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2023-06-18 20:47:13


  • 粘:

  • 从米,占声。本义:具有粘性) 同本义 [glutinous;sticky]。如:粘粥(粘稠的粥);踩在一些粘东西上;粘涎(口涎;亦在方言中谓言语、举止不爽利,令人乏味);粘稠(浓厚而带粘性);粘粘涎涎(形容言语不简要)

  • (1) [affix; stick] 用黏性的东西使纸张等附着在别的东西上

  • (2) ;湿的东西贴在别的物体上

  • 粘贴:

  • 网络术语,指将一个文本或一段文字复制或剪切后移动到另一个位置或另一个文本中。





问题一:"粘贴"用英语怎么说 paste 英[pe?st] 美[pest] n. 面团; 糨糊; 肉(或鱼等)酱(作涂抹料或烹饪用); (制作人造宝石的) 铅质玻璃; vt. 粘贴,张贴; 以…覆盖于; [例句]He then sticks it back together with flour paste 然后他用面糊把它重新粘了起来。 [其他] 第三人称单数:pastes 复数:pastes 现在分词:pasting 过去式:pasted 问题二:贴膏药用英语怎么说 apply a plaster to 贴膏药于… plaster an aching musc弧e. 在疼痛的肌肉上贴上膏药 问题三:让我们来贴图片怎么说用英语怎么说 粘在一起:let"s glue the maps/pictures. let‘s stick the pictures. 贴在墙上:let"s post the maps/pic触ures. 问题四:张贴,用英语怎么说,,? post; put up; post up; plaster; paste ; 在家里最显眼的地方张贴家庭日历。 Post a family calendar in a central place. 2. 但我保证过不把它张贴到我的博客上。 But I promised not to post them on my blog. 3. 在你房间里张贴幽默卡通,提醒你时刻保持轻松的心情。 Post cartoons around the house to remind you that humor helps. 4. 他捣鼓出几款数码相机并使消费者可以在网络上张贴并分享自己的照片。 He cranked out digital cameras and offered customers the ability to post and sharepictures online. 5. 我们的竞选工作人员在大学城里到处张贴了海报,但是我们拿不准会有多少人来参加大会。 Our campaign workers had put up flyers around town, but we didn"t know howmany people would show up. 希望采纳 问题五:贴纸 用英语怎么说 5分 paster 问题六:“贴上你 ”用英语怎么说? 5分 你需要把整个语境提供出来,是什么东西贴上,要表达一个什么感觉,没有上下文不行的。 问题七:车贴用英语怎么说 traffic allowance 问题八:张贴,用英语怎么说 post 英 [p??st] 美 [po?st] n. 岗位;邮政;邮件;柱,桩,杆 vt. 张贴;邮寄;宣布;设岗 vi. 快速行进 adj. 有关赛跑(或赛马,赛狗)起点标志的 adv. 〈外〉在后;用急件[驿马];赶紧地,火速地 词汇难度:高考 / CET4 / 考研 / TOEFL / TEM4 / BEC 第三人称单数: posts 复数: posts 现在分词: posting 过去式: posted 过去分词: posted 问题九:贴创口贴用英文怎么说 band-aid 问题十:粘贴用英文怎么写 affix 电脑常用的是paste
2023-06-18 20:12:471


词典解释 :(1) affix; stick 用黏性的东西使纸张等附着在别的东西上。粘贴邮票。(2) ;湿的东西贴在别的物体上。湿衣服粘贴在身上。
2023-06-18 20:14:191


10. 表示变换词类作用的前缀   be-, befriend,   en-, enslave, enable, enrich   ad-, ac-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-, adapt, accord, affix, aggression, arrive, assist, attend, attract, arrange, assign(委派)   11. 表示数量关系的前缀   1)表示“单一”,“一”   mon-, mon-, monotone(单调),monopoly, monarch uni-, un-, uniform, unicellular(单细胞)   2)表示“二,两,双”   ambi-, ambiguous, amphibian(两栖类)   bi-, bin- bicycle, di-, diode(二级管),   twi-, twilight   3)表示“十”deca, deco-, dec- deci-, decade, decimals   4)表示"百,百分子一"   hecto-, hect-, hectometer,   centi-, centimeter   5)表示"千,千分子一“ kilo-, kilometer   6)表示"万,万分子一“   myria-, myri-, myriametre   mega-, meg-, megabyte   micro-, microvolt (微伏特)   7)表示"许多,复,多数“   multi-, mult-, multipmetre (万用表)   poly-, polysyllable,   8)表示“半,一半”   hemi-, hemisphere   demi-, demiofficial   semi-, semiconductor, semitransparent   pene-, pen-, peninsula
2023-06-18 20:14:281

