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指环王3的主题曲into the west 是谁唱的?有详细资料最好

2023-06-25 21:50:17
TAG: est wes nt

  1954年12月25日,Annie Lennox出生于苏格兰的阿伯丁。她父母在Annie三岁的时候,就已发现她身上不凡的音乐潜力。日后的Annie Lennox顺理成章的进入英国伦敦皇家音乐学院学习,主修长笛。但由于家庭原因,Annie未能完成学业。其后他在白天做各种各样的工作,而晚上出去演唱。在70年代末期,Annie通过一个朋友认识了吉他手Dave Stewart。很快Dave就邀请Annie加入自己所组的the Tourists乐队。在the Tourists乐队合作期间,Annie Lennox和Dave Stewart坠入了爱河。1980年,两人离开The tourists,组建了Eurythmics,乐队在整个80年代红遍欧美乐坛,并在1986年获得第29届格莱美最佳摇滚乐队奖。

  1991年,随着Annie的生育,Eurythmics乐队便悄无声息的解散了。之后Annie便忙于自己独奏专辑的发行。1992年5月,Annie第一张个人LP唱片《Diva》正式发行,同年被著名的《滚石》杂志评为最佳女歌手,并凭借《Diva》获格莱美最佳长篇音乐录影带奖。1995年3月,Annie的第二张唱片《Medusa》发行,同年凭借《No More "I Love You"s》获第38届格莱美最佳流行女歌手奖。1999年,Annie Lennox和Dave Stewart再次以Eurythmics乐队成员的身份出席了全英音乐奖颁奖典礼,并被授予了终身成就奖,以表彰他们多年来对英国音乐所做出的巨大贡献。

  Annie Lennox(安妮·蓝妮克丝),这个在国际流行乐坛回响了二十四年的名字,她是80年代红遍欧美乐坛的“Eurythmics(舞韵合唱团)”女主唱、两座葛莱美奖得主、曾被VH1音乐频道评为“乐坛一百位最伟大女性”,而2002年她又获选为美国知名的公告牌音乐杂志“2002年度世纪音乐奖”得主。这个奖于1992年创立,Annie是第11位被授与这项殊荣的艺人,得到这个奖,也象征着Annie在歌坛的地位与披头四的乔治哈里森、比利乔、山塔那等人齐名,一样在歌坛中有着不可被取代的崇高地位。


  曾在伦敦皇家音乐学院求学的Annie Lennox有着其他许多女歌手无法相比的学院派根基,她以气魄摄人的半歌剧式演唱著称,中性化的声线相当独特,空灵、深邃犹如天籁般的优美歌声直触心灵,被称为现代最优美女声之一。


  1992年她为著名吸血鬼电影《惊情四百年》演唱荡气回肠的凄美主题曲“Love song for Vampire”,歌声中排山倒海而来的旷古悲情催人泪下,在营造气氛上更达到了另一高峰——深邃、孤寂、气势磅礴!“首席女伶”这个称谓她当之无愧。

  除了歌声之外,Annie不同于其它总是以性感外型示人的女歌手,她反其道而行的中性纤细身材,愈发闪现出知性的光彩和出尘脱俗的美感,同时她也成为许多迷恋骨感身材之时尚拥戴者眼中的不朽绝佳象征。而Annie每次在公众前露面,都会带来具强烈视觉效果、让人惊艳的魅惑造型,黑色皮衣、金属饰片、鲜艳的翎毛、舞会长袍都是她偏爱的打扮,而她的中性造型更是显现出无人能及的魅力,她曾经装扮成David Bowie的模样并和David Bowie本人同台演唱,几可乱真。Annie Lennox向来以改革者、反偶像崇拜者的形象而著称,这些造型都揭示了在她个性中一些相对的特质,比较概括的描述就是:Annie拥有混合了男性坚毅、勇敢、理性和女性温柔、脆弱、感性的独特人格魅力。

  Annie Lennox(安妮·蓝妮克丝),这个在国际流行乐坛回响了二十四年的名字,她是80年代红遍欧美乐坛的“Eurythmics(舞韵合唱团)”女主唱、两座葛莱美奖得主、曾被VH1音乐频道评为“乐坛一百位最伟大女性”,而2002年她又获选为美国知名的公告牌音乐杂志“2002年度世纪音乐奖”得主。这个奖于1992年创立,Annie是第11位被授与这项殊荣的艺人,得到这个奖,也象征着Annie在歌坛的地位与披头四的乔治哈里森、比利乔、山塔那等人齐名,一样在歌坛中有着不可被取代的崇高地位。


  曾在伦敦皇家音乐学院求学的Annie Lennox有着其他许多女歌手无法相比的学院派根基,她以气魄摄人的半歌剧式演唱著称,中性化的声线相当独特,空灵、深邃犹如天籁般的优美歌声直触心灵,被称为现代最优美女声之一。


  1992年她为著名吸血鬼电影《惊情四百年》演唱荡气回肠的凄美主题曲“Love song for Vampire”,歌声中排山倒海而来的旷古悲情催人泪下,在营造气氛上更达到了另一高峰——深邃、孤寂、气势磅礴!“首席女伶”这个称谓她当之无愧。

  除了歌声之外,Annie不同于其它总是以性感外型示人的女歌手,她反其道而行的中性纤细身材,愈发闪现出知性的光彩和出尘脱俗的美感,同时她也成为许多迷恋骨感身材之时尚拥戴者眼中的不朽绝佳象征。而Annie每次在公众前露面,都会带来具强烈视觉效果、让人惊艳的魅惑造型,黑色皮衣、金属饰片、鲜艳的翎毛、舞会长袍都是她偏爱的打扮,而她的中性造型更是显现出无人能及的魅力,她曾经装扮成David Bowie的模样并和David Bowie本人同台演唱,几可乱真。Annie Lennox向来以改革者、反偶像崇拜者的形象而著称,这些造型都揭示了在她个性中一些相对的特质,比较概括的描述就是:Annie拥有混合了男性坚毅、勇敢、理性和女性温柔、脆弱、感性的独特人格魅力。


  1954年12月25日,Annie Lennox出生于苏格兰的阿伯丁。她父母在Annie三岁的时候,就已发现她身上不凡的音乐潜力。日后的Annie Lennox顺理成章的进入英国伦敦皇家音乐学院学习,主修长笛。但由于家庭原因,Annie未能完成学业。其后他在白天做各种各样的工作,而晚上出去演唱。

  在70年代末期,Annie通过一个朋友认识了吉他手Dave Stewart。很快Dave就邀请Annie加入自己所组的the Tourists乐队。在the Tourists乐队合作期间,Annie Lennox和Dave Stewart坠入了爱河。

  1980年,两人离开The tourists,组建了Eurythmics,乐队在整个80年代红遍欧美乐坛.




  1995年3月,Annie的第二张唱片《Medusa》发行,同年凭借《No More "I Love You"s》获第38届格莱美最佳流行女歌手奖。

  1999年,Annie Lennox和Dave Stewart再次以Eurythmics乐队成员的身份出席了全英音乐奖颁奖典礼,并被授予了终身成就奖,以表彰他们多年来对英国音乐所做出的巨大贡献。

  ★【专辑名称】 :《Diva》

  ★【表演者 】 :Annie Lennox

  ★【唱片公司】 :BMG Records


  ★【年 代】:1992

  Annie Lennox脱离“舞韵合唱团”单飞后,于1992年推出首张个人专辑《Diva》(女伶),1995年推出第二张专辑《Medusa》(玛杜莎),这2张独唱专辑在全球销售达1千2百万张之多。



  02-Walking On Broken Glass


  04-Legend In My Living Room


  06-Money Can"t Buy It

  07-Little Bird


  09-Stay By Me

  10-The Gift

  11-Keep Young And Beautiful


  英文名称:Medusa+Live in Central Park


  专辑歌手:Annie Lennox 安妮·蓝妮克丝






  1.No More (04:53)

  2.Take Me To The River (03:33)

  3.A Whiter Shade Of Pale (05:17)

  4.Don"t Let It Bring You Down (03:38)

  5.Train In Vain (04:44)

  6.I Can"t Get Next To You (03:09)

  7.Downtown Lights (06:44)

  8.Thin Line Between Love And Hate (04:54)

  9.Waiting In Vain (05:40)

  10.Something So Right (With Paul Simon) (03:56)


  1.Money Can"t Buy It (04:45)

  2.Legend In My Living Room (03:47)

