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What to Do During an EarthquakeStay as safe as possible during an earthquake. Be aware that some earthquakes are actually foreshocks and a larger earthquake might occur. Minimize your movements to a few steps to a nearby safe place and stay indoors until the shaking has stopped and you are sure exiting is safe.If indoorsDROP to the ground; take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture; and HOLD ON on until the shaking stops. If there isn"t a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building. Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures or furniture. Stay in bed if you are there when the earthquake strikes. Hold on and protect your head with a pillow, unless you are under a heavy light fixture that could fall. In that case, move to the nearest safe place. Use a doorway for shelter only if it is in close proximity to you and if you know it is a strongly supported, loadbearing doorway. Stay inside until shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Research has shown that most injuries occur when people inside buildings attempt to move to a different location inside the building or try to leave. Be aware that the electricity may go out or the sprinkler systems or fire alarms may turn on. DO NOT use the elevators. If outdoorsStay there. Move away from buildings, streetlights, and utility wires. Once in the open, stay there until the shaking stops. The greatest danger exists directly outside buildings, at exits, and alongside exterior walls. Many of the 120 fatalities from the 1933 Long Beach earthquake occurred when people ran outside of buildings only to be killed by falling debris from collapsing walls. Ground movement during an earthquake is seldom the direct cause of death or injury. Most earthquake-related casualties result from collapsing walls, flying glass, and falling objects. If in a moving vehicleStop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires. Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped. Avoid roads, bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake. If trapped under debrisDo not light a match. Do not move about or kick up dust. Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing. Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you. Use a whistle if one is available. Shout only as a last resort. Shouting can cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of dust. Can you imagine life without a computer? It almost seems impossible doesn"t it? To some of us, it simply is unbearable to live without a computer. Think about it. We rely so heavily on computers that life without them is just impractical. Computers are one of the most important inventions ever. If computers had not had not been invented, technology would not have developed to its current state. Since the invention of computers, society has drastically changed. Computer technology is so helpful, that is even used to create newer, better computer equipment. Almost everything is linked in some way to computers.Isaac Asimov, a renowned writer, once said, "I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." His statement is absolutely correct. Computers have become the new form of communication. They are means of evolving technology and the expansion of the economy. They also provide leisure and intense entertainment. Through history computers have progressed immensely and to this second computers are still improving.How many people use computers as a way of communication? The Internet World Stats News recently published an article that stated that internet usage for email purposes has increased 107% in the year 2005. It is also documented that one billion internet users were estimated by the end of 2005. This means that over 50% of the U.S. population use email as a mean of communication. Whether it is email, chatting, text messaging through a computer, etc. the truth is that the number one way to converse is very rapidly becoming through a computer. People have even formed relationships through online chatting and email. Many people are reaching for their computer instead of heading out of the door to meet new people. A recent study showed that over 7 million people have registered with professional online dating agencies to meet new people. Computers are very promptly becoming the new "social event". Teenagers and young adults are relating to this more than any other age group. This generation is also known as the "digital" generation. The biggest formation recently of this generation is MySpace. MySpace is a social networking website that provides teenagers with pictures, blogs, music, videos, and profiles. Particularly teenagers and college students use this as a way to convene new people and comment on their profiles and photos. It has become so popular that it has its own search engine. The invention of MySpace is the clear evidence that computers have become a significant mean of communication. This expansion of communication has also led to the immense development of the economy.Through the significant array of communication because of computers, this has widely impacted the economy. Computers have had a profound change in the labor market. For instance, in the past sixty years, a large increase in the number of more educated workers and an increase in their wages were recorded due to computers. These workers were not only trained with computers but had experience with computers. It is said that computers and oil run the U.S. economy. Detailed analysis of the U.S. economy suggests that computers have impacted it enormously. Labor productivity has tremendously increased in the latter years and precisely because of computers it is still on the rise. Computers are providing the economy with gains and reducing the number of losses. Economists give great credit to computers for contributing to investments and making the economy more stable. Computers are also changing the economy in that it is becoming more globalized. Through computers the economy is able to analyze the impact of trade and financial flows in a more detailed way. It is this fact that makes computers so important economically.Education is by far the most aspect of computers. It is through students that computers have become so popular. Statistics and data prove that students are the major users of computers. So why are computers so addictive? The number one reason is that they are convenient. So convenient, that you can now even Take College courses online. The U.S. Education Department is particularly making sure that children get a head start on how to use a computer because they know how necessary a computer has become. Students use a computer for a variety of reasons. Whether research, typing essays, homework, projects, and yes of course for scholarships, they use computers consistently and efficiently. Computers have become so important in a student"s life that is impossible to live without. Professors at universities and colleges provide students with their own website to make it convenient for not only themselves but for the students also. Students are now at the point where they take tests and quizzes at computer labs. Computers are constantly used in education environments. Slowly the tasks of a teacher/professor are fading away. Their responsibilities are decreasing because computers have become so advanced to do these things. Professors/teachers now prefer that students contact them through email because it is the most expedient. The use of computers is growing so speedily in school and college environment that it is almost hard not to use a computer. Statistics now prove that there has been a link in the use of computers and there will always be an increase demand for students who know their computers.Technology is developing so instantly that even the world is having a hard time keeping up. Computers are now becoming a necessity. They are used worldwide for many reasons. Computers bring our economy at the point of globalization and expansion. Through computers employees are becoming qualified and because of this the economy is stabilizing. They give communication a new definition. Emails, chatting, and MySpace have all given people a new opportunity to meet new people. With computers there are no boundaries. Computers bring forth a new form of entertainment. Computers provide music, video games, movies, pictures, and other types of leisure. Like Asimov stated, "I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." Now each individual must decide are computers a necessity or a luxury. So the main question is, is life impossible without a computer?自己组织下才是自己的,唉说多少就多少,看你的~~


  无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。你知道作文怎样才能写的`好吗?下面是我精心整理的关于时事的英文作文,欢迎大家分享。   关于时事的英文作文 篇1   Children and Cyber-space   Internet is very popular among people all over the world, ranging from men to women, from the old to the young. Indeed, internet brings us enormous benefits such as free access to information, rich sources of entertainment and effective communication. However, just as a saying goes, every coin has two sides, Internet also produces some problems such as internet addiction, cyber crime, and computer-related health problems, among which the problem of children spending too much time in cyber-space is quite serious.   Some children are so addicted to the internet which provides them with video games, various kinds of entertainment and so on that they neglect their study. What"s worse, they tend to cut down the time for face-to-face communication with their family members, friends and classmates because of internet addiction. In addition, some children suffer from such health problems as myopia or obesity due to the excessive amount of time spent in the virtual world.   To solve this problem, parents and teachers should work together to strengthen supervision over the internet use and provide correct guidance to children"s study and life.   On Cultural Differences or Similarities   In this increasingly globalized world, it is highly important for us to understand the differences and similarities of different cultures so as to make our intercultural communication more effective.   Let me take China and the United States as an example. It can"t be denied that the two countries share something in common in that both are peace-loving nations with great respect for human rights, freedom and liberty. However, with diverse cultural, historical and political backgrounds, China and the USA are quite different in many aspects such as the eating habit, ways of greeting, social values, religious belief, and attitude toward money, time and relationship and so on. For instance, the Chinese believe in collectivism based on Confucianism while Americans are more individualism-drive and focus more on “I” rather than “we”.   To sum up, we need to hold the correct attitude towards cultural differences, that is, to seek common ground while setting aside the differences.   Managing the Environment   It goes without saying that our environment is under threat by air pollution, water pollution, sandstorm, mudslide, and radiation, etc.   Then what we should do to protect our environmentIn the first place, we should raise people"s awareness of environmental protection, making them understand the consequences of polluting the environment. The next step is to take some concrete measures to manage the environment. To individuals, we can lead a low-carbon life. For example, we should turn off the light and tap water after using it. What"s more, it is advisable to take public transportation rather than driving our own cars. In addition, we can separate our domestic waste into recyclable ones and non-recyclable ones. Last but not least, the government should also strengthen the enforcement of laws to punish those law-breakers severely.   Only by combining the individual efforts with government actions can we manager our environment better.   On Development in Western Societies   The past few decades have witnessed great changes in western societies.   Let us first focus on the positive changes taken place. For example, economy has been prospering and people"s living standard is on constant rise. Democracy and freedom prevail over force and dictatorship. What"s more, people enjoy longer span expectancy because of the advanced medical science.   However, just as every coin has two sides, there also appear some problems in the western countries. For instance, the natural environment is destroyed by heavy pollution since people have been pursuing economic gains at the expense of the environment. Besides, the gap between the rich and the poor is widening due to the unfair distribution of social wealth. Last but not least, global peace and stability is under threat because some western countries like launching regional wars in the name of democracy and freedom.   While the problems should not be ignored, solutions are necessary to make the western countries develop in the right direction.   On Equality and Family Life   Recently a hot topic that Li Yang, the founder of Crazy English, abused his wife aroused heated discussion among the public. Indeed, it is about equality and family life.   Though women enjoy much higher social status nowadays, they still suffer from domestic violence and complete gender equality is far from being achieved. Some men still believe in male chauvinism and demand that women should assume the role of housewife who should stay at home, looking after the children and taking care of the family. Some others regard themselves to be the center of the family and do not allow women to have any say in the family affairs. Still some are even worse by beating the women or regarding them just as simply child-bearing machines.   To achieve full gender equality, we should make some efforts. For example, the government should set up laws to prevent domestic violence from taking place. Meanwhile, we need to make everyone know that men and women should be treated equally not only in the family but also in the professional field. Last but not least, women themselves should learn to protect their rights and rise up against unfair treatment.   On Homelessness   Every country is faced with some problems such as environmental pollution, crime, poverty, inequality, and homelessness on so on. Homelessness is a universal phenomenon that some people do not have a home to live in and live on the street either because of poverty or due to some incidents such as war, flood or earthquake.   Homelessness brings about several negative social impacts. On the one hand, it breeds crimes since those who do not have a stable life resort to criminal activities to make a living, which is a threat to the security of other people. On the other hand, homelessness is harmful to the peace and stability of the country.   Then we should we do to cut down the number of homeless peopleThere is no doubt that the government and should take actions to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. Polices favorable to the homeless should be made to help them get employed and have a decent place to live in. the public should also give these homeless a helping hand. Only in this way can the problem of homelessness be solved.   On Mass Media   Mass media refers to information for and communication between large members of people, the ways in which information, especially news, etc., is spread to large number of people.   There are various types of mass media familiar to us in our daily life such as internet, TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines and so on. As important means of communication, the major functions of mass media, in my eyes, are spreading news, offering entertainment and facilitating our life.   My favorite mass media is the internet which makes our life colorful and more convenient. Internet provides quick access to news around the globe, enables us to search for much information, makes communication much easier and efficient, and allows us to relax ourselves by listening to music or watching films online. However, we should not indulge ourselves in the virtual world.   Personal Views on Reforms in Chinese Higher Education   It should be acknowledged that much progress has been made in China"s higher education. For example, an increasing number of college graduates are produced and the overall quality of the Chinese people has been improved.   However, some problems still exist in China"s higher education and reforms are needed to make it better. For instance, changes should be made in terms of the teaching method. Some teachers are still favor the traditional cramming teaching which contributes little to student"s creativity. Therefore, new methods should be employed to make teaching more stimulating and inspiring. In addition, the focus of higher education should be shifted from exam-oriented to quality oriented. After all, institutions of higher learning are places for students to learn to think for themselves and improve their overall quality instead of learning to be skilled in taking examinations.   With everyone"s effort, the reforms in China"s higher education will yield desirable results.   关于时事的英文作文 篇2   In the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Chinese athlete Liu Xiang dropped out of the race due to his foot injury, which led to a heated discussion among people across the country.   According to a survey conducted by Sina Website,about 34% of the people think an athlete should quit the race when injured since health is much more important than a gold medal;While nearly 20% of the netizens believe that an injured athlete should hold on to the end instead of giving up halfway. They regard the sport field as a battlefield in which every athlete should fight for the honor of his or her country in spite of any difficulty.   In my opinion,it"s a right choice for Liu Xiang to choose to quit the race. For one thing,nothing is more important than health and sports doesn"t mean sacrificing one"s health for a gold medal;for another,after Liu Xiang recovers fully,he still has many chances to realize his dream.   关于时事的英文作文 篇3   Dear Mr. Wang,   We"re so pleased that you are willing to share our views.   In the course of the general revision,what we need is solid foundation. As you know,we didn"t learn well enough in the first two years,so please slow down and make sure we have really mastered something. Besides,we need a little more time to think for ourselves. As for those important points which also make us confused, would you please give us more practice in case we forget?Meanwhile,we need your instruction,for example,in how to write in natural English. I still have another request: assign us less homework in order that we can do it more efficiently.   By the way,we often feel frustrated,which has a very bad effect on our study. We would appreciate it if you would give us some encouragement from time to time.   关于时事的英文作文 篇4   One possible version:   Car-free Day was launched in our city and 107 other cities on September 22, to encourage people to take public transport, ride bicycles or walk instead of driving private cars.   The campaign has gained much support all over the country and has raised awareness among all people of energy saving and environmental protection. It"s a real success.   With the development of the economy, more and more families have bought private cars, thus leading to much heavier traffic problems and more serious air pollution. Therefore, I think it"s necessary to launch such campaigns. And I hope more and more cities and their residents will take part in this type of activity.   关于时事的英文作文 篇5   As we all know that 2010 World Expo will be held in Shanghai , this is the first time that China hosted the World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So it is a great honor for our country. It is also a great honor for all the Asians. As a host city, Shanghai will have more chances to develop quickly. The theme of the Expo is "Better City, Better Life". We all really hope that Shanghai will become more exciting and attractive and that we can enjoy life to the fullest. Organizers expected to attract 70 million visitors from all over the world to attend, at the same time it is also the largest in the history of World Expo. It is a good chance for China to show its achievements in many fields.


  看看下面为大家整理推荐的大学英语作文翻译范文吧!   合理消费 Reasonable Consumption   Consumption is necessary. It promotes the economy. Consumption brings happiness for some people while it brings annoyance for other people, because they think it wastes the money. There are different viewpoints about consumption between the old and young generation. But I think reasonable consumption is the best.   消费是必要的,它可以促进经济发展。对于一些人来说,消费带来幸福,然而对于另外一些人来说消费带来烦恼,因为他们认为在浪费钱。老一辈的消费观和年轻一代有所不同。但我认为合理的消费是最好的。   For the old generation, they are very frugal about everything, even the money. They believe that money is used for solving basic needs, and the rest of it should be saved. While for the young generation, they are more likely to use money to find fun. They like to go to the entertainment occasions, such as KTV, or go to barbecue with friends.   对于老一辈来说,他们对一切都很节俭,金钱也不例外。他们认为钱是用来解决基本需求,而剩余的则应该存下来。而对于年轻一代,他们更倾向于通过花钱来找乐趣,他们喜欢去娱乐场合,比如KTV、或跟朋友去烧烤。   The different ways of consumption are influenced by the living situation. The old generation has gone through the hard time, so they don"t have much pursuit for the entertainment, while the young are in the opposited way.   Money should be used to improve life standard, or it will lose its meaning. In my opinion, some part of the money is needed to pay for amusement and social communication.   消费方式受生活状况的影响。老一辈经历了艰难困苦的日子,所以他们对娱乐没什么追求,而年轻人却恰恰相反。在我看来,钱应该用于提高生活标准,不然就会失去其本身意义。有一部分的钱应该用来支付娱乐和社交。   学英语的意义 The Meaning of Learning English   There is no doubt that English is the most widely used language. In China, students have to learn it since they enter the primary school, even in some families, parents will hire tutors to help improve their children"s English level. The meaning of learning English is obvious.   不可否认,英语是使用最广泛的语言。在中国,学生自从进入小学后就开始要学习英语了,甚至在一些家庭中,父母会雇家教来帮助他们的小孩提高英语水平。学习英语的意义是显而易见的.。   First, we need to keep pace with the time. When everybody is speaking English, if we don"t follow them, then we will be kicked out. Today, the world is globalized, people seek for cooperation, especially for the business. Mastering the English provides people chances to do the business and enlarge their business.   首先,我们需要与时俱进。当每个人都在说英语的时候,如果我们无法跟上潮流,就会被淘汰。今天是全球化的世界,大家都在寻求合作,特别是商务方面。掌握英语给商务提供了机会,扩大的业务范围。   Second, English as the common language provides people the stage to understand each other. When I travel abroad, I like to talk to the local people. No matter which country I go, everybody admits to communicate in English. We learn each other"s culture and talk happily. As I master English, I can go anywhere, communication is not the problem to stop me.   第二,英语作为通用语言为人们之间相互理解提供了舞台。我出国旅游的时候,我喜欢和当地人交流。无论我去哪个国家,大家都默认用英语交流。我们了解彼此的文化还聊得很开心。因为我掌握了英语,所以我可以去任何地方,沟通完全不是阻挡我的障碍。   As English is so important and practical, we should learn as much as we could, so as to make better preparation for our future.   英语是如此的重要和实用,我们应该尽可能地多学习,以便更好地为我们的未来做准备。   安乐死 Die With Pleasure   Mercy killling has been the hot issue and some animals were accepted this way of death. In some countries, mercy killing is legal for human being. When people are badly ill and have given up life, they wished to die with pleasure. Betsy Davis made her choice.   安乐死一直是一个热点话题,一些动物接受了这种方式离去。在一些国家,安乐死是合法的。当人们病得很严重的时候,对生命已经放弃了希望,他们就希望快乐地死去。贝特西·戴维斯就做出了自己的选择。   Betsy Davis was an artist and she suffered from ALS. After being treated for some time, she still got sick worse and worse and she had big trouble in moving, so she decided to accept mercy killing. But she was not going to die sadly, instead, she emailed her families and friends to join her good-bye party for two days, and she told them not to be sad but only with pleasure.   贝特西·戴维斯是一个艺术家,她患有肌萎缩性侧索硬化症,接受一段时间治疗后,病情仍然恶化了,她难以移动,所以她决定接受安乐死。但她不打算悲伤死去,相反,她给她的家人和朋友发了邮件,邀请他们参加她为期两天的告别会,她告诉他们不要伤心,要快乐。   This woman was so positive, even at the end of her life. She smiled and had the happy memory. Everybody has his last day, but if he can die with pleasure, this is the best ending. Death is not scare. When people can smile to face it, their lives are colorful when they recall. That"s enough.   这个女人很乐观,即使在她生命的尽头也一样。她笑着面对,拥有快乐的回忆。每个人都会有生命终结的一天,但如果能快乐地死去,这是最好的结局。死亡并不可怕,当人们可以笑着面对它,回忆起生活充满五彩缤纷时,这就够了。


  在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?下面是我为大家收集的外貌描写作文400字4篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 外貌描写作文400字 篇1   我的班主任老师叫闫娟,我们大家都亲切的喊她闫老师。闫老师顾名思义就是“严”。   闫老师对我们的学习要求可严格了,每天都给我们布置家庭作业,每到考试前的复习阶段,我们的作业就更多了。   记得有一次,老师让我们做语言积累,张江江等几个同学把字写得很烂,老师一气之下把他们的作业本都给撕了,并且都罚重写。   老师不仅对我们的学习要求严格,对我们的日常行为规范要求的也很严。有一次,我们班的陈新旗被政教处扣了分,闫老师知道了。有的同学就批评他说:“陈新旗扣了分怎么不到办公室跟老师说一声呢?”闫老师走进教室就问陈新旗:“你是为什么被扣了分?”陈新旗吞吞吐吐地说:“进门时没排队。”老师问大家:“进出门要排队,老师要求过没有?”同学们异口同声的说:“要求过!”“只有你陈新旗没有听到吗?你写出检讨,让家长签字。”闫老师生气的说。第二天陈新旗只签了一个家长的名字,闫老师要求他重签,他签了三次才成功。老师通过这件事让陈新旗和大伙同时都受到了教育,再也没有人进门不排队了。   同学们都觉得老师对待我们太严格了,但是不这样严格,多数人就不自觉,只有这样大家才会遵守纪律,才会认真对待作业。   看,这就是我们的班主任老师。 外貌描写作文400字 篇2   舅舅养了一条哈士奇,名叫奇奇。   奇奇是一个很可爱的小家伙。它背上长着黑色的一毛一,肚子上、脸颊上和四肢上都是白色的一毛一,额头上还有一条白色的印迹。尖尖的耳朵竖得直直的,仿佛在监听周围发出的任何声响。一双银白色的、炯炯有神的眼睛下面长着几根短短的胡须。红黑相间的鼻子下面长着一张大大的嘴。张大嘴巴便会露出尖尖的牙齿和长长的舌头。四个大脚掌紧紧一抓住地面,粗一粗的大一腿支撑着它强壮的身体。一条硬一硬的尾巴一见到主人就使劲地摇,还不停地发出“呜——呜”的声音,呼唤主人过来。   奇奇的身手很敏捷。瞧,只要我手里的食物一飞出去,它就看准食物,四肢一用力、一纵身、一张嘴、猛一扑:食物就进入它的嘴巴里了。   奇奇也是一个顽皮的家伙。不管什么东西,只要到了它的地盘,都会被它叼到窝里。能吃的会被它吃掉,不能吃的会变成它的玩具。有一次,我看见舅舅刚刚解一开绳索,它就拖着舅舅往院子外面跑。看到这个情景,我笑道:“不是人溜狗,而是狗溜人!”   我喜欢舅舅的这只哈士奇,我会经常去看它的! 外貌描写作文400字 篇3   小学老师:郭老师、林老师、滕老师、卢老师……中学老师:王老师、郭老师、吴老师、杨老师……   毕竟我们来到一个不是很熟悉的学校,才读了1个多星期的书,对老师们也不是太了解,所以就介绍介绍我的小学班主任肖艳老师吧!   肖艳老师是教了我六年的小学班主任,她,默默地在教育岗位上耕耘了几十个年头,她把自己的一生无私地献给了教育事业,献给了她的学生。   肖老师留着一头长发,她心地善良,和蔼可亲。她像妈妈一样严格要求我们,疼爱我们。   老师有一个毛病。只要是拿起粉笔在黑板上写字时,老师的手几乎快要裂开了。冬天的时候,更是了——天气冷,冻得手都僵了,何况老师还要写字呢!后来,每当老师要写字的时候,我们都会积极的给老师一张纸巾,套在粉笔的外面,这样,老师的手就会好一些……   我再一次感谢肖老师:肖老师,你就像树,我就是小鸟,在你的照顾下,让我有了一个温暖的.家;你就是大地,我就像花草树木,在你的哺育下,尽情地开放;你就像阳光,我就像大地,在你的照耀下,更加美丽。 外貌描写作文400字 篇4   每个人都有一双手,只是有的粗大,有的娇小,有的厚实,有的柔软,但在这么多形形色色,各不相同的手中,让我记忆深刻的就是姥姥的手。   看看姥姥的手:上面布满了皱纹,手掌里有因为干农活而留下的厚茧,手背上有着象征岁月的老年斑,手指上还有好几道疤痕,那是下地时被飞机草划的。手,看起来粗短,难看,但是握起来却让人感到厚实、心安,这是一双勤劳、朴实的手。   姥姥没什么文化,但在年轻的时候却干过很多职业:卖雪糕、卖呼啦圈、卖羊肉等。姥姥大字不识几个,可是自己却去南京进货,回来再卖,生意十分兴隆。   现在姥姥六十多了,到了喝茶水、打麻将的年龄了。可姥姥却闲不住,依然要为自己找份事情做。在小区的空余地,姥姥在那里种起了高粱、红薯、大豆和各种蔬菜,除了自给自足外还经常给我们一些。可以说姥姥这双手除了学习没什么没干过的了。姥姥常说学习多好啊,有文化也不用像我这样了。这是一双近乎万能的手。   每次我去姥姥家,姥姥和姥爷总是会给我做上一桌可口的饭菜,每当我任性惹妈妈生气时,姥姥总是用手护住我,每当姥姥到我家,都给我叠被子。这是一双包含了对我的疼爱的手。   姥姥用这双手创造力自给自足的生活,用这双手找到属于自己的生活,用这双慈爱的手拉扯我长大,用这双手助我成长。姥姥这双手并不美丽,却教会我一切事情都要靠自己的努力,姥姥用这双勤劳的手教会我勤劳是一切的保障,这就是我朴实的姥姥的手。

求以“ The influence of globalization on managerial work”英语作文200字

The influence of globalization on managerial workGlobalized advantages are accompanied by disadvantages: At the same time, the contemporary globalization improved the human survival and the development condition unprecedentedly, promoted human society"s progress enormously; On the other hand, the present age human society"s globalization has also brought a series of global question, they caused the entire humanity"s survival and the development fell into the serious difficult position, contained the risk and the challenge, caused the world development not to be balanced intensifies, polarization of the rich and the poor enlarging, north and south disparity enlarging.


Logistics is the management of the flow of goods, information and other resources, including energy and people, between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements of consumers (frequently, and originally, military organizations). Logistics involve the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material-handling, and packaging.Origins and definition:The term "logistics" originates from the ancient Greek "λόγος" ("logos"—"ratio, word, calculation, reason, speech, oration").Logistics is considered to have originated in the military"s need to supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved from their base to a forward position. In ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine empires, there were military officers with the title ‘Logistikas" who were responsible for financial and supply distribution matters.The Oxford English dictionary defines logistics as: “The branch of military science having to do with procuring, maintaining and transporting material, personnel and facilities.”Another dictionary definition is: "The time related positioning of resources." As such, logistics is commonly seen as a branch of engineering which creates "people systems" rather than "machine systems"....Logistics management:Logistics management is that part of the supply chain which plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers" requirements. A professional working in the field of logistics management is called a logistician.The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport (CILT) was established in the United Kingdom in 1919 and was granted the Royal Charter in 1926. The Chartered Institute is one of professional bodies or institutions for the logistics & transport sectors, that offers such professional qualification or degree in logistics management.Business logistics:Logistics as a business concept evolved only in the 1950s. This was mainly due to the increasing complexity of supplying one"s business with materials and shipping out products in an increasingly globalized supply chain, calling for experts in the field who are called Supply Chain Logisticians. This can be defined as having the right item in the right quantity at the right time at the right place for the right price and is the science of process and incorporates all industry sectors. The goal of logistics work is to manage the fruition of project life cycles, supply chains and resultant efficiencies.In business, logistics may have either internal focus (inbound logistics), or external focus (outbound logistics) covering the flow and storage of materials from point of origin to point of consumption (see supply chain management). The main functions of a qualified logistician include inventory management, purchasing, transportation, warehousing, consultation and the organizing and planning of these activities. Logisticians combine a professional knowledge of each of these functions so that there is a coordination of resources in an organization. There are two fundamentally different forms of logistics. One optimizes a steady flow of material through a network of transport links and storage nodes. The other coordinates a sequence of resources to carry out some project.


