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2023-06-25 18:12:42


  n.(多指原始社会) 依靠狩猎和采集生活的人( hunter-gatherer的名词复数 );

  [网络]狩猎收集者; 采集渔猎;

  [例句]The earth could certainly not support 10 billion hunter-gatherers, who

used much more land per head than modern farm-fed people do.




动词 聚集
2023-06-25 16:03:2613


gather的读音是:英["ɡ___(r)]。gather的读音是:英["ɡ___(r)]。gather名词:gatherer;过去式:gathered;过去分词:gathered;现在分词:gathering;第三人称单数:gathers。gather【近义词】build。一、详尽释义点此查看gather的详细内容v.(动词)聚集,聚拢,集拢,集合,召集收集,搜集使聚集收拾渐增,增加,增长积蓄,蓄积,积聚采集,摘,摘取使皱起皱起来,皱拢,蹙眉推测,猜想征收化脓,出头,生脓,溃烂收拢、归拢(分散的东西)收割围住,包围n.(名词)聚集,集合衣褶,折裥,皱裥收获量收缩积蓄内翻耕作法脓疮出头打褶裥织物二、词典解释1.(使)聚集;(使)集合If peoplegather somewhere or if someonegathers people somewhere, they come together in a group.e.g. In the evenings, we gathered around the fireplace and talked...晚上,我们聚在火炉边聊天。e.g. The man signalled for me togather the children together.那人示意让我将孩子们召集起来。2.收集;收拢;归拢If yougather things, you collect them together so that you can use them.e.g. I suggest wegather enough firewood to last the night...我建议大家捡足够多的木柴来撑过这一晚。e.g. She stood up and started gathering her things together.她起身开始收拾自己的物品。3.(尤指经过一段时间的辛苦工作)收集,搜集(情报、证据等)If yougather information or evidence, you collect it, especially over a period of time and after a lot of hard work.gathere.g. ...a private detective using a hidden tape recorder togather information...用暗藏的录音机搜集证据的私家侦探e.g. This would help the prosecutorgather evidence against him which could be used in court.这将有利于控方律师搜集对他不利的证据以在法庭上指控他。4.逐渐增加(速度、动力、力量等)If somethinggathers speed, momentum, or force, it gradually becomes faster or more powerful.e.g. Demands for his dismissal have gathered momentum in recent weeks...最近几周,要求将他解职的呼声越来越高。e.g. The raft gathered speed as the current dragged it toward the falls.水流将木筏拽向瀑布,木筏的速度越来越快。5.集中(精力、思想等);鼓起(勇气);振作(精神)When yougather something such as your strength, courage, or thoughts, you make an effort to prepare yourself to do something.e.g. You mustgather your strength for the journey.你必须为这次行程打起精神来。6.(用于引出已发现的信息,尤其是间接获得的信息)据我所知,据我了解You usegather in expressions such as "I gather" and "as far as I can gather" to introduce information that you have found out, especially when you have found it out in an indirect way.e.g. Igather his report is highly critical of the trial judge...据我所知,他在报道中毫不留情地批评了初审法官。e.g. "He speaks English," she said to Graham. "I gathered that."...“他会说英语,”她对格雷厄姆说,“我料到了。”7.给?打褶If yougather fabric or cloth, you make a row of very small folds in it by sewing a thread through it and then pulling the thread tight.e.g. Gather the skirt at the waist.在裙子的腰部打褶。8. togather dust -> see dust相关词组:gather up三、网络解释1. 缩碎褶:sunray 太阳褶 |gather 缩碎褶 | frill 小绉边褶四、例句Clouds gather before a thunderstorm.在风暴来临之前云层聚集。People began to gather outside the palace.人们开始聚集在宫殿前。We"ll gather at the school gate at eight tomorrow.我们明天八点在校门口集合。He took the trouble to gather the materials for me.他不辞辛劳地为我收集资料。I gather everyone has passed the exam.我推测人人都通过考试了。五、常用短语用作动词(v.)gather from( v.+prep. )从?中推断出 understand sth because of sth that sb says, or other signsgather sth from sthThese little animals gather nuts from the ground in the autumn, and store them for the winter.这些小动物秋天从地上拣起坚果,贮藏起来以便过冬。She has in the main gathered her medical experience from practice.她主要是从实践中积累了医疗经验。These souvenirs were gathered from all parts of the world.这些纪念品是从世界各地收集的。gather from sthEvery time there is an accident, a crowd seems to gather from nowhere.每当出现事故,围观者便蜂拥而来。gather sth from sthThat is what I gathered from his speech.从他的演讲中我所了解的就是这些。I could gather nothing from their statement.从他们的声明中我抓不住什么东西。I didn"t gather much from the confused story he told me.他跟我说的故事混淆不清,我不怎么明白。gather from sth that-clauseI gather from his letter that he is very happy now.从他的来信我推想他现在非常愉快。Did you gather from what the man said that he intended to make a deal for the house?从这个人所说的来看,你是否认为他打算买这所房子?I gathered from the way she replied that she wasn"t very enthusiastic.从她回答的样子我看出她不太热心。gather from sth wh-clauseI could not gather from his appearance whether he was satisfied or not.从他的表情看,我说不准他是否满意。I could not gather from his expression whether he was against or for the plan.我从他的表情上看不出他是赞成还是反对这个计划。gather in (v.+adv.)打折褶 draw material together into small folds, as by sewinggather round〔around〕1 (v.+adv.)围拢 come together in a crowdgather round〔around〕Gather around, and I"ll tell you a story.大家围过来,我给你们讲个故事。Gather round, friends, and hear the news!朋友们,大伙围拢起来,听新闻!The people gathered round, curious to know what was happening.人们围了一圈好奇地想知道发生了什么事儿。Gather round, ladies and gentlemen, and see this wonderful new invention.女士们,先生们,请靠近点看看这项新发明吧。When the accident happened, quite a crowd quickly gathered round.事故发生后,很快就在周围聚集了很多人。gather round〔around〕 to-vWhen we left the place, quite a crowd of people gathered around to see us off.我们离开那个地方时,许多人围拢来送别。gather round〔around〕2( v.+prep. )支持,拥护 support; stand bygather round〔around〕 sb/sthHe warmly shook hands with those who gathered around the rostrum.他同聚集在主席台四周的人热情握手。After supper they gathered around the table and worked together.晚饭后,他们围着桌子坐下,一起工作。A small crowd gathered round the speaker to hear what he had to say.一伙人聚集在演讲者的周围,听他要讲些什么。gather sb/sth round〔around〕 sb/sthThe speaker gathered a small crowd round him, eager to listen to what he had to say.演讲者把一伙极想听他要讲什么的人吸引在他的周围。The kindergartener gathered the children around her.幼儿园阿姨把孩子们聚集在她周围。The boy gathered his toys round him.这孩子把玩具收拢来放在自己身边。gather round〔around〕 sbThe whole class gathered round the student who had been unfairly failed, and demanded another examination.那个学生在考试中因受到不公平的对待而不及格,全班同学站在他的一边,要求让他重考。gather to( v.+prep. )使向?聚拢; 使集拢 collect sb/sth, or things towards sthgather sb/sth to sthWe must gather the people to our side.我们一定要把人民聚集到我们的一边。The dressmaker gathered the cloth to the narrowest part of the waist.那位裁缝在衣服的腰部打褶收紧。gather together (v.+adv.)冷静下来; 控制住自己 sober; calm; control oneselfgather togetherThe clouds are gathering together and it"s going to rain.云在聚集,天要下雨了。gather sb/sth _ togetherShe gathered some friends together.她约了些朋友到一块。We must gather the people together to demand our rights.我们必须把人们团结起来去争取我们的权利。They gathered their belongings together and set off.他们把自己的东西收拾好,然后动身了。Gather the ends of the wool together and tie them in a knot.把毛线头都收拢起来,把它们打成一个结。We should often gather together what we have gained in teaching.我们应该经常总结教学经验。Gather together what we have learnt.把我们学的东西总结一下吧。gather oneself togetherI shall have to gather myself together to face the whole board of directors.我得冷静下来以对付整个董事会。You should gather yourself together firstly under conditions of great danger.在极其危险的情况下你应当首先控制住自己。gather up (v.+adv.)〈美口〉拘捕 arrestgather sth _ upThe child gathered up his toys and put them away.那孩子收拾起自己的玩具,把它们放起来。We gather up from various sources a great amount of firsthand data.我们从各种来源收集了大量第一手资料。Gathering up his scattered papers, he pushed them into his case.他把散乱的文件收拾起来,塞进文件夹里。I gathered up my few things and left.我收拾起仅有的几件东西就离开了。If you gather up your strength, you"ll be able to do the work well.如果你集中精力的话,是能做好这项工作的。gather sb/sth _ upShe gathered up the child in her arms.她双手把孩子抱了起来。As the car was overcrowded, we had to gather up our legs.由于车子十分拥挤,我们不得不把腿缩起来。Gather up your muscles and jump.收紧肌肉,然后起跳。gather sth _ upGathering up all his courage, he turned to face the enemy.他鼓足勇气,转身面对敌人。gather oneself upGather yourself up, and you"ll surely succeed.振作起来,你就一定会成功。gather sb _ upGather him up!抓住他!六、经典引文He would in time gather a great crowd round him.出自:R. LyndHe had gathered up in his novels the two divided strands of Restoration fiction.出自:G. Greene七、常见错误v.(动词)汤姆和约翰汇集到一起。误 Tom and John gathered together.正 Tom and John got together.析 gather有“聚集在一起”的含义,所以当gather后面无宾语使用together,就产生了意义上的重叠。另外,两个人聚到一起也不能用gather,应该用get together。我们盼望着能再次聚会。误 We are looking forward to our gathering again.正 We are looking forward to our meeting again.析 亲朋好友间的“聚会”多用meet或get together。我猜你已经采纳了我的意见。误 I gathered that you"ve taken my advice.正 I gather that you"ve taken my advice.析 在I gather这样的词组里,通常用一般现在时,而不用一般过去时或现在完成时来引出已经了解到的情况或一段引语。她的爱好是集邮。误 Her hobby is gathering stamps.正 Her hobby is collecting stamps.析 作为“爱好”而“收集”一般用collect表示,不用gather。gather多作“采集”解,一般指“采集(花等)”。gather的相关近义词build、collect、grow、learn、selectgather的相关反义词dissipate、scattergather的相关临近词GATT、gateway、gathers、Gatherum、gatherer、Gatheral、gathered、Gatheron、gather in、gather up、gather on、gathering点此查看更多关于gather的详细信息
2023-06-25 16:04:041

