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The short, squat creatures that turn up in animated movies may all be starting to run together in your mind, which makes finding a distinctive voice for such characters all the more important. The creators of “Home” made an inspired choice in that regard for their little hero, recruiting Jim Parsons of “The Big Bang Theory” for the job, and they made another by pairing him with the pop star Rihanna.提起动画电影中那些矮小又胖嘟嘟的生物,你脑海中可能会不断涌现出许多形象,那么为此角色配上与众不同的声音就显得更为重要。《疯狂外星人》的创作者们做出了一个鼓舞人心的决定:他们请来《生活大爆炸》中的吉姆·帕森斯给这部电影中的小英雄配音,并让流行歌手蕾哈娜与他搭档。The result is a charming concoction with positive messages for younger children about conquering fears, understanding outsiders and knowing yourself. 这使得影片富有魅力。它向儿童展示出战胜恐惧、理解外来者和了解自身的场景,传达了一系列积极的讯息。Mr. Parsons is Oh, an extraterrestrial of the Boov species, which is highly skilled at running away from danger and at taking over other species" planets. 帕森斯先生配的角色小欧是一个外来生物,属于波波星人。而波波星人有着躲避危险的高超技巧,并擅长占领其他物种所在的星球。The Boov decide to inhabit Earth, gently relocating its humans to Australia, thereby inadvertently separating Rihanna"s character, Tip, from her mother, Lucy (Jennifer Lopez). Oh and Tip join forces to try to reunite mother and daughter and — oops — save the planet from annihilation, a threat seemingly brought on by a blunder any grown-up will relate to: an email Oh mistakenly sent to “reply all.波波星人打算在地球定居,它们神不知鬼不觉地把伙伴们转移到澳大利亚,因而无意中使得蕾哈娜配音的角色小零和她妈妈露西(由詹妮弗·洛佩兹配音)走散。小欧与小零一同努力让失散的母女团圆。哦!他们还让将要迎来灭顶之灾的地球幸免于难。而这危机看似是因小欧误发了一封“全部回复”的邮件。任何一个成年人都能理解的粗心犯下的错误。Yeah, this is another extraterrestrial-plus-human-child movie, and the Boov are yet another brightly colored runty people. But Oh"s imperfect grasp of English and the good will Mr. Parsons engenders make the character adorable, and Rihanna (who also provides some music, as does Ms. Lopez) gives Tip a likable edge. 唉,这又是一部关于外星人和人类小孩的电影。波波星人则又是一类颜色亮丽的矮胖生物。不过小欧的蹩脚英语和帕森斯先生用声音传达出的人物善良的心灵,都让小欧惹人喜爱。蕾哈娜(她和洛佩兹都在影片中献唱了几曲)也赋予了小零讨喜的特点。Grown-ups, meanwhile, can ponder whether the movie, based on a children"s book by Adam Rex, contains a veiled pro-immigration message. Or perhaps it"s a statement about overreliance on material goods. When the Boov arrive on Earth, they get rid of any human things they have no use for by bundling them in antigravity balls so they float away. Seeing what they deem useless makes you realize that we humans do accumulate a lot of stuff. 与此同时,朋友们可以思考这部基于亚当·雷克斯所写的儿童小说而改编的电影是否含蓄地表现出支持移民的想法。或是它很有可能揭示人们对于物质产品的过度依赖。当波波星人抵达地球时,它们把认为无用人类的东西束缚在一个个抗重力的大球中,漂浮而去。当你看到它们把我们认为有用的东西视作废物时,你会意识到我们人类确实堆积了许多东西。