse) and has a person present it as a gift to accept a peace with them. The Trojans accept the gift and open the walls for the horse, not knowing that inside the horse was Odysseus and a small fleet of soldiers. The Trojans had a great celebration for what they thought was a victory. As the Trojans finally went to sleep, Odysseus and his fleet crept out of the horse and completely slaughtered the Trojans in a very bloody battle. Ithaca was victorious and the soldiers could now return back home happy, all because of the great leadership of Odysseus. Odysseus and his soldiers were mighty warriors and did have the strength to defeat the Trojans, but Odysseus used something that was more powerful than his strength - intelligence. Intelligence is the one thing that Odysseus has the most of and also the reason why he not only defeated the Trojans, but also survived the great journey he went through to get back to Ithaca. Throughout the story, Odysseus often hesitates before acting. This being because he uses his reason and his gift of intelligence to evaluate what the situation is. This patience is one of his most important attributes. It has saved him and his men many times, and can be easily seen in numerous instances throughout his journey, not only when he makes the wooden horse, but times such as when he disguises himself as a beggar when he finally reached Ithaca. Here he used his patience and waited for the right moment to reveal himself. Many people in his situation would抳e been too anxious to wait and would immediately show who he was, risking a chance of being killed. Odysseus hesitated and used his reason to think of a better way to show himself. He succeeds and things work out just the way he wants. Like many heroes, Odysseus does have weaknesses such as his chronic cheating problem and his problem with pride. Nonetheless, Odysseus survived all that happened to him. His courage, bravery, wits, and endurance enable him to come through each and every challenge and eventually arrive home safely. Thus proving himself worthy of being a true hero.When you think about Greek Epic heroes, Odysseus will mostlikely come to mind. Odysseus is the main character inHomer"s poem "The Odyssey." "The Odyssey" is a narrativepoem that describes Odysseus" adventures and obstacles inhis quest to return home to Ithaca, where he is king, fromthe Trojan war. Odysseus has been gone for two decades. Allthe other chieftains have returned home, however, Odysseus"whereabouts are unknown.One of the things that makes Odysseus a Greek hero is thathe is favored by the gods. In the Odyssey the gods helpOdysseus many times. When Poseidon struck Odysseus" shipwith lightning, Odysseus was able to survive because agoddess named Ino gave him a magical cloak. The cloakprevents Odysseus from drowning. When Odysseus" men areturned into swine by Circe, Hermes the messenger god givesOdysseus a magical herb that prevents Circe from using herspells on him. Due to this Odysseus was able to gain favorin Circe"s eyes and he convinced her to turn his men backto normal. Towards the end of the book, when Odysseusreturns to Ithica, Athena disguises him as a beggar. Thedisguise was to fool the suitors, who are eating Odysseusout of his home and are harassing his wife Penelope, and toget Odysseus access to the palace.The ancient Greeks used to say that a true hero must showrespect to the gods by giving them sacrifices and prayingto them. Odysseus gives sacrifices to the gods in manyinstances in "The Odyssey." When Odysseus goes to Hades ,the underworld, he sacrifices a ram and an ewe to the gods.When Odysseus defeats Polyphemus, the Cyclops, who is theson of Poseidon the god of the sea, Odysseus givessacrifices to the gods. Lastly when Odysseus defeats thosehorrible suitors that outnumbered him by so much Odysseusrealizes that it was the gods who helped him do this. Thefeats of strength and the ability to overcomeinsurmountable odds could not be performed by a mere mortalwithout help from the gods. Therefore he makes sacrificesto the gods. When Odysseus is in trouble he always showsthat he is depending on the gods by praying to them. Thefact that the gods usually listen to him shows that he iswell liked by the gods. In order to be a Greek hero you hadto be liked by the gods since religion was such a big partin their lives. Odysseus, with the help of the gods, can survive adventuresthat kill most other men. Odysseus travels to the island ofthe Cyclopians. The Cyclopians are giants that have oneeye, they don"t fear the gods because they believe thatthey are better than the gods and they eat people. Theyrepresent the opposite of what Greek men should be.Odysseus and his men meet Polyphemus the cyclops.Polyphemus being a cyclops eats some of Odysseus" men.Odysseus with the help of the gods figures out a plan toescape and he does. Scylla is a ferocious monster with sixheads that kills most men that pass by her island. Shekills six of Odysseus" men. Odysseus prevents her fromkilling himself and more men . There is another ferociousmonster named Charybdis. Charybdis sucks in water from thesea and creates a whirlpool that kills any ship that passesby. Odysseus passes by her. His crew is killed and his shipis destroyed in the whirlpool but Odysseus alone survives.There is an island that Odysseus passes by with monsterscalled Sirens on it. The Sirens sing beautiful songs thatlure ships toward them. The ships then crash into theisland and the people are killed. Nobody has heard the songof the Sirens and survived. Odysseus is warned of thisisland by a god. He then puts plugs in his men"s earsbecause Odysseus wants to hear the song, he ties himself tothe front of the boat and tells his men to tighten hisropes if he tries to get away. Odysseus and his men surviveand Odysseus is the only mortal to hear the song of theSirens and live to tell it.The pictures and sculptures of the ancient Greeks showedonly men with perfect bodies and men in battle. Thereforein order to be a true Greek epic hero you had to be bothstrong and good in battle. Odysseus showed both of thesesigns. Odysseus travels to the land of the Phaeacians. ThePhaeacians have many games such as the discus throw and ajavelin throw. Odysseus wins all of these events. WhenOdysseus gets back to Ithica Penelope, thinking thatOdysseus her husband is dead, has a contest in which shewill marry the winner. The winner must string a bow andshoot an arrow through twelve axes on the floor. All of themighty suitors try, but none of them come even close totriumph. Odysseus, being dressed up as a beggar, tries itand succeeds. The suitors were all mighty men but Odysseuswas the only one to triumph. This shows his greatness.After this a war breaks out and Odysseus befriended only byEumaeus the swineherd and Malanthius the goatherd defeatsall of the suitors. The fact that Odysseus was able todefeat the suitors definitely shows that Odysseus is trulya great warrior.Odysseus is a true Greek epic hero . When he is able to usepower given to him by the gods, he does so willingly.However this alone would not make him a hero. This wouldonly make him a servant of the gods. Odysseus uses hisintellect, farsightedness, and insight to control his fateas best as he can. For example, when he returns home,rather then revealing his true identity Odysseus usespatience and caution to devise and execute a plan that willdefeat the suitors. Odysseus is now acting independently ofthe gods and his heroic personality triumphs.这个是有行数和页码的Odysseus, the HeroWritten by: UnregisteredAn individual抯 characteristics are the key to their behavior. Homer抯 The Odyssey takes place about 700BC in the Mediterranean, near Greece. The epic tells of a man who left his home twenty years earlier to fight in the Trojan War. His mission now is to make his way home to Ithaca. Odysseus shows good and bad traits throughout the epic that influence his way home . (65 words) The courage and wisdom of Odysseus help him survive through the whole epic. For example, Odysseus kills the Cyclops while the giant is asleep, even though the monster ate two men minutes before (P.110). Odysseus has courage to stand up for his beliefs and never lets the opinion of others keep him from doing what is right. Some think Odysseus shows his courage throughout the epic because he is proud and does not want to leave any job unfinished. Furthermore, Odysseus by plugs the sailors?ears with wax when going through the Sirens, whose sweet singing lures sailors to there doom (p. 141). Odysseus often hesitates before acting, because he uses reason to evaluate the situation, which saves him and his men many times. Odysseus knows that there is no progress without the wisdom to back it up. Using courage and wisdom throughout life allows a person to see greatness in life. As great as he was, Odysseus still had some weaknesses, most importantly that of his pride and sensualness, that prolongs his voyage back to Ithaca. This is clearly evident in the episode on the Cyclopes?Island when Odysseus and his men are safely away from the island when Odysseus brags about his exploits making Polythemus hurl giant boulders almost sinking the ship (P. 114). This incident hurt Odysseus more than just losing a few men, because Poseidon makes his travel home very long and arduous. This proud characteristic shows Odysseus has a lack of respect for others and that he is selfish. Furthermore, Odysseus stays with Circe for one year before his men remind him of home (p. 116). This characteristic of sensualness demonstrates that Odysseus is unable to resist temptation. This hinders his mission; setting him back in his journey. Odysseus抯 weaknesses in life downsize him, making himself less powerful. The story portrays how an individual抯 characteristics can affect the outcomes of their life. Nonetheless, Odysseus survives all that happens to him. His courage, wisdom, intelligence and endurance enable him to come through each and every difficulty and bring him home safely.
2023-06-26 07:22:421


