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兴义万峰林,由近两万座奇峰翠峦组成,从海拔2000多米的七捧高原边沿和万峰湖北岸,黄泥河东岸成扇形展开,连绵至安龙、贞丰等地。西北高,东南低,向万峰湖、黄泥河倾斜。上线以海拔1600米左右的高寒土山为界,下线至海拔800米左右的亚热带红壤土山,形成一个环形山带。长200多公里,宽30-50公里,仅兴义市境内就有2000多平方公里的面积占兴义市国土面积三分之二以上。根据峰林的形态,分为列阵峰林、宝剑峰林、群龙峰林、罗汉峰林、叠帽峰林等五大类型,是中国西南三大喀斯特地貌之一。  位于兴义城南的峰林呈南北走向,神奇、秀美,绵延十五公里,山峰密集奇特,气势宏大壮阔,整体造型完美,形成一道天下罕见的峰林画廊。从地质学的角度看,北部为峰林盆地,中南部为峰林洼地和峰丛山地,峰林、峰丛大多为呈锥形,部分为钟状、平顶状和马鞍状,堪称一座“中国锥状喀斯特博物馆”。  下五屯南北两段峰林也各具特色,北部峰林如同一道屏风,护佑着耳寨、鱼陇、双生、乐立一带的村寨田园。这里奇峰如林,田坝似锦,河水如带,村寨如云,充满诗情画意,恰似一幅朴素、清丽的布依族织锦。而中南部纳灰村一带,只见一座座奇峰从锦绣田园中拔地而起,瑰奇挺秀,姿态万千,峰与峰之间若连若断,错落有致具有极强的透空感。夏天,游人从观峰道上往下望去,一座座峰峦分布于绿色秧田之,好像是碧玉巨盘上托起一个个硕大的翡翠。  下五屯这一奇异的峰林带,几乎包含了锥状喀斯特地区所有的峰峦形态,其间还有河流、溶洞、伏流、漏斗,就西峰林风景区大小漏斗就有三十多个,组成一漏斗群奇观。这里也是中国锥状喀斯特发育最典型、最完整、最集中的地方,并做为贵州锥状喀斯特的典型代表已被联合国教科文组织列为中国喀斯特世界自然的遗产预选名单。  2004年,万峰林被评为“国家地质公园”。同年,万峰林荣获首批“全国农业旅游示范点”的称号。  2005年,中国《国家地理》“选美中国”评定万峰林为“中国最美的五大峰林”。  万峰林景区是国家级风景名胜区马岭河峡谷的重要组成部分,由兴义市东南部成千万座奇峰  组成,气势宏大壮阔,山峰密集奇特,整体造型完美,被不少专家和游人誉为“天下奇  观”。  兴义位于黔、滇、桂三省区结合部,喀斯特地形地貌典型突出,形成了独特的锥状  喀斯特地质景观。在三百六十多年前,明代地理学家、旅行家徐霞客就曾到过万峰林,  赞叹这片连接广西、云南的峰林:“磅礴数千里,为西南形胜”,相传还发出这样的赞  叹:“天下山峰何其多,惟有此处峰成林”。  万峰林,从海拔2000多米的兴义七捧高原边沿和万峰湖北岸,黄泥河东岸成扇形展开,逶迤连绵至安龙、贞丰等地。西北高,东南低,向万峰湖、黄泥河倾斜。上线以海  拔1600米左右的高寒土山为界,下线至海拔800米左右的亚热带红壤土山,形成一个环形  山带。长200多公里,宽30—50公里,仅兴义市境内就有2000多平方公里的面积,占兴义市国土面积的三分之二以上。根据峰林的形态,分为列阵峰林、宝剑峰林、群龙峰林、罗汉峰林、叠帽峰林等五大类型。每一类都各具特色,既独立成趣,又与其他类型的峰林相辅相成,组成雄奇浩瀚的岩溶景观。   万峰林分为东峰林和西峰林两大片。对外开放的主要是下五屯镇境内的西峰林。  西峰林是一座座奇美的山恋,与碧绿的田野、弯曲的河流、古朴的村寨、葱郁的树林融为一体,构成大自然中最佳的生态环境,形成天底下罕见的峰林田园风光。  万峰林景区由成千上万座奇峰秀石组成,绵延数百公里,以气势宏大壮阔,整体造型完美,山峰密集奇特而倍受中外游客的青眯。它分为东、西峰林两大景区,景致各异,相映成趣,分别被称为大自然的水画、天然大盆景。国民政府前军政部长何应钦故居、北伐军护法军总司令王电轮将军故居皆座落于峰林之中。   明代著名地理学家、旅游家徐霞客曾两进兴义对万峰林进行考察并给予了高度的评价,他赋诗云:“天下名山何其多,唯有此处成峰林;峭峰离立分宽颖,参差森列拨笋岫。”景区内山峰、田园、河流、村寨、溶洞交织成一幅清丽的布依族织锦,是一处不可多得的人间净土。是您乡村旅游、骑马旅游、帐篷野营、休闲度假的好去处。  交通:前往万峰林景区,可先到兴义市,在客运东站乘中巴车前往,票价5-8元,大约需要1个小时的时间。Xingyi, 两万座 near the peak million by grotesque washroom, Tracy from 2,000 meters altitude of seven holding plateau edge and hubei, the Yellow River bank wanfeng fan, east to ZhenFeng analysing, etc. Northwest to southeast, high, low, the Yellow River lake wanfeng tilt. Line 16 meters in elevation of the alpine seen heaped-up mountains and referrals to elevation 800 meters of subtropical seen heaped-up mountains, forming a red with craters. More than 200 kilometers long, wide 30-50 kilometers, the only XingYiShi territory has more than 2000 square kilometers of land area XingYiShi area accounts for two-thirds. According to the peak form, the peak, sword into the array QunLong peak, the peak, ocean, the peak of five types of peak cap in southwest China, is one of the three karst landscape. Located in the south of xingyi peak, magic, north and south, 15 kilometers, beautiful mountains strange, dense, overall modelling perfect magnificent, the peak of the rare form a gallery. From the perspective of geology, north to south, the peak for peak basin, depression and peak mountains, the peak is mostly a cone-shaped plexus, part of a roof, and saddle, a "China cone karst museum". For the next five south for two peak in tuen mun and distinctive, like a