barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-26 12:01:06

如果前面一句话是肯定且是系表结构用So am I.如果是动词就用So do I.如果是否定句包含no not ,never ,hardly,scarcely ,seldom等等就把so换成neither.句子表肯定也可以用Me too.最通用的是 Same with me.


Me too,

Me either

Me neither (用在否定句)

so do I (我也做)

so am I (我也是)

I do the same thing (我也做一样的)

I (动词) too (I like you too,I think so too,I came too)


me too

me neither


me too


Me too.


me too



to me应该是:给我的。
2023-06-26 06:43:305


2023-06-26 06:43:432


  life is like a boat(生命如梭)  歌词:  Nobody knows who I really am  I never felt this empty before  And if I ever need someone to come along  Who"s gonna comfort me, and keep me strong  We are all rowing the boat of fate  The waves keep on coming and we can"t escape  But if we ever get lost on our way  The waves will guide you through another day  远くで息をしてる 透明になったみたい  暗暗に思えたけど 目隠しされてただけ  祈りをささげて 新しい日を待つ  鲜やかに 光る海 その果てまで  Nobody knows who I really am  Maybe they just don"t give a damn  But if I ever need someone to come along  I know you would follow me, and keep me strong  人の心はうつりゆく 抜け出したくなる  つきはまた新しい周期で 舟を连れてく  And every time I see your face,  the oceans heave up to my heart  You make me wanna strain at the oars,  and soon I can see the shore  I want you to know who I really am  I never though I"d feel this way towards you  And if you ever need someone to come along  I will follow you, and keep you strong  旅はまだ続いてく 穏やかな日も  つきはまた新しい周期で 舟を照らし出す  祈りをささげて 新しい日を待つ  鲜やかに 光る海 その果てまで  And every time I see your face,  the oceans heave up to my heart  You make me wanna strain at the oars,  and soon I can see the shore  运命の船を漕ぎ 波は次から次へと私たちを袭うけど  それも素敌な旅ね どれも素敌な旅ね  中文:  我到底是谁无人知晓  我从未感到如此空虚  究竟是否需要一个人来给我安慰,让我坚强  我们驾着命运之船  波涛阵阵涌来,让人无处可逃  但若迷失方向,海浪会引领你再见朝阳  在远处叹息不止 犹若变得虚空透明  即便在黑暗中也能寄托思念 也不过是自欺欺人  呈上虔诚的祈祷 静心等待着崭新的一天  大海反射出灵动的光华 向着天之一方无限延展  我到底是谁无人知晓  也许是因为没谁在意  但若真需陪伴,我知道你会跟随,让我坚强  心思亦慢慢浮现 渴望着就此逃离  又是一轮新月 带上心情踏上旅程  你的脸庞,每每令我心潮澎湃  你让我想抓紧双桨,不久便会陆地在望*  四顾苍茫……何时能见岸在前方  想告诉你真实的我  未曾意料在我心中你已占据如此分量  若你需要陪伴,我会跟随,让你坚强  旅途尚未结束 平静的日子也照旧继续着  又是一轮新月 心情也由此显现清晰轮廓  呈上虔诚的祈祷 静心等待着崭新的一天  大海反射出灵动的光华 向着天之一方无限延展  你的脸庞,每每令我心潮澎湃  你让我想抓紧双桨,不久就见岸在前方  我们驾着命运之船 即便波涛阵阵涌来,让人无处可逃  旅行依然精彩  无论如何旅行依然精彩  罗马音:  Nobody knows who I really am  I never felt this empty before  And if I ever need someone to come along  Who"s gonna comfort me and keep me strong?  We are all rowing the boat of fate  The waves keep on coming and we can"t escape  But if we ever get lost on our way  The waves will guide you through another day  Tooku de iki o shiteru  Toome ni natta mitai  Kurayami ni omoeta kedo  Mekaku shisareteta dake  Inori o sasagete  Atarashii hi o matsu  Asayaka ni hikaru umi  Sono hate made e  Nobody knows who I really am  Maybe they just don"t give a damn  But if I ever need someone to come along  I know you will follow me and keep me strong  Hito no kokoro wa utsuri yuku  Mukedashitaku naru  Tsuki wa mata atarashii shuuki de  Fune o tsureteku  And every time I see your face  The oceans heave up to my heart  You make me wanna strain at the oars  And soon I can see the shore  Ah, I can see the shore?  When will I see the shore?  I want you to know who I really am  I never thought I"d feel this way towards you  And if you ever need someone to come along  I will follow you and keep you strong  Tabi wa mada tsuzuiteku  Odayaka na hi mo  Tsuki wa mata atarashii shuuki de  Fune o terashiasu  Inori o sasagete  Atarashii hi o matsu  Asayaka ni hikaru umi  Sono hate made  And every time I see your face  The oceans heave up to my heart  You make me wanna strain at the oars  And soon I can see the shore  Unmei no mune o kogi  Nami wa tsugi kara tsugi e to  Watashitachi o osou kedo  Sore mo suteki na tabi ne  Dore mo suteki na tabi ne
2023-06-26 06:44:081


