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has down是什么时态

has down是过去完成时时态。has 用于第三人称;has down译为:已关闭。 扩展资料   The name has come down from the last century.   这名称是从上个世纪流传下来的。   Notice how the tread on this tyre has worn down.   注意这个轮胎的花纹磨损的"程度。   Our youngest boy has gone down with chickenpox.   我们的小儿子染上了水痘。   He has climbed down on pledges to reduce capital gains tax.   他已经作出退让,许诺降低资本收益税。   He has gone down considerably in my estimation.   我对他的评价已经一落千丈。

The newspaper will have to close down if it cannot increase its ________ considerably.


It had slowed down considerably It had slowed down ______

D 可能性大一点~

scramble down什么意思啊?顺便给个例句。


请问a dirty old brown shirt这句话的形容词为什么dirty排放第一个,old

在英语中,当名词有多个形容词修饰时,就有它们的先后顺序。下面的口诀可帮你记住这一先后顺序,也是解题的关键。 限定描绘大长高, 形状年龄和新老; 颜色国籍跟材料, 作用类别往后靠; 其中,“限定词”包括:冠词、物主代词、指示代词、或数词,它位于各类形容词前。它本身分为三位,即:前、中、后。前位限定词有all、half、both、分数和倍数;中位限定词有冠词、指示代词、物主代词等;后位限定词有基数词和序数词,但序数词位于基数词前。如:both my hands、all half his income等。“描绘”性形容词如:beautiful、bad、cold、great等。“大长高”表示大小、长短、高低等一些词。表示“形状”的词如:round square等。“国籍”指一个国家或地区的词。“材料”的词如:wooden, woolen, stone,silk等。“作用类别”的词如:medical, college,writing desk,police car等。我的老师就是这么教我的,希望你能学到。(如果您对我的答案满意,请给好评,谢谢~~)

Reflector telescope owner mau2006nuu2006au2006l76700天文望远镜使



BREAK DOWN Super Junior-M 【Henry】这不像是我 完全冷静不来路人都看穿 对你我有种特别期待【东海】失控了 怎么办 快要离不开【银赫】Yeah 话题都十分普通 为何心跳 异常汹涌一举一动 在你面前 全被轻松看透【圭贤】因为我 迷失在 你眼神的海【全】武装的心脏为你 Break Down 剩下赤裸的告白 没防备的爱【周觅】奋不顾身要勇敢 挡开流言的子弹【全】So Baby Let"s Go Go 冷酷的面具为你 Break Down 所有表情都透露 对你的崇拜【始源】伤了也不后悔感概【全】只渴望你的依赖So Baby Let"s Go Go Go Go Go Go 【厉旭】沿路上卸下盔甲 拼命跑得更快跟上你保护着你 不被伤害就算会伤痕累累 我也都不管 为你 Oh Yeah 【晟敏】你也许觉得太疯狂 (【Henry】Yeah You Can Call Me Crazy) 【晟敏】其实我也这样想 (【银赫】但无法停止爱你) 【东海】爱像一段会中毒旋律【全】武装的心脏为你 Break Down 剩下赤裸的告白 没防备的爱【圭贤】奋不顾身要勇敢 挡开流言的子弹【全】So Baby Let"s Go Go 冷酷的面具为你 Break Down 所有表情都透露 对你的崇拜【始源】伤了也不后悔感概【全】只渴望你的依赖So Baby Let"s Go Go Go Go Go Go 【厉旭】像快要 找回自己 却又失败你又 Breakin Me Down Breakin Me Down 【周觅】多少次 已经走远 又再回来爱总 Breakin Me Down Breakin Me Down 【圭贤】武装的心脏为你 Break Down 剩下赤裸的告白 没防备的爱【Henry】奋不顾身要勇敢 挡开流言的子弹【全】So Baby Let"s Go Go 冷酷的面具为你 Break Down 所有表情都透露 对你的崇拜【始源】伤了也不后悔感概【全】只渴望你的依赖So Baby Let"s Go Go Go Go Go Go 退路已经全部的 Break Down 化成废墟一般的 Break Down 爱你让我彻底的 Break Down


上面的截图就是通过Mardown写出来的内容,下面就是转换过后的截图。 在我的文章标题 《浅谈“”与“印象笔记”中的markdown的区别》 之中,出现了三个名词。 但是 , 在和印象笔记中 ,<u>markdown支持的能力是不同</u>, 自己感觉在印象笔记中要功能强大一些。 再下面就是印象笔记中展现出来的结果。 应该讲,上面的这些部分其实是没有太多差别,真正的差别来源于一些特殊功能,例如图表,流程图,甘特图等等。例如在印象笔记中,使用功能插入一些Mardown的功能: 在中,直接就展示为下方的很多黑框。 而在印象笔记中,却展示为如下的状态,当然里面的文字和参数都是可以在文档中直接调整。 所以,综合比较看,在印象笔记中的Markdown功能还是强大一些。



revise与什么一样 A go over B takeaway C turn down D g

revise 是“复习,修订”的意思。这里只有A是意思一样的。

Lay Down Your Weary Tune 歌词

歌曲名:Lay Down Your Weary Tune歌手:The Byrds专辑:The Byrds Play DylanLay down your weary tune, lay down,Lay down the song you strum,And rest yourself "neath the strength of stringsNo voice can hope to hum.Struck by the sounds before the sun,I knew the night had gone.The morning breeze like a bugle blewAgainst the drums of dawn.Lay down your weary tune, lay down,Lay down the song you strum,And rest yourself "neath the strength of stringsNo voice can hope to hum.The ocean wild like an organ played,The seaweed"s wove its strands.The crashin" waves like cymbals clashedAgainst the rocks and sands.I stood unwound beneath the skiesAnd clouds unbound by laws.The crying rain like a trumpet sangAnd asked for no applause.Lay down your weary tune, lay down,Lay down the song you strum,And rest yourself "neath the strength of stringsNo voice can hope to hum.The last of leaves fell from the treesAnd clung to a new love"s breast.The branches bare like a banjo playedTo the winds that listened best.I gazed down in the river"s mirrorAnd watched its winding strum.The water smooth ran like a hymnAnd like a harp did hum.Lay down your weary tune, lay down,Lay down the song you strum,And rest yourself "neath the strength of stringsNo voice can hope to hum.Lay down your weary tune, lay down,Lay down the song you strum,And rest yourself "neath the strength of stringsNo voice can hope to hum.http://music.baidu.com/song/8916158

Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: java.lang.Object


CROWNSHAVE剃须刀是哪生产的? 什么牌子?





mode 模式set 设置light 灯光down 向下up 向上

怎样给小朋友讲stand up and sit down

对于小朋友,一节课教意思就可以了哦,让他们听懂就好~我用比较详细的方式写一个小教案吧:1.T:老师说“上课”,班长要说什么哦?S:起立-T:Good!那你们都想不想当班长?S:想-T:那老师希望以后你们都能当班长,都可以用英语说起立,好不好?S:好T:起立用英语说就是--stand up(配合手的动作,向上升起)(教发音,并带领学生朗读,每次朗读都要配合动作)T:stand up 还有其他的意思哦,"站起来"(剩下的你可以做一个延展)2.T:小朋友们,(重复刚才的动作:手向上升起),这个是起立,那么这样呢?(手向下或者表演坐下来的动作)S:坐下T:Right!那么用英语说,就是 sit down(教发音,并带领学生朗读,配合动作.延展教学)3.布置家庭作业,请小朋友回家后,拿小椅子用英语请爸爸妈妈坐下.

