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美国英语 和英国英语的区别.就像Z 也有2种发音.这样说能理解吗?对于你说的woman我们这老师教的是[woman]



women 怎么读?

women 英[ˈwɪmɪn] 美[ˈwɪmən] [词典] woman 的复数;


woman 英[ˈwʊmən] 美[ˈwʊmən] 祝您生活愉快,望采纳。










woman,读音:英[u02c8wu028amu0259n],美[u02c8wu028amu0259n]。释义:n.妇女;女性;成年女子。复数:women。短语:newspaper woman女新闻记者。society woman上流社会妇女。woman doctors女医生们。woman workers女工们。woman of action女活动家。woman of child-bearing age育龄妇女。woman的例句1、She"s a very attractive woman.她是个非常迷人的女子。2、Her mother was a lovely woman.她母亲是个心地善良的女人。3、She was a very beautiful woman.她是个非常美丽的女人。4、She"s ever such a nice woman.她是个非常好的女人。5、She was a kind, motherly woman.她是一位善良的充满母爱的女人。6、The woman flung the cup at him.那女人使劲把杯子朝他扔过去。




woman 英["wu028amu0259n] 美[u02c8wu028amu0259n] n. 女人,妇女;成年女子;女拥人或女下属;女人本能 名词复数:women [例句]A woman announces enthusiastically.一位女性激动地高喊。


women [u02c8wu026amu026an]n.女人(woman的复数)






woman的发音是:英 /u02c8wu028amu0259n/、美 /u02c8wu028amu0259n/,意思是:妇女;女性;成年女子。women的发音是:英 /"wu026amu026an/、美 /u02c8wu026amu026an/,意思是:女人(woman的复数)。双语例句:1.I think women have a raw deal. 我认为妇女受到了不公平的待遇。2.The women are cross and bored. 这些妇女们感到愤怒和厌烦。3.Both of the women were French. 两名妇女都是法国人。4.She"s ever such a nice woman. 她是个非常好的女人。5.She was a very beautiful woman. 她是个非常美丽的女人。6.The woman flung the cup at him. 那女人使劲把杯子朝他扔过去。




   woman是什么意思   n.女人,妇女; 成年女子; 女拥人或女下属; 女人本能;   1.N-COUNT成年女子;妇女A woman is an adult female human being.   ...a young Lithuanian woman named Dayva.   名叫戴娃的立陶宛年轻女子   2.N-UNCOUNT(泛指)女性,女子You can refer to women in general as woman .   ...the oppression of woman.   对妇女的压迫   3.N-COUNT爱好u2026的女人;喜欢做u2026的女子If you say that a woman is, for example, a gambling woman or an outdoors woman, you mean that she likes gambling or outdoor activities.   She is an avid outdoors woman...   她酷爱户外运动。


读音:英["wu026amu026an]、美["wu026amu026an]   意思:n. 女人们;妇女说明:名词woman的复数形式。举例:Women in that town wailed for their dead.那个城市的女人们哀泣她们的亡人。反义词men读音:英[men]、美[men]   意思:n. 男人;人说明:名词man的复数形式。举例:Good women have always saved sinful men in stories.在故事里好女人总是拯救了邪恶的男人。


woman,读音:英[u02c8wu028amu0259n],美[u02c8wu028amu0259n]。释义:n.妇女;女性;成年女子。复数:women。短语:newspaper woman女新闻记者。society woman上流社会妇女。woman doctors女医生们。woman workers女工们。woman of action女活动家。woman of child-bearing age育龄妇女。woman的例句1、She"s a very attractive woman.她是个非常迷人的女子。2、Her mother was a lovely woman.她母亲是个心地善良的女人。3、She was a very beautiful woman.她是个非常美丽的女人。4、She"s ever such a nice woman.她是个非常好的女人。5、She was a kind, motherly woman.她是一位善良的充满母爱的女人。6、The woman flung the cup at him.那女人使劲把杯子朝他扔过去。


女。women英 [?w?m?n] 美 [?w?m?n]。n. 女人(woman 的复数)。woman是单数,指有一个,译为妇女,女人。例如,There is a woman under the tree.women 是复数,指两个或两个以上的妇女。男,英语: male, man; son; baron; surname 。





women 怎么读?