英语语言学中有这样一个知识点 THEMATIC PROGRESSION是什么意思

英语语言学中有这样一个知识点 THEMATIC PROGRESSION是什么意思 主位推进模式 的意思 “主位推进”概念是捷克语言学家Frantisek Danes 1974年提出的,用于解释语篇各小句之间的关系。 英语语言学中词类范畴是什么意思 就应该是词法中研究的范围吧:比如词性,屈折之类 英语语言学T-G approach是什么意思啊 在语言学不同领域可能有不同的指代,最常见的应该是指transformational-generative grammar(转换生成语法),有时也可以反过来,叫generative-transformational grammar,是当代著名语言学家乔姆斯基提出的句法理论。 英语语言学中同指解读什么意思 如果提高分,我回家查查!给你标准答案!和前面你的提问一起回答! pragmatic failure是什么意思?英语语言学专有名词 pragmatic failure 语用失误; 语用失效; 英语语言学中sememe和 morpheme的区别是什么? 一个sememe是某个morpheme的意思。 一个morpheme总会包含它自己的sememe。 比如说, unbreakable:un, break, able是三个morpheme。 un这个morpheme的意思是:否定。那么“否定”就是Un的sememe。 同理,“make things apart”就是break的sememe. 一个比较极端的例子是s. s在英语里自己就可以做一个morpheme。 而它的sememe是plural,也就是复数。 总之sememe是意思,morpheme是载体。 英语语言学隐喻的组成部分是什么意思 那得看你的教科书师从哪派罗,另外暗喻下还有几个分支,其组成各不相同,不过广义上的metaphor还是按照Richards的解释分成tenor(喻旨)和vehicle(喻依),两者合并构成了figure of speech(语象) 英语语言学指的是什么 本课程基本上是一门知识性的课程,需要学生记忆的内容比较多。本课程共有十章,每一章分别介绍语言学的一个分支学科或一个研究侧面所取得的主要研究成果,主要理论,原则和研究方法。在学习过程中要注意抓住重点,着重掌握和每个题目有关的基本概念和基本理论,在理解和消化的基础上记忆,切忌死记硬背。 语言学是对语言的系统研究,对于一个学习英语的人来说,应该懂一点语言学的知识,它可以在理论上对学习语言有指导作用,有助于更好的学习语言,下面介绍一点语言学知识。 I. Introduction 1. What is Language Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human munication. 2. What is Linguistics(语言学) Linguistics is the scientific study of language. 3.Some Basic Distinctions(区分) in Linguistics 3.1 Speech and Writing One general principle(原则) of linguistic *** ysis is the primacy of speech over writing. Writing gives language new scope(范畴) and uses that speech does not have. 3.2 Descriptive(描述性) or Prescriptive(说明性) A linguistic study is descriptive if it describes and *** yses facts observed; it is prescriptive if it tries to lay down rules for "correct" behavior. 3.3 Synchronic(共时) and Diachronic(历时) Studies The description of a language at some point in time is a synchronic study and The description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study. 3.4 Langue(语言) and Parole(言语) This is a distinction made by the Swiss linguist F.De Saussure (索绪尔)early last century. langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech munity and parole refers to the actualized(实际的) language, or realization of langue. 3.5 Competence(能力)and Performance(行为) Competence is the ideal language user"s knowledge of the rules of his language. Performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in utterances(发声). 4.The Scope of Linguistics General linguistics is the study of language as a whole. Phoics(语音学) is the branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription. Phonology(音韵学) is the branch of linguistics which studies the sound patterns of languages. Morphology(词法) is the branch of linguistics which studies the form of words. Syntax(句法) is the branch of linguistics which studies the rules governing the bination of words into sentences. Semantics(语义学) is the branch of linguistics which studies the meaning of language. Applied linguistics(应用语言学) is the study of the teaching of foreign and second languages. Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship beeen language and society. Psycholinguistics is the study of the relationship beeen language and the mind. Historical Linguistics(历史语言学) is the study of language changes. Anthropological linguistics(人文语言学) uses the theories and methods of anthropology to study language variation and language use in relation to the cultural patterns and beliefs of man. Neurolinguistics(神经语言学) studies the neurological basis of language development and use in human beings. Mathematical linguistics(数学语言学) studies the mathematical features of language, often employing models and concepts of mathematics. Computational linguistics(计算语言学) is an approach to linguistics in which mathematical techniques and concepts(概念) are applied, often with the aid of a puter. II. Phoics(语音学) 1. scope of phoics Speech sounds may be studied from different angles, thus we have at least three branches of phoics: Articulatory phoics(发音语音学)we may examine the way in which a speech sound is produced to discover which vocal ans are involved and how they coordinate(协调) in the process. Auditory phoics (听觉语音学)we may look into the impression a speaker makes on the hearer as mediated(调节) by the ear, the auditory nerve(神经) and the brain. Acoustic phoics (声学语音学) we study the physical properties of speech sounds, as tran *** itted(传送) beeen mouth and ear. 2. The vocal ans The vocal ans may be viewed as consisting of three parts, the initiator of the air-stream,(气流发生器官) the producer of voice(声音发生器官) and the resonating cavities.(声音共振器官) 3. Consonants(子音) Places of articulation(发音部位): bilabial,(双唇) Labiodentals,(唇齿) dental,(齿) alveolar,(齿龈) retroflex,(卷舌) palate-alveolar,(上齿龈) palatal,(上颚) velar,(软颚) uvular,(小舌) glottal(声门) Manners of articulation: plosive,(暴破) nasal,(鼻音) trill,(颤音) lateral,(边音) fricative,(摩擦) approximant,(近似音) affricate(破擦) 4. Vowels (母音) The classification of vowels: the height of tongue raising (high, mid, low), the position of the highest part of the tongue(front, central, back), and the degree of lip rounding(rounded, unrounded) III. Phonology(音韵学) 1. phonemes(音素):a distinctive(有区别的) sound in a language. 2. Allophones(音位变体):The nondistinctive sounds are members of the same phoneme. 3. Minimal pairs(最小对立体): word forms which differ from each other only by one sound. 4. Free variation (自由变异):If o sounds ourring in the same environment(环境), they does not produce a different word form, but merely a different pronunciation of the same word. 5. Complementary distribution(补充分类):Not all the speech sounds our in the same environment. When o sounds never our in the same environment 6.Suprasegmental phonology(超音段音位):the study of phonological properties(性质) of units lager than the segment-phoneme. They are syllable(音节), stress,(重音) word stress, sentence stress. pitch (音调)and intonation(语调). IV. Morphology(词法) 1. inflection(构形法):the grammatical relationships through the addition of inflectional affixes.(屈折词缀) 2. Word-formation(构词):the processes(过程) of word variations signaling lexical relationships.(表明词法关系) They are pound(合成)and derivation (派生). 3. Morpheme(词素): the *** allest unit in terms of relationship beeen expression and content. 4. Allomorph(同质异象变体): some morphemes have considerable variation, for instance, alternate shapes or phoic forms. 5. Types of morphemes: They are roots,(词根) affix(词缀) and stem(词干). 6. Lexicon(语言词汇):in its most general sense, is synonymous with vocabulary. 7. Closed-class words(封闭性) and open-class words(开放性):the former whose membership is fixed or limited and the latter whose membership is in principle(实际上) indefinite or unlimited. 8. Word class(词性):It displays a wider range of more precisely defined classes. 9. Lexeme(词位):the *** allest unit in the meaning system of a language that can be distinguished from other *** aller units. 10. Idiom(习语,成语):Most phrasal lexemes are idioms. It is especially true for a sequence of words(词序) which is semantically(语义上) and often syntactically(句法上) restricted.(限制) 11. Collocation(搭配): the habitual(习惯的) co-ourrences (同时出现)of individual lexical items. V. Syntax (句法) 1. Positional relation or word order(词序):the sequential(顺序) arrangement of words in a language. 2. Construction or constituent (句子结构): the overall process of internal (内部)anization of a grammatical unit . 3. Syntactic function(句法功能): the relationship beeen a linguistic form and other parts of the linguistic pattern in which it is used. The names of functions are expressed in terms of subjects, objects, predicates, modifiers,(修饰语) plements(补语), etc. 4. Category(范畴):It refers to classes and functions in its narrow sense, e.g. noun, verb, subject, predicate, noun phrase, verb phrase, etc. The categories of the noun include number, gender, case and countability. 5. Phrase: a single element of structure containing more than one word, and lacking the subject-predicate structure typical of clause. 6. Clause: a group of words with its own subject and predicate, if it is included in a larger sentence. 7. Sentence: It is the minimum part of language that expresses a plete thought. VI. Semantics 1. Conceptuali *** or mentali *** (概念主义):Following F. De Saussure(索学尔)"s "sign" theory, the linguistic sign is said to consist of a signifier (所指)and signified(被指), i.e., a sound image and a concept, liked by a psychological(心理的) "associative" bond.(相关联络) 2. Mechani *** (机械主义):Some linguists, Bloomfield,(布鲁费尔德) for example, turned to science to counter(反)-act the precious theories and this leads to what call the mechanistic approach(方法). The nature of this theory has nothing to do with the scientific study of mental phenomena.(智力现象) 3. Contextuali *** (语境主义):It is based on the presumption(假定) that one can derive meaning from or reduce it to observable context. 4. Behaviori *** (行为主义):Behaviourists attempt to define (定义)the meaning of a language form as "the situation(情景) in which the speaker utters(说话) it and the response(反应) it calls forth in the hearer." 5. functionali *** (功能主义):Functionalists as represented (代表)by the Prague school(布拉格学派) linguists and neo-Firthian (新弗斯)linguists, approach the problem from an entirely new orientation(方法). They argue(争辩) that meaning could only be interpreted(解释) from its use or function in social life. 6. Sense relationships: While reference deals with the relationship beeen the linguistic elements, words, sentences, etc.,and the non-linguistic world of experience, sense relates to the plex system of relationships that hold beeen the linguistic elements themselves. They include synonymy(同义词),antonymy(反义词),hyponymy(下层次)Polysemy(一词多义)and Homonymy (同音异义词) 7. Semantic *** ysis: It includes 1) ponential(成分) *** ysis which defines the meaning of a lexical element in terms of semantic ponents.(意义成分)2) predication (表述) *** ysis in which the meaning of a sentence is not merely the sum of the meanings of the words which pose it. 3) relational ponents in which the semantic *** ysis of some words presents a plicated picture, because they show relations beeen o and perhaps more terms. VII. Language Variation (语言变化) 1. Lexical change(词汇的变化):changes in lexis. 2. Invention: (新造词)new entities. 3. Compounding:(合成词)New words are sometimes constructed by bining o old words. 4. Blending: (混合词):It is a relatively plex form of pounding, in which o roots are blended by joining the initial part of the first root and the final part of the second root, or by joining the initial parts of the o roots. 5. Abbreviation or clipping:(缩写)A new word is created by cutting the final part or cutting the initial part. 6. acronym:(取首字母的缩写词)It is made up from the first letters of the name of an anization, which has a heavily modified (修饰) headword. 7. Met *** ysis:(再分化)It refers to a process through which a division is made where there were note before. 8. Back-formation:(逆构词) It refers to an abnormal(非正常) type of word-formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting(去掉) an imagined affix from a longer form already present in the language. 9. Analogical creation:(类比造词)It can aount for(说明) the co-existence of o forms, regular and irregular, in the conjugation(结合) of some English verbs. 10. Borrowing(借用):English in its development has managed to widen her vocabulary by borrowing words from other languages. 11. Phonological change(音变):It is related to language variation in the phonological system of language. It includes loss,(省音) addition,(加音) assimilation,( 同化)dissimilation.(异化) 12. Grammatical change: Changes in both morphology(词法) and syntax(句法) are listed under this heading. 13. Semantic change:(语义变化)It includes broadening,(语义扩大) narrowing,(语义缩小) meaning shift,(意义转化) class shift(词性转换) and folk etymology.(词源变化) 14. Orthographic change :(正字法)Changes can also be found at the graphetic level. 就是学语音学句法学语义学语用学简单来说就是单词的构成形式句子的构成要素以及他们的具体应用
