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  经典美文,或是立意高远,或是思想健康;或是语言精美,或是构思巧妙u2026u2026经典美文不仅是文学史中最具文学鉴赏价值、最富文化精髓的艺术作品,同时还是我们借鉴并用以指导学生写作的不可多得的范本。我精心收集了500字左右英语美文摘抄,供大家欣赏学习!   500字左右英语美文摘抄篇1   If you are feeling that life just cannot be any worse for you, it can be challenging to think positive thoughts. When we are stressed, depressed, upset, or otherwise in a negative state of mind because we perceive that "bad things" keep happening to us, it is important to shift those negative thoughts to something positive. If we don"t, we will only attract more "bad things."   如果你感觉生活对你来说实在是糟糕之极,你可以挑战着想些积极的东西。当我们不堪重负、沮丧、失落,抑或因为我们认为倒霉的事总是光临我们而处于消极状态时,将这些消极的思想转变为积极的至关重要。如果我们不这么做,只会招致更多的霉运。   It is often very hard to think positive when so many things are negative, but I can assure you that someone, somewhere is worse off than you. We can choose to think differently by beginning with the smallest of steps.   有如此之多消极因素还要想些积极的东西,通常情况下这很难,但我可以保证,在某个地方有人比你情况还糟。我们可以换种方式,一步一步细细思考那些消极的东西。   If you start with one small, positive thing and repeat it during the course of your day, you will begin to move into a more positive situation: positive thoughts, feelings, opportunities and people will start showing up in your life. With practice, you will find that over time, you will change your outlook and choose to be happy, irregardless of the events around you.   从一件积极的小事情开始,并且一整天就一直重复想着,你将进入一个更加积极的状态:积极的思想、情感、机遇、人们开始装扮你的人生。这样练下去,很快你会发现你将改变你的观点,选择快乐的生活,而不在意周围那些琐事。   Here are a few examples for you to practice. Say them out loud and with feeling!   下面有一些方法供你选择练习。要有感情的把它们大声说出来。   1. Begin and end each day with a "Thank you for this wonderful, glorious day!"   在每一天开始和结束的时候,说一句“感谢这么一个愉快的一天”。   2. When you see the gas prices hiking, say "I am so glad that I am blessed to have a vehicle in which to get around."   燃气价格高涨的时候,说“我很高兴我至少还有着这辆车可以到处兜风。”   3. When you are late for work, say "I am so happy and grateful for my job as I know that many don"t have one."   上班迟到时,说“我很幸福并感激我的工作,因为我知道很多人还没有工作。”   4. If you are having health problems, be grateful for what does work: "I really do appreciate my eyes that see, my ears that hear, my mouth that tastes, my legs that walk, my arms that lift, my hands that write, my mind that thinks, my knees that bend and my tongue that talks." The possibilities here are endless: insert what does work for you and feel good about it!   如果你的健康出了问题,对目前所拥有的要心存感激:“我真的感激我的眼睛还能看,我的耳朵还能听,我的嘴还能品味,我的双腿还能行走,我的双臂还能抬起,我的双手还能写字,我还能思考,我的双膝还能弯曲,我还能说话”。这儿有无穷尽的种种可能:珍惜你所拥有的,并善待它们!   5. Write down what you"re grateful for each day. In moments when you"re feeling really down, read what you wrote previously. This will help uplift your spirits. If you practice this regularly, you will find that your list will get longer and longer.   记下每天让你感激的事,每当你失落的时候,读一读你曾经写下的心情,这会让你从新振作起来。经常这样练习去,你会发现你所感激的东西越来越多。   The key is to move yourself into a positive thought and keep it there long enough to make it a moment of blissful peace. The more you practice, the happier you"ll be.   转为积极情绪并长久保持着这种状态的关键在于为自己创造幸福、宁静的一刻。练的越多,你就越幸福。   500字左右英语美文摘抄篇2   Home on the Way   旅人的家   People need homes: children assume their parents" place as home; boarders call school "home" on weekdays; married couples work together to build new homes; and travelers u2026 have no place to call "home", at least for a few nights.   人人都需要家:小孩子把父母的住所当做自己的家;寄宿生在平日把学校称为“家”;结了婚的夫妻要共同营造自己的新家;至于旅者呢u2026u2026至少有几晚他们要住在不能称为“家”的地方!   So how about people who have to travel for extended periods of time? Donu2019t they have the right to a home? Of course they do.   那么那些不得不长期出门在外的人怎么办?难道他们无权拥有一个家吗?他们当然有!   Some regular travelers take their own belongings: like bed sheets, pillowcases and family photos to make them feel like home no matter where they are; some stay for long periods in the same hotel and as a result become very familiar with service and attendants; others may simply put some flowers by the hotel window to make things more homely. Furthermore, driving a camping car during oneu2019s travels and sleeping in the vehicle at night is just like home -- only mobile!   有些经常出门的旅者会随身携带些属于自己的日用品,像床单、枕套或全家福相片等,无论走到哪里,这些东西都能带给他们家的感觉;有些人在长驻时会待在同一家旅馆里,使他们对店里的服务和人员都非常熟稔;再有的就可能只是在旅馆的窗边摆些花,使房间更像个家。此外,一路开着露营车旅行,晚上就住在车里,这就更像是真正的家了――只不过能移动而已!   And how about maintaining relationships while in transit? Some keep contact with their friends via internet; some send letters and postcards, or even photos; others may just call and say hi, just to let their friends know that they"re still alive and well. People find ways to keep in touch. Making friends on the way helps travelers feel more or less at home. Backpackers in youth hostels may become very good friends, even closer than siblings.   那人们在旅程穿梭时,又是如何维系关系的呢?有些人通过互联网跟朋友联络;有些人寄信、明信片,甚至照片;还有些人可能只是打个电话问声好,目的仅是让朋友们知道他们还活着,而且活得不错。人们发现了各种各样的联络方式。在旅途中交朋友能帮旅者或多或少地找到一点家的感觉。青年旅店里的背包客也许会成为非常要好的朋友,甚至比手足还要亲!   Nowadays, fewer people are working in their local towns, so how do they develop a sense of belonging? Whenever we step out of our local boundaries, there is always another "home" waiting to be found. Wherever we are, with just a little bit of effort and imagination, we can make the place we stay "home".   如今,大多数人都是离乡在外工作,那么人们又如何能有归属感呢?一旦我们走出家门,就总有另一个“家”在等着我们去寻找。不论身处何处,只要稍加努力和想像,我们就能把栖身之地营造成一个“家”!   500字左右英语美文摘抄篇3   According to legend, a young man while roaming the desert came across a spring of delicious crystal-clear water. The water was so sweet, he filled his leather canteen so he could bring some back to a tribal elder who had been his teacher.   据传说,一个年轻的男子在漫游沙漠途中看到一泉如水晶般清澈而可口的水。水的味道非常甜美,于是他灌满了他的皮水壶,这样就可以带一些回去,送给曾经是他老师的部落长老。   After a four-day journey he presented the water to the old man who took a deep drink, smiled warmly and thanked his student lavishly for the sweet water. The young man returned to his village with a happy heart.   经过四天的旅程,他把水呈献给老人。老人深饮一口,和蔼地笑了笑,并深切感激学生赠予他甜美的水。年轻人怀着愉快的心情回到了村庄。   Later, the teacher let another student taste the water. He spat it out, saying it was awful. It apparently had become stale because of the old leather container.   后来,老师让他的另一个学生品尝水。学生吐了出来,说水太难喝了。它显然已经因为陈旧的皮革容器而变得不再新鲜。   The student challenged his teacher: "Master, the water was foul. Why did you pretend to like it?"   学生质疑他的老师:“师父,水是臭的,你为什么要假装喜欢它?”   The teacher replied, "You only tasted the water. I tasted the gift. The water was simply the container for an act of loving-kindness and nothing could be sweeter."   老师回答说,“你只品尝了水的味道,我却是在品尝礼物的味道。水仅仅是装载善与爱之行为的容器,而没有什么东西比善与爱更甜美了。”   I think we understand this lesson best when we receive innocent gifts of love from young children. Whether it"s a ceramic tray or a macaroni bracelet, the natural and proper response is appreciation and expressed thankfulness because we love the idea within the gift.   我认为当我们从天真的孩子们那里收到爱的礼物时,能够最透彻地明白这个道理。无论它是一个陶瓷托盘或通心粉手镯,我们自然而恰当的反应是欣赏,并表示感激,因为我们喜欢礼物所包含的心意。   Gratitude doesn"t always come naturally. Unfortunately, most children and many adults value only the thing given rather than the feeling embodied in it. We should remind ourselves and teach our children about the beauty and purity of feelings and expressions of gratitude. After all, gifts from the heart are really gifts of the heart.   感恩并不总是自然而来的。不幸的是,大多数儿童和成人只看重被赠予的东西本身,而不是它体现的情谊。我们应该提醒自己,并教导我们的孩子,感情和对感激之情的表达是美丽而纯洁的。毕竟,发自内心给与的礼物才是真正的礼物。