魔兽世界插件gatherer怎么用 打开没有可以运行的程序嘛

解压缩在 addons文件夹内进入游戏,在选择人物的时候点左下的插件管理点开加载过期插件,并在gatherer前打勾进入游戏,输入/gatherer即可进行配置
2023-06-25 16:04:112

《采集助手 Gatherer 3.12 带数据库》怎么才能正确安装使用??

可能会部分插件发生冲突安装新版前,请删除World of WarcraftWTFAccount你的账号SavedVariables/gatherer.luaGatherer 在地图上标记矿点和草药点,此版本已经能正确显示从wowhead下载的矿点数据了(自己挖的矿点数据,一直都是能记载的)。如果还无法显示矿点,请首先确认你已经在设置里面勾选了"在大地图上显示所有矿点",然后删除World of WarcraftWTFAccount你的账号SavedVariables/gatherer.lua,最后进入游戏重新下载一次数据即可。GathererDB_Wowhead_仅外域数据 官方放出的Gatherer数据库的自动更新数据插件(从wowhead下载数据)。和Gatherer搭配使用,下载完数据后不用重启游戏。原来需要下载的数据过于庞大,考虑到实际需要,本人已经修改为只更新外域的矿、草及黑莲花的刷新点。GathererDB_Wowhead全世界数据 方便使用小号的朋友,全世界数据,内存小者,慎用更新日志2008.08.05 修正数据库导入插件乱码问题。2008.05.30 更新到官方3.12版,可惜的是还没有支持工程学气体采集,希望下一版本能够推出。数据库更新到最新的2008-05-24的数据。2008.04.08 很多人有无法导入数据库的问题,应该是导入数据库插件版本号错误的原因,现已修改为2.4版本,经测试导入正常。2008.04.03 更新官方版本3.11版,全面支持2.4,同时导航图系统也作为一个独立的小插件与采集助手共存,不需要的可以直接关闭或删除Gatherer_Hud目 录,这样更加节约内存。另外,由于2.4的文件更新内容较多,因此"工程学气团采集"功能暂时没有添加。2008.03.06 下午 增加了一个3.06修改版,增加了千呼万唤的“工程学气体微粒采集”的记录功能,欢迎大家测试。2008.03.06 更新官方版本3.06版,主要修正了一些小BUG以及为迎接2.4的到来而进行了一些调整。2008.01.26 12点 紧急修正报错问题,已测试通过,请下载过的朋友重新下载。2008.01.26 官方于2008.01.16日发布最新版3.0.4,作者在最新版中修正了大部分原3.0.3没有进行多国语言处理的字符串,同时修复了一些BUG。2007.11.23 修正不支持台服的问题,因本人无法上台服,请台服朋友帮忙测试。2007.11.22 发布3.03版。PS:这个简体汉化版的大部分翻译来自xhox的版本,由于以前版本在2.3更新后大量报错,因此使用了官方最新的3.03版,并大部分 使用了xhox版本的翻译。其中3.03新增了少量功能,如HUD自动隐藏(ps.从来没用过...)等,这个是我自己翻译并加入到Strings里面 的,如有翻译错误请大家指正
2023-06-25 16:04:181


