典范英语丛林短裤的中文翻译 要近期的

hanzan8882022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


飘渺的雨666 共回答了31个问题 | 采纳率93.5%


典范英语9第12本 大力球鞋 13本用歌声换晚餐
典范英语9第12本 大力球鞋 13本用歌声换晚餐
典范英语9第12本 大力球鞋
14本 古墓挖掘者主要讲的啥?越详细越好
东吴船王 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
抱着枕头跳舞 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
Walrus Joins In
What will Walrus do?
Everyone at the North Pole was very excited.There was going to be a show and ANYONE could be in it.
„I will do skating,‟ said Arctic Fox.„I‟m good at that!‟
„I‟ll do tumbling,‟ said Polar Bear.„No one tumbles quite like me!‟ „I‟ll do singing,‟ said Seal.„Everyone says I have a very fine
„Then I‟ll do diving,‟ said Whale.„I won a prize for diving at school,you know!‟
They all looked at Walrus.„What will YOU do?‟ they asked.But Walrus was not good at anything.
He wasn‟t good at skating,and he wasn‟t good at tumbling.
He was terrible at singing,and when he tried to dive,he always got water up his nose.
He sat and chewed his whiskers sadly.
„Never mind,‟ said Arctic Fox.„You can watch us.‟
Arctic Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale practised hard for the big show.
Walrus hid behind a snowdrift and watched,and chewed his whiskers.
He wished he was good at something.
The big night
At last,the big night arrived.Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin.Walrus sat in the front row.He was very excited.Fox came onto the ice and bowed.Everyone cheered.
Then Fox began to skate.Fox skated forwards and backwards and sideways.She skated in perfect circles and figures of eight.She was elegant and amazing!
Walrus watched and he loved what he saw.Fox made it all look so easy.
Walrus was sure that if he really tried he could skate just like Fox.
He couldn‟t stop himself.He just had to leap onto the ice and join in with Fox.鈥淚 can skate,鈥 he cried.鈥淟ook at me!鈥滭br/>But Walrus couldn‟t skate at all.He could only trip up and fall over.
He bumped into Fox,and Fox went flat on her face.FLOMP!Fox was very upset.鈥淲alrus has RUINED my act,鈥 she wailed.Next,it was Polar Bear‟s turn.He rolled out across the ice like a big,white snowball.Everyone clapped wildly.
Then Polar Bear began to tumble.He did jumps and spins and somersaults,and stood on his head.
Walrus watched and he loved what he saw.Polar Bear made it
all look such fun.Walrus was sure that this time,if he really tried,he could tumble just like Polar Bear.
All of a sudden,Walrus just couldn‟t stop himself,and he leaped onto the ice.
鈥淚 can tumble too,鈥 he cried.鈥淟ook at me!鈥滭br/>But Walrus couldn‟t tumble at all.He could only trip up and fall over.He tripped up Polar Bear,who came down with a WALLOP!
Of course,Polar Bear was pretty angry.鈥淲alrus has RUINED my act,鈥 he wailed.
From bad to worse
It was Seal‟s turn next.She gave Walrus a don‟t-you-dare stare,and then she started to sing:
鈥淥,how many heart rejoices when I see the Northern Lights.My ear is filled with voices sweetly singing in the night!鈥滭br/>Walrus listened.What a beautiful song!Surely if he really tried,he could sing as beautifully as Seal?Oh,dear.Walrus just couldn‟t stop himself again.
鈥淚 know that song,鈥 he cried.鈥淚 can sing it too!鈥滭br/>He leaped up and started singing along with Seal.
But Walrus couldn‟t sing!He sounded terrible.In fact,he sounded like a rusty old bucket.
Seal stopped singing and burst into floods of tears.
鈥淲alrus has RUINED my song,鈥 she wailed.
Whale was last.He was pretty certain that Walrus could not ruin his act.
Whale leaped high out of the water.Then he fell back with an enormous splash!
Walrus watched.He wished that he could dive like that.His flippers began to twitch,and his whiskers bristled with excitement.He tried and tried his very best not to join in.
But then he had a brilliant idea.