woman是单数,只有一个,译为妇女,女人。例如,There is a woman under the tree.women 是复数,只两个或两个以上的妇女。例如,There are some women under the tree。当一个句子出现女老师,或其他可数名词,就要 women 再加可数名词的复数,如women teachers















women怎么读 英语women怎么读

1、women英[u02c8wu026amu026an]美[u02c8wu026amu0259n],n. 女人们;妇女 说明:名词woman的复数形式。 2、[例句]He seems to think hes Gods gift to women.他似乎认为自己是上帝赐给女人的礼物。


女士们 是woman 的复数形式


women[英]["wu026amu026an] [美]["wu026amu026an] 生词本简明释义n.女人(woman的复数);堂客;红粉易混淆的单词:Women以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义1.(woman 的复数)Women is the plural of woman.以下结果由 金山词霸 提供例句Women have strengths that amaze men.女人拥有震惊男人的力量。


woman英 ["wu028amu0259n] 美 ["wu028amu0259n]n. 妇女;女性;成年女子[ 复数 women ]网络释义女人女人(Woman):要是把女人比做一本书的话,你能看明白这本书的扉页、目录,但是很难去读懂她。妇女不明了那中年妇女(Woman)是哪的,那大巴掌扇的,收敛自己的脾气,偶尔要刻意沉默,因为冲动会做下让自己无法挽回的事情。女性为报私怨一员工转移公司网络域名被拘5个月 ... Jewelry/Fashion 珠宝/时尚 Woman/Kids 女性/孩子 Leisure/Culture 休闲/文化 ...女子又惊又喜的徐先生拨打了卡上面提供的咨询电话,接电话的是一名女子(Woman),短语Happy Woman 幸福的女人 ; 快乐女人pregnant woman 孕妇 ; 产妇 ; 指怀孕的妇女 ; 妊妇Weeping Woman 哭泣的女人




woman的复数形式是women。 可以用作名词,可以翻译为女人、妇女,等等。 用作名词 (n.) 1、She is a career woman rather than a housewife. 她是职业妇女而不是家庭主妇。 扩展资料   单词解析:   1、变形:   形容词: womanless   2、用法:   n. (名词)   woman用作可数名词时,意思是“成年女子”,泛指一切成熟的女性,而不管婚否。   woman也可用作“女人,女性”的.总称,woman还可指“女人的气质和属性”,是抽象名词,不可数。   woman还可作“女仆,女佣人”解,作此解时,是可数名词。   3、词义辨析:   n. (名词)   woman, lady   这两个词的共同意思是“女人”“妇女”“女士”。其区别在于:   lady是英式英语,除指“妇女”“女人”外,还可指“贵妇人”“夫人”“小姐”;woman是美式英语,泛指一切成熟的女性。例如:   When a girl grows up she becomes a woman.一个女孩长大以后便成为一名妇女。   A woman comes in twice a week to clean.女仆每周来清扫两次。   Jane Byrne became the first woman mayor of Chicago.简·伯恩成为芝加哥的第一位女市长。




是英文中女士,女人的意思,复数是women,和man是反义词,复数是men 希望对你有帮助,望采纳

woman 和 women读音区别?



woman是单数,women是复数形式一、为什么woman的复数是women 单数man变成复数men(后元音a>前元音e); 比如单数mus老鼠(现在的拼写是mouse)变成复数mice(后元音u>前元音i); 比如单数foot脚变成复数feet(后元音o>前元音e)等等。词义角度讲,woman是wife+man的合成词,wife取其本意“女人”,man取其本意“人/人类”,所以wifeman就是“女性的人类”>女人喽。再往前追溯,wife可能与weave v.编制和web n.网等单词有关,女性吗,不管中外,远古时代负责“织”。而man这个部分,可能和mind思想头脑等相关,毕竟与其它动物相比,人类更会理性思考分析。欧洲文化里有the spear side and the distaff side的说法,分别对应男性女性,我给它翻译为“男猎女织”,对应咱中国人的“男耕女织”。distaff是纺纱时候用的卷线杆。二、英文中表示女性的单词1、female 英 [_fi_me_l] 美 [_fi_me_l] adj.女的;女性的;雌的;母的;妇女的;女性特有的n.雌性动物;雌性植物;雌株;女子例句:Their aim is equal numbers of male and female MPs by the year 2000 他们的目标是2000年前使国会议员中男女人数相等。2、lady 英 [_le_di] 美 [_le_di] n.(指成年女子,有些人尤其是长者认为这样说比较礼貌)女士,女子;举止文雅且有教养的女子;淑女;(尤用于称呼或谈及不认识的女子)女士,小姐例句:Your table is ready, ladies, if you"d care to come through 你们的桌位已经准备好了,女士们,请跟我来。











woman 和 women读音区别?