采集助手Gatherer是一个能够自动记录草药/矿/宝箱的刷新位置的工具,并在小地图和大地图显示。有了它,你再也不用在山野里苦苦搜索了。本插件包内已内置数据库,你需要如下的设置才能正常使用。  下载完毕后,还不能在小地图和大地图显示矿点,你需要一些设置。首先,右键点击小地图的图标。你会看到如下图的矿点数据库,点击右下角的CONFIG按钮,下图的红圈显示:  然后按下图的选项,点击右边框体的Import按钮导入数据库即可:  本插件自带了屏幕中3D矿点显示,如果你嫌影响界面,可以在插件管理里关闭“Gatherer_HUD”。 下载页面地址
2023-06-25 16:04:251

Gatherer 采集助手怎么用?谁告诉我下。

基本使用方法:1.把Gatherer解压至Addons目录2.进入游戏人物选单,确定在addons内已经打开了Gatherer3.进入游戏,输入/gather进行设置4.矿工,采花贼们,出发!具体使用方法:Gatherer的工作方式是这样的:1.玩家找到采集物之后进行采集动作2.Gatherer会自动把采集过的位置/数量信息进行记Gatherer是一个能够自动记录草药/矿/宝箱的刷新位置的工具。有了它,你再也不用在山野里苦苦搜索了!正如你所知,采集探测功能并非可以探测最远距离的小地图上的所有单位,他大约只能够探测小地图直径1/4直径左右的采集点(示意图的绿色部分),在绿色范围内,Gatherer会用一个框来显示采集点,而如果超过了这个范围,Gatherer则会用图标来显示。Gatherer在图标和框之间切换的距离是可以调整的。我们暂定叫它框定距离详细设置Gatherer的设置非常简单,你可以输入/gather来查看所有设置项以及备注在聊天栏输入/gather,显示所有设置项目详细命令列表:/gather on - turns on the minimap tracking functionality.打开gatherer功能/gather off - turns off the minimap tracking functionality. (note, gathering activities are still tracked, even though they do not appear in the minimap)关闭gatherer功能(注意:即使你关闭了Gatherer,它也会在后台监控你的采集信息(那和toggle有什么区别。。。。?))/gather toggle - toggles the gatherer between on and off states.显示或隐藏gatherer/gather dist number - sets the minimap tracking distance to this number of units. (1 unit = 4 seconds of travel)设置最大显示采集点信息的距离(0=无限远)/gather num number - sets the maximum number of items that will appear in your minimap at once (max 25)设置允许显示的最多采集点数量(最大25个)/gather theme name - changes the default icon theme (available themes: original, shaded, iconic; default = shaded)图标颜色/gather idist number - sets a pixel distance in your minimap before the icons will change to iconic (default = 40, minimap radius = 60)上文所说的框定距离的设置,默认是40(小地图半径是60)/gather herbs (on|off|auto) - select whether to show herb data on the minimap/gather mining (on|off|auto) - select whether to show mining data on the minimap/gather treasure (on|off|auto) - select whether to show treasure data on the minimap是否显示三种采集点的信息(草药,矿,宝箱
2023-06-25 16:04:501


插件下载后解压缩到World of Warcraft 目录里Interface文件夹下 AddOns目录里。
2023-06-25 16:04:593


2023-06-25 16:05:062

wow挖矿插件 Gatherer 怎么用不了呢

也许是WOW版本更新了 插件版本没有更新 要下对应版本的,重新下一个试试吧~!
2023-06-25 16:05:154


2023-06-25 16:05:362

魔兽采集助手Gatherer 怎么导入数据啊

首先,右键点击小地图的图标。你会看到矿点数据库,点击右下角的CONFIG按钮,然后在里面找到“Databose”,然后点击右边框体的Import按钮导入数据库即可~ 具体的网址看看这里~: 参考资料:
2023-06-25 16:05:431


2023-06-25 16:05:593


因为WOW更新版本去掉了战斗记录中你对XX使用采矿的提示而gatherer就是根据战斗记录在储存矿点或药点的解决方法到MOP 魔兽世界里面寻找gatherer的改良版
2023-06-25 16:06:082

魔兽世界 Gatherer采集助手数据导入

2023-06-25 16:06:171

到底 wow gatherer插件怎么用

2023-06-25 16:06:293


2023-06-25 16:06:361

采集助手插件Gatherer 右键点击小地图的图标找不到怎么点啊- -

2023-06-25 16:06:442


[商业·物品][2007-09-28]Gatherer 采集助手 3.0 汉化版插件名称:Gatherer 采集助手插件作者:Norganna插件版本:3.0更新日期:[2007-09-26] Gatherer 官方更新日期发布站点&页面:此网页不属于NGA网站,NGA不保证其安全性继续访问 取消 不再提示我[ ]本地化作者:冥忆雪 & xhox本地化版本&日期:2007-09-28 汉化a插件类别:商业·物品功能说明:Gatherer是一个能够自动记录草药/矿/宝箱的刷新位置的工具。有了它,你再也不用在山野里苦苦搜索了。还可以导入来自 Wowhead 的数据库。冲突插件:可能会与同类型的采集辅助插件冲突,使用前请禁用同类型插件!
2023-06-25 16:06:521

Gatherer 3.11 会和大脚插件 问题

2023-06-25 16:07:102


2023-06-25 16:07:204


这个插件一般有两个压缩包,一个名为gatherer的是主程序,还有一个是资料包是以gatherer_all或者gatherer_waiyu命名,把两个文件都解压在World of WarcraftInterfaceAddOns这个文件夹中,在进游戏后打开插件有个导入栏,选择数据导入就OK了。
2023-06-25 16:07:321


小地图图标整合插件MBB插件大小:未知对应版本:不限MBB插件作者:Tunhadil 插件来源:wowace最后更新:2012-06-29 10:579.1神器 请滑动鼠标评分插件简介MBB小地图图标整合插件,自动探测并收集整合你小地图上的图标按钮到一个按钮内,点击按钮展开小地图图标。并可设置展开的方向和排列方式。右键点击小地图图标进行设置,左键点击展开小地图图标。 用大脚就可以了,你开了大脚地图工具的话,按M键打开地图,右上角应该有一个可选择的框框,然后选择你想要显示的类型,比如职业训练师、专业训练师等等,请采纳谢谢功能介绍安装说明更新日志MBB小地图图标整合插件,自动探测并收集整合你小地图上的图标按钮到一个按钮内,点击按钮展开小地图图标。并可设置展开的方向和排列方式。右键点击小地图图标进行设置,左键点击展开小地图图标。 请采纳谢谢
2023-06-25 16:07:401

求 魔兽世界 采集助手插件 Gatherer(中文版) 巫妖王可用 和 可导入的数据库.