2023-06-26 06:44:177


跪求,有谁知道日语版的<<后来>>的歌词,最好附上歌词的翻译!谢谢啊! 我也很喜欢这首歌啊! 首先我确定,这个日语歌词肯定对~~我顺便标上音翻译了一下,你看看咯 未来へ 词曲:玉城千春 歌:kiroro ほら足元を见てごらん これがあなたの歩む道 horaashimotowomitegoran koregaanatanoayumumichi 来看看你的脚下 这就是你要走的路 look this is your way to go ほら前を见てごらん あれがあなたの未来 horamaewomitegoran aregaanatanomirai 来看看你的未来 那就是你的未来 look this is your future 母がくれた たくさんのやさしさ hahagakureta takusannoyasashisa 妈妈带给了我那么多的温暖 how much love did mum bring 爱を抱いて 歩めと缲り返した aiwoidaite ayumetokurikaeshita 她告诉我要拥有着爱前进 she told me that i should go with love in my heart あの时はまだ幼くて 意味など知らない anotokiwamadaosanaite iminadoshiranai 那时候的我还年幼无知 at that time i was still childish そんな私の手を握り 一绪に歩んできた sonnawatashinotewonigiri isshoniayundekita 她拉着那样的我的手 一起走到今天 she held my hands and took me here 梦はいつも 空高くあるから yumewaitsumo soratakakuarukara 梦想似乎总是在天空的远方 dreams are always far away 届かなくて怖いね だけど追い続けるの todokanakutekowaine dakedooitsuzukeruno 很害怕我达不到 但我一直不停的追逐着 i"m afraid that i won"t be able to reach but i"m tring my best 自分のストーリー だからこそ あきらめたくない jibunnosutoorii dakarakoso akirametakunai 因为是自己的故事 所以不想放弃 because it"s my own story i will never give up 不安になると手を握り 一绪に歩んできた fuanninarutotewonigiri isshoniayundekita 不安的时候她就握住了我的手 一起走到今天 she held my hands when i felt upset and took me here そのやさしさを 时には嫌がり sonoyasashisawo tokiniwakiragari 那种温柔亲切 有时也会让我讨厌 sometimes i don"t like that kind of love 离れた 母へ素直になれず hanareta hahaesunaoninarezu 离开了 我一定会听妈妈的话 leave-taking i will always obey my mum ほら足元を见てごらん これがあなたの歩む道 horaashimotowomitegoran koregaanatanoayumumichi 来看看你的脚下 这就是你要走的路 look this is your way to go ほら前を见てごらん あれがあなたの未来 horamaewomitegoran aregaanatanomirai 来看看你的未来 那就是你的未来 look this is your future そのやさしさを 时には嫌がり sonoyasashisawo tokiniwakiragari 那种温柔亲切 有时也会让我讨厌 sometimes i don"t like that kind of love 离れた 母へ素直になれず hanareta hahaesunaoninarezu 离开了 我一定会听妈妈的话 leave-taking i will always obey my mum ほら足元を见てごらん これがあなたの歩む道 horaashimotowomitegoran koregaanatanoayumumichi 来看看你的脚下 这就是你要走的路 look this is your way to go ほら前を见てごらん あれがあなたの未来 horamaewomitegoran aregaanatanomirai 来看看你的未来 那就是你的未来 look this is your future ほら足元を见てごらん これがあなたの歩む道 horaashimotowomitegoran koregaanatanoayumumichi 来看看你的脚下 这就是你要走的路 look this is your way to go ほら前を见てごらん あれがあなたの未来 horamaewomitegoran aregaanatanomirai 来看看你的未来 那就是你的未来 look this is your future 未来へ向かって ゆっくりと 歩いてゆこう miraiemukatte yukkurito aruiteyukou 向着未来 一步一步地走去 go step by step into the future 谢娜的歌 <天哪> 的歌词有谁知道?谢谢! 天 哪 词:谢娜 曲:杨威 RAP词:沈松 噢 天哪! 何炅比我学问好 维嘉比我鼻子高 培林比我身材棒 我比圆圆眼睛小 宝怡皮肤比我好 小冉比我会煲汤 朋友个个比我强 没什么大不了 噢 天哪! 比来比去真无聊 我也有我的法宝 快乐天天来报道 能把泪水变欢笑 嘻嘻哈哈多热闹 幸福紧紧的围绕 我是朋友心中宝 没什么大不了 RAP; 我的感觉插上了电 撬翻这个世界 地心引力加速分裂 旋转每个黑夜 随心所欲不顾一切 快来一起发泄 掌声鼓励鼓声掌励 嘿嘿嘿 谢谢 噢 天哪! 胡歌比我更坚强 阿牛酒量比我高 羽泉情歌写得好 黄征身材练的棒 Vivian魅力无法挡 陈坤愈加境界高 朋友个个比我强 有什么大不了 有谁知道<im sorry some dude>的歌词的? 兄弟,啥也别说了,共同的爱好!尽管你没给我分.不过我还是和你分享. (Talking)This goes out to someone that was Once the most important person in my life I didn"t realize it at the time I can"t five myself for the way I treated you so I don"t really expect you to either It"s just... I don"t even know Just listen… You"re the one that I like, the one that I need The one that I gotta have just to sueed When I first saw you, I knew it was real I"m sorry about the pain I made you feel That wasn"t me; let me show you the way I looked for the sun, but it"s raining today I remember when I first looked into your eyes It was like God was there, heaven in the skies I wore a disguise "cause I didn"t want to get hurt But I didn"t know I made everything worse You told me we were crazy in love But you didn"t care when push came to shove If you loved me as much as you said you did Then you wouldn"t have hurt me like I ain"t shit Now you pushed me away like you never even knew me I loved you with my heart, really and trul I guess you fot about the times that we shared When I would run my fingers through your hair Late nights, just holding you in my arms I don"t know how I could do you so wrong I really wanna show you I really need to hold you I really wanna know you like no one could else know you you are number one, always in my heart And now I can"t believe that our love is torn apart I need you and I miss you and I want you and I love you ‘cause I wanna hold you, I wanna kiss you You were my everything And I really miss you I need you and I miss you and I want you and I love you ‘cause I wanna hold you, I wanna kiss you You were my everything And I really miss you I knew you gonna sit and play this with your new man And then sit and laugh as you"re holding his hand The thought of that just shatters my heart It breaks in my soul and it tears me apart At times we was off I was scared to show you Now I wanna hold you until I can"t hold you Without you, everything seems strange Your name is forever planted in my brain Damn it, I"m insane, Take away the pain Take away the hurt Baby, we can make it work What about when you Looked into my eyes Told me you loved me As you would hugged me I guess everything you said was a lie I think about it, it brings tears to my eyes Now I"m not even a thought in your mind I can see clearly, my love is not blind I need you and I miss you and I want you and I love you ‘cause I wanna hold you, I wanna kiss you You were my everything And I really miss you I need you and I miss you and I want you and I love you ‘cause I wanna hold you, I wanna kiss you You were my everything And I really miss you (Talking) I just wish everything could have turned out differently I had a special feeling about you I thought maybe you did too You would understand, but… No matter what, you"ll always be in my heart You"ll always be my baby Our first day, it seemed so magical I remember all the time that I had with you Remember when you first came to my house? You looked like an angel wearing that blouse We hit it off, I knew it was real But now I can"t take all the pain that I feel Reach in your heart, I know I"m still there I don"t wanna hear that you no longer care Remember the times? Remember when we kissed? I didn"t think you would ever do me like this I didn"t think you"d wanna see me depressed I thought you"d be there for me, this I confess You said you were my best friend, was that a lie? Now I"m nothing to you, you"re with another guy I tried, I tried, I tried, and I"m trying Now on the inside it feels like I"m dying I need you and I miss you and I want you and I love you ‘cause I wanna hold you, I wanna kiss you You were my everything And I really miss you I need you and I miss you and I want you and I love you ‘cause I wanna hold you, I wanna kiss you You were my everything And I really miss you (Talking) And I do miss you I just thought we were meant to be I guess now, we"ll never know The only thing I want is for you to be happy Whether it be with me, or without me I just want you to be happy 有谁知道"tokiohotel"的歌<sacred>(英文版)的歌词?跪求! TOKIO HOTEL LYRICS "Sacred" I"m still awake for you We won"t make it together We can"t hide the truth I"m giving up for you now My final wish will guide you out Before the ocean breaks apart Underneath me Remember To me you"ll be forever sacred I"m dying but I know Our love will live Your hand above Like a dove Over me Remember To me you"ll be forever sacred You break the ice when you speak With every breath you take You safe me I know that one day We"ll meet again Try to go on as long as you can Even when the ocean breaks apart Underneath you Remember To me you"ll be forever sacred I"m dying but I know Our love will live Your hand above Like a dove Over me Remember To me you"ll be forever sacred Forever you Forever sacred Forever you You will be sacred In your eyes I see the hope I once knew I"m sinking I"m sinking Away from you Don"t turn around You"ll see You can make it Never fet To me you"ll be forever sacred I"m dying but I know Our love will live Your hand above Like a dove Over me And one day The sea will guide you Back to me Remember To me you"ll be forever sacred To me you"ll be forever sacred 有谁知道后弦<<致安娜>>的歌词? 歌手:后弦 专辑:古·玩 床前的明月光 安娜在轻轻唱 莫斯科郊外的晚上 北方的更北方 湖畔的黑土壤 耕种着安娜的善良 文章纸墨未干 借着冷风飘荡 散落湖畔无人邮箱 我们天各一方 只隔宣纸一张 柏拉图是谁何妨? 拼凑的信箱 守着伊甸的时光 唐诗三百写给安娜墨砚到天亮 西风,在回头张望, 看见,古道瘦马在彷徨 哭了,风琴在伴着 莫斯科的另一半还在惆怅 泼墨,造一匹快马 追回十年前姑娘 风琴,如果有力量 拉我一把别让心那空惆怅 城东的老槐时常,听见凄凉 有谁知道 < 孤枕难眠 > 的歌词吗 ? 谢谢 孤枕难眠周华健告诉我你等待的是我告诉我你不要再错过你闪烁的眼眸仿佛有些话始终无法说出口你快对我说别害怕没有把握告诉我你曾失去太多告诉我你也害怕寂寞我知道你无法去摆脱过去失败挫折的伤痛你快对我说别总是不知所措想着你的黑夜我想着你的容颜反反复复孤枕难眠告诉我你一样不成眠告诉我你也盼我出现想着你的黑夜我想着你的容颜反反复复孤枕难眠告诉我你想我千百遍告诉我一切都会实现(music)告诉我你曾失去太多告诉我你也害怕寂寞我知道你无法去摆脱过去失败挫折的伤痛你快对我说别总是不知所措我想着你的黑夜我想着你的容颜反反复复孤枕难眠告诉我你一样不成眠告诉我你也盼我出现想着你的黑夜我想着你的容颜反反复复孤枕难眠告诉我你想我千百遍告诉我一切都会实现我想着你的黑夜我想着你的容颜反反复复孤枕难眠告诉我你一样不成眠告诉我你也盼我出现想着你的黑夜我想着你的容颜反反复复孤枕难眠告诉我你想我千百遍告诉我一切都会实现 有谁知道周杰伦<<情话>>的歌词,谢谢了 不是周董的哦。。。 这个Jay上有说过。。是耕宏的。名字叫《情画》 情画 歌手:刘畊宏 专辑:彩虹天堂 画上的油彩 早已被风干 该怎么来完成我不明白 记忆的图案 放在旧货摊 我担心会有谁懂的疼爱 雪白的礼服 挂在那等待 淡淡的灰朦有一丝悲哀 教堂门已开 而你却不在 玫瑰步道看不到末端 我孤单我不安 思绪被封住了口 黑夜却还是不罢手 强颜欢笑背后 在暗淡中摸索 我祈祷只愿你听得到 从分开到现在 我过的我在习惯 伤痛却依然在扩散 时间不听使唤 为回忆上了锁 这段情我已放不开 这段情我放不开 下载地址:: 喜欢Jay的话就上Jay咯! 有谁知道<<life is like a boat >>的歌词?日文部分最好是音译的 Nobody knows who I really am I never felt this empty before And if I ever need someone to e along Who"s gonna fort me, and keep me strong We are all rowing the boat of fate The waves keep on in" and we can"t escape But if we ever get lost on your way The waves would guide you thru another day 远くで息をしてる 透明になったみたい 暗暗に思えたけど 目隠しされてただけ 祈りをささげて 新しい日を待つ 鲜やかに 光る海 その果てまで Nobody knows who I really am Maybe they just don"t give a damn But if I ever need someone to e along I know you would follow me, and keep me strong 人の心はうつりゆく 抜け出したくなる つきはまた新しい周期で 舟を连れてく And every time I see your face, the oceans heave up to my heart You make me wanna strain at the oars, and soon I can see the shore I want you to know who I really am I never though I"d feel this way towards you And if you ever need someone to e along I will follow you, and keep you strong 旅はまだ続いてく 穏やかな日も つきはまた新しい周期で 舟を照らし出す 祈りをささげて 新しい日を待つ 鲜やかに 光る海 その果てまで And every time I see your face, the oceans heave up to my heart You make me wanna strain at the oars, and soon I can see the shore 运命の船を漕ぎ 波は次から次へと私たちを袭うけど それも素敌な旅ね どれも素敌な旅ね 我到底是谁无人知晓 我从未感到如此空虚 究竟是否需要一个人来给我安慰,让我坚强 我们驾着命运之船 波涛阵阵涌来,让人无处可逃 但若迷失方向,海浪会引领你再见朝阳 在远处叹息不止 犹若变得虚空透明 即便在黑暗中也能寄托思念 也不过是自欺欺人 呈上虔诚的祈祷 静心等待着崭新的一天 大海反射出灵动的光华 向着天之一方无限延展 我到底是谁无人知晓 也许是因为没谁在意 但若真需陪伴,我知道你会跟随,让我坚强 心思亦慢慢浮现 渴望着就此逃离 又是一轮新月 带上心情踏上旅程 你的脸庞,每每令我心潮澎湃 你让我想抓紧双桨,不久便会陆地在望* 四顾苍茫……何时能见岸在前方 想告诉你真实的我 未曾意料在我心中你已占据如此分量 若你需要陪伴,我会跟随,让你坚强 旅途尚未结束 平静的日子也照旧继续着 又是一轮新月 心情也由此显现清晰轮廓 呈上虔诚的祈祷 静心等待着崭新的一天 大海反射出灵动的光华 向着天之一方无限延展 你的脸庞,每每令我心潮澎湃 你让我想抓紧双桨,不久就见岸在前方 我们驾着命运之船 即便波涛阵阵涌来,让人无处可逃 旅行依然精彩 无论如何旅行依然精彩 罗马注音 Rie Fu- Life Is Like A Boat (ending theme of Bleach) Nobody knows who I really am I never felt this empty before And if I ever need someone to e along Who"s gonna fort me and keep me strong? We are all rowing the boat of fate The waves keep on ing and we can"t escape But if we ever get lost on our way The waves will guide you through another day Tooku de iki o shiteru I know we have so far to go Toome ni natta mitai Within the connections I see Kurayami ni omoeta kedo Thoughts of darkness, and so Mekaku shisareteta dake I adjust my mask of serenity Inori o sasagete I offer up a prayer Atarashii hi o matsu And wait for a new day Asa
2023-06-26 06:44:311


