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2023-07-07 22:03:13

Schindler"s List (1993) is Steven Spielberg"s unexpected award-winning masterpiece - a profoundly shocking,unsparing,fact-based,three-hour long epic of the nightmarish Holocaust.[Italian-American catholic Martin Scorsese was originally slated to direct the film,but turned down the chance - claiming the film needed a director of Jewish descent - before turning it over to Spielberg.] Its documentary authenticity vividly re-creates a dark,frightening period during World War II,when Jews in Nazi-occupied Krakow were first dispossessed of their businesses and homes,then placed in ghettos and forced labor camps in Plaszow,and finally resettled in concentration camps for execution.The violence and brutality of their treatment in a series of matter-of-fact (and horrific) incidents is indelibly and brilliantly orchestrated.

Except for the bookends (its opening and closing scenes) and two other brief shots (the little girl in a red coat and candles burning with orange flames),the entire film in-between is shot in crisp black and white.The film is marvelous for the way in which it crafts its story without contrived,manipulative Hollywood-ish flourishes (often typical of other Spielberg films) - it is also skillfully rendered with overlapping dialogue,parallel editing,sharp and bold characterizations,contrasting compositions of the two main characters (Schindler and Goeth),cinematographic beauty detailing shadows and light with film-noirish tones,jerky hand-held cameras (cinema verite),a beautifully selected and composed musical score (including Itzhak Perlman"s violin),and gripping performances.

The screenplay by Steven Zaillian was adapted from Thomas Keneally"s 1982 biographic novel (Schindler"s Ark),constructed by interviews with 50 Schindler survivors found in many nations,and other wartime associates of the title character,as well as other written testimonies and sources.Oskar Schindler was an enterprising,womanizing Nazi Sudeten-German industrialist/opportunist and war profiteer,who first exploited the cheap labor of Jewish/Polish workers in a successful enamelware factory (Deutsche Emailwaren Fabrik or D.E.F.),and eventually rescued more than one thousand of them from certain extinction in labor/death camps.

Before the film was made,Spielberg had offered Holocaust survivor and director Roman Polanski the job of making the film,but Polanski declined.Since then,ten years later,Polanski made his own honored Holocaust film,the Best Director-winning The Pianist (2002).

The unanimously-praised film with a modest budget of $23 million deservedly won seven Academy Awards,including Best Picture,Best Director (the first for Spielberg),Best Cinematography (Janusz Kaminski),Best Adapted Screenplay,Best Original Score (John Williams),Best Editing (Michael Kahn),and Best Art Direction.It also won nominations for two of its male leads:Best Actor (Liam Neeson) and Best Supporting Actor (Ralph Fiennes),Best Costume Design,Best Sound,and Best Makeup.Other organizations including the British Academy Awards,the New York Film Critics Circle,and the Golden Globes,likewise honored the film.It was the first black/white film since The Apartment (1960) to win the Best Picture Academy Award,and the most commercially-successful B/W film in cinematic history.


Schindler"s List is a 1993 American biographical drama film directed by Steven Spielberg, based on the true story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories. The film was successful at the box office, grossing over $321 million worldwide, and was also critically acclaimed. It won seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director, and was nominated for another nine, including Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor.

The film is told through the eyes of Schindler, played by Liam Neeson, and his Jewish accountant, Itzhak Stern, played by Ben Kingsley. It begins in 1939 Poland and follows the story of Schindler, a womanizing, party-loving industrialist, until the end of World War II in 1945. The film documents Schindler"s transformation from a greedy businessman to a selfless hero who risks his life and his company to save his Jewish workers.

One of the most memorable scenes in the film is when Schindler uses his influence to get a German major general to allow him to add a page to the general"s official paperwork listing his Jewish employees as members of the "Poland military district," which protected them from being deported to concentration camps.

Overall, Schindler"s List is a powerful story about human resilience, courage, and hope during dark times. It serves as a reminder of the horrors of the Holocaust and also celebrates the indomitable spirit of the human race.



commercial的词性变化为副词变化是commercially,名词变化是commercialization,阴性变化是commerciale,动词变化是commercer。例句:1、You are my every morning, the first ray of sunshine,good morning. 你是我每天清晨的第一缕阳光,早上好。2、When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy and to love. 当你在清晨醒来,想想活着是一种多么珍贵的权利:你还能呼吸,还能思考,还能享受,还能去爱。3、I like the subtle fresh green budding from the branches of the tree,the herald of spring, ushering in the dawn.我喜欢看树枝上那淡淡的嫩绿,它是春天的使者,它是一天清晨的开始。4、You are the last thing I think of night, and first thing I think of in the morning. 晚上睡觉前想的最后一件事,是你, 清晨醒来想到的第一件事,也是你。5、I"d like mornings better, if my mornings started with you. 若我的清晨是与你同时开启,那我更爱清晨。6、Do not shorten the morning by getting up late; look upon it as the quintessence of life, as to a certain extent sacred.不可因起床过晚而缩短了清晨时光;把清晨当成生命的典型有如某种程度的神圣。7、I"d like mornings better, if my mornings started with you. 若我的清晨是与你同时开启,那我更爱清晨。8、Do not shorten the morning by getting up late; look upon it as the quintessence of life, as to a certain extent sacred.不可因起床过晚而缩短了清晨时光;把清晨当成生命的典型有如某种程度的神圣。9、His own mornings are new surprises to God.神自己的清晨,在他自己看来也是新奇的。10、Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be.每个清晨,当我睁开双眼,会对自己说:我,而不是我之外的什么东西,来决定我今天是快乐或不快乐。我自己能选择。
2023-07-07 15:14:311


