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  每个人都追求幸福,喜欢享受幸福,生活中也有很多幸福的时刻。那么有哪些英文句子可以用来表达幸福呢?下面是我为你整理的表达幸福的英文句子,希望大家喜欢!   表达幸福的英文句子   1、幸福的关键不在与找到一个完美的人,而在找到任何一个人,然后和他一起努力建立一个完美的关系。   The key for happiness is not to find a perfect person, but find someone and he together and build a perfect relationship.   2、别让幸福等太久,别让拥有变成遗憾;我们,再也不会从这里经过。   Don"t let happiness too long, don"t let have a regret; we will not pass from here.   3、现在吃棒棒糖不是为了掩饰忧伤,而是想再品尝到童真的快乐。   Now eat lollipop not to hide sadness, but want to enjoy the happiness of childhood.   4、爱,首先意味着奉献,意味着把自己心灵的力量献给所爱的人,为所爱的人创造幸福。   Love, first means dedication, means the power of your own mind to love people, create happiness for love.   5、幸福的时刻,一半是和你在一起,一半是在梦里;痛苦的时刻,一半是分离,一半是默默地想着你。   Happy moment with you half and half in a dream; painful moments, half isolated, half is silently thinking about you.   6、你觉得你幸福你就是幸福的,幸福与不幸福都在你自己的心中。   Do you think you are happy you are happy, happiness and unhappiness in your own heart.   7、每天醒来的第一件事情,就是花十分钟想你,那样我会有更大的动力。   The first thing to wake up every day, is to spend ten minutes to think of you, so that I can have greater power.   8、幸福就是找到了一个愿意为他减肥的人,而他却总是拍着他的头:多吃点,别饿着。   Happiness is to find someone who is willing to lose weight for his people, and he was always patting his head: eat, don"t go hungry.   9、要看好人,自己就先做个好人。幸福从心开始。   To look good, they just do a good man. From the beginning of a happy heart.   10、有些失去是注定的,有些缘分是永远不会有结果的,爱一个人就一定要好好去爱她。   Some are doomed to lose, some fate is never have the result, love a person must take to love her.   11、明白的人懂得放弃,真情的人懂得牺牲,幸福的人懂得超脱。   Understand that people know how to give up, people know the truth of the sacrifice, the happy people know how to transcend.   12、如果情感和岁月也能轻轻撕碎,扔到海中,那么,我愿意从此就在海底沉默。   If the emotion and time can be gently up, thrown into the sea, so I should be in silence.   13、许多人在重组自己的偏见时,还以为自己是在思考。   Many people in their own prejudices, also think oneself is thinking.   14、幸福其实很简单,就是用心能感到用手能触到一个人真实的心跳。那就是幸福。   Happiness is actually very simple, is the heart can feel the hand can touch the one true heart. That is happiness.   15、爱与被爱,都是让人幸福的事情,不要让这些变成痛苦。   Love and love, are things that make people happy, do not let them become painful.   16、想得太多,只会让你陷入忐忑,让实际上本不糟糕的事情,变得糟糕。   Think too much, will only let you be perturbed, actually this is not so bad, worse.   17、偶然向你发个脾气,是想知道我在你心里位置。   You send a chance to temper, is I want to know in your heart position.   18、爱情是女人一生的历史,而只是男人一生中的一段插曲。   Love is the history of a woman"s life, but a man"s life in an episode.   19、幸福是一种感觉,它不取决于人们的生活状态,而取决于人的心态。   Happiness is a feeling, it does not depend on the state of people"s lives, and depends on the mentality of people.   20、幸福,是智慧圆满,功成名就;慈善捐助,无畏布施;救人于水火。   Happiness, is the perfect wisdom, charity, fearless achieve success and win recognition; save and sacrifice.   表达幸福的英文句子   1、For the same reason you like me,I like you,too。我也喜欢你啊,就想你喜欢我一样。   2、If we believe that true love never has to end,then we must know that we will love again。如果我们相信真爱永不会终止,那么我们一定将会再次相爱。   3、How many dream had,and never came into my heart。多少梦幻的曾经,也不曾走进莪的心。   4、If you leave me,please don"t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain。离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。   5、I love you not for who you are,but for who I am before you。我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。   6、No matter the ending is perfect or not,you cannot disappear from my world。我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美。   7、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can"t have them。失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁却犹如远在天边。   8、Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart。你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。   9、Let——s write that letter we thought of writing “one of these days”。曾“打算有那么一天”去写的信,就在今天写吧。   10、Where there is great love,there are always miracles。哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。   11、Don"t try so hard,the best things come when you least expect them to。不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。   12、When every love comes to the end,if you look back句子大全http://Www.1juzI.coM/,u will find flowers and sorrows,but it"s always beautiful。每段爱情在走向终结时,倒带回去,一路上或花草鲜美,或落英缤纷,而最初总是倾心的。   13、Within you I lose myself,without you I find myself wanting to be lost again。有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。   14、1Among those people that appear in our life,some are to teach us,some to comfortus,some to share and some to love。在我们生命中出现的人,一些给我们上课,一些让我们痊愈,有的用来分担分享,有的用来真爱。   15、We haven"t seen each other for a long time。May maple bring my love and sow seeds of spring; Under the same starry sky,let us,the distant two,weave a garland of missing。许久不见,但愿枫叶载情,在你干涸的心田撒下春的种子;在同一片星空下,让远离的你我,共同编织思念的花环。   16、Although again sweet candy,also has a bitter day。即使再甜的糖,也有苦的一天。   17、I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too,I miss you 。我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。   18、Take me to your heart,take me to your soul,give me your hand before I"m old。将我留存心间,与你的灵魂相伴,给我你的手,在我老去之前。   19、Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile。纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。   20、I miss you very much in these year。Time can change a lot of things except for my memory of you never change。悠悠我思,岁月飘忽。时间虽能改变许多东西,我对你的怀念 却恒久不变!   关于幸福英文句子   1、幸福本是一种感觉,它不取决于人们的生活状态,而取决于人的心态。   Happiness is a feeling, it does not depend on the state of people"s lives, and depends on the mentality of people.   2、幸福来自一颗踏实安静的心。   Happiness comes from a quiet heart at ease.   3、幸福,也是一种滋味,一种甘甜的滋味。   Happiness is a kind of taste, a sweet taste.   4、幸福是什么?幸福是一个谜,你让一千个人来回答,就会有一千种答案。   What is happiness? Happiness is a mystery, you get one thousand to answer, the answer will be one thousand.   5、迎着阳光开放的花朵才美丽,伴着革命理想的爱情才甜蜜。   The sun flowers is beautiful, with revolutionary ideal love is sweet.   6、在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。   In this world, precious things are very few, so that there is just one you.   7、我的眼泪触了你的眉,你的笑容抵不了我的泪。   My tears touch your brow, you smile to my tears.   8、只要是强求的,不管什么都没用。只要是心甘情愿的,不管如何都能接受。   As long as it is forced, no matter what is of no use. As long as they are most willing to, no matter how can accept.   9、爱情不在了就要学会宽容,毕竟也相遇一场。   Love is not just to learn tolerance, after all, also met a.   10、剩下什么来弥补此刻空缺的心,大片惨淡的空白不断泛滥着暗夜里躲也躲不掉的寂寞。   What to make up for the remaining vacancy, a vast expanse of pale blank constantly flooded with also cannot hide the lonely night.   11、幸福不是天生的,而是要靠自己才能拥有;孤独不是没人爱你,而是你谁也不爱。   Happiness is not born, but have to rely on their own; alone did not love you, but you don"t love anyone.   12、总是情不自禁的忧伤,于是慢慢学会了掩藏,渐渐学会了伪装。   Is unable to restrain the emotions of sadness, then slowly learned to hide, gradually learned to camouflage.   13、只要你每天给我一个幸福的拥抱,这是给我一天的安全感。   As long as you give me a happy hug, this is a day to give me a sense of security.   14、幸福的生活不是说我爱你,然后就开始相爱;也不是说我们不合适了,然后就分开。   Happy life is not to say that I love you, and then begin to love; it"s not that we don"t fit, and then separated.   15、人生的大部分时间里,承诺同义词是束缚,奈何我们向往束缚。   The life most of the time, commitment synonym is bound, but we yearn for restraint.   16、有时我沉默,不是不快乐,只是想把心净空。   I sometimes silence is not happy, just want to get the heart.   17、小时候,幸福——是件很简单的事;长大后,简单——是件很幸福的事。   When I was young, happiness was a simple thing; grew up, simple is a very happy thing.   18、如果血液可以刹车,那么他的心脏里到处都是轮胎摩擦的痕迹。   If the blood can brake, then his heart was full of tire friction marks.   19、如果全世界都否定你,那么我陪你否定全世界。   If the whole world deny you, then I accompany you to deny the world.   20、自己是蓝色的,音乐是悠扬的,心情是透明的,灵魂是飞舞的。   He is blue, music is melodious, the mood is transparent, the soul is dancing.


  灰色头像  昨夜做了一个梦  梦里我们回到手牵着手  醒来的失落  无法言说  打开了OICQ  聊天记录停步去年的深秋  最后的挽留  没有说出口  我们还是朋友  是那种最遥远的朋友 在记录之中  全部都保有  你灰色头像不会再跳动  哪怕是一句简单的问候  心贴心的交流一页页翻阅 多难过  是什么 坠落 升空  又想起你曾说的陪我到最后  暖色的梦变冰凉的枷锁  如果时光倒流我们又能抓得住什么聊天记录停步去年的深秋  最后的挽留  没有说出口  我们还是朋友  是那种最遥远的朋友  你给过的温柔 在记录之中  全部都保有  你灰色头像不会再跳动  哪怕是一句简单的问候  心贴心的交流一页页翻阅 多难过  是什么 坠落 升空  又想起你曾说的陪我到最后  暖色的梦变冰凉的枷锁  如果时光倒流我们又能抓得住什  当我发现所谓醒来其实是另一个梦 (你不在这世界)  梦的出口散不开的浓雾太沉重  (你不在这世界)  就算当初声嘶力竭作苦苦的求你留下别走  也没用  灰色头像静静悄悄 不会再跳动  我的绝望溢出胸口  是什么 坠落 升空  你灰色头像不会再跳动  暖色的梦变冰凉的枷锁  如果时光倒流我们又能抓得住什么  城府  -城府-  -Vae-  嵩嵩最棒~  嵩鼠们爱你~~  你走之后 一个夏季熬成一个秋  我的书上 你的正楷眉清目秀  一字一字宣告我们和平分手  好委婉的交流 还带一点征求  你已成风 幻化的雨下错了季候  明媚的眼眸里温柔化为了乌有  一层一层院墙把你的心困守  如果没法回头 这样也没不妥  你的城府 有多深  我爱的有多蠢 是我太笨  还是太认真 幻想和你过一生  你的城府有多深  我爱的有多蠢 不想再问  也无法去恨 毕竟你是我最爱的人  曾经你的眼神 看起来那么单纯  嗯 指向你干净的灵魂  什么时候开始变得满是伤痕  戴上假面也好 如果不会疼  爱情这个世界 有那么多的悖论  小心翼翼不见得就会获得满分  我们之间缺少那么多信任  最后还是没有 打开那扇心门  你的城府有多深  我爱的有多蠢 是我太笨  还是太认真 幻想和你过一生  你的城府有多深  我爱的有多蠢 不想再问  也无法去恨 毕竟你是我最爱的人  我曾经苦笑着问过我自己  在某个夜里 卸下伪装的你  是不是也会哭泣  你的城府有多深  我爱的有多蠢 是我太笨  还是太认真 幻想和你过一生  你的城府有多深  我爱的有多蠢 不想再问  也无法去恨 毕竟你是我最爱的人  白马非马白马非马  词: 许嵩  曲: 许嵩  就像一部电影原谅惨败的票房  我走在街上闷着头游荡把心事流放  关掉电话卸下行囊席地坐路旁  一如乞人不需要形象  万家灯火带领星光拼出个晚上  绚烂的欲望涌进了街巷每个虚弱地方  广场音箱兀自播放某个排行榜  上榜的歌像背景一样  那不是歌  那是孤单的歌  这白马非马的逻辑鲜有附和  唱着什么  故事里多少曲折  熙来攘往中几人识得  那不是歌  那是我写的歌  当时的我喜或悲已经记不得  南辕北辙  破坏热闹气氛的歌  被人慌慌张张按掉了  说了再见  天亮了 雨下了 你走了  清楚了 我爱的 遗失了  落叶飘在湖面上睡著了  想要放 放不掉 泪在飘  你看看 你看看 看不到  我假装过去不重要 却发现自己办不到  说了再见 才发现再也见不到  我不能就这样失去你的微笑  口红待在桌脚 而你我找不到  若角色对调你说好不好  说了再见 才发现再也见不到  能不能就这样忍著痛泪不掉  说好陪我到老 又狠往哪里走  再次拥抱一分一秒都好  天亮了 雨下了 你走了  清楚了 我爱的 遗失了  落叶飘在湖面上睡著了  想要放 放不掉 泪在飘  你看看 你看看 看不到  我假装过去不重要 却发现自己办不到  说了再见 才发现再也见不到  我不能就这样失去你的微笑  口红待在桌脚 而你我找不到  若角色对调你说好不好  你的笑 你的好 脑海里 一直在绕  我的手 忘不了 你手的温度  心碎了一地 捡不回从前的心跳 伤心过去我无力逃跑  说再见 才发现再也见不到  能不能就这样忍著痛泪不掉  说好陪我到老 又狠往哪里走  我落泪 情绪零碎  再次拥抱一分地上断了翅的蝶 不像自由地蔓延  爱原来更心碎 都可以更细节  田野风绕过几条街 秋天收获了满地的落叶  于是又一整夜 感情的句子都枯萎 凋谢  我不想再写 随手撕下这一页  原来是跟离别 可以没有结尾  焦距后悔的跟着写 于是我把诗折叠  有几重感觉 挑一束白玫瑰 你将爱退回  我不落泪 忍住感觉  分手在起风这个季节  哭久了会累 也只是别人的以为  冷的咖啡 我清醒着 一再续杯  我落泪 情绪零碎  你的世界一幕幕纷飞  门外的蔷薇 带刺伤人也很直接  过去被翻阅 结局满天的风雪  大脸,LOVE YOU  我不想写 随手撕下这一页  原来是跟离别 可以没有结尾  焦距后悔的跟着写 于是我把诗折叠  有几重感觉 挑一束白玫瑰 你将爱退回  我不落泪 忍住感觉  分手在起风这个季节  哭久了会累 也只是别人的以为  冷的咖啡 我清醒着 一再续杯  我落泪 情绪零碎  你的世界一幕幕纷飞  门外的蔷薇 带刺伤人也很直一秒都好  过去被翻阅 结局满天的风雪  说好的幸福  你的回话凌乱着 在这个时刻 我想起喷泉旁的白鸽 甜蜜散落了 情绪莫名的拉扯 我还爱你呢 而你断断续续唱着歌 假装没事了 时间过了 走了 爱情面临选择 你冷了 倦了 我哭了 离开时的不快乐 你用卡片手写着 有些爱只给到这真的痛了 怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢 我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了 开心与不开心一一细数着 你再不舍 那些爱过的感觉都太深刻 我都还记得 你不等了 说好的 幸福呢 我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了 只是回忆的音乐盒还旋转着 要怎么停呢 你的回话凌乱着 在这个时刻 我想起喷泉旁的白鸽 甜蜜散落了 情绪莫名的拉扯 我还爱你呢 伴你断断续续唱着歌 假装没事了 时间过了 走了 爱情面临选择 你冷了 倦了 我哭了 离开时的不快乐 你用卡片手写着 有些爱只给到这真的痛了 怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢 我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了 开心与不开心一一细数着 你再不舍 那些爱过的感觉都太深刻 我都还记得 你不等了 说好的 幸福呢  我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了 只是回忆的音乐盒还旋转着 要怎么停呢 怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢 我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了我都还记得 你不等了 说好的 幸福呢 我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了 只是回忆的音乐盒还旋转着 要怎么停  轨迹  LRC歌词下载见参考资料  轨迹--周杰伦  怎么隐藏我的悲伤  失去你的地方  你的发香散的匆忙  我已经跟不上  闭上眼睛还能看见  你离去的痕迹  在月光下一直找寻那想念的身影  如果说分手是苦痛的起点  那在终点之前  我愿意再爱一遍  想要对你说的  不敢说的爱  会不会有人可以明白  我会发着呆然后忘记你  接着紧紧闭上眼  想着那一天会有人代替  让我不再想念你  我会发着呆然后微微笑  接着紧紧闭上眼  又想了一遍你温柔的脸  在我忘记之前  闭上眼睛还能看见  你离去的痕迹  在月光下一直找寻那想念的身影  如果说分手是苦痛的起点  那在终点之前  我愿意再爱一遍  想要对你说的  不敢说的爱  会不会有人可以明白  我会发着呆然后忘记你  接着紧紧闭上眼  想着那一天会有人代替  让我不再想念你  我会发着呆然后忘记你  接着紧紧闭上眼  想着那一天会有人代替  让我不再想念你  我会发着呆然后微微笑  接着紧紧闭上眼  又想了一遍你温柔的脸  在我忘记之前  心里的眼泪  模糊了视线  你已快看不见  烟花易冷  繁华声 遁入空门  折煞了世人  梦偏冷 辗转一生  情债又几本  如你默认 生死枯等  枯等一圈  又一圈的年轮  浮图塔 断了几层  断了谁的魂  痛直奔 一盏残灯  倾塌的山门  容我再等 历史转身  等酒香醇  等你弹 一曲古筝  雨纷纷  旧故里草木深  我听闻  你始终一个人  斑驳的城门  盘踞着老树根  石板上  回荡的是 再等  雨纷纷  旧故里草木深  我听闻  你仍守着孤城  城郊牧笛声  落在那座野村  缘份落地生根是 我们  听青春 迎来笑声  羡煞许多人  那史册 温柔不肯  下笔都太狠  烟花易冷 人事易分  而你在问  我是否还认真  千年后 累世情深  还有谁在等  而青史 岂能不真  魏书洛阳城  如你在跟 前世过门  跟着红尘 跟随我  浪迹一生  雨纷纷  旧故里草木深  我听闻  你始终一个人  斑驳的城门  盘踞着老树根  石板上回荡的是  再等  雨纷纷  旧故里草木深  我听闻  你仍守着孤城  城郊牧笛声  落在那座野村  缘份落地生根是 我们  雨纷纷  旧故里草木深  我听闻 你始终一个人  斑驳的城门  盘踞着老树根  石板上回荡的是 再等  雨纷纷 雨纷纷  旧故里草木深  我听闻 我听闻  你仍守着孤城  城郊牧笛声  落在那座野村  缘份落地生根是  我们  缘份落地生根是  我们  伽蓝寺听雨声盼  永恒


1、Disputes can, but dont be stubborn about who wins and who loses   The differences caused by the different opinions of the couple are normal. However, because the natural environment and life methods of the two people are different, even if they are more similar and their outlook on life is consistent with each other, there will be overall differences in some areas. At the moment, either husband and wife should not try to change the other. There is almost no absolute right or wrong. You dont have to be confined to the win or lose of the quarrel. Home should be a warm area. Learn to seek common ground while reserving differences, not the arena where anyone wants to press down.    2、Experience is more important than truth   Its hard to get confused in life. It can be used in married life. Some words will damage the other party when you know it clearly. Even if it is the truth, you dont have to talk about it quickly for a while. There is a certain preservation for each other to consider carefully, so as to really improve the relationship between husband and wife. If some of the same facts are too painful and do not involve standard problems, good lies will be more acceptable than naked objective facts.    3. Pay attention to touch, not just sex   Touch includes many, such as clasping fingers, hugging each other and touching the face. This action can maintain the intimacy between couples. Many people feel that there is nothing else between couples except sex. I think the mental process is not so shallow. Sometimes this small touch of the human body is more effective. (emotional questions can be added to the teachers mobile phone / letter:)    4、Recalling the happiness of the past   At that time, many people had a good relationship with their partners. As soon as they entered the marriage life, they began to quarrel for no reason. Because the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was not very good and the core concept of taking care of children was difficult, in other words, all kinds of relationships could lead to disputes. At the moment, I feel that because the couple have been brought into their eyes by some small stones, they have not seen the way to go for a longer time, and have forgotten their previous service commitment and happiness.   We often say that there must be a big reason for the fight between the bedroom bed and the foot of the bed between husband and wife. Its normal to make small mischief in daily life, but you dont have to hurt your feelings. You should be tolerant and used to each other. Its the key to understand the harmony of husband and wifes feelings and come down again. Thinking about the happy times we had in the past, why we had to have him at that time, what things he had done that moved you, and this kind of memory not only gives you the driving force, but also gives you the reason to tolerate and endure for a while.    5、Maintain talent   When you think that marriage is the terminal of each connection, you are really wrong. Marriage is not only not the terminal of association, but also a new starting point for these associations among you, which means that your life path is from yourself to two people, and the problems you encounter are discussed, handled, supported and encouraged each other.   Sometimes when people see a man, they feel that he is not obedient enough. Many old people around them have to say: they havent got married yet. Just find them a wife and have children.   I absolutely dont approve of such opinions, and I can even say that I despise them. If he is not mature enough and does not have the burden of being an adult, how can he hope that he can shoulder the obligation of a home and even educate his children to become talents? The greater probability is that the expansion has adverse effects and will hurt the next generation.   Similarly, you dont have to think that marriage means completion and no need to become a talent. There are many characters to play in ones life. One should be a good child when he is a child. He is an excellent student when he studies. He is a good worker when he signs up for work, a good eldest son of his father, a good husband of his wife when he gets married, and a good father of his eldest son... People must always study and train hard to become talents, so as to ensure that the development trend of physical and mental health and stability can be maintained, Can maintain a happy marriage.   If you have been too easy to slack off in your marriage and give up yourself, it is usually very easy to lead to misfortune at home. In the matter of talent, there is no way to achieve it overnight, only self-discipline can be arbitrary.   什么是幸福婚姻的关键英文2    What are the stages of marriage.    Phase I: Sweet period   Just married, they are still in the joy of marriage and maintain the state of love.   Although there are occasional small quarrels, they are considerate of each other. I will also prepare some small surprises for each other in my daily life. It may seem bad to others, but its beautiful to you.   The general state of sweetness is that you and I have endless words.    Stage II: running in period   After 2-3 years of marriage, after the sweet period, they began to enter the running in period. Some of the problems of both sides will gradually manifest, but they will not be as tolerant as the sweet period. Small things such as misplacing socks and soiling the freshly cleaned floor may become the fuse of their quarrel.   During this period, both will upgrade and become parents. The arrival of children will upset the balance of the two worlds and be child-centered.   At this time, the contradiction between the two will gradually increase, and the contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will also increase. Helping his wife or his mother is a headache for men.   The running in period is the longest. Quarrel and contradiction are also the most stage. Both sides will become concerned, concerned, and sometimes bored. Once quarrels and contradictions escalate, it may lead to divorce. After the fresh period of marriage, some people will go out to find new prey. The probability of this third partys involvement is greatly increased and affects their marriage life.   The running in period will be exhausting, so many couples cant survive this stage. Its a pity.    The third stage: dull period   After going through the long stage of running in period, going up the mountain and down the sea of fire, the marriage slowly entered a dull period.   After the running in period, the edges and corners were flattened. After the orture of the running in period, the two peoples mood became flat.   Two people will feel that the day is a blessing, which is much more open than the running in period.   When the children work, they have more time to do their own things. The days are as plain as water. Its good to have no waves.   But some people cant resist this insipid and choose to separate at this stage. Its a pity.   Phase IV: long term   After the first three stages, Congratulations, your marriage has entered a long period. Nothing can break up your marriage. We can work together to get married. When they entered the palace of marriage, they both had this original intention. I hope they can work together until they die. But many peoples marriages die in the first two stages.   No matter what stage you are in now, I hope you can go to the last stage 4 until the end of your life. If you survive the second stage, it will not be far from a long time!   什么是幸福婚姻的关键英文3    Three keys to family happiness.    1、Filial piety   Filial piety, as a family ethical norm, has the function and role of maintaining family stability. People use filial piety to regulate family relations, make it rooted in the family and popular in the society, and become the moral code and code of conduct that people abide by.   In ancient times, the Chinese nation had a good atmosphere of respecting the elderly and filial piety. Today, with the development of socialist market economy, it is still of great practical significance to carry forward the filial piety tradition of supporting the elderly and respecting the elderly.   Filial piety comes first, filial piety is the foundation of life. If a person cant be grateful to his parents, what noble character can you expect him to have?    2.、Diligent   Diligence has always been praised by the ancients. Stories such as Yingxue and dangliang stabbing stocks have been handed down for thousands of years and are well known. Han Wengongs urning ointment oil to follow the sundial, and constant Wu to poor years is more yearned for by scholars. If you dont work hard, no matter how talented you are, its useless.   Diligence is the first essence of life. People must be diligent if they want to live a down-to-earth, stable and peaceful life. If a person develops the weakness of laziness, more shortcomings and problems will follow.    3、Excuse   Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom. Only when we give forgiveness can we put down the pain of the past and open up new possibilities for beauty.   South Africa experienced a painful process of forgiveness and reconciliation at the end of apartheid, because they knew that if they continued to sink into the past, they would not have a successful future.

