poetry in motion

ankangplane2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

poetry in motion


淡然之夏 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
poetry in motion,dancing close to me
所以,poetry in motion 可以译作动态的诗


英语翻译Reading poetry brings people from different places and d
Reading poetry brings people from different places and different times together.More than any other form of literature,poetry plays with sounds,words and grammar.That makes poetry difficult to write,but very interesting to read.Poetry also calls up all the colours,feelings,experiences and curious images of a dream world.
China has a long history during which many of the world's greatest poets were active.Poems by Du Fu,Li Bai and Wang Wei among others stand out in the halls of glory.When you have read some Chinese poems,you will have seen and heard some of the features that all good poetry shares.The form is very important:the number of lines and the number of characters in each line.Poetry often follows special patterns of rhythm and rhyme.
Despite its short history,there is a lot of good English poetry around.The earliest English poetry was written in a kind of English that is now difficult to understand.Modern English started around the time of William Shakespeare,towards the end of the sixteenth century.The seventeenth century was a great time for English poetry.Shakespeare is most famous for his plays.His sonnets,however,belong to the best English poetry:in the next generation of great English poets we meet John Donne.Chinese readers admire his works because of his use of surprising images that reminds them of the works of poets such as Su Dongpo.Before the end of the century,there was another famous writer,John Milton.Once published,his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.In the eighteenth century it was Alexander Pope who wrote the finest poetry in England.
The next period that produced a great number of fine poets was the nineteenth century.Greatly loved in China are the English Romantic poets.Although they were all born in the eighteenth century,they wrote their major works in the early years of the nineteenth century.John Keats died at a very young age in 1821:while William Wordsworth,who spent much of his time in the English Lake District,lived to the age of 80 and died in 1850.The nature poems by William Wordsworth,George Gordon Byron's Isles of Greece and the sonnets and long poems by John Keats have long been favourites.The style and atmosphere in their poems have often led to comparisons with poets such as Du Fu and Li Bai.
Finally,modern poets have their special attraction because they stand closest to us both in the language and images they use.Among them we find the American poet Robert Frost.
The introduction of English poetry to China came late.Towards the end of the nineteenth century Chinese writers started reading more foreign poetry.The great moment for European literature to come to China is between 1910 and the late 1930s when famous writers such as Lu Xun and Guo Moruo translated both poetry and novels into Chinese.
fc198556 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
虽然历史很短,有一个良好的英语诗歌了很久.最早的英文诗是写在英语那种现在很难理解.现代英语开始围绕莎士比亚的时间,对16世纪结束.17世纪是 一个伟大的英语诗歌的时间.莎士比亚最著名的是他的戏剧.他的十四行诗,但是,属于最好的英文诗:在伟大的,我们满足英国诗人约翰多恩的下一代.中国读者欣赏,因为他使用了令人惊讶的照片,他的作品想起诗人的作品,如蔌东钷他们.前世纪末,还有一个著名作家约翰弥尔顿.一次
英语翻译Reading poetry brings people from different places and d
Reading poetry brings people from different places and different times together.More than any other form of literature,poetry plays with sounds,words and grammar.That makes poetry difficult to write,but very interesting to read.Poetry also calls up all the colors,feelings,experiences and curious images of a dream world.
China has a long history during which many of the world’s greatest poets were active.Poems by Du Fu,Li Bai and Wang Wei among others stand out in the halls of glory.When you have read some Chinese poems,you will have seen and heard some of the features that all good poetry shares.The form is very important:the number of lines and the number of characters in each line.Poetry often follows special patterns of rhythm and thyme.
Despite its short history,there is a lot of good English poetry around.The earliest English poetry was written in a kind of English that is now difficult to understand.Modern English started around the time for English poetry,Shakespeare is most famous for his plays.His sonnets,however,belong to the best English poetry.In the next generation of great English poets we meet John Donne,Chinese readers admire his works because of his use of surprising images that reminds them of the works of poets such as Su Dongpo,Before the end of the century,there was another famous writer,John Milton.Once published,his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.In the eighteenth century it was Alexander Pope who wrote the finest poetry in English
The next period that produced a great number of fine poets was the nineteenth century,Greatly loved in China are the English Romantic ports.Although they were all born in the eighteenth century,they wrote their major works in the early years of the nineteenth century.John Keats died at a very young age in 1821; while William Wordsworth,who spent much of his time in the English Lake District,lived to the age of 80and died in 1850.The nature poems by William Wordsworth,George Gordon Byrin’s Isles of Greece and the sonnets and long poems by John Keats have ling been favorites,.The style and atmosphere in their poems have often led to comparisons with poets such as Du Fu and Li Bai.
