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naked women什么意思 还有naked bottoms

naked women——裸体女人们naked bottoms——光屁股


人鬼情未了主题曲 Unchained melody 奔放的旋律

apple tree和woman teacher的复数怎样

apple trees 重点是指树,所以是变tree为复数women teachers 女老师,因为women是特殊变化,如果出现与man 或 woman相结合的名词,则两个词都要变复数,就像policeman这种复合词也是变policemen

woman honne歌词翻译

《Woman》歌词:Ten out of tenYou killed it once againCause you"re doing fineThis is to show youJust how much we need you in our livesThis place wouldn"t be the same without youYou could say that it would be a little worseThere"s just something about youWith you it"s all worthOh, never did a woman do so much to meOh, you"ve got some kind of hold on meAll the things that you doYou do it all so gracefullyOh, never did a woman do so much to meCan we just stop?It"s our time to learn yourself to praise youCause we do it wrongAnd you make it rightYou bring the balance to our lives, you"ve done it all aloneThis place wouldn"t be the same without youYou can say that it had been a whole lot worseCause there"s just something about youAnd with you it"s all worthNever did a woman do so much to meOh, you"ve got some kind of hold on meAll the things that you doYou do it all so gracefullyOh, never did a woman do so much to meAnd I thought I should tell youHow loved you areHow loved you areJust how loved you areAnd if we are togetherOh, we"re going farWe"re going farWe"re going farAnd I thought I should tell youHow loved you areHow loved you areJust how loved you areAnd if we are togetherWe"re going farWe"re going farWe"re going far《女人》歌词:十个中的十个你又杀了它因为你做得很好这是给你看的我们生命中多么需要你没有你这个地方就不一样了你可以说会更糟一点。你只是有点什么和你在一起,一切都值得哦,从来没有一个女人这么对我哦,你对我有点印象你所做的一切你做得这么优雅哦,从来没有一个女人这么对我我们能不能停下来?是我们学会赞美你的时候了。因为我们做错了你把它做对了你给我们的生活带来了平衡,你已经独自完成了。没有你这个地方就不一样了你可以说这件事糟透了。因为你只是有点什么和你在一起,一切都值得从来没有一个女人对我做这么多哦,你对我有点印象你所做的一切你做得这么优雅哦,从来没有一个女人这么对我我想我应该告诉你你是多么的爱你是多么的爱你是多么的爱如果我们在一起哦,我们要走很远我们要走很远我们要走很远我想我应该告诉你你是多么的爱你是多么的爱你是多么的爱如果我们在一起我们要走很远我们要走很远我们要走很远


Raven hair and ruby lips乌黑的头发和鲜红的嘴唇sparks fly from her finger tips火花从她的指尖Echoed voices in the night声音回荡在夜空she"s a restless spirit on an endless flight她是一个永远飞行的不安的灵魂wooo hooo witchy woman, see how还有比女巫的女人,怎么看high she flies她飞的高woo hoo witchy woman she got哇,她怪异的女人the moon in her eye她眼中的月亮She held me spellbound in the night她抱着我在夜晚出神dancing shadows and firelight跳舞的阴影和火光crazy laughter in another在另一个疯狂的笑声room and she drove herself to madness房间和她自己的疯狂with a silver spoon用银匙woo hoo witchy woman see how high she flies呜呼女巫的女人看到她飞得多么高woo hoo witchy woman she got the moon in her eye呜呼女巫的女人她的眼睛有月亮Well I know you want a lover,我知道你想要一个情人,let me tell your brother, she"s been sleeping让我告诉你哥哥,她睡了in the Devil"s bed.在魔鬼的床。And there"s some rumors going round有一些谣言兜兜someone"s underground一个人的地下she can rock you in the nighttime她可以摇滚你在夜间"til your skin turns red直到你的皮肤变成红色woo hoo witchy woman呜呼怪异的女人see how high she flies看到她飞得多么高woo hoo witchy woman呜呼怪异的女人she got the moon in her eye她的眼睛有月亮


Maroon 5 – Woman我的女人If I"d be soinclined to climb up beside you我对你是如此倾心以至于愿攀爬到你身旁Would you tell methat the time just isn"t right?你要告诉我这个时机不适合吗And if I shouldever find the key you hide so well如果我发现你把钥匙藏匿的那么深Will you tell methat I can spend the night?你会我安慰说我能安心度过这个夜晚?Leaving your smellon my coat驱散遗留在我大衣上的你的味道Leaving your tasteon my shoulder清除曾依靠在我肩膀的你的味道I still fail tounderstand what it is about this woman我总是不了解你是个怎样的女人If l could bottleup the chills that you gave me如果我能让你抛弃我的薄情埋在心里I would keep themin a jar next to my bed我会保密,带到监狱,看守在我床边And if I shouldever draw a picture of a woman或是如果我画一幅女人的彩画It is you thatwould come flowing from my pen, yeah从我笔尖描绘出来的就是你,耶Leaving yourclothes on my floor在我的地板上留下你的衣服Making me walk outthe door and我离开我的房门I still fail tounderstand what it is about this woman这还是让我不了解你是怎样的女人Fail to understandwhat it is about this woman我总是不了解你是怎样的女人Helplessly meltingas I stand next to the sun如同我站在太阳旁边那样无助地融化As she burns me, Iam screaming loud for more当她燃烧我的肉体,我会大声的尖叫I drink every dropof liquid heat that I"ve become我会喝下每滴我被热化的液体Pop me open spillme out onto the floor让我爆炸,让我在地板上溢出血液Leaving your smellon my coat驱散遗留在我大衣上的你的味道Leaving your tasteon my shoulder清除曾依靠在我肩膀的你的味道I still fail tounderstand, fail to understand我总是不了解你是个怎样的女人Leaving your smellon my coat驱散遗留在我大衣上的你的味道Leaving your tasteon my shoulder清除曾依靠在我肩膀的你的味道I still fail tounderstand what it is about this woman我总是不了解你是个怎样的女人Yes是的,没错

Do You Feel for Me(你对我的感觉)╲Lee Ann Womack[李·安·伍麦克] 谁能帮我翻译此歌歌词?

[00:12.00]3 a.m. sit up straight in my bed 凌晨3点,我从床上直直坐起[00:17.80]Guess I"ve been dreamin" about you again 大概又是梦到你了[00:23.75]I look to my left, oh but something ain"t right 看向我的左边,啊,不对劲[00:30.83]"Cause you no longer sleep at my side 因为你不在我身边[00:39.25]Then I turn that old lamp light on 打开古老的油灯[00:44.72]It hurts my eyes to see that you"ve gone 你已经走了,这事实刺痛了我的眼眸。[00:51.14]If wishful thinking could somehow be true 如果胡思乱想可以在某种程度上实现[00:57.46]Then you"d feel for me like I feel for you 那么你对我的感觉会同我对你的感觉一样[01:03.31]Do you feel for me like I feel for you 你对我的感觉跟我对你的一样吗[01:10.51]Do you reach out in the middle of the night 你是否会在午夜伸出手[01:16.10]To feel if I"m lying there by your side 去寻找我是否躺在你身边[01:21.02]Do those cold white sheets that you touch make you blue 那片冰冷的白床单是否会使你伤心[01:27.28]Do you feel for me like I feel for you 你对我的感觉跟我对你的一样吗[01:34.00]Do you feel for me like I feel for you 你对我的感觉跟我对你的一样吗[01:39.80](INSTRAMENTAL BREAK)[01:53.71]Is your sleep as restless as mine 你是否也跟我一样睡不安稳[01:59.04]Tossin" and turnin" all through the night 整夜辗转反侧[02:04.75]If you search your bed over before the night"s through 如果你也在黎明前寻遍你的床[02:11.18]Then you feel for me like I feel for you 那么你对我的感觉同我对你的一样[02:17.62]Do you feel for me like I feel for you 你的我的感觉同我对你的一样吗[02:24.37]Oh, do you reach out in the middle of the night 你是否会在午夜伸出手[02:30.03]To feel if I"m lying there by your side 去寻找我是否就在你身边[02:35.42]Do those cold white sheets that you touch make you blue[02:41.17]Do you feel for me like I feel for you[02:47.55]Do you feel for me like I feel for you[02:53.32]Do you feel for me like I feel for you[02:58.73]Do you feel for me like I feel for you 自己翻译的,没啥美感,但还是希望采纳哈!

喜欢“作”的女人(High-maintenance woman),是一个怎样的群体?

作”,具体表现是什么?在决定回答的第一时间,我就尝试回忆自己曾经比较“作”的具体事件,毕竟我们“作”家也不是时刻知道自己在“作”嘛!“喜欢‘作"的女人(high-maintenance woman/高保养需求的的女人),他们不安于平凡平淡的生活,通过“作”来渴望别人的关爱,最突出的表现是爱跟亲密的人无端闹别扭,不过“作”过头就被认为是无理取闹,难以伺候的表现。”“作”更多地被看作是一种行为,并且是一种有负面倾向的行为。也就是说,“作”既是动词,也可做形容词。“作”似乎更多地指向女性,但是正如镜像问题所说,在男性中也不乏“作家”。2.“作”的原因分析以下,我尝试从理论角度解释一下自己的“作”。如果把“作”作为一种行为来理解,需要考虑诸如环境(诱因)、认知和情绪、需要和动机等内外部因素。总体来说,人的行为是人的内在因素和外在环境相互作用的结果。1)环境(诱因)环境(诱因)——和其他女生接触,丢了我送的东西,没有及时回复信息——是“作”的直接原因,是导火索,是“作”产生的外部条件。2)认知和情绪首先,个体在受诱因刺激时,会产生一系列认知和情绪活动。“你和异性接触——你喜欢她=你不喜欢我——伤心和难过”。通过行为,可以表达自己的情绪;通过行为的结果可以验证认知——“你不爱我”——的准确性。其次,认知失调。个体对于自我本质的认知是“不值得被爱的”,且不管怎样努力,都不可能改变“自己本质上不值得被爱”(习得性无助)。两个人关系的建立(有人爱我)动摇了个体对自己的已有认知,并造成了个体的认知失调。个体通过“作”可以应对这种认知失调。最后,个人观点。我认为人的本质焦虑是源于对未知的不确定或者不稳定(而不是存在主义的死亡、自由、孤独和无意义)。因此,当个体无法明确自己是否被爱的时候是最痛苦的,也是最焦虑的。而“作”的结果(不管是好的还是坏的)可以使个体有确定或者稳定感,也就是“作”可以用来应对这种不确定或者不稳定带来的焦虑。3)需要和动机需要和动机被认为是行为的主要内部原因。马斯洛说人有爱和被爱的需要。我赞同很多人所说的“作是想证明自己是值得无条件被爱的”,个体“被爱的需要”是“作”这种行为背后动机的主要来源。只是很多时候,“作”不仅无法满足需要,还会事与愿违。3. 如何应对?如果你是“作”的人如果正在“作”的你也很痛苦和无助,并且非常想应对自己的“作”,只是不知道该怎么做。(不要怕,你永远不是一个人!)首先,了解、理解并接纳你的“作”。你可以尝试着不带评判的去思考自己的“作”。“不评判”这一点很重要,但估计也很困难,因为当我意识到自己“作”的时候,我真的非常内疚和自责。你可以尝试多问自己几个“为什么”,目的在于寻找自己“作”的原因及其形成的过程(请慎重,因为这个过程可能会很痛苦)。然后,了解了自己的“作”后,你会看清自己真实的需要。接着,你可以在安全的关系中尝试直接表达自己的需要,尽量别把需要进行包装后再展示。可能对于我们来说,建立真正安全的关系本身就很困难了。但相信我,如此继续“作”,也不会有更好的结果。


