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rain英 [reɪn] 美 [ren] n.雨;(热带地区的)雨季,雨天;雨点般降落的东西;<俚>电子流vt.& vi.(雨)降下,(使)降落;大量地给,(使)大量落下例句:It rained the whole weekend 整个周末都在下雨。








It may rain,but we are going anyway.




Today is a rainy day but i just at home to do homework and don"t play with my friends.自己翻译的,估计很中式英语。


It rained all day yesterday

因为天在下雨,所以我们不能出去 用英语怎么说

we couldn"t go out for it rains


是指Songs From A Secret Garden 和 down by the salley gardens这两首歌吗?不是同一首歌。《神秘园之歌》Songs From A Secret Garden 是神秘园最早的一首新世纪风格的纯音乐,因其优美的旋律在20世纪前后红遍我国大江南北,很多电视节目广告都拿来做背景音乐,你一听就知道了。后面他们还出了一首The Things You Are To Me,是加了歌词版本的神秘园之歌,也很好听。《柳园里》 down by the salley gardens 是爱尔兰诗人叶芝写的诗歌,后来被加上曲子翻唱,也火遍全球。类似我们的《明月几时有》。有很多个版本,我喜欢听藤田惠美的版本。


1. 雨的的英文怎么写 pluvial 读音:英 [u02c8plu:viu0259l] 美 [u02c8pluviu0259l] adj.雨的;洪水的;多雨的;有雨的 例句: 1、With the change of precipitation, it divided three pluvial periods and three dry periods. 根据降水变化可分为三个多雨期和三个少雨期。 2、Concerning the autumn type, because Ural trough meets Aleutian trough over northeast China in summer there is a high possibility for low temperature and pluvial damages. 秋季型由于乌拉尔低槽和阿留申低槽于夏季在东北汇合加强,易造成低温多雨。 3、Kinds of alluvial and pluvial placers were formed in Quaternary as No. 13 series. 进入第四纪以来,形成了各种类型的冲积、洪积砂矿床,构成了第13成矿系列。 4、Especially in pluvial regions of the south, nearly all highways have had varying-degree water damage phenomenon in less than one year. 特别是在南方的多雨地区,几乎所有的高速公路不到一年就产生了不同程度的水损坏现象。 5、The pluvial geological records of Jiangling area in Jianghan Plain, show that the area revealed 18 flood events during the last 3000 years. 江汉平原江陵地区的洪水地质记录表明,近3000年来,该区共发生了18次特大洪水漫滩事件。 扩展资料: rain 读音:英 [reu026an] 美 [ren] n.雨;(热带地区的)雨季,雨天;雨点般降落的东西;<;俚>;电子流 vt.& vi.(雨)降下,(使)降落;大量地给,(使)大量落下 第三人称单数: rains 复数: rains 现在分词: raining 过去式: rained 过去分词: rained 例句: 1、I hope you didn"t get soaked standing out in the rain 我希望你站在外面没有被雨淋透。 2、The rains have failed again in the Horn of Africa. 雨季又没有光顾非洲之角。 3、It rained the whole weekend 整个周末都在下雨。 4、The police, raining blows on rioters and spectators alike, cleared the park 警察不分闹事者与观众统统一顿猛击,把人们清除出了足球场。 5、A rain of stones descended on the police. 一阵乱石砸向警察。 2. 雨的英文怎么写啊 rain1 / re??n; ren/ n [U] condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling as separate drops; fall of these drops 雨; 下雨: heavy/light rain 大[小]雨 * Don"t go out in the rain. 不要冒着雨出去. * Come in out of the rain. 快进来, 别让雨淋着. * It looks like (ie as if there will be a fall of) rain. 像是要下雨了. the rains [pl] season of heavy continuous rain in tropical countries (热带地区 的)雨季: The rains e in September. 雨季於九月到来. [sing] (preceded by an adj 用於形容词之后) shower of rain of the specified type 某种类型的雨: There was a heavy rain during the night. 夜间下了一场大雨. [sing] ~ of sth (esp fig 尤作比喻) great number of things falling like rain 像雨点般降落的东西: a rain of arrows, bullets, etc 箭﹑ 子弹等如雨点一般 * a rain of ashes, eg from a volcano 如雨点般落下的灰尘(如从火山口中喷出者). (idm 习语) e ,rain, e `shine; (e) ,rain or `shine whether there is rain or sunshine; whatever happens 不论晴雨; 不管发生什麽事情: The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine. 游园义卖会定於星期日举行, 风雨无阻. right as rain => right. > rainless adj: a rainless day 无雨天. # rainbow / ??re??nb??u; ˋren??bo/ n arch containing the colours of the spectrum, formed in the sky when the sun shines through rain or spray 虹; 彩虹: silks dyed in all (the) colours of the rainbow 染成彩虹那样七种颜色的丝绸服装. `rainbow trout black-spotted trout with o reddish bands from nose to tail 虹鳟鱼(身上有黑点, 从鼻到尾有两条红线). `rain-check n (US) 1 ticket for later use when a match, show, etc is cancelled because of rain (比赛﹑ 表演等)因雨延期有效票. 2 (idm 习语) take a rain-check (on sth) (infml 口) decline an offer, etc but promise to accept it later 谢绝一项好意, 但答应日后接受: Thanks for the invitation, but I"ll have to take a rain-check on it. 你的邀请我心领了, 感谢盛意改日一定践约. `raincoat n light waterproof or water-resistant coat 雨衣. `raindrop n single drop of rain 雨点. `rainfall n [U] total amount of rain falling within a given area in a given time 降雨量: an annual rainfall of 10 cm 年降雨量10厘米. =>App 4 见附录4. `rain forest thick evergreen forest in tropical regions with heavy rainfall 雨林(热带地区多雨的茂密常绿森林). `rain-gauge n instrument for measuring rainfall 雨量计. `rainproof adj that can keep rain out 防雨的: a rainproof jacket 防雨短上衣. `rain-water n soft water that has fallen as rain, eg not taken from wells, etc 雨水(软水, 如并非井水等). rain2 / re??n; ren/ v [I] (used with it 与it连用) fall as rain 下雨; 降雨: It is raining, ie Rain is falling. 下着雨呢. * It rained hard all day. 下了一整天的大雨. [Ipr] ~ on *** /sth (fig 比喻) fall like rain on *** /sth 像雨点般落在某人[某物]上: Blows rained on the door. 敲门声像雨点一样. * The suitcase burst open and its contents rained on the floor. 手提箱裂开了, 里面的东西纷纷落在地板上. (idm 习语) it ,never ,rains but it `pours (saying 谚) misfortunes, etc usually e in large numbers 不雨则已, 一雨倾盆; 灾祸等不发生则已, 一发生便接踵而至: First my car broke down, then I lost my key: it never rains but it pours! 先是我的汽车出了故障, 接着又丢了钥匙, 真是祸不单行! rain `buckets; rain cats and `dogs (esp in the continuous tenses 尤用於进行时态) rain very heavily 下倾盆大雨. (phr v) rain down (sth) flow or e down in large quantities 大量流下; 大量落下: Tears rained down her cheeks. 她泪流满面. * Loose rocks rained down (the hillside). 松动的岩石大量滚下(山坡). rain down (on *** /sth) e down on *** /sth 传给某人[某事物]: Abuse rained down on the noisy students from the open windows. 穿过敞开的窗户传来对那些喧闹学生的责骂声. * Invitations rained down on the visiting writer. 来访的这位作家收到了许多邀请信. rain in (used with it 与it连用): It is raining in, ie Rain is ing through the roof, tent, etc. 漏雨了. rain sth off; US rain sth out (usu passive 通常用於被动语态) (infml 口) prevent (eg an event) from taking place because of rain 因雨而使(事情等)受阻: The match was rained off ice. 比赛因雨而被迫两次改期.。 3. 下雨天的英文单词怎么写 wet 英 [wet] 美 [wet] adj. 湿的;雨天的;懦弱的 比较级: wetter 最高级: wettest 过去式: wet/wetted 过去分词: wet/wetted 现在分词: wetting 第三人称单数: wets 词语用法 adj. (形容词) 1、wet的基本意思是“湿的,潮的”,指某物体表面有液体或处于液体状态。 2、wet也可作“下雨的,多雨的”解。 n. (名词) 3、wet用作名词的意思是“雨天,湿地”,通常用作单数形式,其前须加定冠词the。 4、wet也可作“迟钝或软弱的人”“稳健而不激进的政治家”解,是可数名词。 例句 用作形容词 (adj.) The paper has wrinkled where it got wet. 这张纸湿的地方起皱褶了。 You will get wet if you go out without an umbrella. 你出门不带伞会被淋湿的。 扩展资料: 近义词的用法 rain 英 [reu026an] 美 [reu026an] n. 雨;雨水 ;v. 下雨;(雨点般)落下 形容词: rainless 过去式: rained 过去分词: rained 现在分词: raining 第三人称单数: rains 词语用法 n. (名词) 1、rain的意思是“雨”,通常用作不可数名词, a rain指“一次雨、一阵雨、一场…样的雨”, rains指“几场雨,大阵雨”。 v. (动词) 2、rain用作动词时作“下雨”解,多用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,通常表示雨下得很大,可接drops等名词作宾语。 3、rain表示“下雨”时,主语一般用代词it。当主语不是it时,常表示“…雨点般地落下”。 4. 关于雨的作文{英文} Rain, like 10 million silver. Drizzle quietly quietly float in, like countless Silkworm mother out of silver. 10 million wire, rippling in the air, the long Mimi Qingmiao, throwing Heiyouyou field. Such as silk from the air, landing light rain and no rain is so *** all, Yulian is so dense, to the mountains covered Chanyi as white. Quick and very *** all, very sponge, like floating in the spring time Xu. Like fog like rain, like the rain like fog, fishes Lu:lu: Touching constantly. I like the rain 雨,像千万条银丝。 细雨,悄悄无声地飘落着,像是无数蚕娘吐出的银丝。千万条细丝,荡漾在半空中,迷迷漫漫的轻纱,披上了黑油油田野。 如丝的小雨从空中降落,雨点是那样小,雨帘是那样密,给群山披上蝉翼般的白纱。 雨丝很细,很绵,像春天时空飘浮的柳絮。 像雾似的雨,像雨似的雾,丝丝缕缕缠绵不断。 我喜欢雨。