  women 英[u02c8wu026amu026an] 美["wu026amu026an]  n. 女人(woman的复数); 堂客; 红粉;  [例句]With today"s more efficient contraception women can plan their families and careers.  如今有了更加有效的避孕方法,女性便可以规划她们的家庭和事业。  [其他] 原型: woman






楼主,您好1anadultfemalehumanbeing 妇女2femalebhumanbeingsingeneral 女子3afemaleworker,especiallyonewhoworkswithherhands女工4arudewayofaddressingafemalepersoninanangryorimportantway 娘们儿(无理的称呼)5awifeorsexualpartner妻子女朋友一般指妇女谢谢采纳!




women英 [ˈwɪmɪn] 美 [ˈwɪmən] woman 的复数柯林斯词典1(woman 的复数) Women is the plural of woman.双语例句1Most of the people on the course were professional women.参加本课程的大多数人是职业女性。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》2Women make up 56% of the student numbers. 女生占学生人数的56%。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》3What is the ratio of men to women in the department? 这个部门的男女比例是多少?《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》4For most women, marriage used to bring a higher status than spinsterhood. 从前,就多数妇女而言,结婚的比独身的更有地位。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》5He still has some issues with women. 他在与女性打交道方面仍有些问题。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》




我到处转似乎没有任何完整我和我搜索为更好地部分箱俺垂头丧气从悲痛对人类的奴隶我穿它记在我的肩上爱的力量找到我原因我是一个女人是我是的,她是即使我是一个烂摊子我仍然放在背心随着S对我的胸部啊我是一个女人 对于所有的母亲战斗为了取得更好的日子里和我所有的妇女, 我所有的妇女坐在这里试图回家前的太阳和我所有的姐妹们走到一起说是我将是的,我可以原因我是一个女人是我是的,她是即使我是一个烂摊子我仍然放在背心随着S对我的胸部啊我是一个女人 当我打破了我无法找到我开始得到弱原因没有人知道我下面这些衣服不过,我可以飞我们不能飞, Oooohh 原因我是一个女人是我是的,她是即使我是一个烂摊子我仍然放在背心随着S对我的胸部啊我是一个女人

我要找一篇“小妇人“的英语论文,little women

应该符合你的要求.第一段是总体介绍和写作背景,第二段是内容概括以及作品影响.不需要再去参考资料中找. http://www.bibliomania.com/0/0/5/4/frameset.html Little Women is a novel published in 1868 and written by American author Louisa May Alcott. The story concerns the lives and loves of four sisters growing up during the American Civil War. It was based on Alcott"s own experiences as a child in Concord, Massachusetts with her three sisters, Anna, May, and Elizabeth. Little Women is the story of The Marches, a family used to hard toil and suffering. Although Father March is away with the Union armies, the sisters Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth keep in high spirits with their mother, affectionately named Marmee. Their friendly gift of a Christmas holiday breakfast to a neighbouring family is an act of generosity rewarded with wealthy Mr. Laurence"s gift of a surprise Christmas feast. However, despite their efforts to be good, the girls show faults: the pretty Meg becomes discontented with the children she teaches; boyish Jo loses her temper regularly; while the golden-haired schoolgirl Amy is inclined towards affectation. However, Beth, who keeps the house is always kind and gentle. After certain happy times winning over the Laurences, dark times arrive as Marmee finds out about her husband"s illness. Worse is to come as Beth contracts scarlet fever in her Samaritan efforts for a sick neighbour and becomes more or less an invalid. The novel tells of their progress into young womanhood with the additional strains of romance, Beth"s terminal illness, the pressures of marriage and the outside world. This is the story of their growing maturity and wisdom and the search for the contentedness of family life. It was written in 1867 and is a fictionalised biography of Alcott and her sisters. It has become a much loved classic tale and, while some of its issues seem outdated, many of the trials of the sisters are all too relevant today as evidenced by its continued following.