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1.表示否定意义的前缀1)纯否定前缀a-, an-, asymmetry(不对称)anhydrous(无水的)dis- dishonest, dislikein-, ig-, il, im, ir, incapable, inability, ignoble, impossible, immoral, illegal, irregularne-, n-, none, neither, nevernon-, noesenseneg-, neglectun- unable, unemployment2)表示错误的意义male-, mal-, malfunction, maladjustment(失调)mis-, mistake, misleadpseudo-, pseudonym(假名), pseudoscience3)表示反动作的意思de-, defend, demodulation(解调)dis-, disarm, disconnectun-, unload, uncover4)表示相反,相互对立意思anti-, ant- antiknock( 防震), antiforeign,(排外的)contra-, contre-, contro-, contradiction, controflow(逆流)counter-, counterreaction, counterbalanceob-, oc-, of-, op-, object, oppose, occupywith-, withdraw, withstand2. 表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀1)a- 表示“在……之上”,“向……”aboard, aside,2)by- 表示“附近,邻近,边侧”bypath, bypass(弯路)3)circum-, circu-, 表示“周围,环绕,回转”circumstance, circuit4)de-, 表示“在下,向下”descend, degrade5)en-, 表示“在内,进入”encage, enbed(上床)6)ex-, ec-, es-, 表示“外部,外”exit, eclipse, expand, export7)extra-, 表示“额外”extraction (提取)8)fore- 表示“在前面”forehead, foreground9)in-, il-, im-, ir-, 表示“向内,在内,背于”inland, invade, inside, import10)inter-, intel-, 表示“在……间,相互”international, interaction, internet11)intro-, 表示“向内,在内,内侧”introduce, introduce12)medi-, med-, mid-, 表示“中,中间”Mediterranean, midposition13)out-, 表示“在上面,在外部,在外”outline, outside, outward14)over-, 表示“在上面,在外部,向上”overlook, overhead, overboard15)post-, 表示"向后,在后边,次”postscript(附言),16)pre-, 表示"在前”在前面”prefix, preface, preposition17)pro-, 表示“在前,向前”progress, proceed,18)sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-, 表示“在下面,下”subway, submarine, suffix, suppress, supplement19)super-, sur-, 表示“在…..之上”superficial, surface, superstructure20)trans-, 表示“移上,转上,在那一边”translate, transform, transoceanic21)under-, 表示“在…..下面,下的”underline, underground, underwater22)up-, 表示“向上,向上面,在上”upward, uphold, uphill(上坡)3. 表示时间,序列关系的前缀1)ante-, anti-, 表示“先前,早于,预先”antecedent, anticipate,2)ex-, 表示“先,故,旧”expresident, exhusband3)fore-, 表示“在前面,先前,前面”foreward, dorecast, foretell(预言)4)mid-, medi-, 表示“中,中间”midnight, midsummer5)post-"表示“在后,后”postwar,6)pre-, pri-, 表示“在前,事先,预先”preheat, prewar, prehistory7)pro-, 表示“在前,先,前”prologue(序幕),prophet(预言家)8)re-, 表示“再一次,重新”retell, rewrite4. 表示比较程度差别关系的前缀1)by-, 表示“副,次要的”byproduct, bywork(副业)2)extra-,表示“超越,额外”extraordinary,3)hyper- 表示“超过,极度”hypersonic(超声波), hypertesion(高血压)4)out-,表示“超过,过分”outdo(超过), outbid(出价过高的人)5)over-,表示“超过,过度,太”overeat, overdress, oversleep6) sub-, suc-, sur-, 表示“低,次,副,亚”subeditor, subordinate, subtropical(亚热带)7)super-, sur- 表示“超过”supernature, superpower, surplus, surpass8)under-,表示“低劣,低下”undersize, undergrown, underproduction(生产不足)9)vice- 表示“副,次”vicepresident, vicechairman5. 表示共同,相等意思的前缀1)com-, cop-, con-, cor-, co- 表示“共同,一起”。connect, combine, collect, combat, coexist, co-operate2)syn-, syl-,sym-,表示“同,共,和,类”symmetry, sympathy, synthesis(合成)6. 表示整个完全意思的前缀1)al- 表示“完整,完全”alone, almost,2) over-表示“完全,全”overall, overflow(充满)3) pan-表示“全,总,万”panentheism(泛神论),panorama7. 表示分离,离开意思的前缀1)a- ab-, abs-,表示“分离,离开” away, apart, abstract, abstain2)de- 表示“离去,处去”depart, decolour,3)dis-, di-, dif-, 表示“分离,离开” divorce, disarm(缴械)4)ex-, e-, 表示“离开,分离”expel, exclude, expatriate(驱出国外)5)for- 表示“离开,脱离”forget, forgive6)表示“离开”release, resolve7)表示“分离,隔离”separate, seduce, select8. 表示通过,遍及意思的前缀1)dia-,表示“通过,横过”diameter, diagram,2)per-, pel-, 表示“通,总,遍”perfect, perform, pervade(浸透)3)trans-, 表示“横过,贯通”transparent, transmit, transport9. 表示加强意思的前缀a-, arouse, ashamedad-, adjoin, adhere( 粘着)10. 表示变换词类作用的前缀 be-, befriend, en-, enslave, enable, enrich ad-, ac-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-, adapt, accord, affix, aggression, arrive, assist, attend, attract, arrange, assign(委派)11. 表示数量关系的前缀1)表示“单一”,“一”mon-, mon-, monotone(单调),monopoly, monarchuni-, un-, uniform, unicellular(单细胞)2)表示“二,两,双”ambi-, ambiguous, amphibian(两栖类)bi-, bin- bicycle, di-, diode(二级管),twi-, twilight3)表示“十”deca, deco-, dec- deci-, decade, decimals4)表示"百,百分子一" hecto-, hect-, hectometer,centi-, centimeter5)表示"千,千分子一” kilo-, kilometer6)表示"万,万分子一”myria-, myri-, myriametremega-, meg-, megabytemicro-, microvolt (微伏特)7)表示"许多,复,多数”multi-, mult-, multipmetre (万用表)poly-, polysyllable,8)表示“半,一半”hemi-, hemispheredemi-, demiofficialsemi-, semiconductor, semitransparentpene-, pen-, peninsula12. 表示特殊意义的前缀1)arch-, 表示“首位,第一的,主要的”architect, archbishop2)auto-, 表示“自己,独立,自动”automobile, autobiography3)bene-, 表示“善,< </FONT>
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bound和free是语素分析吗 :free/bound mo的划分是对于语素的两种划分方式,二者的角度是不一样的。简而言之,一个语素是root还是affix主要是看它在一个词的语义中是否占据主要地位;而一个语素是free morpheme还是bound morpheme,是看它是否能独立成词。
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词根就是词的核心部分,词的意义主要是由它体现出来的。它可以单独构成词,也可以彼此组合成词。(词根和词缀叫构词语素) 常见的词根 1) aer, ar, 含义是“空气,大气” aeroplane, aerial, 2) ag, act, ig, 含义是“做,动作” active, agent, reaction, 3) alt, 含义是“高”, altitude, 4) alter, altern, altr, 含义是“其它,变更” alternate, 5) bio, bi, bion, 含义是“生物,生命” biology, bionics(仿生学) 6) brev, bri, brief, 含义是“短” brief, abbreviation, abridge(节略) 7) cap, capt, cept, cip, 含义是“取,获” capture, except, concept, capacity 8) ced, ceed, cess, 含义是“行,让步” proceed, succeed, excess(过度) 9) centr, centr, 含义是“中心” concentrate, eccentric(偏心的) 10) clain, clam, 含义是“呼喊” claim, proclaim, exclaim 11) clos, clud, 含义是“闭合” conclude, enclose, include 12) col, cult, 含义是“耕耘” colony, cultivate, agriculture 13) cor, cord, 含义是“心” cordial, record, accord 14) curr, cur, cour, 含义是“跑,动作” current, occur, concurrence(同时发生) 15) dic, dict, 含义是“说,示” dictate, edit, indicate, predict 16) doc, doct, 含义是“教” doctor, document 17) duc, duct含义是“引导,传导” introduce, produce, conduct, deduct( 推论) 18) fact, fac, fect, dic, dit, 含义是“做,创造” factory, effect, profit, faculty, perfect 19) fend, fens, 含义是“打,击” defence, offence 20) fer, 含义是“搬运,移转” ferry, transfer, defer(迟延) 21) fin, finit, 含义是“终,极” final, finish, confine 22) firm, 含义是“坚固” firm, confirm, affirm(断定) 23) fix, 含义是“固定” prefix, affix(附加) 24) flect, flex, 含义是“弯曲” flexible, reflex 25) flor, flour, flower, 含义是“花” flower, flourish 26) form, 含义是“形” uniform, formula, transform, reform, deform 27) forc, fort, 含义是“力,强度” force, enforce, effort 28) gen, genit, 含义是“生产,发生” generate, generation 29) gram, graph, 含义是“书写,记录” telegram, diagram, photograph 30) grad, gress, gred, gree, 含义是“步,阶段” gradually, degree, progress 31) hab, habit, hibit, 含义是“保持,住” inhabit, exhibit, prohibit 32) her, hes, 含义是“粘附” adhere, cohesion 33) ject, jet, 含义是“抛射” project, inject 34) jour, 含义是“日,一天” journal(日记), journey, adjourn(延期) 35) jug, junct, 含义是“结合,连合” conjunction, junction(连合) 36) labour, labor, 含义是“劳动,工作” labourer, elaborate, collaborate 37) lect, leg, lig, 含义是“挑选,采集” collect, select, lecture 38) lif, liv, 含义是“生活,生存” life, alive, live 39) loc, 含义是“场所,位置” location, dislocate(脱位) 40) long, leng, ling, 含义是“长的” length, prolong, linger 41) loqu, locut, 含义是“说话” colloquial, eloquent, 42) mand, mend, 含义是“命令” command, demand, recommend 43) man, manu, 含义是“手,手法” manage, manual 44) memor, menber, 含义是“记忆” memory, remember, memorial 45) mind, ment, 含义是“心” mind, remind, mental 46) merc, merch, 含义是“贸易” commerce, merchant 47) meas, mens, meter, metr, 含义是“测量,度量” measure, meter, diameter 48) min, 含义是“小” diminish, minority 49) miss, mit, 含义是“派遣,送” mission, dismiss, transmit, missile 50) mob, mot, mov, 含义是“动” movement, motion, mobile, remove 51) nect, nex, 含义是“捆扎” connect, disconnect, annex(合并) 52) not, 含义是“记号,注意” note, denote, annotation(注释) 53) onom, onym, 含义是“名字” synonym, antonym, anonymous 54) pair, par, 含义是“a)相同,对等b)准备” compare, prepare 55) pel, puls, 含义是“追逐” expel, impel(推进) 56) pend, pens, pond, 含义是“悬挂” depend, independent, expense(支付) 57) phon, 含义是“声音” symphony, telephone, microphone 58) plac, 含义是“位置,场所” place, replace 59) peopl, popul, publ, 含义是“人民,民众” public, republic, popular, people 60) port, 含义是“搬运” export, import, deport(输送) 61) press, 含义是“压,压制” pressure, express, oppress, impression 62) prob, proof, prov, 含义是“实验,验证” prove, approve, 63) quer, quest, quir, quis, 含义是“寻找,探问” inquiry, question, inquisition(调查,追究) 64) rang, rank, 含义是“排列” arrange, rank, 65) rect, right, rig, 含义是“正,直” correct, direct, erect 66) riv, 含义是“河流,流远”,river, arrive, derive 67) rupt, 含义是“破坏,毁坏” eruption, bankrupt, corruption 68) sci, 含义是“认识,知识” science, conscious 69) scrib, script, 含义是“书写,记录” describe, script 70) sens, sent, 含义是“感觉,情感” sensation, sentiment 71) sign, 含义是“标记,符号” signal, signature, design 72) sembl, simil, 含义是“相似,类似” similar, resemble, assimilate(同化) 73) soci, 含义是“结合,社交” social, association 74) spec, spect, spitc, spis, 含义是“看,视” inspect, spectator, conspicuous, respect 75) struct, 含义是“建筑,构造” structure, construct, instruct, destruction 76) tect, teg, 含义是“遮蔽,掩盖” detect, protect 77) temp, tens, 含义是“时间,时机” tense, contemporary, temporal 78) tend, tes, tent, 含义是“倾向, 伸张” tendency, intension, extend, intend 79) test, 含义是“证明,证实” testify, protest, contest(争论) 80) text, 含义是“编织, 构成” textile, texture, context 81) tract, trail, 含义是“拖拉,吸引” attract, tractor, abstract, contract(收缩) 82) tribut, 含义是“给予” contribution, distribute 83) us, ut, 含义是“用,使用” usable, utilize, abuse 84) vac, van, 含义是“空,虚” vacancy, vanity, evacuate(清空) 85) vad, vas, wad, 含义是“走,去” invade, wade, evade(逃避) 86) vers, vert, 含义是“旋转,反转” convert, inversion(倒转), reverse, divert(使转向) 87) vid, vis, vey, view, 含义是“观看,看见” television, visible, evident, interview, survey 88) viv, vit, 含义是“生,活” vivid, vital, survival, 89) war, ward, 含义是“注意,保护” aware, wary(谨慎), ward(守护) 90) way, 含义是“路” way, away, subway, always
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old folks at home属于黑人还是白人作品,作者是谁?

