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worry是动词,可用作及物动词和不及物动词。做及物动词时,意为"使烦恼",后接宾语,表示人的代词或名词。做不及物动词时,常与about、that等词连用。worried可表示形容词,是系表结构的短语,意为担忧的、担心的、发愁的",主语一般是人,worrying,adj.,意思是‘令人担忧的,令人担心的"主语一般为事物,原形都是worry,v.,意思是‘担心"。另外worried也可以表示是worry的过去式。一般情况下,worry 常用 worry (about)sth./sb. ;worried 常用 be worried about sth./sb.(在这里,worried是作为形容词)。






worry既是名词,又是动词;worried是形容词,也可以是worry的过去式和过去分词。在特定情况下,会遇到它的一些变形词,例如我们所谈及的worry和worried,worry既是名词,又是动词;worried是形容词,也可以是worry的过去式和过去分词。worry 作动词的时候表示担心;担忧;发愁;使担心;使担忧等。作名词时表示担心;发愁;令人担忧的事情等。如:Do you worry about you health?翻译:你担心你的健康吗?His repeated absence from school is worrying.他一再缺课使人担忧。worried表示形容词时是担心的;担忧的;发愁的。例如,You had me worried for a moment.翻译:你让我担心了好一会儿。worry的第三人称单数是worries,通常跟在第三人称之后。现在进行时是worrying,通常表示正在担心某事。过去式是worried,通常是担心过去发送或者是过去在担心的事。过去分词是worried,这常常用在过去的过去担忧的事。



worry是什么意思 英语

worry的意思:一、n.烦恼,忧虑,担心。例句:Mother"s heart was heavy with worry for the safety of her son.母亲担心儿子的安全,心情很沉重。二、(使)烦恼,忧虑,担心,发愁 。例句:Do not worry. I"ll let you know when we arrive there.不用担心。到了那儿我会告诉您的。三、折磨 。例句:Do not worry me with such foolish questions.不要用这些愚蠢的问题来折磨我。四、撕咬。例句:Wolves worry the sheep.狼群撕咬绵羊。worry的用法:1、worry的基本意思是“(使)困扰,(使)烦恼”,指不停地非难、刺激以致破坏某人平静的心境或使其感到绝望或受挫,强调企图或效果。worry也可表示“担心,为...…发愁”。2、worry可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that/wh-从句作宾语,还可接以动词不定式或形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。worry可用于被动结构。


worry的用法如下:worry是动词,可用作及物动词和不及物动词。做及物动词时,意为“使烦恼”,后接宾语,表示人的代词或名词。做不及物动词时,常与about、that等词连用。worried可表示形容词,是系表结构的短语,意为担忧的、担心的、发愁的,主语一般是人,worrying,adj,意思是“令人担忧的,令人担心的”主语一般为事物,原形都是worry,v,意思是“担心”。另外worried也可以表示是worry的过去式。一般情况下,worry常用worry(about)sth./sb.;worried常用be worried about sth./sb.(在这里,worried是作为形容词)。短语搭配:1、worry oneself.担心,发愁。2、worry about.焦虑…,担心…3、don"t worry.不要紧,不用担心。4、no worry.一无挂虑,无需烦恼。5、worry over.为……担心,为……担忧。


担心 :)

worry 怎么读

worry的发音为/wu028cri/,其中w的发音类似于“wuh”音,读音比较简单,但是在语义和用法上需要注意一些细节。下面将详细介绍worry的意思、用法和相关短语。意思worry是一个多义词,主要有以下几个意思:担心,忧虑:表示对某件事情或某个人感到担心或忧虑,例如I"m worried about my son"s safety.(我为儿子的安全担心。)打扰,麻烦:表示给别人带来麻烦或不便,例如Sorry to worry you.(很抱歉给你带来了麻烦。)消耗,磨损:表示长时间的使用或摩擦导致物品的损耗或磨损,例如This kind of material doesn"t worry easily.(这种材料不容易磨损。)纠缠,困扰:表示被某个问题或困难所纠缠或困扰,例如He"s been worrying at the same problem for weeks.(他已经被同一个问题困扰了几个星期。)用法worry可以作为动词、名词和形容词使用,下面分别介绍它们的用法:动词:worry作为动词时,后面通常跟着一个名词或代词作为宾语,表示对某件事情或某个人感到担心或忧虑,例如Don"t worry about me.(不要为我担心。)名词:worry作为名词时,表示担心或忧虑的事情或原因,例如She has a lot of worries about her job.(她对工作有很多担忧。)形容词:worry作为形容词时,表示易于受到损害或磨损,例如This is a worry-free material.(这是一种不易磨损的材料。)相关短语worry还有一些相关的短语,下面列举一些常用的:be worried sick:非常担心,焦虑不安,例如She"s worried sick about her son.(她为儿子担心得睡不着觉。)no worries:别担心,没问题,例如Can you finish the project by tomorrow? No worries.(你能在明天完成这个项目吗?别担心。)worry about:担心,忧虑,例如Don"t worry about your mistakes.(不要为你的错误担心。)