Finally,modern poets have their special attraction because they stand closest to us both in the language and images they use.Among them we find the American poet Robert Frost.
The introduction of English poetry to China came late.Towards the end of the nineteenth century Chinese writers started reading mire foreign poetry.The great moment for European literature to come to China is between 1910and the late 1930s when famous writers such as Lu Xun and Guo Moruo translated both poetry and novels into Chinese.
More and more people are interested to read modern poetry in English.Translations can be good,but being able to read in English gives you much more choice .Besides,no matter how well a poem is translated,something of the spirit of the original work is lost .Reading poetry in English also opens the door to finding new ways of expressing yourself in Chinese.Finally,poems and literature can be bridges between the East and the West.They can help us to understand each other better,or as MuDan wrote:
Quietly,we embrace in a world lit up by words.
华尔街报告 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
Love has been experienced as a life of living poetry.Love ha
Love has been experienced as a life of living poetry.Love has been experienced as being the very notes of song,uplifting and generous to the wanting ear.Love has been experienced as the final act of giving one’s life for another in battle.Love has been experienced as an endless passionate over flow of emotion in the arms of waiting lover.
荷塘月色_水中月 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
comment briefly on Robert Frost's nature poetry的150字英作文
下村子 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
In recent years, television has become the most popular form of entertainment—almost every family has a television now. Television has brought people much pleasure and information.
On television, people can watch Olympic games, they can visit well-known scenic(风景优美的) spots, and they can also enjoy a movie with a cup of coffee in their hands. From TV, people are informed about many things happening in the world, and people who live in different areas can also watch programs made in other countries so as to understand many different cultures.
However, some people argue against TV. They think spending too much time watching TV will affect human relationship. Suppose a whole family were glued to seats (glued to sth.不愿离开) to watch programs on TV whenever they can. They would be so addicted to TV that it would begin to control their lives. As a result, they would neglect communication with each other, so day by day, families and friends would not discuss things together, and a gap between them would appear.
what's more,if children spend too much time watching TV,they would probably form a bad habit and could not catch up with others in study. They might learn some bad things such as violence from TV,which might do harm to society in the future.
In my opinion, we shouldn't deny the advantages of TV just because it has some drawbacks. It is no doubt that people can learn something very useful from TV.Therefore,the point is that TV itself is neither good nor bad. Its value to people and society depends on how we look at it.
英语翻译The language of Anne Spencer’s poetry conveys an impress
The language of Anne Spencer’s poetry conveys an impression of triteness that can be misleading:just when a poem seems to be echoing routine feelings,the diction suddenly sharpens to embody fresh and unexpected ideas.
滨海森林 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
地十四中 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
The Golden Age of Chinese Poetry 课文翻译 不要有道词典翻译出来的中国式英语
The Golden Age of Chinese Poetry 课文翻译 不要有道词典翻译出来的中国式英语
要求如上,翻译重写!课文如下:3.Cultural development went hand in hand with technological progress. New discoveries were made in astronomy, geography and medicine. In 724 Seng yixing measured the length of the sun's shadow and the altitude of the North Pole. Under Emperor Taizong (627-649) the government opened medical schools where specialist subjects were studied. The invention of printing about this time meant that knowledge could be recorded and shared as never before. But it was not just scientific knowledge that could now reach a wider audience. Printing also marked the beginning of the golden age of literature —and literature, in the Tang Dynasty, meant poetry.