英 [ku0259u02c8mu025cu02d0u0283l]美 [ku0259u02c8mu025cu02d0ru0283l]dj.贸易的;商业的;赢利的;以获利为目的的;偏重利润和声望的;商业化的n.(电台或电视播放的)广告记忆com 共同 + merc 商业,交易 + ial 属于…的 商业的举例:1.Is the property or any part thereof used for commercial activity? 这一房产或其中任何部分有用于商业活动吗?2.Each company is fighting to protect its own commercial interests. 每家公司都在奋力保护自己的商业利益。3.Their more recent music is far too commercial. 他们最近的音乐过分商业化了。4.The area has remained relatively untouched by commercial development. 相对而言,这个地区至今没有受到商业开发的影响。5.The company is planning a deeper plunge into the commercial market. 这家公司正计划进一步投入商业市场。
2023-07-07 15:14:542


commercial 英[kəˈmɜ:ʃl] 美[kəˈmɜ:rʃl] adj. 商业的; 贸易的; 营利的; 靠广告收入的; n. (电台或电视播放的) 广告; [例句]Mind if I hear my commercial?介不介意听我的广告?
2023-07-07 15:15:233

commercially reasonable efforts是什么意思

commerciallyreasonable efforts商业上合理的努力
2023-07-07 15:15:552

commercially available是什么意思

commercially available生词本市场上可买到的网 络市场上可买到的;市场上能买到的;商业用;市面上有双语例句1. It was the first commercially available machine to employ artificial intelligence. 这是第一台作为商品出售的采用人工智能技术的机器。
2023-07-07 15:16:031

Commercially Available是什么意思

Commercially Available市售的双语对照例句:1.The setup was made using leds, the most efficient form of lights that are commerciallyavailable. 此装配使用到了leds,leds是最为有效率可进行商用的照明形式。2.It would be a wasted opportunity not to make the system commercially available aroundthe world, not least for china"s home-grown navigation product developers. 如果不使该系统在全球投入商用,这将是一个浪费了的机会,不仅仅是对中国本土的导航产品开发者而言。
2023-07-07 15:16:101

commercially reasonable efforts是什么意思

commercially reasonable efforts商业上合理的努力双语对照例句:1.The Offering is being made by the Agents on a commercially reasonableefforts basis.2.Each party has agreed to use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain therequired approvals.3.The syndicate of agents will offer the Ordinary Shares as agents on a"commercially reasonable efforts" basis.
2023-07-07 15:16:171

commercially reasonable efforts是什么意思

commercially reasonable efforts商业上合理的努力双语例句1The concept should therefore be interpreted as meaning that the secured creditor obtained a price by making commercially reasonable efforts to dispose of the encumbered asset. 因此,这一概念可被解释为是指有担保债权人为了获得某种价格,在处分担保资产上作出了在商业上合理的努力。
2023-07-07 15:16:231

commercially pure titanium是什么材料

工业纯钛工业纯钛是按照杂质元素的含量划分等级的。它具有优良的冲压工艺性能和焊接性能,对热处理及组织类型不敏感,在令人满意的塑性条件下具有一定的强度。它的强度主要取决于间隙元素氧、氮的含量。它在海水中具有高的抗腐蚀性能,但在无机酸中较差。一般用于制造在-253~350℃温度下工作的、受力不大的各种板材零件或锻件,也可制造铆钉线材和管材。工业纯钛commercially pure titanium钛 Ti含一定量的氧、氮、碳、硅、铁及其他元素杂质的α相钛。钛是现代宇宙航空科学,海洋科学和核能发电等尖端科学工业所不可缺少的材料。钛比一般金属轻48%,且韧性强,耐酸碱性、抗腐蚀、稳定性高,高强度,良好弹性等优点,符合人体工程系,钛对人体无毒,无任何辐射。
2023-07-07 15:16:312

commercially accept是什么意思

commercially accept网络释义相关词条commercial acceptance bill1. 商号承兑汇票commercial acceptance1. 商业承兑汇票2. 商业承兑
2023-07-07 15:16:571

commercially approved什么意思

2023-07-07 15:17:042


1埃及是她真正的自我恢复,从自己的错误中也从其他国家吸取教训. 2我从来就不认为他会有胆量去拥有我女儿 .3 他们有他们的微笑和泪水. 4有各种各样的商业工具可用.
2023-07-07 15:17:123


2023-07-07 15:17:192


Commercially sponsored/organized
2023-07-07 15:17:274


2023-07-07 15:17:364


1、最早是美国韦德纳和阿尔卑斯系统,成为1981年和1983年分别上市。2、阿尔卑斯山系统提供援助的三个层次:多国语言文字处理,自动字典和术语协商,交互式翻译。3、在后一种情况下,翻译工作可能与MT生产的草稿 。4、然而,阿尔卑斯山产品不赚钱,从20世纪80年代中期开始,到提供翻译服务,而不是卖电脑辅助翻译挪用公司。 5、该韦德纳(后来世界通讯中心)系统被证明是比较成功的商业化,提供了大量的语言翻译包对与日本英语系统被特别受欢迎。 6.One版本MicroCAT是为小型的个人电脑,为较大的机器其他MacroCAT意。 7.In的韦德纳收购了Bravice,不久,MacroCAT版本被卖给了Intergraph公司(见下文)80年代末。 8.By这个时候,个人电脑等系统已投放市场(个人电脑翻译的语言翻译机,从Globalink的GTS和语文助理系列从MicroTac),其中有一个在未来十年产生重大影响。
2023-07-07 15:17:454