分类: 文化/艺术 >> 文学 问题描述: 我要写Essay,请给出3点理由,为什么Odysseus是英雄? 最好有原著Odyssey的支持,页码和行数。 解析: Odysseus Defines a Hero in The Odyssey How do you define a hero? Some may define a hero as someone with great courage and bravery; to others a hero might be a strong warrior and leader who wins battles; others may define a hero as one who uses his brain as much as his brawn to win. In Homer"s epic poem, Odyssey, Odysseus is portrayed as a hero by every definition. Courage and bravery are o things that Odysseus has a lot of. This is evident when he defies the god Poseidon, telling him that he is unstoppable. Odysseus then gets back on his ship on starts to sail on Poseidon"s waters back to Ithaca. Pride is good to have, but in Odysseus抯 case, it抯 a little too much. On the other hand, he does things that make him a great hero. When Circeturned his crew into animals, he climbed straight up a mountain, risking his life just to save his crew. He will do anything to get back to Ithaca and see his wife and son, no matter how crazy it is. He even goes into the underworld to speak to a prophet about how to get back to Ithaca. Being brave and courageous is all about being willing and able to go to the extremes to help or possibly save people or even a place in need. As well as having courage and bravery, Odysseus is also a strong warrior and leader. Living as king of Ithaca, he leads his fleet of warriors across Poseidon抯 sea into a great battle against the Trojans. It is here where Odysseus and his fleet of warriors defeated the Trojans because of his great leadership. Knowing that he cannot defeat the Trojans from outside the immense walls, he es up with a different plan. A plan that will get him through the walls with a little help from Poseidon. He makes a giant wooden horse (Trojan Horse) and has a person present it as a gift to accept a peace with them. The Trojans accept the gift and open the walls for the horse, not knowing that inside the horse was Odysseus and a *** all fleet of soldiers. The Trojans had a great celebration for what they thought was a victory. As the Trojans finally went to sleep, Odysseus and his fleet crept out of the horse and pletely slaughtered the Trojans in a very bloody battle. Ithaca was victorious and the soldiers could now return back home happy, all because of the great leadership of Odysseus. Odysseus and his soldiers were mighty warriors and did have the strength to defeat the Trojans, but Odysseus used something that was more powerful than his strength - intelligence. Intelligence is the one thing that Odysseus has the most of and also the reason why he not only defeated the Trojans, but also survived the great journey he went through to get back to Ithaca. Throughout the story, Odysseus often hesitates before acting. This being because he uses his reason and his gift of intelligence to evaluate what the situation is. This patience is one of his most important attributes. It has saved him and his men many times, and can be easily seen in numerous instances throughout his journey, not only when he makes the wooden horse, but times such as when he disguises himself as a beggar when he finally reached Ithaca. Here he used his patience and waited for the right moment to reveal himself. Many people in his situation would抳e been too anxious to wait and would immediately show who he was, risking a chance of being killed. Odysseus hesitated and used his reason to think of a better way to show himself. He succeeds and things work out just the way he wants. Like many heroes, Odysseus does have weaknesses such as his chronic cheating problem and his problem with pride. Noheless, Odysseus survived all that happened to him. His courage, bravery, wits, and endurance enable him to e through each and every challenge and eventually arrive home safely. Thus proving himself worthy of being a true hero. When you think about Greek Epic heroes, Odysseus will most likely e to mind. Odysseus is the main character in Homer"s poem "The Odyssey." "The Odyssey" is a narrative poem that describes Odysseus" adventures and obstacles in his quest to return home to Ithaca, where he is king, from the Trojan war. Odysseus has been gone for o decades. All the other chieftains have returned home, however, Odysseus" whereabouts are unknown. One of the things that makes Odysseus a Greek hero is that he is favored by the gods. In the Odyssey the gods help Odysseus many times. When Poseidon struck Odysseus" ship with lightning, Odysseus was able to survive because a goddess named Ino gave him a magical cloak. The cloak prevents Odysseus from drowning. When Odysseus" men are turned into swine by Circe, Hermes the messenger god gives Odysseus a magical herb that prevents Circe from using her spells on him. Due to this Odysseus was able to gain favor in Circe"s eyes and he convinced her to turn his men back to normal. Towards the end of the book, when Odysseus returns to Ithica, Athena disguises him as a beggar. The disguise was to fool the suitors, who are eating Odysseus out of his home and are harassing his wife Penelope, and to get Odysseus access to the palace. The ancient Greeks used to say that a true hero must show respect to the gods by giving them sacrifices and praying to them. Odysseus gives sacrifices to the gods in many instances in "The Odyssey." When Odysseus goes to Hades , the underworld, he sacrifices a ram and an ewe to the gods. When Odysseus defeats Polyphemus, the Cyclops, who is the son of Poseidon the god of the sea, Odysseus gives sacrifices to the gods. Lastly when Odysseus defeats those horrible suitors that outnumbered him by so much Odysseus realizes that it was the gods who helped him do this. The feats of strength and the ability to overe insurmountable odds could not be performed by a mere mortal without help from the gods. Therefore he makes sacrifices to the gods. When Odysseus is in trouble he always shows that he is depending on the gods by praying to them. The fact that the gods usually listen to him shows that he is well liked by the gods. In order to be a Greek hero you had to be liked by the gods since religion was such a big part in their lives. Odysseus, with the help of the gods, can survive adventures that kill most other men. Odysseus travels to the island of the Cyclopians. The Cyclopians are giants that have one eye, they don"t fear the gods because they believe that they are better than the gods and they eat people. They represent the opposite of what Greek men should be. Odysseus and his men meet Polyphemus the cyclops. Polyphemus being a cyclops eats some of Odysseus" men. Odysseus with the help of the gods figures out a plan to escape and he does. Scylla is a ferocious monster with six heads that kills most men that pass by her island. She kills six of Odysseus" men. Odysseus prevents her from killing himself and more men . There is another ferocious monster named Charybdis. Charybdis sucks in water from the sea and creates a whirlpool that kills any ship that passes by. Odysseus passes by her. His crew is killed and his ship is destroyed in the whirlpool but Odysseus alone survives. There is an island that Odysseus passes by with monsters called Sirens on it. The Sirens sing beautiful songs that lure ships toward them. The ships then crash into the island and the people are killed. Nobody has heard the song of the Sirens and survived. Odysseus is warned of this island by a god. He then puts plugs in his men"s ears because Odysseus wants to hear the song, he ties himself to the front of the boat and tells his men to tighten his ropes if he tries to get away. Odysseus and his men survive and Odysseus is the only mortal to hear the song of the Sirens and live to tell it. The pictures and sculptures of the ancient Greeks showed only men with perfect bodies and men in battle. Therefore in order to be a true Greek epic hero you had to be both strong and good in battle. Odysseus showed both of these signs. Odysseus travels to the land of the Phaeacians. The Phaeacians have many games such as the discus throw and a javelin throw. Odysseus wins all of these events. When Odysseus gets back to Ithica Penelope, thinking that Odysseus her hu *** and is dead, has a contest in which she will marry the winner. The winner must string a bow and shoot an arrow through elve axes on the floor. All of the mighty suitors try, but none of them e even close to triumph. Odysseus, being dressed up as a beggar, tries it and succeeds. The suitors were all mighty men but Odysseus was the only one to triumph. This shows his greatness. After this a war breaks out and Odysseus befriended only by Eumaeus the swineherd and Malanthius the goatherd defeats all of the suitors. The fact that Odysseus was able to defeat the suitors definitely shows that Odysseus is truly a great warrior. Odysseus is a true Greek epic hero . When he is able to use power given to him by the gods, he does so willingly. However this alone would not make him a hero. This would only make him a servant of the gods. Odysseus uses his intellect, farsightedness, and insight to control his fate as best as he can. For example, when he returns home, rather then revealing his true identity Odysseus uses patience and caution to devise and execute a plan that will defeat the suitors. Odysseus is now acting independently of the gods and his heroic personality triumphs. 这个是有行数和页码的 Odysseus, the Hero Written by: Unregistered An individual抯 characteristics are the key to their behavior. Homer抯 The Odyssey takes place about 700BC in the Mediterranean, near Greece. The epic tells of a man who left his home enty years earlier to fight in the Trojan War. His mission now is to make his way home to Ithaca. Odysseus shows good and bad traits throughout the epic that influence his way home . (65 words) The courage and wisdom of Odysseus help him survive through the whole epic. For example, Odysseus kills the Cyclops while the giant is asleep, even though the monster ate o men minutes before (P.110). Odysseus has courage to stand up for his beliefs and never lets the opinion of others keep him from doing what is right. Some think Odysseus shows his courage throughout the epic because he is proud and does not want to leave any job unfinished. Furthermore, Odysseus by plugs the sailors?ears with wax when going through the Sirens, whose sweet singing lures sailors to there doom (p. 141). Odysseus often hesitates before acting, because he uses reason to evaluate the situation, which saves him and his men many times. Odysseus knows that there is no progress without the wisdom to back it up. Using courage and wisdom throughout life allows a person to see greatness in life. As great as he was, Odysseus still had some weaknesses, most importantly that of his pride and sensualness, that prolongs his voyage back to Ithaca. This is clearly evident in the episode on the Cyclopes?Island when Odysseus and his men are safely away from the island when Odysseus brags about his exploits making Polythemus hurl giant boulders almost sinking the ship (P. 114). This incident hurt Odysseus more than just losing a few men, because Poseidon makes his travel home very long and arduous. This proud characteristic shows Odysseus has a lack of respect for others and that he is selfish. Furthermore, Odysseus stays with Circe for one year before his men remind him of home (p. 116). This characteristic of sensualness demonstrates that Odysseus is unable to resist temptation. This hinders his mission; setting him back in his journey. Odysseus抯 weaknesses in life downsize him, making himself less powerful. The story portrays how an individual抯 characteristics can affect the outes of their life. Noheless, Odysseus survives all that happens to him. His courage, wisdom, intelligence and endurance enable him to e through each and every difficulty and bring him home safely. 这个是其他网友的搜集 The Odyssey by Homer Written 800 B.C.E Study Guide for Homer"s Odyssey The Odyssey Summary I have found 9 summaries for you to look at, via the links below. antistudy/search.php?titl... litsum/odyssey/ sparknotes/lit/odyssey/... These links will give you a summary of the book, character *** ysis, plot and much more, so that you will be able to answer literary questions. Here is a short extract of what you can expect from the summaries. Here are some great websites if you need any information on the odyssey or Greek mythology. schools.lwsd/rhjh/homehelp/od...
2023-06-26 07:22:491


