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yesterday flag day中间填一个be动词,该填什么?

Flag = 旗;Flag Day = 6月14日美国的国旗日,据说始于1885年。这天也是美国公益事业募捐日。学生、志工捧着储钱桶募集爱国捐献,有人捐钱就给一面小旗子(比手指长一点)。慢慢其他慈善团体也采用这个办法募集善款,就有了‘售旗日"flag day。后来工艺进步了就给捐款人一个小贴纸,贴在衣领上。题目:Yesterday was a flag day。因为句子用Yesterday,所以必须用过去时was、不能用is

The birds in the cage which I bought yesterday错原因?

句子成分不完整。The birds in the cage was the one I brought yesterday.The birds which I brought yesterday was in the cage.

《yesterday once more》的歌词

WhenIwasyoung当我年轻时  I"dlistentotheradio我喜欢听电台广播  Waiting"formyfavoritesongs等待我最喜爱的歌  WhentheyplayedI"dsingalong我常随着一起清唱  Itmademesmile.笑容满面  Thoseweresuchhappytimes那段多么快乐的时光  Andnotsolongago并不遥远  HowIwonderedwherethey"dgone我是多么想知道他们去了哪儿  Butthey"rebackagain但是它们又回来了  Justlikealonglostfriend像一位久未谋面的旧日朋友  AllthesongsIlovedsowell.那些歌我依旧喜欢  EverySha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-la  EveryWo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-o  Stillshines仍然闪亮  Everyshing-a-ling-a-ling每一声shing-a-ling-a-ling  Thatthey"restarting"tosing"s当他们开始唱时  Sofine.如此欢畅  Whentheygettothepart当他们唱到  Wherehe"sbreakin"herheart他让她伤心的那一段时  Itcanreallymakemecry我真的哭了  Justlikebefore一如往昔  It"syesterdayoncemore.这是昨日的重现  (Shoobiedolanglang)  (Shoobiedolanglang)  Lookin"backonhowitwas回首过去的  Inyearsgoneby那些时光  AndthegoodtimesthatIhad我曾有过的欢乐  Makestodayseemrathersad今天似乎更加悲伤  Somuchhaschanged.一切都变了  Itwassongsoflovethat这就是那些跟着唱过的  Iwouldsingtothen旧情歌  AndI"dmemorizeeachword我会记住每个字眼  Thoseoldmelodies那些古老旋律  Stillsoundsogoodtome对我仍然那么动听  Astheymelttheyearsaway.可以把岁月融化  EverySha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-la  EveryWo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-o  Stillshines依然闪亮  Everyshing-a-ling-a-ling每一个shing-a-ling-a-ling  Thatthey"restartin"tosing"s当他们开始唱时  Sofine.如此欢畅  Allmybestmemories我所有的美好回忆  Comebackclearlytome清晰地浮现在眼前  Somecanevenmakemecry.有些甚至让我泪流满面  Justlikebefore一如往昔  It"syesterdayoncemore.这是昨日的重现

有没有类似yesterday once more这种类型的歌曲?

say you say meright here waiting........搜一下奥斯卡金曲吧

last night 与yesterday的区别

【答案】:last night 与yesterday的区别:1、主要在night与evening的区别,evening 通常是指中文所说的傍晚,还未至深夜,大部分人还在交际、活动的一段时间。2、night 指的是深夜,大部分人要入睡的一段时间。

yesterday night 和last night的区别

只有last night 的用法,yesterday night 说实话没有见过。

last night和yesterday evening有什么区别

last night:昨晚8点以后到睡觉的时间yesterday evening:昨天下午4点到8点之间主要在evening与night的区别上:evening 通常是指中文所说的傍晚,还未至深夜,大部分人还在交际、活动的一段时间.night 指的是深夜,大部分人要入睡的一段时间.

是用last night还是yesterday evening,翻译上有什么不同?

你好是用last night还是yesterday evening,翻译上有什么不同?当然不同的呀!

“昨天晚上”为什么是last night而不是yesterday night

last night是固定搭配,死记。

last night和yesterday evening有什么区别?

last night是昨天晚上是 深夜yesterday evening是 昨天晚上 可能是傍晚

last night 与yesterday night同一意思吗?


Only that factory( )yesterday( )this kind of machines. A we visited;produces B did we visit;does it


有一英文歌 歌词大概是 i word how word why 什么什么的 yesterday男的

是不是约翰列侬的 imagine。

有一英文歌 歌词大概是 i word how word why 什么什么的 yesterday男的

是不是约翰列侬的 imagine。



哪位朋友知道,Yesterday once more(昨日重现)是哪部电影的插曲?拜托!

美国影片《生命因你而动听》(Mr. Holland`s Opus),是一部不可多得的优秀影片,可以说它是一部音乐欣赏与音乐创作的影片,一部歌颂追求个人事业理想,表现教师奉献爱心的教育片,一部讴歌男女情爱,人性美的伦理片,怎么说都行,只是看你从什么角度去观赏这部影片了。 影片《生命因你而动听》中的插曲“昨日重现”已经选入了奥斯卡百年金曲之中,世界上喜爱音乐的人们,百听不厌。 “昨日重现”(Yesterday once more )本身就演绎了一个新的罗蜜殴与朱丽叶的爱情悲剧故事,加之优美伤感的音乐由卡兰·卡彭特(Karen Carpenter,1950-1983.2)首唱,已传唱于全球,非常受欢迎,现已成为大学生们英文歌曲演唱比赛的首选歌曲。 据说 Karen Carpenter 是因为减肥过度而死的,让人惋惜不已。 电影原声MP3下载地址与歌词:

yesterday once more是哪个电影的主题曲

美国影片《生命因你而动听》(Mr. Holland`s Opus),是一部不可多得的优秀影片,可以说它是一部音乐欣赏与音乐创作的影片,一部歌颂追求个人事业理想,表现教师奉献爱心的教育片,一部讴歌男女情爱,人性美的伦理片,怎么说都行,只是看你从什么角度去观赏这部影片了。 影片《生命因你而动听》中的插曲“昨日重现”已经选入了奥斯卡百年金曲之中,世界上喜爱音乐的人们,百听不厌。 “昨日重现”(Yesterday once more )本身就演绎了一个新的罗蜜殴与朱丽叶的爱情悲剧故事,加之优美伤感的音乐由卡兰·卡彭特(Karen Carpenter,1950-1983.2)首唱,已传唱于全球,非常受欢迎,现已成为大学生们英文歌曲演唱比赛的首选歌曲。 据说 Karen Carpenter 是因为减肥过度而死的,让人惋惜不已。

Yesterday Once More,这个中文是啥意思


yesterday once more这首歌的中文翻译


yesterday once more歌词原文是什么?

歌曲原唱:Carpenters填词:Richard Carpenter、John Bettis谱曲:Richard Carpenter、John Bettis歌词:When I was young,I"d listen to the radio当我年少时,我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs,When they played I"d sing along等待我最心爱的歌曲,当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile,Those were such happy times令我笑容满面,那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago,How I wondered where they"d gone就在不久以前,我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again,Just like a long-lost friend但是它们又回来了,像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la,Every Wo-o-wo-o,Still shines每一句Sha-la-la-la,每一声Wo-o-wo-o,仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,That they"re starting to sing,So fine每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling,当他们开始唱时,如此欢畅When they get to the part,Where he"s breaking her heart当他们唱到,他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry,Just like before真的令我痛哭流涕,一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现Looking back on how it was in years gone by,And the good times that I had回首它是如何在岁月中走远,以及我曾有过的欢乐时光Makes today seem rather sad,So much has changed使得今天似乎更加悲伤,一切都变了It was songs of love that I"d sing to then,And I memorize each word这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌,我记住的每个字眼Those old melodies,Still sound so good to me那些古老旋律,对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月Every Sha-la-la-la,Every Wo-o-wo-o,Still shines每一句Sha-la-la-la,每一声Wo-o-wo-o,仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,That they"re starting to sing,So fine每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling,当他们开始唱时,如此欢畅All my best memories,Come back clearly to me我所有的美好回忆,清晰地浮现Some can even make me cry,Just like before,It"s yesterday once more有些令我哭了,一如往昔,这是昨日的重现Every Sha-la-la-la,Every Wo-o-wo-o,Still shines每一声Sha-la-la-la,每一声Wo-o-wo-o,仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,That they"re starting to sing,So fine每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling,当他们开始唱时,如此欢畅Every Sha-la-la-la,Every Wo-o-wo-o每一声Sha-la-la-la,每一声Wo-o-wo-o扩展资料《Yesterday Once More》(译名:昨日重现)是二十世纪七十年代欧美经典的英文歌曲之一。始创于1973年,曾被无数个歌手翻唱过。曾入围奥斯卡百年金曲。理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝迪斯为回应七十年代早期的怀旧风创作了这首歌曲。这首夺金单曲在美国和英国两地都取得亚军的成绩。这首歌已成为永恒畅销单曲之一。卡朋特兄妹于1965年开始组织乐队,取名卡朋特乐队(Carpenters)。哥哥理查德·卡朋是个才华横溢的钢琴家,担任乐队的钢琴伴奏和歌曲创作。他创作了大量经典歌曲, Super Star、We"ve only just begun、Sing、Yesterday Once More和Top Of The World等。妹妹卡伦·卡朋特在音乐领域也有极高的天分,嗓音优美、深情,她可以一边打鼓一边唱歌。卡伦·卡朋特那纯净略带忧郁的嗓音,亲切自然的演唱风格,使《yesterday once more》这首歌独具魅力。

