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关于 忏悔节 的一些英文资料,比如英文介绍忏悔节的由来,各国忏悔节是怎样度过的。。



分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 无 解析: Asian Games The Asian Games, also called the Asiad, is a multi-sport event held every four years among athletes from all over Asia. The games are regulated by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) under the supervision of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Medals are awarded in each event, with gold for first place, silver for second and bronze for third, a tradition which started in 1950. Competitors are entered by a National Olympic Committee (NOC) to represent their country of citizenship. National anthems and flags acpany the medal ceremonies, and tables showing the number of medals won by each country are widely used. In general only recognised nations are represented, but a few non-sovereign countries are allowed to take part. The special case of Taiwan was handled by having it pete as Chinese Taipei, due to disagreements over the political status of Taiwan.The last indoor games (2005 Asian Indoor Games, Bangkok, Thailand) was dominated by People"s Republic of China, Kazakhstan, and Thailand. The last winter games (2003 Winter Asian Games, Aomori, Japan) was dominated by athletes from Japan, South Korea, and the People"s Republic of China. The 15th Asian Games will be held in Doha, Qatar on November 27 to December 15, 2006.


  1974年美国加利福尼亚大学的罗兰和莫莱特发现,大气臭氧层已遭到严重破坏,人类头顶上的一把“伞”已出现空洞,并造成地球温室效应加剧,长期发展下去,将严重影响全球气候、生态平衡和农业生产。此后20多年来,世界各国竞相投入人力、物力,进行氟里昂替代物的研究、开发和推广应用。为唤起公众环境保护意识,联合国规定从1995年起,每年的9月16日为国际臭氧层保护日,在这一天,各成员国相应开展纪念活动。  In 1974, the United States of the University of California, Roland and Mo Wright found that the ozone layer has been severely damaged, the human head of a "umbrella" has been a hole, and cause the earth"s greenhouse effect intensifies, long-term development, will seriously affect the global climate, ecological balance and agricultural production. Thereafter for over 20 years, countries in the world competing to invest manpower and material resources, the alternatives of freon, research, development and promotion of applications. In order to arouse public awareness of environmental protection, the United Nations provides that from 1995 to September 16th, the international ozone layer protection day, in this day, the member states to carry out the commemoration.  1976年4月,联合国环境署理事会决定召开一次“评价整个臭氧层”国际会议之后,于1977年3月在美国华盛顿召开了有32个国家参加的“专家会议”。会议通过了第一个“关于臭氧层行动的世界计划”。这个计划包括监测臭氧和太阳辐射、评价臭氧耗损对人类健康的影响、对生态系统和气候的影响,以及发展用于评价控制措施的费用及益处的方法等,并要求联合国环境署建立一个臭氧层问题协调委员会。这个计划提出了对受控物质生产和使用的控制。  In April 1976, the Council of the United Nations Environment Agency decided to convene an International Conference on the evaluation of the entire ozone layer, in March 1977 in Washington, D.C., 32 countries participated in the expert meeting". The meeting passed the first "world plan for action on the ozone layer". The plan includes monitoring ozone and solar radiation, evaluation of ozone depletion on human health effects, effects on the ecosystem and climate, and development for evaluation of control measures of the costs and benefits of methods and asked UNEP established a ozone layer Coordination Committee. This scheme presents control of the production and use of controlled substances.  1980年,协调委员会提出了臭氧耗损严重威胁着人类和地球生态系统这一评价结论。  In 1980, the Coordinating Committee proposed that ozone depletion is a serious threat to humanity and the earth ecosystem evaluation conclusion.  1981年,联合国环境署理事会建立了一个工作小组,其任务是筹备保护臭氧层的全球性公约。  In 1981, the Council of the United Nations Environment Agency established a working group, which is a global treaty to protect the ozone layer.  经过4年的艰苦工作,1985年3月在奥地利首都维也纳通过了有关保护臭氧层的国际公约——《保护臭氧层维也纳公约》,该公约从1988年9月起生效。这个公约只规定了交换有关臭氧层信息和数据的条款,但对控制消耗臭氧层物质的条款却没有约束力。《公约》的宗旨和原则是正确的,促进了各国就保护臭氧层这一问题的合作研究和情报交流。  