Vrf的《下雨天》 歌词

歌曲名:下雨天歌手:Vrf专辑:华纳廿三周年纪念精选系列 - 华纳群星下雨天曲 : 黄良升词 : 小美编 : Edward Chan/Charles Lee又独行旧地遇着拦路雨洒遍地路静人寂寞这痛哭的雨途人懒去作躲避这雨中失意空间点点雨似渗出眼泪我置身失意空间盼雨水冲去彷徨愁思心碎滋味对昨天心已死只想不记起遗忘眼里暗带着希翼在某雨夜我心爱别离置身雨中假想她在旁OH……风急雨下假装上路忙那知我心没法可释放仍怀念你一再往后看爱已碰灰雨也变灰深宵雨里陌路徘徊OH……OH……孤单的心开着舞会这个雨天无言流了泪急风送陌路人雨中归去夜雨催促归去Hey girl, why you left me in the rainYo, you"re mad,I"m just as sad, so quit foolish thinkingDon"t be cruel, break the rule, try to see it in my shoeLet"s be cool, cool, cool , coolYou"re decided to go , and cut me so cowStuff me in the cuff me in the deepa than lowOh, mam, what a mess I am baby, baby please come backhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7299837















在线等!!two people are、 one people is 是这样用吗?【带武艺下雨天,武艺加油午饭加油】

people本身就是复数,意思是“人们”。用法是:people are若是要说一两个人的话,用person吧。意思是“人”


谷雨下雨的诗句如下:1、原文:落絮游丝三月候,风吹雨洗一城花。未知东郭清明酒,何似西窗谷雨茶。释义:柳絮纷飞,蛛丝游动,正值暮春三月,风吹雨洗满城落花。不知道在东城外共饮清明酒,比起坐在西窗下面共饮谷雨茶怎么样。赏析:清明节和二十四节气中的谷雨离得很近;而清明酒与谷雨茶皆为时令佳品。清明酒,是古人在清明节酿制的酒,可养生健体;又可清明祭祀,故清明酒更像是断肠酒。谷雨茶又名春茶,是新年的茶,滋味鲜爽,香气怡人,是希望的茶。“落絮游丝三月候,风吹雨洗一城花。”诗中的“三月”即农历三月,也就是阳历四月。在这个暮春三月,柳絮纷飞,蛛丝游动,满城落花,诗情画意,饶有兴致的诗人用手中细腻多情的笔,描绘出这个节点特有的美丽景致和风俗习惯,有一定的文化底蕴和内涵,同时也表现出我国古代文人骚客喜好饮酒品茶、敲诗吟句的风雅。全诗文辞清丽雅致,画面感强,寓情于景,意境疏朗开阔,给人留下美的感受和无限遐想空间。2、原文:不风不雨正晴和,翠竹亭亭好节柯。最爱晚凉佳客至,一壶新茗泡松萝。几枝新叶萧萧竹,数笔横皴淡淡山。正好清明连谷雨,一杯香茗坐其间。释义:无风也无雨,正是晴朗温和天气;翠竹高耸直立,竹节交叉摇曳煞是好看。最喜晚凉天气里,贵客来访;泡一壶松萝新茶来招待。铺纸泼墨,先画凄清冷落的几枝新竹叶;再是数点淡墨,以干笔横皴春山。正是清明已过,临近谷雨的时节;捧一杯香茶坐在竹石画间多么寂静。赏析:谷雨是采茶的时节,民间谚云“谷雨谷雨,采茶对雨”。明代许次纾在《茶疏》中谈到采茶时节时说:“清明太早, 立夏太迟,谷雨前后,其时适中。”谷雨时采摘的茶细嫩清香,味道最佳,故谷雨品新茶,相沿成习。3、原文:春山谷雨前,并手摘芳烟。绿嫩难盈笼,清和易晚天。且招邻院客,试煮落花泉。地远劳相寄,无来又隔年。释义:每到谷雨采茶季节,人人戴了草帽,挎着竹笠篓,在茶垄间缓慢移动。因为只摘嫩叶,总是很难摘满一筐,可是天色很快向晚。赏析:此诗表达作者和中上人的友谊非常深厚。因为他们是真正的朋友,中上人给齐记寄茶,作者不像别人,觉得茶不好就不收这份茶,而是欢欢喜喜的接收了,还用他们山里的泉水来泡茶,为了感谢中人,他还邀请了很多朋友来喝中,上人寄来的茶来分享中,上人的友谊。

what if后面加什么时态,有固定的嘛?列入明天下雨怎么办?用what if 造句

可以接真实语气或者虚拟语气 虚拟语气,与现在事实相反时用一般过去式,与过去事实相反时用过去完成时,也可加should+动词原形 真实语气,例What if it rains tomorrow? 与过去相反:What if I had not come yesterday? 与现在相反:What if I came tomorrow instead of today? What if I should fall sick and not able to work?


1、下雨了,默默的为心底里的他打一把伞,尽管你不需要 2、整座城市都在看雨,只有我在看你带没带伞。 3、淋了一身的雨,分不清是泪还是水…… 4、下雨了,我害怕的不是打雷闪电,我怕的是你在跟别人撑伞雨中暧昧。 5、打雷了、下雨了、我想知道在你害怕的时候你第一个想起是不是我。 6、最美的不是下雨天,而是我与你一起躲过雨的屋檐。 7、下雨天陪在你身边的人是谁,你又在想谁呢? 8、当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好在心里放晴! 9、下雨是因为天空承受不了雨滴的重量,而流泪是承受不住心的痛。 10、下雨的天,孤单的夜,又独自一人徘徊在无人的街;想着你那迷人的笑脸,尽管我知道你心里没有我存在的空间。 11、每座城市都会下雨,就像我走到哪里都会想你。 12、那夜,你为她撑伞,却忘了我也怕雨淋。 13、你住的城市下雨了,很想问你有没有带伞,可是我忍住了,因为我怕你说没带而我又无能为力,就像是我爱你却无法陪伴。 14、你只是在无意中说你不喜欢下雨,我却在每个下雨天想起你。 15、你说过要当我的保护伞,如今心在下雨你的人却在哪里? 16、转身离开,才发现脸上早就湿了,以为是下雨了,没想到是心下雨了。 17、我淋过最大的雨是你烈日下的不回头。 最美的不是下雨天,而是与你一起躲过的屋檐。 1.No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, wont make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 2.Catch ones heart,never be apart. 愿得一人心,白首不相离。 3.Remember, can cry, can hate, but you cant not strong. Because there are a group of people waiting to see your jokes. 记住,可以哭,可以恨,但是不可以不坚强。因为后面还有一群人在等着看你的笑话。 4.The most wonderful thing is not rainy day but the eaves we stayed together. 最美的不是下雨天,而是与你一起躲过的屋檐。 5.You cry to the piercing that person is the person you love. Make you laugh to heartless man, is love you. 让你哭到撕心裂肺的那个人,是你最爱的人。让你笑到没心没肺那个人,是最爱你的人。 6.Soft-hearted is a disease, but you is life. 心软是病,可你是命. 7.Love you, dont need a reason; dont like you, anything can be a reason. 喜欢你,不需要理由;不喜欢你,什么都可以成为理由。 8.Told grievance is not real grievance.Either is the lover who is taken away. 能够说出的委屈,便不算委屈;能够抢走的爱人,便不算爱人。 9.Life doesnt get easier, you just get stronger. 生活从未变得轻松,是你在一点一点变得坚强。 10.In life we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love. 人的一生,都有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回的遗憾,触不到的梦想,忘不了的爱。 11.The world is very small, so we met. The world is big, separate it is hard to goodbye. 这个世界很小,我们就这样遇见 。这个世界很大,分开就很难再见。 12.Dont promise me forever, just love me day by day. 不必承诺永远,只要爱我一天又一天。 13.Heard some things, obviously irrelevant, but also in the hearts of several bends Shui think of you. 听到一些事,明明不相干的,也会在心中拐好几个弯想到你。 14.Ive never given much thought to how I would die, but dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. 我过去从未过多考虑过我将来会如何死去,但死在我爱的人怀里倒是一个不错的选择。 15.metimes, tears is sign of unspoken happiness. And smile is sign of silent pain. 眼泪,有时候是一种无法言说的幸福。微笑,有时候是一种没有说出口的伤痛 。 最美的不是下雨天而是和你一起躲过雨的屋檐! 1、天下雨了,而我选择躲进 雨里 那样你大概就看不见我的泪了 2、因为你总会提醒就算我得到世界,有些幸福不是我的。 3、如果天晴,阳光是我的问候;如果下雨,雨声是我的祝福;如果刮风,风声是我的祈祷;无论何时,我都祝愿你快乐幸福! 4、天黑了是因为太阳睡了;下雨了是因为云哭了;树断了是因为风发怒了;我哭了是因为你离开了;给你发信息了是因为我想你了,远方的你过的好吗? 5、下雨天,喜欢无风的下雨天! 6、我曾说我是个喜欢下雨天的人,因为下雨可以让我感动,让我冷静,冬天雨天 ,是那如丝般的细雨,没有力量,偶尔落到身上,也会被外套头发接受,皮肤很难感受到。风,雨总是漫无目的的飞,不用打伞,雨碎碎的…… 7、不会的哭的女人是怪物,只会哭的女人是废物。 8、你到底隐身在哪里,是不是,我追随着落在雨水里的花瓣,才可以达到。 9、最美的不是下雨天而是和你一起躲过雨的屋檐。 10、我想可能是因为我平时太活泼,只有下雨的时候才会让自己变得和淑女一样吧,呵呵!这都是我们的双重性格决定的,自己是个开朗的人,就会偶尔特别向往文静的样子! 11、在午夜,是人最想哭的时候因为那时是人最寂寞的时候。 12、下雨了是因为云哭了,花开了是因为风笑了,飘雪了是因为太阳睡了,月亮圆了是因为星星醉了,给你发短信了是因为我想你了! 13、短信无需合情合理,但需真心真意;祝福无需常常联系,但需挂记挂心里。一条温暖的关怀送给你:下雨天气凉,注意加衣! 14、现在不再那么幻想了,但是还是喜欢雨,喜欢下雨的时候,一个人坐在窗前,数雨滴。 15、喜欢下雨天,因为它是适合发呆的天气。但不喜欢有风的日子,担心被风吹乱了心爱的短发,重要的是隐形眼镜遇到风会掉眼泪,那种情景会很尴尬。 最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。 1.最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。 2.记得,一个雨天你说你会很疼我,现在又下雨了带走了我们所有的誓言 3.一场秋雨一层凉雨打沙滩万点坑珠打算盘一帘幽梦雨后彩虹溪流成河 4.既然是过去就有该变成过去的理由 执念不放只是对自己的伤害 5.天下雨了,而我选择躲进 雨里 那样你大概就看不见我的泪了 6.因为你总会提醒就算我得到世界,有些幸福不是我的。 7.有个傻瓜总是感动的时候喜欢说:天下雨了。 8.我喜欢下雨 喜欢站在雨里淋湿了自己 因为这样就算你哭了也没人知道。 9.你的眼睛下雨了,淋湿我所有的骄傲 10.每当下雨的时候,我还是会想起你,想起那些连呼吸都觉得心痛的画面。 11.今天又下雨了,你在我身边我很开心也很幸福。 12. 我说:我的世界在下雨。你说:没事,我会为你撑起伞来遮挡。 13.你在雨中行走,你从不打伞,你有自己的天空,它从不下雨。 14.记得,一个雨天你说你会很疼我,现在又下雨了带走了我们所有的誓言。 15.张爱玲说:雨声潺潺,像住在溪边。宁愿天天下雨,以为你是因为下雨而不来。 16.感动不是下雨的时候你给我撑伞 而是和我一起淋雨 17.下雨,冲走了什么;雨过天晴的太阳,带来了什么。没有,都没有。 18.大头大头,下雨不愁,别人有伞,你有大头 19.现在不再那么幻想了,但是还是喜欢雨,喜欢下雨的时候,一个人坐在窗前,数雨滴。 20.雨下个不停,心湿了一地,该怎么去忘了你 21.雨水,从雨伞间隙里化作天使般的泪,湿了一地。 22.下雨天的心情说说:没有什么永远没有什么很久 找个借口谁都可以先走 23.下雨天,突然好想出去淋雨,好让自己清醒点。 24.一天又一天,一时又时,那等待比什么都痛苦。 25.一个人如果爱另一个人 即使一声叹息也会听得出来 26.最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。好想你怎么老是下雨 27.天要下雨,娘要嫁人。顺其自然就好,何必庸人自扰。 28.当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好一起在心里放晴。