我到底是谁无人知晓   我从未感到如此空虚   究竟是否需要一个人来给我安慰,让我坚强   我们驾着命运之船   波涛阵阵涌来,让人无处可逃   但若迷失方向,海浪会引领你再见朝阳  在远处叹息不止 犹若变得虚空透明   即便在黑暗中也能寄托思念 也不过是自欺欺人   呈上虔诚的祈祷 静心等待着崭新的一天   大海反射出灵动的光华 向着天之一方无限延展   我到底是谁无人知晓   也许是因为没谁在意   但若真需陪伴,我知道你会跟随,让我坚强   心思亦慢慢浮现 渴望着就此逃离   又是一轮新月 带上心情踏上旅程   你的脸庞,每每令我心潮澎湃   你让我想抓紧双桨,不久便会陆地在望*   四顾苍茫……何时能见岸在前方   想告诉你真实的我   未曾意料在我心中你已占据如此分量   若你需要陪伴,我会跟随,让你坚强   旅途尚未结束 平静的日子也照旧继续着   又是一轮新月 心情也由此显现清晰轮廓   呈上虔诚的祈祷 静心等待着崭新的一天   大海反射出灵动的光华 向着天之一方无限延展   你的脸庞,每每令我心潮澎湃   你让我想抓紧双桨,不久就见岸在前方   我们驾着命运之船 即便波涛阵阵涌来,让人无处可逃   旅行依然精彩   无论如何旅行依然精彩
2023-06-26 06:44:394


2023-06-26 06:44:477

请问哪位知道死神片尾曲“Life is like a boat"的歌词,最好能有日语部分的翻译,谢谢。

专辑名:LIFE IS LIKE A BOAT歌手名:rie fu歌曲名:life is like a boat匹配时间为: 05 分 01 秒 的歌曲Nobody knows who I really am,I"ve never felt this empty before.And if I ever need someone to come along,Who"s gonna comfort me and keep me strong?We are all rowing the boat of fateThe waves keep on coming and we can"t escapeBut if we ever get lost on our wayThe waves will guide you through another dayTooku de iku o shiterutoumei ni natta mitaiKurayami ni omoi dakedomekakushi sareteta dakeInori wo sasageteatarashii hi wo matsuAzayaka ni hikaru umisono hate made ee~Nobody knows who I really amMaybe they just don"t give a damnBut if I ever need someone to come alongI know you will follow me and keep me strongHito no kokoro wa utsuri yukunukedashitakunaruTsuki wa mata atarashii shuukide mune wo suretekuAnd every time I see your faceThe oceans lead out to my heartYou make me wanna strain at the oarsAnd soon I can"t see the shoreOh, I can"t see the shore...When will I see the shore?I want you to know who I really amI never thought I feel this way toward youAnd if you ever need someone to come alongI will follow you and keep you strongTabi wa mada tsuzuitekuodayaka na hi moTsuki wa mata atarashii shuukide mune wo terashidasuInori wo sasageteatarashii hi wo matsuAzayaka ni hikaru umisono hate madeAnd everytime I see your faceThe oceans lead out to my heartYou make me wanna strain at the oarsAnd soon I can"t see the shoreUnmei no fune wo koginami wa tsugi kara tsuki e toWatashi-tachi wo sou kedosore mo suteki na tabi neDore mo suteki na tabi ne...
2023-06-26 06:45:045

life is like a boat是什么里面的歌啊?

2023-06-26 06:45:3015

求Last Smile 拼音歌词

Last Smile (中文翻译) 啊 拥抱时的喜悦已经过去 I never look back again 心里 胳膊里 悲伤的是 与你 melt away 在梦里看到的 我一人在哭泣 你在change your way 影响不了 到达不了 放开那暧昧的手 用tango Style舞著 我们已经... 全部也溶化开去的 noon 不能用画来表达的 Monday I wish if I could see the light of heaven I dont" know the color of sea But there"s no reason 由命运线开始的 other way 那里吹来的忧郁的风也 get away 即使已被你流放 你也在我眼前展示出 Last Smile 还 看守着 你的style oh 闹著玩的远视眼的 loser 想见你的心情已经 go away 但现在才想哭 anyway 经常都想动身 你在对岸展示著 last *** ile 想起你啊 go away 习惯性地 wake up 向着专心的明天 step up 现在由情况产生出来的Image是global I"m feeling you away 开始变成永远的loser 像阻止不了现在的lover 待续没有结囝的Stage已break down I"m gonna find another way 正在追逐那个 我已变得坚强 时间是just as same In my dream You call my name Joke it like it use to babe 虚假地濡湿了 罪名是消失不了 不会终结 it"s so heavy I wish if we could see the light of heaven I don"t know the color of sea but there"s no reason 由生命线开始的 other way 由那里吹来的忧郁的风也 get away 何时也想结束 你在我眼前展示著 last *** ile 还 迷恋着 你的style oh 稚气地远视眼的loser 想见你的心情已经 go away 但现在才想哭 anyway 经常都想动身 你在对岸展示著 last *** ile 想起你啊 go away I wish if I could see the light of heaven I don"t know the color of sea but there"s no reason I wish if we were in the light of heaven Don"t go away.... Don"t go away.... 由命运线开始的 other way 那里吹来的忧郁的风也 get away 即使已被你流放 你也在我眼前展示出 Last Smile 还 看守着 你的style oh 闹著玩的远视眼的 loser 想见你的心情已经 go away 但现在才想哭 anyway 经常都想动身 你在对岸展示著 last *** ile 想起你啊 go away (罗马拼音) HORA dakiaeru yorokobi wa sugisari shi I never look back again Mune no naka ude no naka kanashimi wa kimi to melt away Yume de aeta-tte hitori naita-tte kimi wa change your way hibikanai todokanai Aimai na tenohira de odoru tango style boku nara mou... Subete tokedashita noon e ni naranai Monday * I wish if I could see the light of heaven I don"t know the color of sea but there"s no reason ** Unmeisen kara other way sore kara ureiteru fuu tomo get away Itsu demo hanataretaku tomo kimi wa me no mae de last *** ile Tada mimamotteru yo na kimi no style oh jare no toome na loser *** Aitai kimochi ga go away ima demo nakitaku naru nara anyway Itsuka wa tabidachitaku tomo kimi wa mukou kishi de last *** ile Kureru omoide yo go away Soutaisei kara wake up tada hitamuki na ashita e no step up Ima shidai kara umareyuku IMEEJI wa global I"m feeling you away Eien kara naru loser ima dake ni tomaranai you na lover Hateshinaku tsuzuku SUTEEJI wa break down I"m gonna find another way Sore wo oiyatte boku wa HOtto shite toki wa just as same in my dream you call my name joke it like it use to babe uso ni nureta-tte tsumi wa kienai owan"nai it"s so heavy * repeat Seimeisen kara other way sore kara ureiteru yume tomo get away Itsudemo musubaretaku tomo kimi wa me no mae de last *** ile Tada tomadotteru yo na kimi no style oh youge de toome na loser *** repeat I wish if I could see the light of heaven I don"t know the color of sea but there"s no reason I wish if we were in the light of heaven don"t go away...
2023-06-26 06:45:541