After 4 years of hard work, in March 1985 in Austria, Vienna, through the International Convention on the protection of the ozone layer, the Vienna Convention for the protection of the ozone layer, the convention from September 1988 to take effect. This Convention only provides for the exchange of information and data on the ozone layer, but it is not binding on the control of the ozone layer. The purposes and principles of the Convention are correct, and promote the cooperation and exchange of information on the issue of the protection of the ozone layer in various countries.  在《保护臭氧层维也纳公约》的基础上,为了进一步对氯氟烃类物质进行控制,在审查世界各国氯氟烃类物质生产、使用、贸易的统计情况的基础上,通过多次国际会议协商和讨论,于1987年9月16日在加拿大的蒙特利尔会议上,通过了《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》,并于1989年1月1日起生效。  On the basis of the Vienna Convention on the protection of the ozone layer, in order to control the production, use and trade of the world, the Montreal meeting of the world"s Montreal meeting on the basis of the review and discussion of the world.  “蒙特利尔议定书”规定,参与条约的每个成员组织(国家或国家集团)将冻结并依照缩减时间表来减少5种氟利昂的生产和消耗,冻结并减少3种溴代物的生产的消耗。具体情况列表如下:  "Montreal Protocol" provisions, participate in the Treaty of each member organization (country or group of countries) will freeze and in accordance with the timetable for the reduction to reduce 5 kinds of Freon production and consumption, freezing and reduce the consumption of the production of three bromides. Specific circumstances are as follows:  5组氟利昂的大部分消耗量,将从1989年7月1日起,冻结在1986年使用量的水平上;从1993年7月1日起,其消耗量不得超过1986年使用量的80%;从1998年7月1日起,减少到1986年使用量的50%。  Five groups of Freon most consumption will be from July 1, 1989, frozen in 1986 usage level; from July 1, 1993, and its consumption shall not exceed 80% of 1986; from July 1, 1998, reduced to 1986 usage of 50%.  “蒙特利尔议定书”实施后的调查表明,根据议定书规定的控制进程并不理想。  The "Montreal Protocol" after the implementation of the survey showed that the control process is not ideal under the protocol.  1989年3-5月,联合国环境署连续召开了保护臭氧层伦敦会议与“公约”和“议定书”缔约国第一次会议——赫尔辛基会议,进一步强调保护臭氧层的紧迫性,并于1989年5月2日通过了《保护臭氧层赫尔辛基宣言》,鼓励所有尚未参加《保护臭氧层维也纳公约》及《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》的国家尽早参加;同意在适当考虑发展中国家特别情况下,尽可能地但不迟于2000年取消受控氯氟烃类物质的生产和使用;尽可能早地控制和削减其它消耗臭氧的物质;加速替代产品和技术的研究与开发;促进发展中国家获得有关科学情报、研究成果和培训,并寻求发展适当资金机制促进以最低价格向发展中国家转让技术和替换设备。  1989 3-5 month, the United Nations Environmental Protection Agency for the first meeting of the parties to protect the ozone layer and the Helsinki convention, further stressed the urgency of the protection of the ozone layer, and in May 2, 1989 passed the Helsinki Declaration on the protection of the ozone layer and the Montreal protocol on substances of ozone layer, agreed to take appropriate account of the development of the special circumstances, as far as possible to control and reduce the material consumption of ozone; to accelerate the research and development of alternative products and technology; to promote the development of developing countries to obtain information, research and training, and seek The development of appropriate funding mechanisms to facilitate the transfer of technology and equipment to developing countries at the lowest price.  1990年6月20-29日,联合国环境规则署在伦敦召开了关于控制消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书缔约国第二次会议。57个缔约国中的53个国家的环境部长或高级官员及欧共体代表参加了会议。此外,还有40个非缔约国的代表参加了会议。  On June 1990 20-29, the United Nations Environment Agency held a second meeting in London on the Montreal protocol to control the consumption of the ozone layer. The environment ministers or senior officials of the 53 countries of the 57 States and the representatives of the European community participated in the meeting. In addition, there are 40 representatives of non parties to participate in the meeting.  该次大会又通过了若干补充条款,修正和扩大了对有害臭氧层物质的控制范围,受控物质由原来的2类8种扩大到7类上百种。规定缔约国在2000年或更早的时间里淘汰氟利昂和哈龙。  The general assembly has passed a number of supplementary provisions to revise and expand the scope of control of hazardous substances in the ozone layer, controlled substances from the original 8 to 7 kinds of 2 kinds of. The provisions of States parties in 2000 or earlier in the elimination of CFCs and halons.


