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2023-06-22 09:10:52


Pneumatic batches


n. 一批( batch的名词复数 ); 一炉; (食物、药物等的) 一批生产的量; 成批作业;


翻译: reprocessed/forward-processed batches

如果你这个是生产类资料的话。那么 你所提到的可能是制程工艺类 专业术语reprocessed 可理解为“二次加工”forward-processed 硬解为 “前处理”但工厂中并没有此环节 ,工厂中对应的环节称为“预处理”对应英文名为“pre-processed"(此此条可用为修饰定语)。batches 可理解为”批“整体为: 二次加工/预加工 批次
2023-06-22 03:55:351


2023-06-22 03:55:541


2023-06-22 03:56:021


一、定义 1、Draw Call CPU在每次通知GPU进行渲染前,都需要提前准备好顶点数据(如位置、法线、颜色、纹理坐标等),然后调用一系列API把它们放到GPU可以访问到的指定位置,最后调用一个绘制命令(DrawlndexedPrimitive(DX) or glDrawElements(OGL)),告诉GPU可以渲染了。调用绘制命令的时候,就会产生一个DrawCall。(就是一命令,发起方是CPU,接收方是GPU)。 2、SetPass calls 每次Unity需要更改正在使用的Shader Pass时,都会发出SetPass调用。 3、Batches :“Batching” is where the engine attempts to combine the rendering of multiple objects into a chunk of(一块) memory in order to reduce CPU overhead(开销)due to resources switching. 二、实验 1、新建一个场景,有27个Cube,其中26个Cube(名字为cube(1)-cube(26))使用同一种Shader,另一个Cube(名字为cube)使用另一种Shader,禁用动态合批。场景将会产生3个SetPass calls(有可能是4个),和28个Batches。(天空盒占用1个SetPass calls和1个Batches)。(2)产生3个或4个SetPass calls的原因 产生4个的原因是因为27个Cube的渲染队列的数值设置是相同的,导致Draw Mesh Cube(下图中的2)的渲染顺序是不确定的。可以将Cube的渲染队列改小,与其余26个cube的渲染队列区别开来。 2、增加点光源,给26个Cube所使用的那个Shader增加一个Tags{ "LightMode" = "ForwardAdd" }的Pass通道,并将Point Light的Render Mode改为Important。 如果将name为Cube的物体的Render Queue改小(比其他26个Cube小),则Batches为:28+27=55,SetPassCalls : 3(原先的3个)+ 27(ForwardAdd会执行多次) = 30 ; 3、启用阴影(软阴影或硬阴影),确保QualitySetting下的Shadows设为Hard Shadows或Hard and Soft Shadows,以及Point light的ShadowType设为Hard Shadows或者SoftShadows。此时,Shader需要添加Tags{ "LightMode" = "ShadowCaster" }的Pass,即使没加Tags{ "LightMode" = "ShadowCaster" }的Pass,因为FallBack中有对ShadowCaster的处理,所以,所以Batches和SetPass Calls也会增加。 Batches数是变化的,范围为82-109。SetPass Calls数的范围为:42-32(增加了2到12个)。精确值会根据灯光位置而变化。这种增加是由于Unity为其范围内的每个立方体运行ShadowCaster passes(在这种情况下全部为27)。使其范围内的所有网格数量也会变化,因为这是一个点光源,因此它为每个方向(前/后,左/右,上/下)渲染单独的阴影贴图,这意味着如果某些网格可能会多次渲染 4、启用Directional Light的阴影后,Batches为109+27=136;SetPasscalls为:42+2=44; 5、减少SetPass和Draw Calls的数量 (1)启用静态批处理 将27个Cube设为静态的,并且在PlayerSettings中启用StaticBatching。 Batches减少为:从136减少为44 SetPassCalls:还是44,没有变化。 这种情况下,SetPassCalls下就不太准确。(2)启用光照贴图 禁用静态批处理,并进行光照烘培。这种设置,烘培之后,Batches和SetPass并没有变化。 将两个灯光的Mode设为Baked,Mixed Lighting下的Lighting Mode设置为Subtrctive,继续烘焙。(3)启用遮挡剔除 新建一个墙体,放在27个Cube和摄像机之间,此时场景的Batches为145,SetPass Calls为53。三、总结 总的来说,使用批处理,光照贴图和遮挡剔除的组合,可以优化SetPass calls和Draw Call的数量。与LWRP相比,每增加一个点光源,Batches和SetPassCalls会增加将近一倍,而LWRP增加点光源后没有变化。
2023-06-22 03:56:211

hibernate 错误 scrollable result sets are not enabled

2023-06-22 03:56:292


问题一:生产批次号用英文怎么写 生产批次号 Production batch number 问题二:检验报告单中的"生产批次","批次"英文怎么写 Material lot product lot 用 lot 问题三:“一本批次”用英语怎么说 “一本批次”A batch 批次 [词典] batch (of aircraft, etc.); [例句]这一评估结果突出了这样的必要性,就是制造商要有产品开发和批次放行的适当参考材料。 The results highlight the need for manufacturers to have adequate reference materials for product development and lot-release. 问题四:"与上一批一样"用英语怎么说 The quality is the same as the last order. (last production) The price is the same as the last order. 最好说明是什么一样,是质量(quality), 数量(quantity ), 还是价格(price). 上批 是说上次的订单(order ),还是产品 (production). 问题五:生产批号 英文怎么拼写? Productio Code Or Production Batch (用的比较多) 问题六:这批货分几批出用英语怎么说 This lot of goods will be delivered in several batches. 问题七:提前批次用英语怎么说 batch in advance 问题八:上报总经理批准用英语怎么说 Ask for approval from the general manager.
2023-06-22 03:56:551


分批的解释 (1) [in batches]∶一批一批,一组一组(人或事物) (2) [in turn]∶轮流参加[ 训练 班] 词语分解 分的解释 分 ē 区划开:分开。划分。分野(划分的范围)。分界。分明。条分缕析。分解。 由整体中取出或产生出一部分:分发。分忧。分心劳神。 由机构内独立出的部分:分会。分行(俷 )。 散,离:分裂。分离。分别。 批的解释 批 ī 用手掌打:批颊(打嘴巴)。 刮:批凿。 口头或用文字判定是非、优劣、可否:批准。批示。批复。批语。批阅。批判。眉批(写在书页天头上的批语)。 大量:批购。批销。 量词, 用于 大宗的货物或数量众多
2023-06-22 03:57:021


2023-06-22 03:57:133


不是batch英 [bt] 美 [bt] n.一批;(食物、药物等)一批生产的量;批 v.分批处理 复数: batches 扩展资料 Each summer a new batch of students tries to find work. 每年夏天都有一批新的学生要找工作。 His department has introduced a new batch of scientific instruments. 他所在的部门引进了一批新的`科学仪器。 We"re still waiting for the first batch to arrive. 我们还在等着第一批货的到来。
2023-06-22 03:57:321