  3.Who"s That Girl? (04:44)

  4.You Have Placed A Chill In My Heart (05:18)

  5.Little Bird (05:27)

  6.Walking On Broken Glass (04:01)

  7.Here Comes The Rain Again (06:00)

  8.Why (05:18)

  9.Something So Right (03:52)


  演唱者:Annie Lennox





  1.A Thousand Beautiful Things

  2.Pavement Cracks

  3.The Hurting Time



  点评:在"Wonderful"这首歌当中,Annie Lennox那商标式的民谣演唱在此回荡在我们耳边,并配以反复的电吉他伴奏。"Wonderful"是首旋律 简单的合成曲目。

  6.Bitter Pill


  8.The Saddest Song I"ve Got



  11.Oh God (Prayer)


  《Into The West》是整个魔戒系列电影的完结曲目,获得2004年奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲提名。

  全英音乐奖特别成就奖/Billboard世纪奖双料得主安妮兰妮克丝(Annie Lennox)献唱。Annie Lennox那辽阔的音域如雄鹰翱翔碧空,鸟瞰无边的原野,令人心驰神往。。。

  《Into The West》

  Annie Lennox

  Lay down your sweet and weary head 垂下你可爱但疲倦的脑袋

  Night is falling 夜幕降临

  You"ve come to journey"s end 你已走完了全程

  Sleep now 安睡吧

  Dream of the ones who came before 梦见那些以前曾经来过的人们

  They are calling 他们在呼唤

  From across the distant shore 从那遥远的彼岸

  Why do you weep? 你为何哭泣?

  What are these tears upon your face? 你的脸上为何挂着泪珠?

  Soon you will see 很快你就将知道

  All of your fears will pass away 所有的害怕都将消失

  Safe in my arms 在我的怀里你是安全的

  You"re only sleeping…… 你只管睡去……

  What can you see? 你看见了什么?

  On the horizon... 在那地平线上……

  Why do the white gulls call 为什么白色的海鸥在鸣叫

  Across the sea 在海面上

  A pale moon rises 一轮苍白的明月升起

  The ships have come to carry you home 接你回家的船已经来到

  And all will turn to silver glass 一切都将变成音色的玻璃

  A light on the water 海面上的明灯

  All souls pass 所有的灵魂经过

  Hope fades into the world of night 来自记忆和过去的阴影

  Through shadows falling 不断扩大

  Out of memory and time 希望消失在暗夜的世界

  Done"t say 不要说

  Wh have come now to the end 我们现在已走完全程

  Wite shores are calling 白色的海岸在呼唤

  You and I will meet again 你和我将再次相遇

  And you"ll be here in my arms 你将在我的怀里

  Just sleeping 静静地睡去

  What can you see 你看见了什么

  On the horizon 在那地平线上

  Why do the white gulls call 为什么白色的海鸥在鸣叫

  Across the sea 在海面上

  A pale moon rises 一轮苍白的明月升起

  The ships have come to carry you home 接你回家的船已经来到

  And all will turn to silver glass 一切都将变成银色的玻璃

  A light on the water 海面上的明灯

  Grey ship pass 灰色的船只经过

  Into the west 向西行去

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
annie lennox



奥尔夫体态律动是:代表由于身体反应音乐要素,从而去训练出音乐节奏感。体态律动学(Dalcroze eurythmics)是指瑞士作曲家、音乐教育家达尔克罗兹创造的音乐教育体系。认为单教儿童用手指弹奏乐器是不够的,须启发他们进入产生乐曲的激情中,把乐曲的感情化为具体的动作、节奏和声音。单纯地教音乐、学音乐,不结合身体的运动,是孤立的、不全面的。为此提出“体态律动学”音乐教育体系,音乐是时问的艺术,音乐本身又是以听觉经验为基础的,音乐教育应完全立足于听。他的体态律动除了完成乐理、视唱练耳、和声等课程的教学外。着重训练学生时刻敏锐地、有效地利用听觉,用身体各部分作为表达音乐的乐器,把所听到的音乐的各种因素(包括速度、节奏、力度、乐句、情绪等)及其内心感受,用各种动作表现出来。而所有这些表达音乐的动作,都是通过教师精心设计成游戏似的教学方式进行授课的。要求的用身体反应音乐,与我们概念中的舞蹈动作不一样。它并不需要有优美、潇洒的姿态,而要求学生的动作要绝对自然放松,协调并充满信心。在教学时,教师如发现个别学生出现柿神松懈涣散时,要及时变换讲解方式或更换内容,让学生永远处于新鲜状态。主要特点为:1、以训练听音乐、感受音乐为主,以身体为乐器,根据音乐的速度、节奏、力度、分句、感情等变化,有控制地作出各种幅度和力度的动作,表达听到的乐曲。既培养节奏感,又有助于对音乐的全面感受,加强表演的自信心。2、教学内容以接受音乐经验为主,听讲解少,听音乐多。让音乐刺激听觉,产生印象;以动作表现音乐,即从印象产生概念;通过音乐符号将概念化为理性知识。3、从教速度开始,学生按规定的速度走路或摇摆,当喜、怒、悲、惧等感情变化时,保持速度不变,探索紧张和放松的感觉。用身体表现声音的动作,须反映声音的断和连等典型特征,从而培养动作的乐感。
2023-06-25 18:28:481

Sweet dream的介绍

1Eurythmics歌曲歌曲名:Sweet Dreams歌手:Eurythmics歌曲介绍歌曲sweet dreams是一首欧美经典歌曲亦被多次翻唱,其原唱Eurythmics是一支成立于1980年的英国二人流行摇滚乐队,现已解散,但常常重组。乐队成员是Annie Lennox和David A. Stewart(二人之前共同加入乐队The Catch和The Tourists)乐队于1981年发行的处女专辑反响不大,但第二张专辑获得巨大成功,成名曲便是Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This),于1983年发行,这首单曲在包括美国在内的国家榜单上斩获冠军。
2023-06-25 18:29:551

一首英文歌,有句是somebody want to use you,somebody aused,是什么歌啊?

2023-06-25 18:30:081


水上运动 射箭 田径 羽毛球 棒球 篮球 拳击 皮划艇 自行车 马术 击剑 足球 体操 手球 曲棍球 柔道 现代五项 赛艇 帆船 射击 垒球 乒乓球 跆拳道 网球 铁人三项 排球 举重 摔跤
2023-06-25 18:30:154


Sweet dreams原唱是Eurythmics 一个英国乐队希望有帮助并采纳 谢谢
2023-06-25 18:30:401

Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)歌手:Eurythmics专辑:Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)Sweet DreamsEurythmicsSweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagree?I travel the worldAnd the seven seasEverybody""s looking for something.Some of them want to use youSome of them want to get used by youSome of them want to abuse youSome of them want to be abused.oooh, yeah, whoaSweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagree?I travel the worldAnd the seven seas--Everybody""s looking for something.ooh, yeah, whoa(Hold your head up--Keep your head up--MOVIN"" ON)(Hold your head up--MOVIN"" ON--Keep your head up--MOVIN"" ON)(Hold your head up--MOVIN"" ON--Keep your head up--MOVIN"" ON)(Hold your head up--MOVIN"" ON--Keep your head up)Some of them want to use youSome of them want to get used by youSome of them want to abuse youSome of them want to be abused.Sweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagree?I travel the worldAnd the seven seas--Everybody""s looking for something.Sweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagree?I travel the worldAnd the seven seas--Everybody""s looking for something.Sweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagree?I travel the worldAnd the seven seas--Everybody""s looking for something.
2023-06-25 18:30:521

速求《Sweet Dreams》Eurythmics的中文歌词翻译!~

2023-06-25 18:31:003


stifler在同志俱乐部里面的那几首歌【依次】为 Michael Sembello 的《Maniac》 Belinda Carlisle 的《Heaven is a Place on Earth》 Eurythmics 的《Sweet Dreams》 Bananarama 的《Venus》 Duran Duran 的《The Reflex》上搜狗 没七!!!
2023-06-25 18:31:191


Belinda Carlisle 的《Heaven is a Place on Earth》 2,Michael Sembello 的《Maniac》 3,Eurythmics 的《Sweet Dreams》 4,Duran Duran 的《The Reflex》 5,Bananarama 的《Venus》 那段用了5首 听下对不对
2023-06-25 18:31:261


