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求 T-ara Why Are You Being Like This 中文歌词

2023-06-26 11:06:24
TAG: eing ein

为什么我为什么我为什么我为什么 t-ARA (T-ara),这就是为什么我们需要眼睛眨眼睛眨眼睛射击不稳固,伊玛目闷死你陶醉我的利他主义 ; 哎呀哎呀宝贝球是热热热热,但哦哦哦哦你确实应该是麻烦制造者损掉哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦爱你这么疯狂哦哦告诉我你为什么喜欢熄灭时间这就是为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么给我那么多废话我真的铆停止我为什么知道你知道我妈妈喜欢知道一切我爱 Dada 的现在敲敲敲敲 douchebag 告诉我你能听见我现在敲敲敲敲只想爱你现在欢迎来到敲敲敲敲敲你的仙境日常 I KnockLove 我觉得你的每一天,宝宝,但你爱我甜蜜的吻 !油品分析 !融化的我打电话给我的孩子救了我孩子胸部心悸语音电话让我很震惊,然后去碰那个男孩被困在愚弄,为什么你不觉得我们是种巧合,我的孩子不是即使在今天 Gus Le 命运太宝宝敲敲敲敲敲哦你知道我的风格继续这样说再见,不管如何不明白为什么我为什么我为什么你能帮我敲敲敲敲敲敲敲敲可以你听到我现在只想爱你现在听到我敲敲门所有我想要的是你你敲敲敲敲门

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
呼吸暂停 心情焦急
Oops Oops baby
脸颊热呼呼地 非常烫
不是这样 废话
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
我爱你 like crazy
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
为什么这样 为什么这样
怎么办 好郁闷
停止吧 对我 对我 为何这样
不是知道吗 不是这道吗
我的心意 不都都都知道吗
我爱你 喜欢你
knock knock knock knock
can you hear me now
knock knock knock knock
just wanna love you now
welcome to my wonderland
everyday i knock knock
knock knock knock knock
love me love me baby
拯救我吧 BOY
都融化了 晕眩了
被我迷住吧 BOY
为什么这样 为什么这样
怎么办 好郁闷
停止吧 对我 对我 为何这样
不是知道吗 不是这道吗
我的心意 不都都都知道吗
我爱你 喜欢你
knock knock knock knock
can you hear me now
knock knock knock knock
just wanna love you now
welcome to my wonderland
everyday i knock knock
knock knock knock knock
不管怎样把握都要 SAY GOODBYE
为什么这样 为什么这样
为什么这样 为什么这样
怎么办 好郁闷
停止吧 对我 对我 为何这样
不是知道吗 不是这道吗
我的心意 不都都都知道吗
我爱你 喜欢你
knock knock knock knock
can you hear me now
knock knock knock knock
just wanna love you now
can you hear me knock knock
all i want is you you
knock knock knock knock
knock knock knock knock
can you hear me now
knock knock knock knock
just wanna love you now
welcome to my wonderland
everyday i knock knock
knock knock knock knock
knock knock knock knock



2023-06-25 23:22:433


他妈的。用英语怎么说写? Damn it! 这是比较地道的表达了。。。。 他妈的给我滚用英语咋说 Get the *** out of my face。 这里是英语中的偏正宗表达,表面意思是滚出我的脸,实际上翻译是滚开/别让我再看见你。 中间加the *** ,无意义,纯粹的脏话。 就是他妈的给我滚的意思。你 *** 用英语怎么说??? 直译的话是 Fuck your mom,s B。 *** you *** ! you mother *** er *** 的! go *** yourself! 玩儿蛋去吧! you son of a bitch! 你这 *** ! kiss my ass! 去死吧! you shit head! 你这猪脑子! you douchebag! 你这 *** ! Asshole! 傻货! 我他妈到底怎么了 用英语怎么说 简单得要死问题,然后一堆人回答,但有安排到我的问题栏里,回答吧,都是对的,不回答吧,但是既然点进来了就回答吧。比尖端问题都难得分。 So,你的分要不要给我? what"s the *** ing wrong with me "我他妈怎么知道"用英语怎么说 Why the *** would I know? 如果非要强调“妈”的话... what"s the mother *** ing hell would I know? 骂得得过瘾不.... 妈的用英语怎么说 what the *** ... “ *** 。”用英语怎么说? 20分 给楼主一个大全: Fuck you *** ma Fuck me 我cao What a Fuck 什么吊事 Holy shit 碉堡了 it sucks 真糟糕 you stink 你真烦 shit; shoot 该死 bitch biao 子 pussy biao 子 Dick;Cock 鸡鸡 Boob *** Meet your maker 去 *** Ass;Asshole *** ,译为你想屎一样讨厌 Lz.如果有帮助,分分。 谁他妈在乎谁,用英语怎么说? 30分 您好,我是环球美联英语的老师 ,很高兴为您解答 汉语 : 谁他妈在乎谁 翻译: 中式思维 : W憨o his mother who care about 西式思维: Who *** ing cares? 更多英语问题答疑解惑,欢迎咨询环球美联英语咨询台,但是我不建议学习这类脏话! *** 以为你是谁用英语怎么说 what the *** do you think you are? *** 的请好好说中文 用英语怎么说 You *** ing, please speak Chinese well
2023-06-25 23:23:121


中文常说「两岁猫狗嫌」,英文也有「可怕的2岁」(terrible o)的说法,但是部分专家认为,虽然这些说法看起来无害,但是深入检讨,就会发现它们有负面暗示作用。 有一天,狄娜和3岁的女儿开车回家,女儿想听《长发公主》的音乐,狄娜掏出手机搜寻曲子,而就在等候播放的短短5秒钟里,女儿失去了耐性,哭叫起来。 这场景对任何家有幼儿的家长来说都不陌生。正因如此,我们给2到4岁的幼儿取了很多不名誉的绰号:从中文的「两岁猫狗嫌」、「屁孩」,到英文的 terrible o、threenager,很多俚语都是用来形容幼儿的火爆。 最近还有一个新的字眼:ochebag,是结合两岁(o)和恶棍(douchebag)创造的新字。「一眼看到觉得很好笑,」《华盛顿邮报》幼教记者凯特琳·吉布森(Caitlin Gibson)写道:「但仔细一想,就会觉得这实在太糟糕了。」 在这个阶段,孩子「应该」要有情绪起伏,是重要的学习里程碑。(图片:shutterstock) 《华盛顿邮报》分析相关俚语的形成背景,指出「可怕的2岁」(terrible os)是1950年代开始兴起的说法,且有其形成的时代背景——那是美国文化开始期待妈妈表现得优雅轻松的时期:晚餐要在5点前上桌,孩子要教得彬彬有礼,屋子要收拾得一尘不染。但是意志力坚强的2岁幼儿不会配合母亲演出上述形象,于是「你能怎么样?那是可怕的两岁」一说开始风行。 我们不再活在1950年代,但父母仍然受到社会期待的压力,没有什么比幼儿突然在公共场合爆发哭闹更让父母难堪、没有什么比旁人批评的眼光更让父母感到无力的了。因为这样,相关的负面俚语愈来愈多。 例如,「3岁叛逆期」(threenager)是4、5年前左右在妈妈部落客之间红起来的新词,意思是可怕的阶段不会在孩子3岁生日那一天就突然结束。在今天的社群媒体上,教养的成就与挫折总是会被即时分享,而即使是最乖巧的幼儿也有情绪失控的时候,于是「2岁恶棍」(ochebag)、「X你的4岁」(fxxx you fours)等更多更夸张的字眼开始出现。 这些说法,乍看之下无害,多半是烦躁的父母想要自嘲或者博君一笑的产物。但是语言会形塑我们的认知以及我们的经验,所以当我们持续地用这些负面的字眼来形容我们之间的小人类,会有什么样的效果呢?这些字眼会怎么形塑新手父母对幼儿期的预设立场,家有幼儿的父母的育儿经验,甚至幼儿本身的成长经验? 吉布森发现,很多受访者听到有人用「猫狗嫌」、「屁孩」来形容一个孩子,就会自动就把这个孩子想成一个很难搞的坏孩子。但 如果这是一个2到4岁的幼儿,他只是正在经历一个学做人的阶段,挣扎着用有限的字眼来表达自己的想法与复杂的情绪,而且他所经历的压力,并不比周围的大人少。 很多人喜欢给新手父母意见,所以从肚子隆起的那一天起,妈妈们就会开始听到「等小孩生下来你就会想把他塞回去」、「等著瞧你就知道两岁小孩有多难搞」之类的警语。在三姑六婆的轰炸下,新手父母要如何去期待这个新的生命? 事实上, 2到4岁是挑战父母的年纪,也是单纯地爱着爸爸妈妈的年纪。 如果家有这个年纪的幼儿,你会常常被顶嘴,你家会乱得不得了,但你也会不时听到「我爱爸爸/妈妈」,得到突如其来的拥抱。 幼儿有惊人的记忆,也会说出温暖的句子,当我们跳脱「屁孩」、「2岁猫狗嫌」的思考框架,才能真正去经历养育一个学步儿的惊喜。 在这个阶段,孩子「应该」要有情绪起伏。美国巴纳德学院幼儿发展中心主任托瓦·克莱因(Tovah Klein)说:「父母最怕听到『不要!』但是对幼儿来说,学会使用这个字眼,是重要的学习里程碑。」她指出,「两岁猫狗嫌」之类的俚语一方面向父母保证这些猫狗嫌的行为是正常的,一方面却阻碍父母去理解猫狗嫌行为背后的意义:「甜美的婴儿不是无缘无故长成怪兽般的幼儿,他们的大脑正在经历风暴般的改变,这是长大成人的必经之路。」 孩子虽然「欢」起来的时候很难懂,但有时神来一句温暖的话,总会带给大人很多惊喜。(图片:shutterstock) 她提醒:「随着孩子渐渐长大,你会愈来愈轻松,但也会开始怀念这段日子。」所以, 请不要让「屁孩」、「两岁猫狗嫌」这些负面俚语,阻碍了你真正认识孩子的情绪成因、掌握认识孩子发展阶段的机会。
2023-06-25 23:23:221


2023-06-25 23:23:308


问题一:妈的用英语怎么说 what the *** ... 问题二:妈妈用英语怎么说? Mom Mommy Mother 问题三:“他妈的”用英语怎么说 Fuck you *** 的 Fuck 他妈的 Damn it!该死的! shit 狗屁 son of bitch 王八蛋 Diao your mother 叼你妈 问题四:这是我的妈妈用英语怎么说 This is my mother 问题五:妈妈的英文怎么说? 妈妈[mā ma] mama mommy 相关解释: mamma mom momma MADRE mummy mother 例句: 这个女孩非常幸运,她的妈妈是她的知心朋友。 The girl was fortunate enough to have her mother as a bosom friend. 她妈妈是一个节俭的主妇。 Her mother is a thrifty housewife. 我妈妈是个家庭妇女。 My mother is a housewife. 海词广告: 学外语,交外国真朋友 足不出户英语学习之旅 ?? Dict.CN 在线词典 更多解释句酷双语例句 妈妈 "Good enough for you, my mother mented dryly. 这回就好了吧,妈妈冷冷地说。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 Thanks, Mum. You are not a bad old stick underneath, are you? “谢谢,妈妈。你还不是一个很糟的老顽固,是吗?” -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 All the mothers in the ward seemed to have something wrong with them. 整个病房里做妈妈的似乎都有点问题。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 Frightened children were calling for their mothers. 受惊的孩子们呼喊着找妈妈. -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 He"s a terrific doctor, Mom. 爸爸是个了不起的医生, 妈妈。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 Her mother was always at her elbow to help her. 她妈妈经常在她身边帮助她。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 How are you, Mother? 妈妈, 您好吗? -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 I think he had a crush on your mother. 我看他大概还挺喜欢你妈妈。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 Judging from her letters,Mother seems to be feeling a lot better. 从妈妈的信来看,她似乎感觉好多了。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 Kitty deviled her mother for a doll. 基蒂缠着她妈妈要个洋娃娃。 问题六:我的妈妈叫。就用英语怎么说。 是不是我的妈妈是谁?可以说my mother is…… 问题七:“ *** 。”用英语怎么说? 20分 给楼主一个大全: Fuck you *** ma Fuck me 我cao What a Fuck 什么吊事 Holy shit 碉堡了 it sucks 真糟糕 you stink 你真烦 shit; shoot 该死 bitch biao 子 pussy biao 子 Dick;Cock 鸡鸡 Boob *** Meet your maker 去 *** Ass;Asshole *** ,译为你想屎一样讨厌 Lz.如果有帮助,分分。 问题八:你 *** 用英语怎么说??? 直译的话是 Fuck your mom,s B。 *** you *** ! you mother *** er *** 的! go *** yourself! 玩儿蛋去吧! you son of a bitch! 你这 *** ! kiss my ass! 去死吧! you shit head! 你这猪脑子! you douchebag! 你这 *** ! Asshole! 傻货! 问题九:妈妈用英语怎么说呢? 妈妈 n. mamma, momma, mama, mom 你妈妈小时候别提有多苦了。You can hardly imagine what a hard time your mother had when she was a child.她不像她妈妈,她很高,而她妈妈很矮。She is unlike her mother; she is tall and her mother is very short.妈妈出去买东西了。Mother has gone out to do some shopping.你妈妈责备你时,你不应该顶嘴。When your mother scolds you, you shouldn"t answer (her) back.你瞧,这么晚了,妈妈又该唠叨了!Look! It"s late. Mother will grumble again.她都赶上她妈妈的个子了。She is about as tall as her mother now.给妈妈一件礼物give one"s mother a gift她承认是妈妈把她惯坏了。She admitted that her mother had spoilt her.我妈妈跟我们过。My mother lives with us.小孩儿在妈妈的怀里睡着了。The baby fell asleep in its mother"s arms.他长得像他妈妈。He takes after his mother.小姑娘跟妈妈磨蹭着要一条新裙子。The little girl pesters her mother for a new skirt.他刚要插嘴,妈妈瞥了他一眼。He was going to butt in when his mother darted a look of disapproval at him.婆婆妈妈的话a womanish talk婆婆妈妈的男人和女人all the old women of both sexes你也太婆婆妈妈的了。You"re a regular old woman.孩子笑得使妈妈的心情好起来了。The child laughed his mother into a better humour.妈妈给孩子们念催眠故事,使他们快快进入睡乡。Mother read the children a bedtime story to hasten them to the land of Nod.妈妈在手帕上洒香水,使手帕闻起来很舒服。Mother puts perfume on her handkerchief to make it *** ell pleasant.小时候妈妈对我讲的那个故事是虚构的。The story my mother told me when I was young is fictitious.她在妈妈耳边喳喳了两句。She whispered a few words in her mother"s ear.妈妈担心往后的日子怎么过。Mom is worried about our livelihood in the future.我把孩子托付给了我妈妈。I"ve entrusted my child to my mother"s care.妈妈很疼我。My mother loves me dearly.下午我们一起去医院探望妈妈。We"ll go together to visit mother......>> 问题十:我和我妈妈 的英文怎么说 I and my mather 记得采纳啊
2023-06-25 23:23:451