波光粼粼的莫斯科河像一条蓝色丝带,静静地从城市中间流过;克里姆林宫的尖顶和众教堂巨大的金顶在阳光下闪闪发光;古老建筑和现代建筑在白桦树影中显现--这就是莫斯科。  红场:俄语意为“美丽的广场”,俄罗斯人口中“首都乃至全国的精神中心”,举行大型庆典及阅兵的地方。正中是列宁墓,四周是克里姆林宫,圣瓦西里大教堂,莫斯科国家历史博物馆及古姆国家百货商店。  无名烈士墓:“我们不记得你们的名字,但我们记得你们所做的事情。”为纪念战争中牺牲的无名英雄而建,碑前有两堆不灭的长明火。  克里姆林宫建筑群:世界第八奇景,现为俄总统办公地。有宫殿,教堂和办公楼,陈放着历代沙皇的财宝,首推十二使徒教堂,天使教堂,圣弥额尔教堂,圣母升天教堂是历代大公和沙皇进行加冕的地方。  俄罗斯大马戏团:俄罗斯马戏,是技巧和办量的展示,令人叹为观止。这是我这次美国之行的最后一站--纽约.算算出来也快半个月了,在夏威夷哪里享受了日光,再到纽约看看的时候,我发现,我根本不喜欢喧嚣的都市.但是,实事求是的说,纽约确实是国际大都市,其繁华程度让人惊叹,如果说上海繁华,那么纽约至少比3个上海还要繁华,但是,拥挤的城市,除了让我有点故乡感觉的中国城,说实话,我不喜欢纽约.因为这里是钢筋混凝土的森林.先从帝国大厦开始吧,9.11以后,世贸中心没了,帝国大厦成了纽约最高楼,所以,我还是要登上帝国大厦俯瞰纽约,这里顺便告诉大家,去帝国大厦的时候,不妨多花7美元,租个随身听,这样在大厦顶部,你可以听着介绍俯瞰纽约,才会让你了解纽约,了解帝国大厦,了解周围的景色.哪里提供普通话的随身听(你对服务员说,你要mandarine的讲解就好了。当时我不知道,也没有问,直接跟着我同事拿个英文讲解就上去了.英文对我也没有什么问题,只是还是不如普通话听起来亲切.我是后来才知道哪里提供普通话的讲解的.)这是帝国的一楼入口:俯瞰纽约曼哈顿,这里说明一下,曼哈顿只是纽约的一部分,曼哈顿是个岛,帝国大厦,世贸中心,华尔街等等都在曼哈顿上面.看见车水马龙的那条街了吗?那就是赫赫有名的第五大道.远眺世贸中心双子楼,9.11以后,他们消失了,看见图片中间的那个黑楼了吗?在他右面空缺的地方,就曾经耸立着世贸中心的双子楼,世贸中心的高度是周围楼的两倍以上,你可以想象到那是多么高大的楼了吧?很巧的事,在帝国大厦顶上的时候正好下了一场小雨,雨过天晴,出来了彩虹。繁忙的纽约,留下我们匆匆的脚步傍晚去中央公园逛了逛,出来以后,已是华灯初上了,夜色纽约...... 澳大利亚最大也最古老的城市--新南威尔斯州首府悉尼,一个充满自由精神和青春活力的都市。听上几首爵士乐,或去Cauldron、Retro或DCM狂舞至天明。摇滚乐爱好者可去伍洛莫洛湾旅店,喜剧爱好者则可以到Kaos一带,这是悉尼最受欢迎的喜剧场。在悉尼几乎可以品尝到全世界的各种佳肴,而且品质绝佳。无论是当地的海鲜馆,还是其他国家的餐馆,你都可以大饱口福。  悉尼拥有四个国家公园,足以烘托出一种回归自然的气氛,让您乐于在丛林中漫步、野外步行探险活动。所有这些活动的地点与悉尼城之间的交通极为便利。悉尼港国家公园包括悉尼港岛及港口前滩的大部分。皇家国家公园、博塔尼国家公园和Ku-ring-gai国家公园中保护完好的岩石和岩洞壁画艺术,都足以使您深深地沉浸在文化之中。  参观一下霍姆布希湾的2000年悉尼奥运会场馆,体验一下颇受当地人欢迎的悉尼国际水上中心及澳大利亚体育场馆,这里早已成了举办各种音乐会和竞技等娱乐活动的重要场所。当然,您可以去游览一下整个奥林匹克公园,更好地见识感受悉尼奥运会。  悉尼至彭里斯之间的东湾是澳大利亚的人间仙境Australia"s Wonderland,是悉尼的娱乐及主题乐园区。另一处游乐区是澳大利亚野生动物园,游客可以在这里观赏到澳大利亚最美丽的动植物。棕榈滩以北、从里士满流往布罗肯湾的Hawkesbury河上建有众多的水上娱乐设施,如钓鱼、巡游、赛艇、划水等。两岸餐馆林立,风景如画。


   英语阅读 是中学生英语 教育 中的一项重要基本内容,也是学生学好英语的重要手段。然而,在现实中能熟练掌握英语阅读技能的学生并不多。下面是我带来的英语美文小短文欣赏,欢迎阅读!  英语美文小短文欣赏篇一   还在进行演讲呢   A judge in a small city was hearing a drunk-driving case and the defendant, who had both a record and a reputation for driving under the influence, demanded a jury trial. It was nearly 4 p. m. and getting a jury would take time, so the judge called a recess and went out in the hall looking to impanel anyone available for jury duty. He found a dozen lawyers in the main lobby and told them that they were a jury.   在一个小城市,一位法官正在审理一起酒后驾车案件。被告不仅有过酒后驾车的记录,而且声誉也不是太好,现在只是缺少一个陪审团作出裁决。因为已经接近下午四点,找个陪审团来会耽误很多时间。因此,法官宣布休庭后,就到外面随便挑选了一些人来充当陪审团。刚一出门,他就发现大厅刚好有12个律师,便请求他们充当陪审团。   The lawyers thought this would be a novel experience and so followed the judge back to the courtroom. The trial was over in duanwenw.com about 10 minutes and it was very clear that the defendant was guilty. The jury went into the jury-room, the judge started getting ready to go home, and everyone waited.   听了法官的话,这些律师们认为这将会是一次新奇的经历,因此,便跟随法官回到了法庭。不到10分钟,案子就已接近尾声,因为被告明显是有罪的。陪审团回到陪审室进行商议,法官就等着宣布结果,马上回家。每个人都在等待着最后的判决。   After nearly three hours, the judge was totally out of patience and sent the bailiff into the jury-room to see what was holding up the verdict. When the bailiff returned, the judge said, “Well have they got a verdict yet?”   大概过了3个小时,法官已经彻底失去了耐心,便派法警去看看判决为什么耽误了这么久。当法警回来后,法官问他:“怎么样?他们是否作出了最后的判决?   The bailiff shook his head and said, “Verdict? Hell, theyu2019re still doing nominating speeches for the foremanu2019s position!”   法警摇摇头说:“判决?天啊,他们为了推选陪审团主席,还在进行演讲呢!”   英语美文小短文欣赏篇二    光棍节 的来源   An old story goes that once there were four single men, leading very boring lives. none of them were married, or had lovers, or did anything exciting. they just sat around all day and played mahjong.    故事 从四个过着单调生活的单身汉说起。他们没有人结婚,连女朋友都没有,日子过得无精打采,终日打 麻将 度过。   One day they played mahjong from 11 in the morning until 11 at night. during the game, no matter who won, the winning card was always the "four columns" card (the card shows four independent, parallel columns in two lines). even more of a coincidence, it was nov 11, or 11/11. in order to commemorate the day, they nicknamed it singles day.   有一天他们打麻将从早上11点打到了晚上11点。奇妙的是,不管谁赢,都赢在了“四条”上。更加巧合的是,这一天正是11月11号。为了纪念这一天,他们给它命名为“光棍节”。   Singles day was first celebrated at various universities in nanjing, capital city of jiangsu province during the 1990s. it got the name singles day because the date is comprised of four "ones". these college students have since graduated, and carried their university tradition into society. singles day is now a special day for all fashionable youths.   光棍节最先在90年代的江苏南京各大高校兴起。之所以叫“光棍节”是因为这一天的日子有四个光棍一样的“1”。大学生们 毕业 了,把这个传统带到了社会上,光棍节就成了时尚青年们的一个特殊节日。   The main way to celebrate singles day is to have dinner with your single friends, but it"s important that each person pay their own way to show their independence. people also hold "blind date" parties in an attempt to bid goodbye to their single lives.   主流的庆祝方式就是和光棍朋友们一起搓一顿,而且一定要实行aa制。为了脱离单身,人们也会举办相亲会,介绍单身男女认识。   英语美文小短文欣赏篇三   寿司的来源   Sushi has a very interesting origin that has lasted for centuries and continues to be a very popular food today. sushi is made with a combination of shellfish, cooked or raw fish, vegetables, and seasoned rice. although sushi is most commonly linked to the japanese heritage, it actually began in china during the 7th century.   寿司有着非常有趣的起源,它流传了数百年,直到如今仍然是非常受欢迎的美食。寿司是由贝类、熟鱼或生鱼、蔬菜以及调过味的米饭混合而成的佳肴。尽管寿司大都被认为与日本有着千丝万缕的渊源,但实际上早在7世纪时,它起源于中国。   At that time, any fish caught had to be preserved. the only method possible was by fermentation. raw fish was cleaned, filleted, and then pressed between layers of heavy salt and usually weighted down with some type of stone. the fish would remain this way for weeks at which the stone would be removed and then replaced with some type of light cover. the fish would stay in the salt layers for a couple of months until the fermentation process was complete.   在那个年代,所有捕来的鱼都要被贮存起来,唯一可能的贮存 方法 就是发酵。生鱼被清洗干净、切成片,然后用一层层厚重的盐给压起来,通常再压上某种石头。生鱼会以这种方式被保存数周,之后,石头被移走,转而压上一些较轻的覆盖物。接着生鱼在盐层中被保留数月,直到发酵的过程完成为止。   Over time, a discovery was made that by rolling the fish in rice that had been soaked in vinegar the fish was fermented in a matter of days rather than months. the rice was then tossed out and the fish eaten. however, with drought and a food shortage, people began consuming the rice as well as the fish and thus, sushi as we know it today was born.   随着时间的推移,人们发现可以把鱼肉卷在醋浸过的米饭中,和以往那种发酵几个月的方式比起来,这种方法仅用数天就可以发酵完。米饭则被扔掉,留下鱼肉食用。然而,由于旱灾和食物短缺,人们在吃鱼的同时也开始连同把米饭都吃掉,于是,我们今天所熟知的寿司便诞生了。   However, in the 1800s, a famous chef by the name of yohei was planning a large dinner party. finding that he had not set out enough fish to serve his guests, he took a piece of fish from the freezer that had not been fermented and decided to take his chances in serving it. what he found was that frozen fish actually retained their flavor and any bacterium was killed. from this discovery, yohei created two styles of sushi —one called edo, and the second, osaka, for the city.   但到了19世纪,一位名叫洋平的著名日本厨师正在筹办大型的晚宴时,发现自己没有准备出足够多的鱼来招待客人们,于是他便从冷藏库里取出一方未经发酵过的鱼肉,决定碰碰运气,就用它来招待客人。他发现冷冻过的鱼肉居然保留住了其本身的味道,而细菌则都被杀死了。基于这一发现,洋平发明了两种寿司:一种叫做江户寿司,另一种叫做大阪寿司,因大阪这座城市而得名。   Sushi is usually consumed with hot green tea. gari (thin slices of vinegar pickled ginger root) is offered free and eaten between bites to freshen the palate. two kinds of sauces are usually available: one is soy sauce, which is poured on most kinds of sushi; the other is a thick sweet sauce used on eel. wasabe (hot, green japanese horseradish) can be added to make it spicier.   寿司往往和热乎乎的绿茶一起搭配食用。(餐馆)会供应免费的gari(即细条、醋腌的生姜),在每口之间食用,用来提鲜。一般有两种酱汁佐用:一种是酱油,可以倒在大多数种类的寿司上调味;另一种是浓稠的甜汁,用于搭配鳗鱼寿司食用。山葵(一种绿色的日本辣芥末)可以使寿司的味道更辛辣。   Sushi has taken the world by storm and today is a multi-billion dollar industry. the popularity of sushi continues to rise in that people are looking for healthy food that is quick and easy to make.   如今,寿司已经风靡全球,更成为了一个销售额达数十亿的产业。寿司因其健康以及易做的特性而受到越来越多的人的追捧。   With such incredible popularity as well as the health benefits of eating sushi, it is likely that this food will continue to be a part of everyday life for many more centuries to come.   由于寿司的大受欢迎和食用它所带来的健康益处,这种食物可能会在将来的数百年里继续风行下去,成为人们日常饮食的一部分。