鈥淚‟ll hold my nose when I dive,鈥 he thought.鈥淭hen the water won‟t go up it!鈥滭br/>Walrus just couldn‟t stop himself.He had to join in.
鈥淓verybody,look at me!鈥 he cried,as he leaped into the water.鈥淚 can dive too!鈥滭br/>But just at that moment,Whale was getting ready to spout a big jet of water.
Whale spouted Walrus high into the air!
Everyone was watching Walrus now.They clapped and cheered as Walrus landed back in the sea with a SPLOSH!
Whale was furious.鈥淵ou are a meddling,incompetent BUFFOON!鈥 he roared.鈥淵ou have RUINED my act.Now GET OUT
OF MY SIGHT!鈥滭br/>Whale was pretty scary when he was angry.Walrus turned tail and fled.He hid behind a snowdrift,feeling sad and very sorry.
The show will go on!
The show was over.Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale stood in a line,blushing and wishing that Walrus had not ruined everything.But everyone was cheering like mad.
鈥淲ell done,Polar Bear,well done,Seal!Well done,Fox and Whale!鈥 they shouted.鈥淏ut where‟s the clown?Why isn‟t he here?Where‟s Walrus?鈥滭br/>Behind his snowdrift,Walrus heard the cheers.Were they really cheering for him,too?
Yes!They were!
He shuffled up to Fox and Polar Bear and Seal And Whale.
鈥淚‟m very sorry,鈥 he said.
鈥淪o you should be,鈥 said Fox.
鈥淎t least everyone thought you were part of the show,鈥 said Polar Bear.
鈥淚 suppose,鈥 said Seal,鈥渋f Walrus was really part of our next show,it couldn‟t be any worse.鈥滭br/>Walrus was overjoyed.鈥淢e?鈥 he cried.鈥淭ruly?Can I be part ofthe show?Can I join in next time?鈥滭br/>鈥淵es,鈥 said Whale.鈥淚t will be a lot safer that way.You can be the clown.As long as you do it properly.鈥滭br/>Walrus practiced hard and became a very good clown indeed.Now he is so good that Fox,Polar Bear,Seal and Whale are glad he is taking part.
Sometimes,when Walrus is clowning around,they really just can‟t stop themselves.They have to join in too!
典范英语6 水母鞋 英文梗概要短小精炼的
沙漠孤狐171 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
what is your intention?i do not understand
典范英语6 -8、17、18的英文梗概50词左右.
典范英语6 -8、17、18的英文梗概50词左右.
cxcaoxin 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
典范英语6 海象参加表演 英文的故事梗概 100单词左右.
s12530op 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
North Pole was going to be a show and anyone could be in it.
Arctic Fox are going to do skating ,andPolar Bear are going to do tumbling.Seal will sing.Whale are going to do diving .But Walrus was not good as anything .
At last,the big night arrive .Everyone make their best ,but only Walrus ,when anyone act Walrus all ruined their act .
So,every was angry,but,there are going to snow ,everyone was happy ,And walrus practice haidly and hardly .
Somtimes ,when walrus is clowning around,everyone was join in too!
典范英语7,第15本的翻译.《Here comes trouble》
典范英语7,第15本的翻译.《Here comes trouble》
cc1975 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
特鲁迪是个笨拙的小女孩,经常被别人嘲笑.艺术课开始了,她跟丽萨坐在一起.特鲁迪不停地找麻烦,找麻烦,再找麻烦.午饭时间,她又找麻烦了.回家路上,她继续找麻烦.她妈妈病了.接下来会发生什么呢? 她妈妈感冒了.妈妈想让她做什么呢?她会继续找麻烦吗?谁让特鲁迪变得不笨了呢?她的同学会怎么看她呢?请看8,9两章.你将从他们的行动中得到答案. 感谢你的聆听.
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Gragens are very rear,it's not fair to hunt them.
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Mandela fought for the people of the South Africa.In prion,he struggled even harder for his country.He became the most famous prisoner in the world.