请帮忙找My heart will go on和season in the sun 还有yesterday once more的中文曲歌词,谢啦

My heart will go on歌手:celion dion every night in my dreams 每一个夜晚,在我的梦里 i see you, i feel you 我看见你,我感觉到你 that is how i know you go on 我懂得你的心 far across the distance 跨越我们心灵的空间 and the spaces between us 你向我显现你的来临 you have come to show you go on 无论你如何远离我 near far whenever you are 我相信我心已相随 i believe that the heart does go on 你再次敲开我的心扉 once more you open the door 你融入我的心灵 and you"re here in my heart 我心与你同往 and my heart will go on and on 与你相随 love can touch us one time 爱每时每刻在触摸我们 and last for a lifetime 为着生命最后的时刻 and never let go till we"re one 不愿失去,直到永远 love was when i loved you 爱就是当我爱着你时的感觉 one true time i hold you 我牢牢把握住那真实的一刻 in my life we"ll always go on 在我的生命里,爱无止境 near far whenever you are 无论你离我多么遥远 i believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心同往 once more you open the door 你敲开我的心扉 and you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵 and my heart will go on and on 我心与你同往,我心与你相依 there is some love that will not go away 爱与我是那样的靠近 you"re here there is nothing i fear 你就在我身旁,以至我全无畏惧 and i know that my heart will go on 我知道我心与你相依 we"ll stay forever this way 我们永远相携而行 you are safe in my heart 在我心中你安然无恙 and my heart will go on and on我心属于你,爱无止境再见了,我忠实的朋友。season in the sun 我们从孩提时就已相识,相知。 我们一起爬山,爬树。 学会去爱和其他基本知识。 我们心意相同,情同手足。 再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去。 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱。 空气中弥漫着春天的气息. 到处是漂亮的女孩。 想我了,我就会与你同在。 我们曾共享快乐。 也曾共享阳光季节。 但我们一起爬山 的那些日子已经逝去。 再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷。 我是家里的害群之马。 你费尽心思教我明辨是非。 我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中。 真不知道我以前是如何过日子的。 再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去。 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱。 空气中弥漫着春天的气息。 小孩子在到处嬉戏。 当你看见他们,我就会与你同在。 我们曾共享快乐。 也曾共享阳光季节。 但昔日的歌酒狂欢。 犹如季节更迭已消逝。 我们曾共享快乐。 也曾共享阳光季节。 但昔日的歌酒狂欢。 犹如季节更迭已消逝. 再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱。 你给了我爱,帮我找到希望。 每当我意志消沉时。 你总会来到我的身边。 鼓励我振作起来。 再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去。 当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱。 空气中弥漫着春天的气息。 到处都是美丽的花朵。 我希望我们都在那儿欢聚! 我们曾共享快乐。 也曾共享阳光季节。 但我们一起爬山 的那些日子已经逝去。 我们曾共享快乐。 也曾共享阳光季节。 但昔日的歌酒狂欢。 犹如季节更迭已消逝。 我们曾共享快乐。 也曾共享阳光季节。 但昔日的歌酒狂欢。 犹如季节更迭已消逝。 我们曾共享快乐。 也曾共享阳光季节。 但昔日的歌酒狂欢。 犹如季节更迭已消逝。 我们曾共享快乐。 也曾共享阳光季节。yesterday once more昨日重现 (中文歌词) 歌手:卡朋特 年少时我喜欢听着收音机 等候我喜欢的歌曲轻轻响起 我独自为它伴唱 让我感到欢喜 这样的幸福时光早已远去 我多想知道他们到了那里? 象失散朋友再次回来 所有的歌曲 我还是那样喜欢 每一句 sha la la la 每一句wo wo 仍散发光芒 每一句sing aling aling 他们唱得还是如此动听 当歌曲演绎到 伤心的地方 确实让我哭泣 这是 昨日重现啊 回头看看走过的这些时光 幸福记忆让今天的我很感伤 有太多已经改变 那首我曾为他唱的爱情歌曲 每句歌词还印在我脑海里 那些旧的记忆依旧那么美妙 为我带走 这么多年的忧伤 每一句 sha la la la 每一句wo wo 仍散发光芒 每一句sing aling aling 他们唱得还是如此动听 所有美妙回忆 清晰向我袭击 一些确实让我哭泣 就象以前那样 这是昨日重现啊

yesterday once more 这首歌来自什么电影,电影内容是什么

这首歌(yesterday once more :昨日重现)来自电影<龙凤斗>.电影主要讲了:城中名流盗太(郑秀文)被富家公子Steve(吴嘉龙)追求,以家传之宝作求婚礼物,疯狂喜爱珠宝的盗太答允下嫁。 Steve的母亲Mrs. Allen(胡燕妮)非泛泛之辈,看穿盗太爱珠宝多过爱自己的儿子,遂订下苛刻条件要盗太遵守才可得到珠宝。盗太表面答允,暗地布署偷珠宝的计划。 当盗太以完美的计划,眼见成功抢得名贵珠宝之际,突然出现另一伙人,以一模一样的手法抢去珠宝!此人正是盗太已离婚的丈夫盗生(刘德华)。盗太心中有数认定是盗生所为,遂千里迢迢到意大利找盗生算账。 两人离婚后首次见面,盗太直指盗生偷珠宝目的是破坏自己的婚事。盗生不置可否,其实他仍爱着前妻,故意以游戏留难盗太,要她胜出才能换取珠宝下落。盗太洞悉对方动机,亦乐于跟他斗法。 Mrs. Allen失去家传之宝,认定是盗太所为,派私家侦探彻查盗太,得知盗氏夫妇的关系及两人早有偷窃的前科,认定是两人所为,不断搜集证据想将两人绳之于法。同时,保险公司亦怀疑Mrs. Allen监守自盗骗取保险金,派人调查Mrs. Allen,但毫无结果。 盗氏夫妇在香港相处期间。两人重踏旧日的足迹,回味一起走过的日子,不自觉重燃爱火。盗太以为盗生再次爱上自己后会说真话,怎料盗生依然不肯透露珠宝的下落。盗太唯有编出自己患上绝症的谎话,逼盗生吐真情。盗生信以为真紧张万分,盗太追问珠宝下落,盗生却突然声称亦同样患上绝症。盗太质疑盗生,逼他协订一起说真话。两人自离婚后第一次感情剖白,透露离婚的原因。 盗太经多番猜测后,终猜到藏珠宝的地方。当盗太取得珠宝后发觉竟然是假,以为盗生再一次骗自己,恼羞成怒拂袖而去。其实盗生也不知道珠宝是真是假,但心中有数应是Mrs. Allen从中作梗,逐登门找对方查明真相。 盗太不舍珠宝,再找盗生继续游戏,竟发觉盗生突然神秘失踪,并且安排把所有财产转让予自己。盗太越感不妥,开始相信盗生患绝症是事实,更怀疑盗生已死。盗太大为紧张,藏在心底的爱一发不可收拾,遍寻对方不获令盗太焦急万分。就在此时,Steve突然以第二条名贵珠宝向盗太再次求婚,盗太想到盗生可能再次出现偷珠宝,答允再嫁。 盗太暗地监察Steve运送珠宝的情况,果然发现一个极似盗生的人策划抢珠宝。盗太跟踪人影来到藏赃物的地点,看到刚抢回来的第二件家传之宝。盗太深信盗生未死,只是再一次跟自己开玩笑,一颗心顿时安定下来。但盗太却想不到,其实这一次是盗生的又一个精心布局…… 孙惠琪(郑秀文 饰)自从跟青年商家麦昆(刘德华 饰)离婚后,分得可观的财产,过着优悠的生活。富家子弟STEVE(吴嘉龙 饰)经港旅游巧遇琪,对琪一见钟情展开热烈追求,并闪电向琪求婚,更送上家传的名贵珠宝作结婚礼物。琪本对贵族生活兴趣不大,但由于琪疯狂地喜欢珠宝,看中STEVE的家传之珠宝,答允下嫁。其实Steve的母亲Mrs. Allen(胡燕妮)非泛泛之辈,看穿琪爱珠宝多过爱自己的儿子,遂订下苛刻条件要琪遵守才可得到珠宝。琪表面答允,暗地布署偷珠宝的计划。与此同时,性格爱冒险的昆得悉后,就琪在结婚前外夕,抢先设计把贵族的家传珠宝无声无色地偷走.警方和夸国保险公司调查员对珠宝失窃一案苦无头绪,琪却凭直觉认定是昆所为,但无证据,琪借故亲近昆,直指昆是偷珠宝贼,偷走珠宝目的是破坏自己的婚事,昆不置可否。琪不得要领逐千方百计搜集任何蛛丝马迹寻回珠宝,昆洞悉琪动机,乐于跟琪斗法。过程两人不自觉间再次斗出了火花,但双方都不肯承认。其实昆仍爱着前妻,故意以游戏留难琪,要她胜出才能换取珠宝下落。琪也因为洞悉对方动机,亦乐于跟他斗法。 Mrs. Allen失去家传之宝,认定是琪所为,派私家侦探彻查盗太,得知盗氏夫妇的关系及两人早有偷窃的前科,认定是两人所为,不断搜集证据想将两人绳之于法。同时,保险公司亦怀疑Mrs. Allen监守自盗骗取保险金,派人调查Mrs. Allen,但毫无结果。这边STEVE因为丢失珠宝,为留住琪的心,送上另一件更名贵的家传珠宝,琪喜出望外,再次答允婚事。昆知悉后再次策划偷珠宝行动,琪了解昆一定会有所行动,跟警方合作布下天罗地网,意图把昆人赃并获。昆为试琪对自己的真感情,愿以自己的自由作赌注,坚持再次作案。琪知悉后大感矛盾,眼见昆行将落网的时候,琪逐渐清晰原来昆在自己的心中仍是最重要………就在关键的时刻,昆利用琪对自己感情,成功得手而且逃去无纵。STEVE险被连累是珠宝贼的同党,最后因证据不足被释放,琪STEVE的婚事亦因此事而告吹。琪人财两失看似成为大输家之际,昆突然出现,送上两件偷来的家传珠宝向琪求婚………一对欢喜冤家再次走在一起。

yes,yesterday once more是什么歌?

