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美国FLUKE F43B电能质量测试仪的工作原理,应用方法,读表(主要是电流电压以及谐波)

我是FLUKE F435的,不过大概应该差不多,可以做为参考: 在开始测量之前,先针对你想要测量的电力系统的线路电压、频率及接线配置设置好分析仪。 对于三相测量,接线时首先将电流钳夹放置在相 A(L1)、B(L2)C(L3)和 N(中性线)的导线上。钳夹上标有箭头,用于指示正确的信号极性。接下来,完成电压连接:先从接地(Ground)连接开始,然后依次连接 N、A(L1),B(L2)和 C(L3)。要获得正确的测量结果,始终要记住连接地线(Ground)输入端。记住要复查连接是否正确。 要确保电流钳夹牢固并完全夹钳在导线四周。 对于单相测量,可使用电流输入端 A(L1)和电压输入地线输入端、N(中性线)及 A 相(L1)。 注意:A(L1)是所有测量的基准相位。 在读表时,波形的范围都作了预先调整,显示效果还是不错的。 测量谐波时,可利用设置(SETUP)键和功能键 F3 - 功能参数选择(FUNCTION PREF),你可以以基波电压的百分比(%f)或总谐波电压的百分比(%r,总 Vrms)来选择谐波显示。计量屏幕内容也可以在该菜单中选择。


使用接地电阻测试仪的目的就是判断间歇性电气故障,避免不必要的停工,了解接地安全原理使用接地电阻测试仪时,为什么要进行接地,为什么要进行测试?01为什么要进行接地?接地不良不但会造成不必要的停工,而且还会引起危险,增加设备故障的风险。如果没有有效的接地系统,我们可能会受到电击,仪器会遭受故障、谐波失真问题、功率因数问题以及其它间歇性的难题。如果故障电流不能通过精心设计并适当维护的接地系统流向大地,它们将寻求其它通路,其中包括人体。以下组织可提供确保安全的接地建议和(或)标准:u2022 OSHA(美国职业安全健康管理局)u2022 NFPA(美国消防协会)u2022 ANSI/ISA(美国国家标准学会和美国仪表学会)u2022 TIA(美国电信工业协会)u2022 IEC(国际电工委员会)u2022 CENELEC(欧洲电工标准化委员会)u2022 IEEE(电气与电子工程师协会)然而,良好的接地不仅是为了确保人身安全,而且还用于预防工厂和设备损坏。良好的接地系统将提高设备的可靠性,降低因闪电或故障电流造成损坏的可能性。每年都会有工作场所的设备遭受电气火灾而损失数十亿元。这还不包括相关的诉讼费用以及人员和单位生产力的损失。02为什么要测试接地系统?随着时间的推移,高湿度、高盐分和高温度将改变土壤性质,可能会增加腐蚀性近而影响接地棒及其连接。所以,尽管接地系统在最初安装时具有非常低的接地电阻值,但如果接地棒受到腐蚀,接地系统的电阻就会增大。接地电阻测试仪(例如 Fluke 1630-2 FC 接地钳表)是必备的排障工具,帮助您保证系统正常工作。当出现烦心的间歇性电气故障时,故障的出现可能与接地不良或电能质量低下有关。这就是为什么强烈建议每年对所有接地系统及接地连接进行检查并将其作为预测性维护计划一部分的原因。定期进行检查时,如果实测电阻升高超过20 %,技术人员就应调查问题的原因,通过更换接地系统或向接地系统加装接地棒来降低电阻。03什么是接地,它有什么用途?美国国家电气规范 (NEC) 的第 100 条中将接地定义为:“一个导电连接,无论是有意的还是偶然的,连接在电路或设备与地之间,或者连接到代替地的一些导体。”在提及接地时,实际上涉及到两个不同的问题:接地和设备接地。接地是电路导体(通常是中性的)与放置在地中的接地电极之间的连接。而设备接地是确保一个结构中正在运行的设备正确接地。除两个接地系统之间的连接外,这两个系统之间要求保持独立。这样可防止因电位差造成雷击时的飞弧现象。接地的目的除了保护人员、工厂和设备的安全外,还为故障电流、雷击、静电放电、 EMI 和 RFI 信号及干扰提供安全的耗散通路。04使用接地电阻测试仪时,什么样的接地电阻值属于良好范围?至于什么情况属于接地良好,以及接地电阻值应为多少,存在诸多争议。理想情况下,接地电阻值应为零欧姆。并没有一个所有机构都公认的标准接地电阻阈值。但是, NFPA 和 IEEE 建议接地电阻值为 5.0 欧姆或更小。NEC 声明“确保系统接地电阻值小于 NEC 250.56规定的 25 欧姆。在有敏感设备的工厂中,其值应为 5.0 欧姆或更小。”电信行业往往采用 5.0 欧姆或更小电阻值作为其接地及压焊的阈值。目标接地电阻是指达到经济上和实质上能够实现的最小接地电阻值。