英语翻译成中文。Understanding Media Cultures

绝缘穷人,生活富裕,是因为越来越多地利用私人 反对公共利益。 席勒认为,虽然美国已拒绝在其整体 在世界经济中的地位,一直坚持其对霸权 全球的文化。 20世纪80年代以来,文化处处有越来越 美国化和经济原因侵入。在日益一体化的 媒体产品进入全球市场,公共文化迅速放松管制 促进了世界范围内的美国化进程。取得这样的成绩 彻底的美国产品的直接推广,和当地复制 美国电视样式和格式。正如美国资本主义是能够 在家里排斥对立的结构,所以与跑下来的公共 文化在国外它已经能够渗透到新市场。商业化 驱动的媒体,这是美国产品的主要载体,目前 超越一个被动的世界。值得注意的是,全球经济,而不是 民族国家这是治理的新机制。在面对网络 全球资本的国家正在努力维持其文化自治和 维护国内构建社会身份的独特性。事实上, 全球通信的发展带动了由个别国家少 比世界上的富国和强国的企图封锁自己关闭 穷人。在这个读书会,在美国社会再次镜像的发展, 全球的富裕消费者将成为积累战略目标, 有关的问题,从而抑制全球不平等,将加深 无可避免地避免资本主义的结构控制的媒体公开。一个世界 主导较少受到了国家的治理,以及更多的商业 全球资本主义的必要性将促进社会环境,其中一数 繁荣和许多被边缘化。 席勒则认为,需要在互联网上最激进的许多 爱好者忽视了,新媒体成为一个全球性的资本主义整合的方式 经济。例如,朱利安Stallabrass(1996)认为,超级信息 公路和网络空间将不提供一个自由交流的乌托邦域, 但完美的市场,能够通过空间和操作时间轻弹 一个开关。这些谁是目前对未来的可能性感到兴奋的 net的,没有要求谁能够控制的信息,这将是向谁提出 提供并在其利益很可能运行。对这些问题的答案 可追溯到全球资本的需求。例如,所谓的虚拟 社区建成后,讽刺和娱乐的地方,不像真正的社区,这 是义务和责任的地方。
2023-07-07 15:18:032


not yet 具有尚未的意思例句:The new drug has not yet been licensed in the US.——《牛津词典》这种新药尚未在美国获得取可。
2023-07-07 15:18:129

the commercial availability是什么意思

the commercial availability商业实用性The LMU-N platform is available for trial purposes or customerdeployments prior to the commercial availability of card LMUs. LMU平台可用于测试或由客户自定用途,它比LMU卡更具商业实用性
2023-07-07 15:18:403

2023-07-07 15:18:524

Litho Printing 是指什么印刷

2023-07-07 15:19:012


2023-07-07 15:19:092

Neil Simon has become the most ____ play writer in the history of American drama.

D该句意为:Simon已成为美国历史上成功的商业化戏剧作家“成功” “商业化的”均为修饰play writer的形容词,所以用successful和commercial。而关于两个词的顺序,粗略的讲,作为定语,越是本质性的说明的形容词,离所修饰的对象越近。形容一个剧作家,当然“商业化的”更为本质,所以放在后面。(不知道说明白没有……)
2023-07-07 15:19:213


有利可图的英文是profitable。相关短语:1、有利可图,得益pay off.2、有利可图的lucrative;profitableadj.3、付清;有利可图,得益pay off.4、生利,使有利可图bring grist to the mill.5、有利可图的钱good money.6、有利可图的事an angel;an angle.7、有利可图伙伴aprofitable partnering.8、处处看到有利可图nose a job in everything.9、具商业利益;有利可图commercially viable.10、是有利可图的投资be good money.例句:1、Of course,the investment was a good one.当然,这一回投资是有利可图的。2、He sold his house at a profit.他的房子卖的是有利可图的。3、Those oil shares were a good investment,i.e.have been profitable.那些石油股票是有利可图的投资。4、Basic discoveries in science will produce new beneficial technologies.各种基本的科学发现将产生各种新的有利可图的技术。5、In the virtuous cycle,a prosperous world economy makes it both possible and profitable for the borrowing country to incur rising foreign debts.在良性循环中,繁荣的世界经济使借款国增借外债既有可能又有利可图。
2023-07-07 15:20:081


2023-07-07 15:20:522


Moreover, fromFig. 1(c), it can be此外,fromfig。1(C),它可以found that some of the TiN powders were agglomerated from发现某些锡粉末的团聚fine TiN particulates (Fig. 1(c)). 50 wt.% Al2319 and 50 wt.% TiN精细TiN颗粒(图1(c))。50重量%和50重量%的锡al2319(corresponding to 32.7 vol.%TiN) powders were mechanically(对应32.7体积%的锡)的粉末进行机械blended as feedstocks. For comparison, pure Al2319 coating混合原料。相比之下,纯al2319涂层was also deposited. Al plateswere used as substrates andwere也沉积。铝plateswere用作衬底的sand-blasted prior to spraying.喷砂喷涂之前。The coating cross-sectional structure was observed with观察了涂层的横截面结构optic microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy光学显微镜(OM)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM). The polished cross-sectionswere etched by a solution of(SEM)。光交叉sectionswere通过溶液蚀刻100 ml H2O+3mlHF+6mlHNO3. Estimation of coating porositywas100毫升H2O + 3mlhf + 6mlhno3。涂层porositywas估计performed through metallurgical image analyses using通过金相图像进行分析使用at least 10 cross-sectional micrographs. Vickers hardness至少10的横截面的显微照片。维氏硬度measurement was performed on the polished cross-sections在抛光横截面进行测量using a LEITZ microhardness tester with a load of 200 g and a用Leitz显微硬度计与200克的负载和dwell time of 15 s. More than 15 values from random locations15秒的停留时间。15多值随机位置on the polished cross-section were averaged for calculating在光滑的截面进行平均计算the mean hardness. The coating/substrate adhesive strength平均硬度。涂层/基体的粘结强度was measured using pull-off test (ASTM C-633-79). The commercially利用拉拔试验测定(ASTM c-633-79)。商业available adhesive film (FM 1000), having a nominal可用的胶膜(调频1000),有一个名义上的tensile strength up to 60MPa, was used. The assembled test抗拉强度达到60MPa,使用。组装测试pieceswere tested with a speed of 0.78mm/min using Estotestpieceswere速度与0.78mm/min使用estotest测试50 tensile tester. For each coating, five test specimens were50拉伸试验机。各涂层的试样,五used. The fractured surfacewas obtained through bending the用。发现通过弯曲断裂substrate to peel the coating.衬底剥离涂层。有些词语翻译过来怎么还是他本身啊我是一句一句翻译的
2023-07-07 15:21:011