2023-06-22 03:58:081


2023-06-22 03:58:271


1 Scope and field of applicationThe general manufacturing specifications are a complement to the stipulations shown on the standard sheets and drawings. This nut standard consists of dimensions tables, drawings and manufacturing specifications. The manufacturing specifications, in turn, consist both of general specifications applying to all types of nut and also special specifications applying for each individual type of nut.1 应用范围通用制造说明做为补充条款已在标准图纸中示出,螺母的加工标准中包括尺寸表、图纸和制造技术要求。技术要求依次包括能用在所有类型螺母的一般技术要求和用在每个特别类型螺母的特殊技术要求。Nuts shall be made cold-pressed or forged. In those cases where the above manufacturing procedure is not economically justifiable (e. g. , small batches) the nuts may be turned.The surfaces of the nuts shall be flat with well-formed and chamfered corners and must be free from flash, mill scale, sharp edges or other defects which may lessen their usability. On cold-headed nuts which are not to be heat treated are allowed smaller cracks on the bearing surface and flats under condition that these cracks do not effect the properties of the nut or its usability. Exceptions to this ruel concerning any cracks must be stated on the respective drawing or table.Nuts shall be delivered well cleaned and, unless sur-face treatment is specified, well protected against rust through coating with a rust-proofing fluid 98730-04 according to STD 1287,32 Requirements 要求螺母应冷压或锻造加工,那样按以上加工步骤制造的螺母不经济(例如,小批量的螺母加工),螺母也可能卷刃。螺母表面应形状良好平直,倒角必须无毛刺、铁屑,锐边,其他瑕疵尽量缩小至可用范围内。不能做热处理的冷压六角螺母允许在其支撑面和平面处有较小的裂纹,且裂纹不影响螺母的性能或可用性。除非这些裂缝已分别在图纸和图表中已有规定,按照STD 1287,3防锈液98730-04 的规定,交货的螺母应该清洁完好除非按规定做过表面处理,螺母还应按照STD 1287,3防锈液98730-04 的规定给螺母涂层以做好防锈保护。
2023-06-22 03:58:351


下午的英语读作:afternoon。afternoon是一个英语名词,是下午的意思,一般指中午12点至下午6点左右,其复数形式为:afternoons。一般用法1、afternoon指正午以后至日落之前这段时间,书面语中可引申表示“后半期,后半”,如:the afternoon of life后半生,晚年。2、复数形式afternoons可用作副词,指不断重复的下午,起强调作用,可以翻译为“在每天下午”。3、一般说“在下午”用介词in,表示具体“某日的"下午”时用on,如:in the afternoon 在下午 ;on the afternoon of... 在…的下午。afternoon与this、yesterday、every、all等限定词连用时,其前不使用介词。4、afternoon也可置于另一名词之前作定语,如:afternoon tea 下午茶。afternoon造句1、我们只生存一个下午。We only live for an afternoon.2、把这些事务都放到下午或者结束工作的时候一次性批量处理。Put those off until the afternoon or end of your day,and do them all at once inbatches.3、“那我们今天下午应该去看电影,”母亲笑着说。“Then we should go to the movies this afternoon,”Mom smiled.
2023-06-22 03:58:422


draft:examine and verifyQA examine:authorizeThe implementation date:Distributing department: production, tube departmentPurpose: to establish the establishment standard product batch, as the basis of product batch number compiled.Van circumference: each batch of products must have prescribed batch number.Owner: production management personnel, workshop management personnel, QA inspectorInside let:1. The batch number definitionsWithin the limit is in same properties and quality, and in the same production cycle production comes out a certain quantity of products with a group for batch, digital (or letters add digital) as identification tags, called "batch number".2. The batch number purposesProduct each production batch have appointed permanent batch number. Product batch number once determined, the raw materials, all used in the production of packaging materials, intermediates and quality assurance department"s analysis, approval all regard main identification marks. According to the batch number, should be able to find out this batch production time and batch records, then trace this batch production history. Therefore, batch number should be obvious standard in every part of the batch records, and the products the labels and packaging.3. Partial principle: the final batch number specified product, in its production process, certain time intervals, the same equipment production regulation number of homogeneous products for a small batch number; From a certain small batch of products by the final mix, gains in fixed number of homogeneous product for the group.4. Batches establishment method4.1 designated for years (batch: said after two digits) - months - month this batch of the serial number (two digits), with 6 digit said. As June 2011 110605 said the first 5 batch production;4.2 small batch number: for years (later said double-digit) - months - month this batch of the serial number (two digits) - 110605-1, such as external June 2011 said the first 5 batch production of products in the first small batch products;4.3 rework batch: the original batch is changeless, only in the original batch number before adding a "F" said. If F110605.5. Each production batch of products, product batch number shall be recorded in the batch number registration record "(REC - F - SC - 104 - A00). The batchNumber of registration records shall be kept to product, no valid one year after the validity of the preservation of the three years.
2023-06-22 03:59:071

LPB 英语全称是什么?汉语意思是小批量生产

lot productionsmall lot productionLot Production Batches.批量生产批次
2023-06-22 03:59:131


We made a two batches of goods have passed
2023-06-22 03:59:224


will be delivery by partial shipment。
2023-06-22 03:59:304


看看行不?Management classification products:Select management other classification:Add products:Return to the class definition list:Product name:Submit time:State information:Operation:Already shelves:Already release:To review:Audit not through the:Transfer:Ordinary members can release the XX products information, have issued a > > upgrade XX member, post more products:Batch release information:Download Excel template, according to the format write:The templates support Excel-07 version:New temporary not support batch upload pictures, please through the "product information management" to add pictures:Batch upload new maximum article 100 product information:Batch new product is don"t enter duplicate data:Industry classification:Custom product classification:Import template:Tip: you can make products according to product characteristics information since, and the class definition in the enterprise in the shops, show let buyers in browsing your shops, the more efficient by kind of access to information.Classification name:Sorting:Operation:Of off-the-shelf products will no longer shops, if need to display show please choose go on:
2023-06-22 03:59:576


delivering goods in batches and making centralized customs declaration
2023-06-22 04:00:111

翻译 原材料检验

We checked from March 2006 to May of each installment products from raw materials to finished parts inspection records and found that no less than the hardness of finished parts HRB60
2023-06-22 04:00:205


Please note the warehouse entry date, because no flight can be arranged for the goods that enter warehouse on the same day.Thus only goods entered the warehouse by today can be arranged for tomorrow"s flight.We have five INV so far by today:xxxxxxxPlease confirm with us whether the above five INV should be arranged for tomorrow"s flight or later flight with the rest of the new INV.
2023-06-22 04:00:354


2023-06-22 04:00:422


2023-06-22 04:01:253

SAP EWM如何理解Quant

个人对官方解释的理解是:同一批次、同一包装(HU)的物料库存,一旦有了位置信息(仓储类型Storage Type+库位Storage Bin)那么系统就会分配一个quant“份”给它。当位置信息变了(Goods Movement),quant的信息也会变。
2023-06-22 04:01:453