我只想让你幸福 用英语怎么说 有什么好听的英语情话不 越多越好 旁边还要有翻译

Just want to make you happy I love you the most crazy love sensation我爱你 爱得轰轰烈烈最疯狂 You do not just like it 对你 不只是喜欢吧 Once a sincere feelings pendulum before me I no treasure, If there chance, I willing told her those 3 characters: I love you. If give this promise plus a deadline, I willing is - a Wannian. "曾经有一段真挚的感情摆在我的面前,我没有珍惜,如果还有机会的话,我愿意对她说那3个字:我爱你。如果要给这个承诺加上一个期限,我愿意是--一万年。”


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1、幸福是一种感觉,它不取决于人们的生活状态,而取决于人的心态。 Happiness is a feeling, it does not depend on people"s living conditions, but depends on the mentality of the people. 2、爱情把我拽向这边,而理智却要把我拉向那边。 Love drag me to this side, but reason has to pull me to the other side. 3、小时候,幸福--是件很简单的事;长大后,简单--是件很幸福的事。 When I was young, happiness is a very simple thing. When I grow up, simple, it is a very happy thing. 4、有时候,离去不是一个简单的转身,而是,一辈子的幸福。 Sometimes, leaving is not a simple turn around, but a lifetime of happiness. 5、长相知,才能不相疑;不相疑,才能长相知。 The appearance of knowledge, can not doubt; do not doubt, to the appearance of knowledge. 6、有时我沉默,不是不快乐,只是想把心净空。 I sometimes silence is not happy, just want to get the heart. 7、这个家庭生存给我感受到了家庭原来是那么的温馨。您又能感受到吗? This family has been living for me, I feel the warmth of the family. Can you feel it again? 8、幸福和快乐都是简单的,而追求它们的人却是复杂的。 Happiness and happiness are simple, but the pursuit of them is a complex one. 9、男人的爱情如果不专一,那他和任何女人在一起都会感到幸福。 Man"s love if not specific, that he and any woman together will feel happy. 10、如果你知道去哪,全世界都??你?路。 If you know where to go, the whole world will make way for you. 11、也许爱不是怀念,不是热烈,而是岁月,年深月久成了生活中的一部分。 Love may not miss, not warm, but the time over a long period of time, has become a part of life. 12、不要骗自己,一个人爱不爱你,在不在意你,你是感觉得到的。 Don"t lie to yourself, a person love you, do not care about you, you are feeling. 13、爱情的鞋是艰涩夹脚还是温暖妥帖,外人实没有插言的余地。 Love is hard shoes pinch or warm. No room for outsiders to intervene. 14、为人类的幸福而劳动,这是多麽壮丽的事业,这个目的有多麽伟大! How great it is to work for the happiness of mankind, and how great it is! 15、爱得愈深,苛求得愈切,所以爱人之间不可能没有意气的争执。 Love deeply, demanding all survived, so love is not emotional dispute between the impossible. 16、我们总是要求男人有孩子一样的眼神,但要有父亲一样的能力。 We always ask a man to look like a child, but to have the same ability as a father. 17、不想面对他离开,逃避不是一个好方法,但却是唯一的办法。 Don"t want to face him to leave, escape is not a good method, but it is the only way. 18、盐,注定要融化的,也许是用眼泪的方式。 Salt, is doomed to melt, may be the way to use the tears. 19、所谓内心的快乐,是一个人过着健全的正常的和谐的生活所感到的快乐。 The so-called inner happiness is the joy of living a healthy and harmonious life. 20、好听的话谁都会说,却不是谁都会这么做。 Nice words who will say, but not everyone will do so. 21、幸福是杂音听起来象音乐,因为快乐而哭泣。 Happiness is a noise that sounds like music, it"s a joy to cry. 22、如果幸福在于**的快感,那麽就应当说,牛找到草料吃的时候是幸福的。 If happiness is a pleasure, it should be said that the cattle find happiness when eating grass. 23、该是你的迟早都会是你的,若不是你的即使强留也留不住。 This is your will is for you, if you are not even persuaded can"t stop. 24、使人幸福的不是体力,也不是金钱,而是正义和多才。 That is not a physical well-being of the people, is not the money, but justice and more. 25、我不能拥有的太多、一切都只是幻想罢了。 I can"t have too much, everything is just a fantasy. 26、不是忘不了,而是不能忘;不是伤不起,而是一直在习惯里,在生命里。 Not forget, but can not forget; not hurt, but has been in the habit of life. 27、安心的幸福莫过于三件事:有人信你,有人陪你,有人等你。 Peace of mind happiness than three things: someone to believe you, someone to accompany you, someone waiting for you. 28、真挚而纯洁的爱情,一定渗有对心爱的人的劳动和职业的尊重。 Sincere and pure love, must have the respect of the labor and the occupation of the beloved. 29、一个人如果爱你,不会对你有诸多的要求,唯一想要的,不过是你也爱他。 If a person loves you, you will not have a lot of requirements, the only thing you want, but you also love him. 30、我想过飞到天空去触摸云朵、却发现遥不可及。 I want to fly to the sky to touch the clouds, but found out of reach. 31、爱上一个人的时候,总会有点害怕,怕得到他;怕失掉他。 When you fall in love with a person, always a little afraid, afraid to get him; afraid of losing him. 32、我现在只能做的,便是以一段拙劣的文字来祭奠我那段流逝的岁月。 What I can do now, is a bad word to pay homage to me at that time. 33、我微笑,在任何我难过或者快乐的时候,我只剩下微笑。 I smile, happy or sad, for that is the last thing I can do.。 34、我不相信永远的爱,因为我只会一天比一天更爱你。 I don"t believe in forever love, because I will love you more and more every day. 35、刚刚好,看到你幸福的样子,于是幸福着你的幸福。 Just good, see you happy, so happy with your happiness. 36、人生总有无法不流泪的时候,能够觉醒的人,才会了解眼泪的意义。 Life can not be without tears, can wake up the people, will understand the meaning of tears. 37、想得太多,只会让你陷入忐忑,让实际上本不糟糕的事情,变得糟糕。 Think too much, will only let you be perturbed, actually this is not so bad, worse. 38、温和的语言,是善良人家庭中决不可缺少的。 Gentle language, is a kind of family in the family must be indispensable. 39、唯独**家,无论他生或死,都能给大家以幸福。 But the revolutionary, whether he lives or dies, can give you happiness. 40、我的媳妇是个小孩子,所以我要处处让着她陪着她成长。 My wife is a child, so I want to let her grow up everywhere. 41、情人节和你的思想,都可以证明你是属于我的。 Valentine"s day and your thoughts can prove that you belong to me. 42、幸福,是智慧圆满,功成名就;慈善捐助,无畏布施;救人于水火。 Happiness, is the perfect wisdom, charity, fearless achieve success and win recognition; save and sacrifice. 43、对不爱自己的人,最需要的是理解,放弃和祝福。 For those who do not love themselves, the most need is to understand, to give up and bless. 44、别爱得太苦,两个错的人分手,也许能创造四个人的幸福。 Don"t love too bitter, two wrong people break up, could create four personal happiness. 45、我把我的一切都给了你,你笑了,就是幸福! I gave my everything to you, you smiled, is happiness! 46、我把我的一切都给了你,你笑了,就是幸福。 I gave my everything to you, you smiled, is happiness. 47、恋爱不是慈善事业,所以不能慷慨施舍。 Love is not a charitable cause, so it can"t be generous. 48、爱情原如树叶一样,在人忽视里绿了,在忍耐里露出蓓蕾。 Love is like the leaf, the neglected green in, appeared in the bud in patience. 49、个人的痛苦与欢乐,必须融合在时代的痛苦与欢乐里。 The pain and joy of a man must be fused with the pain and joy of the times. 50、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world。 51、如果全世界都否定你,那么我陪你否定全世界。 If the whole world will deny you, then I will accompany you to deny the whole world. 52、真正的幸福只有当你真实地认识到人生的价值时,才能体会到。 True happiness is when you realize the value of life. 53、花开了又谢,风起了又歇,我为了你,把爱写了又写。 Flowers bloom and thanks, the wind from the rest, I for you, love to write and write. 54、情人节,我愿做一条鱼,任你红烧、白煮、清蒸,然后躺在你温柔的胃里。 Valentine"s day, I want to be a fish, you roast, boiled, steamed, then lying in your stomach. 55、幸福是珍惜现在,但不是挥霍现在,否则,这将是人生的一种无奈与落寞。 Happiness is to cherish the Psent, but not spending now, otherwise, it will be a kind of helpless and lonely life. 56、生活累,一小半源于生存,一小半源于攀比。 Tired of life, a small source of survival, a small source from the competition. 57、小时候,幸福——是件很简单的事;长大后,简单——是件很幸福的事。 When I was young, happiness is a very simple thing. When I grow up, simple, it is a very happy thing. 58、生活可以不知足,但幸福一定要知足。 Life can not be satisfied, but happiness must be satisfied. 59、人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全,但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 People with the moon waxes and wanes, grief at separation and joy in Union, all this ancient hard, danyuanrenchangjiu, partings. 60、要节约用水,尽量跟女友一起洗澡。 Save water. Shower with your girlfriend as much as possible. 61、人生的路,如同肚子里的柔肠千转百回,最终到达终点。 The road of life, like the belly of the turn Rouchang 1000 100 back to the final destination. 62、我爱的人我要亲手给他幸福,别人我不放心。 I love the people I want to personally give him happiness, others I do not rest assured. 63、我的幸福,就是看着你幸福。 My happiness, is looking at your happiness. 64、人没有什么好或坏,只有清澈的人和浑浊的人。 People have nothing good or bad, only the clear and turbid people. 65、爱情就像财富,有赖于命运之轮,它始终处于剧烈的上下颠簸之中。 Love is like a treasure, it depends on the wheel of fate, it is always in a violent up and down. 66、感谢失败赐予的经验和挑战,让我们变得更加优秀进步。 Thanks to the failure of the experience and challenges, so that we become more outstanding progress. 67、幸福是无拘无束没有任何负担的心理。 Happiness is free without any burden of the psychological. 68、乌云过后阳光更欢,不和之后爱情愈甜。 Dark clouds after the sun is more happy, and after the love is more sweet. 69、如果幸福不在路上,那就一定在路的尽头。 If happiness is not on the road, it must be at the end of the road. 70、爱情是兴致勃勃的外来客,是外来的自我。 Love is in the best of spirits of foreign visitors from outside the self. 71、青春结伴,我已有过,是感恩,是满足,没有遗憾。 Youth go hand in hand, I have already had, is grateful, is to meet, there is no regret. 72、既不回头,何必不忘,既已无缘,何须誓言。 Neither turn back, why not forget, both have no reason, where to pledge. 73、爱情,这不是一颗心去敲打另一颗心,而是两颗心共同撞击的火花。 Love, this is not a heart to beat another heart, but the two hearts of the common impact of the spark. 74、所谓的幸福、美好似乎更多是过后再回忆的时候才能感受到的。 The so-called happiness, beautiful seems to be more memories of the time before they can feel. 75、朋友就像人民币,有真币也有假币,可惜我不是验钞机! Friends like RMB, a real currency is counterfeit, but I am not yanchaoji! 76、你是我小心维护的梦,我疲倦地享受着,这个无法靠近的光芒。 You are my care to maintain the dream, I am tired to enjoy, this can not be close to the light. 77、我的心,这只野鸟,在你的眼睛里找到了天空。 My heart, the bird of the wilderness, has found its sky in your eyes. 78、当爱情不再那么浓烈,我们仍然会依恋,因为习惯了,也因为害怕。 When love is not so strong, we will still attachment, because of the habit, but also because of fear. 79、再快乐的单身汉迟早也会结婚,幸福不是永久的嘛。 After all, happiness will marry, and happiness will not be permanent. 80、看你躺在我怀里开心的样子就是我想要的幸福。 To see you lying in my arms happy appearance is the happiness I want.

有知道JAY 说好的幸福呢 英文版的歌词

So good that the well-being


「记忆力怎么愈来愈差?名字都记不住」,不少人经常这样抱怨,却苦无办法增加记忆力。根据美国研究,握右拳就能提高记忆力,同时握右手会出现幸福感。这是怎么回事?就让日本东京药学博士带我们仔细看下去…。 研究:握紧右拳,就能提高记忆力 「如果能有轻松提高记忆力的方法就好了」,这是很多人的梦想。日本东京药学博士池谷裕二表示,在大脑的部位中,自己专注研究的是海马回,所以,面对外界会有如此期望时,也希望真的能有新的突破发现。 池谷裕二在其新书《大脑跟你想的不一样》中表示,所幸,美国蒙特克莱尔州立大学的Propper博士等人,真的发现了能轻松增强记忆力的魔法,得知后比任何人都还惊讶。近期月刊登在《PLOS ONE》上的论文研究显示,居然只要「右手紧握成拳头」就会有效果。 负责研究的Propper博士等人募集了51名一般参加者进行了记忆测验,请他们记住36个单字。眼前的萤幕会逐一显示单字,每个单字的显示时间是5秒。换句话说显示完全部单字只要3分钟。 全部看完后,请他们把记得的单字全部写在纸上。这真的很困难,所以能正确想到的单字平均只有8.6个。接着,这次请他们用力握住直径5公分的橡胶球,握球时间为45秒;结束后休息15秒再让他们用力握球45秒。这样是一个组合。 这个组合会在记单字和写出单字前分别进行。动作相当简单,但事后能正确想起的单字平均数量增加为10.1个,也就是增加了18%之多。


《随身空间之幸福》百度网盘txt最新全集下载:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sHArtzrfREaa3lCjIzQIXg?pwd=0f8r 提取码:0f8r简介:21世纪宅女在一次人品大爆发的情况下,触发了劣质手链中的空间,从此过上了高质量宅女的辉煌人生,谁知道不知怎么就得罪了老天爷。一道闪电把现代宅女劈成了古代小可怜,好吧,空间跟着穿来啦,那就没问题了。。。。。。。哎,帅哥,有女朋友了没?什么,你都结婚了,老婆死了,还有一个儿子,没关系,

20条英汉互译经典语录_幸福不是一个地点 而是一个方向

1 .Love is unequal, so don"t count hoent, nods to me and goes. 我今晨坐在窗前,世界如一个路人似的,停留了一会,向我点点头又走过去了。 6 .Happiness is a direction, not a place. 幸福不是一个地点,而是一个方向。 7 .I needn"t a photo to remember you .Because you never leave in my hear . 我不需要一张照片把你记起,因为在我心里你从未曾离去。 8 .orroeone else. 做真实的自己,不要为了取悦别人或试图成为某个人。做你最原始的自己,比做任何人的复制品都来得好。 14 .Don"t go around saying the ething in return. I ale to mind, I realize Im smiling. 每次一想到你我发现自己都不自觉的在微笑。 20 .In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. Michael Jackson 在一个充满仇恨的世界,我们仍然要满怀希望;在一个充满绝望的世界,我们仍然要敢于梦想。 英汉互译经典语录20条_值得收藏 1 .Too tired to do anything, too ae free their time to talk to you. 有人在空闲时跟你谈天,有人挤时间跟你谈天。 6 .Actually,I have been so long standing behind you, lacking of your turning round. 其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。 7 .Don"t let little stupid things break your happiness. 别让那些愚蠢的小事情毁了你的幸福。 8 .etimes, I ething, dont etimes things just happen because imes we feel tired because we are lost in our life. ~~~有时候我们觉得累,是因为在人生的道路上,忘记了去哪。 18 .The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all. 勇气也许不能所向披靡,但胆怯根本无济于事。 19 .You just have to be happy. If you are, everything else will fall into place. 你只须快乐点,若快乐,其他一切都会回到正轨上去。 20 .I hope you always find a reason to smile. 我希望你永远都能找到让自己微笑的理由。 20条经英汉互译经典语句 1、A word of goodbye, two of the world。—— 一句再见,两个世界。 2、Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be、 执子之手,与子偕老。 3、Life is like live telecast of a TV event、 There is no "rehearsal"、 Hence we must strive to do the best we can in everything! 人生没有彩排,只有现场直播,所以每一件事都要努力做得最好! 4、parting and reunion, the life kept staged the play, accustomed to no longer pathos、 离别与重逢,是人生不停上演的戏,习惯了,也就不再悲怆。 5、It"s really amazing when two strangers become the best of friends, but it"s really sad when the best of friends become two strangers、 最感叹的莫过于一见如故,最悲伤的莫过于再见陌路。一点点语录网 6、Never frown, do not frown, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile、纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 7、Whenever you make a phone call smile when you pick up the phone, because someone can feel it ! 每当打电话,摘起话筒时请来个甜蜜的微笑,因为对方是能感觉得到的哦! 8、No matter how hard it is, just keep going because you only fail when you give up、无论多么艰难,都要继续向前,因为只有你放弃的那一刻,你才输了 9、He knows not his own strength that hsa not met adiversity、 ——没有经历困难的人意识不到自己的潜能。 10、He knows not his own strength that hsa not met adiversity、 ——没有经历困难的人意识不到自己的潜能。 11、I cry, tears are falling、 I think you did not I"m lonely、 I smile when you are still tears、 So you than I am lonely、我流泪的时候,你也在流泪。我认为你没我孤独。 我微笑的时候,你还在流泪。原来你比我寂寞。 12、Go most urgent, is the most beautiful scenery; hurt the most are always the most real emotions、走得最急的,都是最美的风景;伤得最深的,也总是那些最真的感情。www、yikexun、cn 13、When you think you"re not happy with your life, always remember that someone is happy simply because you exist、当你觉得生活不开心时,记住有人仅仅因为有你而开心。 14、Stop trying to find a rewind、 It"s life, not a movie、 ——别妄想着倒带,这是生活,不是电影! 15、Love me little, love me long、 爱不贵亲密,而贵长久。 16、Spend a little more time trying to make something of yourself and a little less time trying to impress people、 花多一点时间为自己做些事,用少一点时间去取悦别人。 17、There are two kinds of tragedies in the world: one is not getting what one want , and the other is getting、 世上有两种悲剧:一种是得不到你想要的,另一种是得到了。 18、Once thought that, own is not easy; just know later, abandon more difficult、曾经以为,拥有是不容易的;后来才知道,舍弃更难。本文来自一点点语录网 www、yikexun、cn 19、Everyone makes mistakes, but admit your own before you point out someone else"s、 每个人都会犯错,在你指责他人的错误之前先承认你的。 20、Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none、 爱所有人,相信一部分人,不对不起任何人。 20条英汉互译经典感悟语录_值得收藏 1 .Faded,time is the time eone else"s mouth, don"t live in someone else"s eyes, but e. 我不以一个人爬得多高来衡量他的成功,而是看他跌到谷底时能反弹多高。 11 .It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt. 宁愿保持沉默让人看起来像个傻子,也不要一开口就证明自己确实如此。 12 .Don"t rashly believe in people"s promises- that e is etimes you need to step outside, clear your head, and remind yourself of e of the face of courage, in fact, be able to recall a blessing. 快乐和痛苦都是人生的财富,与其消极的逃避,不如勇敢一些面对,其实能够回忆也是一种幸福。 16 .Travel and see the "s go to see the world. 我们去看看这个世界吧。 20 .Time would head almost all wounds. If your wounds have not been healed up. please wait for a short while. 你要去相信,没有到不了的明天。


1、这一生我只牵你的手,因为今生有你早已足够。 This life I hold your hand, because you already have enough in my life. 2、幸福是爱情完美的独特,泪流是错爱美丽的邂逅。 Happiness is the perfect love is unique, tears are so beautiful. 3、你是暖气团,我是冷气团,遇到你,我止不住流泪。 You are etimes the smallest things ething for a man, for the modation of two hearts. 82、当你不能够再拥有,你唯一可以做的,就是令自己不要记。 When you can"t have it, the only thing you can do is to make yourself not to remember. 83、其实,你的唠叨是我一生中最幸福的时候,而我却不知道。 In fact, your nagging is the happiest time of my life, and I do not know. 伤感失恋句子,既然不能够相守 1、每天晚上我孤枕难眠,心里一遍一遍的数落我们之间美好的回忆。 2、虽然结局很难过,但过程还是很难忘。谢谢你,给了我那么多美丽的回忆;谢谢你带给我的那些快乐; 3、离开以后大声的告诉他我爱你与你无关爱是你的权利把想说的都说出来平静的回忆你们的过去然后哭吧哭完就把一切都留在昨天永远不要去触及 4、哭给自己听,笑给别人看,这就是所谓的人生。 5、不要依赖别人,是你还有人可以依赖的时候才说的出来的。 6、寄语浮云晚霞,捎上我的心里话:我永远等着你,纵然是海角天涯。 7、等待。也许并不容易;伤害却轻而易举。 8、感谢曾经深爱过的人,无论伤楚有多深,都谢谢你,毕竟曾经深深的爱过,曾经开心幸福的一起走过。 9、每一个女孩都曾经是一个无泪的天使,当她遇上心爱的男孩时便有了泪,天使落泪,坠落人间,所以每一个男孩都不能辜负他的女孩,因为她曾经为了你,放弃了整个天堂。 10、你走了,丢下那句话,在我这泓平静的心湖中,泛起缭乱的涟漪,神秘的梦境。 11、是,我是很蠢,但也没蠢到你来教育我。 12、离开你,不管多久,总希望一瞬间,你就出现在面前。 13、在茫茫人海中,相遇,相知,相守,无论谁都不会一帆风顺,只有一颗舍得付出,懂得感恩的心,才能拥有一生的爱和幸福。 14、带著一根烟。浪迹天涯 15、结束以后别告诉她我恨你爱情是两个人的事错过了大家都有责任,一个人总要有个新的开始别让过去把你栓在悲哀的殿堂 16、故事写在纸上总有一个结局,故事写在心里是无人知道的结局。 17、感情不就是你情我愿,最好爱恨扯平两不相欠 18、我们的生活有太多无奈,我们无法改变,也无力去改变,更糟的是,我们失去了改变的想法。 19、我们都有绝望的时候,只有在勇敢面对时,我们才知道我们有多坚强。 20、当我刚了解了你的时候,你却突然消失了,我满世界的找你,最后只找到属于你的空气。 21、时间会慢慢沉淀,有些人会在你心底慢慢模糊。学会放手,你的幸福需要自己的成全。 22、灰太狼跟红太狼再好,也只是场戏。 23、你留下的背影拉长路灯下的身影我们就此分离 24、在乎是什么呢?我真的不懂,我不需要被人施舍。 25、就算是这个世界把我抛弃,而至少快乐伤心我自己决定,所以我说就让它去,我知道潮落之后一定有潮起 26、他走了带不走你的天堂剧烈的大地重复着悲伤 27、我真的爱你,闭上眼,以为我能忘记,但流下的眼泪,却没有骗到自己 28、失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 29、没有人值得你流泪,值得你流泪的人是不会让你哭的。 30、拥有过的,失去了的,回头想想,一个简单的微笑便可以释怀了,因为我知道,都再也回不去了! 31、不要骗我,你知道即使你的谎话我都会相信。 32、发现近来失恋的人渐渐增多。也许是我们太过年轻,不懂得如何去承受这样的打击。 33、感情里不要说谁对谁错,而你的离开,正好是最大的错误。 34、我能感觉到你的心痛,你有你说不出的无奈。但是你做出一副无所谓的样子,你越是这样我就越难受 35、你的世界里除了我难道别的就不想要吗?我想你没有这么伟大。 36、生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在。 37、失恋里面如果连痛苦悲伤都没法给予,那我的生命里还剩下什么? 38、她为你准备的东西,满不在乎地递给你,你千万不要也满不在乎,因为她其实准备得很用心很细。 39、小楼又起春风,垂枝飘拂西东,忆别离,折柳相送,信誓重重。一去几度秋冬,飞雁来去匆匆。几时业成归来,畅怀饮,再圆梦? 40、时光的流逝,可以使人淡忘很多往事,但彼此间的爱意,却永远都不会磨灭。句子大全/ 41、爱到分才显珍贵,很多人都不懂珍惜拥有。只到失去才看到,其实那最熟悉的才是最珍贵的。 42、因为我知道你是个容易担心的小孩,所以我将线交你手中却也不敢飞得太远。 43、不爱就不要打扰我,我的感情不是垃圾,谁想要就会给谁的。 44、大多数不开心的人,往往低估了自己所拥有的,又高估了别人所拥有的 45、我能感觉到你的心痛,你有你说不出的无奈。但是你做出一副无所谓的样子,你越是这样我就越难受` 46、别那么悲伤,真的。大不了一个人过呗~单身还自在没负担~不爱我的人,不值得我伤心留恋~ 47、爱是一种遇见,不能等待,也不能准备。爱那么短,遗忘那么长 48、为什么爱是可以体会,但无法解释的东西? 49、我以为小鸟飞不过沧海,是以为小鸟没有飞过沧海的勇气,十年以后我才发现,不是小鸟飞不过去,而是沧海的那一头,早已没有了等待 50、世界上其实根本没有感同身受这回事,针不刺到别人身上,他们就不知道有多疼。 51、你爱的终究不是我,我爱的始终仍是你。 52、诺言不过上一种谎言,那是种美丽的欺骗,可就是有人愿意为了它放弃一切。 53、你是我编造的童话故事中的王子,而我只是你生命里一个匆匆过客。 54、分手了就做回自己,一个人的世界同样有月升月落,也有美丽的瞬间,把他归为记忆。 55、原来,需等到风住尘香花已尽,才可以看到最后的风清月朗,花好月圆。 56、分手后有时候会故意换一个跟他差不多的头像。 57、一声汽笛,跌落在旷野;无限的惆怅与孤独,在别离的那一刻,一齐从心头滋生。 58、有的人与人之间的相遇就像是流星,瞬间迸发出令人羡慕的火花,却注定只是匆匆而过。 59、对不起,我不过是借你练习爱另一个人。 60、我不忍心挥手,因为是告别;我不敢去想握手,因为那不知道要等到什么时候。 61、人的爱,无非就是充斥着太多贪婪的占有欲,以及奢望我爱你。 62、别把哀伤挂在嘴上每个人都有自己的故事,活着不是为了怀念昨天句子大全/,而是要等待希望,让大家都看到你的坚强,离开他你也可以过得很好。 63、多谢你的绝情,让我学会死心 64、如果爱你是错的话,我不想对;如果对是等于没有你的话,我宁愿一辈子错。 65、你不曾给我一次回眸,我却始终在对你微笑。 66、每当我回头内疚,是刽子手砍掉我回忆中的所有 67、世界上没有任何东西可以永恒。如果它流动,它就流走;如果它存著,它就干涸;如果它生长,它就慢慢凋零。 68、当爱情来临,当然也是快乐的。但是,这种快乐是要付出的,也要学习去接受失望、伤痛和离别从此,人生不再纯粹。 69、你走的那天,我决定不掉泪,迎着风撑着眼帘用力不眨眼 70、离别之泪纯似珍珠,愿我们彼此将她珍藏。 71、那不是彻夜等候你为我点的烛火,当我睁开双眼每一天,都会记得大家的笑脸,明白心中勇敢又多了一点,用音符画一个圈,经过都会被纪念,我想爱永远会留在你心间 72、我不在乎你的过去,因为每个人都有过去。我喜欢的是你现在 73、你带走了过去美好的一切,让时间停留在我的心头,时刻抚摸着我的伤口。 74、假如时间可以倒流,可以早点说爱我吗? 75、如果有下辈子即使我再跟你见面,我也不会挽留一分钟,因为我记得上辈子你伤我的痛。 76、我不会很霸道不无理取闹,我只要分你你点点爱,其他的则交与你重要的人。 77、既然不能够相守,就让那份情感留在心田,留在回忆中。 78、爱你的时候我总是对你说对不起,但失恋了我只会说祝福你。 79、看了壹个晚上的笑剧,看得我眼泪都流出来了 80、失恋时告诉自己,和我分手是你没眼光 幸福爱情的英文句子 1、想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。 It is graceful grief and seone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart. 5、心要让你听见,爱要让你看见,不怕承认对你有多眷恋;想你的时候,盼你能收到我的真情留言! Listening to my heart beating. Seeing hoan is an, e when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 11、maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be gratefu 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。 12、don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 13、Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。 关于幸福的英文句子大全 幸福的英文句子 1、I pretend I dont care you, but still I feel the pain. 我假装不在乎你,但痛的是我自己。 2、Do not say goodbye to me not good-bye, good-bye after. 不要对我说再见,再见后就不要再见。 3、Fairy tale has ended, forgetting is happiness. 童话已经结束,遗忘就是幸福。 4、i just cant believe the loveliness of loving you. i just cant believe the one to love this feeling, too. i no enough for a loving pair. 哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。 9、achievement provides the only real pleasure in life.有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。 10、b.my heart is e ething panying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness.我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。 10、you know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you.你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守侯,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。

请问能帮忙把 当幸福来敲门 这部影片的 英文简介 发上来吗?

Plot summary forThe Pursuit of Happyness (2006)advertisement In 1981, Chris Gardner was a struggling salesman in little needed medical bone density scanners while his wife toiled in double shifts to support the family including their young son, Christopher. In the face of this difficult life, Chris has the desperate inspiration to try for a stockbroker internship where one in twenty has a chance of a lucrative full time career. Even when his wife leaves him because of this choice, Chris clings to this dream with his son even when the odds become more daunting by the day. Together, father and son struggle through homelessness, jail time, tax seizure and the overall punishing despair in a quest that would make Gardner a respected millionaire. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)还有一种英文简介:Set in San Francisco in 1981, the film centers around Chris Gardner (Will Smith), a 30-year old, clever, yet unsuccessful, salesman of expensive bone-density scanners. Chris invested most of his and his girlfriend"s money into the scanners, which he eventually finds extremely difficult to sell (and difficult to keep from being stolen by hippies and bums). He refers to this period of his life as "Being Stupid," in that he wrongly trusted a hippie with watching one of them while going for a job interview. Despite Christopher"s valiant attempts to help keep the family afloat, he is faltering; the rent on their apartment is far past due, and his car is towed after Chris defaults on paying over a dozen parking tickets. His girlfriend Linda (Thandie Newton) is unhappy and buckling under the constant strain of financial pressure, as her paychecks are the family"s primary source of income. The only thing keeping the couple"s marriage together is their five-year-old son Christopher (Jaden Smith).Unwilling to be separated from his son, Chris picks Christopher up from his daycare in Chinatown before Linda can. Chris complains about a sign outside the daycare center misspelling "happiness" as "happyness", hence the spelling of the film"s title. Linda is going to move to New York and wants to take Christopher with her. However, Chris insists that he wants to keep the boy, and Linda accepts his offer. Just before his Dean Witter interview, however, Chris is hit with two setbacks: he is being evicted from his apartment in a week unless he comes up with the rent and ends up spending a night in jail for failure to pay his parking tickets. After being released the next morning, Chris runs from the courthouse to his interview at Dean Witter"s offices, unshaven, unkempt and dressed in painter"s clothes. Nevertheless, he gets the internship, although he is chagrined to learn that it is unpaid.