Luke Christopher - Lot To Learn

Luke Christopher – Lot To Learn Lyrics(Chorus) If I was a question, would you be my answer? If I was the music, would you be the dancer If I was the student, would you be the teacher? If I was the sinner, would you be the preacher? Would you be my… what"s the don do-do-don I still got a lotta shit to learn, I"ll admit it What"s the don do-do-don I still got a lotta shit to learn, I"ll admit it (Verse) Feelin" like a digit in the system, just anotha stupid number I don"t know know know Everything is twisted, I can feel it, it"s another stupid summer When it"s cold cold cold We can do it on our own, head up to a place where maybe no-one goes In a rocket full of liquor and a Polaroid fo" pictures Baby, you should stop me before I lose control (Pre-Chorus) How a-perfect a person that might go through your person Put on your disguise? You see the stars, but they just see the skies And you see my scars, what do they see (Chorus) If I was a question, would you be my answer? If I was the music, would you be the dancer If I was the student, would you be the teacher? If I was the sinner, would you be the preacher? Would you be my… what"s the don do-do-don I still got a lotta shit to learn, I"ll admit it What"s the don do-do-don I still got a lotta shit to learn, I"ll admit it (Verse 2) Got yo finger on the trigger, and you aimin at the mirror Don"t you shoot, that ain"t you, nah Cuz on the outside you pretendin", but you hurtin" in the endin" What"s the truth, what"s the truth? (Pre-Chorus) How a-perfect a person that might go through your person Put on your disguise? You see the stars, but they just see the skies And you see my scars, what do they see (Chorus) If I was a question, would you be my answer? If I was the music, would you be the dancer If I was the student, would you be the teacher? If I was the sinner, would you be the preacher? Would you be my… what"s the don do-do-don I still got a lotta shit to learn, I"ll admit it What"s the don do-do-don I still got a lotta shit to learn, I"ll admit it


luke意思是卢克。luke造句:1、So the first casualty of the expedition was Luke himself, who decided to leave.因此这次探险的第一个受害者是卢克自己,他决定离开。2、Cade Skywalker is a direct descendant of Anakin and Luke Skywalker.凯德·行者是阿纳金与卢克·行者的直系后裔。3、Notice:is Luke concerned about when the event in Nazareth actually historically happened?注意,路加真的在意拿撒勒事件,历史上到底是什么时候发生的吗?4、Moments later,Luke Walton tweaked an ankle at the other end of the court.过了一会儿,沃顿在球场边扭伤了脚踝。5、When Luke Skywalker pursued the little droid, he came face to face with Obi-Wan.卢克·天行者在追赶这个小机器人时,与欧比-万撞个正着。6、Luke and Anduvil fled the crowded spaceport to avoid the spread of contagion.卢克和安杜薇尔迅速逃出拥挤的太空港,以防被这种传染病感染。