A zero-emissions vehicle, or ZEV a vehicle that emits no tailpipe pollutants from the onboard source of power.[1][2] Harmful pollutants to the health and the environment include particulates (soot), hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, ozone, lead, and various oxides of nitrogen. Although not considered emission pollutants by the original California Air Resources Board (CARB) or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) definitions, the most recent common use of the term also includes volatile organic compounds, several air toxics, and global pollutants such as carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.[3] Examples of zero emission vehicles include muscle-powered vehicles such as bicycles; electric vehicles, which have no tailpipe; and fuel cell vehicles powered by hydrogen that only emit water.California zero-emissions vehicleThe CARB ZEV program was enacted by the Californian government to promote the use of zero emission vehicles.[4] The program goal is to reduce the pervasive air pollution affecting the main metropolitan areas in the state, particularly in Los Angeles, where prolonged pollution episodes are frequent.[5]The first definition has its origin in the California ZEV rule, adopted as part of the 1990 Low-Emission Vehicle (LEV I) Program mandated by CARB.[5][6] The ZEV regulation has evolved and been modifed several times since 1990, and several new partial or low-emission categories were created and defined as follows:[2][6][7][8]LEV (Low Emission Vehicle): The least stringent emission standard for all new cars sold in California beyond 2004. ULEV (Ultra Low Emission Vehicle): 50% cleaner than the average new 2003 model year vehicle. SULEV (Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle): These vehicles emit substantially lower levels of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides and particulate matter than conventional vehicles. They are 90% cleaner than the average new 2003 model year vehicle. PZEV (Partial Zero Emission Vehicle): Meets SULEV tailpipe standards, has a 15-year / 150,000 mile warranty, and zero evaporative emissions. These vehicles are 80% cleaner than the average 2002 model year car. AT PZEV (Advanced Technology PZEV): These are advanced technology vehicles that meet PZEV standards and include ZEV enabling technology. They are 80% cleaner than the average 2002 model year car. ZEV (Zero Emission Vehicle): Zero tailpipe emissions, and 98% cleaner than the average new 2003 model year vehicle. The Low-Emission Vehicle Program is currently under revision to define modificated ZEV regulations for 2015 models.[6][9][10][edit] Other definitionsOther countries might have a slightly different definition of ZEV, noteworthy the more recent inclusion of greenhouse gases, as many European rules now regulate carbon dioxide CO2 emissions.CARB role in regulating greenhouse gases began in 2004 based on the 2002 Pavley Act (AB 1493), but blocked by lawsuits and by EPA in 2007, by rejecting the required waiver. Additional responsibilities were granted to CARB by California"s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32), which includes the mandate to set low-carbon fuel standards.[5][edit] Types of zero-emission vehiclesGeneral Motors EV1, a battery electric vehicle, now retracted from the market. The Nissan Leaf electric car will be launched in the market by the end of 2010. Miles Electric Vehicles, XS500 future full electric vehicle capable of 80mph, estimated price of $35,000.Ordinary bicycles, recumbent bicycles, and other derivatives as velomobiles, cabin cycles and freight bicycles are probably the most well known zero-emissions transport surface vehicles.Besides these human-powered vehicles, animal powered vehicles and battery electric vehicles (which besides cars also feature aircraft, electric boats, ...) also do not emit any of the above pollutants, nor any CO2 gases during use. Of course, this is a particularly important quality in densely populated areas, where the health of residents can be severely affected. However, the production of the fuels that power ZEVs, such as the production of electricity or hydrogen from a coal-fired power plant, may produce more or less emissions per mile than the emissions produced from a conventional gasoline powered vehicle, depending on the energy source. A well-to-wheel life cycle assessment is necessary to understand the emissions implications associated with operating a ZEV.Other zero emission vehicle technologies include plug-in hybrids (eg ICE/electric battery) when in electric mode, some plug-in hybrids in both recharging and electric mode (eg fuel cell/electric battery], compressed air engine/electric battery), liquid nitrogen vehicles, hydrogen vehicles (utilizing fuel cells or converted internal combustion engines), and compressed air vehicles typically recharged by slow (home) or fast (road station) electric compressors, flywheel energy storage vehicles, solar powered cars, and tribrids.Segway Personal Transporters are two-wheeled, self-balancing, battery-powered machines that are eleven times more energy-efficient than the average American car. Operating on two lithium-ion batteries, the Segway PT produces zero emissions during operation, and utilizes a negligible amount of electricity while charging via a standard wall outlet.[11]Finally, especially for boats (although ground vessels operating on wind exist) and other watercraft, regular and special sails (as rotorsails, wing sails, turbo sails, skysails exist that can propel it emissionless. Also, for larger ships (as tankers, container vessels, ...), nuclear power is also used (though not commonly).[edit] Current vehicles in common public transportElectric trains, High-speed rail, subways, sail-powered boats, trolleybuses, trams, electric buses, and cycle rickshaws.[edit] Current vehicles in common private transportElectric cars, electric boats, sail-powered boats, bicycles, recumbent bicycles, velomobiles, cabin cycles, freight bicycles[edit] Incentives This section requires expansion. [edit] Subsidies for public transportJapanese public transport is being driven in the direction of zero emissions due to growing environmental concern. Honda has launched a conceptual bus which features exercise machines to the rear of the vehicle to generate kinetic energy used for propulsion.Due to the stop-start nature of idling in public transport, regenerative braking may be a possibility for public transport systems of the future. After all, public transport costs councils money, so money well spent on saving fuel is money saved.[edit] Subsidies for development of electric carsIn an attempt to curb carbon emissions as well as noise pollution in South African cities, the South African Department of Science & Technology (DST), as well as other private investments, have made US$5 million available through the Innovation Fund for the development of the Joule. The Joule is a six seater car, planned to be released in 2010 哥不想查了,图片你找不到啊?