4.In the beauty of its images and the range of topics, Tang poetry was better than everything that hadcome before it. But how did thishappen? There is no single answer to the question. An explosion of talent,and the appearance of new forms were both important. In the "New Style Verse", which appeared during the Tang period, each line has five or seven syllables, and there are lots of rules which govern the tones. But being able to write poetry was also an important qualification for people who wanted to become government officials. A good poet had a better chance of getting a good job. So lots of people became interested in poetry.
mywqq 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
4、唐诗有着优美的意境和广泛的主题,让他面前的一切都黯然失色.为什么会这样呢?答案并不是唯一的.天才的涌现和新兴体裁的推出起着重要的作用.唐朝时期出现的"New Style Verse"(初步推断这应该翻译成“近体诗”,就是大多唐诗遵循的诗歌体裁,也就是现在所谓的“格律诗”)每句有五字或者七字,有着复杂的音韵格律.不过,擅长写诗也是衡量那些想要为官者的重要的品质之一,写得一手好诗就能谋得更高的官位,所以越来越多的人开始热衷于诗歌.
一个英语问题!求助!Reading and writing 【poetry】 is a very personal ex
Reading and writing 【poetry】 is a very personal experience.为什么用poetry而不用the poems?
gdp218 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
What is poetry?
woshiliao 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
1.Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature
- he is chiefly famous for his love poetry
2.A quality of beauty and intensity of emotion regarded as characteristic of poems
- poetry and fire are nicely balanced in the music
3.Something regarded as comparable to poetry in its beauty
- the music department is housed in a building that is pure poetry
Poetry is a beautiful way to express___(think) and feelings
五子醉 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
英语翻译4.译介西湖诗词中的“隔”与“不隔 Translates in the Xihu poetry “to sepa
4.译介西湖诗词中的“隔”与“不隔 Translates in the Xihu poetry “to separate” and “does not separate”
x05The scenic spot scenic area name belongs to the place name,is the specific scenic spot symbol,has functions and so on suggestive instruction,.Cannot place on a par with the general geographic name,but often and the specific history cultural context relates takes the scenic spot the core essential factor,Traveling text UK translates,scenic spot name's UK translates is the very important link,is the scenic spot introduced that the text translation adds the finishing touch the pen,When translation must understand the source language basic information accurately,but must transmit its specific rich cultural connotation.Therefore,must adopt the naturalization and the disassimilation translation strategy,transmits the source language semantics and the cultural color fully,achieves translation function and goal.
5.外语导游在涉外旅游活动中注意的几点问题Original English Movies and English Teaching
x05 As a result of the historical event,the religious belief,the manners and customs and thinking mode's difference,many scenic sites contained the cultural essence regarding the foreign tourist are completely strange.Translates when UK could not find the appropriate words and expressions or the turn of expression frequently,the cultural flaw phenomenon appears from this,This causes the tourist to be unable to understand completely that affects the Chinese culture the foreign propaganda,therefore has the necessity to adopt the reasonable translation to make up scenic site UK to translate the cultural flaw,achieves well propagandizes the Chinese culture goal
x05大学英汉翻译教程University English to Chinese translation course
x05The scenic site text has covered traveling contents and so on landscape historical origin,style characteristic,landscape value,.The goal is makes the tourist to understand the scenic spot in the humanities,historical and the natural landscape aspect knowledge,the stimulation tour interest.The British Han nationality different culture tradition,the thinking mode and the esthetic custom have formed the different language feature.The British sentence type skeleton is orderly,the expression thought is prudent and meticulous,issue document attention logic,word usage emphasis succinct nature; Chinese issue document is fastidious about the structure to be neat,the word usage is gorgeous,the beautiful rhyme is harmonious.In English to Chinese traveling text translation process,The translator must highlight its text function,guarantees the translation information transmission the accuracy and the integrity.Therefore,the traveling text translation must achieve objectively accurate,understands easy to understand,and has may continue the nature.
语言功能观照下旅游景点名称的翻译方法与策略研究 .Under language function contemplation scenic site name translation method and strategy research
把酒看花思春儿 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
从句分析They are chosen journalism,biography or poetry,in which
They are chosen journalism,biography or poetry,in which they succeed admirably.