  歌名:yesteday once more  歌曲原唱:Carpenters  填 词:Richard Carpenter,John Bettis  谱 曲:Richard Carpenter,John Bettis  专辑:《Now & Then》  歌词:  When I was young  当我年少时  I"d listen to the radio  我喜欢听收音机  Waiting for my favorite songs  等待我最心爱的歌曲  When they played I"d sing along  当他们演奏时我会跟着唱  It made me smile  令我笑容满面  Those were such happy times  那段多么快乐的时光  And not so long ago  就在不久以前  How I wondered where they"d gone  我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿  But they"re back again  但是它们又回来了  Just like a long-lost friend  像一位久未谋面的朋友  All the songs I love so well  那些歌我依旧深爱着  Every sha-la-la-la  每一句sha-la-la-la  Every Wo-o-wo-o  每一声Wo-o-wo-o  Still shines  仍然闪亮  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling  每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling  That they"re starting to sing  当他们开始唱时  So fine  如此欢畅  When they get to the part  当他们唱到  Where he"s breaking her heart  他让她心碎的那一段时  It can really make me cry  真的令我痛哭流涕  Just like before  一如往昔  It"s yesterday once more  这是昨日的重现  (Shoobie do lang lang)  (Shoobie do lang lang)  Looking back on how it was in years gone by  回首它是如何在岁月中走远  And the good times that I had  以及我曾有过的欢乐时光  Makes today seem rather sad  使得今天似乎更加悲伤  So much has changed  一切都变了  It was songs of love that I would sing to them  这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌  And I memorize each word我记住的每个字眼  Those old melodies那些古老旋律  Still sound so good to me对我仍然那么动听  As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月  Every Sha-la-la-la  每一句sha-la-la-la  Every Wo-o-wo-o  每一声Wo-o-wo-o  Still shines  仍然闪亮  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling  每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling  That they"re starting to sing  当他们开始唱时  So fine  如此欢畅  All my best memories  我所有的美好回忆  Come back clearly to me  清晰地浮现  Some can even make me cry有些令我哭了  Just like before一如往昔  It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现  (Shoobie do lang lang)  Every Sha-la-la-la  每一声Sha-la-la-la  Every Wo-o-wo-o  每一声Wo-o-wo-o  Still shines  仍然闪亮  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling  每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling  That they"re starting to sing  当他们开始唱时  So fine  如此欢畅  Every Sha-la-la-la  每一声Sha-la-la-la  Every Wo-o-wo-o  每一声Wo-o-wo-o  Still shines仍然闪亮  每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling  That they"re starting to sing  当他们开始唱时  So fine如此欢畅  注:  *这里的“Shoobie do lang lang”是和音伴奏,无实际意义,不翻译。  **汉字中没有“Shing”的读音的对应象声词,用原文代替.  歌手简介:  卡朋特乐队(Carpenters)是美国歌星理查德·卡朋特和卡伦·卡朋特兄妹二人组成的演唱组合,1970年代和1980年代初期风靡一时。卡朋特兄妹于1965年开始组织乐队,1969年11月15日,卡朋特乐队的单曲《Close to You》(靠近你)一举走红,其后,他们在整个1970年代大获成功。《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现)、《Top of the World》(世界之颠)、《Please Mr. Postman》(请等一下,邮差先生)等歌曲广为人知。

yesterday once more的作曲是谁

《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现),是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。1973年6月2日,《昨日重现》在最畅销首发单曲排行榜排名第71,8月4日即登上第一。1983年2月3日夜晚,卡朋特兄妹两人的密友狄昂·华薇克在拉斯维加斯谷演唱了这首歌,次日,卡伦·卡朋特去世,年仅32岁。歌词:When I was young当我年少时I"d listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最心爱的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile令我笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago就在不久以前How I wondered where they"d gone我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long-lost friend像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅When they get to the part当他们唱到Where he"s breaking her heart他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry真的令我痛哭流涕Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)Looking back on how it was in years gone by回首它是如何在岁月中走远And the good times that I had以及我曾有过的欢乐时光Makes today seem rather sad使得今天似乎更加悲伤So much has changed一切都变了It was songs of love that I"d sing to then这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌And I memorize each word我记住的每个字眼歌谱(3张)Those old melodies那些古老旋律Still sound so good to me对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅All my best memories我所有的美好回忆Come back clearly to me清晰地浮现Some can even make me cry有些令我哭了Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-o

yesterday once more歌词

《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现)是卡朋特乐队演唱的歌曲,始创于1973年。《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现):When I was young当我小时候I"d listen to the radio聆听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待着我最喜欢的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当歌曲播放时我和着它轻轻吟唱It made me smile我脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑Those were such happy times那时的时光多么幸福and not so long ago且它并不遥远How I wondered我记不清where they"d gone它们何时消逝But they"re back again但是它们再次回访just like a long lost friend让一个久无音讯的老朋友All the songs I love so well所有我喜爱万分的歌曲Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing每一个他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳When they get to the part当他们唱到他where he"s breaking her heart让她伤心之处It can really make me cry我哭泣just like before像从前那样It"s yesterday once more昨日重现Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Looking back on回首往事how it was in years gone by回望曾经And the good times that I had幸福时光makes today seem rather sad今日已沧海桑田So much has changed变了很多It was songs of love那是旧情歌that I would sing to them我唱给他们的And I"d memorise each word至今我仍能记得每一个文字Those old melodies那些旧旋律still sound so good to me仍然悦耳动听As they melt the years away可以把岁月融化Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个他们开始唱的shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing每一个他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳All my best memories我美好的回忆come back clearly to me都清晰地浮现在眼前Some can even make me cry我哭泣just like before像从前那样It"s yesterday once more昨日重现Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳Every shalala every wo"wo still shines每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo,仍然光芒四射

yesterday once more翻译中文

When I was young I"d listen to the radiou3000u3000Waiting for my favorite songsu3000u3000When they played I"d sing alongu3000u3000It made me smileu3000u3000Those were such happy times and not so long agou3000u3000How I wondered where they"d goneu3000u3000But they"re back again just like a long lost friendu3000u3000All the songs I love so wellu3000u3000Every shalala every wo"wostill shinesu3000u3000Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fineu3000u3000When they get to the partu3000u3000Where he"s breaking her heartu3000u3000It can really make me cryu3000u3000Just like beforeu3000u3000It"s yesterday once moreu3000u3000(Shoobie do lang lang*)Looking back on how it was in years gone byu3000u3000And the good times that I hadu3000u3000Makes today seem rather sadu3000u3000So much has changedu3000u3000It was songs of love that I would sing to themu3000u3000And I"d memorise each wordu3000u3000Those old melodies still sound so good to meu3000u3000As they melt the years awayu3000u3000Every shalala every wo"wo still shinesu3000u3000Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fine

yesterday once more男声版的外国歌手是谁?

是不是cliff richard的yesterday once more

《yesterday once more》是什么的主题曲?


谁可以给我.yesterday once more歌曲的背景资料?

《昨日重现》背景资料 Carpenters - Yesterday Once More 提起卡彭特,歌迷们自然而然会想起这首YESTERDAY ONCE MONE。的确,作为最早在大陆传唱的一首英文歌曲,它已深深的烙印在许多中国歌迷的心中。 卡彭特全名卡伦61卡彭特(Karen Carpenter),1950年出生于美国康涅狄格州;在其兄理查德61卡彭特(Richard Carpente)组建的“卡彭特”乐队(旧译“木匠”乐队)中任主唱。理查德由于运用多声轨重复录音技术录制并演唱披头士(the Beatles)的歌曲Ticket to Ride而备受瞩目,是位很有才华的乐人。他原本也担任歌手,兼弹琴、制作及歌曲创作;但妹妹的歌声甜美出众,于是理查德甘为配角,为妹妹写歌、伴奏,兄妹感情极深。 YESTERDAY ONCE MORE是一首追怀旧情的感伤之作。经历过一系列失恋打击、身处孤独之中的歌手原本是收音机的忠实听众,常常跟随电波中的一曲曲情歌吟唱。后来,陷入爱河的她不在有闲暇去收听音乐广播了,与收音机渐渐疏远。而今,为情所伤、心如死灰的她再度拧开收音机,熟悉的旋律重新响起,一声声、一曲曲仿佛正讲述着自己的身世。时光流逝,情感变迁,但那一首首曾如旧友长伴身侧的老歌,却忠诚如初,永远不会背叛自己。温馨中夹杂苦痛,慰籍之余更添伤感:难道人尚不如歌?多情易伤、多愁善感的她多么盼望昨日随旧曲重现,鸳梦重温。 卡伦的歌往往流露一股哀怨和伤感,似乎她在演绎自己的身世。卡伦令人惋叹的早逝正是一场催人泪下的悲剧:由于Billboard杂志的一位作者在评论中“讽刺”卡论体态过于丰满,她便开始节食而日渐消瘦,为保持苗条还服用倾泻剂。但物极必反,过度节食使卡伦患上了“精神性厌食症”。1983年2月4日死在深爱她的父母怀中,死时年仅32岁。他的哥哥理查德悲切的写下了这段文字: February 4, 1983,on I lost my sister, a dear friend, and my professional partner. The world lost a beautiful spirit. Karen had not only a voice that was heaven-sent, but a personality that warmed the lives of everyone who had met and known her. She was with us only 32 years. Though my family and I will never get over losing her at such an early age, we can take com fort in the marvelous legacy she left us all. (1983年2月4日,在这一天我失去了妹妹,我的挚友兼专业搭档。世界失去了一个美丽的灵魂。卡伦不仅有一副天赐的歌喉,她的人格更温暖了见过或认识她的每个人。她和我们一起度过了32个年头。虽然她的英年早逝给我和我的家人带来无法排遣的痛苦,我们却为她留给我们大家的伟大遗产而感到宽慰。)

yesterday once more是什么意思


yesterday once more是谁的歌

《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现),是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。这首歌1973年发行至今,被多国歌手以多种语言翻唱,成为翻唱度和传唱度非常高的一个经典老歌。歌手:Carpenters作词 : Richard Carpenter and John Bettis作曲 : Richard Carpenter and John BettisWhen I was young I"d listen to the radio我还年轻的时候, 喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最喜欢的歌曲When they played I"d sing along,当他们演奏时,我会随之吟唱It made me smile.这使我心情欢畅Those were such happy times and not so long ago那些是多么幸福的时光!就在不久以前how I wondered where they"d gone.我想知道它们曾去何处But they"re back again just like a long lost friend而今它们再次出现,就像失散的旧友重逢all the songs I love so well.所有的歌曲我都如此的喜爱Every shalalala every wo"wo每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-woStill shines.依旧闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙When they get to the part当他们唱到一个地方Where he"s breaking her heart他令她伤心断肠It can really make me cry这真能叫我哭出来Just like before.正如从前一样It"s yesterday once more.仿佛昔日又重来(shoobie do lang lang)无比惆怅Looking back on how it was in years gone by回头看岁月如何消逝And the good times that I had这些过去的好时光Makes today seem rather sad,使今天显得令人哀伤So much has changed.一切都已不再It was songs of love that I would sing to them我向他们唱爱的情歌and I"d memorize each word.我会记住每一句歌词Those old melodies still sound so good to me那些熟悉的旋律,在我听来还是那么好As they melt the years away好像他们把岁月融消Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙All my best memories come back clearly to me我所有美好的记忆清晰的重现Some can even make me cry有一些仍能使我哭出来Just like before.正如从前一样It"s yesterday once more.这是昨日再现(shoobie do lang lang)无比惆怅Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines.每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines.每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁

