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2023-06-20 06:20:04



And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart,



And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.



And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him.



Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.



While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.



And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid.



And Jesus came and touched them, and said, Arise, and be not afraid.



And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only.



And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead.



And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come?



看啊,她,独自站在田野。那孤单的高地姑娘啊! Behold是感叹词,相当于中文的看啊!瞧啊!之类的。 her是she的宾格,显然本诗的主语是诗人自己,故而使用了宾格。 single,一个人的,独自的 Yon,古英语中相当于that,那个。 solitary,孤单的 Highland,指苏格兰高地。 lass,年轻女性,女孩,是苏格兰常用的词。
2023-06-20 00:33:581


前缀 be- 加在名词、形容词或不及物动词构成及物的使役动词,如: 1. be + 名词 behead 把...砍首,使顶端...被截取 bedeck 以...装饰/修饰, 使美丽 befriend 待人如友,使...得到善待 bedoctor 授以博士 bedevil 是痛苦 befog 使坠入雾中,使迷惑 2. be + 形容词 bespectacled 上戴上眼镜 befool 愚弄,使...变成傻瓜 3. be + 不及物动词 besmear 弄脏 bemuse 使困惑 bespeak 使说出 (预定) behave 使举止规矩 behold 把...视为 belay 把...系在绳端 belie 使被误解 befuddle使滥醉> berate 使被(用言辞)痛斥
2023-06-20 00:34:051

Behold! The Night Mare 歌词

歌曲名:Behold! The Night Mare歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:AdoreMASHING PUMPKINS - Behold! The Night MareI"ve faced the fathoms in your deepWithstood the suitors quiet siegePulled down the heavens just to please youAppease youThe wind blows and I knowI can"t go on, digging roses from you graveTo linger on, beyond the beyondWhere the willows weepAnd whirlpools sleep, you"ll find meThe coarse tide reflects skyAnd the night mare rides on, and the night mare rides onWith a december black psalmAnd the night mare rides onWhat i fear is lost hereThe wind blows and I knowAll you have to do is run awayAnd steal yourself from meBecome a mystery to gaze intoYou"re so cruel in all you doBut still I believe, I believe in youSo may you come with your own knivesYou"ll never take me aliveWith all the force of what is trueIs there nothing I can do?I can"t go on, digging roses from you graveTo linger on, beyond the beyondWhere the willows weepAnd whirlpools sleep, you"ll find meAnd the night mare rides on, and the night mare rides onWith a december black psalmAnd the night mare rides onI"ve faced the fathoms in your deepWithstood the suitors quiet siegePulled down the heavens just to please youTo hold the flower I can"t keep
2023-06-20 00:34:121


楼主,solemnity不止你知道的那一层意思!它有两种意思: 1.solemnity:[uncount] the seriousness of someone"s behavior or attitude“(言行或举止的)严肃;庄严”,即你知道的那种意思; 2.solemnities :[plural] ceremonies held to celebrate a serious and important occasion“为庆祝一个严肃而重要的场合而举行的典礼、仪式(如婚姻、诞辰等)”. 这里应该指第二种意思. 还有,你那种翻译颇为死板,behold译作“监视”,我觉得不妥.当译作“注视”或意译作“守望;照临”都会比“监视”来得自然、更符合语境些.
2023-06-20 00:34:191

behold 的 用法

behold!! the king is going to pick his nose!
2023-06-20 00:34:285


2023-06-20 00:34:491


1 Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party.感谢你邀请我参加你的生日聚会。2, You are interested in history, or interested in geography?你对历史感兴趣,还是对地理感兴趣?3, Look. That factory is releasing black smoke into the air.看呀!那家工厂正在向空气中排放黑色的浓烟。4 More trees can make more green, the sky bluer, the water more clear. 种更多的树可以使地更绿,天更蓝,水更清。5, Keep the door open. Our dog Sam is often in and out. 让门就这样开着。我们的小狗Sam常常进进出出。6 Trees can be passed between water and nutrients.树木可以相互之间传递水分和养料。7, You know that the tiger is in danger? It fell into the trap.你知道那只老虎有危险吗?它掉在陷阱(trap)里了。8, Simon drawer and took out several sheets of paper. Do you know what those are?Simon 从抽屉里取出了几张纸。你知道那些是什么吗?来之不易,望采纳,谢谢
2023-06-20 00:35:118