what if后面加什么时态,有固定的嘛?列入明天下雨怎么办?用what if 造句

what will you do,if it rains?





rain下雨 rainy下雨的 两个有什么区别?分别怎么用?来个例句

rain 可做动词或名词.作动词常用的是做不及物动词意为“下雨”.名词就是“雨”了. 首先 rain是不可数名词 所以rains只是个三单形式而已 不是单独的词. 例句的话 像是:It rains a lot.常常下雨. It is raining outside.外面正在下雨. 这两句里的It都是指代天气 说天气的时候一般都用it作形式主语. 其次 rainy是形容词 用来修饰名词 一般和day连用.译为“多雨的,下雨的” 如:Today is a rainy day.今天是个下雨天. It is rainy in spring.春天多雨. 其他的天气词也是同理的 不过动词就不一定了 你得看看是不是能“下”像是sun就只能作名词是“太阳” sunny是“晴天” 动词的“天晴了”用的是clear rain 1.n.雨;下雨;雨天;雨季 2.vi.下雨;降雨 3.vt.大量地给;使大量落下 rains 1.(n名词).雨季(rain的复数形式) 2.vt.下雨(rain的第三人称单数) rainy adj.下雨的;多雨的 rain可以作名词,也可以做动词. 1、作名词 雨天 heavy rain——暴雨 2、作动词vt 下雨 It is going to rain.快要下雨了. rains作名词是名词rain的复数,雨季 作动词是动词rain的第三人称单数 下雨 It rains outside.外面下着雨. rainy为形容词 多雨的 Is it a rainy day?今天是雨天吗?

rain下雨 rainy下雨的 两个有什么区别?分别怎么用?来个例句

rain 可做动词或名词.作动词常用的是做不及物动词意为“下雨”.名词就是“雨”了. 首先 rain是不可数名词 所以rains只是个三单形式而已 不是单独的词. 例句的话 像是:It rains a lot.常常下雨. It is raining outside.外面正在下雨. 这两句里的It都是指代天气 说天气的时候一般都用it作形式主语. 其次 rainy是形容词 用来修饰名词 一般和day连用.译为“多雨的,下雨的” 如:Today is a rainy day.今天是个下雨天. It is rainy in spring.春天多雨. 其他的天气词也是同理的 不过动词就不一定了 你得看看是不是能“下”像是sun就只能作名词是“太阳” sunny是“晴天” 动词的“天晴了”用的是clear rain 1.n.雨;下雨;雨天;雨季 2.vi.下雨;降雨 3.vt.大量地给;使大量落下 rains 1.(n名词).雨季(rain的复数形式) 2.vt.下雨(rain的第三人称单数) rainy adj.下雨的;多雨的 rain可以作名词,也可以做动词. 1、作名词 雨天 heavy rain——暴雨 2、作动词vt 下雨 It is going to rain.快要下雨了. rains作名词是名词rain的复数,雨季 作动词是动词rain的第三人称单数 下雨 It rains outside.外面下着雨. rainy为形容词 多雨的 Is it a rainy day?今天是雨天吗?

margiela tabi鞋底下雨穿会烂吗



是 不是 《天空之城》?或者是《千与千寻》?


歌曲名:情人街作词:祁隆 作曲:祁隆演唱:祁隆 记得一个下雨的夜你我相识在这条街街边昏暗的路灯仿佛照亮爱你的夜繁华都市的午夜走在这条熟悉的街看着都市的霓虹可是你我已离别走在这条熟悉的街萧瑟的秋风在哽咽看着穿梭的人们多少相聚多少离别再次走在这条熟悉的街想起从前我们缠绵的夜所有往事随风去多少凄凉多少情结繁华都市的午夜走在这条熟悉的街看着都市的霓虹可是你我已离别走在这条熟悉的街萧瑟的秋风在哽咽看着穿梭的人们多少相聚多少离别再次走在这条熟悉的街想起从前我们缠绵的夜所有往事随风去多少凄凉多少情结繁华都市的午夜走在这条熟悉的街看着都市的霓虹可是你我已离别


改程序,记得要备份。甲板炮装弹时 V: kdataLibraryGUNS_SUB.SIM鱼雷装弹时间修改dataSubmarine各型潜艇文件夹里的.sim" 甲板炮在恶劣天气下正常使用的修改Submarine各型潜艇文件夹里的.cfg甲板炮射程距离修改dataLibraryShells.sim甲板炮威力修改dataLibraryShells.zon修改了所有鱼雷的威力dataLibraryTorpedo.zon潜艇的速度修改DataSubmarine各型潜艇文件夹里的.sim


改程序,记得要备份。甲板炮装弹时 V: kdataLibraryGUNS_SUB.SIM鱼雷装弹时间修改dataSubmarine各型潜艇文件夹里的.sim" 甲板炮在恶劣天气下正常使用的修改Submarine各型潜艇文件夹里的.cfg甲板炮射程距离修改dataLibraryShells.sim甲板炮威力修改dataLibraryShells.zon修改了所有鱼雷的威力dataLibraryTorpedo.zon潜艇的速度修改DataSubmarine各型潜艇文件夹里的.sim