颜_杨 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
Snap was a small black and brown dog.He has a special job ,he was the boss dog of Blossom Street.One Saturday Snap’s owners were at home,they were picking up things and going to move away!They would not live on Blossom Street any more Snap was not happy about it because he didn’t think he can do his job any more,but when they got on the van,Snap had an idea and this idea could help him to be boss dog of Blossom Street even he didn’t live there.So every morning,Snap sets off and takes a bus to Blossom Street.After he makes sure that the dogs and cats are in their places,he takes a bus home!What a clever dog!Everyone loves him so much and everyone knows him!He is still the boss dog of Blossom Street,even he didn’t live there any more !
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生活在极度贫困家庭中的夏洛蒂·勃朗特姐妹坚持学习、写作,不断遭受着打击和失败. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特姐妹经过慎重反思,决定由诗歌创作转向小说创作,争分夺秒,孜孜 不倦,终获成功.
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需要典范英语资源吗 想和同样学习典范英语的朋友们交流经验吗 关注贴吧典范英语分享吧,这些都可以实现的哦.
典范英语 的文章大意6 丛林短裤 要英文的,文章大意
无笔坏 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
Lenny does not want to wear his jungle shorts for football,but he get a nice surprise when he sees his friends.
yuji7333 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率78.3%
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典范英语6 丛林短裤的翻译 全文的,最好能写上主要内容和中心之类的,
静影沈璧 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
It was Friday afternoon.Class 3 had put on their coats and were waiting in a line to go home.lenny was at the back because the zip on his anorak(防水衣)had stuck(卡住).He was so busy with the zip that he nearly missed what Mr Cox the teacher said.
‘Here is a letter for you all.’said Mr Cox.‘Don’t lose it and don’t forget to give it to your parents.There is good news inside.’
Lenny wanted to know what the good news was.He rushed across the playground to meet his mum.
‘Quick!Open this letter,’he said. ‘Mr Cox says there is good news inside’
‘Say hello to me first!’laughed his mum,but she opened the letter.She read it and told him.‘Class 3 is going to have football lessons.Next week.The school will lend you some boots’
‘Wow!’shouted Lenny.‘Real football! I bet I score fifteen goals!’
His mum pet the letter in her bag.
‘What about a stripy(带条纹的) shirt and socks? Can I have a real football strip?’begged(央求) Lenny.
‘Wait and see.’said mum.
At home Lenny couldn’t get out of his anorak and his mum had to help him.
‘I’m glad you didin’t break the zip. I can’t get you another coat until next month.’she said.
‘I don’t want a new coat,’said Lenny,‘but can I have a real football strip?Please?’
‘Ask me after tea,’said his mum.
They had pancakes for tea with jam and apple.Pancakes were Lenny’s favourite.But today he ate as fast as he could.
He put down his knife and fork with a clatter.(当啷)
‘You promised(许诺) to talk about football things after tea.’he said.
Mum took Mr Cox’s letter from her bag.
‘Each child will need an old T-shirt and some socks,’she read.
‘No real football things?’ asked Lenny.
‘I’m sorry,no.Except for shorts.Mr Cox wants
you all to have new shorts.We’ll go to the market tommorrow to look for some.’
Lenny was not happy buthe knew his mum.She had made up her mind and that was that.He looked great.
‘I bet they always had a proper(像样的) football strip,’he thought.‘I bet they didn’t have to wear an old T-shirt.’
That night he lay awake thinking.He was going to make sure his mum bought football shorts. He wanted proper white football shorts.Then he knew he could score lots of goals.
After breakfast the next day they set out to buy the new shorts.The market was two streets away from where Lenny lived.On the way they saw Ted and Shane from Class 3.Ted and Shane lived near Lenny.They were kicking a ball about beside the road
Shane slammed the ball over to him and Lenny kicked it back.
‘Want to play?’called Ted.
‘I can’t,not now.I’m off with my mum to buy new football shorts.’
‘We’ve got ours already,’Ted shouted back.
The market was very crowded.Everyone was looking at the fruit and vegetables piled high on the stalls.There were shoes and clothes for sale under stripy canvas(帆布) roofs(屋顶).One man was selling shorts
‘Get your jungle shorts!’he shouted.
He was wearing a wide straw hat (宽檐草帽)and an enormous(巨大的)pair of jungle shorts over his trousers.They had big green trees on with monkeys smiling at the top .
