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NBA LIVE 2004 RYFF 6.0下载地址

那你直接打开迅雷、旋风或者优蛋的软件,输入NBA LIVE 2004 RYFF 6.0查找不就好了,一般那样找出来的地址都是可以下载的

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你好,我可以给你,是你要的nba live 2004 ryff 6.0(不是04的原版,是你要版本) 地址是纳米的,绝对能下 http://d.namipan.com/d/NBA%20Live2004.iso/b2f002cc616b85ff4a34d09391d7521adbe29a8100d0db2d 官网的说,有保证 有事的话在M

nba live2004 ryff 6.0游戏运行问题

朋友,新年快乐,祝你玩的开心!这是你下载的“游戏软件”和电脑中的“内存”有冲突了!(答案原创,引用请说明作者:力王历史)我给你10套方案调试!1.去网上下载一个“read修复工具”修复一下,游戏就可以玩了(注意,查杀一下病毒与木马,网上有的“read工具”,有病毒与木马)!2.电脑里有木马或病毒干扰,下载“360安全卫士”和“360杀毒双引擎版”,建议“全盘扫描”病毒和木马,修补电脑上的漏洞!3.你下载的“播放器”,或“聊天软件”,或“IE浏览器”,或“游戏”的程序不稳定,或者“版本太旧”!建议卸掉,下载新的,或将其升级为“最新版本”!4.就是你安装了两款或两款以上的同类软件(如:两款播放器,两款qq,或多款浏览器,多款杀毒软件,多款网游等等)!它们在一起不“兼容”,卸掉“多余”的那一款!5.卸载方法:你在电脑左下角“开始”菜单里找到“强力卸载电脑上的软件”,找到多余的那款卸掉! 卸完了再“强力清扫”!或者“360安全卫士”,“软件管家”,点开,第4项:“软件卸载”,点开,找到“多余”和“类似”的软件卸载!如:“播放器”,点开,留下“暴风”,卸载“快播”!如:“下载”:点开,留下“迅雷”,卸载“快车”!(看准了再卸,别把有用的卸了)!6.如果以上方法不行,打开“360安全卫士”,“查杀木马”里的:“360系统急救箱”!急救系统,删除“可疑启动项”与木马,立即重启!再来到“文件恢复区”,彻底删除文件!“系统修复”,全选,立即修复!“网络修复”,开始修复,重启电脑!7.再不行,开始菜单,运行 ,输入cmd, 回车,在命令提示符下输入(复制即可) :for %1 in (%windir%system32*.ocx) do regsvr32 /s %1 粘贴,回车,再输入:for %1 in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1回车!直到屏幕滚动停止为止,重启电脑!8.下载:驱动人生,更新“显卡驱动”!9.下载合适的游戏补丁,不行,只能更换游戏版本!10.实在不行,重装游戏,或还原系统!或重装系统!

NBA Live 04 RYFF v5.5进了去,就是玩什么都玩不了呢?


关于NBA Live 04 RYFF



RYFF心理幸福感量表2012-04-11 23:31提问者:匿名|浏览次数:195次如题 急寻 高分我来帮他解答图片符号编号排版地图您还可以输入9999 个字您提交的参考资料超过50字,请删除参考资料:匿名提交回答回答共1条2012-04-13 09:57心里面的手|十二级Ryff 心理幸福感量表请仔细阅读下面的题目。根据自己目前的情况,在符合自己情况的相应数字上划圈。你的回答没有对与错,好与坏。我们承诺,对你的回答给以保密。谢谢你的合作!1.非常反对 2、颇为反对 3、有点儿反对 4、有点儿赞同 5、颇为赞同 6、非常赞同1. 多人都认为我是个既亲切又有爱心的人。2. 有时候,我会改变自己的行为或思想方式去迎合周围的人。3. 总的来说,我认为我能够把握自己的生活。4. 对那些能扩展自己眼界的活动,我都不感兴趣。5. 每当我想到我过去所做的事情和将来希望做的事情时,我都感觉良好。6. 每当我回顾自己的过去时,我对那些经历和结果都感到满意。7. 对我来说,与人保持亲密的关系很困难,而且令我感到沮丧。8. 即使与多数人的意见分歧,我也不怕发表自己的意见。9. 每天的生活需求经常令我感到沮丧。10. 总的来说,随着时间的流逝,我不断地加深对自己的认识。11. 我得过且过,从未真正的思考过未来。12. 总括来说,我对自己是肯定的,并对自己充满信心。13. 我常常感到寂寞,因为很少亲密好友能与我分忧。14. 我的决定很少受他人影响。15. 我很难融入周围的人及环境。16. 我是那种喜欢尝试新事物的人。17. 我倾向于关注当前,因为未来总是给我带来麻烦。18. 我觉得我认识的许多人在生活中得到的比我多。19. 我很喜欢与家人或朋友作深入的沟通,彼此了解。20. 我比较在意别人对我的看法。21. 我对于日常生活中许多职责都处理得很好。22. 我认为现在的生活方式很好,不需要再作新的尝试。23. 我的人生有方向和目标。24. 若有机会,我愿意在很多方面改变自己。25. 我认为当好友向我诉说他们的烦恼时,做一个好的聆听者是最重要的。26. 我觉得对自己满意比获得他人的赞同更重要。27. 我常常被自己的所承担的责任压得喘不过气来。28. 我认为,获得新经验是十分重要的。这些经验可以挑战我们对自己和对世界的既定看法。29. 我的日常活动看起来既琐碎又微不足道。30. 我对自己的性格大致感到满意。31. 很少人愿意听我倾诉心事。32. 我很容易被那些很有主见的人影响。33. 假如我不满意现状,我会努力想办法去改变它。34. 回顾过去,我觉得自己并没有很大的改进。35. 我不太清楚自己的人生目标是什么。36. 虽然我曾经做过一些错误的决定,但事情发展到最后还是不错的。37. 我觉得从友谊中获益匪浅。38. 别人很难说服我去做我不想做的事。39. 一般来说,我能妥善处理个人财政及个人事务。40. 我认为无论任何年纪的人都能继续成长与发展。41. 我以前常常为自己定下目标,但现在觉得那是在浪费时间。42. 到目前为止,在很多方面我对自己在生活中获得的感到失望。43. 我觉得大多数的人比我有更多的朋友。44. 我觉得迎合他人比坚持自己的原则更重要。45. 我因未能应付每天必须做的事情而感到很大的压力。46. 随着时间的流逝,我对生活有很多感悟,这使我成为一个更加坚强,更有能力的人。47. 我喜欢为将来定下计划并努力去实践。48. 大致上,我对自己和所过的生活都感到骄傲。49. 人们认为我是一个肯付出并且愿意和他人分享自己的时间的人。50. 即使与人们的观点相悖,我仍然坚信自己的观点。51. 我善于灵活安排时间,以便完成所有工作。52. 随着时间的流逝,我感到自己成长了很多。53. 我能积极主动地完成自己制定的计划。54. 我羡慕许多人所过的生活。55. 我很少与别人有彼此关怀、互相信任的关系。56. 对我来说很难在有争议的问题上发表自己的见解。57. 虽然我每天都很忙碌,但是能够处理好每一件事使我感到满意。58. 我不喜欢那些需要我改变以往处事方式的新环境。59. 有些人生活没有目标,但我不是这样的人。60. 我对自己的态度可能没有其它人的积极。61. 当谈及友谊时,我常感到与我无关。62. 我常因朋友或家人反对而改变我的决定。63. 因为我从未能完成我决心要做的事,所以当我制定每天的活动计划时,我常感到很沮丧。64. 对我来说,生活是一个不断学习、变化和成长的过程。65. 有时我感到已经做完了一生中所有要做的事情。66. 我醒来经常对自己的生活感到失望。67. 我和我的朋友都认为我们之间是可以互相信任的。68. 我不是那种会因社会压力而改变自己思想或行为的人。69. 我在社交活动和建立人际关系上所付出的努力是相当的成功的。70. 我很高兴看到自己的思想有所改变并日趋成熟71. 我的人生目标为我带来的满足感多于挫折感。72. 过去的日子有好有坏,但一般来说,我并不想改变它。73. 我很难敞开心扉跟别人沟通。74. 我很在乎别人如何评价我在生活中所作出的各种选择。75. 我难以用一种令我满意的方式来安排生活。76. 我早就不想对自己的生活作出重大的改善或改变了。77. 每当回想起我人生中所完成的事,我就感到很满意。78. 当我把自己和朋友、熟人相比时,我的自我感觉良好。79. 我和朋友都能够互相体谅对方的难处。80. 我不是按别人的标准,而是按自己认为重要的标准来衡量自己。81. 我已按照自己喜欢的方式营建家庭和生活方式。82. “老来不学艺”这句话说得很有道理。83. 总的来说,我不确定我的生活是否充实。84. 每个人都有他的弱点,但是我的弱点似乎比别人多。自主性2*,8,14,20*,26,32*,38,44*,50,56*,62*,68,74*,80掌控环境3,9*,15*,21,27*,33,39,45*,51,57,63*,69,75*,81个人成长4*,10,16,22*,28,34*,40,46,52,58*,64,70,76*,82*与别人积极的关系1, 7*,13*,19,25,31*,37,43*,49,55*,61*,67,73*,79生活目标5,11*,17*,23,29*,35*,41*,47,53,59,65*,71,77,83*自我接纳6,12,18*,24*,30,36,42*,48,54*,60*,66*,72,78,84**为倒记分答 题 纸学校: 所学专业: 学历: 年级:性别:1、男 2、.女 学习成绩: 1、优秀 2.、良 3、 中等 4、.一般家庭来源:1、城市 2、县城 3、农村 是否是独生子女 1、是 2、否父亲职业:1、工人 2、农民 3、知识分子 4公务员(干部) 5、商人 6、无业母亲职业:1、工人 2、农民 3、知识分子 4、公务员(干部)5、商人 6、无业父文化程度:1、大学(大专)或以上 2、高中(中专)3、初中 4、小学 5、文盲母文化程度:1、大学(大专)或以上 2、高中(中专)3、初中 4、小学 5、文盲家庭收入状况:1=400元/月以下;2=400-1000元/月;3=1000-2000元/月;4=2000元以上/月在学校、学院、班级担任职务:1.有 2. 无 是否是三好学生1、是 2、否注:请把你选择的答案号码填在题号后的横线上。1、____ 2、_____ 3、_____ 4、_____ 5、____ 6、____ 7、_____ 8、_____9、_____10、______ 11