2023-06-20 00:35:308


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2023-06-20 00:36:182

My heart leaps up when i behold 的英文大意 麻烦高人解答

2023-06-20 00:36:272


《潘道尔之歌》(The Poem of Pentaur), 它与庙宇中的壁画一同向人们叙述了这段历史。” 总之,这一切旧如同一部既有画面又有伴音的“电影”。 呃,网上好像没有翻译,我的英语水平相当烂。毕竟才初中呢。。Egyptian Account of the Battle of Kadesh (Ramesseum)Following is the text known as the "Poem of the Pentaur".Beginning of the victory of King Usermare-Setepnere Ramses II, who is given life, forever, which he achieved in the land of Kheta and Naharin, in the land of Arvad, in Pedes, in the Derden, in the land of Mesa, in the land of Kelekesh, Carchemish, Kode, the land of Kadesh, in the land of Ekereth, and Mesheneth.Behold, his majesty prepared his infantry and his chariotry, the Sherden of the captivity of his majesty from the victories of his word - they gave the plan of battle. His majesty proceeded northward, his infantry and his chariotry being with him. He began the goodly way to march. Year 5, the second month of the third season tenth month, on the ninth day, his majesty passed the fortress of Tharu, like Montu when he goes forth. Every country trembled before him, fear was in their hearts; all the rebels came bowing down for fear of the fame of his majesty, when his army came upon the narrow road, being like one who is upon the highway.Now, after many days after this, behold, his majesty was in Usermare-Meriamon, the city of cedar. His majesty proceeded northward, and he then arrived at the highland of Kadesh. Then his majesty marched before, like his father, Montu lord of Thebes, and crossed over the channel of the Orontes, there being with him the first division of Amon named: "Victory-of-King-Usermare-Setepnere."When his majesty reached the city, behold, the wretched, vanquished chief of Kheta had come, having gathered together all countries from the ends of the sea to the land of Kheta, which came entire: the Naharin likewise, and Arvad, Mesa, Keshkesh, Kelekesh, Luka, Kezweden, Carchemish, Ekereth, Kode, the entire land of Nuges, Mesheneth, and Kadesh. He left not a country which was not brought together with their chiefs who were with him, every man bringing his chariotry, an exceeding great multitude, without its like. They covered the mountains and the valleys; they were like grasshoppers with their multitudes. He left not silver nor gold in his land but he plundered it of all its possessions and gave to every country, in order to bring them with him to battle.Behold, the wretched, vanquished chief of Kheta, together with numerous allied countries, were stationed in battle array, concealed on the northwest of the city of Kadesh, while his majesty was alone by himself, with his bodyguard, and the division of Amon was marching behind him. The division of Re crossed over the river-bed on the south side of the town of Shabtuna, at the distance of an iter from the division of Amon; the division of Ptah was on the south of the city of Aranami; and the division of Sutekh was marching upon the road. His majesty had formed the first rank of all the leaders of his army, while they were on the shore in the land of the Amor. Behold, the wretched vanquished chief of Kheta was stationed in the midst of the infantry which was with him, and he came not out to fight, for fear of his majesty. Then he made to go the people of the chariotry, an exceedingly numerous multitude like the sand, being three people to each span. Now, they had made their combinations thus: among every three youths was one man of the vanquished of Kheta, equipped with all the weapons of battle. Lo, they had stationed them in battle array, concealed northwest of the city of Kadesh.They came forth from the southern side of Kadesh, and they cut through the division of Re in its middle, while they were marching without knowing and without being drawn up for battle. The infantry and chariotry of his majesty retreated before them. Now, his majesty had halted on the north of the city of Kadesh, on the western side of the Orontes. Then came one to tell it to his majesty.His majesty shone like his father Montu, when he took the adornments of war; as he seized his coat of mail, he was like Baal in his hour. The great span which bore his majesty called: "Victory-in-Tebes," from the great stables of Ramses II, was in the midst of the leaders. His majesty halted in the rout; then he charged into the foe, the vanquished of Kheta, being alone by himself and none other with him. When his majesty went to look behind him, he found 2,500 chariotry surrounding him, in his way out, being all the youth of the wretched Kheta, together with its numerous allied countries: from Arvad, from Mesa, from Pedes, from Keshkesh, from Erwenet, from Kezweden, from Aleppo, Eketeri, Kadesh, and Luka, being three men to a span, acting in unison.Year 5, third month of the third season, day 9; under the majesty of Horus: Mighty Bull, Beloved of Truth; King of Upper and Lower Egypt: Usermare-Setepnere; Son of Re; Ramses-Meriamon, given life forever.Lo, his majesty was in Zahi on his second victorious campaign. The goodly watch in life, prosperity and health, in the tent of his majesty, was on the highland south of Kadesh.When his majesty appeared like the rising of Re, he assumed the adornments of his father, Montu. When the king proceeded northward, and his majesty had arrived at the locality south of the town of Shabtuna, there came two Shasu, to speak to his majesty as follows: "Our brethren, who belong to the greatest of the families with the vanquished chief of Kheta, have made us come to his majesty, to say: "We will be subjects of Pharaoh and we will flee from the vanquished chief of Kheta; for the vanquished chief of Kheta sits in the land of Aleppo, on the north of Tunip. He fears because of Pharaoh to come southward."" Now, these Shasu spake these words, which they spake to his majesty, falsely, for the vanquished chief of Kheta made them come to spy where his majesty was, in order to cause the army of his majesty not to draw up for fighting him, to battle with the vanquished chief of Kheta.Lo, the vanquished chief of Kheta came with every chief of every country, their infantry and their chariotry, which he had brought with him by force, and stood, equipped, drawn up in line of battle behind Kadesh the Deceitful, while his majesty knew it not. Then his majesty proceeded northward and arrived on the northwest of Kadesh; and the army of his majesty made camp there.Then, as his majesty sat upon a throne of gold, there arrived a scout who was in the following of his majesty, and he brought two scouts of the vanquished chief of Kheta. They were conducted into the presence, and his majesty said to them: "What are ye?" They said: "As for us, the vanquished chief of the Kheta has caused that we should come to spy out where his majesty is."Said his majesty to them: "He! Where is he, the vanquished chief of Kheta? Behold, I have heard, saying: "He is in the land of Aleppo,"" Said they: "See, the vanquished chief of Kheta is stationed, together with many countries, which he has brought with him by force, being every country which is in the districts of the land of Kheta, the land of Naharin, and all Kode. They are equipped with infantry and chariotry, bearing their weapons; more numerous are they than the sand of the shore. See, they are standing, drawn up for battle, behind Kadesh the Deceitful."Then his majesty had the princes called into the presence, and had them hear every word which the two scouts of the vanquished chief of Kheta, who were in the presence, had spoken. Said his majesty to them: "See ye the manner wherewith the chiefs of the peasantry and the officials under whom is the land of Pharaoh have stood, daily, saying to the Pharaoh: "The vanquished chief of Kheta is in the land of Aleppo; he has fled before his majesty, since hearing that, behold, he came." So spake they to his majesty daily. But see, I have held a hearing in this very hour, with the two scouts of the vanquished chief of Kheta, to the effect that the vanquished chief of Kheta is coming, together with the numerous countries that are with him, being people and horses, like the multitudes of the sand. They are stationed behind Kadesh the Deceitful. But the governors of the countries and the officials under whose authority is the land of Pharaoh were not able to tell it to us."Said the princes who were in the presence of his majesty: "It is a great fault, which the governors of the countries and the officials of Pharaoh have committed in not informing that the vanquished chief of Kheta was near the king; and in that they told his report to his majesty daily."Then the vizier was ordered to hasten the army of his majesty, while they were marching on the south of Shabtuna, in order to bring them to the place where his majesty was.Lo, while his majesty sat talking with the princes, the vanquished chief of Kheta came, and the numerous countries, which were with him. They crossed over the channel on the south of Kadesh, and charged into the army of his majesty while they were marching, and not expecting it. Then the infantry and chariotry of his majesty retreated before them, northward to the place where his majesty was. Lo, the foes of the vanquished chief of Kheta surrounded the bodyguard of his majesty, who were by his side.When his majesty saw them, he was enraged against them, like his father, Montu, lord of Thebes. He seized the adornments of battle, and arrayed himself in his coat of mail. He was like Baal in his hour. Then he betook himself to his horses, and led quickly on, being alone by himself. He charged into the foes of the vanquished chief of Kheta, and the numerous countries which were with him. His majesty was like Sutekh, the great in strength, smiting and slaying among them; his majesty hurled them headlong, one upon another into the water of the Orontes. 这是内容,虽然我知道GOOGLE翻译很不准确,但是网上确实搜不到。。就发一下,至少能懂个大概意思。埃及帐户战役卡迪什( Ramesseum ) 以下是文字称为“诗的Pentaur ” 。 开始的胜利,国王Usermare - Setepnere拉美西斯二世,谁是生命,永远,他取得的土地,赫塔河和Naharin ,在土地Arvad ,在Pedes ,在Derden ,在土地的梅萨,在土地Kelekesh , Carchemish ,科德,卡迪什的土地,在土地Ekereth ,并Mesheneth 。 看哪,陛下准备了步兵和他chariotry的谢登的圈养陛下从胜利的话-他们给计划的战斗。陛下接着北上,他的步兵和他chariotry正在与他。他的优美的方式开始至3月。今年5月的第二个第三个赛季第10个月,在第九天,国王陛下通过堡垒塔鲁,如Montu当他接着等等。每个国家都在他面前发抖,恐惧,在他们的心中;所有叛军来到鞠躬下跌的恐惧名利陛下,当他的军队来到狭窄的道路,就像是一个谁的公路。 现在,经过许多天之后,看哪,陛下是在Usermare - Meriamon ,城市的杉树。陛下接着北上,他随后来到高原的卡迪什。然后游行陛下之前,像他父亲一样, Montu主底比斯,并越过频道的欧润特斯,还有正在与他的第一部阿蒙命名为: “胜利的国王, Usermare - Setepnere 。 ” 当陛下达到了市,看哪,是可怜的,行政的赫塔河战败国已经到来,聚集了来自所有国家的目标大海的土地上赫塔河,这是整个:在Naharin同样, Arvad ,梅萨, Keshkesh , Kelekesh ,巴尼亚卢卡, Kezweden , Carchemish , Ekereth ,科德,整个土地Nuges , Mesheneth ,并卡迪什。他离开没有一个国家是不是连同其首领谁是他的,每一个男人把他的chariotry ,一个超过伟大众多,但其像。它们涵盖了山脉和山谷;他们像蝗虫其众多。他离开不是黄金白银,也不在他的土地,但他掠夺它所有的财产和给每一个国家,以使它们与他战斗。 瞧,可怜,战败国首席赫塔河,连同许多盟国,驻扎在阵,隐藏的西北城市卡迪什,而陛下是独自一人本人,他的保镖,和该司的阿蒙是行进在他身后。司再跨过河床南侧镇的Shabtuna ,在距离一个核聚变实验堆由司阿蒙;司Ptah是南方的城市Aranami ;和司Sutekh是前进的道路。陛下已经形成了第一级的所有领导人他的军队,而他们在岸上的土地杰阿穆尔。看哪,在可怜的失败者处长赫塔河是驻扎在中间的步兵这是他的,他是不是打仗,怕陛下。然后,他去了人民的chariotry ,极其众多众多像沙子,被3人每个跨度。现在,他们提出了他们的组合为:每三个青年中的一名男子的战败国的赫塔河,配备有各种武器的战斗。罗湖,他们驻扎在阵,隐藏西北城市卡迪什。 他们提出从南面卡迪什,他们将通过重新划分在中东,而他们不知道游行和正在制定的霸主地位。步兵和chariotry回落陛下面前。现在,陛下已停止对北城的卡迪什,西边的欧润特斯。然后是一个告诉它陛下。 照陛下Montu像他父亲一样,当他在饰物的战争;因为他抓住他的外衣的邮件,他像巴尔在他小时。大跨度承担陛下呼吁: “胜利在Tebes , ”从伟大的马厩的拉美西斯二世,当时正值领导人。陛下停止在大胜;然后他被控到敌人,战败国的赫塔河,孤独的自己和别人与他。当陛下去看看他身后,他发现2500 chariotry围绕着他,在他的出路,目前所有的青年可怜赫塔河,加上其众多盟国:从Arvad ,来自梅萨,来自Pedes ,来自Keshkesh ,从Erwenet ,来自Kezweden ,从阿勒颇, Eketeri ,卡迪什,和巴尼亚卢卡,被三名男子以跨度,步调一致。 今年5月份的第三个赛季的第三个,第9天;根据国王陛下的荷鲁斯:坚强的车队,敬爱的真理;国王的上,下埃及: Usermare - Setepnere ;儿子再;拉姆西斯- Meriamon ,因为生活永远。 罗湖,国王陛下在他的第二扎希哈瓦斯胜利运动。在优美的手表生活,繁荣和健康,在帐篷陛下,是对高原南部的卡迪什。 当陛下似乎想重新崛起的,他承担了饰物的父亲, Montu 。当国王接着北上,与陛下抵达当地镇以南的Shabtuna ,有了两个Shasu ,发言陛下如下: “我们的兄弟,谁属于最大的家庭战败国行政对赫塔河,让我们来陛下,说: "我们将主体的法老王,我们将逃离战败国处长赫塔河;为战败国处长赫塔河位于阿勒颇的土地,对朝鲜的Tunip 。他担心,因为法老王来南下。 “现在,这些Shasu spake这些话,他们spake陛下,虚假,为战败国首席赫塔河使他们来到间谍在陛下是,为了使军队陛下没有制定打击他向战斗战败国首席赫塔河。 罗战败国首席赫塔河来到每处长每一个国家,他们的步兵和chariotry ,他带来了他的力量,并随时,装备,制定了系列的战斗背后卡迪什虚假,而陛下知道它不是。然后接着向北陛下和抵达西北卡迪什;和军队陛下提出营地的。 然后,国王陛下坐在王位后的黄金,还有谁抵达球探是在以下陛下,他带来了两个童子军战败国处长赫塔河。他们进行的存在,并陛下对他们说: “什么是你们? ”他们说: “至于我们,战败国处长赫塔河造成了,我们应该来的地方间谍陛下。 ” 说陛下对他们说: “他!他在哪儿,战败国首席赫塔河?看哪,我听说,他说: "他是在阿勒颇的土地” ,说他们: “瞧,战败国首席赫塔河是驻扎,加上许多国家,他带来了他的力量,正在每一个国家是在各地区的土地赫塔河的土地Naharin ,所有科德。他们都配备有步兵和chariotry ,同时他们的武器;越多,他们比沙的岸边。见,他们站立,制定了战斗,仅次于卡迪什虚假。 “ 然后,国王陛下曾要求到王子的存在,并听取了他们的每一个字这两个童子军战败国处长赫塔河,谁是在存在了话。说陛下对他们说: “看你们的方式wherewith酋长的农民和他们的官员是土地的法老经受,每天的法老说: "战败国首席赫塔河是在阿勒颇的土地;之前,他已逃离陛下,因为听证会说,瞧,他来。所以spake他们陛下每日。可是看到,我已举行了听证会在这个非常时刻,同这两个童子军战败国处长赫塔河,其大意是战败国的赫塔河长的到来,再加上许多国家,是他,被人们和马匹一样,众多的沙子。他们驻扎在卡迪什虚假。但州长的国家和官员的权力是法老王的土地不能够告诉我们。 “ 王子说,谁是在国王陛下的存在: “这是一个伟大的故障,其中省长和国家官员的法老已承诺在不通知的战败国首席赫塔河附近的国王和他们他的报告中说,国王陛下日常生活。 “ 然后,总督下令加快军队陛下,而他们的游行南部Shabtuna ,以使它们的地方陛下。 罗湖,而陛下坐在王子交谈,战败国首席赫塔河来了,和许多国家,这是他的。他们跨过通道以南的卡迪什,和记入军队陛下当他们行进,并没有预料到它。然后,步兵和chariotry回落陛下面前,向北的地方陛下。罗敌人战败国首席赫塔河包围了保镖陛下,谁是在他身边。 当陛下看到他们,他对他们的愤怒,像他父亲一样, Montu ,主底比斯。他抓住饰物的战斗,并排列本人在大衣的邮件。他就像巴尔在他小时。然后,他betook他本人对他的马,并导致迅速,目前仅由他本人。他被控在敌人的战败国首席赫塔河,和许多国家提出了他。陛下是像Sutekh ,伟大的力量,惩戒,并杀害其中;陛下投掷他们一头,一对另一入水的欧润特斯。(其实大致意思我倒还没看懂)。。。
2023-06-20 00:36:341