谁有BLEACH 死神中一轮の花这歌的中文意思

浑身是泥 在陌生的城市无法笑得出来 低头默默行走急速的脚步 擦肩而过的人实现梦想了吗我还在彷徨来到阳光照射的地方试着伸开双手我在想着能否跨过哪个天空为了起飞的翅膀现在还看不见因为无法简单实现所以要活下去只是捡到一个淋湿的小狗稍稍笑一笑就被泪水浸湿想要被爱 只是希望是不行的小时侯伤害过妈妈非常深地还有时间 想要改变现在 全部来到阳光照射的地方用这双手牢牢抓住颠覆那个地方 那个时间I can change my life但是心中的一切很难全部传达因为无法简单实现所以要活下去来到阳光照射的地方试着展开地图I know…You know…迷路也是没办法I can change my life过去日子里的一切都是现在的这个我因为无法简单实现所以要活下去打了好久啊~~~~~~~~~~~终于打完了!PS:楼上的歌词是同人填写的中文歌词,并不是日文歌词的翻译!
2023-06-26 06:46:023


I put a spell on you.参考译文:我对你下来魔咒。put a spell 还可以说成:cast a spell;或者 weave a spell。意思不变。祝您学习进步,阿弥陀佛!
2023-06-26 06:46:102


回复为 老婆我也想你
2023-06-26 06:46:218


so does mikemike the same waymike did it toome tooi also didi am the same way
2023-06-26 06:46:404

死神Life is Like a Boat的歌词以及中文发音

《It"s only the fairy tale》Who are those little girls in pain 这些苦痛的少女们是谁?just trapped in castle of dark side of moon她们被囚禁在月亮背后的城堡里Twelve of them shining bright in vain这12位少女空虚的散发着光辉like flowers that blossom just once in years宛如数年才盛开一次的花朵一样They"re dancing in the shadow like whispers of love她们如同爱情的呓语般舞动着just dreaming of place where they"re free as dove仅仅梦想自己能像鸽子一样自由飞舞They"ve never been allowed to love in this cursed cage她们在这座被诅咒的牢笼中连恋爱都不被允许It"s only the fairy tale they believe她们所深信的不过是个童话而已
2023-06-26 06:46:594


有me, toome, both 闻所未闻。
2023-06-26 06:47:082

因为有me,too。可以有him,too her,too吗?

因为有me,too。不可以有him,too her,toome too 是对前面的事表示相同
2023-06-26 06:47:177

英语:有I ME TOO这个用法吗意思就是“我

有me too但是没有什么I me too也没有I tooMe too [词典] 我也是; [例句]They"re working me too hard. I"m too old for this他们把我用得太狠了,我老了,干不了这种活儿啦。
2023-06-26 06:47:311

i 和 me 的区别。

2023-06-26 06:47:383

有一首英文歌,男声,副歌部分好像有一句remember me,节奏很快很激情,是什么歌,谢谢!

Ignition/Do You... - Phoebe RyanNo I"m not tryin" to be rude but hey pretty girl I"m feelin" youThe way you do the things you do remind me of my lexus coupThat"s why I"m all up in your grill tryin" getcha to a hotelYou must be a football coach the way you got me playin" the fieldNow it"s like "Murder she wrote"Once I get you out them clothesPrivacy is on the door still they can hear ya screamin" moreGirl I"m feeling what you"re feelin" no more hopin" and wishin"I"m about to take my key and stick it in the ignitionCan I get a toot toot can I get aBeep beepRunnin" her hands through my "fro bouncin" on 24"sWhile they say on the radioOh oh ohDo you like drugsDo you like drugsYeahWell me tooMe tooMe tooMe tooDo you like loveDo you like loveYeahWell me tooMe tooMe tooMe tooCristal poppin" in the stretch navigatorWe got food everywhere as if the party was cateredWe"ve got fellas to my left and honeys on my rightWe bring them both together and we go drinkin" all nightThen after the show it"s the after partyAnd after the party it"s the hotel lobbyAnd around about 4 you gotta clear the lobbyThen take it to your room and somebodyDo you like drugsDo you like drugsYeahWell me tooMe tooMe tooMe tooDo you like loveDo you like loveYeahWell me tooMe tooMe tooMe tooIt"s the remix to ignition hot and fresh out the kitchenMama rollin" that body got every man in here wishin"Sippin" on coke and rum I"m like so what I"m drunkIt"s the freakin" weekend baby I"m about to have me some funIt"s the remix to ignition hot and fresh out the kitchenMama rollin" that body got every man in here wishin"Sippin" on coke and rum I"m like so what I"m drunkIt"s the freakin" weekend baby I"m about to have me some funDo you like drugsDo you like drugsYeahWell me tooMe tooMe tooMe tooDo you like loveDo you like loveYeahWell me tooMe tooMe tooMe tooYeahBounce bounce bounce bounce bounceYeahBounce bounce bounceYeahBounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounceBounce bounce bounceYeahBounce bounce bounce bounce bounceBounce bounce bounce bounce bounceBounce bounceYeahBounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounceYeah
2023-06-26 06:47:471


2023-06-26 06:48:222


如下:1、Me TooMe Too是抖音最火十大神曲之一,却并不是从抖音火起来的,这首歌曲曾经打入加拿大、澳大利亚等几国的单曲排行榜前十,在美国公告牌单曲榜获得第13名。是一首广泛运用电音的另类摇滚。抖音里用me too作为背景音乐的最有名的视频之一是一个女孩模仿各种名画,是抖音中难得的非常具有自主创意的视频。2、Down In The DM这首歌的演唱者是Yo Gotti,他是美国的一名硬核说唱歌手。这首歌火起来是因为抖音官方推送的一个活动,搓澡舞挑战赛,由于舞蹈动作简单,所以很多人模仿,这首歌作为BGM,自然就火起来了。3、Like I Would演唱者是Zayn Malik,是一个英国男歌手,而且还是One Direction的前成员,这首歌被收录在专辑《Mind of Mine》中。这首歌节奏感非常强,抖音上很多人用这首歌作为BGM跳舞。4、Panama歌手是Matteo,他是一名罗马尼亚歌手,这首歌的音乐风格是雷鬼音乐,其中:Zile zile zile zile eu alerg girl 日复一日 亲爱的我用尽全力拼搏着被节选出来,经常用作搞笑视频中,因此在抖音上走红。5、If You Feel My Love这是Blaxy Girls演唱的,是一首摇滚乐,被收录在同名专辑当中,这是一支年轻的摇滚乐队,成员全是漂亮女生,非常亮眼。If You Feel My Love这首歌最大的亮眼在于穿插了京剧在其中,有着浓厚的中国风味。
2023-06-26 06:48:401

死神Life is like a boat的歌词(罗马拼音)

Nobody knows who I really am I never felt this empty before And if I ever need someone to come along Who"s gonna comfort me and keep me strong? We are all rowing the boat of fate
2023-06-26 06:48:533