Kanye West的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Kanye West专辑:RunawayKanye West - Runaway (Featuring Pusha T)Dark Twisted Fantasy (2010)show some love to ROCROC NATION, NIGGAAnd I always find, yeah, I always find somethin" wrongYou been puttin" up wit" my shit just way too longI"m so gifted at findin" what I don"t like the mostSo I think it"s time for us to have a toastLet"s have a toast for the douchebags,Let"s have a toast for the assholes,Let"s have a toast for the scumbags,Every one of them that I knowLet"s have a toast to the jerkoffsThat"ll never take work offBaby, I got a planRun away fast as you canShe find pictures in my emailI sent this girl a picture of my dickI don"t know what it is with femalesBut I"m not too good with that shitSee, I could have me a good girlAnd still be addicted to them hoodratsAnd I just blame everything on youAt least you know that"s what I"m good atyeah, I always findAnd I always findYeah, I always find somethin" wrongYou been puttin" up with my shit just way too longI"m so gifted at findin" what I don"t like the mostSo I think it"s time for us to have a toastLet"s have a toast for the douchebags,Let"s have a toast for the assholes,Let"s have a toast for the scumbags,Every one of them that I knowLet"s have a toast to the jerkoffsThat"ll never take work offBaby, I got a planRun away fast as you canRun away from me, babyRun awayRun away from me, babyRun away… I get crazyJust run away… I got a planRun away as fast as you can24/7, 365, pussey stays on my mindI-I-I-I did it, all right, all right, I admit itNow pick your best move, you can leave or live wit" itIchabod Crane with that motherfucking top offSplit and go where? Back to wearin" knockoffs, hahaKnock it off, Neiman"s, shop it offLet"s talk over mai tais, waitress, top it offHoes like vultures, they wanna fly in your Freddy loafersYou can"t blame "em, they ain"t never seen Versace sofasEvery bag, every blouse, every braceletComes wit" a price tag, baby, face itYou should leave if you can"t accept the basicsPlenty hoes in the baller-nigga matrixInvisibly set, the Rolex is facelessI"m just young, rich, and tastelessP!Never was much of a romanticI could never take the intimacyAnd I know it did damage"Cause the look in your eyes is killin" meI"m guessin" you"re at an advantage"Cause you could blame me for everythingAnd I don"t know how I"ma manageIf one day you just up and leaveAnd I always findYeah, I always find somethin" wrongYou been puttin" up with my shit just way too longI"m so gifted at findin" what I don"t like the mostSo I think it"s time for us to have a toastLet"s have a toast for the douchebagsLet"s have a toast for the assholesLet"s have a toast for the scumbagsEvery one of them that I knowLet"s have a toast to the jerkoffsThat"ll never take work offBaby, I got a planRun away fast as you can
2023-06-25 23:23:542

求The Lonely Island Japan的歌词

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本集由3D手游铁血战神赞助播出“建议每天游戏时间不要超过二十四个小时哟!”本集还由中国加班协会赞助播出“老板只是想让你过得更充实一些嘛!” 第九集《这小青真的是青蛇成精不是青虫成精吗 我要不要告诉许仙喜当爹的真正意思啊 总署月考梵语四级没过没法提职称了 想抓一只狐妖然后放了她让她以身相许 师傅说女人是老虎而他只想被老虎咬死》我叫王大锤是一个冷酷的驱魔人去死吧你个苍蝇怪去死吧你个蜘蛛精去死吧你个蟑螂妖我要取消你的驱魔人认证[I‘ll cancel your hunter certification]如果你再这样毫无建树[if you keep being such a useless douchebag]我不是降服了这么多 可怕的妖怪吗……这算个球妖怪啊[How dare you call this a demon]你就给我滚蛋[Don"t come back]再不给我降服一个真正的妖怪的话[unless you can take me back the real kind of demon]这个许仙是个普通人 虽然很喜欢玩蛇 但是我不能伤害他这个白素贞这么可爱 真的是妖怪吗这个是……我是小青啊我去好强大的妖怪看来今天必须得拿出点真本事啦白素贞你竟然敢和人类相恋受死吧求求你放过我们吧我们是真心相爱的不行人和妖是不能在一起的没关系啊我不在乎她是人妖的啊人妖我说你是人她是妖你们不能在一起现在我就要把你们收进我的紫金钵(běn)那个字明明念“bō”好吗?啊你看字典里写得清清楚楚的 啊我还以为念“紫金杯”我还以为念“紫金体”好惭愧啊娘子(姐姐)不愧是修行千年的蛇妖知识好渊博没想到我竟然念错了几十年没文化真的好可怕呀哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈这不重要我这紫金钵利用微波技术强化极具杀伤力怎么样怕了吧爆米花多少钱一斤吮指美味全家欢享只要8文钱现已加入肯基劳豪华午餐更多美味更多欢享尽在肯基劳~这不是重点让你见识见识我的厉害啊姐姐娘子娘子你怎么了娘子哼~恭喜你 怀的是男孩啊太好了娘子我喜当爹啦讨厌~~~竟然弄错程序了刚才只是个意外白素贞我叫你名字你敢答应吗不敢啊竟然不按常理出牌这让我怎么降妖啊白素贞我叫你名字你不答应是不是有点太不礼貌了好吧但是我的全名叫素贞蒙帝奇路飞·卡利斯勒·赤木晴子·亚历山大卡卡西·伊丽莎白啊名字竟然这么长完全记不住啊呃……小青我叫你名字你敢答应吗敢啊我的全名叫小琉璃爱梦流泪·冰雪殇离陌梦·爱樱沫渺·落璃千梦然丝伤青啊竟然也这么长呃……许仙我叫你名字你敢答应吗敢啊我就叫许仙可我不是妖怪啊啊蛇精病啊这还怎么玩烦死了白素贞刚才那个不算现在让你见识见识我圣衣袈裟的厉害我这袈裟被佛祖开过光刀枪不入百毒不侵降妖伏魔无往不利怎么样怕了吧受死吧刚才那个不算受死吧喂这袈裟不是说佛祖开过光吗是的 这非常牛逼[Yes it"s very great]这袈裟一点用处也没有啊我要退货不不不不不[No no no no no]着灰常好用[It"s useful]我现在在降妖现场气氛很尴尬我下不了台不不不不不[No no no no no]不要只用的你爪子[Don"t use your hand]要用你的脑子[Use your head]蛇精病啊这还怎么玩烦死了白素贞刚才那个不算现在让你见识见识我的终极法宝这本驱魔宝典是由释迦摩尼所著只要我念上面的咒语你就会痛不欲生哼受死吧YouSheShe isgirl……呃……这个单词我不太认识你们谁外语好麻烦帮我看一下我来……@%U&^#$#!#%$&*……姐姐我好疼啊姐姐姐姐你不要念了疼啊姐姐姐姐你别念了疼死我了姐姐 姐姐姐姐我再也不和姐夫乱来了啊姐姐不是妹妹不讲义气是姐夫太有魅力娘子你听我解释我叫王大锤万万没想到我最终还是降服了白素贞快点出来吧不要躲在我的紫金钵(běn)里了好吗我再也不想看到那两个bitchson of 碧池逃避是解决不了问题的你快点出来吧你再不把我姐姐放出来我就想色诱我姐夫一样色诱你了哟么呀~你快点出来吧……Endorz好累求悬赏
2023-06-25 23:24:291