黎明, 什么黎明 我们来杀害, 由太阳或由月亮 升级从最黑暗的地狱 并且聚集力量fire"s 居住 注视, 黑人御马者 在他的飞过的马 黑暗的王子腾飞高 注视黑人御马者 在他的飞过的马 沥青黑色阴影 反对苍白白色月亮 黎明, 什么黎明 我们寻找黑暗的舒适 争斗平原在我们之前放置 您从未将看其它天 从未从未再 黎明, 什么黎明 We"ve 来杀害, 由太阳或由月亮 您寻找的黎明将退色 您看见的Can"t 这是末端 恐怖雨将落在thee 他的声音将打碎甚而最勇敢心脏 当您跌倒对地面哭泣 注视他的荣耀如同您死 黎明, 什么黎明 我们来杀害, 由太阳或由月亮 升级从最黑暗的地狱 并且聚集力量fire"s 居住 我们的军队在您之前给您催眠 暴力对艺术 所有生活被抛弃 黑暗醒了 烧在我们的心脏的火 我们是光彩的 强大战士来叫您的死命 这夜we"ll 是战胜的 黎明, 什么黎明 We"ve 来杀害, 由太阳或由月亮 您寻找的黎明将退色 您看见的Can"t 这是末端 恐怖雨将落在thee 他的声音将打碎甚而最勇敢心脏 当您跌倒对地面哭泣 注视他的荣耀如同您死。 并且作为太阳退色高在战场之上 从未再看 最后下落的天使有世界在他的掌握之内 并且无您曾经将看其它黎明
2023-06-20 00:36:422


牌匾??我还以为是 挂的 画呢~~~话说~~LZ你还真注重细节~~~
2023-06-20 00:36:513

《we become what we behold》有没有好结局?

2023-06-20 00:37:122

《黄金大劫案》那个神父背的:“ 起初,是神创造了天地.......” 整句是什么?

2023-06-20 00:37:383


1.Sinfonia (Overture) 4:472.Comfort ye, my people (Tenor) 3:38Comfort ye, comfort ye, My people, saith your God; speakye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that herwarfare is accomplished, that her iniquity ispardoned;...The voice of him that cried in the wilderness:Prepare ye theway of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highwayfor our God.你们的上帝说:“你们要安慰,安慰我的百姓。要对耶路撒冷说安慰的话,又向她宣告说:她争战的日子已满了,她的罪孽赦免了,...在旷野有人声喊着说:当预备耶和华的路,在沙漠地修平我们上帝的道。Isaiah 40:1-33.Every valley shall be exhalted (Tenor) 3:32Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain andhill made low, the crooked straight and the rough placesplain.一切山洼都要填满,大小山冈都要削平,高高低低的要改为平坦,崎崎岖岖的必成为平原。saiah 40:44.And the glory of the Lord (Chorus) 3:36And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and allflesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lordhath spokenit.耶和华的荣耀必然显现,凡有血气的,必一同看见,因为这是耶和华亲口说的。Isaiah 40:55.Thus saith the Lord (Bass) 1:52Thus saith the Lord of Hosts: Yet once a little whileand I will shake the heavens and the earth, the sea andthe dryland; and I will shake all nations;and the desire of allnations shall come.万军之耶和华如此说:“过不多时,我必再一次震动天地、沧海与旱地。我必震动万国;万国的珍宝,必都运来。”Haggai 2:6-7The Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to histemple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom yedelightin; behold, He shall come, saith the Lord of Hosts.万军之耶和华说:“你们所寻求的主,必忽然进入他的殿;立约的使者,就是你们所仰慕的,快要来到。”Malachi 3:16.But who may abide (Bass) 5:01But who may abide the day of his coming and who shallstand when He appeareth? For He is like a refiner"sfire.他来的日子,谁能当得起呢?他显现的时候,谁能立得住呢?因为他如炼金之人的火。Malachi 3:27.And He shall purify (Chorus) 3:11And He shall purify the sons of Levy, that they mayoffer unto the Lord an offering of righteousness.他必洁净利未人,他们就凭公义献供物给耶和华。Malachi 3:38.Behold, a virgin shall conceive (Contralto) 0:43Behold! A virgin shall conceive and bear a son, andshall call his name Emmanuel, God with us.必有童女怀孕生子,给他起名叫以马内利,上帝与我们同在。Isaiah 7:14(cf Matthew 1:23)9.O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (Chorus) 7:22O thou that tellest good tidings of Zion, get thee upinto the high mountain; O thou that tellest good tidingstoJerusalem, lift up thy voice with strength;lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah,Behold your God! Isaiah 40:9报好信息给锡安的啊,你要登高山,报好信息给耶路撒冷的啊,你要极力扬声。扬声不要惧怕,对犹大的城邑说:“看哪,你们的上帝。”Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory ofthe Lord is risen upon thee. Isaiah 60:1兴起!发光!因为你的光已经来到,耶和华的荣耀发现照耀你。10.For behold, darkness shall cover the earth (Bass)2:59For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and grossdarkness the people; but the Lord shall arise upon thee;andHis glory shall be seen upon thee, and the Gentilesshall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness ofthy rising.Isaiah 60:2-3看哪!黑暗遮盖大地,幽暗遮盖万民,耶和华却要显现照耀你,他的荣耀要现在你身上。万国要来就你的光,君王要来就你发现的光辉。11.The people that walked in darkness (Bass) 4:51The people that walked in darkness have seen a greatlight; and they that dwell in the land of the shadow ofdeath,upon them hath the light shined.Isaiah 9:2在黑暗中行走的百姓看见了大光;住在死荫之地的人有光照耀他们。12.For unto us a child is born (Chorus) 4:49For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, andthe government shall be upon his shoulder; and his nameshall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God,the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6因有一婴孩为我们而生,有一子赐给我们,政权必担在他的肩头上。他名称为奇妙、策士、全能的上帝、永在的父、和平的君。13.Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) 4:3714.There were shepherds (Soprano) 0:59There were shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watchover their flocks by night, And lo! the angel of theLordcame upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone roundabout them, and they were sore afraid.野地里有牧羊的人,夜间按着更次看守羊群。看哪!有主的使者站在他们旁边,主的荣光四面照着他们。牧羊的人就甚惧怕。Luke 2:8-915.And the angel said unto them (Soprano) 0:53And the Angel said unto them, Fear not; for behold Ibring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be toall people;for unto you is born this day in the city of David, aSaviour, which is Christ the Lord.那天使对他们说:“不要惧怕,我报给你们大喜的信息,是关乎万民的,因今天在大卫的城里,为你们生了救主,就是主基督。”Luke 2:10-1116.And suddenly there was with the angel (Soprano) 0:21And suddenly there was with the Angel a multitude of theheavenly host, praising God and saying: ...忽然,有一大队天兵同那天使赞美上帝说: Luke 2:1317.Glory to God in the highest (Chorus) 2:17Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth,goodwill towards men.在至高之处荣耀归于上帝,在地上平安归于他所喜悦的人。Luke 2:1418.Rejoice greatly oh daughters of Zion (Soprano) 4:32Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughterof Jerusalem! Behold, thy King cometh unto thee! He istherighteous Saviour, and He shall speak peace unto theheathen.锡安的民哪,应当大大喜乐;耶路撒冷的民哪,应当欢呼。看哪,你的王来到你这里。他是公义的,并且实行拯救。他必向列国讲和平。Zechariah 9:9-1019.Then shall the eyes of the blind (Contralto) 0:31Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened, and the earsof the deaf unstopped;then shall the lame leap as a hart, and the tongue ofthe dumb shall sing.那时瞎子的眼必睁开,聋子的耳必开通。那时瘸子必跳跃象鹿,哑巴的舌头必能歌唱。 Isaiah 35:5-620.He shall feed His flock (Contralto & Soprano) 6:12He shall feed his flock like a shepherd, and He shallgather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in hisbosom, andgently lead those that are with young.他必象牧人牧羊自己的羊群,用膀臂聚集羊羔抱在怀中,慢慢引导那乳养小羊的。 Isaiah 40:11Come unto him, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,and He will give you rest. Take his yoke upon you, andlearnof him, for He is meek and lowly of heart, and ye shallfind rest unto your souls.凡劳苦担重担的人,可以到他这里来,他就使你们得安息。你们当负他的轭,学他的样式,这样,你们心里就必得享安息。Matthew 11:28-2921.His yoke is easy (Chorus) 3:03His yoke is easy, and His burthen is light.因为他的轭是容易的,他的担子是轻省的。Matthew 11:30
2023-06-20 00:37:461