1981年于美国成军的前卫电子合成音乐传奇团体Eurythmics,自1983年首张专辑<In The Garden>推出后,一直以奇特的前卫幻化音符与精致的合成效果以及女主唱Annie Lennox的实力唱腔而独树一帜,于80年代英美两地独领 *** 。在陆续发表的10张专辑中(包括91年精选辑<Greatest Hits>),共创下了10首Top 40单曲及荣获5座葛莱美音乐奖提名的殊荣,包括83年成名冠军曲<Sweet Dreams>、<There Must Be An Angel(Playing With My Heary)>、<Here Comes The Rain Again>、<Would I Lie To You>、<Miracle Of Love>等佳作。虽然该团于1989年解散,然而2位灵魂人物戴维史都华及安妮蓝妮克丝(于92年发表个人首张专辑及95年的第一张专辑<Medusa>)却继续在歌坛展露惊人成就。就在他们解散的第10年传出他们将复合的讯息,而这个惊动乐界的大好讯息于99年年初被证实,并将于99年底携手共同合作最新专辑,这张让全球媒体头条报导,让乐迷欣喜若狂的专辑,仍维持他们一贯唯美浪漫的风格,首支单曲<I Saved The World Today>,光是听到Annie Lennox的嗓音,就让人快要流下眼泪,尤其当整个管弦乐团加入后,更证明Eurythmics绝对能用他们的音乐拯救全世界的人类;开场曲<17 Again>表达了昨日重现的中年感伤,最特别的是它在最后巧妙的将<Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)>加入;以空心吉他穿全场的<Beautiful Child>,Dave Stewart再次发挥他将情感渲染音乐 基本介绍 外文名称 :Peace 专辑语言 :英语 专辑歌手 :Eurythmics 曲目数量 :11 发行时间 :1999年10月19日 音乐风格 :合成器流行,Synth Pop 唱片公司 :Arista 发行地区 :欧美 资源类型 :MP3! 简介:,专辑介绍,专辑曲目,和平牌香菸, 简介: 专辑介绍 by Stephen Thomas Erlewine Nearly a decade after Eurythmics went on an unannounced, virtually unnoticed hiatus in 1990, Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart returned with the heavily publicizedPeace. Both Lennox and Stewart had been silent since 1995, which means that reuniting really wasn"t a sacrifice, since their solo careers had stalled. In fact, it was a wise idea to re-team, both commercially and artistically, since their best and most popular music was made together. What"s odd is thatPeacestrongly resembles Lennox"s Diva. True, Eurythmics were moving toward the melodramatic grandeur of Diva on their final "80s album, We Too Are One , yet they still had an innate sense of quirkiness and a desire to take risks. In 1999, they"re more about craft, which only emphasizes the maturity of the music. That"s not entirely a bad thing, even if it means that Peace needs a couple of spins before the songs begin to register. Lennox and Stewart know how to write gently insinuating melodies and how to layer their tracks with *** all sonic details, weaving lush tapestries of sound. Peace keeps its alluring mood throughout; even when they attempt to revisit their Stones-y tendencies, the songs play as sleekly and *** oothly as the ballads that dominate the record. In one sense, that"s good, because it means that Peace keeps a consistent tone from front to back, but it also means that most of the songs blend together. There are no standout singles here, and that"s the hardest thing to aept about the record since Eurythmics were one of the best singles bands of the "80s. Even so,Peaceis a suessful debut for Eurythmics, Mark II -- it"s classy *** pop, delivered with style and grace. Peace, Eurythmics"s first studio album in a decade, finds Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart proving the durability of their musical bond. Where their solo efforts were usually well crafted and unexciting, Peace makes clear how inspired the o can be when working together. The ballad (and first U.S. single) "17 Again" is nice if overly sentimental; the reprise of "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)" at the end treads Stinglike ground to little appreciable effect. But songs such as "I Saved the World Today" and "Beautiful Child" vividly return to the depth of Touch and Be Yourself Tonight while updating Eurythmics"s chemistry for 1999. In short, Peace is a happy surprise that will find listeners hoping for more. --Rickey Wright 本专辑已加入共享计画 专辑曲目 01. 17 Again 02. I Saved the World Today 03.Power to the Meek 04. Beautiful Child 05. Anything But Strong 06. Peace Is Just a Word 07. I"ve Tried Everything 08. I Want It All 09. My True Love 10. Forever 11. Lifted 和平牌香菸 PEACE是和平牌香菸。“peace(和平)”牌香菸首次面世于二战结束的1945年,制造商是联合国驻日的美国总司令部(american general headquarters)。1952年,《旧金山对日讲和条约》生效后,美军撤离日本,“peace(和平)”牌香菸也重新设计了logo(上图右)。如果仔细观察的话,不难辨别新版的logo是一只倒立的和平鸽。客人拿了一个“peace(和平)"的香菸壳,问我对此logo有何想法。我说,从纯粹视觉印象上来讲,这只金色、坚韧并且倒立著的和平鸽给我父权、权利的感觉。客人笑。他画了一个“帝”字给我,接着把“帝”倒了过来,竟然是“peace(和平)"香菸壳上的这只和平鸽。明治维新之后到二战结束这近80年间,天皇是最高权利的象征。1945年日本投降,在美国的主持下建立议会民主制,重立宪法,天皇仅仅作为象征性的国家元首保留下来。所以呢,“peace(和平)"香菸壳上的这只和平鸽同样隐喻了帝王的颠覆。 和平牌香菸 《peace》 此种为黄色软包,焦油量16,一氧化碳貌似达到了2.4mg 菸草呈金黄色,过滤嘴无雷射打孔。 很辣,适合超级菸民级 《peace lights》 此种就是上图,焦油量10,一氧化碳0.9mg 是我喜欢的类型,菸草呈金黄色,过滤嘴一条雷射打孔。 闻之也淡淡的香草味,有点像话梅的味道,很多中老年忘年交说味道像当年的凤凰香菸 《peace super lights》 焦油量6,一氧化碳0.6mg 菸草呈金黄偏黑色,过滤嘴两条雷射打孔。 闻之也淡淡的香草味,代有外烟混合味。 是超淡的,本人不怎么喜欢,因为外烟混合味个人觉得做的偏过 《peace classic》 焦油量24,一氧化碳18mg 菸草呈金黄色,无过滤嘴。 闻之也浓烈的香草味,纯正的无嘴烟, 包装也很特别,很小的盒子,抽屉推出设计,尺寸跟短美很像,但就是无过滤嘴
2023-06-25 18:31:461


俺没起来看啊。。凌晨3点。。。 12345,上山打老虎 这个名单准吗?我明明听到了Pet Shop Boys的《西岸女孩》,就在中国代表团入场时。。。怎么
2023-06-25 18:31:544

Leep on loving you是谁唱的

Annie lenno
2023-06-25 18:32:282

sweet dream 是曼森的创作吗 如果是请告知创作背景 如果是翻唱那原唱是谁

2023-06-25 18:32:341

有首英文歌歌词:这就是甜美的梦 我不得不承认 我游历全世界 每个人都有不同的期待!

Sweet Dreams —Eurythmics
2023-06-25 18:32:422

Sweet dream的玛丽莲·曼森歌曲

歌名:Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)歌手:Marilyn Manson出版日期:1995年专辑:Lest We Forget: The Best Of   Sweet dreams are made of this 甜美的梦是由这些制造Who am I to disagree? 我不得不同意Travel the world and the seven seas 扫视全世界Everybody"s looking for something 每个人都在期待一些东西Some of them want to use you 有些人想利用你Some of them want to get used by you 有些人则被你利用Some of them want to abuse you 有些人想伤害你Some of them want to be abused 有些人则被你伤害Sweet dreams are made of this 甜美的梦由这些制作Who am I to disagree? 我不得不同意Travel the world and the seven seas 扫视全世界Everybody"s looking for something 每个人都在期待一些东西Some of them want to use you 有些人想利用你Some of them want to get used by you 有些人则被你利用Some of them want to abuse you 有些人想伤害你Some of them want to be abused 有些人则被你伤害I wanna use you and abuse you 我想利用和伤害你I wanna know what"s inside you 我想知道你的内心想法(Whispering) Hold your head up, movin" on (低语)抬起你的头,继续前进Keep your head up, movin" on 保持高昂的头,继续前进Hold your head up, movin" on 抬起你的头,继续前进Keep your head up, movin" on 保持高昂的头,继续前进Hold your head up, movin" on 抬起你的头,继续前进Keep your head up, movin" on 保持高昂的头,继续前进Movin" on! 前进!Sweet dreams are made of this 甜美的梦由这些制造Who am I to disagree? 我不得不同意Travel the world and the seven seas 扫视全世界Everybody"s looking for something 每个人都在期待一些东西Some of them want to use you 有些人想利用你Some of them want to get used by you 有些人则被你利用Some of them want to abuse you 有些人想伤害你Some of them want to be abused 有些人则被你伤害I"m gonna use you and abuse you 我去利用和伤害你I"m gonna know what"s inside 我去探求你的内心想法Gonna use you and abuse you 我去利用和伤害你I"m gonna know what"s inside you 我去探求你的内心想法本曲原唱为Eurythmics,于1983年发行,这首单曲在包括美国在内的国家榜单上斩获冠军。
2023-06-25 18:32:491