罗志祥的 幸福不灭


一。 Man‘s dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world—the fight for the Liberation of Mankind. 人生最宝贵的是生命。生命对于人来说只有一次。一个人的生命应该这样度过:当他回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨;也不会因为碌碌无为而羞耻。在临死的时候他能够说:我的整个生命和全部精力都已经献给了世界上最壮丽的事业――为人类的解放事业而斗争! HELP: possession: n.财产 torturing : adj. 使痛苦的 二。 Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative efforts, the joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits. These dark days, my friends, will be worth all they cost us, if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered on to , but to minister to ourselves, to our fellow men. 幸福并不在于单纯的占有金钱,幸福还在于取得成功后的喜悦,在于创造努力时的激情。务必不能再忘记劳动带来的喜悦和激励,而去疯狂追逐那转瞬即逝的利润。如果这些黯淡的日子能使我们认识到,我们真正的使命不是要别人侍奉,而是要为自己和同胞们服务的话,那么,我们付出的代价是完全值得的。 HELP: stimulation: n.激励,刺激 evanescent: adj.渐渐消失的,易消散的 profit: vi.得益,利用 三。 I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed-we hold theses truths to be self-Oevident, that all men are created equal. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. i have a dream today! When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and hamlet, from every state and city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God‘s children-black men and white men , jews and Gentiles, Catholics and Protestants-will be able to join hands and to sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, “free at least ,free at last . Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.” 我有一个梦:有一天,这个国家将站起来,并实现他的信条的真正含义:我们将捍卫这些不言而喻的真理,即所有人生来平等。我有一个梦:有一天在乔治亚洲红色的山丘上,从前的奴隶的子孙们能和奴隶主的子孙们像兄弟一样坐在同一张桌旁;我有一个梦我的四个孩子有一天将生活在这样一个国度,在那里,人们不以肤色,而是以品格来评价他们。当自由的钟声响起的时候,当我们让它从每一个村庄,每一个州,每一个城市响起的时候 ,我们将能够加速这一天的到来。那是,上帝所有的孩子,无论黑人白人还是*人,异教徒。天主教徒,还是新教徒,他们都能够手挽手歌唱那古老的黑人圣歌:“终于自由了,终于自由了,感谢上帝,我们终于自由了!” HELP: Creed: n.信条 Brotherhood : n.手足情意, 兄弟关系 四。 I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word, it is victory. Victory at all costs—victory in spite of all terrors—victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival. Let that be realized, no survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that British Empire has stood for , no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall more forward toward his goal. I take up my task in buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, “Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength.” 我能奉献的唯有热血、辛劳、泪水和汗水。我们所面临的将是一场极为残酷的考验,我们面临的将是旷日持久的斗争和苦难。你若问我们的目标是什么?我可以用一个词来概括,那就是胜利。不惜一切代价去夺取胜利,不畏惧一切恐怖去夺取胜利,不论前路再长再苦也要多去胜利,因为没有胜利纠无法生存!我们必须意识到,没有胜利就没有大英帝国,没有胜利就没有大英帝国所象征的一切,没有胜利就没有多少世纪以来强烈的要求和冲动:人类应当向自己的目标迈进。此刻,我的精神振奋,满怀信心地承当起自己的人物。我确信,只要我们大家联合,我们的事业就不会挫败。此时此刻千钧一发之际,我觉得我有权要求各方面的支持。我要呼吁:“来吧,让我们群策努力,并肩迈进!” HELP: Grievous: adj. 令人忧伤的 Buoyancy: n. 浮性 浮力 轻快 Entitled: adj. 有资格的 五。 My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of men. Finally whether you are citizens of America, or citizens of the world, ask of us here, the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience of our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth, God"s work must truly be our own.——By John F. Kennedy 译文: 美国同胞们,不要问美国能为你们做些什么,应该问你们能为美国贡献些什么。全世界的同胞们,不要问美国将为你做些什么,应该问我们一同能为人类的自由做些什么。最后,无论你是美国公民还是其他国家的同胞,你们应该要求我们献出我们同样要求于你们的高度的力量和牺牲。无愧于心是我们惟一可靠的奖赏,历史是我们行动最终的裁判。这一切让我们大步向前,去引领我们所热爱的这片土地。我们祈求上帝的保佑和帮助,但我们很清楚,上帝在尘世的工作必定是我们自己的工作。 ——[美]约翰。肯尼迪 citizen: n.市民,公民 sacrifice: n./ v.牺牲,献身 conscience: n.良心,道德心 六、 Let me express my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror, which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life, a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves, which is essential to victory and I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days. In such a spirit on my part and on yours, we face our common difficulties. They concern, thank God, only material things.——By Franklin D. Roosevelt 译文: 让我来表明我坚定的信念:我们不得不害怕的其实就是害怕本身——一种莫名奇妙的、丧失理智的、毫无根据的恐惧。它把人们转退为进所需要的种种努力化为泡影。但凡在我国生活阴云密布的时刻,坦率而有活力的领导都得到过人民的理解和支持,从而为胜利准备了不可缺少的必要条件。我相信,在目前危机的时刻,大家会再次给与同样的支持。我和你们都要以这种精神来共同面对困难。感谢上帝,这些困难只是物质方面的。 ——[美]弗兰克林。罗斯福 unreasoning: adj.丧失理智的 unjustified: adj.毫无根据的 frankness: n.率直,坦白 七、 In this symposium, better is it to only sit in silence. To express one"s feelings as the end draws near is too intimate a task. That I would mention only one thought that comes to me as a listener-in: the riders in a race do not stop short when they reach the goal, there is a little finishing canter before coming to a standstill, there is time to hear the kind voice of friends, and to say to oneself, the work is done. But just as one says that, the answer comes, the race is over, but the work never is done while the power to work remains. The canter that brings you to a standstill need not be only coming to rest; it cannot be while you still live. But to live is to function, that is all there is in living. So I end with a land from a Latin voice: death, death, clutches my ear, and says, live, I am coming.——By Oliver Wendell Holmes 译文: 此刻,沉默是金。要在生命即将完结之时表达个人感受并非易事。但我只是想谈谈作为一名倾听者的看法。骑士们并非一到终点就立刻止步。他们继续缓步向前,倾听朋友们的欢呼。他们虽然告诉自己行程已经结束了。正如人们所说结果出来了,比赛结束了。但只要动力仍在,人生之旅就尚未结束。终点之后的慢跑并非停止不前,因为活着便不能如此。活着就要有所作为,这才是生命的真谛。最后谨以一句古拉丁格言与各位共勉:死神不止,奋斗不止。 ——[美]奥利佛。文德尔。荷默斯 in this symposium:此刻 At this timegoal: n.目的,目标 standstill: n.停止 八、 The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance that no insignificant person was ever born. Americans are called to enact this promise in our lives and in our laws. And though our nation has sometimes halted, and sometimes delayed, we must follow no other course. Through much of the last century, America"s faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea. Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations. Our democratic faith is more than the creed of our country, it is the inborn hope of our humanity, an ideal we carry but do not own, a trust we bear and pass along. And even after nearly 225 years, we have a long way yet to travel. ——By George W.Bush 译文: 这些理想中最伟大的是正在慢慢实现的美国的,这就是:每个人都有自身的价值,每个人都有成功的机会,每个人天生都会有所作为的。美国人民肩负着一种使命,那就是要竭力将这个诺言变成生活中和法律上的现实。虽然我们的国家过去在追求实现这个的途中停滞不前甚至倒退,但我们仍将坚定不移地完成这一使命。在上个世纪的大部分时间里,美国自由民主的信念犹如汹涌大海中的岩石。现在它更像风中的种子,把自由带给每个民族。在我们的国家,民主不仅仅是一种信念,而是全人类的希望;民主,我们不会独占,而会竭力让大家分享;民主,我们将铭记于心并且不断传播。225年过去了,我们仍有很长的路要走。 ——[美]乔治。布什 insignificant: adj.无关紧要的、可忽略的 democracy: n.民主政治、民主主义


以下是 考 网为大家整理的关于《英语美文欣赏:什么能让你一直拥有幸福感》文章,供大家学习参考!   What makes you happy all the time? What do you do when you feel like having a bad day?   什么能让你一直拥有幸福感?在你觉得一天过得很糟时,你会做什么让自己开心起来?   下面是8位网友的分享,在读这篇文章的你,又是什么能让你拥有的幸福感?   David Leonhardt   Being at peace with myself, just knowing that I am doing , thinking how lucky I am for the incredible bounty I was born into…it"s not one thing, it"s an attitude.   内心的平静,知道自己在做什么,心怀感激我能降临到这个世界上是多大的运气,这不是一件事,这是一种生活态度。   Jennifer Walpole   Books. Books always make me happy when I"m having a bad day. And, while I do enjoy e-books, I love the print versions. There is something intensely satisfying about actually turning the page of a book. I like all genres of books; my favorites are sci-fi and adventure. I also turn to music to bolster my happiness. Josh Groban is a favorite. Most of the time, I have music playing in the background as I"m working. The most simplistic thing that I do when I need to feel happy is count my blessings; even when it seems like the world is crashing down, there is always something to be thankful for.   书籍。心情不好的时候书永远能让我快乐起来。虽然我也喜欢电子书,但相比而言,纸质的更好。当你翻动书页的时候会有一种前所未有的满足感。我喜欢各种题材的书籍,最爱的是科幻和冒险类。我也会听音乐来获得幸福感,最爱的音乐人是美国歌手乔诗·葛洛班。大多数时候,我都会把音乐开着当成工作的背景。当我需要感知幸福时,最简单的莫过于数数我到底拥有些什么,哪怕我的世界一团糟,也总还会有值得我去感激的事情啊。   Nikola Gjakovski   Knowing that today I"m closer to my goal than yesterday brings me happiness. The things that make me a better person than I was yesterday, the virtues that we share between us. Also the small things such as hearing someone snort when they laugh, seeing people do good deeds, when I nail a performance I was nervous about, when my pet chooses to sleep next to me at night, when I see old couples still in love, eating a watermelon on a hot summer day, licking the spoon after baking, summer evening walks, realizing I"ve finished all my work for the day and lot of others. Minimize your satisfaction of happiness, but never minimize your goals and attainments. We all strive for happiness but only few find it.   知道今天比昨天更接近目标能让我开心。那些让今天的我比昨天更好的事情,那些我们彼此分享的美德。还有一些小事:比如听到别人扑哧一笑的声音 ,看到别人做好事,为一次表演紧张到无法自拔,或者是宠物晚上睡在我旁边,看到老年伴侣依然相亲相爱,炎热的夏季夜晚吃一个大西瓜,烘烤完舔一舔勺子,夏季傍晚的散步,意识到我已经完成了自己一天的工作顺带帮别人完成了不少。把你对幸福感的满意度降到最低,但不要降低你的目标和成就。我们都在追求幸福,却只有很少人能真正找寻到。   Ieva Salina   The life itself. Moments when you feel everything is connected. that you are a creator. You have choice what to be, how to feel, what to think and say. Being in nature where everything is in harmony and step by step create harmony within and around. Those little moments which are filled with faith, love, joy and success gives strength and encourage to move forward, to your goals. Everything and anything is possible.   生活本身。当你发现每件事都有着千丝万缕的联系的瞬间,你就是生活的创造者。你有选择去做什么、如何去感知、去思考什么和说什么的权利。当周围的一切都处在和谐之中不妨顺其自然,一步一步去创造内部和外在的和谐。那些充满了信念、爱、欢乐和成功的小瞬间,给予你力量促进你继续向着目标迈进。一切皆有可能。   Kara Spain   What makes me most happy is what comes from within myself or simply being me without false pretenses. It is a byproduct of living my purpose; being a writer, loving my family, and helping those in need when fate brings them along. That is who I am naturally, and when I cede to those things I feel most happy and alive as a human being.   真正让我开心是内心存在的一些东西或者是简简单单做自己毫不伪装。这是活出我自己的目标的副产品,当一个作家,爱我的家庭,帮助那些被命运捉弄需要帮助的人们。我本就如此,当做到这些便会更加开心更有存在感。   Chris Haigh   The big stuff that brings me happiness are things like taking slow but steady steps towards goals, dreams, and ambitions that I want to achieve and feel ever more confident and hopeful in achieving.   最能让我开心的莫过于朝着目标梦想和野心一步一步稳定的前进,同时感到越来越有信心和希望。   I have to be honest, though; sometimes happiness really is about the little things we do and we have. It doesn"t have to be big, but if they make you happy, on a small but regular basis, then that makes them no less valid as sources of happiness. For me, it"s silly little things like gelato in the sun or reading books inside while it"s raining outside, or afternoon naps, or writing a great to-do list or playing with my dog.   然而我必须承认,很多时候幸福本身是那些我们做的和拥有的小事情。不需要多么的巨大,但如果能让你开心,哪怕是再小不过再日常的小事,那么也要把这当成是幸福的源泉。对于我来说,一些看起来傻傻的小事,比如阳光下吃冰淇淋,雨天窝在家看书,下午打盹,列一个要待办清单,或是和狗狗玩耍,都是如此幸福。   Happiness is a choice and a goal and anyway you choose to achieve it is valid and something you should striving to fill your life with.   幸福感是选择和目标,是你选择来努力充实生活的事情。   robbie hyman   Believe it or not, gratitude makes me happy.   不管你信不信,感恩能让我幸福。   Sounds counterintuitive, doesn"t it? Seems like it should work in exactly the opposite direction. First we get happy, then we can be grateful about it.   听起来不那么靠谱,好像完全弄反了。直觉上应该是我们先幸福,再来心怀感恩。   The more time during your day you can spend being grateful about the things and the people and the experiences and the luck you have in your life, the happier you"ll be. I promise. I also promise that if you try, really try, to think about all of the reasons you have to be grateful today, right now, you"ll find an astonishingly long list.   每天你对事物或人以及生活中拥有的经历和好运感恩越多,你就越开心。我保证是这样。我还可以保证如果你试了,真正地尝试了,想了一下今天你应该感恩的所有理由,那么现在,你就会发现有很长很长的清单了。   I remember my first condo. Tiny place, but it was all mine. And I"m not sure where I got the idea to do this, but I made a point — from the day I moved in — to walk into every room in the place, just to take a few seconds to reflect on the fact that I actually owned this room… and this one… that one too.   我记得我第一个公寓。非常小,但真的是我的。我也不太清楚什么时候有了这样的想法,但就是这样——从我搬进去的那天开始,走到每一个房间,花几秒钟去回顾这个事实我真的拥有了这房间,还有这个,还有那个。   Like I said, tiny place, so walking into each room wasn"t exactly a major physical task. But it worked. Because I made feeling grateful for that condo a part of my daily routine, I was a lot happier about it than I suspect most people are about their homes — even if they"re a lot bigger than that condo was.   就如我说的,因为是小地方,所以去到每一个房间也不是啥大体力活。但真的很有用。我开始感恩,有这样一个公寓归我所有,似乎我比其他人对家的满意度幸福感更强——哪怕他们的房子比我的公寓大很多。   Find gratitude to find happiness. It works. In that order. I promise.   先感恩再幸福。真的很有效,就遵循这个顺序吧,相信我没错。   Royale Scuderi   A genuine smile, a comforting hug, a kind word, the comforts of home, real and deep affection are all triggers for happiness, or at least for happy moments. But what truly brings me happiness is a contentment that comes from inside that I matter to those around me, that I"m contributing something to the world. I think for me, happiness comes both from within and from without; it"s a connection to other people, and a sense that all is OK, even in the midst of the uncertainty that surrounds us, that life is still hopeful and good and joyous.   礼貌的微笑,安慰的拥抱,善意的言语,舒适的家,真实深沉的情感都是幸福的源泉,或至少能带来快乐的瞬间。但真正能让我开心的是来自于内心的满足,那种我对周围的人很重要、我对这个世界有着一定的贡献的满足感。我想对于我来说,幸福感来自内外,这是和别人的一种联系,一种感知,什么都可以,哪怕是包围着我们的不确定性,生活仍然充满希望好事和快乐。   Happiness may be more than anything an attitude or more accurately a mindset, a willingness to look for the good in life and to fully embrace and appreciate it when you find it.   幸福也许不仅仅是态度或者一种意识存在,而是一种意愿,你希望能在生活中找到美好,充分的去拥抱和感激你所找到的一切。


祝人幸福的英文句子   想要用英文祝愿他人幸福,那么都有安歇祝福的句子呢?下面是我分享给大家的祝人幸福的英文句子,希望对大家有帮助。   1、Congratulations,Graduate,on all that you"ve accomplished…Good luck in all that you"ll achieve。祝贺你,毕业生,祝贺你取得的一切成绩…愿你日后一切顺利。   2、To wish you joy at this holy season。Wishing every happiness will always be with you。恭祝新年吉祥,幸福和欢乐与你同在。   3、Life is a profound book.Other"s notes cannot replace your own understanding.May you find and create something new in it.生活是一本精深的书,别人的注释代替不了自己的理解。愿你有所发现,有所创造。   4、Wishing you a sparkling New Year and bright happy New Year!愿你的新年光彩夺目、灿烂幸福!   5、Break up silently as it was quietly met。Like the warm breeze,give you my affection to carry a blessing and prayer!默默的分手,正如当初默默地相遇。愿这温馨的微风,给你捎去我深情的祝福和祈祷!   6、I wish you many more anniversaries each happier than the last。愿你们有更多周年纪念日,一年比一年更幸福。   7、When you need real understanding,when you need someone to care,when you need someone to guide youa father is always there。Thank you,Dad,for listening and caring,for giving and sharing,for being such a wonderful Dad。当你需要真正的理解,当你需要关心,当你需要指点,你总可以去找父亲。谢谢您,爸爸,谢谢您倾听、操心,谢谢您给了我许多,可又为我分担忧愁,谢谢您是这样了不起的爸爸。   8、Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with happiness!祝你生日妙不可言,整年沉浸在幸福里!   9、Congratulations! Earning your Master"s degree is an achievement of note,and I hope you are feeling proud and happyas you deserve。获得硕士学位是一项引人瞩目的成就,我希望你为此感到骄傲和欢欣,因为你当之无愧。祝贺你!   10、Wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come true。但愿天从人愿,幸福与爱情无边!   11、Roses,sweet and fragrant,sent to you to say,May each hour be a happy one on this special day。Have a happy birthday!送你一束甜蜜芬芳的玫瑰,她对你说,今天的喜庆分外美妙,每时每刻都同样幸福,令人陶醉。祝你生日快乐!   12、May the warmest wishes,happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at New Year。让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在新年来到你身边。   13、I have three wishes:May our friendship warm our hearts!May joy be always with you and me!May we often meet each other!我有三愿:一愿友情温暖我们心田,二愿欢乐永驻你我心间,三愿我们常常相见?   14、Let"s bless each other with happy futures,forever。让我们彼此祝福,愿未来美好,直到永远。   15、A gift of love for your birthday,which is a warm wish from my heart。Happiness for your birthday and always。送上一份生日礼物,它是我内心深处的是生日祝福,祝你生日快乐,岁岁平安!   16、You two are a perfect match。Here"s wishing you both a lifetime of happiness。你们是天生的一对,祝你们永远幸福。   17、God bless you and yours,and surround you ever with his blessing。愿上帝祝福你和你的爱人,永远赐福于你们。   18、Don"t be disappointed on the journey of life。There are friends in the world。Seize your chance and value your opportunities。May our friendship be everlasting。人生路上何须惆怅,天涯海角总有知音。把握机会珍惜缘分,祝愿我们友谊长存。   19、You are so pretty,if thy forgot you--but i can"t forget you。你如此漂亮,如果你的忘记你--但是 i 不能忘记你。   20、Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year。I hope you will continue to enjoy good health。请接受我诚挚的新年祝福,顺祝身体健康。   21、You"re wonderful friend,and I treasure you more with every year。你是一位难得的挚友,我对你的珍重与岁俱增。   22、Wishing you a sparkling New Year and bright happy New Year!愿你的新年光彩夺目,灿烂幸福!   23、May the coming New Year bring you joy,love and peace。愿新年为你带来快乐,友爱和宁静。   24、Time does not water down the wine of friendship;distance does not separate our hands of longing.Wishing you happiness forever!时间冲不淡友情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手,祝福你,永远永远!   25、May your New Year be filled with special moment,warmth,peace and happiness。愿你的新年充满温馨,祥和与幸福。   26、Most want to hear your laughter,most want to see is your happiness,happiness is always with you,this is my most sincere wishes!最想听到的是你的笑声,最想看到的是你的快乐,愿幸福永远陪伴你,这是我最真心的祝福!   27、When seeing you off,we express deep regret and wish you a pleasant journey。我们怀着眷恋难舍的心情为您送行,祝你一路顺风。   28、With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season!在这绚烂快乐的圣诞佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!   29、Best of luck in the year ahead in your business。愿您今年事业顺利。   30、Oh,my friend,do you like stars?If you feel lonely far away from home,look up at the stars in the sky,where there is a star for luck that I"ve send you.朋友,你喜欢星空吗?如果有一天你在远方流浪时感到孤独、忧郁,请抬头看看星空,那儿有我送给你的幸运星。   31、Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year。请接受我们对你及你全家的美好祝福,祝你们新年快乐。   32、Don"t let time dilute the wine of friendship。Don"t let distance space out missing。Blessing you,forever!不要让时间冲淡了友情的酒,不要让距离拉开思念的手,祝福你——永远!   33、Forget,forgive,for who may say that Christmas day may ever come to host or guest again。Touch hands!愿知道圣诞节会不断来临的人们,忘却和宽恕以往一切不快,让我们携手共进吧!   34、It"s joy to know you,wishing the nicest things always for you,not only today,but all the year through because you are really a joy to know。认识你是一种快慰,愿你永远拥有最美好的东西,不仅今天拥有,而且天天拥有,因为认识你真是一种慰藉。   35、For youth,for happiness,let"s bless each other,treasure the friendship between you and me。为了年轻,为了欢乐,让我们彼此祝福,彼此珍惜。。   36、With very best wishes for your happiness in the New Year。致以最良好的`祝福,原你新年快乐幸福。   37、I"m very happy to be you friend!Wish you have a bright future!我是非常快乐的是你朋友!愿你有明亮的未来!   38、May the New Year be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you。Best wishes。愿新年不仅是你欢笑的时刻,更是你欣喜的日子。祝福你。   39、May Christmas and the New Year be filled with happiness for you。愿你圣诞和新年幸福无尽。   40、Time is flying away,and years are passing by。Only our friendship is always in my heart。Farewell,my friend!Take care,my friend!流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有友情永存心中。朋友,再见!朋友,珍重?   41、Good luck,good health,hood cheer。I wish you a happy New Year。祝好运、健康、佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。   42、Season"s greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy New Year! 献上节日的问候与祝福,愿你拥有一个充满生机和欢乐的新年。   43、We had been together for two trees,we have a duet of two voices,we have a buddy on the school desks。When we waved goodbye,please accept my affectionate blessing。我们曾是并肩的两棵小树,我们曾是二重唱的两个声部,我们曾是张课桌上的学友。当我们挥手告别的时候,请接受我深情的祝福。   44、May the joy and happiness around you today and always。愿快乐幸福永伴你左右。   45、Classmate a few years,you put the seeds of friendship sown in my soul。I will silently take it,well watered,cultivated,let it out to Japan Fangxin flowers。同窗几年,你把友谊的种子撒在我心灵上。我将默默地把它带走,精心浇灌、栽培,让它来日开出芳馨的鲜花。   46、From majestic mountains and valleys of GREen to crystal clear waters so blue,this wish is coming to you。越过青翠的峻岭和山谷,直到晶莹湛蓝的水边,飞来了我对你的祝愿。   47、Life is a profound book。Other"s notes cannot replace your own understanding。May you find and create something new in it。生活是一本精深的书,别人的注释代替不了自己的理解。愿你有所发现,有所创造。   48、A gift of love for your birthday,which is a warm wish from my heart。Happiness for your birthday and always。送上一份生日礼物,它是我内心深处的是生日祝福,祝你生日快乐,岁岁平安!   49、Don"t be disappointed on the journey of life.There are friends in the world.Seize your chance and value your opportunities.May our friendship be everlasting.人生路上何须惆怅,天涯海角总有知音。把握机会珍惜缘分,祝愿我们友谊长存。   50、Thank you,Mother,for your love,your smiles,your faith and trust,but most of all for being such a wonderful mother。谢谢您,母亲,谢谢您的爱抚、您的微笑、您的信念、您的信任,但最重要的是,谢谢您是这样慈祥敦厚的母亲。 ;


lucky twice - lucky You can fool yourselfI promise it will helpNow every single dayI just wanna hear you sayingLaughing through the dayThinking you are never boring(?)Speeding through the nightMaybe you not count the morning(?)There"s nothing you can doTo keep it outThere"s nothing you can doJust scream and shoutLiving for today but you just can"t find tomorrowTalking "bout the joyBut it never stops the sorrowThere"s nothing you can doTo keep it outThere"s nothing you can doJust scream and shoutSayingI"mSo lucky luckyI"mSo lucky luckyI"mSo lovely lovelyI"mSo lovely lovelyYou can fool yourselfI promise it will helpNow every single dayI just wanna hear you sayingI"mSo lucky luckyI"mSo lucky luckyI"mSo lovely lovelyI"mSo lovely lovelyYou can fool yourselfI promise it will helpNow every single dayI just wanna hear you sayingEven though you saidIt would never end it"s overYou were smiling on my armNow you"re crying on my shoulderThere"s nothing you can doTo keep it outThere"s nothing you can doJust scream and shoutSayingI"mSo lucky luckyI"mSo lucky luckyI"mSo lovely lovelyI"mSo lovely lovelyYou can fool yourselfI promise it will helpNow every single dayI just wanna hear you sayingI"mSo lucky luckyI"mSo lucky luckyI"mSo lovely lovelyI"mSo lovely lovelyYou can fool yourselfI promise it will helpNow every single dayI just wanna hear you sayingYou can never be foreverGood together (?)Now and clever (?)You can never be foreverBut keep it upDon"t ever stopThrough night and dayThe words to say are:I"mSo lucky luckyI"mSo lucky luckyI"mSo lovely lovelyI"mSo lovely lovelyYou can fool yourselfI promise it will helpNow every single dayI just wanna hear you sayingYou can fool yourselfI promise it will helpNow every single dayI just wanna hear you sayingI"mSo lucky luckyI"mSo lucky luckyI"mSo lovely lovelyI"mSo lovely lovelyYou can fool yourselfI promise it will helpNow every single dayI just wanna hear you sayingYou can fool yourselfI promise it will helpNow every single dayI just wanna hear you saying

郭美美 倒数幸福英文版的歌名是什么?

u300aLuckyu300bLucky Twice

求关于1月12日“CCTV2010经济生活大调查”调查结果,44.7%的人感到生活幸福及很幸福的 英文 报道。

调查结果很令人怀疑,我个人感觉跟事实不符!http://cheapfivefingers.starblog.com/2011/01/11/cctv-survey-said-china-44-7-people-feel-life-happy-and-happy/CCTV survey said China 44.7% people feel life happy and happyJanuary 11th, 2011 · No Comments Uncategorized2009, harvard psychologist ba zeman professor"s masterpiece of management decision-making of judgmentfive finger shoes "out of the 7th edition, he will people in management decisions of common misjudgments summarized into three categories, including the first kind is" accessibility heuristic bias ", simply say is: those who be recalled, facilitating extracted from people to remember information, often is easy to cause the decision-making deviation.In the real world, such examples emerge in endlessly. In 2004 the domestic one media outlet of an article has raised public of disposable wooden chopsticks,vibram fivefinger and upgrade to the court of CPPCC proposal, prompting the relevant departments in 2006 to make a decision on wooden chopsticks imposed on the consumption tax and export tariffs.The end of 2006, the author follow Beijing university kym Anderson, LuFeng two professors in heilongjiang survey found, disposable wooden chopsticks production is not like that "a media reports" type of daylighting of natural forest resource "destructive cutting", but by thinning the cypress birch mainly mill. However, less than a year of China"s sight, "wooden chopsticks production 80% of heilongjiang wooden chopsticks industry suffered an unprecedented shock that nearly half the enterprise bankruptcy position", a direct impact on the forest about 20 million impoverished rural residents of everyday life. Draw the lesson, investigate its reason or by "for granted" to make judgement, vibram five fingers and no depth forest earnest investigation result of decision-making errors. http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90782/90872/7257183.htmlCCTV study: 45% of Chinese feel happyThe results of the annual "CCTV 2010 Economic Life Survey," which was conducted by the Financial Channel of CCTV, are going to be released on Jan. 12. The organizer of the survey revealed that 44.7 percent of Chinese people feel happy and 11.1 percent feel not happy.According to CCTV, the current national survey covered all 31 administrative regions, and interviewees come from 104 cities and 300 counties, including all periods of ages, different education levels and various income situations. The distribution rate of the questionnaire survey is proportionate to each region"s population.Among the 86,000 people who returned their questionnaires, those whose family annual income is less than 20,000 RMB accounted for 40.4 percent. Those whose family annual income is between 20,000 and 50,000 RMB accounted for 44.6 percent. Those who fell between 50,000 to 100,000 RMB accounted for 12.4 percent, and those who made more than 100,000 RMB accounted for 2.6 percent. The fact that 85 percent of the respondents had an annual income of less than 50,000 indicates that the survey is focused on the attitudes of average people. In addition, urban interviewees accounted for 77.7 percent of respondents in the current survey and rural interviewees, 22.3 percent.By Wang Hanlu, People"s Daily Online


提升职场幸福感的个妙招   提升职场幸福感的个妙招,在职场生活中,相信每个人都希望自己的工作可以做得开心,这样的工作是比较有幸福感的,但是幸福感也是自己发现的,下面分享提升职场幸福感的个妙招。   提升职场幸福感的个妙招1    1、按部就班地行动   事实上,对于我们每个人来说,避免拖延我们不愿意做和必须做的事情的最好方法就是“按计划行事”来完成它:从我们第一次收到任务开始,在日历上用醒目的符号标出最后期限,并在议程上均匀地分配任务。    2、永远现在进行时   永远不要给自己一个理由,让自己在接下来的一个小时里给自己工作。总是想着“现在”这个词,想想“明天”、“后天”和“下周”,直到下个世纪。做一个“我现在就要开始工作”。    3、做个“凯撒大帝”   不要嫉妒别人的生命,每个人都是一样的。难道我们不努力离我们理想的天堂更近吗?偶尔,为自己设定一个目标,比如买一辆你喜欢的新车,今年秋天买一套受欢迎的衣服。有时,压力是人们忘记自己的工作的最佳动力,当你终于可以放松以减轻你的负担时,你的目标也将得到实现。    4、把你的闹钟拨快10分钟。   记住,家里的时钟、手腕上的手表,甚至电脑的时间都不应该掉下来。不要低估这短短的10分钟。它给了你一个在别人开始之前开始冲刺的早期热身机会。内容来自生活智慧网络。    5、有用的人在你身边   下次新同事来的时候,把你自己的名片交给你。除了自我介绍,附上一段你的祝福,简单而简单,以赢得别人的心。它的优点是,在你今后的工作中,你将不遗余力地提供帮助。    6、一杯咖啡时间   看来我真的不吃香!当下一个任务结束时,您可以呼叫每个人开一个小型会议,并面对面地传达您对任务的理解,并最大化与协作者的沟通。在整个项目中你需要做的是找出一点闲暇时间,并为每个项目表演者喝杯咖啡。    7、思想开放的声明   迂回的或有趣的提问方式可能看起来微妙而温和,但其负面成本可能是巨大的。所以,不管你觉得自己有多谦虚,请不要在会议上说我的想法是不成熟的,建议你提及类似的事情。    8、保持桌面的清洁   这可以说是最简单的事情,但这是最难坚持的事情。桌面上的杂乱文件,记事本,电脑上厚厚的灰尘和乱丢垃圾的笔会让一切看起来毫无头绪。如果负面情绪积累,它将滋生惯性。    9、在3分钟内结束个人通话   当天的工作时间很长,学习为自己制定规则的先驱者。例如,私人电话永远不会超过3分钟。原因是私人事物将不可避免地影响你的心情,无论是愉快还是不容易,都会暂时让自己失业。   提升职场幸福感的个妙招2    如何寻找到职场中的幸福感    1、表达感谢。   感恩与幸福感之间存在很大的关系。在一项2003年发表于《人格与社会心理学》杂志上的研究中,研究者Robert A Emmons和Michael E McCullough要求被试连续十周写下他们每周最感激的五件事。这项研究的最后,被试的幸福感上升了25%。   这只是众多证明感恩和幸福感紧密联系的研究中的一项。所以不论是开始关注自己每天的进步还是更经常的肯定你的同事,你都会通过表达感谢的方式使自自己的状态得到提升。    2、寻找工作的意义。   我们常常深陷于日常琐细的工作当中,而忘记了去思考更重要的问题——我们工作是为了什么?思考这个问题能赋予我们每天的成就更多的意义。问问你自己:我的工作如何改变他人的生活?我的公司有什么更为宏大的目标?    3、挑战自我。   无聊是幸福感的毒药。挑战自我是提升幸福感的一种方式。在 Business Insider最近发表的一篇文章中,生涯专家Heather Huhman建议适当的冒险能够提高你的斗志:“在一些你未曾涉及过的领域工作,问问你的老板你能否跟公司其他部门的某个同事共事,以了解不同部门的运作方式。”   这种方式能够让你的工作更具多样性(让它更有趣),你也可以成为一个更主动且愿意接受挑战的员工,而得到老板的青睐。    4、在休闲时不要想工作。   你需要在工作上花费一生中三分之一的时间,所以不要再浪费剩下三分之二的时间去为工作忧虑。当你离开你的办公室时,请屏蔽掉脑子里关于工作的内容,去关注你生活中的其他事情——比如说与家人共处、保持健康、放松——这些能够让你成为一个更快乐的人。    5、建立关系。   人际关系常常是幸福感的核心。McLeod指出:“很多研究显示在工作中有朋友相伴更易获得高满意度。”事实上,研究发现人际关系是能够显著提升你幸福感的唯一外部因素。   与你喜欢的同事建立关系,减少与你不喜欢的同事相处的时间。寻找一个能够帮助你扩展自己的人际网络的导师或者学生,让你工作起来更有动力,也更有乐趣。   如果你正在职业转换中    6、眼光不局限于生涯晋升阶梯。   这项研究还发现美国最令人满意的职业中有80%都没有出现在生涯晋升阶梯当中。它们常有一些特别的福利比如说灵活的工作时间(例如心理学家、消防队员或神职人员)或高独立性(例如作家和艺术家)。   这些数据显示选择符合你价值观的工作,即使这些价值观指引你走向不那么常规的道路,也有利于提升你的生涯满意度。    7、幸福感与金钱无关。   事实:你的薪水对你的满意度影响并不大。最近一项在CareerBliss公司进行的工作满意度调查中,董事长Heidi Golledge指出:“幸福感与工资无关,只要个人的基本需求得到满足,超出这部分的收入就只是看起来不错的"外快,而无法让员工产生幸福感。”底线是:不要将你的幸福感寄托在可观的收入上。    8、关注未来。   也许你失去了你的工作。也许你所在的行业正处于萧条当中。也许你因为某个错误的原因而选择了目前的专业。在职业转换中,你可以找出很多原因责怪这个世界或者你自己。   但是你无法既是受害者同时又感到幸福。“幸福的人获得幸福并不依赖当下的情境,”McLeod说。为了前进,你应该更多的关注未来。    9、降低不确定性。   那些说“无知便是福”的人肯定没有经历过生涯转换。在面对巨大转变的时候,缺少信息会让你困惑、害怕和低落。   为了减少猜测,你可以花时间在新的生涯领域做一些尝试。信息访谈、网络搜索、工作观摩、志愿工作或者实习,你所拥有的信息越多,你对自己的选择就会越确信,对未来的准备也更充分。那对你来说是非常有益的。    10、投身于不仅仅关注你的个人利益的事业中去。   芝加哥大学的全国民意研究中心有一项很有名的研究,这项研究发现生涯满意度最高的是那些能对他人产生直接、积极影响的职业。“最令人满意的职业,主要是照顾、教导、保护他人或是一些创造性的工作,”这项研究的主持人Tom Smith说。简单来说,当你选择一个新的职业时,最好考虑一些能造福他人的选项。   你准备好了创造自己的职场幸福吗?你还有哪些方法可以提高职场幸福感的方法呢?