All women of childbearing age are pregnant until proven otherwise.这句话的的翻译


A Pregnant Woman in the sun

  She had nearly dozed away the whole lazy afternoon, with her eyelash loose down and some naughty hairs playing and rejoicing on her forehead.   Occasionally, she would knit her brows out of a surge of pain. But when relief came she would smile again and relish once more the enchanting curve of her abdomen, feeling the fresh pulse of the child inside.   The afternoon went by quietly, of which the highlight might be butterfly that kept pestering her. Now it had alighted on her chair, wings shining in the setting sun, triggering her childlike fantasy. Her finger could not help but snail its way toward the little creature. Nearer and nearer, until the butterfly was finally between her delicate fingers. After a while, she decided to release it. No sooner had she slightly opened her fingers than the little creature sprang right up into the air, as vigorous, she thought, as her future child would be.   So, always, true vitality resides in tranquility, as real beauty in love.   简 评   文章篇幅虽短,但对孕妇的描写非常到位,有外表、神态、动作和心理状态的描写,勾勒出了一位充满爱心的准妈妈的形象,非常鲜明饱满。   文章的最后一段点明主题:真正的美在于爱这份高尚的情感中。   此外,值得一提的是文章的用词非常优美而准确,如some naughty hairs playing and rejolcmg on her forehead;knit her brows out Of a surge Of para;the enchanting curve Of her abdomen等。在描写抓蝴蝶的动作时Her finger could not help but snail its way toward the little creature.Nearer and nearer,until the butterfly was finally between her delicate fingers.无不充满了生活的情趣。   (点评教师:黄莺)


woman 中文:女人、妇女的意思。你好本题已解答,如果满意请点右下角“采纳答案”。

A Pregnant woman_一个怀孕的女人英语作文400字

One day, after school on A weekend, I got on a 262nd bus with my heavy backpack. The trunk was so crowded that the dull air was stifling. I gripped the handrail tightly in order not to fall. The bus got the Shuanghu station,A woman came up with a big belly. She carried a bag in her left hand and A little kid about five or six years old in her right hand. When she got into the car, she grabbed the handrail and staggered out of the bag, pulled out a bus card and put it on the sensor with a swipe of the card. I looked at her sympathetically, wondering how she would choose to ride in the car at this time during the rush hours and also it was the weekend. If I had a seat, I would stand up and let her sit down for a while. "Enyone could help her and let the lady a seat." The conductor was shouted on the megaphone. The people in the car were surging up, and they all looked at the pregnant woman. The girl nearest to her stood up and helped the aunt to sit carefully in her seat. The woman thanked her and asked her daughter to sit on her lap. The little girl seemed to have never been A countryside. She kept asking lots of questions, an and her mother was reluctant to use "um, ah" to the curious child. I have a grudge against this little girl who didn"t care for her mother . The bus bumped along the road . The setting sun shone warm through the Windows into the car. How wonderful this world is, everyone helped each other, has a beautiful mind, full of positive energy. "Dong", a sound coming, people wondered what was going on. Just heard the little girl said, "mom, how do you put my balloon in your stomach and you broke it now? You must buy me A new one!" The "pregnant woman" blushed and said nothing. The bus arrived at A busstop and the woman took the baby quietly off the bus. Aseries of murmurs and curses behind them.

pregnt woman什么意思

孕妇pregnant 简写成了pregnt

maroon5 women歌词翻译

"Woman"女人If I be so inclined to climb up beside you, 假如我要爬到你身边Would you tell me that the time just isnt right? 你会对我说时机不对吗?And if I should ever find the key you hide so well,假如我找到了你苦心收藏的钥匙Will you tell me that I can spend the night?你会对我说共度良宵吗Leavin your smell on my coat, leavin your taste on my shoulder.可以把你的气味留在我外套,把你的滋味留在我肩膀I still fail to understand what it is about this woman.却仍猜不透你这个女人If I could bottle up the chills that you give me假如我能把你给的冷意收起来I would keep them in a jar next to my bed.我会把它们收在罐子里,摆在睡床旁And If I should ever draw a picture of a woman假如我有画过一幅女人画像It is you that would come flowing from my pen那一定是你,流转在我的笔尖Leavin your smell on my coat, leavin your taste on my shoulder.可以把你的气味留在我外套,把你的滋味留在我肩膀I still fail to understand what it is about this woman.却仍猜不透你这个女人Helplessly melting as I stand next to the sun.面对太阳,我如冰块一样无助地消融As she burns me, I am screaming out for more日光把我炙烤,我大叫再多晒点Drink every drop of liquid heat that I"ve become.喝光每一滴我变成的热水Pop me open, spill me out on to the floor.打开盖子,把我洒满一地Leavin your smell on my coat, leavin your taste on my shoulder,可以把你的气味留在我外套,把你的滋味留在我肩膀I still fail to understand, fail to understand却仍猜不透,仍猜不透Leavin your smell on my coat, leavin your taste on my shoulder.可以把你的气味留在我外套,把你的滋味留在我肩膀I still fail to understand what it is about this woman.却仍猜不透你这个女人诚挚为你翻译,希望你满意!望采纳,谢谢~


室外公共卫生间和旅游景区用toilet的比较多. 男女用male/female或者man/woman都是可以的。但是用man和woman的见的比较多

The Doors的《L.A. Woman》 歌词

歌曲名:L.A. Woman歌手:The Doors专辑:The Future Starts Here: The Essential Doors HitsArtist: The DoorsTitle: L.A. WomanWell, I just got into town about an hour ago.Took a look around see which way the wind blow,Where the little girls in their Hollywood bungalows.Are you a lucky little lady in the City of LightOr just another lost angel?City of Night.City of Night.City of Night.City of Night.Whoo! C"mon!L.A. Woman.L.A. Woman.L.A. Woman. Sunday afternoon.L.A. Woman. Sunday afternoon.L.A. Woman. Sunday afternoon.Drive thru your suburbsInto your blues.Into your blues.Yeah, yeah.Into your blues.Into your blues.Oh!I see your hair is burnin".Hills are filled with fire.If they say I never loved you,You know they are a liar.Drivin" down your freeways.Midnight alleys roam .Cops in cars. The topless bars.Never saw a womanSo alone.So alone.So alone.So alone.Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.Let"s change the mood from glad to sadness.Mr. Mojo Risin".Mr. Mojo Risin".Mr. Mojo Risin".Mr. Mojo Risin".Gotta keep on risin".Mr. Mojo Risin".Mr. Mojo Risin".Mr. Mojo Risin".Mr. Mojo Risin".Mr. Mojo Risin".Gotta keep on risin".Risin", risin".Risin", risin".Risin", risin".Risin", risin".Risin", risin".Risin", risin".Well, I just got into town about an hour ago.Took a look around see which way the wind blow,Where the little girls in their Hollywood bungalows.Are you a lucky little lady in the City of LightOr just another lost angel?City of Night.City of Night.City of Night.City of Night.Oh! Oh!L.A. Woman.L.A. Woman.L.A. Woman.You"re my woman.L.A. Woman.L.A. Woman.L.A. Woman..http://music.baidu.com/song/10559474

Barry Ryan的《L.A. Woman》 歌词

歌曲名:L.A. Woman歌手:Barry Ryan专辑:The Very Best Of Barry RyanArtist: The DoorsTitle: L.A. WomanWell, I just got into town about an hour ago.Took a look around see which way the wind blow,Where the little girls in their Hollywood bungalows.Are you a lucky little lady in the City of LightOr just another lost angel?City of Night.City of Night.City of Night.City of Night.Whoo! C"mon!L.A. Woman.L.A. Woman.L.A. Woman. Sunday afternoon.L.A. Woman. Sunday afternoon.L.A. Woman. Sunday afternoon.Drive thru your suburbsInto your blues.Into your blues.Yeah, yeah.Into your blues.Into your blues.Oh!I see your hair is burnin".Hills are filled with fire.If they say I never loved you,You know they are a liar.Drivin" down your freeways.Midnight alleys roam .Cops in cars. The topless bars.Never saw a womanSo alone.So alone.So alone.So alone.Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.Let"s change the mood from glad to sadness.Mr. Mojo Risin".Mr. Mojo Risin".Mr. Mojo Risin".Mr. Mojo Risin".Gotta keep on risin".Mr. Mojo Risin".Mr. Mojo Risin".Mr. Mojo Risin".Mr. Mojo Risin".Mr. Mojo Risin".Gotta keep on risin".Risin", risin".Risin", risin".Risin", risin".Risin", risin".Risin", risin".Risin", risin".Well, I just got into town about an hour ago.Took a look around see which way the wind blow,Where the little girls in their Hollywood bungalows.Are you a lucky little lady in the City of LightOr just another lost angel?City of Night.City of Night.City of Night.City of Night.Oh! Oh!L.A. Woman.L.A. Woman.L.A. Woman.You"re my woman.L.A. Woman.L.A. Woman.L.A. Woman..http://music.baidu.com/song/462464

求翻译解释《Glory of Women》这首诗!~ by Siegfried Sassoon

You love us when we"re heroes, home on leave, (1) Or wounded in a mentionable place. (2) You worship decorations" you believe (3) That chivalry redeems the war"s disgrace. (4) You make us shells. You listen with delight, (5) By takes of dirt and danger fondly thrilled. (6) You crown our distant ardours while we fight, (7) And mourn our laurelled memories when we"re killed. (8) You can"t believe that British troops "retire" (9) When hell"s last horror breaks them, and they run, (10) Trampling the terrible corpses-blind with blood. (11) O German mother dreaming by the fire, (12) While you are knitting socks to send your son (13) His face is trodden deeper in the mud. (14) --Siegfried Sassoon Originally published in 1918Analysis: This poem is a very sarcastic poem. It marks the beginning of anti-women literature. Men resented the fact that they had to fight in the war, while the women could stay home and pretend that everything was the same as it always had been. Men and women could not relate to one another as they had before. Line 1: Women only love soldiers that are decorated heroes. When the men are home the women fawn over their heroic deeds, but when the men are away in battle women could not care less. Line 2: "wounded in a mentionable place" can have a couple of meanings. It is common to think that a woman would only want to be with a man that is not disabled in any way. Losing an arm or leg would not be a desirable injury, because they would not be considered real men any more. Soldiers are glorified as heroes and heroes are not crippled. A wound in an unmentionable place could be the mind. Many soldiers experienced psychological issues as a result of everything that they seen in battle. Sassoon had a really hard time when his friend died in battle; he was even sent to a mental hospital under the guise of having shell shock. Many soldiers had a hard time rationalizing all the killing and dying of men who probably did not really deserve to die since they were just fighting to uphold the honor of their countries. Line 3-4: At home, life went on like there was no war going on. When soldiers would come home on the weekends they could not understand how life seemed so unaffected. They were out in the trenches everyday killing and dying. When they came home they were expected to act like the chivalrous gentlemen that they were before the war, but they had a hard time being that man because they had seen too much evil. Societal doctrine did not exist out in the trenches. Line 5: "you make us shells"-in WWI, many women were recruited to munitions factories; this is a job that had only been held by men previously. Working in the factories gave women a new sense of independence and after the war they wanted to continue working. They provided the equipment of death. Line 6: the women loved to listen to their stories of battle; to them they were like scary made-up stories meant for entertainment, but for the soldiers it was their reality. The women did not seem to understand the reality of the war. Line 8: "you mourn our laurelled"-in ancient Rome and Greece, a victorious general was crowned with a laurel wreath. Line 9-11: These lines are pointing out the naivety of women. Women wanted their men out there fighting and being heroic without considering what this actually did to them. They did not understand what it was like to be on the front line and they would act like it was not a big deal to kill. Women are trying to be nationalists, but they have no idea what nationalism really means. Line 11-14: While women are concerning themselves with the frivolities of life, men are out there dying in the mud. Their bodies no longer discernable; they become just another dead body on a large field of dead bodies, while women get to sit at home knitting. Sassoon, Siegfried. "Glory of Women." Norton Anthology of English Literature: Twentieth Century and After. Vol. F. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. New York: Norton, 2006. 1962.这是我在网上找到的,不知道有没有帮助

电脑开机为什么出现错误c:proqwom files isin av


It is not often realized that women held a high place in southern European societies in the 10t...