sweet dream 是曼森的创作吗 如果是请告知创作背景 如果是翻唱那原唱是谁

2023-06-25 18:33:153


提醒一下儿: 1L的那个是07年的歌曲列表 下面的是06VSFS的音乐列表 或者你也可以点击下面的连接 那个是03.05.06的部分歌曲试听 希望能找到你要的那首 :) Victoria"s Secret Fashion Show 2006 Heidi"s opening credits Sia: Breathe Me Justin Timberlake: Sexyback Jamelia: Beware Of The Dog, Depeche Mode: Personal Jesus Kelis: Bossy (Switch Remix), On The March [Entry of the Gladiators] (Edited for TV by Jeremy Healy & cheekypaul) Justin Timberlake: My Love Justin Timberlake: Lovestoned Pipe Major Robert Mathieson: Air & Jigs, The Eurythmics: I"ve Got A Life David Guetta featuring Chris Willis: Just A Little More Love (Gospel Mix by cheekypaul & Jeremy Healy) The Chemical Brothers - Galavanize
2023-06-25 18:33:223


玛丽莲·曼森 (个人资料) 本名AN HUGH WARNER(布莱恩·休·沃纳) 艺名:MARILYN MANSON(玛丽莲·曼森) 生日:1969年1月5日 星座:魔羯座 生日石:石榴石 生日花:康乃馨 出生地:美国俄亥俄州 父母资料:BARB WARNER,护士;HUGH WARNER,卖家具的 兄弟姐妹:无 目前的居所:洛杉矶 头发:本来是棕色,后来染成黑色,现为红色(现又为黑色) 眼睛:绿色,但总爱带着白色的隐型眼镜(波斯猫牌) 身高:189公分 体重:61公斤 成长期时听的音乐:KISS,DAVID BOWIE,BLACK SABBATH,ADAM ANT,RONNIE JAMES DIO,JUDAS PRIEST,IRON MAIDEN,MOTLEY CURE,AC/DC…… 近来所听的音乐:KADIOHEAD,JEAN‘S ADDICTION,PULP,ECONDINE CRUSH,SMASHING PUMPKINS 嗜好:写写诗或故事,开读,涂鸦或油画,收集假肢,星际大战和闪灵悍将的模型,和直排轮鞋,收集饭盒 最喜欢的颜色:当然是最刁的红色与黑色,他也喜欢绿色的家具 最喜欢的电影:WILWONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY 最喜欢的书:“THE CAT IN THE HAT”BY DR. SUESS 喜欢的东西:巧克力,毒品,烈酒,名誉,动物,大奶子,表演 不喜欢的东西:愚蠢的行为,不学无术的人,咖啡,***料理,一件事重复讲,在网络散播和听信谣言的白痴,大麻和迷幻药,抽烟 身上的疤痕:约450个 刺青:8个Marilyn Manson乐队是近年哥特摇滚的杰出典范。(1990年组成时原叫Marilyn Manson AndTheSpookyKids,后缩短为Marilyn Manson)乐队共有五名成员组成,除主唱Marilyn Manson外,还有吉他手Zim Zum,鼓手Ginger Fish键盘手Madonna Wayne Gacy,以及低音歌手兼贝司手Twiggy Ramivez。有意思的是每位队员的名字皆由一美女及一变态杀人狂组合,主唱Marilyn Manson便是由Marilyn Monroe (玛丽莲.梦露)加Charles Manson(超级杀人王),又如键盘手Madonna Wayne Gacy ,亦是由Madonna (麦当娜)与John Wayne Gacy(曾杀死3名男童)混合而成。队中灵魂人物Marilyn Manson眼中只有撒旦,从来没有觉得自己是天使。 Manson原名Brian Warner,成长于典行的美国破碎家庭,自幼便困在地牢,被一堆堆杂物困绕着,家人从不关心他,甚至将他当成玩偶,种种不幸令Manson眼中不再有神,看见的只有创伤,在他的心路历程里只有人间的痛苦与丑恶,因此,他的摇滚哲学是离经叛道反基督。Marilyn Manson正循Galm Rock 路线进行转变,昔日哥特摇滚的有血有肉不见了,随之是一身金光闪闪,连他自己都承认这一点。 (Marilyn Manson)玛丽莲、曼森简单资料and部分MTV下载。 反基督超级巨星”的玛丽莲曼森(Marilyn Manson),绝对是二十世纪九十年代名声最差和最受争议的艺人。曼森从摇滚的最底层爬上排行榜榜首,靠的是性,毒品和撒旦(魔鬼)精神,因此他被支持者当作自由言论的十字军骑士,而诽谤者则说他连卑鄙的小人都不如。 尽管批评如潮,年轻人却能与玛丽莲曼森气息相投——仰仗几乎成为经典的市场营销行动,玛丽莲曼森成了反击主流音乐的异类英雄,这让保守的政客和窘迫的父母辈大为懊恼。 玛丽莲曼森原名布莱恩华纳,俄亥俄州人;18岁时,其到佛罗里达的坦帕湾投奔生计,职业是一个专门报道乐坛见闻的记者。89年,他与吉它艺术家斯科特米切尔(Scott Mitchell)结交;并于同年两人决定组建一支乐队,米切尔改名笛瑞波克维茨(Daisy Berkowitz),华纳则自名“玛丽莲曼森(Marilyn Manson)。 一个贝司手和一个键盘手加入后,乐队——玛丽莲曼森及神经孩子(Marilyn Manson and Spooky Kids)(乐队最初的名号)——自己开始发行盒带和举办演唱会,哥特摇滚风格、浓状艳抹的面容使得玛丽莲曼森在们特别自制的效果而引人注目。由于抛弃了对鼓的依赖,乐队的声线开始呈现强大的优势,到92年,他们成了南佛罗里达地区特别受欢迎。93年,九寸钉(Nine Inch Nails)的特伦特雷兹(Trent Reznor)一个电话打过来,,由此和九寸钉签了合同,而后是第二年春为九寸钉暖场。玛丽莲曼森的首张唱片《Portrait of an American Family》也就是在这个第二年推出的。 新贝司手入替后,玛丽莲曼森恶名也逐渐远扬,一次在盐湖城的演出,玛丽莲曼森当众在舞台上把一本摩门教徒的书扯了。撒旦教堂(The Church of Satan)的创始人安顿拉维(Anton LaVey)为此还写了一篇叫《Reverend》的文章赞扬他。旁观者有批评他的举动是在愚弄观众,但这已不能够阻止追随的潮流——尤其是愤懑不平的城镇白人青年。 95年玛丽莲曼森推出《Smells Like Children》,并翻唱韵律操(Eurythmics)的歌曲“Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)”,从此跳入了主流音乐的行列。此后不久,波克维茨(Berkowitz)退出乐队,吉它手也换了人。 玛丽莲曼森接下来的专辑,是96年的《Antichrist Superstar》,一经面市就登上专辑排行榜的第三位。 玛丽莲曼森的声望在不断增长,狂热围绕着他,右翼组织和宗教团体则从各方面攻击他的音乐。他同媒体的亲密关系引起一丝疑虑:到底他的这种革命有多大的真诚性?!!麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-06-25 18:33:291