2023-06-26 06:49:016


2023-06-26 06:49:163


1、Me TooMe Too是抖音最火十大神曲之一,却并不是从抖音火起来的,这首歌曲曾经打入加拿大、澳大利亚等几国的单曲排行榜前十,在美国公告牌单曲榜获得第13名。是一首广泛运用电音的另类摇滚。抖音里用me too作为背景音乐的最有名的视频之一是一个女孩模仿各种名画,是抖音中难得的非常具有自主创意的视频。2、Down In The DM这首歌的演唱者是Yo Gotti,他是美国的一名硬核说唱歌手。这首歌火起来是因为抖音官方推送的一个活动,搓澡舞挑战赛,由于舞蹈动作简单,所以很多人模仿,这首歌作为BGM,自然就火起来了。3、Like I Would演唱者是Zayn Malik,是一个英国男歌手,而且还是One Direction的前成员,这首歌被收录在专辑《Mind of Mine》中。这首歌节奏感非常强,抖音上很多人用这首歌作为BGM跳舞。4、Panama歌手是Matteo,他是一名罗马尼亚歌手,这首歌的音乐风格是雷鬼音乐,其中:Zile zile zile zile eu alerg girl 日复一日 亲爱的我用尽全力拼搏着被节选出来,经常用作搞笑视频中,因此在抖音上走红。5、If You Feel My Love这是Blaxy Girls演唱的,是一首摇滚乐,被收录在同名专辑当中,这是一支年轻的摇滚乐队,成员全是漂亮女生,非常亮眼。If You Feel My Love这首歌最大的亮眼在于穿插了京剧在其中,有着浓厚的中国风味。6、HeartBeat这首歌是由Mat Kearney所唱,他是一个美国男歌手,这是一首摇滚歌曲,被收率在同名专辑当中。抖音里面,这艘HeartBeat经过了一些改编,加入了电音元素,变得更有节奏感。7、timetime是一首很特别的歌,歌词来自于著名演员摩根·弗里曼在纪录片《与摩根·弗里曼一起穿越虫洞》中的一段台词,MKJ为这段词谱了曲并重新制作。在抖音上火的time只截取了其中最富有节奏感的Make more time这一段。8、samsarasamsara的原唱Tungevaag & Raaban是挪威的著名DJ组合,Tungevaag已经获得了格莱美奖的提名,而Raaban则将自己的作品推向更加广泛的商业用途。2018年抖音最火十大神曲中火的samsara是歌曲中部一段极具节奏感的电音鼓点结合,这正因为如此,samsara成为抖音最适合舞蹈的歌曲。9、Shape Of You《Shape of You》是英国流行男歌手艾德·希兰演唱的一首流行歌曲,该歌曲作为推广专辑的首支单曲,于2017年1月6日通过大西洋唱片发行,后被收录在艾德·希兰的第三张录音室专辑《÷》,《Shape of You》是艾德·希兰在美国公告牌百强单曲榜上的首支冠军单曲,于2017年1月28日拿下该排行榜首位,并成为公告牌百强单曲榜上的第27支“首周冠军单曲”,共计拿下12周冠军。2017年8月,该歌曲获得美国青少年选择奖“最佳流行歌曲”奖。10、stay with me《Stay with Me》写于英国伦敦老街的一处工作室内,在编创旋律的过程中,吉米·纳布斯、威廉·菲利普斯自由发挥创作,并使用钢琴和鼓乐器构思歌曲和弦,《Stay with Me》的写作过程花了30到40分钟。创作完成后,萨姆·史密斯开始在工作室内采用不同的声音来试唱歌曲小样。
2023-06-26 06:49:231

动漫死神歌曲《life is like boat》的全日文歌词

Nobody knows who I really amI never felt this empty beforeAnd if I ever need someone to come alongWho"s gonna comfort me, and keep me strongWe are all rowing the boat of fateThe waves keep on coming and we can"t escapeBut if we ever get lost on our wayThe waves would guide you thru another day远くで息をしてる 透明になったみたい暗暗に思えたけど 目隠しされてただけ祈りをささげて 新しい日を待つ鲜やかに 光る海 その果てまでNobody knows who I really amMaybe they just don"t give a damnBut if I ever need someone to come alongI know you would follow me, and keep me strong人の心はうつりゆく 抜け出したくなるつきはまた新しい周期で 胸を连れてくAnd every time I see your face,the oceans leap up to my heartYou make me wanna strain at the oars,and soon I can"t see the shoreOh I can"t see the shore..When will I see the shore?I want you to know who I really amI never though I"d feel this way towards youAnd if you ever need someone to come alongI will follow you, and keep you strong旅はまた続いてく 穏やかな日もつきはまた新しい周期で 胸を照らし出す祈りをささげて 新しい日を待つ鲜やかに 光る海 その果てまでAnd every time I see your face,the oceans leap up to my hertYou make me wanna strain at the oars,and soon I can see the shore运命の舟を漕ぎ 波は次から次へと私たちを袭うけどそれも素敌な旅ね どれも素敌
2023-06-26 06:49:444


2023-06-26 06:49:545

《last smile》这首歌的发音歌词是什么?

罗马音Love Psychedelico的Last Smile Hora dakiaeru yorokobi wa sugisarishi I never look back again Mune no naka ude no naka kanashimi wa kimi to melt away Yume de aetatte hitori naitatte Kimi wa change yuor wau hibikanai todokanai Aimai na te no hira de odoru tango style boku nara mou... Subete toke dashita noon e ni naranai Monday I wish if I could see the light of heaven I don"t know the color of sea, but there"s no reason Unmeisen kara other way sore kara ureiteru kaze to mo get away Itsu demo hanataretakutomo kimi wa me no mae de last smile Tada mimamotteru yo na kimi no style Oh tawamure no toome no loser Aitai kimochi ga go away ima demo nakitaku naru nara anyway Itsuka wa tabi dachitakutomo kimi wa mukou gishi de last smile Kureru omoide yo go away Soutaisei kara wake up tada hitamuki na ashita e no step up Ima shidai ni umare yuku imeeji wa global I"m feeling you away Eien kara naru loser ima dake ni tomaranai you na lover Hateshinaku tsuzuku suteeji wa break down I"m gonna find another way Sore wo oiyatte boku wa hotto shite Toki wa just as same in my dream you call my name Joke it like you use to babe Uso ni nuretatte tsumi wa kienai owannai It"s so heavy I wish if I could see the light of heaven I don"t know the color of sea, but there"s no reason Unmeisen kara other way sore kara ureiteru kaze to mo get away Itsu demo hanataretakutomo kimi wa me no mae de last smile Tada tomadotteru yo na kimi no style Oh osanage de no toome no loser Aitai kimochi ga go away ima demo nakitaku naru nara anyway Itsuka wa tabi dachitakutomo kimi wa mukou gishi de last smile Yureru omoide yo go away I wish if I could see the light of heaven I don"t know the color of sea, but there"s no reason I wish if we were in the light of heaven Don"t go away... Unmeisen kara other way sore kara ureiteru kaze to mo get away Itsu demo hanataretakutomo kimi wa me no mae de last smile Tada mimamotteru yo na kimi no style Oh tawamure no toome no loser Aitai kimochi ga go away ima demo nakitaku naru nara anyway Itsuka wa tabi dachitakutomo kimi wa mukou gishi de last smile Kureru omoide yo go away
2023-06-26 06:50:471

求 近两年好听的欧美流行歌曲或者纯音乐,歌曲最好是蓝调,音乐不限。谢谢~

Justin Bieber的boyfriend偏蓝调。
2023-06-26 06:50:554

Rie Fu 的《Life Is Like A Boat》歌词及翻译、

2023-06-26 06:51:133

《life is like a boat 人生如舟》——歌词

2023-06-26 06:51:224

【求】动画片《神死》life is like a boat 片尾曲的中文歌词

是死神吧……中文翻译:我到底是谁无人知晓 我从未感到如此空虚 究竟是否需要一个人来给我安慰,让我坚强 我们驾着命运之船 波涛阵阵涌来,让人无处可逃 但若迷失方向,海浪会引领你再见朝阳 在远处叹息不止 犹若变得虚空透明 即便在黑暗中也能寄托思念 也不过是自欺欺人 呈上虔诚的祈祷 静心等待着崭新的一天 大海反射出灵动的光华 向着天之一方无限延展 我到底是谁无人知晓 也许是因为没谁在意 但若真需陪伴,我知道你会跟随,让我坚强 心思亦慢慢浮现 渴望着就此逃离 又是一轮新月 带上心情踏上旅程 你的脸庞,每每令我心潮澎湃 你让我想抓紧双桨,不久便会陆地在望* 四顾苍茫……何时能见岸在前方 想告诉你真实的我 未曾意料在我心中你已占据如此分量 若你需要陪伴,我会跟随,让你坚强 旅途尚未结束 平静的日子也照旧继续着 又是一轮新月 心情也由此显现清晰轮廓 呈上虔诚的祈祷 静心等待着崭新的一天 大海反射出灵动的光华 向着天之一方无限延展 你的脸庞,每每令我心潮澎湃 你让我想抓紧双桨,不久就见岸在前方 我们驾着命运之船 即便波涛阵阵涌来,让人无处可逃 旅行依然精彩 无论如何旅行依然精彩罗马音:Nobody knows who I really am I never felt this empty before And if I ever need someone to come along Who"s gonna comfort me and keep me strong? We are all rowing the boat of fate The waves keep on coming and we can"t escape But if we ever get lost on our way The waves will guide you through another day Tooku de iki o shiteru Toome ni natta mitai Kurayami ni omoeta kedo Mekaku shisareteta dake Inori o sasagete Atarashii hi o matsu Asayaka ni hikaru umi Sono hate made e Nobody knows who I really am Maybe they just don"t give a damn But if I ever need someone to come along I know you will follow me and keep me strong Hito no kokoro wa utsuri yuku Mukedashitaku naru Tsuki wa mata atarashii shuuki de Fune o tsureteku And every time I see your face The oceans heave up to my heart You make me wanna strain at the oars And soon I can see the shore Ah, I can see the shore? When will I see the shore? I want you to know who I really am I never thought I"d feel this way towards you And if you ever need someone to come along I will follow you and keep you strong Tabi wa mada tsuzuiteku Odayaka na hi mo Tsuki wa mata atarashii shuuki de Fune o terashiasu Inori o sasagete Atarashii hi o matsu Asayaka ni hikaru umi Sono hate made And every time I see your face The oceans heave up to my heart You make me wanna strain at the oars And soon I can see the shore Unmei no mune o kogi Nami wa tsugi kara tsugi e to Watashitachi o osou kedo Sore mo suteki na tabi ne Dore mo suteki na tabi ne日文:Nobody knows who I really am I never felt this empty before And if I ever need someone to come along Who"s gonna comfort me, and keep me strong We are all rowing the boat of fate The waves keep on comin" and we can"t escape But if we ever get lost on our way The waves would guide you thru another day 远くで息をしてる 透明になったみたい 暗暗に思えたけど 目隠しされてただけ 祈りをささげて 新しい日を待つ 鲜やかに 光る海 その果てまで Nobody knows who I really am Maybe they just don"t give a damn But if I ever need someone to come along I know you would follow me, and keep me strong 人の心はうつりゆく 抜け出したくなる つきはまた新しい周期で 舟を连れてく And every time I see your face, the oceans heave up to my heart You make me wanna strain at the oars, and soon I can see the shore I want you to know who I really am I never though I"d feel this way towards you And if you ever need someone to come along I will follow you, and keep you strong 旅はまだ続いてく 穏やかな日も つきはまた新しい周期で 舟を照らし出す 祈りをささげて 新しい日を待つ 鲜やかに 光る海 その果てまで And every time I see your face, the oceans heave up to my heart You make me wanna strain at the oars, and soon I can see the shore 运命の船を漕ぎ 波は次から次へと私たちを袭うけど それも素敌な旅ね どれも素敌な旅ね
2023-06-26 06:51:373