yesterday once more翻译中文

Yesterday once more.昨日重现。是一首很好听的英文歌曲。

昨日重现(yesterday once more) 创作背景,急啊

昨日重现》背景资料 Carpenters - Yesterday Once More 提起卡彭特,歌迷们自然而然会想起这首YESTERDAY ONCE MONE。的确,作为最早在大陆传唱的一首英文歌曲,它已深深的烙印在许多中国歌迷的心中。 卡彭特全名卡伦61卡彭特(Karen Carpenter),1950年出生于美国康涅狄格州;在其兄理查德61卡彭特(Richard Carpente)组建的“卡彭特”乐队(旧译“木匠”乐队)中任主唱。理查德由于运用多声轨重复录音技术录制并演唱披头士(the Beatles)的歌曲Ticket to Ride而备受瞩目,是位很有才华的乐人。他原本也担任歌手,兼弹琴、制作及歌曲创作;但妹妹的歌声甜美出众,于是理查德甘为配角,为妹妹写歌、伴奏,兄妹感情极深。 YESTERDAY ONCE MORE是一首追怀旧情的感伤之作。经历过一系列失恋打击、身处孤独之中的歌手原本是收音机的忠实听众,常常跟随电波中的一曲曲情歌吟唱。后来,陷入爱河的她不在有闲暇去收听音乐广播了,与收音机渐渐疏远。而今,为情所伤、心如死灰的她再度拧开收音机,熟悉的旋律重新响起,一声声、一曲曲仿佛正讲述着自己的身世。时光流逝,情感变迁,但那一首首曾如旧友长伴身侧的老歌,却忠诚如初,永远不会背叛自己。温馨中夹杂苦痛,慰籍之余更添伤感:难道人尚不如歌?多情易伤、多愁善感的她多么盼望昨日随旧曲重现,鸳梦重温。 卡伦的歌往往流露一股哀怨和伤感,似乎她在演绎自己的身世。卡伦令人惋叹的早逝正是一场催人泪下的悲剧:由于Billboard杂志的一位作者在评论中“讽刺”卡论体态过于丰满,她便开始节食而日渐消瘦,为保持苗条还服用倾泻剂(参见《英文歌曲全集》747页,方远主编,华夏出版社,1994年)。但物极必反,过度节食使卡伦患上了“精神性厌食症”。1983年2月4日死在深爱她的父母怀中,死时年仅32岁。他的哥哥理查德悲切的写下了这段文字: February 4, 1983,on I lost my sister, a dear friend, and my professional partner. The world lost a beautiful spirit. Karen had not only a voice that was heaven-sent, but a personality that warmed the lives of everyone who had met and known her. She was with us only 32 years. Though my family and I will never get over losing her at such an early age, we can take com fort in the marvelous legacy she left us all. (1983年2月4日,在这一天我失去了妹妹,我的挚友兼专业搭档。世界失去了一个美丽的灵魂。卡伦不仅有一副天赐的歌喉,她的人格更温暖了见过或认识她的每个人。她和我们一起度过了32个年头。虽然她的英年早逝给我和我的家人带来无法排遣的痛苦,我们却为她留给我们大家的伟大遗产而感到宽慰。)

帮我多了解些关于 Yesterday once more 的相关资料

《昨日重现》背景资料 Carpenters - Yesterday Once More 提起卡彭特,歌迷们自然而然会想起这首YESTERDAY ONCE MONE。的确,作为最早在大陆传唱的一首英文歌曲,它已深深的烙印在许多中国歌迷的心中。 卡彭特全名卡伦61卡彭特(Karen Carpenter),1950年出生于美国康涅狄格州;在其兄理查德61卡彭特(Richard Carpente)组建的“卡彭特”乐队(旧译“木匠”乐队)中任主唱。理查德由于运用多声轨重复录音技术录制并演唱披头士(the Beatles)的歌曲Ticket to Ride而备受瞩目,是位很有才华的乐人。他原本也担任歌手,兼弹琴、制作及歌曲创作;但妹妹的歌声甜美出众,于是理查德甘为配角,为妹妹写歌、伴奏,兄妹感情极深。 YESTERDAY ONCE MORE是一首追怀旧情的感伤之作。经历过一系列失恋打击、身处孤独之中的歌手原本是收音机的忠实听众,常常跟随电波中的一曲曲情歌吟唱。后来,陷入爱河的她不在有闲暇去收听音乐广播了,与收音机渐渐疏远。而今,为情所伤、心如死灰的她再度拧开收音机,熟悉的旋律重新响起,一声声、一曲曲仿佛正讲述着自己的身世。时光流逝,情感变迁,但那一首首曾如旧友长伴身侧的老歌,却忠诚如初,永远不会背叛自己。温馨中夹杂苦痛,慰籍之余更添伤感:难道人尚不如歌?多情易伤、多愁善感的她多么盼望昨日随旧曲重现,鸳梦重温。 卡伦的歌往往流露一股哀怨和伤感,似乎她在演绎自己的身世。卡伦令人惋叹的早逝正是一场催人泪下的悲剧:由于Billboard杂志的一位作者在评论中“讽刺”卡论体态过于丰满,她便开始节食而日渐消瘦,为保持苗条还服用倾泻剂(参见《英文歌曲全集》747页,方远主编,华夏出版社,1994年)。但物极必反,过度节食使卡伦患上了“精神性厌食症”。1983年2月4日死在深爱她的父母怀中,死时年仅32岁。他的哥哥理查德悲切的写下了这段文字: February 4, 1983,on I lost my sister, a dear friend, and my professional partner. The world lost a beautiful spirit. Karen had not only a voice that was heaven-sent, but a personality that warmed the lives of everyone who had met and known her. She was with us only 32 years. Though my family and I will never get over losing her at such an early age, we can take com fort in the marvelous legacy she left us all. (1983年2月4日,在这一天我失去了妹妹,我的挚友兼专业搭档。世界失去了一个美丽的灵魂。卡伦不仅有一副天赐的歌喉,她的人格更温暖了见过或认识她的每个人。她和我们一起度过了32个年头。虽然她的英年早逝给我和我的家人带来无法排遣的痛苦,我们却为她留给我们大家的伟大遗产而感到宽慰。)

《Yesterday Once More》是哪部电影的插曲?

美国影片《生命因你而动听》(Mr. Holland`s Opus),是一部不可多得的优秀影片, 可以说它是一部音乐欣赏与音乐创作的影片, 一部歌颂追求个人事业理想,表现教师奉献爱心的教育片, 一部讴歌男女情爱,人性美的伦理片,怎么说都行, 只是看你从什么角度去观赏这部影片了。 影片《生命因你而动听》中的插曲“昨日重现” 已经选入了奥斯卡百年金曲之中,世界上喜爱音乐的人们, 百听不厌。 “昨日重现”(Yesterday once more )本身就演绎了一个新的罗蜜殴与朱丽叶的爱情悲剧故事, 加之优美伤感的音乐由卡兰·卡彭特(Karen Carpenter,1950-1983.2)首唱, 已传唱于全球,非常受欢迎, 现已成为大学生们英文歌曲演唱比赛的首选歌曲。 据说 Karen Carpenter 是因为减肥过度而死的,让人惋惜不已。 电影原声MP3下载地址与歌词: 100/file/3654_7731.mp3 When I was young I"d listen 2 the radio.当我还是小女还时,我常听收音机。 Waiting 4 my favorite songs.等待着我心爱的歌。 When they played I"d sing along.当它们播放出来的时候,我会跟着唱。 It make me smile.这令我笑容满面。 Those were such happy times & not so long ago.不久前的回忆那真是段美好的时光。 How I wondered where they"d gone.我不知道那段美好时光怎么消失了。 But they"re back again just like a long lost friend.现在它们就象久无音信的老朋友又回来了。 All the songs I love so well.所有的歌都是我所喜欢的。 Every shalala every wo"wo still shines ! 每一个纱啦啦,每一个哦哦依旧闪耀! Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting 2 sing.他们开始唱的每一个昕铃铃- So fine ! 都如此美妙! When they get 2 the part.当他们唱到那段- Where he"s breaking her heart.男孩使女孩伤心的部分时。 It can really make me cry.也让我流下了眼泪。 Just like before.就象昔日一样。 It"s yesterday once more ! 仿佛昨日重现! (Shoobie do lang lang) Looking back on how it was in years gone by. 回首过去的几年。 And the good times that had.以及我曾拥有的好时光。 Makes today seem rather sad.使今日更加伤感。 So much has changed ! 太多的转变! It was songs of love that I would sing 2 them.那些旧日跟唱过的旧情歌。 And I"d memorise each word.我仍然记得没一句歌词。 Those old melodies still sound so good 2 me.那些旧旋律听起来仍然那么悦耳。 As they melt the years away.它们使岁月消融! All my best memorise come back clearly 2 me.所有美好的回忆都在我脑海里清晰的浮现! Some can even make me cry.有些甚至令我泪流满脉面。麻烦采纳,谢谢!



Yesterday Once More 的中文是什么意思??

昨日重现 (中文歌词) 歌手:卡朋特 年少时我喜欢听着收音机 等候我喜欢的歌曲轻轻响起 我独自为它伴唱 让我感到欢喜 这样的幸福时光早已远去 我多想知道他们到了那里? 象失散朋友再次回来 所有的歌曲 我还是那样喜欢 每一句 sha la la la 每一句wo wo 仍散发光芒 每一句sing aling aling 他们唱得还是如此动听 当歌曲演绎到 伤心的地方 确实让我哭泣 这是 昨日重现啊 回头看看走过的这些时光 幸福记忆让今天的我很感伤 有太多已经改变 那首我曾为他唱的爱情歌曲 每句歌词还印在我脑海里 那些旧的记忆依旧那么美妙 为我带走 这么多年的忧伤 每一句 sha la la la 每一句wo wo 仍散发光芒 每一句sing aling aling 他们唱得还是如此动听 所有美妙回忆 清晰向我袭击 一些确实让我哭泣 就象以前那样 这是昨日重现啊

《yesterday once more》是哪部电影的主题曲?