2023-06-25 18:33:385

婚礼经常放的英文歌 适合婚礼上放的英文歌

结婚是一件大喜庆,新人要为了婚礼做好各种准备。比如在婚礼仪式上播放的背景音乐,需要新人提前找好。那婚礼经常放的英文歌有哪些呢?一起来看看适合婚礼上放的英文歌吧! 一、婚礼经常放的英文歌 1.《Marry you》——Jason Mars 这首歌是婚礼背景音乐的不二之选,整首歌就围绕着婚礼的主题。加上火星哥独特的唱腔,歌曲一出来就将现场氛围调动起来了。 2.《I"m Yours》——Jason Mars 这首歌看上去就非常像表白曲,也很适合用在婚礼仪式上。而且歌曲的旋律非常动听,深受年轻人的喜欢,所以婚礼上经常放。 3.《Sugar》——Maroon 5 这首歌非常出名,很多人都听过。歌曲的节奏欢快跳脱,旋律动感十足。在婚礼上播放这首歌,能够快速调动现场的气氛,让宾客融入其中。 4.《You Are My Everything》——Lexington Bridge 这首歌被很多粉丝称为开口跪,前奏很棒,一开口就让人非常喜欢。歌词就是一句句表白,很适合用在婚礼上面,仿佛最浪漫的一段誓言。 5.《Think Out Loud》——Ed Sheeran 这首歌就像是在讲故事,讲述了一对恋人从相知到相恋的故事。直到双方容颜老去,脑袋不再灵光,手脚不再灵活,爱对方的心依然不变。 二、适合婚礼上放的英文歌 1.Sissel——《Summer Snow》 2.Eurythmics——《Sweet Dream》 3.Bryan Adams——《All For Love》 4.Westlife——《Beautiful In White》 5.Beegee——《To Love Somebody》 6.Brian McKnight——《Back At One》 7.James Blunt——《You"re Beautiful》 8.Westlife——《Dreaming My Dream》 9.Rachel Ruth——《You Are Beautiful》 10.Julie Simon——《You"re A Part Of Me》 11.Jennifer Lopes——《Could this be love》 12.Cranberries——《Dreaming My Dream》 13.Backstreet Boys——《All I Have To Give》 14.The Eagles——《Love Will Keep Us Alive》 15.Julio Iglesias Diana Rose——《All Of You》 总结: 以上内容就是适合在婚礼上播放的英文歌曲推荐,希望能为大家提供一些参考。除了英文歌曲外,新人还可以根据自己的喜好,在婚礼上播放中文歌曲、韩语歌曲或者是日语歌曲。
2023-06-25 18:33:531


2023-06-25 18:34:018


链接: 提取码:wzn4 我网盘里的
2023-06-25 18:34:163

歌词含有your time will come 大概 4分32秒 英语歌 男声唱

铁娘子的the wicker man~cs视频里的吧~很经典~
2023-06-25 18:34:243

美国派3中大熊和硬条比舞时,大熊第一次跳舞的时候放的歌叫什么?大概在26分钟左右 这是美国派3的电影原声插曲专辑,包含全部插曲。 1. Angel 2. Suspended 3. Sad Songs 4. I Saw 5. Bare 6. Little Victories 7. Pretty the World 8. Curve of the Earth 9. Bent 10. Lucky Boy 11. Weight of It All 12. Sing Me Sweet
2023-06-25 18:34:312


《美国派3》硬条在同志酒吧与人比舞的混合舞曲1,Belinda Carlisle 的《Heaven is a Place on Earth》 2,Michael Sembello 的《Maniac》3,Eurythmics 的《Sweet Dreams》 4,Duran Duran 的《The Reflex》 5,Bananarama 的《Venus》不确定你指的是哪个
2023-06-25 18:34:371


1. Buddy Holly - Everyday2. Erik Satie - Je Te Veux3. Erik Satie - Lent Et Grave4. Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams5. Gob - Mister Sandman6. Wallace Collection - Daydream7. Nena - 99 Red Baloons8. Erik Satie - Gnossienne No. 39. Gabriel Faure - Pavane Op. 5010. Hans Zimmer - God Yu Tekkem Laef Blong Mi11. The Chordettes - Mister Sandman12. The Pixies - Where Is My Mind (这首歌有很多不同的版本 比如:stage dolls, placebo,James blunt我个人推荐你听 placebo的,我觉得这个版本的更好。)13. Otis Redding - For Your Precious Love14. Pierre Van Dormael - Mr Nobody15. Pierre Van Dormael - Undercover16. Nena - 99 Luftballons (Bonus Track)
2023-06-25 18:34:561

美剧 格林第一季 第一集开头的音乐那女人晨跑时听的音乐叫什么名字?

Sweet Dreams(Are Made of This)美少女特攻队这个版本更好听
2023-06-25 18:35:045


2023-06-25 18:35:171


2023-06-25 18:35:241


1. Buddy Holly - Everyday (这是片子开始时的一首,你应该想要。) 2. Erik Satie - Je Te Veux 3. Erik Satie - Lent Et Grave 4. Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams 5. The Chordettes - Mister Sandman (这是片尾的第一首,这个版本应该是你想要的,不过网上的不全,gob的这个版本比较多,很特别的韵律) 6. Wallace Collection - Daydream 7. Nena - 99 Red Baloons 8. Erik Satie - Gnossienne No. 3 9. Gabriel Faure - Pavane Op. 50 10. Hans Zimmer - God Yu Tekkem Laef Blong Mi 11. The Pixies - Where Is My Mind 12. Otis Redding - For Your Precious Love 13. Pierre Van Dormael - Mr Nobody 14. Pierre Van Dormael - Undercover 15. Nena - 99 Luftballons (Bonus Track)第二首吉他弹奏,第三首钢琴协奏,好像网上没有下载资源,不过想听的话,土豆上有截取的音频。我也很喜欢Mr Nobody……希望喜欢的人能找到自己喜欢的。
2023-06-25 18:35:331


我找到了 ,要通过什么方式分享给你
2023-06-25 18:35:4910


首先下载一个酷狗 安装好 在里面搜索 僵尸脱衣舞娘 不但插曲会出现 主题曲 骗尾曲都可以下载下来 或者试听
2023-06-25 18:36:115


2012年伦敦奥运会开幕式86首背景音乐完全名单:Captain Algernon Drummond, William Johnson Cory – 《Eton Boating Song》Elgar, AC Benson – 《Land of Hope and Glory》The Jam – 《Going Underground》Muse – 《Map of the Problematique》Big Ben Chimes(大本钟鸣响)Sex Pistols – 《God Save the Queen》The Clash – 《London Calling》Simon May – 《EastEnders Theme》The Shipping Forecast(船舶预报)Sir Hubert Parry, William Blake – 《Jerusalem》Elgar – 《Nimrod》Handel – 《Arrival Of The Queen Of Sheba》Eric Coates – 《Dambusters March》Handel – 《Music For The Royal Fireworks》Monty Norman – 《James Bond Theme》Mike Oldfield – 《Tubular Bells》Mike Oldfield – 《In Dulci Jubilo》Vangelis – 《Chariots of Fire》BBC News 1954(BBC194年新闻报道)Arthur Wood – 《The Archers Theme》Winifred Atwell – 《Black and White Rag》Sugababes – 《Push The Button》OMD – 《Enola Gay》David Rose – 《The Stripper》Lionel Bart – 《Food Glorious Food》Irwin Kostal, Richard Sherman, Robert Sherman – 《Bedknobs And Broomsticks》Rizzle Kicks – 《When I Was a Youngster》Eric Clapton – 《Wonderful Tonight》Colin Tully – 《Gregorys Girl Theme》William Pitt – 《City Lights》The Who – 《My Generation》The Rolling Stones – 《Satisfaction》Millie Small – 《My Boy Lollipop》The Kinks – 《All Day and All Of The Night》The Beatles – 《She Loves You》Mud – 《Tiger Feet》Led Zeppelin – 《Trampled Under Foot》The Specials – 《A Message to You Rudy》David Bowie – 《Starman》Queen – 《Bohemian Rhapsody》Sex Pistols – 《Pretty Vacant》Duran Duran – 《The Reflex》New Order – 《Blue Monday》Frankie Goes To Hollywood – 《Relax》Soul II Soul – 《Back To Life》Happy Mondays – 《Step On》Eurythmics – 《Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)》The Verve – 《Bittersweet Symphony》Prodigy – 《Firestarter》Underworld – 《Born Slippy》Jaan Kenbrovin, John William Kellette – 《I"m Forever Blowing Bubbles》Blur – 《Song 2》Dizzee Rascal – 《Bonkers》Tigerstyle – 《Nacnha Onda Nei》 (contains Michael Jackson – Billie Jean, Queen & David Bowie – Under Pressure and Ilaiyaraaja – Naanthaan Ungappanda)Arctic Monkeys – 《I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor》Mark Ronson & Amy Winehouse – 《Valerie》Radiohead – 《Creep》Muse – 《Uprising》Kano & Mikey J – 《Random Antics》Tinie Tempah – 《Pass Out》M.I.A. – 《Paper Planes》Coldplay – 《Viva La Vida》The Chemical Brothers – 《Galvanize》Franz Ferdinand – 《Take Me Out》Kaiser Chiefs – 《I Predict a Riot》Roll Deep – 《Shake A Leg》Adele – 《Rolling In The Deep》Oasis – 《The Hindu Times》Oasis – 《Wonderwall》Emeli Sande – 《Heaven》William Monk/Henry Francis – 《Abide With Me》Pink Floyd – 《Eclipse》The Beatles – 《The End》The Beatles – 《Hey Jude》David Bowie – 《Heroes》Eric Spear – 《Coronation Street Theme》Ron Grainer – 《Doctor Who Theme》John Philip Sousa – 《Monty Python Theme/The Liberty Bell》David Bowie – 《Absolute Beginners》
2023-06-25 18:36:241


2023-06-25 18:36:311


2023-06-25 18:36:491

X战警:天启 中快银出场的音乐那首歌是什么?