哪位英语高手能给翻译一下这首经典英文小诗《Oh! Women...》


急求一篇Do the men and women speak English differently 的500字小论文

On different behaves between men and women while they speak English Have you ever noticed that men and women speak English differently,though the differences are not very vital, indeed , they exists. The differences are belows: To begin with, the gestures are different. Men like using their body languanges, while women seldom use them. We often see men shake their body,open their eyes widely. How many times do you see women behave in that way? Next,men speak English with open emotion,while women with sutle emotion. Men speak English like a bell, loud and a little bit quick. Women speak English like a wind touch your body, smooth and gentle. Last but not least, women like speak English in a comfortable envirnment, while men do not care at all. We selom see women speak in public or loudly place, while we can see men speak at anywhere.That maybe because women likes quiet and pleasant place. Men also like that,but sometimes they have to speak for busness,and other kinds of reasons. All in all, those differences are not very important, I just conduct a survey in order to let others to notice those sutle differences. After all, the most important points of languages are communicate. If you can communicate clearly, the way you speak isn"t very important in some way.

Who are the great women in the world?What qualities do they have?

I think Song Qingling, Liu HuLan, Wu Zetian, Li Qingzhao, Wang ZhaoJun, Mulan, Mrs. Curie, Victorian queen is all very great women.Song Qingling is when the invasion of China of the Japanese is expanding constantly, make the scientific judgement and correct decision rapidly, and she realizes the second cooperation puts up a bridge and paves the way for the Kuomintang and Communist, playing irreplaceable special function. Liu HuLan is a revolutionary soldier, participate in numerous fierce fights, make the glorious contribution. But the women whom she shielded in once with the village are caught by the traitor, die a hero"s death finally. After Wu Zetian proclaims oneself emperor, pay attention to talents" choosing and use even more. She disregards the family status, regardless of the qualification, quantity is used without exception. For being wide to pull talent into one"s arm, she initiate final imperial examination and military to lift system, for being more to find talents wide still, have recruited qualified persons and created the favorable condition. Li Qingzhao is one in poem, word, gentle and composing the successful writer, but that specialized in, most famous is the word. She is the most talented woman. Shandong magnificent mountains and rivers contain, educate clear creation intelligence that take, young girl"s times enjoys fleeting fame promptly, reveal finely lofty and steeply. The clear monarch comes out to border area, bear the important task that Chinese breast attempts to cement relations with rulers of minority nationalities, reach the north of the desert in early summer of second year, well received by magnificence of the people of Xiongnu, the guarantee that can begin peacefully When Mulan learns it is enlisted in the armed forces that the old father will be sought and called together, can"t help feeling worry for father"s safety, the courage that gives birth to suddenly impels her to decide to say good-bye to the hometown, is dressed as a man " the godfather joins the army ", return in triumph finally. Great woman scientist Mrs. Curie, with one"s own diligence and talent, in physics and chemical field, make remarkable contribution, become only in two different discipline field, win famous scientist of the Nobel Prize twice because of this. Victorian queen grows up rapidly in economy of Britain during staying in location, prosperous and strong constantly. When the queen ascended the throne, there are several railways only in Britain, when she passed away, Britain has a developed railway network. It was still Wu Zetian that among them I thought it greatest. Because this woman in the feudal society of hers is among the timeses looked down upon, have acted as the first of China with one"s own ability and intelligence, it is the only woman emperor too, and good scheme that run a country to extend Li Shimin, make China prosperity further at that time. These great women have long-range ideals, and all very strong, resolute, still very full of wisdom.

little women英文简介(150字左右希望是原创)急,谢谢!

Summary Little Women is the story of The Marches, a family used to hard toil and suffering. Although Father March is away with the Union armies, the sisters Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth keep in high spirits with their mother, affectionately named Marmee. Their friendly gift of a Christmas holiday breakfast to a neighbouring family is an act of generosity rewarded with wealthy Mr. Laurence"s gift of a surprise Christmas feast. However, despite their efforts to be good, the girls show faults: the pretty Meg becomes discontented with the children she teaches; boyish Jo loses her temper regularly; while the golden-haired schoolgirl Amy is inclined towards affectation. However, Beth, who keeps the house is always kind and gentle. After certain happy times winning over the Laurences, dark times arrive as Marmee finds out about her husband"s illness. Worse is to come as Beth contracts scarlet fever in her Samaritan efforts for a sick neighbour and becomes more or less an invalid. The novel tells of their progress into young womanhood with the additional strains of romance, Beth"s terminal illness, the pressures of marriage and the outside world. This is the story of their growing maturity and wisdom and the search for the contentedness of family life. It was written in 1867 and is a fictionalised biography of Alcott and her sisters. It has become a much loved classic tale and, while some of its issues seem outdated, many of the trials of the sisters are all too relevant today as evidenced by its continued following.