worry的读音是:英 ["wu028cri],美 ["wu025cu02d0ri]。vt. 撕咬;使烦恼;使焦虑vi. 担心;发愁n. 担心;烦恼;忧虑例句:The dog was worrying a rat.翻译:那条狗撕咬著一只老鼠。用法1、worry的基本意思是“(使)困扰,(使)烦恼”,指不停地非难、刺激以致破坏某人平静的心境或使其感到绝望或受挫,强调企图或效果。worry也可表示“担心,为…发愁”。2、worry可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that/wh-从句作宾语,还可接以动词不定式或形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。worry可用于被动结构。

有首歌歌词里有 dont you worry i will be there for you 这么一句 是什么歌

歌词应该是这个i know how you feel insidei"ve been there before这首是枪花的don"t cry



I have left my schoolbag in the room.---Don`t worry.I will ___ it for you .A. bring B.get C.take



don英[dɒn]美[dɑ:n]don"t worry[英][dəunt ˈwʌri][美][dont ˈwɚri]请放心;

<why worry>的歌词

why worry ---Dire Straits(恐惧海峡) Baby I see this world has made you sadSome people can be badThe things they do, the things they sayBut baby I"ll wipe away those bitter tearsI"ll chase away those restless fearsThat turn your blue skies into greyWhy worry, there should be laughter after the painThere should be sunshine after rainThese things have always been the sameSo why worry nowBaby when I get down I turn to youAnd you make sense of what I doI know it isn"t hard to sayBut baby just when this world seems mean and coldOur love comes shining red and goldAnd all the rest is by the wayWhy worry, there should be laughter after painThere should be sunshine after rainThese things have always been the sameSo why worry now

有人说,莫言是shut up,莫愁是don't worry 什么意思


It’s a nightmare worrying where the children might be.


Don’t worry.The bus _______(come) soon.

在表示将来发生的事情时,二者的区别主要是:1、be going to 用于主观判断,及说话人主观上计划或安排将要去做的事情。will则多用于客观的情况,即客观上将要发生的事情。2、若表示没有经过事先计划或考虑,而是在说话的当时临时想到的意图或临时作出的决定时,则要用will。若表示经过事先考虑好的意图时,要用be going to。3 be going to通常指较近的将来,will / shall既可指较近的将来,又可指遥远的未来。如 We will fly to the moon some day.4另外,will / shall还可用作情态动词,表示征询意见或说话人的意愿等,而be going to没有这样的用法。

do not worry和take it easy区别

take it easy[口语]别紧张,沉住气;别着急;不慌不忙,从容不迫;小心,仔细悠着点,稳着点干,不拼命工作,放松,轻松一点,松懈;懒散;休息不烦恼,不发怒,不放在心上[有时用于告别] 保重!再见! don"t worry意为“不用担心”,“别担忧”eg:Oh. Don"t worry. Cheer up. You can do better next time哦,别担心。振作起来。下一次你会考得更好的。


语法没有问题,第一个worrying短语是现在分词作定语,修饰前面的名词male leaders;第二个abandoning短语可以看成动名词,做about的宾语,前面的their women 可以看成是动名词的复合结构,即动名词的逻辑主语。

I always have to worry about how I appear to others

解释 的意识 to 是介词 是短语里的 再此不做解释

The girl looks (worry) because she has lost


英文歌词 女 no sorry no worry .. wo wo the sunny day


a man who is worrying about something has difficult in swallowing anything dry是什么意思


求歌名 歌词时我听的 只是大概 like this just box of cherry sometime this will felt was worry dont be

mocca -happy


A:I"m worried.B:Don"t worry.

worry 的发音?

wa ri

Worry的反义词是? narrow的反义词是?

worry --- assured narrow ---- broad; wide; spacious

Worry的反义词是? narrow的反义词是?

worry --- assured narrow ---- broad; wide; spacious

歌词含dont you worry,ill be there for you 的歌曲名?