2023-06-25 16:07:551


采集助手Gatherer 采集助手Gatherer是一个能够自动记录草药/矿/宝箱的刷新位置的工具,并在小地图和大地图显示。有了它,你再也不用在山野里苦苦搜索了。  下载完毕后,根据需要下载下面的采集助手的最新数据库。右键点击小地图图标显示资源点和进行配置,左键点击小地图图标禁用/启用采集助手。  导航图系统也作为一个独立的小插件与采集助手共存,不需要的可以直接关闭或删除Gatherer_Hud目录,这样更加节约内存。
2023-06-25 16:09:481


我没遇到过 最好是把有插件的那个文件夹删掉 然后重新下载
2023-06-25 16:10:072


2023-06-25 16:10:153

求万智牌 最新 汉化版查卡器下载地址满意+50分

在线查找的话我经常去的是 非常不错的万智牌单卡搜索引擎。从阿拉若的断片开始有中文牌,之前的环境只有英文牌面中文翻译。以中文为关键字搜索的话可以找到上一次密罗地的牌(神河的前一个),再往前的系列只能用英文搜索了。这个网页还会根据现在店家的单卡价格平均之后写在牌上面,低中高。不过是国外的价格,中文牌的话酌情减少20%-30%的样子做参考。另外就是威士智官网上面的Gatherer引擎也可以搜到中文牌,具体用的不太多,因为速度会稍微慢一点。而且太老的牌好像都没有图片了。查卡器我不知道具体你指的是什么,如果是Magic workstation的话调试起来会非常麻烦,而且所有图库要自己更新的。希望能够帮到你。
2023-06-25 16:10:221


2023-06-25 16:10:292


Sigar 在网络上的解释就是S代表system 系统,I代表Information信息,G代表gatherer 收集,A 代表and和,r代表reporter 报表,连接起来就是:系统信息收集报表。也没有看到其他解释,如果想做人名,我觉得得看个人的爱好,自己做决定,没有什么可以或者不可以。
2023-06-25 16:10:373


2023-06-25 16:10:441


按地图理论的话:地狱火半岛最多。 (但大家都知道的话,就不多了)不过如果你们服的采药人多的话,那建议你去纳格兰或其他地图。
2023-06-25 16:10:522

2018年高考英语全国Ⅰ卷 阅读题C篇「经济学人」

C Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years, but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going. When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers, small, tightly knit (联系) groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other. Some language experts believe that 10,000 years ago, when the world had just five to ten million people, they spoke perhaps 12,000 languages between them. Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to become farmers, and their languages too became more settled and fewer in number. In recent centuries, trade, industrialisation, the development of the nation-state and the spread of universal compulsory education, especially globalisation and better communications in the past few decades, all have caused many languages to disappear, and dominant languages such as English, Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over. At present, the world has about 6,800 languages. The distribution of these languages is hugely uneven. The general rule is that mild zones have relatively few languages, often spoken by many people, while hot, wet zones have lots, often spoken by small numbers. Europe has only around 200 languages; the Americas about 1,000; Africa 2,400; and Asia and the Pacific perhaps 3,200, of which Papua New Guinea alone accounts for well over 800. The median number (中位数) of speakers is mere 6,000, which means that half the world"s languages are spoken by fewer people than that. Already well over 400 of the total of 6,800 languages are close to extinction (消亡), with only a few elderly speakers left. Pick, at random, Busuu in Cameroon (eight remaining speakers), Chiapaneco in Mexico (150), Lipan Apache in the United States (two or three) or Wadjigu in Australia (one, with a question-mark): none of these seems to have much chance of survival. 28. What can we infer about languages in hunter-gatherer times? A. They developed very fast. B. They were large in number. C. They had similar patterns. D. They were closely connected. 29. Which of the following best explains "dominant" underlined in paragraph 2? A. Complex. B. Advanced. C. Powerful. D. Modern. 30. How many languages are spoken by less than 6,000 people at present? A. About 6,800. B. About 3,400. C. About 2,400. D. About 1,200. 31. What is the main idea of the text? A. New languages will be created. B. People"s lifestyles are reflected in languages. C. Human development results in fewer languages. D. Geography determines language evolution. (答案戳下方“阅读原文 ” ) LearnAndRecord 2015年2月8日 2018年6月9日 第1218天 每天持续行动学外语
2023-06-25 16:11:071


打开采集助手啊 如果你使用了魔盒 大脚之类的插件 鼠标放在小地图上 会出现插件的 点进去找下即可
2023-06-25 16:11:263

有可以在地图上显示草药点的插件么?大脚配合用! 下载后放到根目录InterfaceAddons目录下,游戏中开启后,右键点击小地图左边的按钮,打开采集助手.就ok
2023-06-25 16:11:332

GATHERER 下载后怎么用? 最新的哪有下 数据包呢?

有更新Gatherer数据库的插件(从wowhead下载数据)叫 GathererDB_Wowhead 你下的那个版本 不全
2023-06-25 16:11:401

求一个“采草 挖矿 切换宏”

采集助手Gatherer插件使用技巧正如你所知,采集探测功能并非可以探测最远距离的小地图上的所有单位,他大约只能够探测小地图直径1/4直径左右的采集点(示意图的绿色部分),在绿色范围内,Gatherer会用一个框来显示采集点,而如果超过了这个范围,Gatherer则会用图标来显示。Gatherer在图标和框之间切换的距离是可以调整的。我们暂定叫它框定距离详细设置Gatherer的设置非常简单,你可以输入/gather来查看所有设置项以及备注在聊天栏输入/gather,显示所有设置项目详细命令列表:/gather on - turns on the minimap tracking functionality.打开gatherer功能/gather off - turns off the minimap tracking functionality. (note, gathering activities are still tracked, even though they do not appear in the minimap)关闭gatherer功能(注意:即使你关闭了Gatherer,它也会在后台监控你的采集信息(那和toggle有什么区别。。。。?))/gather toggle - toggles the gatherer between on and off states.显示或隐藏gatherer/gather dist number - sets the minimap tracking distance to this number of units. (1 unit = 4 seconds of travel)设置最大显示采集点信息的距离(0=无限远)/gather num number - sets the maximum number of items that will appear in your minimap at once (max 25)设置允许显示的最多采集点数量(最大25个)/gather theme name - changes the default icon theme (available themes: original, shaded, iconic; default = shaded)图标颜色/gather idist number - sets a pixel distance in your minimap before the icons will change to iconic (default = 40, minimap radius = 60)上文所说的框定距离的设置,默认是40(小地图半径是60)/gather herbs (on|off|auto) - select whether to show herb data on the minimap/gather mining (on|off|auto) - select whether to show mining data on the minimap/gather treasure (on|off|auto) - select whether to show treasure data on the minimap是否显示三种采集点的信息(草药,矿,宝箱)基本使用方法:1.把Gatherer解压至Addons目录2.进入游戏人物选单,确定在addons内已经打开了Gatherer3.进入游戏,输入/gather进行设置4.矿工,采花贼们,出发!具体使用方法:Gatherer的工作方式是这样的:1.玩家找到采集物之后进行采集动作2.Gatherer会自动把采集过的位置/数量信息进行记录记录后的小地图3.记录后,小地图会自动显示采集点信息(数量,距离)4秒为1个unit,可以用units查看大概的到达采集点所需要的时间Gatherer显示的所有采集信息都是需要你通过搜集而来的,每当你采集一个物品,Gatherer就会记录一条信息。所以一开始使用时,你在地图上什么也看不到。这样的好处是能够确保数据的准确性,以及定制符合个人情况的数据(例如某个铁匠只采copper)当然,在n个版本之后,采集到了足够精确的数据之后,Gatherer的作者可能推出含有数据库的版本。你要的不怎么会,也不知道这个用合适不?
2023-06-25 16:11:471