英语美文赏析 埃及艳后克莉奥帕卓传奇故事

这是一位历史上最享盛名的神秘女子:她广播的艳名,她与恺撒、安东尼的两段恋情,她的丰功伟业与远大的政治报负,还有她结束于蛇吻的传奇一生。究竟埃及艳后的真面目如何?她不朽于世的奥秘在哪里?   Three centuries later shortly before the birth of Christ Egypt was still ruled by a living goddess Cleopatra a Greek descended from one of Alexander"s generals. She looked back to the Golden Age of Alexander"s world empire and was determined to do even better herself. Alexander died at the age of 32. By the time Cleopatra was 23 she had gone ever further than Alexander making her entrance into Rome as Queen of Egypt and consort of Julius Caesar the most powerful man in the world. These were plex times. To keep your throne you had to be adaptable ruthless intelligent and a great politician. Cleopatra had all these traits which is why history has provided us with lots of interpretations of Cleopatra. Renaissance poets saw her as a heroine dying for love. And painters alluded to her erotici *** in their bare breasted portrayals of the dying queen. Hollywood reinforced the image of Cleopatra as a vamp starting with Theda Bara"s seductive portrayal in 1917. But who was the real Cleopatra? What did she really look like? We"re in Berlin because this is the best portrait of Cleopatra in the world. There are very few ancient sculptures that are existing. So this is probably as close as we"re ever going to get to how she really looked. She"s rather plain looking isn"t she? Look at her hair. It"s tied up in a simple bun. It"s a classical Greek hairstyle. It"s practical but not exactly designed to captivate a Roman general. We know from ancient sources that her hair was a reddish color wavy. But look at her nose. It"s a little bit too long and hooked at the end. And her mouth is not exactly sensual. She"s not wearing any jewelry. There are no earrings no necklace. This is not the portrait of a femme fatale. The ancient sources tell us she was intelligent witty charming a linguist and along with this she had a tremendous determination. It was this amazing bination of abilities that made Cleopatra the most famous woman in history. It wasn"t her beauty. Women in Egypt had always been powerful: Queen Hatshepsut Nefertiti and now Cleopatra. But during the era of the Ptolemy"s the role of Greek women had changed. They gained an identity apart from that of their hu *** ands or families. Women participated in the arts and civic life and marriage became a union of o people not just o houses. The portraits of the women of this period show strong individuals looking back at you with confidence. They"re almost haunting. Women would not have this power again until the 20th century. Cleopatra was well educated strong minded with ideas of her own and a female. As a intellectual Cleopatra would have been heartbroken: when during fighting beeen Egyptians and Caesar"s Roman troops there occurred one of the greatest tragedies of the ancient world - the burning of the library of Alexandria. It"s sad to think about what was lost in the fire at Alexandria. There are the missing manuscripts of Aristotle and Plato. They were probably there. There was an entire room with editions of Homer. Maybe even there were early manuscripts of the Old Testament which could probably help settle Biblical questions today. Cleopatra was eventually able to replace 200 000 of the manuscripts. Books were very important to her. It"s ironic that today everybody knows her for her beauty but it was her intelligence that was most important asset she had.   耶稣诞生的三百年后,埃及依然在克莉奥帕卓女王的统治下,她是亚历山大大帝手下一名将领的后代。她一面追怀着亚历山大帝国的黄金时期,一面决意自己做得更出色。 亚历山大于32岁驾崩,当时埃及艳后仅23岁,她远行得疆界比亚历山大更远,她以埃及王后和世界上最有权力的人——朱利安·恺撒情人的身份走进罗马。 当时局面非常复杂。要保住王位则必须是一名灵活,无情、机智兼出色的政客。这些特点埃及艳后全部具备,这也解释了为什么我们会从历史上看到关于她的多种不同说辞。文艺复兴时期的诗人将她视成为爱情献身的女英雄。画家们把她描绘为裸胸垂死的贪欲的女王。好莱坞的电影强化了她的 *** 形像——第一部始于桑德·芭拉在1917年媚人的扮演。 可是埃及艳后究竟是什么样的人?她的外貌是怎样的呢? 于是我们来到了柏林,这儿有全世界最好的埃及艳后的肖像。现在仅存的古代雕像已是凤毛麟角,所以这一尊也许能帮助我们尽多地了解她的外貌。她长得挺平常的,是不是?看看他的头发,结的是个简单的髻。这是希腊古典发型。风格朴实,并非特别设计来俘获罗马将领的爱情。 我们从古代资料了解到她的头发是浅红色的,有波纹的。可瞧她的鼻子,是稍有点长的鹰钩鼻。嘴也算不上性感。她不饰带任何珠宝。没有耳环,没有项链。这并非一个性感尤物的相貌。 古代资料还告诉我们,她聪明、诙谐、迷人、精通多种语言,而且,她还具有ue027说囊懔ΑUue433羌ue1ef狭苏庵种植呕ue015ue251龇敲烂玻ue0cd攀沟冒<把藓蟪晌ue01fue319飞献罡菏⒚ue362呐ue1a7浴? 过去,埃及妇女的势力向来不弱,如:哈特谢普苏特女王、奈费尔提蒂女王,以及想在这位克莉奥帕卓女王。但在托勒密王朝时期,希腊妇女的角色改变了。她们取得独立于丈夫和家庭外的身份,参与到艺术和市民生活中,并以两个个人而不是两家人的名义缔结婚姻。这一时期的妇女形象表现除了强烈的个性与自信。那令人印象深刻。21世纪以前妇女们都没有再拥有过这种权力。埃及艳后便是受过良好教育、意志坚强、有自己思想的一位女性。 在埃及人与恺撒的罗马军队作战期间发生了古代一大惨剧——亚历山大图书馆的焚毁。作为一位知识人士,这一悲剧定曾让埃及艳后为之哀恸不已。要说亚历山大图书馆在那次火灾中的损失是令人伤心的。遗失的亚里土多德和伯拉图手稿估计就在其中。有一整个房间里放的是荷马的作品。如果《圣经旧约》的早期文稿没有在那时遗失的话,也许今日我们对《圣经》的许多疑惑已经解开了。 埃及艳后最后找回了二十万册文稿。书籍对她太重要了。讽刺的是她以美貌蜚声于今日世界,而其实智慧才是她最最可贵的资产。


  就业是民生之本,创业是就业之源。创业活动是一个国家或地区经济活力的重要表现,创业活动强度逐步成为衡量一个国家或地区经济潜力与可持续发展能力的核心指标之一。我精心收集了关于创业的英语美文,供大家欣赏学习!   关于创业的英语美文:创业者应拜读的书   ThinkerToys by Michael Michalko   The ability to create is just that -- a developable ability -- that can be learned and improved upon much like any other petency, and the author does just that in this creativity "bible." After all, creativity and opportunity are what emboldens wannabe startup founders to take theplunge into the world of debt known as entrepreneurship. ThinkerToys, and its panion Thinkpad: A Brainstorming Card Deck, offers 33 different exercises and 56 cards that will spark your creativity and inspire the innovation monster within.   Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand   There"s a reason why this book is number one on Amazon and a Hollywood motion picture. While entrepreneuri *** isn"t quite the theme of this book, the lessons of personal sacrifice, survival and resiliency are. After reading this book your perspective on founding a startup may change because if the main character, Louie Zamperini, overcame the challenges and catastrophes he faced, then so can you.   Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a plex World by Gen. ***Ret.*** Stan McChrystal, Chris Fussel, Tantum Collins, and David Silverman   As head of the Joint Special Operations mand ***JSOC***, Gen. ***Ret.*** Stan McChrystal faced an enemy that was constantly changing before his very eyes. In a world of both plicated and plex challenges, how do you stay ahead of the power curve while the world and petition change? This book explains how.   Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler   While this book is pletely visionary, it raises questions and concerns about current industrial and societal trends and where they will lead in the future. From a startup perspective, the global challenges the authors envision also serve as business opportunities. Of note, the authors have a second book entitled Bold ing out in February 2015 that will "teach today"s entrepreneurs the tools, technologies and mindsets they will need to make "it" happen."   