The villagers have already known_________we’ll do is to rebuild the bridge. A.this B.that

C 试题分析:通过分析句子结构,可知这个句子中包含一个宾语从句,且引导词在从句中作宾语,表示什么的意思,故用what。点评:在句子中起宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句。宾语从句分为三类:动词的宾语从句,介词的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句。解答这类题,首先要确定从句是什么从句,然后依据相应的语法规则答题。宾语从句中引导词的确定,要看它在宾语从句中作什么成分,有没有什么实际意义。

It is said/thought/known/reported/estimated/believed/ (that)是什么意思

。 类似的有 : It is said/thought/known/reported/estimated/believed/ (that)+从句

有句歌词是l never know why 男女合唱,中间部分有句是down down down

是不是 jason walker 的down ? 是电视剧吸血鬼日记插曲歌曲链接 http://music.baidu.com/song/2814791歌词 :i don"t know where i"m at i"m standin" at the back and i"m tired of waiting 我不知道我在哪 置身黑暗中 厌倦了等待 i"m waiting here in line hoping that i"ll find what i"ve been chasing 我还在这里等待 渴盼找到 我所追寻 i shot for the sky i"m stuck on the ground so why do i try? i know i"m gonna fall down 努力飞向天空 却困于此地 那就是为什么我挣扎? 我知道,我快要沉沦了i thought i could fly so why did i drown? i never know why it"s comin" down, down, down 明明可以飞 为何还沉溺了? 参不透 我为什么一直在坠落,坠落,坠落 i"m not ready to let go "cause then i"ll never know what i could be missin" 还没有准备好去放手 因为我不知道 将错过些什么 but i"m missin" way too much so when do i give up, what i"ve been wishin" for? 但错过的太多太多 放弃了之后 我还能去期望些什么?i shot for the sky i"m stuck on the ground so why do i try? i know i"m gonna fall down i thought i could fly so why did i drown? i"ll never know why it"s comin" down, down, down 同上oh i am goin" down, down, down 噢,我一直在坠落、坠落、坠落i can"t find another way around and i don"t wanna hear the sound of losin" what i never found 我找不到其他出口 我不想听见那声音 提醒着我我所失去 i shot for the sky i"m stuck on the ground so why do i try? i know i"m gonna fall down i thought i could fly so why did i drown? i"ll never know why it"s comin" down, down, down 同上i shot for the sky i"m stuck on the ground so why do i try? i know i"m gonna fall down i thought i could fly so why did i drown? oh, it"s comin" down, down, down

lt is rarely criticized for its own sake

That is stealing,chesting,robbery,and even murder是这句话,其中的 money sought for its own sake is the cause of all sorts of evil--lying是形容这这件事情的! 语句中的that是主语;is 是系动词,谓语;stealing,chesting,robbery,and even murder是宾语

:Insane Clown Posse, IN YO FACE 歌词


js button mousedown按下持续执行函数,直到松开?


Head, First, Down的歌词

We are hereIt seems we always must"ve seenA dark black fearAnd nothing ever seems so clearThe sun will not be here and I know my life has an endThe sun will not be here and questions remain in my headSo I fallHead, first, downYou heard my voiceYou heard me howling in the windI saw your soulI knew you"d never let me goYou"re someone who"ll be there andNever let go of my handI"m someone who"ll be there andProtect you from oncoming windsWhen you fallHead, first downThis is realAnd wonder, it"s all aroundYou hit the groundAnd know there, truth is always foundReject superstition and listen to silences soundReject their false prophets and know thatThere"s something aroundAnd they"ll fallHead, first, downBecause we all fallHead, first, down

Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet 歌词

歌曲名:Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet歌手:Fall Out Boy专辑:Folie à DeuxFall out boy---Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad BetMr. Sandman showing his beam,when he walks into the room the walls lean in to listenSurf out blank waves, clicking back and forth like old headlights, sniffing bottled you again.Head like a steel trap, wish I didn"t, I didn"t, I didn"t, I didn"t, I didn"t, I didn"t, I didn"t, I don"t...Just want to be a footnote in someone else"s happiness.Does your husband know the way that the sunshine gleams from your wedding band?Does he know the way,does he know the way of the crickets that would convince me to call it a night?I will never end up like himBehind my back, I already am.Keep a calendar, this way you will always know.The last time you came through,Oh darling, I know what you"re going through.The last time you came through,Oh darling, oh darling, oh darling...Tempest in a teacup,Yeah unique.Peroxide Princess shine like shark teethIt"s a sign, (it"s a sign)It"s a sign, (it"s a sign)It"s a sign, what if you peaked earlyDoes your husband know the way that the sunshine gleams from your wedding band?Does he know the way,does he know the way of the crickets that would convince me to call it a night?Does he, does he know the way to worship our love?Does your husband know the way that the sunshine gleams from your wedding band?Well, I will never end up like him.Behind my back, I already am.Keep a calendar, this way you will always know.oh,Last time you came through,Oh darling, I know what you"re going through.Last time you came through,Oh darling, oh darling, oh darling...Does your husband know? Does your husband know? Does your husband know?Oh oh oh, whoa-oh...Does he know? Does he know, does he know?Whoa-ah-ah-ah-ah, oh oh, ohI will never end up like him.Behind my back I already am.Keep a calendar, this way you will always know.Oh, the last time you came through,Oh darling, I know what you"re going through.The last time you came through,Oh, darling I know what you"re going through.http://music.baidu.com/song/7380364

《Knock Down》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Knock Down》(Francis, Dick)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1D9d91d_qBjrVpU13f_Ta6A 提取码: j26i书名:Knock Down作者:Francis, Dick出版年份:1976-3页数:192内容简介:It"s the classic law of the invader. Get to the strongest guy and smash him, and then watch the weaker ones fall like ninepins. Which is exactly what a vicious gang of horse dealers decides to do when their little kickback scam is being threatened with a spot of old-fashioned honesty. But they haven"t reckoned with bloodstock agent Jonah Dereham, a man who belies his quiet exterior with a steely and implacable resolve. They can threaten him, try to burn down his home, even attempt to kill him. But they"ll soon wish they hadn"t. Because Dereham flushes out the real scam, and with it finds out just who the real Mr Big is. And when he does that, life suddenly becomes cheap..."Another wonderfully effective thriller" - "Sunday Times".