1)单数名词加s: students, apples, bags, trees, books, brothers. 2)以s、x、sh、ch结尾的名词加es: glasses, boxes, brushes, matches. 3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加es: cities, babies, enemies.4)以f或fe结尾的名词,多数变f为v加es: wives, knives.但有些词只加s: roofs, proof s, chiefs. 5)以o结尾的名词,有些加es: Negroes, heroes, tomatoes, potatoes.其它加s: radio s, zoos, pianos, photos. 6)不规则名词:foot→feet, goose→geese, tooth→teeth, child→children, man→me n, woman→women, sheep→sheep, deer→deer, mouse→mice. 7)某些外来词变复数:datum→data, medium→media, bacterium→bacteria, curriculum→curricula, criterion→criteria, phenomenon→phenomena. (um/on→a)analysis→analyses, basis→bases, crisis→crises, diagnosis→diagnoses.(is→es ) 8)复合名词变复数:以不可数名词结尾的复合名词无复数形式,如:homework. 以man或woman为前缀的复合名词变复数,前后两个名词都变复数,如:manservant→menservants, woman student women students. 其它复合名词变复数:grownup→grownups, brotherinlaw→brothersinlaw, standby→standsby. 9)复合形容词做定语时,其中的名词保持单数:a sixyearold boy,a twohundredpage book


哈哈看到这个突然想到一句话: A secret makes a woman woman.同意楼上的说法~~~




Gentlewoman-歌词- 你下车我开门 你血拼我在等 如果你觉得冷 脱下外套披你身 你怕黑我开灯 你要花钱我来挣 有些事不用争 谁有这本领谁上阵 I"m the one ...

Girl you every woman in the world to me. 翻译

今天看到一个短语:mean the world to me。直译是:对我来说这意味着整个世界。意译是:这对我很重要因此在我看来这句话的意思是:宝贝,你是我的最爱

急求有关success和women,men&moneny 和the soul of business为话题的英文对话


这句英语成分怎么划分? Women in the United States struggled for their rights for two score years.

women是主语in the United States是定语struggle是谓语their rights 是宾语for two score years 是状语for two score years是40年

Every day, in all kinds of weather, a lot of men and women go jogging (running slowly). Why has...

小题1:because小题2:or小题3:also/ even小题4:who小题5:but小题6:nothing小题7:it小题8:to 试题分析:小题1:两句话是因果关系,用because小题2:句意:如果你定期慢跑就不需要吃药或节食来减肥了。填or小题3:考查副词,also/ even表示:慢跑也/甚至让你感觉更好小题4:who引导定语从句小题5:两句话是转折关系,用but小题6:从前面的问句Does jogging cost much?和回答no,可知填nothing小题7:考查it做形式主语,it is+adj+to do小题8:考查词组:cause sb to do 点评:阅读填空首先要通读全文,了解大意,再仔细分析每个句子,判断需要什么词性,填上最贴切句意的单词,如果是连词,要弄懂上下文的逻辑关系。

When You’re in Love with a Beautiful Woman 中文歌词


when a woman loves a man中文歌词


the woman is being ticketed for speeding 帮忙翻译下


Japan Women breastfeeding video是什么意思

Japan Women breastfeeding video日本妇女母乳喂养视频双语对照例句:1.New guidance foralcohol consumption by breastfeeding women is included. 新增包括哺乳期妇女在内的饮酒消费指导。 2.This suggests, say the researchers, that widespread use of probiotics by pregnantand breastfeeding women might be worthwhile for curbing rates of childhoodeczema. 这建议,研究人员说,在孕期和哺乳期的妇女广泛使用益生菌来抑制儿童患湿疹的几率是值得的。

翻译she is a well educated young woman of respectable parents

此妙龄女知书达理,乃名望之后。 信达雅!难道of respectable parents 不是说她的父母吗?难道我错了? 搞了个半天您是来问“respectable 和respectful”的区别的呀,白费我苦心了。第一个:受人尊重。第二个:尊重他人(的)

The old woman _____ I talked just now is my grandma

A。 talk to sb. 提宾句,whom指代 the old women

老女人 老八婆用英语怎么说!就是那种骂人的 不是oldold women这种字面翻译

Such a bitch!

Two old women are dozing on the bench.(坐在板凳上提问)

Two old women are dozing on the bench.的中文翻译_百度翻译Two old women are dozing on the bench. 两个老妇人在长凳上打瞌睡。全部释义和例句试试人工翻译
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