Almost everyone wants to have a happy marriage, but there is one important thing that people should know, that marriage is different with have a love affair, in marriage, people usually are not fanaticism, so they might have some wrangle, so the first method to have good marriage is to be tolerant which can help you have less problem in your marriage. Furthermore, people should consider others (wife/husband), so the other will not has much complain to you. Finally, please remember never forget the other, remember that family is more important than work. If people can basically follow the three rules above, they probably will have a happy marriage.






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英语作文:1.为什么应该使得父母幸福 2. 如何做才能使得父母幸福

英语作文:1.为什么应该使得父母幸福 2. 如何做才能使得父母幸福, 帮忙写篇英语作文150词左右, 1:为什么应该使得父母幸福; 2:如何做才能使得父母幸福。 谢谢各位! When we were young, we"d look out at the audience during school plays, hoping to see our parents" proud, *** iling faces. Although their expectations have changed since then, it"s still easy to make parents happy Tell your parents, "Thank you." Parents can feel unappreciated and taken advantage of when you fail to show gratitude for the things they do for you. Acknowledge their effort, make them a sweet card or simply give them a bear hug from time to time. Communicate with them openly, honestly and often. Discuss your feelings, friends, boy or girlfriend, peer pressure, schoolwork or your plans for Saturday night. Keep them apprised of the events in your life so they won"t have to worry about what you"re thinking or doing. Follow the rules of the house. Get in before curfew, finish your work before going out and always be pletely honest. You"ll have far less disagreements if they know you"re responsible and trusorthy. Listen respectfully when your parents talk to you. Take their advice to heart, plete requests quickly and even ask how their day went. Keep your eyes off the television and remove the stereo headphones from your ears to give them your undivided attention. Try your hardest at everything you do, whether it"s school, work, sports or even household chores. Even if you don"t e home with perfect grades or don"t make the varsity squad, for example, they won"t be disappointed if they"re sure you put in your best effort. Do your chores without a reminder. Nagging you to take out the trash or straighten your room can put your mom on edge. Consistently plete your tasks and offer to help with theirs when you can. Hang out with your parents whenever possible. Although it"s great for them to have time alone together, they"ll be happy to know you enjoy seeing movies, having leisurely dinners or walking around the mall with them. 如何使父母幸福英语作文 title:how to let your parents feel happeness as we all know,that our parents are the most reliable people.they help us in trouble ,make us happy when we are upset .love could be seen from *** all devotion they make to us. so,how to make our parents feel happeness.that"s a really important question.first,understanding will shorthen the distance beeen us and our parents.try to chat with them more often,which will make feel that you have grown. secondly,help your parents when they need help.keep your room neat. *** og the floor on sunday instead of playing outside. thirdly,spend more time with them.the more we spend,the more happeness they will feel. parents are the people that we should value forever.if we could do things for them in care and love.all we have done will make them feel happeness 如何使父母得到幸福 根据老年人的特点,就是多陪陪他们,多和他们聊天,让他们能感觉到你的温暖,让他们能感觉到你的心里有他们,老年人不容易改变,多顺从他们的意见和观点,即便他们说的是错的··· 为了父母的幸福应该放弃自己的幸福吗? 天下所有的父母都是爱自己的孩子的  都会希望自己的孩子生活得幸福快乐 不会有父母愿意自己的儿女为了自己而放弃幸福 如果为了父母而放弃自己的幸福其实是对父母最大的不孝 因为这么做其实是违背父母的意愿的 如何衡量自己的幸福与父母的幸福 幸福是无法衡量的,我想问你能用什么来衡量? 每个人的幸福都是不同的,但是作为爱自己的父母,他们肯定是希望自己的子女会有一个幸福的人生,但是他们所认为的幸福又不一定都能得到我们的认可。其实如果遇到事情可以和父母多沟通,总归他们不会害自己,只是认知上有分歧。 90后的我应该怎样做才能给父母幸福? 只要好好学习 男生不要出去混 少跟些乱七八糟的人出去打架闹事 女生晚上少出门 不要结交太乱的异性 努力做好自己的事情 不要让家人太操心 这样就是给父母最好的幸福 求一篇英语作文我和我父母分享幸福时光 Our happy moments I have been looking, searching for happiness: happiness, where are you? I can not see you, but I can feel you happy ...... Everyone has their moment of happiness, I have! My moment of happiness is the ultimate challenge to bring their joy after; was done suddenly relaxed mood after the papers; yes ...... In fact, we desperately looking for happiness in someone else"s face on it! Help others happy *** iling face, that my heart really even than eating honey sweet! We are always looking happy, but I think, I really find happiness. True happiness is not himself, but the track dripping perspiration, grandparents face blossoming *** ile. I am! To find happiness! I rallying cry, when you hear my voice echoed in the valley, and I would be proud, because I find happiness! This is my happy moments! 我们的幸福时刻 我一直在寻找,寻找幸福:幸福,你在哪里? 我看不到你,但我能感觉到你的快乐...... 每个人都有自己的幸福的时刻,我有!我的幸福的时刻是把他们的喜悦之后,最终的挑战;在纸上突然放松心情;是的...... 事实上,我们在拼命寻找别人的幸福的脸庞上!帮助别人,快乐的笑脸,我的心真的比吃了蜜! 我们一直在寻找幸福,但是我想,我真的找到幸福。真正的幸福不是自己的,但是赛道滴汗,脸上绽放笑容的祖父母。 我!找到幸福!我的口号,当你听到我的声音在山谷中回荡,我都会自豪,因为我找到了幸福!这是我的快乐时光! 怎么让父母觉得更幸福 父母幸福不幸福 不是由你决定的 他们也有自己的生活 自己的思想 你只要懂得理解 和尊重他们 我觉得这个是最好的 求一篇幸福的英语作文,关于父母,朋友,成功等方面的幸福,80字左右 Happiness Happiness is not empty but detailed. Happiness is for everyone.In fact,happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.When you are in trouble at school,your friends will help you;when you study hard at your lessons,your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health;when you get suess,your friends will congratulate you;when you do something wrong,people around you will help you to correct it.And when you do something good to others,you will feel happy,too.All these are your happiness.If you notice a bit of then,you can find that happiness is always around you.

万元的幸福 每期名单

万元的幸福---目录 主持人:宋银儿、HAHA等(下略) 040724 千明勋 - 金智友 041211 041204 Kim Hyun Jung - Lee Jung 041218 041225 Jung Chan Woo - Ahn Yun Hong 050101 050108 Jung Hyung Deon - Goo Hye Sun(具惠善) 050115 050122 Kim Hyun Chul - Jang Yoon Jung(张润贞) 050129 050205 Kim Chang Ryul - Chu Ja Hyun 050212 050219 Kim Jin - Jung Ryu Won 050226 050305 FANY - 蔡研 050312 050319 Park Myung Soo(朴明秀) - Lee Jae Eun(李在银) 050326 050409 TEI - Jo Hye Ryun 050416 050423 UNEE - Bae Gi Sung 050430 050507 Kim Sook - Noh Hong Chul 050514 050521 Eun Ji Won(殷志源) - Ahn Sun Young 050528 050604 Kim Jang Hoon - Yang Mi Ra(杨美拉) 050611 050618 Lee Byung Jin(李秉真) - Hong Soo Ah(洪秀儿) 050625 050702 Yoon Do Hyun - Jung Ji Young 050709 050716 Lee Kyun - Jadu 050723 050730 Kim Han Seok - Seo In Young [Jewelry] 050806 050813 Koo Joon Yup(具俊晔) - Lee Ya Hyun 050820 050827 Kang Doo - Kim Hyun Sook 050903 050910 HAHA - Jung Hyung Don 050919 中秋特辑 Chuseok Special - “Best of”Show 050917 050924 Kim Jong Suh - Lee Eui Jung 051001 051008 Ahn Jae Hwan - Hyun Young 051015 051022 李珉宇 - AYUMI 051029 051105 张佑赫 - 全惠彬 051112 百期特辑“Best of”Contestants Awards 051119 051126 TABLO - 徐智英 051203 051210 张英兰 - 金正民 051217 051224 李成真 - 金完善 051231 060107 Tae Jin Ah - Jang Yoon Jung 060114 060121 Hong Rok Gi - Ahn Hye Kyung 060128 060204 Song Eunie - Kim In Suk 060211 060225 千明勋 - 裴涩琪 060304 060311 金勇哲 - 何莉秀 060318 060325 胜东日 - BADA 060401 060408 Kim C - 鲁使研 060415 060422 Lee Soo Geun - Im Ye Jin 060429 060506 Kim Heung Gook - Choi Jung Yoon 主持人:李赫财 李智贤(下略) 060513 060520 金希澈 - 白智英 060527 060603 李正 - Kim Ji Hae 060610 060617 金贤哲 - Byul 060624 060701 李珉宇 - 赵静琳 060805 060812 强仁 - 姜恩菲 060819 060826 Kim Jong Seo - Kim Sae Rom


jeno要幸福健康啊翻译成韩文是제노 행복하고 건강하세요.


Happiness is form courage .( H. Jackson , British writer )幸福是勇气的一种形式。 (英国作家 杰克逊. H.)Happy is the man who is living by his hobby .(G. Bernard Shaw , British dramatist )醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G .)Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money ; it lies in the joy of achievement , in the thrill of creative effort .(Franklin Roosevelt , American president )幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力的激情。(美国总统 罗斯福. F.)Human felicity is produced not so much by GREat pieces of good fortune that seldom happen , as by little advantages that occur every day .(Benjamin Franklin ,American president).与其说人类的幸福来自偶尔发生的鸿运,不如说来自每天都有的小实惠。(美国总统 富兰克林. B.)Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be .(Abraham Lincoln ,American president )对于大多数人来说,他们认定自己有多幸福,就有多幸福。(美国总统 林肯. A.)the secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not . (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist )痛苦的秘密在于有闲功夫担心自己是否幸福。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳 . G .)the supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved .(Victor Hugo , French novelist )生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。( 法国小说家 雨果. V .)there is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence .(Jean Jacques Rousseau, French thinker )人间最大的幸福莫如既有爱情又清白无暇。( 法国思想家 卢梭. J . J. )We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it . (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist) 正像我们无权只享受财富而不创造财富一样,我们也无权只享受幸福而不创造幸福。


身体健康关系着我们每个人的幸福感 身体健康关系着我们每个人的幸福感,身体健康是一切的基础,也是最难得的财富,无论我们赚多少钱,多辛苦工作,生病也是很痛苦。现在分享身体健康关系着我们每个人的幸福感技巧。 身体健康关系着我们每个人的幸福感1 大部分人对目前的体态感到相对满意 从调查结果我们看出,从我们表面的体态来看,大部分人相对满意自己目前的身体形态。这部分人占到参与调查总数的67.8%但当被问及自己身体的更深层次指标时,却有半数人不知道自己的心率、脉搏、血压状况。 另外,对于自身的身体感受,6成人都觉得平时会感到劳累,并且有45.3%的人觉得劳累和压力来自于繁重的工作。他们认为,工作在一定程度上损害了自己的健康。问及体力,仅仅有3成人表示体力一直很好。55%表示时好时坏感觉一直不好的,也占到了15.8%。 6成人常常感到劳累 生命在于运动。但是,生活在大城市写字楼里的人似乎离运动越来越远了。有5成多的人表示自己平时运动很少,仅仅限于步行。还有16.8的人甚至连步行都很少实现。对于日常饮食,55.1%的人表示一周保证在家吃7顿饭。 缺乏运动,是大部分人的通病。 睡眠和新鲜空气问题关系着每个人的健康状况。4成人表示可以保证良好的睡眠时间和睡眠质量。另有45%网友表示有时难以保证睡眠时间。 6成多人觉得自己基本健康 对于体检,大部分人都用过相应经历,但半数人表示不能保证定期体检。甚至还有2成人表示从没有接受过体检。除此之外,63.5%的网友觉得自己目前基本健康,但不排除不时的疾病困扰。有15.2%的`人觉得身体不太健康,并且已经影响到了自己的幸福感。大部分人,对于不健康的原因,解释为缺乏运动。 身体健康关系着我们每个人的幸福感2 英国公共卫生部倡议:每天站着办公1小时 “要想身体健康,请每天站立办公1小时。”这是英国公共卫生部近日向全国发出的健康倡议。据报道,英国公共卫生部门健康与福祉主任科文教授说,让身体动起来是减少癌症、心脏病和改善心理健康的“奇迹疗法”。此话一出,令全世界关注健康的人,感到既独特又新奇。英国健康管理专家认为,办公室一族和学生都应该多站立,这能有效帮助预防肥胖、多种癌症和心脏病的发生。 超重和肥胖易致癌症 癌症是全世界首要的死因之一,据国际抗癌联盟(UICC)和世界卫生组织(WHO)2005——2015年将有8400万人死于癌症。如果不加以有效控制,癌症死亡人数将逐年增加,预计到2030年癌症死亡人数将达1200万。 近年的研究发现,超重和肥胖与癌症的发生存在因果关系。瑞典着名机构卡罗林斯卡研究所在1965——1993年间对2万8千多名患者进行调查发现,33%的癌症发生在肥胖人群中,其中男性占比25%,女性为37%。这类人群患小肠癌、结肠癌、胆囊癌、胰腺癌、喉癌、肾脏癌、膀胱癌、子宫颈癌、子宫癌、卵巢癌、脑瘤、结缔组织肿瘤以及淋巴瘤的几率比普通人高。 限重和减肥有助防癌 全球约有1/4的成年人存在肥胖问题。过去25年,这一数字增加了4倍。一些学者认为,原因在于现在的人们越来越不爱运动。当然,很大一部分原因是现代化的工作性质决定的,许多人上班面对着电脑,上班一坐就是一天。劳累和工作压力,使他们回家后就赖在沙发里不想动,有的人回家继续面对电脑打牌、玩游戏、刷微博。岂不知,这样做不仅导致颈椎、腰椎伤害,更为严重的是还会增加患上各种慢性疾病和癌症的风险。 资料显示,全球范围每年死亡人数为5700万,其中530万死亡病例与缺乏运动有关,略高于因吸烟致死的人数。德国专家指出,人体免疫细胞的数量随活动量的增加而增加,久坐的人体内免疫细胞减少,大大增加患癌几率日本医学家发现,胃癌患者大多平时吃得太饱和久坐不动美国研究表明,久坐的人比经常运动的人患结肠癌的可能性高40%——50%,男性还易罹患前列腺癌。 站立办公帮助消耗热量 站立不仅能改善人体姿势,缓解背部疼痛,还能改善血液循环,促进心血管健康,消耗能量,减轻体重。人站立时心率平均每分钟加快10次,就会使人体每分钟多燃烧0.7卡热量(每小时50卡)。所以,这种站立运动有助于消耗体内的热量积存,减少体重增加,对健康非常有益。 当然,除了站着办公之外,还可通过改变一些生活方式,真正动起来,比如和家人一起散步、坐公交时提前一站下车、和朋友或同事一起慢跑等,这些都能有效帮助预防肥胖、多种癌症和心脏病的发生。 超过30%的癌症是可以预防和避免的。癌症是机体正常细胞在多原因、多阶段与多次突变所引起的一大类疾病,受多种因素影响和制约,超重和肥胖只是众多因素之一。除了遗传因素不能改变之外,避免接触常见的高危因素,如吸烟、嗜酒,减少环境污染、化学污染和电离辐射伤害,减轻工作和生活压力,维护良好的心态和保持心理平衡等都有助于癌症的预防。


  我们现在的生活多幸福呀,那么你知道幸福用英语怎么说吗?英语栏目为您带来“幸福”的英文翻译,希望能有所帮助哦!   幸福用英语怎么说   1. happiness   2. blessed   3. happy   关于幸福的词汇:   Happiness: 精神上的满足和愉悦。   Blessedness: 由于认为被上帝所爱而带来的欢乐。   Eudaemonia: 由于生活富裕而开心愉悦。   Euphoria: 没什么依据的安乐感, 陶醉感,有时甚至可以指被病引起得近乎狂热的快乐。   Effervesce:像泡沫一样蹦来蹦去的好心情和热情。   有关于幸福的例句:   1. 我祝你生活幸福、万事如意.   I wish you the life of happiness and prosperity.   2. 金钱买不来幸福。   Money can"t buy happiness.   3. 他的婚姻生活很幸福。   His marriage is full of happiness.   4. 中国老百姓现在过着幸福的生活。   Populace in China live a very happy life now.   5. 我现在需要的是一个幸福家庭所给予的安全感。   What I need now is the security of a happy home.   6. 幸福和财富不能混为一谈。   One can not identify happiness with wealth.   7. 人生幸福易逝。   Human happiness is so fragile.   8. 她把幸福和有钱联想到一起。   She associated happiness with having money.   9.一个懒汉永远找不到也永远不懂得真正的幸福.   An idle person will never find or understand real happiness.   10.这位诗人晚年过着一种幸福的生活.   The poet lived a happy life in his later life.   11.当我看到这些照片的时候,幸福的往事涌上我的心头.   Happy memories crowded in on me as I looked at the photographs.   12. 祝贵国繁荣昌盛,人民幸福.   We wish your country prosperity and her people happiness.








happiness 1.well-being; happiness; bliss 2.happy 参考: .dictionary.yahoo/search?q=1&s=%A9%AF%BA%D6&Submit=+%ACd%A6r+ ; bliss 1.well-being; happiness; bliss 2.happy 幸福的英文是happiness 1) happiness 2) felicity 参考: 字典 well-being; happiness; bliss 幸褔的英文: 1.well-being; happiness; bliss 2.happy 参考: Yahoo字典 1.well-being; happiness; bliss 2.happy 1) happiness 2) well-being 3) felicity


  幸福用英语怎么写:   1. happiness   2. blessed   3. happy   关于幸福的词汇:   Happiness: 精神上的满足和愉悦。   Blessedness: 由于认为被上帝所爱而带来的欢乐。   Eudaemonia: 由于生活富裕而开心愉悦。   Euphoria: 没什么依据的安乐感, 陶醉感,有时甚至可以指被病引起得近乎狂热的快乐。   Effervesce:像泡沫一样蹦来蹦去的好心情和热情。   有关于幸福的例句:   1. 我祝你生活幸福、万事如意.   I wish you the life of happiness and prosperity.   2. 金钱买不来幸福。   Money can"t buy happiness.   3. 他的婚姻生活很幸福。   His marriage is full of happiness.   4. 中国老百姓现在过着幸福的生活。   Populace in China live a very happy life now.   5. 我现在需要的是一个幸福家庭所给予的"安全感。   What I need now is the security of a happy home.   6. 幸福和财富不能混为一谈。   One can not identify happiness with wealth.   7. 人生幸福易逝。   Human happiness is so fragile.   8. 她把幸福和有钱联想到一起。   She associated happiness with having money.   9.一个懒汉永远找不到也永远不懂得真正的幸福.   An idle person will never find or understand real happiness.   10.这位诗人晚年过着一种幸福的生活.   The poet lived a happy life in his later life.   11.当我看到这些照片的时候,幸福的往事涌上我的心头。   Happy memories crowded in on me as I looked at the photographs.   12. 祝贵国繁荣昌盛,人民幸福。   We wish your country prosperity and her people happiness.   13.我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。   I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you.




1.快乐就是你心中的一种正面的能量 它能让你产生勇气-去面对恐惧的勇气. 2.快乐源自于我们的回忆和认知 我们喜欢的东西或经历重现 快乐便油然而生了. 3.人们要找到快乐 必须先拥有快乐的回忆或心存乐观 对待一切的事物也抱有开放和宽容的态度 那我们便会身处在快乐中了. 4.因为他们心存悲观 一切都使变得无比绝望 于是没了快乐或正面的回忆 便自然终日不快乐了. 5.人与人之间的爱或是大自然的美景 甚至是金钱也可以使一般人感到快乐-重点是 就如上述所言 人们脑海中认为或曾感受过快乐或美丽的东西或经历. 6.会.例如人小的时候可以和朋友们玩耍已可以算是快乐 但到了老年 子女的孝顺和一切的平安才是快乐的定义. 7.那只是程度上的不同 事实上 兴奋也许比光是快乐或喜悦更甚一筹. 8.知足的人永远快乐 这个世界没有最快乐的人 但是却有一直都快乐的人.丹麦 瑞士等国家的人们生活富足 贫富悬殊不大 人们都没有比较 于是人人都知足-所谓知足常乐 安分守己 为自己的生命感到快乐 快就一直都活在喜悦中了. 9.有.虽然快乐由记忆而生 但是人们却可以选择用不同的态度去面对这些记忆.如鲁迅的阿Q常常面对不幸和欺凌 换着是现代人也许会悲天纹人 天天都活在悲观和伤心中 但是阿Q却总是一笑置之.由此可以 快乐除了由回忆所影响 个人价值观也是一个因素.所以快乐与伤心 是可以选择的. 参考: 小弟之愚见 .What is happiness? It is some kinds of feeling of fortune luck pleasure contentment satisfection e 2.Where does happiness e from? It es from the bottom of one"s heart when something peacefuly happened beyond one"s expectations. 3.How can people find happiness? One could find happiness as often as joy or pleasure around; in some cases of helping people to obtain what they want or need. 4.Why some people are always unhappy/very happy? As in case of unhappy It is because some people are too much concerned about themselves rather than others. As in case of happy It is because some people are often concerned about others rather than themselves. 5.What makes you happy?What factors affect your level of happiness? As for me it is something happening from the bottom of my heart especially after praying to God or helping people to achieve their urgent needs. As far as level of happiness being concerned I would think that it depends on the degree of abilities that being put into pray to God or help people to achieve their needs. 6.Would your definition of happiness changes when time goes by/getting older? As for me I don"t think my definition of happiness will change as the time goes by or getting older. 7.What‘s the difference beeen happiness pleasure joy jubilation and excitement? In my opinion happiness is constant while pleasure joy jubilation and excitement being temporary or very short termed sentimental. 8. Could you name some people who are always happy or Tell a story about happiness ? I thought that most people who have religious believes are always happy. As regarding the story about happiness it is not easy to find a genuine case for time being. 9.Do people have a choice to be happy or unhappy? To choose happy if they realize what is the truth of the love for others as the obligations of good conscience. On the reverse if they don"t realize what is the truth of the love for others as the obligations of good conscience. 参考: Partly according to The Advanced Learner Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Trlation by Oxford University Press in 1975 我们拼命累积很多的钱财、房舍、物质,终究目的只是满足拥有的心情而已,心里面其实非常忧虑的,无时无刻都在害怕失去,能撇开这种心情才能够得到真正的快乐。有钱的人常想要买名车,才能跟他的身分相配,买了车子之后,他所得到的唯一快乐,就是人家的赞美或是用羡慕的眼光看上两眼,换得是虚荣感觉而已,可是为了这一切所付出的代价是很高的。   人有没有福报的界定,不是身上拥有多少金钱,很多人拥有很多金钱只能看得到却享受不到,这也不算福报。总的来说,不以金钱的数目字来对比,而以可不可受用到的福来看的话,我们现代人的福是很微薄的,而现在社会又往往过分奢侈,我们消损的福报就更快了。因此生在福中要知福、惜福,不要要求过多,如果懂得再去累积福才能绵延不绝,能够「知足常乐」这才是真正的幸福。真正的知足是纯精神的,就像佛家那种「随缘自在」的境界,而物质上的知足只是其表象。 1.快乐是不痛苦是一种感受良好时的情绪反应,一种能表现出愉悦与幸福心理状态的情绪。而且常见的成因包括感到健康、安全、爱情和性 *** 等等等。快乐最常见的表达方式就是笑。通常我们认为达到快乐,是需要工作和爱。 知足的人常常都比较快乐,因为要求都不高,所以很容易满足,因而达到快乐。但是别因为快乐而故意找借口把自己弄得无所事事,无忧无虑,自由自在,这样却是消极的做法。最完美的做法,就是在尽兴之余,也不要得意忘形,尽量控制自己的思绪。「幸福」这一概念目前已被纳入国家发展指数考核。联合国大会于2011年通过了一条由不丹提出的非约束性决议,那就是将「国民幸福指数」(Gross Domestic Happiness)纳入国家发展指数的考核中。这一概念用以衡量生活质量,在物质与精神之间寻找平衡。 2.Do things make u happy 3.Thing positivly 4.对生命的看法 5. 6.Yes because every age of your life will have different wise 7.different levels of happy 8.Charlie chaplin 9.yes 快乐是端乎你付出多或是需求多,你需求愈多,你愈不快乐,不相信吗﹖尽管试试﹗ 1 你觉嘅野 2 心里 3 做想做嘅事 4 过得悲伤/过得自在 5 有好多钱 6 yes 7 无 8.精神病-日日开心 9 人5可以选择




萨瓦迪卡,最近一部热播泰剧《影子姐妹2》在历经7年的筹备开拍后,终于荧屏上映,关于女主角的扮演者janie的话题度也随着剧一直攀升。janie绝对是一个情史丰富的女人,换男友速度很快,而且几乎都是这个刚分手不久,就爆出下一段恋情。经历婚姻,富商老公的劈腿家暴,闺蜜闹掰,如今已经和好了,好像从出道以来,关于她的花边新闻就一直不断,都是网友们茶余饭后的谈资。Janie1981年出生于美国洛杉矶,有1位妹妹Janis。在美国生活到11岁时,因父母离异,母亲带她回到了泰国。因为从小在美国长大,导致她并不会用用泰语流利的和人交流,这导致她不得重读四年,之后才中学毕业,但janie的学历并不低,她毕业于曼谷大学,传播艺术学院的文学学士学位。Janie是在13岁时被星探发现,觉得她外貌姣好很可爱,说服她与其母亲,拍摄了自己的第一支MV,之后为很多当红歌手拍摄MV,随后顺利与泰国3台签约,出演了一系列热播作品。“丘比特之路”让当年才20岁的她一炮而红,尝到了走红的滋味,之后的“苦蜜”“心的唯一”“爱属我心”都取得了颇高的收视率。如今janie进入 娱乐 业已经20多年了,她表示曾经的“丘比特之路”和andrew并肩作战,让自己获得了太多“最佳女演员”“最受欢迎女星”各大奖项janie可以说是都拿了一个遍。并且她还是并不输于chompoo和aump的 时尚 性感女王,她不拘泥于一种风格,不会像提起aff一样就是甜美的代表。janie的每次出现衣服的款式都是多种多样,或者甜美,或者性感,或者帅气,但她都能很好的驾驭,并且从不让人反感。而且在 娱乐 圈中,她是公认的爱运动健身爱 健康 会 养生 。每天必须要坚持有氧运动45分钟,甚至更长的时间,帮助身体燃烧和排汗。从不刻意减肥,而是讲究食物的完美搭配,她自己表示要保持每天70%的食物和30%的运动。并且janie和老公Micky就是在健身房相识,最终走在一起。但一直以来,janie也是情路坎坷婚姻不顺的代表。谈了快20多任男朋友最后都无疾而终,结婚了还遭遇了前夫的出轨和家暴,离婚后一度心伤暂别 娱乐 圈美国疗伤。但不得不说janiey有一颗强大的内心,并且不怕受伤害勇于接受再次到来的缘分与爱情。她和老公Micky在相识几个月之后迅速闪婚,并且婚后micky对她的宠爱让单身人士一度羡慕嫉妒。如今janie也宣布即将有一个孩子的到来,填补两人甜蜜的爱情生活。业内的朋友们都向她表示祝贺,也祝福janie能够一直幸福下去。


My dearest friend, I wish you a happy birthday, plus lifetime health and bliss.