关于创业的英语美文:大学生创业   Recently, self-employment has bee a popular idea among youngsters, college graduates in particular. Owing to favorable policies, a large number of graduates launch their own business as the starting line of career. Furthermore, some successful examples have already been reported in the newspapers and Internet.   最近,自我就业已成为青少年流行的观点,特别是大学毕业生。由于有利的政策,一大批毕业生推出自己的业务作为职业生涯的起跑线。此外,一些成功的例子已经报道的报纸和网际网路。   Admittedly, there are several advantages for graduates to bee self-employed. Firstly, the current intense petition for jobs can be eased to a large extent. Besides, it is apparent that young people can broaden their horizon in this process. Even if unsuccessful, they can learn from their failure and enrich their experience. Lastly, the hardship in self-employment enables graduates to be more diligent, which will be of tremendous benefits to their career in the society.   诚然,有毕业生自主创业的几个优点。首先,对于工作当前激烈的竞争在很大程度上可以缓解。此外,很明显,年轻人可以在这个过程中扩大他们的视野。即使不成功,他们可以从他们的失败和丰富的经验。最后,自我就业的困难,使毕业生更勤奋,这将是巨大的利益他们的职业生涯中的社会。作文   As modern college students, not only should we get a good mand of professional knowledge, but also make a clear and reasonable plan for our future career. Personally, I intend to establish my own business after graduation. I am convinced that being self-employed can contribute a lot to my personal development.   作为当代大学生,我们不仅要掌握专业知识,还使我们未来的事业有明确而合理的计划。就我个人而言,我打算毕业后建立自己的事业。我深信,个体可以有助于我的个人发展。   关于创业的英语美文:成功创业故事   It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the most subordinate positions. Many of the leading busines *** en of Pitt *** urgh had a serious responsibility thrust upon them at the very threshold of their career. They were introduced to the broom, and spent the first hours of their business lives sweeping out the office. I notice we have janitors and janitresses now in offices, and our young men unfortunately miss that salutary branch of business education. But if by chance the professional sweeper is absent any morning, the boy who has the genius of the future partner in him will not hesitate to try his hand at the broom. It does not hurt the newest er to sweep out the office if necessary. I was one of those sweepers myself.   Assuming that you have all obtained employment and are fairly started, my advice to you is “aim high”. I would not give a fig for the young man who does not already see himself the partner or the head of an important firm. Do not rest content for a moment in your thoughts as head clerk, or foreman, or general manager in any concern, no matter how extensive. Say to yourself, “My place is at the top.” Be king in your dreams.   And here is the prime condition of success, the great secret: concentrate your energy, thought, and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged. Having begun in one line, resolve to fight it out on that line, to lead in it, adopt every improvement, have the best machinery, and know the most about it.   The concerns which fail are those which have scattered their capital, which means that they have scattered their brains also. They have investments in this, or that, or the other, here there, and everywhere. “Don"t put all your eggs in one basket.” is all wrong. I tell you to “put all your eggs in one basket, and then watch that basket.” Look round you and take notice, men who do that not often fail. It is easy to watch and carry the one basket. It is trying to carry too many baskets that breaks most eggs in this country. He who carries three baskets must put one on his head, which is apt to tumble and trip him up. One fault of the American busines *** an is lack of concentration.   To summarize what I have said: aim for the highest; never enter a bar room; do not touch liquor, or if at all only at meals; never speculate; never indorse beyond your surplus cash fund; make the firm"s interest yours; break orders always to save owners; concentrate; put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket; expenditure always within revenue; lastly, be not impatient, for as Emerson says, “no one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourselves.”   年轻人创业之初,应该从最底层干起,这是件好事。匹兹保有很多商业巨头,在他们创业之初,都肩负过“重任”:他们以扫帚相伴,以打扫办公室的方式度过了他们商业生涯中最初的时光。我注意到我们现在办公室里都有工友,于是年轻人就不幸错过了商业教育中这个有益的环节。如果碰巧哪天上午专职扫地的工友没有来,某个具有未来合伙人气质的年轻人会毫不犹豫地试着拿起扫帚。在必要时新来的员工扫扫地也无妨,不会因为而有什么损失。我自己就曾经扫过地。   假如你已经被录用,并且有了一个良好的开端,我对你的建议是:要志存高远。一个年轻人,如果不把自己想象成一家大公司未来的老板或者是合伙人,那我会对他不屑一顾。不论职位有多高,你的内心都不要满足于做一个总管,领班或者总经理。要对自己说:我要迈向顶尖!要做就做你梦想中的国王!   成功的首要条件和最大秘诀就是:把你的精力,思想和资本全都集中在你正从事的事业上。一旦开始从事某种职业,就要下定决心在那一领域闯出一片天地来;做这一行的领导人物,采纳每一点改进之心,采用最优良的装置,对专业知识熟稔于心。   一些公司的失败就在于他们分散了资金,因为这就意味着分散了他们的精力。他们向这方面投资,又向那方面投资;在这里投资,在那里投资,到处都投资。“不要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里”的说法大错特错。我要对你说:“把所有的鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里,然后小心地看好那个篮子。”看看你周围,你会注意到:这么做的人其实很少失败。看管和携带一个篮子并不太难。人们总是试图提很多篮子,所以才打破这个国家的大部分鸡蛋。提三个篮子的人,必须把一个顶在头上,而这个篮子很可能倒下来,把他自己绊倒。美国商人的一个缺点就是不够专注。   把我的话归纳一下:要志存高远;不要出入酒吧;要滴酒不沾,或要喝也只在用餐时喝少许;不要做投机买卖;不要寅吃卯粮;要把公司的利益当作自己的利益;取消订货的目的永远是为了挽救货主;要专注;要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,然后小心地看好它;要量入为出;最后,要有耐心,正如爱默生所言,“谁都无法阻止你最终成功,除非你自己承认自己失败。”   


  北京作为六朝古都,其反应出的历史价值、 文化 价值,是中华民族悠久历史长河中,辉煌的历史文化的集中展现。我精心收集了关于北京的英语美文,供大家欣赏学习!   关于北京的英语美文篇1   Beijing is an ancient city with a long history. Back in 3000 years ago in Zhou dynasty, Beijing, which was called Ji at the moment, had been named capital of Yan. Thereafter, Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty all made Beijing their capital. Therefore, Beijing was famous for "Capital of a thousand years".   The long history leaves Beijing precious cultural treasure. Winding for several kilometers in Beijing area, the Great Wall is the only man-made structure that could been seen in the space. The Summer Palace is a classic composition of ancient royal gardens, and the Forbidden City is the largest royal palaces in the world. Tiantan is where the emperor used to fete their ancestors, and also the soul of Chinese ancient constructions. The four sites above has been confirmed world cultural heritage by UNESCO. However, the best representatives for Beijing are the vanishing Hutongs and square courtyards. Through hundreds of years, they have become symbol of Beijing"s life. Tian"anmen square being still brilliant today with cloverleaf junctions and skyscrapers everywhere, the old-timey scene and modern culture are combined to present a brand new visage of Beijing.   As Beijing has been confirmed home city of Olympics 2008, the spirit of "green Olympics, scientific Olympics and humanized Olympic" will surely bring more and more changes to Beijing, promote the development of sports and Olympics in China as well as in the world, and strengthen the friendly communications between Chinese and foreign people.   关于北京的英语美文篇2   Beijing is a metropolis in northern China and the capital of the People"s Republic of China. It is one of the four municipalities of the PRC, which are equivalent to provinces in China"s administrative structure. Beijing is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China.   The municipality of Beijing borders Hebei Province to the north, west, south, and for a small section in the east, and Tianjin Municipality to the southeast.   