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《辛德勒的名单》(Schindler"s List)根据澳大利亚小说家托马斯·肯尼利所著的《辛德勒名单》改编而成。是1993年由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格导演的一部电影。影片再现了德国企业家奥斯卡·辛德勒(Oskar Schindler)与其夫人埃米莉·辛德勒在第二次世界大战期间倾家荡产保护了1200余名犹太人免遭法西斯杀害的真实历史事件。本片包揽了第66届奥斯卡金像奖的7大奖项及第51届金球奖的7项大奖。《辛德勒的名单》的片尾曲是《heme from Schindler"s List》,一首纯音乐的歌曲。另外最后的片尾曲叫做《Jerusalem of Gold》,翻译过来就是金色的耶路撒冷,如果你要搜的话最好搜英文!耶路撒冷一直是犹太教信仰的中心和最神圣的城市,金色代表希望!所以最后片尾曲采用这首歌还是有特别含义的!金色的耶路撒冷根据耶路撒冷背景来编写的一首基督教诗歌。耶路撒冷(英语:Jerusalem;希伯来语: 、拉丁化:Yelushalayim或Yelushalaim;阿拉伯文: 、拉丁化:al-Quds、汉化:古德斯,或☆渀恋猀瀀;、拉丁化:Bayt-al-Muqaddas)是位于近东黎凡特地区的一座历史悠久的城市,在地理上位于犹大山地,介于地中海与死海之间,被誉为三大宗教的圣城(犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教)为以色列最大城市。位于犹地亚山区顶部,海拔790米。是古代宗教活动中心之一。犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教,分别根据自己的宗教传说,都奉该城为圣地。歌曲名希伯来文为Yerushalayim Shel Zahav,被称为以色列的第二国歌。其在影片《辛德勒的名单》(Schindler"s List)中有合唱版本。由于使用希伯来文演唱的,下面是英文的歌词,及希伯来文和翻译。歌曲名:Jerusalem Of Gold歌手:Phyllis Chapell专辑:World SongsYou"ll remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYoull forget the sun in his jealous skyAs we walk in fields of goldSo she took her loveFor to gaze awhileUpon the fields of barleyIn his arms she fell as her hair came downAmong the fields of goldWill you stay with me, will you be my loveAmong the fields of barleyWell forget the sun in his jealous skyAs we lie in fields of goldSee the west wind move like a lover soUpon the fields of barleyFeel her body rise when you kiss her mouthAmong the fields of goldI never made promises lightlyAnd there have been some that Ive brokenBut I swear in the days still leftWell walk in fields of goldWell walk in fields of goldMany years have passed since those summer daysAmong the fields of barleySee the children run as the sun goes downAmong the fields of goldYoull remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYou can tell the sun in his jealous skyWhen we walked in fields of gold外文Avir harim zalul kayayinVe-rei"ah oranimNissa be-ru"ah ha"arbayimIm kol pa"amonimU-ve-tardemat ilan va-evenShvuyah ba-halomahHa-ir asher badad yoshevetU-ve-libbah homahYerushalayim shel zahavVe-shel nehoshet ve-shel orHa-lo le-khol shirayikhAni kinnor.Eikhah yavshu borot ha-mayimKikkar ha-shuk reikahVe-ein poked et Har ha-BayitBa-ir ha-attikahU-va-me"arot asher ba-selahMeyallelot ruhotVe-ein yored el Yam ha-MelahBe-derekh YerihoYerushalayim shel zahavVe-shel nehoshet ve-shel orHa-lo le-khol shirayikhAni kinnor.Akh be-vo"i ha-yom la-shir lakhVe-lakh likshor ketarimKatonti mi-ze"ir bana"ikhU-me-aharon ha-meshorerimKi shemekh zorev et ha-sefatayimKe-neshikat sarafIm eshkakhekh YerushalayimAsher kullah zahavYerushalayim shel zahavVe-shel nehoshet ve-shel orHa-lo le-khol shirayikhAni kinnor.Hazarnu el borot ha-mayimLa-shuk ve-la-kikkarShofar kore be-Har ha-BayitBa-ir ha-attikahU-va-me"arot asher ba-selahAlfey shemashot zorhotNashuv nered el Yam ha-MelahBe-derekh YerihoYerushalayim shel zahavVe-shel nehoshet ve-shel orHa-lo le-khol shirayikhAni kinnor.中文翻译夕阳下泛着金光,哦金色的耶路撒冷熙来攘往的人群何匆忙漫步在这城市里,我像个局外人一切竟这样金色熟悉又陌生我愿坐在高高的城墙下一遍遍缅想我愿一步步去重寻那远去的时光苦路上朝圣者的脚步是何等沉重空坟墓前人震撼敬仰夜幕里山上的圣城像一顶华冠点点灯火像宝石镶嵌其上哭墙下的泪水至今未干过摇曳烛光下有受难家眷的脸庞石头默默倾诉着千年沧桑见证昨日的战乱、今日的动荡、明日的辉煌空气中浓浓的历史在回荡哦耶路撒冷,愿你平安,愿爱你的人兴旺离开时总会不舍恋恋回望耶路撒冷几时回到你身旁众山怎样围绕耶路撒冷耶和华照样围绕他百姓愿耶和华从锡安赐福你愿你一生一世看见圣城的好处日日夜夜你在多少人心上哦耶路撒冷,我为你流泪,我为你歌唱我仿佛看见新耶路撒冷从天而降我看见我的新名写在其上和平不再只是奢望,你不要悲伤主必将他的道教训万国万邦我彷佛看见多国的民一同前往赞美耶和华的声音响彻四方众城门啊打开 要迎接你君王耶路撒冷,我心最爱,我心最想耶路撒冷,耶路撒冷,抬起你头高唱和撒那归于羔羊,和撒那归于得胜的君王耶路撒冷,耶路撒冷,抬起你头高唱和撒那归于羔羊,和撒那归于得胜的君王


Schindler"s List is a 1993 American biographical drama film directed by Steven Spielberg, based on the true story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories. The film was successful at the box office, grossing over $321 million worldwide, and was also critically acclaimed. It won seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director, and was nominated for another nine, including Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor.The film is told through the eyes of Schindler, played by Liam Neeson, and his Jewish accountant, Itzhak Stern, played by Ben Kingsley. It begins in 1939 Poland and follows the story of Schindler, a womanizing, party-loving industrialist, until the end of World War II in 1945. The film documents Schindler"s transformation from a greedy businessman to a selfless hero who risks his life and his company to save his Jewish workers.One of the most memorable scenes in the film is when Schindler uses his influence to get a German major general to allow him to add a page to the general"s official paperwork listing his Jewish employees as members of the "Poland military district," which protected them from being deported to concentration camps.Overall, Schindler"s List is a powerful story about human resilience, courage, and hope during dark times. It serves as a reminder of the horrors of the Holocaust and also celebrates the indomitable spirit of the human race.
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