  Odysseus Defines a Hero in The Odyssey  How do you define a hero? Some may define a hero as someone with great courage and bravery; to others a hero might be a strong warrior and leader who wins battles; others may define a hero as one who uses his brain as much as his brawn to win. In Homer"s epic poem, Odyssey, Odysseus is portrayed as a hero by every definition.  Courage and bravery are two things that Odysseus has a lot of. This is evident when he defies the god Poseidon, telling him that he is unstoppable. Odysseus then gets back on his ship on starts to sail on Poseidon"s waters back to Ithaca. Pride is good to have, but in Odysseus抯 case, it抯 a little too much. On the other hand, he does things that make him a great hero. When Circeturned his crew into animals, he climbed straight up a mountain, risking his life just to save his crew. He will do anything to get back to Ithaca and see his wife and son, no matter how crazy it is. He even goes into the underworld to speak to a prophet about how to get back to Ithaca. Being brave and courageous is all about being willing and able to go to the extremes to help or possibly save people or even a place in need.  As well as having courage and bravery, Odysseus is also a strong warrior and leader. Living as king of Ithaca, he leads his fleet of warriors across Poseidon抯 sea into a great battle against the Trojans. It is here where Odysseus and his fleet of warriors defeated the Trojans because of his great leadership. Knowing that he cannot defeat the Trojans from outside the immense walls, he comes up with a different plan. A plan that will get him through the walls with a little help from Poseidon. He makes a giant wooden horse (Trojan Horse) and has a person present it as a gift to accept a peace with them. The Trojans accept the gift and open the walls for the horse, not knowing that inside the horse was Odysseus and a small fleet of soldiers. The Trojans had a great celebration for what they thought was a victory. As the Trojans finally went to sleep, Odysseus and his fleet crept out of the horse and completely slaughtered the Trojans in a very bloody battle. Ithaca was victorious and the soldiers could now return back home happy, all because of the great leadership of Odysseus. Odysseus and his soldiers were mighty warriors and did have the strength to defeat the Trojans, but Odysseus used something that was more powerful than his strength - intelligence.  Intelligence is the one thing that Odysseus has the most of and also the reason why he not only defeated the Trojans, but also survived the great journey he went through to get back to Ithaca. Throughout the story, Odysseus often hesitates before acting. This being because he uses his reason and his gift of intelligence to evaluate what the situation is. This patience is one of his most important attributes. It has saved him and his men many times, and can be easily seen in numerous instances throughout his journey, not only when he makes the wooden horse, but times such as when he disguises himself as a beggar when he finally reached Ithaca. Here he used his patience and waited for the right moment to reveal himself. Many people in his situation would抳e been too anxious to wait and would immediately show who he was, risking a chance of being killed. Odysseus hesitated and used his reason to think of a better way to show himself. He succeeds and things work out just the way he wants.  Like many heroes, Odysseus does have weaknesses such as his chronic cheating problem and his problem with pride. Nonetheless, Odysseus survived all that happened to him. His courage, bravery, wits, and endurance enable him to come through each and every challenge and eventually arrive home safely. Thus proving himself worthy of being a true hero.  When you think about Greek Epic heroes, Odysseus will most  likely come to mind. Odysseus is the main character in  Homer"s poem "The Odyssey." "The Odyssey" is a narrative  poem that describes Odysseus" adventures and obstacles in  his quest to return home to Ithaca, where he is king, from  the Trojan war. Odysseus has been gone for two decades. All  the other chieftains have returned home, however, Odysseus"  whereabouts are unknown.  One of the things that makes Odysseus a Greek hero is that  he is favored by the gods. In the Odyssey the gods help  Odysseus many times. When Poseidon struck Odysseus" ship  with lightning, Odysseus was able to survive because a  goddess named Ino gave him a magical cloak. The cloak  prevents Odysseus from drowning. When Odysseus" men are  turned into swine by Circe, Hermes the messenger god gives  Odysseus a magical herb that prevents Circe from using her  spells on him. Due to this Odysseus was able to gain favor  in Circe"s eyes and he convinced her to turn his men back  to normal. Towards the end of the book, when Odysseus  returns to Ithica, Athena disguises him as a beggar. The  disguise was to fool the suitors, who are eating Odysseus  out of his home and are harassing his wife Penelope, and to  get Odysseus access to the palace.  The ancient Greeks used to say that a true hero must show  respect to the gods by giving them sacrifices and praying  to them. Odysseus gives sacrifices to the gods in many  instances in "The Odyssey." When Odysseus goes to Hades ,  the underworld, he sacrifices a ram and an ewe to the gods.  When Odysseus defeats Polyphemus, the Cyclops, who is the  son of Poseidon the god of the sea, Odysseus gives  sacrifices to the gods. Lastly when Odysseus defeats those  horrible suitors that outnumbered him by so much Odysseus  realizes that it was the gods who helped him do this. The  feats of strength and the ability to overcome  insurmountable odds could not be performed by a mere mortal  without help from the gods. Therefore he makes sacrifices  to the gods. When Odysseus is in trouble he always shows  that he is depending on the gods by praying to them. The  fact that the gods usually listen to him shows that he is  well liked by the gods. In order to be a Greek hero you had  to be liked by the gods since religion was such a big part  in their lives.  Odysseus, with the help of the gods, can survive adventures  that kill most other men. Odysseus travels to the island of  the Cyclopians. The Cyclopians are giants that have one  eye, they don"t fear the gods because they believe that  they are better than the gods and they eat people. They  represent the opposite of what Greek men should be.  Odysseus and his men meet Polyphemus the cyclops.  Polyphemus being a cyclops eats some of Odysseus" men.  Odysseus with the help of the gods figures out a plan to  escape and he does. Scylla is a ferocious monster with six  heads that kills most men that pass by her island. She  kills six of Odysseus" men. Odysseus prevents her from  killing himself and more men . There is another ferocious  monster named Charybdis. Charybdis sucks in water from the  sea and creates a whirlpool that kills any ship that passes  by. Odysseus passes by her. His crew is killed and his ship  is destroyed in the whirlpool but Odysseus alone survives.  There is an island that Odysseus passes by with monsters  called Sirens on it. The Sirens sing beautiful songs that  lure ships toward them. The ships then crash into the  island and the people are killed. Nobody has heard the song  of the Sirens and survived. Odysseus is warned of this  island by a god. He then puts plugs in his men"s ears  because Odysseus wants to hear the song, he ties himself to  the front of the boat and tells his men to tighten his  ropes if he tries to get away. Odysseus and his men survive  and Odysseus is the only mortal to hear the song of the  Sirens and live to tell it.  The pictures and sculptures of the ancient Greeks showed  only men with perfect bodies and men in battle. Therefore  in order to be a true Greek epic hero you had to be both  strong and good in battle. Odysseus showed both of these  signs. Odysseus travels to the land of the Phaeacians. The  Phaeacians have many games such as the discus throw and a  javelin throw. Odysseus wins all of these events. When  Odysseus gets back to Ithica Penelope, thinking that  Odysseus her husband is dead, has a contest in which she  will marry the winner. The winner must string a bow and  shoot an arrow through twelve axes on the floor. All of the  mighty suitors try, but none of them come even close to  triumph. Odysseus, being dressed up as a beggar, tries it  and succeeds. The suitors were all mighty men but Odysseus  was the only one to triumph. This shows his greatness.  After this a war breaks out and Odysseus befriended only by  Eumaeus the swineherd and Malanthius the goatherd defeats  all of the suitors. The fact that Odysseus was able to  defeat the suitors definitely shows that Odysseus is truly  a great warrior.  Odysseus is a true Greek epic hero . When he is able to use  power given to him by the gods, he does so willingly.  However this alone would not make him a hero. This would  only make him a servant of the gods. Odysseus uses his  intellect, farsightedness, and insight to control his fate  as best as he can. For example, when he returns home,  rather then revealing his true identity Odysseus uses  patience and caution to devise and execute a plan that will  defeat the suitors. Odysseus is now acting independently of  the gods and his heroic personality triumphs.  这个是有行数和页码的  Odysseus, the Hero  Written by: Unregistered  An individual抯 characteristics are the key to their behavior. Homer抯 The Odyssey takes place about 700BC in the Mediterranean, near Greece. The epic tells of a man who left his home twenty years earlier to fight in the Trojan War. His mission now is to make his way home to Ithaca. Odysseus shows good and bad traits throughout the epic that influence his way home . (65 words)  The courage and wisdom of Odysseus help him survive through the whole epic. For example, Odysseus kills the Cyclops while the giant is asleep, even though the monster ate two men minutes before (P.110). Odysseus has courage to stand up for his beliefs and never lets the opinion of others keep him from doing what is right. Some think Odysseus shows his courage throughout the epic because he is proud and does not want to leave any job unfinished. Furthermore, Odysseus by plugs the sailors?ears with wax when going through the Sirens, whose sweet singing lures sailors to there doom (p. 141). Odysseus often hesitates before acting, because he uses reason to evaluate the situation, which saves him and his men many times. Odysseus knows that there is no progress without the wisdom to back it up. Using courage and wisdom throughout life allows a person to see greatness in life.  As great as he was, Odysseus still had some weaknesses, most importantly that of his pride and sensualness, that prolongs his voyage back to Ithaca. This is clearly evident in the episode on the Cyclopes?Island when Odysseus and his men are safely away from the island when Odysseus brags about his exploits making Polythemus hurl giant boulders almost sinking the ship (P. 114). This incident hurt Odysseus more than just losing a few men, because Poseidon makes his travel home very long and arduous. This proud characteristic shows Odysseus has a lack of respect for others and that he is selfish. Furthermore, Odysseus stays with Circe for one year before his men remind him of home (p. 116). This characteristic of sensualness demonstrates that Odysseus is unable to resist temptation. This hinders his mission; setting him back in his journey. Odysseus抯 weaknesses in life downsize him, making himself less powerful.  The story portrays how an individual抯 characteristics can affect the outcomes of their life. Nonetheless, Odysseus survives all that happens to him. His courage, wisdom, intelligence and endurance enable him to come through each and every difficulty and bring him home safely.  这个是其他网友的搜集  The Odyssey by Homer Written 800 B.C.E  Study Guide for Homer"s Odyssey  The Odyssey Summary  I have found 9 summaries for you to look at, via the links below.  These links will give you a summary of the book, character analysis, plot and much more, so that you will be able to answer literary questions. Here is a short extract of what you can expect from the summaries.  Here are some great websites if you need any information on the odyssey or Greek mythology.  
2023-06-26 07:22:571