‘Big or small,they don’t cost much,’said the man.
‘No thanks’ said Lenny. ‘I m going to strart football lessons next weak.I need real football shorts.’
He pulled at his mum’s hand.they struggled through the crowds trying to find real football shorts. They found lots of shorts that were too big and a little white pair that was too small When they did find a pair tin Lenny’s size they cost far too much money.
‘We’ll just have to get the junngle shorts,’said Mum.‘The colours are lovely. I’m sure you’ll like them better than white ones.’
Lenny pulled a face ‘Oh mum’he said ‘But——
‘No buts’ said his mum.
They went sloowly back to the man selling jungle shorts .The pile(堆) on his stall had gone down a lot.
‘I knew you’d come back. I put aside a pair just for you’said the man.
He held a pair of junngle shorts against(比较) Lenny’s tuousers.
‘A perfect fit!’he said with a smile.
Lenny’s mum opened her purse and paid for the sharts. The man put them in a bag and handed it over.
‘There you are,son .Have fun wearing them!’
Lenny did not smile .‘I wish they were real football shorts.’ he said.
‘Junngle shorts are the next best thing.’ said his mum.
On the way home they saw Tessa and Pam from Class 3 kicking a ball against a fence(围墙). They lived at the top of Lenny’s street.
‘We can’t wait till Monday for football said the girls. We’ve got new shorts!’
‘So have I’ said Lenny. But he didn't open his bag to show them.
On Monday ofternoon Class 3 were waiting for their first football lesson. Everbody was noisy and excited ,swinging(摇摆) their bags of football things .Lenny was at the back with the jungle shorts in his bag. He didn't want to put them on.
Mr Cox carried a big box of boots into the changing room. They spent a long time finding boots to fit everyone.
‘Now put on your football things and be quick about it,’ he said.
Lenny got changed in a corner behind the door.
When they wer all ready Mr Cox shouted, ‘get in line, everyone!’
Lenny made sure he was at the back again. He didn't want anybody to see his jungle shorts and he hid behind Ted. He looked down to see what Ted was wearing and got a surprise.
Ted was wearing jungle shorts as well! Lenny nudged(用肘碰) him in the back and said ‘Your shorts are the same as mine!’
‘Yes,’ said ted ‘and the same as pam’s and tessa’s and shane’s!’
It was true. All the friends from Lenny’s street were wearing junngle shorts. Mr Cox smiled.
‘Five childred in the same shorts. it muse be a record!’ he said.
‘And we all live in lyon street’ said Lenny.
‘In that case(既然这样) you must all play for the same team you can be the Lyon Street Lions.’
When Mr Cox had sorted out(挑选)three more teams they went out to the playing field.
They played five-a-side football until home time. The lions team beat all the others and Mr Cox said they were the champions.Lenny scored five goals.
In the changing room the children untied(解开) their muddy(沾满泥水) boots and put on their clothes.
‘All kit(球服) must be washed and boots clean for next Monday.’ said Mr Cox ‘Don't leave it for your mum. Do it as soon as you get home and then you won’t forget.
Lenny was the first to be ready and he ran to meet his mum at the gate. He told her about his five goals and the Lyon Street Lions
‘We’d better go home quickly now said Lenny. ‘ I have to clean my boots and wash my shorts!’
And when Mr Cox drove home for his tea later on(晚些时候) he smiled to himself. On Lyon Street there were five pairs of jungle shorts blowing on the washing lines.
On Friday afternoon, class 3 will have a football lessons next week, Mr Cox wants them to buy a new shirt and a pair of shorts. Lenny's mother nuys him jungle shorts in the market, nut he doesn't like them. In the first football lesson, Lenny discovered that the other four children in Lyon Street are wearing the same jungle shorts. They become a team, and become the champions. At last, Lenny loves his jungle shorts very much.
典范英语6 丛林短裤的翻译
redseaxu 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
Lenny does not want to wear his jungle shorts for football,but he get a nice surprise when he sees hir friends.