SJ_M太完美、命运线、幸福微甜、表白,吹一样的风、TRUE LOVE、的歌词。

SJ-M《太完美》合:她迷住我视线 她迷住我视线始源:在爱情里的宝藏被我发现 你就是我寻找的稀世宝贝圭贤:你就不断地在正反我世界 连冰块遇见你都燃起火焰亨利:太过心急不对赫宰:用力爱会碎亨利:太过缓慢不对赫宰:我随你进或退东海:Oh 太完美 你眼里我出现 Oh 不让谁 替我在你身边Woo~Oh~Woo~Oh圭贤:你的眉眼你的侧脸 你的颈肩你的妩媚 你的一切从头到尾 我已沦陷圭贤:我的心变成了口袋的一面 Just For You 不停地给 不停地给厉旭:这样子爱你到底是对不对 我一边迷惑一边更加迷恋晟敏:太过心急不对赫宰:用力爱会碎晟敏:太过缓慢不对 赫宰:我随你进或退圭贤:Oh 太完美 你眼里我出现 Oh 不让谁 替我在你身边Woo~Oh~Woo~Oh亨利:你的眉眼你的侧脸 你的颈肩你的妩媚 你的一切从头到尾 我已沦陷(圭贤:Oh 太完美 Oh 不让谁 Oh 太完美)周觅:每次见面时脉搏就当机了 它在我全身狂跳不由己亨利&周觅:一直跳一直跳想见你 一直跳一直跳喜欢你 一直跳一直跳都是你 一直跳一直跳我爱你 一直跳一直跳 一直跳一直跳厉旭:太过心急不对 用力爱会碎 太过缓慢不对 我随你进或退圭贤:Oh 太完美始源:你眼里我出现 Oh 不让谁 替我在你身边 Woo~Oh~Woo~Oh圭贤:你的眉眼你的侧脸 你的颈肩你的妩媚 你的一切从头到尾 我已沦陷赫宰:Bounce to the music let your feet go round,To the floor and I"ma break it down.Let me in let me show you all my bling blingAnd ally my kickes kickes kickes baby dance with me.合:Boom Boom Boom亨利:Can I get another Clap Clap ClapLet"s go shake your body move your bodyPick your feet it upI"ma move to the groove baby I"ma go all out!东海:给我说你想我 给我说你爱我 给我说你想我 说你想我 给我说你爱我?圭贤:Yeah~东海:给我说你想我 给我说你爱我 给我说你想我 给我说你想我 给我说你爱我


当快节奏的城市节奏 不断侵占着你的休息时间 当保温杯的枸杞 都已经变成90后的标配 当养生的话题被频频提起 人们开始追寻一种科学的生活方式 一种健康的生活态度 乐尊国际 作为健康生活的领跑者 深刻洞察居住者的生活需求 将书法室、水疗足浴馆 旅游旅居引入社区配套 开启健康的生活方式 01 家门口的书法室 在家就能感受到翰墨飘香 白为纸,黑为墨 三笔两,神韵皆出 用书法感悟历史 用艺术的形式穿越时空 02 家门口的水疗足浴馆 结束了一天繁忙的工作 回到家,带上咱爸妈 在家楼下足浴馆放松一下 消除一天的疲惫 让晚上有一个好的睡眠 03 家门口的旅游旅居 旅居早已不是什么新鲜词 老年不是人生的终结 而是人生新的转折和开始 是生命和生活体验的新的发展 在乐尊国际,一边旅游一边养老 让您在乐尊国际,越玩越快活! 乐尊国际 乐尊国际坐落于风景秀丽的常德市 江南 城区,是一家集老年人照顾,医疗康复,旅游旅居,教育培训,生态农业,老龄地产于一体化的集团化经营企业;项目毗邻沅江畔,处于常德滨江风光带上游位置,一线江景,尽享城市风光! et="_blank" href="https://changde.loupan.com/xinfang/dingcheng/t2/">鼎城区 南城天街桥南 市南小学、善卷中学环伺左右,距常德市第四人民医院南区约1公里;衣食住行全方位城市生活配套近在咫尺,一步开启城市繁华。 项目处于常德鼎城区新政务核芯圈,已建及规划在建的政府机构有:鼎城区办公中心、鼎城区政务中心、鼎城区检察院、鼎城区地税局等,行政办公地点的转移也将快速推动区域发展! 紧急一键呼叫贴心设置,24甲级医院VIP通道 房间自带一键紧急呼叫按钮,并与常德多家甲级医院深度合作,在发生重大疾病时打开与医院的绿色通道,为您和您的家人保驾护航! 特色专属康养配套 配备九大康养设施,包括棋牌室、咖啡厅、茶艺馆、书画室、演艺厅、手工制作室、健身房、水疗足浴馆、老年大学等,每一层楼都设有公共娱乐空间;多样化的娱乐生活,让您越来越年轻! 智能化物业配套 智能时代到来,乐尊物业提供智能门禁系统、人脸识别、红外周边防范报警系统、智能视频监控、智慧路灯、车牌自动识别系统、停车场顶部导视等让您的生活智慧满满。 乐尊国际 在售 参考价格: 参考均价 5600 元/㎡ 楼盘 地址: 常德市鼎城区永丰路与滨江大道交会处 楼盘电话: 400-818-0066 转 067784


幸福的二人房的结局具体如下:结局一:亲爱的80多年后,可以自由地玩到第18天早上,丢了钥匙的插曲是结局。结局二:结局和结局的差别在于你是否找到了脚难受的钥匙,找到钥匙后,积极找到南姐父母的尸体。结局三︰解锁所有的h。 每个h都有初次和动态,解除下一个锁定。 一开始,每天聊天,谈论所有特殊的选择。 最多只能怀疑20人左右。根据提示解锁30、50、70个特殊事件。 好感达到100的话就不用撒娇聊天了。幸福的二人房是由中国台湾游戏团队永恒艾莉丝工坊开发的新作《幸福的二人房(Happiness Double Room)》将于9月底登上Steam,本作是一款同居主题兼具养成要素的绅士游戏。《幸福的二人房》故事描述主角被绑架了,而犯人是一位相识多年的美丽姐姐,就在夏季尾声,就算故事里的主角不愿意,身为玩家的我们也决定抛开过往所有的烦恼、压力以及任何一切厌烦的事情,在这游戏时间短短的数十天当中,与这位姐姐过一段幸福的同居生活。


  幸福每一天   翻译: Happy Every day;   双语例句   1我想你和你的家人幸福的每一天!   And I wish you and your family happy every day!   2作为他们心爱的儿女,我们该做些什么才能让他们幸福快乐每一天呢?   What should we do for them as their loved children to make them happy everyday?   3幸福不是每一天都存在,甜蜜的感觉也如此。   Happiness is not there every day, the feeling is so sweet.   4衷心祝愿亲爱的朋友和老师们幸福开心每一天!   I sincerely wish that you are all happy every day to my dear friends and teacher!   5彩虹祝您幸福开心每一天!   May you be happy every day!   6用微笑开始幸福生活每一天是最美好的!   What more can one ask for having a great start, than a smile!   7我把下面这首歌再次贴到这里,借此祝福朋友们幸福开心每一天!   I posted the following song here again by which I hope my friends will be happy every day!   8今天是重阳节,所以把其中的一篇文章贴到这里,作为彩虹送给朋友的祝福&祝您幸福开心每一天!   Today is the Double Ninth Festival, so I post one of the articles here as my blessing to you& May you be happy every day!   9他过着幸福的生活每一天,因为他女儿的蜡烛可以永远燃烧。   He lived happily every day, because in this way his daughter"s candle could be always burning.   10匆忙向你祝贺你的`生日,衷心地希望你幸福地度过每一天。   I hastened to congratulate on your birthday and to wish you, with all my heart, many happy returns of the day.   11愿我最好的朋友幸福平安,快乐每一天!   Like my best friend and happiness, happy day!   12最后,愿健康、平安、快乐和幸福光临我们生命的每一天!   At last time, may a health, safe, happy and welfare watch over all our life every day.   13过上幸福生活的唯一方法是珍惜唯一的每一天。   The only way to live happily ever after is one day at a time.   14.31岁的马克说:“(我想)我们是世界上最幸福的夫妇,在过去6个月的每一天里我们都在度蜜月!”   "We"re the happiest couple in the world," said Denise, 31." Every day has been a honeymoon in the past six months. "   15我能感受到一种无形的爱,幸福,和陪伴,我相信,灰原和桔梗一直陪伴着我,和我一起走向明天,好好珍惜每一天。   I can feel an intangible love, happiness, and companionship, I believe, Haibara and Kik You with me, and I were heading for tomorrow, cherish every day.


幸福的二人房的结局具体如下:结局一:亲爱的80多年后,可以自由地玩到第18天早上,丢了钥匙的插曲是结局。结局二:结局和结局的差别在于你是否找到了脚难受的钥匙,找到钥匙后,积极找到南姐父母的尸体。结局三︰解锁所有的h。 每个h都有初次和动态,解除下一个锁定。 一开始,每天聊天,谈论所有特殊的选择。 最多只能怀疑20人左右。根据提示解锁30、50、70个特殊事件。 好感达到100的话就不用撒娇聊天了。幸福的二人房是由中国台湾游戏团队永恒艾莉丝工坊开发的新作《幸福的二人房(Happiness Double Room)》将于9月底登上Steam,本作是一款同居主题兼具养成要素的绅士游戏。《幸福的二人房》故事描述主角被绑架了,而犯人是一位相识多年的美丽姐姐,就在夏季尾声,就算故事里的主角不愿意,身为玩家的我们也决定抛开过往所有的烦恼、压力以及任何一切厌烦的事情,在这游戏时间短短的数十天当中,与这位姐姐过一段幸福的同居生活。


幸福的二人房的结局具体如下:结局一:戒心为o,姿势完全展开后,4个阶段的故事完全展开。 亲爱的80多年后,可以自由地玩到第18天早上。 有一个把钥匙弄丢的插曲。 丢了钥匙的插曲是结局。结局二:结局和结局的差别在于你是否找到了脚难受的钥匙。找到钥匙后,积极找到南姐父母的尸体。 如果没有,南姐会带你去。结局4(牛)︰解锁所有的h。 每个h都有初次和动态,解除下一个锁定。 一开始,每天聊天,谈论所有特殊的选择。 最多只能怀疑20人左右,如果没有特别的选择,就不要撒娇刷好感了。 h。 早上不要调查。 根据提示解锁30、50、70个特殊事件。 好感达到100的话就不用撒娇聊天了。 最后的黑屏选项赶上了CG。 停在原地不看。幸福的二人房是由中国台湾游戏团队永恒艾莉丝工坊开发的新作《幸福的二人房(Happiness Double Room)》将于9月底登上Steam,本作是一款同居主题兼具养成要素的绅士游戏。《幸福的二人房》故事描述主角被绑架了,而犯人是一位相识多年的美丽姐姐,就在夏季尾声,就算故事里的主角不愿意,身为玩家的我们也决定抛开过往所有的烦恼、压力以及任何一切厌烦的事情,在这游戏时间短短的数十天当中,与这位姐姐过一段幸福的同居生活。


1、幸福,来自于一颗踏实安静的心。 Happiness, come from a steadfast quiet heart. 2、我是一个时刻给自己找幸福感的人。 I am a moment to find their oetimes happiness is not you desperately chased the distance, but is in your heart. 13、我们不要总是高估自己的痛苦,看低自己的幸福! e difficulties should also try our best to everyone. 18、阳光下的泡沫,是彩色的,就像被骗的我,是幸福的。 The bubble in the sunlight, it is colorful, like be cheated me, is the happiness. 19、如果遗忘就是幸福,那么我宁愿一辈子这样伤痛下去。 If forgotten is happiness, then I ing floe, you need to quietly to a common heart to feel. 31、有一种幸福是,当我想吃香蕉蛋糕的时候,你就出现在我面前。 There is a kind of happiness, promise, ing. 59、回首往事,日子中竟全是斑斓的光影,记忆的屏障中,曾经心动的声音已渐渐远去。 Looking back, the days of all colors of light and shadoe people etimes, all calm. 67、幸福有双翅膀,要把它系住,难中至难。而我的幸福就是空中的风筝,只是那风筝线不在我手中。 Happiness had ails. When using rose heart to see the world, the world will give you full beauty. 关于幸福英语句子 1、幸福的关键不在与找到一个完美的人,而在找到任何一个人,然后和他一起努力建立一个完美的关系。 The key for happiness is not to find a perfect person, but find someone and he together and build a perfect relationship. 2、别让幸福等太久,别让拥有变成遗憾;我们,再也不会从这里经过。 Dont let happiness too long, dont let have a regret; ent eone the beginning of a happy heart. 10、有些失去是注定的,有些缘分是永远不会有结果的,爱一个人就一定要好好去爱她。 Some are doomed to lose, some fate is never have the result, love a person must take to love her. 11、明白的人懂得放弃,真情的人懂得牺牲,幸福的人懂得超脱。 Understand that people knoe painful. 16、想得太多,只会让你陷入忐忑,让实际上本不糟糕的事情,变得糟糕。 Think too much, ans life, but a mans life in an episode. 19、幸福是一种感觉,它不取决于人们的生活状态,而取决于人的心态。 Happiness is a feeling, it does not depend on the state of peoples lives, and depends on the mentality of people. 20、幸福,是智慧圆满,功成名就;慈善捐助,无畏布施;救人于水火。 Happiness, is the perfect pany, I have had, Thanksgiving is satisfied, no regrets. 24、美,美不过草原;阔,阔不过蓝天;深,深不过大海。 Beautiful, beautiful but broad, broad grassland; but deep, but the sea deep blue sky. 25、幸福永远存在于人类不安的追求中,而不存在于和谐于稳定之中。 Happiness al far, to once ent his wife all glory, splendour, wealth and rank. The best lovers are the following. 44、失败时有人伸出一只手来为你擦泪,会好过成功时无数人伸手为你鼓掌。 are on the ground, dont look too light; as long as you are living on the earth, dont take yourself too much. 47、一个是华丽短暂的梦,一个是残酷漫长的现实。 One is a gorgeous short dream, one is the brutal long reality. 48、喜欢你,很久了,等你,也很久了,现在,我要离开,比很久很久还要久 Like you, for a long time, waiting for you, also a long time, and now, I want to leave, long time for a long time 49、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 To the for outsiders to intervene. 64、那些曾经以为念念不忘的事情,就在我们念念不忘的过程里,被我们遗忘了。 Those e together, I do not knomendation, then the good is a credit card! 78、幸福从来不在于你拥有什么,幸福在于用自己的能力去努力创造,去用心感受。 Happiness lies not in what you have, happiness lies in your ability to work hard to create, to feel. 79、朝霞映着她那幸福的笑脸,如同玫瑰花一样鲜艳;微微翘起的嘴角挂着满心的喜悦。 Asaka shiny her happy smiling face, like a rose as bright; slightly tilted mouth hanging heart filled with joy. 80、爱情也像海一样深沉,我给你的越多,我自己就越丰富,因为两者都是没有穷尽的。 Love as deep, the more I give you, I am more rich, because both are not exhaustive. 2021幸福英语句子 1、幸福就是无论何时何地,那一个人的心永远与你贴在一起。 Happiness is no matter mendation, then the good is a credit card! 7、幸福就是,珍惜现在拥有的。 Happiness is to cherish parison, a kind of satisfaction. 13、美,美不过草原;阔,阔不过蓝天;深,深不过大海。 America, the United States but grassland; broad, , charity, fearless achieve success and fort, lost in a meaningful education. 44、因为无能为力,所以顺其自然。因为心无所恃,所以随遇而安。 Because I can do nothing, so let it be. Because the heart is notdependable so lucky. 45、天不老,情难绝。心似双丝网,中有千千结。 The sky is not old, the situation is difficult. Heart like double screen, there are thousands of nodes. 46、明白的人懂得放弃,真情的人懂得牺牲,幸福的人懂得超脱。 Understand the people knoes from the choice, the so-called happiness, that is, there is no choice. 61、所谓幸福,其实就是有一个人、一件事,让你无法自拔。 The so-called happiness, in fact, there is a person, a thing, so you can not extricate themselves. 62、等到天放晴的时候,也许我会好好再爱你一遍。 Until the day fine, maybe I"ll love you again. 63、其实我的心是个傻瓜,它只能爱你一个人。 In fact, my heart is a fool, it can only love you a person. 64、我只有一颗心、可是正好满满的可以装下那些我爱的人。 I only have a heart, but just can be filled slurry can offset a lot of hard liquor, this is to love the general praise praise. 68、微笑是清泉,给夏日播洒清凉;微笑是风筝,在天空自由翱翔。 A smile is the spring to the summer spraying cool; smile is the kite, fly freely in the sky. 69、这是一个种满仙人掌的花房我拿着一个叫做幸福的气球站了很久很久. This is a kind of greenhouse full of cacti and I took a balloon named "happiness for a long time. 70、我们都是远视眼,模糊了离我们最近的幸福。 at a corner of the life. 75、此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。 This can be eliminated without plan, only under the brow, but on my mind. 76、那些曾经拥有嘚緈福,一但失去便无法再找囬! Those who have De Xing Fu, but a loss will no longer be able to find out! 77、你觉得你幸福你就是幸福的,幸福与不幸福都在你自己的心中。 You feel you are happy, you are happy, happiness and unhappiness in your own heart. 78、风筝在阴天搁浅,想念还在等待救援,我拉着线复习你给的温柔。 Kite stranded on a cloudy day, miss still waiting for rescue, I pull the line to review your gentle. 79、及时调整心态,坦然面对失去,正确看待失去。 Timely adjustment of attitude, calm face of losing, the correct view of losing. 80、孤单不是没有人在你身边,而是没有人在你心里。 Alone is not no one around you, but no one in your heart. 表达爱意的英语句子 never stop smiling, not even eone doesnt love you the eone is to be sitting right beside him knowing you cant have him. 想念一个人最糟糕的方式就是坐在他身旁,而知道你不能拥有他。 to love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence. 爱人和被人爱是人生最大的幸福。 to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 true loves the gift which god has given to man alone beneath the heaven. 真爱是上帝单独赐予普天下芸芸众生的礼物。 love is not only a sentiment but also an art. 爱情不仅仅是感情,它也是艺术。 love triumphs over everthing. love has no age, no limit and no death. 爱情战胜一切。爱情没有寿命,没有极限,不会死亡。 never frown,even when you are sad,because youn ever know who is falling in love with your smile. 就算你不快乐也不要皱眉,因为你永远不知道谁会爱上你的笑容。 i love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 it is impossible to love and to be wise. 要爱又兼有理性是不可能的。


1、要相信幸福原来那么简单,简单到像清水一样。 To believe that happiness is so simple, as simple as water. 2、幸福是什么?幸福是一个谜,你让一千个人来回答,就会有一千种答案。 What is happiness? Happiness is a mystery, you let one thousand people to answer, there will be one thousand kinds of answers. 3、每一个人可能的最大幸福是在全体人所实现的最大幸福之中。 Each person may be the greatest happiness is the greatest happiness achieved by the whole people. 4、自己是蓝色的,音乐是悠扬的,心情是透明的,灵魂是飞舞的。 He is blue, music is melodious, the mood is transparent, the soul is dancing. 5、我也相信爱可以解除万难;只是,万难以后,又有万难。那是我更相信的。 I also believe that love can overcome all difficulties; but, after all, there are all kinds of hardships. That"s what I believe. 6、看你躺在我怀里,开心的样子,就是我想要的幸福。 See you lie in my arms, happy appearance, is the happiness that I want. 7、棒棒糖,是个想想就会裂开嘴角的奢侈品。 Is a lollipop, think it will split the mouth of luxury. 8、春天没有花,人生没有爱,那还成个什么世界。 Spring without flowers, life is not love, it is also a world. 9、爱的欢乐寓于爱之中,享受爱情比唤起爱更加令人幸福。 Love resides in the joy of love, love is more than happy to arouse love. 10、把幸福让给别人,等于得到了双倍的幸福。 To give happiness to others, equal to the double happiness. 11、幸福人生是需要三种姿态:对过去,要淡;对现在,要惜;对未来,要信。 Happy life need three posture: in the past, to light; for now, to cherish; for the future, to the letter. 12、爱,直至成伤。之后就是永远。对不起,即使你感觉不到我。 Love until it hurts. After that is forever. I"m sorry, even if you don"t feel me. 13、知足就是幸福,它只是一种感觉,一种平和的感觉。 Contentment is happiness, it is just a feeling, a feeling of peace. 14、为人类的幸福而劳动,这是多么壮丽的事业,这个目的有多麽伟大! To work for the happiness of mankind, this is how magnificent the cause, the purpose of this is so great! 15、幸福就是两个人待在一起很舒服。 Happiness is two people together is very comfortable. 16、看着你的眼,我看见了大海,蓝天;更看到了美丽的未来。 Looking at your eyes, I saw the sea, the blue sky; more to see the beautiful future. 17、我们应有的生命,光环,都是每天可以拥有的幸福。 We should have the life, the aura, all can have the happiness every day. 18、我不仰慕前世,也不期盼来生,我只求这辈子与你携手此生! I do not admire the past life, do not look forward to the next life, I just want to work with you in this life! 19、一无所有的人是有福的,因为他们将获得一切! Blessed are the people who have nothing, for they shall have everything! 20、爱比杀人重罪更难隐藏;爱情的黑夜有中午的阳光。 Love is more difficult to hide than the murder of a crime; the night of love has the sun at noon. 21、爱情的欢乐虽然是甜美无比,但只有在光荣与美德存在的地方才能生存。 Love"s joy is sweet, but only in the place where glory and virtue can exist. 22、人在面临幸福时会突然变得胆怯,抓住幸福其实比忍受痛苦更需要勇气。 People will suddenly become timid in the face of happiness, to seize the happiness is actually more than the need to endure the pain of courage. 23、那些曾经以为念念不忘的事情,就在我们念念不忘的过程里,被我们遗忘了。 Those who once thought never forget things, just as we remember in the process, we were forgotten. 24、被人爱和爱别人是同样的幸福,而且一旦得到它,就够受用一辈子。 Is love and love of others is the same happiness, but once it was enough for a lifetime. 25、当我向你倾诉我的烦恼的时候,那不是抱怨,那是我对你的完全的信任。 When I talk to you about my troubles, it"s not a complaint, that"s all I have to you. 26、只要你每天给我一个幸福的拥抱,这是给我一天的安全感。 As long as you give me a happy hug every day, this is a day to give me a sense of security. 27、不要浪费时间追忆失去的东西。要知道因为生命不会走回头路。 Don"t waste time remembering what"s lost. To know that life will not go back. 28、不是快乐就能分享,痛苦就能分担,其实,幸福是自己的,别看他人! Not happy to share, the pain will be able to share, in fact, happiness is their own, do not look at others! 29、你笑一次,我就可以高兴好几天;可看你哭一次,我就难过了好几年。 You laugh once, I can be happy for several days; can see you cry once, I was sad for several years. 30、只要不是心已累了,我想男人女人累着,也是快乐的吧。 As long as the heart is not tired, I think men and women are tired, but also happy. 31、幸福越与人共享,它的价值越增加。 Happiness is shared with others, and its value is increased. 32、别让幸福等太久,别让拥有变成遗憾;我们,再也不会从这里经过。 Don"t let happiness wait for too long. Don"t let it become a pity. 33、幸福是有限的,因为上帝的赐予本来就有限。 Happiness is limited, for God"s gift is limited. 34、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world。 35、只要是强求的,不管什么都没用。只要是心甘情愿的,不管如何都能接受。 As long as it is forced, no matter what is useless. As long as it is willing, no matter how can accept. 36、握紧了的手就不要放开、我懂的过了就不会回来。 Clenched hands do not let go, I understand the past will not come back. 37、忘誓死不屈后的潇洒转身,谁此时的潸然的背离,谁此时的淡薄与吞噬。 Forget the swear unyielding and turn around, who moved to the departure, who at this time. With phagocytosis. 38、幸福不在怀念的过去,也不在追逐的未来,而在我们拥有的当下。 Happiness is not in the memory of the past, nor in the future, but in the moment we have. 39、走在一起是缘分,一起在走是幸福。 Walking together is fate, together in the walk is happiness. 40、幸福是,机场仍旧开放,电视里仍旧有人唱歌。 Happiness is, the airport is still open, there are still people singing on tv. 41、如果你没办法不去爱一个不爱你的人,那是因为你还不懂得爱自己。 If you can"t love someone who doesn"t love you, it is because you still don"t know how to love yourself. 42、不要羡慕别人的人生,你看见的,不会是他们经历的所有。 Don"t envy other people"s life, you see, not all of their experiences. 43、幸福,是两个人找遍地图上所有想去的地方,然后一起去。 Happiness, is the two person to find all the places on the map, and then go together. 44、不要让钱成为障碍,好的生活没那么贵。动手去实现离你最近的可行梦想吧。 Don"t let money become a barrier, good life is not so expensive. Begin to achieve your most recent dream. 45、幸福并不是一种完美和永恒,而是心灵和生活万物的一种感应和共鸣。 Happiness is not a kind of perfect and eternal, but the heart and life of a kind of induction and resonance. 46、爱就是心疼,可以喜欢许多人,但真正心疼的只有一个。 Love is love dearly, can like many people, but only a real love. 47、幸福是赤脚踏青,夏日清风,是秋日私语,是隆冬的火炉。 Happiness is the barefoot hikers, summer breeze, is autumn whispers, winter is the fire. 48、心满意足享受每一点快乐,是走向幸福的唯一途径。 To enjoy every happiness, is the only way to happiness. 49、小时候,幸福——是件很简单的事;长大后,简单——是件很幸福的事。 When I was young, happiness is a very simple thing. When I grow up, simple, it is a very happy thing. 50、能够说出的委屈,便不算委屈;能够抢走的爱人,便不算爱人。 Can say the grievance, will not be wronged; to take away the love, will not be considered a lover. 51、笨人寻找远处的幸福,聪明人在脚下播种幸福。 The search for distant happiness, smart people at the foot of sowing happiness. 52、真正的快乐是内在的,它只有在人类的心灵里才能发现。 True happiness is within, it can only be found in the human mind. 53、快乐可依靠幻想,幸福却要依靠实际。 Happiness depends on fantasy, but happiness depends on reality. 54、我也相信爱可以解除万难;只是,万难以后,又有万难。那是我更相信的。 I also believe that love can overcome all difficulties; but, after all, there are all kinds of hardships. That"s what I believe. 55、幸福,只不过是想让快乐有一个存在下去的理由。 Happiness, just want to let happiness have a reason to exist. 56、幸福五大原则:心中无恨;脑中无忧;生活简单;多些付出;少些期待。 Five principles of happiness: no hate in the heart; no worries in the mind; life is simple; pay more; expect less. 57、在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。 Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just one you. 58、是我太傻太天真,所谓的誓言你都做不到,我为何还要傻傻的保留着。 I was too silly too naive, the so-called oath you can not do, why I still have to keep the silly. 59、低就一层不等于低人一等,今日的俯低是为了明天的高就。 Low layer is not inferior, today and tomorrow is to high and low. 60、好不容易走到了一起,不知生活深浅的我们满怀信心,相信我们一定会幸福! Finally come together, I do not know the depth of life, we are full of confidence, I believe we will be happy! 61、有些人注定是等待别人的,有些人是注定被人等的。 Some people are doomed to wait for others, some people are doomed to be waiting for. 62、我梦想开一个小店,然后开始一边贩卖幸福,一边等你。 I dream of opening a store, and then start selling happiness, while waiting for you. 63、爱情是一个平台,上面聚集着形形**的人。 Love is a platform, which gathers all kinds of people. 64、幸福就是,可以欣赏周围所有的美好并将痕迹留在心里。 Happiness is, you can enjoy all the good and the traces left in the heart. 65、一个是华丽短暂的梦,一个是残酷漫长的现实。 One is a gorgeous short dream, one is the brutal long reality. 66、倒不是真的有多爱你,只是不想再寻寻觅觅。 Not really love you, just don"t want to search again. 67、不是唱到一半的我假砚忘旋律,只是?词人太细腻描述?和?。 I don"t sing half a song melody to Ptend to forget, just for you and I describe the CI too delicate. 68、懂得珍惜身边所拥有的一切,这就是人生中最大的幸福。 Know how to cherish all around, this is the greatest happiness in life. 69、人类的一切努力的目的在于获得幸福。 The purpose of all human efforts is to obtain happiness. 70、失败时有人伸出一只手来为你擦泪,会好过成功时无数人伸手为你鼓掌。 When someone fails to reach out a hand to wipe tears for you, will be better than the success of countless people hand for you. 71、一分钟心动,一小时喜欢,一天爱上。忘记他,却是一辈子。 A minute to move, an hour to like, a day to fall in love with. Forget him, but it is a lifetime. 72、爱情里面要是搀杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。 Love it if it is mingled with regards itself, it is not true love. 73、爱情不在了就要学会宽容,毕竟也相遇一场。 Love is not in the need to learn tolerance, after all, also met a. 74、幸福就是,坚持了应该坚持的,放弃了应该放弃的。 Happiness is, insist on should adhere to, give up should give up. 75、幸福就是人生,人生就是幸福。 Happiness is life, life is happiness. 76、能随时随地居心灵去品味生活的味道,才有幸福可言。 Can anytime, anywhere in the heart to taste the taste of life, there is happiness. 77、现在吃棒棒糖不是为了掩饰忧伤,而是想再品尝到童真的快乐。 Now eat lollipop not to hide sadness, but want to enjoy the happiness of childhood. 78、爱情正是一个将一对陌生人变成情侣,又将一对情侣变成陌生人的游戏。 Love is a pair of strangers become lovers, and a pair of lovers into a stranger"s game. 79、单纯的生活,其实很快乐;傻傻的活着,其实很幸福。 Simple life, in fact, very happy; silly to live, in fact, very happy. 80、把别人的幸福当做自己的幸福,把鲜花奉献给他人,把棘刺留给自己! The happiness of others as their own happiness, flowers given to others, left to their own thorns!