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B小题4: A小题5:D 欧洲南部的妇女在10和11世纪时享有较高的社会地位,这并未获得广泛认识。作为一个妻子,女性的地位受到其嫁妆的保护。诚然,嫁妆最初的目的是防止女性被抛弃;但是,它在当时家庭和社会现实生活中起着更重要的作用。妻子的嫁妆使她有权获得其丈夫十分之一的财物。妻子有权利拒绝丈夫所做的任何交易,但这不仅仅只是一项权利而已;文件表明她与丈夫一样平等地享有真正的决定权。文件没有表明丈夫和妻子在法律地位上有任何差别。妻子享有管理丈夫私人财产的权利,但是反之则不然。如果丈夫要越权侵犯她们的利益,女性们会时刻准备着捍卫自己的利益,有时她们还会表现出一种坚强的斗争精神。Maria Vivas就是一个典型的例子。为了家庭的需要,她同意其丈夫Miro出售一块属于她的土地,但是她坚持要求获得补偿。但是丈夫没有给她提供补偿,于是她把丈夫拖到一个文书处,起草了一份合同,成功地把他丈夫的一块私人土地划归自己。正如合同所写的,“为了和平”,这个不幸的丈夫不得不同意。要么借助嫁妆,要么通过发脾气,妻子知道如何在家庭中为自己赢得强大的经济地位。小题1:[C 推断题。本文介绍了欧洲南部10和11世纪嫁妆对女性在婚姻中地位的重要性。虽然嫁妆最初的目的是防止女性被抛弃,但实际上它的作用远远不止于此。它使妻子在婚姻中的地位与丈夫平等,并保障了妻子的经济利益。女性在维护自己的利益上,是很坚定果敢的,Maria Vivas就是一个例子。见第一段第三句,“Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of desertion...”,虽然在实际生活中嫁妆有更重要的作用,但最初它的作用只是为了防范女性被丈夫抛弃,所以C为正确答案。小题2:[D 细节题。根据本文,妻子在婚姻中的法律地位和丈夫是平等的。见第一段最后一句,“In no case do the documents indicate any degree of difference in the legal status of husband and wife”文件中并没有表明丈夫和妻子在法律地位上有任何的差别,也就是说他们的地位是平等的,所以D为正确答案。小题3:[B 推断题。作者举Maria Vivas的事例,是为了说明妻子是能够捍卫自己的利益的。见第二段第二句,“Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritance...they showed a fine fighting spirit.”如果丈夫要侵占自己的利益,女性们就时刻准备着捍卫自己的利益,有时她们还表现出很强的斗争精神。接下来作者就举了Maria Vivas的例子,说明女性是有能力捍卫自己的利益的。所以B为正确答案。小题4:[A 细节题。Maria Vivas得到的一份作为补偿的土地,本来是属于Miro的个人财产。见第二段第五句,“None being offered, she succeeded in... assigning her a piece of land from Miro?s personal inheritance”由此知A为正确答案。小题5:[D 推断题。作者对Maria Vivas所持的态度是客观的。作者客观地介绍了Maria Vivas的事例,并没有表示出同情、不满或者是漠不关心,所以A、B、C都是错误答案。



比较神秘或阴森让人深有所思的语言,类似名侦探柯南贝尔摩德所说的A secret makes a woman woman.

don"t need to know

Davichi T-ara SeeYa Wonder Women 的罗马音歌词

Davichi T-ara SeeYa Wonder Women中文歌词不要觉得沮丧,请理直气壮地呐喊吧,男人吧请让开 女人们的情谊更美好,女人比爱情更坚强被爱伤害了无所谓,因为世界的另一半是男人分别的时候哪怕是挂著泪珠也无所谓挎上Edge皮包穿上最珍爱的漂亮衣服聚在常去的酒吧裏喝一杯马帝尼酒爱情比流行歌变得更快哪怕爱情失败,只要有我们也将无所谓女人们不要觉得沮丧,请理直气壮地呐喊吧,男人们请让开女人们的情谊更美好,女人不爱情更坚强被爱伤害了无所谓,因为世界的另一半是男人分别的时候哪怕是挂著泪珠也无所谓去看电影,去动物园去海滩,去参加聚会干练的女人的聚会,性感的女人们的故事还有风格的的生活,自由的愉快唱歌(Uh)没有了爱的记忆,删除了心中所有的记忆随著时间的流逝,你会享受忙碌的生活随著时光的流逝,如果想起现在的话说不定我们会一起说笑女人们不要觉得沮丧,请理直气壮地呐喊吧,男人们请让开女人们的情谊更美好,女人不爱情更坚强被爱伤害了无所谓,因为世界的另一半是男人分别的时候哪怕是挂著泪珠也无所谓像笨蛋一样的行为,没有意义的事情,离别没什麽大不了的请疯狂的欢乐吧,世界以后不会在拘束你随著你的想法,随著你的心意,你是为了你自己生活,为了你pretty sweet hot girl pretty sweet hot girl 美丽甜美的辣妹罗马音歌词uc6d0ub354uc6b0uba3c(Wonder Woman) - Seeya (uc528uc57c) & Davichi (ub2e4ube44uce58) & Tara (ud2f0uc544ub77c) uc218ub85duc568ubc94: uc6d0ub354uc6b0uba3c ubc1cub9e4uc815ubcf4: ucf54uc5b4ucf58ud150uce20ubbf8ub514uc5b4, 2010.01.07 uc5ecuc790ub4e4uc544 uae30uc8fduc9c0 ub9c8ub77c ub2f9ub2f9ud558uac8c uc678uccd0ub77c ub0a8uc790ub4e4uc544 ube44ucf1cub77c yeo"ja"deul"a" gi"jug"ji" ma"ra" dang"dang"ha"ge" oe"cyeo"ra" nam"ja"deul"a" bi"kyeo"ra" uc5ecuc790ub4e4uc758 uc758ub9acuac00 ub354 uba4buc788uc796uc544 uc0acub791ubcf4ub2e4 uac15ud558uc796uc544 yeo"ja"deul"yi" yi"ri"ga" deo" meos"iss"janh"a" sa"rang"bo"da" gang"ha"janh"a" uc0acub791uc5d0 ucc28uc5ecub3c4 uad1cucc2euc544 uc138uc0c1uc758 ubc18uc740 ub0a8uc790uc774ub2c8uae4c sa"rang"e" ca"yeo"do" gwaen"canh"a" se"sang"yi" ban"eun" nam"ja"i"ni"gga" uadf8uae5f uc774ubcc4ucbe4 uadf8uae5f ub208ubb3cucbe4 uc5bcub9c8ub4e0uc9c0 ubd80ub52aud600ub3c4 uad1cucc2euc544 geu"ggas" i"byeol"jjeum" geu"ggas" nun"mul"jjeum" eol"ma"deun"ji" bu"dij"hyeo"do" gwaen"canh"a" uc5e3uc9c0uc788ub294 ud578ub4dcubc31uc744 uba54uace0 uc81cuc77c uc544ub07cub294 uc608uc05c uc637 uc785uace0 es"ji"iss"neun" haen"deu"baeg"eul" me"go" je"il" a"ggi"neun" ye"bbeun" os" ib"go" uc790uc8fc uac00ub294 Baruc5d0 ubaa8uc5ec ub9c8ud2f0ub2c8 ud55cuc794uc744 ub9c8uc2dcub294 uac70uc57c ja"ju" ga"neun" Bare" mo"yeo" ma"ti"ni" han"jan"eul" ma"si"neun" geo"ya" uc0acub791uc740 uc720ud589uac00ubcf4ub2e4 ub354ud574 ube60ub974uac8c ubcc0ud558uc796uc544 sa"rang"eun" yu"haeng"ga"bo"da" deo"hae" bba"reu"ge" byeon"ha"janh"a" uc0acub791uc5d0 uc2e4ud328ud574ub3c4 uc6b0ub9acub4e4ub9cc uc788uc73cuba74 uad1cucc2euc544 sa"rang"e" sil"pae"hae"do" u"ri"deul"man" iss"eu"myeon" gwaen"canh"a" uc5ecuc790ub4e4uc544 uae30uc8fduc9c0 ub9c8ub77c ub2f9ub2f9ud558uac8c uc678uccd0ub77c ub0a8uc790ub4e4uc544 ube44ucf1cub77c yeo"ja"deul"a" gi"jug"ji" ma"ra" dang"dang"ha"ge" oe"cyeo"ra" nam"ja"deul"a" bi"kyeo"ra" uc5ecuc790ub4e4uc758 uc758ub9acuac00 ub354 uba4buc788uc796uc544 uc0acub791ubcf4ub2e4 uac15ud558uc796uc544 yeo"ja"deul"yi" yi"ri"ga" deo" meos"iss"janh"a" sa"rang"bo"da" gang"ha"janh"a" uc0acub791uc5d0 ucc28uc5ecub3c4 uad1cucc2euc544 uc138uc0c1uc758 ubc18uc740 ub0a8uc790uc774ub2c8uae4c sa"rang"e" ca"yeo"do" gwaen"canh"a" se"sang"yi" ban"eun" nam"ja"i"ni"gga" uadf8uae5f uc774ubcc4ucbe4 uadf8uae5f ub208ubb3cucbe4 uc5bcub9c8ub4e0uc9c0 ubd80ub52aud600ub3c4 uad1cucc2euc544 geu"ggas" i"byeol"jjeum" geu"ggas" nun"mul"jjeum" eol"ma"deun"ji" bu"dij"hyeo"do" gwaen"canh"a" Going to the movies Going to the zoo Going to the beach Going to the party uc138ub828ub41c uc5ecuc790ub4e4uc758 Party uc139uc2dcud55c uc5ecuc790ub4e4uc758 Story se"ryeon"doen" yeo"ja"deul"yi" Party seg"si"han" yeo"ja"deul"yi" Story uc2a4ud0c0uc77c uc788uac8c uc0b4uc544uac08ub798 uc790uc720ub86duac8c uc990uaca8ubcfcub798 Uh seu"ta"il" iss"ge" sal"a"gal"rae" ja"yu"rob"ge" jeul"gyeo"bol"rae"Uh uc0acub791ud55c uae30uc5b5 ubaa8ub450 uc5c6uc560uace0 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ucd94uc5b5ub4e4uc744 uc9c0uc6b0uace0 sa"rang"han" gi"eog" mo"du" eobs"ae"go" ga"seum"e" cu"eog"deul"eul" ji"u"go" uc2dcuac04uc774 ud750ub974ub294 ub300ub85c ubc14uc05c uc0ddud65cuc744 ub10c uc990uae30ub294 uac70uc57c si"gan"i" heu"reu"neun" dae"ro" ba"bbeun" saeng"hwal"eul" neon" jeul"gi"neun" geo"ya" uc5b8uc820uac00 uc138uc6d4uc774 ud750ub978 ub4a4uc5d0 uc9c0uae08uc744 uc0dduac01ud558uba74 eon"jen"ga" se"weol"i" heu"reun" dwi"e" ji"geum"eul" saeng"gag"ha"myeon" uc6b0ub9ac ud568uaed8 uc6c3uc73cuba70 uc598uae30 ud560 uc218 uc788uc744uc9c0ub3c4 ubab0ub77c u"ri" ham"gge" us"eu"myeo" yae"gi" hal" su" iss"eul"ji"do" mol"ra" uc5ecuc790ub4e4uc544 uae30uc8fduc9c0 ub9c8ub77c ub2f9ub2f9ud558uac8c uc678uccd0ub77c ub0a8uc790ub4e4uc544 ube44ucf1cub77c yeo"ja"deul"a" gi"jug"ji" ma"ra" dang"dang"ha"ge" oe"cyeo"ra" nam"ja"deul"a" bi"kyeo"ra" uc5ecuc790ub4e4uc758 uc758ub9acuac00 ub354 uba4buc788uc796uc544 uc0acub791ubcf4ub2e4 uac15ud558uc796uc544 yeo"ja"deul"yi" yi"ri"ga" deo" meos"iss"janh"a" sa"rang"bo"da" gang"ha"janh"a" uc0acub791uc5d0 ucc28uc5ecub3c4 uad1cucc2euc544 uc138uc0c1uc758 ubc18uc740 ub0a8uc790uc774ub2c8uae4c sa"rang"e" ca"yeo"do" gwaen"canh"a" se"sang"yi" ban"eun" nam"ja"i"ni"gga" uadf8uae5f uc774ubcc4ucbe4 uadf8uae5f ub208ubb3cucbe4 uc5bcub9c8ub4e0uc9c0 ubd80ub52aud600ub3c4 uad1cucc2euc544 geu"ggas" i"byeol"jjeum" geu"ggas" nun"mul"jjeum" eol"ma"deun"ji" bu"dij"hyeo"do" gwaen"canh"a" ubc14ubcf4 uac19uc740 uc9d3uc774uc57c uc4f8ub370uc5c6ub294 uc77cuc774uc57c uc774ubcc4uc774 ubb50 ub300uc218ub2c8 ba"bo" gat"eun" jis"i"ya" sseul"de"eobs"neun" il"i"ya" i"byeol"i" mweo" dae"su"ni" uc774uc81c ub354 uc774uc0c1 ub208ubb3c ub530uc708 uc544uaef4ub46c uc6c3uc744 ub0a0uc774 ub354 ub9ceuc796uc544 i"je" deo" i"sang" nun"mul" dda"win" a"ggyeo"dweo" us"eul" nal"i" deo" manh"janh"a" ubbf8uce58ub3c4ub85d ub108ub97c uc990uaca8ubd10 uc138uc0c1 uc55euc5d0 ub110 uad6cuc18dud558uc9c0ub9c8 mi"ci"do"rog" neo"reul" jeul"gyeo"bwa" se"sang" ap"e" neol" gu"sog"ha"ji"ma" uc0dduac01ud55cub300ub85c ub9d8 uac00ub294ub300ub85c ub108ub97c uc704ud574 uc0acub294 uac70uc57c ub110 uc704ud574 saeng"gag"han"dae"ro" mam" ga"neun"dae"ro" neo"reul" wi"hae" sa"neun" geo"ya" neol" wi"hae" Pretty sweet hot girl Pretty sweet hot girl uc774uc81cub294 ucc28uac00uc6b4 ub208ubb3c uc53buace0 ub110 uc704ud574 ud654uc7a5uc744 ud558uace0 i"je"neun" ca"ga"un" nun"mul" ssis"go" neol" wi"hae" hwa"jang"eul" ha"go" ub2c8 uc0b6uc744 uc990uaca8ubcfcub798 Pretty girl Pretty girl ni" salm"eul" jeul"gyeo"bol"rae" Pretty girl Pretty girl