《昨日重现》是《生命因你而动听》电影的主题曲。《生命因你而动听》是由斯蒂芬·赫瑞克执导,理查德·德莱弗斯、奥林匹亚·杜卡基斯等主演的剧情片,于1995年在美国上映。该片主要讲述了心怀远大理想的作曲家格兰·霍兰为了挣钱完成他的事业,在一所中学任音乐教师,致力于通过自己的方式培养学生对音乐的兴趣。《昨日重现》中英文对照歌词如下:When I was young当我小时候I"d listen to the radio聆听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待着我最喜欢的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当歌曲播放时我和着它轻轻吟唱It made me smile我脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑Those were such happy times那时的时光多么幸福and not so long ago且它并不遥远How I wondered我记不清where they"d gone它们何时消逝But they"re back again但是它们再次回访just like a long lost friend像一个久无音讯的老朋友All the songs I love so well所有我喜爱万分的歌曲Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing每一个他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳When they get to the part当他们唱到他where he"s breaking her heart让她伤心之处It can really make me cry我哭泣just like before像从前那样It"s yesterday once more昨日重现Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Looking back on回首往事how it was in years gone by回望曾经And the good times that I had幸福时光makes today seem rather sad今日已沧海桑田So much has changed变了很多It was songs of love那是旧情歌that I would sing to them我唱给他们的And I"d memorise each word至今我仍能记得每一个文字Those old melodies那些旧旋律still sound so good to me仍然悦耳动听As they melt the years away可以把岁月融化Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个他们开始唱的shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing每一个他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳All my best memories我美好的回忆come back clearly to me都清晰地浮现在眼前Some can even make me cry我哭泣just like before像从前那样It"s yesterday once more昨日重现Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳Every shalala every wo"wo still shines每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo,仍然光芒四射

yesterday once more是什么意思?

《昨日重现》是电影《生命因你而动听》中的主题曲。该电影讲述了心怀远大理想的作曲家格兰·霍兰为了挣钱完成自己的事业,在一所中学做音乐教师,致力于通过自己的方式培养学生对音乐的兴趣。《昨日重现》英文名是“《Yesterday Once More》”,是卡朋特乐队1972年专辑《Now & Then》中的主打歌,词曲的作者是理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。这首单曲在告示牌百强单曲榜最高排名达第二位,仅次于吉姆·克罗切的《Bad, Bad Leroy Brown》。这也是卡朋特乐队的主打歌第五次排名第二,次数之多仅次于麦当娜。在当代成人单曲榜最高排名则为第一,是两人歌曲四年内第八次登上榜首。《昨日重现》是卡朋特乐队全球最畅销唱片、全英最畅销单曲,曾登上排行榜第二位。歌词简介:When I was young当我年少时I"d listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最心爱的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile令我笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago就在不久以前How I wondered where they"d gone我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long-lost friend像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅When they get to the part当他们唱到Where he"s breaking her heart他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry真的令我痛哭流涕Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现

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yesterday once more中文歌词?

《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现),是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。这首歌1973年发行至今,被多国歌手以多种语言翻唱,成为翻唱度和传唱度非常高的一个经典老歌。歌手:Carpenters作词 : Richard Carpenter and John Bettis作曲 : Richard Carpenter and John BettisWhen I was young I"d listen to the radio我还年轻的时候, 喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最喜欢的歌曲When they played I"d sing along,当他们演奏时,我会随之吟唱It made me smile.这使我心情欢畅Those were such happy times and not so long ago那些是多么幸福的时光!就在不久以前how I wondered where they"d gone.我想知道它们曾去何处But they"re back again just like a long lost friend而今它们再次出现,就像失散的旧友重逢all the songs I love so well.所有的歌曲我都如此的喜爱Every shalalala every wo"wo每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-woStill shines.依旧闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙When they get to the part当他们唱到一个地方Where he"s breaking her heart他令她伤心断肠It can really make me cry这真能叫我哭出来Just like before.正如从前一样It"s yesterday once more.仿佛昔日又重来(shoobie do lang lang)无比惆怅Looking back on how it was in years gone by回头看岁月如何消逝And the good times that I had这些过去的好时光Makes today seem rather sad,使今天显得令人哀伤So much has changed.一切都已不再It was songs of love that I would sing to them我向他们唱爱的情歌and I"d memorize each word.我会记住每一句歌词Those old melodies still sound so good to me那些熟悉的旋律,在我听来还是那么好As they melt the years away好像他们把岁月融消Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙All my best memories come back clearly to me我所有美好的记忆清晰的重现Some can even make me cry有一些仍能使我哭出来Just like before.正如从前一样It"s yesterday once more.这是昨日再现(shoobie do lang lang)无比惆怅Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines.每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines.每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁

yesterday once more是什么意思


yesterday once more歌词及意思是什么?

《Yesterday Once More》(《昨日重现》)中英文歌词对照如下:《Yesterday Once More》《昨日重现》作词:Richard Carpenter、John Bettis作曲:Richard Carpenter、John Bettis原唱:Carpenters歌词(中英文对照):When I was young当我年少时I"d listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最心爱的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile令我笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago就在不久以前How I wondered where they"d gone我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long-lost friend像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅When they get to the part当他们唱到Where he"s breaking her heart他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry真的令我痛哭流涕Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)Looking back on how it was in years gone by回首它是如何在岁月中走远And the good times that I had以及我曾有过的欢乐时光Makes today seem rather sad使得今天似乎更加悲伤So much has changed一切都变了It was songs of love that I"d sing to then这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌And I memorize each word我记住的每个字眼Those old melodies那些古老旋律Still sound so good to me对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅All my best memories我所有的美好回忆Come back clearly to me清晰地浮现Some can even make me cry有些令我哭了Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-o《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现),是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。这首单曲在告示牌百强单曲榜最高排名达第二位,仅次于吉姆·克罗切的《Bad, Bad Leroy Brown》。这也是卡朋特乐队的主打歌第五次排名第二,次数之多仅次于麦当娜。在当代成人单曲榜最高排名则为第一,是两人歌曲四年内第八次登上榜首。《昨日重现》是卡朋特乐队全球最畅销唱片、全英最畅销单曲,曾登上排行榜第二位。1973年6月2日,《昨日重现》在最畅销首发单曲排行榜排名第71,8月4日即登上第一。1983年2月3日夜晚,卡朋特兄妹两人的密友狄昂·华薇克在拉斯维加斯谷演唱了这首歌,次日,卡伦·卡朋特去世,年仅32岁。

yesterday once more的歌词翻译


Yesterday once more歌词


谁知道Yesterday Once More这首歌中文是什么意思吗?

Yesterday Once More  一首经典英文歌曲。中文名《昔日重来》或《昨日重现》。深入人心,历久不衰。  理查德.卡朋特和约翰.贝迪斯为回应七十年代早期的怀旧风创作了这首歌曲。  演唱者Karen Carpenter。  这首夺金单曲在美国和英国两地都取得亚军的成绩。现在这首歌已成为永恒畅销单曲之一。  卡伦·卡朋特(Karen Carpenter)及其兄理查德·卡朋特(Richard Capenters)出生于美国康涅狄格州,理查德是位很有才华的艺人,演唱、弹琴、制作及歌曲创作均可胜任,与其妹组建乐队后,甘为配角为妹妹写歌,伴奏。他们自幼就拥有良好的音乐环境。1969年,他们带着自录的音乐走遍洛杉矶,终于在A&M唱片公司,他们迎来了成功的曙光。 1969年11月15日,首张专辑《CLOSE TO YOU》发行,专辑中的同名歌曲瞬即荣登排行榜首。从此,卡朋特兄妹演唱组的事业蒸蒸日上,不断有佳作问世。但好景不长,卡伦因慢性厌食和神经过敏于1983年2月4日死在深爱她的父母怀中。她死时只有三十二岁。木匠乐队也到此终结。但卡伦·卡朋特那清新、健康的旋律,略带忧郁的中音,亲切自然的演唱确永远让我们难以忘怀。  

yesterday once more是哪首歌的英文版?

《Yesterday Once More》(《昨日重现》)中英文歌词对照如下:《Yesterday Once More》《昨日重现》作词:Richard Carpenter、John Bettis作曲:Richard Carpenter、John Bettis原唱:Carpenters歌词(中英文对照):When I was young当我年少时I"d listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最心爱的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile令我笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago就在不久以前How I wondered where they"d gone我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long-lost friend像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅When they get to the part当他们唱到Where he"s breaking her heart他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry真的令我痛哭流涕Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)Looking back on how it was in years gone by回首它是如何在岁月中走远And the good times that I had以及我曾有过的欢乐时光Makes today seem rather sad使得今天似乎更加悲伤So much has changed一切都变了It was songs of love that I"d sing to then这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌And I memorize each word我记住的每个字眼Those old melodies那些古老旋律Still sound so good to me对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅All my best memories我所有的美好回忆Come back clearly to me清晰地浮现Some can even make me cry有些令我哭了Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-o《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现),是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。这首单曲在告示牌百强单曲榜最高排名达第二位,仅次于吉姆·克罗切的《Bad, Bad Leroy Brown》。这也是卡朋特乐队的主打歌第五次排名第二,次数之多仅次于麦当娜。在当代成人单曲榜最高排名则为第一,是两人歌曲四年内第八次登上榜首。《昨日重现》是卡朋特乐队全球最畅销唱片、全英最畅销单曲,曾登上排行榜第二位。1973年6月2日,《昨日重现》在最畅销首发单曲排行榜排名第71,8月4日即登上第一。1983年2月3日夜晚,卡朋特兄妹两人的密友狄昂·华薇克在拉斯维加斯谷演唱了这首歌,次日,卡伦·卡朋特去世,年仅32岁。

yesterday once more是什么意思?