When shopping complexes, you look familiar signs of taiyuan roads, watching the street name, lane, building, have all of the origin of taiyuan named curiosity? Traced back, from the name of taiyuan history, now will understand the origin place of taiyuan into a statement, introduce taiyuan historical culture,The first known LiuHang saidMing emperor zhu yuanzhang"s founder, in northern expedition, the war destroyed yuan RMB HuiGe into the military stronghold, taiyuan armies. The troops stationed in taiyuan city of taiyuan, with $high pool of geographical advantage, deep well-rested, dying entrenched. The west, in order to understand the general regular book ShouDi details, hence personally masquerading as a woodcutter, taiyuan city undercover infiltrates. Behold, is confidential, regular book whereabouts are yuan army spies agent. When he just across the bridge street in taiyuan city, conjugal (at xi door, will be skipped around $army ambush. Often, the commander-in-chief urgent to kill a crowd, turn into the wall of a lane, under the roots of a broken into the alley northern patio.The remnants of the small courtyard, overcame only lived a more GuGuaLao 60 years of LiuShi woman. Her husband was killed in the son, the army yuan and RMB army, to grasp. So, she hated the yuan dynasty rulers. She saw the woodcutter was yuan compassion, soldiers, the regular book hide into the backyard ChaiDuo. LiuShi, pursuing into prison for left, they will pretend.Often, deep thanks the general rescued after the old man gratitude. Parting, he took a tree without court LiuShi to root tree, mamma said: "here soon to fight. To do not make you old again by war, please put it in the army, see JieMen Ming, will with willows."But the army has scored days in taiyuan. LiuShi saw fires, lest the neighbourhood fight, then can tell all the neighbors, door-to-door at each gate first insert willows. Due to the deep in the city during regular book clearance shall arrange the enemy, ZuoTan, army, taiyuan city had LiYingWaiGe quickly. In the city, the army soldiers by general commands, often on the door with the yard, fair, QiuHaoWuFan carefully protection.After all, thanks to LiuShi neighborhood, also to commemorate the retrocession, taiyuan first willows of the street door, implants. These willows and root, smoke, TuCui sprout. Insert the streets and lanes, as time elapse willows, became a little willow, daliushu, old willow. From spring to autumn, from summer to summer, this small alleys, green willows, branches, cool smoke. Hence, a beautiful the street name "LiuHang", came to taiyuan
2023-06-20 00:38:143


look watch see look at
2023-06-20 00:39:069


2023-06-20 00:39:244

The dawn的歌词

歌词: The dawn, what of the dawn 黎明,又如何 We have come to kill, by sun or by moon 我们为杀戮而来,不分白昼与黑夜 Escalating from the darkest pits of hell 从地狱最黑暗的深渊升起 And gather strength where the fire"s dwell 于火焰居存之所聚集力量 Behold, the black horseman 看,黑色的骑手 On his winged steed 在他有翼的战马之上 The prince of darkness soaring high 黑暗的王子翱翔在高处 Behold the black horseman 看,黑色的骑手 On his winged steed 在他有翼的战马之上 A pitch black shadow 苍白的月亮之上 Against a pale white moon 是他的漆黑的暗影 The dawn, what of the dawn 黎明,又如何 We seek the comfort of the dark 我们寻找黑暗的安抚 The plains of battle before us lay 战场就在我们眼前伸展 You will never see another day 你的生命将终结于此 Never Never again 终结于此 The dawn, what of the dawn 黎明,又如何 We"ve come to kill, by sun or by moon The dawn that you seek will fade 你追寻的黎明将要逝去 Can"t you see this is the end 你看不出这便是终结 The rain of terror will fall upon thee 恐惧之雨落下将你包围 His voice will shatter even the bravest of hearts 他的声音将最勇敢的人击垮 When you fall to the ground in tears 当你哭着倒下 Behold his glory as you die 在你死去之时看着他的荣耀 TThe dawn, what of the dawn 黎明,又如何 We have come to kill, by sun or by moon 我们为杀戮而来,不分白昼与黑夜 Escalating from the darkest pits of hell 从地狱最黑暗的深渊升起 And gather strength where the fire"s dwell 于火焰居存之所聚集力量 Our army before you will mesmerize you 我们的军队将你催眠 Violence to the art 将暴力化为艺术 All life is forsaken 所有的生命都被遗弃 The dark has awoken 黑暗已经醒来 The fire that burns in our hearts 火焰燃烧在我们的内心 We are the glorious 我们便是光荣之军 Mighty warriors come to call your doom 强大的战士呼喊着你的厄运 This night we"ll be victorious 今夜我们将获得胜利 The dawn, what of the dawn 黎明,又如何 We"ve come to kill, by sun or by moon 我们为杀戮而来,不分白昼与黑夜 The dawn that you seek will fade 你追寻的黎明将要逝去 Can"t you see this is the end 难到你看不出这便是终结 The rain of terror will fall upon thee 恐惧之雨落下将你包围 His voice will shatter even the bravest of hearts 他的声音将最勇敢的人击垮 When you fall to the ground in tears 当你哭着倒下 Behold his glory as you die 在你死去之时看着他的荣耀 And as the sun is fading high above the battlefields 当太阳消失在战场的高空 Never to be seen again 永远不再出现 At last the fallen angel has the world within his grasp 堕落天使终将这世界握在掌心 And none of you will ever see another dawn 没有人能见到另一个黎明
2023-06-20 00:39:324


日出 [词典] sunrise; rise; sunup; [例句]我们从日出工作到日落。We worked from sunup to sunset.
2023-06-20 00:40:025


2023-06-20 00:40:182

霍金 故事 英文版

  The young scientist study ability is strong, he doesn"t seem very late, after school to learn to read in the class never entered the grades before 10, but because the assignments are "very untidy, teachers feel he has" incurable ", students also regard him as a mockery of object. At age 12, hawking has two boys in his class with a bag of sweets bet, said he never timber, students and irony he was nicknamed "Einstein". Behold, 20 years later, the boy was not outstanding really became a grandmaster physical society. This is what is the reason?  Originally, along with older, how to run things, hawking start interested, he often put things apart, but in the matter to resume their assembly back, he was helpless, however, his parents did not punish him, he even gave his father as up mathematics and physics, "coach." In the age of 1034, hawking found himself in the research field of physics very interested, although high school physics too easy shallow, especially dull, but he thinks it is the most basic science, is expected to solve people from where and why here. Since then, hawking started real scientific exploration.  译文:  科学家霍金小时候的学习能力似乎并不强,他很晚才学会阅读,上学后在班级里的成绩从来没有进过前10名,而且因为作业总是“很不整洁”,老师们觉得他已经“无可救药”了,同学们也把他当成了嘲弄的对象。在霍金12岁时,他班上有两个男孩子用一袋糖果打赌,说他永远不能成材,同学们还带有讽刺意味地给他起了个外号叫“爱因斯坦”。谁知,20多年后,当年毫不出众的小男孩真的成了物理界一位大师级人物。这究竟是什么原因呢?  原来,随着年龄渐长,小霍金对万事万物如何运行开始感兴趣起来,他经常把东西拆散以追根究底,但在把它们恢复组装回去时,他却束手无策,不过,他的父母并没有因此而责罚他,他的父亲甚至给他担任起数学和物理学“教练”。在十三四岁时,霍金发现自己对物理学方面的研究非常有兴趣,虽然中学物理学太容易太浅显,显得特别枯燥,但他认为这是最基础的科学,有望解决人们从何处来和为何在这里的问题。从此,霍金开始了真正的科学探索。
2023-06-20 00:40:261

请高手帮忙翻译 Alexander pope的诗歌!

“看哪儿童,由大自然的慷慨法律, 高兴拨浪鼓,逗乐了稻草: 一些活跃的玩物使他的青年高兴的是, 有一点声音,但随着空相当: 颈巾,袜带,黄金,逗他的成熟阶段, 和珠和祈祷书是玩具的年龄。 “ 亚历山大教宗,在人论
2023-06-20 00:40:422


Alliance:Highlord Bolvar! Thank the Light!For Lordaeron!For the Alliance!Back, you mindless wretches!Fight on, brothers!联盟联军:伯瓦尔公爵!感谢圣光!为了罗德隆!为了联盟!退后,你们这些没脑子的可怜虫!战斗吧,兄弟们!Horde:Rise up, sons of the Horde!Blood and glory await us!Lok"tar ogar! For the Horde!FOR THE HORDE!部落联军:苏醒吧!部落之子们!鲜血和荣耀在等待我们!Lok"tar ogar!(兽人语)为了部落!为了部落!Bolvar:I was wondering if you"d show up!伯瓦尔:我刚刚还在想你们是否会出现!Saurfang:I couldn"t let the Alliance have ALL the fun today!萨鲁法尔:我可不能让联盟单独享受所有的乐趣!Bolvar:Arthas! The blood of your father, of your people, demands justice! Come forth, coward, and answer for your crimes!伯瓦尔:阿萨斯!你父亲的鲜血,你的人民的鲜血,必须用正义洗净! 快过来,懦夫,为你的罪恶受罚!Arthas:You speak of justice? Of cowardice? I will show you the justice of the grave and the true meaning of fear.阿萨斯:什麼?你说的是正义吗? 还是懦弱? 我会让你知道什麼是已死去的正义以及恐惧的真实意义。Saurfang:Enough talk! Let it be finished!萨鲁法尔:说够了!让它上西天!Bolvar:You will pay for all the lives you"ve stolen, traitor.伯瓦尔:你将会为你偷走的生命付出代价,叛徒。Arthas:Boldly stated, but there is nothing you can--What?阿萨斯:还真有勇气,但是在这你什麼都做不了-----什麼!!!埋伏者:Did you think we had forgotten? Did you think we had forgiven? Behold, now, the terrible vengeance of the Forsaken!埋伏者:你认为我们已经忘记了吗? 你认为我们已经原谅了吗? 现在看著我们被遗忘者的恐怖复仇!Arthas:Sylvanas...阿萨斯:希瓦娜斯...chemist:Death to the Scourge! And death to the living!药剂师:天谴军都去死吧!活人也去死吧!Bolvar:Fall back!伯瓦尔:撤退!Arthas:This isn"t over.阿萨斯:这还没结束。chemist:Now, all can see, this is the hour of the Forsaken.药剂师:现在你们都看到了吧,被遗忘者的时代来临了。Bolvar:We"re finished.伯瓦尔:我们完了。Bolvar:No escape...for any of us.伯瓦尔:跑不掉.....我们任何一个都跑不掉。
2023-06-20 00:40:491