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Ladies and gentelmen
2023-06-18 20:17:108


在国外我们常常想到能够给我们提供网购的平台便是Amazon(亚马逊),除了人们所熟知的亚马逊,其中ebay、Walmart(沃尔玛)、Costco、Bestbuy(百思买)等平台都是在加拿大常常为人们所使用的网购平台。在网购过程中,现在加拿大的主流支付方式依旧是以信用卡为主,其次是PayPal,基本流程和国内网购大相径庭一.加拿大什么时候网购最划算?加拿大不同于近几年国内一年有多个不同节日的购物节,在加拿大主要有Boxing Day和黑色星期五两个购物节。二.加拿大网购支付方式介绍。在加拿大没有支付宝,没有微信支付,网购支付方式主要还是以信用卡为主。通过登录亚马逊等平台账号可以知道,在支付设置中只有信用卡和亚马逊礼品卡两种支付方式。而其他其他平台更是如此。除去以信用卡支付为主,支持信用卡支付的平台还会支持VISA或者Mastercard,部分网站还会支持AMEX,极少部分网站会支持银联信用卡支付。作为留学生。当然目前还有的平台支持Paypal支付,例如ebay等。而Paypal主要是通过是通过绑定借记卡来实现,而且Paypal在部分网站可以不需要信用卡就可以支持购物。类似于支付宝的快捷支付。扣借记卡的钱。三.在加拿大网购更为划算的购物方式。国内的网购常常会线上线下呈现同一产品相互竞争,因此可以给用户带来了很多价格上优惠,而在加拿大,无论是线上还是线下的其商品价钱并未有很大的的区别。因此网购相比国内并没有那么受人热捧。但随着产品的全球化人们或多或少都会各自的网购平台购买一些物品。国外除了购物狂欢节产品优惠力度特别大之外,基本价格上很少有折扣。但是近几年国外国外出现一种返现网站,即通过该网站购买东西后可以在后期获得返利,类似于国内的一些商家好评返现。虽然金额不大,到相较于国外网购本身折扣力度就不大的情况下,如果是网购狂热爱好者通过返现网站购买一年可以省下很大一笔钱。如果要出国留学或者经常在外国网站购物建议大家可以办理一张信用卡,因为相比之下Paypal的手续费用过高,同时不是所有网站都支持Paypal,所以办理信用卡在国外网站上购物是十分有必要的。
2023-06-18 20:17:161

it is imperative for us to

总体句法没啥问题,consciousness of folks中的 of folks去掉 to each one of us改成everyone,那样太啰嗦了
2023-06-18 20:17:171

中世纪2全面战争 秘籍

  有是有 但是强烈建议自己改 一劳永逸....  我这有自己改的 把mod的兵种加到王国的文件需要请贴邮箱  游侠上也有相关攻略 想自己改 也可以去看 内容比较多  顺便贴上  add_money空格40000 加4万元。  toggle_fow 地图全开。  这是将军用的秘籍。  give_trait空格this空格“GoodCommander”空格5 将领统帅加5  give_trait空格this空格“GoodCavalryGenera”空格3 骑兵统帅力+3  give_trait空格this空格“GoodInfantryGeneral”空格3 步兵统帅力+3  give_trait空格this空格“Upright”空格3 将领对你的忠诚+3、法律+6  将军在城市里不可使用这秘籍后,出城后在地图上点中将军,将军静止状态下有绿色圈圈出现 [表示选中了这人物,密集中的this意思是选中这人物]  按~键开起密集,~键在键盘的左上角。[密集中的“符号一定要打,“符号按住shift键一直不放,再按Enter键左边的第一个键即可]  按向上键可重复出现刚打的秘籍,列如打完add_money 40000 加4万元,按向上键可再出现add_money 40000 ,连复制连打可连续加钱,我20秒就加到了500万。又列如有5个将军,对一名将军使用了秘籍后按向上键可重复出现刚打的秘籍,可连续对5人使用同样的秘籍,省却了再打。  你知道中世纪2的密集吗?我可以告诉你,下面是密集,按~键开起密集。  这是公主用的秘籍。注意秘籍中字母的大小写。  give_trait空格this空格“PrettyWoman”空格3 顷国顷城的美貌,魅力+3 生育力+3  give_trait空格this空格“GoodPrincess”空格4 魅力+4 美女就是美女  give_trait空格this空格“NaturalPrincess”空格3 魅力+3 好姑娘 真漂亮 花儿都为你开放。  公主在城市里不可使用这秘籍后,出城后在地图上点中公主,公主静止状态下有绿色圈圈出现 [表示选中了这人物,密集中的this意思是选中这人物]  按~键开起密集,~键在键盘的左上角。[密集中的“符号一定要打,“符号按住shift键一直不放,再按Enter键左边的第一个键即可]  按向上键可重复出现刚打的秘籍,列如打完add_money 40000 加4万元,按向上键可再出现add_money 40000 ,连复制连打可连续加钱,我20秒就加到了500万。又列如有5个公主,对一名公主使用了秘籍后按向上键可重复出现刚打的秘籍,可连续对5人使用同样的秘籍,省却了再打。  你知道中世纪2的密集吗?我可以告诉你,下面是密集,按~键开起密集。  这是给选中的城市无限加兵秘籍。注意秘籍中字母的大小写。  create_unit空格London空格“Knights空格Templar”空格4空格9空格3空格3  上面的London是城市名,中文翻译伦敦。打秘籍时可换你任意一个城市的英文名称,列如换巴黎Paris 维也纳Vienna 威尼斯Venice等,这里打的城市名就是你要调兵的地点。(注意、城市名开头字母是大写)  重要的城市名还有 里斯本Lisbon 那不勒斯Naples 米兰Milan 罗马Roma  托莱多Toledo 爱丁堡Edinburgh 汉堡Hamburg等。  上面的“Knights空格Templar”是军队名,中文翻译圣殿骑士,打秘籍时可换你任意军队的英文名称,但要是你选的国家有的,否则可能死机。(注意军队名字母的大小写)  圣殿骑士是中世纪2的最强骑士之一,选下列国家可调:法国、英国、苏格兰、米兰、、威尼斯、西西里、教皇国、匈牙利、波兰、丹麦。  “Teutonic空格Knights”中文翻译条顿骑士,只有神圣罗马帝国可用。  “Knights空格of空格Santiago”中文翻译圣地亚哥骑士,西班牙、葡萄牙的骑兵。  “Tsars空格Guard”中文翻译沙皇卫队,俄罗斯的骑兵。  空格4空格9空格3空格3 指的是一次出4个9经验3武器3防具的兵,好象一次只能4个了,多了不行。按向上键可重复出现刚打的秘籍,连复制连打可连续加兵,省却了重复打秘籍加兵。(注意城市满兵了秘籍无效,因城市的兵不可能由于调了秘籍而益出。可把兵拉出城再调,否则你会因秘籍无效而莫名其妙)  连打的方法:列如打完add_money 40000 加4万元,按向上键可再出现add_money 40000 ,连复制连打可连续加钱,我20秒就加到了500万元。  按~键开起密集,~键在键盘的左上角。[密集中的“符号一定要打,“符号按住shift键一直不放,再按Enter键左边的第一个键即可]  GoodCommander中的Commander开头的C要大写,还有“符号不要忘了打。
2023-06-18 20:17:264