请问 , ryff心理幸福感量表是如何统计分数的?



BoyFriendWould you be my Girl Friend那耨也boyfriend耐耨也boyfriend耨那也girlfriend耨那也girlfriend开楼等目爱不在总咯西耨类该股都没有那吧吧嘛冷那怕耐撒拉谬呢及啊耐耨买狗目诶西啊那你咯买嘛买外家股目啦起嫩诶卡耐嫩屁够内耨诶及了哇得都累了陪搜哦及耨(哦噶及买 打tiong买都 哈撒)那也搜内逛恰啦 tiu tiubaby you you耨改爱搜买一拿耨sei一搜哦及那oh yeah boyfriend 爱 爱耨嘛类boyfriend 爱 爱耐噶嘛及giu及该耨还撒爱gia及该哦及嘛瑞呀内噶该求给耨那也girlfriend 爱 爱耨嘛类girlfriend 爱 爱那马坝啦吧秀来耨类有谬里的给耨还呢嘛哩该哈那耨诶boyfriend就问耨诶票一不男内噶钱piu不死米 不如则内卡哇西里耨按玩票I got your back抗求嘛类呢买ki太Blow me kiss oh so sweet I like that 耐嘛娜屁沟内耨来冷机冷玩太逗冷没有配搜及够(奥该骂那几买 打图买都 航撒)那也搜内挂恰 tiu tiubaby you you耨该爱搜买一那怒色一宿搜哦接纳哦也boyfriend 爱 爱耨嘛类boyfriend 爱 爱买噶那几kia西该耨还撒噶giao及给哦及那米呀耐噶个求给哦那也girlfriend 爱 爱耨嘛类girlfriend 爱 爱那马坝啦吧秀来耨类有谬里的给耨还呢嘛哩该哈那耨诶boyfriend比呀那也骂了股告那了吉啊麻sei桑巴就gi嘛都耨那哩西那马可就啊西嘛耨了里西啦那哦嘛ger吗吗wor耨嘛么即耨了来哦接纳哦也boyfriend 爱 爱耨嘛类boyfriend 爱 爱买噶那几kia西该耨还撒噶giao及给哦及那米呀耐噶个求给哦那也girlfriend 爱 爱耨嘛类girlfriend 爱 爱那马坝啦吧秀来耨类有谬里的给耨还呢嘛哩该哈那耨诶boyfriend-------------------------------------------------------------------------I"ll be there[正珉/东玄/贤星]:掐掐 给那给就为一楼K看(嫩)几piaor piaor森噶ten美(嘛嗯)嘛 (嘛嗯)嘛[光旻Rap]:K就哈鲁噶都奇那死boom摸哈那他拉亲给昂嫩得弄为汗嘛滴买都哦不西死就撒拉就啵六内噶哭里 梦米都王米那[正珉]:ki了得都 ki米得了那哟哈看(mu)将内掐 卡搜卡桑嫩得[东玄]:够起ki给哟 够都拉哇哟ki得家里罗 oh 旁的西[正珉/东玄/贤星]:那也嘛len搜给搜ki得也给嘛哈秒ki得肚里素噶一那哟[贤星]:西噶你和(en)len底耶C桑也哥(en)切搜K得王嘛住我秒怒刚哭西破哟.......[正珉]:够(er)够(er)森噶ten没(嘛嗯)嘛 (嘛嗯)嘛[珉玗Rap]:吼西那哦滴送噶红家hee(mu)滴嗨噶K给家哭 扣就一推搜[贤星]:推死没搜 梦(mu)求gi打六哟那搜不楼搜 打拉加不给哟[东玄]:够掐句给哟 K打聊就哟奇跟够(r)gi搜 oh 旁的西[正珉/东玄/贤星]:那也嘛len搜给搜ki得也给嘛哈秒ki得肚里素噶一那哟[正珉]:西噶你和(en)len底耶C桑也哥(en)切搜K得王嘛住我秒怒刚哭西破哟oh~[荣旻]:哦滴鲁干尼no哦滴鲁干尼no哦滴鲁干尼no oh噶切哦滴鲁干尼no哦滴鲁干尼no哦滴鲁干尼no[东玄]:那也嘛mun打嘛搜K得也给boom内秒K得把得素噶一那哟[贤星]:西噶你将南就搜无理(呢)嘛卡都K得也搜嫩加(bu)够一gi~够西破哟别碰我的女人You"re my lady You"re my lady You"re my lady lady...[政敏]:差古宁默dei加古秒哦得古恰那古恰那 不古当默呀[英敏]:恨不哒恨不哒能对默哒[双生]:基怒桑都key 扣都 为够怒yo oh~[贤星]:古噗打 吧里耶 播叫那吧 古呛抗 吗里怕 弄那那把[东炫]:他噶啊Nia (ha~)磕播哥啊尼ong(ha~)韩要金给啊尼哟[合]:嘿哟 昂接你给哒 卡那一涩[光敏]:木抢名给哒 [合]:卡那一涩[政敏]:梦加那 爱加那 丘秒哈[合]:内要加送给姐忙那嘛那嘛那嘛播跟yo eyesChei能送Ber芭蕉爆磷your man播林gi 爱加那 能要Gi搜[光敏]:忒透 屋里呀西噶能默去扣扣够透 透 加那嘛即麻 扣扣[珉宇]:默累哦哒扣即忙 肯恰能扣丘浓Q喽尅 那 亲内素哦搜 no no no[政敏]:播key那 爬里讲 那亲那爸恰林大 怕你no 累ki那吧 [贤星]:退米哟搜 (ha~)康碰够我艘 (ha~)一楼嫩够啊宁呀[合]:嘿哟 昂接你给哒 卡那一涩木抢名给哒 卡那一涩梦加那 爱加那 丘秒哈[合]:内要加送给姐忙那嘛那嘛那嘛播跟yo eyesChei能送Ber芭蕉爆磷your man播林gi 爱加那 能要Gi搜[政敏]:内给咦喷哒基麦滴慢怒弄嘛哒你[东炫]:扣几麦丘龙嫩撒浪就加那[贤星]:亏里油呢都拉哦得熙球哦内噶哦能古耐噶基博跳[英敏]:哟你 哦给 嘿租够熙剖 [合]:嘿哟 噶你哟能丘 卡古一搜朴那Mong能丘 咔咕一色 不都拉 米加纳 怒古都内要加送给姐忙那嘛那嘛那嘛播跟yo eyesChei能送Ber芭蕉爆磷your man播林gi 爱加那 能要Gi搜 [光敏]:ki加嗨额 唉都那播强耐乐you 来动哦即慢 耐Q懂那呃喂哟Q dei no几耐哟 弄哟gi一强麦哟动那即麦哟 哦得尅哦搜素麦哟[珉宇]:卡即麦哟 那囊key哈即麦哟 麦哟kia丝米啊爬哇 都一米苏噶哦他耐有扣即麦 一打扣咦加纳 咦咏大 狗拜里嘛内giu(内giu) chei吧 Not One, But Two红家噶阿你嘟嘟嘟 卡死米都聊哇哇哇Yeh~It"s boyfriend,You know now we do,How we love红家噶阿你嘟嘟嘟 卡死米都聊哇哇哇It"s about you,It"s about me,It"s our story,Let"s do it买噶紧累 内给no木一噗够r有西嫩累 嘛米no木啵掐够r内噶怕累东擦郎 那空哭弄擦郎Oh no应够r 当 no应够rdin单no 比的比的比的love那哈那也内米奇米奇米奇给love红家噶阿你嘟嘟嘟 卡死米都聊哇哇哇内给(r) falling down