我从句总是搞不明白,如果要把in which they succeed admirably这句加到主句中应该如何改呢?
fenjing 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
从句中的which 指主句中的journalism,biography or poetry.实际上是说They succeed admirably in journalism,biography or poetry.
你的主句是不是抄错了?They have chosen才对.或者是they are choosing?
In English poetry the _______ is regarded as the most common
In English poetry the _______ is regarded as the most common foot.
草自己的 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
请用英语回答这些问题What kind of poetry and art do you like?What kind
What kind of poetry and art do you like?
What kind of movies do you watch?
Do you have hobbies?
803617 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率100%
For rich and long Chinese culture, I prefer Tang Song poetry and art,their unconstrained or implicit styles have given me a deep expression,especially Li Bai,Du Mu,Li Shangyin,Xin Qiji,Li Qingzhao and so on.Their deep love for the country and the people was embodied into the poems,which have cultivated our souls.
I have watched many movies,including science fiction films,movement films and affections movies.However,I usually like to see the science fiction and affection films,such as Avatar.
Yes,I do have many hobbies,such as playing shuttlecock,playing basketball and swimming.
I like reading poetry .什么意思啊?
xfgjxfgjgf6856 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
with to do 造句子with so many different froms of poetry to choo
with to do 造句子
with so many different froms of poetry to choose from .
with to do 用上面给出的形式.放在句首.
jet229 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
With a lot of things to do,i am very busy.
With my homework done,I could go to swimming with my friends.
英语翻译poetry and song seduce one into thinking love continues
poetry and song seduce one into thinking love continues without interruption i thougheThat love wouldLaseFoever butWrong
12345yz 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
poem poetry区别
纯咖啡04 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
英语翻译It is Pets Week at school.Millie brought a poetry book a
It is Pets Week at school.
Millie brought a poetry book about animals to school
and here are her favourite poems.
My Dog My dog is the cleverest animal of all.
He doesn't just chase and catch a ball.
With eyes open wide,He hunts when I hide.
He does wonderful tricks.Builds me camps out of sticks.
He'd never bark or bite.
And he doesn't like to fight.
My dog is my very best friend.
And I'll look after him until the end.
倾冷 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率73.3%
如果还有机会的话可以把其他的诗打上来我再帮你翻译 记得找我求助哦 =(^.^)=
英语填空题用适当形式填空.1._____(read)poetry in English also opens the d
1._____(read)poetry in English also opens the door to______(find)news ways of expressing yourself in Chinese.
2.Once______(teach)what to do,these computers will show great power in carrying it out.
dingksh1982 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
1 Reading ; find
本句是主语从句,应用一个动名词作主语;to是动词 不定式的符号,后用动词原形.
2 being taught
once 后接动名词,译为一但……,从后面可以看出,应用被动.
Students today are writing of poetry.A a great many lines B
Students today are writing of poetry.A a great many lines B quantities of lines为什么选A?
SHYLY200 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
zheye33 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率96.2%
poetry ['pəuitri,'pəuetri]
Poetry is an interesting form of writing. It is very free, h
Poetry is an interesting form of writing. It is very free, has few restrictions and can be a great way to express feelings. Writing a poem is all about observing the world within you or around you.
To write a poem, first you should begin with an idea or inspiration(灵感). Inspiration may come at any time unexpectedly. It may be a specific person, place or thing that causes some sort of strong emotion. It may be more of an abstract idea or release of emotion.
After getting the idea, you can write down everything that comes to mind. Don’t think much and let all feelings pour out. Remember everything can be thrown out later.
Then you can think about its form and begin to organize thoughts. Poetry comes in any forms, from epic (叙事的) poetry that has a story to dramatic poetry intended to be performed. Try them all out. One will come naturally. Maybe different poems fit different forms. When you write a poem, think about both meter (韵律) and rhythm carefully, which are equally important in poetry. Meter is the fixed pattern of the poem, while rhythm refers to the sound when it is spoken. It is also important to use a lot of descriptive words. Create imagery (意向) with words, trying to make them attractive to all the senses. For auditory (听觉的) interest, try repeating of similar sounds in a sentence or phrase. All of this adds life and interest to a poem.
After you finish your work, don’t be afraid to share your work with others. When others point out your weakness, accept and grow from it.