Beijing is China"s second largest city, after Shanghai.   Beijing is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and motorways passing through the city. It is also the focal point of many international flights to China. Beijing is recognised as the political, educational, and cultural center of the People"s Republic of China, while Shanghai and Hong Kong predominate in economic fields. The city hosted the 2008 Olympic Games.   关于北京的英语美文篇3   About Beijing   Beijing has a history of over 3,000 years with a population of nearly 13 million and a lot of places of interest around it. In recent years, the city of Beijing has been advancing very quickly. You can see more museums, parks an shopping centers here and there. More and more highways and overhead walkways have been built up. What"s more, a lot more buses which burn cleaner fuel, such as CNG or LPG, are put into use, to prevent air from being polluted. Water in the rivers is clean again. Wherever you go, you can see green trees, grass and beautiful flowers. All these make life in Beijing more convenient, pleasant and colorful. Beijing is still advancing to the bright future.   关于北京   北京有3000多年的历史,近1300万人口和许多名胜古迹。近年来,北京发展得很快。你能看到更多的博物馆、公园和购物中心,比比皆是。北京已建成越来越多的高速公路和过街天桥。还有,更多的公共汽车投入使用,它们都使用环保燃料,以防空   气受到污染。河水又变得清澈了。无论你走到哪里,你都能看到绿树、青草和美丽的花朵。所有这一切使北京的生活更便利,更怡人,更多姿多彩,北京仍在向着美好的明天迈进。


  朗诵与歌唱同属有声艺术,是紧密联系的。朗诵是歌唱的基础,歌唱近乎于朗诵,是赋予音乐性的朗诵。下面是我带来的经典英语朗诵美文,欢迎阅读!   经典英语朗诵美文篇一   知足Contentment   Contentment is such a rare state of mind that even the wisest men sometimes find it difficult to get. There is no end to what the heart can desire. We may never have all that we want, and we will always be unhappy if we canu2019t be satisfied with what we already have.   知足是一种难得的精神状态,甚至最睿智的人有时也会发现很难达到知足的境界。心中的欲望没有尽头。我们也许不能得到所有想要的。如果我们不能满足于我们已经拥有的一切,我们将会经常郁郁寡欢。   We foolishly ignore our loved one to search for more material possessions, duanwenw.com only to find the joy it brings is temporary. We may lose that loved one we have ignored. We never can tell what will happen tomorrow, so appreciate and treasure people and things around us now.   我们时常愚昧地忽视我们钟爱的事物,去寻求更多物质上的拥有,结果却发现它带来的欢愉只是暂时的。我们可能会因此失去一直忽视的挚爱。我们永远不知明天将如何,所以感激并珍惜今天陪在我们周围的人和物吧。   Disappointment comes when we canu2019t get what we have desired or expected. The way to happiness is to learn how to control our human desires, especially the desire to have more.   当曾经的渴望或期待不能为我们所有时,失望会随之而来。通向快乐的途径是要学会控制我们人性的欲望,尤其是想要更多的欲望。   Someone once said that the constant preoccupation with desires is a sure road to misery. Donu2019t seek for wealth or riches. Instead, seek to be content.   有人曾说过,对欲望一直念念不忘是通往不幸的必然之路。不要追求财富,而要追求知足。   经典英语朗诵美文篇二   充分利用时间Make Full Use of Your Time   When you can only do a little, do it. Soon, youu2019ll have the chance to do a little more, and a little more again, until the job is done.   当你只能完成一点儿工作时,那么就做那一点儿。很快,你就会有机会完成更多一点儿,再多一点儿,直到将全部工作做完。   When you only have a moment or two, make full use of whatever time you have. Even when you canu2019t get all of it done, you can get some of it done.   当你只有一点儿时间时,充分利用你所拥有的时间,无论这段时间有多短。即使你不能在这段时间里完成全部的工作,你也可以完成其中的一部分。   Forget about the time you donu2019t have, and use the time you do have. Instead of worrying about how youu2019ll do it all, duanwenw.com focus on doing what you can do right now.   不要去想你不能空出的时间,而要利用你所拥有的时间。与其为如何做完全部工作而担忧,不如现在就集中注意力来做你能做的部分。   Achievement requires many steps. So take one step each time that you can.   一份工作的完成需要很多个步骤。所以,循序渐进,每次完成你能力范围内的一点儿。   Donu2019t waste your time complaining when interruptions knock you off track. Just get yourself beyond them and get quickly back to work.   当各种干扰使你脱离正常轨道时,不要浪费时间去抱怨,而要超越这些干扰,并尽快返回到工作中。   Do what you can, when you can, as often as you can. Your persisten, consistent efforts will steadily take you where you choose to go.   在你能工作时,尽可能经常地去做你力所能及的事情。你坚持不懈的努力将带你朝着你所选择的方向坚定地前进。   经典英语朗诵美文篇三   你随时可以成功   To solve any problem or to reach your goal, you donu2019t need to know all the answers in advance. But you must have a clear idea of the problem or the goal you want to reach.   解决任何问题或实现目标,都不需要你预先知晓一切答案。但你需要明确知道自己面临的问题和实现的目标   All you have to do is know where youu2019re going. The answers will come to you of their own accord. duanwenw.com Donu2019t procrastinate when faced with a big difficult problem. Break the problem into parts, and handle one part at a time.   你必须知道自己的目的所在,答案才会自然揭晓。面对大问题,不可延迟,要将问题分成若干部分,各个击破。   If you can get up the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed. Itu2019s the job you never start that takes the longest to finish. Donu2019t worry about what lies dimly at a distance, but do what lies clearly ahead.   倘若你有开始的勇气,就一定会有成功的勇气。你从未接触过的工作,需要你花费更多的时间才能完成。切勿为远方朦胧之物而担忧,要做好眼前的明确之事。   Your biggest opportunity is where you are right now. Once you begin youu2019re half done.   你的最大机遇就在你此刻所在的地方。只要开始,就获得了一半的成功。


  阅读是 英语学习 者必须掌握的五种学习技巧之一。在中国的各类英语考试中,阅读都是必不可少的测试项目。下面是我带来的优秀七年级 英语 美文欣赏 ,欢迎阅读!  优秀 七年级英语 美文欣赏篇一   你知道你所向何方吗Do You Know Where You""re Going   Do you know where you"re going to?   Do you like the things that life"s been showing you   Where are you going to?   Do you know?   你知道你所向何方吗?   你喜欢人生所展现给你的东西吗?   你要去何处?   你知道吗?   Do you get what you"re hoping for?   When you look behind you there"s no open doors   What are you hoping for?   Do you know?   你会得到你所盼望的吗?   当你回过头时,你会发现没有敞开的门   你盼望着什么?   你知道吗?   Once we were standing still in time   Chasing the fantasies   That filled our minds   You knew how I loved you   But my spirit was free   Laughing at the questions   That you once asked of me   当我们在时间中站立   追逐着充满心中的幻想时   你知道我如何爱着你   但我的灵魂是自由的   嘲笑着那些   你问过我的问题   Now looking back at all we"ve planned   We let so many dreams   Just slip through our hands   Why must we wait so long?   Before we see   How sad the answers   To those questions can be   看着我们所有的计划   我们让多少梦想   从指尖溜走   为何我们要等待如此之久?   在我们看见   那些问题的答案   能有多么哀伤之前   优秀七年级英语美文欣赏篇二   利用你的新位置Make use of the novelty of your   Make use of the novelty of your position, For people are valued while they are new. Novelty pleases all because it is uncommon, taste is refreshed, and a brand new mediocrity is thought more of than accustomed excellence.   利用你的新位置,当你是位新人的时候,就会受到重视。新鲜事物,人人喜欢,因为它难得一见,令人耳目一新。   Ability wears away by use and become old. However, know that the glory of novelty is short lived after four days respect is duanwenw.com gone. Accordingly, learn to utilize the first fruits of appreciation, and seize during the rapid passage of applause all that can be put to use.   一位资质平平的新人比司空见惯的杰出人士更受人关注。天纵英才会因为不断使用而日渐消磨,变得老气横秋。然而,新奇光环,其命亦短。四天之后,关注不再。   For once the heat of novelty is over, the passion cools and duanwenw.com the appreciation of novelty is exchanged for distaste at the customary. Believe that everything has its season., which soon passes.   因此,要懂得利用人人激爽的初熟之果,在转瞬即逝的喝彩欢呼声中,抓住一切可以利用的机会。一旦新奇的狂热结束,激情就会冷却。人们对新鲜事物的欣赏就会转换为对司空见惯的嫌恶。请相信:万物皆有其时,风光转瞬即逝。   优秀七年级英语美文欣赏篇三   让你的个人品质超过你的职责需求Let your persona   Let your personal qualities surpass the requirements of your office,Do not let it be the other way about.   要让你的个人品质超过你的职责需求。而不是相反。   However high the post, the person should be higher. An extensive capacity extends and dilates more and more as his office becomes higher.   不管职位多高,人应该更高。当你的职位变得越高的时候,你的才能必须越来越广泛的延展扩充。   On the other hand, the narrow-minded will easily lose heart and come to duanwenw.com grief with diminished responsibilities and reputation. The great Augustus thought more of being a great man than a great prince. Here a lofty mind finds fit place, and well-grounded confidence finds its opportunity.   另一方面,心胸狭窄的人很容易灰心丧气。最终因职责和名声的日渐减损而徒自悲伤。   伟大的奥古斯都更看重自己是个伟大的男人。而不是一位伟大的君王。因此。胸怀高原者,总能找到用武之力。基础扎实者必能发现天赐良机。