Outlast中文译名逃生,这款采用第一人称视角的恐怖游戏,以其身临其境的体验下坡了不少人的胆,由于主角无法攻击,也增加了玩家们在遇到危险的慌乱感。在游戏的故事中,我们会招到许许多多的文件以及笔记,带我们一步步了解故事背后的真相,下面我们就为大家带来逃生Outlast笔记里有什么的介绍,感兴趣的玩家一起来看看吧!全笔记翻译一览1 Mount Massive AsylumI started feeling sick just looking at this place. Mount MassiveAsylum, shut down amid scandal and government secrecy in 1971, reopened by MurkoffPsychiatric Systems in 2009 under the guise of a charitable organization. Cellphone reception cut off abruptly a mile out, more like a jammer than lostsignal. The Murkoff Corporation has a long track recorded of disguising profitas charity. But never on American soil. Whatever they thought they could getout of this place has to be big. Might finally be the story that breaks the bastards.1 巨山精神病院单是看看这个地方我就开始感到恶心。巨山精神病院:1971年因政府掩盖丑闻而停业,2009年穆克夫精神病研究组打着慈善的幌子使之重新开张。方圆一英里内的手机收讯被突然切断,比起山中的信号丢失,更像是受到人为干扰。穆克夫公司伪装成慈善机构获取利益*已经很长时间了,但是他们从没有在美国的土地上这么干过。他们自以为能从这里榨取的油水一定非同寻常。也许这一次我找到的新闻终于可以扳倒这群混蛋。2 I*m InsideI"m inside. Bodies everywhere. Blood. Burn marks. Heads lined up likebottles behind a bar, Dead Murkoff scientists hung from the ceiling; theirbadges say “Murkoff Advanced Research Systems.” Murkoff"s longtime M.O. hasbeen to profit off the exploitation of supposed charity. Fuck the third worldand bankroll another billion.How did Murkoff think they would make money off a building full ofcrazy people?There"s some kind of tactical cop pinned like a pig on a spit. Tells meto get the fuck out and then dies. Would have been a good thing to hear when I couldstill leave the way I came.2 我进来了我进来了。到处都是尸体,血,烧焦的痕迹。扯下来的人头整齐排列成一行行,就像吧台后面的酒瓶子一样。死掉的穆克夫科学家们吊在天花板上,名牌上写着“穆克夫高级研究组”——穆克夫靠着长期以来惯有的作案手法已经从所谓的“慈善”中获利了:榨取第三世界国家,再投资十个亿可是他们怎么会想要靠在这儿开疯人院赚钱?这儿有个武装警察像烤猪一样穿在铁钎子上。他叫我逃出这地方,然后就死了。这倒是件好事——如果我还能顺着我来时的路回去的话。3 Broken Men and Dead TelevisionA crowd of broken men watching a dead television. They look like patients. They survived whatever happened here but nobody"s home.3 坏掉的人与死去的电视机(这里可能玩了文字游戏。broken本来适用于形容电视而dead形容人,记者把两个词对调来描述当时状况)一群颠沛的可怜人盯着坏掉的电视机。他们也许是病人吧。无论这里发生了什么,他们侥幸活下来了,但是无家可归 (?)。4 The WitnessI"m already beat all to hell, picking broken glass out of my scalp, couple cracked ribs. Nearly killed by a deformed giant, looks like somebodytried to fuck-start his head with a cheese grater. He throws me through a wall,knocks me unconscious.I wake up and some doughy old man with a face like an alcoholic kiddy fiddler in a homemade priest outfit calls me his Apostle. Not a job I askedfor.There are words scrawled in blood everywhere. I"m getting an uglyfeeling in my gut that the “Priest” is writing them, and for my benefit.4 见证人我整个人被打入了地狱,从头皮里取出玻璃屑,还断了几根肋骨。我差点就让一个巨人生物给弄死——那丑陋畸形的脸,就好像是曾试图用奶酪刨* 给自己整容一样。他把我扔过一面墙。我直接昏过去了。我醒过来时,有个穿自制牧师装的面团脸老头儿——这神情让我想起一些酗酒的恋童癖——管我叫他的使徒** 。我可没答应干这活儿。到处都是用血涂抹出来的字迹。想到是“牧师”在写这些——而且是为了我——我的内脏开始不舒服了。5 Big Fucking GuyThe big fucker is stalking me. Found a patient file for CHRIS WALKER,ex-military police, several tours in Afghanistan. A lot of the blood in thisplace is on his hands. But not all of it.5 该死的大家伙这个大块头在跟踪(stalk♂)我。我找到一份病人档案:克里斯·沃克,警|察,当过兵,去过几次阿|富|汗。这里很多死人都是被他杀的。但不全是他杀的。6 Father Martin*s CellThe Priest, FATHER MARTIN brought me here to show me something. Thinks I"mgoing to be a witness for whatever batshit crazy he"s trying to sell me. This DR.WERNICKE is at the center of whatever went wrong here. But he died more thanten years ago. “Rest in Peace,” says the blood on the wall.6 马丁神父的囚房那个牧师,“马丁神父”,把我整到这地方来,想给我展示些什么。他以为我会给他当见证人,见证他那些又蠢又疯的随便什么东西。这个威尼克博士是这里一切灾祸的中心人物:可是他(本应)十年前就死了。“愿你安息* 。”——墙上的血迹如是说。7 NecromanticFuck this place. Seriously, just fuck this place. Dying keeps moving loweron the list of worst things that could happen to me.7 妖术操TMD让这个地方见鬼吧,真的,见鬼吧。(自从来到这里,)在这份由“可能发生在我身上的最糟糕的事”组成的列表里,“单纯死掉”的排名一直在变低。8 Total SecurityI can"t shake Chris Walker, the big ugly fucker who likes rippingpeople"s heads. I hear him muttering about security protocols, containment. Whatif he"s not the problem? What if he"s trying to fix it?8 完备的安保我甩不掉克里斯·沃克,这个喜欢扯人脑袋的大块头,丑八怪我听见他念叨着什么安全协议,收容事项如果他本身并不是问题所在呢?如果他其实是在试图解决问题* ?9 WalriderThe word “Walrider” is all over this place. Murkoff was running an experiment called PROJECT WALRIDER, but the patients talk about the Walrider like it"s a physical presence. A spirit or demon. Something they found in the mountain* . I"d chalk it up to schizophrenic delusion, but I just saw something. Maybe. Maybe it was the glitch in the camera. Or maybe this place getting to me.9 瓦尔里德这个房间里到处写满了“瓦尔里德”一词。穆克夫曾开展过一场名叫“瓦尔里德计划”的实验,但这里的病人提到它时,就仿佛它是一个有形体的鬼魂。一个灵体,或者恶魔。瓦尔里德——这就是他们在山里发现的事物* 。我很想把这些都归结为精神分裂的妄想,但我刚才瞥到了一些东西可能可能是摄影机出了差错。或者是这地方要把我逼疯了。* 这就是他们在山里发现的事物 (Something theyfound in the mountain):可能是与Waylon的告密信中 “Doctors talking about dream therapy going to deep, finding something that had beenwaiting for them in the mountain” 的呼应。10 The Doctor is DeadThe patient know Dr.Wernicke is dead. One asks me, “what kind of experiment does a dead doctorperform on living patients?” What is PROJECT WALRIDER?10 医生已死这个病人知道威尼克医生死了。有人问我,“由已死去的医生在尚活着的病人身上进行的是哪种实验?”瓦尔里德计划是哪种实验?11 A Feast for FliesI thought this sewer couldn"t smell any worse. Hundreds of bodies crammed into a room, thousands of flies. Is this the Priest"s “way out”?11 苍蝇的盛会这条排水沟还能再臭点吗* ——几百具尸体填满了一个房间,陪伴他们的还有上千的苍蝇。这就是牧师说的“出路** ”?12 Organized TortureThe harder I try to escape,the further I get into this god awful place. Like fight a tar pit. They"ve been torturing people in the basement, and by method. Written on the wall _ “FINGERS FIRST. THEN BALLS. THEN TONGUE.” Somebody"s managing the torture, instructing them.12 规划好的折磨*我越是努力想要逃离,就在这个鬼地方陷得越深。这就像掉入沥青坑后的挣扎一样。他们一直在地下室拷打折磨人,而且还遵循着一套程序。墙上写着“首先是手指。然后是生|殖|器** 。然后是舌头。” 有人在经营这一套折磨。他在指导着他们。* 抱歉这个也忘了位置(喂)。但应该是在离开下水道后,见到医生之前?** 原汉化中译作“眼球”但眼球一般用“eyeball”吧balls能表示眼球吗想到病院里有眼睛的病人比有丁丁的多,就先这么理解吧。13 Dr. Rick TragerTRAGER. Sick fucker cut my fingers off. Has tortured and mangled dozens of patients, I watch him murder another one, nothing I can do about it. Talks like a white collar business school douchebag, probably has a set of golf clubs in the trunk of his Audi. I"d bet the rest of my fingers he was Murkoff brass before whatever"s infected this place changed him.I want out of this place. I want my fucking fingers back. I want to see Trager die.13 里克特雷格医生特-雷-格。变态死混蛋剪掉了我的手指还摧残折磨了数十其他的病人,我眼看着他又杀死一个却什么都做不了。他的言谈像个白领,商学院的人渣,也许在奥迪车的后备箱里还放着一套高尔夫球棍。我以剩下的这些手指打赌,在这个地方腐烂变质让所有人发疯之前,他曾是个穆克夫高管* 。我要从这里出去。我TMD要我的手指头。我要看特雷格死14 Death of TragerHow To Make Trager JuiceStep 1: squeeze.14 特雷格之死如何制取特雷格汁步骤1:挤压15 Let It BurnI"m not the only victim here, not by a long shot. I watch a man wait to burn to death, the most painful death imaginable, rather than stay in this place.15 燃烧吧我不是这里唯一的受害者,远远不是。我看见,比起在这人间地狱里苟且存活,有人宁可等着被烧死以一种能够想象到的最痛苦的方式死去。16 FingersI"ve said it before, but fuck this place. I"ve still got those fingers left.16 手指我知道我之前说过一遍,但仍要说,让-这-个-地-方-见-鬼-吧。我还是失掉了那些手指头* 。17 The Thing in the DarkGod help me, I think I"ve seen the Walrider.17 暗中之物神啊,救救我吧。我想我看见瓦尔里德了18 Don*t Drink the WaterSo much blood in the water I can smell it. Like putting a penny in your mouth when you were a kid. The whispers are making more sense, I"m looking for static. It"s like an itch.18 别喝那水*水里的血这么多,都能嗅得出来。正如小时候含着一枚分币时嘴里的味道** 。——那些 (精神病人间的?) 窃窃私语现在逐渐能说得通了。我在寻找着“静电” *** 。这就像对挠痒痒**** 的渴望。19 The Sound in the MachineThe sound in the machine; like the sound in my head when Walrider appeared. I blink and I see static, something else. Something oily and dark descending behind my eyelids. Watching me with organs I can"t imagine. But the sound is coming from the machine, too. From inside the walls. I know that sound19 机器里的声音机器里的声音。和瓦尔里德出现时我脑中的嗡鸣一样。眨眼就会看见静电,还有一些别的东西,漆黑油腻的东西,在眼睑后面慢慢下滑。用我根本无法想象的某种器官。看着我。但是声音也从机器里出来。从墙壁里出来。我知道那声音是20 No Safe PlaceA dead body at the bottom of the elevator shaft, surrounded by food. He barricaded himself in someplace safe, someplace nobody could reach him. It didn"t work.20 无处可藏电梯井底部,一具被食物包围的尸体。他在一个安全的地方,一个无人能触及他的地方,堆砌了自己的堡垒。这没有用。21 LiesI recognize the handwriting. Father Martin killed a man here. Are the “LIES” he"s talking about all the files missing from these boxes? The facts? The records? They look like government agency material, at least thirty years old, probably older. I start thinking MKULTRA, CIA. Mind Control. The buzzing won"t stop.21 谎言我认出了那字迹。马丁神父在这里杀死了一个人。他写下“谎言”——他是说这些盒子里缺失的文件?证据?档案?看起来像政府机构的材料,起码有三十年历史了,可能还要更久。我想到中情局的MKULTRA计划,精神控制之类的。(我身体内部传出的) 这种嗡嗡声* 真是不会停了。
2023-06-25 23:24:361


2023-06-25 23:25:082


滑雪是一件很累人的事情,而且也很危险,所以如果选择滑雪,一定要注意安全。还有,去之前把装备准备好,玩的开心,准备好了就没有后顾之忧了。航空公司的托运规定在一切开始之前,我们需要了解的最重要的信息是航空公司对滑雪装备的托运规定。熟悉托运行李规定的朋友可能知道,航空公司对托运行李有两个基本限制:重量和尺寸。最常见的规定是重量限制在每件20/23kg,长宽高之和不超过158cm/203cm。看到这里,你可能会小声说,大部分板封装长度可能超过158cm。你不能托运吗?如果你仔细阅读了船公司的托运行李规定,你会发现官网对运动装备有特别的规定。滑雪装备(单板/双板)是运动装备的一种,适用于特殊值机条款。总之,大部分航空公司都是把滑雪装备当做普通托运行李,按照超标尺寸来处理。从官网的解释来看,国外航空公司大多条款完善,国内航空公司相对模糊。实际上,在过去的五年里,我很少因为托运滑雪行李而被航空公司骚扰。不过,为以防万一,在买票或乘坐航班前,也要提前与航空公司确认滑雪行李的详细情况,以免影响出行。请注意:1.少部分航空公司对登机包的尺寸有限制,会在托运时进行测量。有超长板包的朋友要注意了。另外,滑雪板虽然是超重行李,但是重量限制和普通托运行李一样。2.有些航空公司把板包和单独的鞋包视为托运行李,前提是鞋包里只能放雪鞋,其他东西如雪服、头盔或个人物品都不能放进去。这一政策与不同航空公司和机场的执行情况有关。3.廉价航空公司可能会对滑雪用品单独收费。滑雪设备的托运过程困扰你的第一个问题可能是如何将板包比赛进车内。和把大象放进冰箱的步骤一样,只要打开门把它放进去就行了。可惜稍微长一点的板子都不能横放在后排,更别说扔后备箱了。以下是一些常见的方案:1.公交车:放在公交车的行李厢里2.普通车:如果后备箱不能直通后排座椅,那么你可以把副驾驶座放倒,垂直放在雪板里。3.后座倾斜的SUV或轿车:将一个或两个后座倾斜,将滑雪板从行李箱中放入。4.商用车:广阔的空间可以有所作为。如果板包很多,往往需要大家发挥想象力和华容道技能。人有多大胆,车有多能耐,板包当然能放下。最后,我建议你精简行李,少拿硬箱子,遇到有车顶行李架的司机就结婚。当你到达机场时,请办理与正常航班相同的手续,并称一下食宿和行李。大多数机场都为滑雪板等超重行李设立了专门的登记区。有的机场会由航空公司统一运输,有的则需要你自己把滑雪板运到相应的柜台。落地后,登机包一般不会和普通托运行李一起出来。您需要根据说明在超重行李认领处领取您的滑雪板。当然,也有像札幌机场这样的好设计。滑雪板可以像普通行李一样直接从传送带上出来,方便快捷。日内瓦机场札幌机场最后,如果你不幸遇到登机行李延误或丢失的情况,请参考我的指南《干货|航班托运行李丢失/延误索赔指南》,里面有详细的说明。我已经从汉莎航空公司收到了近1000欧元的赔偿,因为登机行李延误了一天。建议大家都买旅行保险,涵盖行李延误,祝大家行李一切顺利!: 出境滑雪的装备指引 1.纸板袋说完了流程和政策,接下来就可以说设备了。首先当然要从板包开始。无论单板还是双板,板包的设计基本都是一样的。只能携带,全包,轮式,硬壳,包括市面上的各种设计。去国外滑雪,我个人最喜欢用滚轮包/轮式滑雪包。一方面拉包毫不费力,还可以塞进各种物品如雪服、雪鞋、装备等等,节省行李空间。由于托运时行李需要各种方式处理,带轮子的大板包可以更好的保护雪板不被磕碰。如果转轮包太重,也可以用轻软的包。如果可能的话,将雪板打包或者用衣服包裹起来,最大程度避免磕碰。包的长度应该超过滑雪板的尺寸,但不要太多。对于同时在修单板和双板的朋友,可以考虑大尺寸的轮包,单板和双板同时安装,没有任何压力。在选择板包的时候,要注意材质,耐用度,内外设计。一个好的板包里面有储物系统,外面有牢固的搭扣,轮子耐用,有的甚至可以挂一个背包或者扛在肩上。对于女生来说,一个漂亮的板包也是提高滑雪旅行幸福感的工具。也可以在茫茫黑蓝板包中一眼找到属于自己的板包。当然,别忘了在板包上系上自己的行李牌或者名牌,尤其是买了大品牌经典黑色款式的朋友。当将设备装入板包时,您可以参考以下规则:把单板放在最下面,把双板和雪杖(用尖头包裹)放在一边。衣服卷成筒状,小件分类装入收纳袋。在估算重量的同时,也要利用好板包的每一寸空间,让板包在拖动时重量分布均匀,也能起到更多的保护作用。板子本身没有太多技术含量,但我还是推荐大品牌。一方面售后有保障,另一方面质量相对有保障。在国外最不想遇到的就是板子掉了一个轮子,坏了一个手柄扣。没有想法的朋友可以考虑Burton、Dakine等大品牌,而North Face、Patagonia等户外厂商也偶尔会卖轮包。喜欢时尚和新潮设计的朋友不要错过近年来大热的Douchebag。标志性的折叠设计和携带系统非常实用。2.行李除了登机包,我们通常会携带额外的行李箱或包来存放衣服和个人物品。如果是只是偶尔滑雪的朋友,可能不需要买专业的滑雪包。日常的行李箱足以满足需求。如果出行次数多,担心耐用或者有特殊需求,可以考虑购买滑雪旅行箱或者滑雪或者户外品牌的户外包。这种行李往往非常便携耐用,适合南来北往的滑雪爱好者。选购时,也要根据个人需求选择轮式包或软袋。此外,还可以在飞机上带滑雪用的背包,存放头盔和小玩意。作为行李之一,发挥最大效率。滑雪板滑雪板是板包里最重要的装备,没有滑雪板的板包会变软,塌陷。去国外滑雪,要根据目的地和雪况,以及自己的实际情况,选择合适的雪板。单板的固定器可以拆卸,也可以保留。如果携带多块雪板,最好分别装在雪板包的不同隔层里,或者套上简易的雪板套,防止雪板相互划伤。雪鞋雪地鞋可以放入专用鞋袋,放入板包,也可以单独携带。很多板包也有专门的雪鞋收纳袋。如果你有一个特殊的雪鞋包,许多航空公司会把它和登机包作为托运行李处理。如果重量超标,可以考虑单独带雪鞋上飞机。与雪板相比,合适的雪鞋更难租到,随身携带也降低了行李延误的风险。除了雪鞋,还可以额外准备一双适合在雪地里行走的雪鞋,以及拖鞋等个人用品在室内穿。4.雪衣根据天气和个人的得意程度,我们携带不同的雪服。按照内层、中间层、外壳的经典搭配,可以保证滑雪的舒适性。雪衣可以折叠或卷成桶,便于存放,而且除了雪衣,就是你的日常衣服和冬装。如果你的目的地有游泳池或热水浴,别忘了带泳衣。5.防雪盲的墨镜根据天气情况,我们可以携带多个雪地护目镜或者准备多个备用镜片,墨镜当然也是不可或缺的。需要注意的是,雪地镜、太阳镜、备用镜片要妥善放置在专门的雪地镜盒内,避免挤压造成损坏。使用隐形眼镜的朋友不要忘记隐形眼镜和护理液。最好分别装在托运行李和随身行李中,以免行李延误影响使用。6.保护装置作为第一救生装,强烈建议戴头盔。其他个人防护装备(护膝、护臀、护背等。)可根据个人需求携带。7.帽子作为一个帽子爱好者,我一直认为帽子是滑雪时非常好的提升物品。我建议多做准备。羊毛帽,棒球帽,渔夫帽,一个都不能少!8.面部防护无论是简单的围巾式护脸器,还是带面罩的风帽,或者是可以套在头盔外面的风帽,都应该是我们滑雪时防晒防霜必备的基本装备,一定要备齐。9.手套要根据天气准备不同厚度的手套。如果你有可触摸的内层手套,强烈建议带上。可以大大提升寒冷地区的滑雪体验,玩手机永远不愁。10.袜子除了帽子,我第二喜欢的物品是袜子。如果不想一直洗,可以多带几双。塞在鞋子里或者板包的缝隙里,很方便。1.工具对打蜡比较在意的朋友可以自带打蜡设备,或者准备方便携带的快速打蜡。国外滑雪最怕设备损坏,可以自带工具和配件,做好二手准备。12.雪崩安全设备如果涉及雪崩地形或者有登山滑雪日程,雪崩安全装备必不可少。三件套以板包托运时,最好用衣服将铲、探包好,以免刮伤雪板或其他器材,或放在背包三件套专用夹层内。Beacon建议放在随身行李里,尽量不要托运。如果携带雪崩气囊背包,就需要多加注意了。不同的航空公司对不同品牌的背包有不同的规定,所以需要更多的查询来确认。如果你带着充电背包,一定要带上电池上飞机。13.化妆品/化妆品不要忘记你的个人洗漱用品和化妆品。滑雪时你需要非常注意防晒和保湿。防晒霜和口红是必备用品。14.个人药品如果你有个人药品,记得带上。同时可以随时保留感冒药、胃肠药、维生素、跌打损伤膏药等。待命。不能忘记的是如今全民必备的保温杯。枸杞是否携带,请查看各国海关规定。15.拍摄设备和电子产品如果你像我一样喜欢在雪原拍些照片,别忘了你的拍摄设备。需要注意的是,相机要放在保护壳里,最好放在行李箱里,不要放在板包里,锂电池要放在随身行李里,不能托运。其他电子产品也是如此。记得随身携带充电宝,不然到了目的地楼层就因小失大了。除了上述几类,还要根据自身情况增减。滑雪装备和行李是我们滑雪旅行中最重要的部分。我们绝不能忽视他们。同时,我们也不需要太过小心,因为这些装备绝对比你想象的强大。
2023-06-25 23:25:151