よぞら作词:タカノン作曲:タカノン编曲:タカノン呗:GUMI何だか今日もnandaka kyou mo人の気知らず赈やかだねhito no kishirazu nigiyaka dane无表情で目を闭じるよmuhyoujou de me wo tojiruyo别世界に用なんて无いよねbessekai ni you nante naiyone仲よさそうに话す二人の姿をnakayosa souni hanasu futari no sugata wo気の无いふりで远目でkino nai furide toome de见ているよ 好きにしなよ もうmiteiruyo suki ni shinayo mou驯れ合いなんて たくさんなんだよnare ai nante takusan nandayoああ もう 自分が嫌いだaa mou jibun ga kirai da嫉妬深くて 僻(ひが)んでばかりでshitto fukakute higande bakari de消えてしまいたいやkiete shimaitaiya泣いても叫んでも何も见えない闻こえない闇こもってnaite mo sakende mo nanimo mienai kikoenai yami komotteああ 惨めだねaa mijime daneいつしか気付いていたけれどitsushika kizuiteita keredoあいも変わらずに今日もai mo kawarazu ni kyou mo无感情装ってしまうよmukanjou yosootte shimauyoこの世界に居场所なんて无いのにねkono sekai ni ibasho nante nai nonine行くあての无くなった感情はyuku ate no naku natta kanjou wa内面に向かっていってnaimen ni mukatteitte伤ばかり増える毎日でkizu bakari fueru mainichi de流す涙なんて 既に枯れ果てていてnagasu namida nante sude ni kare hateteite気付かないうちに心は泣くんだkizukanai uchi ni kokoro wa nakundaああ もう 自分が嫌いだaa mou jibun ga kirai da信じられなくて疑ってばかりでshinjirare nakute utagatte bakari de消えてしまいたいやkiete shimaitaiya素直なんてのは见失って 残ったのは疑念だけでsunao nante nowa miushinatte nokotta nowa ginen dakedeああ 哀れだねaa aware daneああ もう 自分が嫌いだaa mou jibun ga kirai da代わりなんていつだっていくらでもいたんだねkawari nante itsudatte ikura demo itandane消えてしまいたいやkiete shimaitaiya崩れ始めた存在の意味kuzure hajimeta sonzai no imiもはや生きる意味さえ见失いそうでmohaya ikiru imi sae miushinai soudeああ 辛いだけaa tsurai dakeああ もう 自分が嫌いだaa mou jibun ga kirai da全て忘れてしまいたい ここにいたくないsubete wasurete shimaitai koko ni itakunai消えてしまいたいやkiete shimaitaiya支配し始める冲动shihaishi hajimeru shoudou嫌だな 止まらない 涡に饮み込まれてiya dana tomaranai uzu ni nomi komareteああ 不安だねaa fuan daneこんな夜は空を见ようkonna yoru wa sora wo miyou星を见よう 月を见ようhoshi wo miyou tsuki wo miyou绮丽だ 心があらわれるようkirei da kokoro ga arawareru youこんな夜は空を见ようkonna yoru wa sora wo miyou星を见よう 月を见ようhoshi wo miyou tsuki wo miyouああaa
2023-06-26 06:51:441

死神片尾曲 Life is like a boat的歌词,中文解释是什么?