Everybody is eager to happiness, feelings of well-being of everyone. Happiness is sometimes abstract and sometimes very specific. Well-being sometimes distant, sometimes close at hand. Dedication is the well-being, given the well-being, access to the well-being and enjoy the blessings of happiness ... ... of the words is a well-being, an understanding of the expression is the well-being of the soul ... ... is the feeling of happiness, happiness is a life experience ... ... a friend, you feel well-being of it?When you are immersed in the table hard hours, the mother brought a glass of milk Shannon will love are melting in this steaming milk. I felt, well-being of mother love. When Mom and Dad happy to watch their sons and daughters around the side of their play. You feel it? How happy they are, enjoy the children"s family. When the elderly gratifying to watch their sons and daughters married, they laughed gratifying for their old age.A friend, you happiness?When the mother of the late winter of a single needle or piece of thread sons and daughters for their own sewing clothes, will also be woven into the warmth. The next day, we wear it, how happy! From rural to urban school children, may have such an experience: the mother before the child left, a few steamed steamed rubbing will continuously rubbing in. motherly love. Eating steamed steamed, as if love fishes tasted.Cleaners cleaning people to the earth cleaner, we are very happy. Teachers will be life-long dedicati on to our knowledge, we are very happy. Superior living conditions, we are very happy. We live in this piece of the sun, but also the well-being.The pursuit of happiness do not deliberately, when you inadvertently, happiness will come to you quietly. However, the well-being but also a pair of long wings, and you will pass anytime, anywhere. Therefore, we must grasp the well-being, even if it remained a second or more!人人都在渴望幸福,人人都在感受幸福。幸福有时很抽象,有时很具体。幸福有时很遥远,有时近在咫尺。奉献是幸福,给予是幸福,获得是幸福,享受是幸福……一句祝福的话语是幸福,一个理解的眼神是幸福……幸福是心灵的感觉,幸福是生命的体验……朋友,你感受到幸福了吗? 当你正在桌上埋头苦学时,母亲送来一杯香浓的牛奶,将母爱都融在这热气腾腾的牛奶中。我感受到了,母爱的幸福。当爸爸妈妈开心的看着自己的儿女围在他们的身边嬉戏。你感受到了吗?他们多么幸福,享受着孩子们的天伦之乐。当老人欣慰的看着自己的儿女成家立业,他们欣慰的笑了,安享晚年。 朋友,你幸福吗? 当母亲在寒冬的深夜一针一线的为自己的儿女缝衣服,也将温暖织进去。第二天,我们穿上它,多么幸福!从农村到城市读书的孩子,也许有这样的体会:母亲在孩子临走前,揉几个馍馍,也将缕缕母爱揉了进来。吃着馍馍,仿佛尝到了丝丝母爱。 清洁工人们打扫卫生,使地球更干净,我们很幸福。老师将毕生的知识奉献给我们,我们很幸福。生活条件的优越,我们很幸福。我们生活在这片阳光下,更幸福。 幸福不用刻意追求,在你不经意的时候,幸福就会悄然降临在你身上。但幸福同时也长着一双翅膀,随时随地都会与你擦肩而过。所以,我们要把握幸福,即使它多停留一秒钟也好!望采纳,谢谢


Everybody is eager to happiness, feelings of well-being of everyone. Happiness is sometimes abstract and sometimes very specific. Well-being sometimes distant, sometimes close at hand. Dedication is the well-being, given the well-being, access to the well-being and enjoy the blessings of happiness ... ... of the words is a well-being, an understanding of the expression is the well-being of the soul ... ... is the feeling of happiness, happiness is a life experience ... ... a friend, you feel well-being of it?When you are immersed in the table hard hours, the mother brought a glass of milk Shannon will love are melting in this steaming milk. I felt, well-being of mother love. When Mom and Dad happy to watch their sons and daughters around the side of their play. You feel it? How happy they are, enjoy the children"s family. When the elderly gratifying to watch their sons and daughters married, they laughed gratifying for their old age. 回答每个人都渴望幸福,大家都健康的。 幸福有时是抽象的,有时非常具体。 有时远,有时近在咫尺。 奉献是健康,因为健康、获得健康和享受幸福的祝福..。 是感觉幸福,幸福是生活经历..。 朋友,你觉得幸福? 当你沉浸在难过时,妈妈带了一杯牛奶香农将爱融化在这热气腾腾的牛奶。 我感觉到,健康母亲的爱。 当妈妈和爸爸开心看着自己的儿子和女儿另一边他们的游戏。 你感觉到? 他们是多么的快乐,享受儿童的家庭。 老人欣慰地看着他们的儿女结婚时,他们笑了,可喜的晚年。


erybody is eager to happiness, feelings of well-being of everyone. Happiness is sometimes abstract and sometimes very specific. Well-being sometimes distant, sometimes close at hand. Dedication is the well-being, given the well-being, access to the well-being and enjoy the blessings of happiness ... ... of the words is a well-being, an understanding of the expression is the well-being of the soul ... ... is the feeling of happiness, happiness is a life experience ... ... a friend, you feel well-being of it? When you are immersed in the table hard hours, the mother brought a glass of milk Shannon will love are melting in this steaming milk. I felt, well-being of mother love. When Mom and Dad happy to watch their sons and daughters around the side of their play. You feel it? How happy they are, enjoy the children"s family. When the elderly gratifying to watch their sons and daughters married, they laughed gratifying for their old age. A friend, you happiness? When the mother of the late winter of a single needle or piece of thread sons and daughters for their own sewing clothes, will also be woven into the warmth. The next day, we wear it, how happy! From rural to urban school children, may have such an experience: the mother before the child left, a few steamed steamed rubbing will continuously rubbing in. motherly love. Eating steamed steamed, as if love fishes tasted. Cleaners cleaning people to the earth cleaner, we are very happy. Teachers will be life-long dedication to our knowledge, we are very happy. Superior living conditions, we are very happy. We live in this piece of the sun, but also the well-being. The pursuit of happiness do not deliberately, when you inadvertently, happiness will come to you quietly. However, the well-being but also a pair of long wings, and you will pass anytime, anywhere. Therefore, we must grasp the well-being, even if it remained a second or more! 人人都在渴望幸福,人人都在感受幸福.幸福有时很抽象,有时很具体.幸福有时很遥远,有时近在咫尺.奉献是幸福,给予是幸福,获得是幸福,享受是幸福……一句祝福的话语是幸福,一个理解的眼神是幸福……幸福是心灵的感觉,幸福是生命的体验……朋友,你感受到幸福了吗? 当你正在桌上埋头苦学时,母亲送来一杯香浓的牛奶,将母爱都融在这热气腾腾的牛奶中.我感受到了,母爱的幸福.当爸爸妈妈开心的看着自己的儿女围在他们的身边嬉戏.你感受到了吗?他们多么幸福,享受着孩子们的天伦之乐.当老人欣慰的看着自己的儿女成家立业,他们欣慰的笑了,安享晚年. 朋友,你幸福吗?


Everybody is eager to happiness, feelings of well-being of everyone. Happiness is sometimes abstract and sometimes very specific. Well-being sometimes distant, sometimes close at hand. Dedication is the well-being, given the well-being, access to the well-being and enjoy the blessings of happiness ... ... of the words is a well-being, an understanding of the expression is the well-being of the soul ... ... is the feeling of happiness, happiness is a life experience ... ... a friend, you feel well-being of it?When you are immersed in the table hard hours, the mother brought a glass of milk Shannon will love are melting in this steaming milk. I felt, well-being of mother love. When Mom and Dad happy to watch their sons and daughters around the side of their play. You feel it? How happy they are, enjoy the children"s family. When the elderly gratifying to watch their sons and daughters married, they laughed gratifying for their old age.A friend, you happiness?When the mother of the late winter of a single needle or piece of thread sons and daughters for their own sewing clothes, will also be woven into the warmth. The next day, we wear it, how happy! From rural to urban school children, may have such an experience: the mother before the child left, a few steamed steamed rubbing will continuously rubbing in. motherly love. Eating steamed steamed, as if love fishes tasted.Cleaners cleaning people to the earth cleaner, we are very happy. Teachers will be life-long dedication to our knowledge, we are very happy. Superior living conditions, we are very happy. We live in this piece of the sun, but also the well-being.The pursuit of happiness do not deliberately, when you inadvertently, happiness will come to you quietly. However, the well-being but also a pair of long wings, and you will pass anytime, anywhere. Therefore, we must grasp the well-being, even if it remained a second or more!人人都在渴望幸福,人人都在感受幸福。幸福有时很抽象,有时很具体。幸福有时很遥远,有时近在咫尺。奉献是幸福,给予是幸福,获得是幸福,享受是幸福……一句祝福的话语是幸福,一个理解的眼神是幸福……幸福是心灵的感觉,幸福是生命的体验……朋友,你感受到幸福了吗? 当你正在桌上埋头苦学时,母亲送来一杯香浓的牛奶,将母爱都融在这热气腾腾的牛奶中。我感受到了,母爱的幸福。当爸爸妈妈开心的看着自己的儿女围在他们的身边嬉戏。你感受到了吗?他们多么幸福,享受着孩子们的天伦之乐。当老人欣慰的看着自己的儿女成家立业,他们欣慰的笑了,安享晚年。 朋友,你幸福吗? 当母亲在寒冬的深夜一针一线的为自己的儿女缝衣服,也将温暖织进去。第二天,我们穿上它,多么幸福!从农村到城市读书的孩子,也许有这样的体会:母亲在孩子临走前,揉几个馍馍,也将缕缕母爱揉了进来。吃着馍馍,仿佛尝到了丝丝母爱。 清洁工人们打扫卫生,使地球更干净,我们很幸福。老师将毕生的知识奉献给我们,我们很幸福。生活条件的优越,我们很幸福。我们生活在这片阳光下,更幸福。 幸福不用刻意追求,在你不经意的时候,幸福就会悄然降临在你身上。但幸福同时也长着一双翅膀,随时随地都会与你擦肩而过。所以,我们要把握幸福,即使它多停留一秒钟也好!



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blue蓝色green绿色purple紫色yellow黄色red红色pink粉红色palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色palegreen 苍绿色paleturquoise 苍绿色palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色pansy 紫罗兰色papayawhip 番木色peachpuff 桃色peru 秘鲁色pink 粉红色salmon pink 橙红色baby pink 浅粉红色shocking pink 鲜粉红色brown 褐色, 茶色beige 灰褐色chocolate 红褐色, 赭石色sandy beige 浅褐色camel 驼色amber 琥珀色khaki 卡其色maroon 褐红色green 绿色moss green 苔绿色emerald green 鲜绿色olive green 橄榄绿blue 蓝色turquoise blue 土耳其玉色cobalt blue 钴蓝色, 艳蓝色navy blue 藏青色, 深蓝色, 天蓝色aquamarine blue 蓝绿色red 红色scarlet 绯红, 猩红mauve 紫红wine red 葡萄酒红purple, violet 紫色lavender 淡紫色lilac 浅紫色antique violet 古紫色pansy 紫罗兰色white 白色off-white 灰白色ivory 象牙色snowy white 雪白色oyster white 乳白色gray 灰色charcoal gray 炭灰色smoky gray 烟灰色misty gray 雾灰色plum 杨李色powderblue 粉蓝色purple 紫色red 红色rosybrown 褐玫瑰红royalblue 宝蓝色rubine 宝石红saddlebrown 重褐色salmon 鲜肉色salmon pink 橙红色sandy beige 浅褐色sandybrown 沙褐色sapphire 宝石蓝scarlet 猩红色seagreen 海绿色seashell 海贝色shocking pink 鲜粉红色sienna 赭色silver 银白色skyblue 天蓝色slateblue 石蓝色slategray 灰石色smoky gray 烟灰色snow 雪白色springgreen 春绿色steelblue 钢蓝色stone 石色tan 茶色teal 水鸭色thistle 蓟色tomato 番茄色turquoise 青绿色turquoise blue 翠蓝色violet 紫色wheat 浅黄色white 白色whitesmoke 烟白色winered 葡萄酒红yellow 黄色yellowgreen 黄绿色beige 米色black 黑色brown 咖啡色cream 雪白khaki 卡其色grey 灰色navy 丈青色offwhite 灰白色palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色palegreen 苍绿色paleturquoise 苍绿色palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色pansy 紫罗兰色papayawhip 番木色peachpuff 桃色peru 秘鲁色pink 粉红plum 杨李色powderblue 粉蓝色purple 紫色red 红色rosybrown 褐玫瑰红royalblue 宝蓝色rubine 宝石红saddlebrown 重褐色salmon 鲜肉色salmon pink 橙红色sandy beige 浅褐色sandybrown 沙褐色sapphire 宝石蓝scarlet 猩红色seagreen 海绿色seashell 海贝色shocking pink 鲜粉红色sienna 赭色silver 银白色skyblue 天蓝色slateblue 石蓝色slategray 灰石色smoky gray 烟灰色snow 雪白色springgreen 春绿色steelblue 钢蓝色stone 石色tan 茶色teal 水鸭色thistle 蓟色tomato 番茄色turquoise 青绿色turquoise blue 翠蓝色violet 紫色wheat 浅黄色white 白色wheat 土黄色whitesmoke 烟白色winered 葡萄酒红yellow 黄色yellowgreen 黄绿色


剧情啊孔润秀(姜栋元饰)和弟弟相依为命,妈妈改嫁了不管他们了。然后弟弟被冻死了。润秀就学坏了别。在美发店遇见女朋友之后,改邪归正。后来润秀的女朋友生病了急需医药费,同时之前的坏朋友让他帮忙做坏事,(具体的我忘了 抱歉哈)路上遇见一个大妈,那个大妈很喜欢润秀,邀请他俩到家里做客,到家之后喝酒醉了,润秀的朋友侮辱了大妈的女儿,后来被发现就杀了大妈和她的女儿;正在润秀和朋友准备离开犯罪现场的时候,润秀打开门同时那家的保姆也打开了门,情急之下,润秀就捅了保姆一刀。遂被抓入狱。朋友却逍遥法外。柳贞(李娜英饰)小时候被表哥侮辱,痛苦着找到妈妈,妈妈却因为是亲戚不让她声张。从此开始对一切都绝望了吧。柳贞的姑姑是修女,常去监狱探望罪犯,姑姑带着柳贞去监狱探望润秀,两人相识,后不断接触。。。最后润秀还是被判了死刑。大致就是这样也不知道亲到底想知道的是什么 呵呵表达能力很差抱歉喽 我也很久没有回顾这个了 太痛苦了TT

他们说,在仰望摩天轮的人都在仰望幸福 用非主流文字怎么写?





幸福的英语句子   我自己是凡人,我只求凡人的幸福。下面是我给大家介绍的幸福的英语句子,欢迎阅读。   幸福的英语句子   1、如果你有梦想,就要守护它。   If you have a dream, you got to protect it.   2、不需求幸福,只想变得强大。   No need happiness, just want to becme strong.   3、我的幸福,就是看着你幸福。   My happiness, is looking at you happiness.   4、我愿意幸福,我只愿意幸福。   I want to be happy, I just want to happiness.   5、我不要你幸福,我要你活着。   I don"t want you happy, I want you to live.   6、一定要忍耐,忍耐就会幸福。   Must be patient, patience will be happy.   7、最好的幸福,是你给的在乎。   The best happiness, is the care you give.   8、你我平安,就是最大的.幸福。   My peace, you is the greatest happiness.   9、野心终止了,幸福就开始了。   Ambition, happiness begins.   10、从明天起,做一个幸福的人。   From tomorrow on do a happy person.   11、因为幸福满溢,所以怕的悲伤。   Because happiness is full, so afraid of sadness.   12、健康与才智,为人生两大幸福。   Health and intelligence, as the two great happiness of life.   13、心的归属,决定着幸福的方向!   Heart belongs, determine the direction of happiness!   14、不怕幸福迟到,只怕幸福不到!   Not afraid of late for happiness, maybe less than happiness!   15、幸福有时候只是一种感觉而已。   Happiness is sometimes just a feeling.   16、追求幸福,得先准备吞食苦果。   The pursuit of happiness, have to ready to devour the bitter fruit.   17、幸福就在身边,知足便是天堂。   Happiness is in the side, contentment is the paradise.   18、幸福里面没有为什么,只有我。   Happiness isn"t why inside, I was the only.   19、我们走得很慢,连幸福都着急。   We walked slowly, even happiness are worried.   20、幸福与贫富无关,与内心相连。   Happiness has nothing to do with the rich and the poor, connected to the heart.   21、幸福变成了,永无止境的奢望。   Happiness turned out to be, endless hope.   22、愿你做幸福的人,走幸福的路。   You would like to do a happy person, the way of happiness.   23、活着不多不少,幸福刚好够用。   Live more, no less, just enough happiness.   24、做好安全防范,幸福伴你同行。   Do a good job in security, happiness with you.   25、亲善产生幸福,文明带来和谐。   Goodwill produce happiness, civilization brings harmony.   26、幸福就在身边,健康就是天堂。   Happiness is in the side, the health is heaven.   27、你的世界,我只是路过的幸福。   Your world, I just pass by happiness.   28、勇敢面对阳光,用最幸福的模样。   Brave in the face of the sun, in the most happiness.   29、只要是幸福,其实,和谁都一样。   As long as it is happy, in fact, and who are the same.   30、青春终究是幸福,因为它有未来。   Youth is ultimately happiness, because it has a future.   31、对平凡的人来说,平凡就是幸福。   For ordinary people, ordinary is happiness.   32、可幸福就在我手中,我无法抵御。   Happiness is in my hand, I can"t resist.   33、一直善良下去,总会离幸福更近。   Continue to be good, always closer to happiness.   34、幸福就是:生活中不必时时恐惧。   Happiness is: life without fear.   35、做一个善良的人,为群众谋幸福。   Do a kind person, seeks happiness for the masses.   36、等得越长久,重逢时也就更幸福。   When they met again, etc. The more long, are more happy.   37、谁的双手,曾牵起我毕生的幸福。   Who hands, who took my lifetime of happiness.   38、你说珍惜幸福。于是我万劫不复。   Cherish the happiness you said. So I follow.   39、就算幸福碎一地,也片片是幸福。   Even if broken, happiness also is patches of happiness.   40、我们,离彼此很近,离幸福很远。   We, it is very close to each other, far from happiness.   41、她有她的幸福,我有我的快乐嘛。   She has her happiness, I have my happiness.   42、幸福属于那些容易感到满足的人。   Happiness belongs to those who easy to feel satisfied.   43、飞蛾扑火时,一定是极快乐幸福的。   A moth, must be very happy.   44、在爱情里,你我是别人幸福的炮灰。   In love, you and I are others happy cannon fodder.   45、只有整个人类的幸福才是你的幸福。   Only the entire human happiness is your happiness.   46、走在一起是缘分,一起在走是幸福。   Together is the fate, walking together is happiness.   47、青春之所以幸福,就因为它有前途。   Youth is happy, because it is promising.   48、真理从辩论中来,幸福从劳动中来。   Truth from debate, happiness from labor.   49、当幸福来得太快,失去的也就越快。   When happiness cmes too fast, lost the faster, too.   50、村子团结力量大,家庭团结幸福多。   Village unity is strength, family together happy.   51、爱情不是强扭的,幸福不是天赐的。   Love is not a strong twisting, happiness is not a gift.   52、觉得幸福便感恩,觉得不幸就战斗。   Feel happy and grateful, feel unfortunate fight.   53、和真理在一起,就是和幸福在一起。   With truth, it is with happiness.   54、简简单单,平平淡淡生活才是幸福。   Simple and plain life is happiness.   55、您幸福的标准,就是用钱来衡量的。   The standard of your happiness, is to use money to measure.   56、幸福是生生不息,却难以触及的远。   Happiness is endless, but it is difficult to reach far.   57、桃花要趁东风开,幸福要靠劳动来。   Peach blossoms to dongfeng, want to rely on labor to happiness.   58、快乐可依靠幻想,幸福却要依靠实。   Joy can rely on fantasy, happiness is to rely on.   59、幸福越与人共享,它的价值越增加。   The more happiness to share with people, its value is increased.   60、忘记最喜欢的人,究竟算什么幸福!   What on earth is forget most of the person you like, happiness!   61、我想给你幸福,却走不进你的世界。   I want to give you happiness, but I can"t walk into your world.   62、幸福不是得到更多,而是计较更少。   Happiness is not to get more, but caring less.   63、能保持一份好心态,就是一种幸福。   Can maintain a good state of mind, is a kind of happiness.   64、幸福是一种感觉。快乐是一种角度。   Happiness is a feeling. Happiness is a kind of point of view. ;


1、幸福从劳动中来,真理从实践中来。 Happiness from labor, truth comes from practice. 2、幸福,就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子。 Happiness, is to look for a warm people for life. 3、幸福无惧,心灵的沐浴也将无处不在。 The bath happiness without fear, the heart also will be everywhere. 4、只要心中有希望存在,就有幸福存在。 As long as there is a hope in your heart, there is happiness. 5、我还是希望自己爱的人,永远幸福快乐。 I still want to love, happiness forever. 6、生活幸福来自安全,人生快乐首当平安。 Happy life happiness comes from safety, life first when peace. 7、快乐是一时的。幸福是值得反复回味的。 Happiness is a temporary. Happiness is worth reviewing. 8、渺小的幸福就在身边,轻易满足就是天堂。 The small happiness is in the side, easily meet is heaven. 9、失去只是一种姿势,得到并不等同于幸福。 Losing is a kind of posture, is not the same as happiness. 10、一个人的**与理想越多,越有可能幸福。 A person"s passion and ideals, the more the more likely it is happiness. 11、想不付出任何代价而得到幸福,那是神话。 Can"t think of any cost and get happiness, that is a myth. 12、人真正的幸福感存在于对幸福的分享当中。 Man"s true happiness exists in the share of happiness. 13、微小的幸福就在身边,容易满足就是天堂。 Tiny happiness is in the side, easy to meet is heaven. 14、幸福来自成就感,来自富有创造力的工作。 Happiness comes from a sense of accomplishment and creative work. 15、梦想就是让你感到坚持,感到幸福的东西。 Dream is to make you feel insist, feel the happiness thing. 16、如果你过的不幸福,我所做的一切才是徒劳。 If you are not happy, all I do is in vain. 17、丧失未来的幸福,比丧失已有的幸福更痛苦。 Loss of future happiness, more pain than loss for happiness. 18、为他人的幸福而工作,才能达到自身的完善。 Work for the happiness of others, to achieve their own perfect. 19、活在这个世上,被人需要,是最极致的幸福! Live in this world, be people need, is the ultimate happiness! 20、意志力是幸福的源泉,幸福来源于自我约束。 Will power is the source of happiness, happiness is from the self-discipline. 21、幸福不是对往昔的回忆,幸福是对未来的憧憬。 Happiness is not the memories of the past, it is the vision of the future. 22、因为我们正在追逐幸福,所以不免要触摸痛苦。 Because we are chasing happiness, unavoidably must touch the pain. 23、人生最大的幸福,莫过于连一分钟都无法休息。 The greatest happiness of life, than even rest a minute. 24、漂亮只能为别人提供眼福,却不一定换到幸福。 Beautiful can only provide pleasure to others, but not necessarily in happiness. 25、知识就是力量,知识就是安全,知识就是幸福。 Knowledge is power, knowledge is safety, the knowledge is happiness. 26、幸福生活不只在于丰衣足食,也在于碧水蓝天。 Is happy life not only have ample food and clothing, also lies in the clear water, blue sky. 27、笨人寻找远处的幸福,聪明人在脚下播种幸福。 Stupid people looking for happiness in the distance, the wise underfoot sowing happiness. 28、生活是需要诚信的,有了诚信才会有幸福可言。 Life is need good faith, the good faith will have happiness. 29、幸福的秘诀是得到自由,而自由的秘诀是勇气。 The secret of happiness is free, but the secret of freedom is courage. 30、有些人适合拥有幸福,而有些人只适合仰望幸福。 Some people suits with happiness, while some people are only suitable for hope in happiness. 31、无论谁,只要他还活着,你就不能称他是幸福的。 No matter who, as long as he is still alive, you cannot say he is happy. 32、一个人成为他自己了,那就是达到了幸福的顶点。 A person as his own, it is reached the peak of happiness. 33、人人都谈及幸福,但真正理解幸福的人少而又少。 Everyone is talking about happiness, but really understand the happy people less and less. 34、如果我们没有才华,那努力就足以使我们幸福了。 If we don"t have the talent, the effort is enough to make us happy. 35、幸福源于对生活的满足,感恩源于对幸福的感知。 Happiness comes from meet on life, Thanksgiving from the perceived happiness. 36、人心忧惧则前途之光明,幸福顷刻间为黑幕所遮。 ApPhension is future of light, happiness immediately covered by darkness. 37、真正的幸福包含了一个人能力与天资的完全运用。 True happiness contains completely using a person"s ability and aptitude. 38、幸福不在于理想的成功,而在于追寻理想的过程。 Happiness lies not in the success of the ideal, but in the process of pursuing ideal. 39、活着本身就是一种幸运,年轻本身就是一种幸福。 Living itself is a kind of lucky, young itself is a kind of happiness. 40、幸福的生活是一种由爱鼓舞,由知识指导的生活。 Happy life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. 41、能够把我们的才能使用到现实上面,这就是幸福。 Can we can use to the reality, that is happiness. 42、我愿用多一点点的辛苦,来交换多一点点的幸福。 I would like to use a little bit more hard work, in exchange for a little bit more happiness. 43、幸福和幸运是需要代价的,天下没有免费的午餐! Happiness and luck is need cost, there is no such thing as a free lunch! 44、原来爱情的世界很大,塞了多少幸福还是有空虚。 The love world is big, has for more happiness or emptiness. 45、幸福是照射在脸上的温暖阳光,瞬间就成了阴影。 Happiness is light in the face of the warm sunshine, instantly became a shadow. 46、书是无价之宝,书是打开幸福和成功大门的钥匙。 Book is a jewel of great price, is the key that opens the door to happiness and success. 47、你想成为幸福的人吗?但愿你产生学会吃得起苦。 Who do you want to be happy? I hope you learn to eat up bitter. 48、要幸福,也要快乐。要大家,少了一个人都不行。 To be happy, also want to happiness. To you, little one. 49、用感激的心去赢得微笑,用幸福的微笑去面对人生。 With grateful heart to win a smile, to face life with happy smile. 50、痛苦的秘密在于,有闲功夫为自己是否幸福而烦恼。 The secret of being miserable is have leisure time for yourself whether you are happy or not. 51、爱,就是让你感觉最大的幸福,教你失去我会后悔。 Love, the greatest happiness is to make you feel, I will teach you lose regrets. 52、心满意足享受每一点快乐,是走向幸福的唯一途径。 Content to enjoy every bit of happiness, is the only way to happiness. 53、有的时候要多坚持一下,就一定能得到自己的幸福。 Sometimes want to stick to the more, we will be able to get your own happiness. 54、幸福一滴泪红眼相对月,明白人事圆缺期盼时最美。 Happiness a tear red eye, relative month round personnel of understand look forward to the most beautiful. 55、不论在哪里,自己的幸福是要靠自己去创造去寻觅。 No matter where, our happiness is to depend on oneself to create. 56、幸福在於愿望的实现,而且在於只存着高尚的愿望。 Happiness is the realization of the desire, and in the noble desire having only. 57、行动未必总能带来幸福,但没有行动一定没有幸福。 Action may not always bring happiness, but must not happiness without action. 58、幸福的时候需要忠诚的友谊,患难的时刻尤其需要。 Happiness need loyal friendship, when the time of trouble is especially needed. 59、全部依靠自己,自身拥有一切的人,不可能不幸福。 All rely on themselves, their own who has everything, not happy. 60、人人都希望过幸福的生活,战胜困难也应当人人尽力。 Everyone wants to live a happy life, overcome difficulties should also try our best to everyone. 61、让我感谢你,赠我空欢喜。若是花事了,幸福知多少。 Let me thank you, Psented me with empty glad. If it is oft, know how much happiness. 62、周围都有好朋友的人,比四面楚歌的人不知幸福多少。 Good friends are all around, than the embattled people do not know how much happiness. 63、越是别人都羡慕我的幸福,我就觉得这幸福更有滋味。 The more others envy my happiness, I feel that happiness more taste. 64、美满的婚姻是新生命的开始,也是快乐与幸福的起点。 A good marriage is the beginning of new life, is also the starting point for happiness and happiness. 65、夺走了普通人生活的幻想,也就等于夺去了他的幸福。 Took the life of ordinary people fantasy, also is his happiness. 66、是否真有幸福并非取决于天性,而是取决于人的习惯。 Whether true happiness does not depend on nature, but depends on the person"s habit. 67、在爱的幸福国度你就是我的唯一,我真的爱的就是你。 In the country you are my only happiness of love, I really love is you. 68、用这三年换取一生的幸福,不要用一生来悔恨这三年。 In the three years in exchange for a lifetime of happiness, don"t use life to regret it three years. 69、幸福不是奖赏,而是结果;苦难不是惩罚,而是报应。 Happiness is not a reward, but the results; Suffering is not punishment, but home to roost. 70、可爱的城市,平安的一天,两者的结合,就是幸福的。 A lovely city, the day of peace, a combination of both, is happiness. 71、安全一点,幸福十分,要挣钱保平安,要想富灭事故。 Safer, very happiness, want to earn money and, to destroy the accident. 72、人只有在需要的时候得到满足,才是一中真正的幸福。 Only when needed are met, is the one true happiness. 73、家庭的幸福需夫妻共同努力,而破坏它,一人就够了。 The happiness of the family needs joint efforts of husband and wife, and destroy it, one person is enough. 74、勤劳一日,可得一夜安眠;勤劳一生,可得幸福长眠。 Hard-working day, can have to night sleep; Hardworking life, can be happy. 75、人生是什么?幸福是什么?幸福是想做什么就做什么? What is life? What is happiness? Want to do what is happiness? 76、有没有听说过下一站幸福啊,但永远忘不了这一站呢? Ever heard of the next station happiness ah, but will never forget this station? 77、如果你可以静静地看着自己喜欢的人,是一件幸福的事。 If you can quietly looking at oneself of the person you like, is a happy thing. 78、幸福是可以通过学习来获得的,尽管它不是我们的母语。 Happiness can be acquired through learning, although it is not our mother tongue. 79、真正的幸福和快乐,不是来自于物质,而是来自于心灵。 True happiness and happiness, come not from physical, but from the heart. 80、幸福就像香水,不是泼在别人身上,而是洒在自己身上。 Happiness is like perfume, not pour on others, but is aspersed on themselves.