您好。《昨日重现》的英文原名为《Yesterday Once More》,是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。中英歌词对照:When I was young当我年少时I"d listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最心爱的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile令我笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago就在不久以前How I wondered where they"d gone我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long-lost friend像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅When they get to the part当他们唱到Where he"s breaking her heart他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry真的令我痛哭流涕Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)Looking back on how it was in years gone by回首它是如何在岁月中走远And the good times that I had以及我曾有过的欢乐时光Makes today seem rather sad使得今天似乎更加悲伤So much has changed一切都变了It was songs of love that I"d sing to then这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌And I memorize each word我记住的每个字眼Those old melodies那些古老旋律Still sound so good to me对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅All my best memories我所有的美好回忆Come back clearly to me清晰地浮现Some can even make me cry有些令我哭了Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅。

yesterday once more什么意思?

yesterday once more昨日重现这是一首很好听的英语歌曲


《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现)原唱是卡朋特乐队,出自1973年的专辑《Now & Then》,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。卡朋特乐队(Carpenters)是美国流行乐二人演唱组合,由理查德·卡朋特、卡伦·卡朋特兄妹组成。哥哥Richard 出生于1946年10月15日,妹妹 Karen 则出生于1950年3月2日。卡朋特兄妹于1965年开始组织乐队,1969年11月15日,卡朋特乐队的单曲《Close to You》(靠近你)一举走红,其后,他们在整个1970年代大获成功。卡伦·卡朋特嗓音优美,演唱亲切自然,略带伤感,加之他们运用了多轨录音技术,因此他们的唱片无论在艺术上或技术上都非常成功,是当代流行音乐的精品。作品简介这首单曲在告示牌百强单曲榜最高排名达第二位,仅次于吉姆·克罗切的《Bad, Bad Leroy Brown》。这也是卡朋特乐队的主打歌第五次排名第二,次数之多仅次于麦当娜。在当代成人单曲榜最高排名则为第一,是两人歌曲四年内第八次登上榜首。《昨日重现》是卡朋特乐队全球最畅销唱片、全英最畅销单曲,曾登上排行榜第二位。1973年6月2日,《昨日重现》在最畅销首发单曲排行榜排名第71,8月4日即登上第一。

Yesterday Once More(昨日重现) 歌词

中文名称:昨日重现外文名称:Yesterday Once More所属专辑:《Now & Then》歌曲时长:3:56发行时间:1973年5月16日歌曲原唱:卡朋特乐队填 词:理查德·卡朋特,约翰·贝蒂斯谱 曲:理查德·卡朋特,约翰·贝蒂斯英语歌词:When I was young I"d listen to the radioWaiting for my favorite songsWhen they played I"d sing alongIt make me smileThose were such happy times and not so long agoHow I wondered where they"d goneBut they"re back again just like a long lost friendAll the songs I love so wellEvery shalala every wo"wostill shinesEvery shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fineWhen they get to the partWhere he"s breaking her heartIt can really make me cryJust like beforeIt"s yesterday once more(Shoobie do lang lang*)(Shoobie do lang lang)Looking back on how it was in years gone byAnd the good times thatI hadMakes today seem rather sadSo much has changedIt was songs of love that I would sing to themAnd I"d memorise each wordThose old melodies still sound so good to meAs they melt the years awayEvery shalala every wo"wo still shinesEvery shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fineAll my best memoriesCome back clearly to meSome can even make me cryJust like beforeIt"s yesterday once more(Shoobie do lang lang)Every shalala every wo"wo still shinesEvery shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fineEvery shalala every wo"wo still shinesEvery shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fine汉语歌词:年轻时我爱听收音机等待着我最喜爱的歌我会跟着他们一起唱这样会令我笑容满面那段不久前快乐时光我多么想知道在何方但是它们又再次归来如位久未谋面的朋友那些歌曲我依旧喜欢唱起每一声闪亮的沙啦啦啦噢噢噢噢唱起每一声欢畅的Shing啊零啊零**当唱到他让她心碎时它真能让我默默哭泣一如往昔的美好时光昨日再次重现于脑海(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)(间奏)现在再回首过去几年我曾有过的欢乐时光今天似乎更加地悲伤许多的东西都有变化那些跟唱过的旧情歌我记住的每一个字眼仍然动听的古老旋律可以把所有岁月融化唱起每一声闪亮的沙啦啦啦噢噢噢噢唱起每一声欢畅的Shing啊零啊零我所有的美好的回忆清晰地浮现在脑海中有些甚至能让我哭泣一如往昔的美好时光昨日再次重现于脑海唱起每一声闪亮的沙啦啦啦噢噢噢噢唱起每一声欢畅的Shing啊零啊零唱起每一声闪亮的沙啦啦啦噢噢噢噢唱起每一声欢畅的Shing啊零啊零

《yesterday once more》的歌词

When I was young当我小时候I"d listen to the radio聆听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待着我最喜欢的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当歌曲播放时我和着它轻轻吟唱It made me smile我脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑Those were such happy times那时的时光多么幸福and not so long ago且它并不遥远How I wondered我记不清where they"d gone它们何时消逝But they"re back again但是它们再次回访just like a long lost friend让一个久无音讯的老朋友All the songs I love so well所有我喜爱万分的歌曲Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing每一个他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳When they get to the part当他们唱到他where he"s breaking her heart让她伤心之处It can really make me cry我哭泣just like before像从前那样It"s yesterday once more昨日重现Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Looking back on回首往事how it was in years gone by回望曾经And the good times that had幸福时光makes today seem rather sad今日已沧海桑田So much has changed变了很多It was songs of love那是旧情歌that I would sing to them我唱给他们的And I"d memorise each word至今我仍能记得每一个文字Those old melodies那些旧旋律still sound so good to me仍然悦耳动听As they melt the years away可以把岁月融化Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个他们开始唱的shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing每一个他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳All my best memorise我美好的回忆come back clearly to me都清晰地浮现在眼前Some can even make me cry我哭泣just like before像从前那样It"s yesterday once more昨日重现Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳Every shalala every wo"wo still shines每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo,仍然光芒四射

yesterday once more为什么是昨日重现的意思呢?


用英文写一段 “yesterday once more ”的介绍

A classical music yesterday once more sang by Karen Carpenter Everybody knows the song .When you listen to . You can feel your heart is touched by the song The Carpenters were a vocal and instrumental duo, consisting of siblings Karen and Richard Carpenter. The Carpenters were the #1 selling American music act of the 1970s.[1] Though often referred to by the public as "The Carpenters", the duo"s official name on authorized recordings and press materials is simply "Carpenters", without the definite article.[2] During a period in the 1970s when louder and wilder rock was in great demand, Richard and Karen produced a distinctively soft musical style that made them one of the best-selling music artists of all time.[3][4]The Carpenters" melodic pop charted a record-breaking score of hit recordings on the American Top 40 and Adult Contemporary charts, becoming leading sellers in the soft rock, easy listening and adult contemporary genres. The Carpenters had three #1 singles on the Billboard Hot 100 and fifteen #1 hits on the Adult Contemporary Chart (see The Carpenters discography). In addition, they had twelve top 10 singles (including their #1 hits). To date, The Carpenters" album and single sales total more than 100 million units.[4]During their fourteen-year career, The Carpenters recorded eleven albums, five of which contained top 10 singles (Close to You, Carpenters, A Song for You, Now & Then and Horizon), thirty-one singles, five television specials, and one short-lived television series. They toured in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, the Netherlands and Belgium. Their recording career ended with Karen"s death on February 4, 1983. Karen died after cardiac arrest due to complications of anorexia nervosa. Extensive news coverage of the circumstances surrounding her death increased public awareness of the consequences of eating disorders.

yesterday once more是什么意思


yesterday once more的中文歌词


Yesterday once more 中文意思


yesterday once more 是什么时候出来的

我也看了这部影片,也很奇怪,影片中没有这首歌,但网上又确实说是这部电影的主题曲,后来又查了一下,原来此片有两个版本,一部是1965年的美国电影《生命因你而动听》, 另一名字叫《爱德华先生》,还有一部是1995年1月1日上映的,也就是我们现在看的那个版本的《生命因你而动听》(Mr. Holland`s Opus),估计yesterday once more是1965年版本的,但可惜这个版本的电影英文名没查到,想来片源也是难找了,不然可以重温此曲.

昨日从现即yesterday once more ,这首歌的背景是怎么样子的?

《昨日重现》背景资料 Carpenters - Yesterday Once More 提起卡彭特,歌迷们自然而然会想起这首YESTERDAY ONCE MONE。的确,作为最早在大陆传唱的一首英文歌曲,它已深深的烙印在许多中国歌迷的心中。 卡彭特全名卡伦61卡彭特(Karen Carpenter),1950年出生于美国康涅狄格州;在其兄理查德61卡彭特(Richard Carpente)组建的“卡彭特”乐队(旧译“木匠”乐队)中任主唱。理查德由于运用多声轨重复录音技术录制并演唱披头士(the Beatles)的歌曲Ticket to Ride而备受瞩目,是位很有才华的乐人。他原本也担任歌手,兼弹琴、制作及歌曲创作;但妹妹的歌声甜美出众,于是理查德甘为配角,为妹妹写歌、伴奏,兄妹感情极深。 YESTERDAY ONCE MORE是一首追怀旧情的感伤之作。经历过一系列失恋打击、身处孤独之中的歌手原本是收音机的忠实听众,常常跟随电波中的一曲曲情歌吟唱。后来,陷入爱河的她不在有闲暇去收听音乐广播了,与收音机渐渐疏远。而今,为情所伤、心如死灰的她再度拧开收音机,熟悉的旋律重新响起,一声声、一曲曲仿佛正讲述着自己的身世。时光流逝,情感变迁,但那一首首曾如旧友长伴身侧的老歌,却忠诚如初,永远不会背叛自己。温馨中夹杂苦痛,慰籍之余更添伤感:难道人尚不如歌?多情易伤、多愁善感的她多么盼望昨日随旧曲重现,鸳梦重温。 卡伦的歌往往流露一股哀怨和伤感,似乎她在演绎自己的身世。卡伦令人惋叹的早逝正是一场催人泪下的悲剧:由于Billboard杂志的一位作者在评论中“讽刺”卡论体态过于丰满,她便开始节食而日渐消瘦,为保持苗条还服用倾泻剂。但物极必反,过度节食使卡伦患上了“精神性厌食症”。1983年2月4日死在深爱她的父母怀中,死时年仅32岁。

yesterday once more为何受欢迎




Yesterday once more是哪部电影的主题曲?