以单个单词为单位的话有以下几个:see 这个是表示一种结果,像中文的:看到,eg.I can see a dog crossing the 这个是表示一个状态,最常用的搭配是watch TVlook 这个是表示一个单一的动作,像中文中的:看那边,你看 ,可单独使用,eg.Look,there is a cat under the tree.view 不单独使用,有固定搭配,如:take a view看一看guard 这个做“看守”来用,与上面的几个意思差别比较大。这些是我日常积累的,希望能帮到你
2023-06-20 00:41:101


[00:03.81]亡灵序曲 魔兽世界 主题区 [00:10.20] [00:13.39] [00:17.41]对黑暗的向往 [00:22.13],对力量的渴望 [00:24.60],对邪恶的忠诚 [00:26.92],对统治的向往 [00:28.91]他们流着高贵的血 [00:32.94]他们把堕落看作是一种升华 [00:37.90]The dawn, what of the dawn [00:47.66]We have come to kill, by sun or by moon [00:51.42]Escalating from the darkest pits of hell [00:54.39]And gather strength where the fire"s dwell [00:57.32]Behold, the black horseman [01:00.31]On his winged steed [01:01.87]The prince of darkness soaring high [01:04.46]Behold the black horseman [01:07.22]On his winged steed [01:09.28]A pitch black shadow [01:12.24]Against a pale white moon [01:15.31]The dawn, what of the dawn [01:18.41]We seek the comfort of the dark [01:22.39]The plains of battle before us lay [01:26.79]You will never see another day [01:30.68]Never Never again [01:32.62]The dawn, what of the dawn [01:36.36]We"ve come to kill, by sun or by moon [01:40.84]The dawn that you seek will fade [01:44.01]Can"t you see this is the end [01:46.77]The rain of terror will fall upon thee [01:49.77]His voice will shatter even the bravest of hearts [01:51.30]When you fall to the ground in tears [01:52.81]Behold his glory as you die [01:56.93]The dawn, what of the dawn [02:03.11]We have come to kill, by sun or by moon [02:06.34]Escalating from the darkest pits of hell [02:11.56]And gather strength where the fire"s dwell [02:15.35]Our **** before you will mesmerize you [02:18.35]Violence to the art [02:21.33]All life is forsaken [02:24.64]The dark has awoken [02:27.29]The fire that burns in our hearts [02:30.33]We are the glorious [02:33.00]Mighty warriors come to call your doom [02:36.90]This night we"ll be victorious [02:41.35]The dawn, what of the dawn [02:44.48]We"ve come to kill, by sun or by moon [02:46.69]The dawn that you seek will fade [02:48.59]Can"t you see this is the end [02:50.93]The rain of terror will fall upon thee [02:53.82]His voice will shatter even the bravest of hearts [02:56.02]When you fall to the ground in tears [02:58.48]Behold his glory as you die. [03:02.77]And as the sun is fading high above the battlefields [03:09.78]Never to be seen again [03:12.80]At last the fallen angel has the world within his grasp [03:18.32]And none of you will ever see another dawn [03:22.03]热爱生命的人类不断的残杀生命 [03:54.16]当一切化为灰烬 [03:56.63]当一切都消失的时候 [03:58.70]所有的后悔都已太晚~~~ [04:04.82]人类最终走向毁灭~~~~~~这是宇宙的定律.
2023-06-20 00:41:171


[00:03.81]亡灵序曲 魔兽世界 主题区 [00:10.20] [00:13.39] [00:17.41]对黑暗的向往 [00:22.13],对力量的渴望 [00:24.60],对邪恶的忠诚 [00:26.92],对统治的向往 [00:28.91]他们流着高贵的血 [00:32.94]他们把堕落看作是一种升华 [00:37.90]The dawn, what of the dawn [00:47.66]We have come to kill, by sun or by moon [00:51.42]Escalating from the darkest pits of hell [00:54.39]And gather strength where the fire"s dwell [00:57.32]Behold, the black horseman [01:00.31]On his winged steed [01:01.87]The prince of darkness soaring high [01:04.46]Behold the black horseman [01:07.22]On his winged steed [01:09.28]A pitch black shadow [01:12.24]Against a pale white moon [01:15.31]The dawn, what of the dawn [01:18.41]We seek the comfort of the dark [01:22.39]The plains of battle before us lay [01:26.79]You will never see another day [01:30.68]Never Never again [01:32.62]The dawn, what of the dawn [01:36.36]We"ve come to kill, by sun or by moon [01:40.84]The dawn that you seek will fade [01:44.01]Can"t you see this is the end [01:46.77]The rain of terror will fall upon thee [01:49.77]His voice will shatter even the bravest of hearts [01:51.30]When you fall to the ground in tears [01:52.81]Behold his glory as you die [01:56.93]The dawn, what of the dawn [02:03.11]We have come to kill, by sun or by moon [02:06.34]Escalating from the darkest pits of hell [02:11.56]And gather strength where the fire"s dwell [02:15.35]Our army before you will mesmerize you [02:18.35]Violence to the art [02:21.33]All life is forsaken [02:24.64]The dark has awoken [02:27.29]The fire that burns in our hearts [02:30.33]We are the glorious [02:33.00]Mighty warriors come to call your doom [02:36.90]This night we"ll be victorious [02:41.35]The dawn, what of the dawn [02:44.48]We"ve come to kill, by sun or by moon [02:46.69]The dawn that you seek will fade [02:48.59]Can"t you see this is the end [02:50.93]The rain of terror will fall upon thee [02:53.82]His voice will shatter even the bravest of hearts [02:56.02]When you fall to the ground in tears [02:58.48]Behold his glory as you die. [03:02.77]And as the sun is fading high above the battlefields [03:09.78]Never to be seen again [03:12.80]At last the fallen angel has the world within his grasp [03:18.32]And none of you will ever see another dawn [03:22.03]热爱生命的人类不断的残杀生命 [03:54.16]当一切化为灰烬 [03:56.63]当一切都消失的时候 [03:58.70]所有的后悔都已太晚~~~ [04:04.82]人类最终走向毁灭~~~~~~这是宇宙的定律.
2023-06-20 00:41:261

Behemoth的《Demigod》 歌词

歌曲名:Demigod歌手:Behemoth专辑:Demigod标题:Demigod艺术家:Behemothdemigodbehold! children ov Cainall beings not ov reptilian formbe upon them!spare none! mercy cast aside!those who feareth not my sacred bladeshall be blessedrepent not!Thou art mangod is no morerise now above the weakness ov fleshcome forth! join ye the arsenals ov blasphemyfollow the Onewho spurred Roman warring legionsrise up! o power from sea below all seasSIRIUS! DRACONIS!awake from everlasting dream!spirits ov abominationformless Thou hath appeared before meI am before all thingschthonic gods! those from beyond the starscommander ov hosts devour the flesh ov manmay their weapons melt like waxmay their tongues be torn apartmay Apophis grind their bonesmay their ashes be scattered all around...hear me! o vermin!how couldst Thou fall so low?redemption thru denial!restriction becomes a sinmankind! so pure...castrate Thy impotent godvomit forth the blasphemyand forever shalt Thee win金属梦:66032164
2023-06-20 00:41:331

Bethlehem (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Bethlehem (Album Version)歌手:PAULA COLE专辑:HarbingerTheocracy - BethlehemAll my life, I"ve waited and watched through the eyes of faithTo see the consolation of IsraelAnd even though the flame of my life is now growing dimI know I"ll see the Savior of IsraelFor the Spirit of the Lord has promised unto meThat I would not see death before my eyes have seen himThe promise is alive, for through this little childGod"s holy light illuminates JerusalemThis child will cause the falling and rising of many soulsA sign for all the people of IsraelThis child will be the way and the life unto every soulTo every generation shall the Gentiles tellFor the way has been prepared in the sight of every manThe Son of God Himself is born in BethlehemA sacrifice is made in the temple on this dayRedemption reaches far beyond JerusalemO Bethlehem, your star burns bright tonightFor my eyes have seen the glory of salvation"s holy lightHas this little child come to redeem us all?To save us from the fallRedemption is in sightBehold, the Son shines brightUnder Bethlehem"s star tonightO Bethlehem, your star burns bright tonightFor my eyes have seen the glory of salvation"s holy lightHas this little child come to redeem us all?To save us from the fallRedemption is in sightBehold, the Son shines brightIn Bethlehem tonightO Bethlehem, your star burns bright tonightFor my eyes have seen the glory of salvation"s holy lightHas this little child come to redeem us all?To save us from the fallRedemption is in sightBehold, the Son shines brightIn Bethlehem tonight(When all the world was sleeping deep in darknessA child in Bethlehem fulfilled the promiseThe ancients prophesied a great delivererThe one to break the curse of sin foreverHe didn"t come with any worldly fanfareNo royal treatment, just a dark cross to bearIn Bethlehem a brand new dawn is risingA star to guide the way, forever shiningNew hope was born for all creation that nightFor though the darkness came the brightest light)O Bethlehem, your star burns bright tonightFor my eyes have seen the glory of salvation"s holy lightHas this little child come to redeem us all?To save us from the fallRedemption is in sightBehold, the Son shines brightIn Bethlehem tonight
2023-06-20 00:41:391