60. What does the underlined word “restriction” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
A. Change B. Order C. Limitation D. Organization
61. When you begin to write a poem, you should first _____.
A. begin with some specific persons B. come up with ideas
C. describe a famous place D. organize your thoughts
62. We can infer from the text that_________.
A. writing poems needs imagination and the ability to use language well
B. people can get more ideas if they often share their poems with others
C. people should first learn to write epic poetry, then dramatic poetry
D. people need to write down every feeling they want to release at a time
63. What’s the purpose of the text?
A. To tell readers how to write a poem.
B. To encourage more people to write poems.
C. To show what quality a good poem should have.
D. To teach people how to appreciate poems.
apue 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
60. C. 61. B. 62. A. 63. A.

60. C. 解析:词义猜测题。从文中第一段可以推出是“限制”的意思。
61. B. 解析: 细节再现题。从文中第二段第1句中可以找到答案。
62. A. 解析:推理判断题。根据文中的2、4段可得出此结论。
63. A. 解析:主旨大意题。全文介绍了如何写诗歌。
doesn't that just roll off the tongue like poetry
tangmt 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
第一句是Last night I entered a poetry competition的英语短文
happywutao 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
Last night I entered a poetry competition at school.I had been preparing for this contest for the last month.I had chosen a poem by Edgar Allen Poe named "A dream within a dream".I was the second person to recite the poem during the competition and the wait was intolerable.When it was finally my turn to recite my poem,I was washed with relief.I felt confident as I stood up on the podium and read my poem with emotion and intensity.您没有说需要几个字所以我就先写了一段,
xubaiyun 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
This poem is worth learning by heart.这首诗是值得记起来的.
His poems have been compared to those of the English Romantics.他的诗歌被拿来与英国浪漫主义诗歌相提并论.
This writer’s poetry reflects his love of nature.该作者的诗反映出他热爱自然.
Poetry has been composed since ancient times.从古时起人们就开始创作诗歌了.
Poetry serves to stimulate the mind.诗歌能激发心灵.
poetry is a beautiful way to express thoughts(think) and fee
poetry is a beautiful way to express thoughts(think) and feelings.其中的thoughts
其中的thoughts 用在这里,不对吧,和feelings 并列的应该是thinkings 才对啊!
中部牛仔 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
THOUGHTS是想法的意思,think是动词,FEELING 不是 动词+ing,是名词,感觉
You can visit “Chengdu Poetry Wall”, on that you can read ma
You can visit “Chengdu Poetry Wall”, on that you can read many famous Chinese poems.
米莜拉 共回答了32个问题 | 采纳率84.4%
1.on that 改为 on which
2.on that 改为 where
Wall 后的逗号要保留,因为要用非限制性定语从句.
两道文学题,哪位来回答下Henry Longfellow's poetry is noted for
Henry Longfellow's poetry is noted for its ____.
A.art for art's sake B.originality C.didacticism D.innovation
Ulike his master Plato,Aristotle was a ____.
A.naturalist B.idealist C.materialst D.romanticist
越橘 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率96.3%
1美国最伟大的诗人亨利·沃茨沃斯朗费罗的诗歌以其 抒情诗和十四行诗 著称.art for art's sake
2亚里士多德和他的老师柏拉图不一样的是,亚里士多德是一位materialst (组织者,辩证者)
英文好的快进来、在线等、、、请翻译下面的、China ancient times the poetry,generall
China ancient times the poetry,generally was called as the old-style poetry,was refers with the writings in classical style and the traditional classical Chinese poetry rules creation poem,generalized China ancient times the poetry,might include each kind of Chinese ancient times the verse like tax,the word,the tune and so on,the narrow sense then only included the ancient-style poetry and the modern style poetry.
humanity many nationalities to produce in the language development has suited this national language the poetry form.In China,the earliest poetry total collection is "Poetry",in which earliest poetic composition in the Western Zhou Dynasty initial period,the latest work becomes in the Spring and Autumn Period time middle.
To the Warring States time,gradually fused in the south Chu country China race and hundred more race language,its poetry collection "Chu elegies" broke through "Poetry" south some form limit,could manifest the language characteristic.