falling down 你梦那里内耶红家噶阿你嘟嘟嘟 卡死米都聊哇哇哇内给(r) falling down falling down K比头我不西 阿发就嘛噶那no那都累 内噶有gi一嫩当no够民内 内噶no也男(mu)家够(r)一单那龙给哈那 东那也素哈那Oh~ 答fing够r 当 答fing(no)r 得当那 gi(mu)gi(mu)gi有love得够郎内噶 比奇比奇比奇跟love红家噶阿你嘟嘟嘟 卡死米都聊哇哇哇内给(r) falling down falling down hee龙那里内给红家噶阿你嘟嘟嘟 卡死米都聊哇哇哇内给(r) falling down falling down gi啵哦不西 把就慢噶那Rap:Baby falling 内给八就噶 哈We keep it going now no内给嘛求噶无里 红家噶阿nia 卡死米都聊阿拉内噶头哈鲁噶 一姐那no木切罗家那那gio搜那忙就K you let me feel so high累松囧不就K 红家(里)那了吧no王航K一丝呆秒 那了嗨够噶他买够红家噶阿你肚 you make me wanna fly买嗨就够呀 do do do摸的G该你 why why why一你 fall in love fall in love no买给南够哟乃飞的那呀 do do do 乃内给嘛kio 哇哇哇闹都 fall in love fall in love闹都啵秒 爱够为思够r



Lyfe Jennings (Featuring Snoop Dogg)的《Old School》 歌词

歌曲名:Old School歌手:Lyfe Jennings (Featuring Snoop Dogg)专辑:Lyfe ChangeLyfe Jennings - Old School (Feat. Snoop Dogg)I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansI got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansI work the grave yard shift cause I"m dead on my feet ya"llreally want to quit but the kids got to eat ya"llSee money can"t buy you powerbut it can pay the water bill on time so them kids can take a showerAnd I swear to GOD, if they keep on raising these gas pricesI"mma sell this Chevy and go buy me a bikeI"m a King, but my crown in a lay-wayAnd I"m just a day away from giving up.I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansSee I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansCredit card company called said my bill is overdueTold them I couldn"t afford to pay them and rent tooThey told me they were gonna sue meI said if you didn"t want me to use it then you shouldn"t have gave it to me.And what"s up with these people blowing up buildingsAnd nothing really gangsta about blowing up childrenWould cry, but my eyes in a lay way and I just a day away from giving up.I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansSee I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansForeign places, court casesSeems they always on my lineI don"t trip, I just dipPop the top on my 69Fleetwood, Cadillacmirror with my Boys on backChandelier so superiorLouis Vitton, oatmeal interiorBossy Boss, mink seats, what it costSpeak yo peace, can"t you see ain"t no big dealhave a seat lil homie and enjoy your mealClose the door and don"t drop crumbs on my flo"Here we go, soul food, so cool, and i got this.....I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansSee I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansLyfe, Big Snoop, Soul Food, oh I got this greenery causewe need some vegetables too, gotta have you vegetablesthat"s what it is old school, soul foodold school, soul foodKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/7902860