2B to go their own way, let go, said SB
2023-06-25 23:25:317


pigheadedadj.固执的, 顽固的, 愚蠢的
2023-06-25 23:25:465

词汇量6000左右 托福能靠多少

2023-06-25 23:26:094

有趣的一个梦 六年级下册英语作文带中文翻译

级的带汉语1人回答默认排序44wlgcLV.62017-05-23Funny Dream That I Hadi had some dream that took place during a school week (im in high school). and all of a sudden in the morning i was escorted out of the building and told that i had a few days of out of school suspension. this helped clue me in that it was a dream because nothing like this has, or ever would, happen to me, and to be honest, i kind of already figured it was a dream earlier on.well, later in the dream when i finally got back to school i asked why i had been suspended, and they gave me this thick stack of forms that had been filled out that indicated i should be suspended (all were bogus reasons). about midway through i saw something about "general physical health". towards the bottom of the page was some thing about how students were forbidden from lifting dangerous free weights or consuming dangerous supplements like protein or creatine and how either of these could result in suspension. then it said something about how any student whose legs had a combined circumference of greater than a meter was deemed to be misusing strength training by applying it to lower body and also considered to be using illegal drugs to gain this size (which is under 20 inches a leg lol). i took note of this and several other things in the rest of the report and thought to myself "the people at wannabebig might think this is funny, i should try to remember it for when i wake up"well, the rest of the dream wouldnt be so entertaining as the subject of douchebags and their false opinions on lifting never came up again, but i did find the person responsible for my suspension and got them fired as well as my absence excused. so all in all, it was a good dream.
2023-06-25 23:26:253


Am I looking like this?Tell me, am I looking like this?No not at all , you can"t control,You think I"m showy but I"m not at all.Am I looking like this?Tell me, am I looking like this.In my world swing is swag,Do you understand what I"m talking about?I"m wearing some bling-bling made by Gucci,Riding a 305 ferrari.Cross me somewhere in the street,Maybe I would just look at your feet,Without a 300-dollar pair of shoes,Don"t even think you"re gonna talk to me, you"re a fool.You can cry, or maybe you can die.Okay you won"t die, but we know you will cry.Man, I"m just way too far,I can"t explain to you.Man, I"m just way too far,I"m just too good for you.Man, I"m just way too far,I can"t explain to you.Man, I"m just way too far,I"m just too good for you.Am I looking like this?Tell me, am I looking like this?No not at all , you can"t control,You think I"m showy but I"m not at all.Am I looking like this?Tell me, am I looking like this?In my world swing is swag,Do you understand what I"m talking about?You are more stupid than my dog.Have you got my shit?You look as ugly as a frog.Have you got my shit?You have no subject when you talk.Have you got my shit?I"m so clever, got it locked.Have you got my shit?(Oh, fuck off.I heard he"s a jerk.You call him a jerk?He"s an asshole.I call him a douchebag, man.Give me a break.You will need to make your personality,Please, and you will uh, witness one of the greatmiracles of life.)Am I looking like this?Tell me, am I looking like this?No not at all , you can"t control,You think I"m showy but I"m not at all.Am I looking like this?Tell me, am I looking like this?In my world swing is swag,Do you understand what I"m talking about?You are more stupid than my dog.Have you got my shit?You look as ugly as a frog.Have you got my shit?You have no subject when you talk.Have you got my shit?I"m so clever, got it locked.Have you got my shit?I was kidding,I"ve never worn no Gucci.I"m a badass , not a douchebag, sorry.Would you give me just one more chance,So I can propose you up for one more dance.Tell me what you see if you look a bit closer,I"m a good guy not some kind of fucker.Watch your mouth, leave the rest untold.I"m only nice, when I"m under control.Man,it went way too far,I can"t explain to you.Man,went a way too far,I"m just as good as you.Am I looking like this?Tell me, am I looking like this?No not at all , you can"t control,You think I"m showy but I"m not at all.Am I looking like this?Tell me, am I looking like this?In my world swing is swag,Do you understand what I"m talking about?Am I looking like this?Tell me, am I looking like this?No not at all , you can"t control,You think I"m showy but I"m not at all.
2023-06-25 23:26:541

Dane Cook的《L-O-V-E》 歌词

歌曲名:L-O-V-E歌手:Dane Cook专辑:RetaliationLet"s talk a little bit about L-O-V-E.Sometimes, you meet somebody and you have what is known as a"relationship" and things can go great and if it goes great,then you have a great relationship.Sometimes, it doesnt go so great, and I like to call that a "relationshit".When you"re not in love, you don"t have love,everybody you know falls in love.On like, the same day.Even Karen the Douchebag falls in love.Even retarded people in your neighborhood are gettingmarried on their front lawn.As you drive by - "What? The "Tards just got married on their lawn.That"s great. I have nobody, and the "Tards just committed to eachother for a lifetime of tardiness."Or is that, they"re late for everything. I don"t know, could be.I came up with the perfect analogy, right here.This is what it feels like when you don"t have love,it"s like there"s a party going on and everyone was invited,except for you. And you just happen to be walking by that house,in the rain ."Ohh. I wasn"t invited to this party."That"s what that feels like. But then again, once you"re in love,you know what that"s like?That"s like being inside the party going,"Where"s my jacket? I wanna get out of here. Where"s my jacket?I"ve been at this party for six years and I wanna see other parties.Where"s my jacket? Someone shit on the coats!I think someone shit on, about, or around the coats.""What?"
2023-06-25 23:27:011

No Hablo Ingles 歌词

歌曲名:No Hablo Ingles歌手:Bowling For Soup专辑:Sorry for Partyin"Bowling For Soup - No Hablo InglesAi-ai-ai-ai-ai!You-you-you-you-you!Uno! Dos! Tres! Quatro!My teacher asked me where my homework was and that"s when I told her"No hablo Ingles"Policeman caught me doing ninety and that"s when he pulled me over"No hablo Ingles"A hippie with a tambourine asking me if I could spare a dollar"No hablo Ingles"Some douchebag at the club tries to pick a fight and grabs my collar"No hablo Ingles"(One!)When I"m not feeling it!(Two!)When someone"s full of shit!(Three!)When I get cut off at the ba-a-a-a-ar!To make a getawayIt"s all you"ve gotta say!(Quatro! Sinco! Seis!)"No hablo Ingles!""No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)"No hablo Ingles!""No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)My nephew asked me if I"d take him to the Jonas Brothers movie"No hablo Ingles"Walking my dog I saw a sign that says to please pick up the doodie"No hablo Ingles"My mama gets mad "cause I never call my dad on his birthday"No hablo Ingles"A guy walks up and says "Doda esta casel de pepe"... He no hablo Ingles(One!)So many different uses!(Two!)You don"t need no excuses!(Three!)It"s as easy as the third gra-a-a-a-ade!The perfect getaway!It"s all you"ve gotta say!(Quatro! Sinco! Seis!)"No hablo Ingles!""No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)"No hablo Ingles!""No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)Did you brush your teeth!?(No hablo Ingles!)Where"d you leave your pants!?(No hablo Ingles!)Did you feed the fish!?(No hablo Ingles!)Do you like my band!?... Wait, don"t answer that"No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)"No hablo Ingles!""No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)"No hablo Ingles!"Do you wanna buy some Girl Scout cookies?"No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)Did one of you guys pee in the pool?"No hablo Ingles!"Hey! how "bout we all get together and go to the ballet!?"No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)... Can I borrow that beer?"No hablo Ingles!"HAHAHAHAHAHA!"No hablo Ingles!""No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)"No hablo Ingles!""No hablo Ingles!"
2023-06-25 23:27:081

No hablo ingles歌词

Bowling For Soup - No Hablo Ingles Ai-ai-ai-ai-ai! You-you-you-you-you! Uno! Dos! Tres! Quatro! My teacher asked me where my homework was and that"s when I told her "No hablo Ingles" Policeman caught me doing ninety and that"s when he pulled me over "No hablo Ingles" A hippie with a tambourine asking me if I could spare a dollar "No hablo Ingles" Some douchebag at the club tries to pick a fight and grabs my collar "No hablo Ingles" (One!) When I"m not feeling it! (Two!) When someone"s full of shit! (Three!) When I get cut off at the ba-a-a-a-ar! To make a getaway It"s all you"ve gotta say! (Quatro! Sinco! Seis!) "No hablo Ingles!" "No hablo Ingles!" (Hey! Hey! Hey!) "No hablo Ingles!" "No hablo Ingles!" (Hey! Hey! Hey!) My nephew asked me if I"d take him to the Jonas Brothers movie "No hablo Ingles" Walking my dog I saw a sign that says to please pick up the doodie "No hablo Ingles" My mama gets mad "cause I never call my dad on his birthday "No hablo Ingles" A guy walks up and says "Doda esta casel de pepe" ... He no hablo Ingles (One!) So many different uses! (Two!) You don"t need no excuses! (Three!) It"s as easy as the third gra-a-a-a-ade! The perfect getaway! It"s all you"ve gotta say! (Quatro! Sinco! Seis!) "No hablo Ingles!" "No hablo Ingles!" (Hey! Hey! Hey!) "No hablo Ingles!" "No hablo Ingles!" (Hey! Hey! Hey!) Did you brush your teeth!? (No hablo Ingles!) Where"d you leave your pants!? (No hablo Ingles!) Did you feed the fish!? (No hablo Ingles!) Do you like my band!? ... Wait, don"t answer that "No hablo Ingles!" (Hey! Hey! Hey!) "No hablo Ingles!" "No hablo Ingles!" (Hey! Hey! Hey!) "No hablo Ingles!" Do you wanna buy some Girl Scout cookies? "No hablo Ingles!" (Hey! Hey! Hey!) Did one of you guys pee in the pool? "No hablo Ingles!" Hey! how "bout we all get together and go to the ballet!? "No hablo Ingles!" (Hey! Hey! Hey!) ... Can I borrow that beer? "No hablo Ingles!" HAHAHAHAHAHA! "No hablo Ingles!" "No hablo Ingles!" (Hey! Hey! Hey!) "No hablo Ingles!" "No hablo Ingles!" LRC by yvonne from LK Lyrics Group
2023-06-25 23:27:261