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珊瑚舞 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
clamorous neighbours
在三角形ABC中,已知A>B,那么①SinA>SinB;②SinACosB;④CosA 在三角形ABC中,已知A>B,那么①SinA>SinB;②SinACosB;④CosA 狂人121 1年前 已收到4个回答 举报 赞 fbp1974 幼苗 共回答了16个问题采纳率:87.5% 举报 ①④,(可在单位圆中观察) 1年前 追问 10 狂人121 举报 那万一A是>90度,B<90度那?( 举报 fbp1974 万一A是>90度,B<90度 A+B<180°当A+B=180°时SinA=SinB A减小,SinA增大,B减小SinB减小,还是SinA>SinB 而这时,CosA0,还是CosA gttg 幼苗 共回答了23个问题采纳率:87% 举报 90到180,sinX为减函数 1年前 2 山水一样 幼苗 共回答了8个问题 举报 ①由正弦定理a/sinA=b/sinB因为三角形中大边对大角所以a>ba=2RsinA,b=2RsinB2RsinA>2RsinBsinA>sinB④若角A,B都小于90显然CosA也可能A大于90,这时CosA是负数,小于cosB 1年前 1 jaimy 幼苗 共回答了1个问题 举报 1和4 在0到90度间,sinX为增函数,cosX为减函数 1年前 0 回答问题 可能相似的问题 在三角形ABC中,已知(sinA+sinB+sinC)(sinA+sinB+sinC)=3sinAsinB 求证:A+B 1年前1个回答 在三角形ABC中,已知sinC=(sinA+sinB)/(cosA+cosB),判断三角形形状. 1年前1个回答 三角形ABC中,已知sinC=(sinA+sinB)/(cosA+cosB),求C 1年前3个回答 在三角形ABC中,已知cosB=sinA/2sinC,则三角形ABC的形状是? 1年前1个回答 1.在三角形ABC中,已知2sinBcosC=sinA 求证B=C 1年前3个回答 在三角形ABC中,已知cosB=sinA/2sinC,则三角形ABC的形状是? 1年前2个回答 在三角形ABC中,已知2sinBcosC=sinA,证明 1年前2个回答 今天答有效1.在三角形ABC中,已知2sinBcosC=sinA(1)求证B=C(2)如果A=120度,a=1,求三角形 1年前1个回答 在三角形ABC中,已知2sinBxcosC=sinA,A=120度,a=1,求B和三角形ABC的面积 1年前6个回答 三角形形状的判定在三角形ABC中,已知cosB=sinA/2sinC,则三角形的形状为?可以的话 给个具体过程 1年前1个回答 在三角形ABC中,已知2sinBcosC=sinA,求证:B=C 1年前3个回答 在三角形ABC中,已知a分之sinA=b分之cosB=c分之cosc,试判断三角形ABC的形状 1年前1个回答 三角函数二倍角公式在三角形ABC中,已知2SinBCosC=SinA.A=120.a=1.求三角形ABC的面积 1年前1个回答 在三角形ABC中,已知2sinBcosC=sinA 1年前5个回答 在三角形ABC中,已知角sinA:角sinB:角sinC=3:5:7,则此三角形的最大内角为 1年前1个回答 在三角形ABC中,已知2sinBcosC=sinA. (1)求证B=C (2)如果A=120度,a=1,求S三角形ABC 1年前1个回答 在三角形ABC中,已知2sinBcosC=sinA,A=120,a=1,求三角形ABC的面积 1年前3个回答 在△ABC中,已知(sinA+sinB)^2-sin^c=3sinAsinB求证:A+B=120° 1年前1个回答 ABC中,已知tanC=sinA+sinB/cosA+cosB,试求角C值,并判断当sinA+sinB 取得最大之时的三 1年前2个回答 你能帮帮他们吗 You can love me but you can't make me like you 这句话用中文翻译是什么意思 1年前 英语翻译结实的靴子防水衣新闻界有些职业的自杀率远远高于其他职业 1年前 天鹅等鸟类每做一次呼吸活动,肺部就会发生两次气体交换,这种现象为( ) 1年前 K=K K=A K=B A=A A=B 三层、五层瓦楞纸板什么价格?(广东地区的) 1年前 在极地生存的动物有一种动物毛是中空的,这样阳光可以穿透中空的毛,射到皮肤上,请问是哪种动物 1年前 精彩回答 据报道,郑州市某社区民警向居民作述职报告,接受本社区居民的民主测评。如果测评结果为不满意,被测评者将可能被调离现在的岗位。这一举措体现了我国公民享有 1年前 At the meeting, we discussed___ we should spend more money on the project. 1年前 下列反应属于分解反应的是(  ) 1年前 根据课文内容填空。 (1) 《北京的春节》本文作者________,课文描绘了一幅幅画卷________,展示了中国节日习俗的________,表达了自己对________。 1年前 典范英语第8本的读后感怎么写(英文) 1年前
狂人121 1年前 已收到4个回答 举报
fbp1974 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
teach a model 这是完形填空里的一部分model 是模范典范的意思就是搞不清楚teach的意思
yesong841 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
zgxh 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
典范英语6-4 全文The children in Class 4 were busy .全文啊,不要简介.定有重金酬谢
hueyshida 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
Oh, Otto!