以下是一些描写下雨的歌曲:1. 张国荣《共同渡过》2. 张韶涵《淋雨一直走》3. 孙燕姿《雨天》4. 汪峰《在雨中》5. 张宇《雨一直下》6. 苏打绿《被雨困住的城市》7. 盘尼西林乐队《雨夜曼彻斯特》8. Lauv《Paris in the Rain》9. Rachael Yamagata《I"ll find a way》10. 张智航《抓不住你的梦》11. 张智航《想你的时候》12. 何龙雨《最美最美》13. 孙青《老婆是别人的情人》14. 白婧《醒了》15. BY2《触动》16. 刘冰《想着你亲爱的》17. 袁成杰《快乐不过是》18. 龙啸《好男人就不愁没老婆》19. 李佳璐《如果下辈子还能遇见你》20. 东方红艳《回头望草原》21. 冷漠《老夫少妻》22. 丁当《野兽》23. 戴愛玲《星际旅行》24. 孙楠《方向感》25. 司徒兰芳《爱到世界毁灭前》26. 侯歌《莫发飙》27. __洲《美丽的长发》28. 刘明辉《黄昏里的老男孩》29. 孙楠《迷人岛》30. 许佳慧《盱眙之恋》31. 陶喆《因为爱JustLove》32. 吴克群《GoodLuck》33. 东来东往《让爱情飞》34. 汪东城《完美心跳》35. 黄海永《爱还剩下什么》36. 艾歌《双人床》37. 乌兰图雅《火辣辣的情歌》38. 乌兰图雅《草原情哥哥》39. 冷漠《情奴》40. 王蓦然《等你在雨中》41. 崔子格《我再也不相信爱情了》42. 林凡《睡在一起的知己》43. 凤凰传奇《御龙归字谣》44. 龙梅子《我想听你说爱我》45. 苏勒亚其其格《每一天》46. 路绮欧《三分之一的爱情》47. 地铁兄弟《冬天里的白玫瑰》48. 隋超《谢谢你》49. 隋超《我不要写情歌》50. 隋超《有你的幸福》51. 潘艺翔《童话诗》52. 梦然《转圈圈》53. 梦然《忘了你是谁》54. 梦然《北京烟火》55. 梦然《未定义告别》56. 梦然《为你伤自己的心》57. 梦然《爱情面具》58. 梦然《有你,就好》59. 凤凰传奇《最炫民族风》60. 尼格尔《牧马人的传说》61. 陈浩民《第一次》62. 陈浩民《继续走》63. 陈浩民《忘不了的人》64. 陈浩民《世界小姐》





荒野之息 雷之台地 怎么爬,下雨

荒野之息 雷之台地 怎么爬,下雨 塞尔达传说荒野之息中有一座雪山、木头武器3支左右点燃 带着点燃的武器到雪山、拿到厚衣服 厚衣服在雪山最上面那个人哪里 3。那么如何才能平安的进入雪山呢看下面就跟大家详细介绍一下吧、带大量食物一路加血从绕过后山 ,但是玩家一般是无法靠近的。在进入雪山的时候回持续叩血:2辣椒+3蘑菇煮的食物 锅下面要有火然后站在拿着锅前食物、准备大量火把 5,然后就能点A了 2,在武器烧完前一般能搞定 4。 1、吃辣椒作的食物 例如 荒野之息 雷之台地祠宝箱怎么拿 可以拔出大师之剑,后期血是一定要加到13点的,原来去不了的地方就能比较轻松到达塞尔达荒野之息一开始先加几点耐力 塞尔达传说、荒野之息、雷之神兽技能怎么使用? 1、使用方法:长按x,有特效。三次使用完后,自动充能,时间5分钟还是10分钟的样子。每次充能完毕都能用三次 2、塞尔达传说 《塞尔达传说》是任天堂所推出的奇幻电玩游戏系列,由知名电玩游戏设计师宫本茂制作。游玩的方式基本上属于动作游戏,但又加入了高度的解谜要素,可归类在动作角色扮演及动作冒险型别。1986年2月21日在FC磁碟机上推出了第一款《塞尔达传说》,之后便成为系列作品。塞尔达是游戏架空背景中王室女性的名字。该游戏融合了动作、冒险、解谜、角色扮演,还包含了少量的平台跳跃,潜入,竞速等元素,是任天堂的招牌系列之一,在全球有很大的影响力。 2016年8月27日,时代周刊评选出了历史50佳游戏,《塞尔达传说》位列第7。 3、游戏评价 1)游戏界的里程碑 必须要科普的一点是,塞尔达传说的确为ARPG的鼻祖。其次,《塞尔达传说-时之笛》(1998年冬释出)首先引入了三维游戏Lock on(锁定)系统,完美解决了以往三维游戏的视角问题,Lock on系统在作品之后的三维游戏中经常被使用。因此,这可谓是三维游戏进步的一次大革命。 2)系列的高素质 《塞尔达传说-众神的三角力量》是日本第一个突破FAMI通39分高分的作品,这在当时以极端苛刻与严格著称的FAMI通杂志的评分中是绝无仅有的。而《众神的三角力量》也是日本第一个销量突破百万的作品。这些荣誉使《众神的三角力量》在后世的评价中成为了SFC上的不朽杰作,仅仅次于奠定了后世RPG基础的《最终幻想6》。 荒野之息自己怎么防雷 塞尔达传说荒野之息蛮族套装怎么获得? 如下图,一共有3个迷宫,突破迷宫后进入神庙开宝箱能获得蛮族套装: 荒野之息 防雷套装怎么拿 ??塞尔达荒野之息攀巖套装获取视讯攻略?游戏简介塞尔达传说荒野之息中有各式各样的套装等待着玩家们去收集,游戏中的攀巖套装可以提升玩家的攀巖速度。 【防雷帽】橡胶头盔Rubber Helm 帽子位置在名叫‘Lakeside stable" 的马厩(在FaronTower塔的东南方向,延著河就能找到了),有个小美女在喂马(如果找不到她,那可能在屋里避雨,等她出来就好了),然后跟她对话,会说马厩总被雷劈,希望你解决。你到马厩顶上找到一把斧子,很简单直接爬马厩,最上面拿下来,然后去找她,就会给你帽子了。(地图位置在大地图下方的雨林区,如果你知道怎么刷雷龙角的话,就在那个地图) 【防雷服】橡胶盔甲Rubber Armor 需要打圣殿,位置在Ridgeland Tower 的西边,地图塔上能看到,有一个地方长年暴风雨的地方,圣殿叫“Toh Yahsa Shrine” 到了之后,能看到有四个球的位置,其中一个就放在那,直接放进对应颜色的洞里就可以了,然后去找另外三个,都在高高的柱上面,(地图位置嘛,中央的海拉尔平原,顺着路跑到鸟人村,会经过这张地图) 【防雷裤】橡胶紧身裤Rubber Tights 也需要打圣殿,位置在雨林马厩的东南方向,地图能看到“Calora Lake”南边的高台上,圣殿叫“Qukah Nata Shrine”,因为圣殿被一层混凝土包住了,所以正常看就是个土包,往下走能看到一个鸟人,跟他对话,接任务,然后可以再跑过去把引雷的武器扔在圣殿上面,等雷来,然后就可以进入圣殿了,圣殿没有任何试炼,进去直接拿裤子。(位置其实和帽子在同一个雨林,是鸟人吟游诗人的祠堂系列任务) ゾーラの铠(身):水神兽相关剧情,国王赠与 ゾーラの兜(头):ゾーラの里,正后方大瀑布顶端的トト湖里,用磁力把在水中的宝箱拉出来 ゾーラすねあて(脚):在ゾーラの里接下支线任务「ライネル调查」,上去雷兽山用ウツシエ拍摄ライネル(水神兽剧情中要去收集电气矢的地方,镇守在山上的那只人马怪),把照片带回去给接任务的NPC后获得


god is a girl


1. 在雨天的英语作文怎么写(要用现在时) Weather Weather changes with seasons--cold with snow in winter, hot with rain in summer and mild with sunlight in spring and autumn.I like the weather with sunshine because sunny weather make people pleasant and happy. But I really don"t like the weather in Beijing very much for it is very dry and windy in autumn, and this is the city"s typical weather. Yet the weather I like most in Beijing is spring and summer. In spring flowers bloom and trees turn green and everything are full of vigor.In summer the city is decorated with flowers and green coverings almost everywhere.I think the best weather for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is the season of late summer and early autumn. So I hope it is going to be held in this season.I also agree that usually sunny weather can make people happy while rainy or cloudy or windy weather can make people in low-spirit for people tend to be more active and fortable in sunny weather.So nobody really likes windy and rainly weather and instead almost all like sunny one. 翻译:天气 天气随季节变化,冬天寒冷下雪,夏天炎热下雨,春秋温和而阳光充足。 我喜欢晴朗的天气因为明媚的阳光使人心情舒畅。但我却不太喜欢北京的秋天,干燥而风大是北京的典型天气。 我最喜欢北京的春天和夏天。春天,百花盛开,树木变绿,一切都充满了生机活力。 夏天,整个北京到处点缀着鲜花和绿地。我认为2008年北京举办奥运会的最好季节是夏秋之交,真希望能在这个时候举办盛会。 我同意这样的观点:晴朗的天气使人愉悦,而阴天,下雨或刮风的天气使人心情压抑,因为晴朗的天气里人们会觉得活跃和舒适。因此,没有人喜欢刮风下雨天,而是都喜欢阳光明媚的天气。 2. 因为下雨用英语怎么说 因为下雨的英文:because of the rain;because it rains 一、because of the rain because of: 英 [biu02c8ku0254z u0254v] 美 [bu026au02c8ku0254z u028cv] 因为,由于;基于 rain: 英 [reu026an] 美 [ren] n.雨;(热带地区的)雨季,雨天;雨点般降落的东西;<;俚>;电子流 vt.& vi.(雨)降下,(使)降落;大量地给,(使)大量落下 1、I can"t go out because of the rain. 因为下雨了,所以我不能出去。 2、I went back not because of the rain, but because I was tired. 我回来不是因为下雨,而是因为我累了。 二、because it rains because: 英 [bu026au02c8ku0252z] 美 [bu026au02c8ku0254:z] conj.因为 1、Because it rains heavily, many students couldn"t attend class on time. 因为雨下得很大,许多学生不能按时来上课。 2、I don"t like summer because it often rains. 我不喜欢夏天因为常常下雨。 扩展资料 关于因为的同义词辨析: due to、because of、owing to 1、due to prep. 由于,因为 较正式用语,常用于官方通告和公开声明中,直接作表语。 The entrepreneur"s success was largely due to his excellent judgment. 这位企业家的成功很大程度上是因为他卓越的判断力。 2、because of prep. 因为 常后接人或事物,强调其为某事物发生的原因,在英语口语中更为常用。 We missed the train because of you! 因为你,我们没赶上火车! 3、owing to prep. [正式]因为,由于 其后多接某事物,常可与 due to 换用。 He was late owing to/due to the storm. 由于暴风雨,他迟到了。 3. 因为下雨用英语怎么说 Because of the rain 因为下雨 或 Since it was raining 例句 1.因为下雨,我们不得不呆在家里。 Because of the rain, we have to stay at home. 2.因为下雨,我们选择在室内活动。 Since it was raining, we chose an indoor activity 希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O 。 4. 下雨英文怎么写 It rains 下雨了;下雨 例句: 1、If it rains tomorrow, we won"t go. 明天要是下雨,我们就不去了。 2、Don"t fet to take your umbrella in case it rains. 别忘了带伞,下雨好用。 3、What if it rains?; Suppose it rains? 要是下雨怎么办? 扩展资料: 相似短语 in the rain 在雨中,冒雨 rain on 雨点般落在…上面;纷纷落在…头上 grain rain 谷雨 rain buckets 大雨倾盆,雨下得很猛烈 rain cat and dog v. 下倾盆大雨 rain glass n. 晴雨表 rain making 人工降雨 artificial rain 人工降雨,人造雨 5. 有关下雨天气的英语作文 Weather Forecast Let"s take a look at the weather in Shanxi Province for the next 24 hours.Taiyuan would be cloudy at the time with the temperature from eighteen to enty-eight.A strong wind would reach Datong,which could cause much rain,The temperature would be sixteen to enty-six.Yangquan would be sunny with the highest temperature of thirty degree.Linfen would be windy and its temperature would be enty-three to thirty-o.We would have a sunny and hot day in Yuncheng.Its temperature would stay beeen enty-eight to thirty-four.。