2023-06-18 20:17:345


你好,使命召唤7结尾摇滚是什么?名字叫fortunate son(幸运的孩子)Some folks are born made to wave the flag, 有人生来就是向旗帜敬礼的(指生来就是军人)ooh, they"re red, white and blue. 哦,是有红星、白条和蓝杠子的(指:美国国旗)And when the band plays "Hail To The Chief", 当乐队奏出“向长官致敬”时("Hail to the chief" by Dennis Buck)oh, they point the cannon at you, Lord, 啊,他们把大炮对准了你,主啊!It ain"t me, it ain"t me, 那不是我,那不是我,I ain"t no senator"s son, 我不是参议员之子,It ain"t me, it ain"t me, 那不是我,那不是我,I ain"t no fortunate one, no, 我不是幸运的那一个,不是.Some folks are born silver spoon in hand, 有人生来手里握着银制的汤匙(指:生在有钱人家)Lord, don"t they help themselves? oh. 主啊,他们会救自己吗?唉!But when the taxman come to the door, 但当税务局来敲门时,Lord, the house look a like a rummage sale, yes, 主啊,那房子就是个要清仓拍卖样儿,是的。It ain"t me, it ain"t me, 那不是我,那不是我,I ain"t no millionaire"s son, no, no. 我不是百万富翁之子,It ain"t me, it ain"t me, 那不是我,那不是我,I ain"t no fortunate one, no. 我不是幸运的那一个,不是.Yeh... some folks inherit star spangled eyes, 有人生来就遗传有镶着星星的眼睛(指:生来就是美国人)ooh, they send you down to war, Lord, 哦,他们就把你派到战场上去,主啊,请参考!
2023-06-18 20:17:361

You never can tell的歌词

you never can tell 歌手:aaron neville 专辑:grand tour (chuck berry)It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them wellYou could see that pierre did truly love the mademoiselleAnd now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell,"c"est la vie", say the old folks, it go to show you never can tellAaron NevilleThey furnished off an apartment with a two room roebuck saleThe coolerator was crammed with tv dinners and ginger ale,But when pierre found work, the little money comin" worked out well"c"est la vie", say the old folks, it go to show you never can tellThey had a hi-fi phono, boy, did they let it blastSeven hundred little records, all rock, and rhythm and jazzBut when the sun went down, the rapid tempo of the music fellThey bought a souped-up jitney, was a cherry red "53,Drove down to new orleans to celebrate the anniversaryIt was there where pierre was married to the lovely mademoiselle"c"est la vie", say the old folks, it go to show you never can tellThey had a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them wellYou could see that pierre did truly love the mademoiselleAnd now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell,"c"est la vie", say the old folks, it go to show you never can tell"c"est la vie", say the old folks, it go to show you never can tell"c"est la vie", say the old folks, it go to show you never can tell you never can tell 歌手:john prine 专辑:common sense It was a teenage weddingAnd the old folks wished "em wellYou could see that PierreDid truly love the Mademoiselle.And the young Monsieur and MadameHave rung the chapel bell,"C"est la vie,"-Say the old folksIt goes to show that you never can tellThey furnished off an apartmentWith a two room Roebuck saleThe coolerator was filledWith TV Dinners and ginger aleBut when Pierre found work,The little money comin" worked out well"C"est la vie,"-Say the old folksIt goes to show that you never can tellThey had a Hi-Fi phonoBoy, did they let it blastSeven hundred little recordsAll rock, rhythm and jazzBut when the sun went downThe rapid tempo of the music fell"C"est la vie,"-Say the old folksIt goes to show that you never can tellThey bought a souped up jitney"Twas a cherry in fifty-threeThey drove it down to New OrleansTo celebrate their anniversary.It was there where Pierre was weddedTo the lovely Mademoiselle,"C"est la vie,"-Say the old folksIt goes to show that you never can tellIt was a teenage weddingAnd the old folks wished "em wellYou could see that PierreDid truly love the Mademoiselle.And the young Monsieur and MadameHave rung the chapel bell,"C"est la vie,"-Say the old folksIt goes to show that you never can tell
2023-06-18 20:17:441


销售英语实用手册:销售珠宝、工艺纪念品 Do you like pearls?您喜欢珍珠吗? You look graceful with this pearl necklace.您戴珍珠项链看起来很高雅。 We have a lot of jade articles here.这有很多玉器。 Do you like this jade bracelet?您喜欢这个玉镯吗? let me help you try it on.让我帮你戴上试试吧。 Don"t you want look at some earings and rings.您不想看看耳环和戒指吗? This tea set was made in Jingdezhen, the famouse capital of porcelain.这套茶具产于瓷都景德镇。 They are not only quite ornamental, but also quite useful.他们不但很具有装饰性,而且也很实用。 This article looks most Chinese.这个物件看起来很有中国味。 They are typical Chinese art.他们是典型的中国艺术品。 I,ve already quoted you the bottom price.我已经给您报了最低价了。 This price is quite reasonable.这个价钱很合理的。 另外,这里还有珠宝销售经典英语100句,希望能给你帮助。
2023-06-18 20:17:493

You Never Can Tell 歌词

You Never Can Tell是Aaron Neville演唱的一首歌曲。歌手:Aaron Neville语言:英语所属专辑:The Grand Tour发行时间:1993-04-20歌词:(Chuck Berry)It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them wellYou could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselleAnd now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell,"C"est la vie", say the old folks, it go to show you never can tellThey furnished off an apartment with a two room Roebuck saleThe coolerator was crammed with TV dinners and ginger ale,But when Pierre found work, the little money comin" worked out well"C"est la vie", say the old folks, it go to show you never can tellThey had a hi-fi phono, boy, did they let it blastSeven hundred little records, all rock, and rhythm and jazzBut when the sun went down, the rapid tempo of the music fell"C"est la vie", say the old folks, it go to show you never can tellThey bought a souped-up jitney, was a cherry red "53,Drove down to New Orleans to celebrate the anniversaryIt was there where Pierre was wedded to the lovely mademoiselle"C"est la vie", say the old folks, it go to show you never can tellThey had a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them wellYou could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselleAnd now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell,"C"est la vie", say the old folks, it go to show you never can tell"C"est la vie", say the old folks, it go to show you never can tell"C"est la vie", say the old folks, it go to show you never can tell
2023-06-18 20:17:532


2023-06-18 20:17:561


2023-06-18 20:18:008

第二大题 英语

5、twice a month 6、吹熄蜡烛7、把(它们)捡起 8、差15分11点9、远离草坪10、某些喝的(饮品)1、capital2、December3、late 4、Festival 5、folks7、holiday8、singers9、birthday10、question单项选择:D
2023-06-18 20:18:002


  你知道普通人的英语怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧。   普通人的英文释义:   layfolk   man in the street   everyman   John Doe   Joe Blow   Joe Doakes   普通人的英文例句:   他小小年纪就已经做到一个普通人一辈子都完成不了的事情。   At such a young age, he"s accomplished more than an average person can not do in a lifetime.   政府部门的文件中常使用术语,普通人看不懂。   Civil Service documents are often written in gobbledegook that ordinary people cannot understand. 普通人用英语怎么说   公用地的围场表示普通人不能再使用它。   The enclosure of public land meant that ordinary people could no longer use it.   他语言的简单明了使得他的哲学可以被大多数普通人所理解。   His simple language enables his philosophy within the reach of ordinary people.   对他们的宽容,只有把他们当作普通人来面对。   To grant them leniency is to regard them as ordinary people.   他只是个普通人,买不起这么贵的轿车。   He is just the man in the street and can not afford such an expensive car.   许多新知识与普通人目前的利益关系甚远。   Much new knowledge is remote from the immediate interest of the ordinary person.   体制的变化对普通人的生活造成了灾难性的影响。   The dramatic reversal has had a traumatic impact on livelihoods.   无论从哪个标准衡量,Dan都是一个普通人。   Dan is an average man by most standards.   普通人不许进那房子。   No access to the house is given to common civilians.   这对于普通人而言意味着什么呢?   What does this mean for the average person?   他是个普通人,并没有什么异乎常人的地方。   He is an average man; there"s nothing different [special] about him.   然而实际上,他们也是普通人,只是做着不寻常的事。。。   In reality, though, they are just ordinary people, who do something unusual...   他是普通人。   He is Everyman.   因此,你也肯定认为他们不像卓越的人一样在自己的人们中间有强大的影响力,但是普通人只要能够达到可以被选为监督官的道德水准就可以了。   So, you mustthink of them, not as distinguished people who have some clout intheir ownperson, but ordinary people who only achieve what clout they"re going to haveby virtue of being chosen as ephors.   不仅仅是一个普通人。   Not just an ordinary man.   当普通人不再担心食物时,人们开始把更多的兴趣集中到漂亮的外貌和快乐的休闲时间。   When foods presents no worry to the average, people begin to focus more ofinterest on handsome appearance and happy leisure time.   对我而言,我只是一个普通人,有著现实的目标和远大的理想。   To me, I was just an ordinary "guy" with realistic goals and big dreams.   对我而言,我只是一个普通人,有着现实的目标和远大的理想。   To me, I was just an ordinary "guy" with realistic goals and big dreams.   但是几乎大家都买,因为我们看到向我们一样的一个普通人,他们唯一的一次合法的行动就是买彩票,(—— 求指点,译者 )每周在我们热衷的彩票上中奖。   But many millions of us do, because we see the powerful evidence that anordinary person, someone just like us whose only qualifying act was to buy aticket, wins our favorite lottery every week.   站在你们面前的我是一个普通人的儿子。   I stand before you as the son of ordinary folks.   我们还有找到这些碎片,上帝和普通人,我们也不会去找,知道她的主人第二次来。   We have not yet found them all, Lords and Commons, nor ever shall do, till herMaster"s second coming.   德普解释道:“你绝对想像不到她真是的摸样,尽管她的幽默细胞并不发达,但是我还是很开心的发现,原来她也是一个很真切的普通人,并且具有各种奇异的黑色幽默天赋。”   You don"t know what she might be like — if she has any sense of humor at all. Iwas so pleased to find that she is incredibly normal, and has a wonderfully kind ofdark, perverse sense of humor.   也许一些专家真的可以利用这些意见,但是像拟合我这样的普通人并不能从中得到好处来改变我们的生活。   Maybe some gurus can actually make use of this advice but ordinary people likeyou and me canu2019t benefit from it to save our lives.   即使在不久前,想要在公众面前报道羞辱一个性瘾成癖的名人或任何一个普通人,几乎是不可能的。   Not so long ago, there was no easy way at all to publicly shame a celebrity pig oreven any ordinary pig.   德普解释道:“你绝对想象不到她真是的摸样,尽管她的幽默细胞并不发达,但是我还是很开心的发现,原来她也是一个很真切的普通人,并且具有各种奇异的黑色幽默天赋。”   You don"t know what she might be like — if she has any sense of humor at all.Iwas so pleased to find that she is incredibly normal, and has a wonderfully kind ofdark, perverse sense of humor.   恪尽其责并非什么英雄式的壮举,但大多数人都只是普通人,而非什么英雄。   There may be nothing heroic about it; but the common lot of men is not heroic.   这是因为,反对者们有着很大的影响力。 与普通人不同的是,(他们中)很少有人能够放弃不败之路,去做一些与他们生命有关的事情。   Itu2019s because of the mass influence of the naysayers that few people ever domanage to go down the unbeaten path and to do anything with their lives otherthan the ordinary.   普通人对艺术进行判断时,品牌效应的作用比任何其他因素都大。   For the average person, brand dominates all other factors in the judgement ofart.   如果我们意识到他们只不过是有些缺点的普通人,就很容易原谅了。   If we realise they are just average people with the ordinary failings it becomeseasier to forgive.
2023-06-18 20:18:071