《Sweet Dreams》演唱者:EurythmicsSweet dreams are made of this这是甜蜜的梦Who am I to disagree我该否认谁I travel the world and the seven seas在世界和七大洋上旅行Everybody"s looking for something每个人都在寻找Some of them want to use you有些人想利用你Some of them want to get used by you有些人想被你利用Some of them want to abuse you有些人想骂你Some of them want to be abused有些人想被骂Sweet dreams are made of this这就是甜蜜的梦Who am I to disagree?我该否认谁Travel the world and the seven seas在世界和七大洋上旅行Everybody"s looking for something每个人都在寻找Hold your head up抬起你的头Keep your head up moving on一直昂着你的头Hold your head up, movin" on抬起你的头,往前Keep your head up, movin" on一直昂着你的头,往前Hold your head up, movin" on抬起你的头,往前Keep your head up, movin" on一直昂着你的头,往前Hold your head up, movin" on抬起你的头,往前Keep your head up, movin" on一直昂着你的头,往前Some of them want to use you有些人想利用你Some of them want to get used by you有些人想被你利用Some of them want to abuse you有些人想骂你Some of them want to be abused有些人想被骂Hold your head up抬起你的头Keep your head up moving on一直昂着你的头Hold your head up, movin" on抬起你的头,往前Keep your head up, movin" on一直昂着你的头,往前Hold your head up, movin" on抬起你的头,往前Keep your head up, movin" on一直昂着你的头,往前Hold your head up, movin" on抬起你的头,往前Keep your head up, movin" on一直昂着你的头,往前Sweet dreams are made of this这是甜蜜的梦Who am I to disagree?我该否认谁Travel the world and the seven seas在世界和七大洋上旅行Everybody"s looking for something每个人都在寻找Sweet dreams are made of this这是甜蜜的梦Who am I to disagree我该否认谁Travel the world and the seven seas在世界和七大洋上旅行Everybody"s looking for something每个人都在寻找Sweet dreams are made of this这是甜蜜的梦Who am I to disagree我该否认谁Travel the world and the seven seas在世界和七大洋上旅行Everybody"s looking for something每个人都在寻找Sweet dreams are made of this这是甜蜜的梦Who am I to disagree我该否认谁Travel the world and the seven seas在世界和七大洋上旅行Everybody"s looking for something每个人都在寻找扩展资料歌曲sweet dreams是一首欧美经典歌曲亦被多次翻唱,其原唱Eurythmics是一支成立于1980年的英国二人流行摇滚乐队,现已解散,但常常重组。电影《X战警:天启》中快银救人时的背景音乐就是此曲。乐队成员是Annie Lennox和David A. Stewart(二人之前共同加入乐队The Catch和The Tourists)乐队于1981年发行的处女专辑反响不大,但第二张专辑获得巨大成功,成名曲便是Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This),于1983年发行,这首单曲在包括美国在内的国家榜单上斩获冠军。Eurythmics一直以其特的前卫幻化音符与精致的合成效果以及女主唱Annie Lennox的实力唱腔而独树一格,于80年代英美两地独领风骚。在陆续发表的10张专辑中(包括91年精选辑,共创下了10首Top 40单曲及荣获5座格莱美音乐奖提名的殊荣,包括83年成名冠军曲等佳作。
2023-06-25 18:36:571

X战警:天启 中快银出场的音乐那首歌是什么?

Sweet Dreams
2023-06-25 18:37:143

“Sweet Dreams”是什么意思?

sweet dreams 甜美的梦(曲名);做个好梦(别人临睡前的祝福语);欣欣向荣(电影名)双语例句:1."Sweet dreams are made of this," sang Annie Lennox during her stint in the Eurythmics in the 1980s. “甜蜜的梦境由此而生”是安妮.伦诺克斯在1980年的艺术体操运动会期间唱的歌。2.But it still remains to be seen why so many young, ostensibly healthy people aremissing out on their sweet dreams. 然而,为何这么多表面上健康的年轻人却无法进入甜美的梦乡,这一点还有待于进一步去了解。3.There is a superstition that claims eating sweets before bedtime doesn"t give yousweet dreams, it gives you nightmares. 有一种迷信的说法,在睡觉前吃甜食不会给你带来甜蜜的梦,相反,你会做噩梦。
2023-06-25 18:37:496


歌曲sweet dreams是一首欧美经典歌曲亦被多次翻唱,其原唱Eurythmics是一支成立于1980年的英国二人流行摇滚乐队,现已解散,但常常重组。乐队成员是Annie Lennox和David A. Stewart(二人之前共同加入乐队The Catch和The Tourists)乐队于1981年发行的处女专辑反响不大,但第二张专辑获得巨大成功,成名曲便是Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This),于1983年发行,这首单曲在包括美国在内的国家榜单上斩获冠军。
2023-06-25 18:38:241

一首英文歌女生唱的,有一句but i dont care还有好像是什么whatever er er

Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)歌手:Eurythmics专辑:Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)歌词Sweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagreeI travel the world and the seven seasEverybody"s looking for somethingSome of them want to use youSome of them want to get used by youSome of them want to abuse youSome of them want to be abusedSweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagreeI travel the world and the seven seasEverybody"s looking for somethingHold your head up, keep your head up, movin" onHold your head up, movin" on, keep your head up, movin" onHold your head up, movin" on, keep your head up, movin" onHold your head up, movin" on, keep your head upSome of them want to use youSome of them want to get used by youSome of them want to abuse youSome of them want to be abusedSweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagreeI travel the world and the seven seasEverybody"s looking for somethingSweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagreeI travel the world and the seven seasEverybody"s looking for somethingSweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagreeI travel the world and the seven seasEverybody"s looking for somethingSweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagreeI travel the world and the seven seasEverybody"s looking for somethingSweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagreeI travel the world and the seven seasEverybody"s looking for something
2023-06-25 18:38:412

Eurythmics的《Jennifer》 歌词

歌曲名:Jennifer歌手:Eurythmics专辑:Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)She"s so beautifulShe is suuuuuuper niceEverybody say she"s specialShe is wonderfulUnbelievable...sweetI guess she is perfectStop saying she"s just a friend, just a friendKeep hearing her name again, name again!I really have to sayShe"s always in my wayI can"t believe how much you love herHow can I make you see?It"s either her or meI will never be like JenniferShe"s a fragile girlSkin like porcelainShame on you, if you would hurt herShe"s adorableOh so vulnerableI wish that somebody would drop herStop saying she"s just a friend, just a friendKeep hearing her name again, name again!ChorusStop saying she"s just a friend, just a friendKeep hearing her name again, name again!
2023-06-25 18:38:481