2023-06-25 16:11:541


Xibalba (Shee-bal-ba) 是 K"iche Maya给冥界的名字。对于尤卡特克玛雅人来说,黑社会被称为 Metnal。Xibalba 的名字翻译为“恐惧之地”,这表明该地方在玛雅人的想象中令人恐惧。不幸的是,逃离这个地方的机会也不大。诸如过上美好生活和通过不做坏事来避免永恒折磨之类的想法不是玛雅信仰体系的一部分,因为只有死于暴力死亡的人才会避开西巴尔巴。冥界是一个真正可怕的地方,与水密切相关。它有自己的风景、众神和嗜血的掠食者。西巴尔巴也是玛雅神话中的英雄,尤其是英雄双胞胎进行许多冒险的场景。 西巴尔巴地理 由于玛雅人西巴尔巴人位于遥远的西部,因此在位于尤卡坦半岛西海岸的坎佩切岛上有大量墓葬,使其成为最西部的玛雅人领土。Xibalba 是通过 Tlalticpac 的一个洞穴或静水区进入的,这是地球的表面,也是九个冥界中的第一个。银河也被认为是通往西巴尔巴的入口,也是灵魂走向命运的道路。玛雅人相信冥界有九个不同的层次,在他们建造的巨大石头金字塔中代表了这个想法,作为他们国王的坟墓,这些金字塔通常有九层。见,例如,该庙在铭文帕伦克,天宫一号在蒂卡尔,或金字塔的库库尔坎在奇琴伊察。 在西巴尔巴体内,肉体从身体上掉下来,眼眶垂下,身体机能不再受到控制。 玛雅人相信冥界由一群众神(可能有 9 位或 14 位)统治,统称为冥界的领主。它们有着可怕的名字,包括 1 Death 和 7 Death(最重要的两个)、Pus Master、Bone Sceptre、Skull Sceptre、Jaundice Master、Blood Gatherer 和 Bloody Claws。这些领主中的许多人偶尔会来到生活的世界,在那里他们会传播苦难和疾病。玛雅人还相信每个天文神在冥界都有自己的显现。例如,太阳神K"inich Ajaw,当他在夜间穿越冥界时,成为冥界的美洲虎神。最重要的玛雅宗教书籍,Popol Vuh, 描述了 Xibalba 内地理的一些细节。地下世界是广阔的,景观的多样性与生活的外部世界一样多。此外,还有两条大河,也许更多,流经它。想要达到西巴尔巴九级,死者们不得不面对许多考验和危险。其中包括渡险水高山、血流成河、旋转黑曜石刀箭攻击,甚至是心的牺牲。为了帮助灵魂在这样的磨难中幸存下来,死者被埋葬或火化,并使用有用的设备,如武器、工具、编织工具、玉石等贵重物品、热巧克力等维持食物,甚至狗(真人或陶器人像)充当同伴和向导。Popol Vuh 中的Xibalba 正如我们所看到的,玛雅人希望在西巴尔巴接受考验,如果他们能够运用他们的技能和智慧,那么他们就有机会战胜在那里等待他们的可怕恶魔和考验。最著名的故事之一涉及玉米神(匈奴Hunahpu 或 1 Ajaw)和他的兄弟 7 Hunahpu。有一天,两人在一场喧闹的球赛中激怒了冥界的领主,他们召唤他们下到西巴尔巴。在经历了许多考验和恐怖之后,这对兄弟姐妹又玩了一场球。这一次,在输掉比赛后,他们被献祭并埋葬在球场下,而玉米神的头则被放置在葫芦或可可树中。后来,冥界领主之一血姬的女儿看到了这个头颅,经过一番交谈,头颅吐在手中,她奇迹般地怀上了双胞胎。这些兄弟姐妹是玛雅神话中著名的英雄双胞胎 Hunahpu(或 Hun Ajaw)和 Xbalanque(或 Yax Bahlam),他们将成为伟大的猎人、恶作剧和出色的球手。 历史重演,英雄双胞胎和他们的父亲和叔叔一样,也被召唤到西巴尔巴,在被关押在可怕的房间里,里面有死亡蝙蝠、美洲虎、可怕的寒冷和火,还被要求玩球。他们赢了,但这对他们没有任何好处,反正他们被处决了,或者说,冥界的领主希望杀死他们,但双胞胎先行动起来,跳进了巨大的火中。然而,外界的众神对这个结果并不满意,所以他们让双胞胎起死回生。现在伪装成舞者,这对夫妇在西巴尔巴肆虐,杀死了冥界的领主,甚至设法复活了他们的父亲玉米神。三人,连同一群赤身裸体的少女,现在满载财宝,然后用独木舟终于逃离了西巴尔巴,回到了生者之地。整个神话很可能是一个丰富多彩的隐喻,用于将玉米种子种植到地球上,然后将它们生长回地表之上。 艺术与建筑中的西巴尔巴 涉及西巴尔巴神话的各种神灵和人物经常出现在玛雅艺术中,例如陶器装饰、石雕、雕刻的骨头和洞穴壁画——尤其是在 Naj Tunich。冥界中的灵魂形象往往是可怕的。肉从身体上掉下来,眼睛悬在眼眶里,身体机能不再受到控制。Xibalba 最引人注目的代表之一是在 c. 公元 683 年帕伦克国王帕卡尔大帝的石棺在帕伦克的铭文神庙深处发现。在这里,死去的统治者被描绘成向后坠入冥界巨大的蜈蚣下巴。黑社会也出现在玛雅建筑中. 如上所述,用作坟墓的金字塔有九个平台来代表冥界的九个层次。此外,在Utatlan的ballcourt被认为代表Xibalba,和众僧复杂的南方大厦在乌斯马尔也以其较低的水平和九家门口,想在视觉上表示Xibalba。
2023-06-25 16:12:011


也是要买的,图标我说不清楚,你去看看英文吧。看不懂,去网络上找找技能 物品 翻译。
2023-06-25 16:12:093

SQL server 2008安装老是出错

2023-06-25 16:12:413

安装SQL2005时出错,请确认你有访问该目录的权限。请大家帮帮忙,该怎么办? 很急……

2023-06-25 16:12:482

关于Native American的环境,急啊!