2023-06-26 06:51:575

死神 主题曲 :多谢。 歌词的翻译

死神OP5_rolling star Yume ni made mita you na sekai de Arasoi mo naku heiwa ni kurashitai Mou gaman bakka shiterannai yo Iitai koto wa iwanakucha Kaerimichi yuugure no basutei Ochikonda senaka ni Bye Bye Bye Kimi no Fighting Pose misenakya Yume ni made mita you na sekai wa Arasoi mo naku heiwa na nichijou Demo genjitsu wa hibi torabutte Tama ni kuyande shiteru Sonna Rolling Days Kitto uso nante sou Imi wo motanai no All my loving Sou ja nakya yatterannai Yume ni made mita you na suiito kurabu Koibitotachi wa kakure ga wo sagasu no Demo genjitsu wa aenai hi ga Tsuzukinagara mo shinjiteru no Lonely Days 死神ED1_Life is Like a Boat Nobody knows who I really am I never felt this empty before And if I ever need someone to come along Who"s gonna comfort me and keep me strong? We are all rowing the boat of fate The waves keep on coming and we can"t escape But if we ever get lost on our way The waves will guide you through another day Tooku de iki o shiteru Toome ni natta mitai Kurayami ni omoeta kedo Mekaku shisareteta dake Inori o sasagete Atarashii hi o matsu Asayaka ni hikaru umi Sono hate made e Nobody knows who I really am Maybe they just don"t give a damn But if I ever need someone to come along I know you will follow me and keep me strong Hito no kokoro wa utsuri yuku Mukedashitaku naru Tsuki wa mata atarashii shuuki de Fune o tsureteku And every time I see your face The oceans heave up to my heart You make me wanna strain at the oars And soon I can see the shore Ah, I can see the shore? When will I see the shore? I want you to know who I really am I never thought I"d feel this way towards you And if you ever need someone to come along I will follow you and keep you strong Tabi wa mada tsuzuiteku Odayaka na hi mo Tsuki wa mata atarashii shuuki de Fune o terashiasu Inori o sasagete Atarashii hi o matsu Asayaka ni hikaru umi Sono hate made And every time I see your face The oceans heave up to my heart You make me wanna strain at the oars And soon I can see the shore Unmei no mune o kogi Nami wa tsugi kara tsugi e to Watashitachi o osou kedo Sore mo suteki na tabi ne Dore mo suteki na tabi ne 死神ED2_サンキュー!! itsumo sasaete kureru hitotachi ni, higoro no omoi wo kometa RAPUSODI- APURISHE-SYUN no kimochi yo, todoke itsumo arigatou, hodou arigatou tatoe doko ni itatte kimi no sonzai ni kansya shiteru yo tasogare no machi ga akaku somaru koro, nanigenaku michi wo aruiteta ikikau hito no mure ga masu gogo, nantonaku tachitomatte mita POTSURI to aita kokoro no sukima, umeru youni ugoita keitai no MANA- KIMI wa hitori jyanai, hora mina, tagai ni sasae atte ikunosa huantei na mirai ga kowakute, nayande ita boku ni mukatte nani mo iwazuni sotto te wo, sashinobete kureru kimi ga ita kanashimi ga hanbun ni natte, yorokobi wa nibai ni hukuranada kyaku no tachiba ni nattara sugusama, soba made kaketsukeru to chikatta itsumo sasaete kureru hitotachi ni, higoro no omoi wo kometa RAPUSODI- APURISHE-SYUN no kimochi yo, todoke itsumo arigatou, hodou arigatou tatoe doko ni itatte kimi no sonzai ni kansya shiteru yo far away far away, tooku hanarete itemo nagareru toki no naka de tomo ni sugoshita hibi no kioku wa, keshite kieru koto wa nainosa nakama ya kazoku ya koibito, soshite deatta subete no hitobito 「arigatou!」, minna no okagede, mata asu kara chikara tsuyoku fumidaseru hito wa dare mo hitori dewa ikite ikeyashinai, tagai ga tagai wo itsumo KEA shiai rikai dekinai toki wa hanashiai, hara kakaeru gurai warai aitai nanoni、naze kou toki ni kenashiai, kizutsuke aunotte ki ga shinai? BAKABAKAshii hodo KIMI ga sukida, tere kusai kedo cyotto honki da itsumo sasaete kureru hitotachi ni, higoro no omoi wo kometa RAPUSODI- APURISHE-SYUN no kimochi yo, todoke itsumo arigatou, hodou arigatou tatoe doko ni itatte kimi no sonzai ni kansya shiteru yo kitto mina, igai to SYAI de men to mukatte, nakanaka kuchi ni dashite ienakute dakedo hondou wa iitai kuseni, nanikaga jyamashite mina tsuyogatte toki ni wa sarake dashite tsutae you, kotoba ni wa hushigi na chikara ga yadoru yo kantan na kotosa, jibun kara mazu hajime you, kotto dekiru yo itsumo sasaete kureru hitotachi ni, higoro no omoi wo kometa RAPUSODI- APURISHE-SYUN no kimochi yo, todoke itsumo arigatou, hodou arigatou tatoe doko ni itatte kimi no sonzai ni kansya shiteru yo itsumo sasaete kureru hitotachi ni, higoro no omoi wo kometa RAPUSODI- APURISHE-SYUN no kimochi yo, todoke itsumo arigatou, hodou arigatou tatoe doko ni itatte kimi no sonzai ni kansya shiteru yo 死神ED3_ほうき星 yo zora wo mi a ge hitori ho u ki boshi wo mi ta no isshun de ha ji ke te wa ki e te shi ma tta ke do a na ta no ko to omo o to mune ga ita ku na ru no ima su gu a i ta i yo da ke do sora wa to be na i ka ra mo shi a ta shi ga ho u ki boshi ni ra re ta na ra ba sora ka ke nu ke ton de i ku don na ashita ga ki te mo ko no omo i wa zi yo i da ka ra ho u boshi zu tto ko wa re na i yo ame ga fu tte i ya da do bo ya i te i ta to ki ni a na da ga i tta ko to ima de mo o bo e te ru ame no a to no yozora wa ki re i ni boshi ge de ru so re o kanga e ru to ame mo su ki ni na ne ru yo he ne to mo shi a ta shi ga ho u ki boshi ni na re ta na ra ba a fu re ru hikari fu re su yo i tsu mo kana shi i to ki yozora mi ru a na ta ga e ge o ni ne ru yo u ni mo tto ka ga ya ki ta i a na ta wa i tsu mo hitori na hi ka to ta ta ka tte ru soba ni i ru ko to shi ka a ta shi ni wa de ki na i ge do mo shi a ta shi ga ho u ki boshi ni na re ta na ra ba sora ka ke nu te don de i ku ki tto kanera zu todo ku ko no isshun no hikari de a na ta no i ma te ra shi sora o megu ro u a ta shi ga ho u ki boshi ni na re ta na ra wa ki tto soba ni i te a ge ru don na to ki mo 死神ED4_happypeople happypeople Everybody Stand Up! minna tatakattenda! naishin wa fuan da, demo Keep Your Head Right Up! To the Sky! donna toki mo(Oh Yeah!), doko ni itemo (Oh Yeah!) Call me anytime!(Oh Yeah!) CHIKARA ni naru yo HAPPY PEOPLE"s In The House!!! TAFU na egao de HAPPY PEOPLE"s In The House!!! ikiteyukunosa ki ni sunna My Brother! kimi rashiku te iinda! naitatte My Sister! mata waraeba iinda! shinkokyou shite (Oh Yeah!) yorimichishite (Oh Yeah!) It"s All In Your Mind(Oh Yeah!) kaze ni fukarete HAPPY PEOPLE"s In The House!!! love na yasashisa de HAPPY PEOPLE"s In The House!!! cyoudo ii kara HAPPY PEOPLE"s In The House!!! naite waratte HAPPY PEOPLE"s In The House!!! motto tooku e HAPPY PEOPLE"s In The House!!! TAFU na egao de HAPPY PEOPLE"s In The House!!! ikiteyuku nosa HAPPY PEOPLE"s In The House!!! [hitorijyanai]tte HAPPY PEOPLE"s In The House!!! KIMI ga waratta
2023-06-26 06:52:121


life is a boat
2023-06-26 06:52:2114


动漫歌曲行不?《broken wings》只有两句模糊的日语配音啊歌词如下:I know this will not remain foreverHowever it"s beautifulYour eyes, hands and your warm smileThey"re my treasureIt"s hard to forgetI wish there was a solutionDon"t spend your time in confusionI"ll turn back now and spreadMy broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean withMy broken wings how far should I go drifting in the windHigher and higher in the lightMy broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean withMy broken wings how far should I go drifting in the windAcross the sky, just keep on flying计测のできない痛みと计测のできない时间の流れがすべてを埋めてしまおうとしてもそれでも私には感じられる空から落ちてくるのは雨ではなくてDid I ever chain you down to my heart"Cause I was afraid of you?No, I couldn"t hold any longerLove is not a toyLet go of me nowThe time we spent is perpetualOur future is not realSo I "ll leap into the airMy broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean withMy broken wings how far should I go drifting in the windHigher and higher in the lightMy broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean withMy broken wings how far should I go drifting in the windAcross the sky, just keep on flying
2023-06-26 06:52:586

life is like a boat~

2023-06-26 06:53:174


2023-06-26 06:53:254


应该是单词有误,正确应该是Me too(中文意思:我也是/一样)
2023-06-26 06:53:453


Love Psychedelico 爱的魔幻 ----Last smile作词:Love Psychedelico 作曲:Love Psychedelicoホラ 抱き合える喜びは过ぎ去りしI never look back again胸の中 腕の中 悲しみは 君と melt away梦で会えたって 一人泣いたって君は change your way 响かない 届かない暧昧な手のひらで 踊る tango style 仆ならもう全て溶けだした noon 绘にならない MondayI wish if I could see the light of heavenI don"t know the color of sea, but there"s no reason运命线から other way それから忧いてる风とも get awayいつでも放たれたくとも 君は目の前で l ast smileただ 见守ってるよな 君の styleoh 戏れの远目な loser会いたい气持ちが go away 今でも泣きたくなるなら any wayいつかは旅立ちたくとも 君は向こう岸で last smile暮れる想い出よ go away相对性から wake up ただひたむきな明日への step up今次第に生まれゆくイメージは global I"m feeling you away永远からなる loser 今だけに止まらないような loverAh 果てしなく续くステージは brea k down I"m gonna find another wayそれを追いやって 仆はホッとして时は just as same in my dream you call my name,joke it like it you use to babe嘘に濡れたって 罪は消えない 终んないit"s so heavyI wish if I could see the light of heavenI don"t know the color of sea, but there"s no reason生命线から other way それから忧いてる梦とも get awayいつでも结ばれたくとも 君は目の前で last smileただ 户惑ってるよな 君の styleoh 幼气で远目な loser会いたい气持ちが go away? @今でも泣きたくなるなら any wayいつかは旅立ちたくとも 君は向こう岸で last smile摇れる想い出よ go awayI wish if we could see the light of heavenI don"t know the color of sea, but there"s no reasonI wish if we were in the light of heavendon"t go away…don"t go away…运命线から other way それから忧いてる风とも get awayいつでも放たれたくとも 君は目の前で last smileただ 见守ってるよな 君の styleoh 戏れの远目な loser会いたい气持ちが go away 今でも泣 365;たくなるから any wayいつかは旅立ちたくとも 君は向こう岸で last smile暮れる想い出よ go away运命线から other way それから忧いてる风とも get awayいつでも放たれたくとも 君は目の前で last smile会いたい气持ちが go away 今でも泣きたくなるから any wayいつかは旅立ちたくとも 君は…(中文翻译)啊 拥抱时的喜悦已经过去 I never look back again心里 胳膊里 悲伤的是 与你 melt away在梦里看到的 我一人在哭泣 你在change your way影响不了 到达不了放开那暧昧的手 用tango Style舞着 我们已经...全部也溶化开去的 noon 不能用画来表达的 MondayI wish if I could see the light of heavenI dont" know the color of sea, But there"s no reason由命运线开始的 other way 那里吹来的忧郁的风也 get away即使已被你流放 你也在我眼前展示出 Last Smile还 看守着 你的style oh 闹着玩的远视眼的 loser想见你的心情已经 go away 但现在才想哭 anyway经常都想动身 你在对岸展示着 last smile想起你啊 go away习惯性地 wake up 向着专心的明天 step up现在由情况产生出来的Image是globalI"m feeling you away开始变成永远的loser 像阻止不了现在的lover待续没有结囝的Stage已break downI"m gonna find another way正在追逐那个 我已变得坚强 时间是just as sameIn my dream You call my nameJoke it like it use to babe 虚假地濡湿了罪名是消失不了 不会终结 it"s so heavyI wish if we could see the light of heavenI don"t know the color of sea but there"s no reason由生命线开始的 other way 由那里吹来的忧郁的风也 get away何时也想结束 你在我眼前展示着 last smile还 迷恋着 你的style oh 稚气地远视眼的loser想见你的心情已经 go away 但现在才想哭 anyway经常都想动身 你在对岸展示着 last smile想起你啊 go awayI wish if I could see the light of heavenI don"t know the color of sea, but there"s no reasonI wish if we were in the light of heavenDon"t go away.... Don"t go away....由命运线开始的 other way 那里吹来的忧郁的风也 get away即使已被你流放 你也在我眼前展示出 Last Smile还 看守着 你的style oh 闹着玩的远视眼的 loser想见你的心情已经 go away 但现在才想哭 anyway经常都想动身 你在对岸展示着 last smile想起你啊 go away(罗马拼音)HORA dakiaeru yorokobi wa sugisari shi I never look back againMune no naka ude no naka kanashimi wa kimi to melt awayYume de aeta-tte hitori naita-ttekimi wa change your way hibikanai todokanaiAimai na tenohira de odoru tango style boku nara mou...Subete tokedashita noon e ni naranai Monday* I wish if I could see the light of heavenI don"t know the color of sea, but there"s no reason** Unmeisen kara other way sore kara ureiteru fuu tomo get awayItsu demo hanataretaku tomo kimi wa me no mae de last smileTada mimamotteru yo na kimi no style oh jare no toome na loser*** Aitai kimochi ga go away ima demo nakitaku naru nara anywayItsuka wa tabidachitaku tomo kimi wa mukou kishi de last smileKureru omoide yo go awaySoutaisei kara wake up tada hitamuki na ashita e no step upIma shidai kara umareyuku IMEEJI wa global I"m feeling you awayEien kara naru loser ima dake ni tomaranai you na loverHateshinaku tsuzuku SUTEEJI wa break down I"m gonna find another waySore wo oiyatte boku wa HOtto shitetoki wa just as same in my dream you call my namejoke it like it use to babe uso ninureta-tte tsumi wa kienai owan"nai it"s so heavy* repeatSeimeisen kara other way sore kara ureiteru yume tomo get awayItsudemo musubaretaku tomo kimi wa me no mae de last smileTada tomadotteru yo na kimi no style oh youge de toome na loser*** repeatI wish if I could see the light of heavenI don"t know the color of sea, but there"s no reasonI wish if we were in the light of heavendon"t go away...
2023-06-26 06:53:591