2023-06-18 20:18:076


"Themselves"即指代前面的"working folks",意为“很多工作的人们 自己 已经看到了经济减缓的预兆”。(好吧之前没看到你给的翻译)其实 themselves 直接放到 working folks 后面也是可以的,并没有什么特定原因,看个人写作风格与习惯了。(话说学习英语最好的方法就是模仿地道的英语表达习惯,毕竟跟汉语思维方式不太一样,见到这样的表达以后有意学习就是了,没必要太纠结哦)另外如果不确定,判断一个代词指代对象的好方法是:把前文提到的所有对象都代进去看看意思,解释得最符合文章逻辑的就是正确的对象。希望能帮到你~
2023-06-18 20:18:225


hypothesis To our major shareholders whether section account for 30% for the line, when the accounting section to reach more than 30 percent (including 30%), namely, that there had been a major shareholder of a malicious invasion, reducing the efficiency of the governance of independent directors. 2 Sample selection and analysis of the elements In this paper, in 2009 at Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets traded A shares of non-financial listed companies specimens, excluding Annual Report Missing Data collected and failed to account for the major shareholder of the Company shall conduct a total of 2000 samples. Focus on equity study focused on the impact of the independent director system, that is, shares of independent directors focused on the impact of governance efficiency. Because of the selected samples are a lot of state-owned enterprises, private ownership so add factors. In this paper, a statistical method to control the division"s largest shareholder and shareholding ratio in nature, further investigation in the first major shareholders and equity shares held no difference between the nature of the circumstances, a higher proportion of independent directors is to reduce the probability of occupation of large shareholders . Specific analytical methods have linear regression analysis method and logic dichotomy. Analysis of elements: Concentration of one share of independent directors on the impact of governance efficiency. 2 shares the nature of independent directors on the impact of governance efficiency. (Combination of equity concentration) 3 under a different ownership structure of governance efficiency of independent directors. (Combination of equity concentration) 3 probably eventually come to the conclusion (1) whether private ownership enhance or reduce the probability of occupation of large shareholders, that is, independent directors on the impact of governance efficiency. (2) options to focus on whether a certain extent, reduces the probability of occupation of large shareholders. Through research and analyzed whether the independent directors can provide additional efficiency in governance. That in the control of the largest shareholding ratio conditions, the proportion of independent directors and major shareholders of the probability of invasion and occupation are significantly positive correlation or negative correlation. (3) In the case of private property rights holding company, shares a high degree of centralization would reduce the independent directors of the major shareholder of the efficiency of invasion and occupation of governance, the reasons for what place. In this paper, the significance of four (1) the use of grouping methods to eliminate the mutual influence between variables, the results more reliable. (2) affirmed the findings of independent directors of listed companies set up the system and achieved noticeable results, but also give management a new challenge: how to eliminate private property rights the controlling shareholder of the impact of the independence of independent directors, enhance private property rights owned independent directors of listed companies governance efficiency?
2023-06-18 20:18:242


曲名:Young Folks 歌手:Peter Bjorn And John(英国单曲榜TOP40经典系列)if i told you things i did beforetold you how i used to bewould you go along with someone like meif you knew my story word for wordhandled all of my historywould you go along with someone like mei did before and had my shareit didn"t lead nowherei would go along with someone like youit doesn"t matter what you didwho you were hanging withwe could stick around and see this night throughand we don"t care about the young folkstalkin" bout the young styleand we don"t care about the old folkstalkin" "bout the old style tooand we don"t care about our own folkstalkin" "bout our own stuffall we care about is talkingtalking only me and youusually when things has gone this farpeople tend to disappearno one would surprise me unless you doi can tell there"s something goin" onhours seem to disappeareveryone is leaving i"m still with youit doesn"t matter what we dowhere we are going towe can stick around and see this night throughand we don"t care about the young folkstalkin" bout the young styleand we don"t care about the old folkstalkin" "bout the old style tooand we don"t care about our own folkstalkin" "bout our own stuffall we care about is talkingtalking only me and youand we don"t care about the young folkstalkin" bout the young styleand we don"t care about the old folkstalkin" "bout the old style tooand we don"t care about our own folkstalkin" "bout our own stuffall we care about is talkingtalking only me and youtalking only me and you
2023-06-18 20:16:532


2023-06-18 20:16:491


cherry 念起来挺像的 意义是樱桃班红润的女孩
2023-06-18 20:16:432

帮忙把you never can tell 这首歌的歌词翻译一下!