Ozzy Osbourne的《Woman》 歌词

歌曲名:Woman歌手:Ozzy Osbourne专辑:Under CoverWomanJohn LennonWoman I can hardly expressMy mixed emotions at my thoughtlessnessAfter all I"m forever in your debtAnd woman I will try to expressMy inner feelings and thankfulnessFor showing me the meaning of successOoh, well, wellDoo, doo, doo, doo, dooOoh, well, wellDoo, doo, doo, doo, dooWoman I know you understandThe little child inside of the manPlease remember my life is in your handsAnd woman hold me close to your heartHowever distant don"t keep us apartAfter all it is written in the starsWoman please let me explainI never meant to cause you sorrow or painSo let me tell you again and again and againI love you, yeah, yeahNow and foreverI love you, yeah, yeahNow and foreverI love you, yeah, yeahNow and foreverhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8097603

The Wombats的《Techno Fan》 歌词

歌曲名:Techno Fan歌手:The Wombats专辑:iTunes Festival: London 2011The Wombats - Techno Fan.East London""s not a bomb siteIt is a treasure chestWe use our penguin costumesMore than our evening dressShe said I should come overThough the music""s not my typeDon""t you know I""d chop a limb offJust to have a good time.Shut up and move with me, move with me,or, or get out of my faceI didn""t queue for an hour to leave straight awayShut up and stay with me, stay with me,or, or let go of my handThe lasers fill our minds with empty plansI never knew I was a techno fan.This is not a weird weekendIt""s an angry wormholeI""m talking like a city boyAnd drinking with a northern soulShe said I should come overThough it""s carnage at timesIt still seems I""d chop a limb offBefore I put up a fight.Shut up and move with me, move with me,or, or get out of my faceI didn""t queue for an hour to leave straight awayShut up and stay with me,stay with me, or, or let go of my handThe lasers fill our minds with empty plansI never knew I was a techno.We are the 1980sWe are the Detroit lightsAnd I never wanna, I never wanna see this stopI""m in debt to youBut don""t feed me plant food.Just shut up and move with me, move with me,or, or get out of my faceI didn""t spend 20 sheets to not cut a shapeShut up and stay with me, stay with me,or, or let go of my handThe lasers fill our minds with empty plansI never knew I was a techno fanhttp://music.baidu.com/song/23442302


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Womannizer好色之徒翻译版本1: Superstar   超级巨星   Where you from, how"s it going?   你从哪里来,最近好还吗?   I know you   我知道你   Gotta clue whatcha doing   想提示你在做什么   You can play brand new, to all the other chicks out there   你可以向外面的那些女人们玩新招   But I know what you are   但我知道你是什么东西   What you are, baby   你是什么东西,宝贝   Look at you   看看你   Gettin" more than just a re-up   就像要再当兵一样   Baby, you   宝贝,你   Got all the puppets with their strings up   拿到所有连着线的木偶   Fakin" like a good one   假装是个好人   But I call"em when I see"em   但我看见他们时我会叫他们   I know what you are   但我知道你是什么东西   What you are, baby   你是什么东西,宝贝   Womanizer   好色之徒   Woman-womanizer   好色之徒   You"re a womanizer   你是个好色之徒   Oh, womanizer   噢,好色之徒   Oh, you"re a womanizer, baby   噢,你是个好色之徒,宝贝   You you you are   你,你,你是   You you you are   你,你,你是   Womanizer, womanizer   好色之徒,好色之徒   Womanizer, womanizer   好色之徒,好色之徒   Boy don"t try to front   小子,不用尝试去反抗了   I know just what you are   我就知道你是什么东西   Boy don"t try to front   小子,不用尝试去反抗了   I know just what you are   我就知道你是什么东西   (You)You got me goin"   (你)让我走去   (You)You"re oh so charmin"   (你)你是那么迷人   (You)But I can"t do it   (你)但我不能这样做   (You)You womanizer   (你)你,好色之徒   Boy don"t try to front   小子,不用尝试去反抗了   I know just what you are   我就知道你是什么东西   Boy don"t try to front   小子,不用尝试去反抗了   I know just what you are   我就知道你是什么东西   (You)You say I"m crazy   (你)你说我疯了   (You)I gotcha crazy   (你)我疯了   (You)You"re nothin" but a   (你)你什么也不是   (You)Womanizer   (你)就是个好色之徒   Daddy-o   爸爸噢   You"ve got the swagger of a champion   你像冠军般洋洋得意   To bad for you   但这对你并不好   You just can"t find the right companion   你找不到正确的升降口   I guess when you have one too many   我想,当你有一个已经太多   Makes it hard, it could be easy   让这变得困难,其实本来很容易   Who you are   你是谁   That"s just who you are, baby   那就是你,宝贝   Lollipop   棒棒糖   You must mistake me for a sucker   你一定误导我,当我是傻瓜   To think that I   认为我   Would be a victim, not another   是个受害者,不是其他   Say you"re playin" how you want it   说你在表演着你怎样想要它   But no way I"m never gonna fall for you   但这不可能,我永远不会为你而堕落   Never you, baby   永远不会,宝贝   Womanizer   好色之徒   Woman-womanizer   好色之徒   You"re a womanizer   你是个好色之徒   Oh, womanizer   噢,好色之徒   Oh, you"re a womanizer, baby   噢,你是个好色之徒,宝贝   You you you are   你,你,你是   You you you are   你,你,你是   Womanizer, womanizer   好色之徒,好色之徒   Womanizer, womanizer   好色之徒,好色之徒   Boy don"t try to front   小子,不用尝试去反抗了   I know just what you are   我就知道你是什么东西   Boy don"t try to front   小子,不用尝试去反抗了   I know just what you are   我就知道你是什么东西   (You)You got me goin"   (你)让我走去   (You)You"re oh so charmin"   (你)你是那么迷人   (You)But I can"t do it   (你)但我不能这样做   (You)You womanizer   (你)你,好色之徒   Boy don"t try to front   小子,不用尝试去反抗了   I know just what you are   我就知道你是什么东西   Boy don"t try to front   小子,不用尝试去反抗了   I know just what you are   我就知道你是什么东西   (You)You say I"m crazy   (你)你说我疯了   (You)I gotcha crazy   (你)我疯了   (You)You"re nothin" but a   (你)你什么也不是   (You)Womanizer   (你)就是个好色之徒   Maybe if we both lived in a different world   也许如果我们都活在一个不同的世界里   It would be all good   一切都会很好   And maybe I could be your girl   也许我会成为你的女友   But I can"t so we don"t   但(现在)我不可以,所以我们不可能   You   你   Womanizer   好色之徒   Woman-womanizer   好色之徒   You"re a womanizer   你是个好色之徒   Oh, womanizer   噢,好色之徒   Oh, you"re a womanizer, baby   噢,你是个好色之徒,宝贝   You you you are   你,你,你是   You you you are   你,你,你是   Womanizer, womanizer   好色之徒,好色之徒   Womanizer, womanizer   好色之徒,好色之徒   Boy don"t try to front   小子,不用尝试去反抗了   I know just what you are   我就知道你是什么东西   Boy don"t try to front   小子,不用尝试去反抗了   I know just what you are   我就知道你是什么东西   (You)You got me goin"   (你)让我走去   (You)You"re oh so charmin"   (你)你是那么迷人   (You)But I can"t do it   (你)但我不能这样做   (You)You womanizer   (你)你,好色之徒   Boy don"t try to front   小子,不用尝试去反抗了   I know just what you are   我就知道你是什么东西   Boy don"t try to front   小子,不用尝试去反抗了   I know just what you are   我就知道你是什么东西   (You)You say I"m crazy   (你)你说我疯了   (You)I gotcha crazy   (你)我疯了   (You)You"re nothin" but a   (你)你什么也不是   (You)Womanizer   (你)就是个好色之徒   Boy don"t try to front   小子,不用尝试去反抗了   I know just what you are   我就知道你是什么东西   Boy don"t try to front   小子,不用尝试去反抗了   I know just what you are   我就知道你是什么东西   Womanizer   好色之徒   Woman-womanizer   好色之徒   You"re a womanizer   你是个好色之徒   Oh, womanizer   噢,好色之徒   Oh, you"re a womanizer, baby   噢,你是个好色之徒,宝贝翻译版本2: Superstar   嘿.大明星   Where you from, how"s it going?   你想入非非.过得舒服吗?   I know you   我认识你   Gotta clue, what you"re doing?   我看得出来.你到底在打什么坏主意.   You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here   你可以放肆和新认识的女人们眉来眼去.   But I know what you are, what you are, baby   省省你那一套.我早就一目了然.宝贝   Look at you   瞧瞧你那副模样   Gettin" more than just a re-up   也不是那种省油的灯   Baby, you   甜心.你啊   Got all the puppets with their strings up   似乎可以把女人玩弄于股掌之间   Fakin" like a good one, but I call "em like I see "em   把我奉上女皇般的话.该是时候住嘴了.   I know what you are, what you are, baby   你一切躲不过我的直觉.我早就一目了然.宝贝   Womanizer   尤物玩家.   Woman-Womanizer   围在女人身边的尤物玩家.   You"re a womanizer   你就是这样的尤物玩家.   Oh Womanizer   喔.尤物玩家.   Oh You"re a Womanizer Baby   喔.一个垂涎欲滴的尤物玩家.   You, You You Are   对.就是你.   You, You You Are   对.绝对是你   Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer (Womanizer)   尤物玩家 尤物玩家 尤物玩家   Boy don"t try to front   小伙子你操之过急了   I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)   我已经识破了你.你让我一目了然   Boy don"t try to front   小伙子你操之过急了   I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)   我已经识破了你.你让我一目了然   (You) You Got Me Goin"   你.我曾经随波逐流   (You) You"re Oh-So Charmin"   你.你的确有魅力   (You) But I can"t do it   但是我不再傻下去了   (You) U Womanizer   垂涎欲滴的尤物玩家   Boy don"t try to front   小伙子你操之过急了   I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)   我已经识破了你.你让我一目了然   Boy don"t try to front   小伙子你操之过急了   I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)   我已经识破了你.你让我一目了然   (You) You Say I"m Crazy   你说我已经神魂颠倒   (You) I got Your Crazy   你也同样无法自拔   (You) You"re nothing but a   但是你从始至终都是一个   (You) Womanizer   虚情假意的尤物玩家   Daddy-O   魅力非凡   You got the swagger of a champion   就像情场上获胜的英雄般自豪   Too bad for you   可是那却很糟糕   You just can"t find the right companion   你根本只是一无所知的"狗熊"   I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard   我猜你玩弄多次女人们的激情了开始不知所措.   It could be easy   你可以放轻松点.   Who you are, that"s just who you are, baby   你那分虚情假意.我早就一目了然.宝贝   Lollipop   棒棒糖.   Must mistake me as a sucker   把你误为真爱爱不释手   To think that I   我想我该清醒点   Would be a victim not another   请别再出现下一个牺牲者   Say it, play it how you wanna   大胆说出来.让我们放荡去做   But no way I"m never gonna fall for you, never you, baby   但是我却不会掉入陷阱而神魂颠倒.绝对不会.   Maybe if we both lived in a different world   也许我们的世界根本截然不同.   (Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer)   尤物玩家.这个尤物玩家.这个贪婪无厌的尤物玩家   It would be all good, and maybe I could be ya girl   我是那么出色.本来可以是你的最佳人选   But I can"t "cause we don"t (You)   但是我想我们玩完了.