myfather,myhero 英语作文

Speaking of my hero, i have to talk about my father who plays a fairly important part in my life.He has always been there for me.When i was a little boy,bearly strong enough to stand,he used to look after me,because my mother was extremely busy.这段说外表,按我的来说,你自己看着抄...He is not tall,but he always holds himself very straight and doesn"t look that short. Fortunately, he is nerver going to be bald, although his hair is less and less, and he said that it makes him look wiser, how optimistic he is!My father is a driver, he works hard and also plays hard.He is crazy about taking pictures.When i talk about taking pictures, "go go go" , He said whit almost no hesitation. He posts pictures on his own blog, which makes many fans interested in.He is extremely considerate,patient and optimistic. I take after him, i am a optimst. He taught me everythings i konw. I have learned that no matter how tough a situation looks or how impossible it seems, if there is a will, there is a way.


My father is a business man. He was working at Bank of China for 3 years. But he doesn"t like to work like that. I mean he doesn"t like other people tell him what to do, it"s annoy you know. So he quited his job and started to has his own business. And he made it, in just about 2 years. Now he is 45, he"s not like other child"s dad don"t have enough time to accompany their family. He has free time to do whatever he wants to,like he can has his hobby: golf. Every Saturday my dad bring me and mom go to play golf in the north of the city. And when me or mom"s birthday, he will make dinner for us that day and prepare the present. So next month is my awesome dad"s birthday, mom and I will give him a big suprise. By the way his birthday is at Jan.12th. Hush...don"t tell him, remember that"s a suprise.


奉贤精锐英语老师为你解答:My father is a doctor and he works in a hospital. He is often busy taking care of his patients. He can make them become better.Sometimes he plays basketball with me on weekends.I like my father very much.翻译:我爸爸是一名医生。他在一家医院工作。他常常忙着照顾病人。他能让病人们恢复健康。他有时候会在周末的时候陪我打篮球。我非常喜欢我爸爸。


My father is very angry.我的父亲很生气。 如果对very angry提问的话,就是: How does your father feel?=How is your father?你的父亲怎么了? 如果对my father提问的话,就是: Who is very angry?谁很生气?


My father我的父亲My father is a Chinese teacher.He is very very clever .My father has many hobbies. He likes playing basketball and football. He likes running and swimming.He is good at swimming.我的父亲是一位语文老师,他很聪明,我的父亲有很多爱好。他喜欢打篮球和踢足球。他喜欢跑步和游泳,他擅长游泳。His favorite food is beef. .He likes vegetables,but he doesn"t likes cabbage. My father likes apples and oranges,but he doesn"t likes bananas,he thinks bananas isn"t tasty!他最喜欢的食物是牛肉。他喜欢蔬菜,但他不喜欢卷心菜。我的父亲喜欢苹果和桔子,但他不喜欢香蕉,他认为香蕉不好吃!This is my father !这是我父亲。


My father is a man.He isn"t a boy. 可以写He is elder than me.I"m his son .可以写He has a wife.He is my mother"s husband.My mother is a woman. 可以写She is elder than me too. 可以写My father and my mother are both elder than me. 用了both 一定要写I"m my father"s son.I"m my mother"son too. 用了too,也可以写My mother and father are two people.My father was a boy when he was young.My mother was a girl when she was young.过去式,一定要写They always fuck each other.And always say "you are a son of a bitch"together.这段是精华,一定要写的I like my family. 结尾加上去要写的我说要写的尽量写,可以写的选写几段。精华一定要写,可以增添文采。

Myfather 作文

My father is a farmer.He is very strong.I am very respect he. My father is a traditional Chinese.In the day,he always go to the farm.Every day he is very tired.In the evening.He helps me with my homework.My father know many words.His English is very well.And his Chinese is very well, either.sometimes my father is go jogging with me in the morning,he always tell me some old stories.I am very like he talking old stories.Because it is very interesting and funny. In a word,my father is very kind.I like my father very much.


My father is a handsome man .He is tall and medium build.He has short black hair and big eyes.My father works in a hospital.He is a doctor.He wears a uniform in the hospital.He drives his car go to work.He is a good doctor.He loves his job.He works hard.My father likes sports.He gets up at 6:00 clock every morning.Then he runs go out.In the afternoon,he plays basketball.Sometimeshe plays chess with my brother.My father also likes listening to music and watching TV.He likes 我的父亲是一个英俊的男人,他是高和中等身材,他有短的黑色的头发和大眼睛。我的父亲在一家医院工作,他是一个医生,他在医院里穿一件制服,开车上班,他是一个好医生,他热爱他的工作,他工作很努力。我的爸爸喜欢运动,他每天早上6:00钟起床。然后他跑出去,下午,他打篮球,有时。他和我弟弟一起下棋。我父亲也喜欢听音乐和看电视,他喜欢听音乐。