The campus, which is believed to be a place for students to gain knowledge, but as the world gets globalized, many business centers have moved into the campus. Students enjoy the commercial environment, but some people think that the commercial environment will have negative effect to the students. I think the campus should be pure. 大学校园,被人们认为是学生学习知识的地方,但是随着全球化,很多商业中心搬进了校园。学生享受着商业环境,但是一些人觉得商业环境会给学生带来负面影响。我觉得校园应该要纯净。 On the one hand, campus is the place for students to learn the knowledge. The school should create the environment which is suitable for the students to study. Such as the school can open the shops to sell the books, or the things which are related to the study. 一方面,大学校园是学生学习知识的地方。学校应该创造适合学生学习的环境。比如学校可以开卖书的店,或者卖和学习有关的东西。 On the other hand, the commercial centers will distract students" attention from their study. The shop, the theater and other shops have built in some campus, it makes the students can"t focus their minds, they just want to finish their class and then go shopping. The original purpose has been forgotten by the students. 另一方面,商业中心会让学生从学习上分心。商店,电影院和其他的店在一些学校已经建立了,这让学生无法集中精神,他们会想要快点上完课,然后去购物。学生忘记了他们上学的初衷。 Though the commercialize of campus brings students convenience, it is not suitable to let those shops open, students" main duty is to study and the commercialize will interfere them. 虽然校园的商业化给学生带来了方便,但是让这些店开在校园里是不合适的,学生的主要任务是学习,商业化会干扰他们。


以"我最想去的国家"为题目的英语作文(100词左右) Music makes our life colorful Dear friends, The title of my speech is “Music makes our life colorful ”. Life without music is like a cold winter without sunshine. Music plays a very important part in our life. We can take music as a lifetime friend. When we feel sad, it can make us warm and fortable. When we get angry, it can make us calm down. When we e back home after school, music can drive tiredness away. There"re many kinds of music such as classical music, pop music, country music, western music jazz. Different people like different music. For example, some people like country music because it is simple. But most of young people like rock and roll because it is very exciting. And some old men like classical music very much. I do enjoy music very much. I always listen to music. Music brings me into a different world. The feeling is beyond words. It has bee an important part in my life. I can hardly imagine what life would be without music. 最想去的国家 英语作文 The United States of America (USA) is the only superpower on this globe now. It is a developed country with diversified cultures such as Asian, European and African. Some people call USA "the melting pot" because of the diversity. USA has a dominating power over economy, education, policitcs, milatary and culture all around the world. It has advanced industries, ideas and some of the *** artest scientist on this earth. But it also has its own problems such as racial discrimination and the widening gap beeen the rich and the poor. 以“Healthy Lifestyles”为题目的英语作文(100词左右) Healthy Lifestyles Health is very important for everyone. And we all believe that the healthier we are, the happier life we will enjoy. As a result, how to keep healthy has bee a hot ic around us. To stay healthy, I have the following tips to share with you, which are also my own practical experience. The first step is to pick up a good eating habit. I prefer more fruits and vegetables to ice-cream and burgers, for food with much oil in it can make us fatter and fatter. The next step is to have a reasonable living habit. During the day, I spend some time doing sports, and during the night, having enough sleep is important as well. Moreover, I believe that being in a positive mood will also do good to your health, because I find that anger makes me exhausted, however, kindness and confidence make me relaxed. All in all, why don"t you set out to lead a healthy life right now? The healthier we are, the happier we bee. 以"thank "为题目的英语作文 Thank You, I have a good friend. He is a handsome boy and his eyes shine with wisdom. I have known him since Senior One. We are both interested in English. Once both of us entered for an English contest. How eagerly I expected to get a prize! On hearing that I had failed in the contest, I could hardly hold back my tears. “What a pity!” I murmured to myself over and over again. I felt that the world had bee cold and everyone seemed to be laughing at me. I love English and have gone all out to study it since my first day in the junior middle school. I have even dreamed of entering a foreign language institute. So I felt very sad. Just at this time, I received a short letter in English, saying, “Failure is the mother of suess. Cheer up! Don"t lose confidence. Keep on your study and you will sueed!” I knew it was from the good friend of mine. These words encouraged me greatly. I fot all my sadness. From then on, I studied English even harder. In the next English contest, I got the first prize. Of course, he was delighted with my suess. I am very lucky to have such a good friend. I"m thankful to him for his help. 以《my favorite activities》为题目的英语作文80词左右 My favorite activity is listening to music.when I was young I listen to the radio,waiting for my favorite songs,when they played i"d sing along,it make me *** ile.those were such happy times and not so long ago,how i wondered where they"d gone.but they"re back again just like a long lost friend all the songs i love so well. when they get to the part,where he"s breaking her heart,it can really make me cry it was songs of love that i would sing to them and i"d memorise each word. 以reading为题目的英语作文九十词左右 remendations, the argument that it did not in politics, whether the conditions ripe; economic and financial resources allow; technical methods, whether the scientific reliability and included in the report on the blind. 求以《a heated debate》为题目的英语作文,字数100词左右 In recent years, the phenomenon has been in a heated debate, which shows that college students tend to study hard only when the final exam is ing. There are many reasons are to blame. But no matter what reasons there are, this phenomenon is nothing to be good. Some teachers say that students lack of aumulation of knowledge in daily life, which benefits nothing to them. What"s worse, because of the little time to review so many subjects, many college students fail to pass the exams. Besidesthese, even students sueed to pass exams, but they will easily fet what they have learnt in such a short time. I believe study is a process that we should execute in your daily life, only by doing so can we really learn true knowledge. english is ing more importment为题目的英语作文谁会?100词左右 the title should read "English is being more important"... As the world is being more globalized, and technology advancement in the Europe and America states precedes that of Asia and other parts of the world, English being the most monly used language is being more important than native language in these areas. It is not unusual that people speaks English when meeting with others of another country or race, because the chances of them speaking English is higher than any other language. Hence, doing business with people of foreign countries usually requires English, as it is easier to converse directly, without a translator. And of course, that is the main factor pushing the popularity of English; because it is most monly spoken and helps in building the economy, it is being increasingly important. 我最想去的国家 英语作文 能读2分钟就可以 I want go to the USA most.because I can watch NBA there and go to Disneyland to see lots of cartoon characters.And the food in the USA is very delicious,too. I also can play basketball with some American teenagers. The United States is also the most developed country in the world.In a word, I think I"ll be very happy if i can go to the USA.(觉得少的话,你也可以加些自己的话。) 以"my favourite dream team"为题目的英语作文 my dream Everyone has a dream. I also have a dream,but not only a simple one. When I was in primary school,my dream was that I would be a doctor when I grew up.I"ll be the first person who produces a new medicine.This kind of medicine can make teachers relax when they are busy correcting their students" exercises and preparing their lessons.Because one day when I woke up at midnight,I found my father,a senior Chinese teacher,was still busy with his work.I was deeply moved.I wish my father could be healthy and relaxed every minute. Now I"m a senior Grade Two student,all my clas *** ates and I are working hard,we all know the College Entrance Examination which will e in the year of 2005 is a big problem for us.We must study harder and harder in order to go to a good university,then when we finish our school,we can find a good job in society.My dream is also that.Though now I"m not good at study,I"ll try my best. I know fantasy is hard to e true,but dream can. I"ll work hard for my dreams,I"ll never give up.

关于"will Chinese become glbal language"的英语作文

1As China becomes a global power, Chinese language will assume a greater global significance. That significance will extend over business, trade, culture and other areas. But, will Chinese have the influence of English now has? Will Chinese ever become the global language?After the year 1600, the British Empire began to spread English around the world. The process around a huge boost in the 20th century through the business, technology and postwar reconstruction. Beyond this, there were a number of quite extraordinary trends in culture, science and the arts that reinforces these developments. Either way, English now stands unchallenged as the world"s international language.English remains relevant today in every sphere of human life and activity. Though China"s economy is strong enough to significantly boost the cause of the Chinese. It seems unlikely that Chinese is going to displace English as the global language eventually. If that were to happen. It would arouse an entire linguistic and Cultural Revolution which does not seem feasible or practical. Interestingly, there is not much effort even from Chinese to promote their language on an international stage. They are happy to be able to speak their own language. But when it comes to international business .It is they who choose, the way the world does - in English.However it cannot be denied that till now Chinese is the most widely - spoken language in the world. But that is because of the huge China"s population, within and outside China. It seems quite improbably and far-fetched that the most widely-spoken language in the world will also become the most popular.2It is widely accepted that English,is the lingua franca* of theworld—the language of businessin a globalized economy. It isalso the language of the Internet,the most important technologycontributing to the rise ofglobalization and the resultingdominance of American English as the international language. Theascension* of English as the international language began with therise to a global power of the British Empire in the 19th and early20th century and was affi rmed and extended by the United States"taking the baton of world economic and military power from GreatBritain at the close of the Second World War. The consolidationof U.S. power, in particular with the end of the Cold War at theclose of the 20th century, meant that American English would bethe language of international communication for the foreseeablefuture.However, recently, with the rise of China as a global economic playeron the world scene, there has been talk of China"s challenging theUnited States" economic dominance and therefore the concomitant*rise of the Chinese language (specifically, Mandarin) as a rival toAmerican English as the world"s common language. Based onthe widely publicized fi gure of a 10% growth grate of the Chineseeconomy in the last decade, predictions have been made that,as China catches and surpasses the U.S. as the dominant globaleconomic power, Chinese will overtake English as the internationallanguage of business, technology and politics sometime in thiscentury, perhaps even in the next fi fty years.Nevertheless, as with many propositionsthat, when repeated enough times by alot of people are then taken for “facts,” thecoming economic challenge of China tothe U.S. and of Chinese to English as theinternational language is unlikely to happenany time soon. Lester Thurow, the notedMIT economist of globalization, recentlypublished his analysis of the 10% growth-rateclaim of the Chinese economy, and, usingthe Chinese government"s own statistics, heshowed convincingly that this fi gure is simplynot possible. In fact, the growth rate of theChinese economy for the last decade hasbeen more like 4% per annum, a fi gure notmuch above the U.S. growth rate of 3.5%during the same period. Using these morerealistic statistics, and assuming a constantaverage growth rate of about 4-5% annually,Thurow projects a Chinese contest of U.S.global economic dominance, if it happens atall, to arrive no sooner than the 22nd century,not the twenty-fi rst3When I started considering this question a few years ago, it seemed like a complex question. The eventual outcome would be determined by a tangled stew of global sociological dynamics, trade and investment flows, migration patterns, economic growth rates, popular culture development and marketing, thought and opinion leadership, technology development, etc.I since have come to believe the answer is fairly simple: No, because Chinese is too difficult to learn and master as a second language.Certainly Chinese is an important language today, if for no other reason than because more than 1 billion people use it. And, it will remain important for many decades and probably centuries into the future. But, will large numbers of non-native speakers someday use it as a neutral, common language in order to converse with each other? Will corporate executives from France and Germany shift to Chinese when they meet to discuss business? How about students from Ghana and Thailand studying together in Canada? Or, government ministers from India and Australia discussing trade issues?I don"t believe so. And, those are the attributes that define a “global language”. 给你三篇参考一下吧


My favorite teatherMy favorite teacher is Mrs Luo.She is a math teacher.She is very good  and professional in math.She has long hair and big eyes.She has middle height.In class,she tries her best to teach us how to learn math.She always says"It"s my duty to teach you".She is very friendly and very patient with all the students.When we have problems,she is sure to help us.She is often with a smile.She is just likes our friends.Athough when we make mistakes,she will be angry,she doern"t really punish too much  us all along.This is my favorite teacher.What about you?祝你开心如意!

英语作文关于学英语的好处 怎么写

As the world gets globalized,English has become a worldwide language,in China,English is a subject for students to learn.The reason we learn English is that it has many good sides.First,knowing Englis...


Is it about learning methods or the attitude?


  就读英语专业的同学,除了可以从事外贸行业之外,是否也可以自己创业呢?下面是我给大家整理了创业 英语 作文 ,供大家参阅!   创业英语作文篇1:请教创业   Sometimes we break through by cutting a hole into our resistance with our willpower, and sometimes we melt the ice with compassion for our predicament and ourselves. Either way, each time we break through, we reach a new understanding of the strength we store within ourselves. When we find ourselves up against that frozen barrier of thinking we cannot handle our situation, we may find that the kindest choice is to love ourselves and our resistance too.   创业英语作文篇2:为什么你愿意自主创业   "Business" is also a profession:   Many students believe that entrepreneurship is a career in itself,at the peak of employment,give yourself a wider sky,and many people think that in the future society,self-employed people will more and more,and even become mainstream employment,become the first job after graduating from college students dizzy 3,the requirements of economic reasons the economy is an important reason students choose their own businesses.In taking economic construction as the center of a large environment,the working conditions are an important factor has to be considered,self-employment is likely to bring good economic returns.   创业英语作文篇3:大学生创业   The campus, which is believed to be a place for students to gain knowledge, but as the world gets globalized, many business centers have moved into the campus. Students enjoy the commercial environment, but some people think that the commercial environment will have negative effect to the students. I think the campus should be pure.   大学校园,被人们认为是学生学习知识的地方,但是随着全球化,很多商业中心搬进了校园。学生享受着商业环境,但是一些人觉得商业环境会给学生带来负面影响。我觉得校园应该要纯净。   On the one hand, campus is the place for students to learn the knowledge. The school should create the environment which is suitable for the students to study. Such as the school can open the shops to sell the books, or the things which are related to the study.   一方面,大学校园是学生学习知识的地方。学校应该创造适合学生学习的环境。比如学校可以开卖书的店,或者卖和学习有关的东西。   On the other hand, the commercial centers will distract students" attention from their study. The shop, the theater and other shops have built in some campus, it makes the students can"t focus their minds, they just want to finish their class and then go shopping. The original purpose has been forgotten by the students.   另一方面,商业中心会让学生从学习上分心。商店,电影院和其他的店在一些学校已经建立了,这让学生无法集中精神,他们会想要快点上完课,然后去购物。学生忘记了他们上学的初衷。   Though the commercialize of campus brings students convenience, it is not suitable to let those shops open, students" main duty is to study and the commercialize will interfere them.   虽然校园的商业化给学生带来了方便,但是让这些店开在校园里是不合适的,学生的主要任务是学习,商业化会干扰他们。 》》》》下一页更多精彩“创业英语作文”


sprint/middle-distance/long run 短跑/中/长距离跑 marathon 马松 relay race;relay 接力 hurdles;hurgle race 跨栏 walking;walking race 竞走 steeplechase 障碍赛 high jump 跳高 pole jump;pole vault 撑竿跳高 long jump 跳远 high skip and jump 三级跳 shot put 推铅球 discus 铁饼 weight throw 链球 gavelock;javelin 标枪 decathlon 男子十项全能(100米跑、跳远、铅球、跳高、400米跑,110米跨栏跑、铁饼、撑竿跳高、标枪、1500米跑) heptathlom 女子七项全能(100米跨栏跑、跳高、铅球、200米跑、跳远、标枪、800米跑) triathlon 铁人三项:游泳(1500米);自行车(40公里);跑步(10公里)射击: shooting Men"s/Women"s shooting 10m Air Rifle男子/女子10米气步枪 Men"s/Women"s Shooting 10m Air Pistol 男子/女子10米气手枪 shooting Trap 多向飞碟 Shooting 10m Running Target 10米移动靶 Shooting 25m Pistol 25米运动手枪 跳水:divingMen"s/Women"s Diving Synchronised 10m platform男子/女子10米双人跳台 Men"s/Women"s 10m platform 男子/女子10米跳台 Men"s/Women"s 3m platform 男子/女子3米跳板 Men"s/Women"s Synchronized 3m springboard 男子/女子3米双人跳板 游泳:swimming400 medley 400米混合泳 freestyle 自由泳 breaststroke 蛙泳 butterfly 蝶泳 backstroke 仰泳 Men"s/Women"s 4x100 freestyle 男子/女子4x100混合泳接力 划船:rowingcanoe/kayak 划皮艇 canoe slalom 轻舟激流 sailing 帆船运动 repechages (赛艇和击剑等运动的)补充赛 体操:gymnasticsrings 吊环balance beam 平衡木 trampoline 鞍马 vaulting horse 跳马 Women"s Artistic Gymnastics Uneven Bars 竞技体操女子高低杠 Women"s Artistic Gymnastics Beam 竞技体操女子自由体操 Men"s Artistic Gymnastics Parallel Bars 竞技体操男子双杠 Men"s Artistic Gymnastics horizontal Bar 竞技体操男子单杠 Men"s/Women"s Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 男子/女子团体竞技体操 Men"s/Women"s Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体操男子/女子个人全能决赛 击剑:Fencing Men"s/Women"s Fencing Sabre 击剑男子/女子长剑 Men"s Fencing (Team) Foil 击剑男子(团体)花剑 Women"s Fencing Foil 击剑女子花剑 Men"s/Women"s Fencing (Team) Epee 击剑男子/女子(团体)重剑举重:Weightlifting Men"s Weightlifting 77kg 男子77公斤级举重 Women"s Weightlifting 75+ kg 女子75公斤以上级举重 clean and jerk 挺举 snatch 抓举 球类运动:ball gamesgolf 高尔夫球 cricket 板球 hockey 曲棍球 volleyball 排球 badminton 羽毛球 table tennis 乒乓球 baseball 棒球 basketball 篮球 football/soccer 足球 tennis 网球 rugby 橄榄球 softball 垒球 handball 手球 water polo 水球 拳击:boxing跆拳道: taekwondo滑冰: ice skating figure skating 花样滑冰 摔跤: wrestlingfreestyle wrestling 自由式摔跤 Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤 自行车: cyclingindividual/team pursuit 个人/团队争先赛 Women"s 500m Time Trial 女子500米计时赛 Men"s 1km Time Trial 男子1公里计时赛 Men"s/Women"s Team Sprint 男子/女子个人追逐赛(男4000米,女3000米) Men"s Team Sprint 男子团队追逐赛(4000米) Men"s/Women"s Points Race 男子/女子记分赛 Men"s Keirin 林赛 Men"s Madison 麦迪逊赛 Cycling Mountain Bike:Cross Country 山地车:越野 马术:equestriandressage 盛装舞步 jumping individual show jumping 单马超越障碍比赛奥运体育项目中英对照&2008北京申奥词汇acrobatic gymnastics---技巧运动 athletics/track & field---田径 Beach Volleyball---沙滩排球 boat race---赛艇 bobsleigh, bobsled---雪橇 boxing---拳击 canoe slalom---激流划船 canoe---赛艇 chess---象棋 cricket---板球 cycling---自行车 diving---跳水 downhill race---速降滑雪赛,滑降 dragon-boat racing---赛龙船 dressage---盛装舞步 equestrian---骑马 fencing---击剑 figure skating---花样滑冰 football(英语)/soccer(美语)---足球 freestyle----自由式 gliding; sailplaning---滑翔运动 golf----高尔夫球 Greece-Roman wrestling----古典式摔跤 gymnastic apparatus----体操器械 gymnastics----体操 handball-----手球 hockey----曲棍球 hold, lock-----揪钮 horizontal bar-----单杠 hurdles; hurdle race----跨栏比赛 ice skating---滑冰 indoor---室内 item Archery---箭术 judo---柔道 jumping----障碍 kayak----皮划艇 mat exercises---垫上运动 modern pentathlon---现代五项运动 mountain bike---山地车 parallel bars---双杠 polo---马球 relative work---造型跳伞 relay race; relay---接力 rings----吊环 roller skating----滑旱冰 rowing-----划船 rugby---橄榄球 sailing--帆船 shooting---射击 side horse, pommelled horse---鞍马 ski jump---跳高滑雪 ski jumping competition---跳高滑雪比赛 ski---滑雪板 skiing---滑雪 shuttlecock kicking---踢毽子 slalom---障碍滑雪 softball---垒球 surfing---冲浪 swimming----游泳 table tennis---乒乓球 taekwondo---跆拳道 tennis----网球 toxophily---射箭 track---赛道 trampoline---蹦床 trapeze---秋千 triathlon---铁人三项 tug-of-war---拔河 volleyball---排球 badminton---羽毛球 baseball---棒球 basketball---篮球 walking; walking race---竞走 wall bars---肋木 water polo----水球 weightlifting ---举重 weights ---重量级 winter sports -----冬季运动 wrestling --- 摔交 yacht --- 游艇 Men"s 10m Platform 男子10米跳台 Women"s Taekwondo Over 67kg 女子67公斤级以上跆拳道 Women"s Athletics 20km Walk 女子20公里竟走 Men"s Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板 Women"s Diving 3m Springboard 女子3米跳板 Women"s Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 女子10米跳台 Men"s Wrestling Greco-Roman 58kg 男子58公斤古典摔交 Men"s Diving 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板 Men"s Artistic Gymnastics Parallel Bars 竞技体操男子双杠 Women"s Artistic Gymnastics Beam 竞技体操女子自由体操 Men"s Table Tennis Singles 男子乒乓单打 Women"s Diving 10m Platform 女子10米跳台 Women"s Artistic Gymnastics Uneven Bars 竞技体操女子跳马 Women"s Table Tennis Singles 女子乒乓单打 Men"s Badminton Singles 男子羽毛球单打 Women"s Badminton Doubles 女子羽毛球双打 Men"s Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 男子双人10米跳台 Women"s Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 女子双人3米跳板 Men"s Table Tennis Doubles 男子乒乓球双打 Women"s Badminton Singles 女子羽毛球单打 Men"s Fencing Team Foil 击剑男子团体花剑 Women"s Judo Heavyweight +78kg 柔道女子重量级78公斤 Men"s Shooting 10m Running Target 射击男子10米移动靶 Women"s Shooting 25m Pistol 射击女子25米运动手枪 Women"s Table Tennis Doubles 女子乒乓球双打 Men"s Weightlifting 77kg 举重男子77公斤级抓举 Women"s Weightlifting 75+ kg 举重女子75公斤以上级抓举 Mixed Badminton Doubles 羽毛球男子双打 Women"s Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体操女子个人全能决赛 Women"s Judo Half-Heavywt 78kg 女子次重量级78公斤级柔道 Men"s Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体操男子个人全能 Women"s Fencing Team Epee 击剑女子团体重剑 Women"s Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 竞技体操女子团体 Women"s Judo Half-Middlewt 63kg 女子次中量级63公斤级柔道 Women"s Weightlifting 63kg 女子63公斤级挺举举重 Women"s Weightlifting 69kg 女子69公斤级抓举举重 Men"s Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 男子团体竞技体操 Men"s Shooting 10m Air Rifle 射击男子10米气步枪 Women"s Shooting Trap 射击女子多向飞碟 Women"s Weightlifting 53kg 举重女子53公斤级抓举 Women"s Judo Half-Lightwt 52kg 女子次轻量级52公斤柔道 Women"s Shooting 10m Air Pistol 女子10米汽枪 Women"s Cycling Track 500m Time Trial 运动场自行车赛女子500米计时赛 Men"s Shooting 10m Air Pistol 男子10米气手枪 Women"s Shooting 10m Air Rifle 女子10米气步枪 Men"s Weightlifting 56kg 男子56公斤级挺举 2008北京申奥词汇Olympic Games Bidding Words2008夏季奥运会2008 summer Olympics 国际奥委会the International Olympic Committee (IOC)申办城市the bidding cities 候选城市 the candidate cities 申办2008年奥运会bid for 2008 Olympics北京奥申委Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bidding Committee (BOBICO) 主办2008年奥运会host the 2008 Olympic Games奥林匹克精神the Olympic ideals; the Olympic spirit 世界奥林匹克日the International Olympic Day 环境保护 protect the environment北京四环路the fourth ring road in Beijing 城市基础设施建设the city"s infrastructure construction 最后的投票make the final vote 绿色奥运the Green Olympics科技奥运the Scientific Games 节水龙头water-saving taps 再生纸recycled writing paper废电池used batteries 无氟冰箱Freon-free refrigerators 闭路电视close-circuit television 友好大使the Goodwill Ambassador 长跑a long-distance running 世界大学生运动会the Universiadeacrobatic gymnastics——技巧运动 athletics/track & field——田径 beach——海滩 boat race——赛艇 bobsleigh, bobsled——雪橇 boxing——拳击 canoe slalom——激流划船 canoe——赛艇 chess——象棋 cricket——板球 cycling——自行车 diving——跳水 downhill race——速降滑雪赛,滑降 dragon-boat racing——赛龙船 dressage——盛装舞步 equestrian——骑马 fencing——击剑 figure skating——花样滑冰 football(英语)/soccer(美语)——足球 freestyle——自由式 gliding; sailplaning——滑翔运动 golf——高尔夫球 Greece-Roman wrestling——古典式摔跤 gymnastic apparatus——体操器械 gymnastics——体操 handball——手球 hockey——曲棍球 hold, lock——揪钮 horizontal bar——单杠 hurdles; hurdle race——跨栏比赛 shuttlecock kicking——踢毽子 ice skating——滑冰 indoor——室内 item Archery——箭术 judo——柔道 jumping——障碍 kayak——皮划艇 mat exercises——垫上运动 modern pentathlon——现代五项运动 mountain bike——山地车 parallel bars——双杠 polo——马球 qigong; breathing exercises——气功 relative work——造型跳伞 relay race; relay——接力 rings——吊环 roller skating——滑旱冰 rowing——划船 rugby——橄榄球 sailing——帆船 shooting——射击 side horse, pommelled horse——鞍马 ski jump——跳高滑雪 ski jumping competition——跳高滑雪比赛 ski——滑雪板 skiing——滑雪 slalom——障碍滑雪 softball——垒球 surfing——冲浪 swimming——游泳 table tennis——乒乓球 taekwondo——跆拳道 tennis——网球 toxophily——射箭 track——赛道 trampoline——蹦床 trapeze——秋千 triathlon——铁人三项 tug-of-war——拔河 volleyball——排球 badminton——羽毛球 baseball——棒球 basketball——篮球 walking; walking race——竞走 wall bars——肋木 water polo——水球 weightlifting ——举重 weights ——重量级 winter sports ——冬季运动 wrestling —— 摔跤 yacht —— 游艇 Men"s 10m Platform 男子10米跳台 Women"s Taekwondo Over 67kg 女子67公斤级以上跆拳道 Women"s Athletics 20km Walk 女子20公里竞走 Men"s Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板 Women"s Diving 3m Springboard 女子3米跳板 Women"s Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 女子10米跳台 Men"s Wrestling Greco-Roman 58kg 男子58公斤古典摔跤 Men"s Diving 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板 Men"s Artistic Gymnastics Parallel Bars 竞技体操男子双杠 Women"s Artistic Gymnastics Beam 竞技体操女子自由体操 Men"s Table Tennis Singles 男子乒乓单打 Women"s Diving 10m Platform 女子10米跳台 Women"s Artistic Gymnastics Uneven Bars 竞技体操女子跳马 Women"s Table Tennis Singles 女子乒乓单打 Men"s Badminton Singles 男子羽毛球单打 Women"s Badminton Doubles 女子羽毛球双打 Men"s Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 跳水男子10米跳台 Women"s Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 跳水女子3米跳板 Men"s Table Tennis Doubles 男子乒乓球双打 Women"s Badminton Singles 女子羽毛球单打 Men"s Fencing Team Foil 击剑男子团体花剑 Women"s Judo Heavyweight +78kg 柔道女子重量级78公斤 Men"s Shooting 10m Running Target 射击男子10米移动靶 Women"s Shooting 25m Pistol 射击女子25米运动手枪 Women"s Table Tennis Doubles 女子乒乓球双打 Men"s Weightlifting 77kg 举重男子77公斤级抓举 Women"s Weightlifting 75+ kg 举重女子75公斤以上级抓举 Mixed Badminton Doubles 羽毛球男子双打 Women"s Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体操女子个人全能决赛 Women"s Judo Half-Heavywt 78kg 女子次重量级78公斤级柔道 Men"s Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体操男子个人全能 Women"s Fencing Team Epee 击剑女子团体重剑 Women"s Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 竞技体操女子团体 Women"s Judo Half-Middlewt 63kg 女子次中量级63公斤级柔道 Women"s Weightlifting 63kg 女子63公斤级挺举举重 Women"s Weightlifting 69kg 女子69公斤级抓举举重 Men"s Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 男子团体竞技体操 Men"s Shooting 10m Air Rifle 射击男子10米气步枪 Women"s Shooting Trap 射击女子多向飞碟 Women"s Weightlifting 53kg 举重女子53公斤级抓举 Women"s Judo Half-Lightwt 52kg 女子次轻量级52公斤柔道 Women"s Shooting 10m Air Pistol 女子10米气枪 Women"s Cycling Track 500m Time Trial 运动场自行车赛女子500米计时赛 Men"s Shooting 10m Air Pistol 男子10米气手枪 Women"s Shooting 10m Air Rifle 女子10米气步枪 Men"s Weightlifting 56kg 男子56公斤级挺举baseball棒球 baseball field, baseball ground 棒球场 softball垒球softball field, softball ground 垒球场 infield, diamond 内场 outfield 外场fair territory 界内地区 foul territory 界外地区 foul line边线base line垒间线 base 垒 bag 垒垫, 垒包 home base 本垒first base一垒 second base二垒 third base 三垒 home plate本垒板pitcher"s plate 投手板 pitcher"s mound 投手土墩 pitcher"s circle投手圈batter"s box 击球员区 on deck circle 击球员准备区 catcher"s box 接手区coacher"s box 跑垒指导员区 bench, dug-out 队员席 bull-pen 候补投手练习区glove 手套, 分指手套 milt 合指手套 bat 球棒 mask 护面chest protector 护胸 leg protector 护腿 supporter 护裆 helmet 护帽baseball player 棒球运动员 softball player 垒球运动员 pitcher 投手catcher 接手 fielder 守场员 baseman 守垒员 infielder 内场手first baseman 一垒手 second baseman 二垒手 third baseman 三垒手shortstop 游击手 outfielder 外场手 batter, hitter 击球员base-runner 跑垒员 batter-runner 击跑员 relief pitcher 候援投手designated hitter (DH) 指名击球员 coacher 跑垒指导员 manager 总教练plate umpire 司球裁判员 base umpire 司垒裁判员 inning 局次visiting team 先攻队 home team 后攻队 offensive team 攻队defensive team 守队 pitching 投手投球 windup position 正面投球法set up position 侧身投球法 sling shot 后摆投球法 wind mill 绕环投球法8 figure 8字投球法 throwing 传球 catching 接球 fieldin 防守batting, hitting 击球 base running 跑垒 stealing 偷垒

Which is better, globalization or localization?写个英语作文字数150,四级水平,必须自己写!越快越好

advantages or diasadvantages

以The resolutions of my family为题写一篇作文

New Year is coming. Here are the New Years resolutions of my family. My grandfather is going to visit my uncle in Australia. My father is going to find a new job to make more money. My mother is going to work hard on her job, and she wants to spend more time staying at home to look after us. My sister and my brother are going to work hard in school this year and they are going to get good grades because both of them want to enter a good university. And I"m going to work hard on my job. I hope in the New Year, everyone will have a new start.