1、幸福的人由希望援助。 Happy people are helped by hope. 2、幸福是生活美好了,家庭和睦了。 Happiness is good life, family harmony. 3、幸福就是身体的无痛苦和灵魂的无困扰。 Happiness is the body"s pain and the soul"s no worries. 4、人之幸福,全在于心之幸福。 Man"s happiness lies in the happiness of his heart. 5、幸福来自一颗踏实安静的心。 Happiness comes from a hard and quiet heart. 6、如愿便是满足,满足即是幸福。 Pleasure is satisfaction, happiness is happiness. 7、你,你终于肯承认是我的夫人了! You, you finally admit to be my wife! 8、我的幸福,就是看着你幸福。 My happiness is to see you happy. 9、爱情献出了一切,却依然富有。 Love gave everything, but still rich. 10、就算是美好的结局、也比不上没有结局。 Even the happy ending, is not as good as no end. 11、我心疼每一个不快乐却依然在笑的孩子。 I love every unhappy but still smiling child. 12、人找到生活的意义才是幸福的。 Happiness is the man who finds the meaning of life. 13、幸福是要靠自己创造的。 Happiness is created on its own. 14、无论身份高低,只要会消遣就是幸福。 Regardless of the identity, as long as the entertainment is happiness. 15、快乐应该是美德的伴侣! Happiness should be a companion of virtue! 16、我自己是凡人,我只求凡人的幸福。 I am mortal, and I wish only mortal happiness. 17、过多的自作多情是在乞求对方的施舍。 Too much affection for each other in the charity. 18、真正的文明是所有人种植幸福的结果。 True civilization is the result of growing happiness for all. 19、喜欢童话,是因为把它当成了童年。 I love fairy tales because I think of it as a childhood. 20、爱情埋在心灵深处,并不是住在双唇之间。 Love is buried deep in one"s heart,not between the lips. 21、谈恋爱,显然是个递进关系。 Love is obviously a progressive relationship. 22、人类的一切努力的目的在于获得幸福。 The aim of all human effort is to achieve happiness. 23、只有整个人类的幸福才是你的幸福。 Only the happiness of the whole human being is your happiness. 24、野心终止了,幸福就开始了。 When ambition ends, happiness begins. 25、我在闹,你在笑,这就是幸福。 I"m making you laugh, that"s happiness. 26、爱情中的苦与乐始终都在相互争斗。 The bitterness and joy in love always struggle with each other. 27、幸福是勇气的一种形式。 Happiness is a form of courage. 28、安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜。 It will be nice to have thousands, world famous Great Jubilee land. 29、最甜美的是爱情,最苦涩的也是爱情。 The sweetest thing is love, and the most bitter is love. 30、幸福在于为别人生活。 Happiness lies in the lives of others. 31、幸福的爱情和美满的家庭不需要媒人。 There is no need for a matchmaker in a happy love and a happy family. 32、幸福本身就是长期的忍耐。 Happiness itself is a long-term tolerance. 33、幸福是看出来的,痛苦是悟出来的。 Happiness is seen, pain is realized. 34、只有认为自己幸福的人才能享受到幸福。 Only those who think that they are happy can enjoy happiness. 35、向往虚构的利益,往往是丧存的幸福。 The desire for fiction is often the loss of happiness. 36、幸福始终充满着缺陷。 Happiness is always full of flaws. 37、风华是一指流砂,苍老是一段年华。 Elegance is a flow of sand, old is a period of time. 38、幸福就是记忆青春见证时代感恩生活。 Happiness is memory, youth, witness times, Thanksgiving life. 39、幸福越与人共享,它的价值越增加。 The more shared happiness is, the more valuable it is. 40、在家中享受幸福,是一切抱负的最终目的。 Enjoying happiness at home is the ultimate goal of all ambitions. 41、幸福在于爱,在于自我遗忘。 Happiness lies in love, in self forgetfulness. 42、幸福就是,不后悔。 Happiness is not regret. 43、为祖国而死是幸福和光荣的。 Die for the motherland is happy and glorious. 44、使时间充实就是幸福。 Happiness is the enrichment of time. 45、幸福在于自主自足之中。 Happiness lies in self sufficiency. 46、幸福就是至善。 Happiness is the highest good. 47、人必须生活着,爱才有所附丽。 People must live, love can depend on. 48、不放心自己,才把生命托付给你。 Don"t trust yourself, just entrust your life to you. 49、感到自己是人们所需要的和亲近的人。 Feel that you are what you need and be close to. 50、可不可以别放情歌,那声音听着好寂寞。 Can not put love songs, the sound of listening to loneliness. 51、任何人都是自己幸福的工匠。 Every man is a craftsman of his own happiness. 52、人人都可以成为幸福的构建师。 Everyone can be a happy architect. 53、喜欢是淡淡的爱。爱是深深的喜欢。 Love is light love. Love is deep love. 54、有愿望才会幸福。 Only wish will be happy. 55、幸福和欢乐中常常交混着不幸和悲哀。 Happiness and joy are often mingled with misfortune and sorrow. 56、不要向不如你幸福的人说你自己的幸福。 Don"t say your happiness to someone who is not as happy as you. 57、情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。 Love makes people forget time, time also makes people forget love. 58、青春之所以幸福,是因为它有前途。 The reason why youth is happy is because it has a future. 59、幸福存在于一个人真正的工作中。 Happiness exists in a person"s real work. 60、幸福就是,珍惜现在拥有的。 Happiness is to cherish what we have now. 61、一切幸福,都是由生命热血换来的。 All happiness comes from the blood of life. 62、生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。 The suPme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. 63、没有儿童的地方就没有幸福。 Where there is no child, there is no happiness. 64、要真正了解一个人,需在不幸中考察他。 To really understand a man, we must examine him in misfortune. 65、生活有进有退,输什么也不能输了心情。 Life goes in and out, nothing can be lost. 66、幸福就是人生,人生就是幸福。 Happiness is life, life is happiness. 67、幸福,也是一种滋味,一种甘甜的滋味。 Happiness, is also a kind of taste, a sweet taste. 68、遵照道德准则生活就是幸福的生活。 Life is a happy life according to moral standards. 69、盐,注定要融化的,也许是用眼泪的方式。 Salt is destined to melt, perhaps in tears. 70、对人来说,不幸要比幸福多两倍。 Of people, unfortunately, more than twice as much happiness. 71、人类一切努力的目的在于获得幸福。 The aim of all human effort is to achieve happiness. 72、一切为了的这种人是最幸福的人。 All the people who are socialist are the happiest people. 73、快乐的家庭生活给我带来了无穷的温馨。 Happy family life has brought me endless warmth. 74、幸福,就是找一个温暖的人,过一辈子。 Happiness is to find a warm person, a lifetime. ;

求Super Junior 歌曲《幸福 》(happiness)完整版歌词!

幸福uc131ubbfc : Hanbondo nan norur ijobonjog obso ojig gudemanur sengag henungor ud55cubc88ub3c4 ub09c ub108ub97c uc78auc5b4ubcf8uc801 uc5c6uc5b4 uc624uc9c1uadf8ub300ub9ccuc744 uc0dduac01ud588ub294uac78 晟敏 : 我从来一次都没有忘记过你 天天都在思念你 ud55cuacbd : guron nonun mwoya nar ijodongoya uadf8ub7f0 ub108ub294 ubb50uc57c ub0a0 uc78auc5c8ub358 uac70uc57c 韩庚 : 可是你却忘记了我 ud76cucca0 : jigum ne nuneson nunmuri hulyo baesingam uc9c0uae08 ub0b4 ub208uc5d0uc120 ub208ubb3cuc774 ud758ub7ec ubc30uc2e0uac10 希澈 : 现在我的眼里在流泪 uc2e0ub3d9 : nor chajagarka sengaghesso [ - Rap -] ub110 ucc3euc544uac08uae4c uc0dduac01ud588uc5b4 申东 : 为何总是想你 uc740ud601 : nan nan jar morugesso [ - Rap -] ub09c ub09c uc798 ubaa8ub974uaca0uc5b4 银赫 : 我 我也不明白为何 uc2e0ub3d9 : isesangi dorgo inun jigum [ - Rap -] uc774 uc138uc0c1uc774 ub3ccuace0 uc788ub294 uc9c0uae08 申东 : 难道在现今这世界里 uc740ud601 : nenunenun no bake mwoji [ - Rap -] ub09c ub108ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6uc9c0 银赫 : 我的心中只有你 uc2e0ud601 : harmari obso garsudo obso[ - Rap -] ud560ub9d0uc774 uc5c6uc5b4 ud560uc218ub3c4 uc5c6uc5b4 申赫 : 也没有说话 也不出现 uc608uc131 : nunmurdo obso nukio obso [ - Rap -] ub208ubb3cub3c4 uc5c6uc5b4 ub290ub08cub3c4 uc5c6uc5b4 艺声 : 也没有眼泪 也没有感觉 uc2e0ud601 : ne apheso inun nar barabwa irohge nor wihe sarainun nar [ - Rap -] ub124 uc55euc5d0 uc11c uc788ub294 ub0a0 ubc14ub77cubd10 uc774ub807uac8c ub110 uc704ud574 uc0b4uc544uc788ub294 ub0a0 申赫 : 请抬头看这样为你而过的我 ub3d9ud574 : Yagsogdoen shigani wassoyo gude aphe issoyo duryoume urgo ijiman uc57duc18dub41c uc2dcuac04uc774 uc654uc5b4uc694 uadf8ub300 uc55euc5d0 uc788uc5b4uc694 ub450ub824uc6c0uc5d0 uc6b8uace0 uc788uc9c0ub9cc 东海 : 约会的那天 颤抖的我站在你面前 uc2dcuc6d0 : Nunmurur daka juossoyo gute ne sonjabajyo ironarkoya ub208ubb3cuc744 ub2e6uc544uc8fcuc5c8uc5b4uc694 uadf8ub54c ub0b4 uc190uc7a1uc558uc8e0 uc77cuc5b4ub0a0uac70uc57c 始源 : 是你替我擦乾眼泪 紧紧握住了我的手 uc774ud2b9 : hamke hejun gudege hengbogur ud568uaed8 ud574uc900 uadf8ub300uc5d0uac8c ud589ubcf5uc744 李特 : 我们一起 一定会给你幸福 uc131ubbfc: Nungamgo guder guryoyo mamsog guder chajajyo narur barghyojunun bichi boyo ub208uac10uace0 uadf8ub308 uadf8ub824uc694 ub9d8uc18d uadf8ub308 ucc3euc558uc8e0 ub098ub97c ubc1dud600uc8fcub294 ube5buc774 ubcf4uc5ec 晟敏 : 闭起眼想起你的样子 终於找到了我心中的你 uac15uc778 : yongwonhan hengbogur nohchirsun objyo gude na boinayo narur bullojwoyo gudegyothe uc601uc6d0ud55c ud589ubcf5uc744 ub193uce60 uc21c uc5c6uc8e0 uadf8ub300 ub098 ubcf4uc774ub098uc694 ub098ub97c ubd88ub7ecuc918uc694 uadf8ub300uacc1uc5d0 强仁 : 我看见了永远的幸福的光芒 不能再失去你 ub824uc6b1 : Issurgoya norur saranghe hamkeheyo gudewa yongwonhi uc788uc744uaebcuc57c ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud574 ud568uaed8ud574uc694 uadf8ub300uc640 uc601uc6d0ud788 厉旭 : 投入地 我爱你 我会永远和你在一起 ud76cucca0 : Hanbondo nan norur ijobonjog obso ud55cubc88ub3c4 ub09c ub108ub97c uc78auc5b4ubcf8uc801 uc5c6uc5b4 希澈 : 我从来一次都没有忘记过你 uc774ud2b9 :uc624uc9c1uadf8ub300ub9ccuc744 uc0dduac01ud588ub294uac78 ojig gudemanur sengag henungor 李特 : 天天都在思念你 uae30ubc94 : guron nonun mwoya nar ijodongoya uadf8ub7f0 ub108ub294 ubb50uc57c ub0a0 uc78auc5c8ub358 uac70uc57c 起范 : 可是你却忘记了我 uc608uc131 : jigum ne nuneson nunmuri hulyo baesingam uc9c0uae08 ub0b4 ub208uc5d0uc120 ub208ubb3cuc774 ud758ub7ec ubc30uc2e0uac10 艺声 : 现在我的眼里在流泪 uc131ubbfc: Yagsogdoen shigani wassoyo gude aphe issoyo duryoume urgo ijiman uc57duc18dub41c uc2dcuac04uc774 uc654uc5b4uc694 uadf8ub300 uc55euc5d0 uc788uc5b4uc694 ub450ub824uc6c0uc5d0 uc6b8uace0 uc788uc9c0ub9cc 晟敏 : 约会的那天 颤抖的我站在你面前 uac15uc778 : Nunmurur daka juossoyo gute ne sonjabajyo ironarkoya ub208ubb3cuc744 ub2e6uc544uc8fcuc5c8uc5b4uc694 uadf8ub54c ub0b4 uc190uc7a1uc558uc8e0 uc77cuc5b4ub0a0uac70uc57c 强仁 : 是你替我擦乾眼泪 紧紧握住了我的手 uc740ud601 : hamke hejun gudege hengbogur ud568uaed8 ud574uc900 uadf8ub300uc5d0uac8c ud589ubcf5uc744 银赫 : 我们一起 一定会给你幸福 ub3d9ud574 : Nungamgo guder guryoyo mamsog guder chajajyo narur barghyojunun bichi boyo ub208uac10uace0 uadf8ub308 uadf8ub824uc694 ub9d8uc18d uadf8ub308 ucc3euc558uc8e0 ub098ub97c ubc1dud600uc8fcub294 ube5buc774 ubcf4uc5ec 东海 : 闭起眼想起你的样子 终於找到了我心中的你 uc774ud2b9 : yongwonhan hengbogur nohchirsun objyo gude na boinayo narur bullojwoyo gudegyothe uc601uc6d0ud55c ud589ubcf5uc744 ub193uce60 uc21c uc5c6uc8e0 uadf8ub300 ub098 ubcf4uc774ub098uc694 ub098ub97c ubd88ub7ecuc918uc694 uadf8ub300uacc1uc5d0 李特 : 我看见了永远的幸福的光芒 不能再失去你 uc608uc131 : Issurgoya norur saranghe hamkeheyo gudewa yongwonhi uc788uc744uaebcuc57c ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud574 ud568uaed8ud574uc694 uadf8ub300uc640 uc601uc6d0ud788 艺声 : 投入地 我爱你 我会永远和你在一起 ud76cucca0 : uc800 ud30cub791uc0c8ub4e4uc774 uc804ud574uc8fcub294 希澈 : uc774ud2b9 : ud589ubcf5uc774ub77cub294 uac74 李特 : 幸福的事情 ub824uc6b1 : ub298 uc6b0ub9acuacc1uc5d0 uac00uae4cuc774 uc788ub294uac70uc8e0 厉旭 : ub2e4uac19uc774: Nungamgo guder guryoyo mamsog guder chajajyo narur barghyojunun bichi boyo ub208uac10uace0 uadf8ub308 uadf8ub824uc694 ub9d8uc18d uadf8ub308 ucc3euc558uc8e0 ub098ub97c ubc1dud600uc8fcub294 ube5buc774 ubcf4uc5ec 合 唱: 闭起眼想起你的样子 终於找到了我心中的你 yongwonhan hengbogur nohchirsun objyo gude na boinayo narur bullojwoyo onjenneyo uc601uc6d0ud55c ud589ubcf5uc744 ub193uce60 uc21c uc5c6uc8e0 uadf8ub300 ub098 ubcf4uc774ub098uc694 ub098ub97c ubd88ub7ecuc918uc694 uc5b8uc81cub098uc694 我看见了永远的幸福的光芒 不能再失去你 ub098ub97c ubd88ub7ecuc918uc694 uc5b8uc81cub77cub3c4 uadf8ub300 ub9c8uc74cuc744 uc5f4uc5b4ubcf4uc544uc694 uc55euc5d0 ub0b4uac00uc788uc5b4uc694 uadf8ub300 ub098 ubcf4uc774ub098uc694 ub098ub97c ubd88ub7ecuc918uc694 uadf8ub300uacc1uc5d0 ub098ub97c ubd88ub7ecuc918uc694 uadf8ub300uacc1uc5d0 ub824uc6b1 : Issurgoya norur saranghe uc788uc744uaebcuc57c ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud574 厉旭 : 投入地 我爱你 ub2e4uac19uc774: hamkeheyo gudewa yongwonhi ud568uaed8ud574uc694 uadf8ub300uc640 uc601uc6d0ud788 合唱 : 我们一起 一定会给你幸福 希望对你有帮助哦O(∩_∩)O~呵呵


问题一:“我很幸福”用英语怎么说?? i am so happiness. 我很幸福 I am happy,because I own you(我很幸福,因为拥有你.)哈哈是不是更加有感觉啊? I know what is happiness because of you. 因为你,我懂得了什么是真正的幸福。 问题二:幸福用英语怎么说 1. happiness 2. blessed 3. happy Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 我祝你有非常幸福的未来。 I wish you a very happy future. 2. 金钱买不来幸福。 Money can"t buy happiness. 3. 他的婚姻生活很幸福。 His marriage is full of happiness. 4. 中国老百姓现在过着幸福的生活。 Populace in China live a very happy life now. 5. 我现在需要的是一个幸福家庭所给予的安全感。 What I need now is the security of a happy home. 6. 幸福和财富不能混为一谈。 One can not identify happiness with wealth. 7. 人生幸福易逝。 Human happiness is so fragile. 8. 她把幸福和有钱联想到一起。 She associated happine鸡s with having money. To make happy. 使幸福 A felicitous life. 幸福的生活 I am in heaven. 我非常幸福。 I wish you happiness. 祝您幸福。 Characterized by good luck; fortunate. 幸运的;幸福的 Be she happy? 她幸福愉快吗? Everyone wishes for happiness. 大家都希幸福。 Happy is he that is happy in childhood. 少年幸福,真幸福。 Great happiness, great danger. 幸福大,风险大。 Living a happy life. 过着幸福的生活。 问题三:我们会很幸福的? 用英语怎么说 幸福: 1. happiness 2. blessed 3. happy Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 我祝你有非常幸福的未来。I wish you a very happy future. 2. 金钱买不来幸福。Money can"t buy happiness. 3. 他的婚姻生活很幸福。His marriage is full of happiness. 4. 中国老百姓现在过着幸福的生活。Populace in China live a very happy life now. 5. 我现在需要的是一个幸福家庭所给予的安全感。What I need now is the security of a happy home. 6. 幸福和财富不能混为一谈。One can not identify happiness with wealth. 7. 人生幸福易逝。Human happiness is so fragile. 8. 她把幸福和有钱联想到一起。She associated happiness with having money. To make happy. 使幸福 A felicitous life. 幸福的生活 I am in heaven. 我非常幸福。I wish you happiness. 祝您幸福。Characterized by good luck; fortunate. 幸运的;幸福的 Be she happy? 她幸福愉快吗? Everyone wishes for happiness. 大家都希幸福。Happy is he that is happy in childhood. 少年幸福,真幸福。Great happiness, great danger. 幸福大,风险大。Living a happy life. 过着幸福的生活。 问题四:"这就是真正的幸福"用英语怎么说 亲爱的朋友,让我来帮你解答困惑吧! 楼上的各位大师都说得很对,但是仿佛就那么说也太缺少一种东西,韵味! 楼主无疑是想让我们用强调的形式将这句话翻译出来,这就更加油一种幸福的味道了,据此,我给予你这个答案供你参考: It"s only true happiness.this,just it. 另附强调句供你学习,我坚信以后你会很好的驾路这些句子。 强调句是一种修辞,是人们为了表达自己的意愿或情感而使用的一种形式,主要有如下几种形式: 1.用助动词“do(does/did)+动词原形”来表示强调: He does know the place well.他的确很熟悉这个地方。 Do write to me when you get there.你到那儿后务必给我来信。 2.用形容词 very,only,single,such, last 等修饰名词或形容词来加强语气: That"s the very textbook we used last term.这正是我们上学期用过的教材。 You are the only person here who can speak Chinese.你是这里唯一会讲汉语的人。 Not a single person has been in the shop this morning.今天上午这个商店里连一个人都没有。 How dare you buy such expensive jewels?你怎么敢买这么贵的宝石呢? He is the last person I want to see in this world! 我最不想看他了! 3.用in the world,on earth,at all等介词短语可以表达更强的语气(常用于疑问句): Where in the world could he be?他到底会在哪儿? What on earth is it?它究竟是什么? Do you know at all?你到底知不知道? 4.用感叹句来表示强烈的感情,突出说话人的情感: How interesting a story it is!这是一个多么有趣的故事啊! Oh,what a lie!啊,真是弥天大谎! 5. 用重复来表示强调: Why!why!The cage is empty!啊!啊!箱子是空的。 They walked for miles and miles.他们走了好多英里。 6.用倒装句(也就是将要强调的句子或被强调的部分置于句首)来加强语气: On the table were some flowers.桌上摆着一些花。(强调地点) Many a time have I climbed that hill.我多次翻过那座山。 Only in this way,can we solve this problem.只有这样,我们才能解决这个问题。 7.用强调句型:“It is(was)+被强调的部分+that(who)+原句其它部分”来强调说话人的意愿: It was on Monday night that all this happened.所有这一切发生在周一晚上。 It"s me who he blamed.他怪的是我。 希望我的回答能给你带去帮助,祝你天天开心,以后能再次帮助你!...>> 问题五:我有一个幸福的家庭用英语怎么说 i have a happy family.注意:happy幸福,快乐 问题六:我们是幸福的一家人用英语怎么说?谢谢啦 5分 We are a happiness family.我们是幸福的一家。 祝你学习进步! 问题七:我感觉很幸福,用英语怎么说,谢谢啦 I fell in love. 问题八:我们是幸福的一家人用英语怎么说 We are a happy family. ~~~~回答简明扼要,欢迎追问。(*^__^*) ~~~~ 问题九:我想要满满的幸福用英语怎么说? 1.I desire for happiness all over. 可以用词组 to the brim 意思是 充满,满到边缘上 例句: She was filled to th础 brim with happiness. 她非常幸福。(她的幸福满溢) ________ 所以第二种译法 I want my happiness filled to the brim.

happiness是什么意思 探究幸福的真正含义?

幸福是一种内在的体验,它来自于我们对生活的态度和对自己的认知。以下是一些可能带来幸福的因素:3. 社交关系:幸福能够带来更多的社交关系和更好的人际交往,从而带来更多的支持和帮助。2. 社交关系:与亲朋好友的交往和分享,能够带来幸福和满足感。3. 生活品质:健康、安全、舒适的生活环境和条件,能够带来幸福感。幸福是一种内在的体验,它来自于我们对生活的态度和对自己的认知。拥有财富和名声并不能带来真正的幸福,而是在自我实现、社交关系、生活品质、得到认可和尊重、享受乐趣等方面获得满足感和幸福感。幸福的重要性在于它能够带来健康、成功、更好的社交关系和更好的心理健康。因此,我们应该以积极的态度去追求幸福,从而让生活更加美好。5. 享受乐趣:享受生活中的乐趣和快乐,能够带来幸福感和满足感。

What is happiness?什么是幸福

What is happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some believe that happiness is that they have much money so that they can live a better life. However, others regard happiness as having a good job or making a progress. Actually, happiness is a true feeling from our inner heart!We can consider carefully what our feeling is when we are in the following situations.First, we help an elderly across the road, or give some solutions to our classmates" learning problems.Second, we get some help from others when we are in need.Third, we make new friends, or have a meal with families, or have a conversation with parents and so on. Everyone would appreciate the people who give us a hand. What"s more, we are glad when we stay with friends and families. All of these stand for we are happy. Happiness is just simple like these!幸福是什么?不同的人有不同的看法。有些人认为幸福就是他们有很多的钱,让他们过上更好的生活。然而,其他人则认为幸福是有一份好的工作或者进步。实际上,幸福就是来自内心的真实感受!我们可以认真想想当我们遇到下面的情形时我们的感受是怎么样的。首先,我们帮助老人过马路的时候,或者帮助同学解决学习上的问题。第二,在我们需要帮助的时候得到他人的帮助。第三,我们交新朋友,和家人吃东西,或者和父母聊聊天等。大家都会很感激那些曾经给予我们帮助的人。而且,和父母或者朋友呆在一起我们也会很开心。所有这些都说明了我们很幸福。幸福就是那么的简单!


my happiness




Wish you happinessFor Your HappinessHope Youu2019re Happy

happiness是什么意思 探究幸福的真正含义?

2. 成功:幸福能够使人们更积极、更有动力去追求自己的目标,从而带来成功和成就感。2. 社交关系:与亲朋好友的交往和分享,能够带来幸福和满足感。4. 心理健康:幸福能够减少焦虑、抑郁和其他心理问题,使人们更加健康和平衡。4. 得到认可和尊重:得到他人的认可和尊重,能够带来满足感和幸福感。幸福的重要性


  Happiness is considered very important in our life. Why it is difficult todefine? What factors are in achieving happiness?   It has been widely noted that happiness is very important to our life.However, what is happiness? It seems difficult to define, for different peoplehave different ideas. Some people are brought up that most important thing intheir life. They obtain happiness from seeking fame and profit. Other people arein pursuit of mental edification. They serve people heart and soul and findhappiness from it.   In my view, according to philosophy, everything is in process ofdevelopment including happiness. We spare no effort to achieve our goal andobtain happiness from success. However, after that we have another new aim toachieve. There is no limit to gaining lasting happiness.   Then how to obtain happiness? I think true happiness can be got in thefollowing ways:   In the first instance, true happiness comes from hard work. A student isvery happy when he has gotten high score in his examinations. His happiness isthe result of his hard and patient study. Thus, happiness abounds in hardwork.   Secondly, happiness is rooted in optimistic attitude. In our daily life, weshould face a lot of problems, which may lead to setbacks. If these defeatistsentiments seize us, happiness will be far away from us. The only way is rightattitude and sparing no effort to overcome it then you can find happiness.   Last but not least, happiness comes from frugality. Many example displaypeople spending money wastefully for satisfaction of their desires may sufferfrom poverty in the long run. So living a simple and content life makes onehappy and cheerful.   All in all, happiness is very important to our life. The good method tofind happiness is making our mentality and physicality both strong.   雅思写作范文使用三部曲:   1、临摹、死记硬背阶段!   雅思写作范文不可死记硬背,或者说背诵只是模板使用的一个部分,主要是通过背诵积累词汇,学习分析范文的写作手法和技巧,打好基础!   2、多些,输入输出全部做到!记住了要在运用过程中,这些范文才会真正成为你的!   3、汇总整理、至高境界!如果你又进一步整理汇总了,那么这些范文最后可以浓缩为四五篇,也就是找到了雅思写作考试高分的万能模板了!