2023-06-26 07:21:082


2023-06-26 07:21:0910


刘备高达(RX-78-2) 龙帝的 继承者 出身于三璃纱北部幽州一个名叫楼桑村的小村庄。 只要是为了苍生,不会畏惧任何事物,男人中的男人。因为他那正义有热情的气概,众多的英雄豪杰都聚集到了他的麾下,拜他为大哥。以为民请命守护正义为目标。 “我的灵魂与正义同在” <必杀技>星龙斩、三位一体星龙斩、龙觉醒 <武器>龙帝剑(升级后可成为真龙帝剑)、爪龙刀关羽高达(MSZ-010) 鬼髯之大 武勇 冷静沉着而且有胆识,礼节与勇猛兼备的男人。 与刘备高达邂逅之后,为了能为刘备战斗而结为义兄义弟。 <必杀技>鬼牙百烈击 <武器>鬼牙龙月刀张飞高达(MSZ-006 ) 无双之战 刃 虽然很容易被人挑衅,但是对弱者绝对不会见死不救拥有一副热心肠的男人。 在与刘备高达邂逅之后,和关羽一起成为了刘备的义弟 <必杀技>爆裂大雷蛇,爆裂超雷蛟 <武器>雷蛇(装备背上的部件之后可成为大雷蛇)曹操高达(GX-9901-DX) 红莲霸 将军 在所有方面都能够发挥天才般的能力的完全实力主义者。 拥有高洁灵魂的男人因为他那绝对的统率能力已经独断性,不管是敌人还是自己人,有很多武将都把他视为眼中钉。特别是典韦,把他当做太阳 “应为正义而生,但成事在天!” “宁要我负天下人,休叫天下人负我!” <必杀技>大红莲斩 凤觉醒,天凤华炎斩 <武器>炎骨刃、七星剑、星凰剑孙权高达(RX-78 GP03S) 寂静的猛 虎 三璃纱南部长沙的统治者孙坚的儿子。 注重感情和羁绊,无论是谁都能够心无隔阂的接待,非常爽快的一个男人。 “人只有拥有正义才能生存下去!” <必杀技>苍晄壁、双虎破刃、虎觉醒 <武器>牙王剑、虎锭刃孔明灵格斯(MSZ-009) 被人称为“伏龙”的天才军师 是刘备高达十分仰慕的圣人 被刘备高达称为“老师” 有了它,翔之国才能昌盛…… “刘备将军,人心比激流还难以引导,即使如此,你还是要坚持吗?” “……你能拯救三璃纱的百姓吗?……” <必杀技>爆凰烈羽 <武器>爆凰扇司马懿沙煞比(MSN-04) 华丽的策士 曹操军的首席军师 表面上对曹操忠心耿耿,可他的真正目的是…… “人类,将在黑暗中生存” <必杀技>凤翼斩 <武器>牙翼大剑吕布多鲁基斯(OZ-00MS2B) 战栗的暴将 在三璃纱大陆上威名赫赫的一骑当千的豪将。 为了和更强的对手进行战斗率领吕布队分别加入了董卓军,袁术军和袁绍军。 随后与身披天玉铠的曹操决战,被天玉铠之力之炎凤烧为灰烬。 “听到这魂的呼声了吧!” <必杀技>旋风大烈斩、旋风爆烈冲、暴风激烈斩 <武器>破尘戟张辽格鲁古古(MS-14 Gelgoog) 凄绝的斗魂 车骑将军,天生拥有异常强烈的斗志。 对与吕布一样名震天下十分自豪。 只要张辽出现,周遭所有人都会十分害怕。 <必杀技>苍纹猛瀑布 <武器>凤龙双刃刀 董卓扎古(MS-05)/袁术滋萨(AMX-102)/袁绍龙飞(AMX-107) 本作的主要敌人们 为达目的不择手段,试图支配整个三璃纱大陆。 分别为召唤天玉铠的吕布,孙权,曹操击败编辑本段相关人员及声优STAFF 原作 - 矢立肇、富野由悠季 导演 - 森邦宏?铃木健一 系列构成 - 浦畑达彦 SD设计 - 寺岛慎也 色彩设计 - 熊谷妙子 美术监督 - 池田繁美 作画监督 - 佐久间信一 摄影监督 - 大神洋一 音响监督 - 藤野贞义 音乐 - 吉川庆 编集 - 吉武将人 出品 - 佐藤弘幸 动画制作制作 - SUNRISE、创通 企划:Sunrise主题曲 The Brave Legend 日文版 作曲:吉川庆 演唱者:Ko-saku 中文版 演唱者:郑伊健 Justice!传说的时刻 作曲:增田武史 演唱者:梶裕贵,加藤将之,安元洋贵,乃村健次,岛崎信长CAST(括号内人物为同一个人配音) 刘备军: 刘备高达/龙装刘备高达/翔烈帝龙装刘备高达:梶裕贵 张飞高达/雷装张飞高达:加藤将之 关羽高达/鬼牙装关羽高达:安元洋贵 公孙瓒EZ8:井上悟 赵云高达:小野友树 孔明灵格斯:石井一贵 周仓杜宾狼:天田益男 曹操军: 曹操高达/红莲装曹操高达:乃村健次 司马懿沙煞比:中川庆一 夏侯敦基罗斯(李儒格夏/沮授R贾贾):喜山茂雄 夏侯渊达拉斯:藤本隆行 张辽格鲁古古:樋口智透 张郃扎古III:岩崎了 徐晃大蛇(高顺拜叶特):宫崎宽务 郭嘉华沙高:菅沼久义 贾诩阿斯塔隆:吉开清人 张绣布里托瓦:坂口周平 孙权军: 孙权高达/猛虎装孙权高达:岛崎信长 孙坚积兰菲莎斯:长嶝高士 孙策菲莎利斯:北泽力 孙尚香格贝拉:神田朱未 周瑜百式:平川大辅 陆逊Z-Plus:下野纮 太史慈大魔:船木真人 黄盖老虎:今村直树 吕蒙迪杰:森田成一 甘宁京宝樊:寺岛拓笃 董卓军: 董卓扎古(卢植吉姆加农):小村哲生 吕布多鲁基斯:宫内敦士 胡轸强人:小山力也 貂蝉卡碧尼:恒松步 袁绍/袁术军 袁绍龙飞:秋元羊介 袁术滋萨:大仓正章 纪灵坎马:胜沼纪仪编辑本段电视动画播放列表 第一话:英雄登场 第二话:邂逅 第三话:为了百姓 第四话:暗杀者 第五话:群雄集结 第六话:目标 虎牢关 第七话:激突 曹操对吕布 第八话:沸腾吧 战栗的暴将 第九话:燃烧!光之都 第十话:孙坚之死 第十一话:赵云来也 第十二话:决战前夜 第十三话:发现!天玉铠 第十四话:刘备启程 第十五话:强者与弱者 第十六话:战栗的幻影 第十七话:新天地 第十八话:江东小霸王 第十九话:皇帝的宣言 第二十话:徐州陷落 第二十一话:刘备的选择 第二十二话:叛变之城 第二十三话:天与地 第二十四话:小霸王的挑战 第二十五话:永别了!孙策 第二十六话:真正的勇气 第二十七话:暴徒来也! 第二十八话:江东的碧眼儿 第二十九话:刘备归来 第三十话:再会,幽州 第三十一话:激斗白马阵 第三十二话:关羽咆哮 第三十三话:冀州百万军 第三十四话:黄昏 易京楼! 第三十五话:全军 前往官渡 第三十六话:官渡之战 第三十七话:决别 第三十八话:上天所选之霸者 第三十九话;逆天修罗 第四十话: 跨越千里的羁绊 第四十一话:卧龙 翱翔于天 第四十二画:继承的勇气 第四十三话:天下三分之计 第四十四话:龙帝剑 陨落 第四十五话:激震!长板桥 第四十六话:孙权奋起 第四十七话:天雷火炮编辑本段片中出现的机体 (也可参考《SD高达三国传.真 三璃纱大战》武将辞典)刘备军 刘备:原型 高达RX-78-2 武器:爪龙刀 牙龙刀 龙帝剑 必杀:星龙斩 三位一体星龙斩 翔龙双星斩 天翔真龙斩【三侯技第一】(否则最后怎么打败曹操敢达) 天翔鸣龙闪 升级:龙装刘备高达 原型 FA-78-1 FULL-ARMOR Gundam武器:青龙烈斩刀 赤龙翔神刀 天翔龙帝剑 真·龙帝剑 最终模式: 翔烈帝龙装刘备 。 ) 张飞:原型 Z高达MSZ-006 武器:雷蛇 必杀:爆裂大雷蛇。雷觉醒:爆裂超雷蛟。(神技) 升级:雷装张飞高达 武器:真·雷蛇可变形真·大雷蛇 关羽:原型 ZZ高达MSZ-010 武器:鬼牙龙月刀 必杀:鬼牙百裂击 升级:鬼牙装关羽高达 原型 FA-010S FULL-ARMOR ZZ Gundam武器:真·鬼牙龙月刀 必杀:鬼牙百裂击;苍纹百裂击(与张辽的连携技) 公孙瓒:原型 RX-79[G]Ez-8 武器:白麟剑 麝香尾 必杀:白马阵 赵云:原型 V2高达LM314V21 V2 Gundam 武器:山(红枪)风(青戟) 爱马:飞影闪 必杀:真空迅 孔明:原型 灵格斯RGZ-91 Re-GZ 武器:爆凤扇 必杀:爆凤烈羽 马超:原型 蓝色命运RX-79BD 周仓:原型 杜宾狼AMX-014 Dooben Wolf 武器:三爪戟 必杀:豪鬼爆连爪 关平:原型 S高达MSA-0011 S Gundam曹操军 曹操:原型 GX-9901-DX Gundam Double X 武器:炎骨刃 七星剑 必杀:大红莲斩 七星红莲焰舞 爱马:绝影 升级:红莲装曹操高达 机武帝 武器:星凤剑 必杀:天凤华焰斩(天玉铠技能是曹操最高技能于三侯排第二) 夏侯敦:原型XM-05 Berga Giros 武器:蛇骨刚剑 必杀:蛇流绞斩 隼钢二重闪(合体技,被张飞一下破了) 夏侯渊:原型XM-04 Berga Dalas 武器:刚锐炮 必杀:狱罗丸 隼钢二重闪(同上) 司马懿:原型 沙扎比 MSN-04 Sazabi 武器:红翼扇 牙翼之大剑 变形形态:谋士形态 武将形态 郭嘉:原型 高达华沙哥NRX-0013 Gundam Virsago 武器:极光扇 极星·冰岚剑 支援机:毒蜘蛛 变形形态:谋士形态 武将形态 魔神形态 贾诩:原型 高达阿斯塔隆NRX-0015 Gundam Ashtaron武器:震星杖 变形形态:暗杀者形态 武将形态 魔蝎形态 必杀:眩光闪 张辽:原型 格鲁古古MS-14 Gelgoog 武器:凤龙双刃刀 必杀:苍纹猛瀑布;苍纹百裂击(与关羽的连携技) 张郃:原型 扎古III改 AMX-011S ZakuIII 武器:狼牙·双重戟 裂锐爪 突殴拳 必杀:爪拳狱连掌 徐晃:原型 大蛇 MMS-01 Serpent 武器:豪铁火 可变形为铗刃戟 必杀技:铁火地裂冲。 典韦:原型 亚希玛NRX-044 Asshimar 武器:豪大斧 变形形态:大斧形态 张绣:原型 布里托瓦NRX-011 Britova 武器:锁分铜 程昱:原型 智袋鼠 DT-6800HMC孙权军 孙权:原型 RX-78GP03S 武器:牙王剑 虎锭刀 必杀:苍晄壁 双虎破刃 猛虎兽烈霸 兽神昂(孙氏家族最高技能孙权觉醒技,三侯技第二。) 升级:猛虎装孙权高达 武器:虎锭刀 真·牙王剑 可变形为苍晄剑 苍晄盾(暂无详情) 孙坚:原型RX-78GP01 "Zephyranthes" 武器:虎锭刀 牙王剑·零壹 必杀:猛虎兽烈霸(孙氏一族只要装备虎锭刀皆可使用) 孙策:原型RX-78GP02 "Physalis" 武器:双虎旋棍 虎锭刀 强袭激钢棍 必杀:激钢重爆突 天华钢烈魂 孙尚香:原型RX-78GP04G "Gerbera" 武器:虎影弓 丽虎刀 必杀:虎影闪 华天楼 周瑜:原型 百式MSN-100 Hyakushiki武器:白虎刀 白爪弓 天雷火炮 必杀:天雷白爪弓 天雷火炮 陆逊:原型 Z改A1型 MSZ-006A1 ZETA PLUS A1武器:燕戟·宝旋霞 支援机:跳燕机 变形形态:燕迅形态 黄盖:原型 老虎MS-07B Gouf 武器:多节鞭 手甲爪 太史慈:原型 加大魔Ⅱ MS-09R DomII 武器:钢疾藜骨朶 必杀:钢烈灭碎阵 吕蒙:原型 迪杰 MSK-008 Dijeh 武器:碧斩斧 必杀:碧冲烈破 甘宁:原型 京宝梵 MS-18E Kampfer 武器:烈鲛牙 支援机:苍烈鲛 必杀:鲛牙苍影斩黄巾贼 张梁:原型PMX-000 Messala 武器:斧 必杀:黄妖术 特技:太平要术--木星合身 张角:原型PMX-001 Palace Athene 武器:两刃之仗 特技:太平要术--木星合身 张宝:原型PMX-002 Bolinoak Sammahn 武器:盾 特技:太平要术--木星合身 黄天:原型 PMX-003 The O 武器:黄天檄 必杀:黄天立斩董卓军 董卓:原型 MS-05 Zaku I 武器:灭杀爆炼弹 必杀:暗黑瘴气弹 吕布:原型 多鲁基斯OZ-00MS2B Tallgeese III 武器:破尘戟 必杀:旋风大烈斩 旋风爆裂冲 暴风激烈斩(成为修罗后) 爱马:赤兔马(可变形战轮模式)升级:完全修罗形态 胡轸:原型 强人MS-15 武器:击锐牙 锐牙盘 必杀:锐牙激情斩 锐牙杀影斩 貂蝉:原型 卡碧尼AMX-004 Qubeley 武器:胡蝶扇 胡蝶 必杀:蝴蝶乱舞 陈宫:原型 墨丘利OZ-13MSX2 Mercurius武器:飞星刃 必杀:飞星发破 高顺:原型 拜叶特OZ-13MSX1 Vayeate 武器:铁鞭 盾 必杀:钢棍旋击 华雄:原型 ZMT-S29 Zanneck 武器:斩马戟 必杀:猛牛开山 李儒:原型 ZM-S22S Rig Shokew 武器:扇袁绍/袁术军 袁绍:原型 龙飞 AMX-107 Bawoo 武器:飞红剑 龙紫尾 变形形态:将军形态 龙飞形态 必杀技:袁琉斗舞·血冥斩 袁琉斗舞四坤之型 绍术地狱炎 袁术:原型 滋萨 AMX-102 Zssa 武器:飞双刀 飞双旋镰 十极咒导铠 变形形态:将军形态 飞翔形态 必杀技:双镰旋风阵 纪灵:原型 坎马.坎马AMX-103 HammaHamma 武器:三尖丽牙 必杀:丽牙钢裂闪 颜良:原型 右勇士(AMX-117R GAZ-R) 武器:牛头刚枪 必杀技:金刚爆炎破(与文丑的连携技) 文丑:原型 左勇士(AMX-117L GAZ-L) 武器:马头锐刀 必杀技:金刚爆炎破(与颜良的连携技) 田丰:原型 加鲁斯J(AMX-101 GALLUSS-J) 武器:手甲钩 沮授:原型 R·贾贾(AMX-105 R-JARJA) 武器:剑、扇官军 灵帝:原型 飞翼高达零式改(?) 卢植:原型 吉姆加农 RGC-83 GM Cannon 武器:剑 朱儁:原型 扎古加农 MS-06K Zaku-Cannon 武器:剑其他 陶谦:原型 陆战型吉姆RGM-79[G] 蹋顿:原型 梅美德萨ZMT-S16G Memedorza 武器:斩马曲刀 天玉铠:原型 苍龙形态: G-ARMOR(G型核战机)(贯穿技) 炎凤形态:G-Falcon(G飞鹰)(燃烧技) 弩虎形态:ORCHIS(花萼)(觉醒技) 真武形态:未知(狂暴技)部队兵 刘备 曹操 孙权 幽州 南蛮军部队兵:原型 吉姆(RGM-79) 董卓 黄巾军部队兵:原型 扎古I(MS-05) 乌丸军部队兵:原型 扎古II(MS-06,队长)加萨C(AMX-005) 袁绍军部队兵:原型 加萨D(AMX-006) 袁术军部队兵:原型 加萨E(AMX-007(MMT-3))编辑本段NDS游戏游戏信息 游戏封面游戏名称:SD高达三国传 真三琉纱大战 游戏原名:SDガンダム三国伝 Brave Battle Warriors 真三璃纱大戦 制作厂商:NBGI 发售厂商:NBGI 游戏类型:动作 发售日期:2010.12.2 游戏人数:1-4游戏介绍 《SD高达三国传 真三璃纱大战》本作是以2010年4月3日开始由东京电视台播放的“SD高达三国传 Brave Battle Warriors”为题材改编的游戏,游戏的类型是传统横版动作过关,游戏收录了动画第一到最终话的故事剧情,并且包含多达40个以上的机体可供玩家选择,游戏最大支持4人联机。游戏预定在2010年12月2日发售,售价为5040日元
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是淮安涟水机场,三字代码:HIA淮安涟水国际机场(Huaian Lianshui International Airport,IATA:HIA,ICAO:ZSSH ),位于中国江苏省淮安市涟水县陈师街道境内,距淮安市中心22千米,距涟水县城10千米,为4D级国际支线机场、国家对外开放的一类航空口岸、苏北航空枢纽
2023-06-26 07:21:241

rocky you是什么意思?

rockyou有两方面的含义:1、指代摇滚乐。兴起于20世纪50年代中期,主要受到节奏布鲁斯、乡村音乐和叮砰巷音乐的影响发展而来。2、公司的名称。2005年11月14日,RockYou成立,专为用户提供照片和照片连续播放服务(幻灯片,由Flash支持)。RockYou已分别吸引来自红杉创投、Lightspeed Venture Partners、PartechInternational、门罗公园创投DCM和软银的三轮投资。扩展资料:RockYou在2011年7月低调注册了GalacticAllies点com域名,此举似乎意味着RockYou将推出宇宙系列新游戏。银河联盟双拼lianmeng点com域名为阿里巴巴持有。GalacticAllies点com域名由Galactic 和Allies组合成,可译成银河盟友、银河联盟等意,查询了解,域名是RockYou于2011年6月29日注册,域名已被续费到2013年,而其他后缀域名并不为其持有。参考资料来源:百度百科-Rockyou
2023-06-26 07:21:251

HIA 在网络聊天中的意思?