就是炸鱼排和薯条酱不知道哪里有卖 名字很怪
2023-06-22 04:01:592


更新1: 想问埋"材料"英文点讲?? In..............? ,Blueberry cheesecake:: 蓝莓芝士蛋糕:: * To do 8-inch cake a *可做8吋饼一个 ( 材料) Material: Light cream and fresh milk 125g 250g 淡忌廉 250g 鲜奶 125g Cream cheese and sugar in 250g 110g (Division 2) 忌廉芝士 250g 砂糖 110g (分2份) Fish film 30g egg yolk 2 only 鱼胶片 30g 蛋黄 2只 Blueberry Sauce 250g 蓝莓酱 250g Cake base material: 饼底材料: Cake base broken 150g Butter 75g 饼底碎 150g 牛油 75g Cake base practices: butter soft, first joined the bread base broken even, then rubbed with mold base and paction 饼底做法: 牛油先放软身,加入饼底碎搓匀,再铺上模底中并压实 Cheese cake practices: 芝士饼做法 : 1. the fish film placed in water soft, go to the water and then join it dissolved in hot water 1. 鱼胶片放入水中浸软身,隔去水份再加入热水中使其溶解 2. a pale cream es into the refrigerator standby 2. 淡忌廉打起放入雪柜备用 3. the egg yolks and sugar (55g) to pale white . 蛋黄和沙糖(55g)打至淡白色 4. the cr.eam cheese on soft sediment added sugar (55g) blended with slide, and Add egg yolk liquid that several joined the cheese inside忌廉芝士放软身加入沙糖(55g)搅滑,并将蛋黄液分几次加入芝士内 5. Add fish glue blending to incorporate fresh milk 加入鱼胶水搅匀再加入鲜奶 6. Finally, the cream cheese and three time join within the . 最后将忌廉分三次加入芝士内 7. pour the6has prepared pie base mould, and place it in the refrigerator for 3 hours, remove the Blueberry sauce that is put into 7. 倒入已备好之饼底模中,并放入雪柜冷藏三小时,取出放上蓝莓酱即成 Butter cake:: Material: 牛油蛋糕:: 材料: Egg 5 only Sugar 170g Root powder 200g Butter 227g Cloud oil 1 teoon vanilla 鸡蛋 5只 砂糖 170g 根粉 200g 牛油 227g 云呢拿油 1茶匙 Preparation: 1. butter prior dissolved, alternate root powder screening 2. eggs and sugar up, join the sesame oil. 3. add root powder, finally joining has dissolved butter 4.180-200 degrees baked to a golden brown surface vest 5. the introduction of a knife at the surface and cover with baked dish to heave up baked into 制法: 1.牛油预先煮溶,根粉筛过备用 2.蛋和糖打起,加入香油. 3.再加入根粉搅匀,最后加入已煮溶牛油 4.用180-200度焗至表面有少许金黄时取出 5.在表面介一刀及用焗盘盖面焗至胀起便成,牛油蛋糕为何用根粉? 应该用普通的面粉(中筋) 或是低筋面粉才对. 2010-05-11 12:01:26 补充: 蓝莓芝士蛋糕:: Blueberry Cheesecake 8" x 1 *可做 8吋饼一个 Ingredients 材料: Whipping cream 250 g 淡忌廉 250g Fresh milk 125g 鲜奶 125g Cream Cheese 250 g 忌廉芝士 250g Granulate sugar 55 g + 55g 砂糖 110g (分2份) Gelatine 30g 鱼胶片 30g egg yolks 2 蛋黄 2只 blueberry jam 250g 蓝莓酱 250g Ingredients for the base : 饼底材料: Biscuit crumb 150g 饼底碎 150g butter 75 g 牛油 75g Method : Preparing the base : Butter at room temperature, mix with biscuit crumb. Press the mixture evenly into the bottom of tin. 饼底做法: 牛油先放软身,加入饼底碎搓匀,再铺上模底中并压实 For the cheesecake 芝士饼做法 : 1, Soak gelatin in water until soft. Drain away water. Place gelatin in hot water until dissolved. 1. 鱼胶片放入水中浸软身,隔去水份再加入热水中使其溶解 2. Whip whipping cream until thick. Keep in the fridge. 2. 淡忌廉打起放入雪柜备用 3. Beat egg yolk and 55g sugar until mixture pale in colour. 3. 蛋黄和沙糖(55g)打至淡白色 4. Soften cream cheese under room temperature. Stir in 55 g sugar until mixture bee *** ooth. Stir in some egg yolk mixture and stir until well blended. Repeat until egg yolk mixture is finished. 4. 忌廉芝士放软身加入沙糖(55g)搅滑,并将蛋黄液分几次加入芝士内 5. Add melted gelatin and mix well. Then add fresh milk. 5. 加入鱼胶水搅匀再加入鲜奶 6. Finally add whipped fresh cream into cream cheese in three batches. 6. 最后将忌廉分三次加入芝士内 7. Pour into the tin with prepared base. Refrigerate for 3 hours. Pour blueberry jam on top and then ready to serve. 7. 倒入已备好之饼底模中,并放入雪柜冷藏三小时,取出放上蓝莓酱即成 想问埋"材料"英文点讲?? Ingredients,参考: 个人经验,Blue rberry cheese cake:: * May make a 8 吋 cake material: Pale death anniversary inexpensive 250g fresh milk 125g envies inexpensive cheese 250g hard sugar 110g (to divide 2) fish film 30g the egg-yolk 2 blue rberry sauce 250g cake bottom material: Cake bottom garrulous 150g butter 75g cake bottom procedure: The butter softens the body first, joins the cake bottom to rub the hands garrulously uniform, then spreads in the top die bottom and the paction cheese cake procedure: 1. The fish film puts in the water the macerate body, separates the moisture to join in the hot water to cause it again to dissolve 2. The pale death anniversary hits inexpensively puts in the refrigerator spare 3. Egg-yolk and granulated sugar (55g) dozen to pale white 4. Envies the inexpensive cheese to soften the body to join the granulated sugar (55g) to stir slides, and divides the plain yolk several times joins in the cheese 5. Joins the fish glue atmospheric conditions just before a rain uniform to join fresh milk 6 again. Finally will envy divides inexpensively three times joins in the cheese 7. Pours into has arranged in the cake bottom die, and puts in the refrigerator to refrigerate for three hours, takes lends out the blue rberry sauce namely to bee the butter cake:: Material: Egg 5 hard sugar 170g root powder 200g the butter 227g cloud takes the oil 1 teoon of facture: 1. butter boil in advance dissolve, the root plaster spare 2. eggs and the sugar hit, joins the sesame oil. 3. joins the root powder to mix evenly again, finally joins has boiled dissolves butter 4. to use 180-200 degree 焗 has little to the surface golden yellow when to take out 5. to lie beeen a knife in the surface and 焗 to blows up with 焗 the plate screen then bees ,Blueberry cheesecake:: * can make a 8-inch cake Materials: Light cream 250g fresh milk 125g Cream cheese and sugar in 250g 110g (Division by 2) Fish film 30g egg yolk 2 only Blueberry Sauce 250g Cake base material: Cake base broken 150g Butter 75g Cake base practices: butter soft, first joined the bread base broken even, then rubbed with mold base and paction Cheese cake practices: 1. the fish film placed in water soft, go to the water and then join it dissolved in hot water 2. a pale cream es into the refrigerator standby 3. the egg yolks and sugar (55g) to pale white 4. the cream cheese on soft sediment added sugar (55g) blended with slide, and Add egg yolk liquid that several joined the cheese inside 5. Add fish glue blending to incorporate fresh milk 6. Finally, the cream cheese and three time join within the 7. pour the has prepared pie base mould, and place it in the refrigerator for 3 hours, remove the Blueberry sauce that is put into Butter cake:: Material: Egg 5 only Sugar 170g Root powder 200g Butter 227g Cloud oil 1 teoon vanilla Preparation: 1. butter prior dissolved, alternate root powder screening 2. eggs and sugar up, join the sesame oil. 3. add root powder, finally joining has dissolved butter 4.180-200 degrees baked to a golden brown surface vest 5. the introduction of a knife at the surface and cover with baked dish to heave up baked into,
2023-06-22 04:02:061