10. According to the first two paragraphs, which of the following is NOT true? ____[A] Marconi traveled from England to Newfoundland.[B] Marconi was born in 1874.[C] Marconi sent radio waves across the Atlantic.[D] Marconi achieved great success when he was under 30. 11. Kennelly and Heaviside ____.[A] discovered the "Kennelly-Heaviside layer"[B] detected radio waves sent by each other[C] suggested the existence of a layer of ions in the atmosphere[D] worked together and made great contributions to science 12. Appleton"s first great achievement was that he ____.[A] measured the height of the "Kennelly-Heaviside layer"[B] provided evidence for the "Kennelly-Heaviside layer"[C] discovered different heights of ion-rich regions[D] illustrated how radio waves interfered with each other. 13. "Ionosphere" refers to ____.[A] the atmosphere around the earth[B] ion-rich region in the atmosphere[C] various radio signals in the air[D] ions found over the Atlantic 14. This passage is probably written to answer the question ____[A] How high is the "ionosphere"?[B] Who invented the radio?[C] How fast do radio waves travel?[D] Who discovered the "ionosphere"?
2023-07-07 15:21:113


意思是百分百聚酯纤维的意思。polyester是聚酯纤维的意思,常见的还有cotton,silk等等。干洗 Dry Cleaning一般干洗 dryclean短干洗周期 Short Cycle专业干洗 Professionally Dryclean商业干洗 Commercially Dryclean以干洗为最佳 Drycleanning Recommened以上是常见的翻译。
2023-07-07 15:21:461


2023-07-07 15:21:543

the attention of the public was continually (?)to new possibilities in scienti

Valley of the Dolls is the title of a best selling novel by Jacqueline Susann, published in 1966, the Hollywood film which followed it in 1967, and the 1994 late-night, syndicated television soap opera. It is widely considered one of the most commercially successful novels of all time.BookValley of the Dolls was an instant success when it was first published. Since then it has sold more than 30 million copies. As the first roman à clef by a female author to achieve this level of sales in America, it led the way for other authors such as Jackie Collins to depict the private lives of the real-life rich and famous under a veneer of fiction.PlotSpoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.The book and film tell the story of three young women who meet when all are embarking on the beginning of their careers. Neely O"Hara is a plucky kid with undeniable talent who is working in a Broadway play which stars the legendary actress Helen Lawson. Jennifer North, a beautiful blonde with limited talent is appearing in the chorus. Anne Welles has recently arrived from New England with hopes of success in New York City and she is working for an agency that represents Helen Lawson. The three women become fast friends, and share a bond of ambition and the tendency to be involved with the wrong men.In the film version, O"Hara becomes a major success and goes to Hollywood where a lucrative film career follows, but almost immediately falls victim to the "dolls" of the title - prescription drugs, particularly Seconal, Nembutal and various stimulants. Her career is shattered by her erratic behaviour and she finds herself in a sanatorium.Meanwhile Jennifer has followed her to Hollywood and married nightclub singer Tony Polar. He is afflicted with a Huntington"s chorea and his care results in mounting medical expenses. In the book, Polar"s half-sister explains that the condition he has is congenital, convincing Jennifer to have an abortion, although she"d planned to keep the child after divorcing Polar for unfaithfulness. In the film, Jennifer finds herself working in "art movies" to pay Polar"s medical bills; in the book, Polar"s sister pays his expenses out of his own savings, and Jennifer decides independently to do French art house films, since she is only highly regarded for her body.Anne has fared the best of all three, having become a highly successful model. She too falls under the allure of the "dolls" and uses them to escape the reality of her relationship with her lover, who continues to have affairs after their marriage. Jennifer tries to turn her back on her "art movie" career and forms a relationship with a young Senator, but when diagnosed with breast cancer, she finds that even this man cares only for her body, so she commits suicide with an overdose of "dolls". Neely is given one more chance to straighten up and resume her career, but the attraction of the "dolls" is too strong and she seems to spiral into a final decline.In the film, Anne manages to escape and abandons both her unfaithful lover and the "dolls" to return to New England; this "happy ending" was cobbled together by studio demands for a happy ending, and none of it is in the book, where Anne stays with Lyon after his affair with Neely and comes increasingly under the influence of the dolls. Writer Harlan Ellison, who wrote the original screenplay, took his name off the project because of the ending and the watering-down of his realistic adaptation of the story.Much of the narrative is drawn from the author"s experiences and observations as a struggling actress in the Hollywood of the early forties. The character of Neely O"Hara with her excess of talent coupled with her self-destructive alcoholism and dependency on prescription drugs, is said to be based upon Judy Garland. Garland was originally cast in the movie as Helen Lawson (based on Ethel Merman, whom Susann had known personally - and reportedly had been involved with), until Garland"s unpredictable behaviour led to her dismissal. O"Hara"s treatment in the sanitariums is a milder version of the fate that befell actress Frances Farmer. The tragic character of Jennifer North is said to be based upon actress/pin-up girl Carole Landis, who had been a friend of the author during their Hollywood days. Like Jennifer, Landis was seen as an ambitious blonde with little real talent, and after a series of failed relationships and a career that had quickly stagnated, she committed suicide with an overdose of barbiturates. She is also said to be based on Marilyn Monroe. The character of Tony Polar is rumored to be based on Frank Sinatra, but Susann herself was quoted in her biography saying that she got the idea for Polar after trying to interview Dean Martin after one of his shows; he was too engrossed in a comic book to pay attention to her.MovieThe subsequent film, produced by David Weisbart and directed by Mark Robson, received a great deal of publicity during its production. Upon release it was a commercial success, though universally panned by critics. It was re-released in 1969 following the murder of star Sharon Tate, and once again proved commercially viable. In the years since its production it has come to be regarded as a camp classic. Barbara Parkins, attending a special screening of the film at the Castro Theatre in San Francisco, told the sold-out crowd, "I know why you like it... because it"s so bad!"[1] The movie was remade in 1981 for television as Jacqueline Susann"s Valley of the Dolls. Also, the late soap opera actress Darlene Conley had a bit part in the movie as a desk manager at a rehearsal hall that Anne was delivering contracts to.
2023-07-07 15:22:141