screen, northern peak protective ear village, with two fawns, fish, the rural villages set. Here, like grotesque array of river, kam, like a cloud, full of poetic village, just a simple, qingli of BuYiZu tapestry. And south of the village, and saw a grey peaks in the field from the ground, GuiJi jinxiu TingXiu, attitude, and even if the peak between peak if broken, strewn at random have strong sense of nearby. In the summer, tourists from the view of faith, peak down a hill in the green jasper, as is moisture holding was a huge giant plate sunof the emerald. For the next five this strange peak tuen mun, almost contains a cone karst region, all the mountains and rivers, form, FuLiu, funnel, xifeng LinFeng scenic spot size has more than 30 funnel, consisting of a funnel. Here is also the Chinese cone karst development is the most typical and the most complete, the concentration of guizhou province, and as a representative of the cone karst already listed by UNESCO as world natural heritage of China karst primary list. In 2004, the peak million has been awarded "national geological parks". In the same year, the first "peak million won the title of" agricultural tourism too. In 2005, China national geographic "beauty" assessment for China"s peak million "China"s most beautiful five peak". The peak million state-level scenic spot is ma linghe canyon, as an important part of the southeastern XingYiShi by ChengQianWan seat, magnificent grotesque peaks, high dense strange, overall modelling perfect, by many experts and visitors as "under heaven". Xingyi is located in guizhou, yunnan, guangxi province, three typical karst landform, formed a unique cone karst geological landscapes. Sixty years ago, in the Ming dynasty, the traveler geologist xu had to admire the peak million, connecting guangxi, yunnan, the peak of the majestic: "in the thousands, southwest, still send spirits such great sigh:" how many, but the mountain peak forest "here. Million more than 2000 from the peak, elevation of xingyi seven holding plateau edge and hubei, the Yellow River bank wanfeng fan, east to the border of continuous ZhenFeng analysing, etc. Northwest to southeast, high, low, the Yellow River lake wanfeng tilt. Online in the sea around 1600 meters pull the alpine seen heaped-up mountains and referrals to elevation 800 meters of subtropical seen heaped-up mountains, forming a red ring belt. More than 200 kilometers long, wide 30-50 kilometers, the only XingYiShi territory has more than 2000 square kilometers, accounting for the area XingYiShi two-thirds of the total land area. According to the peak form, the peak, sword into the array QunLong peak, the peak, ocean, the peak of five types of peak cap. Each category is distinctive, an independent, and other types of peak cournties, composed of karst landscape male vast. The peak is divided into east and the peak million two large xifeng Lin. The opening is mainly for the next five tuen mun town of xifeng Lin. Xifeng Lin is a beauty, with green hills, rivers, and bending the rustic villages, lush trees, constitute