西方社会时刻都在不遗余力地倡导快节奏。最终导致了我们总是行色匆忙。我们不是按照日历活着,就是被闹钟支配着。小时候我们就懂得了于任何事情都要守时,否则将陷入泥淖。   Western society promotes being busy at all times and at all costs. As a result, it seems that we are always rushing. We live by the calendar and we are run by the clock. We learn early on in life that you had better be on time for things or bad stuff will happen. Be late to turn in your papers and your grade gets lowered. Be late to pay your bills and you get stuck with a penalty. Be late to finish your work and you may be out of a job.   西方社会时刻都在不遗余力地倡导快节奏。最终导致了我们总是行色匆忙。我们不是按照日历活着,就是被闹钟支配着。小时候我们就懂得了于任何事情都要守时,否则将陷入泥淖。迟于交卷会的低分,逾期付款会受到处罚,未按时完成工作还会丢掉饭碗。   As a result many people conclude that time is their enemy. It must be battled and beaten. But there is no permanence in any victory over time — the clock gets reset tomorrow and the calendar at the first of the month, or at the very latest at the first of the year.   结果,多数人就得出了结论:时间是他们的敌人,必须与之战斗和抗衡的敌人。但在这时间之战中,没有永恒的胜利---闹钟会在第二天重置,日历会在下个月,或者最迟来年翻新。   Consider the popular phrase, “Life is too short to __________.” Here are some beauties you hear all the time:   斟酌下面的名句,“人生苦短,_____________”。你随时都会听到诸如此类的美言:   Life is too short to hold on to regret.   Life is too short to work at a job you hate.   Life is too short to play small.   Life is too short to {insert your favorite here}.   人生苦短,切莫后悔。   人生苦短,切莫做你讨厌的工作。   人生苦短,切莫虚行。   人生苦短,{自己填上喜欢的下半句吧}。   Aphorisms like these certainly imply that time is your enemy. However, time is not the reason why you ought to give up regret, revamp your career, or up your game. Even the shortness of life is not the reason. There is an assumption going on here that entirely misses where the real problem lies.   此般格言暗示时间就是你的敌人。但是,它并不是让你杜绝后悔,重振事业或停止玩乐的措辞。即使人生短暂,时间也不能成为那样的措辞。有一个错误假设,才导致了真正的问题所在。   A short life and limited time would be a blessing in these circumstances. After all, the less time one spends in some undesired state, the better. A short amount of regret? Sounds great. A short time at a crummy job? Excellent. A short time of cowering in the corner? What could be better?   在某些情况下短暂的人生和有限的时间是种恩慈。毕竟,一个人在不钟情的事物上花费的时间越少,就越好。偶尔后悔一下?听起来不错。找份工作打点酱油?太棒了。躲在角落里瑟缩一刻?还有什么比这更好?   So let me give you a different way to look at things:   所以允我让你们从另外一个角度去看事情:   “Life is too long to __________.”   “人生漫长,____________。”   When you approach your problems and challenges from this standpoint, time is not onlynot your enemy, it is your best friend. It is because of the abundance of time and life that you are motivated to seek change and transformation. After all, since you are going to be here for some time, don"t you want to make the best of it?   当你站在这个角度去处理问题,克服挑战时,时间非但不是你的敌人,还是你的朋友。因为充足的时间和人生能够激励你去努力做出改变。毕竟,当你已经决定要干一段时间,难道就不想好好地利用它继续干下去吗?   When you have a habit or circumstance that needs fixing, imagine what your life would be like if you delayed taking action to fix it. See yourself a year from now with thisproblem still hanging around. What impact has it had on you? How has it hurt your relationships? What is it doing to you at work? What cost have you paid to your health?


【篇一】关于冬天的英语美文   In winter, the air wave with large snowflakes, not for a moment, then on the ground covered with white snow, people stepped in the thick soft snow, really comfortable ah! The branch also put on the White House jacket, with a string of pearls like ice, in the sun, her tears, with his last time to let people see her shining side. At this time, a few naughty figure on the streets, they wear a thick cotton padded jacket, scarf, hats and gloves, playing in the street. The snowball was flying in the air, and the sound of a child. The people heard the sound of running out, together, enjoying the beautiful scenery, watching the children playing happy scene, laughing and talking, people face exposed happy smile. This is a village - my hometown, how beautiful, harmonious, I love my hometown of winter!   冬天,空中飘舞着鹅毛大雪,不一会儿,地上便铺满了洁白的雪,人们踩在这厚厚的软绵绵的雪上,真舒服啊!树枝也穿上了那白色的棉袄,房屋上结了一串串珍珠似的冰,在太阳的照射下—她流着泪,用自己最后的时光让人们看到她闪闪发光的一面。 这时,街道上出现了几个淘气包的身影,他们穿着厚厚的棉袄,围着围巾,戴着帽子和手套,在街道上玩耍。雪球在空中飞舞着,时不时传来一个孩子的叫声。人们听见这声便跑出来,聚在一起,一边欣赏着美丽的景色,看着孩子们玩耍时快乐的情景,有说有笑,人们的脸上都露出了幸福的笑容。 这是村庄—我的家乡,多么的美丽,和谐,我爱家乡的冬天! 【篇二】关于冬天的英语美文   One morning in the winter, I went to school with my bag and found the fog below.   Oh The fog?! In front of the mountain The grass is green and luxuriant. shy, reluctant to take out the white fog to block. Streets, villages, and pedestrians are shrouded in thick fog, the whole town is the fog of the sea. At first, on the road to see the figure, it was all gray, approached to see the contours of a person. In the street, the car has been raised by the lantern, a flash, and slowly move forward, as if the old man walking night. People walking in the sea of mist, like the fairy The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, seem to be Yu Yunduan. While the fog dispersed, while gather together, while rising, while landing. Everywhere is white, everywhere is white, like a fairy and a white horse in the sky, but also like the myth of "water overflows golden hill". The sun in the sky is so small, the color is very light, very light, only a yellow plate.   In the morning, the fog gradually faded, into a very thin and very thin yarn, in the air floated, sometimes far, sometimes near; sometimes high, sometimes low. This layer of yarn was soon in the hands of the gourd gourd, all gone. Beautiful mountains, tall trees and all the world show their original face. Look, the sun woke up, the sky is smiling to us!   Fog, you have brought us a change, brings the imagination, brings the joy, brings the colorful scenery.   冬天的一个早晨,我背着书包上学,发现楼下的雾可浓了。   哦!下雾了?!前方的青翠欲滴的大山很害羞,不愿意出来,拿白白的雾来遮挡。大街、村庄、行人全被浓雾给笼罩起来了,整个小镇全是雾海。起初在路上还看不见人影,全是灰蒙蒙的,走近了才能看见人的轮廓。在大街上,汽车全提起了灯笼,一闪一闪的,缓缓地向前行驶,仿佛是走夜路的老爷爷。人们在雾海中行走,就像是八仙过海中的仙人一样,似乎置身于云端。大雾一会儿分散开来,一会儿聚拢在一起,一会儿升起,一会儿降落。到处都是乳白色,到处都是白茫茫的,宛如仙女在天上撒下一匹白布,又像是神话中的“水漫金山”。太阳在天上显得是那么弱小,颜色很淡很淡,只有一个黄色的盘子。   上午,浓雾渐渐淡了,变成了一层很薄很薄的纱,在空中飘来飘去,时而远,时而近;时而高,时而低。这层“纱”不久被葫芦娃手中的葫芦收进去了,荡然无存。秀丽的山,高大的树和世界万物又显出它们原有的面容。瞧,太阳睡醒了,正在天上对我们笑哩!   雾,你给我们带来了变化,带来了想象,带来了欢乐,更带来了五彩缤纷的景色。 【篇三】关于冬天的英语美文   Maybe because I was born in this season, so I have a strong desire for her.   In this November, the winter was coming with with vigour and vitality, glaucous, with winter, in cold fog, loitering in the world. Everywhere, there was her trail, and there was a trace of her. The wind -- she is the most reliable men, not when she was ready to let the sun appear before, always let wind blow first. Today, the wind is big and fierce, this strong signal was true, the afternoon, is the sun of heaven and earth. The warm sunshine and summer sun is totally two samples. Do not believe, you see, now the sun, light colors, the sunlight is weak, as it is in the air through a layer of film was shot to the earth. So clear, so warm, covered with mountains, covered with houses, cover me.   