有趣的梦英语作文40词 Last night, I had an interesting dream. In the dream I aidentally got a magic pen with which I could write beautiful Chinese characters. Then I took part in a calligraphy petition. With the help of the pen I got the first place. I became famous soon and a lot of people came to beg me for some characters. I felt very proud of myself. But when I picked the pen up and wrote down a character, I found it very ugly. The pen no longer had magic. I was frightened into cold sweat. Seeing this, people understood what was happening. They all laughed at me and said that I was a cheat. I tried to find some place to hide but couldn"t find any. Then I was scared awoken. I know that in the world there is no magic pen. Only when I work hard can I write beautiful characters. 有趣的梦英语作文过去时 Funny Dream That I Had i had some dream that took place during a school week (im in high school). and all of a sudden in the morning i was escorted out of the building and told that i had a few days of out of school suspension. this helped clue me in that it was a dream because nothing like this has, or ever would, happen to me, and to be honest, i kind of already figured it was a dream earlier on. well, later in the dream when i finally got back to school i asked why i had been suspended, and they gave me this thick stack of forms that had been filled out that indicated i should be suspended (all were bogus reasons). about midway through i saw something about "general physical health". towards the bottom of the page was some thing about how students were forbidden from lifting dangerous free weights or consuming dangerous supplements like protein or creatine and how either of these could result in suspension. then it said something about how any student whose legs had a bined circumference of greater than a meter was deemed to be misusing strength training by applying it to lower body and also considered to be using illegal drugs to gain this size (which is under 20 inches a leg lol). i took note of this and several other things in the rest of the report and thought to myself "the people at wannabebig might think this is funny, i should try to remember it for when i wake up" well, the rest of the dream wouldnt be so entertaining as the subject of douchebags and their false opinions on lifting never came up again, but i did find the person responsible for my suspension and got them fired as well as my absence excused. so all in all, it was a good dream. O(∩_∩)O哈!,记得采纳哟~! 题目一个很有趣的梦英语作文急求! 嗯,帮你一把~! 【文章参考】 Funny Dream That I Had i had some dream that took place during a school week (im in high school). and all of a sudden in the morning i was escorted out of the building and told that i had a few days of out of school suspension. this helped clue me in that it was a dream because nothing like this has, or ever would, happen to me, and to be honest, i kind of already figured it was a dream earlier on. well, later in the dream when i finally got back to school i asked why i had been suspended, and they gave me this thick stack of forms that had been filled out that indicated i should be suspended (all were bogus reasons). about midway through i saw something about "general physical health". towards the bottom of the page was some thing about how students were forbidden from lifting dangerous free weights or consuming dangerous supplements like protein or creatine and how either of these could result in suspension. then it said something about how any student whose legs had a bined circumference of greater than a meter was deemed to be misusing strength training by applying it to lower body and also considered to be using illegal drugs to gain this size (which is under 20 inches a leg lol). i took note of this and several other things in the rest of the report and thought to myself "the people at wannabebig might think this is funny, i should try to remember it for when i wake up" well, the rest of the dream wouldnt be so entertaining as the subject of douchebags and their false opinions on lifting never came up again, but i did find the person responsible for my suspension and got them fired as well as my absence excused. so all in all, it was a good dream. O(∩_∩)O哈!,记得采纳哟~! 有趣的梦英语作文五句话六年级的带汉语 Funny Dream That I Had i had some dream that took place during a school week (im in high school). and all of a sudden in the morning i was escorted out of the building and told that i had a few days of out of school suspension. this helped clue me in that it was a dream because nothing like this has, or ever would, happen to me, and to be honest, i kind of already figured it was a dream earlier on. well, later in the dream when i finally got back to school i asked why i had been suspended, and they gave me this thick stack of forms that had been filled out that indicated i should be suspended (all were bogus reasons). about midway through i saw something about "general physical health". towards the bottom of the page was some thing about how students were forbidden from lifting dangerous free weights or consuming dangerous supplements like protein or creatine and how either of these could result in suspension. then it said something about how any student whose legs had a bined circumference of greater than a meter was deemed to be misusing strength training by applying it to lower body and also considered to be using illegal drugs to gain this size (which is under 20 inches a leg lol). i took note of this and several other things in the rest of the report and thought to myself "the people at wannabebig might think this is funny, i should try to remember it for when i wake up" well, the rest of the dream wouldnt be so entertaining as the subject of douchebags and their false opinions on lifting never came up again, but i did find the person responsible for my suspension and got them fired as well as my absence excused. so all in all, it was a good dream. 英语作文:有趣的事 Singing is an interesting thing. There"s people who are great singers that don"t have good sounding voices (think Dylan, or even Bruce) and people who have great voices but aren"t technically good singers (think Mariah Carey--her phrasing is aby *** al). Now, there are a few singers that have good voices *and* are good technical singers--and these are the people that there is general agreement on. You make a list of these people as "great singers" and you generally don"t get much argument. Marvin Gaye, Elvis, Paul McCartney, David Ruffin of the Temptations, Kate Bush, (to get out of rock a bit) Sinatra. That"s a few of them. Anyone that tries to tell you that Marvin Gaye couldn"t sing doesn"t know anything about singing. An Interesting Thing Today, there is an interesting thing at my home. Today is Sunday, so my father doesn"t go to work. After lunch, my father goes to sleep and I feel a little bit bore. Suddenly, an interesting idea es to my mind. I take four color pens to my father"s room. And then, I help him put on lipstick with a red pen, paint his face with a yellow pen, draw the left eyebrow with a blue pen and draw the right with a green pen. Finally, I draw a very interesting makeup for dad. And then I go back to watch TV. About half an hour later, he shouts loudly when he is doing with his hair. I laugh loudly, because he is shocked by himself and he isn"t angry with me. 有趣的事英语作文 My friend went to Shanghai last Monday. He could not understand their dialect. But, they could speak Mandarin. However, sometimes, it was hard to understand their Mandarin. My friend"s last name was Wang. His friend"s last name was Huang. But Shanghai people had the same pronunciation for Wang and Huang. So, when they called my friends, my friends did not know who they were calling. However, most time, they could understand each other very well. In fact, my friend had learned some Shanghai dialect when he was there. He was happy there and he will go there again. 英语作文 有趣的一天 200个单词 1.Summer Vacation I enjoy summer vacation very much. Because summer vacation is the longest vacation of the year. We have more than fifty days to rest. Though it is very hot, we can either go to swim or stay in the air-conditioned room . In the evening, I like to go shopping with my friends. We can eat many things in summer, such as ice creams, watermelons, grapes,so on.In summer, I always go on a trip with my parents. It"s a good chance for us to visit some nice interesting places. 2.An unfettable thing during Summer vacation It was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my i took the busgot there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too. In the afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and i was happy to see the flowers *** iling in the wind. In a word,today is a unfetive day.because i saw my relativeshelped people. My Favourite SeasonThere are four seasons in one year, they are spring, summer, autumn and winter. In my opnion ,spring is the best season.First of all, it is very warm. The winter goes away, so the tempreture is higher ,and rather fortable for human beings. Secondly, spring is very beautiful. The grass and trees grow freely, the flowers are rather colourful, the butterflies fly happily,and the wind is warmer. Thirdly, it is the first season in a year.It means the children are i one year older than before. They are *** s now and they can protect themselves . And at last, I like spring just bacause I was born in March. All in all, I believe that spring is my favourite season. This Saturday was my aunt"s birthday, so my family went to a resterant to have dinner. We were quite happy. After dinner, we sent presents to my aunt.Then we lighted cancles, sang birthday songs, and finally ate the cake. I think it was very interesting 有趣的邻居英语作文 My neighborhood is nice. It"s my home sweet home. I feel fortable there. I live in the city. My home is ina high rise. It"s quiet,safe and clean. The location is convenient. Everything we need is nearby. I can walk to school in minutes. My neighbors are friendly. Everyone is kind and polite. Everyone *** iles and say hello. We watch out for each other. We carev about the environment. we always hold cleanup activities. I like the older neighbors best. They are gentle and sweet. They often give me food and other treats. There ia a *** all park close by. It has a new playground. That"s where I play with friends. My munity is special. It"s perfect to me. I"d never want to move. How"s your neighborhood? Do you like where you live. I hope you love your home,too.
2023-06-25 23:27:331

No Hablo Ingles 歌词

歌曲名:No Hablo Ingles歌手:Bowling For Soup专辑:Promo Only Mainstream Radio October 2009Bowling For Soup - No Hablo InglesAi-ai-ai-ai-ai!You-you-you-you-you!Uno! Dos! Tres! Quatro!My teacher asked me where my homework was and that"s when I told her"No hablo Ingles"Policeman caught me doing ninety and that"s when he pulled me over"No hablo Ingles"A hippie with a tambourine asking me if I could spare a dollar"No hablo Ingles"Some douchebag at the club tries to pick a fight and grabs my collar"No hablo Ingles"(One!)When I"m not feeling it!(Two!)When someone"s full of shit!(Three!)When I get cut off at the ba-a-a-a-ar!To make a getawayIt"s all you"ve gotta say!(Quatro! Sinco! Seis!)"No hablo Ingles!""No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)"No hablo Ingles!""No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)My nephew asked me if I"d take him to the Jonas Brothers movie"No hablo Ingles"Walking my dog I saw a sign that says to please pick up the doodie"No hablo Ingles"My mama gets mad "cause I never call my dad on his birthday"No hablo Ingles"A guy walks up and says "Doda esta casel de pepe"... He no hablo Ingles(One!)So many different uses!(Two!)You don"t need no excuses!(Three!)It"s as easy as the third gra-a-a-a-ade!The perfect getaway!It"s all you"ve gotta say!(Quatro! Sinco! Seis!)"No hablo Ingles!""No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)"No hablo Ingles!""No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)Did you brush your teeth!?(No hablo Ingles!)Where"d you leave your pants!?(No hablo Ingles!)Did you feed the fish!?(No hablo Ingles!)Do you like my band!?... Wait, don"t answer that"No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)"No hablo Ingles!""No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)"No hablo Ingles!"Do you wanna buy some Girl Scout cookies?"No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)Did one of you guys pee in the pool?"No hablo Ingles!"Hey! how "bout we all get together and go to the ballet!?"No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)... Can I borrow that beer?"No hablo Ingles!"HAHAHAHAHAHA!"No hablo Ingles!""No hablo Ingles!"(Hey! Hey! Hey!)"No hablo Ingles!""No hablo Ingles!"
2023-06-25 23:27:401

Run Away (2000 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Run Away (2000 Digital Remaster)歌手:The Icebreakers With The Diamonds专辑:Planet Mars In DubKanye West - Runaway (Featuring Pusha T)Dark Twisted Fantasy (2010)show some love to ROCROC NATION, NIGGAAnd I always find, yeah, I always find somethin" wrongYou been puttin" up wit" my shit just way too longI"m so gifted at findin" what I don"t like the mostSo I think it"s time for us to have a toastLet"s have a toast for the douchebags,Let"s have a toast for the assholes,Let"s have a toast for the scumbags,Every one of them that I knowLet"s have a toast to the jerkoffsThat"ll never take work offBaby, I got a planRun away fast as you canShe find pictures in my emailI sent this girl a picture of my dickI don"t know what it is with femalesBut I"m not too good with that shitSee, I could have me a good girlAnd still be addicted to them hoodratsAnd I just blame everything on youAt least you know that"s what I"m good atyeah, I always findAnd I always findYeah, I always find somethin" wrongYou been puttin" up with my shit just way too longI"m so gifted at findin" what I don"t like the mostSo I think it"s time for us to have a toastLet"s have a toast for the douchebags,Let"s have a toast for the assholes,Let"s have a toast for the scumbags,Every one of them that I knowLet"s have a toast to the jerkoffsThat"ll never take work offBaby, I got a planRun away fast as you canRun away from me, babyRun awayRun away from me, babyRun away… I get crazyJust run away… I got a planRun away as fast as you can24/7, 365, pussey stays on my mindI-I-I-I did it, all right, all right, I admit itNow pick your best move, you can leave or live wit" itIchabod Crane with that motherfucking top offSplit and go where? Back to wearin" knockoffs, hahaKnock it off, Neiman"s, shop it offLet"s talk over mai tais, waitress, top it offHoes like vultures, they wanna fly in your Freddy loafersYou can"t blame "em, they ain"t never seen Versace sofasEvery bag, every blouse, every braceletComes wit" a price tag, baby, face itYou should leave if you can"t accept the basicsPlenty hoes in the baller-nigga matrixInvisibly set, the Rolex is facelessI"m just young, rich, and tastelessP!Never was much of a romanticI could never take the intimacyAnd I know it did damage"Cause the look in your eyes is killin" meI"m guessin" you"re at an advantage"Cause you could blame me for everythingAnd I don"t know how I"ma manageIf one day you just up and leaveAnd I always findYeah, I always find somethin" wrongYou been puttin" up with my shit just way too longI"m so gifted at findin" what I don"t like the mostSo I think it"s time for us to have a toastLet"s have a toast for the douchebagsLet"s have a toast for the assholesLet"s have a toast for the scumbagsEvery one of them that I knowLet"s have a toast to the jerkoffsThat"ll never take work offBaby, I got a planRun away fast as you can
2023-06-25 23:27:471


其实,这不是一个友好的事情。汉语有骂人的脏话,英语也同样有。那么,你知道常见的英语中“骂人”的脏话有哪些吗?你会用英语骂人吗?赶快跟春喜外语我一起来看看吧! 1.Go to hell.去死吧。 2. You"re a jerk!你是个废物/混球! 3. fuck you干你! mother fucker草泥马的! 5.go fuck yourself! 玩儿蛋去吧! son of a bitch! 你这狗日的! 7. Get lost.滚开! 8.Asshole!傻货! 9.It"s none of your business.关你屁事! 10. You have a lot of nerve.脸皮真厚。 11. Can"t you do anything right?成事不足,败事有余。 12. kiss my ass! 去死吧! shit head! 你这猪脑子! douchebag! 你这傻逼! 15. I"ve had enough of your garbage.我听腻了你的废话。 16. What were you thinking?你脑子进水啊? 17. You are out of your mind.你脑子有毛病! 18. Drop dead.去死吧! 19. You"re a pain in the ass.你这讨厌鬼。 20.son of bitch狗娘养的 21.get out滚 22.You make me sick!你真让我恶心! 23.You stupid jerk!你这蠢猪! 24.Shut up!闭嘴! 25. What a stupid idiot!真是白痴一个! 26. You"re just a good for nothing bum!你真是一个废物!/你一无是处! 27.I detest you!我恨你! 28.You"re impossible.你真不可救药 29.You"re a joke!你真是一个小丑! 30.I could kill you!我宰了你! 31.Oh, hell"s bells!死定了! 32. That"s nonsense!胡说八道! 33.It serves you right!自作自受 34. Idiot!白痴 35.You pig!你这个猪! 36. You hypocrite!伪君子! 37.You ass licker (kisser)!马屁精! 38.You make me sick!你真让我恶心! 39.Get out of my face.从我面前消失! 40. You stupid jerk!你这蠢猪! 以上的40句英语“骂人”脏话,你会了吗?想了解更多的日常英语口语就来春喜外语:,专业外教一对一,在线英语培训机构,你值得拥有!
2023-06-25 23:27:551


stupid clumsy moron idiot ass asshole donkey silly dull fool joskin swine
2023-06-25 23:28:022

You are a fucking douchebag。英语是什么意思?