网络最近比较流行的口头语,大概是“嘿啊”的意思。hia hia”好象是那种略带坏意且有些 得意岔气的笑声……。(
2023-06-26 07:21:311


2023-06-26 07:21:314

hia hia什么意思

2023-06-26 07:21:381

谁有隆美尔将军的那14句名言德语原版啊 麻烦 给我下

2023-06-26 07:21:392


2023-06-26 07:21:432

靴 的闽南语发音是 hia 吗

2023-06-26 07:21:452


技能详解additinal类HP30%以下发动,passive类则是常时有效创建角色时按照选择的人种,角色,姓名,操作员不同,SKILL也会变化,创建完后修改不可SKILL名 作用PASSIVE类スナイパー 预测射击的光标移动速度2倍&敌盾防御时给予20%追加伤害/无盾时射击伤害2倍猛打 格斗攻击不会被弹返&敌盾防御时对本体追加20%伤害/无盾时格斗伤害2倍ジャンク屋 武器弹药1.5倍&装弹时间1.5倍高机动 推进器消费减轻到75%精神力 Hyper模式以外的SP槽消费量减轻到75%集中力 SP槽回复速度1.2倍IF贯通 对有I Field的机体无视IF给本体追加30%伤害&同时使其I Field槽和通常一样减少强袭 对MS以外的敌人和建筑物伤害2倍索敌 锁定距离2倍冷静 扩散BEAM和照明弹无效器用 粘着弹/网弹对自己的停止时间减半工作员 粘着弹/网弹有效时间1.5倍ゲリラ屋 粘着弹/网弹有效时间2倍感応 NT之间战斗互相伤害为1.2倍疾风 用推进器时速度上升但消耗量増加冷酷 敌人倒地时给予伤害2倍非情 敌人倒地时给予伤害1.5倍クイック 旋回速度加点效果1.5倍姿势制御 Balancer(平衡器 影响落地时硬直)加点效果1.5倍超反応 倒地回避必定成功身軽 可以连续3段跳ADDITIONAL类やらせはせん 一定时间无敌覚醒(NT) Hyper模式强制发动 效果时间1/2共振(NT) NT之间战斗互相伤害为2倍激情 SP槽回复200%再强化(强化人间) Hyper模式强制发动 效果时间1/3愤怒 Hyper模式强制发动 效果时间1/4奋起 机体HP20%回复不屈 HP减到0时复活残余HP1错乱 强制发动SP攻击修复 HP回复20% 盾耐久全恢复激昂 伤害值1.2倍全机体入手方法(8月1日大幅更新)暂时都整一起了...0079-0087红色的是本作新机体部分条件可能有误欢迎指出机体名 入手方法0079 联邦ジムGM 初期陆戦型ジムGM(G) 初期ボールBALL 搭档阶级达到一等兵且荒野の迅雷过关ジム(WD)GM(WD) 黄昏の岛々/雨のベルファスト过关陆戦型ガンダムGUNDAM(G) 「荒野の迅雷」、「黄昏の岛々」、「雨のベルファスト」过关ジム コマンドGM COMMAND 「荒野の迅雷」、「黄昏の岛々」、「雨のベルファスト」其中之二过关ガンキャノンGUN CANNON 「追撃!トリプルドム」、「ランバu30fbラル特攻!」、「大西洋、血に染めて」其中之二过关ガンタンクGUNTANK 「追撃!トリプルドム」、「ランバu30fbラル特攻!」、「大西洋、血に染めて」其中之一过关ガンダムGUNDAM 原创机师等级到达伍长且荒野の迅雷过关ブルーディスティニー1号机BD-1 「大西洋、血に染めて」评价S以上或陆戦型ガンダム使用10次ジムスナイパーIIGM SNIPERII 「追撃!トリプルドム」、「ランバu30fbラル特攻!」、「大西洋、血に染めて」过关ジムスナイパーII(WD)GM SNIPERII(WD) GM(WD)和ジムスナイパーII出击5次且「追撃!トリプルドム」、「ランバu30fbラル特攻!」、「大西洋、血に染めて」过关マドロックRX-78-6MUDROCK ジャブローに散る评价S以上ガンダムEz-8GUNDAM Ez-8 ラストuff65リゾート评价S以上ガンダム4号机GUNDAM 04 チェンバロ作戦B路线S以上评价/强行突破作戦S以上评价ガンダム5号机GUNDAM 05 「チェンバロ作戦」右路线评价S以上アレックスNT-1 ALEX 「ポケットの中の戦争」评价S以上ブルーディスティニー3号机BD-3 「裁かれし者」评价S以上或BD1号机使用10次プロトタイプガンダムRX-78-1P GUNDAM 「ニュータイプの胁威」评价S以上フルアーマーガンダムFA GUNDAM 「光る宇宙」评价S以上G-3ガンダムG-3 GUNDAM 星一号作戦A路线S以上评价ガンダム(MC)GUNDAM(MC) 本路线通关一次ガンキャノン量产型(WD)GUNCANNON(MP) 「大西洋、血に染めて」S评价ジム寒冷地仕様GM(CD) 「戦场までは何マイル?」S评价ジムキャノンGM CANNON 「チェンバロ作戦」过关ガンキャノン量产型GUNCANNON 「ポケットの中の戦争」S评价ジムキャノン(WD)GM CANNON(WD) 「裁かれし者」S评价0079 ZEONザクIZAKUI 初期ザクIIZAKUII 初期ザクキャノンZAKU CANNON 黄尘の谷/水上夜行军过关グフGOUF 黄尘の谷和水上夜行军过关ザクIIS型ZAKUII(S) ZAKUII使用次数5次且黄尘の谷/水上夜行军过关ザクIIS型(シャア専用)ZAKUIIS(CA) ZAKUIIS使用次数5次且オデッサの激战评价S以上ゴッグGOGG オデッサの激战过关ハイゴッグHy-GOGG ゴッグ使用次数5次且オデッサの激战过关ザクII改(FZ)ZAKUIIFZ/FH ZAKUIIFZ使用次数5次高机动型ザクR-1型ZAKUII(R1) 宇宙、闪光の果てに过关高机动型ザクR-1A型ZAKUII(R1A) ZAKUI(3S)使用次数5次且黄尘の谷/水上夜行军过关高机动型ザクR-2型ZAKUII(R-2) 裁かれし者过关ザクⅠ(RR)ZAKUIRR グフ使用次数5次ザクⅠ(3S)ZAKUI3S ZAKUI使用次数5次且黄尘の谷/水上夜行军过关グフカスタムGOUF CUSTOM ラストu30fbリゾート过关ドムDOM ホワイトu30fbディンゴ过关ゲルググGELGOOG ソロモン防卫戦过关ズゴックZ"GOK 大西洋、血に染めて过关ザクⅡF(ドアン専用)ZAKUⅡF 「大西洋、血に染めて」S以上评价ズゴックS型(シャア専用)Z"GOK(S)CA ズゴック和ザクIIS型(CA)使用次数5次/10次以上ズゴックEZ"GOK E 戦场までは何マイルS评价以上アッガイACGUY ジャブローに散る(右路线)过关ジュアッグJUAGGU ゾック使用次数5次以上アッグガイAGGUY アッグ使用次数5次以上ゾゴックZOGOK ズゴック使用次数5次以上ゲルググS型GELGOOG(S) ゲルググ使用次数5次ゲルググ(ガトー専用)GELGOOG AG リックu30fbドム(AG)使用次数5次高机动型ゲルググ(SM)GELGOOG(HM)SM ザクIIR1使用次数5次高机动型ゲルググ(JR)GELGOOG(HM)JR ザクII(R-2)使用次数5次ゲルググキャノンGELGOOG CANNON ゲルググ和ザクキャノン使用次数5次アッグACG ホワイトu30fbディンゴ评价S以上リックu30fbドム(シャア専用)RICK-DOM CA ザクIIS型(CA)和リックu30fbドム使用次数10次或宇宙要塞アu30fbバオアu30fbクーB路线SザクIIS型(シャア専用)ZAKUII(S)CA オデッサの激戦评价S以上ザクⅡ改ZAKUIIFZ 戦场までは何マイル评价S以上アプサラスIIAPSARASII ラストu30fbリゾート评价S以上リックu30fbドム(ガトー専用)RICK-DOM AG ソロモン防卫戦(右路线)评价S以上且同一记录0083选Delaz Fleet路线通掉1次サイコミュ高机动试験用ザクPSYCHOMU-ZAKU ニュータイプの胁威评价S以上ジオングZEONG 宇宙要塞アu30fbバオアu30fbク过关パーフェクトu30fbジオングPERFECT ZEONG ZEONG使用次数5次ケンプファーKAMPFER ポケットの中の戦争评价S以上ブルーディスティニー2号机BD-2 裁かれし者评价S以上ゲルググS(シャア専用)GELGOOG(S)CA 宇宙、闪光の果てにS评价以上イフリート改EFREET CUSTOM ジャブローに散る(右路线)评价S以上グラブロGRUBLO 大西洋、血に染めて 评价S以上ビグロBYGRO ジオン胁威のメカニズム过关ザクレロZAKRELLO ビグロ使用次数5次ブラウu30fbブロBRAW-BRO ニュータイプの胁威评价S以上エルメスELMETH ブラウu30fbブロ使用次数5次ビグザムBYG-ZAM 0079ZEON路线通关一次且ソロモン防卫A分支评价S以上ゲルググJGELGOOG J 「ポケットの中の戦争」过关高机动ザク(ギャビー専用)ZAKUⅡ(R2)GH 「ジャブローに散る」A路线S以上评价アクトザクACT ZAKU 「宇宙、闪光の果てに」S评价高机动ザク(ロバート専用)ZAKUⅡ(R2)RG 「ジオン胁威のメカニズム」B以上评价リックu30fbドムⅡ(G)RICK-DOMⅡ(G) 「ポケットの中の戦争」S以上评价/ジオン胁威のメカニズムA以上评价ザクu30fbマインレイヤーZAKU MINE LAYER 「ソロモン防卫戦」B路线S以上评价/ジャブローに散るA路线S以上评价高机动ザク(エリオット専用)ZAKUⅡ(R2P) 「ソロモン防卫戦」B路线S以上评价0083 联邦ジム改(砂漠戦)GM Type C 初期ザクIIF2型(联邦)ZAKUIIF2 初期ガンダム试作1号机GP-01 「苍く辉く炎で」过关ガンダム试作1号机FbGP-01Fb GP-01使用次数15次或强袭、阻止临界点A以上评价パワードジムPOWERED GM 「砂上模拟戦闘」过关ジムカスタムGM CUSTOM 出撃アルビオン和热砂の攻防戦过关ジム改GM TYPE C 原创机师阶级达到上等兵且ガンダム强夺过关ゲルググM(联邦)GELGOOG M 原创机师阶级达到伍长且ガンダム强夺过关ジムu30fbクゥエルGM QUEL ソロモンの悪梦A路线过关ガンダム试作3号机GP03D 0083联邦路线通关一次ジムu30fbキャノンⅡGM CANNONⅡ ガンダム、星の海へ过关ボール改修型BALL(C) 热砂の攻防戦S以上评价0083 Delaz FleetザクⅡF2ZAKUIIF2 初期ドムu30fbトローペンDOM TROPEN 初期ザクⅡF2(B)ZAKUIIF2(B) 搭档阶级达到上等兵ザクⅡF2(ビッター)ZAKUIIF2(NB) 热砂の攻防戦/追撃部队奇袭作戦过关ザメルXAMEL ガンダム强夺过关ゲルググu30fbMGELGOOG M 青く辉く炎で 过关ゲルググu30fbM(シーマ)GELGOOG M(CG) ソロモンの悪梦B路线S以上评价ガーベラu30fbテトラGERBERA-TETRA 宇宙の蜻蛉B评价以上ドラッツェDRA-C 热砂の攻防戦/追撃部队奇袭作戦过关ドムu30fbトローペン(B)DOM TROPEN 追撃部队强袭作戦A以上评价ヴァルu30fbヴァロVAL-WALO 苍く辉く炎で S评价以上ノイエu30fbジールNEUE ZIEL 本路线通关一次ガンダム试作2号机GP02 星の屑S以上评价リックu30fbドムⅡRICK-DOMⅡ 苍く辉く炎过关0087 AEUGジムⅡ(A)GMⅡ(A) 初期リックディアスRICK DIAS 初期ネモNEMO GMII(A)使用5次且黒いガンダム过关リックディアス(R)RICK DIAS(R) アンマン防卫过关ガンダムMk-IIGUNDAM Mk-II 黒いガンダム过关メタスMETHUSS 黒いガンダム过关百式HYAKU-SHIKI 「ジャブローの风」过关ディジェDIJEH 「カラバ进行」过关ZガンダムZ GUNDAM 「Zの鼓动」过关Zガンダム3号机Z GUNDAM(GD) 天の下の抗争S以上评价0087 