Sabah is one of the 13 member states of Malaysia, and is its easternmost state. It is located on the northern portion of the island of Borneo. It is the second largest state in the country after Sarawak, which it borders on its southwest. It also shares a border with the province of East Kalimantan of Indonesia in the south. The capital of Sabah is Kota Kinabalu, formerly known as Jesselton. Sabah is often referred to as "The Land Below The Wind", a phrase used by seafarers in the past to describe lands south of the typhoon belt. The western part of Sabah is generally mountainous, containing the three highest mountains in Malaysia. The most prominent range is the Crocker Range which houses several mountains of varying height from about 1,000 metres to 4,000 metres. At the height of 4,095 metres, Mount Kinabalu is the highest mountain in Malay Archipelago (excluding New Guinea) and the 10th highest mountain in political Southeast Asia. The jungles of Sabah are classified as tropical rainforests and host a diverse array of plant and animal species. Kinabalu National Park was inscribed as a World Heritage Site in 2000 because of its richness in plant diversity combined with its unique geological, topographical, and climatic conditions.Lying nearby Mount Kinabalu is Mount Tambuyukon. With a height of 2,579 metres, it is the third highest peak in the country. Adjacent to the Crocker Range is the Trus Madi Range which houses the second highest peak in the country, Mount Trus Madi, with a height of 2,642 metres. There are lower ranges of hills extending towards the western coasts, southern plains, and the interior or central part of Sabah. These mountains and hills are traversed by an extensive network of river valleys and are in most cases covered with dense rainforest.The central and eastern portion of Sabah are generally lower mountain ranges and plains with occasional hills. Kinabatangan River begins from the western ranges and snakes its way through the central region towards the east coast out into the Sulu Sea. It is the second longest river in Malaysia after Rajang River at a length of 560 kilometres. The forests surrounding the river valley also contains an array of wildlife habitats, and is the largest forest-covered floodplain in Malaysia.Other important wildlife regions in Sabah include Maliau Basin, Danum Valley, Tabin, Imbak Canyon and Sepilok. These places are either designated as national parks, wildlife reserves, virgin jungle reserves, or protection forest reserve.Over three quarters of the human population inhabit the coastal plains. Major towns and urban centres have sprouted along the coasts of Sabah. The interior region remains sparsely populated with only villages, and the occasional small towns or townships.Beyond the coasts of Sabah lie a number of islands and coral reefs, including the largest island in Malaysia, Pulau Banggi. Other large islands include, Pulau Jambongan, Pulau Balambangan, Pulau Timbun Mata, Pulau Bumbun, and Pulau Sebatik. Other popular islands mainly for tourism are, Pulau Sipadan, Pulau Selingan, Pulau Gaya, Pulau Tiga, and Pulau Layang-Layang.