own某人自己的 private 私人的 personal 个人的 (他们有重叠的部分,但是有各自偏重的部分)


① 下载:1. Rstudio     2. R软件包(下载较新的版本,我的是:R version 3.2.4,你可以使用version命令查看你的R版本)② 安装Rstdio和R(这里不做演示)③ 打开Rstudio,按照下面指示修改设置(Tools->Global Options)④依次点击File->New File->R Markdown

sink与go down 的区别( 不同点)


如何评价BBC放送劇集《The Hollow Crown 》

the hollow crown是四部影视的系列统称,分别是:《理查二世》、《亨利四世:第一部》、《亨利四世:第二部》和《亨利五世》。刚开始选择看《空王冠》并不是相貌吸引,而是重新还原到理查二世的时代那种画面感,渲染的很不错,人物刻画的惟妙惟肖,以及莎翁时代古英语的震撼,中文字幕的美感,那种是很清脆明丽的色彩,给以质感。上面也提到了有些人物长得并不好看,需要吐槽,但是我思考后,觉得画面还原到14世纪的英格兰,人们是不是还没完全进化过来,稍微丑点也没关系,毕竟莎翁眼下的更多是讲骑斗士民族的bleeding war,王室的衰竭危机,内亲的反目成仇,那么如果人物角色也很完美,那还有侧重点吗?

Wholly Owned Subsidiary是什么意思?

wholly owned subsidiary[ˈhəuli əund səbˈsidiəri][财]全部控股子公司The Locomotive Construction Company Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Trust. 机车建筑有限公司是该托拉斯的全资子公司。

Wholly Owned Subsidiary 是什么意思??

Wholly Owned Subsidiary 全资拥有子公司;全资附属公司;独资子公司例句筛选1.It set up a wholly owned subsidiary in Australia last year.去年虎航在澳大利亚创办了一家全资子公司。2.Electric Boat is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD).电船公司是通用动力公司的全资子公司。

英语完成句子: 众所周知, 肺炎是一种常见疾病。 _____ is known to all___

众所周知, 肺炎是一种常见疾病。_As_ is known to all_,_pneumonia is a common disease. = _As_ is known to all, pneumonia is a common disease.

down.exe 是什么东西?病毒么?

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求翻译Sam Smith的Lay Me Down,下面是英文歌词,不在直译,谢谢!!

您好!译文见如下:译员:Mavis工作室:mavislee.ganji.com.cn______________________________________Sam Smith-Lay Me Down愿与您同眠-SamSmithYes I do, I believe我相信,并且深信着That one day I will be, where I was有一天,我会在那个地方Right there, right next to you等着你,作你的依偎And it"s hard, the days just seem so dark等待的日子太痛苦,看不见一丝光芒The moon, the stars, are nothing without you没有你日子里,星星月亮都黯然失色Your touch, your skin, where do I begin?我期待你的抚摸,也期待抚摸你的肌肤。啊,我应该从哪里开始?No words can explain, the way I"m missing you言语已经无法表达我对你的思念The night, this emptiness, this hole that I"m inside夜幕降临,空虚寂寞像黑洞一样包围着我These tears, they tell their own story泪水止不住落下,诉说着伤心事You told me not to cry when you were gone记得你曾经说过,即便我们分开了也不要伤心落泪But the feeling"s overwhelming, it"s much too strong可是,我忍不住!思念如潮水般将我淹没Can I lay by your side, next to you, you我可以躺在你身边吗,就这样依偎着,依偎着And make sure you"re alright我会好好照顾你I"ll take care of you,一切都会好起来的And I don"t want to be here if I can"t be with you tonight但如果今晚不是你,我根本不想待在这里I"m reaching out to you我向你伸出了双手Can you hear my call?你听到我的呼唤了吗?This hurt that I"ve been through这让我感到心痛I"m missing you, missing you like crazy我想你,疯狂地想你You told me not to cry when you were gone你曾经说过,即便我们分开了也不要伤心落泪But the feeling"s overwhelming, they"re much too strong可我还是没法忍住,思念就如潮水般将我淹没Can I lay by your side, next to you, you我可以躺在你身边吗,就这样依偎着,依偎着And make sure you"re alright我会好好照顾你I"ll take care of you一切都会好起来的And I don"t wanna be here if I can"t be with you tonight如果不是你,我今晚不会出现在这里Lay me down tonight, lay me by your side愿今晚与你同眠,依偎在你身旁Lay me down tonight, lay me by your side愿今晚与你同眠,依偎在你身旁Can I lay by your side, next to you, you-ou我可以躺在你身边吗,就这样依偎着,依偎着,依偎着

jsp onblur调用过以后 onkeydown为什么失效 急!!在线等!!

方法贴出来 这样谁知道你问题出在哪?

down pillow中文翻译

His daughter put chintz - covered , down pillows under him and behind his back . his old sister - in - law slyly popped in a kerchief full of things 他的女儿把印花色彩的鸭绒坐垫放在他背靠背后面和身下,老姨子还偷偷地塞给他一小包东西。 The guest rooms are well equipped with facipties such as idd telephone , broad band access , separate bathroom and down pillows and quilts . the hotel has self - helping service centre , with inter access , reading bar , automat , cold hot drinks , microwave oven , ice machine , mini chat zone , gym , private secretary , copy , typing , travel consultant , air train tickets booking , parking and hairdressing services 真空玻璃,隔音效果显著,保证室内温控冷暖空调,单独室温调节装置直拨国际国内电话宽频介面, 100兆网速,免费上网单独卫生间, 24小时热水供应,淋浴槽,完整盥洗用品,吹风机电热水瓶,备茶叫醒服务房间内可收视卫星及有线电视节目

求my hometown(沈阳)英语作文!!!

my hometownMy hometown is Shenyang, which is a beautiful city, there are beautiful purple lavender manor and amazing Guaipo scenic area, and the ancient Shenyang the Imperial Palace! My hometown is so beautiful, I love my hometown!意思是 我的家乡是沈阳,这是一个美丽的城市,这里有美丽的紫烟薰衣草庄园和神奇的怪坡风景区,还有古老的沈阳故宫呢!我的家乡如此美丽,所以我热爱我的家乡!

求my hometown(沈阳)英语作文!!!



n. <英俚>茶[例句]Mr. cha said he and his wife escaped with nothing more than the clothes on their backs.cha说,他和妻子逃走的时候除了身上的衣服什么也没带。

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一句话!求解! wlywnl是一句激励的话的首字母!各位能帮我猜一下这是句什么话?