1. Something important
The children in Class Four were busy working
Then their teacher, Miss Underwood, said: ‘I have something very important to tell you.’
She smiled and said: ‘A new boy is coming to our class. His name is Otto and he comes from far, far away. In fact, he comes from outer space…’
(This is Otto’s first day at earth school. Here he is…)
The door opened and a boy came in. he looked just like the other children-but he was a different color. He was green.
Miss Underwood told Otto to sit with Jo and Charlie and Josh. Then she looked at Jo and added, ‘I want you to take care of our new boy and give him a hand if he needs it.’
‘Please, Miss,’ said Otto. ‘I’m not NEW. I’m seven and a half. And I don’t already. Look!’
‘Oh, Otto!’ Miss Underwood smiled. ‘Just sit down and be a dear.’
Otto sat down.
Then he said, ‘I don’t think I can be a deer…but I can quack like a duck.’
He flapped his arms, like wings, and went: ‘Quack! Quack! Quack!’
Charlie joined in: ‘Quack! QUACK! QUACK!’
Miss Underwood smiled at Otto. ‘No quacking n class!’ she said.
Then she frowned at Charlie. ‘Charlie!’ she said. ‘You know better than that! Get on with your work.’
‘It’s not fair!’ Charlie grumbled. ‘I get into trouble and that new boy doesn’t!’
That’s when Charlie decided he didn’t like Otto. He didn’t like him one bit.

2. Charlie is cross
Otto made a lot of mistakes.
Charlie leaned back on his chair. Otto tried to do the same thing. But he fell down…
…and so did all the paints.
Now Charlie was green too-and he wasn’t happy about it.
Charlie got crosser and crosser and crosser.
At playtime, when Otto was in the playground, Charlie decided to scare him.
‘If you stand there, you’ll get eaten by a bear,’ said Charlie.
‘A bear! Where?’ Otto screamed.
Charlie goggled. ‘We keep the bear in the head’s office. All Earth schools have a bear,’ he went on. ‘Sometimes the bear gets out…and sometimes it’s hungry!’
Otto looked very scared.

3. Treasure Hunt
That afternoon the class was having a Treasure Hunt. All the children were looking forward to it.
Miss Underwood gave each pair of children the same clue.
‘I want you to work in a pair with Otto,’ she said to Jo.
‘Work in a pear?’ said Otto ‘How? It will have to be a big pear. Not too juicy. We could all get sticky.’
Jo laughed. ‘Oh, Otto! You don’t understand anything! ’
The Treasure Hunt began.
Charlie worked with Josh. Jo worked with Otto.
This was the clue that they had to follow:
(Start at the classroom door.
Then walk along.
Don’t go right.
Then you won’t go wrong.)
‘What does that mean?’ said Charlie.
‘I don’t know,’ said Josh. ‘But when Miss Underwood hid the treasure last time, it was in the playground.’
‘Let’s go there!’ Charlie said to Josh. ‘Quick! We’ll be first.’
Otto jumped up to follow them-but Charlie had a plan. He stuck out his foot and tripped Otto up.
‘Enjoy your trip!’ Charlie laughed, and ran off with Josh.
Jo helped Otto up.
All the other children ran out of the classroom and followed Charlie and Josh. They turned right, towards the playground.