languageFar from forming a single ethnic group, Native Americans were divided into several hundred ethno-linguistic groups, most of them grouped into the Na-Dené (Athabaskan), Algic (including Algonquian), Uto-Aztecan, Iroquoian, Siouan-Catawban, Yok-Utian, Salishan and Yuman-Cochimí phyla, besides many smaller groups and several language isolates. Demonstrating genetic relationships has proved difficult due to the great linguistic diversity present in North America.The indigenous peoples of North America can be classified as belonging to a number of large cultural areas.Of the surviving languages, Uto-Aztecan has the most speakers (1.95 million) if the languages in Mexico are considered (mostly due to 1.5 million speakers of Nahuatl); Nadene comes in second with approximately 180,200 speakers (148,500 of these are speakers of Navajo). Na-Dené and Algic have the widest geographic distributions: Algic currently spans from northeastern Canada across much of the continent down to northeastern Mexico (due to later migrations of the Kickapoo) with two outliers in California (Yurok and Wiyot); Na-Dené spans from Alaska and western Canada through Washington, Oregon, and California to the U.S. Southwest and northern Mexico (with one outlier in the Plains). Another area of considerable diversity appears to have been the Southeast; however, many of these languages became extinct from European contact and as a result they are, for the most part, absent from the historical record.Cultural Though cultural features, language, clothing, and customs vary enormously from one tribe to another, there are certain elements which are encountered frequently and shared by many tribes.Early hunter-gatherer tribes made stone weapons from around 10,000 years ago; as the age of metallurgy dawned, newer technologies were used and more efficient weapons produced. Prior to contact with Europeans, most tribes used similar weaponry. The most common implements were the bow and arrow, the war club, and the spear. Quality, material, and design varied widely. Native American use of fire both helped provide insects for food and altered the landscape of the continent to help the human population flourish.Large mammals like mammoths and mastodons were largely extinct by around 8,000 B.C. Native Americans switched to hunting other large game, such as bison. The Great Plains tribes were still hunting the bison when they first encountered the Europeans. The Spanish reintroduction of the horse to North America in the 17th century and Indians" learning to use them greatly altered the natives" culture, including changing the way in which they hunted large game. (Evidence of ore-historic horses prior to the arrival of the Spanish has been found in the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, CA.)[citation needed] In addition, horses became such a valuable, central element of Native lives that they were counted as a measure of wealth.AgricultureNative American agriculture started about 7,000 years ago in the area of present-day Illinois.[citation needed] The first crop the Native Americans grew was squash. This was the first of several crops the Native Americans learned to domesticate. Others included cotton, sunflower, pumpkins, tobacco, goosefoot, and sump weed.Agriculture in the southwest started around 4,000 years ago when traders brought cultigens from Mexico. Due to the varying climate, some ingenuity was needed for agriculture to be successful. The climate in the southwest ranged from cool, moist mountains regions, to dry, sandy soil in the desert. Some innovations of the time included irrigation to bring water into the dry regions and the selection of seed based on the traits of the growing plants that bore them. In the southwest, they grew beans that were self-supported, much like the way they are grown today.In the east, however, they were planted right by corn in order for the vines to be able to "climb" the cornstalks. The most important crop the Native Americans raised was maize. It was first started in Mesoamerica and spread north. About 2,000 years ago it reached eastern America. This crop was important to the Native Americans because it was part of their everyday diet; it could be stored in underground pits during the winter, and no part of it was wasted. The husk was made into art crafts, and the cob was used as fuel for fires. By 800 A.D. the Native Americans had established three main crops — beans, squash, and corn — called the three sisters.The agriculture gender roles of the Native Americans varied from region to region. In the southwest area, men prepared the soil with hoes. The women were in charge of planting, weeding, and harvesting the crops. In most other regions, the women were in charge of doing everything, including clearing the land. Clearing the land was an immense chore since the Native Americans rotated fields frequently. There is a tradition that Squanto showed the Pilgrims in New England how to put fish in fields to act like a fertilizer, but the truth of this story is debated. Native Americans did plant beans next to corn; the beans would replace the nitrogen which the corn took from the ground, as well as using corn stalks for support for climbing. Indians used controlled fires to burn weeds and clear fields; this would put nutrients back into the ground. If this did not work, they would simply abandon the field to let it be fallow, and find a new spot for cultivation.Europeans in the eastern part of the continent observed that Natives cleared large areas for cropland. Their fields in New England sometimes covered hundreds of acres. Colonists in Virginia noted thousands of acres under cultivation by Native Americans.Native Americans commonly used tools such as the hoe, maul, and dibber. The hoe was the main tool used to till the land and prepare it for planting; then it was used for weeding. The first versions were made out of wood and stone. When the settlers brought iron, Native Americans switched to iron hoes and hatchets. The dibber was a digging stick, used to plant the seed. Once the plants were harvested, women prepared the produce for eating. They used the maul to grind the corn into mash. It was cooked and eaten that way or baked as corn bread.传统和农业部分应该对你有点帮助(里面有提到他们的生活情况),关于气候什么的,你只要查美洲那时候的气候不就行了吗。翻译自己解决
2023-06-25 16:12:562

安装sql server的时候,sql server database services显示为灰色不能选中,怎么回事

请先确定是否把sql相关的东西删了,建议进行如下操作。1.先下个Windows Install Clean Up,清理sql相关东西,要全部清理。2.到控制面板--添加删除程序中看是否还有未删的。3.删除安装sql server 2005所在文件夹。4.到C盘windows下搜索sql.删除所有搜出文件(在隐藏文件inf下搜索sql,删除所有搜出文件)。5.下个srvinstw.exe,删除所有sql相关服务。6.到控制面板--管理工具--计算机管理--本地用户和组--组,删除所有与sql相关信息。7. 开始——运行,输入regedit进入注册表,[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMSSQLServer][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftSearch][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSSQLSERVER][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSSQLServerADHelper][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesSQLSERVERAGENT][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSFtpsvc][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSSCNTRS][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSSEARCH][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSSGatherer][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSSGTHRSVC][-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesmssindex]删除以上文件。8.用优化工具优化一下注册表,如优化大师。9.重启后重装sql.试试,看看ok不
2023-06-25 16:13:121


2023-06-25 16:13:191

GatherMate2 不显示矿点

重载数据库 输入/GatherMate 在其中找到maintenance再看其中的数据库锁定,将你所有勾选的选项去掉,再导入数据库
2023-06-25 16:13:262