2023-06-25 23:28:211


Funny Dream That I Had i had some dream that took place during a school week (im in high school). and all of a sudden in the morning i was escorted out of the building and told that i had a few days of out of school suspension. this helped clue me in that it was a dream because nothing like this has, or ever would, happen to me, and to be honest, i kind of already figured it was a dream earlier on. well, later in the dream when i finally got back to school i asked why i had been suspended, and they gave me this thick stack of forms that had been filled out that indicated i should be suspended (all were bogus reasons). about midway through i saw something about "general physical health". towards the bottom of the page was some thing about how students were forbidden from lifting dangerous free weights or consuming dangerous supplements like protein or creatine and how either of these could result in suspension. then it said something about how any student whose legs had a combined circumference of greater than a meter was deemed to be misusing strength training by applying it to lower body and also considered to be using illegal drugs to gain this size (which is under 20 inches a leg lol). i took note of this and several other things in the rest of the report and thought to myself "the people at wannabebig might think this is funny, i should try to remember it for when i wake up" well, the rest of the dream wouldnt be so entertaining as the subject of douchebags and their false opinions on lifting never came up again, but i did find the person responsible for my suspension and got them fired as well as my absence excused. so all in all, it was a good dream.
2023-06-25 23:28:281


Funny Dream That I Had i had some dream that took place during a school week (im in high school). and all of a sudden in the morning i was escorted out of the building and told that i had a few days of out of school suspension. this helped clue me in that it was a dream because nothing like this has, or ever would, happen to me, and to be honest, i kind of already figured it was a dream earlier on. well, later in the dream when i finally got back to school i asked why i had been suspended, and they gave me this thick stack of forms that had been filled out that indicated i should be suspended (all were bogus reasons). about midway through i saw something about "general physical health". towards the bottom of the page was some thing about how students were forbidden from lifting dangerous free weights or consuming dangerous supplements like protein or creatine and how either of these could result in suspension. then it said something about how any student whose legs had a combined circumference of greater than a meter was deemed to be misusing strength training by applying it to lower body and also considered to be using illegal drugs to gain this size (which is under 20 inches a leg lol). i took note of this and several other things in the rest of the report and thought to myself "the people at wannabebig might think this is funny, i should try to remember it for when i wake up" well, the rest of the dream wouldnt be so entertaining as the subject of douchebags and their false opinions on lifting never came up again, but i did find the person responsible for my suspension and got them fired as well as my absence excused. so all in all, it was a good dream. O(∩_∩)O哈!,记得采纳哟~!
2023-06-25 23:28:351


Funny Dream That I Had i had some dream that took place during a school week (im in high school). and all of a sudden in the morning i was escorted out of the building and told that i had a few days of out of school suspension. this helped clue me in that it was a dream because nothing like this has, or ever would, happen to me, and to be honest, i kind of already figured it was a dream earlier on. well, later in the dream when i finally got back to school i asked why i had been suspended, and they gave me this thick stack of forms that had been filled out that indicated i should be suspended (all were bogus reasons). about midway through i saw something about "general physical health". towards the bottom of the page was some thing about how students were forbidden from lifting dangerous free weights or consuming dangerous supplements like protein or creatine and how either of these could result in suspension. then it said something about how any student whose legs had a combined circumference of greater than a meter was deemed to be misusing strength training by applying it to lower body and also considered to be using illegal drugs to gain this size (which is under 20 inches a leg lol). i took note of this and several other things in the rest of the report and thought to myself "the people at wannabebig might think this is funny, i should try to remember it for when i wake up" well, the rest of the dream wouldnt be so entertaining as the subject of douchebags and their false opinions on lifting never came up again, but i did find the person responsible for my suspension and got them fired as well as my absence excused. so all in all, it was a good dream.
2023-06-25 23:28:421


Funny Dream That I Had i had some dream that took place during a school week (im in high school). and all of a sudden in the morning i was escorted out of the building and told that i had a few days of out of school suspension. this helped clue me in that it was a dream because nothing like this has, or ever would, happen to me, and to be honest, i kind of already figured it was a dream earlier on. well, later in the dream when i finally got back to school i asked why i had been suspended, and they gave me this thick stack of forms that had been filled out that indicated i should be suspended (all were bogus reasons). about midway through i saw something about "general physical health". towards the bottom of the page was some thing about how students were forbidden from lifting dangerous free weights or consuming dangerous supplements like protein or creatine and how either of these could result in suspension. then it said something about how any student whose legs had a combined circumference of greater than a meter was deemed to be misusing strength training by applying it to lower body and also considered to be using illegal drugs to gain this size (which is under 20 inches a leg lol). i took note of this and several other things in the rest of the report and thought to myself "the people at wannabebig might think this is funny, i should try to remember it for when i wake up" well, the rest of the dream wouldnt be so entertaining as the subject of douchebags and their false opinions on lifting never came up again, but i did find the person responsible for my suspension and got them fired as well as my absence excused. so all in all, it was a good dream.
2023-06-25 23:28:491


Funny Dream That I Had i had some dream that took place during a school week (im in high school). and all of a sudden in the morning i was escorted out of the building and told that i had a few days of out of school suspension. this helped clue me in that it was a dream because nothing like this has, or ever would, happen to me, and to be honest, i kind of already figured it was a dream earlier on. well, later in the dream when i finally got back to school i asked why i had been suspended, and they gave me this thick stack of forms that had been filled out that indicated i should be suspended (all were bogus reasons). about midway through i saw something about "general physical health". towards the bottom of the page was some thing about how students were forbidden from lifting dangerous free weights or consuming dangerous supplements like protein or creatine and how either of these could result in suspension. then it said something about how any student whose legs had a combined circumference of greater than a meter was deemed to be misusing strength training by applying it to lower body and also considered to be using illegal drugs to gain this size (which is under 20 inches a leg lol). i took note of this and several other things in the rest of the report and thought to myself "the people at wannabebig might think this is funny, i should try to remember it for when i wake up" well, the rest of the dream wouldnt be so entertaining as the subject of douchebags and their false opinions on lifting never came up again, but i did find the person responsible for my suspension and got them fired as well as my absence excused. so all in all, it was a good dream. O(∩_∩)O哈!,记得采纳哟~!
2023-06-25 23:28:561


Kit Willesee
2023-06-25 23:29:031


  Funny Dream That I Hadi had some dream that took place during a school week (im in high school). and all of a sudden in the morning i was escorted out of the building and told that i had a few days of out of school suspension. this helped clue me in that it was a dream because nothing like this has, or ever would, happen to me, and to be honest, i kind of already figured it was a dream earlier on. well, later in the dream when i finally got back to school i asked why i had been suspended, and they gave me this thick stack of forms that had been filled out that indicated i should be suspended (all were bogus reasons). about midway through i saw something about "general physical health". towards the bottom of the page was some thing about how students were forbidden from lifting dangerous free weights or consuming dangerous supplements like protein or creatine and how either of these could result in suspension. then it said something about how any student whose legs had a combined circumference of greater than a meter was deemed to be misusing strength training by applying it to lower body and also considered to be using illegal drugs to gain this size (which is under 20 inches a leg lol). i took note of this and several other things in the rest of the report and thought to myself "the people at wannabebig might think this is funny, i should try to remember it for when i wake up" well, the rest of the dream wouldnt be so entertaining as the subject of douchebags and their false opinions on lifting never came up again, but i did find the person responsible for my suspension and got them fired as well as my absence excused. so all in all, it was a good dream. O(∩_∩)O哈!,记得采纳哟~!
2023-06-25 23:29:271


2023-06-25 23:29:359


嗯,帮你一把~!【文章参考】Funny Dream That I Had i had some dream that took place during a school week (im in high school). and all of a sudden in the morning i was escorted out of the building and told that i had a few days of out of school suspension. this helped clue me in that it was a dream because nothing like this has, or ever would, happen to me, and to be honest, i kind of already figured it was a dream earlier on. well, later in the dream when i finally got back to school i asked why i had been suspended, and they gave me this thick stack of forms that had been filled out that indicated i should be suspended (all were bogus reasons). about midway through i saw something about "general physical health". towards the bottom of the page was some thing about how students were forbidden from lifting dangerous free weights or consuming dangerous supplements like protein or creatine and how either of these could result in suspension. then it said something about how any student whose legs had a combined circumference of greater than a meter was deemed to be misusing strength training by applying it to lower body and also considered to be using illegal drugs to gain this size (which is under 20 inches a leg lol). i took note of this and several other things in the rest of the report and thought to myself "the people at wannabebig might think this is funny, i should try to remember it for when i wake up" well, the rest of the dream wouldnt be so entertaining as the subject of douchebags and their false opinions on lifting never came up again, but i did find the person responsible for my suspension and got them fired as well as my absence excused. so all in all, it was a good dream. O(∩_∩)O哈!,记得采纳哟~!
2023-06-25 23:29:591


1.The fucking book costs me ten bulks.2.I spent ten fucking bulks on this book.3.I exchanged ten bulk for this bloody book.(nobody talk in this way, unless he"s a goddamn douchebag) kills my nerves, damn!
2023-06-25 23:30:097


2023-06-25 23:30:342


英文歌词Runaway(Kanye West)(Look at you x 14)(Look at you x eight)(Ladies and gentlemen, la-ladies and gentlemen)(And I want to show you how you all look like beautiful stars tonight)(And I want to show you how you all look like beautiful stars tonight)(And I want to show you how you all look like beautiful stars tonight)And I always find, yeah, I always find somethin" wrongYou been puttin" up wit" my shit just way too longI"m so gifted at findin" what I don"t like the mostSo I think it"s time for us to have a toastLet"s have a toast for the douchebags,Let"s have a toast for the assholesLet"s have a toast for the scumbags,让我们为卑鄙小人干杯!Every one of them that I know我所知道的他们中的每一个人Let"s have a toast to the jerkoffs让我们为这些贱人干杯!That"ll never take work off它永远都是没完没了Baby, I got a plan宝贝,我有了一个计划Run away fast as you can能跑多快就跑多快She find pictures in my email她在我Email里发现照片I sent this girl a picture of my, dick我给这个女孩发了一张我JB的照片I don"t know what it is with females我不知道JB和女人在一起算什么But I"m not too good with that, shitSee, I could have me a good girlAnd still be addicted to them hoodratsAnd I just blame everything on youAt least you know that"s what I"m good atSee, I always findAnd I always findYeah, I always find somethin" wrongYou been puttin" up with my shit just way too longI"m so gifted at findin" what I don"t like the mostSo I think it"s time for us to have a toastLet"s have a toast for the douchebags,Let"s have a toast for the assholes,Let"s have a toast for the scumbags,Every one of them that I knowLet"s have a toast to the jerkoffsThat"ll never take work offBaby, I got a planRun away fast as you canR-r-ru-ru-ru-run awayRun away from me, baby(Look at, look at, look at, look at you)Run away from me, baby(Look at you, look at you, look at you)Run awayRun away from me, baby(Pusha T)24/7, 365, pussey stays on my mindI-I-I-I did it, all right, all right, I admit itNow pick your best move, you could leave or live wit" itIchabod Crane with that Lamborghini top offSplit and go where? Back to wearin" knockoffs, huh?Knock it off, Neiman"s, shop it offLet"s talk over mai tais, waitress, top it off(Inaudible) Wanna fly in your Freddy loafersYou can"t blame "em, they ain"t never seen Versace sofasEvery bag, every blouse, every braceletComes with a price tag, baby, face itYou should leave if you can"t accept the basicsPlenty whoes in the baller-nigga"s matrixInvisibly set, the Rolex is facelessI"m just young, rich, but your tastelessP!(Kanye)OhI haven"t fucked in so longYou been puttin" up wit" my shit just way too longI"m so gifted at findin" what I don"t like the mostSo I think it"s time for us to have a toast
2023-06-25 23:30:421