  他,并不细心,却能在眉宇间透露出对儿女的丝丝爱意。你知道怎么写一篇我的爸爸的英语作文吗?下面是我给大家精心挑选的myfather初中英语作文,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!   myfather初中英语作文篇1   Black hair mixed with a few white hair, the skin a little bit black, a pair of eyes are bright and piercing, that is my father. Dad is forty years old. Dad hurts me hurt, but I have repeatedly hurt my father"s heart. As the father of the pearl in the hands, and I can not share for him! I just want to say to my dad: Daddy I love you forever!   Once, I walked in the street, curious I accidentally saw a very cute, very small a Disney phone, it is really very beautiful, the whole body is pink, like a beautiful girl shy face The Very cute! I walked into the cell phone shop, I can not wait to ask the boss how much money that phone, the boss smiled and told me that the phone a total of 498 yuan! The God, then I was a pupil! How can money buy that phone? The I did not look more, turned and reluctantly left.   After going home, my mind is full of pink Disney phone. I really really want to buy ah! At home, my father looked at me as a listless look, so concerned about asked me: "how? A death to death like?" I did not say anything, directly shut the door, full of mobile phones. My heart has been decided, I must buy!   That "s the mother" s coming back. She said: "I made a salary today, go! Go to the store to turn!" My mother finished this, my mind immediately appeared an idea: Do you want to take out from the mother bag four hundred dollars to buy a mobile phone The I immediately canceled this idea, it is too much against it! The But that phone has been in my mind to turn around, I really want to buy! I hesitated! When my mother went to the toilet, I secretly took out four hundred dollars, ran out of the house. I"ve been running all the time! Went to the store, I told the boss said: "You can sell it to me!" The proprietress looked at me: "Well, the total control of 498 yuan!" I begged the boss: "can 400? Only four hundred! See me in the child"s sake! Can you? "The boss with me "negotiations" for a long time, and finally promised to sell me! I am full of joy to return home, yes! I cover up very well, I went to the room did not shut the door began to play up, because I have a cell phone! So inside the card on the new phone inside the inside. Which know that this is the mother came in, caught a positive! Mother asked me where the money to buy a mobile phone? I have not opened, my mother went to her bag that place picked up the bag a few money, found less four hundred! Immediately ran ready to hit me, find the hanger hit me a few times, I cry to the dead! This is the father came in, see the new phone to know what is going on, my mother then open: "Who told you to steal money to buy a mobile phone! Do not!" Dad can not bear to see I was so hit, then said: Take your four hundred first with him to buy a mobile phone! I have no money! First by tomorrow also you! "Mom said angrily:" You also shelter her, want to harm her? "Dad said:" Do not believe me? Said that I took the money to buy with her! "Later ... ...   Anyway, from this matter, my father knows that this is harm me, but he can not bear to see if I was beaten! Or cheated mother Mom and Dad I"m sorry. When my father told me a lot of big reason, I heard! And now my mother does not know the truth! Dad thank you for your teachings! Daddy i really love you too! thank you! Of course, there"s my mother!   Daddy! I love you--!   myfather初中英语作文篇2   Daddy"s not too tall, the skin is not white, handsome face with thick eyebrows, a pair of bright eyes, big ears, very handsome!   My dad is a man who makes me afraid and makes me love.   Once, I was anxious to watch TV, it was so sure to finish the job. After dinner, my father started to check my homework. Looked at him, his brow wrinkled up, very unhappy to me, said: "Your question is wrong." Then, he began to check up. Wait a minute, my father is attached to check out two errors. Daddy got angry, and shouted at me loudly: "how old are you wrong? I told you how many times, do homework when careless, especially math, finished to check! How can you not change it? He pressed his head hard with his finger. I looked at him secretly, saw my father two eyes staring into the "O" shape, thick black eyebrows also like erect like a ferocious big tiger! I quickly returned to the desk, the wrong question carefully checked, corrected over. At this time, my father"s brow was stretched open.   Father to see me always do wrong, gave me a few questions to do the request. I think my father is too fierce also gave him a few comments: First, do not indiscriminately roared. Second, to reason.   myfather初中英语作文篇3   My father like a sail, in the boundless sea, let the wind and rain are not afraid. Remember that time, is the 61 Children"s Day. Although I was not naive little hair child, but my father but also to celebrate me. Father promised me, afternoon to work when I give "KFC chicken". I can be happy. I hope ah hope ah, ah ah ah ah, and finally wait until the father"s get off work time. I went wildly before the balcony and looked up. God, clouds, it is going to rain. I was disappointed to hang his head, thinking: my father is now back, will not fall to the rain, but can not eat "KFC chicken"; father if to give I bought "Kent Chicken" but would become "drowned chicken". Hey, his father will be because of the rain and the panic, certainly the "KFC" things thrown into the clouds, I grew more and more angry, angry I really bad luck, bad luck will encounter rainy days. Hey, I sighed In the side of the clothes received the mother said: "Yeah, it is going to rain, your dad did not go home, really" ah, "rushing rushing ... ..." under the rain even my mother forgot, Thought about it. "Kent Chicken" - "Bubble". After a while, the doorbell rang. I hurriedly opened the door, saw his father wet, the head of the water from time to time down, the hands also carrying two bags, I clearly see the bag reads "KFC" and "Xinhua Bookstore" two A big letter, but can not believe. Originally, my father in order to buy me a holiday gift, was heavy rain, I am both excited and sad, my father saw me stupid stupid silly look, gently said to me: "children, happy holidays." I am very excited, busy took the bag, brought a towel, to ... ... I know, my father for me to give me some Happy, was raining like this; I also know that in order to take the opportunity to tell me: To be honest and trustworthy "yes ah, when I think of this, think of sails. Father love is like, I believe you have, as long as you want, the father will at all costs, to complete your desire   我的父亲像船帆一样,在无边无际的海上,任凭风吹雨打也不怕。记得那一次,是六一儿童节。虽然,我已经不是幼稚的小毛孩,但是父亲却还要给我庆祝。父亲答应我,下午下班时给我“肯德鸡”。我可开心了。我盼啊盼啊,叨啊叨啊,终于等到了父亲的下班时间。我欣喜若狂地跑到阳台前,抬起头。天哪,乌云密布,居然快要下雨了。真是“天有不测之风云”透过阴深深的天空,我失望地垂下了头,心里想:父亲现在回来,一定不会淋到雨,但却吃不了“肯德鸡”;父亲要是给我买“肯德鸡”,但会成了“落汤鸡”。哎,父亲一定会因为下雨而着了慌,肯定把“肯德鸡”的事抛到九霄云外,我越想越气愤,生气我真倒霉,倒霉会碰到下雨天。哎,我大叹了一口气。在一旁收衣服的妈妈说:“呀呀呀,快要下雨了,你爸还不回家,真是的”啊,“哗哗哗u2026u2026”下起了雨连妈妈都忘了,爸爸就别想了。“肯德鸡”——“泡汤”了。过了一会儿,门铃响了。我急匆匆地开门,只见父亲全身湿漉漉的,头上的水不时地往下掉,手上还提着2个袋子,我分明看到了袋子上写着“肯德鸡”和“新华书店”两个大字,却不敢相信。原来,父亲为了给我买节日礼物,被大雨淋到,我既兴奋又难过,父亲见我一幅呆楞楞的傻样子,轻轻地对我说:“孩子,节日快乐”。我感动极了,忙接过袋子,拿来了毛巾,给u2026u2026我知道,父亲为了我给我一些Happy,被雨淋成这个样子;我还知道为了借次机会来告诉我:“做人一定要诚实守信”是啊,当我想到这,就想到帆。父爱就是样,我相信你也有,只要你所想要的,父亲就一定会不惜一切代价,来完成你的愿望 猜你喜欢: 1. My parent初中英语作文 2. my father英语作文100字 3. 小学英语作文myfather 4. my future英语作文初中 5. my hero英语作文初中