A big black bear sat on a big black bug
2023-06-22 04:02:142

请问这几句话用英文怎么说啊? 求人工翻译

Today about your orders during the company and I do, I"m sorry. The situation changes in our country is on October 1, the company decided to let the National Day holiday, three days. So the workers about your order, on time arrive 15. In order to ensure that you are able to rush in 15, we could receive the goods 2 batches of different time delivery? The first five parts, wholesale on October 5, and we can guarantee shipment will arrive before 15th of April. The second wholesale left, on October 10th delivery. But we cannot guarantee the second batch of before the 15th reach
2023-06-22 04:02:244


TPC-C的过程调用,平均每个新订单需要执行2.22次。   TPC-E的过程调用,平均每次交易有25.4次。   选择配置相同的HP DL580 G5与IBM x3850,配置4颗四核Xeon X7350 2.93GHz处理器,由于是四路四核,所以处理器数量是16。   计算方法是Average CPU-sec/call=处理器利用率×处理器数量/SQL Batches/sec,   TPC-C测试结果:每秒执行407,079 TPM-C /60Sec=6785次交易,由于每次交易要做2.22次调用,也就是说每秒钟可执行6785×2.22=15,062次SQL Batches批处理。   TPC-E的测试结果是479.51TPS-E(每秒完成交易次数),相当于479.51×25.4=12,180次SQL Batches批处理。   由此可见,TPC-E看的不仅仅是CPU的性能,服务器系统设计、操作系统与数据库软件、存储架构等都非常关键,除了一般的操作外,还包含了多表连接查询,更加复杂。
2023-06-22 04:02:341

COGI job to postprocess errors?

I mean the following:This situation is tipical at my customer site:usually some components enter in COGI after an MFBF transaction, this happen as the required batches are not available.Afterwards the required batch become available (from shop floor, the update of component batches is slower then final product good receipt).In this way an user must enter in COGI and manually select all the lines and re-process them. there is no added value in such activity, as all the errors already have been resolved (it was only an availability problem).So I need a program to execute COGI automatically in background: a program that enter in COGI, select all the lines, try to reprocess them, and give a report of the performed activities.I have tried with all CORU* programs (CORUAFW0, CORUAFWP, CORUAFFW,...) but they didn"t seem to execute what I need.Hope anybody can help me.ThanksPaolo
2023-06-22 04:02:471


  英语绕口令,无论从练习口齿的伶俐性还是了解英语语言的特点来说,都是一个极好的素材。下面我为大家整理了儿童英语绕口令,希望对大家有帮助。   儿童英语绕口令(精选)   1.A big black bear sat on a big black bug.   2.A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood.   3.A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!   4.A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule.   5.A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more!   6.Ann and Andy"s anniversary is in April.   7.Bake big batches of bitter brown bread.   8.Big black bugs bleed blue black blood but baby black bugs bleed blue blood.   9.Black background, brown background.   10.Blake"s black bike"s back brake bracket block broke.   11.Blue glue gun, green glue gun.   12.Caution: Wide Right Turns   13.Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.   14.Elizabeth has eleven elves in her elm tree.   15.Elizabeth"s birthday is on the third Thursday of this month.   16.Fresh fried fish, Fish fresh fried, Fried fish fresh, Fish fried fresh.   17.Freshly fried fresh flesh   18.Green glass globes glow greenly.   19.He threw three balls.   20.He threw three free throws.   儿童英语绕口令(热门)   1.Here"s an easy game to play. Here"s an easy thing to say:   2.How many cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.   3.How may saws could a see-saw saw if a see-saw could saw saws?   4.How much oil boil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil?   5.I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn"t the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn"t have thought so much.   6.I wish I were what I was when I wished I were what I am.   7.I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won"t wish the wish you wish to wish.   8.I wish you were a fish in my dish   9.If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?   10.If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing.   11.It"s not the cough that carries you off, it"s the coffin they carry you off in!   12.Little red lorry   13.Miss Smith"s fish-sauce shop seldom sells shellfish.   14.Never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you!   15.Nothing is worth thousands of deaths.   16.Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut Butter. Peter Pan Peanut is the peanut picky people pick.   儿童英语绕口令(最新)   1.Ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right.   2.She said she should sit.   3.She sells sea shells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure.   4.Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop.   5.Silly sheep weep and sleep.   6.Six shining cities, six shining cities, six shining cities.   7.Six sick sea-serpents swam the seven seas.   8.Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards   9.Stupid superstition!   10.The batter with the butter is the batter that is better!   11.The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes.   12.The soldier"s shoulder surely hurts!   13.There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through.   14.There"s a sandwich on the sand which was sent by a sane witch.
2023-06-22 04:02:541


delivers意思:递送; 传送; 交付; 运载; 发表; 宣布; 发布; 履行诺言; 不负所望; 兑现;deliver,英文单词,及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作及物动词时意为“交付;发表;递送;释放;给予(打击);给…接生”,作不及物动词时意为“实现;传送;履行;投递”,作名词时意为“投球”。短语搭配Deliver Hope 传递希望 ; 递送希望deliver up 交出 ; 把…交出来 ; 事物到达对方的手中 ; 翻译Deliver Man 暴力速递员deliver battle 开战 ; 开始攻击 ; 交战 ; 攻击deliver r 发表 ; 送货 ; 递送 ; 投递Deliver Fast 快速交付Deliver Result 结果导向deliver pump 进水泵 ; 输送泵 ; 压送泵双语例句用作动词 (v.)The mailman delivers letters and parcels every morning.邮差每天早晨递送信件和包裹。He delivered a long prose.他发表了一篇冗长乏味的演讲。We deliver the goods in batches.我们分批交付货物。Education delivered him from ignorance.教育把他从无知中解救出来。She delivered twins in the evening.晚上她生了一对双胞胎。
2023-06-22 04:03:011