英语作文(题目:my resolutions 要求:用 我打算。。。句型 至少写6条以上。帮

I want to get better grades.So i am gong to study harder.First,i am gong to listen teacher carefullier.And i am gong to do my homework harder.w am gong to read more books.

英语作文 my new year resolutions不少于300词

The New Year is a time for resolutions. Thisreminds me that there is an article in NCE III, which is titled NewYear Resolutions. The author determined to do exercises everyday,but failed eventually.What should be my New Year resolutions? Onthinking this for a long time, I concluded that I would betterfocus my resolutions on the happiness and love in myfamily.First, I will go away with my family members to aholiday resort in summer, when my daughter and wife have avacation. To me, the time is not a problem, since I can take annualleave. The problem is, as many other families, about the money.However, it is not quite difficult if we make up pour mind, for itis only once in a year.Second, I will go to my hometown to stay with mymother who leaves herself all the time. She is lonely. All things Ican do are to go back and stay with her for days, days that she haspleasure and happiness. But I have no choice except that. I havebeen thinking of taking her to the city I live but she refused, dueto the differences between city and countryside.Third, help my daughter in her English learning.My daughter is poor in her English learning, although I am anEnglish major student. So I should help her more in her Englishlearning, which will benefit her for a lifetime. But things havebeen proved that are quite difficult this year. I made a planhelping her in English learning this summer and bought a series ofEnglish books and tapes. Besides, I designed a chart in which I cansupervise her learning everyday with some material award.Unfortunately, my daughter still is bad in itsEnglish.Forth, I will leave more time to my wife anddaughter. After completing my learning at BWOL, I may have morespare time than before. Without other activities, I may take a longtime with them except for drinking outside. But things keepchanging, I am not sure of it.Fifth, I will go to Beijing at least twice this year. One is for the ceremony ofgraduating; the other is for diploma. I hope this can come true innear future.

以My new term"s resolutions为题的80词左右英语作文怎么写?

My new term"s resolutions As a university student in grade two,I wanna spend more time on my study.Only if I earn high scores every time,can I be accepted into my ideal graduate schoolFirst of all,Eng...

英语作文题目new terms resolutions

My New Year"s ResolutionsIn the new this year, I want to do more exercise, eat more healthy food and try to eat less junk food.I"m going to study harder in school,class earnestly listens, do more exercises and timely review and the preview, the result exaltation. If have free time, I want to do some reading questions, so as to improve my ability of reading. Practice more write a composition, so as to improve writing. ... 我的新年决心在新的这一年里,我要多做运动,吃更多有益的东西,尽量少吃垃圾食品。在学校努力学习,上课认真听讲,多做练习题且及时复习与预习,把成绩提高。如有空闲时间,我想多做些阅读题,以便提高我的阅读能力。多练习写作文,以便提高作文水平。…


My New Year"s resolutions are diffcult to finish.First,I am going to study hard because I want to get good grades.Math is not very good,so I will practice it three times a week.   Then,I am going to exercise more.I will go swimming,run and so on.Next,I will eat more vegetables and fruits to keep fit.I also want to learn a new language because I want to be a translator when I grow up.French is my favorite.   I will work very hard in next year and I will do my best to do this things.

在线等:New Year"s resolutions英语作文?

New Year is coming.I made my resolutions.   I"m going to do a lot of things next year.First,I want to improve my English and Chinese.So I"m going to practice reading and speaking very often.Then I want to make more friends becauseI believe friends are God"s way of taking care of us.Next,I want to join the speech competition.So I"m going to practice speech once a week.   I think saying is much easier than doing.SoI will try my best to meet what I said today.

My New Year "s resolutions的英语作文怎样写?急要.

Hello,Helen!  This year is over.To welcome the new year,I make my New Year"s resolutions.Let me tell you about it.In the new year,I will do sports every day to make my body strong.I will work hard at my subjects,such as English,Chinese and so on.I want to improve these subjects to make my teachers happy.Then my teachers will be proud of me.My hobby is gardening,I will organize a gardening club in my school.That"s so great.I am going to help my classmates with their lessons.I will be nice to everyone.I will help my parents do some housework.They are so tired.I have confidence in myself.I want to be a very good student next year.I will celebrate an important festival- Spring Festival.I will get some money.And I will buy some stamps for my hobby.At last,Happy New Year!You friend,Wang Fei 第二篇:Hello,Helen!  This year is over.To welcome the new year.I make my New Year"s resolutions.Let me tell you about it.Next year,I will do more exercise to keep healthy and strong.I will work hard at all my subjects.I will do my homework on time and listen to my teachers cardfully.I hope to get good scores.I am going to improve my math.Because my math is poor.I hope to do well in math next year.I will have a new hobby.That"s playing the computer.I want to be a computer programmer.I think that can make me happy.And I will read more books.I hope to study with my classmates more often.I will be nice to my teachers and classmates.I am going to help my parents do the housework.And I will talk to them more often.These are my New Year"s resolutions.What about you?Your friend Wang Fei 第三篇:Hello,Helen!  This year is over.To welcome the new year.I make my New Year"s resolutions.Let me tell you about it.It"s a good New Year"s resolution.I am not good at sports.This year I will do more sports to keep healthy.For example,I can run to school every day.I can play football or basketball at school every day.I can play badminton with my friends at home.I think it will be fun to do that.I will spend much time learning.I will work hard to improve math.I need to keep trying.I am comfident in myself.I will help my parents do some housework.I will help them to clean the kitchen,sweep the floor...  Do you think my New Year"s resolutions is great?What are your resolutions?Your friend,Wang Fei

My new term"s resolutions英语作文60字左右 (带翻译谢谢)

My new term"s resolutions mainly include two parts: to increase my grades for all subjects to higer level so as to be ready for overall improvements for this year;besides, i have intentions to participate in after-class activitities ...我的新学期计划主要包含两个方面:提高各科成绩,达到更高水平,为今年整体进步打好基础;除此之外,我还计划参加各项课外活动,比如。。。后面的根据自己情况可以自由填写发挥哦,已经帮你开头,剩下的内容也不难了,加油!

My New Year "s resolutions的英语作文怎样写?急要。。。

是new year‘s还是New Year"s?

以my resolutions为题写一篇作文50-60词

My new term"s resolutions As a university student in grade two,I wanna spend more time on my study.Only if I earn high scores every time,can I be accepted into my ideal graduate schoolFirst of all,English is very important both in university and in graduate school.I need to read English articles loud and at the same time write down them in the morning.Since my ability of listening is really weak,I plan to go to the new south school to practice my hearing acuritySecond,I want to learn maths,finance and economics wellwell...that"s all...

以 my resolution 为题的初二英语作文 单词内容简单一点的 60词左右

New Year is coming , I make some resolutions . first,I am going to study hard , because I want to be a top student . Second ,I am going to do many sports ,because I want to be healthy . Third , I am going to make more friends ,because they can help me a lot.


My New Year"s resolutions are diffcult to finish.First,I am going to study hard because I want to get good grades.Math is not very good,so I will practice it three times a week.   Then,I am going to exercise more.I will go swimming,run and so on.Next,I will eat more vegetables and fruits to keep fit.I also want to learn a new language because I want to be a translator when I grow up.French is my favorite.   I will work very hard in next year and I will do my best to do this things.

My New Year s resolutions的英语作文怎样写


以My Hometown为题写不少于80字的英语作文

My hometown Liyang belongs to Jiangsu Changzhou, located in the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai economic zone. The total land area of 1535 square kilometers. Latitude 31 ° 1`31 ° 4`, 119 ° 08`-119 ° 36`. From Shanghai, 200 kilometers away from Nanjing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Zhangjiagang more than 100 kilometers, 80 kilometers away from Nanjing Lukou International Airport, 60 kilometers away from Changzhou airport. And around the whole highway through the city. Liyang is a subtropical monsoon climate, dry and wet air, four seasons, abundant rainfall, long frost free period.My hometown Liyang has a land area of 1120000 acres, 328000 acres of forest, rivers and lakes 426000 acres. Rich resources, is the famous "land of fish and rice", "silk village", "hometown of tea", was awarded the national "county cotton", "county of commodity grain base", "national mountain development demonstration county (city)" title. Rich rice, wheat, oil, tea, silkworm cocoon, crab, chestnut, melon, bamboo.译文我的家乡溧阳隶属于江苏常州,地处长江三角州,属上海经济区。土地总面积1535平方公里。北纬31°1`31°4`,东经119°08`-119°36`。距上海、杭州200公里,距南京、苏州、张家港百余公里,距南京禄口国际机场80公里,距常州机场60多公里。与周边大中城市全程高速公路贯通。 溧阳属亚热带季风气候,干湿冷暖,四季分明,雨量充沛,无霜期长。我的家乡溧阳有耕地面积112万亩,林地32.8万亩,河流和湖泊42.6万亩。物产丰富,是著名的“鱼米之乡”、“丝绸之乡”、“茶叶之乡”,获国家“粮棉大县”、“商品粮基地县”、“全国山区综合开发示范县(市)”的称号。盛产稻、麦、油、茶、蚕茧、螃蟹、板栗、西瓜、毛竹等。望采纳~

以“My New Year"s Resolutions"为题写篇作文


my resolutions英语作文70字



Hello,Helen!  This year is over.To welcome the new year,I make my New Year"s resolutions.Let me tell you about it.In the new year,I will do sports every day to make my body strong.I will work hard at my subjects,such as English,Chinese and so on.I want to improve these subjects to make my teachers happy.Then my teachers will be proud of me.My hobby is gardening,I will organize a gardening club in my school.That"s so great.I am going to help my classmates with their lessons.I will be nice to everyone.I will help my parents do some housework.They are so tired.I have confidence in myself.I want to be a very good student next year.I will celebrate an important festival- Spring Festival.I will get some money.And I will buy some stamps for my hobby.At last,Happy New Year!You friend,Wang Fei


  公共英语三级考前必背作文1   1. I would love to come but I can"t because…   2. I am terribly sorry that I can"t come … for I am going……   3. I am afraid I will not be able to…because   4. Thank you for your invitation…… but unfortunately……   Invitation letter   Dear _________   I"m very glad to tell you that_______活动 will be held________(where and when).I know that___________邀请原因。 I think that __________邀请原因。 If you _______你来的话, you will__________ 有什么。 If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help   I"m looking forward to hearing from you soon.   Your   公共英语三级考前必背作文2   内容:   1. 表明写信的目的,注意语言礼貌   2. 说明投诉原因   3. 提出解决方案,并希望得到满意的解决方案,再次感谢。   开头:   1. I am writing to complain about…   2. I am writing to express my concern/dissatisfaction/disappointment about…   3. I feel sorry to trouble you but I am afraid I have to make a complaint about…   4. I am writing to inform you that I find …… unsatisfactory   5. I wish to draw your attention to the problem/fault that ……   结尾:   1. I trust you will take my complaint seriously and ……   2. I will appreciate it very much if you could…   3. I would be perfectly satisfied if you can kindly……   4. I understand you will give immediately attention to this matter.   5. Please let me know what you intend to do in this matter   6. In view of the inconvenience that this has caused, I feel you should…   7. I would like to have this matter settled by the end of…。   公共英语三级考前必背作文3   Dear __________   My name is __________. I am __________. I"m writing this letter to complain about________(投诉事件)。   First of all, _____________. Secondly, ____________. Thirdly, _______________. Honestly speaking,_____________. The focus of the complaint is _____________.   All in all, there is still much room for improvement, I do hope____________. Thank you for your time and kind consideration.   Dear ______   I am now writing these few lines to express my sincere appreciation for ________.I‘d like you to know how much your_______ means to me. I not only enjoyed______ but also _________.I shall never forget _____ as one of the most ______in my life. I"ll always remember__________ as well as your kindness.   I‘ll feel very honored and pleased if you have time to _______.How nice it will be to see you again.   I repeat my thanks for your ________ .Please give my kind regards to you.   Your friend,   XXXXX   Dear _____________   I"ve learned from your advertisement that your company need a _________(Position).I"m writing to apply for the job. My name is _________, a boy of________(age) born in___________ I interested in __________.I"ve learned __________.I"ve worked for__________(company name) as __________(Position)。   If I"m given the job, I"ll try my best to do it very much.   My Phone number is_______________   Your,   公共英语三级考前必背作文4   内容:   1. 表明祝贺原因   2. 对对方的品质,能力,或成就给予充分的肯定和赞扬   3. 表示祝愿   表示对对方未来的生活,事业,学业的美好祝愿,再次祝贺   开头:   1.I would like to sincerely congratulate you on your recent graduation from …(school) with your MBA(学位)   2.I hasten to tender you a word of congratulations on this splendid success.   3.I have received the invitation to your wedding, and as I cannot be present at that happy event, I write to offer my congratulations in person   4.I am heartily glad you are going to be married, and congratulate you upon the wisdom of your choice.   5.Congratulations most heartily upon the fulfillment of your hopes in a birth of a son.   正文:   1. I have noticed that you are bright and have a quick mind for business   2. I have always appreciated your never-failing professionalism   3. We are so proud of your diligence and skill.   公共英语三级考前必背作文5   4. Your excellent sense of responsibility has made you a great manager   5. I am so happy that you have gained abroad knowledge of the field of computer in your four year"s study.   6. You will have a brilliant career because you are so intelligent and cooperative   结尾:   1. Best wishes for the future   2. I wish you all the best in the future life and career   3. I sincerely wish yu joy and prosperity in this new life   4. We send our warm regards and wish you continued success.   5. It is obvious you have a wide-open future ahead of you.   6. I hope that you may both be very happy, and that your years.   7. Please let me offer my warmest congratulations to you again   Congratulations   Dear ________   I have learned with diligent that you_________. I"d like to offer you may congratulations on __________(名词)。 You must be very proud of your _________(成就)。 And I feel very happy for you.   _________(名词)is quite exciting news! You are realy___________.   I know this is surely owing to_________. It is a rewards you richly deserve for you__________.   With your___________, I am sure that you will be a success in whatever you undertake. Kindly let me know when you___________.   I hope ___________   My best wishes for your further success.   Your,   XXXXXX   公共英语三级考前必背作文6   Writing   According to some surveys done by the Ministry of Education, there are about 153 million illiterates and semi-illiterates in China. Its illiteracy rate in the western region is much higher than the countrys average level and it is as high as 40 percent. The rate for the countrys whole population stands at 14 percent. Write an essay of about 120 words, stating your opinion about this issue now confronting China.   「参考范文」   The task of educating a huge population can be challenging to any country. Though China has shown great concern and done much in education, and in eliminating illiteracy, it still has 153 million illiterate and semi-illiterate citizens, according to some statistics issued by the Ministry of Education. So, in my opinion, raising Chinas education level, to a large extent, depends on greater educational achievement in its vast western region and some other backward areas.   In the past decade, China has moved to combat illiteracy and promote nine years of compulsory schooling, especially in poor areas and areas inhabited by minorities, and has achieved a great success, but it seems a difficult task in regions where educational opportunities are limited. However, we should set a target that, by 2010, nine-year compulsory schooling should be realized and the illiteracy rate among young and middle-aged adults should be reduced to the minimum. Only in this way can China raise its national educational level.   公共英语三级考前必背作文7   Writing   An article in a newspaper once said: "As China strives to develop its western area, some effective measures should be taken to improve forestry in the region." Write an essay of about 120 words, stating what effective measures should be adopted to improve forestry in the western area.   「参考范文」   Over the past 10 years, China has made much headway in its afforestation and soil conservation. For instance, the national forest acreage has increased by 13.7 million hectares since the fourth national survey on forest resources in 1990. Despite these great achievements, some serious problems still remain to be solved such as how to improve forestry in the western area in the course of its economic development.   Forestry build-up in the west is a long-term task. In order to have this goal materialized, I think some concrete and effective measures should be taken immediately. For example, to protect the natural environment of the west, some previously cultivated areas should be returned to forest and grassland. In the course of improving forestry, some strict laws should made and their enforcement must be guaranteed. Those who violate forest protection laws must be severely punished. Only by taking these effective measures can forestry in the western area be improved.   公共英语三级考前必背作文8   Writing   As is known to all, computers are becoming more and more popular in our daily life nowadays, especially in education. Write a short essay of about 120 words, describing how important computers are in education.   「参考范文」   It has turned out that computers have become quite indispensable to education. With computers, students can do their homework more quickly and more efficiently; with computers, teachers can reduce their work load and improve their teaching. For instance, computers can free teachers from certain kinds of time-consuming bookkeeping; help teachers "bank" test items, thus greatly reducing the time required to produce a new test, and mark test papers. More importantly, they can analyze test results, indicating to the teacher which points may need further treatment in class. They can also make it possible for a teacher in the classroom to give individual attention to students who are having trouble in their studies. While the rest of a class is working on an educational program, the teacher can take the time to work directly with a student who is falling behind. So it goes without saying that computers are extremely important in education at all levels.

求一篇介绍江郎山的英语作文!!!急 不然也是介绍山的也行

I come from Jiangshan, Zhejiang. Jiangshan is a small city in the southwest of Zhejiang. It is on the Xujiang River. And there are about 600000 people. My hometown is most famous than Jianglang Mountain. You can climb to the top of Jianglang Mountain and enjoy the beautiful scenery on aclear day.It"s not particularly hot here in summer and not particularly cold in winter. So come and play in Zhejiang.

急求!英语作文The importance of a family 60-80字,初二水平!

The importance of a family the family is a very important part of everyday life. In my family,my parents and I often help each other.According to their experience,they give me some advice on my life,such as that the most effective way to work out the problem is to put your heart into the work. I think they are right.And it is saying that “Listen to your elders.”I think my family is so warm that it makes me happy every day.初三水平!!呵呵!!希望你可以用!

求 英语作文

Deep dream, most can "current" and "involuntary" soul "yearning" and "nostalgic", the most can "describe" and "depicting" still face, lush, for ideals and live as clearly forced eye fate trajectory, it portends life mature and FengRen, 4 dream remembrance and thinking... introduction Night, I slept very shu stick, even the dream is green, as if heard subtle "sound", like a friendly hand, gently flapped my cheek, And like a guit of, slowly blows my mind. The dream, the dream of aloes intoxicate, bearing the tree of life enthusiasm and bold and unrestrained, I feel the dream from his feet cool and refreshing. A familiar voice, a kind of face, Bring me that long-unseen atmosphere and fantasy, Let me sink rhyme memory, also let I full-bodied love. Every nerve, each feeling; Every drop of tears, each placed, As if into my dream of elegant. Vaguely between, I see it Dear teacher, Dear classmates. Still have that spreads moonlight, still limpid bright. The mottled old hang still jingle bell, ringing chains. I like dream. The dream for me to see the Teachers are the tireless teachings, Students that self-purity and really call. The more I saw that tomorrow"s dawn and makes me a life full of hope for the future. Hence, I have the halcyon, brave and self-confidence. I started thinking, With remorse pain, re-examine analyze your own soul. Feel the ancients "ChaoWen way, xi may be dead yi" open-minded, gaining acclamations Burial in ZhongLing, delicate civilization halls. The deep contemplation, endure hardships even only The Bridges of males. All traction to my dream to the shore of drew near, Roughly coveted FangFei daydream. I am familiar with the pages flipping voice, Like sipping ambrosia Inhaled inexplicable enjoy and cannot differentiate fate tremolo. Perspective hip making shadows, I soak in the sea of knowledge. There, can lift the ideal sailboat, establish the fate of the mast. From then on, my life a many consolation. And the dream, was also given the sounds, smells, emotion and perception. Gradually, dream became my bosom friend, And I together, the response to stare at the world world; Dream witness the my feiends; Record to my success and gain. And I watched the dream growth, feeling the dream breath... Through the heart that long for sight, I perceive That copy of passionate embellish clean and relaxed. Square, shade, which is by the shade under, the playground, Everywhere reflects my figure and thoughts, Or frolics laugh, or whisper, or holding book and read, or fess run swings. I for dream decorated the youth, lively and tonal, and the dream, as I left Bright, pure appeared online. I was surprised to this natural sounds "," Seem to sieve off the noisy noisy, Leave only a heart pure god is great. Forget the existence of ego forget the time and space. I like strolling in the dream of yuli tree-lined paths, Free thought of lifting Not be it affects my soul brigade township thought. I thought of home, I thought I love my mother. I in her, because she no longer loading my dream, But I love her more, because it makes me more is not abandoned her... First listen to heart inside that dejected, prolongs the echoes, Air in the silence of the atmosphere condensed, However, I resolutely foot on this rough land, This is the dream of the soul and the hearts of land... Gradually, I understand Learning and thought are just remove heart doubts, is not very clear academic, teachings, and the Canon. I understand the Life CongSu ups, and 100 years, when pitch. Way streched endless ahead, we will from head to foot. Far from humble suo, madding crowd. Through lamentation mist, I seem to see past, Through the past veil Again I seemed to see the future. Don"t get bogged down in the character of float crazy, only wish addicted to high templar. Regardless of time, space,... I feel cool breeze melody, I found the youth movement. This is a dream tunes, This is the dream of desire. It wrapped me Let me always feel relaxed, infinite. Wearing a suit brightly, the heart is a minute persistent. Here I sweat, comments also injected my dream and hope. The soul of life forever in the thirsty pursuit and waiting, All fragrance, and growth in longer than crais, Chew your former through the day, maybe nothing; Let the ball super my heart, leaving blank... Always like a breeze feeling, like drizzle migratory romantic, like light snow on purity, like hua-rui put aromas. Early The sun always rises in dream place, the moon total in dream place, and I always hazy in dream place smile, because it makes my heart full of passion, make my eyes clear bright... This is my university - a thinck ideal and dream of heaven 。累死我了,我花了三个小时,要想还要翻译英文,累死了,如果你觉的多,可以截取一些。分就给点把。。。。。

求英语作文一篇:Barriers to knowledge transfer



My friend"s name is Lily. She is my deskmate. She has long hair, black eyes and a beautiful looking. She is not too tall or too short. It is well-known that she is kind and nice, because she always help other people. Of course, she helps me a lot. She is good at study, especially in English. Because she lives near my home, we often go to school and go home together. We also do homework and play together. We are good friends forever.