The mountain a red flag of the China river, Central plains inside the outside is all the brothers. It is not easy to roll the north to become solid the south, Read aloud the early times, The years should have the . Everyone"s great occasion of nation is happy, to the poem a pair of scrolls good thread of ideas in writing cloth dress king and his ministers.A happy peace and health, warm and warm and fragrant joke voice[ son of Net friend"s communication, gather the communication guild together[ jade tree] The gentleman big country, meet the big country forum mutually finish .The spot bamboo special subject, a plan theory of the total business college[ the theory] .Novice"s emotion, flow into the emotion timespace[ armstrong] High companion big country, ascend the big country forum together[ the leaf matches the diagram of ]The scholar boating, gather the boating lake front totally[ my life is such affectionate.






National Day; 2019年10月01日 星期二 (己亥年(猪年)九月初三,始于1949年10月1日,距今70周年)公历1949年10月1日是国庆节,法定节假日。1949年12月3日,中央人民政府规定每年10月1日为国庆日,并以这一天作为宣告中华人民共和国成立的日子。国庆节是由一个国家制定的用来纪念国家本身的法定假日。它们通常是这个国家的独立、宪法的签署、元首诞辰或其他有重大纪念意义的周年纪念日;也有些是这个国家守护神的圣人节。虽然绝大部分国家都有类似的纪念日,但是由于复杂的政治关系,部分国家的这一节日不能够称为国庆日,比如美国只有独立日,没有国庆日,但是两者意义相同。


The Tibetan antelope is a medium-sized bovid which is about 1.2 metres (4 feet) in height. It is native to the Tibetan plateau including China"s Tibet Autonomous Region, Qinghai province, and Xinjiang province; India near Ladakh and formerly western Nepal. The Tibetan antelope is also known commonly by its Tibetan name chiru. The coat is grey to reddish-brown, with a white underside. The males have long, curved-back horns which measure about 50 cm (20 inches) in length.Despite its classification in the Antilopinae subfamily, recent morphological and molecular evidence suggests that the Chiru is more closely allied to goats and the subfamily Caprinae (Gentry 1992, Gatesy et al. 1992, Ginsberg et al. 1999).Tibetan antelope are gregarious, sometimes congregating in herds hundreds strong. The females migrate up to 300 km yearly to calving grounds in the summer where they usually give birth to a single calf, and rejoin the males at the wintering grounds in late autumn (Schaller 1998). Chirus live on the high mountain steppes and semi-desert areas of the Tibetan plateau such as Kekexili, where they feed on various forb and grass species. The average life span is about eight years.Tibetan antelope are listed as endangered by the World Conservation Union and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service due to commercial poaching for their underwool, competition with local domesticated herds, and the development of their rangeland for gold mining. The Chiru"s wool, known as shahtoosh, is warm, soft and fine. The wool can only be obtained by killing the animal; Its numbers have dropped accordingly from nearly a million (estimated) at the turn of the 20th century to less than 75,000 today. The numbers continue to drop yearly. The struggle to stop illegal antelope hunting was portrayed in the 2004 film, Kekexili: Mountain Patrol.


Tigers (Latin:Panthera tigris, of Iranian origin: tighra) are mammals of the Felidae family and one of four "big cats" in the Panthera genus. They are predatory carnivores and the largest and most powerful of all living cat species. The Indian Subcontinent is home to more than 80% of the wild tigers in the world. Tigers breed well in captivity, and the captive population in the United States may rival the wild population of the world. Most tigers live in forests and grasslands (for which their camouflage is ideally suited). Among the big cats, only the tiger and jaguar are strong swimmers; tigers are often found bathing in ponds, lakes, and rivers. Tigers hunt alone and eat primarily medium-sized herbivores such as deer, wild pigs, and buffalo. However, they will also take larger or smaller prey on occasion. Humans are the tiger"s only serious predator and often kill tigers illegally for their fur or penises. Their bones and nearly all body parts are used in Chinese Medicine for a range of purported uses including pain killers and aphrodisiacs. Poaching for fur and destruction of habitat have greatly reduced tiger populations in the wild, and it has been placed on the endangered species list.