为了愿望努力 未来要我努力











Trojan.DL.Agent.xwo 和 ojan.DL.Agent.wnl

昨天我中了Trojan.DL.Agent. *病毒 我在装一个程序时,杀软不停地提示询问注册值什么的是否允许被修改,我就随便点,接着,桌面背景变了样子,不停的有网页弹出,电脑运行不稳定.我一看不妙,赶紧断了网线,删除文件,可是删不掉.后来重启,又进不了安全模式,正常启动也不行.好不容易通过"最后一次安全设置"开了机,删掉一些文件,今天又用雅虎助手的"在线杀毒"杀掉12个病毒,机器看上去没事了 问题是会不会有遗留下的病毒安装的文件没被发现,注册表里的键值之类有没有被改动,怎么还原回去呀?求各位帮忙,想想办法,有劳!!! 说一下trojan.dl.agent木马的概念,以及解决方法: 该病毒我中过两次了,看过许多解决途径,自己也总结了一下比较有效的方法,分享一下,有不懂的还可以留言,必回! 该木马的进程文件是DLMAIN或DLMAIN.DLL,是一个代理木马,用于黑客恶意攻击别人电脑的跳板,或代替黑客完成其他恶意任务。解决方法:1。“代理下载器变种BE(Trojan.DL.Agent.be)”木马病毒通过网络传播病毒运行后将自己安装到系统目录,同时修改系统配置文件实现开机自动运行。病毒会连接网页,下载其他的病毒和木马程序。下载的病毒或木马可能会盗取用户的账号、密码等信息并发送到黑客指定的信箱中。根据这些特点应该先管理启动项把跟病毒有关的程序删除掉,然后用雅虎助手的在线杀毒对机器进行检查,找到病毒的安装路径全部删除掉,进入注册表查找跟病毒有关的键值,全部删除建议查找一下资料把一些木马常用的端口结束掉。 2。运行services.msc 在服务里找到aukld.关闭服务进入安全模式,删除aukld.exeC:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1TempaummsC:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1Tempmmsup124C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1Tempmmsup124名称分别是:aumms.exe mmsup.exe mmsup.exe在注册表项中搜索相关病毒外注册项,找到就删除.删除前先备分注册表.要是进入安全模式不能删除文件,请使用icesword,查找里面的相关关联,逐一找.看哪个进程绑定了aumms.exe mmsup.exe mmsup.exe找到后强制卸除.然后再逐一删除.要是没有就省这一步.3。先把日志扫描一下。C:DOCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1Tempaukld4。重装一下系统,格式化C盘。





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chris brown forever 和 neyo closer 歌词

不好意思,只找到一首。Closer - NeyoCloser x 4Verse 1:Turn the lights off in this placeAnd she shines just like a starAnd I swear I know her faceI just don"t know who you areTurn the music up in hereI still hear her loud and clearLike she"s right there in my earTelling meThat she wants to own meTo control meCome closerCome closerChorus:And I just can"t pull myself awayUnder a spell i can"t breakI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopAnd I just can"t bring myself awayBut I don"t want to escapeI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopVerse 2:I can feel her on my skinI can taste her on my tongueShes the sweetest taste of sinThe more I get the more I wantShe wants to own meCome closerShe says come closerChorus:And I just can"t pull myself awayUnder a spell i can"t breakI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopAnd I just can"t bring myself awayBut I don"t want to escapeI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stop(Come closer) x 7I just can"t stop noooooI just can"t stop noooooI just can"t stop noooooI just can"t stop noooooChorus:And I just can"t pull myself awayUnder a spell I can"t breakI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopAnd I just can"t bring myself awayBut I don"t want to escapeI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopAnd I just can"t pull myself awayUnder a spell i can"t breakI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stop

Ne-yo和Chris Brown在美国什么地位。?

Ne-Yo和Chris Brown都是美国知名的流行歌手和音乐制作人,他们在音乐界拥有很高的地位。Ne-Yo是一位以R&B和流行音乐为主的歌手和词曲作家,他的音乐作品在美国和全球范围内都取得了很大的成功。他的歌曲通常以情感为主题,旋律优美,歌词深刻,这使得他的歌曲能够深入人心,让人们产生共鸣。Chris Brown则是一位以嘻哈和R&B音乐为主的歌手和舞者,他的音乐作品同样在美国和全球范围内广受欢迎。他的音乐风格独具特色,融合了多种流派,包括流行、电子、放克等等。他的音乐作品通常以表达自我和情感为主题,歌词深刻,同时他的舞蹈技巧也备受赞誉。总的来说,Ne-Yo和Chris Brown都是美国音乐界的代表性人物,他们的音乐作品在美国乃至全球范围内都拥有着很高的地位和影响力。


Downtown cafe saw her mother this morning At the downtown cafe Staring blankly Down in mourning Had her cup of gourmet coffee And she asked me What her baby"d been mi ssing And I shake my head Can"t think of nothing But candy wrappers Tucked into the folds of the bed And how I don"t see them around Since Sarah left town Now people always think they know you And they"re almost always wrong Tried to bend you till they broke you So she moved along And sometimes I see them around Trying to track her down Sarah, Sarah She"s chasing her soul Not running away If you"d just let her go She"ll know the way And I saw her mother this morning She looked me in the eye She said: “Dyou know sometimes, I think I hear her laughing And all I can do is cry” And it"s a funny thing about people How everyone has a song And he sings it every moment But we don"t hear it until he"s gone They"re humming with heads hanging down

魏如萱downtown 谐音歌词

魏如萱-Downtown cafeI saw her mother this morning我今晨看见她的母亲At the downtown cafe在街市咖啡馆Staring blankly Down in mourning空白凝望下,在哀悼今晨Had her cup of gourmet coffee拿着她装有精致咖啡的杯子And she asked me "What her baby"d been missing"她问我 她的宝贝去哪里了And I shake my head我摇摇头Can"t think of nothing无法想些别的东西But candy wrappers 除了那些糖果包装纸tucked into the folds of the bed总被卷起 塞入床的折叠处And how I don"t see them around自从萨拉离开了小镇Since Sarah left town我怎么没再看见他们了呢Now people always think they know you现在的人们认为自己了解你And they"re almost always wrong他们几乎都是错的Tried to bend you till they broke you他们试着压制你 直到他们改变了你So she moved along所以她向前走And sometimes I see them around自从萨拉离开小镇后Since Sarah left town我有时看见他们Trying to track her down设法搜寻她 Sarah, Sarah萨拉, 萨拉She"s chasing her soul她是去追逐她的灵魂Not running away不是做逃兵If you"d just let her go如果你让她去追逐She"ll know the way她将知道怎么去做And I saw her mother this morning我今晨看见她的母亲She looked me in the eye她看着我的眼睛"Do you know sometimes,I think I hear her laughing我有时觉得我听见了她的笑声And all I can do is cry."而我能做的只有哭泣And it"s a funny thing about people这对于人们是一件滑稽的事How everyone has a song就像大家有一首歌曲And he sings it every moment并且他每时每刻唱着But we don"t hear it until he"s gone但是我们没有听到它 直到他走了And sometimes I see them around而自从萨拉离开了镇Since Sarah left town我有时会看见他们They"re humming with heads hanging down他们正在低着头哼唱着hum...嗯...Sarah, Sarah萨拉,萨拉