作文环境描写优美句子   一片连绵不断的平原,在天空下伸展,没有山丘,像风平浪静的日子里的海一样平静。以下是作文环境描写优美句子,欢迎阅读。   1、一枚新月如同一朵白色梨花,安静地开放在浅蓝色的天空中。   2、在这烟波浩渺的大海之中,屹立着一座山峰,它的形状很像笔架,因此叫它“笔架山”。   3、她们头顶的树叶文风不动,知了叫的烦躁尖锐,沙沙的粘虫屎,掉到地上上来。   4、月亮睁大眼睛,和蔼地望着村落和郊野,极像一只被擦亮的铜盘。   5、远处有一辆小轿车,在高的矮的黄的绿的庄稼中心,赤色的托泥和车脚一闪一闪。两个乌头大骡子,在正午炎热的太阳光里,甩着尾巴跑着。   6、那霏霏的雨丝,宛如一片朦胧的烟雾,遮掩了绵延千里的淮河平原。   7、泰山拔地而起,直冲云霄,恰如一个伟人,矗立在万山之中,正厚意地仰望着大地。   8、高原的气候,真叫人无从捉摸。忽而喜,忽而怒;忽而风满天,忽而安静得文风不动。   9、银装素裹的群山,登高远望,就像是大海被暴风卷起的雪浪,弯曲崎岖,一望无际。   10、那一座座拔地而起的宏伟山峰,有的像伟人,有的似骆驼,有的如快马,形状各异,险恶陡立。   11、山,矗立在面前,草木葱葱郁郁,山花丝丝簇簇。绵绵细雨引发漫山云雾,山峰在袅袅云烟中若有若无,更显得宏伟险恶,让人觉得它奥秘而秀丽,狷介而冷傲。   12、十分尖利。看那姿态,像个喝醉了的大将军,挥着大刀,踌躇满志地晃了出来。   13、夜,静极了,玉盘似的满月在云中穿行,淡淡的月光洒向大地。   14、那霏霏的雨丝,宛如一片朦胧的烟雾,遮掩了绵延千里的淮河平原。   15、秋光叠叠复重重,潜度偷移三径中秋天,没有春天五彩斑斓的鲜花,没有夏天茂盛异常的绿树,没有冬天纷纷扬扬的雪花,但秋天有果实累累的果树,给人们带来丰收的喜悦,到处都是瓜果遍地!   16、一片广阔的大草原,大得一望无垠,和风扶着泥土散发出的芳香,把一大片一大片庄稼吹得如涟波泛动。   17、碧波荡漾,绿水环绕,无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳刑。一环之后一环,微风拂过,似有万千愁绪,湖中泛起了涟漪。   18、高原上的春天短得像兔子的尾巴,一闪便不见了。   19、月亮是那么亮堂,把大地照得一片雪青,树木房子大街都像镀上了一层水银似的。   20、春天来了,万物复苏,柳树抽出了她那柔嫩而纤弱的枝条。这天又下起了毛毛细雨,飘飘洒洒的,玄武湖畔一排排柳树隐没在茫茫的细雨之中,渐渐地消失在雾里。   21、不经意间,窗外已飘起了雪花,缓不济急的雪密密匝匝,在暗淡的天空中急速地落向地上,腾空划过很多道孤线,随风旋转飘动,犹如突如其来的柳絮,一时刻充满天空。   22、一片源源不断的平原,在天空下扩展,没有山丘,像惊涛骇浪的.日子里的海相同安静。   23、草原多么像海啊!只是比海寂静;草原多么像一幅没有框子的画,广漠得望不到边际。   24、似乎天女散花,无穷无尽的雪花从苍穹深处飘落,如同窈窕的仙女穿戴白色的裙子,用优美的舞姿向所有的生物问候,然后轻柔地掩盖在房顶上草尖上树叶上,霎时,万物的本来面目被入冬以来的第一场雪悄悄地掩盖住了,取而代之的是一层薄薄的积雪,一眨眼时刻,雪花用天然皎白似的圆月,现已被远方蓝蓝的高山托上天空。   25、夜晚,满月升起来了,一片安静跟着银雾般的月光洒在大地上。个性qq昵称   26、每逢有雾的时分,远远望去,大山就像一位位秀丽的姑娘,要去参与舞会,披上了轻柔秀丽的纱裙;每逢夕阳西下,落日的余晖,为群山抹上了淡淡的红晕,又像一个个娇羞的新娘,让人一再回忆,不忍脱离。   27、南方的八月间,骄阳似火。中午时分,太阳把树叶都晒得卷缩起来。知了扯着长声聒个不停,给闷热的天气更添上一层烦燥。   28、春天来了,万物复苏,柳树抽出了她那柔嫩而纤弱的枝条。这天又下起了毛毛细雨,飘飘洒洒的,玄武湖畔一排排柳树隐没在茫茫的细雨之中,渐渐地消失在雾里。   29、东湖岩壁千姿百态,无奇不有。真可谓怪石嶙峋,形状万千。山岩累累,危峰兀立。抬眼上望,山峰像是用绿色染过似的,处处苍翠欲滴。还有气势壮丽的峻峭石壁,像是那样的高,那样的陡,昂首仰视,真使人感慨万千。   30、小草儿也傲立起头,冒出针尖似的小脑袋,在春雨的润泽下,透着心爱的绿,重生的绿。   31、清晨,残月像一块失去了光泽的鹅卵石,抛在天边。   32、太阳刚露脸的时候,我沿着小河往村里走,那么淡淡的清清的雾气,那么润润的湿湿的泥土气味,不住地扑在我的脸上,钻进我的鼻子。   33、秋末的黄昏来得总是很快,还没等山野上被日光蒸发起的水气消散。太阳就落进了西山。   34、圆月逐渐升高,她那银盘似的脸,流露着柔软的笑脸。   35、苍山座山峰连为一体,宛如1条弯曲回旋扭转的巨龙,环绕着整个   36、在秋风中,芦苇醉了;我散步其间,也被陶醉了。   37、十五的圆月像一只雪球,镶嵌在墨蓝墨蓝的夜空上,显得分外皎白。   38、秋光叠叠复重重,潜度偷移三径中秋天,没有春天五彩斑斓的鲜花,没有夏天茂盛异常的绿树,没有冬天纷纷扬扬的雪花,但秋天有果实累累的果树,给人们带来丰收的喜悦,到处都是瓜果遍地!   39、冷月高挂枝梢,北风把光溜溜的树枝,吹得呼呼直叫。人生格言   40、绿草如茵的草原上还有1条细细的河,袒露在阳光下,远远看去,像1条发光的银项链。   41、那霏霏的雨丝,宛如一片模糊的烟雾,讳饰了连绵千里的淮河平原。   42、高原上的春天短得像兔子的尾巴,一闪便不见了。   43、春雨呀!原来你跟着春姑娘一齐来到大地,使大地生机勃勃,散发着清新的气息,你灵巧的手,拔动着人们的心弦,拔动着人们完美的期望。   44、将圆未圆的明月,渐渐升到高空。一片透明的灰云,淡淡的遮住月光,田野上方,仿佛笼起一片轻烟,股股脱脱,如同坠人梦境。   45、满月像个黄黄的灯笼,从东方天边挑起在天空。   46、门外西边的林梢,挂着的上弦月现已变成一片金色的西瓜,不再是1条弯弯的眉毛。   47、绿草如茵的草原上还有1条细细的河,袒露在阳光下,远远看去,像1条发光的银项链。   48、路旁边浪似地滚着高高低低的黄土。太阳给埋在黄土里,发着肉红色。但是太阳还烧得怪起劲的,把他们的皮肉烧得变成紫黑色,似乎还闻得到一股焦味儿。   49、远远地就看到一排垂柳,条条柳丝刚刚返青,绿影婆娑在微风的吹拂下像一层绿纱笼罩在柳树后的梅花,美极了。   50、无边无际的平原平坦广阔,像一个硕大无比的墨绿色的大翡翠圆盘,苍茫浩渺,气魄摄人。   51、月亮最终升到冷清清的天空,白晃晃一片晶亮。   52、春雨连绵,洒在院里的梧桐树上,沙沙沙像音乐家轻轻拔动琴弦,又像蚕宝宝在悄悄吞食桑叶。   53、海鸥在暴风雨来临之前呻吟着,--呻吟着,它们在大海上飞窜,想把自我对暴风雨的恐惧,掩藏到大海深处。   54、山谷中的岚风带着浓重的凉意,驱赶着白色的雾气,向山下游荡;而山峰的阴影,更快地倒压在村庄上,阴影越来越浓,渐渐和夜色混为一体,但不久,又被月亮烛成银灰色了。   55、一片连绵不断的平原,在天空下伸展,没有山丘,像风平浪静的日子里的海一样平静。   56、一片连绵不断的平原,在天空下伸展,没有山丘,像风平浪静的日子里的海一样平静。   57、雨后的草原,野花竞放,像一块刚浸过水的花头巾,连露珠儿也都是五颜六色的了!   58、高原的气候,真叫人无从捉摸。忽而喜,忽而怒;忽而风满天,忽而平静得纹丝不动。   59、夜幕笼罩着草原,一盘圆月从鱼鳞般的云隙中闪出,草原上弥漫起朦胧的月光,像是升腾起来的一片淡淡的银雾。   60、火热的脸愁苦地等候着风,但是风不来。太阳在蓝得发暗的天空中火辣辣地照着;在咱们对面的岸上是一片黄橙橙的燕麦田,有些地方长出苦艾来,竟连一根麦穗都不动摇一下。   61、无边无际的平原平坦广阔,像一个硕大无比的墨绿色的大翡翠圆盘,苍茫浩渺,气魄摄人。   62、窗外一片黑暗,时不时还有海风呼啸的声音,屋里却很温暖,妻子静静的等待丈夫的归来,突然又一阵强烈的海啸洗卷而来!   63、绿草如茵的草原上还有1条细细的河,袒露在阳光下,远远看去,像1条发光的银项链。   64、风呼呼的刮者,卷起的沙石张狂的拍打着窗玻璃;天越来越暗,小树在暴风中摇摇晃晃;呜呜的响声一片……大家就象喝醉了酒通常,与风飞沙搏斗着……窗边的风在与;雨,雷,大树搏斗着,天暗背地里,电闪雷鸣,像是雷要吞了整个国际似的。   65、万里晴空,阳光灿烂。春姑娘晒得都眯缝起眼睛来了。那嫩绿的新叶,那田野的薄雾轻烟,象她的衣衫。随着她春意的步伐,那青青的小草,破土而出,简直要顶着脚站出来啦。   66、远远地就看到一排垂柳,条条柳丝刚刚返青,绿影婆娑在微风的吹拂下像一层绿纱笼罩在柳树后的梅花,美极了。   67、月亮,圆圆的,像纺车,纺着她浪漫的遐思。   68、漆黑的夜晚,除了闹钟的滴答声和树枝的摇摆声,周围一片寂静。-------王若清   69、台风过后,大地静得连蝴蝶扑扇翅膀的声音都听得见。------黄彦铖   70、他不像染,秀丽可却粗旷。他美的不野,文静镇定的姿态始终是他给人的影响。   71、几丛并不巨大的芦苇上,那白白的芦花,像是半透明的,它们大约偷尝了几勺酒,似乎也有些微醉了,有些叶子贴着水面,芦花立在头上,悄悄摇晃,在阳光照射下轻轻地亮光。   72、草原多么像海啊!只是比海寂静;草原多么像一幅没有框子的画,广漠得望不到边际。   73、群山都落在脚下,显得空阔高远,高得能够同月牙儿拉手,同太阳亲脸。   74、月亮逐渐升高,她身着白色的纱衣,娴静而慈祥,温顺而大方。她那银盘似的脸,透过柳梢,留下温文的笑脸。   75、高原的气候,真叫人无从捉摸。忽而喜,忽而怒;忽而风满天,忽而平静得纹丝不动。   76、春天的江南是美丽的,风很柔和,空气很清新,太阳很温暖;大田里的麦苗像一片海,星罗棋布的村庄是不沉的舟,纵横交错的弯弯曲曲的河道,河边的柳枝吐了嫩芽,芦苇边钻出来放时透青了;河道里平静的水,从冬天的素净中苏醒过来,被大自然的色彩打扮得青青翠翠。   77、秋后的后半夜。月亮下去了,太阳还没有出,只剩下一片乌蓝的天;除了夜游的东西,什么都睡着。   78、远远地眺望,草地上有团团白云在蠕动,原来这是牧场的羊群,一只只白生生的,肥壮可爱,使草原更加生机勃勃。   79、河两岸已由嫩绿色变为深绿的河柳,拂动着重生的柔软的枝条,倒映在河面上,使河水也染上绿色,似乎一河翡翠向东奔腾。   80、一片辽阔的大草原,大得无边无际,微风扶着泥土散发出的芳香,把一大片一大片庄稼吹得如涟波荡漾。   81、初冬的月亮,又清又冷,从西面泻下冰相同的银辉。   82、夜晚的海边十分宁静,没有嘈杂的说话声,没有喧闹的汽车声,只有柔和的风声和美妙的涛声。-------黄霆?   83、夜幕降临,幽蓝幽蓝的天空中点缀着很多的小星星,一眨一眨地,似乎在约请大家到宽广的太空中去漫游。   84、雨后的草原,野花竞放,像一块刚浸过水的花头巾,连露珠儿也都是五颜六色的了!   85、月亮渐渐升高,她身着白色的纱衣,娴静而安详,温柔而大方。她那银盘似的脸,透过柳梢,留下温和的笑容。情感短信   86、雨后的草原,野花竞放,像一块刚浸过水的花头巾,连露珠儿也都是五颜六色的了!   87、春天的江南是美丽的,风很柔和,空气很清新,太阳很温暖;大田里的麦苗像一片海,星罗棋布的村庄是不沉的舟,纵横交错的弯弯曲曲的河道,河边的柳枝吐了嫩芽,芦苇边钻出来放时透青了;河道里平静的水,从冬天的素净中苏醒过来,被大自然的色彩打扮得青青翠翠。   88、高矗云霄的博格达峰上,长年累月戴着白雪的“头巾”,披着白雪的“斗篷”,不论春夏秋冬,它总是一身皎白。 ;


  在学习、工作、生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,下面是我帮大家整理的环境描写作文600字6篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 环境描写作文600字 篇1   “滴嗒滴嗒”那清脆的声音,是春用那纤手奏出来的吗?   “唰啦唰啦”这清晰的响音,是春的衣袖拂过树叶时带出来的吗?   是的,那是泉水的旋律;是的,那是风吹树叶的响声,春就这样悄悄来了。   公园的小草,不知何时冒出了头;河边的垂柳,不为人知地发出了嫩芽;墙角的小花,静悄悄地露出了花苞。一切沉睡了一冬天的生命,都悄悄地苏醒了,被春天温暖的双手唤醒了。   清晨,推开窗,扑面而来的是新鲜的空气;空地上,安静了一冬天的孩子们欢笑着出了门,感受生命的气息;湖边的垂柳,摇摆着拂过微波荡漾的湖面,与嘻戏的鱼儿撞了个满杯,就连默默坚守了一冬天的松柏,也悄悄地更换上了嫩绿的新装,树上的小鸟展开优美的歌喉,毫不吝啬地将优美的音乐献给了整个春天。   走进群山,浓浓的绿意充满了眼睛;走过一棵棵绿树,各色的鸟儿会为所有人唱欢乐的曲子;树下细绒的小草,像铺上了一层柔软的地毯,上面还缀着几朵小巧的不知名的野花;偶尔碰到了一条清澈的溪流,挡住了前进的脚步,可别恼,听,叮叮淙淙的水流声像优美的`音乐,溪中优美的鹅卵石在太阳的直射下映出耀眼的光,即使碰到了障碍,溪水也会快乐地跳过去,溅下几颗美丽的水珠,折射出细碎的光。   路过片片农田,一排排泛着绿意的禾苗笔直地排好了队,青的直逼眼。田中忙碌的农夫,辛勤地工作着,只是偶尔到树下休息一会,强壮的老牛却好像不怕劳累似的,总是在那儿劳动。   雨偶尔会下几场,细细的雨点,像牛毛、像细丝、还像刺绣用的绣花针,落到地上,便再也无处可寻。雨里,几座老房子在那立着,朦胧之中也只能看个大概。用过之后,天晴地像洗过似的,蓝得心情愉快。   春天,淡黄的油菜花,抽芽的嫩柳,解冻的池塘,一切却都让人想到两个字——生命。窝了一冬天的人们啊,快去舒活舒活筋骨,呼吸一下春天的空气吧! 环境描写作文600字 篇2   “小城故事多,充满喜和乐,欢迎你到小城来呀!收获特别多……”每当听到这首歌《小城故事》我就会想起我的家乡五莲。   我们五莲虽是一个小县城,但是有两座美丽的山,九仙山和五莲山,九仙山有一个美丽的龙潭大峡谷,那里的水很清,清的可以看见潭底的沙石和鱼儿。它还是江北最大的杜鹃园,每到五月至六月,杜鹃、迎春花等许多漂亮的花儿就会竞相开放。山上到处是红颜色、黄颜色,深的、浅的、明的、暗的、红的似火、黄的如画,再加上翠绿的叶子,那恐怕只有画家才能描绘出来;五莲山有水帘烟雨,那晶莹的水帘明明亮亮的,薄薄的,像精心纺织出来的绸缎。温度变化出来的薄雾飘浮在半空中,真应了“水帘烟雨”这个名字,因为有帘有“烟”有“雨”,这不是给人以美的启迪,美的享受。这些自然美景,真是如诗如画,令游客神往、陶醉。   五莲城内,人们住宅也建造得很有特色,一座座楼房拔地而起,错落有致。也许受到水清水秀有影响,人们都比较喜欢养些美丽的小花,每一条街道都栽上了芙蓉树,每到夏天,整个县城就变成了花的海洋,空气中到弥漫着芙蓉花的香味。   我们五莲不但环境优美,人们的生活更美。小城的商店一家挨着一家,繁华热闹。柜台上摆满了琳琅满目的商品。家庭影院、手机早已走进了家家户户,不少家庭还添置了电脑、数码摄像机等等。日子过得就像芝麻开花——节节高,我相信五莲的明天会更加美好壮丽。   我爱我的家乡,现在我要好好学习,成为国家有用之才,把家乡建设的更加美丽富饶! 环境描写作文600字 篇3   记得有一次,我走进梨树之间,一阵阵的梨香令我陶醉,它们如香水一般吸引着我,使我流连忘返。从远处看,梨树上的一个个鸭梨犹如一盏盏小灯笼,在太阳光的照耀下,鸭梨一闪一闪的,又好像天上那美丽的星星,好看极了。   鸭梨树春天开花,它的传播的途径主要靠人工授粉。它的花瓣一层层,一片片。微风拂过,那一树洁白的梨花在轻轻飘荡,就好像一群身穿白纱裙的小仙女,白裙绿叶,翩翩起舞,真美!   一到了金秋十月,那可是硕果满园,令人流连忘返。   果园里,一个个金灿灿的大鸭梨三五成群的缀满了枝头,压得树枝好像要折断了。那一树带着清香的鸭梨,那鲜亮的色彩,那独特的滋味都在诱惑着人们,让人垂涎三尺!   我轻轻的扭下一个又香又大的鸭梨,“咔叱”的咬了一口。“嗯,真好吃!”咬了一口,那香甜的果汁立刻溢满我的口中,再加上鸭梨那种清香的芳香,真是回味无穷。让你吃一口,三年都忘不了。   鸭梨的味道不仅鲜美,而且还有许多药效呢!   鸭梨皮薄核小,香味浓郁,清脆爽口,酸甜适度,风味独特,素有“天生甘露”之称,富含糖、维生素C、钙、磷、铁等营养成分,具有清心润肺、止咳定喘、润燥利便之功效。   阳信不仅盛产鸭梨,还有一件小吃令你流连忘返那就是——手扒羊排。   在阳信的大街小巷上,你到处都可以看见买羊排的店。无论你走进哪一家卖羊肉排的店,都可以看见里面的人很多,可以用一个成语来形容:人山人海。   你点一份羊排,吃一口,就觉得我们的阳信也是一个美食之乡。我们阳信的美,数也数不完。希望你有时间来我的家乡做客哟!   鸭梨和羊排,真不愧为阳信孕育出的杰作!我爱鸭梨和羊排,但我更爱我的家乡。 环境描写作文600字 篇4   星期六清晨,我们全班同学由班主任带着来到体育场,参加学校一年一度的秋季运动会,运动会作文。体育场上的人可真不少,到处红旗招展,广播播放着进行曲各班的运动员老师都是身强力壮,我看了心里不由得紧张起来。   100米跑步比赛开始了,裁判员一声枪响运动员们个个像脱缰的野马一样,向终点奔驰,眨眼间运动员们都远离起点线。原来站成一字的八名运动员现在一会变成三角形,一会儿变成梯形,一会又变成“S”形,总之变幻无常。这时我们班的李日军同学突然加快脚步超过了第二名,不,没超过只是平行了,你追我赶十分激烈,这时第三名乘机追上来,李日军不甘心用尽全身力气超过第二名,向第一名“宣战”,全场观众高兴的站起来。哨声、鼓声、掌声、加油声此起彼伏……在即将接近终点时,各班队员都已经筋疲力尽,满头大汗,气喘吁吁。李日军也已经累的快趴下了,不过他仍然坚持地跑着和第一名互相追赶,他想:即使趴下了也要往前爬,一定要为全班争口气不能输。这时啦啦队响起一阵热烈的加油声、掌声,李日军加油,李日军加油……。   霎时他浑身充满了无穷的力量,人像刚刚加满油的赛车,快速向终点冲去他眼前一亮几乎终点在迎接他。我们激动的站起来,高兴的欢呼,虽然其他队员以为还有一丝希望拼命的追赶,但李日军第一个冲向那根红飘带,我们终于还是赢了,我高兴地跳起来。我回到家中,心里却久久不能平静下来,我高兴是因为不但我们得了第一名,而且我还锻炼了一次身体,希望下次年我们会争取更好的成绩。 环境描写作文600字 篇5   有一次,我和我的妈妈一起种豆芽。   第一天,我发现豆芽的皮皱皱的,像一个老人的脸,正在对我咪笑呢。我看到了这个情况,马上把豆芽拿起来,跑到妈妈旁边,说:“妈妈,豆芽的皮怎么皱了呢?”妈妈说:“这只是一个过程,到时候还会有更奇怪的事情发生。”“哦——,原来是这样啊。”我说。   第二天,我发现豆芽的皮已经完全脱下来了,而且也根长出来了。我想拔一下根,想让根更长,更快长大。但是,当我要把根拔长一点儿的时候,被妈妈看见了,说:“你怎么可以这样呢?你绝对不可以拔根。”“为什么?”我问。“这样的话它一定会死的。”“那又是为什么呢?”妈妈说:“反正······你别拔就对了。”   第三天,我发现豆芽的叶子也长出来了,这时,我突然想起妈妈昨天说的话,“你绝对不能拔根,这样的话它会死的。”你不让我做,我偏要做。再说了,还能让它更快长大呢,就算会死,那也要试试看才知道啊。于是,我打算,等妈妈走了之后,把根拔长!过了一会儿,妈妈走了,我的行动就开始了,我把根慢慢拔长。根拔长了,我的心里终于舒服了,因为根拔长了,豆芽还没死。   第四天,我的家里散出了一股非常难闻的味道。我和妈妈一起搜索了这个味道的来源。让人惊讶的是,味道是从豆芽身上发出来的。豆芽死了。妈妈知道是我把豆芽弄死的,于是说:“大自然的规律是不能改变的啊!而你,就破坏了大自然的规律。”   原来,大自然的规律是不能改变的,如果破坏了大自然的规律,就一定有不好的事发生。


  在日常学习、工作和生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是我为大家整理的环境描写作文400字5篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 环境描写作文400字 篇1   森林给予人类的好处实在太多了。它能预防灾害、清洁空气、蓄水等等,是人类赖以生存的伙伴。可是,随着经济的不断发展,人们却忽略了对森林的保护,大片森林遭到不同程度的破坏,导致部分森林和部分热带雨林从地球上消失了。   长久以来,森林一直是人类和动物的守护神,它给人类的生活和生产带来了数不尽的好处。很多植物的根系非常发达,有很好的蓄水功能,可以防止山洪爆发,减少灾害的发生;植物的根、茎、叶、花、果实、种子等很多都能食用,是人类和动物食物的重要来源;森林里茂密的叶子,能够进行光合作用,制造出新鲜的空气,给我们提供大量的氧气;很多的禾木植物,构成了庞大的森林,形成了一个绿色的大伞,是各种动物天然的居住场所。但是,随着经济的不断发展,森林遭到破坏的程度越来越严重了。树木最大的敌人是废气,有些工厂和企业,环保意识薄弱,任意排放出废气、废碴。许许多多的动物都灭绝了,环境遭到了巨大的破坏。因此,我们要保护大自然、保护森林,从我做起,增强环保意识,宣传环保的重要性,爱我地球、爱我国家、爱我常州。   我要大声呼吁,好好地爱护大自然吧,好好地爱护森林吧,好好地爱护我们人类赖以生存的伙伴吧!不要再给大自然受到任何伤害了。 环境描写作文400字 篇2   童年的憧憬中,星星神奇美妙,理想便是那信心;青春是追求,理想是绿叶,一片平凡的绿叶……朋友,别说我胸无大志,要知道绿叶有绿叶的追求枣   春寒料峭时,深处一片绿叶,可给人希望与欢欣;夏日骄阳下,绿叶伸出层层绿荫,给人凉爽与舒心;凛冽寒风中,绿叶化作片片落黄,给大地温暖与馨香……   一片绿叶更是渺小平凡的,但社会需要绿叶,需要更多更多的绿叶。看那是绿衣使者,这片绿叶传递的却是生命的信息,是人类社会所不可缺少的。还有那清洁工人,美化环境的园丁……都是平凡的绿叶,平凡的让人忘记其存在,可生活中又怎能没他们呢?   理想是绿叶,绿色无比亲切。漫步山林中,迎着轻柔的春风,顿生愉悦之情。在这绿海中,有绿草、绿苔,更多的是绿树,我只觉得心中一片绿……   绿树以它的绿装扮着大地,使大地充满生机,棵棵绿树,苍翠欲滴,给人们创造了优美的环境。   啊!走在路上,星星点点的`阳光从树隙中射下来,照在身上也星星点点的,一些鸟雀在枝头上喧闹不止,构成了一幅生动的立体画面。   早晨,到户外,吸口新鲜空气。啊,多新鲜!忍不住还要吸几口,此时多么快意呀。是绿树,给了人以新的生活与新的感受。   然而绿树为了这些,必须坚持不懈地从土壤中吸收水分和养料,他们这种勤奋精神,不禁让人追问:它就只为了这些吗?不,这是为了奉献!   世界呼唤绿,绿叶,绿树…… 环境描写作文400字 篇3   我们的校园环境优雅,景色秀丽,整洁美观,是个可爱的校园。   进入校园,首先映入眼帘的是两棵高大挺拔的大榕树。大榕树一年四季枝繁叶茂、绿树成荫,即使在炎热的夏天,在大榕树下也不觉得热。   大榕树的旁边有一块绿色的草坪,草坪上开满了五颜六色、挤挤挨挨的小花,美丽极了。   学校的两旁是漂亮的现代化教学大楼,大楼上面还写着“团结、勤奋、求实、创新”端庄凝重的八个大字,给我们的校园增添了生机。   再往里走,就是充满了庄严的升旗台了。升旗台两旁种植着两棵高大的木棉树。春天的时候,木棉树开始抽芽长叶,非常美丽。炎热的夏天,我们在木棉树下玩耍。金秋时节,景色宜人,树上的叶子变成“金蝴蝶”飘落在地上。有的同学捡来做叶印,有的同学捡来做树叶标本,有的同学件来做……   冬天,我们这里很冷,但是没有北方那么冷,我们每天仍然坚持上学。   在这美不胜收的校园里,我们快乐地成长,贪婪地允吸着无尽的知识,美丽的校园留下了我们许多童年的快乐和足迹。 环境描写作文400字 篇4   地球是我们的家园,我们是地球的小主人。谁不想让我们的家园变的更美好,更漂亮?而在这个时候,那些卖水果、小吃、蔬菜的叔叔阿姨们,在各个地方摆摊而等到晚上就收摊走人,可他们却没有看到在他们周围到处都是他们丢弃的垃圾,等到再过几天,那些垃圾在地上发臭,苍蝇、蚊子都飞来飞去,让过路的行人都得捂着鼻子,快步走过去。你们有没有想过,就是你们这样乱丢垃圾,让我们美丽的家园肮脏了。所以,我希望居委会的叔叔阿姨们,让那些摆小摊的小贩在走时带走自己的垃圾,让他们学会爱护好我们美好的家园。   自从全运会以后,这些现象都不见了。如:节水保泉,使泉水干净了。取缔地摊,使苍蝇减少了。扩大绿化,使空气新鲜了。还有拆迁的,把空下的位置建造成更美的家,等等。因为这些,让天变蓝了,让水变轻了,让空气清新了,让地球更美了……   住在地球上的每一个公民,让我们共同努力,以使我们的地球更美丽、可爱,使我们生活的环境更美好吧! 环境描写作文400字 篇5   我是一条快乐又自由的小金鱼,长着银色的鱼鳞,漂亮极了,我有很多伙伴,小青蛙、龙虾、螃蟹等等……我们在一条洁白的小河里过着幸福的生活。后来,有一家工厂里的机器发出一股难闻的气味,害得我们都喘不过气来,我们很生气。这时,小燕子对小鱼说:“小鱼弟弟,今天你是怎么啦,你有什么心事吗?”小鱼向小燕子解释说:“都是人类呀!把河里污染成不像样子,整天像下雾一样,叫我们对面看不见,把我们都喘不过气来呀!那该怎么办呢?”“是呀!一开始我们在天上愉快的飞翔,后来,人们把一股股的烟释放到天空,我们都快要被这股烟昏了过去。”小燕子说。就这样一天一天的过去了,有一次,动物们聚到一起商量,怎样才能对付人类。青蛙说:“我可以哇哇叫,让人类睡不着觉。”这样不行,狐狸说。老鼠说:“我可以把人类的粮食吃光,让他们饿死。”这办法也不行,老虎大声一叫。幼鼠说:“我们可以告诉孩子们,因为孩子们喜爱我们。”这办法挺不错的。亲爱的小朋友们:“一定要保护环境,不然,人们将会受到灾害。”


Green purchase shop (imagine composition) One day in the future, a country of a specific city appeared a strange stores - green plants acquisitions shop. On the wall of the outside stores, stick a striking notice: Our special acquisitions green plants, all of the green plants plants complete all net, high prices for, no less than the normal plants 1000 yuan/strains, precious not less than 10,000 yuan/plant, plant seeds of plants not less than 1000 yuan/grains. With over to reap, no time limit, the more the better. The shop after opening, for a long time have no customers, because who also don"t believe, the world will have such good. Until one day, a poor boy scruffy netherwhelp passing this shop, he saw notices, thought: anyway, I do nothing, to pull out some plants to luck, replace strolled around the streets, maybe there will be unexpected harvest? So he came to the wild, optional pulled some plants with carts, dragging came to shop. Into stores, inside the empty, the house looks unfathomable, one eye don"t see the end. Blue lamplight, tan walls, very frightening. Suddenly, the wall opened a door, exposed a ShuiLian gates. Poor boy wonder reagent, didn"t know what was about to happen, he even some regret his boring move. Suddenly, ShuiLian out from a weirdo, about 5, 6 meters high, all over with the fire burning. Speaking voice like big bell as vigorous and louder: "young man, come with me." He slightly hesitated, still not consciously follow giants walked into ShuiLian door. After a ShuiLian gate, it do not have a hole, everything is so strange, one also did not know. Walked for a long time, he saw a fortress, with several large circle juxtaposed gantrywhileworking respectively, the pit pit hangs ordinary plants, precious plants, plant seeds several brand. Pit filled with white mist the same things, could not see depth. "Take your things lost go in." As one giant hole said. According to the giant"s request, young people will plant cast into the hole. The miracle appear, big pit white mist slowly recede, the blue mist rises. Soon, a large wooden box from blue mist slowly float out, box open, inside filled up with $100 bills. This strange sight dumbfounded. The young man "This is you sell the money and take it plant." A young man, he faced winced, picked up the box, rotating ran out of the ShuiLian door and ran out of the shop, returned to his place. He got a great deal of money, became a millionaire. The news spread quickly, and the city erupted near the big movement collected green plants. The shop is closed, lockout, everyone out. Streets, parks, mountain forest, the field, everywhere is the green plants, dig land all be opened, revealing new soil. No days, the streets, the park"s plants have no, mountain light, barren field. Another few days passed, the surrounding cities also action, soon, the whole country, the whole world all action, into the action. Search plant Green purchase store the world also bloom file. Less than two years, the whole earth never find a plant, a star seeds of plants. Beautiful earth on land disappeared, do not exist already forest, field, grasslands, all the land is desert and bald mountain, the land, FeiShaZouShi everywhere, bones in the air yellow sand fog. Don"t know when I, all over the world all the green purchase shop disappeared unnoticed. Because no plants, animals, are starting to large Numbers of starvation, people also can with dead animals for food. Soon, a large animal gradually lost him, people started looking for all can fill the stomach thing, when Marine animals after been eaten, mosquitoes, earthworms, worm and wait became the best of food. A mosquito price is equivalent to ten kilograms gold, in order to compete for a dead earthworms, two groups of people even move up guns. Not long ago, the whole earth even a mosquito also can not find. When people couldn"t find any food, people eat people phenomenon will soon appear, women, children, old people became the object was first to eat, and then, adult male people began to shoot each other. Population reduced sharply dog-eat-dog phenomenon to appear later, less than three months, there would be only a bony bodies with. When the world sink ausgestorben later, who is a fine night, earth ushered in a few flying saucer, flying saucer on fire out several giants, their holding hundred-dollar green plants. If the earth and man"s word, they must have one eye can recognize that these giant is green purchase store clerk. Soon, the earth regained vitality, however, live on earth, is some body burning flame giant. Only the pile of moreso recording the history of human existence