2023-06-18 20:16:413


关于圣诞节主题优秀英语作文【1】   Christmas Day is very popular around the world, when that day comes, we can see the Christmas products sell everywhere, though Christmas Day is not originating from China, in our country, more and more people spend that day. A foreigner pointed out that Christmas meant to be grateful for them, while for Chinese people, it was just a day for cele/pating. To me, Christmas indeed means a day to have fun.   When I was small, I did not have the concept of Christmas, because in my mind, I only knew Chinese traditional festivals, I liked Spring Festival best, I could get a lot of money from parents. When I went to high school, all of my friends would talk about Christmas Day when the day was near, so I started to know it. Almost every young people like Christmas, but if you ask them what the meaning of the day, less of them can answer.  The meaning of Christmas Day is to remind people of Jesus"s birth, it is so important for the western people, but for me, I only want to have fun, everyone is cele/pating it, so I join them, being happy, that"s enough for me.  圣诞节在全世界都很流行,当那天来临的时候,我们可以看到到处都在卖圣诞产品,虽然圣诞节不是起源于中国,但是在我们国家,越来越多的人过圣诞节。有位外国人指出圣诞节对于他们来说意味着感恩,然而对于中国人来说,那仅仅只是用来庆祝的日子。对于我来说,圣诞确实意味着玩得开心。  当我还小的时候,我没有圣诞的概念,因为在我的脑海里,我只知道中国的传统节日,我最喜欢春节,我可以从父母那里得到很多钱。当我上高中,我所有的朋友都会在圣诞节临近前谈论它,所以我开始知道圣诞节。几乎所有的年轻人都喜欢圣诞,但是如果你问他们圣诞节的意义,很少人能答得上。  圣诞节的意义在于提醒人们耶稣的诞辰,这对于西方人来说是很重要的,但是对于我来说,我只是想要玩得开心,大家都在庆祝它,所以我加入他们, 我很开心,这就足够了。关于圣诞节主题优秀英语作文【2】   It was Christmas Day yesterday. We had a Christmas party at school. Many friends of mine came to the party. After we saidMerry Christmas, we began to sing Christmas songs, such as Edelweiss, andso on. Then we told some Christmas stories, such as Christmas Father. Then I danced and laughted with my friends. We all had a good time. When the party came to the end,we said Happy New Year to each other.   Christmas is a Christian holiday held on December 25 which cele/pates the birth of Jesus Christ. Eastern Orthodox Churches, which use the Julian Calendar to determine feast days, cele/pate on January 7 by the GREgorian Calendar. Both dates are merely traditional and neither is thought to be the ACTual birthdate of Jesus. Christ‘s birth, or nativity, is said to fulfill Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming of a messiah, or savior.  The word Christmas is derived Middle English Christemasse and from Old English Cristes msse.It is a contrACTion meaning Christ‘s mass. The name of the holiday is often shortened to Xmas because Roman letter X resembles the GREek letter Χ (chi), an ab/peviation for Christ .  In Western countries, Christmas has become the most economically significant holiday of the year. The popularity of Christmas can be traced in part to its status as a winter festival.  Many cultures have their most important holiday in winter because there is less agricultural work to do at this time. Examples of winter festivals that are believed by some to have influenced Christmas include the pre-Christian festivals of Yule and SATurnalia.  In Western culture, the holiday is charACTerized by the exchange of gifts among friends and family members, some of the gifts being attributed to Santa Claus (also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, and Father Frost). However, various local and regional Christmas traditions are still practiced, despite the widespread influence of American, /pitish and Australian Christmas motifs disseminated by film, popular literature, television, and other media.  昨天是圣诞节。我们在学校举办了圣诞晚会。我的许多朋友来参加聚会了。我们“圣诞快乐”后,开始唱圣诞歌,像“雪绒花等。然后我们讲了一些圣诞故事,比如圣诞老人。然后我跳舞,笑与我的朋友。我们都玩得很开心。当晚会结束时,我们互祝新年快乐。  圣诞节是12月25日举行的基 督教节日,庆祝Jesus Christ的诞生。东正教,用Julian Calendar来决定节日,在公历1月7日庆祝。这两个日期都只是传统的和不被认为是Jesus实际出生日期。耶稣基 督的诞生,或耶稣降生,据说是旧约预言中关于弥赛亚或救世主到来的预言。  圣诞节这个词是来自中世纪英语Christemasse和古英语Cristes中小企业。它是一个收缩的意思是基 督的弥撒。这个节日的名字往往是缩短到圣诞节,因为罗马字母X类似于希腊字母Χ(CHI),缩写为基 督的缘故。  在西方国家,圣诞节已成为一年中最有经济意义的节日。圣诞节的流行部分可以追溯到它作为一个冬季节日的地位。  许多文化在冬天都有最重要的节日,因为此时的农业工作较少。冬季的节日,被一些人认为是影响了圣诞节的例子包括圣诞节和SATurnalia的基 督教节日。  在西方文化中,这个节日的特点是在朋友和家人之间交换礼物,一些礼物被归因于圣诞老人(也称为圣诞老人,圣·尼古拉斯和Father Frost)。然而,尽管电影、通俗文学、电视和其他媒体传播了美国、英国和澳大利亚的圣诞节主题,但仍有各种地方和地区的圣诞节传统仍在实行。关于圣诞节主题优秀英语作文【3】   Christmas is also known as Christmas, translated as "Christ mass", western traditional festival, every year in December 25th. Mass is a kind of church service. Christmas is a religious festival, because regard it as to cele/pate the birth of Jesus, named "christmas".  Most of the Catholic Church will be first in the 24, Christmas Eve, i.e., the early morning of December 25 at midnight mass, and some Christian will be held caroling and on December 25 to cele/pate Christmas; Christian another /panch of Orthodox Christmas cele/pation in the annual January 7.  Christmas is a public holiday in the western world and in many other regions, such as Hongkong, Macao, Malaysia, and Singapore in Asia. The Bible actually did not record the date of birth of Jesus, Christmas is a public.  圣诞节(Christmas)又称耶诞节,译名为“基 督弥撒”,西方传统节日,在每年12月25日。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。圣诞节是一个宗教节,因为把它当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝,故名“耶诞节”。  大部分的天主教教堂都会先在24日的平安夜,亦即12月25日凌晨举行子夜弥撒,而一些基 督教会则会举行报佳音,然后在12月25日庆祝圣诞节;基 督教的另一大分支——东正教的圣诞节庆则在每年的1月7日。  圣诞节也是西方世界以及其他很多地区的公共假日,例如:在亚洲的香港、澳门、马来西亚和新加坡。圣经实际上并无记载耶稣诞生日期,圣诞节是后人公定的。关于圣诞节主题优秀英语作文【4】   Vanity of build by laying /picks or stones jade world outside the window, the snow outside the window, you only have to pull open the curtain, open the window to see this proud snow ling cream in the winter. In this season, there is a range of holiday: Christmas.   In the days of having a unique style, people will hold many interesting activities, such as giveaways, lottery and other activities. People say that on the night of the Christmas, Santa Claus will sit two sika deer dragging ski car gifts to the children, in the morning you will see the pillow Have a nice gift, this is a Christmas present.  In this AQiChengShuang winter there is also a Christmas Eve, it is on the eve of Christmas, the day everyone to pray for peace, everyone has a patron saint of their own, to protect themselves.  This is impervious to depression in the winter of "merry Christmas!"  粉妆玉砌的世界就在窗外,皑皑白雪也在窗外,你只要拉开窗帘,打开窗户就能看见这傲雪凌霜的冬天。在这个季节里,有一个如雷贯耳的节日:圣诞节。  在这个别具一格的日子里,人们会举办许多妙趣横生的活动,比如:有奖竞猜,抽奖等活动。人们都说在圣诞节的晚上,圣诞老人会坐着两只梅花鹿拖着的滑雪车来个小朋友们送礼物,在你早上起来就会看见枕头底下 有一份精美的礼物,这就是圣诞礼物。  在这呵气成霜的寒冬里还有一个平安夜,它是在圣诞节前夕,这一天大家都祈祷平安,每个人都有一个属于自己的保护神,保护自己。  这就是凛冽萧条的冬天里的“快乐圣诞节!”关于圣诞节主题优秀英语作文【5】   Today is Christmas Eve, is western festival, listen to father said: "is the equivalent of our year." I finished writing homework after school, he thought of yu teacher in the classroom ask whether we prepared a Christmas gift for mom and dad. I thought to myself: "before Christmas are mom and dad gave me a gift, today I also want to give them a surprise!"  At first, I thought: what the gifts? After a while, I have a good idea: "do two handmade CARDS!" I write on a piece of card: I love you, mother! Write on the card: I love you, father! In the picture on the card and lace, snowman, the Christmas tree. Write good picture, I suddenly heard footsteps in the "product", I panicked, hurry-scurry, hurriedly pressed two card in the bottom, because this is the "secret operation", must not let mom and dad know that they give you a surprise! A look, turned out to be a mother to wash feet, such as mother wash feet, I boldly take out the CARDS. A put in father tomorrow want to wear leather shoes, another in the mother tomorrow want to wear high heels, waiting to give them a big surprise! Mom and dad to see after this "special" gift is very happy, al Jefferson said: "having grown up, know to give us gifts!" It"s my first diy CARDS, even though it"s not beautiful but with my warm heart! Son the mother exclaimed: "this is the first time send gift to me, I"m going to treasure well!" Then from the bag took out a big of magic Christmas stockings to me, I opened the sox mouth a look, wow! Carrying a full bag, all is my favorite thing, very good! I excitedly on his mother kissed under several, father also hearty laugh.  This year"s Christmas is the most meaningful a Christmas.  今天是圣诞平安夜,是西方国家的节日,听爸爸说:“就相当于我们的大年三十。”我放学写完了作业,就想起了俞老师在课堂上问我们是否给爸爸妈妈准备一个圣诞礼物。我心想:“以前圣诞节都是爸爸妈妈给我礼物,今天我也要给他们一个惊喜!”  刚开始,我想:到底送什么礼物好呢?过了一会儿,我有了一个好主意:“做两张手工贺卡吧!”我在第一张贺卡上写上:i love you, mother !在第二张贺卡上写上:i love you, father !并在这两张贺卡上画上花边、雪人、圣诞树。写好画好之后,我突然听见了“咚咚”的脚步声,我惊慌失措、手忙脚乱,赶紧把两张贺卡压在*下面,因为这是“秘密行动”,决不能让爸爸妈妈知道,这样才有惊喜啊!一看,原来是妈妈要来打水洗脚,等妈妈洗完脚,我就大胆地拿出贺卡。一张放在爸爸明天要穿的皮鞋里,另一张放在妈妈明天要穿的高跟鞋里,等着给他们一个大惊喜! 爸爸妈妈看到了这份“特别”的礼物之后,都非常开心,连声说道:“龙龙长大了,知道给我们送礼物了!”这可是我第一次diy贺卡,虽然不算漂亮但是却包含着我暖暖的心意呢!妈妈激动地说:“这可是儿子第一次送礼物给我,我可要好好珍藏哦!”接着从包里变魔术般的拿出了一只大大的圣诞袜交给了我,我打开袜口一看,哇!装着满满一袋,全是我最爱吃的东西,太好啦!我兴奋地在妈妈脸上亲了好几下,爸爸也爽朗地笑了起来。  今年的圣诞是最有意义的一次圣诞。关于圣诞节主题优秀英语作文【6】   i like christmas, it is just like our spring festival.   maybe the spring festival is much more important and interesting than christmas, but i like christmas day better. because we can spend time with our friends and classmates during christmas. when it is snowy,  christmas becomes much more lovely, just like in fairytales. i can imagine i am in a fairytale, the girl who sold the matches is my friend, the ugly duck becoming more and more beautiful and so on. what a beautiful place! so we can also call christmas “snowy lovely day.”  on christmas day, shops are red and green. there are so many christmas cards, christmas hats, christmas dolls and many colourful things. so shops look very beautiful. we can give a card or a doll to our friends and say “merry christmas.” by the way, i think studying can also become much more interesting.  我喜欢圣诞节,它就像我们的春节。  也许春节比圣诞节更重要和有趣的,但我更喜欢圣诞节。因为我们可以花时间与我们的朋友和同学在圣诞节期间。当它下雪的,  圣诞节变得更加可爱,就像在童话。我可以想象我在童话中,卖火柴的女孩是我的朋友,丑陋的鸭子越来越漂亮等等。一个美丽的地方!所以我们也可以叫圣诞“雪可爱的一天。”  在圣诞节,商店是红色和绿色。有很多圣诞卡,圣诞帽、圣诞娃娃和许多五颜六色的东西。所以商店看起来很漂亮。我们可以给我们的朋友和一个卡或一个娃娃说“圣诞快乐。“顺便说一下,我觉得学习也可以变得更有趣。关于圣诞节主题优秀英语作文【7】   Today is December 25, Christmas.   Early in the morning, father, mother and I said: each other "merry chrismas!" Dad said, do they observe Christmas day in western countries like our Chinese Spring Festival. Mother immediately open a computer access to the "Christmas", "Christmas tree" and "Santa Claus" history and legend. I feel very curious, is also very interesting!  I took out a few days ago quietly do mom and dad"s beloved gift. Father al Jefferson said happily: "thank you! Thank you!" Also picked me up! I"m so happy!  In the afternoon, my mother took me to square grain transportation by buying a Christmas tree. What a lot of people there! Mum bought me many gifts, singing "jingle bell" toy Santa Claus and there are legends of the magic wand... Although mother not to buy me a Christmas tree, but I already very satisfied.  Back home, I open the gift bag, put the Santa on the ground, as he ran to sing "jingle bell, jingle bell..." We were amused. Father reminded me that I said: "a gift to cherish!" I say: "good, must be!" Today, is really a happy Christmas!  今天是12月25日,圣诞节。  一大早,我和爸爸、妈妈互相说:“merry chrismas!”爸爸说,西方国家的人过圣诞节就像我们中国人过春节那样热闹。妈妈立刻打开电脑查阅了“圣诞节”、“圣诞树”和“圣诞老人”的来历及传说。我觉得很好奇,也很有趣!  我拿出了几天前悄悄地做给爸爸、妈妈的心爱的礼物。爸爸高兴地连声说:“thank you! thank you!”还把我抱起来了呢!我开心极了!  下午,妈妈带我去漕运广场买圣诞树。那里的人真多呀!妈妈给我买了许多礼物,有会唱“jingle bell”的玩具圣诞老人,有传说中神奇的魔术棒……虽然妈妈没有给我买圣诞树,但是我已经很满足了。  回到家后,我把礼包打开,把圣诞老人放在地上,只见他边跑边唱“jingle bell,jingle bell……”我们都被逗乐了。爸爸提醒我说:“礼物要好好珍惜哦!”我说:“好,一定!”  今天,真是一个快乐的圣诞节!
2023-06-18 20:16:331