2023-06-25 16:14:041


练级用盒子 满级用大脚反正我是这样大脚不用切换 有个选项 双采都会显示
2023-06-25 16:14:223


安戈洛环形山 就去这
2023-06-25 16:14:398

星露谷物语stardew valley各技能怎么加点 技能加点分配心得分享

  星露谷物语stardew valley中有几大板块,钓鱼、农业、挖矿等等,当然你不可能所有板块都有涉及,只能挑一个自己喜欢的,下面就来给大家介绍一下星露谷物语stardew valley各技能加点分配心得分享,希望能帮助各位玩家!  心得分享:  第一大块 Farming 农业技能:  5级分支  Rancher牧人:  动物产品出售价格增加10%(鸡蛋鸭蛋,牛奶羊奶,羊毛这种原产品)  Tiller 农夫:  农产品出售价格增加10%(从地里收获的都算)  10级分支  Rancher牧人分支:  CoopMaster养鸡能手:  加快Coop里的动物(鸡,鸭)心情提升(有助于产出高质量产品)  孵化器的孵化时间减半  Shepherd牧羊人:  加快Barn里的动物(牛,羊,猪)心情提升(有助于产出高质量产品)  加快绵羊生产羊毛的速度  Tiller 农夫分支:  Artisan 手工者:  手工艺品售出价增加50% (蛋黄酱,奶酪,布料,酒,果酱,饮料,之类的加工品都算)  Agriculturist 农学家:  作物生长时间加速10%  个人感觉前期最有助于成长的肯定是5级选Tiller,10级选Artisan。因为前期在没有积攒够畜牧的成本时,肯定种植的收入比重是很大的,所以价格增加10%算是一个不错的补贴。而且Artisan的后期性价比简直逆天,所以手工产品都可以加价50%,果子酿  酒,做果酱,作物做饮料,鸡蛋做蛋黄酱,牛奶羊奶做奶酪,羊毛做布料等等都可以从中获利颇多,简直赚翻  第二大块 Mining 矿业技能:  5级分支  Miner 矿工:  每个矿石获得的矿物加1个(意味着矿石最少也能掉两个矿了)  Geologist 地质学家 :  发现的宝石有几率成对出现(地上原本一个水晶,捡起发现是两个)  10级分支  Miner矿工分支  BlackSmith 铁匠:  金属块(五个矿石放在炉子里烧得到的)售价增加25%  Prospector 探矿者:  找到的煤数量X2(打怪掉的,敲石头得到的,矿车上拿到的都可以)  Geolosist 地质学家分支  Excavator 挖掘者  找到的晶石(找铁匠敲开的那个)数量X2  Gemologist 宝石专家  宝石售价增加30%  矿业选择就很多样了。如果你选择的是想快点升级你的工具,走的是速通流的话,5级可以点Miner,它对前几层下矿的增益很大。(个人感觉其实没必要,还不如向下多挖几层)但如果你想要后期收获更多的话,一定要点Geologist,这个技能好处首先是获  得的宝石很大几率成对出现,一般很多NPC都喜欢的宝石收集起来更加容易。而且后期的可以点出Excavator!!!这意味着你从此获得的晶石(扭蛋)数量都X2了,是吧,快去铁匠那看看能扭出什么!!扭蛋是获得很多矿物,很多宝石,甚至珍稀的依矿的方  法(当然不是最有效的方法)但第一年末~第二年上半年你还是可以从中扭蛋数量X2 中获利颇丰的。如果你想挖到宝石,矿物卖的话,就点Gemologist咯,也会大大增加你的收入。  第三大块 Foraging 采摘技能:  5级分支  Forester 护林人  木材出售价格增加50%  Gatherer 收集者  采摘时有概率获得作物数量X2(摘路边野花很容易收获两个,摘自己地里农作物不算)  10级分支  Forester 护林人分支  Lumberjack 伐木工  砍树时有几率掉硬木(随便砍一棵树都会掉一个硬木的样子)  Tapper 萃取者  树脂产品售出价格增加25%  Gatherer 收集者分支  Botanist 植物学家  采摘的果实永远是金星(路边的野果,不是自己种的)  Tracker 追踪者  隐藏物品的土地会显示(身上可以随时带着锄头准备刨地了)  5级点Forester意义不大,因为木头不是用来卖的,大多数情况是以材料为主。(如果你砍木头卖钱我无言以对)但它有个好处就是10级可以选Lumberjack,砍普通的树也会掉硬木头,加快了硬木头这种稀缺材料的收集速度。我个人是倾向于五级点  Gatherer,摘路边野果有几率数量X2,其实说实话意义也是不大(得苦一段时间,每天都跑去小树林刷硬木头),但10级的Tracker简直是神技!!它可以显示出隐藏物品的地点!!要知道,在游戏中,刨地可以获得很多宝物,下至普通的黏土,野草等建筑  材料;上至最高级的化石,还有各种博物馆藏书都可以从地里挖出来啊!!!  第四大块 Fishing 钓鱼技能  5级分支  Fisher 渔夫  鱼售出价格增加25%  Trapper 网鱼者(原意“用各种陷阱捕猎的人”,不会翻译TnT)  做捕蟹笼的成本降低(两个铜块就可以)  10级分支  Fisher 渔夫分支  Angler 垂钓者  鱼售价增加50%  Pirate 海盗  钓上来的宝箱有几率X2  Trapper 网鱼者分支  Mariner 水手  捕蟹笼再不会收获垃圾  Luremaster 鱼饵大师  捕蟹笼不再需要放鱼饵了  第五大块 Combat 战斗技能  5级分支  Fighter 战士  攻击增加10%伤害 +15生命值  Scout 侦察兵  暴击几率增加50%  10级分支  Fighter 战士分支  Brute 野蛮  10%攻击增益增加到15%  Defender 卫士  15生命增益增加到25  Scout 侦察兵分支  Acrobat 特技者  特技的冷却时间减半(就是鼠标右键的那个,有防御,还有重击,等等)  Desperado 亡命徒  暴击时直接斩杀  战斗技能的话,我能想到的就只有两个点法。第一个纯攻击力流,五级Fighter,十级Brute把输出的攻击数值叠的越高越好,15%的攻击力加成越到后面越强,在一把70攻击力的大剑上可不是闹着玩的。第二种就是暴击流,五级Scout,十级Desperado。注  意!!!这里Scout的暴击几率加成是你现有的暴击几率 X 150%!!比如你装备一把剑暴击几率10%,那么配合Scout的天赋,你的整体暴击几率就是15%,是这个意思,不是两刀就有一刀暴击!!!这个暴击致死流,最好装备一把Lava Katana(商店里最贵的  那把剑)25%暴击加成变成37.5%的几率能将敌人一刀带走。明白了吧。所以我感觉那个纯攻击力的更好一点,毕竟信仰暴击还是稳点来吧。
2023-06-25 16:15:091