My family lived in the school, the school also leaned on the mountain. I sat in front of the desk looked out into the mountains together, and not like flowers to each other, but polite, quietly near. Yes, the cold weather, of course, closer, so that the heating! They will not forget the people, in the foot of the mountain path is left to people. The path with a sluggish stream, all the way to the highway to disperse.   Look, look, look, look, look, as if the cloud is also different. It is different from the past, past the clear sky, white clouds conspicuously reflected in the sky, a cloud, a pile of a pile, see more, they feel monotonous. Who can be called winter or a fancy decoration designer, she will be the clouds scattered into a piece, so thin, so fragile, do not look carefully, really can not find it! Really loud weather, just the clouds, people can understand. It is thin and crisp like clouds, like cakes loose, move, will fall a few pieces. Looking at such delicate decoration, it really makes people feel interesting, think carefully, for fear that the birds inadvertently encountered it, will let this decoration broken, scattered.   Next month, the snow will fall. It will be its best dance mix, ice is the most well behaved children...   也许是因为我出生在这个季节吧,所以对她有着强烈的向往   在这个十一月,冬天又轰轰烈烈的来了,带着白霜,架着冬天,还披着冷雾,在世间游荡。到处都有她的足迹,到处都有她的踪影。冬风――是她最信赖的部下,没当她准备让太阳出现之前,总会让冬风先吹遍大地。今天,风儿又大又猛,这强烈的信号果然灵验,下午,便是太阳下的天地。和煦的阳光与夏季的烈日完全是两个样。不信,你看,现在的太阳,颜色浅淡,阳光也弱,仿佛是在空中透过一层薄膜才射到大地的。那样清晰,那样暖烘烘的,罩着山,罩着房屋,罩着我。   我的家就住在校边,而学校又倚在山前。我坐在窗前的写字台上向外眺望,几座山挤在一起,并不像春花那样互不相让,而是礼貌的,悄悄的靠近。是啊,天冷嘛,当然要靠得近些,以便取暖呗!它们也不会忘记人们,在山脚下的小路就是留给人们通行的。小路伴着行动迟缓的溪流,一直通到公路才分散。   看着,看着,望着,望着,仿佛云儿也不同了。那不同于往日,往日的明朗的天空中,白云显眼地映在空中,一团一团,一堆一堆的,看多了,便觉得单调。可谁叫冬天还是个异想天开的装饰设计师,她将白云散成一片一片的,那么薄,那么脆,不仔细看,还真看发现不了它呢!真是响亮的天气啊,就单单指云,人们也能体会到。那是又薄又脆的云,就像酥饼那样松,动一下,便会落下几片。看着这样娇嫩的装饰,真让人们觉得有趣,觉得小心,生怕鸟儿无意中碰到了它,会让这装饰破碎,散落。   下一个月,雪也会降临。冬风会是它的舞拌,冰会是它最乖巧的小孩…


1、I always have this fear that one day you are going to discover that I"m not as great as you once thought I was. ------ 我总是害怕,有一天你会发现,我没你想的那么好。2、Go for someone who is not only proud to have you, but will also take every risk and chance just to be with you——你要选择的伴侣,不光为拥有你而感到骄傲,而且愿意为了和你在一起,甘愿冒一切风险。3、True Friendship isn"t about being inseparable, it"s being separated and nothing changes。真正的友谊不是形影不离,而是隔得再远,情意却不变。4、Anything is possible. Just don"t give up and believe in yourself, and you"ll make it happen. 任何事都是有可能的。所以别放弃,相信自己,你可以做到的。5、Life is not over, nor ever, no matter what just passed, it will slowly forget.生活没有过去,也没有曾经,不管什么事只要过去了,就会慢慢忘掉。


Dear Arizona 亲爱的亚利桑那: My brother is so lucky. Good stuff is always happening to him. Do you believe in luck? And if so how can I get more of it? 我的兄弟运气特别好,常有好事发生在他身上。你相信运气吗?如果真有运气,我怎样才能得到更多一些呢? —Looking for Luck in Louisiana ——身在路易斯安那寻找好运的人 Dear Looking 亲爱的运气寻觅者: I was eating breakfast with one hand petting my cat Cow with the other and reading the back of the cereal box when—“YOUCH!” I screamed. “Why"d you pinch me?” 我当时正一手吃早餐,一手爱抚着我的猫“牛牛”,同时在看燕麦片盒子背面的信息。就在这时——“哎呦”,我尖叫起来,“你干嘛捏我?” “You"re not wearing green ” said my little brother Tex. “Everyone knows you get pinched if you don"t wear green on Saint Patrick"s Day!” “因为你没穿绿色衣服,”我的小弟弟特克斯说,“人人都知道如果在圣帕特里克节里 *** 绿色衣服就会被捏!” “It"s true ” said my little sister Indi. “这是真的!”我的小妹妹英蒂说。 I was mostly mad about getting pinched but also a tiny bit glad about being reminded that it was Saint Patrick"s Day. 我对自己被掐感到非常生气,但有一点儿值得高兴的是,这提醒了我今天是圣帕特里克节。 I panicked. “What am I going to do? I don"t have time to change. I"ll get pinched all day long!” 我惊慌失措:“我该怎么办?我没时间换衣服了。一整天我都会被人捏的!” “Well ” Tex said taking the old green baseball cap off his head “you could borrow my lucky hat.” “好吧,”特克斯从他头上摘下那顶绿色的旧棒球帽,说,“你可以借我的幸运帽。” “But it"s your favorite!” I said. “但它可是你的最爱。”我说。 “I know ” said Tex. “Just promise to give it back after school.” 我知道,”特克斯说,“只要你答应放学后还给我就行了。” “No problem ” I said glancing in the mirror on my way out the door. “I look like a goofball in this thing!” “没问题,”我说。出门前,我照了照镜子。“戴上这个东西,我看上去就像个傻瓜!” “A lucky goofball!” said Tex. “一个幸运的傻瓜!”特克斯说。 “Hum.” I grabbed my backpack. “Thanks I think.” “嗯,”我抓起书包说道,“好吧,谢谢。” Now before I go on you should know that I"m not an overly superstitious person. I don"t believe that thirteen is an unlucky number or that breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck. I definitely don"t freak out if a black cat crosses my path. And when it es to things like lucky four-leaf clovers and lucky pennies I just never believed in them. 说到这里,你要知道我不是个极其迷信的人。我不认为13是个倒霉的数字,或者打碎镜子会带来7年的厄运。我决不会因为一只黑猫在我面前走过而被吓坏,也决不会相信诸如幸运四叶草、幸运便士这类东西。 Anyway I was racing to catch the school bus and I saw a dollar on the sidewalk! I looked around to see if anyone was looking for it but people just kept stepping on the poor thing so I decided to rescue it. I"d found pennies and nickels before but never a dollar! Then I didn"t miss the bus because the bus was even later than me—which never happens! 不管怎样,当我正拼命追赶校车 时,我看到人行道上有张一美元的钞票!我环顾四周,看看有没人在找它,可人们都相继踩过这个可怜的家伙,所以我决定营救它。以前我捡过便士和镍币,可从没 发现过一美元的钞票。随后,我没有错过校车,因为校车甚至比我还晚到——这是从未发生过的! My luck didn"t stop there. Carlos and Jackson were sitting behind me quizzing each other on spelling words. I turned around and said “You guys know that test isn"t till tomorrow right?” 我的运气并未就此打住。卡洛斯和杰克逊刚好坐在我后面,正相互考单词拼写。我转过头去,说:“你们知道明天才测验,对吗?” “It got switched to this morning ” said Jackson. “Remember? There"s some assembly tomorrow. ” “已经改到今天早上了。”杰克逊说,“记得吗?明天有个大会要开。” “That"s right. I totally fot!” I said. “I"m so lucky that I sat in front of you. If I hadn"t I wouldn"t have found out till it was too late!” I got out my spelling words studied all the way to school. And ended up acing the test! “对哦。我忘得一干二净!”我说,“坐在你们前面我多么幸运啊。不然,到我发现已经晚了。”我拿出要考的单词表来,去学校的一路上,我都在复习。最终,我考了个好成绩。 The minute I got home I gave Tex a gigantic hug. 一回到家,我就给特克斯一个大大的拥抱。 “This is the luckiest hat in the world ” I said. “I"m never taking it off!” “这是世界上最幸运的帽子。”我说,“我永远都不取下来了!” “But you promised to give it back!” said Tex. “但你答应过要还给我的。”特克斯说。 “I know but…” I pretended to try to pull the hat off my head. “I think it"s stuck.” “我知道,但是……”我假装试图把帽子摘下来,“我想它粘住了。” “It is not!” said Tex. “没有!”特克斯说。 “Please-oh-please let me borrow your lucky hat for one more day!” I begged. “求求你把你的幸运帽借我再用一天。”我请求道。 “Tomorrow I"m auditioning for the school play and I need every bit of help I can get.” “明天我要参加学校话剧表演的选角面试,我需要得到所有帮助。” “OK ” said Tex. “One more day. But you"d better be really nice to me.” “好吧,”特克斯说,“再借一天。但你最好真得对我好点。” “I will ” I agreed. “In fact here you can have my lucky dollar!” Tex let out a whoop then started dancing around and waving his gift in the air. “我会的,”我同意道,“这样,我这张幸运美元给你!”特克斯欢呼了一声,接着,他一边在空中挥舞着他的礼物,一边开始在四周跳起舞来。 The next day turned out to be super lucky. My audition couldn"t have gone better. 第二天,我的运气棒极了。我的试演再好不过了。 “Wow Arizona!” said my friend Mareya. “I can"t believe how amazingly you just did! You are so getting a major part in this play!” “哇,亚利桑那!”我的朋友玛瑞娅说,“你刚刚的表演太令人吃惊了,我简直不敢相信!你肯定可以在这部话剧里演主角!” “Thanks! You did really great too!” I said. “But honestly the only reason I did OK is because I had my lucky hat.” “谢谢!你也表演得很棒!”我回答道,“不过,老实说,我表演好全因为我有一顶幸运帽。” “What lucky hat?” asked Mareya. “什么幸运帽?”玛瑞娅问。 “This one ” I said reaching into my backpack where I thought I"d put Tex"s hat since I couldn"t wear it for the audition. But it wasn"t there! “Oh no!” I cried. “It"s gone! What am I going to tell Tex?” “就是这个,”我边说边把手伸进书包里,我以为我把特克斯的帽子放在书包里了,因为我不能戴着它表演。但帽子不在里面!“哦,不!”我喊道,“它不见了!我怎么跟特克斯交代啊?” Mareya helped me look for it. Luckily we found Tex"s hat in my locker. Also luckily I discovered that I could be lucky with or without a goofy-looking cap in my possession. 玛瑞娅也帮我找,幸运的是,我们发现原来帽子放在我的储物柜里了。同样幸运的是,我发现无论戴不戴那顶落入我手中让我看起来滑稽可笑的帽子,我都会有好运。 “So it wasn"t the hat ” said Mareya. “This is just a wild guess but maybe it was all those hours you spent practicing over the past month.” “所以,并不是因为那顶帽子,”玛瑞娅说,“那不过是瞎猜罢了。也许那是你过去一个月里刻苦练习的结果。” “Hmm ” I said. “It"s possible.” “嗯,”我说,“可能是!” So dear Looking I guess you could say that luck is a bination of being prepared believing in yourself…and maybe just a tiny bit of magic! In other words luck may e your way but you have to be ready for it when it does! 所以,亲爱的运气寻觅者,我想你可以说幸运是这样一个组合——做好准备,相信自己……也许再加上一点点的魔法!换言之,幸运也许正向你走来,但在它降临时,你得做好准备! Ciao for now. 写到这里。再见。 Arizona 亚利桑那