速求《Sweet Dreams》Eurythmics的中文歌词翻译!~

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree? I travel the world And the seven seas--Everybody"s looking for something. Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused. Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree? I travel the world And the seven seas-- Everybody"s looking for something. (Hold your head up--Keep your head up--MOVIN" ON) Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused. (Hold your head up--Keep your head up--MOVIN" ON) Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree? I travel the world And the seven seas-- Everybody"s looking for something. (Repeat) 解析: Sweet dreams are made of this 这是甜蜜的梦 Who am I to disagree 我该否认谁 Travel the world and the seven seas 在世界和七大洋上旅行 Everybody"s looking for something 每个人都在寻找 Some of them want to use you 有些人想利用你 Some of them want to get used by you 有些人想被你利用 Some of them want to abuse you 有些人想骂你 Some of them want to be abused 有些人想被骂 Sweet dreams are made of this 这就是甜蜜的梦 Who am I to disagree? 我该否认谁 Travel the world and the seven seas 在世界和七大洋上旅行 Everybody"s looking for something 每个人都在寻找 Some of them want to use you 有些人想利用你 Some of them want to get used by you 有些人想被你利用 Some of them want to abuse you 有些人想虐待你 Some of them want to be abused 有些人想被虐待 I wanna use you and abuse you 我想虐待你 I wanna know what"s inside you 我想知道你的内心 (Whispering) Hold your head up, movin" on ( 喃喃)抬起你的头,往前 Hold your head up, movin" on 抬起你的头,往前 Keep your head up, movin" on 一直昂着你的头,往前 Keep your head up, movin" on 一直昂着你的头,往前 Hold your head up, movin" on 抬起你的头,往前 Movin" on! 往前 Keep your head up, movin" on 一直昂着你的头,往前 Sweet dreams are made of this (以下同上) Who am I to disagree? Travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused I"m gonna use you and abuse you Gonna use you and abuse you I"m gonna know what"s inside you
2023-06-25 18:38:561

2023-06-25 18:39:041


2023-06-25 18:39:271

求一首英文歌女生唱的,中间有一句好像是now i see,

求一首英文歌女生唱的,中间有一句好像是now i see, 艾薇儿的 everybody hurts 求一首英文歌,女的唱的中间好像有一句: i need you now Innocence---艾薇儿 求一首英文歌,中间有一句歌词好像是:for来,for来…… firefiy When I said go I never meant away You ought to know the freaky games we play Could you five and learn how to fet Hear me as I"m calling out your name Firefly e back to me make the night as bring as day I"ll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly e lead me on follow you into the sun that"s the way it ought to be Firefly e back to me You and me we shared a wistery We were so close like honey to the bee And if you tell me how to make you understand I"m minor in a major kind a way Fly firefly through the sky e and play with my desire Don"t be long,don"t ask why I can"t wait another night Wait another night Don"t be long Firefly e back one day I "ll fiy away i follow the night can"t stand the light when will i begin to live again? one day i"ll fly away leave all this to yesterday what more could your love do for me? when will love be through with me? why live life from dream to dream and dread the day when dreaming ends? one day i"ll fly away leave all this to yesterday why live life from dream to dream and dread the day when dreaming ends? one day i"ll fly away fly, fly away 不知道是哪一首?? 求一首英文歌曲·中间有一句好像是ladies and gentlemen are meeting tonight 是Whitney Houston - Call You Tonight吗 :yue365./getgeci/5932/229748.s 跪求一首英文歌 中间有一句好像是walking steet in my heart... 是burning吧。不过好像没有楼主说的那句歌词。 好像是一首英文歌。女生唱的,很轻快。 中间有一句是i don"t know where to start where to ... but i kno [00:01.33]演唱者 ina [00:02.51]曲名 fall [00:12.37]I gave you all you desired [00:15.19]All that you needed [00:16.70]Boy, I provided [00:18.48]I let you into my head [00:20.17]Into my bed [00:22.18]And that"s a privilege [00:24.00]I had your back at the answers [00:26.67]You took the dollars [00:28.07]I took the chances [00:29.66]Defended, battled and fought [00:32.04]Cuz I thought you really loved me [00:35.43]I don"t know where to start or where to s [00:39.16]No, but I know I am done [00:43.31]I"ve had enough [00:45.48]So fall out of my hands [00:48.29]Out of my heart [00:50.15]And when you hit the ground [00:52.15]You"ll be sorry that I"m not around [00:54.69]I will watch you [00:56.94]And you fall out of your mind [00:59.37]Out of your fantasy [01:00.94]When you hit the wall [01:03.42]Think of me [01:05.95]I"ll be on the just watching you fall [01:11.85]You said that you were the strong one [01:14.47]I was the girl [01:15.87]And I was the young one [01:17.59]I kept your feet on the ground [01:20.11]My head in the rounds I had you [01:23.24]You told me you were so grateful [01:25.70]I was with you [01:27.21]And I was so faithful [01:29.04]Stood by in all that you said [01:31.35]And all that you did [01:32.81]I loved you [01:34.68]I don"t know how to act or what to say [01:39.51]But I know I am good [01:42.64]I"ll be okay [01:44.39]And you fall out of my hands [01:47.44]Out of my heart [01:49.38]And when you hit the ground [01:51.29]You"ll be sorry that I"m not around [01:53.86]I will watch you [01:55.63]And you fall out of your mind [01:58.83]Out of your fantasy [02:00.45]When you hit the wall [02:01.78]Think of me [02:05.14]I"ll be on the just watching you fall [02:10.94]I"ll be on the just watching you fall [02:18.85]So fall out of my hands [02:21.35]Out of my heart [02:23.15]And when you hit the ground [02:25.52]You"ll be sorry that I"m not around [02:27.81]I will watch you [02:29.74]And you fall out of your mind [02:32.67]Out of your fantasy [02:34.40]When you hit the wall [02:36.33]Think of me [02:39.23]I"ll be on the just watching you fall [02:44.89]I"ll be on the just watching you fall~ 一首英文歌女生唱的,有一句but i dont care还有好像是什么whatever er er Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) 歌手:Eurythmics 专辑:Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) 歌词 Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree I travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree I travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something Hold your head up, keep your head up, movin" on Hold your head up, movin" on, keep your head up, movin" on Hold your head up, movin" on, keep your head up, movin" on Hold your head up, movin" on, keep your head up Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree I travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree I travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree I travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree I travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree I travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something 求一首英文歌,开头好像是“show me……”中间有一句“dance *** ing dance You"re Gonna Go Far, Kid 满意就采纳我吧! 求一首英文歌,女的唱的中间好像有一句:baby i don"t need you now Antebellum的 need you now 有一首英文歌女生唱的中间有一段副歌好像i for Rhythm Of Your Soul Why, do I always hesitate Whenever, I"ll be again is finding love How, when I know which chance to take In fact, I don"t know what I am running from No more tears to cry No more needs to hide The world would fade away When we let it go Touch me now, Show me how To bring that every moment under us control Kiss me deep, Set me free Move me when the rhythm of your soul Rhythm of your soul Talk, and my heart begins to beat again Sigh, and you whisper draws me near Dream, is hitting me where I"ve never been Speaking voices only I can hear No more tears to cry No more needs to hide The world would fade away When we let it go Touch me now, Show me how To bring that every moment under us control Kiss me deep, Set me free Move me when the rhythm of your soul Rhythm of your soul (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) No more tears to cry No more needs to hide The world would fade away When we let it go Touch me now, Show me how To bring that every moment under us control Kiss me deep, Set me free Move me when the rhythm of your soul Rhythm of your soul Touch me now, Show me how To bring that every moment under us control Kiss me deep, Set me free Move me when the rhythm of your soul Rhythm of your soul (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) by annis the end
2023-06-25 18:39:421

哪位亲知道Marilyn Manson的Sweet Dreams的歌词!!