Britney Spears的《Womanizer》MV中的男主角是谁?有没有他的详细资料???

是Brandon Stoughton.附上资料:Brandon Stoughton,1981年出生于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市, 是一名美国籍男模,并因在Britney Spears的MV《Womanizer》中出演 头号主角而被大家所熟知。 Stoughton在2007年开始了他的洛杉矶模特生涯。 在他的经纪人兼著名摄影师Ronald N. Tan的协助下, 他成就了自己人生中第一份模特事业, 成为"Calvin Klein"品牌内裤的形象大使。 2008年,他正式进军娱乐界, 被选中在布兰妮斯皮尔斯的MV《Womanizer》中饰演男主角。 Brandon Stoughton档案 发色:褐色 瞳孔颜色:蓝色 腰围:32" 鞋码:11 US 上衣尺寸:40 L 是个gay But we all don"t actually know his cock size, hope someone can give a helping hand


Superstar 万人迷 Whereyoufrom,How"sitgoing? 你打哪来近来可好 Iknowyou 我认出你 Gottaclue,Whatyou"redoing? 你被我逮到你在搞什麼 Youcanplaybrandnewtoalltheotherchicksouthere 你可以泡那边的美眉们耍耍新招 ButIknowwhatyouare,whatyouare,baby 但我已看出你是谁你的真面目小坏蛋 Lookatyou 瞧瞧你 Gettin"morethanjustre-up 欲求不满喜新厌旧 Baby,you 小坏蛋 Gotallthepuppetswiththeirstringsup 你玩弄了掌中所有的戏偶 Fakin"likeagoodone,butIcall"emlikeIsee"em 别在那边假清高我是很坦白直率 Iknowwhatyouare,whatyouare,baby 我已看出你是谁你的真面目小坏蛋 [Chorus] Womanizerwomanwomanizer 女人杀手女人杀手 You"reawomanizer 你就是女人杀手 Ohwomanizerohyou"reawomanizerbaby 女人杀手你就是女人杀手小坏蛋 You,you,youare 你就是你 You,you,youare 你的确是你 Womanizer,womanizer,womanizer 女人杀手女人杀手女人杀手 Boy,don"ttrytofront 噢你别再躲藏 I,Iknowjust,justwhatyouare,are 我就是看穿你的真面目 Boy,don"ttrytofront 噢你别再躲藏 I,Iknowjust,justwhatyouare,are 我就是看穿你的真面目 Yougotmegoing,You"reohsocharming 你让我脸红心跳你是我白马王子 ButIcan"tdoit,youwomanizer 很抱歉但我就是无法接受你这个女人杀手 Boy,don"ttrytofront 噢你别再躲藏 …... Yousayimcrazy,Igotyoucrazy 你说我很疯狂我让你疯狂 You"renothingbutawomanizer 你简直就是女人杀手 [Chorusends] [Verse2] Daddy-O花花公子 Yougottheswaggerofachampion你的吹牛功力一流 Toobadforyou但实在很可惜 Youjustcan"tfindtherightcompanion你无法找到真命天女 Iguesswhenyouhaveonetoomany,makesithard我就说你是玩过头无法回头 Itcouldbeeasywhoyouare做一个花花公子简单多了 Butthat"sjustwhoyouare,baby这就是你的真面目小坏蛋 Lollipop 别用一夜情 Mustmistakemeyourasucker 就想搞定我你这浑蛋 TothinkthatI 也许 Wouldbeavictimnotanother 我就是你的玩物 Sayit,playithowyouwanna 说吧玩吧你还想怎样 ButnowayI"mnevergonnafallforyou,neveryou,baby 但我绝对不会因你而受伤小坏蛋 [Chorus] [Bridge] Maybeifwebothlivedinadifferentworld 穿越时空也许我们就该在一起 Itwouldbeallgood,andmaybeIcouldbeyourgirl 一切会如此美好我就是你的真命 ButIcan"t"causewedon"t,You 现实是我们不可能是一对


Britney Spears: Womanizer Superstar, where you from? How"s it going?I know you got a clue what you?re doingYou can play brand new to all the other chicks out hereBut I know what you are, what you are, babyLook at you gettin" more than just a re-upBaby, you got all the puppets with their strings upFakin" like a good one but I call "em like I see "emI know what you are, what you are, babyWomanizer, woman-womanizer, you"re a womanizerOh, womanizer, oh, you?re a womanizer babyYou, you-you are, you, you-you areWomanizer, womanizer, womanizer(Womanizer)Boy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-are(You!)You got me goin"(You!)You"re oh so charmin"(You!)But I can"t do it(You!)You womanizerBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-are(You!)You say I"m crazy(You!)I got your crazy(You!)You"re nothing but a(You!)WomanizerDaddy-O, you got the swagger of a championToo bad for you, you just can"t find the right companionI guess when you have one too many, makes it hard, it could be easyWho you are, that"s just who you are, babyLollipop, must mistake me you"re the suckerTo think that I would be a victim not anotherSay it, play it how you want itBut no way I"m never gonna fall for you, never you, babyWomanizer, woman-womanizer, you"re a womanizerOh, womanizer, oh, you?re a womanizer babyYou, you-you are, you, you-you areWomanizer, womanizer, womanizer(Womanizer)Boy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-are(You!)You got me goin"(You!)You"re oh so charmin"(You!)But I can"t do it(You!)You womanizerBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-are(You!)You say I"m crazy(You!)I got your crazy(You!)You"re nothing but a(You!)WomanizerMaybe if we both lived in a different world, yeah(Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer, womanizer)It would be all good and maybe I could be your girlBut I can"t, "cause we don"t, you!Womanizer, woman-womanizer, you"re a womanizerOh, womanizer, oh, you?re a womanizer babyYou, you-you are, you, you-you areWomanizer, womanizer, womanizer(Womanizer)Boy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-are(You!)You got me goin"(You!)You"re oh so charmin"(You!)But I can"t do it(You!)You womanizerBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-are(You!)You say I"m crazy(You!)I got your crazy(You!)You"re nothing but a(You!)WomanizerBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areWomanizer, woman-womanizer, you"re a womanizerOh, womanizer, oh, you?re a womanizer baby


Gotta clue, What you"re doing? You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here But I know what you are, what you are, baby Look at you Gettin" more than just re-up Baby, you Got all the puppets with their strings up Fakin" like a good one, but I call "em like I see "em I know what you are, what you are, baby Womanizer woman womanizer You"re a womanizer Oh womanizer oh you"re a womanizer baby You, you, you, You, you, you Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer Boy, don"t try to front I, I know just, just what you are, are Boy, don"t try to front I, I know just, just what you are, are You got me going, You"re oh so charming But I can"t do it, you womanizer Boy, don"t try to front I, I know just, just what you are, are Boy, don"t try to front I, I know just, just what you are, are You say I"m crazy, I got you crazy You"re nothing but a womanizer Daddy-O You got the swagger of a champion Too bad for you You just can"t find the right companion I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard It could be easy who you are But that"s just who you are, baby Lollipop Must mistake me your a sucker To think that I Would be a victim not another Say it, play it how you wanna But no way I"m never gonna fall for you, never you, baby Womanizer woman womanizer You"re a womanizer Oh womanizer oh you"re a womanizer baby You, you, you, You, you, you Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer Boy, don"t try to front I, I know just, just what you are, are Boy, don"t try to front I, I know just, just what you are, are You got me going, You"re oh so charming But I can"t do it, you womanizer Boy, don"t try to front I, I know just, just what you are, are Boy, don"t try to front I, I know just, just what you are, are You say I"m crazy, I got you crazy You"re nothing but a womanizer Maybe if we both lived in a different world It would be all good, and maybe I could be your girl But I can"t "cause we don"t, You Womanizer woman womanizer You"re a womanizer Oh womanizer oh you"re a womanizer baby You, you, you, You, you, you Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer Boy, don"t try to front I, I know just, just what you are, are Boy, don"t try to front I, I know just, just what you are, are You got me going, You"re oh so charming But I can"t do it, you womanizer Boy, don"t try to front I, I know just, just what you are, are Boy, don"t try to front I, I know just, just what you are, are You say I"m crazy, I got you crazy You"re nothing but a womanizer Boy, don"t try to front I, I know just, just what you are, are Boy, don"t try to front I, I know just, just what you are, are Womanizer woman womanizer You"re a womanizer Oh womanizer oh you"re a womanizer baby


据说是拍过G杂志..至于是不是 就不清楚了,


他是 Brandon Stoughtonhttp://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w271/teck95/aussiebum_23_1280x1024.jpg