Runaway(Kanye West)(Look at you x 14)看着你X14(Look at you x eight)看着你X8(Ladies and gentlemen, la-ladies and gentlemen)女士们,先生们,女士们,先生们(And I want to show you how you all look like beautiful stars tonight)我想让你们知道你们今晚看起来都像美丽的星星一样(And I want to show you how you all look like beautiful stars tonight)我想让你们知道你们今晚看起来都像美丽的星星一样(And I want to show you how you all look like beautiful stars tonight)我想让你们知道你们今晚看起来都像美丽的星星一样And I always find, yeah, I always find somethin" wrong我总是发现,总是发现一些事情错了You been puttin" up wit" my shit just way too long你一直在忍受我的毛病,忍的太久了I"m so gifted at findin" what I don"t like the most我如此的幸运,发现我最不喜欢的东西So I think it"s time for us to have a toast所以我想现在让我们干杯!Let"s have a toast for the douchebags,让我们为恶棍干杯!Let"s have a toast for the assholes,让我们为混蛋干杯!Let"s have a toast for the scumbags,让我们为卑鄙小人干杯!Every one of them that I know我所知道的他们中的每一个人Let"s have a toast to the jerkoffs让我们为这些贱人干杯!That"ll never take work off它永远都是没完没了Baby, I got a plan宝贝,我有了一个计划Run away fast as you can能跑多快就跑多快She find pictures in my email她在我Email里发现照片I sent this girl a picture of my, dick我给这个女孩发了一张我JB的照片I don"t know what it is with females我不知道JB和女人在一起算什么But I"m not too good with that, shit但是我那样做确实不好See, I could have me a good girl看,我本来能有个好女孩And still be addicted to them hoodrats但是仍然痴迷于那些乱交的人And I just blame everything on you可是我把所有的罪过都归于你At least you know that"s what I"m good at至少你知道了,我是擅于干什么的See, I always find看,我总是发现And I always find我总是发现Yeah, I always find somethin" wrong我总是发现一些事情的问题You been puttin" up with my shit just way too long你忍耐我的毛病忍得太久了I"m so gifted at findin" what I don"t like the most我如此的幸运,发现我最不喜欢的东西So I think it"s time for us to have a toast所以我想现在让我们干杯!Let"s have a toast for the douchebags,让我们为恶棍干杯!Let"s have a toast for the assholes,让我们为混蛋干杯!Let"s have a toast for the scumbags,让我们为卑鄙小人干杯!Every one of them that I know我所知道的他们中的每一个人Let"s have a toast to the jerkoffs让我们为这些贱人干杯!That"ll never take work off它永远都是没完没了Baby, I got a plan宝贝,我有了一个计划Run away fast as you can能跑多快就跑多快R-r-ru-ru-ru-run away跑跑跑Run away from me, baby从我这跑掉,baby(Look at, look at, look at, look at you)看着你看着你Run away from me, baby从我这跑掉,baby(Look at you, look at you, look at you)看着你看着你Run away跑掉Run away from me, baby从我这跑掉,baby(Pusha T)24/7, 365, pussey stays on my mind每天24小时,每周7天,一年365天,我都想着女人的私处I-I-I-I did it, all right, all right, I admit it我是那么做的,好吧,好吧,我承认Now pick your best move, you could leave or live wit" it现在确定你的最佳选择,走开活着承受Ichabod Crane with that Lamborghini top offIchabod Crane( Washington Irving的 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow中的男主角)和敞篷的兰博基尼Split and go where? Back to wearin" knockoffs, huh?走,去哪?回去穿你那些仿冒名牌?Knock it off, Neiman"s, shop it off拉倒吧,走去NEIMAN"s, 大爷给你买Let"s talk over mai tais, waitress, top it off让我们边喝MAI Tai"s(一种鸡尾酒)一边聊。服务员,打开!(Inaudible) Wanna fly in your Freddy loafers(听不见)想穿着你的Freddy牌的平底鞋飞?You can"t blame "em, they ain"t never seen Versace sofas别责备他们,他们从来就没见过Versace的沙发Every bag, every blouse, every bracelet每一个包,每一条晚礼服,每个手镯Comes with a price tag, baby, face it都是明码标价,宝贝,看好了You should leave if you can"t accept the basics如果你不能接受这些基本的,你走吧Plenty whoes in the baller-nigga"s matrix有的是婊子在等老子上Invisibly set, the Rolex is faceless看不见的东西,劳力士表又没有脸I"m just young, rich, but your tastelessP!我是年轻又有钱,而你就没什么意思(Kanye)OhI haven"t fucked in so long好久我都没干过了You been puttin" up wit" my shit just way too long你一直在忍受我的毛病,忍的太久了I"m so gifted at findin" what I don"t like the most我如此的幸运,发现我最不喜欢的东西So I think it"s time for us to have a toast所以我想现在让我们干杯!
2023-06-25 23:30:551


One day with the idiotic deal will go crazy
2023-06-25 23:31:193

94549494269425249465484265664 谁能翻译下这个摩斯密码

dear little shitfucker, it"s been a long time since last time i fucked you in the ass, you stupid motherfucker still don"t remember who i am right? let me tell you something, on Feb.14 1807, you shitted your pants on the street and i happened to have a walk there....i said,"go fuck yourself one care about that stupid morse code coz we communicate with human language, not some douchebag code.."
2023-06-25 23:31:272

歌词第一句I just broke up, With an eromous douchebag的

2023-06-25 23:31:352


pleasantly surprised 意外惊喜;惊喜 1、Many people will be very pleasantly surprised. 很多人将会很惊喜。 2、International investors have been pleasantly surprised by some chinese economic data. 部分中国经济数据让国际投资者感到惊喜。 3、Most of you will be pleasantly surprised at how high you rank. 你们大多数人都会对自己的排名之高感到惊喜。 4、Part of the romance of having a soulmate is being pleasantly surprised. 有一个灵魂伴侣的这种浪漫部分是产生于那欢快的惊喜。 5、I was pleased and pleasantly surprised by how quickly they picked up the program. 我惊喜地发现他们很快就上手了这款软件。 6、Explore the world of herbal teas instead, you may be pleasantly surprised! 试试用花草茶来代替咖啡,你会有非常惊喜的发现的! 7、Check out some of the old timers, too. You might be pleasantly surprised. 试一下老的版本,说不定你会有意外的惊喜。 8、We were worried about battery life when we first started testing widgetlocker, but have been pleasantly surprised. 我们刚开始测试widgetlocker时很担心电池寿命,但它带来了惊喜。 9、Taiwan was pleasantly surprised by the warmth of the reception and hopes swiftly to realise benefits for both sides. 对于自己受到的热情接待,台湾方面感到惊喜,并希望迅速拿出成果,令双方获益。 10、But during his first trip to asia recently, he says he was pleasantly surprised by how well-dressed people were. 不过就在他近日第一次拜访亚洲期间,他说亚洲人对于衣着的讲究程度令他感到十分惊喜。 11、Stop seeking it and you"ll be pleasantly surprised to see that it"s always been around and always will be. 别再寻找它了,你将会惊喜地发现,爱其实一直就在你身边,并且永远都会围绕着你。 12、Here is a tasty recipe for chicken pieces cooked on the stove top with coke try it, you will be pleasantly surprised. 在此为您奉上一份用炉火烹制的美味可乐鸡块食谱试一下,您会有意想不到的惊喜。 13、Knight, a commercial and fine art photographer in upstate new york, was pleasantly surprised by the ghostly results of his first attempts. 奈特,纽约北部的一个商业和艺术摄影师,对他第一次尝试得到的鬼鬼重重的照片感觉非常惊喜。 14、I have found though, especially with our 4th grader, if you give her a bit of freedom, you will be pleasantly surprised. 我发现尽管如此尤其是我们的四年级学生如果你给她一点自由你会得到很大的惊喜。 15、When I asked, I was pleasantly surprised by the number and variety of ways people said they treat themselves with compassion, care and kindness. 当我向人们询问时,惊喜地发现大家自我同情、自我关心和自我爱护的方式方法多种多样、不胜枚举。 16、No amount of douchebaggery you pull off later in life will ever amount to that, so your lady will at least not be disappointed or, at best, pleasantly surprised. 你在日后生活中实施的暴力绝不会比这还多吧,这样你的老婆将至少不会失望,或者至多是惊喜。 17、You"ll usually be pleasantly surprised with what you find and positive attitude and optimism are linked to longevity. 通常你会惊喜地发现,积极乐观的态度与长寿是密切相关的。 18、To test the technology, I set to work on a collection of about 4000 images and was pleasantly surprised by the results. 为了检测这种技术,我着手对一个大约有4000张相片的图片库进行整理,结果让我感到惊喜。 19、The new ceo was pleasantly surprised to find on his return to london how modern jwt uk has become, embracing digital channels and integrating its digital side to place it at the heart of the business rather than a separate unit. 这位新首席执行官惊喜地发现,在他返回伦敦时,jwt uk已变得非常现代,它接纳了数字渠道,并将数字业务整合进业务的核心,而不是作为单独的部门。 20、These thoughts led me to look up the research literature on "friends with benefits," and I was pleasantly surprised to come away with a few citations where this phenomenon has actually been studied. 这些想法使我开始研究关于“性伴侣”的文献,令我感到非常惊喜的是针对这一现象实际上已经进行了一些研究。
2023-06-25 23:32:001


2023-06-25 23:32:073

香蕉你个芭乐 用英语怎么说

没有直接就翻译的,意思差不多的就是骂人的,像I fuck you、shit什么的
2023-06-25 23:32:152


不是!周杰伦曾经公开表明过,这首歌里的故事是自己编造的! 《爸,我回来了》这首歌里这样回忆: 我听说通常在战争后就会换来和平 为什么看到我的爸爸一直打我妈妈 就因为喝醉酒 他就能拿我妈出气 我真的看不下去 以为我较细汉 从小到大只有妈妈的温暖 为什么我爸爸那么凶 如果真的我有一双翅膀 二双翅膀 随时出发 偷偷出发 我一定带我妈走 从前的教育 别人的家庭 别人的爸爸种种的暴力因素一定都会有原因 但是呢 妈跟我都没有错 亏我叫你一声爸爸我回来了 不要再这样打我妈妈 我说的话 你怎会听 不要再这样打我妈妈 难道你手 不会痛吗 其实我回家就想要阻止一切 让家庭回到过去甜甜 温馨的欢乐香味 虽然周杰伦在歌词中声明,这是他“编造出来的事实”,但是从他父母最终离异的结局上看,这也很难说不是童年家庭生活在他心灵深处打上的烙印。 父母离婚的时候,周杰伦14岁,上初中二年级。离婚前父母处于冷战阶段,所以他被安排先去外婆家住。也许是因为看到了父母在一起的不快乐,周杰伦对父母的离异看得很开,他说:“父母离异对我并不会有负面的影响,他们能做各自喜欢的事,负担压力都变得比较小,不管是父亲也好母亲也好,都变得比较自由,所以离婚有时也不见得是坏事。”然而,事实果真像周杰伦自己说的那样,父母离异对他没有造成负面的影响吗? 父母感情不和,甚至家庭暴力的阴霾让这个本来活泼淘气的小男孩变得内向、怯懦,“爸爸妈妈彼此没有爱,难道这就是生命的真理?”年幼的他想不明白这样深奥的问题。父母的离异让他更加孤僻,不爱讲话,不愿意跟人交往。当他回忆小时候记忆最深刻的事,他居然说是外婆家里养的大狗,因为小杰伦没有别的玩伴,常常和这只大狗玩,有时还想像自己是大将军,把狗狗当马骑呢! 周杰伦在《D调的华丽》一书中说:“对于婚姻,其实我有点恐惧,恐惧的不是对方而是我自己,我觉得我现在的心还定不下来。”他还曾坦言:“我不是一个好丈夫。”这种对婚姻的恐惧心理,以及对自己的否定和不信任,不能说不是父母的不幸婚姻带给他的负面影响。周杰伦坚持称自己的家是个幸福的地方,不过,如果他有个满足的童年,那么这个蓝调歌手的悲伤、哀愁、逃避,又从何而来呢? 然而,任何事情都有两面性。单亲家庭小孩,比正常家庭的小孩承受了更多成长的痛苦和迷茫,但他们也更敏感、更叛逆,也更坚强、更努力。在今天的娱乐圈内,越来越多的明星来自单亲家庭,最近两年的新晋红人如F4、萧亚轩……更是几乎清一色都来自单亲家庭。也正是这些明显的特质令他们在演艺圈内大红大紫,星光灿烂。
2023-06-25 23:24:561