Because of the rain因为下雨或Since it was raining例句1.因为下雨,我们不得不呆在家里。Because of the rain, we have to stay at home.2.因为下雨,我们选择在室内活动。Since it was raining, we chose an indoor activity希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...



有个英文歌曲开始有下雨的声音和打雷的声音 是个女的唱的 谁知道是什么歌?


求 Sarah Brightman(莎拉.布莱曼)Let It Rain(下雨吧) 的中文歌词..


求邦乔维和帕瓦罗蒂合唱的《天要下雨》 歌词

let it rain(译为、天要下雨)邦乔维&帕瓦罗蒂Last night I had a dream that there would be a morning after昨夜,我梦见漫长的岁月之后将有一个清晨Long days, sunshine, and peace充满阳光,和平的清晨Long nights of love, forgiveness, and laughter昨晚的长夜中,我看见了友爱,谅解,欢笑Maybe it was just a dream but it could be reality或许这仅仅是一个梦境,或许这将会变为现实Children are like planting seeds, you"ve got to let their flowers grow孩子们就像是播下的种子,应该让他们的花朵成长Don"t you know你一定知道Fà che piova, (Let it rain)让雨流下Fà che il cielo mi lavi il dolor (Let heaven wash away my pain)让天堂洗去我的痛楚Fà che piova (Let it rain)让雨流下che sia la pace il nome d"amor (That peace would be the name of love)让以爱为名的和平降临Through the rain I saw a child just like my child雨幕之中,我看到一个孩子,很像我自己的孩子Someone"s son or daughter谁家的儿子或者女儿I watched as they played for a while我注视着他们玩耍I wanted to cry, those babies just smiled我情难以堪,因为那些孩子们笑靥如花Maybe it was just a dream, but it should be reality或许这仅仅是一个梦境,或许这应该成为现实A child is just God"s sign that peace and love are seeds to make孩子就是上帝的信使,告诉我们和平和爱是带来明天的种子tomorrow growFà che piova, (Let it rain)让雨流下Fà che il cielo mi lavi il dolor (Let heaven wash away my pain)让天堂洗去我的痛楚Fà che piova (Let it rain)让雨流下 che sia la pace il nome d"amor (That peace would be the name of love)让以爱为名的和平降临Go on, we"ve tried war来吧,战争已经过去No one wants peace more谁会比满脸纯真Than the children who ask their dads why孩子询问他们的父亲“这是为什么?”更渴望和平?Fà che piova, (Let it rain)让雨流下Fà che il cielo mi lavi il dolor (Let heaven wash away my pain)让天堂洗去我的痛楚Fà che piova (Let it rain)让雨流下che sia la pace il nome d"amor (That peace would be the name of love)让以爱为名的和平降临

一首关于雨的日语歌,开头是a mei da 下雨了,副歌是a i da ku dei想见你



he city in the early summer season it often rains. (frequent)

二月二龙抬头,即龙王是主管下雨的。 那之前龙王肯定不管下雪了。 道教里雪神是谁,即谁主管下雪?



雨の気持ち歌:酒井法子 作词:竹花 いち子 作曲:羽场 仁志 冬(ふゆ)の雨(あめ)がしずかにおもく 降(ふ)りつづいてるfuyu no ame gashizukaniomoku ori tsuduiteru雪(ゆき)の朝(あさ)なら 心(こころ)もはしゃぐのにyuki no asa nara kokoro mohashagunoniユーウツ色(しょく)の空(そら) ぼんやり ながめていたらyu^utsu shoku no sora bonyari nagameteitara二月(にがつ)分(ぶん)の涙(なみだ)がいま あふれだしてnigatsu fun no namida gaima afuredashiteおかしいほど 止(と)まらないの オネガイ…okashiihodo toma ranaino onegai ...※Take me back 君(きみ)の笑颜(えがお)に帰(かえ)りたい※ Take me back kun no egao ni kaeri taiたどりついた こたえなのtadoritsuita kotaenanoTake me back 君(きみ)の心(こころ)で雨(あめ)やどりTake me back kun no kokoro de ame yadoriさよならから 逃(に)げだして※sayonarakara nige dashite (kigou)夏(なつ)の雨(あめ)にぬれた二人(ふたり)を 思(おも)い出(だ)してるnatsu no ame ninureta futari wo omoidashi teruシャワーのように 気持(きも)ちよかったねshawa^ noyouni kimochi yokattaneこの街(まち)から越(こ)してゆく君(きみ) 见送(みおく)った秋(あき)kono machi kara koshi teyuku kun miokutta akiあの日(ひ)を恋(こい)のおわりにしたつもりなのにano nichi wo koi noowarinishitatsumorinanoniまわり道(みち)をしてるみたい オネガイ…mawari michi woshiterumitai onegai ...Take me back 君(きみ)の気持(きも)ちを见(み)つけたいTake me back kun no kimochi wo mitsu ketaiとてもこわいの だけどtotemokowaino dakedoTake me back 君(きみ)の翼(つばさ)で冬(ふゆ)ごもりTake me back kun no tsubasa de fuyu gomoriさよならから 逃(に)げだしてsayonarakara nige dashiteオネガイ…onegai ...(※くり返し)

on rainy dayS和in a rainy day 哪个对;在下雨天还有哪些形式

on rainy day不是很好 on强调的是一个具体的时间,或者是一个特殊的时间 一般都是on that day等等这种有具体限制的 如果你用on rainy day那可能就是一个特殊的雨天 可以是on that sad rainy day 语法上不是很合适,但是也不好说错 in a rainy day则是普通的在某一个下雨天 任何一个雨天都可以,无特殊强调 during啊,within啊,at啊都可以表达在下雨天 但是最好还是用in a rainy day

There has been a run of rainy days since Monday 是从星期几开始下雨的?



I hate raining.I hate it when it rains. 有英语方面的问题,请来长寿路404号3楼咨询。



英语下雨天怎么表达?Raining days还是rainy days?

rainy days


在下雨天:On rainy daysrainy英 ["reu026ani]     美 ["reu026ani]    adj. 多雨的;下雨的例句:The rainy weather made hay of our holiday plans.我们的度假计划全给下雨天气破坏了。days 英[deu026az] 美[deu026az] n. 天,时期;一天( day的名词复数 );白天; 时期; 工作日; adv. 每天,在白天; 例句:They sleep days and work nights.他们白天睡觉晚上工作。


雨rain 下雨rainy 正在下雨raining

打雷下雨 怎么翻译

1.She is very afraid of the dark, especially at the night of thunderstorms, she will quilt herself.2.Always not breakfast or not diet on times will likely to suffer from stomach problems.3.It"s my fault; I am willing to accept any penalties.4.This may be retribution.5.He anonymously publ;ished one news. / Hw wrote a complaint letter. (He wrote a report letter.)6. Watching the beautiful women walking around at the building, he dreamed when he could marry a beautiful woman.