TITANSジムⅡ(T)GMⅡ(T) 初期ハイザック(T)HI-ZACK(T) 初期ガンダムMk-Ⅱ(T)GUNDAM Mk-Ⅱ(T) 「黒いガンダム」过关バーザムBARZAM GMⅡ(T)出击5次且「黒いガンダム」过关ハイザック(联邦)HI-ZACK(EFF) 搭档阶级达到少尉ガルバルディβGALBALDYβ 搭档阶级达到中尉バウンドu30fbドック(ゲーツ)BAUND DOG 搭档阶级达到大尉マラサイMARASAI 「月の裏侧」过关メッサーラMESSALA 「理想の裏表」过关アッシマーASSHIMAR 大気圏突入过关ガブスレイGABTHLEY 「Zの鼓动」过关ハンブラビHAMBRABI コロニーが落ちる日过关バイアランBYARLANT キリマンジャロの岚过关评价A以上ギャプランGAPLANT 白い闇を抜けて过关ボリノークu30fbサマーンBORINOK-SAMMAHN ゼダンの门过关评价A以上バウンドドックBAUND DOG シロッコ、立つ过关パラスu30fbアテネPALACE-ATHENE 転进の表裏过关评价S以上サイコガンダムPSYCHO GUNDAM TITANS路线通关一次且「キリマンジャロの岚」浅蓝路线评价S以上サイコガンダムMk-IIPSYCHO GUNDAMMk-II 「ロザミアの中で」评价S以上且TITANS路线通关一次ジu30fbOTheu30fbO 宇宙を駆けるS以上评价ハイザックカスタムHI-ZACK CUSTOM 転进の表裏S以上评价ザクキャノン(联邦)ZAKU CANNON(EFF) コロニ—が落ちる日S以上评价アッシマー(GD)ASSHIMAR(GD) 本路线通关一次0087 AXISガザCGAZA C 初期ガザC(ハマーン)GAZA C(HK) 「次世代量产机开発计画」过关キュベレイQUBELEY 「宇宙を駆ける」A路线S以上评价0088 AEUGネモNEMO 初期ジムⅢGMⅢ 初期ジムⅢ(A)GMⅢ(A) 宇宙のジュドー过关メタスMETHUSS さよならファ过关百式HYAKU-SHIKI 「アーガマ降下」过关キャトルCATOL 幻のコロニーA路线S评价ガンダムMk-IIGUNDAM Mk-II 幻のコロニー过关ZザクZ GUNDAM ZH さよならファS以上评价ZガンダムZ GUNDAM 青の部队过关ZZガンダムZZ GUNDAM ネエルu30fbアーガマ过关キュベレイMk-II(B)QUBELEY Mk-II(B) 本路线通关一次且「落ちてきた空」B路线S评价フルアーマーZZガンダムFA ZZ-GUNDAM 本路线通关一次メガライダー(SFS) 同上0088 NEO ZEONガザCGAZA C 初期ガザDGAZA D 初期ハンマu30fbハンマHAMMA-HAMMA 本路线完成过5关ズサZSSA 幻のコロニー过关ガルスJGALLUSS J シャングリラの少年过关ガu30fbゾウムGA-ZOWMN 雪の斜影过关ゲゼGEZE 决闘!アーガマ 过关ゲゼ(ヤザン机)GEZE 决闘!アーガマ S评价カプールCAPULE ダカール占拠过关ゲルググ(マサイ专用)GELGOOG(R) ダカール占拠S评价ドーベンウルフDOOBEN WOLF コア3蜂起过关ザクⅠ(タイガーバウム)ZAKUⅠ(TB) タイガーバウムの梦过关アッグガイ(タイガーバウム)AGGUY TB タイガーバウムの梦S评价ザクⅢ改ZAKUⅢ CUSTOM 落ちてきた空B路线A以上评价ザクⅢZAKUⅢ 落ちてきた空B路线过关ディザートザク(青の部队)DESERT ZAKU(B) ラサ镇圧过关ゲルググ(青の部队机)GELGOOG (B) ラサ镇压S评价アイザックEWAC ZACK ラサ镇压S评价ディザートザクDESERT ZAKU ベルファスト镇圧过关ドワッジ改DWADGE 月の暗影S评价バウBAWOO エマリー散华左路线A以上评价ガズエルGAZ-L トリントン镇压S评价ガズアルGAZ-R トリントン镇压S评价ゲーマルクGEYMALK トリントン镇压过关ドライセンDREISSEN 宴の夜A路线过关バウ(G)BAWOO(G) 宴の夜B路线过关Ru30fbジャジャR-JARJA マハルの亡霊过关リゲルグREGELGU 花の幻影过关ジャムルu30fbフィンJAMRU-FIN 花の幻影过关シュツルムu30fbディアスSCHUZRUM DIAS 花の幻影S以上评价キュベレイQUBELEY 戦士、再びB路线S以上评价クインマンサQUIN MANTHA 戦士、再びA路线S以上评价量产型キュベレイQUBELEU(M) 本路线通关一次且エマリー散华A路线S评价キュベレイMk-Ⅱ(R)QUBELEY(B) 本路线通关一次且コア3蜂起S评价キュベレイmk2(B)QUBELEY(R) 本路线通关一次且燃える地球S以上评价サイコガンダムMk-ⅡPSYCHO GUNDAM Mk-Ⅱ 本路线通关一次且落ちてきた空A路线S以上评价0093 联邦ジムIIIGMⅢ 初期ジェガンJEGAN 「シャアの第二波」过关リ·ガズィRE-GZ 「アクシズの亡灵たち」过关スタークジェガンSTARK JEGAN 迫りくる肃正过关vガンダムv GUNDAM 散りゆく都市过关vガンダムHWSv GUNDAM HWS 本路线通关一次BWS(SFS) 同上0093 NEO ZEONギラドーガGEARA DOGA 初期ギラドーガ(レズン专用)GEARA DOGA RS 迫撃!ロンドu30fbベル A以上评价ヤクトu30fbドーガ(G)JAGD DOGA 粛清の一手过关ホビーu30fbハイザックHOBBY HIZACK 昔日の亡霊たち之前拿5个S以上评价ヤクトu30fbドーガ(R)JAGD DOGA QP 波状攻击 A路线A以上评价サザビーSAZABI 亡霊たちの终焉 过关αu30fbアジールα-AZIERU 本路线通关一次EXアッザムADZAM 灼热のアッザムリーダー过关ギャンGYAN テキサスの攻防过关先行量产型ジムGM(E) ミラーズu30fbリポート过关先行量产型ボールBALL(E) ミラーズu30fbリポート过关アプサラスⅠAPSARASⅠ ミラーズu30fbリポート左路线S评价アプサラスⅢAPSARASⅢ ミラーズu30fbリポート右路线S评价EX-SガンダムEX-S GUNDAM 桁外れの力过关vガンダムDFFvGUNDAM DFF 飞跃するν过关ΞガンダムΞ GUNDAM 闪光のハサウェイ过关ペーネロペーPENELOPE 贞淑の象徴过关ガンダムF91GUNDAM F91 フォーミュラ计画の结晶S评价ビギナu30fbギナVIGNA GHINA フォーミュラ计画の结晶过关ラプレシアLAFRESSIA ラプレシアプロジェクト过关ガンダムMk-VGUNDAM Mk-V 地球をこの手に过关FAZZFAZZ 重力からの解放过关SガンダムS GUNDAM 时代の狭间S以上评价ゼクu30fbアインXEKU EINS 时代の狭间S以上评价ZプラスA1型Z PLUS A1 νの血统过关ZプラスC1型Z PLUS C1 νの血统过关ZプラスC1/2型Z PLUS C1/2 νの血统过关ガンダムLSGUNDAM LS ガンダムユニバースS以上评价ガンダムCAGUNDAM CA ガンダムユニバースS以上评价サクSAKU 空飞ぶサクサム过关サムSM 空飞ぶサクサム过关サク(CA)SAKU(CA) 空飞ぶサクサムS以上评价Hi-vガンダムHi-v GUNDAM 「全机体得到后出现,终极机体)分支开启条件前3个年代的分支开启方法,88和93的基本都是自动开启2个选择没有难度0079 联邦ジャブローに散る1.击破全部潜水艇,从浅蓝色区域离脱2.慢慢攻击潜水艇,解决增援的全部敌人和干掉出现的夏亚,从深蓝色区域离脱强行突破作戦1.按突破的方向决定,从地图右面突破出现A路线浅蓝色区域2.从地图左面突破出现B路线深蓝色区域チェンバロ作戦1.第2面破坏中央设施后,从浅蓝色区域离脱2.第2面破坏中央设施后,到左下目送ガトー逃离,从深蓝色区域离脱星一号作戦1.敌人全灭后,从浅蓝色区域离脱2.敌人全灭后,从深蓝色区域离脱0079 ZEONジャブローに散る1.敌人全灭后,等マッドアングラー离开后,从浅蓝色区域离脱2.敌人全灭后,从深蓝色区域离脱ソロモン防卫1.第2面敌人全灭后,从浅蓝色区域离脱2.第2面打开左下通向左上的门,敌人全灭后,等左下ガトー逃离到左上,从深蓝色区域离脱(为打开门,第1面最后必须从地图左上的黄色小门进入)宇宙要塞アu30fbバオアu30fbクー1.放走白色要塞,从浅蓝色区域离脱2.击破白色要塞,从深蓝色区域离脱0083 联邦ソロモンの悪梦1.第1面从黄色区域离脱2.第1面阻止全部敌人突破防线,从深蓝色区域离脱强袭、阻止限界点1.第2面从浅蓝色区域离脱2.第2面全灭敌人后,从深蓝色区域离脱駆け抜ける岚1.从浅蓝色区域离脱2.从深蓝色区域离脱0083 Delaz Fleetソロモンの悪梦1.敌人全灭后,从深蓝色区域离脱2.敌人全灭后,从浅蓝色区域离脱强袭、阻止限界点1.阻止敌人突破防卫线后,从深蓝色区域离脱2.从浅蓝色区域离脱駆け抜ける岚1.从浅蓝色区域离脱2.敌人全灭后,从深蓝色区域离脱0087 AEUGキリマンジャロの岚1.敌人全灭后,从深蓝色区域离脱2.等战舰ARGAMA到达目的后过关シロッコ、立つ1.从浅蓝色区域离脱2.敌人全灭后,从深蓝色区域离脱宇宙を駆ける1.从浅蓝色区域离脱2.敌人全灭后,从深蓝色区域离脱0087 TITANSキリマンジャロの岚1.从浅蓝色区域离脱2.敌人全灭后,从深蓝色区域离脱宇宙を駆ける1.从浅蓝色区域离脱2.敌人全灭后,从深蓝色区域离脱0087 AXISゼダンの门1.从浅蓝色区域离脱2.继续消灭敌人后,从深蓝色区域离脱宇宙の涡1.敌人全灭2.等战舰ARGAMA出现后,从黄色区域离脱宇宙を駆ける1.从浅蓝色区域离脱2.敌人全灭后,从深蓝色区域离脱继承前作的要素已获得机体(捕获和EX关的不算)机体改造点数已获得机师和其成长的能力(按一定比例减少)前作的关卡开始就开启但评价不保留隐藏要素的开启模式/关卡/要素 出现条件/作用EX关的开启 分为正常游戏的EX和输入密码开启的EX关,原有的EX关0079-0093全部通关一次看到最后的STAFF就开启,继承存档已经开启的关可以不用完成.SFS使用可能 完成一个势力的路线1次,该路线就可以使用SFS(Sub Flight System,可以在出击准备处设定)剧情角色成长可能 完成一个势力的路线1次,该路线的剧情角色能力就可以成长剧情角色成长上限突破 把该角色能力练满,可能还需要全势力S以上时代制限解除 完成全部势力一次,所有机体和机师可以不分年代出击继承GBC的记录的话 前作完成了路线可以不用再完成EXTRA限制解除 完成全部势力和EXTRA关(密码关不算),EX关入手机体可以在本篇游戏使用继承GBC的记录的话 前作完成了路线可以不用再完成地形限制解除 完成全部势力和EXTRA关(密码关不算),所有机体可以不分地形限制出击机体捕获模式 把各年代所有势力通关一次就可以捕获(继承GBC的记录的话 前作完成了路线可以不用再完成)随机出现的可捕获机体有紫色Capture字样,击坠后过关入手,重复捕获的话奖励改造点数只有曾经入手过的机体,也就是图鉴里有的机体才可以捕获,前作继承的也算机师成长限界突破 把原创机师练到大佐机师搭乘限制解除 把全部势力全部关卡分支和EX关(密码关除外)达成评价S以上,则NT/OT的机体达成限制取消机体改造下限突破 把各年代所有势力通关一次机体改造限制解除 需要全部路线全关卡,包括分支和EX关(密码关不算)全部评价S以上,并且对战模式的单人模式协力战斗(战舰和boss关)全S以上然后各机体超过一定使用次数(10次)(SFS不需要)并得到超过改造上限的点数后,该机体就会突破上限(改造界面点数旁出现★)通信员限制解除 全势力全分支评价SS(EX关不算)在一个路线存档里出击50次的通信员,在新建角色选择时代时可以在任意军属选择
2023-06-26 07:21:471