Blind Revolution Mad 歌词

歌曲名:Blind Revolution Mad歌手:Winger专辑:Winger LiveInto this worldLittle boy braveCharity heartFaithfully playsHeal the scarsUnto his eyesSalvage the goodnessOf dreams never livedDreams never diedAgain and againAgain and againHaunted by the trust of a childWith no place to go nowLittle boy braveWanders the streetsFaithfully playsBut his broken arrowsOnce filled with prideAimed and missedAt the dreams never livedDreams never diedAgain and againAgain and againHaunted by the trust of a childNever give inWingerNever give upLittle boy braveNever livedNever diedAppears to beBlind Revolution MadThe mercy endsWhere the mercy beganSeems justifiedI"m turnin" this aroundJawbreaker LawmakerHave it your wayCampaign smokescreenGlorifies the mainstreamCities on remote controlMeanwhile vigilante gangsDig their fangs into the streetsThey"ve overthrownWhile plastic facesRun for king of thisDisassociation landI"m dying to findAnyone who understandsBehold........One more Blind Revolution MadOne more chance of a lifetimeRage runs rampantAlways been abandonedKillin" for some pocket changeBlames being force fed rulesGoverned by foolsSlammin" you against the grainAnd the nation"s glued to CNNTo watch their own creationBeholdOne more Blind Revolution MadOne more chance of a lifetimeOne more Blind Revolution MadFee Fi Fo FumOne for all and all for oneDon"t try to stop meI"ve already gone crazyOne for all and all for oneOverthrow your kingdom comeDon"t try to stop meYou"re the reason I"m crazyBeholdOne more Blind Revolution MadOne more chance of a lifetimeOne more Blind Revolution MadMind in the gutter turnedanother boy badOh behold(Repeat Chorus)
2023-06-20 00:41:461

Blind Revolution Mad 歌词

歌曲名:Blind Revolution Mad歌手:Winger专辑:The Very Best Of WingerInto this worldLittle boy braveCharity heartFaithfully playsHeal the scarsUnto his eyesSalvage the goodnessOf dreams never livedDreams never diedAgain and againAgain and againHaunted by the trust of a childWith no place to go nowLittle boy braveWanders the streetsFaithfully playsBut his broken arrowsOnce filled with prideAimed and missedAt the dreams never livedDreams never diedAgain and againAgain and againHaunted by the trust of a childNever give inWingerNever give upLittle boy braveNever livedNever diedAppears to beBlind Revolution MadThe mercy endsWhere the mercy beganSeems justifiedI"m turnin" this aroundJawbreaker LawmakerHave it your wayCampaign smokescreenGlorifies the mainstreamCities on remote controlMeanwhile vigilante gangsDig their fangs into the streetsThey"ve overthrownWhile plastic facesRun for king of thisDisassociation landI"m dying to findAnyone who understandsBehold........One more Blind Revolution MadOne more chance of a lifetimeRage runs rampantAlways been abandonedKillin" for some pocket changeBlames being force fed rulesGoverned by foolsSlammin" you against the grainAnd the nation"s glued to CNNTo watch their own creationBeholdOne more Blind Revolution MadOne more chance of a lifetimeOne more Blind Revolution MadFee Fi Fo FumOne for all and all for oneDon"t try to stop meI"ve already gone crazyOne for all and all for oneOverthrow your kingdom comeDon"t try to stop meYou"re the reason I"m crazyBeholdOne more Blind Revolution MadOne more chance of a lifetimeOne more Blind Revolution MadMind in the gutter turnedanother boy badOh behold(Repeat Chorus)
2023-06-20 00:41:531

Sandie Hall Brooks的《Bethlehem》 歌词

歌曲名:Bethlehem歌手:Sandie Hall Brooks专辑:50 Songs Of ChristmasTheocracy - BethlehemAll my life, I"ve waited and watched through the eyes of faithTo see the consolation of IsraelAnd even though the flame of my life is now growing dimI know I"ll see the Savior of IsraelFor the Spirit of the Lord has promised unto meThat I would not see death before my eyes have seen himThe promise is alive, for through this little childGod"s holy light illuminates JerusalemThis child will cause the falling and rising of many soulsA sign for all the people of IsraelThis child will be the way and the life unto every soulTo every generation shall the Gentiles tellFor the way has been prepared in the sight of every manThe Son of God Himself is born in BethlehemA sacrifice is made in the temple on this dayRedemption reaches far beyond JerusalemO Bethlehem, your star burns bright tonightFor my eyes have seen the glory of salvation"s holy lightHas this little child come to redeem us all?To save us from the fallRedemption is in sightBehold, the Son shines brightUnder Bethlehem"s star tonightO Bethlehem, your star burns bright tonightFor my eyes have seen the glory of salvation"s holy lightHas this little child come to redeem us all?To save us from the fallRedemption is in sightBehold, the Son shines brightIn Bethlehem tonightO Bethlehem, your star burns bright tonightFor my eyes have seen the glory of salvation"s holy lightHas this little child come to redeem us all?To save us from the fallRedemption is in sightBehold, the Son shines brightIn Bethlehem tonight(When all the world was sleeping deep in darknessA child in Bethlehem fulfilled the promiseThe ancients prophesied a great delivererThe one to break the curse of sin foreverHe didn"t come with any worldly fanfareNo royal treatment, just a dark cross to bearIn Bethlehem a brand new dawn is risingA star to guide the way, forever shiningNew hope was born for all creation that nightFor though the darkness came the brightest light)O Bethlehem, your star burns bright tonightFor my eyes have seen the glory of salvation"s holy lightHas this little child come to redeem us all?To save us from the fallRedemption is in sightBehold, the Son shines brightIn Bethlehem tonight
2023-06-20 00:41:591

My heart leaps up when i behold 的英文大意 麻烦高人解答

2023-06-20 00:42:193


一般疑问句:Is there a tree behind the house?肯定回答:Yes, there is.否定回答:No, there isn"t.
2023-06-20 00:42:262

captor of sin 歌词

歌曲名:captor of sin歌手:Slayer专辑:live undeadHalls of Hell spread its wings as I penetrate your soulFeel the fire shift through your body as I slip into your throneCast aside, do as you will, I care not how you feelSatan's job, I snatch you up, force of my demon's sealHot winds of HellBurns, in my wakeDeath is what you pray,Behold, captor of sinAs fit of slaves, my manipulation, captive of my viceAbandon God, thy helpless ones, to relieve you of your plightSubversive action will not help, it will strengthen meI see they're glad your every move, death your final pleaHot winds of HellBurns, in my wakeDeath is what you pray,Behold, captor of sinYour skin turns to neverI ignite your timid bloodYou feel my lethal touchAs I grasp your will and soulI'll take you down into the fireHalls of Hell spread its wings as I penetrate your soulFeel the fire shift through your body as I slip into your throneCast aside, do as you will, I care not how you feelSatan's job, I snatch you up, force of my demon's sealHot winds of HellBurns, in my wakeDeath is what you pray,Behold, captor of sin
2023-06-20 00:42:331

Captor Of Sin 歌词

歌曲名:Captor Of Sin歌手:Slayer专辑:Live: Decade Of AggressionHalls of Hell spread its wings as I penetrate your soulFeel the fire shift through your body as I slip into your throneCast aside, do as you will, I care not how you feelSatan's job, I snatch you up, force of my demon's sealHot winds of HellBurns, in my wakeDeath is what you pray,Behold, captor of sinAs fit of slaves, my manipulation, captive of my viceAbandon God, thy helpless ones, to relieve you of your plightSubversive action will not help, it will strengthen meI see they're glad your every move, death your final pleaHot winds of HellBurns, in my wakeDeath is what you pray,Behold, captor of sinYour skin turns to neverI ignite your timid bloodYou feel my lethal touchAs I grasp your will and soulI'll take you down into the fireHalls of Hell spread its wings as I penetrate your soulFeel the fire shift through your body as I slip into your throneCast aside, do as you will, I care not how you feelSatan's job, I snatch you up, force of my demon's sealHot winds of HellBurns, in my wakeDeath is what you pray,Behold, captor of sin
2023-06-20 00:42:391


2023-06-20 00:42:492

we become what we behold有没有好结局

2023-06-20 00:42:574


How peculiar!多么奇特的!I am no thief. I merely borrow.我不是小偷。我只是借钱。There are none who cannot be mimicked.没有谁不能模仿。Fun ultimate!有趣的极限!My thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched.我渴望知识不能熄灭。I shall see what they have in store.我在商店看到他们。What wonders will I see this day?我看到这一天会有什么奇迹?I am Rubick, the Grand Magus.我是拉比克,大行邪术的。Grand Magus!大行邪术的!Hmmm. What a test this shall be.嗯。测试这个应当是什么。First blood? What is this? I came here to be tested!第一滴血?这是什么?我来这里要测试!I"m looking forward to this.我盼望着这件事。Let"s go!咱们走吧!Begin!开始吧!Behold!看哪!So that"s how it"s done!这是它是如何完成了!This should come in handy!这应该派上用场!My turn now!现在轮到我!Let me try that!让我试试!How does this one work?这是如何工作的呢?Ah ha!呀哈!Exotic!异国情调的!How peculiar!多么奇特的!以上内容来源于:
2023-06-20 00:43:151