implicit [adj.]含蓄的,无条件的 implicit memory 内隐记忆explicit [adj.]明确的,详述的,坦率的 explicit memory 外显记忆
2023-07-07 15:22:222


你可以随意复制和分享这些资源给任何人。你可以随便摆弄这些资源 重整, 改编之类的, 不论目的是什么,可以作为商业用途。
2023-07-07 15:22:292


全蚀病,致土传小麦全蚀子囊菌(增刊)冯基arx的& d.奥利弗病菌祺沃克,是其中最重要的经济冠根腐病漠视放宽小麦worldwide.biological控制全蚀病已深入调查,主要是因为缺乏商用的替代品,尤其是在减少耕作耕作制度加重疾病,但越来越多鼓励,以促进水土保持工作( 8 ) 。在西北太平洋的美国,后茬小麦几个季节,产量自然递减的全蚀病的发展已经归功于逐渐增加种群对立荧光假单胞菌。 ( 7 ) 。种子应用细菌产生抗生素2,4 -二乙或吩- 1轿车甲酸增加粮食产量,平均约10至20 %的领域如全蚀病是主要限制因素( 6,45 ) 。在西1004-3624澳洲,采取一切下降被归咎于人口木霉spp.that抑制病菌的腐生,以及寄生虫,活动( 38 ) 。土壤处理t.koningii oudemans 。中,最丰富的拮抗剂在这些压制性土壤,减少腐生生长!病菌( 38 ) ,并增加生存小麦幼苗约50 % ( 13 )日光温室前肾与自然土壤;粮食产量增加了约10 % 。 三出六场审判( 32 ) 。一株t.koningii原本分离抑制土壤西澳降低全蚀病的严重性,并增加产量高达65 % ,加上种子沟实地测试华盛顿国,美国( 16 ) 。
2023-07-07 15:22:362


  type和model皆可以用来表达型号,是不是对这两个英文单词特别感兴趣呢?以下是我给大家带来型号的英语说法,以供参阅。   型号的英语说法   1.model   2.type   型号的相关 短语   产品型号 Model ; Product Model ; Part Number   规格型号 Specifications ; Model ;Product model   设备型号 Equipment model ; Model ; Equipment Type ; unit type   灯头型号 Base type ; base"s type ; proofing grade ;   轴承型号 Bearing Designation ; Bearing No ; Bearings type ; designation   电机型号 Motor Model ; Motor type ; Electrical machinery model ; Electromotor model   型号说明 Model Coding ; Model Code ; Explanation Model ; type explanation   型号的英语例句   1. That model won"t go into production before late 1990.   那种型号在20世纪90年代末以前不会批量生产。   2. The first three models are being manufactured at the factory in Ashton-under-Lyne.   最初的3种型号在阿什顿安德莱恩的工厂生产。   3. To keep the cost down, opt for a basic model.   要想花钱少些,就选择基本的型号。   4. This model allows you to spellcheck over 100,000 different words.   用这个型号可以检查逾10万个词的拼写。   5. The catalog includes helpful information on the different bike models available.   目录中包括了在售的各种型号自行车的有用信息。   6. The model number is 1870/285.   该型号的编号为1870/285。   7. There must be some misunderstanding—I thought I ordered the smaller model.   一定是搞错了—我以为我订的是更小型号的。   8. The new design will eventually replace all existing models.   新的设计最终将会取代所有现有的型号。   9. This is the most popular model in our whole range.   这是我们产品中最受欢迎的型号.   10. The new model has electric windows and other refinements.   新型号有电动窗和其他改良装置.   11. The new model is fitted with computercontrolled suspension.   新型号安装了数控悬架.   12. A new model will come out this summer.   今年夏天将有新的型号问世.   13. Our model is easy to operate and maintain.   我们这个型号(的机器)很容易操作和保养.   14. Some of the most efficient refrigerators consume 70 percent less electricity than traditional models.   一些极为节能的冰箱比传统型号耗电减少70%。   15. British Aerospace reckon that the plane will be commercially viable if 400 can be sold.   英国航空航天公司估计这个型号的飞机如果能卖出400架,就可实现盈利   型号相关知识介绍   指机器、工具等的性能、规格和大小。   金属材料的型号是指用汉语拼音(或拉丁文)英文字母和一个或几个数字来表示不同形状、类别的型材及硬质合金等产品的代号。数字表示主要部位的公称尺寸。   关于型号的理解举例说明:   家具检测仪器系列:家具(Furniture),家具类仪器F字头识别型号AK-F,数字系列:1100~1300   软体家具仪器小类:软体(Upholstered)识别型号:AK-FU 数字系列:1100~1200   床垫检测仪器类: 床垫(Mattress)识别型号:AK-FUM 数字系列:1100   床垫耐久性试验(Mattress durable test)识别型号:AK-FUM-DT   床垫耐久综合试验(Mattress Durable Comprehensive Test)识别型号:AK-FUM-DCT   沙发检测仪器类:沙发(Sofas)识别型号:AK-FUS 数字系列:1200   沙发耐久性试验(Sofa Durable test)识别型号:AK-FUS-DT
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甲壳虫乐队是英国摇滚乐队的成员从利物浦约翰·列侬、保罗·麦卡特尼、乔治·哈里森,和林戈·斯塔尔。他们是商业上最为成功的一个和广受好评的乐队在历史上的流行音乐。在英国,披头士释放了超过40个不同的单曲,唱片,EPs,达到一号。这个商业成功是重复在许多其他国家:他们的EMI唱片公司估计,到1985年,他们已经售出十亿光盘和磁带全球。甲壳虫乐队是最畅销的音乐活动的时间在美国,据美国唱片业协会。2004年,滚石杂志排名披头士# 1在其100年的列表的最伟大的艺术家。根据同样的杂志,其创新的音乐和文化影响帮助定义1960年代,和他们对流行文化的影响至今仍显而易见。甲壳虫乐队导致1960年代音乐“英国入侵”进入美国。尽管他们最初的音乐风格是根植于1950年代的摇滚和本土早期爵士乐,集团探索流派从“锡锅街到迷幻摇滚。他们的衣服、风格和陈述他们的潮人,而其日益增长的社会意识看见他们的影响力扩展到社会和文化革命的1960年代
2023-07-07 15:23:261