I love you 我该回答me to 还是me too ?

me too.是i love you too的意思
2023-06-26 06:54:074


2023-06-26 06:54:153

死神中OP1 life like a boat 的歌词

Nobody knows who I really amI never felt this empty before And if I ever need someone to come alongWho s gonna comfort me, and keep me strongWe are all rowing the boat of fateThe waves keep on comin and we can t escapeBut if we ever get lost on our wayThe waves would guide you thru another day远くで息(いき)をしてる 透明(とうめい)になったみたい暗暗(くらやみ)に思えたけど 目隠(めかく)しされてただけ祈りをささげて 新しい日を待つ鲜(あざ)やかに 光る海 その果てまでNobody knows who I really amMaybe they just don t give a damn But if I ever need someone to come alongI know you would follow me, and keep me strong人の心はうつりゆく 抜(め)け出したくなるつきはまた新しい周期(しゅうき)で 胸を连(つ)れてくAnd every time I see your face,the oceans leap up to my heartYou make me wanna strain at the oars,and soon I can t see the shoreOh I can t see the shore..When will I see the shore?I want you to know who I really amI never though I d feel this way towards you And if you ever need someone to come alongI will follow you, and keep you strong旅(たび)はまた続いてく 穏(おだ)やかな日もつきはまた新しい周期(しゅうき)で 胸を照(て)らし出(だ)す祈りをささげて 新しい日を待つ鲜(あざ))やかに 光る海 その果てまでAnd every time I see your face,the oceans leap up to my hertYou make me wanna strain at the oars,and soon I can see the shore运命の舟(ふね)を漕(こ)ぎ 波(なみ)は次(つぎ)から次(つぎ)へと私たちを袭(おそ)うけどそれも素敌(すてき)な旅(たび)ね どれも素敌(すてき)な旅(たび)ね
2023-06-26 06:54:234


如下:1、Me TooMe Too是抖音最火十大神曲之一,却并不是从抖音火起来的,这首歌曲曾经打入加拿大、澳大利亚等几国的单曲排行榜前十,在美国公告牌单曲榜获得第13名。是一首广泛运用电音的另类摇滚。抖音里用me too作为背景音乐的最有名的视频之一是一个女孩模仿各种名画,是抖音中难得的非常具有自主创意的视频。2、Down In The DM这首歌的演唱者是Yo Gotti,他是美国的一名硬核说唱歌手。这首歌火起来是因为抖音官方推送的一个活动,搓澡舞挑战赛,由于舞蹈动作简单,所以很多人模仿,这首歌作为BGM,自然就火起来了。3、Like I Would演唱者是Zayn Malik,是一个英国男歌手,而且还是One Direction的前成员,这首歌被收录在专辑《Mind of Mine》中。这首歌节奏感非常强,抖音上很多人用这首歌作为BGM跳舞。4、Panama歌手是Matteo,他是一名罗马尼亚歌手,这首歌的音乐风格是雷鬼音乐,其中:Zile zile zile zile eu alerg girl 日复一日 亲爱的我用尽全力拼搏着被节选出来,经常用作搞笑视频中,因此在抖音上走红。5、If You Feel My Love这是Blaxy Girls演唱的,是一首摇滚乐,被收录在同名专辑当中,这是一支年轻的摇滚乐队,成员全是漂亮女生,非常亮眼。If You Feel My Love这首歌最大的亮眼在于穿插了京剧在其中,有着浓厚的中国风味。
2023-06-26 06:54:301

死神片尾曲 Life is like a boat的歌词,中文解释是什么?

Nobody knows who I really am    I never felt this empty before    And if I ever need someone to come along    Who"s gonna comfort me, and keep me strong    We are all rowing the boat of fate    The waves keep on coming and we can"t escape    But if we ever get lost on our way    The waves would guide you through another day    远くで息をしてる 透明になったみたい    暗暗に思えたけど 目隠しされてただけ    祈りをささげて 新しい日を待つ    鲜やかに 光る海 その果てまで    Nobody knows who I really am    Maybe they just don"t give a damn    But if I ever need someone to come along    I know you would follow me, and keep me strong    人の心はうつりゆく 抜け出したくなる    つきはまた新しい周期で 舟を连れてく    And every time I see your face,    the oceans heave up to my heart    You make me wanna strain at the oars,    and soon I can see the shore    Ah,I can see the shore    When will l see the shore    I want you to know who I really am    I never though I"d feel this way towards you    And if you ever need someone to come along    I will follow you, and keep you strong    旅はまだ続いてく 穏やかな日も    つきはまた新しい周期で 舟を照らし出す    祈りをささげて 新しい日を待つ    鲜やかに 光る海 その果てまで    And every time I see your face,    the oceans heave up to my heart    You make me wanna strain at the oars,    and soon I can see the shore    运命の船を漕ぎ 波は次から次へと私たちを袭うけど    それも素敌な旅ね どれも素敌な旅ね   我到底是谁无人知晓    我从未觉得这样会空虚    究竟是否需要一个人来给我安慰,让我坚强    我们驾着命运之船    波涛阵阵涌来,让人无处可逃    但若迷失方向,海浪会引领你再见朝阳    在远处叹息不止 犹若变得虚空透明    即便在黑暗中也能寄托思念 也不过是自欺欺人    呈上虔诚的祈祷 静心等待着崭新的一天    大海反射出灵动的光华 向着天之一方无限延展    我到底是谁无人知晓    也许是因为没谁在意    但若真需陪伴,我知道你会跟随,让我坚强    心思亦慢慢浮现 渴望着就此逃离    又是一轮新月 带上心情踏上旅程    你的脸庞,每每令我心潮澎湃    你让我想抓紧双桨,不久便会陆地在望   四顾苍茫……何时能见岸在前方    想告诉你真实的我    未曾意料在我心中你已占据如此分量    若你需要陪伴,我会跟随,让你坚强    旅途尚未结束 平静的日子也照旧继续着    又是一轮新月 心情也由此显现清晰轮廓    呈上虔诚的祈祷 静心等待着崭新的一天    大海反射出灵动的光华 向着天之一方无限延展    你的脸庞,每每令我心潮澎湃    你让我想抓紧双桨,不久就见岸在前方    我们驾着命运之船 即便波涛阵阵涌来,让人无处可逃    旅行依然精彩    无论如何旅行依然精彩
2023-06-26 06:54:442


2023-06-26 06:54:523


2023-06-26 06:55:004

求《死神》歌曲《Life is Like a Boat》歌词

2023-06-26 06:55:209