in a worry英文

1.Forget as far as possible your these worry the matter.2.C full of / be filling with 都表示充满..第一个是单词不可以做宾补,第二个是错误的搭配,第四个搭配正确,但是句子前面没有be 动词3.B than + 动词ing4.B 首先were是be动词,后面不可以+动词原形和介词短语,排除C、D,再根据句意判断是被动语态 be动词+动词的过去分词,所以选B5.选B A是形容词不可以用在介词后面,C是指某个时间,特指,不符合句意,D是表示次数,也不符题意

you do not have to worry about me,girl i will be fine.一首英文歌曲,似乎有这句歌词,谁能告诉我谁唱

Stevie Hoang - I"LL BE FINE下载链接:http://mediab.songtaste.com/201105021107/e069aba34768fdf0399c2586217e6a36/b/b1/b1df103cfd6d3884cfbb04de0ab52072.mp3歌词:It"s better if we don"t speak at all, at all, at allIt"s better if we don"t speak at all, at all, at all, at allNow deep down inside youKnow it cuts like a knifeBut I"m too proud to show itPain in my chest (it feels)Like I lost my breathShe just doesn"t know itSo many things that I"m dying to sayBut I can"t seem to tell herIt"s killing me, to know that she wants to leaveBut I"m not gonna beg her to stay (no)Cause I got my pride, I"m not gonna cryThere wont be no tears falling from these eyesDon"t need her to seeThat it"s killing meSo this is what I"m sayingYou don"t have to worry about meGirl, I"ll be fineYou don"t have to call me againGirl, it"s alrightYou don"t have to ask me if I"ll be okayGirl, I"ll be fineGirl, I"ll be fineYou aint got to tell me that we can still be friendsYou aint gotta make no excuses and pretendCause I"ll be fine, said I"ll be fineThere no need to callStevie Hoang I"ll Be FineIt"s better if we don"t speak at all, at all, at allIt"s better if we don"t speak at all, at all, at all, at allI can"t believe, that I fell so deepAnd I let my heart so openNow I gotta try, to keep it insideThese words, are better left unspokenCause I still got my pride, I"m not gonna cryThere wont be no tears fallling from these eyesDon"t need her to seeThat it"s killing meSo this is what I"m sayingYou don"t have to worry about meGirl, I"ll be fineYou don"t have to call me againGirl, it"s alrightYou don"t have to ask me if I"ll be okayGirl, I"ll be fineGirl, I"ll be fineYou aint got to tell me the we can still be friendsYou aint gotta make no excuses and pretendCause I"ll be fine, said I"ll be fineThere"s no need to callIt"s better if we don"t speak at all, at all, at allIt"s better if we don"t speak at all, at all, at all, at allGirl I"ll be fine (said I"ll be fine)There"s no need to callIt"s better if we don"t speak at all

花儿与少年3在海边当地人弹吉他的歌是什么歌第一句dont worry

Three Little Birds歌手:Bob Marley - (鲍勃.马利)作词 : Marley歌词:Dont worry about a thing,cause every little thing gonna be all right.Singin: dont worry about a thing,cause every little thing gonna be all right!Rise up this mornin,Smiled with the risin sun,Three little birdsPitch by my doorstepSingin sweet songsOf melodies pure and true,Sayin, (this is my message to you-ou-ou:)Singin: dont worry bout a thing,cause every little thing gonna be all right.Singin: dont worry (dont worry) bout a thing,cause every little thing gonna be all right!Rise up this mornin,Smiled with the risin sun,Three little birdsPitch by my doorstepSingin sweet songsOf melodies pure and true,Sayin, this is my message to you-ou-ou:Singin: dont worry about a thing, worry about a thing, oh!Every little thing gonna be all right. dont worry!Singin: dont worry about a thing - I wont worry!cause every little thing gonna be all right.Singin: dont worry about a thing,cause every little thing gonna be all right - I wont worry!Singin: dont worry about a thing,cause every little thing gonna be all right.Singin: dont worry about a thing, oh no!cause every little thing gonna be all right!

dont worry ,we have 30 minutes left 怎么理解这里的left?

别担心 我们还有30分钟 left 是leave的过去分词 表示剩下

dont worry ,we have 30 minutes left 怎么理解这里的left?