analgesic blam 应该是analgesic balm 吧?涂抹抗痛牌止痛油暂时缓解肌肉疼痛、拉伤和扭伤。使用简便。
2023-06-26 07:21:512


2023-06-26 07:21:551


2023-06-26 07:20:5915


2023-06-26 07:20:591


问题一:泰国有什么特产 首饰和宝石 占他武里(Chanthaburi),干乍那武里(Kanchanaburi),湄赛(Mae Sai),夜速(Mae Sot),如此多神秘的名字,让全世界首饰业听起来十分悦耳。泰国国产或从其他国家进口的宝石的尺码都不很著名。但是,作为一个没有专家水平的人来讲,买宝石的确是件棘手的事。太好的事总是令人怀疑。应该谨慎而又严格地拥有一位中间经纪人,他们一直收取佣金。在好地段上开业的名家商店,价格无疑很高,然而他们对质量的担保却比那些街上的摊点可靠得多。请注意宝石的亮度,荧光灯下突出兰和紫色,白炽灯下为红,橘黄和黄色。还应注意的是,对于那些合成的宝石没有任何理由阻止您购买,然而要看清它们的实际价值,对那些经过处理的宝石也是如此。 某些宝石,例如红宝石,兰宝石和祖母绿,加工处理是它们应用的一部分,目的是增加亮度以减轻它的不纯。未经过加工的宝石当然价值要高了。您要知道,有时有经验的专家甚至也会分辨不出天然和人造宝石,因此建议您向亚洲宝石工艺科学院(Institut Asiatique des Sciences Gemorologiques)进行咨询。 饮料、酒 在泰国,饮酒比在别的国家更甚。饮酒在亚洲是社会习俗的一部分,而泰国当地的酒类生产的成本较低。 烈性酒。湄公威士忌(Whisky Mékong)是烈性酒中最好的一种。Choum酒则稍具酸性可助消化。饮用时,一般先用苏打水和可乐将其掺淡,再配以冰块和绿柠檬。尽量不要喝白湄公酒(Mékong blanc),这种酒蒸馏得不充分。如果要喝,则应先将其静置一段时间,这样就可以避免由于蒸馏不充分而造成对身体的危害。而传统的高级湄公酒(Mékong)则已被人们视为劣质烈性酒。 Song Thip威士忌是用甘蔗酿制而成的,它比湄公酒的价格稍贵些。但它们都属于烈性酒,对咽喉有 *** 。 有钱的年轻人常喝进口的威士忌。如果您想让一个泰国人高兴,您可以送给他一瓶保藏了12年的西方老酒。 泰国酒。泰国产的酒喝起来当然是有一种异国风味,比如图笛酒(Tody)便是一种棕榈油酒。更令人惊讶的还有像楼俄意(Loei)城堡(法国酒),它是一种出自于由法国、意大利和西班牙进口的葡萄苗木所产葡萄的白葡萄酒。这位发慌的法国城堡酿造葡萄酒总经理还保持着商业意识,因为他所生产的酒的消费每年增加52%之多,威士忌只有7.3%,而泰国酒对它更没什么威胁。不过,您应当注意,如果您买的是进口酒,它将有高额的税费。 啤酒。尽管由于 *** 对啤酒的征税较高使得其价格比较贵,但是在泰国,啤酒的年消耗量还是达到40亿升(1987年的消耗量是9500万升)。这可能是喝啤酒代表着上层社会身份的形象:有钱的泰国人放弃了本地的威士忌而偏爱啤酒。根据消费的场所不同,啤酒的价格在30至80泰铢之间浮动。 山嘎啤酒(Singha beer)最受大众喜爱,同时它也是最著名的啤酒(市场占有率为90%)。它的口味比同类啤酒重些,酒精浓度也较高(6度)。它的另一个系列产品-金牌啤酒(Gold)口味清爽,也很受人们喜欢。而加士伯啤酒(Cari *** erg)的口味则比较甜和清爽,但其酒精浓度与山嘎啤酒(Singha)差不多,只不过价格贵一些。除此之外,市场上还有其他品牌的啤酒,如象牌啤酒(Eléphant)、昌牌啤酒(Chang)从1995年上市,但却很难买到。不过这几种啤酒还是得到专家的好评的。在泰国露天啤酒店比比皆是,人们可在那里饮酒,就餐。 咖啡。在泰国,人们对咖啡的评价很高,但其消费量比茶要少,......>> 问题二:泰国有哪些特产? 我跟众信旅游去过泰国2次,没有一个团友是不让带吃的上飞机的哦~干货基本都没问题。密封是不是密封的,这个我倒是觉得不是很讲究的,我去长滩的时候,我们拖了一箱子的芒果干,也都是直接托运回来的,那时候还偷偷带了几个新鲜的芒果呢,说好的,如果被抓,我们整团的人就分了吃掉。去泰国的时候买的榴莲干,香蕉干,榴莲糖什么的也都是一并装行李箱里面装回来的,行李托运是不会打开箱子看你的东西是不是密封的哈,另外你如果是自己手提带上飞机的,也不会看你是不是密封的,你有看到自己带吃的上飞机,面包零食牛肉干什么的有不让带的么?没有的哦,吃的还是正常可以带的。就是严格点来说的话,密封的还是最保险的,十万分之一的机会遇到一个人让你打开箱子,还不让你带上飞机的。 问题三:泰国著名的特产有哪些? 游客们来到泰国,除了欣赏泰国迷人的风景、古老的文化,总在回程时购买一些具有浓郁泰国风情的特色产品回国,或自己留念,或馈赠亲友。好在泰国土地肥沃、物产丰富,加之悠久的历史文化背景、勤劳智慧的人民,所以在泰国,旅游产品资源也就相当丰富。 珠宝和饰物:泰国是当今世界珠宝饰(CHANTHABURI)和中部的北碧府物加工最发达的国家之一。之所以如此,首先得益于 *** 对珠宝原料免征泰丝: 近几十年来,因为独到的手工进出口关税,使世界各地的珠宝原料制作工艺、独特的外表质地,泰丝已大量源源不断运入泰国来加工;其次成为别具一格的产品在世界各地广受是泰国拥有大量专业的低成本的设计欢迎。泰丝被用来制作高贵的服饰、加工珠宝首饰的能工巧匠;再就是泰手帕、领带、围巾等各种高级用品。国本地就出产大量高品质的宝石原泰北的纺织品及家居用品:泰北的纺料,尤其是东部的尖竹汶府织品因为其独特的手工制作,天然印染工艺,使其具有精细、柔软、耐用的特点,被广泛用于制作成衣、桌布、床单(罩)、地毯等。其中最吸引人的是山地民族的手工绣花用品,因其具有鲜明的民族特色和运用传统天然的印染工艺,使其产品具有浓厚的乡土气息和民族风格而广受亲睐。 古董:泰国被称为东南亚“古董的天堂”。正如中国具有几千年的历史而遗留下来大量的古玩、古董,泰国同样如此。从素可泰朝代的宋卡洛陶瓷、寺庙的雕刻品,到古代宫殿的木制装饰品、玩偶、面具和各种金属盛器等,应有尽有,每年都吸引了大量世界各地的古董收藏者来泰淘“金”。 土产和干货:泰国是一个土地肥沃、物产丰富的热带国家,除了出产琳琅满目的水果、各类海产品、及稻米等产品之外,还有一些著名的土产珍品如:燕窝、鱼翅、鳄鱼肉等,这些特产大量出口到世界各地,尤其是华人地区,成为传统美食中的珍品和滋补养颜的珍品。 金银铜锡制品:在曼谷唐人街的耀华叻路(YAOWARATRD),集中了泰国大部分的黄金饰品店,这些黄金饰品花色品种繁多、做工精细、设计美观、价格便宜,常年吸引着大量国内外尤其是华人买家。而银铜锡制品在泰国有悠久的制作历史,既有首饰,又有家居用品;既有现代流行的设计产品,又有传统的泰式用品,广受世人的欢迎,且已大量出口到世界各地。 热带水果:丰富多彩、品种繁多的热带水果也是泰国的特产之一,泰国有“水果王国”的美称,不少水果远销欧美和亚洲各国。泰国的水果分长年水果和季节性水果。长年水果有:香蕉、柑、桔、抽、西瓜、葡萄、木瓜、椰子、风梨(菠萝)、石榴、菠萝蜜等。季节性水果有:荔枝、龙眼、枣、芒果、榴莲、山竹、红毛丹等。所有水果中,最为著名的是素有“水果之王”的榴莲和“水果之后”的山竹。 泰国大米:泰国的大米颗粒长、两头尖、颜色白而透明,煮成的米饭香柔、滑嫩、爽口,是泰国最主要的出口农产品,在世界粮食市场上享有很高的声誉。 泰国菜和鱼露:泰国菜用辣椒、葱、蒜、姜、咖哩、鱼露、虾酱、椰奶等天然作料为主要调料,辅以九层塔、胡妥、紫苏、薄荷叶、柠檬叶等香料,使得泰国菜肴具有香、辣、酸、甜的特点,富有 *** 性的风味而别具一格。 泰国各城市几乎都拥有自己的购物优势,清迈是全国手工艺品的中心;曼谷万商云集,价廉物美;芭堤雅则“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”,不少商品价格较曼谷还要便宜不少。纺织品价格只及欧美同级产品一半的价钱。 人们除了可以去大型购物中心购买商品,也可到泰国传统集市一睹水上交易的热闹景象。在这里物美价廉,亦颇是购物的好去处。邦兰铺(BanglamPhu)集市,生气蓬勃,以成衣为销售主角;接近荫达酒店(IndraHotel)的水门市场(Pratunam),出奇制胜......>> 问题四:泰国著名的特产有哪些 泰国丝绸:以特有的完美结构和自然色泽而闻名于世。西方人认为,泰丝最适合做夜礼服。泰国人生产丝织品有很悠久的历史。丝线是泰国农村妇女手工制成,丝织品除了染色,也有高质量的印花。这些产品出口到欧美,日本,少部分卖给观光客。 金银首饰:为数不少的游客喜欢在泰国购买金饰,因其款式繁多而价格适当。银器在泰国有悠久的历史,北部清迈的银器与银首饰均很有名。 珠宝:现在的宝石资源在泰国境内所存不多,大部分是从缅甸进口加工。泰国在珠宝业的盛名来自切割工艺的精湛而著称,饰品款式古朴精致,风格独特。泰国的宝石琳琅满目,叫人目不暇给,但您一定要选择品质可靠的商店购买。 手工艺品:泰国的手工精细,构思巧妙,展现给你的是各种完美神奇的工艺艺术。有著名的木雕艺术品,泰式陶器 ,柚木雕塑,银器,蜡制工艺品,绘画。 鳄鱼皮制品:皮带:从500泰铢到2000泰铢,挑选时要检查鳄鱼皮带是否是一整根鳄鱼皮制成的,如果是几块碎皮拼接的,就便宜点。参考价,一根普通男式皮带(一整根鳄鱼的背部的皮制成),1600泰铢。 皮夹子:标准式样的,大概是1000泰铢左右。打火机套:100泰铢。 珍珠鱼皮:这东西比较奇特,据说是自然界最硬的皮。一般,一个男士皮夹子在400泰铢左右,一根皮带300泰铢,如果是一个挎包,2000泰铢左右,做工好的,价钱会很贵。 大象皮:看起来比较稀奇,其实在泰国很常见,一个男士皮夹子大概是150泰铢。 (来源:爱旅度假) 问题五:泰国有什么特产? 泰国丝绸:以特有的完美结构和自然色泽而闻名于世。西方人认为,泰丝最适合做夜礼服。泰国人生产丝织品有很悠久的历史。丝线是泰国农村妇女手工制成,丝织品除了染色,也有高质量的印花。这些产品出口到欧美,日本,少部分卖给观光客。 金银首饰:为数不少的游客喜欢在泰国购买金饰,因其款式繁多而价格适当。银器在泰国有悠久的历史,北部清迈的银器与银首饰均很有名。 珠宝:现在的宝石资源在泰国境内所存不多,大部分是从缅甸进口加工。泰国在珠宝业的盛名来自切割工艺的精湛而著称,饰品款式古朴精致,风格独特。泰国的宝石琳琅满目,叫人目不暇给,但您一定要选择品质可靠的商店购买。 手工艺品:泰国的手工精细,构思巧妙,展现给你的是各种完美神奇的工艺艺术。有著名的木雕艺术品,泰式陶器 ,柚木雕塑,银器,蜡制工艺品,绘画。 鳄鱼皮制品:皮带:从500泰铢到2000泰铢,挑选时要检查鳄鱼皮带是否是一整根鳄鱼皮制成的,如果是几块碎皮拼接的,就便宜点。参考价,一根普通男式皮带(一整根鳄鱼的背部的皮制成),1600泰铢。 皮夹子:标准式样的,大概是1000泰铢左右。打火机套:100泰铢。 珍珠鱼皮:这东西比较奇特,据说是自然界最硬的皮。一般,一个男士皮夹子在400泰铢左右,一根皮带300泰铢,如果是一个挎包,2000泰铢左右,做工好的,价钱会很贵。 大象皮:看起来比较稀奇,其实在泰国很常见,一个男士皮夹子大概是150泰铢。 问题六:泰国有什么特产图片 1.泰国的牙粉 牙粉和草药牙膏这种东西在国内已经属于古董级了,但是在泰国还是在被普遍使用,特点是不含糖份,浓重的中草药味道。虽然不像日常用的牙膏有很多泡沫,但是成分天然,对口腔有益哦。 2.泰国的各种薄荷药膏 泰国的蚊虫比较多,清凉油是生活中的必需品。分成很多品牌,不同成分,有:含莲子草的,含辣椒的,含姜的,含芦荟的… 价格高一点的,薄荷成分就会越高。用于蚊虫叮咬,火疖子,皮炎,关节痛,甚至 *** 和刮痧。颜色分为白色,黄色,绿色,以黄色和绿色的效果更好,但是可能粘在衣物上比较难清洗。总之泰国的薄荷药膏便宜又好用,送朋友不错的选择哦。 3.Counterpain 这是泰国在东南亚地区远近闻名的一种药膏,专门缓解肌肉关节疼痛。很多新马一带的游客来旅游都是一箱一箱的购买。药性分成两种,热的和凉的,据说,热性的缓解效果比较好,凉性的止疼效果比较好。建议也带点回去孝敬父母和公婆吧。保证感动得他们眼眶发热哦。 4.各种泰国调料 一定有一些亲朋好友也是喜爱泰国菜并爱好烹饪的,买一些泰国调料,回去和朋友们一起分享正宗泰国好味道,Tina推荐袋装的各种调料:红咖喱,黄咖喱,绿咖喱,其中,红咖喱是最辣的一种。可以从包装上轻松辨别。还有冬阴功汤调料,和MAMA牌冬阴功口味方便面,都是100% made in Thailand,享誉全球哦。 5.泰国香薰 近几年香薰在国内也是非常流行的,泰国因为地处热带,盛产很多香料,一直都有香薰的传统。无论是烧的香,或是点的精油价格都比较低廉。其中以柠檬草,佛手柑,薄荷,最为常见,柠檬草除了有振奋精神的功能,也能驱蚊,去除异味和湿气。 问题七:泰国盛产什么水果! 在泰国吃过一款长得像豆角的水果(不是酸角,不是罗望子),外面是绿的豆角夹 里面是粉色的一颗颗的花朵 花朵里面还有种子 吃的就是那些一颗颗的花瓣 味道很清淡。 还有一款像山竹,外皮是软软的黄色,里面只有三瓣果实,味道有点像荔枝红毛丹,但是更软。 这些水果都不知道名字,全是泰文,在中国完全没见过! 问题八:泰国有什么特产? 鳄鱼皮、鸵鸟皮、蜥蜴皮、蛇皮、珍珠鱼皮等制品。且价格廉宜。是泰国旅游shopping的首选;还有一些著名的土产珍品如:燕窝、鱼翅、鳄鱼肉等,长年水果有:香蕉、柑、桔、抽、西瓜、葡萄、木瓜、椰子、风梨(菠萝)、石榴、菠萝蜜等。季节性水果有:荔枝、龙眼、枣、芒果、榴莲、山竹、红毛丹等。所有水果中,最为著名的是素有“水果之王”的榴莲和“水果之后”的山竹。 问题九:泰国盛产什么好东西 水果 泰国地处热带,物产丰富,尤以热带水果品种繁多,风味独特,价格低廉。1至5月间盛产的水果有葡萄,大树菠萝,爪哇苹果,橘子,西瓜,石榴,木瓜和柚子。接着上市的是芒果,荔枝,菠萝,榴莲和山竹。从7月开始是龙眼,杨桃,番石榴,李子,柚子,红毛丹及人参果等的收成抚。而榴莲,橘子,葡萄,西瓜,香蕉,椰子,菠萝等则全年有售。
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2023-06-26 07:20:531