Summary: In recent years, the cotton industry as a result of bold exploration and innovation, color yarn, with its unique advantage of more and more like the majority of business and favor. Colored yarn is generally two or more different color or different properties of fibers spun into yarn, as a result of a variety of fiber shrinkage or color of the differences in yarn woven into cloth in the post-finishing will lead to a multi-color cloth, soft touch, the surface of a sense of fullness of the style, increased value to their products. Spinning as a result of a different color with different color properties of fiber spinning of raw materials mixed with each other, how to achieve uniform mixing, bright color, good color fastness, and the ribbon thickness uniformity, less hairiness, fewer defects and a small request, is technically difficult. Color spinning small quantities, varieties, and changes, often at the same time a workshop production of a variety of different color than mixed spinning, turned to frequent, such as a bit negligent, mixed batch, it will have a large area of the defect goods Therefore, the management of the workshop at the scene, especially in batches, color management has put forward higher requirements. Spinning the same color lot for granted in the non-ferrous raw materials to maintain the color of light after the agreement, technology more difficult. Therefore, in order to maintain the quality of the spinning color stability, it is imperative to start matching from the raw materials designed to optimize technology and strict management of small, round after round of screening. Keywords: color yarn market advantage, product characteristics, technical problems, technical points希望对你有用!
2023-06-22 04:03:196


如果你能极大的帮助让我们这些半径部分船舶维修一次偏差。“在收到投诉有关损伤在大门区(Enclosed-LKL02)。我们有大约4000 pcs。检疫这个问题的根本原因是更大的门的大小和我们已经发起纠正措施以解决这个问题。启动后的纠正措施我们已运出两批我希望这些部分是摆脱这种缺陷。对于上述隔离很多,我们做了铣削返工半径。请查看附件的PPT对你更好的理解。这将是巨大的帮助你能允许我们装运这一次研磨部分半径偏差。如果它不影响您的审美和功能要求。浪费了宝贵的答复。
2023-06-22 04:03:452