是 剩余 的意思

Don T Worry (94 Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Don T Worry (94 Remix)歌手:Kim Appleby专辑:That S The Way It Is - The Best Of Mel & Kimdun worry-Chingy feat. Janet Jacksonjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhnow that we together girl the lights so brightit took a little time but now the feeling so rightremember when i snuck through your window at nightbringing you flowers and candyme and you sipping on brandyplus i appreciate the love on sighthugging me holding me fixed in so politeeven when these crooked pigs was tryin to sue meforget about friends and family you the one that knew methe way you smile at me keep me feelin all rightthis aint about furs fancy cars or iceso im dedicating this to my female friendssincerely yours words cant express my feelings withinjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhwe human so we gon fight and fuss at each otherhe told me u trippin but girl dont worry about my brotherwe have a argument he"d drive me to go out?im thinkin bout the times when u flew to my housedont i give you everything u want this man aint a mouseam i cheating hell nah hope you got no doubtsrose petals in the tub baby unbutton that blouseready and come on u hold me lets eat at mr chopsknow u love me when u mad u dont get loudso im dedicatin this to my female friendssincerely yours words cant express my feelings within (IF YOU WAS MY BABY)just me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhi like your style your grace your beautiful face your essenceyour size your shape this beautiful place a blessinyour weight your waist your delicious taste perfectinyour heights a sight with my life as your protectionso sweet like nanny lets raise a family in miamiwhere the beach so sandy toast to champaign glasses you hand meyour scent like the fresh smell of ????and for you i go over my budget no i aint cheapcant stop grindin til i get eurr record to the topjust kno u on my mind eurr second on the clocktick tock if u eva need help screamand i"ll come running for my life to trade in it for your dreamsjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2786778

Don T Worry 歌词

歌曲名:Don T Worry歌手:Kim Appleby专辑:That S The Way It Is - The Best Of Mel & Kimdun worry-Chingy feat. Janet Jacksonjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhnow that we together girl the lights so brightit took a little time but now the feeling so rightremember when i snuck through your window at nightbringing you flowers and candyme and you sipping on brandyplus i appreciate the love on sighthugging me holding me fixed in so politeeven when these crooked pigs was tryin to sue meforget about friends and family you the one that knew methe way you smile at me keep me feelin all rightthis aint about furs fancy cars or iceso im dedicating this to my female friendssincerely yours words cant express my feelings withinjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhwe human so we gon fight and fuss at each otherhe told me u trippin but girl dont worry about my brotherwe have a argument he"d drive me to go out?im thinkin bout the times when u flew to my housedont i give you everything u want this man aint a mouseam i cheating hell nah hope you got no doubtsrose petals in the tub baby unbutton that blouseready and come on u hold me lets eat at mr chopsknow u love me when u mad u dont get loudso im dedicatin this to my female friendssincerely yours words cant express my feelings within (IF YOU WAS MY BABY)just me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhi like your style your grace your beautiful face your essenceyour size your shape this beautiful place a blessinyour weight your waist your delicious taste perfectinyour heights a sight with my life as your protectionso sweet like nanny lets raise a family in miamiwhere the beach so sandy toast to champaign glasses you hand meyour scent like the fresh smell of ????and for you i go over my budget no i aint cheapcant stop grindin til i get eurr record to the topjust kno u on my mind eurr second on the clocktick tock if u eva need help screamand i"ll come running for my life to trade in it for your dreamsjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2786700

Don T Worry 歌词

歌曲名:Don T Worry歌手:Kim Appleby专辑:This Is... 1990dun worry-Chingy feat. Janet Jacksonjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhnow that we together girl the lights so brightit took a little time but now the feeling so rightremember when i snuck through your window at nightbringing you flowers and candyme and you sipping on brandyplus i appreciate the love on sighthugging me holding me fixed in so politeeven when these crooked pigs was tryin to sue meforget about friends and family you the one that knew methe way you smile at me keep me feelin all rightthis aint about furs fancy cars or iceso im dedicating this to my female friendssincerely yours words cant express my feelings withinjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhwe human so we gon fight and fuss at each otherhe told me u trippin but girl dont worry about my brotherwe have a argument he"d drive me to go out?im thinkin bout the times when u flew to my housedont i give you everything u want this man aint a mouseam i cheating hell nah hope you got no doubtsrose petals in the tub baby unbutton that blouseready and come on u hold me lets eat at mr chopsknow u love me when u mad u dont get loudso im dedicatin this to my female friendssincerely yours words cant express my feelings within (IF YOU WAS MY BABY)just me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhi like your style your grace your beautiful face your essenceyour size your shape this beautiful place a blessinyour weight your waist your delicious taste perfectinyour heights a sight with my life as your protectionso sweet like nanny lets raise a family in miamiwhere the beach so sandy toast to champaign glasses you hand meyour scent like the fresh smell of ????and for you i go over my budget no i aint cheapcant stop grindin til i get eurr record to the topjust kno u on my mind eurr second on the clocktick tock if u eva need help screamand i"ll come running for my life to trade in it for your dreamsjust me and youooh chingy dont matter what we go throughjust me and youwe dont need nobody elsejust me and youooh chingy imma always be down for youjust me and youso dont worry about a damn thing, ohhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2782657