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药品的稳定性是指原料药及制剂保持其物理、化学、生物学和微生物学的性质,通过对原料药和制剂在不同条件(如温度、湿度、光线等)下稳定性的研究,掌握药品质量随时间变化的规律,为药品的生产、包装、贮存条件和有效期的确定提供依据,以确保临床用药的安全性和临床疗效。 稳定性研究是药品质量控制研究的主要内容之一,与药品质量研究和质量标准的建立紧密相关。稳定性研究具有阶段性特点,贯穿药品研究与开发全的过程,一般始于药品的临床前研究,在药品临床研究期间和上市后还应继续进行稳定性研究。 本文为一般性原则,具体的试验设计和评价应遵循具体问题具体分析的原则。 The drugs stability is refers to the bulk drugs and the preparation maintains its physical, chemistry, the biology and the microbiology nature, through to the bulk drugs and the preparation in the dissimilar condition (for example temperature, humidity, optical fiber and so on) the downward stability research, grasps the drugs quality along with the time variation rule, for the drugs production, the packing, the storing condition and the term of validity determination provides the basis, guarantees the clinical medication the security and the clinical curative effect. the investigation into stability is one of drugs quality control research primary coverages, with drugs quality research and quality specification establishment close related. The investigation into stability has the gradual characteristic, the penetration drugs studies and develops the entire process, before generally begins in the drugs clinical to study, after drugs clinical research period and going on the market should also continue to conduct the investigation into stability. this article is the general principle, the concrete experimental design and appraises should follow the concrete question concrete study the principle希望采纳


lingerie 指女性内衣, 包括胸围pyjama 是睡衣女性内衣平时都会穿, 睡衣只在晚上穿, 是不一样的


[edit] Plot Roger, Anita and their canine clan are packing for the big move to Dalmatian Plantation, a home in the country with plenty of room for the 101 pups and far from the clutches of Cruella de Vil. The feistiest pup, Patch, feels lost in a sea of spots and longs to be a one-of-a-kind wonder dog like his TV hero, Thunderbolt. While watching the Thunderbolt Adventure Hour, Patch hears about a chance to appear on the show while it"s filming in London. However, the family move will interfere with Patch"s opportunity - until he"s accidentally left behind in the commotion. Patch heads for the audition to meet his hero. Meanwhile, Thunderbolt"s "trusty" sidekick, Lightning (voiced by Jason Alexander), tells Thunderbolt the producers want to replace him with a younger dog. In order to save his job, Thunderbolt decides he will go into the real world and perform an act of true heroism to prove himself. A veritable reference book to Thunderbolt"s many adventures, Patch provides the perfect guide for the TV star in his attempts at real-life heroics. As for Cruella - she"s back and more obsessed with Dalmatians than ever. At first, she"s able to calm her frenzy through an affiliation with a spot-fixated German artist known as Lars, voiced by Martin Short. But then she"s back to her old ways fed up with the artist and deciding to go back to her old ways stealing puppies to make a spotted puppy fur-coat. To do so, she gets bail for Horace and Jasper in prison and soon puppies are being snatched away like last time. Patch and Thunderbolt soon discover the sinister Lightning"s plans to eliminate Thunderbolt! The other puppies soon go searching for Patch high and low. Then when they successfully find him they are all confronted by Cruella, Horace, Jasper, Lightning. Thunderbolt saves them proving his worth and staying lead-role on the show. Lightning is shunned but Cruella, Horace and Jasper aren"t through. They all end up in a lake thanks to Patch. Cruella finally cracks and goes insane over the puppies and her fur-coat. She is taken away to an asylum never to be seen or heard from again, Lightning is fired and has to live on the streets and Horace and Jasper then said that Cruella made them do it are now into art (according to picture during the ending credits). They all go back to Dalmation Plantation.


这个比较多,我就发到你邮箱里去了,注意查看附件介绍飞机结构主要飞机部件(这个很系统的讲,比较不错)Aircraft Structure - An introduction to major airplane componentsAccording to the current Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 1, Definitions and Abbreviations, an aircraft is a device that is used, or intended to be used, for flight. Categories of aircraft for certification of airmen include airplane, rotorcraft, lighter-than-air, powered-lift, and glider. Part 1 also defines airplane as an engine-driven, fixed-wing aircraft heavier than air that is supported in flight by the dynamic reaction of air against its wings. This webpage provides a brief introduction to the airplane and its major components.Major componentsAlthough airplanes are designed for a variety of purposes, most of them have the same major components.The overall characteristics are largely determined by the original design objectives. Most airplane structures include a fuselage, wings, an empennage, landing gear, and a powerplant.