When Han Dynasty's
ancient-style poetry Han Dynasty musical conservatory poem formation.The musical conservatory poem is in order to match music to sing,is equal in the present lyrics.This kind of musical conservatory poem is called “the tune”,“the refined language”,“the song”,“the line” and so on.The Three Kingdoms time has absorbed the musical conservatory poem nutrition take the Jianan literature as representative's poetry work,has laid the foundation for an afterwards classical Chinese poetry rules more rigorous modern style poetry.
The Tang Song modern style poetry
arrived Tang Dynasty,the Chinese poetry appeared four jueju poems and eight Lushi.Lushi detains the even sound,each sentence level and oblique tones,the antithesis all have the stipulation.Jueju poem stipulation slightly pine some.
Moreover,in Song Dynasty achieved the crest the word also is the poetry one important form.The word form needs to comply some fixed names of the tunes of cipoetry,is advantageous for matches sings by the music.Later period develops
from the Yuan Dynasty starts,the Chinese poetry gold time passes gradually,the literature creation shifts gradually to the drama,the novel and so on other forms.Chinese ancient poetry in the peripheral national influence
Chinese poem,in the wording meaning is Chinese poetry.But this concept mainly is uses outside Chinese world.China's some peripheral countries,like North Korea,Japan,Vietnam,because the use Chinese character achievement writes the writing,naturally also deeply Chinese poetry influence.Along with the Buddhism zen in these national spreading,the Chinese poem has become the zen literature most important form.
华茂850_40 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率72.2%
SAT语法题:Langston Hughes may be best known for his poetry,but
Langston Hughes may be best known for his poetry,but inclueded among his many published works are a sizable collection of short stories.
are 错了 为什么?
catwhere 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
a sizable collection是主语
英语阅读理解求答案The poetry Foundation ,recently names American poet
The poetry Foundation ,recently names American poet Jack Prelutsky as the nation’s first children’s poet laureate (桂冠诗人).The group created the award as a way to increase children’s love of poetry.
As children’s poet laureate,Jack Perlutsky will give two public readings in the next two years.He will also advise the poetry foundation about children’s literature and take part in projects concerning children and poetry.
Jack Prelutsky has been writing poetry for children for almost forty years.He has written more than thirty-five books of poems.His first book was called A Gopher in the Garden.It was published in 1976.His latest is called Behold the Bold Umbrellaphant and Other poems.
Jack Prelutsky is well-known for creating new words by combining two words to create a new kind of creature.For example,he combine “radish” with “shark” to get “radishark”.“lion” and “broccoli” became “broccolion”.He also created “umbrellaphant”,a mixture of the words “unmbrella” and “elephant”.
Jack Prelutsky says that children like his poem because he writes about things they care about.Poetry researchers say that Jack Prelutsky’s poems recognize children’s feelings.An example of this is the poem My Sister Is a Werewolf which is about how it feels to be different.
Jack Prelutsky also writes poems about American holidays.His poem It’s Halloween is a very famous one about the holiday celebrated at the end of October.
1.Children are in favor of his poems because .
A.they are easy to understand
B.the poet is famous
C.children like reading new words
D.the poet understands their feelings.
2 Put the following items in right order according to the passage.
a.two public readings
b.A Gopher in the Garden
c.Behold the Bold Umbrellaphant and Other poems.
d.My Sister Is a Werewolf
撞大树 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
1、D 2、 ,a,b,c,d
高中英语语法一些表总称的词到底是单数还是复数?比方说poetry,fruit ,等后跟谓语动词是单还是复?我怎么看都有?
比方说poetry,fruit ,等后跟谓语动词是单还是复?我怎么看都有?
寻找锁眼 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
[U] a collection of poems; poems in general
epic / lyric / pastoral poetry ◆ T.S.Eliot's poetry ◆ a poetry reading
[U,sing.] (approving) a beautiful and graceful quality:There was poetry in all her gestures.