2023-06-22 04:03:541


in a bad skin 发脾气in a big way 强调地in a bind 处于困境in a blue funk 惊恐万状in a body 全体in a box 进退维谷in a brace of shakes 立刻in a breath 一口气in a breeze 不费力地in a class by oneself 独一无二in a cleft stick 进退两难in a clutter 杂乱in a creative way 创造性的in a false position 处于被误解的地位in a family way 象一家人一样in a fever 狂热in a few more days 再过几天in a flash 立刻in a general way 一般地in a good humor 心情好in a good light 在光线好的地方in a good quarrel 吵得有理in a great measure 大部分in a hank 在困难中in a hurry 匆忙in a jerk 立刻in a jiff 马上in a jiffy 马上in a litter 正在产仔in a little while 不久in a lucky hour 在幸运时刻in a lump 一次全部地in a manner 在某种意义上in a measure 一部分in a minor key 用低调in a minute 马上in a moment 立刻in a muck 浑身是泥in a nutshell 简单地in a pet 一气之下in a pig"s whisper 低声地in a poor way 情况不大好in a position to 能够in a pucker 激动in a row 成一排in a sense 在某种意义上in a short time 不久in a small way 小规模地in a snap 立刻in a sort of way 有些in a state of nature 处于原始状态in a sweat 一身大汗in a tin-pot way 低劣地in a walk 轻而易举地in a wax 发怒in a way 某种程度上in a whole skin 安然无恙in a word 总之in absentia 缺席in abstracto 在观念上in accord with 与一致in accordance with 按照in account with 帐务往来in action 在活动in active service 服现役in addition to 除了in addition 另外in advance of 超过in advance 预先in aeternum 永远地in alignment 成一直线in all ages 历代in all conscience 当然in all one"s born days 一生in all probability 很可能in all senses 任何意义in all weathers 风雨无阻in all 总共in allusion to 针对in alt 洋洋得意in an almighty fix 处境糟透了in an emergency 在紧急的时候in an evil hour 在不幸的时刻in and out 进进出出in another"s shoes 处于别人的地位in answer to 回答in any case 无论如何in any event 无论如何in any shape or form 以任何形式in any sort 无论如何in any way 以任何方式in any wise 无论如何in appearance 在外表上in apple-pie order 整整齐齐in arrears 拖欠in as much 既然in at one ear and out at the other ear 一耳进一耳出in autumn 在秋天in back of 在in bad mood 心情不好in bad taste 粗俗in bad temper 心情不好in bad 倒霉in batches 分批地in behalf of 为了in being 现有的in between 在中间in body 亲自in bond 在关栈中in bonds 在拘留中in brief 简要地in broad day 在大白天in broad daylight 公开地in bud 发芽in bulk 散装in camera 不公开审讯in care of 由转交in case of 假设in case 万一in chains 在囚禁中in chancery 进退两难in character 适合in charge 主管in class 上课中in clear 用普通文字in cold blood 残忍地in collaboration with 合作in collision 相撞in collusion with 勾结in combination with 结合in command of 指挥in commemoration of 纪念in commission 服役in common 共有in company with 一起in comparison with 比较in compliance with 顺从in conclusion 最后in concordance with 和谐in condition 健康状况好in conformity to 依照in conjunction with 与协力in connection with 有关in connexion with 关于in consequence of 由于in consequence 结果in consideration of 鉴于in contrary to 对照in contrast 相反in control of 控制in control 在控制之下in corners 秘密地in correspondence with 一致in countenance 镇定in couples 成对地in course of time 终于in course of 正在...过程中in custody 被拘留in danger 在危险中in deadly haste 火急地in deed 真正in deep water 陷入困境in deep waters 陷入困境in default of 因没有in defect of 缺少in deference to 服从in defiance of 无视in demand 有需要in despair 绝望in despite of 尽管in detail 详细地in dire need of 急需in dispute 在争论中in doors 在屋内in double harness 已婚in drawing 画得精确in drops 一点一滴地in dry dock 失业in due course 及时地in due form 正式in dumb show 打手势表示in dust and ashes 深切忏悔in Dutch 处境困难in earnest 认真地in effect 有效in either event 无论这样或那样in error 错误地in every respect 在各方面in every sense 在各种意义上in everyone"s mouth 人人这样说in evidence 明显in excess of 超过in excess 过度地in exchange for 交换in exchange with 交换in excuse of 作为辩解in existence 存在in expectation 期望着in face of 面临in fact 事实上in faith 确实in fault 有过错in favor of 赞同in favor with 得...宠爱in fear and trembling 忐忑不安in file 依次in fine feather 精神饱满in flagrant delict 在作案时in flesh 肥胖in flight 飞行in focus 清晰in for a penny and in for a pound 一不做二不休in force 大规模地in Fortune"s lap 走好运in fraud of 为了欺骗in front of 在前面in front 在前面in full bloom 开着花in full career 全速地in full charge 负全责in full fling 莽撞地in full sail 全力以赴地in full swing 活跃in full view of 把...尽收眼底in full 充足in fun 开玩笑in gear 齿轮连上in general 通常in good condition 身体健康in good season 及时地in good taste 得体in good time 及时地in grain 彻底in great force 大规模地in great form 兴高采烈in half a shake 立刻in hand 在进行in harness 受约束in haste 匆忙in heart 情绪高涨in heaven 已死in hell 究竟in high favor with 得到某人的宠爱或眷顾in high spirits 兴高采烈in hock 在典当中in honor of 向...表示敬意in honour of 为纪念in installments 分期地in irons 被监禁着in issue 在争论中in itself 在本质上in jest 开玩笑地in justice to 公正对待in keeping with 与一致in kind 以货代款in league with 联合in length 长度in less than no time 马上in life 一生中in light of 按照in light 被光线照着in like manner 同样地in like wise 同样地in line for 即将得到in line with 符合in line 成一直线in livery 穿制服in long clothes 在襁褓中in low spirits 沮丧地in low water 拮据in luck 运气好in many ways 在许多方面in memorial 为纪念in memory of 纪念in milk 授乳期in miniature 小型in mint condition 崭新的in modern times 在现代in more detail 更详细地in mourning 戴孝in my opinion 依我看来in nature 实际上in need of 需要in no case 决不in no circumstances 决不in no sense 决不in no shape 决不in no time 立刻in no way 决不in no wise 决不in number 总共in one breath 同时in one leap 以一跃in one 成为一体in one"s best 穿着节日盛装in one"s birthday suit 一丝不挂in one"s cups 在喝醉时in one"s element 处于适宜的环境in one"s heart of hearts 在内心深处in one"s mind"s eye 想像in one"s own conceit 自以为in one"s own good time 在方便的时候in one"s own name 以自己的名义in one"s own right 凭本身的头衔in one"s own way 用.方法in one"s own worth 自我评估中in one"s power 在...能力以内in one"s right senses 神志清醒in one"s skin 裸体in one"s soul of souls 在灵魂深处in one"s stockings 只着袜in one"s teens 在13岁到19岁时in one"s turn 轮到某人in operation 运转着in opposition to 反对in order to 为了in order 整齐in other ways 在其他方面in other words 换言之in pairs 成双地in part 部分地in particular 特别in passing 顺便in peace 安祥地in person 亲自in perspective 正确地in petticoats 穿着裙子in phase 同相地in place of 代替in place 适当位置in plain English 用浅显的英语in play 开玩笑地in point of fact 实际上in point of 关于in point 相关的in port 在港内in position 在适当的位置in possession of 拥有in practice 在实践中in praise of 为赞扬in preparation for 准备in pride of grease 适于狩猎in principle 原则上in print 已出版in private 私下in process 在进行中in progress 前进in proportion as 按比例in proportion to 成比例于in public places 在公共场所in public 当众in pup 怀胎in pursuit of 追求in quadruplicate 一式四份in question 所指的in quire 未装订in range with 并列in range 在射程内in real earnest 认真地in reality 实际上in reason 明智in recent years 最近几年中in recess 暂停in reference to 根据in regard to 关于in relation to 关于in reply to 答复in requital for 作为报答in residence 住校in respect of 涉及in respect that 因为in response to 响应in result 结果in return for 作为报答in return 作为报答in reward for 作为报答in round figures 以整数表示in round numbers 大概in royal spirits 情绪极好in ruins 成为废墟地in sad earnest 一本正经地in safety 平安地in sail 张着帆in school 在求学in score 用总谱in scores 大批地in search of 寻找in season and out of season 任何时候in season 当令in seconds 短时间in secret 秘密地in security for 作担保in security 安全地in series 连续地in session 在开会in seven-league boots 极快in shape 在外形上in shore 靠岸in short order 在短期内in short supply 缺货in short 简而言之in sight of 临近in sight 被看到in sign of 表示in silence 沉默着in silhouette 成剪影in single file 成一列纵队in situ 在原位置in smooth water 处于顺境中in so far as 至于in so far 到这个程度in so many words 明确地in so much 至如此程度in solution 溶解着in some measure 多少in some respects 在某些方面in some sort 稍微in some ways 在某些方面in sour 出事in spades 肯定地in spirits 兴致勃勃in spite of oneself 不由自主地in spite of 不管in spots 时时in state 正式地in stays 转向上风in stead of 代替in step 步调一致in stitches 忍不住大笑in stock 有库存in store for 储藏备用in store 贮藏着in substance 本质上in succession 接着in such a way 这样in sum 总言之in sunder 分开着in support of 支持in support 后备in suspension 悬浮中in tandem 一前一后地in tears 流着泪in terms of 根据in that way 那样in the abstract 抽象地in the affirmative 赞成in the afternoon 在下午in the air 在流传中in the article of death 临死时in the beginning 起初in the black 赢利in the case of 在in the center of 在中间in the character of 扮演in the chips 富有in the circumstances 既然这样in the clear 不受阻碍in the clouds 心不在焉in the collar 受到约束in the construction of 建筑in the country 在乡下in the course of nature 正常地in the course of time 最后in the course of 在...期间in the dark 在黑暗中in the distance 在远处in the dry tree 处于劣势in the dust 死了in the east of 在东in the egg 未成熟地in the employ of 受雇于in the end 最后in the event of 如果发生in the event 结果in the extreme 极端in the eyes of 心目中的in the face of day 公开地in the face of 面对in the field 在作战in the final analysis 归根到底in the first instance 首先in the first place 首先in the flesh 亲自in the flue 垮了in the form of 以...的形式in the front rank 在前列in the future 未来in the green tree 处于优势in the green wood 处于佳境in the groove 流行中in the gross 大量in the habit of 有...的习惯in the heat of 在最激烈的时候in the highest flight 领先in the hope of 怀着希望in the interest of 为了in the issue 结果in the lap of luxury 在奢侈环境中in the last analysis 归根到底in the last resort 作为最后一着in the least 丝毫in the light of 按照in the log 未经加工in the long run 最后in the lump 总共in the main 大体上in the mass 总体上in the matter of 就而论in the meantime 在此期间in the middle of nowhere 在偏僻的地方in the middle of 在中间in the mill 在制造中in the mouth of 出于in the movement 随着时代潮流in the name of 以名义in the nature of things 理所当然地in the nature of 具有in the negative 否定地in the next place 其次in the nick of time 恰好in the nude 裸体in the open air 在户外in the open 在野外in the opinion of 按...的意见in the past 在过去in the pay of 受雇用于in the person of 代表in the pink of condition 非常健康in the pot 醉了
2023-06-22 04:04:031

2023-06-22 03:58:011

圣马可Gospel Classic 160 和S.YAIRI YD35 吉他哪个好?GospelClassic 140 吉他怎么样?