Oracle启动服务详解以及手动控制关键字: oracle启动服务详解以及手动控制 2008-11-12 15:48注:SID - 数据库标识 HOME_NAME - Oracle Home名称,如OraHome92、OraHome81 (1)OracleServiceSID 数据库服务,这个服务会自动地启动和停止数据库。如果安装了一个数据库,它的缺省启动类型为自动。服务进程为ORACLE.EXE,参数文件initSID.ora,日志文件SIDALRT.log,控制台SVRMGRL.EXE、SQLPLUS.EXE。 (2)OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener 监听器服务,服务只有在数据库需要远程访问时才需要(无论是通过另外一台主机还是在本地通过 SQL*Net 网络协议都属于远程访问),不用这个服务就可以访问本地数据库,它的缺省启动类型为自动。服务进程为TNSLSNR.EXE,参数文件Listener.ora,日志文件listener.log,控制台LSNRCTL.EXE,默认端口1521、1526。 (3)OracleHOME_NAMEAgent OEM代理服务,接收和响应来自OEM控制台的任务和事件请求,只有使用OEM管理数据库时才需要,它的缺省启动类型为自动。服务进程为DBSNMP.EXE,参数文件snmp_rw.ora,日志文件nmi.log,控制台LSNRCTL.EXE,默认端口1748。 (4)OracleHOME_NAMEClientCache 名字缓存服务,服务缓存用于连接远程数据库的Oracle Names 数据。它的缺省启动类型是手动。然而,除非有一台Oracle Names 服务器,否则没有必要运行这个服务。服务进程为ONRSD.EXE,参数文件NAMES.ORA,日志文件ONRSD.LOG,控制台NAMESCTL.EXE。 (5)OracleHOME_NAMECMAdmin 连接管理服务,是构建Connection Manager服务器所用,只有服务器作为Connection Manager才需要,它的缺省启动类型是手动。服务进程为CMADMIN.EXE,参数文件CMAN.ORA,日志文件CMADM_PID.TRC,控制台CMCTL.EXE,默认端口1830。 (6)OracleHOME_NAMECMan 连接网关服务,是构建Connection Manager服务器所用,只有服务器作为Connection Manager才需要,它的缺省启动类型是手动。服务进程为CMGW.EXE,参数文件CMAN.ORA,日志文件CMAN_PID.TRC,控制台CMCTL.EXE,默认端口1630。 (7)OracleHOME_NAMEDataGatherer 性能包数据采集服务,除非使用Oracle Capacity Planner 和 Oracle Performance Manager,否则不需要启动,它的缺省启动类型是手动。服务进程为VPPDC.EXE,日志文件alert_dg.log,控制台vppcntl.exe。 (8)OracleHOME_NAMEHTTPServer Oracle提供的WEB服务器,一般情况下我们只用它来访问Oracle Apache 目录下的Web 页面,比如说JSP 或者modplsql 页面。除非你使用它作为你的HTTP服务,否则不需要启动(若启动它会接管IIS的服务),它的缺省启动类型是手动。服务进程为APACHE.EXE,参数文件httpd.conf,默认端口80。 (9)OracleHOME_NAMEPagingServer 通过一个使用调制解调器的数字传呼机或者电子邮件发出警告(没试过),它的缺省启动类型是手动。服务进程PAGNTSRV.EXE,日志文件paging.log。 (10)OracleHOME_NAMENames Oracle Names服务,只有服务器作为Names Server才需要,它的缺省启动类型是手动。服务进程NAMES.EXE,参数文件NAMES.ORA,日志文件NAMES.LOG,控制台NAMESCTL.EXE,默认端口1575。 (11)OracleSNMPPeerMasterAgent SNMP服务代理,用于支持SNMP的网管软件对服务器的管理,除非你使用网管工具监控数据库的情况,否则不需要启动,它的缺省启动类型是手动。服务进程为AGNTSVC.EXE,参数文件MASTER.CFG,默认端口161。 (12)OracleSNMPPeerEncapsulater SNMP协议封装服务,用于SNMP协议转换,除非你使用一个不兼容的SNMP代理服务,否则不需要启动,它的缺省启动类型是手动。服务进程为ENCSVC.EXE,参数文件ENCAPS.CFG,默认端口1161。 (13)OracleHOME_NAMEManagementServer OEM管理服务,使用OEM时需要,它的缺省启动类型是手动。服务进程为OMSNTSVR.EXE,日志文件oms.nohup。 在Windows 操作系统下安装Oracle 9i时会安装很多服务——并且其中一些配置为在Windows 启动时启动。在Oracle 运行在Windows 下时,它会消耗很多资源,并且有些服务可能我们并不总是需要。你会发现不使用Windows 图形界面就可以快速、完全地关闭数据库会很有用。 只要拥有管理员权限就可以通过net start 启动一个服务,或者通过net stop 命令停止一个服务,从而控制以下服务中的任何一个。在Windows XP 中,可以通过在控制面板的服务中改变想要禁用的服务(OracleOraHome...)的启动类型(Startup Type)参数,双击某个服务查看其属性,然后将启动类型属性从自动改为手动。 使数据库在本地工作唯一需要运行的服务是OracleServiceORCL 服务(其中ORCL 是SID)。这个服务会自动地启动和停止数据库(使用shutdown 中断)。如果安装了一个数据库,它的缺省启动类型为自动。如果主要是访问一个远程数据库,那么可以把启动类型由自动改为手动。 OracleOraHome92HTTPServer 服务(OraHome92 是Oracle Home 的名称)是在安装Oracle 时自动安装的Apache 服务器。一般情况下我们只用它来访问Oracle Apache 目录下的Web 页面,比如说JSP 或者modplsql 页面。 OracleOraHome92TNSListener 服务只有在数据库需要远程访问时才需要(无论是通过另外一台主机还是在本地通过 SQL*Net 网络协议都属于远程访问)。不用这个服务就可以访问本地数据库。 OracleOraHome92ClientCache 服务缓存用于连接远程数据库的Oracle Names 数据。正常情况下该服务的启动类型是配置为手动的。然而,除非有一台Oracle Names 服务器,否则没有必要运行这个服务。 有四个服务是Oracle 企业管理器所必须的(Oracle Enterprise Manager),这个服务分别为:OracleOraHome92Agent(智能代理),该服务监视数据库和企业管理器请求,缺省启动类型为自动。OracleOraHome92SNMPPeerEncapsulator 和OracleOraHome92SNMPPeerMasterAgent,处理安全网络管理协议服务。OracleOraHome92PagingServer 通过一个使用调制解调器的数字传呼机或者电子邮件发出警告。 OracleMTSRecoveryService 是可选的,该服务允许数据库充当一个微软事务服务器、COM/COM+对象和分布式环境下的事务的资源管理器。 如果只是偶尔使用一下数据库,那么可以创建一个简单的脚本任务来启动和关闭服务器,这样每次只要双击脚本就可以了,可以不使用图形界面。 1. 保存一个快捷方式自动地装载这些文件。 2. 将Oracle 服务设为手动避免在Windows 启动时启动。 REM "dbstart.cmd" @echo off set ORAHOME="OraHome90" set ORASID="zsd" net start OracleService%ORASID% REM net start Oracle%ORAHOME%HTTPServer REM net start Oracle%ORAHOME%TNSListener REM net start Oracle%ORAHOME%ClientCache REM net start Oracle%ORAHOME%Agent REM net start Oracle%ORAHOME%SNMPPeerEncapsulator REM net start Oracle%ORAHOME%SNMPPeerMasterAgent REM net start Oracle%ORAHOME%PagingServer REM net start OracleMTSRecoverService REM "dbshut.cmd" @echo off set ORAHOME="OraHome90" set ORASID="zsd" net stop OracleService%ORASID% REM net stop Oracle%ORAHOME%HTTPServer REM net stop Oracle%ORAHOME%TNSListener REM net stop Oracle%ORAHOME%ClientCache REM net stop Oracle%ORAHOME%Agent REM net stop Oracle%ORAHOME%SNMPPeerEncapsulator REM net stop Oracle%ORAHOME%SNMPPeerMasterAgent REM net stop Oracle%ORAHOME%PagingServer REM net stop OracleMTSRecoverService
2023-06-25 16:15:161