【翻译高手】请我翻译一段 论文摘要 。高分悬赏。THANK YOU!

1、Nifedipine sustained release tablets is a kind of anti-anginal drugs which is used for the treatment of hypertension, angina and other diseases.2、These new formulations adopted new advanced preparation process technology which controls the drug release rate ,and makes the drugs release slowly in the body. This has improved its pharmacokinetic characteristics apparently and therefore, the medication compliance of the patients have been improved.
2023-07-07 15:23:333


  提取指从负责保管的单位或机构中取出财物。在化学中指通过溶剂(如乙醇)处理、蒸馏、脱水、经受压力或离心力作用,或通过其他化学或机械工艺过程从物质中制取有用成分(如组成成分或汁液)。那么你知道提取用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    提取的英语说法1:   extract    提取的英语说法2:   draw    提取的英语说法3:   distill   提取的相关短语:   DNA提取 DNA extraction ; Extraction d"ADN ; DNA extracting ; DNA isolation   提取物 Extract ; TAXOL PACLI TAXEL ; sclenospora graminicola ;   提取工艺 extraction process ; extraction technology ; extraction ; extraction procedure   行李提取 Picking up Luggage ; luggage claim ; Baggage Claim ; Health Certificate   提取子类 Extract Subclass   提取液 extracting solution ; extract ; DNA Ladder Extraction Buffer ; water extract   分离提取 Extraction and isolation ; Purification ; extraction ; isolation and abstraction   提取条件 Extraction conditions ; Conditions of extraction ; extract condition ; extracting factor    提取的英语例句:   1. Let"s fingerprint the canoe, see if we come up with anything.   让我们提取一下独木舟上的指纹,看看能不能有什么发现。   2. Companies could not draw money from bank accounts as cash.   公司不能从银行账户中提取现金。   3. He took her to jail, where she was fingerprinted and booked.   他把她带到监狱,在那里对她提取了指纹并进行了登记。   4. They were photographed and had their fingerprints taken.   他们被拍了照,还被提取了指纹。   5. Insulin is produced commercially from animals.   为获利从动物体内提取胰岛素。   6. to distil fresh water from sea water   用蒸馏法从海水中提取淡水   7. Only a small fraction of a bank"s total deposits will be withdrawn at any one time.   任何时候,一家银行的总存款只有少量会被提取。   8. Maple syrup is made from sap extracted from the sugar maple tree.   槭糖浆是用糖槭树中提取的树液制成的。   9. Some of the salt that we use is obtained from the sea.   我们用的盐有些是从海水中提取的.   10. They drew the material of their plays chiefly from myths and legends.   他们主要从神话传说中提取剧本的素材.   11. We can extract oil from shale.   我们可以从页岩中提取石油.   12. Britain"s trade figures can no longer be extracted from export-and-import documentation at ports.   英国的贸易数据现在不能再从各港口的进出口单证中提取了。   13. The resin from which the oil is extracted comes from a small, tough tree.   用于提取这种油的树脂取自于一种矮小坚韧的树。   14. A skin lotion distilled from the root is a marvellous cure for sore rashes and spots.   从这种根部提取的护肤液是治疗皮疹和丘疹的极好药物。   15. They"ve taken some of the best bits out of the best things and rehashed them.   他们从最好的东西中提取一些精华的部分,然后新瓶装旧酒。
2023-07-07 15:23:401