Superstar 超级巨星 Where you from, how"s it going? 你从哪里来,最近好还吗? I know you 我知道你 Gotta clue whatcha doing 想提示你在做什么 You can play brand new, to all the other chicks out there 你可以向外面的那些女人们玩新招 But I know what you are 但我知道你是什么东西 What you are, baby 你是什么东西,宝贝 Look at you 看看你 Gettin" more than just a re-up 就像要再当兵一样 Baby, you 宝贝,你 Got all the puppets with their strings up 拿到所有连着线的木偶 Fakin" like a good one 假装是个好人 But I call"em when I see"em 但我看见他们时我会叫他们 I know what you are 但我知道你是什么东西 What you are, baby 你是什么东西,宝贝 Womanizer 好色之徒 Woman-womanizer 好色之徒 You"re a womanizer 你是个好色之徒 Oh, womanizer 噢,好色之徒 Oh, you"re a womanizer, baby 噢,你是个好色之徒,宝贝 You you you are 你,你,你是 You you you are 你,你,你是 Womanizer, womanizer 好色之徒,好色之徒 Womanizer, womanizer 好色之徒,好色之徒 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 (You)You got me goin" (你)让我走去 (You)You"re oh so charmin" (你)你是那么迷人 (You)But I can"t do it (你)但我不能这样做 (You)You womanizer (你)你,好色之徒 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 (You)You say I"m crazy (你)你说我疯了 (You)I gotcha crazy (你)我疯了 (You)You"re nothin" but a (你)你什么也不是 (You)Womanizer (你)就是个好色之徒 Daddy-o 爸爸噢 You"ve got the swagger of a champion 你像冠军般洋洋得意 To bad for you 但这对你并不好 You just can"t find the right companion 你找不到正确的升降口 I guess when you have one too many 我想,当你有一个已经太多 Makes it hard, it could be easy 让这变得困难,其实本来很容易 Who you are 你是谁 That"s just who you are, baby 那就是你,宝贝 Lollipop 棒棒糖 You must mistake me for a sucker 你一定误导我,当我是傻瓜 To think that I 认为我 Would be a victim, not another 是个受害者,不是其他 Say you"re playin" how you want it 说你在表演着你怎样想要它 But no way I"m never gonna fall for you 但这不可能,我永远不会为你而堕落 Never you, baby 永远不会,宝贝 Womanizer 好色之徒 Woman-womanizer 好色之徒 You"re a womanizer 你是个好色之徒 Oh, womanizer 噢,好色之徒 Oh, you"re a womanizer, baby 噢,你是个好色之徒,宝贝 You you you are 你,你,你是 You you you are 你,你,你是 Womanizer, womanizer 好色之徒,好色之徒 Womanizer, womanizer 好色之徒,好色之徒 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 (You)You got me goin" (你)让我走去 (You)You"re oh so charmin" (你)你是那么迷人 (You)But I can"t do it (你)但我不能这样做 (You)You womanizer (你)你,好色之徒 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 (You)You say I"m crazy (你)你说我疯了 (You)I gotcha crazy (你)我疯了 (You)You"re nothin" but a (你)你什么也不是 (You)Womanizer (你)就是个好色之徒 Maybe if we both lived in a different world 也许如果我们都活在一个不同的世界里 It would be all good 一切都会很好 And maybe I could be your girl 也许我会成为你的女友 But I can"t so we don"t 但(现在)我不可以,所以我们不可能 You 你 Womanizer 好色之徒 Woman-womanizer 好色之徒 You"re a womanizer 你是个好色之徒 Oh, womanizer 噢,好色之徒 Oh, you"re a womanizer, baby 噢,你是个好色之徒,宝贝 You you you are 你,你,你是 You you you are 你,你,你是 Womanizer, womanizer 好色之徒,好色之徒 Womanizer, womanizer 好色之徒,好色之徒 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 (You)You got me goin" (你)让我走去 (You)You"re oh so charmin" (你)你是那么迷人 (You)But I can"t do it (你)但我不能这样做 (You)You womanizer (你)你,好色之徒 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 (You)You say I"m crazy (你)你说我疯了 (You)I gotcha crazy (你)我疯了 (You)You"re nothin" but a (你)你什么也不是 (You)Womanizer (你)就是个好色之徒 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 Womanizer 好色之徒 Woman-womanizer 好色之徒 You"re a womanizer 你是个好色之徒 Oh, womanizer 噢,好色之徒 Oh, you"re a womanizer, baby 噢,你是个好色之徒,宝贝 IF YOU SEEK AMYOh baby, baby, have you seen Amy tonight 喔 甜心 你今晚见过 Amy 没? Is she in the bathroom, is she smoking up outside? 她是在洗手间化妆,还是在外面抽烟? Oh, baby, baby, does she take a piece of lime 喔 甜心 她是不是有吃片酸橙?(有歧义的地方) For the drink that I"m-a buy her, do you know just what she likes 我能出钱给她买点喝的,你晓得她打扮是什麽样吗? Oh, oh, tell me have you seen her, "cause I"m so, oh... 喔 请告诉下我你见到她没? 因为我好..喔 I can"t get her off of my brain 我实在无法忘记她 I just wanna go to the party she gon" go 我就想去下她要参加的派对 Can"t somebody take me home 谁都别想送我回家 Ha ha hee hee ha ha ho 哈哈 呵 哈哈 呵 Love me, hate me, say what you want about me 爱上我,忌恨我,口口声声说想拥有我! But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to 但所有的男生女生们都在急切渴望 If U seek Amy 倘若你找到 Amy Love me, hate me, but can"t you see what I see 爱上我,忌恨我,但你无法瞧见我所目睹的 All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to 所有的男生女生们都在热切期盼 If U seek Amy 倘若你找到 Amy Amy told me that she"s gonna meet me up Amy 说了要和我碰头 I don"t know where or when and now they"re closing up the club 我压根不晓得该在哪时哪刻,他们都在酒吧裏蠢蠢欲动 I"ve seen her once or twice before she knows my face 在她懂我前我曾见过她几次面 But it"s hard to see with all the people standing in the way 但要在拥挤的人群中认出她简直难上加难 Oh, say what you want about me 喔 口口声声说想拥有我 Oh. but can"t you see what I see 喔 但却无法瞧见我所目睹的 Yeah, say what you want about me 耶,口口声声说要拥有我 So tell me if you see her 请你告诉我如果你见到她了 Let me know what she was wearing and what she was like 让我知道她到底打扮成什麽模样 "Cause I"ve been waiting here forever 因为我为她守候一生 Let me know if she was going out her mind 请告诉我如果她也准备好的话 Oh baby, baby, if U seek Amy tonight 喔 甜心 倘若你今晚见到Amy Oh baby, baby, we"ll do whatever you like 喔 甜心 我会为你奋不顾身 Oh baby, baby, baby, oh baby, baby, baby 喔 甜心 宝贝 喔 甜心 宝贝 CURCUSThere"s only two types of people in the world 世界上有两种人 The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe 一种是寻找乐趣的,一种是观赏者 Well baby I"m a put-on-a-show kinda girl 好吧,宝贝,我是那种被人观看的女孩 Don"t like the backseat, gotta be first (oh, oh) 不喜欢坐后排,要坐最前面 I"m like the ringleader 我就像是个头头 I call the shots (call the shots) 我喊“投掷”(喊投掷) I"m like a firecracker 我像个放烟花的人 I make it hot (make it hot) 我让它很精彩(让她精彩) I run a tight ship 我开着船 I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins (hah, hah, hah) 我感觉我的肾上腺素正在通过我的血管 Spotlight on me and i"m ready to break (hah, hah, hah) 聚光灯打在我身上,我已经准备好了爆发 I"m like a performer, the dancefloor is my stage (hah, hah, hah) 我就像个演员,跳舞的地方是我的舞台 Better be ready, hope that ya feel the same (hah, hah, hah) 已经准备好了,希望你也这么觉得 All the eyes on me in the center of the ring 站在舞台中央所有眼睛都注视着我 Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah) 就像一个马戏团 When i crack that whip, everybody gonna trip 当我挥舞着鞭子,每个人都开始跳舞 Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah) 就像一个马戏团 Don"t stand there watching me, follow me 别站着看着我,跟着我 Show me what you can do 让我看看你能做什么 Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor 每个人都放开,我们能开辟一块舞蹈的地方 Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ho, ho, ho) 就像一个马戏团 There"s only two types of guys out there, 世界上只有两种男人 Ones that can handle me, and the mamma boys are too scared 一种能掌握我,一个太可怕 So baby ,I hope the true can prepared 哦宝贝,我希望事实能准备好 I wanna ??? , so be there 我想要??(听不出来是什么)。所以我在这里 I"m like the ringleader 我就像是个头头 I call the shots (call the shots) 我喊“投掷”(喊投掷) I"m like a firecracker 我像个放烟花的人 I make it hot (make it hot) 我让它很精彩(让她精彩) I run a tight ship 我开着船 I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins (hah, hah, hah) 我感觉我的肾上腺素正在通过我的血管 Spotlight on me and i"m ready to break (hah, hah, hah) 聚光灯打在我身上,我已经准备好了爆发 I"m like a performer, the dancefloor is my stage (hah, hah, hah) 我就像个演员,跳舞的地方是我的舞台 Better be ready, hope that ya feel the same (hah, hah, hah) 已经准备好了,希望你也这么觉得 All the eyes on me in the center of the ring 站在舞台中央所有眼睛都注视着我 Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah) 就像一个马戏团 When i crack that whip, everybody gonna trip 当我挥舞着鞭子,每个人都开始跳舞 Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah) 就像一个马戏团 Don"t stand there watching me, follow me 别站着看着我,跟着我 Show me what you can do 让我看看你能做什么 Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor 每个人都放开,我们能开辟一块舞蹈的地方 Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ho, ho, ho) 就像一个马戏团

Britney Spears的《Womanizer》MV中的男主角是谁?有没有他的详细资料???

男主角是Brandon Stoughton.




Superstar 万人迷 Where you from, How"s it going? 你打哪来 近来可好 I know you 我认出你 Gotta clue, What you"re doing? 你被我逮到 你在搞什麼 You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here 你可以泡那边的美眉们耍耍新招 But I know what you are, what you are, baby 但我已看出你是谁 你的真面目 小坏蛋 Look at you 瞧瞧你 Gettin" more than just re-up 欲求不满 喜新厌旧 Baby, you 小坏蛋 Got all the puppets with their strings up 你玩弄了掌中所有的戏偶 Fakin" like a good one, but I call "em like I see "em 别在那边假清高 我是很坦白直率 I know what you are, what you are, baby 我已看出你是谁 你的真面目 小坏蛋 [Chorus] Womanizer woman womanizer 女人杀手 女人杀手 You"re a womanizer 你就是女人杀手 Oh womanizer oh you"re a womanizer baby 女人杀手 你就是女人杀手 小坏蛋 You, you, you are 你 就是你 You, you, you are 你 的确是你 Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer 女人杀手 女人杀手 女人杀手 Boy, don"t try to front 噢 你别再躲藏 I, I know just, just what you are, are 我就是看穿你的真面目 Boy, don"t try to front 噢 你别再躲藏 I, I know just, just what you are, are 我就是看穿你的真面目 You got me going, You"re oh so charming 你让我脸红心跳 你是我白马王子 But I can"t do it, you womanizer 很抱歉但我就是无法接受 你这个女人杀手 Boy, don"t try to front 噢 你别再躲藏 …... You say im crazy, I got you crazy 你说我很疯狂 我让你疯狂 You"re nothing but a womanizer 你简直就是女人杀手 [Chorus ends] [Verse 2] Daddy-O 花花公子 You got the swagger of a champion 你的吹牛功力一流 Too bad for you 但实在很可惜 You just can"t find the right companion 你无法找到真命天女 I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard 我就说你是玩过头 无法回头 It could be easy who you are 做一个花花公子简单多了 But that"s just who you are, baby 这就是你的真面目 小坏蛋 Lollipop 别用一夜情 Must mistake me your a sucker 就想搞定我 你这浑蛋 To think that I 也许 Would be a victim not another 我就是你的玩物 Say it, play it how you wanna 说吧 玩吧 你还想怎样 But no way I"m never gonna fall for you, never you, baby 但我绝对不会因你而受伤 小坏蛋 [Chorus] [Bridge] Maybe if we both lived in a different world 穿越时空也许我们就该在一起 It would be all good, and maybe I could be your girl 一切会如此美好 我就是你的真命 But I can"t "cause we don"t, You 现实是 我们不可能是一对




Womanizer 好色之徒 Superstar 超级大牌! Where you from, How"s it going? 什麼来头? 最近好吗? I know you 我知道你的个性 Gotta clue, What you"re doing? 让我抓包 这次又是怎样? You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here 你可以在外放肆地与其他美眉有说有笑 But I know what you are, what you are, baby 但我看穿了你的真面目!你的真面目!宝贝 Look at you 你看你 Gettin" more than just re-up 不仅仅是要随时补充新品 Baby, you got all the puppets with their strings up 宝贝 你还能轻易地掌握你的玩物 Fakin" like a good one, but I call "em like I see "em 假装我是第一名 我自己说了算! I know what you are, what you are, baby 我看穿了你的真面目!你的真面目!宝贝 Womanizer woman womanizer 好色之徒 好色-之徒 You"re a womanizer 你是好色之徒 Oh womanizer oh you"re a womanizer baby 好色之徒! 你这个好色之徒 宝贝 You, you, you are 你是 你是 你就是 You, you, you are 你是 你是 你就是 Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer 好色之徒 好色之徒 好色之徒! Boy, don"t try to front 你 你真的太超过了 I, I know just, just what you are, are 我 我看穿了 你的真面目 Boy, don"t try to front 你 你真的太超过了 I, I know just, just what you are, are 我 我看穿了 你的真面目 You got me going, You"re oh so charming 你让我心神不宁 你真的好有魅力 But I can"t do it, you womanizer 但我真的败给你 你是好色之徒 You say I"m crazy, I got you crazy 你说我肖笑 我也让你疯狂 You"re nothing but a womanizer 你就是名符其实的好色之徒 Daddy-O 全民情圣 You got the swagger of a champion 你一副得到金牌的神气模样 Too bad for you 只可惜 You just can"t find the right companion 你就是没办法找到你的真命天女 I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard 我想当你玩得太多 就要开始伤脑筋 It could be easy who you are 其实你能轻易地认清你自己 But that"s just who you are, baby 但这就是你的真面目 宝贝 Lollipop 吃根棒棒糖 Must mistake me your a sucker 差点让我误食了你 To think that I 我想一想 Would be a victim not another 就让我成为你的祭品 Say it, play it how you wanna 说出来 放胆去玩吧 But no way I"m never gonna fall for you, never you, baby 但你别作梦 我不再将为你沉沦 不再如此 宝贝 Maybe if we both lived in a different world 假如我们都处在不同的世界 It would be all good, and maybe I could be your girl 或许会比较好 也或许我能成为你的另一半 But I can"t "cause we don"t, You 但还是算了吧 因为我们之间玩完了





布兰妮 - Womanizer (Official Remix) 歌词

你说的是不是 toxic mix kiss kiss?