My Heart Leaps up When I Behold 几行诗

My heart leaps up when i behold翻译: 当我看见你,心为之一震My Heart Leaps Up My Heart Leaps up when I beholdA rainbow in the sky;So was it when my life began;So is it now I am a man;So be it when I shall grow old,Or let me die!The Child is father of the Man;And I could wish my days to beBound each to each by natural piety.当我看见天边的一道彩虹时,我的心不由地跳了起来威廉·渥兹华斯
2023-06-20 00:43:291

Jesus Born On This Day 歌词

歌曲名:Jesus Born On This Day歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Merry ChristmasArtist: Carey MariahAlbum: Merry ChristmasTitle: Jesus Born On This DToday a child is born on earth(Today a child is born on earth)Today the glory of God shines everywhereFor all the worldOh Jesus born on this dayHe is our light and salvationOh Jesus born on this dayHe is the King of all nationsBehold the Lamb of God has come(Behold the Lamb of God has come)Behold the Savior is bornSing of His love to everyoneOh Jesus born on this dayHeavenly child in a mangerOh Jesus born on this dayHe is our Lord and SaviorToday our hearts rejoice in Him(Today our hearts rejoice in Him)Today the light of His birthFills us with hope and brings peace on earthOh Jesus born on this dayHe is our light and salvationOh Jesus born on this dayHe is the King of all nationsToday a child is born on earth(Today a child is born on earth)He is light, He is love, He is graceBorn on Christmas dayHe is light, He is love, He is graceBorn on Christmas dayHe is light, He is love, He is graceBorn on Christmas day
2023-06-20 00:43:361

Jesus Born On This Day 歌词

歌曲名:Jesus Born On This Day歌手:Morris Chapman专辑:Bethlehem MorningArtist: Carey MariahAlbum: Merry ChristmasTitle: Jesus Born On This DToday a child is born on earth(Today a child is born on earth)Today the glory of God shines everywhereFor all the worldOh Jesus born on this dayHe is our light and salvationOh Jesus born on this dayHe is the King of all nationsBehold the Lamb of God has come(Behold the Lamb of God has come)Behold the Savior is bornSing of His love to everyoneOh Jesus born on this dayHeavenly child in a mangerOh Jesus born on this dayHe is our Lord and SaviorToday our hearts rejoice in Him(Today our hearts rejoice in Him)Today the light of His birthFills us with hope and brings peace on earthOh Jesus born on this dayHe is our light and salvationOh Jesus born on this dayHe is the King of all nationsToday a child is born on earth(Today a child is born on earth)He is light, He is love, He is graceBorn on Christmas dayHe is light, He is love, He is graceBorn on Christmas dayHe is light, He is love, He is graceBorn on Christmas day
2023-06-20 00:43:421

麦当娜的The Beast Within的歌词?

Madonna The Beast Within Lyrics Blessed is he who reads aloud the words of the prophecy And blessed are those who hear And who keep what is written therein For the time is near He is coming with the clouds And every eye will see him Everyone who pierced him And all the tribes of the earth will wail on account of him Those of you who have not learned What some call the deep things of Satan I know your works I know your toil And your patient endurance And how you cannot hear evil men But have tested those who call themselves Apostles But are not And found them to be false I know you are enduring patiently And bearing out For my namesake And you have not grown weary But I have this against you That you have abandoned The love you had I know your tribulation and your poverty And the slander of those who say That they are Jews But they are not They are a synagogue of Satan Do not fear what you are about to suffer Behold the devil is about to throw you into prison Wanting Needing Waiting For you To justify my love Hoping Praying For you To justify my love And I saw a beast rising out of the sea With ten horns and seven heads And a blasphemous name upon its head And the beast that I saw was like a leopard Its feet were like a bear"s And its mouth was like a lion"s mouth And to it the dragon gave his power And his throne And great authority One of his heads had a mortal wound But it seemed to have a mortal wound That was healed And the whole earth followed the beast with wonder Men worshipped the dragon For he had given his authority to the beast And they worshipped the beast saying "Who is like the beast and who can fight against the beast?" And the beast was given a mouth Uttering haughty and blasphemous words And it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months It opened its mouth to utter blasphemous Words Against God It was allowed to make war on the saints And to conquer them And authority was given it over every tribe And a people and tongue and nation And all who dwell on earth could worship it In vain If anyone has an ear let him hear If anyone is to be taken captive, into captivity he will go If anyone who slays with the sword, with the sword Wanting Needing Waiting For you To justify my love Hoping Then I saw a new heaven And a new earth And I heard a great voice from the throne saying "Behold the dwelling of God is with men He will dwell with them And they shall be his people And God himself will be with them People will wipe away every tear from their eyes And death shall be no more Neither shall there be mourning Nor crying Nor pain Anymore For these things will have passed away To the thirsty I will give water without price From the fountain of the water of life He who conquers shall have this heritage And I will be his God and he shall be my son But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted As for the murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolators And all liars Their lot shall be in the lake That burns with fire and brimstone" And he said to me He said to me "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy For the time is near Let the evildoers still do evil And the filthy still be filthy And the righteous still do right And the holy still be holy Behold I am coming soon I am the alpha And the omega The first And the last The beginning And the end" Amen What are you gonna do?
2023-06-20 00:44:001


Egyptian Account of the Battle of Kadesh (Ramesseum)Following is the text known as the "Poem of the Pentaur".Beginning of the victory of King Usermare-Setepnere Ramses II, who is given life, forever, which he achieved in the land of Kheta and Naharin, in the land of Arvad, in Pedes, in the Derden, in the land of Mesa, in the land of Kelekesh, Carchemish, Kode, the land of Kadesh, in the land of Ekereth, and Mesheneth.Behold, his majesty prepared his infantry and his chariotry, the Sherden of the captivity of his majesty from the victories of his word - they gave the plan of battle. His majesty proceeded northward, his infantry and his chariotry being with him. He began the goodly way to march. Year 5, the second month of the third season tenth month, on the ninth day, his majesty passed the fortress of Tharu, like Montu when he goes forth. Every country trembled before him, fear was in their hearts; all the rebels came bowing down for fear of the fame of his majesty, when his army came upon the narrow road, being like one who is upon the highway.Now, after many days after this, behold, his majesty was in Usermare-Meriamon, the city of cedar. His majesty proceeded northward, and he then arrived at the highland of Kadesh. Then his majesty marched before, like his father, Montu lord of Thebes, and crossed over the channel of the Orontes, there being with him the first division of Amon named: "Victory-of-King-Usermare-Setepnere."When his majesty reached the city, behold, the wretched, vanquished chief of Kheta had come, having gathered together all countries from the ends of the sea to the land of Kheta, which came entire: the Naharin likewise, and Arvad, Mesa, Keshkesh, Kelekesh, Luka, Kezweden, Carchemish, Ekereth, Kode, the entire land of Nuges, Mesheneth, and Kadesh. He left not a country which was not brought together with their chiefs who were with him, every man bringing his chariotry, an exceeding great multitude, without its like. They covered the mountains and the valleys; they were like grasshoppers with their multitudes. He left not silver nor gold in his land but he plundered it of all its possessions and gave to every country, in order to bring them with him to battle.Behold, the wretched, vanquished chief of Kheta, together with numerous allied countries, were stationed in battle array, concealed on the northwest of the city of Kadesh, while his majesty was alone by himself, with his bodyguard, and the division of Amon was marching behind him. The division of Re crossed over the river-bed on the south side of the town of Shabtuna, at the distance of an iter from the division of Amon; the division of Ptah was on the south of the city of Aranami; and the division of Sutekh was marching upon the road. His majesty had formed the first rank of all the leaders of his army, while they were on the shore in the land of the Amor. Behold, the wretched vanquished chief of Kheta was stationed in the midst of the infantry which was with him, and he came not out to fight, for fear of his majesty. Then he made to go the people of the chariotry, an exceedingly numerous multitude like the sand, being three people to each span. Now, they had made their combinations thus: among every three youths was one man of the vanquished of Kheta, equipped with all the weapons of battle. Lo, they had stationed them in battle array, concealed northwest of the city of Kadesh.They came forth from the southern side of Kadesh, and they cut through the division of Re in its middle, while they were marching without knowing and without being drawn up for battle. The infantry and chariotry of his majesty retreated before them. Now, his majesty had halted on the north of the city of Kadesh, on the western side of the Orontes. Then came one to tell it to his majesty.His majesty shone like his father Montu, when he took the adornments of war; as he seized his coat of mail, he was like Baal in his hour. The great span which bore his majesty called: "Victory-in-Tebes," from the great stables of Ramses II, was in the midst of the leaders. His majesty halted in the rout; then he charged into the foe, the vanquished of Kheta, being alone by himself and none other with him. When his majesty went to look behind him, he found 2,500 chariotry surrounding him, in his way out, being all the youth of the wretched Kheta, together with its numerous allied countries: from Arvad, from Mesa, from Pedes, from Keshkesh, from Erwenet, from Kezweden, from Aleppo, Eketeri, Kadesh, and Luka, being three men to a span, acting in unison.Year 5, third month of the third season, day 9; under the majesty of Horus: Mighty Bull, Beloved of Truth; King of Upper and Lower Egypt: Usermare-Setepnere; Son of Re; Ramses-Meriamon, given life forever.Lo, his majesty was in Zahi on his second victorious campaign. The goodly watch in life, prosperity and health, in the tent of his majesty, was on the highland south of Kadesh.When his majesty appeared like the rising of Re, he assumed the adornments of his father, Montu. When the king proceeded northward, and his majesty had arrived at the locality south of the town of Shabtuna, there came two Shasu, to speak to his majesty as follows: "Our brethren, who belong to the greatest of the families with the vanquished chief of Kheta, have made us come to his majesty, to say: "We will be subjects of Pharaoh and we will flee from the vanquished chief of Kheta; for the vanquished chief of Kheta sits in the land of Aleppo, on the north of Tunip. He fears because of Pharaoh to come southward."" Now, these Shasu spake these words, which they spake to his majesty, falsely, for the vanquished chief of Kheta made them come to spy where his majesty was, in order to cause the army of his majesty not to draw up for fighting him, to battle with the vanquished chief of Kheta.Lo, the vanquished chief of Kheta came with every chief of every country, their infantry and their chariotry, which he had brought with him by force, and stood, equipped, drawn up in line of battle behind Kadesh the Deceitful, while his majesty knew it not. Then his majesty proceeded northward and arrived on the northwest of Kadesh; and the army of his majesty made camp there.Then, as his majesty sat upon a throne of gold, there arrived a scout who was in the following of his majesty, and he brought two scouts of the vanquished chief of Kheta. They were conducted into the presence, and his majesty said to them: "What are ye?" They said: "As for us, the vanquished chief of the Kheta has caused that we should come to spy out where his majesty is."Said his majesty to them: "He! Where is he, the vanquished chief of Kheta? Behold, I have heard, saying: "He is in the land of Aleppo,"" Said they: "See, the vanquished chief of Kheta is stationed, together with many countries, which he has brought with him by force, being every country which is in the districts of the land of Kheta, the land of Naharin, and all Kode. They are equipped with infantry and chariotry, bearing their weapons; more numerous are they than the sand of the shore. See, they are standing, drawn up for battle, behind Kadesh the Deceitful."Then his majesty had the princes called into the presence, and had them hear every word which the two scouts of the vanquished chief of Kheta, who were in the presence, had spoken. Said his majesty to them: "See ye the manner wherewith the chiefs of the peasantry and the officials under whom is the land of Pharaoh have stood, daily, saying to the Pharaoh: "The vanquished chief of Kheta is in the land of Aleppo; he has fled before his majesty, since hearing that, behold, he came." So spake they to his majesty daily. But see, I have held a hearing in this very hour, with the two scouts of the vanquished chief of Kheta, to the effect that the vanquished chief of Kheta is coming, together with the numerous countries that are with him, being people and horses, like the multitudes of the sand. They are stationed behind Kadesh the Deceitful. But the governors of the countries and the officials under whose authority is the land of Pharaoh were not able to tell it to us."Said the princes who were in the presence of his majesty: "It is a great fault, which the governors of the countries and the officials of Pharaoh have committed in not informing that the vanquished chief of Kheta was near the king; and in that they told his report to his majesty daily."Then the vizier was ordered to hasten the army of his majesty, while they were marching on the south of Shabtuna, in order to bring them to the place where his majesty was.Lo, while his majesty sat talking with the princes, the vanquished chief of Kheta came, and the numerous countries, which were with him. They crossed over the channel on the south of Kadesh, and charged into the army of his majesty while they were marching, and not expecting it. Then the infantry and chariotry of his majesty retreated before them, northward to the place where his majesty was. Lo, the foes of the vanquished chief of Kheta surrounded the bodyguard of his majesty, who were by his side.When his majesty saw them, he was enraged against them, like his father, Montu, lord of Thebes. He seized the adornments of battle, and arrayed himself in his coat of mail. He was like Baal in his hour. Then he betook himself to his horses, and led quickly on, being alone by himself. He charged into the foes of the vanquished chief of Kheta, and the numerous countries which were with him. His majesty was like Sutekh, the great in strength, smiting and slaying among them; his majesty hurled them headlong, one upon another into the water of the Orontes.
2023-06-20 00:44:072

