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帮忙写一个英文小作文,感谢信(Letters of Thanks)

Dear Mr.Harry: I am so grateful and excited after I got your invitation letter to dinner.And I enjoyed the dinner very much last night that I would never forget.I was really moved by the hospitality of you and your family.With the feeling in my heart,I will treasure the friendship between us and value the long-established relationship with your pany.I am sure that we will certainly have a bright future in our co-operation.I really look forward to increasing business in the ing years. Let"s joint together and continue our relationship. Thank you again! Best Wishes! Sincerely Yours,xxx


以下介绍了很多美食,lz可以根据自己的熟悉程度和喜欢程度,选择其中一种或几种美食来写这篇作文.美味的小笼包 常听人们说小笼包美味可口,我却从没尝过,也不知是啥味道.这天下午,爸爸妈妈带我来到小笼包子店让我开开眼界,饱饱口福.那天终于如愿以偿了.小笼包一个个白生生,皮薄薄的,里面好象有一包汁水在,小笼包小巧玲珑,形似宝塔,呈半透明壮,晶莹透黄,宝塔顶上一阵阵香气随风四溢,形状也和包子差不多,难怪叫小笼包.小笼包以上一般都是一笼里面有十个,每个都是圆鼓鼓的像一个个小雪球似的,只不过上面有一个凹凸不平的地方,还没上来我就被这香气熏得如痴如醉了.真恨不得把整个蒸好的小笼包一口吞掉. 一笼小笼包上来了,我坐在椅子上,刚蒸完的小笼包发出了一丝淡淡的香气息.一闻到这种香气息,我就忍不住要去大口大口的吃它了.刚夹起一个 “小胖墩”塞进嘴里,它就开始反 抗. 我这时肚子正饿得咕咕叫,恨不得将嘴巴变大,把四笼小笼包一口吞下去.于是我就用筷子小心翼翼地夹起小笼包,因为轻咬了一小口,汁水就像千军万马往我嘴里奔跑.我把它沾一点醋,轻进我的嘴里,肉馅又松又软,只要一嚼,它的肉就一下子松了下来,鲜美无比 妈妈说:“吃小笼包应该先醮点醋,轻轻咬一个洞,把里面鲜美的汤汁吸干,再吃皮和肉.小笼包的美味精华就在汤汁里.我按照妈妈的方法吃,汤汁鲜、皮薄肉嫩,真是好吃极了.果然,小笼包一会儿不吃不知道,一吃忘不了.我狼吞虎咽地吃了起来.它的肉非常十足,咬一口鲜鲜的,浓浓的,咸咸的,让你吃了还想吃.于是我又缠着妈妈去买一客,当阿姨笑盈盈端来后,我又怎能放过呢?吃了一个又一个,在吃得满口流香,砸咂嘴,不住称赞道:“美!真是美味之极.”一眨眼,又被我消灭了,摸了摸鼓鼓的小肚子,添添嘴,余兴未了. 怎么样,心动了?西东不如行动,去吃吃你们家乡的小笼包吧! 油炸臭豆腐


  父亲节 Father"s Day    Father"s Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood. Father"s Day was first born in 1910 in the United States. It was proposed by a lady when she was celebrating Mother"s Day. Many countries celebrate it on the third Sunday of June, but it is also celebrated widely on other days. The celebrations are often related to gifts giving and family dinners. On Father"s Day, people choose specific flowers to respect for his father. In China, because of the national character, few people wear flowers to show his respect for his father and there is no large celebrations. But on the influence of the west, there are a growing number of people celebrate this holiday and tell their love to fathers.  父亲节是纪念父亲和表彰父爱的庆祝。父亲节于1910年诞生于美国,是以为女士庆祝母亲节的时候提出来的。很多国家在六月的第三个星期天庆祝父亲节,但是也有很多国家在其他日子庆祝。庆祝通常和送礼物及家庭聚餐有关。在父亲节这一天,人们选择送花以表示对父亲的尊敬。在中国,由于传统特色,很少人送花来向父亲表示尊敬,也没有大的庆祝。但是受西方的影响,越来越多的人开始庆祝这一节日,向父亲表达他们的爱。