in one"s side the ground flower did open/in the water for who the mandarin duck to form a pair for who to throw the block handkerchief/to blow Brother in the wind one"s side yo the dayHow doesn"t the wet weather blow wind/the space to have solar the younger sister opening the mouth younger sister not to speak/the younger sister heart to think how did walk the sun/to come the moon is also evening Brother any day/can rush in your dream fragrant on the heart elder brother to be too slow/the younger sister to blame you not to have judgment on the heart the younger sister not to be fully correct in assumptions/elder brother to rest not fragrant to want to like elder brother shaming the export/younger sister to speak to you to want to ask the younger sister to ask how/Brother guts the day wet weather hasn"t blowed wind/the space to have solar the younger sister opening the mouth younger sister not to speak/the younger sister heart to think walked the sun/to come the moon is also evening Brother any day/can rush in your dream fragrant yo the youngest sister/my heart to have thought that got married to marry Brother such to treat the moon/to dream of elder brother every night, in one"s side the ground flower did open/in the water for who the mandarin duck to form a pair for who to throw the block handkerchief/to blow Brother in the wind one"s side yo the day wet weather not to blow wind/the space to have solar the younger sister opening the mouth younger sister not to speak/the younger sister heart how to think that walked the sun/to come the moon is alsoHow evening can Brother any day/rush in your dream fragrant on the heart elder brother to be too slow/the younger sister to blame you not to have judgment on the heart the younger sister not to be fully correct in assumptions/elder brother to rest not fragrant to want to like elder brother shaming the export/younger sister to speak to you to want to ask the younger sister to ask how a/Brother guts the day wet weather hasn"t blowed wind/the space to have solar the younger sister opening the mouth younger sister not to speak/the younger sister heart to think walked the sun/to come the moon is also evening Brother any day/can rush in your dream fragrant the day wet weather not to blow wind/the space to haveHow solar doesn"t the younger sister opening the mouth younger sister speak/the younger sister heart to think that walked the sun/to come the moon is also evening Brother any day/can rush in your dream fragrant .天不下雨天不刮风天上有太阳 天不下雨天不刮风/天上有太阳妹不开口妹不说话/妹心怎么想走了太阳/来了月亮又是晚上哥哥什么日子/才能闯进你的梦香哟小妹妹/我心有所想啊嫁人就嫁哥哥这样每天晚上对着月亮/梦见哥哥在身旁呀地上花儿为谁开放/水中鸳鸯为谁成双丢块手绢在风中啊/吹到哥哥身旁哟天不下雨天不刮风/天上有太阳妹不开口妹不说话/妹心怎么想走了太阳/来了月亮又是晚上哥哥什么日子/才能闯进你的梦香心上哥哥太迟钝/妹妹怪你没眼光心上妹妹猜不透/哥哥睡不香想爱哥哥羞出口/妹妹怎么对你讲想找妹妹问一声/哥哥没胆量天不下雨天不刮风/天上有太阳妹不开口妹不说话/妹心怎么想走了太阳/来了月亮又是晚上哥哥什么日子/才能闯进你的梦香哟小妹妹/我心有所想啊嫁人就嫁哥哥这样每天晚上对着月亮/梦见哥哥在身旁呀地上花儿为谁开放/水中鸳鸯为谁成双丢块手绢在风中啊/吹到哥哥身旁哟天不下雨天不刮风/天上有太阳妹不开口妹不说话/妹心怎么想走了太阳/来了月亮又是晚上哥哥什么日子/才能闯进你的梦香心上哥哥太迟钝/妹妹怪你没眼光心上妹妹猜不透/哥哥睡不香想爱哥哥羞出口/妹妹怎么对你讲想找妹妹问一声/哥哥没胆量天不下雨天不刮风/天上有太阳妹不开口妹不说话/妹心怎么想走了太阳/来了月亮又是晚上哥哥什么日子/才能闯进你的梦香天不下雨天不刮风/天上有太阳妹不开口妹不说话/妹心怎么想走了太阳/来了月亮又是晚上哥哥什么日子/才能闯进你的梦香


解答如下:迈克尔·劳普(Michael Raupp)——美国马里兰大学昆虫学教授下雨天蝴蝶要干的事不外乎躲雨。对于一只体重只有500毫克的大斑蝶(monarch butterfly)来说,暴风雨可不是一件小事:它被一滴70毫克重的雨点击中,可能相当于两个小保龄球一样重的水球打在你我身上。暴雨还会妨碍蝴蝶的活动。为了准备飞行,这些空中特技飞行员须让阳光直接照射它们的翅膀,因为只有这样,才能迅速温暖它们的飞行肌(翅肌),而阴天遮挡了它们起飞所必需的太阳辐射。因此,乌云密布天色晦暗时,蝴蝶便会在栖息地寻找躲雨的地方:如高杆草或叶状植物之类可以遮风挡雨的场所。当太阳重新露出笑脸时,它们常常会在几分钟之内重返蓝天,四处寻欢作乐。另外如果蝴蝶真的被雨水淋到您也不必担心,因为蝴蝶的翅膀是由几百片细小的鳞片组成的,和鱼身上的鳞片相似。下雨时还能遮挡雨水,使它们不会被真的淋湿。




In waterclouds, cloud droplets are small drops. They are mostly from continue condensation and colliding compounded lattar. Therefore, in waterclouds, cloud droplets will increase to the size of the rain, we first need to cloud is very thick, cloud droplets dense, moisture content many, so that it can continue to condense growth; Secondly, in the waterclouds inside still need to have strong vertical movement, like this can increase many collisions compounded opportunities. While in thinner and more stable waterclouds, cloud droplets not enough condensation and compounded growth opportunities, can cause cloudy, cloudy day, the general assembly does not rain. In different parts of a cloud, the cloud droplets size within the distribution is different, causing cloud droplets uneven size of the reason for this is that the transfer of moisture in the air around which cloud droplets of evaporation and. That cloud droplets growth factor is congeals and collision and process, in only condensation role, under the situation of cloud droplets size is uniform, but because of the added to make some water vapor cloud droplets increased, plus and and function of the results, the larger cloud droplets continue to grow bigger be rain. Raindrops suffer the effect of gravity and decline, when there are updraft, you will have a upward force is applied in the rain, make its declining speed slowing, and a few small rain may also be brought up. Only when raindrops increases to a certain extent, to fall to the ground, into rain.


《不值得 》是一首比较伤感的歌曲,由梦飞船演唱,在酒吧和咖啡店经常能听到。粤语版《不能爱恋 只能暗恋》由香港艺人应昌佑演唱。2013年10月22日 ,曾一鸣全新翻唱单曲《不值得》首发。中文名称不值得歌曲时长4:33歌曲原唱梦飞船填 词林毅心谱 曲林毅心音乐风格流行歌曲语言国语粤语版不能爱恋 只能暗恋歌词:除了想你除了爱你hu ~我什么什么都愿意翻开日记整理心情hu ~我真的真的想放弃你始终没有爱过你在敷衍我一次一次忽略我的感受我真的感到力不从心无力继续这感情不值得我犹豫不值得我考虑不值得我爱过你这种回忆不值得我提起不值得想起


Back To December - Taylor SwiftI"m so glad you made time to see meHow"s life? Tell me how"s your familyI haven"t seen them in a whileYou"ve been good" busier than everSmall talk" work and the weatherYour guard is up and I know whyBecause the last time you saw me isstill burned in the back of your mindYou gave me roses andI left them there to dieSo this is me swallowing my pridestanding in front of you sayingI"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothinbut missin youWishin I"d realized what I hadwhen you were mineI go back to December turn aroundand make it all rightI go back to December all the timeThese days I haven"t been sleepinStayin up playing back myself leavinWhen your birthday passedand I didn"t callThen I think about summer all the beautiful timesI watched you laughin from the passenger sideAnd realized I loved you in the fallAnd then the cold came the dark dayswhen fear crept into my mindYou gave me all your lovin allI gave you was goodbyeSo this is me swallowing my pridestanding in front of you sayingI"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn aroundand change my own mindI go back to December all the timeI miss your tan skin" your sweet smileSo good to me so rightAnd how you held me in your armsthat September nightThe first time you ever saw me cryMaybe this is wishful thinkinProbably mindless dreaminIf we loved again I swear I"d love you rightI"d go back in time and change it but I can"tSo if the chain is on your door I understandThis is me swallowing my prideStanding in front of you sayingI"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to DecemberIt turns out freedom ain"t nothinBut missin youWishin I"d realized what I hadWhen you were mineI go back to December turn aroundAnd make it all rightI go back to December turn aroundand change my own mindI go back to December all the timeAll the time


  莎士比亚  I am Afraid “You say that you love rain, but you open yourumbrella when it rains.You say that you love the sun, but you finda shadow spot when the sun shines.You say that you love the wind, but you closeyour windows when wind blows.This is why I am afraid, when you say thatyou love me too.”  威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564-1616年),欧洲文艺复兴时期英国最重要的作家,杰出的戏剧家和诗人。他创作了大量脍炙人口的文学作品,在欧洲文学史上占有特殊的地位,被喻为“人类文学奥林匹斯山上的宙斯”。 他亦跟古希腊三大悲剧家埃斯库罗斯(Aeschylus)、索福克里斯(Sophocles)及欧里庇得斯(Euripides),合称为戏剧史上四大悲剧家。翻译家施咸荣于1964年前完成出版《莎士比亚全集》的准备工作,并于1978年出版,1980年施咸荣出版专著《莎士比亚和他的戏剧》介绍莎士比亚的生平和年代、他的戏剧和艺术特色等。

你说你喜欢雨,但是你在下雨的时候打伞。 你说你喜欢太阳,但是你在阳光明媚的时候躲在阴凉的地方。你说


你说你喜欢下雨天 你却打起了伞,这句话是哪个作家说的?

莎士比亚 I am Afraid “You say that you love rain, but you open yourumbrella when it rains.You say that you love the sun, but you finda shadow spot when the sun shines.You say that you love the wind, but you closeyour windows when wind blows.This is why I am afraid, when you say thatyou love me too.”