mangroves(红树林)Mangroves (generally) are trees and shrubs that grow in saline coastal habitats in the tropics and subtropics. The word is used in at least three senses: (1) most broadly to refer to the habitat and entire plant assemblage or mangal [1], for which the terms mangrove swamp and mangrove forest are also used, (2) to refer to all trees and large shrubs in the mangal, and (3) narrowly to refer to the mangrove family of plants, the Rhizophoraceae, or even more specifically just to mangrove trees of the genus Rhizophora. Mangals are found in depositional coastal environments where fine sediments, often with high organic content, collect in areas protected from high energy wave actionA mangal is a plant community and habitat where mangroves thrive[2]. They are found in tropical and sub-tropical tidal areas, and as such have a high degree of salinity. Areas where mangals occur include estuaries and marine shorelines.Plants in mangals are diverse but all are able to exploit their habitat (the intertidal zone) by developing physiological adaptations to overcome the problems of anoxia, high salinity and frequent tidal inundation. About 110 species have been identified as belonging to the mangal.[2] Each species has its own capabilities and solutions to these problems; this may be the primary reason why, on some shorelines, mangrove tree species show distinct zonation. Small environmental variations within a mangal may lead to greatly differing methods of coping with the environment. Therefore, the mix of species at any location within the intertidal zone is partly determined by the tolerances of individual species to physical conditions, like tidal inundation and salinity, but may also be influenced by other factors such as predation of plant seedlings by crabs.A cluster of mangroves on the banks of the Vellikeel River in Kannur District of Kerala, IndiaOnce established, roots of mangrove plants provide a habitat for oysters and help to impede water flow, thereby enhancing the deposition of sediment in areas where it is already occurring. Usually, the fine, anoxic sediments under mangroves act as sinks for a variety of heavy (trace) metals which are scavenged from the overlying seawater by colloidal particles in the sediments. In areas of the world where mangroves have been removed for development purposes, the disturbance of these underlying sediments often creates problems of trace metal contamination of seawater and biota.Mangroves protect the coast from erosion, surge storms (especially during hurricanes), and tsunamis.[3][4] Their massive root system is efficient at dissipating wave energy.[5] Likewise, they slow down tidal water enough that its sediment is deposited as the tide comes in and is not re-suspended when the tide leaves, except for fine particles.[6] As a result, mangroves build their own environment.[3] Because of the uniqueness of the mangrove ecosystems and their protection against erosion, they are often the object of conservation programs including national Biodiversity Action Plans.[4]Despite their benefits, the protective value of mangroves is sometimes overstated. Wave energy is typically low in areas where mangroves grow,[7] so their effect on erosion can only be measured in the long-term.[5] Their capacity to limit high-energy wave erosion is limited to events like storm surges and tsunamis.[8] Erosion often still occurs on the outer sides of bends in river channels that wind through mangroves, just as new stands of mangroves are appearing on the inner sides where sediment is accreting.[citation needed]Mangroves support unique ecosystems, especially on their intricate root systems. The mesh of mangrove roots produces a quiet marine region for many young organisms. In areas where roots are permanently submerged, they may host a wide variety of organisms, including algae, barnacles, oysters, sponges, and bryozoans, which all require a hard substratum for anchoring while they filter feed. Shrimps and mud lobsters use the muddy bottom as their home[9]. Mangrove crabs improve the nutritional quality of the mangal muds for other bottom feeders by mulching the mangrove leaves. [10] In at least some cases, export of carbon fixed in mangroves is important in coastal food webs. The habitats also host several commercially important species of fish and crustaceans. In Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, and India, mangrove plantations are grown in coastal regions for the benefits they provide to coastal fisheries and other uses. Despite replanting programs, over half of the world"s mangroves have been lost in recent times.
2023-07-07 15:23:471


我觉得衣服有点脏,想放在洗衣机里洗的英文: I think the clothes are a bit dirty. I want to put them in the washing machine.
2023-07-07 15:23:562


电话The first telephone patented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell and further developed by many others, the telephone was the first device in history that enabled people to talk directly with each other across large distances. Telephones rapidly became indispensable to businesses, government, and households, and are today some of the most widely used small appliances.汽车The year 1886 is regarded as the birth year of the modern car. In that year, German inventor Karl Benz built the Benz Patent-Motorwagen. Cars did not become widely available until the early 20th century. One of the first cars that was accessible to the masses was the 1908 Model T, an American car manufactured by the Ford Motor Company. Cars were rapidly adopted in the United States of America, where they replaced animal-drawn carriages and carts, but took much longer to be accepted in Western Europe and other less-developed parts of the world.irst commercially available in very crude form on an experimental basis in the late 1920s, then popularized in greatly improved form shortly after World War II, the television set has become commonplace in homes, businesses, and institutions, particularly as a vehicle for entertainment, advertising, and news. During the 1950s, television became the primary medium for molding public opinion.[1] In the mid-1960s, color broadcasting and sales of color television sets surged in the US and began in most other developed countries.The availability of storage media such as video cassettes (mid-1970s), laserdiscs (1978), DVDs (1997), and high-definition Blu-ray Discs (2006) enabled viewers to use the television set to watch recorded material such as movies and broadcast material. Internet television has seen the rise of television programming available via the Internet through services such as iPlayer, Hulu, and Netflix.
2023-07-07 15:24:031


prosper美[u02c8prɑspu0259r]英[u02c8pru0252spu0259(r)]v.繁荣;成功;发达;兴旺网络昌盛;兴隆;勃发第三人称单数:prospers 现在分词:prospering 过去式:prospered同义词反义词v.flourish,thrive,do well,get on,grow例句:1、The town of Breckenridge and its namesake ski area could prosper under the plan.(按照这一方案,布雷肯里奇镇及与其同名的滑雪区将会繁荣起来。)2、Whether all such films will prosper commercially remains to be seen.(此类电影能否获得商业上的成功依然有待观察。)3、Gold and other commodities would probably prosper.(黄金和其他大宗商品的交易也将会繁荣。)4、Some industries, such as consumer goods, continue to prosper.(消费品等产业则继续保持繁荣。)5、These results suggest that if a business wants to prosper, it should hire only people who need less than 6 hours of sleep per night.(这些结果表明,如果一个企业想要成功,它应该只雇佣每晚睡眠时间少于6小时的人。)6、Some might even prosper.(某些公司甚至可能欣欣向荣。)7、We want China to succeed and prosper.(我希望中国成功和繁荣。)8、Shall he prosper?(他岂能亨通呢。)9、With the former you can prosper, with the latter you will starve.(进入前者你将繁荣昌盛,进入后者你将饥肠辘辘。)
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thermocol聚苯乙烯是polystyrene 的别称Polystyrene Styrofoam redirects here. For the music band of the same name see Styrofoam (artist).Polystyrene is a polymer made from the monomer styrene, a liquid hydrocarbon that is commercially manufactured from petroleum. At room temperature, polystyrene is normally a solid thermoplastic, but can be melted at higher temperature for molding or extrusion, then resolidified. Styrene is an aromatic monomer, and polystyrene is an aromatic polymer.
2023-07-07 15:24:461