head down有开展的意思吗

head down[英][hed daun][美][hu025bd dau028an][体]使船顺风航行; 例句:1.Benjamin puts his head down beside her, strokes her face. 本杰明将自己的头靠在她旁边,用手摩挲着她的脸。2.I attempted to mask my ignorance by keeping my head down and not speaking unlessspoken to. 我试图掩盖自己的无知,每天低着头干活,除非别人跟我说话,否则不主动交谈。3.I want all of them back here, head down over a saddle. 我想他们都回到这儿来,脑袋装在马鞍里.4.Your dozy face makes a great target.now put your head down! 你那张笨脸是个好靶子给我把头低下!

求翻译Down low 的《 moonlight 》 这首歌的

你的这首歌有的地方存在语法错误,不能翻译。以下便是翻译的结果:听这些从黑暗拿;一个情妇在公园搁浅,在下面她正在放下脸的落叶松属植物在没有一种声音的地面上,她的原因鞋子和绳无处被发现什么正在下降。这如何能恭敬地,但是的她是历史,她永远不会见到的在这一个世界的这么多事物。但是情妇似乎是 thight 对权利握住她的钱包在晚上在月光下的深处。在这夜晚底模糊一死的寒冷身体漂流地放置,站着大胆的你断株现在结束而且拿一个一阵。恐惧进来你的脑,感觉脑和这神智健全的头发直接站着,tramadie 鹅撞击开始排出沟外。逐渐地你为尸体到达出在 orpse 中,它能等候吗,在懊悔方面站立,它会是一个在骑士中被一支刀刺的受害人吗或一个孤单的爱人或一个被自杀的妻子。重复:2 x我想要你, i 想要你知道,有一个光,在道路结束的时候一个光。我被惊吓我被惊吓和 i 不知道该做什么,(不要去!), 黑暗你后的来临!丢灌木林悄悄靠近一个戴面具的男人在他的手上的血在实现他的邪恶计划之后,他是头回到他的正常生活回到很好的他的家和他的妻子只是变得精确。因为他走,他对 remenice 开始大约情妇在他的致命吻中落下。现在见到黑暗从他的视力闪烁,这些是这拿蒸发,光亮的,从月光。在清晨雨中,横跨我的窗玻璃的雨滴有同情心的恐惧,我结束愿理解什么有得到。显示是告示,在我的思想中,它设计罪行的无法控制、邪恶的 sightenings我在州如果使,悲伤为这一个人类持续茫然我不能相信我正在见到的。U 最好在公园独自从不独自地走。这些是拿从深的黑暗漂流的悲惨者!重复:2 x我想要 U ,我想要 U 2 知道有一个光,在道路结束的时候一个光。我是 fr?ghtenend,我被惊吓,而且我不知道什么 2 做

A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.


以my hometown为话题的100的英语作文 关于太原

My hometown is a beautiful place . It is the capital of Shanxi.Taiyuan has many high office and commercial buildings and wide treelined streets.Taiyuan is a industry city,it has a long history ofindust. As a most important industrial center for North China, her hundreds of factories and joint ventures with foreign companies manufacture a wide range of topgrade and high-tech products or consumer goods. Many of these products have attained or surpassed world levels. Markets and department stores, big or small, are well-stocked with all kinds of goods, which are high in quality but low in price. But in the old days,Tianjin used to be a poor and backward city characteristic of semi-colonialism and semi-feudalism. The few rich persons lived in luxury houses while the majority of the working people lived in old, shabby huts or buildings on narrow and muddy streets. The working class led a very miserable life. Today people in Tianjin are going all out to build their city into a beautiful and prosperous place to live in.

求who owns my heart——Miley Cyrus的歌词

[ti:Who Owns My Heart][ar:Miley Cyrus][al:Can"t Be Tamed][by:活在当下] [00:-2.12]Miley Cyrus - Who Owns My Heart[00:-1.89][03:25.01][00:00.00]LRC制作:活在当下 QQ:6313827[00:00.22][00:00.83]R -O -C -K [00:07.53]Mafia[00:08.98][00:14.30]Creation shows me what to do[00:17.55]I"m dancing on the floor with you [00:20.82]And when you touch my hand[00:24.39]I go crazy, yeah[00:28.46]The music tells me what to feel[00:31.56]I like you now[00:33.42]But is it real by the time we say goodnight[00:38.52]I don"t know if this is right[00:42.08]And I feel you (you) coming through my veins.[00:49.17]Am I into you (you) or is it music to blaime?[00:55.99][00:57.31]Who owns my heart[00:59.49]Is it love or is it art[01:02.80]"Cause the way you got your body movin" got me confusin"[01:07.20]And I can"t tell if it"s the beat or sparks[01:11.45]Who owns my heart[01:13.88]Is it love or is it art[01:16.82]You know I wanna believe that we"re a masterpiece[01:21.14]But sometimes it"s hard to tell in the dark[01:24.19]Who owns my heart[01:25.82][01:28.62]The room is full[01:29.93]But all I see is the way[01:32.81]Your eyes just blaze through me[01:35.05]Like fire in the dark[01:38.59]We"re like living art[01:42.22]And it hits me[01:45.09]Like a ... of wave[01:49.30]Are you feeling me[01:52.76]Or is the music to blame[01:56.04][01:56.80]Who owns my heart[01:59.80]Is it love or is it art[02:02.76]"Cause the way you got your body movin" got me confusin"[02:07.14]And I can"t tell if it"s the beat or sparks[02:10.07]Who owns my heart[02:14.10]Is it love or is it art[02:17.76]You know I wanna believe that we"re a masterpiece[02:21.15]But sometimes it"s hard to tell in the dark[02:24.16]Who owns my heart[02:25.86][02:26.19]So come on, baby[02:28.12]Keep on bumping me[02:29.86]Keep on rubbing me[02:31.56]Like a rodeo[02:33.27]Baby, hold me close[02:34.94]Come on[02:35.66]Here we go (x3)[02:38.33][02:38.84]And it hits me[02:42.21]Like a ... of wave[02:45.57]Are you feeling me[02:49.20]Or is the music to blame[02:53.11][02:53.90]Who owns my heart[02:56.58]Is it love or is it art[02:59.24]"Cause the way you got your body movin" got me confusin"[03:03.67]And I can"t tell if it"s the beat or sparks[03:07.48]Who owns my heart[03:10.50]Is it love or is it art[03:13.19]You know I wanna believe that we"re a masterpiece[03:17.52]But sometimes it"s hard to tell in the dark[03:20.66]Who owns my heart[03:22.76]