problem和worry的区别:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同problem:英 ["pru0252blu0259m]     美 ["prɑu02d0blu0259m]。    worry:英 ["wu028cri]     美 ["wu025cu02d0ri]。    2、意思不同problem:n. 问题;难题;习题;adj. 成问题的;难对付的。worry:vt. 撕咬;使烦恼;使焦虑;vi. 担心;发愁;n. 担心;烦恼;忧虑。3、用法不同problem作“问题”解,常指客观存在的并有待解决的困难或问题,也可指提出来的疑难问题,还可指数字、事实等方面的问题、习题或思考题。worry的基本意思是“(使)困扰,(使)烦恼”,指不停地非难、刺激以致破坏某人平静的心境或使其感到绝望或受挫,强调企图或效果。worry也可表示“担心,为…发愁”。

求歌曲《don t worry baby》的歌词的中文翻译


Don T Worry Baby (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Don T Worry Baby (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Bryan Ferry专辑:These Foolish Thingsti:- Don"t Worry Babyar:- Beach Boysby:- SpencerWell its been building up inside of meFor oh i don"t know how longI don"t know whyBut i keep thinkingSomething"s bound to go wrongBut she looks in my eyesAnd makes me realizeAnd she says "don"t worry baby"Don"t worry baby (Don"t worry baby)Everything will turn out alright (Don"t worry baby)Don"t worry baby (Don"t worry baby)I guess i should"ve kept my mouth shutWhen i started to brag about my carBut i can"t back down nowI pushed the other guys too farShe makes me come aliveAnd makes me wanna driveWhen she says "don"t worry baby"Don"t worry baby (Don"t worry baby)Everything will turn out alright (Don"t worry baby)Don"t worry baby (Don"t worry baby)She told me "baby, when you race todayJust take along my love with youAnd if you know how much i loved youBaby nothing could go wrong with you"Oh what she does to meWhen she makes love to meAnd she says "don"t worry baby"Don"t worry baby (Don"t worry baby)Everything will turn out alright (Don"t worry baby)Don"t worry baby (Don"t worry baby)Everything will turn out alright (Don"t worry baby)Don"t worry babyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2629855


Don"t Worry [Talking-Chingy] Heh What"s up? You ain"t been talking to me for a couple of days, but its all good. I just wanted to let you know that I know I do some things that"s wrong, you do some things that wrong, you know what I"m saying? We ain"t perfect, we all make mistakes, na na hold on I"m talking to you don"t just be trying to leave and stuff like that I"m talking to you, I"m trying to make things better for me and you [Chorus-Janet Jackson] Just me and you, oooo chingy, don"t matter what we go through Just me and you, we don"t need no body else, Just me and you, oooo chingy, I"ma always be down for you Just me and you, so don"t worry bout a damn thing [Verse 1-Chingy] Now that we together girl the lights so bright, it took a lil time but now the feelings so right, remember when I snuck thru your window at night, bring you flowers and candy, me and you sipping on brandy, plus I appreciate the love on sight, huggin" me holdin" me fixed dinner so polite, even when these trippin pigs weas tryin to sue me forget about friends and family you the one that knew me. The way you smile at me keep me feelin alright, this ain"t about fur, fancy cars or ice so I"m dedicating this to my female friend, sincerely yours words cant express my feelings within [Chorus Repeat] [Verse 2-Chingy] We human so we gunna fight and fuss at each other, he told me you trippin" but girl don"t worry bout my brother we have a argument it drive me to go out, you my flesh so me and another woman wont bout it, I"m thinking bout the times when you flew to my house, don"t I give you everything you want this man aint a mouse. Am I cheatin" hell naw hope you got no doubts, rose peddles in the tub baby unbutton that blouse better yet come on you hungry lets eat at Mr. Chows. know you love me when you mad, you don"t get loud, so I"m dedicating this to my female friend, sincerely yours words cant express my feelings within [Chorus Repeat] [Verse-Chingy] I like you style, your grace, your beautiful face, your essences. Your size, your shape this beautiful place of blessin, your weight, your waist, your delicious taste perfection, your height, your sight, with my life as your protection. So sweet like candy, lets raise a family in Miami where the beach so sandy toast to campaign glasses you ami, your scent like the smell fresh air of a leaf and for you I go over my budget no I ain"t cheep can stop grinding till I get er record to the top just know that your on my mind er second on the clock tick-tock, if you ever need help scream and I"ll come running for my life to trade it in for your dreams [Chorus Repeat]
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