爱线索,什么你做什么? 你可以发挥崭新的所有其他小鸡在这里 但我知道你是,你是,婴儿 看着你 Gettin "不仅仅是重新上涨 宝贝,你 获得所有的木偶与他们串了 Fakin "就像一个好,但我要求他们像我看到他们 我知道你的,你是,婴儿 Womanizer女子womanizer 你是个womanizer 噢womanizer噢你是一个婴儿womanizer 你,你,你, 你,你,你 Womanizer , womanizer , womanizer 男孩,请不要尝试前 我,我知道,只要你是什么,是 男孩,请不要尝试前 我,我知道,只要你是什么,是 你让我去,你是如此迷人哦 但我不能这样做,你womanizer 男孩,请不要尝试前 我,我知道,只要你是什么,是 男孩,请不要尝试前 我,我知道,只要你是什么,是 你说我疯了,我你疯了 你只是一个womanizer 爸爸氧 您得到了昂首阔步的冠军 太糟糕你 你就不能找到合适的伴侣 我猜当你有一个太多,难以 它可以方便你是谁 但是,这只是你是谁,婴儿 棒棒糖 必须你的错误我一抽油杆 以为我 将是一个受害者不是另一个 说,如何发挥它要 但是,没有办法我从来没有一定属于你,从来没有你,孩子 Womanizer女子womanizer 你是个womanizer 噢womanizer噢你是一个婴儿womanizer 你,你,你, 你,你,你 Womanizer , womanizer , womanizer 男孩,请不要尝试前 我,我知道,只要你是什么,是 男孩,请不要尝试前 我,我知道,只要你是什么,是 你让我去,你是如此迷人哦 但我不能这样做,你womanizer 男孩,请不要尝试前 我,我知道,只要你是什么,是 男孩,请不要尝试前 我,我知道,只要你是什么,是 你说我疯了,我你疯了 你只是一个womanizer 也许,如果我们都生活在一个不同的世界 这将是所有好的,也许我能成为你的女孩 但我不能"事业我们不这样做,你 Womanizer女子womanizer 你是个womanizer 噢womanizer噢你是一个婴儿womanizer 你,你,你, 你,你,你 Womanizer , womanizer , womanizer 男孩,请不要尝试前 我,我知道,只要你是什么,是 男孩,请不要尝试前 我,我知道,只要你是什么,是 你让我去,你是如此迷人哦 但我不能这样做,你womanizer 男孩,请不要尝试前 我,我知道,只要你是什么,是 男孩,请不要尝试前 我,我知道,只要你是什么,是 你说我疯了,我你疯了 你只是一个womanizer 男孩,请不要尝试前 我,我知道,只要你是什么,是 男孩,请不要尝试前 我,我知道,只要你是什么,是 Womanizer女子womanizer 你是个womanizer 噢womanizer噢你是一个婴儿womanizer


http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDY4ODc2Njg=_rss.html 这个好

布兰妮的 womenizer 的歌词是什么(附带中文)

  womanizer 好色之徒  Hi Super Star  嘿.大明星  Where you from, how"s it going?  你想入非非,过得舒服吗?  I know you  我认识你  Gotta clue, what you"re doing?  我看得出来,你到底在打什么坏主意.  You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here  你可以放肆和新认识的女人们眉来眼去.  But I know what you are, what you are, baby  省省你那一套,我早就一目了然,宝贝  Look at you  瞧瞧你那副模样  Gettin" more than just a re-up  也不是那种省油的灯  Baby, you  甜心,你啊  Got all the puppets with their strings up  似乎可以把女人玩弄于股掌之间  Fakin" like a good one, but I call "em like I see "em  把我奉上女皇般的话.该是时候住嘴了.  I know what you are, what you are, baby  你一切躲不过我的直觉.我早就一目了然.宝贝  Womanizer  尤物玩家.  Woman-Womanizer  围在女人身边的尤物玩家.  You"re a womanizer  你就是这样的尤物玩家.  Oh Womanizer  喔.尤物玩家.  Oh You"re a Womanizer Baby  喔.一个垂涎欲滴的尤物玩家.  You, You You Are  对.就是你.  You, You You Are  对.绝对是你  Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer (Womanizer)  尤物玩家 尤物玩家 尤物玩家  Boy don"t try to front  小伙子你操之过急了  I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)  我已经识破了你.你让我一目了然  Boy don"t try to front  小伙子你操之过急了  I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)  我已经识破了你.你让我一目了然  (You) You Got Me Goin"  你.我曾经随波逐流  (You) You"re Oh-So Charmin"  你.你的确有魅力  (You) But I can"t do it  但是我不再傻下去了  (You) U Womanizer  垂涎欲滴的尤物玩家  Boy don"t try to front  小伙子你操之过急了  I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)  我已经识破了你.你让我一目了然  Boy don"t try to front  小伙子你操之过急了  I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)  我已经识破了你.你让我一目了然  (You) You Say I"m Crazy  你说我已经神魂颠倒  (You) I got Your Crazy  你也同样无法自拔  (You) You"re nothing but a  但是你从始至终都是一个  (You) Womanizer  虚情假意的尤物玩家  Daddy-O  魅力非凡  You got the swagger of a champion  就像情场上获胜的英雄般自豪  Too bad for you  可是那却很糟糕  You just can"t find the right companion  你根本只是一无所知的"狗熊"  I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard  我猜你玩弄多次女人们的激情了开始不知所措.  It could be easy  你可以放轻松点.  Who you are, that"s just who you are, baby  你那分虚情假意.我早就一目了然.宝贝  Lollipop  棒棒糖.  Must mistake me as a sucker  把你误为真爱爱不释手  To think that I  我想我该清醒点  Would be a victim not another  请别再出现下一个牺牲者  Say it, play it how you wanna  大胆说出来.让我们放荡去做  But no way I"m never gonna fall for you, never you, baby  但是我却不会掉入陷阱而神魂颠倒.绝对不会.  Maybe if we both lived in a different world  也许我们的世界根本截然不同.  (Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer)  尤物玩家.这个尤物玩家.这个贪婪无厌的尤物玩家  It would be all good, and maybe I could be ya girl  我是那么出色.本来可以是你的最佳人选  But I can"t "cause we don"t (You)  但是我想我们玩完了.




womaniser 中文翻译 【翻译】========================================== n. <主英> = womanizer 好色之徒。 意指某种男人同时喜欢上多个异性,并且与她们发生短暂的性关系。西班牙传说中的人物“唐璜”为许多诗歌,戏剧和歌剧的男主角,他就是个典型的womanizer。 英文解释 [ 名词 ] 1. a man who likes many women and has short sexual relationships with them 【布兰妮新歌】==================================== 中文名称:好色之徒 所属专辑:circus 发行时间:2008年 歌手:Britney Spears 地区:美国 语言:英语 【歌曲欣赏】====================================== 视听地址 http://images.qianlong.com/mmsource/images/2008/10/27/womanizer.mp3 【MV欣赏】====================================== 观看地址 http://tieba.baidu.com/%B2%BC%C0%BC%C4%DD/shipin/play/7834ef57971eb35abce87352/ 【歌词翻译】 Superstar 万人迷 Where you from, How"s it going? 你打哪来 近来可好 I know you 我认出你 Gotta clue, What you"re doing? 你被我逮到 你在搞什麼 You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here 你可以泡那边的美眉们耍耍新招 But I know what you are, what you are, baby 但我已看出你是谁 你的真面目 小坏蛋 Look at you 瞧瞧你 Gettin" more than just re-up 欲求不满 喜新厌旧 Baby, you 小坏蛋 Got all the puppets with their strings up 你玩弄了掌中所有的戏偶 Fakin" like a good one, but I call "em like I see "em 别在那边假清高 我是很坦白直率 I know what you are, what you are, baby 我已看出你是谁 你的真面目 小坏蛋 [Chorus] Womanizer woman womanizer 女人杀手 女人杀手 You"re a womanizer 你就是女人杀手 Oh womanizer oh you"re a womanizer baby 女人杀手 你就是女人杀手 小坏蛋 You, you, you are 你 就是你 You, you, you are 你 的确是你 Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer 女人杀手 女人杀手 女人杀手 Boy, don"t try to front 噢 你别再躲藏 I, I know just, just what you are, are 我就是看穿你的真面目 Boy, don"t try to front 噢 你别再躲藏 I, I know just, just what you are, are 我就是看穿你的真面目 You got me going, You"re oh so charming 你让我脸红心跳 你是我白马王子 But I can"t do it, you womanizer 很抱歉但我就是无法接受 你这个女人杀手 Boy, don"t try to front 噢 你别再躲藏 …... You say im crazy, I got you crazy 你说我很疯狂 我让你疯狂 You"re nothing but a womanizer 你简直就是女人杀手 [Chorus ends] [Verse 2] Daddy-O 花花公子 You got the swagger of a champion 你的吹牛功力一流 Too bad for you 但实在很可惜 You just can"t find the right companion 你无法找到真命天女 I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard 我就说你是玩过头 无法回头 It could be easy who you are 做一个花花公子简单多了 But that"s just who you are, baby 这就是你的真面目 小坏蛋 Lollipop 别用一夜情 Must mistake me your a sucker 就想搞定我 你这浑蛋 To think that I 也许 Would be a victim not another 我就是你的玩物 Say it, play it how you wanna 说吧 玩吧 你还想怎样 But no way I"m never gonna fall for you, never you, baby 但我绝对不会因你而受伤 小坏蛋 [Chorus] Maybe if we both lived in a different world 穿越时空也许我们就该在一起 It would be all good, and maybe I could be your girl 一切会如此美好 我就是你的真命 But I can"t "cause we don"t, You 现实是 我们不可能是一对记得采纳啊

go over to the woman中over属于什么用法?


going down on women什么意思呢


a secret nakes a woman woman 什么意思

是A secret makes a woman woman.意思是有秘密的女人更有魅力或更有女人味

求歌名,歌词里有woman in the fire

好像是the cult 的fire woman你可不可以把你听的那首歌给我听一下?或者你去听听是不是这首歌

Life magazine chose Oprah____the wife of the president as “America’s Most Powerful woman”.

【答案】:B本题考查介词用法辨析。题目意为:“《生活》杂志选择奥普拉,而不是总统夫人作为全美最具影响力的女性。”固定搭配choose A over B 选择…而舍弃…。  



Alicia Keys的《Superwoman》 歌词

歌曲名:Superwoman歌手:Alicia Keys专辑:Radioplay Urban Express 784YSuperwomanAlicia KeysAs I AmSuperwoman——Alicia KeysEverywhere I"m turningNothing seems completeI stand up and I"m searchingFor the better part of meI hang my head from sorrowSlave to humanityI wear it on my shouldersGotta find the strength in meCause I am a SuperwomanYes I amYes she isEven when I"m a messI still put on a vestWith an S on my chestOh yesI"m a SuperwomanFor all the mothers fightingFor better days to comeAnd all my women, all my women sitting here tryingTo come home before the sunAnd all my sistersComing togetherSay yes I willYes I canCause I am a SuperwomanYes I amYes she isEven when I"m a messI still put on a vestWith an S on my chestOh yesI"m a SuperwomanWhen I"m breaking downAnd I can"t be foundAnd I start to get weakCause no one knowsMe underneath these clothesBut I can flyWe can fly, OooohhCause I am a SuperwomanYes I amYes she isEven when I"m a messI still put on a vestWith an S on my chestOh yesI"m a Superwomanhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59361176

“samourai woman”是什么品牌的香水?