卢克·威尔逊 Luke wilson简介

(英语介绍)The native handsome Texan, Luke Cunningham Wilson was born in Dallas in Texas in 1971. The son of an advertising executive and a photographer, he was raised with two brothers, Owen Wilson (the middle one) and Andrew Wilson (the eldest one). The three would all go on to make their careers in film, with Luke Wilson discovering his love of acting while a student at Occidental College. In 1993, the brothers Wilson collaborated with Wes Anderson to make Bottle Rocket (1994), which was initially a 13-minute short. The gleefully optimistic story of three Texans who aspire to become successful thieves, Bottle Rocket (1994) premiered at the 1993 Sundance Festival, where it attracted the attention of director James L. Brooks. With Brooks" help, the short became a full-length feature film released in 1996 under the same name Bottle Rocket (1996). Afterwards Wilson moved to Hollywood, setting up house with his two brothers and Anderson and the same year, Wilson also appeared in the coming-of-age drama Telling Lies in America (1997). After large roles in three 1998 comedies, Best Men (1997), Bongwater (1998) and Home Fries (1998) (the latter two co-starring Barrymore), Wilson went on to star in another three comedies the following year. The first, Dog Park (1998), was a Canadian film directed by "The Kids in the Hall" (1988) alum Bruce McCulloch and featured Wilson as one of a group of twenty-something"s undergoing the trials and tribulations of love. Blue Streak (1999) starred the actor as the sidekick of robber-turned-policeman Martin Lawrence, while Kill the Man (1999) (which premiered at the 1999 Sundance Festival) cast him as the owner of a small copy centre competing with a large chain store across the street. Though he would stick closely to comedy through 2001 with roles in Charlie"s Angels (2000) and Legally Blonde (2001) Wilson took a turn for the sinister in the thrillers Preston Tylk (2000) and Soul Survivors (2001) before reteaming with his brother Owen Wilson and Wes Anderson to give one of his most memorable performances as Richie in The Royal Tenenbaums (2001).In 2003, Wilson reprised two past roles, appearing in both Charlie"s Angels: Full Throttle (2003) and Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde (2003). That same year, he also scored a hit as one of the stars of Todd Phillips Old School (2003). 2004 saw Wilson embark on The Wendell Baker Story (2005), a film he starred in, co-directed with brother Andrew Wilson, and co-wrote with brother Owen Wilson.Although he made his film debutin the acclaimed independent film Bottle Rocket (1996), he initially got more recognition for his real-life role as Drew Barrymore"s boyfriend than for his acting. Fortunately for Wilson, his onscreen talents outlasted his relationship with Barrymore, and he has enjoyed steady employment and increasing visibility through substantial roles in a number of films 传记英俊的德克萨斯牛仔卢克·威尔逊于1971年出生在得克萨斯州达拉斯市。他的父亲是一位广告制作人兼摄影师,他有两个哥哥,大哥安德鲁·威尔逊、二哥欧文·威尔逊。三兄弟全都从事电影事业。卢克·威尔逊在西方学院上大学时发现了他对表演的热爱。1993年,威尔逊兄弟与维斯·安德森合作制作了影片《脱险冲天炮》,最初只是13分钟的短片。影片讲述了三个得克萨斯人梦想成为完美窃贼的故事。该片在1993年圣丹斯电影节上首映,引起导演詹姆斯·L·布鲁克的注意。在布鲁克的帮助下,这部短片得以成为一部完整长片,并在1996年以同名公映。之后,威尔逊与他的二个哥哥及安德森搬到好莱坞。同年,威尔逊出演了舞台剧处女作《说谎在美国》。1998年,威尔逊连续在三个喜剧,《最佳男人》,《Bongwater》和《爱情向前冲》(后两部和德鲁·拜瑞摩尔合演)中担纲主演。1999年他又接着主演了三部喜剧片。《爱情狗奇缘》,这是一部加拿大影片,导演是曾经执导《The Kids in the Hall》的布鲁斯·麦克洛奇,威尔逊在片中扮演一个二十来岁的小伙子,去接受爱的考验和磨炼。在《笨贼妙探》中,他饰演由强盗转为警察的马丁·劳伦斯的同伙。在于1999 年圣丹斯电影节首映的影片《Kill the Man》中,他饰演一个小复印店的老板,与一家横跨好几条街的大连锁店竞争。2001年,他仍然饰演了一些喜剧角色,如《霹雳天使》、《律政俏佳人》等,同时也饰演了一系列与此反差甚大的阴险恐怖的角色,如《Preston Tylk》、《灵魂幸存者》。之后,他和哥哥欧文·威尔逊以及维斯安德森再次合作,在《特伦鲍姆一家》中饰演了一个迄今最令人难忘的角色“里奇”。2003年,威尔逊重复了二个老角色,分别是《霹雳天使2:全速进攻》和《律政俏佳人2》。同年,他在众星云集的影片《托德菲利普老学校》客串演出。2004年,威尔逊出演《The Wendell Baker Story 》,他任主角,大哥安德鲁·威尔逊导演,二哥欧文·威尔逊编剧。尽管他在那部优秀独立影片《脱险冲天炮》中成功完成了他的电影处女秀,但他当初为人所知更多地是因为在真实生活中他所扮演的德鲁·拜瑞莫尔的男友角色。他的表演天份延续了他与拜瑞摩尔的关系,而且现在的他事业稳定,片约不断,星途灿烂。演员作品 我的超级前女友 My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006) 拯救猫头鹰 Hoot (2006) 蠢蛋进化论 Untitled Mike Judge Comedy (2005) 环游世界80天 Around the World in Eighty Days (2004) 单身男子俱乐部 Old School (2003) 蒙面与匿名 Masked and Anonymous (2003) 亚历克斯与艾玛 Alex and Emma (2003) 撞翻缘姻路 Third Wheel, The (2002) 特伦鲍姆一家 Royal Tenenbaums (2001) 律政俏佳人 Legally Blonde (2001) 骇过阴阳线 Soul Survivors (2001) Preston Tylk (2000) 我的小狗斯齐普 My Dog Skip (2000) 爱的承诺 Committed (2000) 笨贼妙探 Blue Streak (1999) Kill the Man (1999) 爱情向前冲 Home Fries (1998) 爱情狗奇缘 Dog Park (1998) Bongwater (1998) Best Men (1997) Telling Lies in America (1997) 瓶装火箭 Bottle Rocket (1996)