Jo sighed. ‘Now we’re going to be last.’
‘We won’t be last,’ said Otto, ‘because they’re all going the wrong way. Look at the clue.’
(Start at the classroom door.
Then walk along.
Don’t go right.
Then you won’t go wrong.
Otto pointed at the clue. ‘It means we start here-at the classroom door and we don’t turn RIGHT-because that would be wrong. We have to turn LEFT.’
They set off in the other direction to the rest of the children.
Charlie and Josh were looking for treasure in the playground and they were getting fed up.
‘There’s nothing here,’ said Charlie. ‘Let’s look inside the school.’
They went back into the school hall, past the head’s office and that’s when they saw it…
‘There IS a bear!’ Charlie said. ‘There really is!’
They ran screaming back to their classroom.
‘Help! Help! We’ve seen a bear.’

4. Oh, Otto
Jo and Otto had turned left and walked along the corridor.
‘Look!’ said Otto.
There was an arrow and it was pointing to a plant pot.
Jo picked up the pot and found a map.
There was another clue on the map.
(Clue number2
Follow this map if you want to do well.
Just look in the place where you find a spell.)
Jo and Otto followed the map to the school library.
Jo read out the clue again:
Follow this map if you want to do well.
Just look in the place where you find a spell.
‘I understand!’ said Otto. ‘Look-there’s a pile of spelling books. That’s where we’ll find a “spell!”’
‘You’ve got it, Otto!’ said Jo.
Behind the pile of spelling books, there was a box of golden coins. ‘Yum!’ said Jo. ‘It’s chocolate money!’
Back in the classroom, Jo and Otto shared out the treasure chocolate.
‘But what’s the matter with Josh and Charlie?’ asked Otto.
Some of the other children laughed.
‘Charlie and Josh thought they saw a bear!’
‘A bear!’ said Otto. ‘Jo told me you were making up that story to scare me.’
Charlie looked ashamed. ‘It wasn’t really a bear,’ he said. ‘It was the head’s big new coat hanging on the door…’
‘But it LOOKED like a bear,’ said Josh.
Charlie and Josh went bright red.
‘Don’t worry,’ said Otto. ‘Everyone makes mistakes. Have a chocolate.’
‘I’m sorry I made fun of you,’ said Charlie.
Charlie looked so sad that Miss Underwood felt sorry for him.
‘We’ll forgive you, Charlie,’ she said. ‘We all have bad days.’
She smiled. ‘You and Josh seem to have lost your heads, today!’
‘Oh!’ said Otto. ‘Shall I look for their heads, Miss? I’m good at finding things!’
hh饥民 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
7-18 Scrapman and the incredible flying machine 8-1 Waiting for Goldie
典范英语8 第八本皮蒂 求单词和文中句子,各五个
一面湖水1 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
1.《论语》是( )的记录.它是( )家的经典著作.行文以( )为主,是( )体散文的典范.
1.《论语》是( )的记录.它是( )家的经典著作.行文以( )为主,是( )体散文的典范.
maizhen 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
yuanyingjun 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Summary:After working so hard to help Winston build the incredible flying machine,Scrapman is disappointed that he won't be allowed to fly in it.Then,when Winston can't get the flying machine off the ground and goes home,Scrapman (who has just taught himself how to read and is feeling very confident) tries the machine.Scrapman is able to fly,but he doesn't know how to get back down until his friend Emma helps.Main Characters:Winston,Scrapman,Emma,Scrapcat,Patch.故事梗概:他们非常努力地帮助温斯顿建立了令人难以置信的飞行器之后,Scrapman非常失望他的不被允许开这台飞行器.然后,当温斯顿从地面上开着飞行器回到家的时候,Scrapman(刚刚自己学会了怎么阅读这台机器的使用说明,并且感到很自信)也尝试这台机器.Scrapman也学会飞了,但是他不知道如何爬下来,直到他的朋友艾玛帮助了他.主要人物:温斯顿,Scrapman,爱玛,Scrapcat,Patch.
典范英语6 第四篇《Oh,Otto》 主要内容!
典范英语6 第四篇《Oh,Otto》 主要内容!