歌手:marilyn manson Sweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagree?Travel the world and the seven seasEverybody"s looking for somethingSome of them want to use youSome of them want to get used by youSome of them want to abuse youSome of them want to be abusedSweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagree?Travel the world and the seven seasEverybody"s looking for somethingSome of them want to use youSome of them want to get used by youSome of them want to abuse youSome of them want to be abusedI wanna use you and abuse youI wanna know what"s inside you(Whispering) Hold your head up, movin" onKeep your head up, movin" onHold your head up, movin" onKeep your head up, movin" onHold your head up, movin" onKeep your head up, movin" onMovin" on!Sweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagree?Travel the world and the seven seasEverybody"s looking for somethingSome of them want to use youSome of them want to get used by youSome of them want to abuse youSome of them want to be abusedI"m gonna use you and abuse youI"m gonna know what"s insideGonna use you and abuse youI"m gonna know what"s inside you
2023-06-25 18:39:534

求一首英文歌女生唱的,中间有一句好像是now i see,

求一首英文歌女生唱的,中间有一句好像是now i see, 艾薇儿的 everybody hurts 求一首英文歌,女的唱的中间好像有一句: i need you now Innocence---艾薇儿 求一首英文歌,中间有一句歌词好像是:for来,for来…… firefiy When I said go I never meant away You ought to know the freaky games we play Could you five and learn how to fet Hear me as I"m calling out your name Firefly e back to me make the night as bring as day I"ll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly e lead me on follow you into the sun that"s the way it ought to be Firefly e back to me You and me we shared a wistery We were so close like honey to the bee And if you tell me how to make you understand I"m minor in a major kind a way Fly firefly through the sky e and play with my desire Don"t be long,don"t ask why I can"t wait another night Wait another night Don"t be long Firefly e back one day I "ll fiy away i follow the night can"t stand the light when will i begin to live again? one day i"ll fly away leave all this to yesterday what more could your love do for me? when will love be through with me? why live life from dream to dream and dread the day when dreaming ends? one day i"ll fly away leave all this to yesterday why live life from dream to dream and dread the day when dreaming ends? one day i"ll fly away fly, fly away 不知道是哪一首?? 求一首英文歌曲·中间有一句好像是ladies and gentlemen are meeting tonight 是Whitney Houston - Call You Tonight吗 :yue365./getgeci/5932/229748.s 跪求一首英文歌 中间有一句好像是walking steet in my heart... 是burning吧。不过好像没有楼主说的那句歌词。 好像是一首英文歌。女生唱的,很轻快。 中间有一句是i don"t know where to start where to ... but i kno [00:01.33]演唱者 ina [00:02.51]曲名 fall [00:12.37]I gave you all you desired [00:15.19]All that you needed [00:16.70]Boy, I provided [00:18.48]I let you into my head [00:20.17]Into my bed [00:22.18]And that"s a privilege [00:24.00]I had your back at the answers [00:26.67]You took the dollars [00:28.07]I took the chances [00:29.66]Defended, battled and fought [00:32.04]Cuz I thought you really loved me [00:35.43]I don"t know where to start or where to s [00:39.16]No, but I know I am done [00:43.31]I"ve had enough [00:45.48]So fall out of my hands [00:48.29]Out of my heart [00:50.15]And when you hit the ground [00:52.15]You"ll be sorry that I"m not around [00:54.69]I will watch you [00:56.94]And you fall out of your mind [00:59.37]Out of your fantasy [01:00.94]When you hit the wall [01:03.42]Think of me [01:05.95]I"ll be on the just watching you fall [01:11.85]You said that you were the strong one [01:14.47]I was the girl [01:15.87]And I was the young one [01:17.59]I kept your feet on the ground [01:20.11]My head in the rounds I had you [01:23.24]You told me you were so grateful [01:25.70]I was with you [01:27.21]And I was so faithful [01:29.04]Stood by in all that you said [01:31.35]And all that you did [01:32.81]I loved you [01:34.68]I don"t know how to act or what to say [01:39.51]But I know I am good [01:42.64]I"ll be okay [01:44.39]And you fall out of my hands [01:47.44]Out of my heart [01:49.38]And when you hit the ground [01:51.29]You"ll be sorry that I"m not around [01:53.86]I will watch you [01:55.63]And you fall out of your mind [01:58.83]Out of your fantasy [02:00.45]When you hit the wall [02:01.78]Think of me [02:05.14]I"ll be on the just watching you fall [02:10.94]I"ll be on the just watching you fall [02:18.85]So fall out of my hands [02:21.35]Out of my heart [02:23.15]And when you hit the ground [02:25.52]You"ll be sorry that I"m not around [02:27.81]I will watch you [02:29.74]And you fall out of your mind [02:32.67]Out of your fantasy [02:34.40]When you hit the wall [02:36.33]Think of me [02:39.23]I"ll be on the just watching you fall [02:44.89]I"ll be on the just watching you fall~ 一首英文歌女生唱的,有一句but i dont care还有好像是什么whatever er er Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) 歌手:Eurythmics 专辑:Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) 歌词 Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree I travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree I travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something Hold your head up, keep your head up, movin" on Hold your head up, movin" on, keep your head up, movin" on Hold your head up, movin" on, keep your head up, movin" on Hold your head up, movin" on, keep your head up Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree I travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree I travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree I travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree I travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree I travel the world and the seven seas Everybody"s looking for something 求一首英文歌,开头好像是“show me……”中间有一句“dance *** ing dance You"re Gonna Go Far, Kid 满意就采纳我吧! 求一首英文歌,女的唱的中间好像有一句:baby i don"t need you now Antebellum的 need you now 有一首英文歌女生唱的中间有一段副歌好像i for Rhythm Of Your Soul Why, do I always hesitate Whenever, I"ll be again is finding love How, when I know which chance to take In fact, I don"t know what I am running from No more tears to cry No more needs to hide The world would fade away When we let it go Touch me now, Show me how To bring that every moment under us control Kiss me deep, Set me free Move me when the rhythm of your soul Rhythm of your soul Talk, and my heart begins to beat again Sigh, and you whisper draws me near Dream, is hitting me where I"ve never been Speaking voices only I can hear No more tears to cry No more needs to hide The world would fade away When we let it go Touch me now, Show me how To bring that every moment under us control Kiss me deep, Set me free Move me when the rhythm of your soul Rhythm of your soul (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) No more tears to cry No more needs to hide The world would fade away When we let it go Touch me now, Show me how To bring that every moment under us control Kiss me deep, Set me free Move me when the rhythm of your soul Rhythm of your soul Touch me now, Show me how To bring that every moment under us control Kiss me deep, Set me free Move me when the rhythm of your soul Rhythm of your soul (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) (The Rhythm Of Your... The Rhythm Of Your...) by annis the end
2023-06-25 18:40:061


2023-06-25 18:40:364

I Need A Man 歌词

歌曲名:I Need A Man歌手:Eurythmics专辑:SavageCrystal Shawanda - I Need A ManI know i drive you crazy sometimesi know i through out words like they were knivesreal sharp knivei know just how to push your buttonssometime is push them all at the same timejust to mess wit hyour mindi need a man who will stand up to me when i wanna fighti need a man who will hold on to me when i wanna cryi need a mansomeone who just can"t waitto take me home and love me good and strongall night longi need a man who wants to bemore than just my friendi need a man who aches for meagain and again and again and again and againi need a mani have misgiving and misconceptionstill you love me just for who i amnow i understandi need a mani need a mani need a manwho stands up to me when i wanna fighti need a manwho holds on to me when i wanna cryi need a mani need a mani need a mani need a man
2023-06-25 18:40:441

三星手机gaxy 3的广告英文歌叫什么

三星手机gaxy 3的广告英文歌叫Sweet Dreams(Are Made of This)Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)歌手: Eurythmics发行时间:2005-12-08流派:流行 发行公司:SONY MUSIC歌词:Sweet dreams are made of these.Who am I to disagree?Travel the world and the seven seas.Everybody"s looking for something.[Chorus:]Some of them want to use you.Some of them want to get used by you.Some of them want to abuse you.Some of them want to be abused.[Repeat First Verse][Chorus]I wanna use you and abuse you.I wanna know what"s inside you.(Whispering and Moaning:Hold your head up, movin" on.Keep your head up, movin" on.)[Repeat Three Times]Movin" on![Repeat First Verse][Chorus]I"m gonna use you and abuse you.I"m gonna know what"s inside.Gonna use you and abuse you.I"m gonna know what"s inside you.中文歌词:甜蜜的梦就是有这些组成的谁能不同意环游世界和七海人人都有自己想要的有些人想利用你,有些人想被你利用有些人想欺负你有些人想被你欺负甜蜜的梦就是有这些组成的谁能不同意环游世界和七海人人都有自己想要的有些人想利用你,有些人想被你利用有些人想欺负你有些人想被你欺负我想利用和欺负你我想知道(你)里面是什么(小声的sy:抬头继续走抬头继续走)我想利用和欺负你我想知道(你)里面是什么(小声的sy:抬头继续走抬头继续走)我想利用和欺负你我想知道(你)里面是什么(小声的sy:抬头继续走抬头继续走)我想利用和欺负你我想知道(你)里面是什么(小声的sy:抬头继续走抬头继续走)继续!甜蜜的梦就是有这些组成的谁能不同意环游世界和七海人人都有自己想要的有些人想利用你,有些人想被你利用有些人想欺负你有些人想被你欺负我要欺负和利用你我要了解你要利用和欺负你我必须知道(你)里面是什么
2023-06-25 18:41:033