2023-06-22 03:58:104


劳力士 天梭 哦米加 伯爵
2023-06-22 03:58:114


费曼学习法又称「快速学习法」,是一种学习方法。费曼学习法的灵感源于诺贝尔物理奖获得者理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman),其作用是帮助人们深入理解知识点,而且记忆深刻,难以遗忘。知识有两种类型,第一类知识注重了解某个事物的名称。第二类知识注重了解某件事物。著名的诺贝尔物理学家理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman)能够理解这二者间的差别,因此创造了一种学习方法,这个方法就是“费曼学习法”。扩展资料:费曼学习法可以简化为四个单词:Concept (概念)、Teach (教给别人)、Review (回顾)、Simplify (简化)。1、许多人会倾向于使用复杂的词汇和行话来掩盖人们不明白的东西。问题是自己只在糊弄自己,因为人们不知道自己也不明白。另外,使用行话会隐藏周围人对自己的误解。2、知道自己在哪里卡住了,那么就回到原始材料,重新学习,直到你可以用基本的术语解释这一概念。认定自己知识的界限,会限制自己可能犯的错误,并且在应用该知识时,可以增加成功的几率。3、检查一下确保自己没有从原材料中借用任何行话。将这些笔记用简单的语言组织成一个流畅的故事。将这个故事大声读出来,如果这些解释不够简单,或者听起来比较混乱,很好,
2023-06-22 03:58:171


Gospel吉他由福音音乐家 Semie和牧师Boatright创建于40年代,美国手工品牌。 并为当时有名的Joe Maphis(美国著名蓝草音乐家) 手工打造了一把双颈吉他而闻名。 Gospel手工吉他音量大,音色清澈透明,每把琴售价值高达7万美元左右,其最具代表的制作型号为“La Portentosa”(西班牙文:奇特的、美妙的意思)。不幸的是,Boatright牧师遭到袭击和杀害,Gospel手工吉他停止制作。【 Nirvana 乐队已故主唱Kurt Cobain 曾使用的Gospel吉他价值13万美金!】 Sugarfoot .Johnny Ramone 知名音乐家也是Gospel吉他忠实客户。 近年来,随着储备的顶级木材减少、世界珍贵木料的限制砍伐,想定制一把美产 Gospel 手工吉他已经非常困难!市面上见到的Gospel吉他是由St.mark"s Musical Instrument Co., Ltd. Korea 代工制作的,主要以中端产品为主。 韩国公司名称为St.mark"s Musical Instrument【圣马可乐器】,很多商家把Gospel吉他也叫圣马可吉他。
2023-06-22 03:58:182


问题一:爸爸去哪儿第二季人物名单 杨威及儿子杨文昌(杨阳洋),陆毅及女儿贝儿(名字还未透漏),曹格及一对儿女,吴镇宇及儿子吴镇波(Feynman),黄磊及女儿黄忆慈(Christian) 问题二:第二季爸爸去哪儿名单 陆毅 黄磊 扬威 吴镇宇 曹格 姓名 生日 姓名 生日 黄磊 1971年12月6日(42岁) 黄忆慈(多多) 2006年2月6日(8岁) 父女关系 吴镇宇 1961年12月21日(52岁) Feynman Ng 2008年12月27日(5岁) 父子关系 陆毅 1976年1月6日(38岁) 贝儿 2008年10月26日(5岁)  父女关系 曹格 1979年7月9日(34岁) 曹三丰(Joe) 2008年8月21日(5岁) 父子关系 曹华恩(Grace) 2010年10月00日(3岁) 父女关系 杨威 1980年2月8日(34岁) 杨文昌 2009年11月6日(4岁) 父子关系 话说曹格带俩.... 问题三:爸爸去哪儿第二季的成员都有谁? 杨文昌(杨阳洋) 父亲:杨威 Feynman(吴费曼) 父亲:吴镇宇 黄忆慈(多多) 父亲:黄磊 曹华恩(Grace) 父亲:曹格 曹三丰(Joe) 父亲:曹格 陆雨萱(贝儿) 父亲:陆毅 ====望采纳==== 问题四:爸爸去哪第二季有哪些人物 目前已经确定啦!有黄磊的女儿――8岁的黄忆慈(多多),有曹格的儿子Joe(曹三丰),今年5岁,还有Joe的妹妹Grace(曹华恩),3岁。有陆毅的女儿陆雨萱(贝儿),5岁有杨威的儿子杨文昌(杨阳洋),5岁。还有吴镇宇的儿子吴震波Feyman,5岁。 望楼主采纳~~ 问题五:爸爸去哪儿第二季有哪些人参加 第二季的嘉宾分别是陆毅、赵文卓和女儿,,陈羽凡、郑智和儿子”。最后一对是草根父子(女),由海选产生。 问题六:爸爸去哪儿第二季名单 我看了一半了看的好看,我是在《小看影》看完全部了。这部电视剧拍很好了,演出了现实社会不同阶层的真实面貌和想法,没必要论谁好谁坏,用心去看就好,别就去看脸了那样只能说明你是个不动脑子只会犯傻! 问题七:爸爸去哪儿第二季都是哪些孩子 爸爸去哪儿第二季名单: 吴镇宇 :儿子吴费曼Feynman 黄磊: 女儿 黄忆慈 黄多多 陆毅 : 女儿 陆雨萱 贝儿 杨威:儿子杨文昌 杨阳洋 曹格 : 儿子Joe  女儿曹华恩 问题八:爸爸去哪儿2人员名单 【爸爸去哪儿】第二季由吴镇宇和儿子Feynman、黄磊和女儿多多、陆毅和女儿贝儿、杨威和儿子杨阳洋以及曹格和儿子Joe、女儿Grace组成。 问题九:爸爸去哪儿第二,三季嘉宾名单 黄磊 陆毅 吴镇宇 杨威 曹格 刘烨 胡军 夏克立 邹市明 林永健 问题十:爸爸去哪儿第二季名单公开了。 名单还没有确定,这不是官方消息 节目组辟过谣 不要相信这个
2023-06-22 03:58:231


2023-06-22 03:58:271


2023-06-22 03:57:564


2023-06-22 03:57:511


2023-06-22 03:57:441

gospe 什么意思

2023-06-22 03:57:424


永久性部分失能伤害:系指使劳动者部分肢体、器官的部分功能永远丧失,不能恢复的伤害。究竟费曼的伤情是视力永久性伤害还是疤痕永久性无法去除呢?  吴镇宇表示没有提及费曼视力,而是眼角疤痕被判断为受到永久性伤害,“费曼眼角疤痕永久性伤害,即便之后微整形也无法完全复原。”谈及费曼受伤的细节,吴镇宇表示不想回忆,费曼平常跌倒都没有声音,而此次受伤时痛苦的惨叫,是他听过最惨的叫声。被问及是否后悔带费曼参加《爸爸2》,吴镇宇称妻子王丽萍后悔了,她讲过这样一句话:“我借给你一个洋娃娃,还给我的时候有一块缺的,为什么呢?”个人觉得应该不是视力受到影响了
2023-06-22 03:57:402