storage/emulated/0/download 是下载文件夹,专门来放下载的文件的地方的学习,是指通过阅读、听讲、思考、研究、实践等途径获得知识和技能的过程。学习分为狭义与广义两种:狭义:通过阅读、听讲、研究、观察、理解、探索、实验、实践等手段获得知识或技能的过程,是一种使个体可以得到持续变化(知识和技能,方法与过程,情感与价值的改善和升华)的行为方式。例如通过学校教育获得知识的过程。广义:是人在生活过程中,通过获得经验而产生的行为或行为潜能的相对持久为方式。社会上总会出现一种很奇怪的现象,一些人嘴上埋怨着老板对他不好,工资待遇太低什么的,却忽略了自己本身就是懒懒散散,毫无价值。自古以来,人们就会说着“因果循环”,这话真不假,你种什么因,就会得到什么果。这就是不好好学习酿成的后果,那么学习有什么重要性呢?物以类聚人以群分,什么样水平的人,就会处在什么样的环境中。更会渐渐明白自己是什么样的能力。了解自己的能力,交到同水平的朋友,自己个人能力越高,自然朋友质量也越高。在大多数情况下,学习越好,自身修养也会随着其提升。同样都是有钱人,暴发户摆弄钱财只会让人觉得俗,而真正有知识的人,气质就会很不一样。高端大气的公司以及产品是万万离不了知识的,只有在知识上不输给别人,才可以在别的地方不输别人。孩子的教育要从小抓起,家长什么样孩子很大几率会变成什么样。只有将自己的水平提升,才会教育出更好的孩子。而不是一个目光短浅的人。因为有文化的父母会给孩子带去更多的在成长方面的的帮助,而如果孩子有一个有文化的父母,通常会在未来的道路上,生活得更好,更顺畅。学习是非常的重要,学习的好坏最终决定朋友的质量、自身修养和后代教育等方面,所以平时在学习中要努力。

Stories (Down To The Bottom) 歌词

歌曲名:Stories (Down To The Bottom)歌手:TobyMac专辑:Welcome To Diverse CityThere For Tomorrow - Storieswasn"t trouble enough for himanother swallow never seemed like enough for himthey say the past is the past but it never treated me like thisHe couldnt ask for a better understanding of howwhat goes around comes back around twice as fasthe"s got no hope for a cureso he"ll put himself to sleep, ohnow we just sit back,we sit back while we watch all of them reactso tell me what to tell you when the world wont listenthe start to the finish come on and let me hear you speakoh and use up all the time you"re giventhe start to the finish come on and let me hear it, go ongo ahead and tell your storyshe always hoped for him to take her word for itnever knew what it felt like feeling ?shes got her eyes on the time but theres no use waiting there for himbut shes not in the world alonewhat she wanted to put herself to sleepso tell me what to tell you when the world wont listenthe start to the finish come on and let me hear you speakoh and use up all the time you"re giventhe start to the finish come on and let me hear it, go ongo ahead and tell your storyyoure stories x4now we just sit back,we sit back while we watch all of them reactso tell me what to tell you when the world wont listenthe start to the finish come on and let me hear you speakoh and use up all the time you"re giventhe start to the finish come on and let meso tell me what to tell you when the world wont listenthe start to the finish come on and let me hear you speakoh and use up all the time you"re given, yeahit"s time to come on, go ahead and tell your storyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2880811

Sun Ra的《Dawn》 歌词

歌曲名:Dawn歌手:Sun Ra专辑:The Sun Ra Arkestra Meets Salah Ragab In Egypt「DAWN(REMIX)」作词∶Sou Matsumoto作曲∶Sou Matsumoto歌∶MEG名前なんて 始めからないような季节君はいつも 弱虫の仆を笑った表通り駆け出した あのころ仆らは盗みだした宝物 持て余してた眠らない声 梦みる心明日はすぐそこにあった君がいる世界 それが全てとおおげさだけど そう思ってるさよならを 言わないのは“また逢う为のおまじない”だと强がってた君の目に 朝焼けの街が映る暗い夜のかくれんぼ 汗ばむ身体君をぎゅっと抱きしめた まぶたの裏で暗い夜に目が惯れて 知ってしまった泣いてたんだ 君がほら 仆のかわりに眠らない声 梦みる心明日がこなければいいな地図にない世界 ここが全てとおおげさだけど そう思ってるさよならを 言えなかったつないで手さえ 离せなかった张り付いたのどの奥 君の为だけの言叶さよならは言わないんだろう?“また逢う为のおまじない”だろう?强がった仆の声 君の为だけの言叶【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/15210685

Mac sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/share/man/man5

这里我们按提示使用sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/share/man/man5, 先输入: 再把上面那个$(whoami)替换为yuanhust,改变dir的owner 然后添加user的write permission

me=`whoami`; sudo chown -R $me ~; sudo chmod -R u+rwx ~ 可以帮我详细解释一下这些代码干了什么吗?

操作不用复原。第一句获取当前用户,保存到 me 这个临时变量里。第二句修改当前用户家目录所属用户为$me 变量存储的用户,也就是whoami 命令返回的用户名。第三句修改当前用户所在的家目录 对当前用户 添加读写执行的权限。说明:sudo 用来提升权限。chmod -R -R : 对目前目录下的所有文件与子目录进行相同的权限变更。

strike out on his own是什么意思



Brown在英语中是一个形容词,指的是棕色或褐色。1.颜色描述:Brown用来描述一种介于橙色和黑色之间的颜色。它比黄色更暗,比黑色更浅。棕色可以有各种不同的色调和亮度,从浅棕到深棕,包括各种变体如巧克力色、栗色、咖啡色等。2.自然界的棕色:在自然界中,棕色广泛存在于各种物体和生物中。例如,许多动植物的皮毛、羽毛、外壳或果实都呈棕色。土壤、树木的树皮、岩石表面等也可能呈现出棕色。3.文化象征:棕色在文化中也承载着一定的象征意义。它可以与“温暖”、“自然”、“稳定”、“朴实等概念联系在一起。在西方文化中,常将棕色与大地、秋天、农田、土地和木材等联系在一起。4.延伸引申:除了形容颜色之外,Brown这个词还可用作姓氏、品牌名称或地名等,举例来说(Brown)是一个常见的英语姓氏,Burberry是一家知名的时尚品牌,布朗大学(Brown University)是美国的一所著名大学。总结:Brown是一个形容词,用来描述一种介于橙色和黑色之间的棕色。它可用于描述颜色、自然界中的物体和生物,以及具有文化象征意义的概念。此外,Brown也可以作为姓氏、品牌名称或地名使用。到18世纪后期,英国已通过其殖民地和地缘政治统治地位传播了英语。商业、科学技术、外交、艺术和正规教育都使英语成为第一种真正的全球语言。英语还促进了世界范围的国际交流。英格兰继续形成新的殖民地,后来这些殖民地发展了自己的言语和写作规范。北美部分地区,非洲部分地区,大洋洲和许多其他地区都采用英语。当他们获得政治独立时,一些拥有多种土著语言的新独立国家选择继续使用英语作为官方语言,以避免将任何一种土著语言都推崇为另一种土著语言所固有的政治和其他困难。