  父亲是严厉的,也是很仁慈的,他对我们不是不疼爱而是用行动在爱护我们。你知道怎么写一篇我的父亲的英语作文吗?下面是我给大家整理的myfather英语作文小学,供你参考!   myfather英语作文小学篇1   My Father   Hi, my name is Cindy. I have a good father. I like him very much.   My father is a policeman. He is tall and strong. He looks very cool in the black police uniform. He works in the police station and he is very busy every day. He likes helping people. So he often goes everywhere by his motor cycle. When he sees the people in the trouble, he will try his best to help the people. He is a good policeman. And many people like him very much, too. They often say: “MR Li, you are a good policeman. We like you very much.” But my father always has a point: Helping people is his duty.   My father likes reading books very much. Because he thinks: A good book is a good friend. So he reads books after work every day. Sometimes he plays games with me. We are very happy. I like him very much, because my father is not only my father, but also my good friend.   This is my father. He is a good father. I like my father very much! My dear friends, do you have a good father, too?   myfather英语作文小学篇2   My Father   My father is strong and tall.He has two big eues.His hands are long.He likes to singing and running.Often he runs in the park.Then he sits on the bench.He likes me ang my mother.He favorite fruit is apples and pineapples.   From Monday to Friday he works in his company.From Saturday to Sunday he have break in house.In Saturday"s mornings he often in the park.In afternoons he washes hia car.In evenings he watches TV and sleep.On Sunday"mornings he in the park,too.In the afternoons he in the garden.In evenings he play computer and sleep.   Oh!How busy he is.   myfather英语作文小学篇3   My Father   My father has small eyes,Wear a pair of glasses,looking more gently,the daddy"s hair are not many, he said "the intelligent head does not grow hair",daddy does the management, but daddy usually ever not talk bureaucratically to others, therefore his personal connection is specially good,is the same as me.daddy speaks always extremely temperately,never say hit the person,curse at people are also few,calculated scolded people not to be big, although sometimes also can be angry for a longtime,but just only about one day,could no surpain one day-long.   He usually educate me that the person must to be honestly,friendly to other,and working diligently.This is my father, I love him forever.

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开头:Hello! My name is Tom. I have any favorite petson. But my favorite person is my mother. Let me tell you about she.


My Favorite Sport我最喜欢的体育运动My favorite sport is swimming.我最喜欢的运动是游泳。I used to swim in the pool of the wild when I was a kid.我小时候经常在野外的水池里游泳。When I was swimming, I was very happy.每当我在游泳的时候,我都非常地开心。I looked like a funny little fish in the pool.我看起来像游泳池里一条有趣的小鱼。But our teacher taught us that swimming in the wild is dangerous.但是我们的老师教导我们在野外游泳是非常危险的。And some breaking news often reported that some children were drowned in the rivers and pools.一些爆炸性的新闻经常会报道一些孩子们在河流和池塘里游泳溺水身亡的消息。So I never went swimming in the pool in the wild again after that.所以从那以后我再也没有去野外的游泳池游泳。But I like swimming very much.可是我非常喜欢游泳。And now I go swimming in the indoor pool for year-round use.我现在去全年开放室内游泳池游泳。I enjoy swimming, because it can make me strong, healthy and in shape.我喜欢游泳,因为它能让我强壮、健康、保持身材。Of course, it can also bring me lots of happiness.当然啦,它也能给我带来很多快乐。I like watch this sport on TV.我喜欢在电视上观看这项运动。I hope I can be an athlete of swimming in the future, and win glory for our country!希望自己将来能成为一名专业的游泳运动员,为国争光!写好作文的技巧1、好的文章源于生活,写你的所见、所闻;写你的亲身体会;写出你的真情实感,这样的文章,才会生动感人。2、写作并非一朝一夕就能成功之事。但面对当今的应试教育,你不妨学会一些技巧。比如,平时多背一些好的段落、好的开头及结尾。以备考试用之。3、多读书,用心读,学会借鉴。好的文章、好词、好句,学会积累。4、确立新颖、独特的文章标题。有时能起到事半功倍的效果。


收集成就收起收集成就第一章:亚瑟第二章:萨利第三章:奥利其他成就DLC1DLC2DLC3少数幸运儿We Happy Few全成就指南。游戏都有哪些成就?成就如何解锁?下面一起来看看少数幸运儿We Happy Few成就解锁方法一览少数幸运儿We Happy Few全成就指南一.前言游戏没有难度相关成就,如果不想玩得太过憋屈推荐简单难度开局。成就获取没有太难的,但有一些章节限定成就和一些错过就无法再拿的收集成就,再加上游戏的地图组合每次开局都是随机的(主要场景要素不变),所以推荐优先多看收集视频,对每个收集物场景有大概的印象。好在收集物其实大多数都出现在主线剧情范围内,有个别几个出现在支线任务场景中,多留意探索再加上参考视频应该不会有错过的。另外如果想一周目结束游戏的话,那么全程就不能杀人只能击晕,这点需要注意。相关数据可以在Tab菜单统计里查看。第一章亚瑟好完成没什么可说的;第二章萨利前期尽量避免正面战斗,或者随缘搜刮个电击棒中后期有睡眠喷雾也容易很多;第三章奥利开局只能拿拳头硬刚,默认武器会直接把敌人拍死。奥利多搜刮垃圾做个“美好夜晚”就不怕误杀人了。二.收集成就因为这几个收集成就贯穿整部游戏,而且全成就主要还是注意不要错过个别收集物收集,所以这个分类放在最前面方便观看。倒退找到所有收集品。亚瑟第一章亚瑟的面具收集有几个在支线任务中,印象中好像也都是跟成就有关的支线,应该不会错过多参照视频吧。共20个。萨利第二章萨利的面具收集有个在支线任务中,而且只有当你完成后期主线解救船长船员的任务,再在“圣乔治岸畔”跑一圈才会出现此支线任务。共12个。奥利第三章奥利的面具收集有两个是在野外场景,需要多探索下地图。共12个。紧随其后找到所有与普登斯有关的记录。文档收集共6个。第三个日记每个人都可以在”少女岸畔“避难所收集到,不知会不会影响成就获得。不过反正每个人都会到这个避难所,顺道就拿了吧。杰克专场收集所有杰克叔叔的表演秀共45个。可以在有收音机的床前刷。广播时段分别在早7点;中午12点;下午4点;晚7点半;晚10点半。每听到新的广播节目左下角都会有名字显示,但如果想查看节目的话得退出到主界面——额外内容——剧场。单一人物无法解锁全部广播,我是亚瑟刷了44个,最后一个是第二章萨利刷出来的。



求BABYFACE的歌词翻译,那首WITH HIM,谢谢,我会加分!!

和他一起 So you never meant to hurt nobody. 你从未想过伤害任何人 Well, I think you"re full of it, yes, 好吧,我想你就是这么认为的,是的 Cause if you really really didn"t wanna hurt nobody,因为如果你是真的真的不想伤害别人 You wouldn"t have slept with my best friend, baby. 你不会和我最好的朋友共度春宵,宝贝 And to bring insult to my injury, 在我的耻辱上增加耻辱 You weren"t a bit discreet, 你不会这么不小心 And while the world stood witness, 全世界作证 To my embarassment. 为我的尴尬窘迫 You put a knife inside of me. 你在我身上插了一刀 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然我们作为爱人,在变老 Together til the end. 相伴到永久 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 爱上他? I know we"ve had our ups and downs, 我们经历过起起落落 And that I do admit, yes, 我承认,是的 But sometimes lovers go astray, 有时爱会进入歧途 But you made it permanent. 但是你会让爱永远 Well, I can"t be that understanding, no. 好吧,我不能这么谅解 My heart"s just not that big, no it ain"t. 我的心没有这么宽,不,没有 I can take the pain of infidelity, 我不能承受失真的痛 But I can"t take you with him. 但是我不能把你和他放在一起 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 爱上他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him?爱上他?