[C,U] the part of a plant that consists of a stone/pit or seeds and flesh,can be eaten as food and usually tastes sweet:tropical fruits,such as bananas and pineapples ◆ Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.◆ fruit juice ◆ fruit trees
[C] (technical) a part of a plant or tree that is formed after the flowers have died and in which seeds develop
[C,usually pl.] (literary) all the natural things that the earth produces
Idioms:the fruit / fruits of sth the good results of an activity or a situation:to enjoy the fruits of your labours (= the rewards for your hard work) ◆ The book is the fruit of years of research.
verb [V] (technical) (of a tree or plant) to produce fruit
Equally.in poetry,the highly personal,performative genre is.
Equally.in poetry,the highly personal,performative genre is...翻译05T4
Equally.in poetry,the highly personal,performative genre is the only form that could claim real liveliness
2.performative 含义?
帅气小龙 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
World Poetry Day和Friendship Day是哪天?
World Poetry Day和Friendship Day是哪天?
浪子卫青 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率89.7%
世界诗歌日 3月21日,友谊日是每年8月的第一个星期日
.--Who won the first prize at the poetry competition?Li Ping
.--Who won the first prize at the poetry competition?Li Ping or Zhang Ping?
-- Zhang Ping did.But Li Ping it if he more,as he has a great
talent for writing poems.
A.could have won; had practised B.could win; practised
C.should have won; could have won D.would win; had practised
踏歌而业 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
A could have done 表示可以做的事情却没有做.整句话的意思是 假如李可以多练练笔 他就可以赢了
The difference of Surrey's contribution to English poetry fr
The difference of Surrey's contribution to English poetry from that of Wyatt
1.Generallyspeaking,Chaucer's works fall into three main groups corresponding roughly tothe three periods of his adult life,which period is wrong?
A.The period ofFrench influence
B.The period of Italian influence
C.The period ofhis maturity
D.The period of American influence
2.The difference of Surrey's contribution to English poetry from that ofWyatt lies in that Surrey________.
A.wrote the first English sonnet
B.introduce the couplet into England
C.wrote the first English blank verse
D.made the sonnet popular
3.The one who firstmade blank verse the principal instrument of English drama is
A.Surrey B.Marlowe C.Shakespeare D.Jonson
4.Dr Faustus sellshis soul to the devil because he_________.
A.is faced by Mephistopheles
B.wants to gain more money
C.wants to live an extravagant life
D.wants to know more about the world
5.Generally ,the Renaissance refers tothe period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries,its essence is .
A.humanism B .philosophy
C.arts D.science
6.“So long as mencan breathe,or eyes can see,/ So long lives this,and this gives life tothee.”(Shakespeare,Sonnets 18) What does “this” refer to?
A.Lover B.TimeC.Poetry D.Summer
7.Of all the eighteenth-century novelists,who was the first to set out,both in theory and practice ,to write speciallya “comic epic in prose”,the first to give the modern novel its structure andstyle
A.Thomas Gray B.Henry Fielding
C.Jonathan Swift D.Richard Brinsley Sheridan
8.Gothic novels are mostly stories of______ ,which take place in some haunted or dilapidated Middle Age castles .
A.love and marriage B.sea adventures
C.mystery and horror D.saints and martyrs
9.Who wrote "Beauty is truth,truthbeauty"in his poem "Ode on a Grecian Urn"?
A.Keats B.Shelly C.Byron D.Wordsworth10.Which poet does not belong to the Active Romantic Poet?
A.Byron B.Shelley C.Keats D.Blake
明月拂袖 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
lifi is fast,and poetry is
乌溜溜817 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
GRE类反问题portrait:paintinga ballet:musicb meter:poetryc solo:e
a ballet:music
b meter:poetry
c solo:ensemble
d biography:history
e documentary:event
zhouysh 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
我今年6G 总分1460+5
欢迎交流 QQ“384006341
dachong2008 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
A Prayer in Spring
by Robert Frost
Oh,give us pleasure in the flowers today;
And give us not to think so far away
As the uncertain harvest; keep us here
All simply in the springing of the year.
Oh,give us pleasure in the orchard white,
Like nothing else by day,like ghosts by night;
And make us happy in the happy bees,
The swarm dilating round the perfect trees.