donw和up是一对反义词但shut down和shut up都是关闭的意思。且shut down:(使)(工厂,机器等)停工,关闭,停止运转 shut up:关闭,把(房屋等的)门窗全部关闭锁上;把---关(藏)起来; 住口,闭嘴。

WCD WLR WNR WNR P H I 都是什么钢丝.谢谢了


download films什么意思



Drawning 打印此页 歌手:Backstreets boys 专辑:Chapter One Backstreets boys - Drawning A.J.:Oh yeah Brian:Don"t pretend you"re sorry I know you"re not You know you"ve got the power To make me weak inside Girl, you leave me breathless But it"s OK "Cause you are my survival Now hear me say Howie:I can"t imagine life without your love And even forever don"t seem like long enough "Cause every time I breathe I take you in And my heart beats again Baby, I can"t help it Keep me drowning in your love Every time I try to rise above I"m swept away by love Baby, I can"t help it Keep me drowning in your love A.J.:Maybe I"m a drifter Maybe not "Cause I have known the safety Of floating freely in your arms I don"t need another lifeline It"s not for me "Cause only you can save me Oh, can"t you see Nick:I can"t imagine life without your love And even forever don"t seem like long enough (Brian: Don"t seem like long enough, yeah) "Cause every time I breathe I take you in And my heart beats again Baby, I can"t help it Keep me drowning in your love Every time I try to rise above I"m swept away by love Baby, I can"t help it Keep me drowning in your love Kevin:Go on and pull me under Cover me with dreams, yeah Love me mouth to mouth now You know I can"t resist "Cause you"re the air that I breathe Every time I breathe I take you in Brian: Every time I breathe, yeah And my heart beats again Baby, I can"t help it A.J.: Baby, I can"t help it Keep me drowning in your love Every time I try to rise above I"m swept away by love Baby, I can"t help it Keep me drowning in your A.J.: Love Baby, I can"t help it Nick: Keep me drowning in your love A.J.: Oh, I need you, keep me drowning in your love Baby, I can"t help it Nick: Can"t help it, no, no "Cause every time I breathe I take you in And my heart beats again Baby, I can"t help it Brian: Baby, I can"t help it Keep me drowning in your love Every time I try to rise above I"m swept away by love Baby, I A.J.: Can"t help it Keep me drowning in your Your love.

Space vegetables are grown from seeds (种子) that have been taken to space and brought back to th.

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:B小题4:C 试题分析:本文主要讲述了太空蔬菜是由从太空带回来的种子种植的蔬菜,比普通蔬菜要更大更健康。有人担心蔬菜种子在太空中收到辐射,长出的蔬菜会对身体有害。其实不然,从太空带回来的种子经过精挑细选来保证它是安全的。一些太空蔬菜要比普通蔬菜更好,比如太空西红柿可以保鲜20天,比普通的多一周。在经历了市场转基因实物之后,人们会担心他们在吃一些自己不知道的食物。太空食物是不发生基因变化的。小题1:细节理解题。 根据文章中When they are brought back to the earth, these seeds produce vegetables that are bigger and healthier than normal vegetables. 可知选B。小题2:细节理解题。根据文章的句子Unlike genetically modified food, space vegetables have not been genetically changed. 可知,转基因蔬菜的基因是发生变化的。故选C。小题3:细节理解题。根据文中的句子space tomatoes stay fresh for twenty days, which is one week longer than normal tomatoes.可知普通的西红柿是20天减一周,是13天。故选B。小题4:主旨大意题。文章主要在证明太空蔬菜是健康的。故选C。

求Adele - Hometown Glory 歌词翻译

阿黛尔-家乡的荣耀我已经走在相同的方式,正如我没有失去了裂缝,在路面和tutting我的足跟和strutting我的脚“有什么我可以为您做亲爱的? 是否有任何人我可以呼吁“ ? “不和,谢谢,请主席。 I是不会丧失,只是彷徨“ 一轮我的家乡回忆新鲜一轮我的家乡户外人民的我找到了我的是奇迹,我的世界是奇迹,我的世界是奇迹,这个世界是奇迹,我的世界我喜欢它在这个城市当空气是如此厚和不透明我喜欢看到大家在简短的裙子,短裤及色调我喜欢它在这个城市时,两个世界的碰撞你得到人民和政府每个人都以不同的两岸表明我们是在哪里也不会站在shit外围表明我们是美国表明我们是在哪里也不会采取它表明我们是在哪里也不会站在shit外围表明我们是美国一轮我的家乡回忆新鲜一轮我的家乡户外人民的我找到了我的是奇迹,我的世界是奇迹,我的世界是奇迹,这个世界是奇迹,我的世界… …

华硕 RAMPAGE IV EXTREME (英特尔 Ivytown DMI2 - Intel X79 PCH -)