babyface的with him歌词中文翻译

和他一起 So you never meant to hurt nobody. 你从未想过伤害任何人 Well, I think you"re full of it, yes, 好吧,我想你就是这么认为的,是的 Cause if you really really didn"t wanna hurt nobody,因为如果你是真的真的不想伤害别人 You wouldn"t have slept with my best friend, baby. 你不会和我最好的朋友共度春宵,宝贝 And to bring insult to my injury, 在我的耻辱上增加耻辱 You weren"t a bit discreet, 你不会这么不小心 And while the world stood witness, 全世界作证 To my embarassment. 为我的尴尬窘迫 You put a knife inside of me. 你在我身上插了一刀 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然我们作为爱人,在变老 Together til the end. 相伴到永久 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 爱上他? I know we"ve had our ups and downs, 我们经历过起起落落 And that I do admit, yes, 我承认,是的 But sometimes lovers go astray, 有时爱会进入歧途 But you made it permanent. 但是你会让爱永远 Well, I can"t be that understanding, no. 好吧,我不能这么谅解 My heart"s just not that big, no it ain"t. 我的心没有这么宽,不,没有 I can take the pain of infidelity, 我不能承受失真的痛 But I can"t take you with him. 但是我不能把你和他放在一起 How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他坠入爱河? How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交给他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him? 爱上他? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, 虽然作为爱人,我们会变老 Together til the end. 相伴直到永远 How could you fall? 你怎么能够 Fall in love, with him?爱上他?

Babyface-With Him 中英歌词.


babyface 《with him》歌词,一句英文,一句中文,谢谢!


Babyface的《With Him》 歌词

歌曲名:With Him歌手:Babyface专辑:Face 2 FaceWith HimBabyfaceSo you never meant to hurt nobody.Well, I think you"re full of it, yes,Cause if you really really didn"t wanna hurt nobody,You wouldn"t have slept with my best friend, baby.And to bring insult to my injury,You weren"t a bit discreet,And while the world stood witness,To my embarassment.You put a knife inside of me. How could you fall in love with him?How could you give your heart to him?Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, Together til the end.How could you fall?Fall in love, with him? I know we"ve had our ups and downs,And that I do admit, yes,But sometimes lovers go astray,But you made it permanent.Well, I can"t be that understanding, no.My heart"s just not that big, no it ain"t.I can take the pain of infidelity,But I can"t take you with him. How could you fall in love with him?How could you give your heart to him? oh babyThought we"d grow old, as lovers, Together til the end.How could you fall?Fall in love, with him? Thought we"d grow old, as lovers, Together til the end.How could you fall?Fall in love, with him?http://music.baidu.com/song/1352245

Playful romance啥牌子


big bentallandveryfamous判断句子是否正确这个是对还是错?

准确的表达是:Big Ben is tall and very famous.意思是:大本钟又高又很有名。

unauthorized by bhyf怎么解决

unauthorized by bhyf 未经授权,需要申请授权。 商标授权又称商标许可,是指商标注册人通过签订商标使用授权合同,授权他人使用其注册商标。被授权者按合同规定从事经营活动(通常是生产、销售某种产品或者提供某种服务),并向授权者支付相应的费用--权利金。同时授权者给予人员培训、组织设计、经营管理等方面的指导与协助。



BOYFRIEND成员 这个人叫什么名字

赵英敏(译名:赵荣旻)与双生弟弟赵光旻同属韩国Starship公司boyfriend组合。曾与双生弟弟拍摄多达300部广告以及出演过多部电视剧。于2011年以boyfriend组合成员身份正式出道。是组合的门面担当,和双生弟弟都拥有很高的人气。中文名: 赵英敏 外文名: 조영민 别名: 赵荣旻 国籍: 韩国 民族: 朝鲜族 出生日期: 1995.04.24 职业: 歌手、演员 经纪公司: Starship Entertainment 代表作品: 《Boyfriend》《Don"t touch my girl》 星座: 金牛座 血型: A型

python shutil模块函数copyfile和copy的区别

copyfile(src, dst) #src, dst 都需是文件名, 如果dst 存在或无权限,会抛出异常copy(src, dst) #dst 可以是目录名。