我怎样才能到达学校? 仅供参考,欢迎指正


  在学习、工作或生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是我整理的环境描写作文8篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 环境描写作文 篇1   秋水广场坐落在位于赣江之滨的红谷滩新区,与千古名楼滕王阁隔江相望,“秋水”就是由唐代著名诗人王勃千古名篇《滕王阁序》中的“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”中得来。   到秋水广场时,爸爸说时间还早,离喷泉开始还有半个多钟头,我们几个小朋友便吵着要到赣江边玩。爸爸无可奈何,可又担心我们的安全,只好陪着我们下去玩。   赣江对面是壮观的滕王阁,八一大桥和南昌大桥被灯火装扮得异常亮丽,犹如两条蛟龙一左一右横跨赣江,江面泛着微微的波涛,江边的沙子又细又软。   我们玩起了抛石子的比赛。我们捡起一个个鹅卵石,用尽全力往江里抛,比谁抛得远。小石子落入赣江无声无息,大石子则激起了一朵朵小小的浪花。我们还玩了沙子。我用沙子堆了一座小山,爸爸用沙子砌了一个水池,不过我想,这样的水池肯定装不了水。我们还准备用沙子做一个小沙人,可沙子才堆了不到半米高,音乐喷泉开始了。   广场上的人纷纷向喷池边涌去。只见一条条喷泉随着音乐的节拍舞动,时而高时而低,有的像从天而降的仙女,有的像翩翩起舞的丹顶鹤,还有的像正在表演舞蹈的演员……瞧!那边的喷泉一条比一条高,像一座楼梯;这边的喷泉随着喷口的摆动,左右摇曳生姿。喷口旁边还有许多五光十色的彩灯,就像给喷池穿上了一件五彩霓裳,给喷泉染上了一层绚丽的色彩。看着看着,我完全被迷住了。   主喷终于喷发了!只见那条喷泉随着渐强的音乐一次比一次喷得高,这壮观的情景让人们情不自禁地发出一声声惊呼。当主喷喷到最高点时,人群爆发出一阵阵欢呼。   在喷池的另一边,风夹着喷泉的水汽向人群洒去,人们纷纷往后退。我吵着要爸爸带我过去。一阵阵凉爽的风带着喷泉的水汽向我们洒来,就像下起了丝丝细雨,比三伏天吃西瓜还凉快,我淋了很久还觉得不够过瘾。当主喷再一次喷发时,天空中就像突然下起了一阵中雨,我们想躲也来不及。爸爸赶紧用他的身体护住我,而爸爸的衣服却已经湿透了。   要是你问我那晚的感受怎么样,我可以用一个字来回答你,那就是“爽!” 环境描写作文 篇2   窗外的暴风雨放肆地敲击着房屋、树木、道路……像个怪物一样,好像要将整个城市吞噬掉.我静静地坐在书桌前,无奈地注视着窗外的黑暗.眼已哭得红肿,泪却还在流着.回想起老师念分的时候,我的心跳得厉害,我无法相信这就是我多少天来努力的结果.想起老师在深夜批改作业的背影,父母寒风中艰苦工作的情景,我觉得自己对不起他们,不能如他们所期望的那样.   月光惨淡,如流水一般,静静的泻在桌面上,映得我脸色发白.面对那分数少得可怜的试卷,我的心酸得纠结在了一起,我想我已经很努力了,真的.可现实却在我十分自信的时候,狠狠地给了我一巴掌.为什么?为什么命运女神这么残酷地对待我.   月亮已升得老高,雨也渐渐停了,透着一股寒意.突然,一个高大的身影冲进了我的视线,仔细一看,原来是那棵白杨,叶子已在刚刚那场暴风雨中落去了大半,我同情地望着它,有着那种“同是天涯沦落人”的哀伤.我走上前去打开了窗子.雨后潮湿的空气夹杂着泥土的清香迎面向我扑来,使我一下子清醒了许多.我认真地打量着它,尽管它的叶子落了一地,可它的枝干却在那无数次暴风雨后依然笔直.我的心猛地颤了一下,原来它是那样的坚强.   突然间,我觉得,这一次考试的失败算不了什么,我也应该像那棵白杨学习,一次暴风雨打掉了我的“叶子”,可只要我的枝干依旧笔直地挺立着,相信来年春天,就一定可以结出更绿、更嫩、更鲜的叶子.   如果骄傲没有被现实的大海拍打,又怎能知道要很努力才可以走到远方?如果梦想不曾跌落下悬崖,又怎会晓得执着的人拥有隐形的翅膀?如果生活从未经受暴风雨的洗礼,又怎会懂得只有坚强才能看到曙光?   窗外,皎洁的月光一泻千里.我拿起笔,认真地改正做错的题,分析失败的原因.我坚信,总有一天我会到达成功的伟岸.只有历经失败,成功才会更加有意义,也正是因为它的来之不易,才更加令人向往,不是吗?   弯腰系好鞋带,跑向成功的未来!   自己初中时候的作文,文笔不是很好,但是有环境描写,不知道可不可以 环境描写作文 篇3   随着一场冰凉的雨点洒下,天气顿时冷了许多。原来还似乎碧蓝碧蓝的世界,眨眼间就变成了浑蒙蒙的一片。仿佛整个天空也跟着混浊不堪,甚至映黄了树上的绿叶和地上的的青草。狂风,狂风和冰雨也好像是不约而至,它们几乎是要将这污浊的宇宙搅乱成天翻地覆。   看它们气势汹汹的样子,小草开始怕了,始料不及的灾难让这些弱小的生命应顾不暇,小草们无谓的扭动着柔弱的身躯,但最终还是死死的被全部打趴下,或灰飞烟灭·····。   树叶们好像更顽强了一些,因为灾难前曾一起齐声歌唱。尽管树叶们紧紧的抓住了枝条,总还是被凶狠的一一打下,虽然,叶子们都在凄苦的飘零,但还是久久不想落下,悲伤的叶子们可能是想唱完最后的挽歌,或想最后再看树一眼。   只有松树没有屈服,也许是它意志坚强,还是因为它有一把利剑,只见它高傲的依然挺立,伸出长长的手臂,把利剑高高的举过头顶,似向全世界高呼,要赶走魔鬼野兽,和斩尽妖孽狰狞·······。最后,也唯有挺拔的松树安然走过了一个个秋愁。 环境描写作文 篇4   美丽的大自然就像一支的`动听歌曲,旋律优美而又抒情;美丽的大自然就像一支神奇的笔,有挖掘不完的新奇事物;美丽的大自然又像一首诗,我有着写不完的眷恋。   我的家乡就是我心中最美的大自然了,家后面有一坐令人神往的仙境,有好吃的野果,树上的鸟儿好像在商量着什么,而美丽的野花则骄傲的矗立在草丛里,展示着自己内心独特的美,山上的野山橘更是惹人喜爱,它个头小小的,颜色格外鲜艳,一串串金黄色的“小灯笼”挂在树上,让人馋涎欲滴很想上去咬它一口,真是太诱人了。   我爱家乡的大山。 环境描写作文 篇5   我是一条小河,我原来清澈见底,水里的小鱼自由自在地游着,小螃蟹向小虾挥舞着钳子,水面上的小鸭子在玩耍、嬉戏,有的在捉鱼吃,有的还互相梳理绒毛。夏天,小孩儿都在我的水里洗澡、游泳。花儿把我当镜子照,小鸟在水岸边叽叽喳喳地叫着,好像是在向我水里的小鱼小虾表演它的歌喉呢!   可是现在,我臭气熏天,令人窒息,人们一闻就跑得离我远远的。并且,我现在的水浑浊不堪,连污油也很多,有的水还是黄绿色,非常难看,连小鸟也不理我了。   水面上腐烂的菜叶随处可见,令人感到恶心。塑料袋和一次性碗筷,是一只只苍蝇的摇篮,在水边,可以清楚地听见“嗡嗡”的声音,让耳朵觉得非常难受。水里一只鱼虾也没有,只有漂在水面上的死鱼,腹部朝天,成了一只只苍蝇的美味佳肴。   现在我旁边根本没有长一朵花,虽然长了草,但都是些野草,树光秃秃的,一片叶子也没长。   鸟妈妈的孩子不小心喝了我的水,中毒死了,鸟妈妈由于伤心过度,也死了。鸟爸爸咒骂我,朋友们都不理我,我感到孤零零的,心里不知道是什么滋味。   我要向人们呐喊:“快救救我吧!请不要在伤害我了,人类!” 环境描写作文 篇6   小区的环境变了,以前小区里垃圾成堆,现在小区里干干净净。令人心旷神怡。一天早上,我起床要去小区跑步,我啦拉开窗帘向下望,发现小区里干干净净。咦,小区这几天怎么这么干净呀?地上的垃圾哪里去了?书上挂的塑料袋哪儿去了?我急忙穿好衣服换上鞋下去跑步,正当我到达楼下时,发现邻居王大妈一首提着扫帚一首拿着塑料袋整在捡垃圾。我继续往前走,又发现几个老爷爷老奶奶也在捡垃圾,我走过去问,老爷爷您是不是文门卫啊?唉。什么门卫不门卫的。小区里的卫生环境,大家一起保护啊!虽然,我不能干什么,但是这么点事我还是可以的。我恍然大悟,要不是我今天起的早还不知道呢!   望着现在干净的小区,不由得想起以前那肮脏的小区。   那是一次,我放学回家,发现一个大吃完雪糕,随手就把雪糕袋扔在了地上,真不讲卫生。我想,如果所有人都把垃圾扔在地上,那么世界不就成了垃圾球了吗!   是啊!小区现在人人都讲卫生,环境也变美了。 环境描写作文 篇7   在大自然这美妙的世界里,我最喜欢的就是小溪姐姐了!清清的溪水潺潺的流着,像仙女身上美丽的飘带,   描写大自然景色的作文。她七弯八拐地在大沙滩上像蛇一样哧哧溜溜地寻找什么。小溪的水花和沙纹搓揉出一些细碎的呢喃。   她从两山之间的小谷之中流出来,落在一块天然岩石的峭壁上,发出清脆悦耳的声音当她溅落在石块上的时候,远远望去,仿佛是一大滩水银,受了一种奇妙的压力,变成细细的水花。溪的两边,种着几棵垂柳,那长长的柔软的柳枝,随风飘动着,婀娜的舞姿,是那么美,那么自然。有两三只特别长的,她们垂在水面上,“啪——啪,啪”,像几个在溪边打闹得孩子,互相泼水。遇着水鸟站在枝桠上歌唱时,流水也唱和着,柳枝拍打着水面,因为她是伴奏。这是一曲优雅的小调,也是一首新的森林三重奏。   蜿蜒曲折、清澈见底的溪水从我脚下淌过,我这才回过神来,从美妙的音乐中探出头来,溪水在向我打招呼,我发现,在明丽的阳光下,她像一条银龙在翻滚,跳跃。   我喜爱溪,是因为她的纯洁,她的活泼,她的鲜明,你是不是觉得溪水具有这样的品质呢?那你一定也喜欢她。让我们去探索大自然中的一切吧!   去年暑假时,我回到故乡,至今想起,仍然回味无穷,因为那里山明水秀,到处可以听到大自然的声音。   晨曦初露,村内到处飘飘缈缈,笼罩着一层轻轻的薄雾,犹如羞达达的少女蒙上一层薄薄的面纱,给人一种轻柔朦胧的美感,不久,拂面的清风吹走了薄雾,映入眼帘的是一片大大的荷花池。池中荷花千娇百媚,有的亭亭玉立,有的鹤立鸡群,有的则边冒出水面的勇气也没有。这一景,流淌着淡淡的碧光。我犹如进入了蓬莱仙境,鸟语花香,一天的开始由大自然的美景拉开了序幕。   来到村后面的小山,只见青树绿蔓,草盛花繁,一派生机勃勃的景象。蜜蜂从睡梦中醒来,嘤嘤嗡嗡地开始了它一天的工作。蝴蝶也展开漂亮的翅膀,在繁花绿草中翩翩起舞。空地上,一群天真无邪的小孩在追逐吵闹,追蜜蜂,扑蝴蝶,采鲜花……你争我抢,玩得不亦乐乎。大自然在唱歌了,它以优美的旋律告诉我们——这是它的声音,使人快乐的声音!   再向前走,只听见蝉鸣鸟叫。抬头一望,只见画眉、杜鹃在树上跳跳走走,快活得犹如神仙。这样一幅诗情画意的图画,我还没有欣赏完,一阵流水声引起了我的注意。哇,大自然真的会妙手点睛!我赶快向小林走去,原来是一条弯弯曲曲的小溪。溪水清澈见底,鹅卵石粒粒可数,小鱼在水里快活地游来游去,啊!大自然又为我们奏上一曲了。   其实,大自然的声音处处可听,只是现在人们都在忙碌,没有注意到罢了。在紧张的生活中透不过气来时,我们不妨到山间来走一走吧,大自然的声音绝对会我们放松身心,心旷神怡,使我们产生丰富的想象,领悟到可贵的哲理,也让我们久久回味,忘记一切世俗的烦忧。   敞开胸怀,接受一切属于大自然的声音吧,我们就会活得很开心!   大自然的声音是悦耳的;大自然的声音是粗犷的;大自然的声音还夹杂着点点孩子气。   小时候,在放暑假的时候,爸爸带我去乡下的一个地方避暑。那儿有条小溪,有小鱼,只有少许的鱼儿。 环境描写作文 篇8   恍惚间,天暗了下来,云翻涌个不停,仿佛酝酿着什么阴谋。稚童仍在欢快地玩耍,全然不知危机悄然逼近,只是感谢云给他们遮住了烈日,遮住了阳光。稚童的父母忧虑着看着天,手中的伞不住地拍打着地,像在施什么法。   上学的学生也无心上课,手中握着笔,心却看着阴沉的天。授课的老师瞥一眼天,继续讲题,仿佛置身事外。放学的铃声响了起来,几乎是同时,地上的尘土像受了什么惊吓,一上一下地跳着舞。学生归心似箭,一放学便拎着书包向家里奔去,却又被一对无形的巨手牵制,左摇右摆,却无力再向前了。稚童一下子变了脸色,急着喊妈妈,最后哭喊声在风的咆哮中归于虚无。父母们顶着伞,把孩子搂了起来,一步一趔趄,往家的方向走去。原本撒欢的小猫小狗也像受到了致命的威胁,要么疯了一样找着主人回家,要么趴在地上颤抖。   尘土们上了天,又狠狠地砸下来,周而复始,带动了一些较小的石砾,终于,一棵树的枝梢在风和沙石的双重作用下咔嚓折断。平日里不可一世的树们也失去了剑指天穹的勇气,只被风像捏面团一般戏弄忽上忽下,直立,弯曲。稍稍安定一会儿,风就又迫不及待地过来折磨他们,树们愤怒了,抖动着树叶抗议着,可是依然无济于事。看着这地上世界的一切,云都哭了起来,泪水打湿了大地。风却没有收手的意思,倒像是嫌云的泪水碍事般,又飞回天上把出利剑和云搏斗了起来。剑光一闪,云的身子被劈伤了,哭得愈加的厉害,甚至喊了起来,那惨叫声往往吓得熟睡的孩子哇哇大哭。云和风的搏斗往往是刀光一闪。剑影一晃,伴随着的是云与风因受伤痛苦的惨叫和泪水。天上的打着正酣,地上的人们互相紧拥,胆战心惊地注视这一切。   终于风和云累了,悻悻地拖着伤疤累累的躯体离开了。太阳的光芒终于再次照亮了大地。风暴过去了,一切是那样祥和、宁静。鸟继续飞旋着唱歌,叶子上挂着几滴风和云的泪水。稚童们仍无忧无虑地玩耍,孩子像什么也没发生一样,大人和学生却心有余悸。


  在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?下面是我精心整理的环境描写作文400字5篇,欢迎大家分享。 环境描写作文400字 篇1   没有良好的环境,我们怎能向未来的天空展翅高飞,没有良好的环境,我们怎能站在学习的起跑线上,没有良好的环境,我们怎能努力地攀爬至重点,没有良好的生活环境,我们怎能拥有今日的一切!由此道来,我们应共同保护这一切又一切的源头   大海是人类生命的摇篮,但人们却并不珍惜这个摇篮。由于人们滥砍滥伐,使水土流失,那些又脏又臭的东西流到海里,使原本清澈明亮的大海变得浑浊不清。   那些工厂发放出废气废水使大量的城镇被笼罩在臭烟水之中,使人产的生活受到很大的影响不说,还污染了大气层,使大部份的天空由蓝变成灰蒙蒙的,使人们整天躲在屋里不敢出门。   也许有人认为,环境污染了就污染了,不关我的事。这样想就大错特错,环境问题直接联系到人类的健康。废气会使空气混浊,对人的肺部有很大的危害;废水会污染江河,使和中生物死亡,人们就无法吃到鲜鱼、虾等;垃圾会污染土壤,使农作物无法收成……就连吐口痰,也许还会使许多人的病   也许有人认为,环境污染了就污染了,不关我的事。这样想就大错特错,环境问题直接联系到人类的健康。废气会使空气混浊,对人的肺部有很大的危害;废水会污染江河,使和中生物死亡,人们就无法吃到鲜鱼、虾等;垃圾会污染土壤,使农作物无法收成……就连吐口痰,也许还会使许多人的病。 环境描写作文400字 篇2   我的校园非常美丽,可以在那儿畅游知识的海洋,也可以在那里强身健体,还可以在那交一群一群的朋友,但我最喜欢那儿清香的小花园,我来给大家介绍一下吧。   小花园里有许多密密麻麻的树木,其中有松树,杨树,柳树,还有一些我都不知道的树,在这群树种,我最喜欢桃树了,它的"花非常鲜艳,还是粉红色的,你靠近一闻,一股香味芬芳扑鼻,她弯弯曲曲的,好像在展示自己婀娜多姿的身材。   桃树的下面就是各种各样的花了,有金黄色的迎春花,有张着大嘴巴的牵牛花,还有毛茸茸的蒲公英呢,同学们都想去吹一吹,吹一吹,蒲公英的种子就好像无数个降落伞一样飞向远方。   花的左邻右舍就是小草和鹅卵石了,小草绿油油的,微风一吹,他们就摇摇头向小花打招呼了,卵石一块儿接一块儿,深深的印在地上,就像一家分不开的兄弟姐妹,他们身穿五颜六色的衣服,美丽极啦!下课了,同学们争先恐后的冲向花园,都想按摩一下自己的小脚丫;上课了,花园里就和往常一样平静,不过树、花、草、鹅卵石都开始玩耍了,风来了,树上的叶子落到小花、小草、鹅卵石上,好像给他们买了一顶五彩缤纷的帽子。   花园的边上还有一圈绿色的草地像给花园披上了一层绿色的衣服,美丽极了!   教室让我们得到了无穷大的知识,食堂让我们吃的白白胖胖,书房,让我们喜欢上阅读,微机室,让我们知道了科技进步的发展,小花园,让我们感受到了大自然的气息,小花园真美啊!我爱我们学校的小花园。 环境描写作文400字 篇3   我们作为一名中学生,一个小公民,必须勇敢地站起来,保护环境已经到了刻不容缓缓的地步,我们责无旁货!让我们共同携手,从身边的小事做起,从点滴做起,爱护我们的地球母亲,拒绝污染,保护生态环境,环境保护不仅仅包括动物、森林的保护、防止大气和水的污染这样一些“大事”,也包括我们周围生活中无处不在的各种小事。   所以大家没有重要事情的时候,尽量少开车,减少硫的排放。听说月日是无车日呢!不要过量使用煤炭,做到集中供暖,减少微小颗粒的飘扬。不要乱堆乱放垃圾和废旧电池,要学会分类处理垃圾,实现废物再利用。被污染的空气,他会惩罚我们人类的……   我国政府也早就提出了明确的治理目标。作为现实生活中的每一个普通人,虽然不可能都直接从事环保工作,但我们完全可以从身边的小事做起,从我做起。我要呼吁人们保护好我们的家乡。让我们的小树林郁郁葱葱,让河水清澈见底,让天空湛蓝深远,让空气更加清新天润。努力吧,环境保护对我们来说并不是一个新问题。 环境描写作文400字 篇4   我们的家园美丽而富饶,我们生活学习的地方,空气清鲜,环境是那么优美。地球就像妈妈一样给我们代来美好,带来幸福,可你们知道吗?地球上的环境正在一点一点地被破坏,一片片绿色的“海洋”逐渐在消失,而造成这结果的,正是我们人类。而这,将会给我们带来无限的灾难,你们看到了吗?地球妈妈正在哭泣!   我们这些祖国的花朵和绿叶可以为地球母亲做些什么呢?行动起来吧,这是我们应尽的责任,从我做起,从身边的小事做起。看见亲朋好友把吃完的果皮、包装纸随手扔在了地上,你可以用一句温馨的小提示:请不要乱扔垃圾,保护环境,人人有责。看见地上有垃圾,主动捡起来扔进垃圾箱,那你将会是一个爱护环境的好少年。看见水龙头没关紧,你上前动手把它拧紧,看见教室或家里有足够的光线,就主动把灯关掉,那你就是一名节约资源的好学生。在放假时,约一些朋友,一起到郊外植树,为我们的家园添一丝绿色。我们现在虽然不能带动全世界,但我们可以劝劝身边的亲朋好友:“请不要开车、驶摩托等会排放尾气的交通工具了”。只要大家都争当爱护环境的有心人,就将会为我们的地球尽一份力,那不久的将来,地球将会变成一个和谐美丽的家园。   同学们,如果我们真这样做了,将会让青山更加葱茏,绿水将会更加清澈,地球妈妈看见后,一定会露出欣慰的笑容。我们只有一个地球,地球是我们可爱的“家”!如果地球没有了光明,我们将无法继续生存,让我们共同为地球缔造一个美好的明天吧!


您好,以下是本人按要求写的英语作文,希望对您有帮助:It is very delightful that I passed the College Entrance Examination this year, and got enrolled in the university I expected. Being in the new circumstances, I find everything here at the university so fresh and interesting. In the first few days, I have met and known many new classmates and teachers, we got along very well. The teaching and study way of university is so different from high school. It impressed me that the teachers are more likely to be a mentor and instructor, who inspire independent thinking of our students, while the students are positive most of the time during the process of knowledge acquirement. In a word, I am having a wonderful time on the campus of my university, that enriched my life and I felt so fantastic. What"s more, I also look forward to a brand-new and excellent college life in future.


Reading and listening are two main input processes of learning a language. If there is not enough input, it is certain that language learners can"t make excellent output. Chinese contemporary English teaching expert, Hu Chundong, from Beijing Normal University, emphasized in the first International Annual English Teaching Conference “And here I want to stress the importance of reading in English learning. In China people often use the world “reading” instead of “learning”. This is a popular truth. It is also true for English learning and teaching from beginning to end. Of course, reading must be in combination with listening, speaking and writing.” But Chinese learners can"t have full access to the English environment. Thus reading has always been considered to be the main approach to input and often promoted as a solution to the information explosion and as an aid to effective studying. Reading ability also influences the formation and development of the ability to listen, speak, write and translate. Therefore, reading plays an important role in English learning. However, in class there is no abundant time to guide students to do much reading, in which case, extracurricular reading becomes a necessary approach to make learners be exposed to more input. It is generally believed that a large amount of English reading after class can lay foundation to the acquirement of a new language. Just as He Huibin (2004) says:“It is reasonable to focus most of a learner"s energy on the basic linguistic knowledge at the beginning stage of learning.” Reading not only enables a learner to learn English knowledge from books but also helps them consolidate their vocabulary and grammar. These vocabulary and grammar are the base of improving the other four English skills—speaking, writing, translation, and listening. What is more, it is also the base of language application (Zhu Fengyun, 2004). So reading can promote English language knowledge to be mastered. One of the most importan

题目是learn to change youself 的英语作文 急求~!

Many persons want to change the world, but from my perspective, if we don"t learn to change ourselves, how can we change the world.There are many things that need to be changed and progressed. Unchangeable life is just like a pool of dead water. Learning to change helps us to create a progressing and fresh life. Only by changing can we correct our weaknesses and perfect ourselves. Only by changing can we transform our attitude and see the beautiful side. Only by changing can we live a brand-new life and take another rhythm. It is changing that makes us become excellent persons. So please learn to change, to change the present situation and perfect yourself. In this way, you will have a better life and our world will be more beautiful.If you often throw away rubbish freely. Please change it and form good habits. then you will find the defects are fading, and you are going to be an polite person. our environment will be much cleaner.If you often argue with others about some little things, please change your attitude and make another thought, you will get different understanding and acquirement. And because of your changes, our world will become more harmonious.If you are tired of the present lifestyle, just change it and live another rhythm life. You can experiment with new ways of thinking and acting, complete tasks that are relaxing and educational. You will find a brand-new and meaningful life. At the same time, our world will be more beautiful.So my dear friends, never complain that life is boring and the world is disappointing. If you don"t like the taste of your life, just change it. If you want to change the world, please change yourself. Conquer your limitations and embrace new challenges. Maybe you will see a different sky.


Reading and listening are two main input processes of learning a language. If there is not enough input, it is certain that language learners can"t make excellent output. Chinese contemporary English teaching expert, Hu Chundong, from Beijing Normal University, emphasized in the first International Annual English Teaching Conference “And here I want to stress the importance of reading in English learning. In China people often use the world “reading” instead of “learning”. This is a popular truth. It is also true for English learning and teaching from beginning to end. Of course, reading must be in combination with listening, speaking and writing.” But Chinese learners can"t have full access to the English environment. Thus reading has always been considered to be the main approach to input and often promoted as a solution to the information explosion and as an aid to effective studying. Reading ability also influences the formation and development of the ability to listen, speak, write and translate. Therefore, reading plays an important role in English learning. However, in class there is no abundant time to guide students to do much reading, in which case, extracurricular reading becomes a necessary approach to make learners be exposed to more input. It is generally believed that a large amount of English reading after class can lay foundation to the acquirement of a new language. Just as He Huibin (2004) says:“It is reasonable to focus most of a learner"s energy on the basic linguistic knowledge at the beginning stage of learning.” Reading not only enables a learner to learn English knowledge from books but also helps them consolidate their vocabulary and grammar. These vocabulary and grammar are the base of improving the other four English skills—speaking, writing, translation, and listening. What is more, it is also the base of language application (Zhu Fengyun, 2004). So reading can promote English language knowledge to be mastered. One of the most important purposes of extracurricular reading is to open a learner"s eyes through the introduction to the western culture. Reading is a vital language input and collective resource …and information… Reading is a more efficient and firm way than listening input (Dong Yafen, 2003). According to many scholars" researches, by extracurricular reading, one can advance their English background knowledge and broaden his or her vision, inspire his thought, build the va1ues, train the creative performance and develop his intelligence. If a person master the English reading skil1s, form a good reading habit and have autonomous learning ability, he or she can be a master of English forever. Therefore, educators should spare no efforts to guide students to do as much extracurricular reading as possible and in this way help them to understand how to learn English autonomously.