电影《生命因你而动听》(Mr. Holland`s Opus),是一部不可多得的优秀影片,可以说它是一部音乐欣赏与音乐创作的影片,一部歌颂追求个人事业理想,表现教师奉献爱心的教育片,一部讴歌男女情爱,人性美的伦理片,怎么说都行,只是看你从什么角度去观赏这部影片了。 影片《生命因你而动听》中的插曲“昨日重现”已经选入了奥斯卡百年金曲之中,世界上喜爱音乐的人们,百听不厌。 “昨日重现”(Yesterday once more )本身就演绎了一个新的罗蜜殴与朱丽叶的爱情悲剧故事,加之优美伤感的音乐由卡兰·卡彭特(Karen Carpenter,1950-1983.2)首唱,已传唱于全球,非常受欢迎,现已成为大学生们英文歌曲演唱比赛的首选歌曲。 据说 Karen Carpenter 是因为减肥过度而死的,让人惋惜不已。

求yesterday once more中英文歌词

Carpenters - Yesterday Once More(昨日重现)When I was young I"d listen to the radio当我年轻时, 常听收音机,Waitin" for my favorite songs 等待心爱的歌曲。When they played I"d sing along 听到播放时便随声歌唱。It made me smile. 这使我欢畅。Those were such happy times 那时多么幸福的时刻!And not so long ago 就在不久以前。How I wondered where they"d gone 我想知道他们曾去何处,But they"re back again 但我所有深爱的歌曲Just like a long lost friend 他们现在又回来,All the songs I loved so well. 正如老友失散又重聚。Every Sha-la-la-la 每一句sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o Still shines 每一句wo-wo仍闪烁,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一句shinga-linga-ling,That they"re startin" to sing"s So fine. 他们又开始唱得如此动听。When they get to the part 当他们唱到一个地方Where he"s breakin" her heart 令她伤心断肠,It can really make me cry 这真能叫我哭出来,Just like before 正如从前一样,It"s yesterday once more. 仿佛昔日又重来文兴QQ:844951221Lookin" back on how it was 回头看In years gone by 岁月如何消逝And the good times that I had 这些过去的好时光Makes today seem rather sad 使今天显得令人哀伤。So much has changed. 变化多大啊It was songs of love that I would sing to then 我向他们唱爱的歌曲。And I"d memorize each word 我会记住每一句歌词。Those old melodies 那些古老的曲调,Still sound so good to me 在我听来还是那么好,As they melt the years away. 好像他们把岁月融消。Every Sha-la-la-la 每一句sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o Still shines 每一句wo-wo仍闪烁,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一句shinga-linga-ling,That they"re startin" to sing So fine. 他们又开始唱得如此动听。All my best memories 我所有美好的记忆Come back clearly to me 清晰的重现。Some can even make me cry. 有一些仍能使我哭出来,Just like before 正如从前一样,It"s yesterday once more. 仿佛昔日又重来。Every Sha-la-la-la 每一句sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o Still shines 每一句wo-wo仍闪烁,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一句shinga-linga-ling,That they"re startin" to sing So fine. 他们又开始唱得如此动听。Every Sha-la-la-la 每一句sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o Still shines 每一句wo-wo仍闪烁,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一句shinga-linga-ling,That they"re startin" to sing So fine. 他们又开始唱得如此动听。

yesterday once more...是什么歌

《昨日重现》歌词:  Yesterday Once More  When I was young I"d listen to the radio   Waiting for my favorite songs   When they played I"d sing along,   It make me smile.   Those were such happy times and not so long ago   How I wondered where they"d gone.   But they"re back again just like a long lost friend   All the songs I love so well.   Every shalala every wo"wo   still shines.   Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing   so fine   When they get to the part   where he"s breaking her heart   It can really make me cry   just like before.   It"s yesterday once more.   (Shoobie do lang lang)   Looking bak on how it was in years gone by   And the good times that had   makes today seem rather sad,   So much has changed.   It was songs of love that I would sing to them   And I"d memorise each word.   Those old melodies still sound so good to me   As they melt the years away   Every shalala every wo"wo still shines   Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re startingTo sing   so fine   All my best memorise come back clearly to me   Some can even make me cry   just like before.   It"s yesterday once more.   (Shoobie do lang lang)   Every shalala every wo"wo still shines.   Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing   so fine   Every shalala every wo"wo still shines.   Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing   so fine   昨日重现 (中文歌词) 歌手:卡朋特   年少时我喜欢听着收音机 等候我喜欢的歌曲轻轻响起   我独自为它伴唱 让我感到欢喜 这样的幸福时光早已远去   我多想知道他们到了那里? 象失散朋友再次回来 所有的歌曲   我还是那样喜欢 每一句 sha la la la 每一句wo wo 仍散发光芒   每一句sing aling aling 他们唱得还是如此动听   当歌曲演绎到 伤心的地方 确实让我哭泣 这是 昨日重现啊   回头看看走过的这些时光 幸福记忆让今天的我很感伤 有太多已经改变   那首我曾为他唱的爱情歌曲 每句歌词还印在我脑海里   那些旧的记忆依旧那么美妙 为我带走 这么多年的忧伤   每一句 sha la la la 每一句wo wo 仍散发光芒   每一句sing aling aling 他们唱得还是如此动听 所有美妙回忆   清晰向我袭击 一些确实让我哭泣 就象以前那样 这是昨日重现啊

yesterday once more歌词

您好。《昨日重现》的英文原名为《Yesterday Once More》,是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。中英歌词对照:When I was young当我年少时I"d listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最心爱的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile令我笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago就在不久以前How I wondered where they"d gone我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long-lost friend像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅When they get to the part当他们唱到Where he"s breaking her heart他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry真的令我痛哭流涕Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)Looking back on how it was in years gone by回首它是如何在岁月中走远And the good times that I had以及我曾有过的欢乐时光Makes today seem rather sad使得今天似乎更加悲伤So much has changed一切都变了It was songs of love that I"d sing to then这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌And I memorize each word我记住的每个字眼Those old melodies那些古老旋律Still sound so good to me对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅All my best memories我所有的美好回忆Come back clearly to me清晰地浮现Some can even make me cry有些令我哭了Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅。

yesterday once more是什么意思?

《昨日重现》是电影《生命因你而动听》中的主题曲。该电影讲述了心怀远大理想的作曲家格兰·霍兰为了挣钱完成自己的事业,在一所中学做音乐教师,致力于通过自己的方式培养学生对音乐的兴趣。《昨日重现》英文名是“《Yesterday Once More》”,是卡朋特乐队1972年专辑《Now & Then》中的主打歌,词曲的作者是理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。这首单曲在告示牌百强单曲榜最高排名达第二位,仅次于吉姆·克罗切的《Bad, Bad Leroy Brown》。这也是卡朋特乐队的主打歌第五次排名第二,次数之多仅次于麦当娜。在当代成人单曲榜最高排名则为第一,是两人歌曲四年内第八次登上榜首。《昨日重现》是卡朋特乐队全球最畅销唱片、全英最畅销单曲,曾登上排行榜第二位。歌词简介:When I was young当我年少时I"d listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最心爱的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile令我笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago就在不久以前How I wondered where they"d gone我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long-lost friend像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅When they get to the part当他们唱到Where he"s breaking her heart他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry真的令我痛哭流涕Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现


When I was young, I"d listen to the radio, waiting for my favorite songs. When they played I"d sing along. It made me smile. Those were such happy times, and not so long ago. How I wondered where they"d gone. But they"re back again, just like a long-lost friend. All the songs I loved so well. Every sha-la-la-la, every wo-wo still shines. Every shing-a-ling -a-ling, that they re starting to sing, so fine. When they get to the part where he s breaking her heart, it can really make me cry. Just like before, it s yesterday once more. (Shoo-bee-do-lang -lang, shoo-bee-do-lang-lang.) Looking back on how it was in years gone by, and the good time that I had, makes today seem rather sad; so much has changed. It was songs of love that I would sing to them, and I d memorize each word. Those old melodies still sound so good to me, as they melt the years away. Every sha-la-la-la, every wo-wo still shines. Every shing-a-ling -a-ling, that they re starting to sing, so fine. All my best memories come back clearly to me; some can even make me cry. Just like before, it s yesterday once more. Every sha-la-la-la, every wo-wo still shines. Every shing-a-ling -a-ling, that they re starting to sing, so fine.

yesterday once more的中文意思是什么?

yesterday once more的中文意思是昨天(的时光)再来一次。昨日重现。

yesterday once more是什么意思

昨日重现(歌曲名)Just like before it"s yesterday once more. 这就和从前一样,仿佛昨日重现。I request the song Yesterday Once More for you to express my deep regret, in the hope of returning to what we have been. 在这里,我深表遗憾。点播一首《昨日重现》,希望我们能回到从前。

yesterday once more的歌曲原唱是谁

歌曲原唱:Carpenters填词:Richard Carpenter、John Bettis谱曲:Richard Carpenter、John Bettis歌词:When I was young,I"d listen to the radio当我年少时,我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs,When they played I"d sing along等待我最心爱的歌曲,当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile,Those were such happy times令我笑容满面,那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago,How I wondered where they"d gone就在不久以前,我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again,Just like a long-lost friend但是它们又回来了,像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la,Every Wo-o-wo-o,Still shines每一句Sha-la-la-la,每一声Wo-o-wo-o,仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,That they"re starting to sing,So fine每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling,当他们开始唱时,如此欢畅When they get to the part,Where he"s breaking her heart当他们唱到,他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry,Just like before真的令我痛哭流涕,一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现Looking back on how it was in years gone by,And the good times that I had回首它是如何在岁月中走远,以及我曾有过的欢乐时光Makes today seem rather sad,So much has changed使得今天似乎更加悲伤,一切都变了It was songs of love that I"d sing to then,And I memorize each word这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌,我记住的每个字眼Those old melodies,Still sound so good to me那些古老旋律,对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月Every Sha-la-la-la,Every Wo-o-wo-o,Still shines每一句Sha-la-la-la,每一声Wo-o-wo-o,仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,That they"re starting to sing,So fine每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling,当他们开始唱时,如此欢畅All my best memories,Come back clearly to me我所有的美好回忆,清晰地浮现Some can even make me cry,Just like before,It"s yesterday once more有些令我哭了,一如往昔,这是昨日的重现Every Sha-la-la-la,Every Wo-o-wo-o,Still shines每一声Sha-la-la-la,每一声Wo-o-wo-o,仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,That they"re starting to sing,So fine每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling,当他们开始唱时,如此欢畅Every Sha-la-la-la,Every Wo-o-wo-o每一声Sha-la-la-la,每一声Wo-o-wo-o扩展资料《Yesterday Once More》(译名:昨日重现)是二十世纪七十年代欧美经典的英文歌曲之一。始创于1973年,曾被无数个歌手翻唱过。曾入围奥斯卡百年金曲。理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝迪斯为回应七十年代早期的怀旧风创作了这首歌曲。这首夺金单曲在美国和英国两地都取得亚军的成绩。这首歌已成为永恒畅销单曲之一。卡朋特兄妹于1965年开始组织乐队,取名卡朋特乐队(Carpenters)。哥哥理查德·卡朋是个才华横溢的钢琴家,担任乐队的钢琴伴奏和歌曲创作。他创作了大量经典歌曲, Super Star、We"ve only just begun、Sing、Yesterday Once More和Top Of The World等。妹妹卡伦·卡朋特在音乐领域也有极高的天分,嗓音优美、深情,她可以一边打鼓一边唱歌。卡伦·卡朋特那纯净略带忧郁的嗓音,亲切自然的演唱风格,使《yesterday once more》这首歌独具魅力。

yesterday once more中文是什么意思?