My folks have missed most of the items on the list! 什么意思

2023-06-18 20:16:334


Celine的意思有:n.席琳(女子名);赛琳时装(品牌名)赛琳(Celine)是法国时尚消费品牌;隶属于酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团;主要产品女装、香水、鞋靴、包包、珠宝等。1945年,设计师赛琳·薇琵娜以皮革起家,起初是贩卖童鞋为主,讲究实用,产品手工精细;1967年,赛琳发布第一个成衣系列,并命名为“Couture Sportwear”,在当时的同类产品中极富创意和特点,因此受到女士们的喜爱;赛琳 (Celine)手袋上各式各样的图案,如双轮马车、花朵、Omega等标记,成为了它品牌的独特名片,代表了品牌的经典。
2023-06-18 20:16:141

成为一个怎样的人 英语作文 双语

What kind of a person will you become?
2023-06-18 20:16:083

(九)扫盲德国电器零售商Media Markt万德城

电器零售商Media Markt万德城 公司简介 Media Markt万德城是麦德龙旗下的大型电器卖场,总部在德国。形象点说就是Bestbuy的升级版,且价格便宜。是欧洲消费电子产品零售市场上的领导者之一,更以其全年低价、门店众多以及选择广泛的三大特点得到了欧洲消费者的钟爱。万得城品牌本身就是选购最全电子通讯、摄影、娱乐、计算机、软件以及家用电子产品最好去处的代名词,除此之外万得城也提供许多其它服务来满足顾客的需求。 公司管理特点 万得城管理结构的最大特点就在于管理层与每间门店门店之间员工的高度独立性,少了官僚主义多了独立责任意味着消费者们能够获得更好的服务。每间门店在采购、定价以及广告上都有独立的自主权,确保每间门店都能够满足各地顾客们的独特需求。 公司规模实力 MediaMarkt全球第二大家电零售巨头,欧洲最大电器连锁店-美地亚(MediaMarkt), 在 13 个国家拥有 850 多家商店。万得城电器 (Media Markt)隶属于麦德龙集团,是欧洲第一大消费电子产品零售商。麦德龙集团( )是全球最为重要的零售公司之一:来自150个国家的28万名员工在分布于欧洲、非洲及亚洲的33个国家的2200家分支中工作。 针对个人客户和商业客户,麦德龙集团旗下销售业态包括: 1)麦德龙现购自运,全球现购自运领域的领导者;(中国市场熟悉的METRO) 2)Real hypermarkets; (最近中东欧4个国家的91家Real大卖场以11亿欧元出售给法国欧尚集团) 3)Media Markt和Saturm电器专卖店,欧洲电子产品销售市场的领先者;(万得城电器以合资方式于2010年进入中国市场,共开设了7家分店。2013年3月11日,万得城中国宣布,将于2013年3月11日关闭其旗下7家门店。据了解,该决定是由万得城中国的两大股东德国麦德龙集团和富士康科技集团批准作出的) 4)Galeria Kaufhof百货商场,百货领域系统的领导者;全德国最爱的古洛米亚百货Galeria Kaufhof零售服务覆盖德国80个大城小镇,也是德国货品最全的百货公司之一。总部位于德国科隆的KAUFHOF是GALERIA Kaufhof GmbH旗下的连锁商场,在德国已有超过130年的历史,在全德及比利时设有141家分店,员工2万5千人,08年的销售净收入35亿欧元。每天光顾的顾客可达到200万人次,由此可以看的出,其在德国百货业地位的重要性。特别是由于金融危机,使得他的老对手KARSTADT,出现财政危机,由于德国政府没有接受KARSTADT提出的援助申请,致使其面临倒闭的境地。也因此更确立的KAUFHOF在德国百货业的龙头地位。
2023-06-18 20:16:001


ancient+civilization+and+the+wisdom+of+ancient+folks+意思 :古代文明和古代人的智慧。
2023-06-18 20:15:591


2023-06-18 20:15:564


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2023-06-18 20:15:531

苹果6 plus美版型号MGAN2LL/A 是否有锁?

美版的手机分为V版、S版、A版、T版。苹果6plus美版型号MGAN2LL/A为T版,无锁,但不支持移动34G支持联通电信2/3/4G。美版iPhone6/6Plus主要有Sprint、Verizon、AT&T、T-Mobile几个版本,这些版本之间有什么区别呢,具体如下:Sprint(简称S版)-在苹果官方零售店购买的S版全价机(裸机)都是无锁机。-在Sprint营业厅RadioShackTargetWalMartBestBuy购买的全价机仍然属于有锁机。-需要注意的是,Sprint版使用的是特殊Sprint运营商的UICCSIM卡,和其他运营商的SIM卡都不同。手机和UICCSIM卡时时检测并且配对,只能是Sprint公司的SIM卡。所以美国本土用户(非国际用户)只能使用Sprint公司即使你的手机是无锁机。Verizon(简称V版)-在苹果官方零售或者Verizon营业厅购买的全价机(裸机)均为无锁,并且V版的合约机也属于无锁。- V版无锁机兼容国内移动、联通、电信三网。-V版无锁机兼容VerizonAT&TT-Mobile三大运营商,Sprint还未测试和验证。AT&T(简称A版)-在苹果官方零售店购买的A版全价机(裸机)均为无锁。-在AT&T营业厅RadioShackTargetWalMartBestBuy购买的全价机仍然属于有锁机。-A版无锁机在美国可以兼容使用T-Mobile运营商。-需要注意的是,拿到A版无锁机后请勿使用机内自带的AT&TSIM卡进行激活手机,为了安全起见,在未开机的情况下,将那个机内自带SIM卡取出。T-Mobile(简T版)-在苹果官方零售店苹果官网购买的T版全价机(裸机)均为无锁。-在T-Mobile营业厅RadioShackTargetWalMartBestBuy购买的全价机均属于有锁机。-T版无锁机在美国可以兼容使用AT&T运营商。-需要注意的是,拿到T版无锁机后请勿使用机内自带的T-MobileSIM卡进行激活手机,因此,为了安全起见,在未开机的情况下,将那个机内自带SIM卡取出。iPhone6Plus美版怎么区分,以上就是美版iPhone6/6Plusv/s/a/t的一些区别,总结来说,购买v版全价机是最好的选择,a版和t版无锁机最好到苹果官方实体零售店或苹果官网购买。
2023-06-18 20:15:441

苹果6 plus美版型号MGAN2LL/A 是否有锁?

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2023-06-18 20:15:303

"different strokes for different folks"是什么意思

针对不同的人双语对照词典结果:different strokes for different folks萝卜白菜各有所爱; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Do whatever you like. Different strokes for different folks. 你爱干什么就干什么,人各有志,不必强求。
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