僵尸的黎明生存《DawnofZombiesSurvival》仓库攻略不知如何解决,为此小编给大家收集整理僵尸的黎明生存《DawnofZombiesSurvival》仓库攻略解决办法,感兴趣的快来看看吧。僵尸的黎明生存《DawnofZombiesSurvival》仓库攻略由于仓库的特殊性,把仓库分成新旧双区来写。 一切敌人数据采用121满级。特殊效果:流血,最高可叠至五层。触发者:刽子手、铠甲怪,地鼠/袭击者/恶霸/锤击/酋长食尸鬼,爪子,长舌怪,吸血蛭。特殊奖励:牢房,需要特定钥匙打开,其中有丰厚奖励。特殊敌人: 血洞:对除火焰伤害外的一切攻击免疫,会刷出敌人(刽子手,长舌,留名者)。吸血苔藓;除火焰外免疫,会造成流血效果。吸血蛭:对除投掷武器外一切武器攻击免疫。仓库刽子手(Carnifex):一个穷凶极恶的杀人狂斯肯尼,在躲藏中意外吃了野味(确信)变成了嗜血刽子手,其灵魂被困在仓库,永世不得安宁,每次死亡都会让它变得更强。 特性:会在血洞中产生,死后也会从血洞中复活、且强度会随着复活增长。死亡后会概率从当前的躯壳中飘出小型吸血蛭。 血量:4450-7750-(死亡次数15)8640-9630-10620-12710 技能:普通攻击概率造成流血/吸血,每几下普攻后便会向前方甩出舌头吸血(有短暂的读条时间)。千钧怪(stormer): 特性:福利boss,每次下仓库都与酋长食尸鬼二出一。拥有高额免伤,弱酸。掉铠甲碎片和钥匙。血量:12562 技能:在以自身为中心的圆形范围内造成高额伤害,读条技能。 铠甲怪:claw的装甲版,会掉落铠甲碎片。概率从左2房间的门中涌出。固定三只。食尸鬼一家: 土匪食尸鬼使用霰弹枪攻击,在战斗的时候会概率读条召唤长舌僵尸。 地鼠食尸鬼使用近战武器攻击,攻击概率造成流血效果。恶霸食尸鬼使用大锤子攻击,攻击概率造成流血效果或者减速效果。 杀手食尸鬼是装甲版土匪食尸鬼,弱酸袭击者食尸鬼是装甲版地鼠食尸鬼,弱酸锤击食尸鬼是装甲版恶霸食尸鬼,弱酸 酋长食尸鬼是高清加强重制装甲dlc版恶霸食尸鬼,弱酸,12050生命值,随机触发锤地技能,短读条高伤害,概率掉落钥匙。旧仓地图大概:一条狭长的走廊,在墙的左边有两个隐藏着无数危险的房间,按与出口的远近来排序,分别为左1左2。走廊的尽头有一个血洞。左1的门需要手动打开。其中有一个牢房和另外一扇门;打开第二扇门会发现一个血洞。左2的第一扇门已经打开,是一个存在着血洞的和另外一扇门的小房间;打开另一扇门,在新的房间的尽头会有一个血洞,血洞的旁边有一个藏有铠甲怪的门,玩家经过时铠甲怪会概率破门而出(该门无法自行打开);来到新房间的尽头会有第三道门,打开后是一条短而宽的走廊,两边各有一扇门,左边是牢房,右边概率出现稀有物资。来到这个走廊的尽头会有最后一扇门,其中有一个血洞。总共5血洞。旧仓携带装备: 推荐装备:一把火弓,2把绿步枪,1-2把绿spas,一组止血剂,一组敷料,一把酸ak,一组飞斧。 最低配装备:4根火把,n把常规武器(数量取决于武器强度),1把高伤害武器,一组止血剂,5-7敷料,一把酸武器,一组飞斧。 首先进入仓库,直接无双清怪,一直到左2打开着的门边,杀死看守血洞的爪子后用火武器烧掉血洞1,然后走出左2房间继续无双到走廊尽头烧掉血洞2。 回到左2后开门,打开后先杀死在门口的敌人,然后切换酸武杀掉一只装甲怪,如果在前边没有耽误,此时会刷新第一只刽子手,使用绿spas或高伤害武器杀掉他并观察门后的走廊里是否游荡着一只吸血蛭,若有、飞斧毙之,若无,便要小心铠甲怪的门。在通过走廊的路上有吸血苔藓,只需要烧掉最下面的第一个就可以通过。此时若是没有吸血蛭,千万不要直接经过铠甲门、先走到离铠甲门较近的位置,勾引来两只警戒范围大的离谱的留名者,杀掉这俩再去触发铠甲怪破门,然后用酸武器毙之。然后烧掉血洞3,走到尽头开门。开第三个门后左右苔藓+两个怪,轻松歼灭,此刻不要打开两边的门。直接开到尽头开最后的门。 打开后立马往回走,这样不会触发门里敌人的警戒,然后切换到酸武勾引杀掉锤击食尸鬼,并杀死剩下两个敌人,烧掉血洞4。此刻如果浪费太多时间会刷新刽子手,尽量速度解决。 最后回到左1门,打开后立马往回走,会有一只留名冲出来,毙之然后进去无双。打开第二扇门,杀掉两个敌人后烧掉血洞5。新仓地图大概:挖掉旧区的石堆,映入眼帘的是T字型的长廊,走到尽头后向下走便是刑讯室,其中有一个牢房和血洞。向上走有一座炮台阻碍,它右边的墙有一扇门,其中有资源和福利。走到上面走廊的尽头有一个血洞,右边是一个新的房间、其中有3个牢房、一个吸血祭坛,一个血洞。总共3血洞 新仓携带装备: 推荐装备:一把绿svd/莫辛,火弓,一把酸ak,一把传奇酸武器,1-2把绿spas,一组飞斧,一组敷料,一组止血剂。 最低配装备:一把svd,两根火把,1-2酸武器,n常规武器(取决于武器强度),一组飞斧,一组敷料,一组止血剂。进去后就是2(或3)只装甲怪,使用酸武器灭掉,左边的厕所有一个焦尸,不用理会他,用酸武器消灭旁边桌子后面的装甲怪,然后在不引起右上边装甲怪注意的情况下往前走勾引到下面的一个焦尸(牛肉/爪子/长舌)、毙之,然后打死那只装甲怪。接着去下方杀死一只焦尸后回首往上走,不要靠近刑讯室的门。此时使用svd无伤打掉炮台,然后无双一直到上边的血洞(此刻可能会刷新刽子手)、烧掉血洞。打开炮塔右边的房间、其中可能是千钧,也可能是酋长食尸鬼和他的两个装甲小弟,高伤酸武速战速决(一定走位不要被技能砸中)。 打开最上面的房间,又是一只酋长,单独勾引来灭掉,然后拿酸武把剩下的两个装甲怪一个个勾来歼灭。保证自己安全后掏出svd蹲下来把祭坛打掉、然后继续用酸武歼灭剩余装甲怪,并走到尽头烧掉血洞。此时搜查祭坛会刷出刑讯室钥匙(还有可能从刽子手尸体中刷出)。来到刑讯室门口,靠近后立马往回走,因为刽子手会概率破门而出,如果没有事情发生,使用刑讯室钥匙打开门,烧掉血洞,使用飞斧打掉大吸血蛭、接着无双把最后残存的怪消灭。ps:1,旧藏左2没有开的两扇门,左边的门要等你有了额外钥匙再开最好。右边的门经常白给还血亏。2,整个仓库最幸运的话能掉一共四把钥匙,运气最差的话只有一把。3,svd攻击炮台可以使用手指点击炮台,这样攻击距离正好可以大于它的警戒范围;vss射程短一些,不行。这个攻略仅是我对仓库的个人理解,也是我认为最佳通仓方法。仓库最好在72级后打,72级之前打别的活动是最佳选择。
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