  人会有许多梦想,人人都在为梦想而奋斗。梦想都是伟大的,而我的梦想却很小:就是能让自己自食其力。我精心收集了关于奋斗的英语美文,供大家欣赏学习!   关于奋斗的英语美文篇1   Strive for Life   Knowing that life truly is short and can only be lived once is probably the best line of thinking for inspiration. All humans live on a large planet, filled with exciting new experiences,adventures, knowledge, and a wealth of resources to help one with gaining wisdom and knowledge. To realize this and to allow life to take place in this is to responsibly live life. Are all humans bound for foreign lands, foreign thought, or foreign experiences? No. Should all humans hope to experience foreign lands, foreign thought, and foreign experiences? Without question. Having a responsible, reasonable, and mature grasp, mentally, of all that is out there to enhance one"s experience in life, is one of the greatest blessings one can bestow upon himself. For knowing that the tools one has through birth need to be used and practiced with; sharpened and prepared for more difficult and challenging use, does one truly and actively approach living life from a strong foundation.   Why should anyone try to live life in a constant motion towards being greater, being stronger, and being wiser and more educated? Why not? For facing life with arms crossed, brow furrowed, and expectation as a rule is, without question, a waste. Living life is all about striving forward. So why not do what one can, utilizing one"s God-given tools, to bee the greatest individual one can be? Live. Accept. Face. Strive. Truly live.   为生活而奋斗   懂得生命短暂,而且只有一次,就会对生活充满热情。人们生活在一个巨大的星球上,每天都充满著新的历程,学到新的知识,掌握到大量的资源,并以此来获得智慧与知识。认识到这一点,并且如此生活,才是有质量的生活。是不是每个人都要去外国,了解外国人的想法,体验外国的生活呢?不是。但是不是每个人都应当有去外国,了解外国人的想法,体验外国的生活的想法呢?毫无疑问,是的。作为一个有责任心、有理智、有思想、成熟的人,去增长见识无疑是对自己最好的奖赏。因为人天赋的能力应当被使用、被锻炼、被磨砺,为日后所面临的困难和挑战做准备,这就为他积极和真实地面对生活打下坚实的基础。   为什么一个人要变得更伟大、更强壮、更聪明、更有知识呢?为什么不呢?因为如果抱着手、皱着眉地对待生活,那么所有的期望都会化为泡影。生活就是要奋勇前进。所以,为什么不好好地利用上帝赋予我们的能力,尽量变成一个最优秀的人呢?生活、接受、面对、奋斗,这就是真实的生活。   关于奋斗的英语美文篇2   奋斗之心,道古论今,奋斗无界限,万物皆奋斗。   Struggle in the heart of the tao ancient theory, struggle today without limits, and all struggle.   ——题记   - signature   奋斗是人生前进的动力,也是世界万物生存的条件。   Struggle is life, and it is also the driving force of all life conditions.   在我们现实生活中,都会经历不少的挫折,一个人的一生中,绝对不会是一帆风顺,人生的路就如小河一样弯弯曲曲。这个时候,我们应该怎么办呢?是逃避?或投降?还是视而不见?这样都不行,我们需要的是——勇敢的奋斗。   In our real life, will experience many setbacks, a person"s whole life is never problem-free life path as same winding brook. This time, how should we do? Is escape? Or surrender? Or blind? So all not line, we need -- brave struggle.   古今中外成功者必备的武器——奋斗。   Prodect winners necessary weapons -- struggle.   华罗庚说过:“为中华掘起而读书。”这就是奋斗。他之所以成为伟大的数学家,完全是他奋斗的成果。他怀着‘为中华的决心确立了远大的目标,在读书的人生中开创一片数学天地。相信大家都希望如伟人一样成为祖国的栋梁。那么,就需要我们支确立自己的目标,去奋斗。还等什么呢?心动不如行动。快点奋斗人生吧!   Hua luogeng said: "for the Chinese to dig up and reading." This is struggle. He became a great mathematician, was entirely his struggle results. He, with "for the Chinese determination establishes ambitious goals in life, on reading open mathematics heaven and earth. I believe you all want such as great as the beams of our motherland. So, we need to establish their own team goal, to work hard. What are you waiting for? Ctivity. Hurry struggle life!   古代诗人李白,曾经有一句话把奋斗形容得淋漓尽致——“只要有恒心,铁杵麿成针。”小时候是每个人受启发和影响最深的。所以我们应该从小养成奋斗的意识。日后必定成为名扬古今中外的历史人物。   为什么我们只会在困难面前退缩呢?在我们遇到困难是,不是依靠同学吗?甚至依赖父母,这样有用吗?我可以坚决地说:这样是没有用的。很快,五年、四年、三年、不!也许今年就要踏出社会了。   Why do we will only shrink from difficulties? When we encounter difficulties, instead of relying on the clas *** ate? Even depend on their parents, so useful? I can firmly said: "it is useless. Soon, five, four, three, no! Perhaps this will step into the society.   大家都说:“读书是最好的出路。”而我认为奋斗是唯一的出路。不管你的工作是什么,都需要你去奋斗,不然你就是沉睡中的大虫。即将面临死亡也不知道。在社会上,俗话说:“适者生存,不适者淘汰。”这就是时刻提醒我们要奋斗人生。如果没有目标去奋斗就像没有眼睛的苍蝇一样,没有了方向,没哟了目标,东西南北都分不清,这样怎么奋斗呀!所以一定要确定目标再去奋斗。   Everyone said: "reading is the best way." And I think that"s struggle is the only way out. No matter what your job is, need you to strive, otherwise you are sleeping turn. Impending death also does not know. In society, as the saying goes: "the survival of the fittest, sick eliminated." This is always remind us to strive for life. If no goal to strive like no eyes a fly, without direction, not yo the goal, the thing north and south are confused, so how to struggle! So make sure target again go to struggle.   新中国的成功,多少英雄为它而奋斗?包括现在,中国之所以能兴盛起来,是离不开中国 *** 努力的奋斗。   New China"s success, how many heroic fight for it? Including now, China has flourished rises, it is inseparable from the Chinese munist party hard struggle.   关于奋斗的英语美文篇3   Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once. I can do something for twelve hours that would appall me if I had to keep it up for a lifetime.   Just for today I will be happy. This assumes to be true what Abraham Lincoln said,that “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”   Just for today I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my own desires. I will take my “luck” as it es.   Just for today I will try to strengthen my mind. I will study. I will learn something useful. I will not be a mental loafer. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration.   Just for today I will exercise my soul in three ways. I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out: If anybody knows of it, it will not count. I will do at least two things I don"t want to do—just for exercise. I will not show anyone that my feelings are hurt: they may be hurt, but today I will not show it.   Just for today I will be agreeable. I will look as well as I can, dress beingly, talk low, act courteously, criticize not one bit,and try not to improve or regulate anybody but myself.   Just for today I will have a program, I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it. I will save myself from two pests: hurry and indecision.   Just for today I will have a quiet half hour all by myself and relax. During this half hour, sometime, I will try to get a better perspective of my life.   Just for today I will be unafraid. Especially I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful,and to believe that as I give to the world, so the world will give to me.