lollyfish 是什么海参

被称为“四大海味”的海参,自古便是名贵的食材。不但口感独特,味道鲜美,还具有补肾益精、增强体质、延缓衰老、改善记忆力等保健功效。海参中含有的海参素、海参粘多糖等更具有很强的抗癌杀菌的能力,广受人民的欢迎,被誉为世界八大珍品之一。被赋予传奇色彩的海参是一个在地球上存在了六亿多年的神奇海洋生物物种。在浩瀚的海洋中,海参家族可称得上是十分兴旺的家族,目前已经发现的海参有1100多种,其中可供人类食用的有40多个品种,主要以刺参、梅花参、白尼参、辐肛参最为常见。由于海参的滋补功效,海参已经成为百姓的日常食补保健品,而由于海参资源的有限性,特别是大连地区的刺参,由于其较高的滋补功效,成为全国食参族们追捧的对象。而一些加工商甚至是品牌企业,纷纷用南方甚至是国外的海参代替辽刺参进行销售,因其超高的加工工艺,让食参族甚至是海参行家都很难辨别。为了让广大食参族增加对海参的了解,小编特收集了多种世界海参的种类,向食参族们介绍奇特缤纷的海参世界。刺参——质量最好的海参原料产地:大连/山东/日本/朝鲜/俄罗斯等地 因背部长有四至六行纵刺而得名。刺参又名海鼠、海瓜,体壁厚而软糯,是海参中质量最好的一种,被誉为“参中之冠”。刺参含有一些特有的活性成份:海参素、酸性粘多糖、肽类等,这些成分能够延缓衰老、防止动脉硬化、预防和治疗肝脏疾病、对糖尿病以及癌症等都具有很大的作用。刺参中品质最好当属辽东海域大连的辽刺参,可谓刺参中的臻品。据《本草纲目拾遗》中记载,“辽东产之海参,体色黑褐,肉嫩多刺,称之辽参或海参,品质极佳,且药性甘温无毒,具有补肾阴,生脉血,治下痢及溃疡等功效”。梅花参——体积最大的海参 原料产地:分布于西南太平洋,我国产于西沙群岛。 梅花参是海参纲中最大的一种,体长可达l米。背面肉刺很大,每3-11个肉刺基部相连呈花瓣状,故名“梅花参”。又因体形很象凤梨,故也称“凤梨参”。常栖息于深3-10米而有少数海草的珊瑚砂底。它体大肉厚,是中国南海的食用海参中体积最大的一种。黄金刺参 原料产地:美洲 黄金刺参又名黄金刺、刺,是刺参的一种。它的颜色较浅,加工后的干海参呈现出黄色,如同黄金的颜色一样,故而得名。发好后的黄金刺参肉质莹白、口感粘滑。绿刺参、花刺参 原料产地:主要分布于海南岛、西沙群岛。绿刺参又名方柱参,体呈四方柱状。生活时全身为浓绿、墨绿或稍带青黑色,肉刺的顶端为橘黄或橘红色。花刺参俗称方参、白棘参。体略呈方柱形,体色变化很大,有深黄色带深浅不同的橄榄色斑点,黄灰色带浅褐色的网纹或浓绿色的斑纹等。绿刺参与花刺参是南海产的重要食用海参之一,肉质较软而嫩,因此采捕后如不及时加工很容易腐烂。红参 原料产地:东北亚地区(黄海北部海面、日本海、北海)及俄罗斯海参崴、白令海峡,在美国阿拉斯加也有少量分布。 红参颜色区别于其它海参的灰色、黑色、青色,通常呈淡红色,橙黄色等,因色彩鲜艳故得名红参。目前世界上出产红参的国家很少,日本、朝鲜、俄罗斯远东、美国阿拉斯加均有少量红参捕捞,国内市场上的红参多为日本进口,因此很多人把红参错误的归类为日本的关东参。美国红参 原料产地:美国阿拉斯加和加拿大北部 又名红海参、加州刺参。美国红参是产于美国的一种中型海参,分类上属刺参科。该种海参正常个体可达40--60cm,主要生长于北极附近,如美国阿拉斯加和加拿大北部,为北极刺参的一种。美国红参纵行肌特别发达,其部分蛋白质与粘多糖含量与刺参相近。乌爪参 原料产地:南美洲太平洋沿岸乌爪参产于南美洲太平洋沿岸少,营养丰富,蛋白质含量、海参粘多糖等活性物质高,富含海参皂甙、维生素和硒等微量元素,优质脂肪含量高,不含胆固醇。乌爪参是世界上多糖含量高的少数海参种类之一,适合温补食疗,营养保健。北极海参 原料产地:中北美洲北极海参(也有人曾称为大西洋海参)产于北大西洋新斯科舍省海域,近年来产量呈下降趋势,当地渔民是采用拖网的捕捞方式捕获的,不是潜水员潜水捕捞,因为北极海参生长海域人迹罕至,原住居民没有食用北极参的习惯,且近些年人类才能够进入这片海域(以前没有航道),所以北极参的参龄一般达到极为罕见的10年以上。而现在市面上许多“北极海参”根本不是产自北极,实际上都是产自南美洲的小黑参。白乳参白乳参又称白瓜参,白尼参等。它体型肥胖,前后两端基本上一样宽,和冬瓜很像,海参底子为白色或浅黄色,背面呈浅黄褐色,前后各有一块赤褐色横斑,所以也被人称作“二斑参”。白乳参是一种大型食用海参,肉质厚嫩,味道也很不错。八角参 原料产地:美国,北大西洋的美国西岸 又名LollyFish、八刺参。八角参是美洲野生海参,属于刺参的一种,因其身上有八根刺,故而得名,此种海参肉质特别厚,涨发率高。澳洲秃参 原料产地:澳大利亚 澳洲秃参学名糙海参,产自澳大利亚东北海岸由新几内亚岛、所罗门群岛、新大不列颠岛等南太平洋海岛和围成的原生态深海海域,因其肉质厚,经煮熟去皮后呈光秃状,故又称秃参。澳洲秃参产地居民没有食用海参的饮食习惯,海参资源极其丰富,价格十分低廉。是物美价廉的天然保健食品。光参也称“瓜参”,瓜参科。形似刺参。通常灰褐色,但也有暗褐、浓紫或黄白色的。体壁肉质,表面柔滑。口的周围有触手10个。栖于海中。可供食用。黄玉参 黄玉参是光参所有品种中品质最好的。黄玉参的主产地在南海,圆筒形,腹面略平坦,土黄色,背部有许多疣状突起。黄玉参皂甙含量参高,酸性粘多糖适中,药用价值比较好。白底辐肛参、黑乳参 原料产地:主要分布于西沙群岛。 白底辐肛参又名白底靴参,因其干制品背面黑色而腹面为白色,似鞋底,故有此名。因其皮肤肌肉囊发达,干制品质量良好,是南沙群岛等海域的一种大型食用海参,但产量较低。黑乳参又名乌元参,体黑色有白或黄白小斑点,两侧有数条横线和乳状突起,肉质良好。糙海参 原料产地:分布于广东、广西沿海。又名明玉参,俗称白参。体色变化很大,背面为暗绿褐色,并夹有少数黑色斑纹,沿着背中线的颜色一般较深,而两侧较浅,至腹面逐渐变为白色。栖息于海藻丛生沙泥底的滩涂上,是我国南方重要的食用海参之一,也是一种易于养殖的品种。海参拥有突出的药用价值和众多的滋补功效,在古代被赋予神奇色彩,当代中医理论和现代科学理论揭开了海参的“秘密”,证实了海参对强身键体以及对多种疾病拥有很好的医疗价值。但是综合比较,位于环黄、渤海的北纬39度海域的海参肉质厚、刺饱满、口感好、营养价值高等深受全国消费者的喜爱,黄渤海海域出产的辽刺参早在清代就被尊为上品,驰名中外。而且作为唯一进入药典的海参,明代就被收入本草,所以在购买食用海参时一定要辨别清楚纯正的辽刺参。四、价格走向干货海参在国际和国内市场价格依品种(分为高、中及低等级)、大小和质量而有所不同。在热带品种中,糙海参价格最高,lollyfish最低。未加盐干货比加盐产品贵30%。


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paryftisland 音译歌词

望采纳~~PRAY - FTISLAND都大len 含系苏给苏撒一den 吗你考级买金系恩撒啦几谷澳督啊内卡气不目能料含含系苏给掐噶几嫩拿也外气米考级系蓝sei 桑素给目诶米含你里不你过See you now? See me now?I"m broken in my faithOh, please god hear me?目啊度海苏偶嫩Oh, please god tell me!梦去金sei 桑lenOh, please god hear me?苏丽桥为气嫩奈Oh塔西QI len 一级安度录I"ll pray I"ll pray I"ll prayI"ll pray for you都塔西潘不对嫩一QI 苏度偶嫩撒文没谬帮len铺地桥度桑桥漫考进步nun len 地谬系加对嫩静黑叫一嫩kiao挂累一苏K 几嫩过森目诶米含一里不你过See you now? See me now?I"m broken in my faithOh, please god hear me?目啊度海苏偶嫩Oh, please god tell me!梦去金sei 桑lenOh, please god hear me?苏丽桥为气嫩奈Oh塔西QI len 一级安度录Oh, please god help me囊giao金奈囧怕就Oh, please god help me掐噶文nun目漫Oh, please god hear me?目啊度海苏偶嫩Oh, please god tell me!梦去金sei 桑lenOh, please god hear me?苏丽桥为气嫩奈Oh塔西QI len 一级安度录I"ll pray目能料含含系苏给I"ll pray掐噶几嫩拿也外气米I"ll pray考级系蓝sei 桑素给I"ll pray for you目诶米含你里不你过I"ll praynun len 地谬系加对嫩I"ll pray静黑叫一嫩kiao挂累I"ll pray一苏K 几嫩过森I"ll pray目诶米含一里不你过
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