填 an因为old 是元音开头 Luke has an old guitar.



Luke: What a beautiful dress!Edna:_________. I just got it yesterday.

【答案】:[答案] A[解题指导]此题考查如何回答他人赞扬自己时的习惯方式。上下文的意思为:Luke:多美的一件套服啊!Edna:谢谢。

I amluke 怎么变成一般疑问句?

Are you Luke?

温特沃什米勒是不是和一个叫Luke MacFarlane的人相恋?


小红伞的luke filewalker被系统锁住



TAKERU并不是一位声优,而是组合TAKERU SOLDIERS的主唱。生日:1985年7月8日血型:o型出身于鹿儿岛。除了LB以外,没有配过其他的角色

cute luke tune哪个发音不同?


luke often

LUKE:What (1) ____are___ you ____doing___ (do),Su Mei? SU MEI :I (2) ___am reading____ (read) a storybook.I (3) ___love____ (love) reading storybooks. I often (4) __ borrow___ (borrow) some from the library.What about you? LUKE I:(5) ___find____ (find) cartoon books more interesting. I (6) ____am reading___ (read) one called The Monkey King right now.I often (7) ___ask____ (ask) my father to buy some cartoon books for me. 2. SU MEI:What"s in that box?I (8)__don"t__understand___ (not understand) French. LUKE:It (9)__contains_____(contain) tartes aux pommes.That (10)___means____(mean) apple pies.Try some! SU MEI:Mmm (11) ____smells___ (smell) good.But I (12)__don"t think_____(not think) I"ll try it.I(13) _am_ losing___(lose) weight,so I (14)__need_____(need) to go on a diet!


seyluke ramsey




luke中的u 发音和其他两个不一样哦。音标如下,供参考:cute 的音标是 /kjuːt/ luke 的音标是 /lu:k/ tune 的音标是/tjuːn/


出生日期:1973 年,出生地:罗得岛州,在纽约长大,音乐类型:Hip hop, pop, R&B, dance-pop, electropop, pop rock,职业:音乐人, 唱片发行人, 词曲创作者,混音制作人。


luke 英[lu:k] 美[luk] adj. <古>冷淡的; look 英[lu028ak] 美[lu028ak] vt. 看,瞧; vi. 寻找; 注意; 面向; 看起来好像; n. 看; 样子; (尤指吸引人的) 相貌; 眼神;




LUKE是“幸运”的意思。有 祝你好运:good luke.之说。还有副词:lukely,幸运地。





Luke 注意力不集中,一件事没做完又去做另一件事,结果 Phil 也一样。是《摩登家庭》的哪一集?