Halcyon Days 歌词

歌曲名:Halcyon Days歌手:Siobhan Donaghy专辑:GhostsSiobhan Donaghy - Halcyon DaysSo wake up hope,It"s dark and lonesome,I can hardly, hardly get open my eyes,It ain"t lonely, I"m holy,So he comes home, she"s hating him some,He can hardly, hardly stand up in his home,Oh the aching, now nowIn a stream of purest thought,Nothing"s lost that can be caught,It"s tender to behold,As the past melts away,I"ll shore up holes as they give way,Halcyon days of pages oldThem kneecap words, they"re crushing him down,It gets harder and harder to get over them now,He can fight, it ain"t over,So was he wrong and hoping it right,He can hardly, hardly blame him soOh the hurting, now nowIn a stream of purest thought,Nothing"s lost that can be caught,It"s tender to behold,As the past melts away,I"ll shore up holes as they give way,Halcyon days of pages oldIn a stream of purest thought,Nothing"s lost that can be caught,It"s tender to behold,As the past melts away,I"ll shore up holes as they give way,Halcyon days of pages oldIt"s tender to behold, ooh..Tender (to be...) to beholdIn a stream of purest thought,Nothing"s lost that can be caught,It"s tender to behold,As the past melts away,I"ll shore up holes as they give way,Halcyon days of pages oldIn a stream of purest thought,Nothing"s lost that can be caught,It"s tender to behold,As the past melts away,I"ll shore up holes as they give way,Halcyon days of pages oldI wish I could...Oooh...It"s tender to behold,It"s tender to behold
2023-06-20 00:44:141

A Sight To Behold (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:A Sight To Behold (Album Version)歌手:Eisley专辑:CombinationsGojira - A Sight To BeholdReflecting ourselves in the blood of all the beings we slayMisunderstand each other, out of control we remainThere is a mystery, we"re facing a sight to beholdThis is what we make of the world, we throw everything awayThe way we all behave is not understandableIt is so sad to see the wealth of our planet fade awayWe all behave like children, taking off the head of our teddy bearTo see what"s inside, taking, not giving backWe drain the oceans and suck all the blood out of the soilWe spend the time we have left fighting and killing each otherLust for comfort, entertainment becomes an obsessionAnd there is so much time to killThe way I see things is so simpleThe fact I"m walking standing on this landExhausted is the realm of nature, friends are dyingThe living creatures on our sideThe way I see myself so confused so sophisticatedI have to stay away from meBut I still don"t get the pointWhat"s worth destroying all the worldsTry not to get it anymoreYou burn yourself, set fire for goodWe die eyes closed, dig our own grave nowTossed in the blaze naked on the flameLost with no pride, drowned in the filthThe giant snake is coming down to eat our headsAnd the flood will kill us, Mantus is rising from underThe way I see things is so simpleThe fact I"m living dying on this landExhausted is the realm of nature, friends are dyingThe living creatures on our sideThe way I see myself so confused so sophisticatedDon"t have to stay away from meBut I still don"t get the pointWhat"s worth destroying all the worldsTry not to get it anymoreTry not to get it anymoreTry not to get it anymoreTry not to get it anymore
2023-06-20 00:44:201

请翻译句子It is a sight to behold.

2023-06-20 00:44:272

Halcyon Days 歌词

歌曲名:Halcyon Days歌手:Tages专辑:StudioSiobhan Donaghy - Halcyon DaysSo wake up hope,It"s dark and lonesome,I can hardly, hardly get open my eyes,It ain"t lonely, I"m holy,So he comes home, she"s hating him some,He can hardly, hardly stand up in his home,Oh the aching, now nowIn a stream of purest thought,Nothing"s lost that can be caught,It"s tender to behold,As the past melts away,I"ll shore up holes as they give way,Halcyon days of pages oldThem kneecap words, they"re crushing him down,It gets harder and harder to get over them now,He can fight, it ain"t over,So was he wrong and hoping it right,He can hardly, hardly blame him soOh the hurting, now nowIn a stream of purest thought,Nothing"s lost that can be caught,It"s tender to behold,As the past melts away,I"ll shore up holes as they give way,Halcyon days of pages oldIn a stream of purest thought,Nothing"s lost that can be caught,It"s tender to behold,As the past melts away,I"ll shore up holes as they give way,Halcyon days of pages oldIt"s tender to behold, ooh..Tender (to be...) to beholdIn a stream of purest thought,Nothing"s lost that can be caught,It"s tender to behold,As the past melts away,I"ll shore up holes as they give way,Halcyon days of pages oldIn a stream of purest thought,Nothing"s lost that can be caught,It"s tender to behold,As the past melts away,I"ll shore up holes as they give way,Halcyon days of pages oldI wish I could...Oooh...It"s tender to behold,It"s tender to behold
2023-06-20 00:44:341


首先来个:为了部落 AL:老狗也有几颗牙!午夜:来吧!午夜!让我们一起消灭这群乌合之众!你们这是自寻死路---伊利丹 复活吧我的勇士!为你而战我的女士——血色双圣 小心那些活着的家伙 忘了谁说的了。。。天哪,你真高! -----某侏儒女npc经典话语愿你的刀刃永远锋利 愿风指引你的道路 耐心和纪律是必不可少的 我们的祖先在护佑(忽悠)着我们。。——可爱的牛头。。。纳鲁没有忘记我们。。。可悲的蝼蚁快放了我,也许我会让你们死的痛快点 玛瑟里顿 你们经历了许多挑战,但到头来都是 白费劲。。为了辛多瑞的荣耀 我喜欢挑战! CQ老1为了希尔瓦拉斯的胜利~ 你们以为我会把命运交给一个又。。。又瞎的暗夜精灵杂种? 你们会溺毙在自己的鲜血中,这个世界会熊熊燃烧!! ——PT老4你也会落得相同的结局。 ——SS的恶魔卫士 你...为啥...召唤我...? SS的蓝胖子战栗吧,丧钟已为你鸣响!颤抖吧,挽歌已为你宣唱!末日审判已经潸然降临,所有生者都要付出代价 ! 虽然你们经历了许多挑战,到头来还是白废劲,很快你们就要向我的主人低头啦 CQ老3 差不多了。。。是在想不到了。。。
2023-06-20 00:44:441