女武者 Samourai Woman x0dx0ax0dx0a女士香水 EDT - Alain Delon(亚兰德伦) 2001 法国x0dx0a x0dx0aSamourai Woman以武士的传统精神出发,散发英勇的敏锐气息,无畏展现坚持的个性,沉静之中蕴藏蓄势待发的无限能量。瞬变律动的光影,茶与花的联想,体现欲望与自制的平衡,武者之香在澎湃与内敛之间!x0dx0a女武者香水的完美组合来自一种二元的表现法,前调是由柚子散发出活跃的强力能量,黑醋栗,佛手柑与冷辛调的组合,创造出一杯犹如加了香油树的软性鸡尾酒。中调间的清新旋风,由浓郁开始转淡,消散的混合花香中透出玉兰花,百瓣玫瑰,牡丹,野山茶花的香气。后味以具有高度诱惑力的稀有珍贵木质调,迈索儿檀香,马黛茶,白麝香,百合,含羞草及白蜜桃融合的温暖。x0dx0ax0dx0a香调 : 清新花香调x0dx0ax0dx0a前味 : 柚子,黑醋栗,佛手柑x0dx0ax0dx0a中味 : 玉兰花,百瓣玫瑰,牡丹,野山茶花x0dx0ax0dx0a后味 : 迈索儿檀香,马黛茶,白麝香,百合,含羞草,白蜜桃x0dx0a x0dx0a香甜度 ★★★★★ x0dx0ax0dx0a性感度 ★★★★☆ x0dx0ax0dx0a清爽度 ★★★★☆ x0dx0ax0dx0a香辛度 ★★☆☆☆ x0dx0a x0dx0a规格 : 5ml, 40ml, 75mlx0dx0a x0dx0a容量 40ml参考价格 412元 x0dx0a x0dx0a容量 75ml参考价格 562元

This Girl Has Turned Into A Woman 歌词

歌曲名:This Girl Has Turned Into A Woman歌手:The New Topnotes专辑:Recollecting Singapore 60SThis Girl Has Turned Into A Woman- Tracy HuangWake up,The morning"s over.The bed is soft and warm,Where we lay.I"ve dreamed the whole night through,Of how I"d say to you,All the things,My heart wants to say.Last night,You heard me crying,"Cause I had never loved a man,Before.And I guess the tears were falling,"Cause the little girl was lost,But now love,I"m not crying any more.This girl has turned into a woman.And I"ve dreamed of this moment,All my life.This girl has turned into a woman.And I thank you,For your tenderness,Last night.I"ve never a man,Lying on my pillow.I"ve never seen your body,Without clothes.I can"t believe,These feelings I"ve discovered.Though I"m sure it"s just,What every lover knows.Now I"m offering to you,I make a promiseAnd pain was gone tomorrow,Don"t pretend.But right now I"m in love,And that"s all I"m thinking of.And I hope this feeling,Never ever ends.This girl has turned into a woman.And I"ve dreamed of this moment,All my life.This girl has turned into a woman.And I thank you,For your tenderness last night.And I want to love you,Once again,Tonight.http://music.baidu.com/song/2917879

Celtic Woman的《Pie Jesu》 歌词

歌曲名:Pie Jesu歌手:Celtic Woman专辑:Holidays & HitsPie JesuThe PriestsThe PriestsThe priests - Pie JesuPie Jesu, Pie Jesu,Pie Jesu, Pie Jesu,Qui Tollis peccata mundi;Dona eis requiem,Dona eis requiem,Pie Jesu,Pie Jesu,Pie Jesu,Pie Jesu,Qui Tollis peccata mundi;Dona eis requiem,Dona eis requiem,Agnus Dei,Agnus DeiAgnus Dei,Agnus DeiQuit Tollis peccata mundi;Dona eis requiem,Dona eis requiem,(Dona eis requiem) Sempiternam,(Dona eis requiem) sempiternam.quiem sempiternam~荣耀归主~http://music.baidu.com/song/2884508

One of the most popular literary figures in American literature is a woman who spent almost half of


men and women have the exact same view

1A 2B 3B 4C 5D 6C 7A 8B 9B 10D 君子之交淡如水,世上最幸福不过的就是:有一个知心的朋友,有幸福的家庭~ A friend in need is a friend in deed.

Man! I Feel Like A Woman! 歌词

歌曲名:Man! I Feel Like A Woman!歌手:Shania Twain专辑:Greatest HitsGirlsI"m going out tonight-I"m feelin" alrightGonna let it all hang outWanna make some noise-really raise my voiceYeah, I wanna scream and shoutNo inhibitions-make no conditionsGet a little outta lineI ain"t gonna act politically correctI only wanna have a good timeThe best thing about being a womanIs the prerogative to have a little fun and...Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I"m a ladyMen"s shirts-short skirtsOh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin" it in styleOh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attractionColor my hair-do what I dareOh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feelMan! I feel like a woman!The girls need a break-tonight we"re gonna takeThe chance to get out on the townWe don"t need romance-we only wanna danceWe"re gonna let our hair hang downThe best thing about being a womanIs the prerogative to have a little fun and...Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I"m a ladyMen"s shirts-short skirtsOh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin" it in styleOh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attractionColor my hair-do what I dareOh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feelMan! I feel like a woman!Oh yeahThe best thing about being a womanIs the prerogative to have a little fun fun fun...Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I"m a ladyMen"s shirts-short skirtsOh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin" it in styleOh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attractionColor my hair-do what I dareOh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel Man! I feel like a woman!I get totally crazyCan you feel itCome, come, come on babyI feel like a womanhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8525933

When a man loves a woman 这首歌想表达什么??是一种什么意境??


谁有sarah connor when a women loves a man的歌词阿

i thought you will be there tomorrow,always standing right here beside me,no matter where they joy on the sorrow,when you come along will you guide meare you real a just big dill,can i trust you to please me,a way you"re always feel what i feel,maybe take sometime to find out you,should come me to selfi look for someone elsewhen a woman loves a man,she gives she best she can,future been with foesthat you got understand,she will never lose her pride,she standing by your side,you"d better give love in return,when a woman loves a man.does mean that church for for your weeding,our bride invited you unpress you,do you think you love such a bad thing,that is not enough just breake throughare you sure you never get bored,get a ring that tie on your finger,i still believe we love you to win her,i"ve always be my hope is feel you one morethat"s just play around,come on and let it outwhen a woman loves a man,she gives she best she can,future been with foesthat you got understand,she will never lose her pride,she standing by your side,you"d better give love in return,when a woman loves a man. 是sarah connor唱的,别弄错了!

Men and women,the old and the young all like it.为什么用all不用are all

all like it 指的应该是都喜欢,are all like it 就有点像说男女老少就像it

Do you want to be a man or a woman?Why?


It is a story about a young woman living in Austria.为什么用living?


歌词有一句是i be a super women .super super women、一个欧美女的唱的、叫什么名字。

前面是 get nasty get freak get ready。。

Only woman bleed 歌曲的中文翻译


Look at the photo of my family. The man in black is my father. The woman(女人) in green is my mot.

小题1:B小题2:B小题3:A小题4:B小题5:A 试题分析:通过一张照片介绍了我的一家人。爸爸和妈妈都是老师,爸爸是英语老师,妈妈是数学老师。妹妹8岁,我今年12岁。我穿着一件白色的衬衫。小题1:理解归纳题,根据文中语句理解可知,照片中有四个人,故选B。小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“The woman(女人) in green is my mother.”理解可知。妈妈穿着绿色的衣服,故选B。小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“The girl in a yellow skirt is my sister. She is eight.”理解可知。我的妹妹八岁了,故选A小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“I am a student.”理解可知。我是名学生,故选B。小题5:细节理解题,根据文中语句“The man in black is my father. The woman(女人) in green is my mother. They are teachers.”理解可知。我的父母都是老师,故选A。点评:作者通过介绍自己家的照片,叙述了家庭成员的姓名,外貌,穿戴以及爱好等。做题时要前后兼顾,通读全文。应注意比较人物的不同之处,找出各自的特点。

Deep River Woman 歌词

歌曲名:Deep River Woman歌手:Lionel Richie专辑:Can"T Slow Down / Lionel Richie / Dancing On The CeilingDeep River WomanLionel RichieDeep river womanLord I"m comin home to youDeep river womanLord I know she"s waitingJust anticipating all my loveSpent a night in L.AJust another chance to see youJust you and IWanted you to knowThat my playin days are overCause all I do is think of youThe writings on the wallDeep river womanLord I"m comin home to youDeep river womanLord I know she"s waitingJust anticipating all my loveI"ve been out in the worldI guess the fast life had me goingNow all that"s changedFinally made up my mindBout the one thing I"ve been knowingYou"re the only girlI"ve ever cared for in this worldDeep river womanLord I"m comin home to youDeep river womanLord I know she"s waitingJust anticipating all my loveYour kind of love girl is foreverTook me a long time to realizeThat I"ve come so far to end up going nowhereGirl I need you by my sideOh, Deep river womanLord I"m comin home to youDeep river womanLord I know she"s waitingJust anticipating all my lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8123717

Deep River Woman 歌词

歌曲名:Deep River Woman歌手:Lionel Richie专辑:La Legende Des Best SellersDeep River WomanLionel RichieDeep river womanLord I"m comin home to youDeep river womanLord I know she"s waitingJust anticipating all my loveSpent a night in L.AJust another chance to see youJust you and IWanted you to knowThat my playin days are overCause all I do is think of youThe writings on the wallDeep river womanLord I"m comin home to youDeep river womanLord I know she"s waitingJust anticipating all my loveI"ve been out in the worldI guess the fast life had me goingNow all that"s changedFinally made up my mindBout the one thing I"ve been knowingYou"re the only girlI"ve ever cared for in this worldDeep river womanLord I"m comin home to youDeep river womanLord I know she"s waitingJust anticipating all my loveYour kind of love girl is foreverTook me a long time to realizeThat I"ve come so far to end up going nowhereGirl I need you by my sideOh, Deep river womanLord I"m comin home to youDeep river womanLord I know she"s waitingJust anticipating all my lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8056795

tallest policewoman i the is

She is the tallest policewoman I have ever seen .

how to be a policewoman作文

My dream job is to be a policewoman when I grow up.I think the policewomen is very beautiful .And I think the man can do the things ,the girls also can do it.The policewomen can do better than the men.They also can catch the thieves.They can learn Chinese gongfu well.They can help the others well.Although it is dangerous for the girs to catch the thieves,they aren"t afriad,like me.I want to be the policewomen.

i am a policewoman改为复数句

初学英语吧,“良好的开端是成功的一半。“ 记住 i 句子开头字母必须大写 I ,同样,policewoman n. 可数名词的复数,不是在词尾直接加 s 字母,它属于不规则变化的名词,复数构成同于 woman - women所以, 句子: I am a policewoman. 改为复数时去掉 a policewoman 单数形式前不定冠词 a , I 改为 we , am 改为 are :复数句子正确表达为:We are policewomen. 我们是女警察。

woman policeman的复数是什么

women policemen 女警察men policemen 男警察






policewoman[英][pu0259u02c8li:swu028amu0259n][美][pu0259u02c8lisu02ccwu028amu0259n]n.女警察; 女警官; 复数:policewomen例句:1.The policewoman, she called him a psychopath. 那个女警察说他整个人就是个神经病。2.In 2007 they shot a policewoman in the head. 2007年,他们开枪击中了一位女警头部。




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