“蜜蜂的幸福”是辛勤采蜜,通过自己辛勤劳动把采下的花粉,都酿成蜂蜜。蜜蜂(Bee/Honey bee)属膜翅目、蜜蜂科。体长为8-20毫米,黄褐色或黑褐色,生有密毛。头与胸几乎同样宽。触角膝状,复眼为椭圆形,有毛,口器嚼吸式,后足为携粉足。两对膜质翅:前翅大,后翅小,前后翅以翅钩列连锁。腹部近椭圆形,体毛较胸部为少,腹末有螯针。一生要经过卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫四个虫态。蜜蜂(Bee/Honeybee)是一种会飞行的群居昆虫,属膜翅目、蜜蜂科。体长8—20毫米,黄褐色或黑褐色,生有密毛;头与胸几乎一样宽;触角膝状,复眼椭圆形,口器嚼吸式,后足为携粉足;两对膜质翅,前翅大,后翅小,前后翅以翅钩列连锁;腹部近椭圆形,体毛较胸部为少,腹末有螯针。它们被称为资源昆虫。成蜂体长约2公分~4公分。蜜蜂不完全以花为食,包括花粉及花蜜,后者有时调制储存成蜂蜜。毫无疑问的是,蜜蜂在采花粉时如同对花授粉,当蜜蜂在花间采花粉时,会掉落一些花粉到花上。这些掉落的花粉关系重大,因它常造成植物的异花传粉。蜜蜂身为传粉者的实际价值比其制造蜂蜜和蜂蜡的价值更大。

谁能帮我一下以下的汉子字母缩写 xwnkyxfkl yygzxnd andqzsbW 我知道第一句是 希望你可以幸福



1、我等你回家。因为我习惯了,每晚在被窝里跟你聊天。 I"m waiting for you to come home. Because I used to, every night to chat with you in bed. 2、当我决定和你度过下半辈子时,我希望我的下半生赶快开始。 When I decide to spend the rest of my life with you, I wish I had my life to start soon. 3、如果我爱上你的笑容,要怎么收藏要怎么拥有。 If I fall in love with your smile, how to collect how to have. 4、明明灭灭的人生,我愿作一盏灯,温暖你的寒冷,关照你的一生。 I would like to make a light, warm your cold, take care of your life. 5、你瘦的时候住进我心里,后来胖了,便卡在里面出不来了。 When you lean into my heart, and then fat, they stuck in the inside out. 6、看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。 Look into my eyes, you will see what you mean to me. 7、一千零一个愿望太多了,我只要实现一个就够了。 One thousand and one wishes too much, I just want to achieve one is enough. 8、一直向西走,越过晨昏线,越过日界线,回到初识你的那一天。 Always go west, across the twilight line, crosses the line, the day back to meet you. 9、如果你曾骗我,那就一直这样骗下去,骗我一辈子。 If you have lied to me, it has been such a fool, cheat me forever. 10、那个愿意为我放弃翅膀的天使,我愿意爱她一辈子! I would like to give up the wings of an angel, I would like to love her for a lifetime! 11、梦里出现的人,醒来时就该去见他,所以我站到了你面前。 People who appear in the dream, when you wake up to see him, so I stand in front of you. 12、我说不出来为什么爱你,但我知道,你就是我不爱别人的理由。 I can"t tell why I love you, but I know that you are the reason why I don"t love others. 13、幸福的爱情,是这世间最美好的期待。而我们正在向着它走去。 The happiness of love, is the world"s most beautiful expectations. And we are walking towards it. 14、爱是一种病,我感染了。你是我的药,我上瘾了。 Love is a disease, I"m infected. You are my drug, I"m addicted. 15、我们一度梦见彼此是陌生人,醒来时发现彼此是相亲相爱的。 Once we dreamt that we were strangers, woke up and found each other is deeply attached to each other. 16、我是棋盘,你是棋子,我们在一起就是一盘永远也下不完的棋。 I am a chess board, you are a pawn, we are together is a set of chess forever. 17、某一天你我暮年,静坐庭前,赏花落,笑谈浮生流年。 One day you and I sit in front of the court, old age, flowers fall, a life time. 18、说爱你怕你不愿意相信,可是除了爱,我对你没有别的感情。 Love you afraid you do not want to believe, but in addition to love, I have no other feelings for you. 19、如果我的未来有你在,那其他的什么我都不怕了。 If I have you in my future, I"m not afraid of anything else. 20、你若是流泪,湿的总是我的脸;你若是悲哀,哭的总是我的心! If you shed tears, you will always be my face; if you are sad, you will always be my heart! 21、我,只在做一件事的时候才会想你,那就是呼吸。 I, only do one thing when will think you, that is breathing. 22、你从来不知道你眼神里有一种力量,让我看见你就想抱紧你。 You never know there is a power in your eyes, let me see you want to hold you. 23、一句问候填满青春,别人的话都听不见,岁月凝结在你的视线。 A greeting to fill the youth, other people"s words are not heard, the years of condensation in your sight. 24、除了冷锋就是暖锋,希望我们的关系,可以变成准静止锋。 In addition to the cold front is the warm front, I hope our relationship can become a quasi stationary front. 25、我需要牵着你的手,才能告诉你什么是永远。 I need to hold your hand, can tell you what is forever. 26、初恋是雾,你是雾中的玫瑰,隔着青纱看你,叫我心醉! Love is the mist, you are in the fog rose, across the green yarn to see you, call me! 27、听着,我允许你喜欢我。除了白头偕老,我们没别的路可选。 Look, I allow you to like me. In addition to said of a couple, we have no other options. 28、有本事你就照顾好自己,不然就老老实实地让我来照顾你! You have the ability to take good care of yourself, or to honestly let me take care of you! 29、你是东半球,我是西半球,我们在一起,就是整个地球。 You are the eastern hemisphere, I am the Western Hemisphere, we are together, is the whole earth. 30、不经意的邂逅,不经意的别离,人生总是这样,很无奈。 Casual encounter, casual leave, life is always like this, very helpless. 31、安心的幸福莫过于三件事:有人信你,有人陪你,有人等你。 Peace of mind happiness than three things: someone to believe you, someone to accompany you, someone waiting for you. 32、真正爱你的人不会说许多爱你的话,却会做许多爱你的事。 The one who really love you won"t say much to love you, but will do a lot of things that love you. 33、你的话已经锁在我的记忆里了那钥匙你就替我保管一辈子吧。 Your words have been locked in my memory of the key you for me to keep a lifetime. 34、假设你是一个仙人掌,我也愿意忍受所有的痛来抱着你。 If you were a cactus, I"d endure all the pain just to hug you. 35、曾试过一千次的忘记你,却又一千零一次的想起你。 Has tried one thousand times to forget you, but one thousand and one times to think of you. 36、我很喜欢每次和你出来散步,你总很主动的挽着我的手的感觉。 I like to come out for a walk with you every time, you always take the initiative to hold my hand. 37、感情从来都是一把双刃剑,既可伤害别人也会令自己受伤。 Feelings are always a double-edged sword, can hurt others will make their own injuries. 38、认识你愈久,愈觉得你是我人生行路中一处清喜的水泽。 The more you know for a long time, I felt that you are a joy in my life the way clear water in. 39、你要是愿意,我就永远爱你,你要不愿意,我就永远相思。 If you are willing, I will always love you, you do not want, I will always love. 40、你在我身旁,你就是一切;你在别的地方,一切都是你。 You are beside me, you are everything; you are in another place, everything is you. 41、不管你在哪里,我都与你只有一个转身的距离。 No matter where you are, I have only one turn away from you. 42、如果没有你,在我孤单寂寞的时候,有谁来给予我需要的温暖。 If there is no you, in my lonely lonely, who will give me the warmth of need. 43、我,即便是年之后也不会改变,我仍然会象现在这样爱你! I will not change even after years, I will still love you like I do now! 44、对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于我,你却是整个世界。 To the world you may be one person, but to me you may be the world. 45、天各一方又如何,我在这里,你在那里,我们远远的相恋就是了。 How far apart from each other and, here I am, you where we love is far away. 46、每晚睡前听你说晚安,是属于我的,最简单而持久的幸福。 Every night before going to bed to listen to you say good night, belongs to me, the most simple and lasting happiness. 47、我爱你:爱到天荒地老!爱到海枯石烂!爱到黄河泛滥! I love you forever! Until the end of time! Love to the Yellow River flooding! 48、让我的爱情,像阳光一样,包围着你,而又给你光辉灿烂的自由。 Let my love, like sunlight, surround you and yet give you the freedom to shine with great splendor. 49、每天早上醒来,你和阳光都在,这就是我想要的未来。 Wake up every morning, you and the sun, this is the future I want. 50、一个太轻易就能让女人笑的男人,也总能让她哭得更伤情。 A man who can make a woman laugh too easily, can always make her cry even more. 51、就算你是一坨屎,我也毫不犹豫搓成药丸,温开水送下。 Even if you are a piece of shit, I would not hesitate to rub into pills, warm boiling water down. 52、漫步云端,跃下,半空中,放歌;爱上你,堕落也似飞翔。 Walk through the cloud, jump, air, sing; love you, fall like flying. 53、全天下最好的东西都应该归我所有,包括你! All the best things in the world should belong to me, including you! 54、只要身边有你,无论富贵与否,我都是世上最幸福的人。 As long as you, whether rich or not, I am the happiest person in the world. 55、如果恋人分手后,还是朋友,那么我就会大胆的爱一次。 If the lovers break up, or friends, then I will be a bold love. 56、我想陪你走很长很长的岁月,最后化成你眼梢眉角间的一道皱纹。 I want to accompany you to go for a long time, finally turned into a wrinkled brow between your tail. 57、牵着你的手,无论是在哪里,我都感觉像是在朝天堂奔跑。 Hold your hand, no matter where you are, I feel like I"m in heaven. 58、你的过去,我来不及参与;但你的未来,一定要有我。 Your past, I have no time to participate; but your future, you must have me. 59、世上最浪漫和最自私的话就是:你是我一个人的。 The most romantic and selfish words in the world are: you are my one. 60、我们总在最不懂爱情的年代,遇见最美好的爱情。 We always do not understand the love of the era, to meet the most beautiful love. 61、你说摩尔曼斯克,我是北大西洋暖流,你该被抱紧,有风我来顶。 You said I was Murmansk, North Atlantic, you should be tight, I have come to the top of the wind. 62、我希望,离别的离别的离别之后,我们总能再相聚。 I hope, after the departure of departure, we can always meet again. 63、如果有下辈子,请不要改姓,不要改名,我就可以找到你了。 If the next life, please don"t change, don"t name, I can find you. 64、跟我走总有一天你的名字会出现在我家的户口本上。 Come with me one day your name will appear in my account book. 65、我们放下自尊,放下骄傲,放下任性,只因我们放不下一个人。 We put down our self-esteem, put down the pride, let down the wayward, because we can not put a person. 66、所谓爱,就是别人担心你会胖,我却担心你没吃饱。 The so-called love, is that others worry that you will be fat, but I worry that you do not eat. 67、我知道爱要自由才能快乐;我却宁愿留在你身边,陪你走过。 I know that love must be free to be happy; I would rather stay by your side, accompany you through. 68、你可千万不要抛弃我,你是我第一次爱的人,也是唯一爱的人! You do not abandon me, you are my first love, but also the only one to love! 69、世界上最永恒的幸福就是平凡,人生中最长久的拥有就是珍惜。 In the world the most eternal happiness is ordinary, in the life most long has is to cherish. 70、我希望你在生病时只有我在照顾你,更希望你不会生病。 I hope you are sick, only I take care of you, I hope you will not be sick. 71、不能保证永远,一辈子,但我可以保证每一天对你好好的。 Can not be guaranteed forever, a lifetime, but I can guarantee every day for you well. 72、你在我眼中是一滴泪。我从来不哭,因为我怕丢了你。 You are a tear in my eyes. I never cry, because I"m afraid of losing you. 73、我希望我打球时,都有你在一旁为我加油,为我擦汗。 I wish I was playing, are you rooting for me in the side, I sweat. 74、我的眼睛必定有问题,由于我的视线始终无奈从你的身旁移开。 My eyes must be a problem, because my eyes always have to move away from your side. 75、我的诞辰欲望是成为你床上的公仔,愿你每晚都能拥我入睡。 My birthday wish is to become your bed doll, wish you every night to hold me in my sleep. 76、我所做的一切,我努力改变自己,都是为了你。 Everything I do, I try to change myself, it"s all for you. 77、感情的伤口很难痊愈,就算伤口愈合也会留下一个耀目的伤疤。 Feelings of the wound is difficult to heal, even if the wound healing will leave a scar. 78、听我的就是,问那么多干嘛,我在你身边,你还走错路! Listen to me, ask why so much, I am on your side, you can go wrong! 79、你走的那天,我决定不掉泪,迎着风撑着眼帘用力不眨眼。 The day you left, I decided not to tears, against the wind and not to blink of an eye.

想找一些有感觉的歌 比如。 周杰伦的 说好的幸福呢。 这类的 。


谁有SJ《幸福》《Twins》《镜子》《good person》《A short Journey》的中文音译歌词,罗马音不要,谢谢。

super junior-TWINS [始源]个鸟了 擦几吗 到一桑 闹也该 啊木论 赶木增都那吗 一几儿 按带 [韩庚]一在到恩 比古类 几料够 哈几吗 一米乃 家军西门 把大该 一嫩够儿 [晟敏]啊你啊 个 啊你呀) [李特]啊你啊 个 啊你呀 [晟敏]个 哈那不您带 [希澈]内该恩 包一几 按嫩内 噶四买 可里木家 豆 大西 那儿 陪被家也 哦读木 啊乃 噶读几 [强仁]刚黑叫呀 黑嫩带 [晟敏] 刚黑叫呀 黑嫩带 [强仁]一跟 内噶 啊您 够儿 [丽旭]内 啊乃 那了组giao 个噶几 撒我 一giao [基范] 草 文明 恩 半的四 早 噶儿 gi了 噶几 knock out~~~~~~~~批哈料 黑都 草带 艘用 哦不几 knock out You can"t do this fight because ~~~~~~~~把大的料~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I wanna Knock out knock out knock out [强仁]乃该森 个鸟噶 gi 带哈儿 该 哦不家那 [东海]I wanna knock out 啊你啊 那嫩 够不哈该扫 可带喽 knock out I wanna ~~~~~~~~他要怕嫩 撒儿个 撒嫩 够~~~~~~ knock out ~~~~~~~~内噶 我那嫩 跟 某度 大 I wanna knock out knock out knock out [合] 个噶几 撒我 难~~~~~~~~ Reason is I"m alive [晟敏]哦里儿 草不的 难 军贼噶米 哦不扫几 组某个 把的恩 草 大难本都 哦不扫 [始源]退几吗 哈几吗 总赶满可满 个草 个喽恩 撒儿gin 增黑怒啊 拨料扫 [李特]那呢那那 不您够儿 [艺声]那呢那那 不您够儿 [李特]的标类呀 黑嫩带 [韩庚]内该恩 包一几 啊嫩 内 噶四没 可里木家 豆 大西 那儿 陪被家也 哦读木 啊内 噶读几 幸福[晟敏] 从来没有忘记过你 天天都在思念你 ud55cubc88ub3c4 ub09c ub108ub97c uc78auc5b4ubcf8uc801 uc5c6uc5b4 uc624uc9c1uadf8ub300ub9ccuc744 uc0dduac01ud588ub294uac78 Hanbondo nan norur ijobonjog obso ojig gudemanur sengag henungor [韩庚] 可是你却忘记了我 uadf8ub7f0 ub108ub294 ubb50uc57c ub0a0 uc78auc5c8ub358 uac70uc57c guron nonun mwoya nar ijodongoya [李特] 我的眼里在流泪 有一种背叛感 uc9c0uae08 ub0b4 ub208uc5d0uc120 ub208ubb3cuc774 ud758ub7ec ubc30uc2e0uac10 jigum ne nuneson nunmuri hulyo baesingam [神童] 为何总去想你 ub110 ucc3euc544uac08uae4c uc0dduac01ud588uc5b4 nor chajagarka sengaghesso [恩赫] 我也不明白 ub09c ub09c uc798 ubaa8ub974uaca0uc5b4 nan nan jar morugesso [神童] 难道在这世界里 uc774 uc138uc0c1uc774 ub3ccuace0uc788ub294 uc9c0uae08 isesangi dorgo inun jigum [恩赫] 我心中只有你 ub0b4 ub208uc5d0ub294 ub108ubc16uc5d0 ubb50uc9c0 nenunenun no bake mwoji [神童/ALL]] 也不敢去找你 也没有眼泪 更没了感觉 ud560ub9d0uc774 uc5c6uc5b4 uac08 uc218ub3c4 uc5c6uc5b4 ub208ubb3cub3c4 uc5c6uc5b4 ub290ub08cub3c4 uc5c6uc5b4 harmari obso garsudo obso nunmurdo obso nukio obso [神童/ALL] 请你抬头看看我 这样为你而过的我 ub124 uc55euc5d0 uc11c uc788ub294 ub0a0 ubc14ub77cubd10 uc774ub807uac8c ub110 uc704ud574 uc0b4uc544uc788ub294 ub0a0 ne apheso inun nar barabwa nor wihe sarainun nar [东海] 约会的那天 颤抖的我站在你面前 uc57duc18dub41c uc2dcuac04uc774 uc654uc5b4uc694 uadf8ub300 uc55euc5d0 uc788uc5b4uc694 ub450ub824uc6c0uc5d0 uc6b8uace0 uc788uc9c0ub9cc Yagsogdoen shigani wassoyo gude aphe issoyo duryoume urgo ijiman [始源] 是你替我擦干眼泪 紧紧握住了我的手 ub208ubb3cuc744 ub2e6uc544uc8fcuc5c8uc5b4uc694 uadf8ub54c ub0b4 uc190uc7a1uc558uc8e0 uc77cuc5b4ub0a0uac70uc57c Nunmurur daka juossoyo gute ne sonjabajyo ironarkoya [李特] 我们一起 我一定会给你幸福 ud568uaed8 ud574uc900 uadf8ub300uc5d0uac8c ud589ubcf5uc744 hamke hejun gudege hengbogur [晟敏] 闭目想你的样子 终于找到了我心中的你 ub208uac10uace0 uadf8ub308 uadf8ub824uc694 ub9d8uc18d uadf8ub308 ucc3euc558uc8e0 ub098ub97c ubc1dud600uc8fcub294 ube5buc774 ubcf4uc5ec Nungamgo guder guryoyo mamsog guder chajajyo narur barghyojunun bichi boyo yongwonhan [强仁] 我看见了幸福的光亮 不能再失去你 uc601uc6d0ud55c ud589ubcf5uc744 ub193uce60 uc21c uc5c6uc8e0 uadf8ub300 ub098 ubcf4uc774ub098uc694 ub098ub97c ubd88ub7ecuc918uc694 uadf8ub300uacc1uc5d0 hengbogur nohchirsun objyo gude na boinayo narur bullojwoyo gudegyothe [丽旭] 在你身边 我爱你 我会永远和你在一起 uc788uc744uaebcuc57c ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud574 ud568uaed8ud574uc694 uadf8ub300uc640 uc601uc6d0ud788 Issurgoya norur saranghe hamkeheyo gudewa yongwonhi [希澈] 从来没有忘记过你 天天都在思念你 ud55cubc88ub3c4 ub09c ub108ub97c uc78auc5b4ubcf8uc801 uc5c6uc5b4 uc624uc9c1uadf8ub300ub9ccuc744 uc0dduac01ud588ub294uac78 Hanbondo nan norur ijobonjog obso ojig gudemanur sengag henungor [基范] 可是你却忘记了我 uadf8ub7f0 ub108ub294 ubb50uc57c ub0a0 uc78auc5c8ub358 uac70uc57c guron nonun mwoya nar ijodongoya [艺声] 我的眼里在流泪 有一种背叛感 uc9c0uae08 ub0b4 ub208uc5d0uc120 ub208ubb3cuc774 ud758ub7ec ubc30uc2e0uac10 jigum ne nuneson nunmuri hulyo baesingam [晟敏] 约会的那天 颤抖的我站在你面前 uc57duc18dub41c uc2dcuac04uc774 uc654uc5b4uc694 uadf8ub300 uc55euc5d0 uc788uc5b4uc694 ub450ub824uc6c0uc5d0 uc6b8uace0 uc788uc9c0ub9cc Yagsogdoen shigani wassoyo gude aphe issoyo duryoume urgo ijiman [强仁] 是你替我擦干眼泪 紧紧握住了我的手 ub208ubb3cuc744 ub2e6uc544uc8fcuc5c8uc5b4uc694 uadf8ub54c ub0b4 uc190uc7a1uc558uc8e0 uc77cuc5b4ub0a0uac70uc57c Nunmurur daka juossoyo gute ne sonjabajyo ironarkoya [恩赫] 我们一起 我一定会给你幸福 ud568uaed8 ud574uc900 uadf8ub300uc5d0uac8c ud589ubcf5uc744 hamke hejun gudege hengbogur [东海] 闭目想你的样子 终于找到了我心中的你 ub208uac10uace0 uadf8ub308 uadf8ub824uc694 ub9d8uc18d uadf8ub308 ucc3euc558uc8e0 ub098ub97c ubc1dud600uc8fcub294 ube5buc774 ubcf4uc5ec Nungamgo guder guryoyo mamsog guder chajajyo narur barghyojunun bichi boyo yongwonhan [李特] 我看见了幸福的光亮 不能再失去你 uc601uc6d0ud55c ud589ubcf5uc744 ub193uce60 uc21c uc5c6uc8e0 uadf8ub300 ub098 ubcf4uc774ub098uc694 ub098ub97c ubd88ub7ecuc918uc694 uadf8ub300uacc1uc5d0 hengbogur nohchirsun objyo gude na boinayo narur bullojwoyo gudegyothe [艺声] 在你身边 我爱你 我会永远和你在一起 uc788uc744uaebcuc57c ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud574 ud568uaed8ud574uc694 uadf8ub300uc640 uc601uc6d0ud788 Issurgoya norur saranghe hamkeheyo gudewa yongwonhi [希澈] 最初的青鸟是爱给的幸福 常在眼旁 uc800 ud30cub791uc0c8ub4e4uc774 uc804ud574uc8fcub294 ud589ubcf5uc774ub77cub294 uac74 jo polangsaeduri jonhaejunun hengbogilanun gon [丽旭] 好像已经忘记了 ub298 uc6b0ub9acuacc1uc5d0 uac00uae4cuc774 uc788ub294uac70uc8e0 nur wuligyote kagai itnunkojyo [ALL] 闭目想你的样子 终于找到了我心中的你 ub208uac10uace0 uadf8ub308 uadf8ub824uc694 ub9d8uc18d uadf8ub308 ucc3euc558uc8e0 ub098ub97c ubc1dud600uc8fcub294 ube5buc774 ubcf4uc5ec Nungamgo guder guryoyo mamsog guder chajajyo narur barghyojunun bichi boyo yongwonhan [ALL] 我看见了幸福的光亮 不能再失去你 uc601uc6d0ud55c ud589ubcf5uc744 ub193uce60 uc21c uc5c6uc8e0 uadf8ub300 ub098 ubcf4uc774ub098uc694 ub098ub97c ubd88ub7ecuc918uc694 uc5b8uc81cub098uc694 hengbogur nohchirsun objyo gude na boinayo narur bullojwoyo onjenneyo [ALL] 打开你的心扉 我永远站在你面前 请你呼唤我 uadf8ub300 ub098 ubcf4uc774ub098uc694 ub098ub97c ubd88ub7ecuc918uc694 uadf8ub300uacc1uc5d0 gude na boinayo narur bullojwoyo gudegyothe [丽旭] 在你身边 我爱你 uc788uc744uaebcuc57c ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud574 Issurgoya norur saranghe [ALL] 我会永远和你在一起 ud568uaed8ud574uc694 uadf8ub300uc640 uc601uc6d0ud788 hamkeheyo gudewa yongwonhi


人人都在追求幸福和快乐,但你有没有想过幸福快乐来自哪里?我们又应该怎样做才能获得幸福快乐呢?对此,人类简史有一番有趣的讨论,分享给大家。 对于快乐的来源,历史上大致有三个观点: 这也是一般对于快乐普遍接受的定义,依照这个观点,快乐是种个人内在的感受,可能是因为当下直接的快感,或是对于长期生活方式的满足。 那么,快乐与外部因素的关系如何呢? 有调查机构对金钱、健康、社群等外部因素与快乐的关系做过调查。 快乐与金钱的关系: 金钱确实会带来快乐,但是有一定限度,超过限度之后的效果就不那么明显。 快乐与健康的关系: 疾病会短期降低人的幸福感,但除非病情不断恶化,或是症状带有持续、让人无力的疼痛,否则疾病并不会造成长期的不快。 家庭、社群、婚姻与快乐的关系 目前看来, 对快乐与否的影响,家庭和社群>金钱和健康。 那些家庭关系紧密良好、社群互相扶持帮助的人,明显比较快乐。而那些家庭机能失调、一直无法融入某个社群的人则明显比较不快乐。而其中,婚姻有事特别重要的一项因素。多项重复研究发现, 婚姻美好与感觉快乐,以及婚姻不协调与感觉痛苦,分别都呈现高度相关。 而且,不论经济状况或是身体健康如何,情况都是如此。 现代社会每个人都拥有了前所未有的自由,能够决定自己要走哪条路,但也让我们越来越难真正信守承诺、不离不弃。于是,社群和家庭的凝聚力下降而解体,这个世界让我们感到越来越孤独。 快乐并不在于任何像是财务、健康甚至社群之类的客观条件,而在于客观条件和主观期望之间是否相符。 如果说快乐要由期望来决定,那么我们社会的两大支柱(大众媒体和广告业)很可能正在不知不觉地让全球越来越不开心。 有没有可能,第三世界国家之所以会对生活不满,不只是因为贫穷、疾病、腐败和政治压迫,也是因为他们看到了第一世界国家的生活标准?“吊桥效应”是这种生物理论的很好运用。由于身体上的紧张引起心跳加快而让人误以为这是对于见到喜欢的异性时的怦然心动。 但如果说幸福快乐是有生物学上的神经元等产生的生理快感的话,那么我们人类似乎不需要在现实生活中努力追求了,只需要通过药物或者借助科技刺激我们的神经系统就可以获取这种快感,如骇客帝国等科幻片中的画面,不敢想象!但这真的是我们所追求的幸福快乐吗? u270e吊桥效应 吊桥效应是指当一个人提心吊胆地过吊桥的时候,会不由自主地心跳加快。如果这个时候,碰巧遇见一个异性,那么他会误以为眼前出现的这个异性就是自己生命中的另一半,从而对其产生感情。这是因为情绪受到了行为的影响,在吊桥上,由于危险的情境,人们会不自觉地心跳加快,错把由这种情境引起的心跳加快理解为对方使自己心动,才产生的生理反应,故而对对方滋生出爱情的情愫。 佛教的观点最有意思,根据佛教的观点,大多数人太看重自己的感受,以为快感就是快乐,不愉悦的感受就是受苦。于是,人类就渴望能有快感,并希望避免不愉悦的感受。然而,这是大大的误解。 事实是,人类的主观感受没有任何实质或意义。主观感受就只是一种电光石火的波动,每个瞬间都在改变,就像海浪一样。不论你感受到的是快感或不快,觉得生命是否有着意义,这都只是一瞬间的波动而已。 如果我们太看重这些内部的波动,就会变得太过执迷,心灵也就焦躁不安、感到不满。每次碰上不快,就感觉受苦。而且就算已经得到快感,因为我们还希望快感能够增强或是害怕快感将会减弱,所以心里还是不能感到满足。追求这些主观感受十分耗费心神,而且终是徒劳,只是让我们受制于追求本身。因此,苦的根源既不在于感到悲伤或疼痛,也不在于感觉一切没有意义。 苦真正的根源就在于“追求”主观感受这件事,不管追求的是什么,都会让人陷入持续的紧张、困惑和不满之中。 人想要脱离苦得乐,就必须了解自己所有的主观感受都只是一瞬间的波动,而且别再追求某种感受。如此一来,虽然感受疼痛,但不再感到悲惨;虽然愉悦,但不再干扰心灵的平静。于是,心灵变得一片澄明、自在。这样产生的心灵平静力量强大,那些穷极一生疯狂追求愉悦心情的人完全难以想象。 这就像是有人已经在海滩上站了数十年,总是想抓住“好的海浪”,让这些海浪永远留下来,同时又想多开某些“坏的海浪”,希望这些海浪永远别靠近。就这样一天又一天,这个人站在海滩上徒劳无功,被自己累得几近发疯。最后终于气力用尽,瘫坐在海滩上,让海浪就这样自由来去。忽然发现,这样多么平静啊! 佛教与现代生物学和现代自由主义的相同点,在于都认定 快乐不在于外在条件 。但佛教更重要也更深刻的见解在于, 真正的快乐也不在于我们的主观感受 。我们如果越强调主观感受,反而就越感到苦。佛教给我们的建议是,除了别再追求外在成就之外,同时也别再追求那些感觉良好的心里感受了。 苦真正的来源不在于感受本身,而是对感受的不断追求 。 佛教思想在这里已经不再是宗教更是一种哲学体系,佛家、道家、儒家从某种角度上看其实是相通的,是一种理解世界万物的方式。惊异于尤瓦尔对佛教思想了解如此之深,同时又不得不深思是不是我们对于很多东西的追求太过于执着,以致于“着力极差”而永远得不到真正的宁静、圆满。 在佛家看来,“求不得”才是追求快乐本身路上的苦。而对于大多数普通人来说,要做到佛家所说的完全放弃自身的欲望达到“无欲则刚”的境界太难了。对于求而不得的事物,我们大多数普通人唯有降低自身的期望,来获得心理上的平衡。 对于幸福快乐的思考,其实是一个及其复杂的议题。尤瓦尔·赫拉利在《未来简史》中对这个议题继续进行了探讨,人类对于幸福快乐的追求不会停止,未来人类还会继续寻找幸福快乐的关键,它将会是未来人类可能的重要的议题之一。 深夜话题: 你认为幸福快乐的关键是什么呢?
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