the nature of the ecological environment, the best form of rare world peak pastoral scenery. The scenic area by thousands of peak million grotesque building stone, show, stretching hundreds of kilometers of high ideals, integral modelling perfect, mountain and dense peculiar tourists attained renown. It is divided into east, xifeng Lin, two major scenic view is different, set each other off becomes an interest, called the nature, natural big miniascape of water. Before the national government minister HeYingQin former military commander, BeiFaJun dharma army general electric wheels former king is located at the peak. Ming famous geologist, xu had two in xingyi tour house of investigation and the peak million of them highly evaluation, he chanting cloud: "how many famous world, only the peak; here from peak to impulse made points, jagged sen column width glumes." bamboo dial reflection The mountains, rivers, the village, pastoral, karst interweaves a picture of the holiday is a BuYiZu tapestry, rare earth pureland. You are riding tourism, rural tourism, camping tent, leisure vacation place. Transportation: to peak scenic spot, first million in the east, to XingYiShi passenger fares, ZhongBaChe ride to 5-8 yuan, about 1 hour.

兴义的旅游景点介绍英语 兴义英文介绍

用英语来介绍兴义万峰林兴义万峰林,由近两万座奇峰翠峦组成,从海拔2000多米的七捧高原边沿和万峰湖北岸,黄泥河东岸成扇形展开,连绵至安龙、贞丰等地。西北高,东南低,向万峰湖、黄泥河倾斜。上线以海拔1600米左右的高寒土山为界,下线至海拔800米左右的亚热带红壤土山,形成一个环形山带。长200多公里,宽30-50公里,仅兴义市境内就有2000多平方公里的面积占兴义市国土面积三分之二以上。根据峰林的形态,分为列阵峰林、宝剑峰林、群龙峰林、罗汉峰林、叠帽峰林等五大类型,是中国西南三大喀斯特地貌之一。位于兴义城南的峰林呈南北走向,神奇、秀美,绵延十五公里,山峰密集奇特,气势宏大壮阔,整体造型完美,形成一道天下罕见的峰林画廊。从地质学的角度看,北部为峰林盆地,中南部为峰林洼地和峰丛山地,峰林、峰丛大多为呈锥形,部分为钟状、平顶状和马鞍状,堪称一座“中国锥状喀斯特博物馆”。下五屯南北两段峰林也各具特色,北部峰林如同一道屏风,护佑着耳寨、鱼陇、双生、乐立一带的村寨田园。这里奇峰如林,田坝似锦,河水如带,村寨如云,充满诗情画意,恰似一幅朴素、清丽的布依族织锦。而中南部纳灰村一带,只见一座座奇峰从锦绣田园中拔地而起,瑰奇挺秀,姿态万千,峰与峰之间若连若断,错落有致具有极强的透空感。夏天,游人从观峰道上往下望去,一座座峰峦分布于绿色秧田之,好像是碧玉巨盘上托起一个个硕大的翡翠。下五屯这一奇异的峰林带,几乎包含了锥状喀斯特地区所有的峰峦形态,其间还有河流、溶洞、伏流、漏斗,就西峰林风景区大小漏斗就有三十多个,组成一漏斗群奇观。这里也是中国锥状喀斯特发育最典型、最完整、最集中的地方,并做为贵州锥状喀斯特的典型代表已被联合国教科文组织列为中国喀斯特世界自然的遗产预选名单。2004年,万峰林被评为“国家地质公园”。同年,万峰林荣获首批“全国农业旅游示范点”的称号。2005年,中国《国家地理》“选美中国”评定万峰林为“中国最美的五大峰林”。万峰林景区是国家级风景名胜区马岭河峡谷的重要组成部分,由兴义市东南部成千万座奇峰组成,气势宏大壮阔,山峰密集奇特,整体造型完美,被不少专家和游人誉为“天下奇观”。兴义位于黔、滇、桂三省区结合部,喀斯特地形地貌典型突出,形成了独特的锥状喀斯特地质景观。在三百六十多年前,明代地理学家、旅行家徐霞客就曾到过万峰林,赞叹这片连接广西、云南的峰林:“磅礴数千里,为西南形胜”,相传还发出这样的赞叹:“天下山峰何其多,惟有此处峰成林”。万峰林,从海拔2000多米的兴义七捧高原边沿和万峰湖北岸,黄泥河东岸成扇形展开,逶迤连绵至安龙、贞丰等地。西北高,东南低,向万峰湖、黄泥河倾斜。上线以海拔1600米左右的高寒土山为界,下线至海拔800米左右的亚热带红壤土山,形成一个环形山带。长200多公里,宽30—50公里,仅兴义市境内就有2000多平方公里的面积,占兴义市国土面积的三分之二以上。根据峰林的形态,分为列阵峰林、宝剑峰林、群龙峰林、罗汉峰林、叠帽峰林等五大类型。每一类都各具特色,既独立成趣,又与其他类型的峰林相辅相成,组成雄奇浩瀚的岩溶景观。 万峰林分为东峰林和西峰林两大片。对外开放的主要是下五屯镇境内的西峰林。西峰林是一座座奇美的山恋,与碧绿的田野、弯曲的河流、古朴的村寨、葱郁的树林融为一体,构成大自然中最佳的生态环境,形成天底下罕见的峰林田园风光。万峰林景区由成千上万座奇峰秀石组成,绵延数百公里,以气势宏大壮阔,整体造型完美,山峰密集奇特而倍受中外游客的青眯。它分为东、西峰林两大景区,景致各异,相映成趣,分别被称为大自然的水画、天然大盆景。国民政府前军政部长何应钦故居、北伐军护法军总司令王电轮将军故居皆座落于峰林之中。 明代著名地理学家、旅游家徐霞客曾两进兴义对万峰林进行考察并给予了高度的评价,他赋诗云:“天下名山何其多,唯有此处成峰林;峭峰离立分宽颖,参差森列拨笋岫。”景区内山峰、田园、河流、村寨、溶洞交织成一幅清丽的布依族织锦,是一处不可多得的人间净土。是您乡村旅游、骑马旅游、帐篷野营、休闲度假的好去处。交通:前往万峰林景区,可先到兴义市,在客运东站乘中巴车前往,票价5-8元,大约需要1个小时的时间。