内容One day,Miss Underwood told their student a very important things.She said:A new boy is coming to our class .His nme is Otto and he comes from outer space.Otto looked just like the other children,but he was a different color,green.Miss Underwood told Otto to sit with Jo,Charlie and Josh.She wants Otto be a dear,but Otto thinks he can't.Then he flapped his arms,like wings,and went:'Quack Quack Quack!' Charlie joined in.But Mis Underwood get touble Charlie.Don't get touble Otto.So Charlie didn;t like Otto one bit.Otto made a lot of mistakes,Charlie got crosser and ceosser and crosser.He want to scare Otto.He said there is a bear in the head's office,sometimes it's get out,sometimes it's hungry.Otto looked very scard.That afternoon the class was having a Treasure Hunt.Jo work in a pair with Otto.And Charlie worked with Josh.The Charlie and Josh go to the playground,because Miss Underwood hid the treasure last time.But their wrong.
mozhuangwei 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
huynhgiaban 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率100%
3.Nosiy neighbours.
There are two people who are the rich man's neighbours.There are very clever,they got lots of money from that man,and stay together.The rich man only got money,but he don't know how to enjoy this life,he is lonly.He always thought about his money not other people.In the future,I want to be the person who like Poppy Plink or Carl.Their heart are full of happyness,they are hopeful.
冻结DE回忆 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
There was a girl called Dorothy and she is a lovely girl with long red hair.Because of a cyclone,she started her interesting adventures with her dog Toto.She made friends with a tin man,a scarecrow an...
典范英语7 17《炸面圈的两难处境》读后感,英文的,字数70左右就可以了,
luyu195757 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
Danny’s favorite star Keith ,becomes the Lowgate team’s worst player.Keith can’t think of anything but tasty doughnuts.When Danny gives a doughnuts to Keith.,Keith is soon a stair again,and makes sure Danny is rewarded.
我是金鬼 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
609423197008 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
He is the model for teenagers.他是个年轻人的典范
苦海无边乐做舟 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
To see a world in a grain of sand.And a heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand.And eternity in an hour
Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment,not only about survival
Let’s write that letter we thought of writing "one of these days".
I love you not because of who you are,
Because of who I am when I am with you .
No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is worth make you cry.
The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t have them.
To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.
Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
Don’t waste your time on a man/woman,who isn’t willing to waste their time on you.
Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.
Don’t cry because it is over,smile,because it happened.
And forever has no end.
Life is a pure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.
英语翻译斯沃琪 (Swatch) 做为瑞士名表的典范,有着世界名表中的青春力量.斯沃琪 (Swatch) 手表以其时髦缤
斯沃琪 (Swatch) 做为瑞士名表的典范,有着世界名表中的青春力量.斯沃琪 (Swatch) 手表以其时髦缤纷的色彩,活泼的设计以及颠覆传统的造型,滴答地随着摩登生活的节奏向前迈进
fengmeng 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Swatch,has its special vigor as a perfect pattern among those famous Swiss watches.Swatch watch is clicking forward with the rhythm of the modern life by using its spectral colors,lively design and subversive shape.
subversive 颠覆性的
后世纪传体史书的典范,被鲁迅誉为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”的史学名著是 [ ]
741258963g 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
跪求 典范英语6 第17本翻译!
草草霉 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
突然,海象又情不自禁的跳到冰上 “我能翻筋斗了”他叫嚷着,“快,看我”
典范英语6 2-4本读后感好的加200分
ajofiasdi 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
3.Nosiy neighbours.
There are two people who are the rich man's neighbours.There are very clever,they got lots of money from that man,and stay together.The rich man only got money,but he don't know how to enjoy this life,he is lonly.He always thought about his money not other people.In the future,I want to be the person who like Poppy Plink or Carl.Their heart are full of happyness,they are hopeful.
《大自然之歌》问题 “森林是生命的典范,告诉人们生命的原始法则.”结合全文,说说你对“生命的原始法则”
《大自然之歌》问题 “森林是生命的典范,告诉人们生命的原始法则.”结合全文,说说你对“生命的原始法则”
uuii 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
老师讲的 你也是初二啊呵呵 顺应自然规则不去破坏生态平衡