是摩登家庭第二季第20集的剧情。Claire对Luke过于旺盛的好奇心感到担心,她带着 Luke去做心理治疗。Luke没有太大的问题,但Phil却被Claire的无心之语所伤害,最重要的一点是他们居然把Luke一个人留在了停车场。不过没说是什么综合征的哦 我还特意去重新看了一遍

lucas这个英文名和Luke一样吗 区别在哪



Nolan Gould


卢克(Luke) 的扮演者是"布拉德·法尔查克(Alexander Dreymon)"。 相关信息可以在"imdb"找到。

卢克·沃洛 (Luke Worrall)和前女友卢克·沃洛 (Luke Worrall)为嘛分手?劈腿的话 对象是谁?以及他现女友

  今年25岁的凯莉·奥斯本 (Kelly Osbourne) 和20岁的卢克·沃洛 (Luke Worrall) 是约会了6个月后在2008年5月订婚的。那时,卢克·沃洛 (Luke Worrall) 年仅18岁。而他们订婚的消息正是由卢克·沃洛 (Luke Worrall) 把他的Facebook恋爱状态一栏改为”和凯莉·奥斯本 (Kelly Osbourne) 订婚“才曝光的。  自从两人恋爱后,卢克·沃洛 (Luke Worrall) 在过去的两年里时常随女友 (未婚妻) 凯莉·奥斯本 (Kelly Osbourne) 一起参加时尚、派对活动。而他们的甜蜜甚至有些“腻歪”的街拍也成为粉丝们追逐的对象。他们甚至还剪过相类似的发型!卢克·沃洛 (Luke Worrall) 曾陪凯莉·奥斯本 (Kelly Osbourne) 度过一段艰难的时光。凯莉·奥斯本 (Kelly Osbourne) 曾公开表达她对卢克·沃洛 (Luke Worrall) 的爱:“我从来没有与任何人这样粘过,这次我真的是无法自已了!Luke太完美了,他的所有一切都是美好的!”, “我很幸福,我爱他,愿意为他做一切事情!”  然而,正如报友们所说的一样,“童话终究是童话”。但这更像是“不漂亮的公主姐姐”和“帅气平民王子”爱情的落幕。面对卢克·沃洛 (Luke Worrall) 的背叛,凯莉·奥斯本 (Kelly Osbourne) 删去了她所有的Facebook留言,只留下一句:“卢克·沃洛 (Luke Worrall) 让我感到恶心!!! ("Luke Worrall makes me sick!!!")。“对曾经的挚爱写下这样的评价,不得不让人猜测卢克·沃洛 (Luke Worrall) 究竟做了多大的”坏事“。另外,两人都把自己的Facebook恋爱状态改为“单身”。  凯莉·奥斯本 (Kelly Osbourne) 说自己并不打算继续谈论这个问题,她在Twitter上这样写道:”谢谢你们的支持,但这是个人隐私。我不会谈论过多,因为太多的伤害已经造成了。“


现在的栏Charlotte Pallister




答: Luke是一个用于Lucene搜索引擎的,方便开发和诊断的第三方工具,它可以访问现有Lucene的索引,并允许您显示和修改。  在几个方面的内容:   浏览文件编号  查看文件/复制到剪贴板   检索条件的最常见的排名名单   执行搜索和浏览结果   搜寻结果分析   有选择地从索引中删除文件   重构原始文档,修改并重新插入到索引   优化索引   以及更多...   最新版本的Luke也可以通过插件和脚本进行功能扩展。   目前.Net版的实现NLuke也已经有了。  但目前Lucene已经升级至3.0版,Luke尚未有支持3.0版Lucene的版本。 参考资料:


Luke "u"是长音Look "u"是短音






名字寓意:高大强壮英俊的运动员。luke1、[luk]2、名字性别:男孩英文名。3、来源语种:拉丁语、古英语。4、名字含义:来自卢卡尼亚,光明,Lucas的异体英语形式的希腊名字Λουκαu03c2(Loukas)意思是“来自卢卡尼亚”,卢卡尼亚是意大利南部的一个地区(意义不确定)。扩展资料情侣名:Sophia1、配对理由:Luke和Sophia取自影片《最长的旅程》中的情侣角色,适合情侣专用。片名《最长的旅程》,英文名《 The Longest Ride 》,2015年上映。2、[su0259"faiu0259]3、名字性别:女孩英文名。4、来源语种:英语。5、名字含义:智慧在希腊语中意为“智慧”。这是一个早期,可能是神话的圣人的名字,他死了,因为她的三个女儿在哈德良皇帝统治时死亡的悲伤。




Luke 光之使者 男性 拉丁语 欢迎程度五颗星(满分五颗星)



Luke Bryan的《Apologize》 歌词

歌曲:Apologize歌手:Luck BryanI"m holding on your rope,Got me ten feet off the groundAnd I"m hearing what you say but I just can"t make a soundYou tell me that you need meThen you go and cut me down,but waitYou tell me that you"re sorryDidn"t think I"d turn around, and say...That it"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateI said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateI"d take another chance, take a fallTake a shot for youAnd I need you like a heart needs a beatBut it"s nothing newI loved you with the fire red-Now it"s turning blue, and you say..."Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was youBut I"m afraid...That is too late to apologize, it"s too lateI said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late .....I said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateIt"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateIt"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateI said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateHolding on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground...<End>



初三速求英语作文Proecting rivers and lukes

Protect waterWater is a kind of liquid. It has no color or smell. Water is useful and is important to us. Why? For example, we use water for watering the plants. We use water for washing our face or having a bath. We must drink water every day or we will die…Water is also very limited in China. Water resources in China equals to one fourth of the world average, and one sixth of the United States.Although water is limited, there are still a few people who are not protecting the water now in the world. For example, some factories pour waste things into the rivers, lakes or into the sea near by. The water there has become very dirty and we can"t use it at all. Although there are seventy one persents of seventy–one water in the world, we can only use fresh water, that there is only a little.So we should use little water when we need to use it. For example, I do not use too much water when I am washing my face or having a bath… It is important for us to keep the water clean. You may ask yourself, have I ever poured or thrown dirty things into the water? If your answer is “No”, that means you have already helped to protect the environment.It is our duty to protect the environment. You may ask yourself again, have I ever helped to clean up the water? If your answer is “Yes”, that means that you have already done something useful to improve the water. If we use up all the water, it is difficult for us to get it from anywhere, including the universe. It is terrible to think that people are too thirsty to live!I believe that, if everyone helps to protect the water, the water must be protected. You do not want to “kill” your son or your grandson, do you? So now let us to protect the water! Please don"t let the last drop of water on the earth is our human"s tear!谢谢求采纳

lukes english podcast 文本在哪里找


《深情密码》里面那个Luker star的手势要怎么比


Ports、Luke Tanabe怎么读?(音标)

Ports /pu0254:ts/Luke /luk/Tanabe /tanabi/

Cool Hand Luke的《Sequence》 歌词

歌曲名:Sequence歌手:Cool Hand Luke专辑:the fires of lifeSequenceby Cool Hand LukeI never truly lived until I died with YouI never truly lived until I died with YouYou came and changed my lifeYou came to save my lifeYou turned Your ear and You heard me (Psalm 116:1,2)Why can"t I feel what I believe?Veni sancte SpirtusVeni sancte Spirtus?You came and changed my lifeYou came and saved my lifeWhat can I sing to give you my heartTo give up the things that tear us apartWho am I that You died for meTouched my lips and let me singSimple words for simple truthI never lived till I died withYouI almost forgotYou"re my one,You"re my one good thing (Psalm 16:2)You"re my reason,My reason to singI never really lived until I died with You