Xingyi, 两万座 near the peak million by grotesque washroom, Tracy from 2,000 meters altitude of seven holding plateau edge and hubei, the Yellow River bank wanfeng fan, east to ZhenFeng analysing, etc. Northwest to southeast, high, low, the Yellow River lake wanfeng tilt. Line 16 meters in elevation of the alpine seen heaped-up mountains and referrals to elevation 800 meters of subtropical seen heaped-up mountains, forming a red with craters. More than 200 kilometers long, wide 30-50 kilometers, the only XingYiShi territory has more than 2000 square kilometers of land area XingYiShi area accounts for two-thirds. According to the peak form, the peak, sword into the array QunLong peak, the peak, ocean, the peak of five types of peak cap in southwest China, is one of the three karst landscape. Located in the south of xingyi peak, magic, north and south, 15 kilometers, beautiful mountains strange, dense, overall modelling perfect magnificent, the peak of the rare form a gallery. From the perspective of geology, north to south, the peak for peak basin, depression and peak mountains, the peak is mostly a cone-shaped plexus, part of a roof, and saddle, a "China cone karst museum". For the next five south for two peak in tuen mun and distinctive, like a screen, northern peak protective ear village, with two fawns, fish, the rural villages set. Here, like grotesque array of river, kam, like a cloud, full of poetic village, just a simple, qingli of BuYiZu tapestry. And south of the village, and saw a grey peaks in the field from the ground, GuiJi jinxiu TingXiu, attitude, and even if the peak between peak if broken, strewn at random have strong sense of nearby. In the summer, tourists from the view of faith, peak down a hill in the green jasper, as is moisture holding was a huge giant plate sunof the emerald. For the next five this strange peak tuen mun, almost contains a cone karst region, all the mountains and rivers, form, FuLiu, funnel, xifeng LinFeng scenic spot size has more than 30 funnel, consisting of a funnel. Here is also the Chinese cone karst development is the most typical and the most complete, the concentration of guizhou province, and as a representative of the cone karst already listed by UNESCO as world natural heritage of China karst primary list. In 2004, the peak million has been awarded "national geological parks". In the same year, the first "peak million won the title of" agricultural tourism too. In 2005, China national geographic "beauty" assessment for China"s peak million "China"s most beautiful five peak". The peak million state-level scenic spot is ma linghe canyon, as an important part of the southeastern XingYiShi by ChengQianWan seat, magnificent grotesque peaks, high dense strange, overall modelling perfect, by many experts and visitors as "under heaven". Xingyi is located in guizhou, yunnan, guangxi province, three typical karst landform, formed a unique cone karst geological landscapes. Sixty years ago, in the Ming dynasty, the traveler geologist xu had to admire the peak million, connecting guangxi, yunnan, the peak of the majestic: "in the thousands, southwest, still send