hiahiahia是什么意思 hiahiahia的意思

1. hiahiahia是现在新流行的表情颜文字,意思是猥琐的坏笑 2、(u03c9) Hiahiahia这是一个新的流行的表情颜文字。也有这样的升级版本u03c9u0ca1)hiahiahiahia,其中括号()代表脸颊,u03c9 u03c9符号代表嘴 3.眼睛这两个符号代表眼睛。Hiahiahia与Hahahahahaha不同,代表着更猥乱的微笑。所以颜文的表情是一种猥琐的坏笑。
2023-06-26 07:20:511


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2023-06-26 07:20:491


2023-06-26 07:20:411


1.泰国的牙粉牙粉和草药牙膏这种东西在国内已经属于古董级了,但是在泰国还是在被普遍使用,特点是不含糖份,浓重的中草药味道。虽然不像日常用的牙膏有很多泡沫,但是成分天然,对口腔有益哦。2.泰国的各种薄荷药膏泰国的蚊虫比较多,清凉油是生活中的必需品。分成很多品牌,不同成分,有:含莲子草的,含辣椒的,含姜的,含芦荟的… 价格高一点的,薄荷成分就会越高。用于蚊虫叮咬,火疖子,皮炎,关节痛,甚至按摩和刮痧。颜色分为白色,黄色,绿色,以黄色和绿色的效果更好,但是可能粘在衣物上比较难清洗。总之泰国的薄荷药膏便宜又好用,送朋友不错的选择哦。3.Counterpain这是泰国在东南亚地区远近闻名的一种药膏,专门缓解肌肉关节疼痛。很多新马一带的游客来旅游都是一箱一箱的购买。药性分成两种,热的和凉的,据说,热性的缓解效果比较好,凉性的止疼效果比较好。建议也带点回去孝敬父母和公婆吧。保证感动得他们眼眶发热哦。4.各种泰国调料一定有一些亲朋好友也是喜爱泰国菜并爱好烹饪的,买一些泰国调料,回去和朋友们一起分享正宗泰国好味道,Tina推荐袋装的各种调料:红咖喱,黄咖喱,绿咖喱,其中,红咖喱是最辣的一种。可以从包装上轻松辨别。还有冬阴功汤调料,和MAMA牌冬阴功口味方便面,都是100% made in Thailand,享誉全球哦。5.泰国香薰近几年香薰在国内也是非常流行的,泰国因为地处热带,盛产很多香料,一直都有香薰的传统。无论是烧的香,或是点的精油价格都比较低廉。其中以柠檬草,佛手柑,薄荷,最为常见,柠檬草除了有振奋精神的功能,也能驱蚊,去除异味和湿气。
2023-06-26 07:20:401


2023-06-26 07:20:364


- -``欧莱雅。。哈哈。比国内便宜。 有免税店。 烟盒也可以,当纪念啦~~
2023-06-26 07:20:312


2023-06-26 07:20:282


rockyou有两方面的含义:1、指代摇滚乐。兴起于20世纪50年代中期,主要受到节奏布鲁斯、乡村音乐和叮砰巷音乐的影响发展而来。2、公司的名称。2005年11月14日,RockYou成立,专为用户提供照片和照片连续播放服务(幻灯片,由Flash支持)。RockYou已分别吸引来自红杉创投、Lightspeed Venture Partners、PartechInternational、门罗公园创投DCM和软银的三轮投资。扩展资料:RockYou在2011年7月低调注册了GalacticAllies点com域名,此举似乎意味着RockYou将推出宇宙系列新游戏。银河联盟双拼lianmeng点com域名为阿里巴巴持有。GalacticAllies点com域名由Galactic 和Allies组合成,可译成银河盟友、银河联盟等意,查询了解,域名是RockYou于2011年6月29日注册,域名已被续费到2013年,而其他后缀域名并不为其持有。参考资料来源:百度百科-Rockyou
2023-06-26 07:20:281


iMessage是苹果公司推出的即时通信软件,可以发送短信、视频等,安全性好。不同于运营商短信/彩信业务,用户仅需要通过WiFi或者蜂窝数据网络进行数据支持,就可以完成通信。2020年3月10日,据MacRumors消息,苹果内部正在测试iMessage的新功能。包括提及@和撤回消息,这些功能可能最快在iOS 14发布。2020年5月11日据国外媒体报道,美国专利与商标局(PTO)公布的一项专利申请文件显示,苹果公司或为iOS系统自带的即时通信软件iMessages增加一些新功能,包括对已发送消息进行重新编辑。iMessage功能介绍利用iMessage可以与任何使用iPad、iPhone、iPod touch的用户或运行Mountain Lion的Mac用户相互收发信息,还可以发送照片、视频、位置信息和联系人信息。如果有不止一台Apple设备,iMessage可以在所有设备上保持不间断的对话。并且可以通过蜂窝网络向其他手机发送文本信息、照片和视频。甚至还可以在Siri帮助下发文本信息。向一个人单独发送信息或同时向许多好友群发信息时,可附带心仪的照片、视频或链接。每个人的回复,大家都会看到。人越多,收到的信息也越多。iMessage每条通过WLAN发送的信息都是免费的。
2023-06-26 07:20:251