求这首诗的另外版本,越多越好。 你说你喜欢雨 但是你在下雨的时候打伞 你说你喜欢太阳 但是你在阳


求一首英文歌,mv是一些人在下雨天在晴天街道里跳舞 好像有一句 i wanna see you tonight

我觉得你要找的是这首 Chris Brown—Yeah 3x试听 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/1mCQT05JuGQ/试试吧 应该是祝你好运


寒冷chill 凉爽cool 温暖warm 晴朗sunny 乱风windy 多云cloudy 下雪snowy 下雨rainy


呵呵,刚好前几天做了一个 Pride and Preduice 的论文,你看看这有没有你要的,不对在找我啊01:03:38,560 --> 01:03:41,757 -Shall I call for some tea?- No, thank you.01:03:45,640 --> 01:03:48,313 Good day, Miss Elizabeth, it"s been a pleasure.01:03:54,560 --> 01:03:57,916 What on earth have you done to poor Mr Darcy?01:03:58,080 --> 01:04:00,355 I have no idea.01:04:01,520 --> 01:04:04,114 Every mind must have some counsellor01:04:04,280 --> 01:04:07,795 to whom it may apply for consolation in distress.01:04:07,960 --> 01:04:12,556 There are many conveniences which others can supply and we cannot procure.01:04:12,720 --> 01:04:14,517I have in view those objects01:04:14,720 --> 01:04:17,678 which are only to be obtained through intercourse...01:04:19,960 --> 01:04:24,954 Forgive me, through the intercourse of friendship or civility.01:04:25,160 --> 01:04:30,678 On such occasions, the proud man steps forth to meet you not with cordiality,01:04:30,880 --> 01:04:35,476 but with the suspicion of one who reconnoitres an enemy...01:04:35,680 --> 01:04:39,116 -How long do you plan to stay?- As long as Darcy chooses.01:04:39,280 --> 01:04:42,397 -I am at his disposal.- Everyone appears to be.01:04:42,560 --> 01:04:46,155 I wonder he does not marry and secure a lasting convenience of that kind.01:04:46,360 --> 01:04:49,955 -She would be a lucky woman.- Really?01:04:50,160 --> 01:04:53,118 Darcy is a most loyal companion.01:04:53,320 --> 01:04:56,596 He recently came to the rescue of one of his friends.01:04:56,760 --> 01:04:58,113 What happened?01:04:58,280 --> 01:05:00,316 He saved him from an imprudent marriage.01:05:00,520 --> 01:05:01,635 Who"s the man?01:05:07,080 --> 01:05:10,595 His closest friend, Charles Bingley.01:05:12,880 --> 01:05:15,713 Did Mr Darcy give a reason for this interference?01:05:15,880 --> 01:05:18,917 There were apparently strong objections to the lady.01:05:19,120 --> 01:05:22,237 What kind of objections? Her lack of fortune?01:05:22,440 --> 01:05:26,479 I think it was her family that was considered unsuitable.01:05:27,960 --> 01:05:32,476 -So he separated them?- I believe so. I know nothing else.01:06:01,520 --> 01:06:03,078 Miss Elizabeth.01:06:03,240 --> 01:06:05,754 I have struggled in vain and can bear it no longer.01:06:05,920 --> 01:06:09,913 These past months have been a torment. I came to Rosings only to see you.01:06:10,080 --> 01:06:13,117 I have fought against judgement, my family"s expectation,01:06:13,320 --> 01:06:16,039 the inferiority of your birth, my rank.01:06:16,200 --> 01:06:18,714 I will put them aside and ask you to end my agony.01:06:18,880 --> 01:06:21,917 -I don"t understand.- I love you.01:06:23,960 --> 01:06:26,235 Most ardently.01:06:29,120 --> 01:06:33,113 Please do me the honor of accepting my hand.01:06:34,480 --> 01:06:38,234 Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through,01:06:38,440 --> 01:06:40,874 and I am very sorry to have caused you pain.01:06:41,080 --> 01:06:43,036 It was unconsciously done.01:06:44,400 --> 01:06:46,118 -Is this your reply? - Yes, sir.01:06:46,280 --> 01:06:48,874 -Are you laughing at me? - No.01:06:49,040 --> 01:06:50,155 Are you rejecting me?01:06:50,360 --> 01:06:55,673 I"m sure the feelings which hindered your regard will help you overcome it.01:06:55,840 --> 01:06:58,877 Might I ask why with so little civility I am thus repulsed?01:06:59,080 --> 01:07:04,074 I might enquire why you told me you liked me against your better judgement?01:07:04,240 --> 01:07:06,435 If I was uncivil, then that is some excuse.01:07:06,600 --> 01:07:09,478 -But you know I have other reasons.- What reasons?01:07:09,640 --> 01:07:13,076 Do you think anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined01:07:13,240 --> 01:07:16,277 the happiness of a most beloved sister?01:07:16,440 --> 01:07:20,956 Do you deny that you separated a young couple who loved each other,01:07:21,120 --> 01:07:23,395 exposing your friend to censure for caprice01:07:23,560 --> 01:07:26,279 and my sister to derision for disappointed hopes,01:07:26,440 --> 01:07:28,396 involving them both in acute misery?01:07:28,600 --> 01:07:31,876 -I do not deny it.- How could you do it?01:07:32,040 --> 01:07:34,793 I believed your sister indifferent to him.01:07:34,960 --> 01:07:37,520 I realised his attachment was deeper than hers.01:07:37,680 --> 01:07:38,635 She"s shy!01:07:38,840 --> 01:07:41,354 Bingley was persuaded she didn"t feel strongly.01:07:41,520 --> 01:07:43,476 -You suggested it.- For his own good.01:07:43,640 --> 01:07:46,359 My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me.01:07:50,400 --> 01:07:52,834 I suppose his fortune had some bearing?01:07:53,040 --> 01:07:55,474 I wouldn"t do your sister the dishonor.01:07:55,640 --> 01:07:57,596 -It was suggested...- What was?01:07:57,760 --> 01:08:00,115 It was clear an advantageous marriage...01:08:00,280 --> 01:08:02,555 -Did my sister give that impression?- No!01:08:02,760 --> 01:08:06,673 -No. There was, however, your family...- Our want of connection?01:08:06,840 --> 01:08:09,195 -No, it was more than that.- How, sir?01:08:09,400 --> 01:08:14,076 The lack of propriety shown by your mother, younger sisters and your father.01:08:17,360 --> 01:08:22,115 Forgive me. You and your sister I must exclude from this.01:08:26,440 --> 01:08:28,158 And what about Mr Wickham?01:08:30,320 --> 01:08:31,275 Mr Wickham?01:08:31,480 --> 01:08:34,119 What excuse can you give for your behavior?01:08:34,280 --> 01:08:37,397 -You take an eager interest.- He told me of his misfortunes.01:08:37,560 --> 01:08:40,120 -Oh, they have been great.- You ruin his chances01:08:40,280 --> 01:08:42,396 yet treat him with sarcasm.01:08:42,560 --> 01:08:44,516 So this is your opinion of me?01:08:44,720 --> 01:08:47,996 Thank you. Perhaps these offences might have been overlooked01:08:48,160 --> 01:08:52,278 had not your pride been hurt by my scruples about our relationship.01:08:52,480 --> 01:08:55,517 I am to rejoice in the inferiority of your circumstances?01:08:55,680 --> 01:08:58,240 And those are the words of a gentleman.01:08:58,400 --> 01:09:02,916 Your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others01:09:03,080 --> 01:09:08,598 made me realize you were the last man in the world I could ever marry.01:09:19,520 --> 01:09:24,196 Forgive me, madam, for taking up so much of your time.01:11:23,200 --> 01:11:25,236 I came to leave you this.01:11:35,200 --> 01:11:38,875 I shall not renew the sentiments which were so disgusting to you.01:11:39,080 --> 01:11:43,153 But if I may, I will address the two offences you have laid against me.01:11:49,480 --> 01:11:52,677 <i>My father loved Mr Wickham as a son.</i>01:11:52,880 --> 01:11:56,475 <i>He left him a generous living. But upon my father"s death,</i>01:11:56,640 --> 01:12:01,077 <i>Mr Wickham announced he had no intention of taking orders.</i>01:12:01,280 --> 01:12:06,798 <i>He demanded the value of the living, which he"d gambled away within weeks.</i>01:12:09,040 --> 01:12:12,077 <i>He then wrote, demanding more money, which I refused.</i>01:12:12,240 --> 01:12:15,198 <i>After which, he severed all acquaintance.</i>01:12:15,400 --> 01:12:19,598 <i>He came back to see us last summer, and declared passionate love for my sister,</i>01:12:19,760 --> 01:12:23,514 <i>whom he tried to persuade to elope with him.</i>01:12:23,680 --> 01:12:27,195 <i>She is to inherit ? 0,000.</i>01:12:27,360 --> 01:12:32,559 <i>When it was made clear he would never receive a penny of it, he disappeared.</i>01:12:32,720 -->01:12:36,235 <i>I will not attempt to convey the depth of Georgiana"s despair.</i>01:12:36,440 --> 01:12:39,398 <i>She was 15 years old.</i>01:12:41,280 --> 01:12:44,795 <i>As to the other matter, of your sister and Mr Bingley,</i>01:12:45,000 -->01:12:48,356 <i>though the motives which governed me may appear insufficient,</i>01:12:48,560 --> 01:12:51,757 <i>they were in the service of a friend.</i>01:12:51,920 --> 01:12:53,876 Lizzie.01:12:56,960 --> 01:12:58,757 Are you all right?01:12:58,960 --> 01:13:02,157 I hardly know.01:13:09,920 --> 01:13:12,798 Lizzie. How fortunate you have arrived.01:13:13,000 --> 01:13:16,515 Your aunt and uncle are here to deliver Jane from London.01:13:16,680 --> 01:13:19,877 -How is Jane?- She"s in the drawing room.01:13:22,400 --> 01:13:28,236 I"m quite over him. If he passed me in the street, I"d hardly notice.01:13:28,440 --> 01:13:32,115 London is so diverting. It"s true.01:13:33,840 --> 01:13:36,400 There"s so much to entertain.01:13:41,880 --> 01:13:43,757 What news from Kent?01:13:45,680 --> 01:13:47,477 Nothing.01:13:49,080 --> 01:13:51,196 At least not much to entertain.01:13:51,360 --> 01:13:53,078 Lizzie, tell Mama!01:13:53,280 --> 01:13:55,840 Stop making such a fuss.01:13:56,000 --> 01:13:59,675 -Why didn"t she ask me as well?- Because I"m better company.01:13:59,880 --> 01:14:02,314 -What"s the matter?- I"ve just as much right.01:14:02,480 --> 01:14:04,596 Let"s all go.01:14:04,760 --> 01:14:07,593 Lydia"s been invited to Brighton with the Forsters.