22年英语一大作文寓意是批判学习的功利性。1、开头段范文The picture virtually drips with inspiration when it comes to the attitude towards knowledge acquirement. It can be seen that, two students saw the same poster of a lecture in their campus, one taking it as nothing useful for her major, but another viewing it as a chance for self-enhancement.关于获取知识的态度,这张图片充满了启示。如图,两个学生在校园里看到了同一张讲座海报,一个人认为这对她的专业没有用处,而另一个人则认为去听听肯定有好处(这是一个自我提升的机会)。2、中间段范文Behind this instructive drawing lies a perception that, students tend to focus on the practical purpose of knowledge acquirement. Admittedly, there is a convenient excuse for ignoring the seemingly useless in their studies, and it all boils down to a lack of broader vision. However, a wide range of learning is the very condition to connect the dots in our future development. Likewise, the ripple effect of comprehensive knowledge allows us to tap into our potential and sow a sense of confidence. All this gives enough grounds to learn extensively and set our sight on a far horizon.这幅具有启发性的图画揭示出,学生在获取知识时比较注重实用目的。诚然,人们很容易找到借口,不去学习那些看似与学业无关的东西,而这皆因缺乏广阔的视野。然而,广泛的知识涉猎才是我们在未来发展中连点成线、施展能力的条件。同样,综合性知识的涟漪效应能够使我们挖掘自身潜力,并获得自信心。鉴于此,我们应该广泛地学习知识,并将视线放长远一些。3、结尾段范文So, stay hungry, stay foolish. It promises more opportunities to push the boundaries of possibility, and will put us in a better position to prepare for a fruitful future.因此,求知若渴,虚心若愚。这样,你将拥有更多的机会,挑战更大的可能性,并能够以更好的姿态,在未来收获更多。


Reading and listening are two main input processes of learning a language. If there is not enough input, it is certain that language learners can"t make excellent output. Chinese contemporary English teaching expert, Hu Chundong, from Beijing Normal University, emphasized in the first International Annual English Teaching Conference “And here I want to stress the importance of reading in English learning. In China people often use the world “reading” instead of “learning”. This is a popular truth. It is also true for English learning and teaching from beginning to end. Of course, reading must be in combination with listening, speaking and writing.” But Chinese learners can"t have full access to the English environment. Thus reading has always been considered to be the main approach to input and often promoted as a solution to the information explosion and as an aid to effective studying. Reading ability also influences the formation and development of the ability to listen, speak, write and translate. Therefore, reading plays an important role in English learning. However, in class there is no abundant time to guide students to do much reading, in which case, extracurricular reading becomes a necessary approach to make learners be exposed to more input. It is generally believed that a large amount of English reading after class can lay foundation to the acquirement of a new language. Just as He Huibin (2004) says:“It is reasonable to focus most of a learner"s energy on the basic linguistic knowledge at the beginning stage of learning.” Reading not only enables a learner to learn English knowledge from books but also helps them consolidate their vocabulary and grammar. These vocabulary and grammar are the base of improving the other four English skills—speaking, writing, translation, and listening. What is more, it is also the base of language application (Zhu Fengyun, 2004). So reading can promote English language knowledge to be mastered. One of the most important purposes of extracurricular reading is to open a learner"s eyes through the introduction to the western culture. Reading is a vital language input and collective resource …and information… Reading is a more efficient and firm way than listening input (Dong Yafen, 2003). According to many scholars" researches, by extracurricular reading, one can advance their English background knowledge and broaden his or her vision, inspire his thought, build the va1ues, train the creative performance and develop his intelligence. If a person master the English reading skil1s, form a good reading habit and have autonomous learning ability, he or she can be a master of English forever. Therefore, educators should spare no efforts to guide students to do as much extracurricular reading as possible and in this way help them to understand how to learn English autonomously.


没有看后面的,第一句话语法错误至少三个, recent years? have witness ? which指的是什么? 整个句子这么长其实阅读起来很费力,考官一半都倾向于看优美的短句。 最后it is very difficult at an absolute conclusion 介词at? 好吧,先把基本语法掌握了吧,不然5分够呛。


成语比赛作文15篇   在平日的学习、工作和生活里,许多人都写过作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是我帮大家整理的成语比赛作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 成语比赛作文1   在我的书架上,有本成语大辞典,这是我的好老师。平时一有空,我就要翻翻它,读上几条,但是还掌握的不够。怎么办呢?我想了一个好办法:和爸爸妈妈用成语接龙的形式来学习这本书里的成语知识。   在暑假的一天晚上,我们正式开始了接龙游戏。爸爸让我开头,我想了一会儿,于是,脱口而出;“一举成名!”他夸我成语用的不错,爸爸接下去说:“名落孙山”,我听了就好笑,不努力怎么会是名次落到深山老林去呢?这时妈妈根据词典上的解释,讲了这个成语典故:“孙山”是一位读书人,他在一次考试中成绩排在最后一名,如果我们再落到孙山的后面,那成绩会怎么样呢?这样,我终于懂了“名落孙山”的意思了。我的兴趣一下子涌了出来,马上接了一个成语“山清水秀”,并得意的说“接下去啊”,爸爸想了一会儿说“秀而不实”,我又犯疑了,我只知道“华而不实”,怎么就没有听说过这个成语?爸爸、妈妈就叫我去请教“老师”———成语大辞典。后来我才知道,原来这两条成语指同一个意思。   我们已经玩了很长时间了,我提了一个建议:要求每个人思考成语时间只有5秒钟,这样可以提高思维速度。又轮到妈妈了,她一时想不出来,我提醒到:“实事求是”,爸爸:“是非不分”、“分秒必争”、“争分必争”、“争强好胜”…………就这样,你一言,我一语,我学到了很多很多的成语。 成语比赛作文2   时间一分一秒的逝去。我手中的笔不时的颤抖着。这是多么紧张的时刻,这是多么重要的时刻。环望四周,教室里鸦雀无声,大家都在抓紧时间想成语,这就是今天的成语比赛。   计时开始!郝老师嘹亮的生意打破了教室里的寂静。同学们个个都埋头苦干。此时,每个同学心里都十分紧张,教室弥漫着一股难以形容的恐怖气息。面对突如其来的比赛,我并不像其他同学有十足的信心。没有了信心就没有把握。我心情如热锅上的蚂蚁火急火燎的。   一分钟过去了,两分钟过去了。时间仿佛与我斗气似的,我越着急它就走得越快。环顾四周,同学们有的下笔有神,有的苦思冥想,有的抓耳挠腮。只听见郝老师说:大家不要心慌意乱,只要静下心来苦思冥想,一定会下笔有神的。这可是天赐良机呀!郝老师无意间竟然给我们透露出三个成语。鲁迅先生说:天下书籍一大抄,看你会抄不会抄。拿来主义吧,赶紧先写上。突然,我脑中灵光一现,写写关于山水的成语吧,脑袋如一台放映机,什么姹紫嫣红,什么五光十色,都如探囊取物,可是,没过多长时间,我又陷入了沉思   我忍不住想偷偷瞟一眼墙上的生肖成语。可是一声晴空霹雳的声音时间到,让我们的笔都停止不动了,我焦急的等待着比赛结果。   这次比赛我只写出87个成语,对于这个成绩并不满意,看来还是自己功底不够呀,冰冻三尺非一日之寒!   这真是一场紧张的比赛,他不仅让我看清了自己,也让我懂得万物须冷静地道理。 成语比赛作文3   8月16日上午9点钟,阳光明媚,天空万里无云。我和爸爸妈妈又展开了新一轮成语接龙大赛。 这次轮到我先出题。我略加思索后,说道:“一马当先”。“这还不简单”,妈妈接道,“先见之明”。爸爸想道:“哎,明,哦对!明知故问”。“问,问有什么呢?”我左思右想,一时想不出来。一旁的爸爸看到以后得意地笑了,他开始计数:“一、二、三、四、五,儿子超时出局!”我像一只泄了气皮球,顿时蔫了。第一局,爸爸妈妈每人得一分,而我得0分。 第二局,该妈妈出题了。妈妈想了想,说:“九九归一。”“一臂之力。”爸爸不假思索说道。又该我了,有什么“力”开头的成语吗?哦对了:“力大无穷。”“穷?”妈妈绞尽脑汁,最终也没答出来。这一轮,妈妈得0分,我和爸爸各得一分。恩,我终于得分了,这次我一定要争取拿第一。 第三局,爸爸出题,他眼珠子转了转,说道:“天罗地网”。嗯?这可怎么接啊?哦,我知道了:“网开一面!”“面不改色。”妈妈想都没想就说道。“色?知道了,色厉内荏,儿子我看你怎么接?”爸爸奸笑道!“荏?”我都没听说过这个字,叫我怎么接啊?我认输。”最终,爸爸第1名,妈妈第2名,我是竹篮打水——一场空,最后一名。看样子,我还得继续努力学习成语,争取打败爸爸妈妈。 每次的成语比赛,我都有新的收获,同时我也明白了“学无止境”的道理。同学们,以后我们每月也举行一次成语接龙比赛,看看谁的成语学得最好,怎么样? 成语比赛作文4   哈哈哈笑声从我们班的教室里不断地飞出来,这里正进行着一场有趣额猜成语活动呢。   先是杨云博上场,他展开双臂,东张西望,嘴巴努力长大,都能塞下一个鸡蛋,来回蹦跳,不知他要干嘛。这时,有人猜鲲鹏展翅,他摇摇头。他又演了一遍,一旁的袁张涵猜是不是大鹏展翅?还不是。我们被他搞得一头雾水,于是朱函逸就开始乱猜;鹏程万里、一鸣惊人。哇,他真厉害,两下就猜中了。答案竟然是:不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。唉,真是一个失败的表演。难道不是一只呆头鸟吗?   第二个是卫俞希上场,她脱下了外套,自信满满地快步走上台来。她拿着一支笔,放在了地上,把它往上拔了拔,然后扔了下来,又走到了教室的另一头,又走了回去,眉头紧皱,唉地叹息了一声。我冥思苦想,这支笔应该是苗,那刚才应该是在拔苗,我恍然大悟,哦,原来是拔苗助长。   最费心机的当属朱函逸了。他摇头晃脑,吐着舌头,手紧紧抱住头,不一会儿就摔倒在地上口吐白沫抽搐着。教室立刻安静了,同学们都陷入了沉思,他是不是喝醉了,在那边尬舞呢!这时袁张涵打破了宁静,是:倒地而亡。结果答案并不是。又有人说口吐白沫,卫俞希不死心,连续猜了几个成语,可没有一个对的。韩顾瑞在一旁说:晕头转向。哦,原来是这个。可是既然是晕头转向,为什么最后却趴在了地上,又不是晕头倒地,我百思不得其解   最后,大家又表演了学富五车、南辕北辙、一饮而尽、十拿九稳等成语,教室里叫声、笑声源源不断。猜成语游戏真好玩啊! 成语比赛作文5   在10月30日,我们在上下午第三节课时,我们举行了班队活动,主题是:心有灵犀猜成语比赛。规则是:一位同学先上去,背对着多媒体,然后茅老师通过多媒体投影,让下面的同学看到后做出动作,但不许出声,然后上面的同学猜这是个什么成语,猜对了就找一个人上来才,如果不成功,就让茅老师选一个人上来猜。   我们的班长潘杰斌上去了,他要猜的成语是虎视眈眈,为他表演的先是我的好朋友任程鹏,,任程鹏先瞪大眼睛,然后一步步地向潘杰斌走过去。平时很聪明的潘杰斌,面对这个动作却像丈二和尚——摸不着头脑。后来几个人表演的动作也没有多大的差别。潘杰斌始终猜不胡来,茅老师刚劝他放弃,潘杰斌猜出来了,是虎视眈眈。   后来猜的是周羽琦,她要猜的成语是破镜重圆。首先表演的是任程鹏和陈必导,他们两个合作表演,他们先吵架,互相不理对方,然后再和好。可周羽琦没看明白,任程鹏和陈必导只好选择放弃表演,换下一个人。后来的同学的表演也和他们差不多,可是周羽琦的脑袋实在是不怎么好使,最终还是没猜出来,只好选择了放弃。   接下来是我猜,我站了上去,第一个表演的是任程鹏,虽然我和他和我是同年同月同日出生的,但我们的心灵还不相通,他先是愁眉苦脸的,然后又是突然笑了出来。我猜不出来。接下来是潘杰斌表演,他先是蹲倒在地,画着圈圈,好像在说画个圈圈诅咒你,然后又笑了出来。最后,我还是猜不出来,只好放弃。我回头一看。哎!原来是豁然开朗。   这个班队活动真是有意思,以后又机会我还想参加。 成语比赛作文6   今天爸爸出差回家了。晚饭后,我和爸爸一起收拾碗筷,一起洗碗。洗完碗,爸爸一边洗菜池一边说:“这里是藏污纳垢的地方,要洗干净哦!”“你说藏污纳垢是成语吗?”我随口就问了爸爸。“是啊!”爸爸不用考虑就回答了。   爸爸一出口就是成语,立刻引起了我的兴趣,我对爸爸说:“爸爸,我们的身体各个部分都可以说好多成语吧?”爸爸笑着回答:“是啊,闺女,你会说你个呢?要不,做完事我们pk一下,如果谁说不出来,就打谁一个手板儿。”我同意了,说:“好呀,pk就pk!”   等爸爸收拾完,我俩坐在沙发上。爸爸指了指他的眼睛和耳朵,我马上就说:“眼见为实,耳听为虚。”爸爸接着说:“鼠目寸光,耳听八方。”   “目瞪口呆,交头接耳。”   “唇枪舌战,举目不忘。”   这时我问爸爸:“唇枪舌战是什么意思?”爸爸告诉我:“是形容一个人能说会道,语言锋利的意思。”   我想了想又说:“唇齿相依,眼疾手快。”说完,我拍了拍爸爸的胸口说:“这儿有什么成语?”爸爸回答:“胸有成竹,赤胆忠心。”   “肚子里有哪些成语啊?”爸爸揉了揉肚子问。我想了好一阵子都没有回答出来。爸爸说:“来,伸出手,打一个手板儿。”我只好乖乖儿地伸出手。爸爸打了我一个小手板儿后说:“肚子里的成语多着呢!比如肝胆相照、肺腑之言、满腹经纶、牵肠挂肚……”爸爸一口气说了好多成语,我一点儿也记不过来。   爸爸笑呵呵地对我说“闺女很棒哦!但是你要多看书多积累。今天就这样吧!”   老爸说得对,我要多看书多积累,争取下次赢老爸! 成语比赛作文7   “今天,我们来进行一个成语比赛,好吗?”噢,谁来进行一个成语比赛呢?原来今天我们的文学班要举行语文活动,题目是“成语比赛”。   一开始,孙老师跟我们讲了比赛规则以后,比赛马上就开始了,我们的心情又兴奋又紧张。第一关是成语接龙,有一个同学开头,然后,同学要接着前个同学成语的最后一个字说出另一个成语,许多同学都踊跃地举起手来。   第二关可要数最精彩啦!这关是由老师出题,同学们举手回答。不过,老师还未出完题目,同学们可做不定了!第一个问题是“最危险的时候”。问题一出,只听见“嗖”的`一声,我们的“智多星”孙和林第一个举起手,被老师选到黑板写去了。这时,老师眼睛一亮,给他加了分。他起劲了,又把手举起来。可是,这次他可没那么幸运了,因为别的同学可不甘示弱,举手的同学越来越多,就连我也不由自主地举起手来……时间过得真快,转眼间又到第三关了。   第三关是按要求填空。老师还未写完,同学们便举起手来了,最逗人笑的是我们班的“小不点”师清荣。他是个“小矮人”,由于题目在黑板的上方,他又太矮,所以够不着。最后,只得要孙老师把他抱起来,只见孙老师越来越费力,最后“小不点”终于写完了,“唉,幸好你不重,要是你是个大胖子,我可抱不起你咯!”听老师这么一说,我们都捧腹大笑起来。   最后,我们的成语大王是“小不点”,我想,要是老师最后请我,我可大获全胜了!这场精彩的比赛在我们的笑声中结束了。   要是每天都有这个游戏那该多好啊! 成语比赛作文8   一天,我,游义哲,周杰瑞准备比试一场成语接龙。   我以迅雷不及掩耳之速地先报:“燃眉之急。”我得意地想:急,开头的成语可少呢!谁知,知识渊博的周杰瑞说:“急流勇退。”“退辟三舍。”游义哲也不甘示弱的说出了一个成语。我想了想,说:“舍己为人。”“人山人海。”“海底捞针。”我想:针,针有什么成语?我急得抓耳饶腮。游义哲得意地说:“哈哈,被难倒了吧!这成语专门对付你的。”我想:专门对付?针对?真是“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”!我立刻说:“针锋相对!”“对牛弹琴。”好像什么都难不倒周杰瑞。游义哲愣住了,急得团团转,好像热锅上的蚂蚁。周杰瑞得意地说:“俗话说‘三天不见,刮目相看"可我们游先生才三秒不见,就要刮目相看了。可敬,可敬,可敬呀!”游义哲正要发脾气,我拦住他,笑着说:“‘人不知,而不愠,不亦君子乎"?”   不管怎样,他还是想不出来,只好认输,被淘汰了。   第二局,周杰瑞马上报:“斤斤计较。”我想了半天,才报:“叫苦连天。”“天高云淡。”周杰瑞马上报,好像什么也难不倒他。这个成语反而难到了我。我想了想,只好乱报:“蛋黄好咸。”他们一齐瞪着我。我不好意思地说:“我开个玩笑的,我认输。”   最后冠军归周杰瑞。   游义哲小声说:“这次真倒霉。”我说:“失败乃成功之母,你多看书,下次比过。”看看周杰瑞,他人都不知去哪了。只听见一阵得意的笑声…… 成语比赛作文9   今天活动课上,老师让我们进行了一次接写成语的比赛。这一次活动让我非常难忘。比赛前,老师让我们每一个班的学生为一个小组,每一个小组上来一个人写成语,另一个人在前面等待,一个接一个地轮渡写成语,不能够重复,写错的倒扣分,不写的没有分。我们都非常紧张,心里“怦怦”直跳,都希望自己的班级能够得第一。准备就绪,老师宣布“开始!”,我们班的第一个同学立刻飞快地写了起来。   轮到我了,我飞速跑了上去,赶紧写了一个早已想好的成语“情同手足”。然后,我把粉笔交给了下一个同学。他拿起粉笔也迅速地写了起来。开始,我看到我们班的同学写得一帆风顺,没有出什么意外,我心里高兴脸上露出了喜悦的神色。可是,轮到高奇伟的时候,他竟然呆呆地站在前面写不出来。我们急得像热锅上的蚂蚁——团团转。我们想告诉他,可是,老师在比赛前就说了不准提示,否则要倒扣分的。怎么办?他还是一动也不动。   我们也束手无策,只好眼睁睁地看着时间飞快地过去。再看看其它班级的学生,他们一个接一个地写着都已经写了好几个人了。“停!”老师一声令下,前面的同学都停下放下了粉笔。唉,我们再也没有希望了。最后,我们看到老师宣布的结果:我们成了并列第三。   这次比赛使我懂得课外要多看书,知识越丰富越好。否则就会像我们班的高奇伟那样呆立不动了,更重要的是会影响大家的! 成语比赛作文10   老师,同学们大家好,大家都知道,我们国家的历史源远流长。成语,大多是四个字构成的,它短小,但寓意深刻,大部分成语还有很有意思的来源和故事。今天我们班里举行一次成语故事的比赛,比赛的内容是语文书上第8课成语故事:滥竽充数,画龙点睛,自相矛盾三个故事。   首先,是我们的评委~大组长,总分为5分,给我们每个小组打分。比赛开始了,第一个小组表演“自相矛盾”,一个男同学是卖矛和盾的人,还有两同学是旁白,另一个同学是围观的人。这个男同学夸自己的盾,用什么样的矛都戳不穿它。又夸自己的矛,用什么盾都能戳穿。当围观的人问卖矛和盾的男同学说:“用你的矛戳你的盾会是怎么样呢?”这个男同学说不出话来。我觉得他们表演的很好,道具也做得不错,但是这个故事告诉我们,说话做事要实事求是,不能自相矛盾。下个小组表演“画龙点睛”,一个男同学演龙,另一个同学演主人公,另外两同学当游客观看龙。主人公作画神妙,形象逼真,当游客观看龙时,觉得缺少神韵,就让主人公画上龙的眼睛,结果龙腾空飞去,游客惊叹不已。这个故事说明在关键地方,用几句话或者几个词点明实质,使内容生动传神。这个组表演的也不错。另一个小组表演“滥竽充数”,国王喜欢听许多人吹竽,就有人混在里面瞎吹,结果得到了和别人一样的俸禄。国王死后,他的儿子继承王位,也爱听吹竽,但是他不喜欢许多人一起吹竽,而喜欢一个一个的吹,混在里面的人只好逃走。这个故事告诉我们没有真才干,不能蒙混充数。   这次比赛“自相矛盾”的小组赢得了最高分,他们不仅表演的好,道具做的也好。其他小组也表演的不错。我们都是非常棒的,也让我们轻松获得了更多知识。 成语比赛作文11   今天晚上,我们一家三口围坐在院子里乘凉。我们一边吃东西一边聊天,聊了很多有趣的事。妈妈提议说:“我们来成语接龙好不好?”   “好!”我和爸爸异口同声地答道。   爸爸先说“一心一意”,妈妈答了个“意味深长”。哈哈,这可难不倒我:“长命百岁!”“岁岁平安!”爸爸随口答道。我和妈妈不约而同地说:“不行不行,重说一个!”“岁……岁……”爸爸一边想一边急得抓耳挠腮。“5、4、3、2、1、0,时间到!”我和妈妈宣布。爸爸甘拜下风,妈妈抢着:“岁寒三友。”“有口无心。”我不假思索地说。“不行不行,我反对!”爸爸说道“‘友"和‘有"不同。”“你们都是大学生,而我连小学都没毕业呢!”我反驳道,“可以放宽点,能用谐音字!”这不建议很快被采纳了。“心不在焉。”爸爸接道。“焉,焉什么呢?”妈妈也仿佛成了一个口吃着!唉,这么简单的问题也想不出,我和爸爸顿时哈哈大笑。“5、4、3、2、1”当我几呼喊出“0”时,妈妈有惊无险地喊了出来:“嫣然一笑!”爸爸笑着说:“怎么又是谐音啊!”妈妈狡辩道:“没事没事,谁叫你想了个那么难的成语,下不为例!”我拍手道:“嗯,勉强算通过!”“笑口常开”“开门见山”……就这样,我们你一个,我一个接个不停。欢笑声、抢笑声此起彼伏,连绵不断。整个小院荡漾在欢声笑语中。   我们彼此不相上下,到最后还是胜负难分。通过这次家庭成语接龙比赛,不但使我体会到了家庭的温馨,而且使我丰富了词汇,拓展了知识,收获真大啊! 成语比赛作文12   你和同学比赛过写成语吗?你们班级和别的班级比赛过写成语吗?我们就进行了一次。那是在写作兴趣课上进行的。课堂上,老师让我们进行了一次写成语比赛。   老师先按照每一个班级为一个小组的原则给我们分成了四个小组,让带头的同学拿一支粉笔写好一个成语以后就把粉笔传到下一个同学的手里,让他接着再写。就这样一个一个地写下去。四位带头的同学都显得胸有成竹,好象都有必胜的信念似的。老师一吹哨子,比赛就开始了。我们组的胡佳慧写了一个“三心二意”。其他组的人也分别写了“画龙点晴”、“心急如焚”、“惊弓之鸟”等成语。四组人马的第一位都已经写好了,分别传给了下一个人。等候已久的第二个同学立刻接过粉笔就写了起来。我们班的占夏龙迅速写出了“一石二鸟”。其它组的学生显得慢了许多。我刚想说你们班已经落后了,快点吧!可我又把这句话给吞了回去。因为我想到要知道我是第四组的学生,为什么要给他们加油呢!……   该轮到我了,我立刻在黑板上写上“狐假虎威”,可是由于心一急,我把它写成了“狐假虚威”。真是意想不到!   写成语比赛非常有趣,但是,我组写得不多,错得却又是最多,所以和第一组并列第三。我非常生气,气自己怎么这么不为自己班级争气呢!要知道我不写错,其他人也都不写错,那我们这一组就是第一名了! 成语比赛作文13   今天,我们来进行一个成语比赛,好吗?噢,谁来进行一个成语比赛呢?原来今天我们的文学班要举行语文活动,题目是成语比赛。   一开始,郑老师跟我们讲了比赛规则以后,比赛马上就开始了,我们的心情又兴奋又紧张。第一关是成语接龙,有一个同学开头,然后,同学要接着前个同学成语的最后一个字说出另一个成语,许多同学都踊跃地举起手来。   第二关可要数最精彩啦!这关是由老师出题,同学们举手回答。不过,老师还未出完题目,同学们可做不定了!第一个问题是最危险的时候。问题一出,只听见嗖的一声,我们的智多星夏海洋第一个举起手,被老师选到黑板写去了。这时,老师眼睛一亮,给他加了分。他起劲了,又把手举起来。可是,这次他可没那么幸运了,因为别的同学可不甘示弱,举手的同学越来越多,就连我也不由自主地举起手来时间过得真快,转眼间又到第三关了。   第三关是按要求填空。老师还未写完,同学们便举起手来了,最逗人笑的是我们班的小不点泊洵。他是个小矮人,由于题目在黑板的上方,他又太矮,所以够不着。最后,只得要郑老师把他抱起来,只见郑老师越来越费力,最后小不点终于写完了,唉,幸好你不重,要是你是个大胖子,我可抱不起你咯!听老师这么一说,我们都捧腹大笑起来。   最后,我们的成语大王是小不点,我想,要是老师最后请我,我可大获全胜了!这场精彩的比赛在我们的笑声中结束了。   要是每天都有这个游戏那该多好啊!哈哈! 成语比赛作文14   星期三的晚上,学校文学社在多媒体教室举办了一次别开生面的趣味成语比赛。   这次的比赛一共是三个环节,分别为笔答、口答和抢答,因为这是学校文学社在本学期的第一次活动,所以搞得比较隆重。咱们按老师的编排分组进行比赛,我被排到了第四组,经过选拔决定,我当第四组的组长,我兴致勃勃地等待着比赛的开始。做好了准备,老师分下了一张试卷,我仔细看了一下题目,呵呵,以前都学到过,难度不大,于是,我马上动笔,快速地写好了答案,并提交给了老师,果然,我们组得了满分,组员们心里都美滋滋的。下一环节是口答,因为老师的提问的内容我都学到过,所以这一关我们组加了五六分呢,之后就是抢答,老师开始提问了,举手的同学越来越多,发言也越来越踊跃,同学们全都站起来,把自己的手举得高高的,等老师点名,我们第四组的同学也不甘示弱,急得大叫:“我,我!”经过激烈的争斗,其它小组渐渐的落后了,只剩下我们组和第二组并驾齐驱,最后一题出来了,题目是“用最昂贵的稿费打一成语”,这一题可是我们组和第二组分出胜负的关键,哪敢放半点松!问题出来后,全场一片鄂然,大家都在静静地想着,想着想着,我猛然想到,这道题不就和寒假作业当中的一道思考题一样吗?于是,我马上举起手,但是,没有想到第二组也有人回答,我大喊:“老师,叫我回答!”可是,太迟了,老师点到了第二组的同学,为此,我们组失去了最关键的一票,名落榜首,只拿了第二,现在想起来,还觉得遗憾!   这次比赛,真是举办的很热闹很隆重,在比赛中让我们丰富了知识,真是受益匪浅啊! 成语比赛作文15   今天,我们班举行了一次班会课,高老师让我们比赛猜成语,还起名叫“疯狂猜成语”。题型很多:必答、抢答、挑战等,同学们勇往直前,不断得分,场面十分激烈。但其中最有意思的,那还要属抢答了。   必答结束后,抢答就开始了,答对加十分,答错扣十分,20秒思考时间,可以大组讨论,只能在喊“开始”后才能举手,不然扣十分。   高老师一喊“开始!”,班级里立刻长出一片手臂森林,郑喆更是夸张,飞扑到高老师面前,手掌牢牢遮住高老师的视线,好像不叫他不罢休似的。尽管如此,高老师还是灵活分辨,叫了李记象。李记象站起来,支支吾吾答不出来,我等得心急如焚,一时没忍住,大喊一声:“异曲同工!”高老师看了我一眼,说:“提醒犯规,扣5分!”队友们纷纷投来怨恨的目光,吓得我缩缩脖子,眼睛到处乱看,提防“攻击”。   就在这时,又一声“开始”响起,马天悦看都没看举起了手,结果图片是一个“身”字,下面有六个“甲”字。我们组讨论,无果,再讨论,仍无果。就在倒计时结束时的那个节骨眼上,马天悦大叫:“我知道了!是身怀六甲!”高老师调皮地顿了顿,说:“回答——正确!”“耶!”“呼!”欢呼声在我们组里此起彼伏,好不热闹……   虽然最后是第一组获得了胜利,但我也蛮开心的,下次一定要超过他们组! ;



job interview英语作文,80字,初中生水平就好,用词越简单越好,但要准确哦。

ut when you were sure of a good cup of


这个很多的 为什么不搜搜呢

面试求职 英语作文

how to succeed in a job interview(面试) Nowadays, in an ever tighter job market, great importance has been attached to an interview by both the employer and the applicant. The interview, so to speak, has become indispensable for getting a satisfactory job. On the one hand, the interviewer can take advantage of the occasion to learn about the candidates, such as their work experiences, education and their personalities, so as to pick out the right candidates for the company. One the other hand, the interviewee can make use of the opportunity to get to know the job he is going to take up, the credibility of the firm to which he has applied, and the working conditions as well. Essential as it is, the job interview is far from fearful. Well begun, half done. Excellent performance in it will enable the would-be employee secure the job. But how can one succeed in it? First of all, the interviewee has to pay attention to his or her appearance. Though we can never judge a person by his appearance, the first impression is always where we start. Secondly, good manners are equally important. The interviewee has to be neither too proud nor too timid. Just be courteous. Thirdly, the interviewee must demonstrate his aptitude and skills for the job and knowledge about the job-related areas; he must express himself clearly and confidently. Last but not the least, the interviewee ought to be honest about his or her personal as well as academic background, for honesty is the best policy. To sum up, the job interview is indeed important. There is no need to be nervous, however, if the interviewee has made full preparations for it and given a fairly confident and honest performance, his or her success can be ensured. 如何成功地在一个求职面试(面试) 如今,在越来越严格的就业市场,具有重要意义已受到重视,接受采访时,无论是雇主和申请人。采访中,可以这么说,已经成为不可或缺的获取一个满意的工作。在一方面,采访者可以利用这个机会了解候选人,如他们的工作经验,教育和人格,以挑选出适当的候选人,该公司。一另一方面,受访者可以利用这个机会去了解他的工作是要采取行动,公信力的坚定,因为他已申请和工作条件,以及。 必不可少的,因为这是,求职面试是远离恐惧。以及开始,有一半的工作。的出色表现,在它将使将要员工安全的工作。但如何才能成功地在一呢? 首先,受访者已注意他或她的外表。虽然我们不能判断一个人,由他的外貌,第一印象始终是我们的开始。其次,良好的礼貌是同样重要的。受访者要既不过于骄傲,也太胆怯。只是有礼。第三,受访者必须证明他的能力和技能,为就业和知识有关的工作有关的领域,他必须清楚地表达自己满怀信心。最后但并非最不重要的,受访者应以诚实的他或她个人以及学术背景,诚实是最好的政策。 总之,面试的确是重要的。有没有必要紧张,不过,如果受访者已作出了充分的准备,它并赋予一个相当有信心及诚实的表现,他或她的成功可以得到保证。