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Food and Health The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon. Different cultures are more prone to contract certain illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, government researchers realized that nitrates and nitrites, commonly used to preserve color in meats, and other food additives, caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things in the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful. The additives which we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to beef and poultry, and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar drugs are administered to animals not for medicinal purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue. 食品与健康 我们所吃的食物似乎对我们的健康有深远的影响. 尽管科学上已取得许多进展,使食物更适合我们食用,但与此同时它也使许多食物不宜食用了. 一些研究已经表明,人类大概有80%的疾病与饮食有关,40%的癌症,特别是结肠癌,也与饮食有关. 不同的文化会使人们更易患某些疾病,这是由这些文化的人们喜好的食物所致. 食物与疾病有关并不是新发现. 1945年,政府部门的科研工作者了解到,被广泛用于肉类以保持肉类色泽的硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐和其他的添加剂可诱发癌症. 可是这些致癌物质依然存在于我们的食物之中. 与此同时,要想知道加工食品标签上的哪些成分对健康有利,哪些成分对健康不利,变得更加困难了. 我们吃到的这些添加物并非都是如此直接的. 农民常给牛和家禽注射青霉素,因而在受过注射的牛所产牛奶里发现青霉素. 有时让家禽服用这类药物并非是为了治病,而是为了经济上的缘故. 农民们只是想使家畜长得更肥壮可以上市场上卖到好价钱. 虽然食物和药品管理局已一再设法控制这种情况的发生,但是这种行为仍在继续. Pottery Ancient people made clay pottery because they needed it for their survival. They used the pots they made for cooking, storing food, and carrying things from place to place. Pottery was so important to early cultures that scientists now study it to learn more about ancient civilizations. The more advanced the pottery in terms of decoration, materials, glazes and manufacture, the more advanced the culture itself. The artisan who makes pottery in North America today utilizes his or her skill and imagination to create items that are beautiful as well as functional, transforming something ordinary into something special and unique. The potter uses one of the Earth"s most basic materials, clay. Clay can be found almost anywhere. Good pottery clay must be free from all small stones and other hard materials that would make the potting process difficult. Most North American artisan potters now purchase commercially processed clay, but some find the clay they need right in the earth close to where they work. The most important tools potters use are their own hands; however, they also use wire loop tools, wooden modeling tools, plain wire, and sponges. Plain wire is used to cut away the finished pot from its base on the potter"s wheel. After a finished pot is dried of all its moisture in the open air, it is placed in a kiln and fired. The first firing hardens the pottery, and it is then ready to be glazed and fired again. For areas where they do not want any glaze, such as the bottom of the pot, artisans paint on melted wax that will later burn off in the kiln. They then pour on the liquid glaze and let it run over the clay surface, making any kind of decorative pattern that they want. 陶器 古代人制作陶器是因为他们的生存需要它. 他们用这些自制的盆盆罐罐来做饭、装食物、储运东西. 陶器在早期文化中占据了如此重要的地位,以致于科学家们现在通过研究陶器来获取对古代文明的更多的了解. 因为陶器的装饰、材料、釉彩、制作等工艺越发达就说明这种文明越发达. 今天,北美的陶艺匠人运用他们的技艺和想象力创造出了既美观又实用的陶艺制品,把日常用品变为独特的艺术品. 制陶匠人使用大地上最基本的原材料--粘土. 粘土几乎随处可见,但好的制陶所用的粘土必须不含小沙粒或任何硬物,否则会给制陶过程带来不便. 现在大多数北美制陶艺人买现成的专用陶土,也有些陶匠乐于就地取材,在作坊附近自己挖粘土. 制陶器最重要的工具是工匠们自己的双手,但有时他们也用些别的工具,如绳圈、木模、素线、海绵等. 素线的作用是当一件陶器完成后用它把陶器从转盘上的基座上切下来. 陶器成形后,首先要在空气中自然风干,再放到窑中焙烧. 第一遍焙烧使得陶器变得坚硬,下一步就是给它上釉彩,然后再焙烧. 陶器上有些地方不需上釉彩,像罐子底部,匠人们就在这些部位涂上蜡,一加热就会化掉. 然后匠人们把釉彩液体浇上陶器表面,绘制他们想要的任何图案.
2023-07-07 15:25:121

英语look like和resemble区别是什么?

一、意思不同1、look like:看起来与(某人或某物)相像或相似,很可能出现或引起(某事、做某事)。2、resemble:看起来像,显得像,像。二、用法不同1、look like:like用作形容词时,其意思是“相似的,相同的”,指两个或两个以上的人或物具有某些类似之处,以至区别不开,但并非同一个人或物。like多用来修饰外貌、性质专等抽象的事物,有时也可修饰具体事物。2、resemble:resemble意为“类似”,着重强调视觉上感觉相像。三、侧重点不同1、look like:更倾向于指人的相似。2、resemble:更倾向于指事物的相似。
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