spirits such great sigh:" how many, but the mountain peak forest "here. Million more than 2000 from the peak, elevation of xingyi seven holding plateau edge and hubei, the Yellow River bank wanfeng fan, east to the border of continuous ZhenFeng analysing, etc. Northwest to southeast, high, low, the Yellow River lake wanfeng tilt. Online in the sea around 1600 meters pull the alpine seen heaped-up mountains and referrals to elevation 800 meters of subtropical seen heaped-up mountains, forming a red ring belt. More than 200 kilometers long, wide 30-50 kilometers, the only XingYiShi territory has more than 2000 square kilometers, accounting for the area XingYiShi two-thirds of the total land area. According to the peak form, the peak, sword into the array QunLong peak, the peak, ocean, the peak of five types of peak cap. Each category is distinctive, an independent, and other types of peak cournties, composed of karst landscape male vast. The peak is divided into east and the peak million two large xifeng Lin. The opening is mainly for the next five tuen mun town of xifeng Lin. Xifeng Lin is a beauty, with green hills, rivers, and bending the rustic villages, lush trees, constitute the nature of the ecological environment, the best form of rare world peak pastoral scenery. The scenic area by thousands of peak million grotesque building stone, show, stretching hundreds of kilometers of high ideals, integral modelling perfect, mountain and dense peculiar tourists attained renown. It is divided into east, xifeng Lin, two major scenic view is different, set each other off becomes an interest, called the nature, natural big miniascape of water. Before the national government minister HeYingQin former military commander, BeiFaJun dharma army general electric wheels former king is located at the peak. Ming famous geologist, xu had two in xingyi tour house of investigation and the peak million of them highly evaluation, he chanting cloud: "how many famous world, only the peak; here from peak to impulse made points, jagged sen column width glumes." bamboo dial reflection The mountains, rivers, the village, pastoral, karst interweaves a picture of the holiday is a BuYiZu tapestry, rare earth pureland. You are riding tourism, rural tourism, camping tent, leisure vacation place. Transportation: to peak scenic spot, first million in the east, to XingYiShi passenger fares, ZhongBaChe ride to 5-8 yuan, about 1 hour.英语作文范文介绍兴义80词,简单句My hometown in xinyi. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate.Traffic blocking。 Now ,the railway connecting the capital,there is very beautiful. In the middle of the village there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in. Planted with almond trees around the village, a tree covered with sweet fruit. In front of every house loaded with beautiful flowers. Happy people live here.兴义位于贵州的西南部,它有许多让人值得观赏的地方,例如,万峰林,万峰湖,马岭河峡谷的英语Xingyi is located in the southwest of Guizhou, it has a lot of people worth watching place, for example, million peak forest, Wanfeng Lake, Maling River Canyon。不知道是不是你想要的?