The Declaration of IndependenceIN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776THE UNANIMOUS DECLARATION OF THE THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERAICAWhen in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws Nature and Nature"s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.在人类事务发展的过程中,当一个民族必须解除同另一个民族的联系,并按照自然法则和上帝的旨意,以独立平等的身份立于世界列国之林时,出于对人类舆论的尊重,必须把驱使他们独立的原因予以宣布。We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among them, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than t right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity, which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is usurpations, all having in direct object tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.我们认为下述真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,造物主赋予他们若干不可让与的权利,其中包括生存权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。为了保障这些权利,人们才在他们中间建立政府,而政府的正当权利,则是经被统治者同意授予的。任何形式的政府一旦对这些目标的实现起破坏作用时,人民便有权予以更换或废除,以建立一个新的政府。新政府所依据的原则和组织其权利的方式,务使人民认为唯有这样才最有可能使他们获得安全和幸福。若真要审慎的来说,成立多年的政府是不应当由于无关紧要的和一时的原因而予以更换的。过去的一切经验都说明,任何苦难,只要尚能忍受,人类还是情愿忍受,也不想为申冤而废除他们久已习惯了的政府形式。然而,当始终追求同一目标的一系列滥用职权和强取豪夺的行为表明政府企图把人民至于专制暴政之下时,人民就有权也有义务去推翻这样的政府,并为其未来的安全提供新的保障。这就是这些殖民地过去忍受苦难的经过,也是他们现在不得不改变政府制度的原因。当今大不列颠王国的历史,就是屡屡伤害和掠夺这些殖民地的历史,其直接目标就是要在各州之上建立一个独裁暴政。为了证明上述句句属实,现将事实公诸于世,让公正的世人作出评判。He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.他拒绝批准对公众利益最有益、最必需的法律。He has forbidden his Governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend them.他禁止他的殖民总督批准刻不容缓、极端重要的法律,要不就先行搁置这些法律直至征得他的同意,而这些法律被搁置以后,他又完全置之不理。He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.他拒绝批准便利大地区人民的其他的法律,除非这些地区的人民情愿放弃自己在自己在立法机构中的代表权;而代表权对人民是无比珍贵的,只有暴君才畏惧它。He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.他把各州的立法委员召集到一个异乎寻常、极不舒适而有远离他们的档案库的地方去开会,其目的无非是使他们疲惫不堪,被迫就范。He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasion on the rights of the people.他一再解散各州的众议院,因为后者坚决反对他侵犯人民的权利。He has refused for a long time, after such dissolution, to cause others to be elected ; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without and convulsion within.他在解散众议院之后,又长期拒绝另选他人,于是这项不可剥夺的立法权便归由普通人民来行使,致使在这其间各州仍处于外敌入侵和内部骚乱的种种危险之中。He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws of naturalizing of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the condition of new appropriations of lands.他力图阻止各州增加人口,为此目的,他阻挠外国人入籍法的通过,拒绝批准其他鼓励移民的法律,并提高分配新土地的条件。He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent of laws for establishing judiciary powers.他拒绝批准建立司法权利的法律,以阻挠司法的执行。He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their office, and the amount and payment of their salary.他迫使法官为了保住任期、薪金的数额和支付而置于他个人意志的支配之下。He has erected a multitude of new officers, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out our substances.他滥设新官署,委派大批官员到这里骚扰我们的人民,吞噬他们的财物。He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies without the consent of our legislatures.他在和平时期,未经我们立法机构同意,就在我们中间维持其常备军。He has affected to render the military independent of and superior to the civil power.他施加影响,使军队独立于文官政权之外,并凌驾于文官政权之上。He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation.For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us;他同他人勾结,把我们置于一种既不符合我们的法规也未经我们法律承认的管辖之下,而且还批准他们炮制的各种伪法案,以便任其在我们中间驻扎大批武装部队;For protecting them, by a mock trial, from punishment for any murder which they should commit on the inhabitants of these States.不论这些人对我们各州居民犯下何等严重的谋杀罪,他可用加审判来庇护他们,让他们逍遥法外;For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world;他可以切断我们同世界各地的贸易;For imposing taxes on us without our consent;未经我们同意便向我们强行征税;For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury;在许多案件中剥夺我们享有陪审制的权益;For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses;以莫须有的罪名把我们押送海外受审;For abolishing the free systems of English laws in a neighboring Province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule these Colonies;他在一个邻省废除了英国法律的自由制度,在那里建立专制政府,扩大其疆域,使其立即成为一个样板和合适的工具,以便向这里各殖民地推行同样的专制统治;For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments;他取消我们的许多特许状,废除我们最珍贵的法律并从根本上改变我们各州政府的形式;For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.他终止我们立法机构行使权力,宣称他们自己拥有在任何情况下为我们制定法律的权力。He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us.他们放弃设在这里的政府,宣称我们已不属他们保护之列,并向我们发动战争。He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.他在我们的海域里大肆掠夺,蹂躏我们的沿海地区,烧毁我们的城镇,残害我们人民的生命。He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely parallel in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation.他此时正在运送大批外国雇佣兵,来从事其制造死亡、荒凉和暴政的勾当,其残忍与卑劣从一开始就连最野蛮的时代也难以相比,他已完全不配当一个文明国家的元首。He has constrained our fellow citizens taken captive on the high seas to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands.他强迫我们在公海被他们俘虏的同胞拿起武器反对自己的国家,使他们成为残杀自己亲友的刽子手,或使他们死于自己亲友的手下。He has excited domestic insurrection amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions.他在我们中间煽动内乱,并竭力挑唆残酷无情的印地安蛮子来对付我们边疆的居民,而众所周知,印地安人作战的准则是不分男女老幼、是非曲直,格杀勿论。In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petition have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.在遭受这些压迫的每一阶段,我们都曾以最谦卑的言辞吁请予以纠正。而我们一次又一次的情愿,却只是被报以一次又一次的伤害。一个君主,其品格被他的每一个只有暴君才干的出的行为所暴露时,就不配君临自由的人民。Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpation, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our separation, and hold them., as we hold the rest of mankind, enemies in war, in peace friends.我们并不是没有想到我们英国的弟兄。他们的立法机关想把无理的管辖权扩展到我们这里来,我们时常把这个企图通知他们。我们也曾把我们移民来这里和在这里定居的情况告诉他们。我们曾恳求他们天生的正义感和雅量,念在同种同宗的分上,弃绝这些掠夺行为,因为这些掠夺行为难免会使我们之间的关系和来往中断。可他们对这种正义和同宗的呼声也同样充耳不闻。因此,我们不得不宣布脱离他们,以对待世界上其他民族的态度对待他们:同我交战者,就是敌人;同我和好者,即为朋友。


如何写作文? 作文,是语文综合水平的体现。但是,对于好多同学(其实包括原来的我)来说,总觉得作文很深奥,不好写。其实不然,我觉得,要写好作文,只要注意下面这几点,并持之以恒,经常练习写作,写出一手好作文也是不难的。 第一,就是词语积累。作文,要有佳词妙句才有文采,才能吸引人。一篇文章,假如没有佳词妙句,无论这件事情多么精彩,你写出来的文章也是平淡无味,怎么能够吸引人,让人去欣赏呢?你写的这篇文章也就等于白写。在平时的学习中,我们班的黎老师就很注重在这方面对我们的教育和引导。我在看文章、阅读时也很注意这点。 第二个方面,就是注意留心观察。写作文,不是在屋子里憋出来的,而是要到实际生活中去观察、去体验。因为,生活是写作的源泉嘛!有些人,他是出去“观察”了,可是他只是走马观花,忽略了细节。所以写出来的作文只是条条纲纲,根本没有要点、细节。所以,在观察时要留心,要仔细,才能写出与众不同的好作文。记得外出时,爸爸经常会指这指那,问这问那,以引起我的注意与思考。 第三嘛,就是多看课外书。这是积累词语的重要渠道,也是写作文的关键所在。包括家里订阅的书籍和书店的各种图书。只要有空,我就会到书店看看各种各样的课外书。当然,不是只看就能写出完美无缺的作文的,关键还要注意积累、牢记和运用。才能实现“人为我用”,这样在写作文时,才能做到随心所欲、挥笔自如。


Beijing, a city in northern China, is the capital of China. Beijing is China"s second largest city in terms of population, after Shanghai. The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 I think, this is a good opportunity. Certainly, I believe so succeed! We"re very sustaining it.

英语作文 对人有礼貌!!急!!

Good manners are necessary because one is judged by his manners. One"s manners not only show what kind of education he has received and what his social position is, but they also tend to show what his nature is. Good manners means good behaviour in social communication. A person with good manners is always agreeable companion, because he is always thinking of others and respect others. He will not push through a crowd, but wait quietly for his turn to advance. Good manners are not the exceptionally great deeds but they can tell that the person who possesses them is a man of highest standards. To learn good manners, one must first of all bear in mind that they arise from one"s daily behaviour―the way he responds to others and the manner he behaves in front of people. To be a man of good manners, he must be genuinely polite to others and show respect for others. In short, politeness costs nothing and gains everything.


In China"s traditional culture and art, the fish and water designs are symbols of prosperity and harvest. And so Beibei carries the blessing of prosperity. A fish is also a symbol of surplus in Chinese culture, another measure of a good year and a good life. The ornamental lines of the water-wave designs are taken from well-known Chinese paintings of the past. Strong in water sports, she reflects the blue Olympic ring. Jingjing makes children smile—and that"s why he brings the blessing of happiness wherever he goes. As a national treasure and a protected species, pandas are adored by people everywhere. The lotus designs in Jingjing"s headdress, which are inspired by the porcelain paintings of the Song Dynasty (A.D.960-1234), symbolize the lush forest and the harmonious relationship between man and nature. Jingjing was chosen to represent our desire to protect nature"s gifts—and to preserve the beauty of nature for all generations,he reflects the black Olympic ring. In the intimate circle of Friendlies, Huanhuan is the big brother. He is a child of fire, symbolizing the Olympic Flame and the passion of sport—and passion is the blessing he bestows. Huanhuan stands in the center of Friendlies as the core embodiment of the Olympic spirit. And while he inspires all with the passion to run faster, jump higher and be stronger, he is also open and inviting. Wherever the light of Huanhuan shines, the inviting warmth of Beijing 2008—and the wishful blessings of the Chinese people-can be felt. He reflects the red Olympic ring.


1. 用‘我爱成语"写作文400字 星期六,表姐来我们家了。我便把她拉到姐姐面前,对她们说:“我们来玩成语接龙吧。”“好。”她们一起回答。 游戏规则是:第一个人先说一个成语。下一个人用第一个人说的成语的最后一个字为第一个字,说一个以这个字开头的成语。比如,第一个人说:“单枪匹马。”下一个人就要说以“马”字开头的成语。 我们的顺序是:表姐,姐姐,我。表姐想了想,说:“冰清玉洁。”姐姐立刻接了上去:“洁身自好。”我歪着脑袋思考了几分钟,说:“好学不倦。”表姐想啊想,就是想不出来。因为表姐想的时间太长了,姐姐就说:“思考时间太久,自动判为输了。”表姐输了,我和姐姐罚她唱歌。表姐唱了首《荷塘月色》。接着,我们继续玩。这次,表姐说了个简单的:“地动山摇。”“摇头晃脑”表姐刚说完,姐姐就跟上去了。以“脑”开头的成语有哪些呢?我想。突然,我想到了!“脑满肠肥。”我赶快说出来。“肥,肥……”表姐正在努力地思考,突然,她眼睛一亮,说:“肥头大耳。”“耳闻目见。”“见多识广。”“广开言路。”“路见不平,拔刀相助。”哇,姐姐还说出了八字成语,真厉害!“助人为乐。”“乐极生悲。”“悲痛欲绝。”“绝,绝……”绝什么呢?我不知道啊。怎么办呢?我着急地想着。最后,我思考的时间太长,我输了。她们俩罚我背首古诗。古诗背完后,表姐要走了,我对表姐说:“下一次你来的时候,我们还玩成语接龙。”“好的,再见喽。”表姐答应我并向我道别。 成语接龙真是太好玩了,又能增长知识又有趣。我喜欢玩成语接龙。 2. 描写爱的四字成语 爱不释手、爱憎分明、爱莫能助、谈情说爱、相亲相爱、爱答不理、爱财如命、男欢女爱、 嫌贫爱富、贪名爱利、尊老爱幼、共度爱河、敬天爱民、不知自爱、你敬我爱、爱才好士、 怀刑自爱、你恩我爱、爱惜羽毛、爱憎无常、爱民如子、舐犊之爱、色衰爱弛、孝子爱日、 爱贤念旧、厮敬厮爱、仁民爱物、秦欢晋爱、敬时爱日、约己爱民、双苗爱叶、爱鹤失众、 爱者如宝、各有所爱、轻鸡爱鹜、克爱克威、鱼水之爱、敬上爱下、情根爱胎、爱国如家、 尊贤爱才、爱财舍命、爱国一家、屋乌之爱、爱不忍释、尊贤爱物、爱人好士、楚楚可爱、 笃志爱古、强食自爱、爱别离苦、恩爱夫妻、节用爱人、恩恩爱爱、爱素好古、爱礼存羊、 分情破爱、爱非其道、爱理不理、爱日惜力、爱才怜弱、兼爱无私、爱人利物、爱亲做亲、 色衰爱寝、你怜我爱、遐思遥爱、甘棠遗爱、地不爱宝、旧爱宿恩、爱人以德、冰炭相爱、 缱绻羡爱、爱博不专、高情厚爱、鸡声断爱、推诚爱物、爱毛反裘、忠君爱国、爱之如宝、 爱才若渴、拥政爱民、忍痛割爱、节用爱民、冬日可爱、畏而爱之、爱屋及乌、欢苗爱叶、 洁己爱人、爱势贪财、你贪我爱、夺人之爱、爱民恤物、立爱惟亲 3. "爱"的四字词语21个 恩深爱重 恩德情义极为深重 恩恩爱爱 形容夫妻感情深厚或骨肉亲情 恩爱夫妻 恩:亲爱。 指相亲相爱的夫妻 爱者如宝 将喜爱的东西视同珍宝 爱贤念旧 念:思念。爱慕贤者,怀念故旧 爱势贪财 爱慕权势,贪图钱财 爱理不理 不爱答理。 比喻对人冷漠,没礼貌 爱老慈幼 慈:慈爱。爱护老人与儿童 爱口识羞 爱:吝惜。 指怕羞而难以出口说话 爱国一家 热爱祖国,像一家人 爱非其道 道:方法。对某人很亲爱,方法不对头。 指父母对子女的溺爱 爱答不理 不爱答理。喻对人冷漠,没礼貌 爱财舍命 指宁愿舍弃自己的生命而追求钱财 爱才怜弱 怜:同情。 爱护人才,同情弱者 爱才好士 好:喜爱。爱护、重视人才 憎爱分明 〖解释〗憎:恨。 恨什么,爱什么,界限清楚,态度鲜明。 甘棠之爱 〖解释〗甘棠:木名,即棠梨。 指对官吏的爱戴。 爱则加诸膝,恶则坠诸 【出处】西汉·戴圣《礼记·檀弓下》:“今之君子,进人若将加诸膝,退人若将坠诸渊。” 【解释】加诸膝:放在膝盖上;坠诸渊:推进深渊。指不讲原则,感情用事,对别人的爱憎态度,全凭自己的好恶来决定【示例】我们待人接物不能用~的态度【故事】 爱之欲其生,恶之欲其 【出处】《论语·颜渊》:“爱之欲其生,恶之欲其死,既欲其生,又欲其死,是惑也。” 【解释】喜爱他时,总想叫他活着;讨厌他时,总想叫他死掉。指极度地凭个人爱憎对待人。 【示例】“爱之欲其生,恶之欲其死。”卿何不容一宦官耶?(明·罗贯中《三国演义》第一百一十五 爱之欲其生,恶之欲其 〖解释〗喜爱他时,总想叫他活着;讨厌他时,总想叫他死掉。 指极度地凭个人爱憎对待人。 爱则加诸膝,恶则坠诸 〖解释〗加诸膝:放在膝盖上;坠诸渊:推进深渊里。 意指不讲原则,感情用事,对别人的爱憎态度,全凭自己的好恶来决定。 忧国爱民 忧心国家,爱护百姓。 拥政爱民 军队拥护 *** ,爱护人民。 孝子爱日 谓珍惜与父母共处的岁月,能及时行孝。 嫌贫爱富 嫌:厌恶。嫌弃贫穷的,喜爱富有的。 屋乌推爱 犹言爱屋及乌。 谈情说爱 谈恋爱。 束身自爱 犹言束身自修。 舐犊之爱 舐:舔。 犊:小牛。母牛舔小牛表现对它爱护。 比喻对子女的疼爱。亦作“舐犊之念”、“舐犊之私”、“舐犊情深”。 仁民爱物 仁:仁爱,同情、爱护或帮助。爱众人,进而爱护万物。 旧指官吏仁爱贤能。 秦欢晋爱 秦、晋:春秋时的秦国和晋国。 当时秦、晋两国世代通姻,后称两姓联姻的关系为“秦欢晋爱”或称“秦晋之缘”。形容双方关系十分和美、亲近。 亦作“秦晋之缘”。 强食自爱 劝慰人的话。 谓努力加餐,保重身体。 乐山爱水 爱好山水风光。 克爱克威 《书·胤征》:“威克厥爱,允济;爱克厥威,允罔功。”后因以“克爱克威”谓恩威得当而使人心悦诚服。 敬贤爱士 尊重和爱护有才德的人。 敬天爱民 敬奉天命,爱护百姓。 敬时爱日 谓珍惜时间。 敬上爱下 敬:尊敬。 尊敬在己之上者,爱护在己之下者。形容待人谦恭有礼。 节用爱民 节省开支,爱护百姓。 洁身自爱 保持自己纯洁,不同流合污。 也指怕招惹是非,只顾自己好,不关心公众事情。 分情破爱 谓对原所爱之人不忠,移情于新欢。 楚楚可爱 形容陈设整齐,令人喜爱。 不知自爱 不知道爱惜自己 相亲相爱 形容关系密切,感情深厚。 屋乌之爱 因为爱一个人而连带喜爱他屋上的乌鸦。比喻爱一个人而连带关心与他有关系的人或物。 色衰爱弛 色:姿色、容颜;弛:松懈,衰退。指靠美貌得宠的人,一旦姿色衰老,就会遭到遗弃。 指男子喜新厌旧。 男欢女爱 男女亲昵欢爱之词。 甘棠遗爱 甘棠:木名,即棠梨;遗:留;爱:恩惠恩泽。旧时颂扬离去的地方官。 冬日可爱 如同冬天里的太阳那样使人感到温暖、亲切。比喻人态度温和慈爱,使人愿意接近。 欺贫爱富 欺侮贫穷,喜爱富有 爱之欲其生,恶之欲其死 喜爱他时,总想叫他活着;讨厌他时,总想叫他死掉。指极度地凭个人爱憎对待人。 爱憎分明 憎:恨。爱和恨的立场和态度十分鲜明。 爱惜羽毛 羽毛:比喻人的声望。比喻为珍惜自己的名声,行事十分谨慎。 爱屋及乌 因为爱一个人而连带爱他屋上的乌鸦。比喻爱一个人而连带地关心到与他有关的人或物。 爱素好古 指爱好朴质,不趋时尚。 爱如珍宝 形容十分喜欢。 爱如己出 像对待亲生子女那样地爱护。 爱日惜力 珍惜时间,不虚掷精力。 爱人以德 德:德行。按照道德标准去爱护人。 爱人利物 爱护人民,力求有利于人民。 爱人好士 爱护、重视人才。 爱钱如命 某些人贪爱钱财就像吝啬生命一样。形容十分贪婪、刻薄。 爱莫能助 爱:爱惜;莫:不。虽然心中关切同情,却没有力量帮助。 爱民如子 旧时称赞某些统治者爱护百姓,就象爱护自己的子女一样。 爱礼存羊 由于爱惜古礼,不忍使它废弛,因而保留古礼所需要的祭羊。 比喻为维护根本而保留有关仪节。 爱鹤失众 比喻因小失大。 爱国如家 指帝王像爱抚自己的家室一样爱国爱民。 爱不释手 释:放下。 喜爱得舍不得放手。 爱不忍释 对所喜欢的物品,爱得拿在手里久久不肯放下。 爱毛反裘 古时穿皮毛衣服,毛的一面向外。比喻不重视根本,轻重倒置。 爱财如命 把钱财看得跟生命一样重要。形容极端吝啬。 爱才如。


The first is openOptimistic positive careful steady1 the correct way of thinkingThat the whole world is wrong, maybe wrong.2 actionTo observe people who walk ahead of you, have a look how he lead, learning his approach.3 I believeI believe you do, you must do it.The 4 alertA stranger too keen to help you to do something, you have an ulterior motive.The 5 challengeEvery time beyond the last show, you will soon surpass the people around.The 6 main objectivesIf you don"t know what you want, don"t say you have no chance.7 cooperationRequest than command can get better results.8 courageComplain that they do not have the opportunity, most do not have the courage to take risks.The 9 criticismWithout a single success of a cipher to avoid criticism.The 10 actDon"t say what you want, take action to show.11 clear goals"Loaded" with long, become a habit, habits become natural.12 learningLearning to listen to, speak good.13 to do moreThose who are good at fishing with fish like bait.14 failureTo hold on a minute, and then give it a try, you can turn the tide.15 confidenceDon"t hesitate to move forward, more confidence, fear can be eliminated.The 16 friendsIf you want a friend, be a friend.17 health, habitsDo not treat the head when the head aches, find the cause is the fundamental.18 happyHappiness lies in action, and lies not in the mere possession of.19 interpersonal relationshipYou may not be perfect, but can not be dishonest.20 free love,Freedom and love, must give to get.

那个关于love 的英语作文

In the beginning, love is always sweet.As time is slipping away, boredom, be used to, abandonment, loneliness, despair and cold smile will come gradually.  Once being eager to stay with someone forever, later, we would felicitate  ourselves on leaving him/her.  During those transient days, we thought we loved him/her deeply.Then, we got to know it is not love but a lie by which we comfort  ourselves.  (开始的开始总是甜蜜的。后来就有了厌倦、习惯、背弃、寂寞、绝望和冷笑。曾经渴望与一个人长相厮守,后来,多么庆幸自己离开了?曾几何时,在一段短暂的时光里,我们以为自己深深的爱着的一个人。后来,我们才知道,那不是爱,那只是对自己说谎。)  It is turned out that those who you thought you could not lose, actually, it  is not very hard to forget them. You drained up your tears, there will be another one pleasing you.  You had plunged yourself into a depression, finally, you found those who do not love you are not worthy of your sadness.  Recalling those unhappy things, is it a comedy? When your wrong love  stops its steps, a brand-new world will be shown to you.  All sadness will become history.  (你以为不可失去的人,原来并非不可失去。你流干了眼泪,自有另一个人逗你欢笑。你伤心欲绝,然后发现不爱你的人,根本不值得你为之伤心。今天回首,何尝不是一个喜剧?情尽时,自有另一番新境界,所有的悲哀也不过是历史。)  For love, imagination is often more beautiful than reality. The same with meeting, also with separation.  We thought we would have a deep love toward somebody. Incoming days will let you know in fact it just is very shallow, very shallow.  The most deep and heaviest love must grow up with days.  (爱情总是想象比现实美丽,相逢如是,告别亦如是。我们以为爱得很深、很深,来日岁月,会让你知道,它不过很浅、很浅。最深最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。)  With love, two strangers can suddenly be familiar with each other that they sleep on the same bed.  However, this two similar people,  While breaking up, say,  “I think you are more and more strange to me”  It is love that has two strangers become acquaintances, then turning the two acquaintances into strangers again.  L


How to Make Friends(如何交朋友) How to Make FriendsEveryone needs friends.A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness.But how can we make friends?First,to make friends,you must be friendly to others.Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return.You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be.Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.Second,friends should negotiate instead of quarrel.When you don"t agree someone,please discuss with him.Finally,never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble.And never leave your friend when he is in trouble.Remember,a friend in need is a friend indeed.Friends should be faithful to each other.So long as you can put your friend"s interests in front of yours,you will have a lot of good friends.(162 words)


The advantages & disadvantages of Youku.com The inclusion of public media into our entertainment and information world is more important than ever. Youku.com, a well-known website in China showing public and private videos online , is joining in that race of gaining the highest level of viewers in order to bring the best service for public media that is possible.With this in mind, you can see that there will be advantages & disadvantages with the use of Youku both for the viewers and the people who are posting the videos. However, if you consider the two sides, you can essentially weigh out and come to the same conclusion as many. Youku and other public media such as YouTube is here to stay, and that really is a good thing. Here are the advantages of youku:1. First and foremost, using Youku to reach the media is cheap and easy, the service is clean and clear. Even someone who has zero knowledge on computers can work his way around Youku. Creating, uploading, viewing and downloading of videos are as easy as 1-2-3.2. It is a whole new media that provides viewers with a platform of communication, You can get a good deal of information to many people in a short amount of time, this can only be found in very few other media providing similar service. 3. It has a wide variety of videos, infomercials, how-to videos and much more, serving as a platform to let people freely discuss and exchange thoughts about them; and we can also stay up to date with the news videos. 4. It can serve as an entertainment website where people rely on it for watching online TV or movies, a real money-saver.5. It allows creative talents to express their creativities worldwide; people can make their own clips and use it as a tool to expand their imaginations.6. Youku can be useful and informative in a good way, it is an informative source for education, current affairs and news; we can watch the news from NBC about Obama winning the presidential election, the latest technology on Microsoft, the workshop learning clips on how to use Photoshop & many more. 7. It is a good and inexpensive tool for advertising. If you"re in business, Youku has the facilities you need to gain more views for your ads. You can experiment with taking shots of your work or maybe a video of you-in-action. This way, viewers will have an idea of not only your product but also what exactly you do and how you do it.So much for the advantages; now, here are the disadvantages:1. The copyright infringement issues; a lot of the uploads or reposting on Youku such as TV series, movies, sit.com, talk-shows, music videos and others are copyrighted materials, this may have considerably damaged the related industries; and as reposting without the permission of the owner is prohibited, this may result in unwanted involvement in legal issues as well.2. As there are not much checks and balance on what is posted, parents should be on the look-out for the possible negative effects on their children some sensitive videos may bring.; this is a serious issue because violence, sex and other unhealthy dynamics that can do nothing but harm teens and kids happen to be the active market on websites nowadays.3. It has also become an advertising tool for people who want to be famous; as there is limited control if any over what is uploaded, they will try to present themselves in all sorts of outrageous stuff in their videos.4. There could also be issues of privacy invasion, and some animal abuses in the videos as well.Generally, the advantages of having Youku around outweigh the disadvantages it brings. This is most especially true when parents and kids remain responsible and alert, because this tool that allows people to communicate easily with people known and unknown are open for abuse and misuse. But it is also a wonderful tool with enormous benefits if used wisely. I am myself a fan of Youku, I often find stuffs that I have missed or never watched on TV. I hope this site will always remain in this way so we can be educated and informed of the latest clips by just visiting this website.