车载台HYT TM-610U主机和面板可以拆开么

2023-06-22 03:57:371

架子鼓中gospel chops是什么意思

chops:将排骨煎至两面呈棕黄色。但愿每个鼓手每顿都有排骨吃(回族除外)。理解为爵士鼓中的大招。Gospel是福音音乐,字面上理解,就是福音大招。大招怎么理解?惊艳听众的东西,也许是一段加花过鼓,也许是一段有不可思议的协调的主节奏。关于gospel chops,有以下几种观点。在这里,我们首先感谢叶咏老湿给我们以下的文章:原文链接曾经在课堂上我们的授课老师Jason Gianni,跟我们传授了各种Gospel Chops的东西,同时也跟我们分享他对于GC的看法。【观点1】Gospel是福音音乐。Gospel chops跟福音音乐几乎没有关系。简单来讲黑人的教会音乐就是福音音乐,歌颂主歌颂上帝;而我们国内情况是大部分人是没有信仰上帝,所以大家也不会去教堂做礼拜唱颂歌——也就是福音音乐。不过还是来感受下老式福音音乐I"ve Got Jesus They Shall Be MinePray On 听过以上几首歌之后,你是否觉得这TMD,跟我们在youtube上看到的黑人兄弟们玩的Gospel Chops一点鬼关系也没有啊!所以弄清楚以上两者差别非常有必要。【观点2】最早Gospel chops是黑人鼓手打鼓的一种技术统称,后演变成一种相互推进,提高技术成长的机制。不可否认黑人社区在美国大部分情况下是相对较乱的地方,因为社会地位的悬殊、贫穷和无业人员较多,教会希望能让精力过剩的年轻黑人不要到处滋事,所以请到一些鼓手到教会教年轻人打鼓。由于黑人对于节奏天生的敏感,让年轻人喜欢上了这样的活动。在所有教会的礼拜结束之后年轻人会把两到四套鼓拖进教堂里,还有键盘、吉他或者贝司等乐器,然后相互斗鼓或者伴随着音乐演奏。这个活动的形式专业术语叫做Shedding。大部分黑人鼓手不懂得识谱,所以他们学习打鼓的技术基本都是靠听、靠看同伴的演奏和口传身教,所以结果是一个教区内的鼓手技术水平会差不多,演奏的东西也差不多~【观点3】Gospel Chops的感觉,建立于你对于Swung或3的感觉。摇滚是白人搞出来的,最早是猫王Rock and Roll,逐步变成直拍的Rock;黑人搞的是爵士,之后演变R&B、Hip Hop。了解美国节奏历史的发展,黑人音乐很多都是构建在于3的感觉,即便演奏的是连续的4个16分音符,黑人打出来的感觉更加摇摆、更具跳跃性。想要跟黑人鼓手那样演奏,首先要听一切跟3的感觉有关的音乐,建立我们自己的乐感,熟练掌握所有3连音、6连音基本节奏知识。其实现在世界各国的年轻一代乐手对于音乐的感觉培养上已经出现了问题。从上个世纪40年之后,大部分都是按照16分音符、8分音符的直拍进行演奏,3的东西大幅度减少,因为这已经不是现代所流行的东西;但追本溯源对于现代的演奏还是非常有必要。Vinnie Colaiuta的演奏技术对于黑人鼓手的Gospel Chops有着深刻影响,但是Vinnie自己又是受到了融合爵士鼓手Tony Williams的影响;而Tony又是受到上一代鼓手Philly Joe Jones、Max Roach影响,所以你说怎么找Gospel chops的感觉,唯一的建议:挨个往回听这些大师的东西,然后在练习的时候开启节拍器,打开3连音的部分,充分的去练习,然后跟随CD伴奏音乐里去演奏、模仿大师的感觉,逐步内化出属于我们自己对于3的拍感。【观点4】Gospel chops需要具备强大的四肢协调、完全开发过的身体机能、对于复合节奏知识的理解、对于音符组和线性概念的理解。其实到现在为止,为什么没有Gospel Chops的教材,那是因为这既不是一种风格,也没有一个完全的业内认可。按照Jason 跟我们上课的原话是:chops是很有趣,但那不是音乐的全部。你能打一个大招或者几个大招,那不算什么,你得明白其背后的原理,节奏知识是关键,你得知道黑人是怎么想的。在下面这篇文章中《玩Gospel,你得知道这些Chops(2)》你会看到一个非常典型出现在gospel chops的演奏中的问题。看到【练习4】的谱例,打3想4。明明是3连音,在手法的编排上却按照4个音符组的形式编排起来,这就是黑人演奏gospel chops最常见的想法;当然也会有打4想3的时候,比如连续16分音符,将会按照3个音符一组来编排手法。所以结论是怎么练习掌握线性技术是最关键的(参考Gary Chaffee的教材、参考Blake Paulson的教材)然后在此基础上拓展更多的Flam、32分音符、节奏移位和反复技巧的使用。【观点5】Aaron Spears和Chris Coleman不是什么Gospel 大师,只是掌握了很多线性技术。两人的律动感觉不一样跟他们的身体机能、个体的律动差异和音乐背景有着极大关系。(见原文链接)上面这个视频我曾经发过是Chris在一场演示会中被提问什么是Gospel chops,Chris对于突然大热的gospel chops一开始是一头雾水,但是在搜索了很多youtube上的视频之后,他狂练不止最后掌握了大量的chops,也就是那种在演示会时能够惊叹到观众的大招;他本人还是全风格型鼓手,毕竟是the Collective毕业的。同样的东西,两个不一样的人演奏得出来的感觉肯定不一样,如果万一真是一样,那只能是其中一个人的悲哀,因为音乐的世界里,只能是个体特性足够有吸引力和价值才会被认可和推崇,人们极大的可能不会去看两个打的一样的鼓手去打鼓。【观点6】音乐为重,chops只是偶尔装B而已!如果大家有心去搜索,不管是Aaron Spears、Tony Royster Jr.还是Chris coleman与乐队的演出或者与各种大咖明星歌手的演出,我们绝对不会看到他们演奏大段的Gospel Chops的东西,因为这根本不是为音乐服务。演奏好Gospel chops我们可能会很爽会很装B,但不太会赚不到钱,更不太会得到其它音乐人的羡慕和敬仰;而演奏好音乐、打好基本节奏既可以赚钱也可以被与我们合作的音乐人喜欢。作为一个地道的Gospel chops鼓手像Aaron、Chris、Tony这样的一定是两者兼顾的好好学习下曲式、学习下和声知识、掌握多种风格的常用节奏型,然后再把chops和licks玩一玩,这才是地道鼓手干的到地的事。Fin.替叶老湿感谢花费这么多时间看完!
2023-06-22 03:57:351