The sky is full of black clouds. It ?? to ? .快要下雨了


傲慢与偏见读中 下雨那块男女主角对话的深层理解 在线等



问题一:下雨英文怎么写? 若你说是下雨,rain就可以了,因为它本身就是动词;要注意时态啊 正贰下是RAINING 曾经下(下完了)是RAINED 下了一段时间但现在还在下的是HAS RAINED 问题二:开始下雨用英语怎么说说2种 题干不详 问题三:因为下雨用英语怎么说 Because of the rain 因为下雨 或 Since it was raining 例句 1.因为下雨,我们不得不呆在家里。 Because of the rain, we have to stay at home. 2.因为下雨,我们选择在弗内活动。 Since it was raining, we chose an indoor activity 希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ... 问题四:下雨天用英语怎么说 rainy day 问题五:开始下雨用英语怎么说 It begins raining.= It starts to rain. 问题六:下雨了用英语怎么说?? It is raining .(外面正在下) It rained (下过了) 问题七:突然下雨了.(用英语怎么说.过去式表达) It suddenly began to rain. 问题八:当天下雨的时候,用英语怎么说。, when it is raining 问题九:各种“雨”英文怎么说 雨 rain;to pour down 弹雨 hail of bullets 春雨 spring rains 暴雨 rainstorm;torrential rain 躲雨 to take shelter from the rain 豪雨 pouring rain 降雨 rainfall 阴雨 cloudy and rainy 下雨 to rain 细雨 drizzles 微雨 a drizzle 酸雨 acid rain 雨天 rainy day 雨量 rainfall 雨点 raindrop 梅雨 raining season 雷阵雨 thundershower 雷暴雨 thunderstorm rain 问题十:今天是一个下雨天用英语怎么说,帮我下,各位 it is a rain day

想要找到 下雨的日子的中文拼音歌词

这个直接就是音译过来的歌词。比拼音方便。On Rainy Days YEAH~ ~ WU~ ~ oh yeah~ ~ 赛三一哦度哇基够就有你皮噶乃一秒 要叫你给太楼, OH~ OH ~OH ~ 后无头后李莫西那 怕丝那他莫他内 耨也SING噶啊内搜 一节个几楼能噶啊几嘛 你的里了哥啊几嘛 一节啊你够啊几嘛~ 柯噶几恰就行内弄家几 木疼都内噶 就攻啊一虚有不理你噶~ 柯得后能那拉 耨里恰就哇 怕没三哇内耨皮打 皮噶个就噶秒 耨都大了搜搜搜一节不西个求噶给基RAP:咳咳 额虚那噶尅那么虚对 够噶对比噶对那虚内个那个多了几 够噶给某 你个噗个西德够拉 尅郎个那也 它妈嫩皮卡卡基西跟你就那个了BOOM 那个抢就哇还搜的你郎某里秒那 晴朗某森森那尅要白够买郎够 就后给那的基一不楼噶度了我 白送了纳要扣吧不痛一切切要那 一节耨里噶基我给基耨某度大皮我给基诺 头大西黑给她李秒 亨得给送给表到诺也某疼个也噗里 他西都拉哇诺恰那挂一噶后能哪来 那来恰就哇 怕能赛哇给哇那屁大 一噶柯就噶秒 那度飘了搜 搜搜一节跟西 尅求噶给基 诺也给 [一节]偷拉给柯了挪基吗 基给了BOOM噶那楼不秒 那给了多 无扫 不给 那恰不苏为搜 黑名内给那搜苏李噶 一噶后能哪来那来恰就哇 怕能赛哇给哇那屁大 一噶柯就噶秒 那度飘了搜搜搜一节跟西 尅求噶给基 RAP:哦家给对那BOOM里高米 节哇啊节给搜 给内给会那能高节 起瘫瘫了起诺起诺 皮诺那思诺也噶给搜 那某得K起 那期股那内皮起搜也那度给其给求 皮诺诺搜诺李噶给新帮帮不给起 给其够那诺个起搜呀诺度给起噶起


on "QingMing",it is always rain.




1.The weather today is sunny,but rain. 2.he weather forecast it will rain today,but today there is no rain.But today is cloudy. 3.Today"s weather forecast it will not rain,or rain. 4.Recently the weather is cold all of a sudden,the weather forecast is not very accurate,so we should pay more attention to it.


No matter where you live, there is a period of time full of rain. Everything is not convenient in the rainy days, especially going out. Thus, if it is possible, many people will choose stay at home when it is raining outside. But how to kill this boring time is a question for many people, because most of them just sleep all day and night. Don"t you think that sleeping is boring and waste of time? Let me tell you some good ways to kill time in rainy days. 不管你在哪里,总会有一段时间是一直在下雨的。雨天使得什么都不方便,特别是出门。所以,如果可以的话,大部分人都会选择下雨的时候呆在家里。但是,如何消磨这些无聊的时间对很多人来说是个困扰,因为大部分人都是不分日夜的睡觉,难道你不觉得整天睡觉很无聊也很浪费时间?让我来告诉你一些雨天消磨时间的好方式。 In the first place, reading is absolutely a good choice to kill time indoor. I think I don"t need to emphasize the importance of reading as everybody knows. Look back our daily life, how many people have time to read now and then? Why don"t we just catch this chance to kill time and enhance ourselves? Secondly, playing games with families or friends is beneficial. Most people would stay at home in the rainy days. At this time they can play games, such as, play cards and Truth Or Dare. Those games are interesting and helpful for their relationship with each other. Last but not least, it is a good chance for talking. In the usual time, maybe it is hard to find a chance to have a nice talk with your family, because everyone is so busy. Rainy day provides a chance for you. You can sit down and have a nice talk to learn each other better. You will feel time flies when you doing these. 首先,看书绝对是在家消磨时间的好方法。我觉得读书的好处就不用我再强调了吧。回顾一下我们的日常生活,有多少人是偶尔有时间看看书的?为什么我们就不能抓住这个机会,既消磨时间又提升自我。第二,跟家人或朋友玩游戏是很有益的。大部分人雨天都是呆在家里的。这个时候他们可以一起玩游戏,比如,打牌,真心话大冒险。这鞋游戏都是很有趣也有助于增进彼此的关系。最后但并非最不重要的,这也是谈心的好机会。平时,也许很难找到机会跟你的家人好好聊聊,因为大家都很忙。雨天就提供了这么一个机会。大家可以坐下来好好的谈谈心更加的了解彼此。在做这些事情的时候你肯定会觉得时间飞逝。 In a word, you will not dislike rainy days if you know how to kill it. The three ways mentioned above is helpful. 总之,如果你懂得如何在雨天消磨时间的话你肯定不会讨厌雨天的。上面提到的三个方式真的很有用。

IA mayu gumi如果下雨了 English.ver的歌词

If It RainsThe dark blue color of the rain falling on the passing trainLooking at the world through this window, nothing seems to be the sameWaiting for the morning breeze, dewdrops on the grass and treesCome alive and dance in the light, scattering colors as they pleaseRippling, as I try to peer and seeWhat"s inside this puddle right here, an umbrella held over meRainboots hitting ground, jumping up and down, and then suddenly in my sightI thought I saw something from way back as I stared into the lightTulala, the rain falls down, knocking on the door to my heartAnd the sky remembers what may now be broken apartThe day I sat along the sidelines of the ticket gate all aloneI found a gift of warmth and love that needed a homeThe orange glow of roadside lights dotted ‘long the cloudy skyMaking shadows come and go before we bid them all goodbyeLeaving on the trail we know, footprints in the mud belowBut they lose their form and return to the days from long agoRippling, as I try to peer and seeWhat"s inside this puddle right here, an umbrella held over meWhat I saw that time was this face of mine that had spoke so honestlyI felt a brush on my knees but it was gone in a beatTulala, the rain falls down, knocking on the door to my heartAnd the sky remembers what may now be broken apartThe day I hid inside the convenience store ‘til it was late in the dayI guessed I"d buy a juice box and be on my wayWalking down the concrete road I see people coming, going, passing meFinally, folding my umbrella up, I put it in my bag with all my stuffSuddenly in the corner of my eye, I see some kids laughing and running byAs for the wish that I had pocketed, how long"s it been since I"ve lost track of it?The sun begins to drift behind the clouds and all the light becomes a pale glowI watch the city as it"s fading out, see off the colors that it used to knowThe ripples in the puddles in my view all catch the light and give off golden huesAnd as the grey rainy clouds now start to leave, twinkling stars appear, all shining throughAnd the bright moon sends out a cleansing breezeWrapping and wrapping all around meSwaying branches of the trees along the roadThere a single droplet fallsLit up by the the moon"s shimmering glow, the plaza is shining from wall to wallAnd just then, I crouched down to look at the world all aroundPast the guardrail"s line, I can see on the other sideEven though today"s such a rainy dayThe flowers of the hydrangeas smile at meAs if I were inside of a dreamTulala, the rain falls down, knocking on the door to my heartAnd the sky remembers what may now be broken apartToday comes to an end as the lights in the city fade out slowlyBut I see around tonight"s crescent moon are stars in the night sky shining brightlyI feel a breeze rushing by me, dancing ‘round this placeIt sparks something inside of me and leaves without a traceI can see it pass the buildings but it is late in the dayI guess I"ll drink my juice box and be on my way请采纳哦~
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