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文章写得很不错,除了一些小错误。it is believed that there is an inevitable trend that people,ranging from (加the) wealthy to the poor,are more likely to suffer from health issues on account of too much intake of fast food.considering the severity of health matters,actions need to be taken to solve the problems.imposing a higher tax by government can be effective to some extent.people might less depend(less和depend的位置调转) on the fast food in terms of higher price cause(改because) it can be out of affordability.imaginably,there will be (加a)decreasing number of people who would like to buy fast food and its popularity is supposed to reduce as well.and the ultimate outcome will be the generally wane of fast food industries.at this point,the effects seem to be sensible in the long run.while the advantages of imposing a higher tax can be not denied,i believe its flaws far outweigh benefits.in many cases,due to fierce competition and ever-accelerating modern life,a great many people have no alternative but resorts(resorts改成 to resort) to fast food.so raising the price of fast food results in nothing but increasing the burdens of individuals.besides,owing to the prosperity of economy and the betterment of people"s standard of living,their is one possibility that people keep on buying fast food so the higher price will not make any sense.therefor,judging from these potential consequences, we need to come up with some other solutions to tackle from(去掉from) the root of problems.for instance,people need to be instilled with knowledge about wholesome dietary habits.all in all,there is(改are) a wide range of solutions (加which)can be advantageous.


  在我们平凡的日常里,许多人都写过作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?以下是我整理的话题英语作文7篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 话题英语作文 篇1   高考英语作文:高考英语话题作文范文 有关“跨文化”   摘要: 高考英语话题作文:有关 跨文化 例:假设你叫李华,你的外国朋友John想了解中国的春节,请根据以下提纲,给他写一封短信: 1、春节在中国人中的地位 2、春节前,人们 3、春节期间,人们 参考词汇:对联couplet 爆   高考英语话题作文:有关跨文化   例:假设你叫李华,你的外国朋友John想了解中国的春节,请根据以下提纲,给他写一封短信:   1、春节在中国人中的地位   2、春节前,人们……   3、春节期间,人们……参考词汇:对联couplet 爆竹firecracker Dear John,   How time flies! Four moths have passed since we saw each other last time. I cannot helpbut miss you. You asked me about Chinese Spring Festival. Now I would like to tell yousomething about it.The Spring Festival is a Chinese traditional festival. It is the most important and enjoyable one. A few days before the festival, houses are cleaned and red couplets are put up on the doors of every household. They are said to frighten away the ghosts. On that day, people are dressed up. Firecrackers ring out in the air, which adds to the atmosphere of the festival. People after a year"s hard work begin to relax and visit one another. Presents and dinners are given to celebrate the happy reunion of friends and relatives. Families get together. They have jiaozi and enjoy the New Year TV show. Customs may vary from place to place, but the same happy atmosphere is to be found everywhere in the country.   Now, I hope you have some idea of Chinese Spring Festival.   Best wishes,   Yours,   Li Hua 话题英语作文 篇2   假如你是李华,你的笔友Mike从电视上得知前段时间北京多个地方出现雾霾(haze),非常担心,写E-mail询问有关情况,请回复。回复应包括以下要点:   1.实况描述;   2.对生活造成的影响;   3.成因简析与教训;   4.你个人的情况。   要求:1.词数100-120;   2.email的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。   Dear Mike,   Thank you very much for your concern. ___________________________________   ______________________________________________________________________   Regards!   Yours,   Li Hua   参考范文:   One possible version:   Dear Mike,   Thank you very much for your concern. Last months several places in Beijing were blanketed with thick yellow fog. Everything around disappeared from oursight. Some highways were closed. Traffic jams were commonly seen in the streets. Many people, especially children and seniors, even found it difficult to breathe. As a result, local hospitals were crowded with people who had problems with their noses and lungs. Part of the cause was the dry weather, but the severely damaged environment contributed a lot to this nightmare. Personally I didn"t get any health problems in the haze because I stayed mostly indoors.But to make a significant change we really have to do more to protect our environment. To live a better life we have to push on with the economy, but it wound be meaningless if we have to achieve it at the cost of our breathing air.   Regards!   Yours,Li Hua 话题英语作文 篇3   History proves that the evolvement road of the new emergence never fails to be bumpy. It can be undeniable that the frictions between the novel and the traditional are intrinsically inevitable. Fortunately, newly emerging things will eventually survive and thrive despite the fact that they are more likely to be in a cramped and harsh environment at first. However, census has not been reached among scholars on how the innovative conquer all the adversities and finally win the battle. As far as I am concerned, it is the innumerable conflicts between the new and the old that boosts the novelty to proliferate. 话题英语作文 篇4    正直诚实(好处)   1、enable honest person to succeed in work and life. (获得成功)   2、to work honestly to attain one"s life goal. (实现人生目标)   3、to enhance reputation of a country.    献爱心(好处、意义):   1、Contributing money and other necessities to people in need is a goal way to express human love. It reflects the sense of social responsibility.   2、It also expresses a feeling from deep with one"s heart.    人生价值   该类别主要包括:创新、 勇气、 奋斗、 勤俭 、高瞻远瞩、 奉献、 浪费、 社会公德 、幸福观 、勇敢 、得与失、 正直诚实、 持之以恒 、拼搏的奥运精神 、读书。   1、To be fair and upright; honest person;   2、economical and simple life; to learn to be frugal;   3、success derives from persistence; Olympic motto, read more books    情感友谊、团队合作、让座 邻里、献爱心   1、show love; provide assistance to others; teamwork and cooperation; selflessly offering help   2、contributing money and other necessities to people who are in great need    交流文化   该类别主要包括:中西方文化、 民族文化、 老外过春节 、老外学书法、 学英语、 城市发展与历史传承。   1、participating in the annual celebration of the Chinese spring festival   2、practicing Chinese calligraphy (书法)   3、cultural exchanges; acquire better understanding of each other;the traditional Chinese culture.   4、pass down culture habit and treasure; absorb and assimilate traditional culture; reserve and spread brilliant diverse culture; be under the threat of extinction; be in great danger   好处:   1、cultural exchanges can enhance international friendship.   2、people can acquire better understanding of each other.   3、can also greatly benefit the countries and stimulate their own social development and culture prosperity.    教育   1、in my opinions, there needs to be a comprehensive renovation in the educational system in which new educational concepts are introduced.   2、only by new teaching methods can we cultivate children into talents and elites who will meet the requirements of our society.    身体健康、锻炼、心理问题、减肥   1、 to develop good health   2、 to keep regular exercise   3、 to make more contributions to the society   4、 to make do with bad diet   5、 to neglect sports and exercise    职业道德及素质类   该类别主要包括:虚假宣传、假冒伪劣产品、排队、鼓掌、文明言行、文明交通、谦虚、宽容、医患矛盾、药品回扣诚信、豆腐渣、家庭作坊卫生、跳槽与商业机密。   1、the sanitation problem of family workshops   2、the promise of one"s own responsibility is like a method of cheating, and is quit against professional morals(职业道德)   3、low-quality products   4、the ignorance of sanitation   5、short of occupational disciplines   6、the false commercial advertising and promotion    家庭关系   该类别主要包括:家庭关系、 养老、 啃老。   Young people are used to relying financially on their families    交通事故   Traffic accidents have long been a problem and are becoming a severe problem   原因:   1、many drivers are forced to drive days and nights   2、a lot of people drive after drinking alcohol    工作就业前途   该类别主要包括:高薪、 加班、技能、学历、自立自强、创业。   1、to display talent and capability;   2、to be of real service to fellowmen and the country;   3、to feel guilty in front of parents and family supporters;   4、to encounter discrimination on the basis of sex or height or even birthplace;   5、to despise jobs of lower social status and less income;   6、to avoid the possibility of working in the rural areas   7、to find (searchhunt) the right career;    环境保护、动植物保护   该类别主要包括:保护森林、水污染、汽车尾气、沙尘暴、温室效应、节约资源、垃圾污染。   1、the exhaustion of resources;   2、pollution from industrial production transform many clean rivers into undrinkable water.   3、the convenience brought by cars, their harmful impact on the atmosphere.   4、garbage output, such as plastics and glass.   5、deforestation Global warming, current greenhouse effect remains out of control   6、human exploitation of natural resources    “问题”学生   该类别主要包括:教育、上网成瘾、上网交友、青少年犯罪、 个人隐私、出国留学、 知识学术欺诈、 望子成龙, 拔苗助长、 应试教育素质教育 、考试作弊 、相互攀比、 名牌、 浪费、 课业负担、 恋爱 、兼职 、富二代、 校园旅游 、教育平等 、独生子女、 农民工子女、 创新 、迷信、 溺爱(spoiled)。   1、To concentrate limited resources on creative talents, or elite;   2、to enhance the quality of population;   3、to promote scientific and technological level;   4、 to prepare one for a better and more meaningful life rather than a job;   5、one-child policy   6、migrant workers(农民工);   7、impartial education opportunities   8、overwhelming homework;   9、quality education(素质教育)   10、a comprehensive renovation    人口增长、 人口质量、养老与老龄化、 性别比例   1、population aging; outdated and abandoned; to improve the living condition of the aging population ; to respect and appreciate the aged; to provide safety and happiness   2、the number of males outweighs that of females;the population growth is almost out of control, the humans to live is increasingly circumscribed. 话题英语作文 篇5   People always believe that study and recreations are like water and fire and that they can not be combined together. But in my opinion, they can and even on the contrary, they are relatives.   There is a popular saying that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. The saying tells us a very simple meaning, but how to master the deep meaning need a clear aim. If someone has too much pressure, the side effect will come into being.   For example, if you have lots of things to do and they all will meet the deadline soon,what you need to do is to improve your efficiency.   A clear mind is essential. So what we should do is to make our minds work steadily. You can take a break after one or two hours" work and try to do something else like chatting with your friends. Doing so, you can improve your working efficiency.   Try to balance work and play, and you will get an unexpected harvest. 话题英语作文 篇6   Unit11 Sad movies make me cry.   本单元主要谈论某件事情对我们的影响以及我们的感受,这是一个记叙和议论相结合的话题。写这类话题的文章,观点要明确,并给出具体事例,最后适当加以评论。   【典型例题】   每个人都有幸运和不幸的时候,在你的记忆中,你所经历的最糟糕的一天是什么样的.?写出你的经历过程和感受。要求语句通顺,语法正确,不少于80词。开头已给出,不计入总词数。   【优秀范文】   I still remember the bad day I have experienced clearly.   It was a Friday. I woke up late because my clock didn"t go off. I felt very nervous. I might be late for school. When I got to school,the teacher was having a class. I felt afraid. As a result,the teacher punished me. I was very sad. By the time we had English class,I found I had left my English book at home. So I had to borrow one.?   After lunch,I fought with my classmate because of some small things.The teacher kicked me off the classroom and sent me home. I knew I let my parents down. I also felt I wasn"t a good child. I didn"t feel like eating dinner and went to bed.?   That night I thought about these things carefully and decided to make a change. I believed I could be a good boy soon. 话题英语作文 篇7   Last month, two nurses in Beijing were placed under administrative detention (行政拘留) for five days for putting locks on two shared bikes.   上个月,北京的两名护士因在共享单车上上锁(占为己有),被处以行政拘留5天。   And in December, a man who stole a shared bike was sentenced to a 3-month detention with a 3-month probation (缓刑期), and fined 1,000 yuan by the Shanghai Minhang People"s Court.   而在去年12月,一名男子因偷窃一辆共享单车,被上海闵行人民法院判处拘役3个月,缓刑3个月,并处罚金人民币一千元。   “Bike-sharing is a greener method of transportation and provides a user-friendly experience,” said Liu Xiaoming, vice-minister of transport. “But it"s a combination of online and offline business. Operators are usually strong in online services, but lack offline business experience, which causes problems.”   “共享单车是种更加绿色的出行方式,并且为用户提供了一种友好的体验,”交通部副部长刘小明表示。“但是这是一种线上和线下商业的结合。经营者的线上业务能力很强,但缺乏线下业务经验,导致了问题产生以共享单车为话题的精选英语作文以共享单车为话题的精选英语作文。”   In fact, these problems are also shared by bike-sharing schemes abroad. Launched in 20xx, Vélib is a large-scale public bike sharing system in Paris. At its early stage of operation, it also suffered from problems of vandalism or theft.   事实上,这些问题在国外的共享单车体系中也同样存在。创建于20xx年的Vélib是一个位于巴黎的大型公共单车共享系统。在其初期的运营中,它也曾遭遇故意损毁及偷窃等问题。   By Oct 20xx, a large number of Vélib"s initial bikes had to be replaced due to vandalism or theft, according to The New York Times. Bikes were found hanging from lampposts (街灯柱) or thrown into the Seine River.   据《纽约时报》报道,截至20xx年10月,由于故意损毁和偷窃问题,大量初期的Vélib自行车不得不被置换   这些自行车曾被发现挂在街灯柱上,或是被扔进了塞纳河中。   To deal with these problems, the company came up with the idea of encouraging people to return the bikes to stations by rewarding free time for their next rides.   为了处理这些问题,该公司想到一个办法:鼓励人们将自行车归还至站点,并在他们下次使用时奖励免费用车时间以共享单车为话题的精选英语作文作文。   Now, Chinese service operators are also trying to address these problems. For example, Mobike sets a 100-point credit score for each user, with points taken in the case of bad behavior. Once a score drops below 80, bike rental is increased to 100 yuan per 30 minutes, up from 0.5-1 yuan.   现在,中国的服务经营者们也开始尝试去解决这些问题。举个例子,摩拜单车为每个用户设定了100分的信用值,行为不当将会被扣分。当信用值降到80分以下时,自行车租赁费用将会从每30分钟0.5-1元上涨到100元。

求两篇英语作文 题目:online shopping

第一篇Just as its name implies, online shopping is to conduct the shopping activities online.With the development of Internet and electronic commerce,it seems to be gaining in popularity. Online shopping is accessible round the clock and it makes the world"s marketplace at your fingertips. It is so convenience that you can buy whatever you want even at 3 a.m. in the morning; you can choose from a wider variety of things available for you to shop which may not be available in the local brick and mortar stores.What"s more,it"s always cheaper for you. However,given the lack of ability to inspect merchandise before purchase, consumers are at higher risk of fraud on the part of the merchant than in a physical store. So,when shopping online,we have to choose goods with care. But all in all, I would say its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. 第二篇In contemporary society, people are enjoying the increasing convenience which is taken by online shopping. As far as I am concern, it do benefit prople"s life. At the begining, as a brand new style of living, online shopping extends our market and facilitate our lives. By using the internet, commodities which can not be access to in the traditional physical markets are made avliable to us through the online trading system. Besides, the price of goods is significantly declined due to the direct deliverying syste. Nevertheless, some people may argue about the poor quality of online shopping. However, in my view, the quality can be controled with the ever increasing electronic supervising techniques. In this case, people who deliver fake commodities on line can easily be pinpointed and arreisted by the authorities and our on-line markets can be ordered.

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3.14A类大作文类型-教育类: -- 选择出国接受高等教育的好处和坏处more and more students choose to go to another country and finish their high education. do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? A类小作文类型: 综合两个图-地图, 比较过去和现在的发展, 是新题型--就是城市发展:第一幅图说明过去城市是怎么样的, 第二幅图说明现在城市是怎么样的。3.21 A类 小作文是表格题,the employment of students after graduating from first degree courses in 2001 in UK(England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland),employment分为total in employment, permanent employment, temporary employment, overseas employment。大作文是社会政府类Some people think it is more important for government to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on the treatment of people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree? G类小作文:a company offers a temporary job but no salary, but it helps you to gain some work experience, please send a letter and express your willingness, introduce your work experience, and which department you want to work, what expectation you have from the job.大作文是some people argue that young people are spending too much time on watching TV, what do you think of it ? and what kinds of activities should be encouraged to them?无忧雅思网O1v s,Qy5w+G4.4A类大作文是新题目:People nowadays live in societies where good are relatively cheap( where consumer goods are cheaper to buy), do you think its advantages outweigh disadvantages? A类小作文:两个BAR图,题目是新的.一个bar chart :number of people per square kilometer in 2003(AUSTRALIAJAPANUKSWEDENCANADAITALY ),令一个bar chart :proportion change in urban population。G类大作文也是全新的:women work as police officers in some country. However, some people believe that women do not suitable to be police officers. G类小作文-书信Request letter: you arrange a working weekends in the hotel with your colleagues, write a letter to the hotel manager: who are you and your group, what would you do in the weekends, what accommodation you need and the requirements


With the development of science and technology more and more people started using computers and have access to the internet.(中文句子和英文要求的believe that没法通融啊。。People always have differnet opinions some believe that playing computer or surfing the internet will influence their grades, and will also make them lazier. But others don"t think it will either influence grades or make people lazy.As far As I am concernedFirst, I don"t think the computers or the internet will inflict grades, a reasonable amount of playing can rest your hard-working brain.Second, the internet is another tool for students to learn, if there is need for help, one could search for it online.Third, the internet is also a way to gain knowledge, we can easily see what"s happening in our society so that we won"t be so left out when we step out to the real world.All in all, the advantages for outweigh the disadvantages.Therefore ,we can come to the conclusion that the internet is not only a teacher but also an encyclopedia for students.自己翻译的。望采纳!

雅思大作文中如果问到do the disadvantages outweigh the disadvantanges,观点应该一边倒还是择中?


雅思作文 to what extent do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?



说到雅思写作利弊类话题大家的第一反应就是典型的考试指令“Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?”或者是“Is it a positive or negative development?” 这种特别直接的提问方式是有助于我们快速定位到题目的答题要领的,但是殊不知在其他的提问方式中,其实也隐藏了很多利弊类的题目。我们先给大家呈现几道相关的题目。1. More and more measures to improve the security in large urban areas have been introduced in many countries because of the increased crime. Do the benefits of these measures outweigh the drawbacks?2. News media have become more influential in our life. Some people think it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?3. Some people think robots are important to our society, while others believe they are dangerous and have negative effects. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.先简单和大家分析一下这样三道题目。这三道题乍眼一看没有任何相关的地方,无论是从话题方向上还是提问方式上,其中:第一题是生活类话题方向,提问方式是优缺点比较,但文章重点要把安全措施利弊的侧重点体现出来;第二题是新闻媒体类方向,提问方式是同意不同意,但文章重点是在讨论新闻媒体是否是消极的发展;第三题是科技类方向,提问方式是双边讨论类,但文章重点是分别讨论机器人的利弊问题。仔细把题目读完之后,我们就会发现其实无论怎么出题,核心内容就是针对某一个特殊主题讨论利弊。但是文章的答题要点是不一样的,第一题是典型的偏向性作文;第二题可以有偏向,也可以中立,甚至也可以一边倒;第三题是权衡的写法(类似于中立)。不管怎么说,我们首要的还是要会读题。本文中,笔者将和大家一起来探讨典型的利弊类作文“Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages”的写作技巧,希望能给各位考生在后期的备考中有一些帮助。1. 利弊类作文的词汇储备利弊类题目的写作核心是讨论利弊,所以对于烤鸭们来说首先就应该去积累相关的表达优缺点的词汇,这样可以有助于在作文中表达观点。a. 优点常用词汇:advantages, positive effects, benefit, merit, important, effective, pro常用短语:be helpful/useful to; make contributions to; play a key role in; have profound/far-reaching effects onb. 缺点常用词汇:disadvantages, demerits, negative effects, con, defects常用短语:cause problems; be harmful to; be detrimental to; pose a threat to; pose a risk to2. 利弊类作文的段落书写当我们已经对于固有词汇有了一定的了解之后,那下一步工作就可以进行题目的剖析,然后展开段落的书写。我们以第一题为例:More and more measures to improve the security in large urban areas have been introduced in many countries because of the increased crime. Do the benefits of these measures outweigh the drawbacks?题目翻译:现在在很多大城市里有越来越多预防犯罪的措施来提高城市的安全性。你认为这些措施的优点大于缺点吗?a. 题目关键词1). urban areas这个词很多考生在读题的时候容易把它忽略不看,这是一种错误的读题方法,因为这类词是典型的地点限制词,会对题目的论点把控起到一定的提示作用。它的同义替换词可以是city center或者是downtown, 它的反义词是rural areas, outskirts或者是countryside。2). security measures或者是anti-crime measures是这道题目的核心词汇,要拿下这一道题目,我们就得进行一定的头脑风暴,想出有哪些常见的安全性措施,例如监控(monitoring systems), 安检(security check), 警察巡逻(police patrols)等。b. 考试指令的分析显性的利弊类话题最典型的提问方式就是“Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?” 这种题目的解题技巧就在于怎么把“outweigh”这个词在文章中具体地体现出来。它的一些同义表达有greater, more than, exceed等。对于这种提问方式,我们一般给出如下建议。1). 首先我们需要做的就是在文章的比例方面要有一定的侧重性体现。一般如果认为优点大于缺点的时候,那我们在优点这个段落上的字数建议要100字左右,用2-3个论点来支持。而对于缺点来讲,就可以少写一点,字数建议在80字左右,用1-2个论点来支撑中心句。2). 除了文章长短之外,还有要注意到的就是语气问题。同样的如果认为优点大于缺点的,那我们在表达优点的时候就要使用比较坚定的态度或词汇(should, be supposed to, ought to), 而在表达缺点的时候,语气适当可以放弱(may, might)或者给出一些可行的建议来弱化它的缺点。c. 段落示范在完成了上述的审题过程之后,我们就可以进行全文的书写了。1). 先是开头部分优缺点类作文的开头部分和其他的提问方式没有太大的区别,也是由背景、题目改写以及个人观点三部分来构成的。这里重点和大家讲解一下最后一句个人观点的表达方法。推荐句式:In my opinion, the positive effects are greater than the negative ones.I think there are more advantages than disadvantages.From my perspective, although there are some drawbacks, the influence can also be beneficial in many cases.总结一下,上面三句话的核心意思就是想告诉大家碰到利大于弊这种类型的题目,一定要在开头观点部分把它表达清楚,千万不能有模棱两可的情况,不然task response这一块分数就会减少。2). 当开头基本明确要求之后,就要开始主体段的写作了。正如之前分析的,主体段分为两段,优点和缺点各一段就可以了。先来回忆一下一个段落是由中心句加上几个论点的形式构成的,论点一般推荐2个。我们以上面那道题目为例:1). 先来写好处的中心句学生句子:Indeed, having security measures has many advantages for local citizens. (10 words)句子评价:这一句话就内容和句式上来说并没有错误,但是它基本只能符合5.5分的水平,因为它在词汇使用和内容丰富性上还是稍微差了点。教师句子:It is obvious that the installation of security measures in buildings and on streets is an effective means of local citizens" safety. (22 words)句子评价:这个句子出彩的地方在于其词汇的多样使用,例如installation这个词,动词变名词的用法在作文中的使用频率还是比较高的。另外an effective means这个短语搭配也不错,是学生句子中的advantages的另外一个表达。使用in buildings and on streets这个介词短语来修饰句子可以更好地和之前头脑风暴中的点相结合,体现内容的充实性。2). body 1论点的论证(好处段)这个点最重要的推荐论证手法就是举例论证,分别对于室内和室外两种不同的安全措施进行详细描述即可。但是一定要注意的就是要把优点写清楚,不然在任务完成度上就不能有一个很好的体现。a. 室内的措施---监控---起到震慑和提醒作用(与中心句中的in buildings形成一致)For example, 24-hour surveillance cameras can remind(语气相对比较坚定) the would-be criminals that they have no chance to escape from the supervising(监管) of the police. Therefore, this kind of deterrent(震慑) makes those potential lawbreakers give up evil intension(罪恶念头).(典型的举例论证,37 words)b. 室外的措施---警察巡逻---能够及时抓住罪犯(与中心句中的on street形成一致)Meanwhile, the frequency of police patrols(警察巡逻) can stop illegal activities(违法行为), such as thefts and robberies, thus reducing the crime rate in open space directly and providing a safe living environment for local citizens. (典型的举例论证,33 words)一句中心句加上2个论证合在一起,整个写好处的段落就是97个字,基本符合我们上面讲解的100字左右的要求。3). body 2论点的论证(缺点段)缺点部分这一段落的具体写法和好处是一致的,但是要注意的是由于观点偏向于优点,所以这一段在篇幅上可以稍微短一点,语气词上也可以弱一点。段落示范:However, what we have to bear in mind is that there are also some negative effects when taking too many security measures in large city centers.(缺点中心句) One of the most worrying effects(重点讲一个方面即可) is that these anti-crime devices may increase(语气词弱化) the fear of crime and people"s freedom and privacy would be restricted or even invaded due to the surveillance cameras installed in many public places. All these may have a detrimental effect on people"s quality of life. (76 words)主体段落书写总结:段落的结构和论证形式在一定程度上和其他提问方式是一样的。唯一的区别就在于我们应该如何挑选典型的优点和缺点来说服考官。4). 结尾段的写法利弊类作文的结尾段还是分为两要素。第一部分是观点的总结,当然这一部分的观点是可以根据正文部分有效输入分论点的。第二部分就是可以针对缺点进行题目的升华,换句话说就是可以给出一些建议或者措施把缺点尽量减少或者消除。


声音,是一种我们每天都能听到的声波,它能让我们用语言来表达自己的意思。让人能更好的交流。接下来,让我带你看看大自然,听听大自然的声音吧。 来到大自然的春天,鸟儿唱着悦耳的歌声,小甲虫们也唱出了春的特别之处。春风刮的柳条沙沙地响,响尾蛇也从冬眠中宿醒了发出咝咝的声音;好像说;春天来了,春天来了。小马,小羊,还有小鹿都来到了草原品尝鲜嫩的小草,心里都乐开了花。来到大自然的夏天,知了在树上,知了,知了地唱着。仿佛在告诉大家夏天已经到来了。小狗热的把舌头伸出来,发出哈嗒,哈嗒的声音。蚊子和苍蝇发出了嗡嗡的声响。雨季也要到了,天空中传来轰隆,轰隆的雷声。不一会就听到滴答滴答的声音,雨要来了紧接着传来哗啦啦,哗啦啦声音。这场大雨给人们带来夏季的一丝丝凉爽。来到大自然的秋天,果园里的果子成熟了,人们笑开了花,都来摘水果。石榴的嘴都笑开了,发出了啪的声音,秋风给了我们一股寒意,也告诉动物们冬天快来了,要赶紧储存冬粮。树叶落到地上,风一吹就发出了像锯木头的声音。来到大自然的冬天,寒风呼啸,让人心惊肉跳,孩子堆雪人,打雪仗,笑得乐开了花,大人们笑呵呵的看着孩子们玩耍。大自然的声音多么美妙,让我们一起去大自然里,倾听大自然的心声,让我们快乐的学习,快乐的成长。
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