2023-06-25 23:24:585

求2009年SMM上FTD vs Ks的比赛,ZSMJ猴子20分钟圣者遗物被A,27分钟又出一把,FTD被破两路最后翻盘的rep

2023-06-25 23:25:021


加布里尔·加西亚·马尔克斯,1927年3月6日生于哥伦比亚阿拉卡塔卡。1940 年迁居首都波哥大。1947年入波哥大大学攻读法律,并开始文学创作。1948年因哥伦比亚内战中途辍学。不久他进入报界,任《观察家报》记者。1955年,他因连载文章揭露被政府美化了的海难而被迫离开哥伦比亚,任《观察家报》驻欧洲记者。1960年,任古巴拉丁通讯社记者。1961年至1967年,他移居墨西哥,从事文学、新闻和电影工作。之后他主要居住在墨西哥和欧洲,继续其文学创作。1975年,他为抗议智利政变举行文学罢工,搁笔5年。1982年,获诺贝尔文学奖,并任法国西班牙语文化交流委员会主席。1982年,哥伦比亚地震,他回到祖国。1999年得淋巴癌,此后文学产量遽减,2006年1月宣布封笔。BECAUSE the great subject of the fiction of Gabriel García Márquez is time, no reader of his luminous, strange new book should fail to be aware of exactly how much time its author has spent on earth: on the day of the publication in English of Memories of My Melancholy Whores, García Márquez will have lived 78 years, 7 months, 3 weeks and 4 days, and he continues to write, as he so often has, about the people for whom time has seemed to stand still. He has always been most interested in the extremely old and the extremely young - for the reason, I think, that our first experiences of the world and our last are the ones that stop us in our tracks, and turn the long confusion of our days into something like stories.Caleb BachGaM. K. PerkerThe hero and heroine of Memories of My Melancholy Whores are a 90-year-old man and a 14-year-old girl, both nameless, who meet periodically in a room in Rosa Cabarcas"s brothel - the theater of our nights, the old man calls it - and, more constantly and more vividly, in his fevered imagination, where the curtain never comes down. The nonagenarian narrator is the latest in an illustrious line of cranky, obsessive García Márquez geezers, of which the most memorable, perhaps, is the romantic madman Florentino Ariza, whose determination to woo and win in his 70"s the woman who spurned him in his 20"s is the perpetual-motion machine that powers Love in the Time of Cholera. But the writer was only in his late 50"s, a mere pup, when he invented Florentino Ariza and granted that elderly fool for love the belated fulfillment of his desire. These days, García Márquez needs a dirtier, older dirty old man just to satisfy his insatiable taste for novelty, his lust for sudden and unforeseeable accesses of meaning, his itch to probe the mysteries of last things.And the central codger of Memories of My Melancholy Whores seems, at least at the outset, a very dirty old man indeed. The story begins, with García Márquez"s characteristic hit-the-ground-running conciseness, like this: The year I turned 90, I wanted to give myself the gift of a night of wild love with an adolescent virgin. A superb opening - Edith Grossman"s translation is, here and elsewhere, elegant and exact - but not, perhaps, the sort of statement that generates waves of good feeling toward the speaker. The peculiar charm of this narrator, though, is that he really doesn"t give a damn what his audience thinks of him. I"m ugly, shy and anachronistic, he writes, by way of introducing himself, and he"s just warming up. I am the end of a line, without merit or brilliance, he calmly informs us; and despite enjoying some local fame as a critic and newspaper columnist in his native La Paz, he admits to being a mediocre journalist. His lechery is, in fact, among his more attractive qualities; it is, in any event, one of the few areas in which he has truly distinguished himself. I have never gone to bed with a woman I didn"t pay, he writes, and with sheepish pride reports that he was twice crowned client of the year in the city"s red-light district.That brief moment of boastfulness is a rarity in Memories of My Melancholy Whores. Mostly, this old man is beyond pride, and beyond shame, too. Because García Márquez doesn"t often tell his tall tales in the first person, and because the story inevitably evokes comparisons to Lolita, readers might expect this little book to be more of a departure from its author"s usual, unmistakable style - the lulling, deadpan bedtime-story tone that has always enabled him to get away with both murder and the more improbable kinds of love. Some might even manage to persuade themselves that this monologue is, like Humbert Humbert"s, an ironic apologia, a literary game whose object is to catch the speaker out in his evasions and self-deceptions.But that"s not at all what García Márquez is up to here. The cunning of Memories of My Melancholy Whores lies in the utter - and utterly unexpected - reliability of its narrator. This daft coot is, in his way, as trustworthy as St. Augustine (whom he does not, I hasten to add, otherwise resemble) because his story is, like the saint"s, a conversion narrative. His reason for writing, he says, is to record the beginning of a new life at an age when most mortals have already died, which means, of course, that he has no motive to be anything but brutally honest about the now-despised former life, the 90 years, to the minute, he wasted (his word) before seeing the light.The light is, in this case, nothing celestial, just the miracle of the first love of my life at the age of 90, the object of his passion being the anonymous teenage virgin whose naked body he rents from Rosa Cabarcas: a girl who is usually asleep when he comes to her, who rarely speaks even when she"s awake, and with whom he does not consummate his physical desire. I preferred her asleep, he admits, and, sounding disturbingly like James Stewart in Vertigo, further confesses that seeing and touching her in the flesh, she seemed less real to me than in my memory.Yes, the young virgin - whom the old man calls Delgadina, after a girl in a song - is an abstraction, and that, as we all know, is no basis for a mature, healthy relationship. The wonderful joke of Memories of My Melancholy Whores, though, is that its hero"s life is changed by the late onset of a profoundly immature and not especially healthy emotion: the painful, idealizing, narcissistic romanticism of adolescence. And the narrator knows all too well how ludicrously out of season this desperate yearning is, how silly it is for a man his age - the whores" client of the year, no less - to be born again into puppy love.Who needs Nabokovian verbal ironies when time itself plays practical jokes like this? The besotted old man of Memories of My Melancholy Whores may or may not actually deserve his 11th-hour redemption, but neither he nor García Márquez is inclined to question it too rigorously, to look this particular gift horse in the mouth. In the end, a marvel is a marvel, best left unexamined, and all any of us can do, this funny, dirty old story says, is laugh. The wisdom the narrator comes to after his great conversion is so mundane, so homely, it"s hilarious: When I woke alive on the first morning of my 90"s in the happy bed of Delgadina, I was transfixed by the agreeable idea that life was not something that passes by like Heraclitus" ever-changing river but a unique opportunity to turn over on the grill and keep broiling on the other side for another 90 years.Memories of My Melancholy Whores is García Márquez"s first book of fiction in a decade - since Of Love and Other Demons, which was also a short novel about an unlikely romance. He has filled that time with memoir-writing: the first, large volume of his autobiography, Living to Tell the Tale, was published here in 2003. So perhaps it"s natural, after 10 years of looking back, that he has now treated himself, and his readers, to this sprightly, perverse little fable about looking forward. Not many of the remarkable storytellers of Latin American literature"s boom years are left: Borges and Cortázar are gone, and Puig and Donoso and Arenas; and earlier this year we lost the wily and passionate Guillermo Cabrera Infante, too. But Gabriel García Márquez is still around, turning on the grill, and gratefully. Although he has spent a bit less time in this world than the moonstruck narrator of his latest book, he is now old enough, at last, to feel that every new story arrives as a miracle, and to understand that as long as he writes he can keep being born again.
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排名不分先后。 1、鱼跃医疗(002223):听诊器、血压计、供氧设备、电动吸引器 是国内最大的康复护理和医用供氧系列医疗器械的专业生产企业,生产的产品共计36个品种、225个规格,是国内同行业生产企业中产品品种最丰富的企业之一。 该公司秉承做专做精的理念,力争每个主要产品做到行业前三名,目前公司前六大产品有制氧机、超轻微氧气阀、雾化器、血压计、听诊器五个产品的市场占有率达到国内第一、轮椅车的市场占有率国内第二。 公司两大系列产品生产涉及到精密制造和机电一体化制造,主要生产设备和部分流水线可以共用; 2、万东医疗(600055):医用X射线机、移动式X射线机、口腔综合治疗仪 医用X射线机是公司主营收入和利润的主要来源,虽然公司医用X射线机在国内市场占有率第一,但是面对日益激烈的市场竞争,特别是国外医疗器械巨头,如美国GE公司、德国西门子等的介入,公司原本盈利能力较强的中、高端产品如高频X射线机的市场不断被实力雄厚的跨国公司“蚕食”,导致公司毛利率同比下降9.6%。 目前公司产品主要集中于中低端市场,医用X射线机是各基层医院必备设备。 3、新华医疗(600587):X射线机、消毒灭菌设备、清洗消毒机、手术器械 公司是我国最大的消毒灭菌设备研制生产基地,也是国内生产放射治疗设备品种最多的企业,主要产品有消毒灭菌设备,放射治疗设备等,目前已发展成为国内最大的感染控制设备和放射治疗设备研发和制造基地。 4、科华生物(002022):半自动生化仪,全自动生化仪 根据公司诊断仪器和试剂同步发展的战略,公司医疗仪器业务快速推进,“卓越”全自动生化分析仪基本形成系列,已有8款产品上市,既满足了不同层次用户的需求,也顺应了新医改大量基层医疗机构仪器配置的趋势。 诊断仪器业务快速增长,使仪器在公司整体业务构成中的比重不断提升:今年以来,诊断仪器需求在政策的支持下加快释放, *** 对医疗服务提供方的投入直接且迅速,在对医疗资源的重新分配中,各类医疗机构对基础诊疗设备的需求增大。 受惠于此,公司主要仪器类产品均保持较快的增长。 5、东软股份(600718):医用影像设备 公司控股67%的沈阳东软,是我国唯一同时拥有CT、磁共振、数字X光机、彩超等全部四大高技术影像设备的企业。 东软股份1997年研制成功我国第一台医用全身CT,2000年4月成功研制出螺旋CT并先后获得ISO9001、欧洲CE认证和美国FDA认证,并先后5次填补国内同类产品空白,产品达7大门类近30个品种,开放式磁共振和CT国内市场占有率已分居第一和第二位。 数字医疗设备业务已经成为东软股份最主要的收益来源。 6、复星医药(600196):医用带线缝合针、医用手术刀片、钛合金眼科器械、尿袋、保健刀等 淮阴医疗器械有限公司创建于1959年,是上海复星医药(集团)股份有限公司的全资子公司,公司拥有一流的富有创新和协作精神的职工团队和装备精良的生产、检测设备以及符合国家医疗器械行业规范标准的生产厂房,是全国最大的医用手术刀片和可吸收线、非吸收线医用带线缝合针的生产和出口企业。 公司产品主要有医用带线缝合针、医用手术刀片、钛合金眼科器械、尿袋、保健刀等系列。 7、乐普医疗(300003):药物支架--高端医疗器械第一股 公司主要从事冠状动脉介入和先心病医疗器械的研发、生产和销售,主要产品包括血管内药物(雷帕霉素)洗脱支架系统、先心病封堵器等。 中央直属企业中船集团通过七二五所和中船投资合计持有公司上市后48.45%股权,是公司的实际控制人。 募集资金主要用于药物支架及输送系统生产线改造、介入辅助器械的扩产和产品研发工程中心建设。 8、海南海药(000566):国内唯一一家能够生产人工耳蜗的企业 以所募集资金中的1.67亿元将用于增资控股人工耳蜗项目的生产企业上海力声特,有望成为中国医疗器械新星。 上海力声特是(000566)海南海药的控股股东南方同正旗下的子公司。 上海力声特的纳入麾下,实现了大股东资产的注入。 而上述注资将用于上海力声特人工耳蜗项目扩建,力声特预计2010年3月底前获得人工耳蜗生产许可,海药控股力声特,公司成为国内唯一一家能够生产人工耳蜗的企业,同时也是A股唯一能分享人工耳蜗高速成长的投资标的。 9、大恒科技(600288): 公司医疗设备中具备国际一流水平的“全身肿瘤三维立体定向适形及调强放疗系统(3DCRT,IMRT)”和“三维放射治疗计划系统(3DTPS)及数字化虚拟人体技术(VHP)”是将计算机技术、图像处理技术、放射治疗设备融为一体的大型综合性医疗装置。 系统整体性能具国际先进水平,由于产品拥有无可争议的技术水平优势,现已装备全国200余家著名医院,国内市场占有率第一。 公司的光机电一体化项目之一的智能医疗器械及诊断软件产品在国内同类市场上拥有绝对垄断地位,具有全部核心知识产权,平均利润率可达30%以上,且销售价格低于国外产品。 10、东阿阿胶(000423): 公司控股60%的子公司东阿阿胶阿华医疗器械有限公司,主要产品有:玻璃体温计、玻套体温计、电子体温计、电子血压计。 公司生产的玻套体温计、电子体温计、电子血压计等产品质量稳定、美观大方、方便使用,已成为公司新的经济增长点。 公司将全面优化产品产业结构,向高技术含量、高附加值、一次性医疗器械、环保型、高、精、尖产品发展。 到2008年公司将实现销售收入1亿元,利税3000万元,成为全国具有一定规模的医疗器械生产基地。 11、新黄浦(600638):数字化医用诊断X射线机、医用X射线摄片机 公司拥有控股95%的子公司上海新黄浦医疗器械有限公司,主要经营:数字化医用诊断X射线机,主要规格:HY-650AT2;医用X射线摄片机,主规格:HY-450等。 公司以医用X射线设备为主导产品,以数字化为产品特色。 数字化X射线设备是集光、机、电技术一体化的高新技术产品,是现代数字信息技术的最新运用。 在研发过程中与高等院所、研究机构广泛合作、并创造吸引人才的良好环境。 我们采用新型的“OEM”人才组合形式共同开发新品,使我公司的产品以较快的速度步入先进行列。 12、新南洋(600661):体外冲击波碎石机、氩气高频电刀、微波前列捎热疗仪、YAG激光眼科治疗仪、 激光手术刀等公司拥有控股90%的子公司上海交大南洋医疗器械有限公司,公司是由原“上海交通大学医疗器械研制中心(创建于1989年)”制的企业,产品深受上海中山、瑞金等国内数百家著名医院的欢迎,出口到日、韩及欧美等国家。 2004年度公司再获“上海医疗器械诚信企业”。 生产体外冲击波碎石机、氩气高频电刀、微波前列捎热疗仪、YAG激光眼科治疗仪、激光手术刀等光、电、微电脑一体化的高技术产品。 13、中国医药(600056): 公司自2007年更名为“中国医药”后已转型为以医药流通和医药生产为主的公司,其中药品和医疗器械业务收入占营业收入的比例已由2004年的43.0%上升为2008年中期的76.1%。 公司控股的通用美康公司和美康百泰公司从事医药和医疗器械的流通,三洋公司从事医药的生产。 公司医疗器械销售在转型升级战略思想指导下,扩大分销领域,市场份额加大,营业额大幅提升。 14、山东威高集团
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