yesterday once more歌词 歌词全文英文版

1、英文歌词: When I was young,Id listen to the radio,Waiting for my favorite songs,When they played Id sing along,It made me smile,Those were such happy times,and not so long ago,How I wondered,where theyd gone,But theyre back again,just like a long lost friend,All the songs I love so well,Every shalala every wowo,still shines,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,that theyre starting to sing,so fine,When they get to the part,where hes breaking her heart,It can really make me cry,just like before,Its yesterday once more,Shoobie do lang lang,Shoobie do lang lang,Looking back on,how it was in years gone by,And the good times that I had,makes today seem rather sad,So much has changed,It was songs of love,that I would sing to them,And Id memorise each word,Those old melodies,still sound so good to me,As they melt the years away,Every shalala every wowo,still shines,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,that theyre starting to sing,so fine,All my best memories,come back clearly to me,Some can even make me cry,just like before,Its yesterday once more,Shoobie do lang lang,Every shalala every wowo,still shines,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,that theyre starting to sing,so fine,Every shalala every wowo still shines。 2、《Yesterday Once More》是由卡朋特乐队演唱的一首歌曲。

yesterday once more是哪个电影的主题曲


Yesterday Once More的背景

  《昨日重现》背景资料 Carpenters - Yesterday Once More  提起卡彭特,歌迷们自然而然会想起这首YESTERDAY ONCE MONE。的确,作为最早在大陆传唱的一首英文歌曲,它已深深的烙印在许多中国歌迷的心中。  卡彭特全名卡伦u2022卡彭特(Karen Carpenter),1950年出生于美国康涅狄格州;在其兄理查德u2022卡彭特(Richard Carpente)组建的“卡彭特”乐队(旧译“木匠”乐队)中任主唱。理查德由于运用多声轨重复录音技术录制并演唱披头士(the Beatles)的歌曲Ticket to Ride而备受瞩目,是位很有才华的乐人。他原本也担任歌手,兼弹琴、制作及歌曲创作;但妹妹的歌声甜美出众,于是理查德甘为配角,为妹妹写歌、伴奏,兄妹感情极深。  YESTERDAY ONCE MORE是一首追怀旧情的感伤之作。经历过一系列失恋打击、身处孤独之中的歌手原本是收音机的忠实听众,常常跟随电波中的一曲曲情歌吟唱。后来,陷入爱河的她不在有闲暇去收听音乐广播了,与收音机渐渐疏远。而今,为情所伤、心如死灰的她再度拧开收音机,熟悉的旋律重新响起,一声声、一曲曲仿佛正讲述着自己的身世。时光流逝,情感变迁,但那一首首曾如旧友长伴身侧的老歌,却忠诚如初,永远不会背叛自己。温馨中夹杂苦痛,慰籍之余更添伤感:难道人尚不如歌?多情易伤、多愁善感的她多么盼望昨日随旧曲重现,鸳梦重温。  卡伦的歌往往流露一股哀怨和伤感,似乎她在演绎自己的身世。卡伦令人惋叹的早逝正是一场催人泪下的悲剧:由于Billboard杂志的一位作者在评论中“讽刺”卡论体态过于丰满,她便开始节食而日渐消瘦,为保持苗条还服用倾泻剂(参见《英文歌曲全集》747页,方远主编,华夏出版社,1994年)。但物极必反,过度节食使卡伦患上了“精神性厌食症”。1983年2月4日死在深爱她的父母怀中,死时年仅32岁。他的哥哥理查德悲切的写下了这段文字:  February 4, 1983,on I lost my sister, a dear friend, and my professional partner. The world lost a beautiful spirit. Karen had not only a voice that was heaven-sent, but a personality that warmed the lives of everyone who had met and known her. She was with us only 32 years. Though my family and I will never get over losing her at such an early age, we can take com fort in the marvelous legacy she left us all.  (1983年2月4日,在这一天我失去了妹妹,我的挚友兼专业搭档。世界失去了一个美丽的灵魂。卡伦不仅有一副天赐的歌喉,她的人格更温暖了见过或认识她的每个人。她和我们一起度过了32个年头。虽然她的英年早逝给我和我的家人带来无法排遣的痛苦,我们却为她留给我们大家的伟大遗产而感到宽慰。)

《yesterday once more》出自哪部电影?

《昨日重现》是《生命因你而动听》电影的主题曲。《生命因你而动听》是由斯蒂芬·赫瑞克执导,理查德·德莱弗斯、奥林匹亚·杜卡基斯等主演的剧情片,于1995年在美国上映。该片主要讲述了心怀远大理想的作曲家格兰·霍兰为了挣钱完成他的事业,在一所中学任音乐教师,致力于通过自己的方式培养学生对音乐的兴趣。《昨日重现》中英文对照歌词如下:When I was young当我小时候I"d listen to the radio聆听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待着我最喜欢的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当歌曲播放时我和着它轻轻吟唱It made me smile我脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑Those were such happy times那时的时光多么幸福and not so long ago且它并不遥远How I wondered我记不清where they"d gone它们何时消逝But they"re back again但是它们再次回访just like a long lost friend像一个久无音讯的老朋友All the songs I love so well所有我喜爱万分的歌曲Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing每一个他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳When they get to the part当他们唱到他where he"s breaking her heart让她伤心之处It can really make me cry我哭泣just like before像从前那样It"s yesterday once more昨日重现Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Looking back on回首往事how it was in years gone by回望曾经And the good times that I had幸福时光makes today seem rather sad今日已沧海桑田So much has changed变了很多It was songs of love那是旧情歌that I would sing to them我唱给他们的And I"d memorise each word至今我仍能记得每一个文字Those old melodies那些旧旋律still sound so good to me仍然悦耳动听As they melt the years away可以把岁月融化Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个他们开始唱的shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing每一个他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳All my best memories我美好的回忆come back clearly to me都清晰地浮现在眼前Some can even make me cry我哭泣just like before像从前那样It"s yesterday once more昨日重现Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳Every shalala every wo"wo still shines每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo,仍然光芒四射

yesterday once more是什么歌

《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现),是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。这首歌1973年发行至今,被多国歌手以多种语言翻唱,成为翻唱度和传唱度非常高的一个经典老歌。歌手:Carpenters作词 : Richard Carpenter and John Bettis作曲 : Richard Carpenter and John BettisWhen I was young I"d listen to the radio我还年轻的时候, 喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最喜欢的歌曲When they played I"d sing along,当他们演奏时,我会随之吟唱It made me smile.这使我心情欢畅Those were such happy times and not so long ago那些是多么幸福的时光!就在不久以前how I wondered where they"d gone.我想知道它们曾去何处But they"re back again just like a long lost friend而今它们再次出现,就像失散的旧友重逢all the songs I love so well.所有的歌曲我都如此的喜爱Every shalalala every wo"wo每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-woStill shines.依旧闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙When they get to the part当他们唱到一个地方Where he"s breaking her heart他令她伤心断肠It can really make me cry这真能叫我哭出来Just like before.正如从前一样It"s yesterday once more.仿佛昔日又重来(shoobie do lang lang)无比惆怅Looking back on how it was in years gone by回头看岁月如何消逝And the good times that I had这些过去的好时光Makes today seem rather sad,使今天显得令人哀伤So much has changed.一切都已不再It was songs of love that I would sing to them我向他们唱爱的情歌and I"d memorize each word.我会记住每一句歌词Those old melodies still sound so good to me那些熟悉的旋律,在我听来还是那么好As they melt the years away好像他们把岁月融消Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙All my best memories come back clearly to me我所有美好的记忆清晰的重现Some can even make me cry有一些仍能使我哭出来Just like before.正如从前一样It"s yesterday once more.这是昨日再现(shoobie do lang lang)无比惆怅Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines.每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines.每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁

《yesterday once more》是哪个电影主题曲?

《yesterday once more》是电影《生命因你而动听》插曲。《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现),是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。《Yesterday Once More》这首单曲在告示牌百强单曲榜最高排名达第二位,仅次于吉姆·克罗切的《Bad, Bad Leroy Brown》。这也是卡朋特乐队的主打歌第五次排名第二,次数之多仅次于麦当娜。在当代成人单曲榜最高排名则为第一,是两人歌曲四年内第八次登上榜首。《昨日重现》是卡朋特乐队全球最畅销唱片、全英最畅销单曲,曾登上排行榜第二位。1973年6月2日,《昨日重现》在最畅销首发单曲排行榜排名第71,8月4日即登上第一。1983年2月3日夜晚,卡朋特兄妹两人的密友狄昂·华薇克在拉斯维加斯谷演唱了这首歌,次日,卡伦·卡朋特去世,年仅32岁。

yesterday once more什么意思

yesterday once more 英[u02c8jestu0259di wu028cns mu0254:] 美[u02c8ju025bstu025au02ccde wu028cns mu0254r] [词典] 昨日重现(歌曲名); [例句]My picture yesterday once more.我的照片昨日重现。

yesterday once more怎么翻译中文?

《Yesterday Once More》原唱:Carpenters填词:Richard Carpenter、John Bettis谱曲:Richard Carpenter、John Bettis歌词:When I was young当我年少时I"d listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最心爱的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile令我笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago就在不久以前How I wondered where they"d gone我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long-lost friend像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅When they get to the part当他们唱到Where he"s breaking her heart他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry真的令我痛哭流涕Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现Looking back on how it was in years gone by回首它是如何在岁月中走远And the good times that I had以及我曾有过的欢乐时光Makes today seem rather sad使得今天似乎更加悲伤So much has changed一切都变了It was songs of love that I"d sing to then这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌And I memorize each word我记住的每个字眼Those old melodies那些古老旋律Still sound so good to me对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅All my best memories我所有的美好回忆Come back clearly to me清晰地浮现Some can even make me cry有些令我哭了Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-o扩展资料:《Yesterday Once More》(译名:昨日重现)是二十世纪七十年代欧美经典的英文歌曲之一,发行于1973年5月16日,收录于《Now & Then》专辑中。曾被无数个歌手翻唱过。曾入围奥斯卡百年金曲。理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝迪斯为回应七十年代早期的怀旧风创作了这首歌曲。这首夺金单曲在美国和英国两地都取得亚军的成绩。这首歌已成为永恒畅销单曲之一。

yesterday once more是什么意思

一首歌曲名字 译文是昨日重现 卡朋特
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