And make us happy in the darting bird
That suddenly above the bees is heard,
The meteor that thrusts with needle bill,
And off a blossom in mid-air stands still.
For this is love and nothing else is love,
The which it is reserved for God above
To sanctify to what far ends He will,
But which it only needs that we fulfill.
fggf6575 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
poetry 诗的总称
poem 诗篇,诗歌
verse 诗句
这三个词的区别在:poetry > poem > verse
poetry 里包括 poem,verse
poem 里包括 verse
英语翻译死亡诗社里罗宾威廉姆斯的大段台词We don’t read and write poetry because i
We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute.We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race.And the human race is filled with passion.And medicine,law,business,engineering,these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.But poetry,beauty,romance,love,these are what we stay alive for.To quote from Whitman,“O me!O life!… of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless… of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these,O me,O life?” Answer.That you are here — that life exists,and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse.That the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse.What will your verse be?
莫殒城 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
gre类比题PORTRAIT :PAINTING ::(A)ballet :music(B)meter :poetry(
(A)ballet :music
(B)meter :poetry
(C)solo :ensemble
(D)biography :history
(E)documentary :event
有的说选a 有的说选d
ballet可以表示music;wm上ballet有一条解释 2 :music for a ballet
alaala12345 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
韦氏中关于biography的解释是“a usually written history of a person's life”,与history是典型的种属关系
退一步讲,就算ballet是音乐的一种,那么我们来找二重对应.portrait的含义为“a pictorial representation (as a painting) of a person usually showing the face”,肖像画与一般的图画相比,其突出的特点就是内容是对一个个体的描绘,与biography(内容为对一个个体历史及经历的描绘)对得非常工整,所以把它们的关系理解为“特殊与一般”也可以
Many write afterward asking him to recommend books of poetry
Many write afterward asking him to recommend books of poetry.
为什么write 是单数,动词 ask是-ing形式?
酷の要哭 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
SAT 选词填空The language of Anne Spencer’s poetry conveys an imp
SAT 选词填空
The language of Anne Spencer’s poetry conveys an impression of ------- that can be misleading: just when a poem seems to be echoing routine feelings, the diction suddenly sharpens to embody fresh and unexpected ideas.
A. frivolity
B. triteness
C. diversity
D. lyricism
E. precision
1000539 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
B.关键词是misleading可以推断前后是对立关系.而空的对立面应该是fresh and unexpected.B triteness=陈腐,故为正确答案.
江舟一叶aa 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
poetry 诗歌 这个是统称
poem 诗 这个可以说一首诗
一道poetry英语填空题,摘自一篇完形填空,这句话是这样的why is poetry the__thing human
摘自一篇完形填空,这句话是这样的why is poetry the__thing humanity has to a universal language.选项有best.sweetest,closest.dearest.
mickeysun2008 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
其他虽然是最高级,但是前面加 most 才合适
英语翻译Lullaby (Nighttime Poetry);;One thousand thoughts tonigh
Lullaby (Nighttime Poetry);;One thousand thoughts tonight;went by;Tonight,my lips were walking;in the desert;I just wanted you,my little boy;Touching your body is my only sin;Why do we hide this way,go figure;One thousand stars are your eyes;Burning memory;I'm dreaming about your lips;I wake to your body;where are we going?Where are we running to?;From who are we afraid of?;Doesn't matter what they say
nhgcy 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
Lullaby (Nighttime Poetry);;
One thousand thoughts tonight;
went by;
Tonight,my lips were walking;
in the desert;
I just wanted you,my little boy;
我的小鬼 我只要你
Touching your body is my only sin;
我的爱抚 只是原罪
Why do we hide this way,go figure;
你我为何 销声匿迹
One thousand stars are your eyes;
你的眼中 万千星辉
Burning memory;
I'm dreaming about your lips;
庄生晓梦 薄唇两片
I wake to your body;
你的身体 被我发掘
where are we going?
Where are we running to?;
From who are we afraid of?;
Doesn't matter what they say
What's the difference between poem and poetry?
joycechi 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
poem指的是具体的一首诗,而poetry 是诗的总称.
如《静夜思》是a poem,而《静夜思》、《望岳》等则都是poetry.