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合同里的witness and hold points 是什么意思?

witness point 见证点hold points 停工待检点


这两个词的区别我懂,evidence强调提供信息,无论是有争议、不完整、可能存在误导或需要进一步验证。proof要求提供确凿、可靠、无可争议的证据,能够对所宣称的事实或声明进行确定。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下evidence和proof的其他区别:1. 证据的广度和强度:- evidence:指一切可以用作支持论点、主张或事实的信息、数据或材料。- proof:指提供充分、确凿、不容置疑的证据,能够证实某个声明的真实性或事实的存在。例句:- The detective collected evidence from the crime scene. (侦探收集了案发现场的证据。)- The DNA test provided proof of the suspect"s guilt. (DNA测试提供了怀疑犯罪的确凿证据。)2. 证明的标准:- evidence:是指在支持论点、主张或事实方面提供合理、可信的信息。- proof:是指提供充分、确凿、不容置疑的实质性证据,能够使某个声明无可争议。例句:- The lawyer presented strong evidence to support her client"s innocence. (律师提供了强有力的证据来证明她的客户无罪。)- The video footage was considered irrefutable proof of the defendant"s guilt. (这段视频记录被认为是被告罪行的不可辩驳的证据。)3. 证据的种类:- evidence:可包括各种形式的证据,如目击证词、文件、照片、专家意见等。- proof:通常是指确凿的、直接的证据,如实物证据、签署的文件或录音等。例句:- The police gathered photographic evidence from the scene. (警方从现场收集了照片证据。)- The signed contract served as proof of their agreement. (签署的合同作为他们协议的证明。)4. 对真实性的要求:- evidence:强调提供信息,无论是有争议、不完整、可能存在误导或需要进一步验证。- proof:要求提供确凿、可靠、无可争议的证据,能够对所宣称的事实或声明进行确定。例句:- The witness testimony provided valuable evidence for the investigation. (目击证词为调查提供了有价值的证据。)- The receipts served as proof of purchase. (收据作为购买证明的证据。)5. 用法和语气区别:- evidence:通常用作不可数名词,泛指证据的总体。- proof:既可以用作不可数名词,也可以用作可数名词,指具体的证据。例句:- There is insufficient evidence to support the claim. (没有足够的证据支持这个声明。)- He presented two proofs to support his argument. (他提出了两个证据来支持他的论点。)

witness testify 的区别




见证者TheWitness怎么存档攻略 见证者在哪存档详解



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The Witness 歌词

歌曲名:The Witness歌手:Blaqk Audio专辑:Abduction - Original Motion Picture SoundtrackBlaqk Audio- The WitnessWhere is deliveranceWill you walk with, walk with me?Where is forgivenessThe lash is tired and it seems to seeGive me deliveranceFrom your history topped with liesWhere is your witnessThere is noneHide your wings and we"ll take the skyYou will never feel so aliveAs you will the day that you seeThe sacred ways that are playingTo bring a new faithSmile tonightIn the sacred lightAnd you will look like a new godSmile tonightFor you have arrivedArrived to bring the heavens downWho is the saviorYou can walk thisGolden SeaFor just this momentClose your eyes and die with meWho needs forgivenessWhen we all speak fluent liesHere is deliveranceYou"re in itLose yourself and we"ll take the skyYou will never feel so aliveAs you will the day that you seeThe sacred ways that are playingTo bring a new faithSmile tonightIn the sacred lightAnd you will look like a new godSmile tonightFor you have arrivedArrived to bring the heavens down(I)wanna hear(you say)This is your final confessionI"ve never felt like this before(I)Must admit(Must say)I hold your final submissionYou never looked so good beforeYou never looked so good beforeOhSmile tonightIn the sacred lightAnd you will look like a new godSmile tonight for you have arrivedHave arrivedYeahSmile tonightIn the sacred lightAnd you will look like a new godSmile tonightFor you have arrivedArrived to bring the heavensArrived to bring the heavensDown.http://music.baidu.com/song/14966284


observe是看,观察witness是 目睹


可以的 要带身份证到移动营业厅去查 但只能查到6个月的记录

witness sb to do

1.有"witness sb.do sth."的句型吗? 有啊,和see/notive/ hear 的用法一样啊, 还可以有:witnesssb.doing sth.witness sth done 2.He is on the way to becoming a doctor. on the way to ding sth.直译是在“去某处的路途中”,意译是“正在努力做某事”.

请问witness proof evidence的区别在哪?

witness一般是指 目击证人proof 一般泛指证据evidence 是经过法医等专业人员鉴定的证据

witness 后面加to 和 of有什么区别


黄崇旭Witness的《dear mama》 歌词

歌曲名:dear mama歌手:黄崇旭WitnessYo~man..I wanna tell u a storya story about my frienda story made me touchedWhat Im sayin is...I proud of u girland I belive..Ur Mum"ll proud of u tooso what u gonna say..just tell them girl~Dear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 everNow listen....Dear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 everYo-Listen这是一个真实的故事一个坚强的女孩走过陌生的城市1984.n August.2一位母亲在宝贝出生的那天悄悄地离开了人世没有留下什么期待母女分离剪断脐带只剩下孤独的小孩独自长大无可依赖这是悲剧还是意外心痛得这么厉害十多年后的一天女孩终于回到母亲坟前祭拜"Dear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 ever"She"s gettin grow up at da timeShe"s cryin 4 da hole nightShe has to livin along witout Mama 4 da hole lifeShe try to find out a starWhich can be find out her MomTo belive dat she can livin good without big ScarDear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 everNow listen....Dear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 ever当我知道妈妈为了给我生命而离开还能不能让过去 再现 让一切重来闭上眼睛告诉我那个世界是不是一样就告诉我心里 是不是还有牵挂的地方妈妈 你快乐吗 你有在想我吗想和你一起回家 可为什么 不说话每个黑夜 不被了解 到失去了一切看到的总是那张 没见过熟悉的脸从懂事的时候 就挣脱了家庭的束缚我问上帝 为什么别的孩子 有妈妈的爱护而我却在 另一个城市 留下孤独的脚步只能在每年的生日才能回到你的坟墓我知道 这不是我能选择 的生活可我必须 用你给的生命 来延续自我妈妈 请你放心 我会骄傲的活着心疼自己这首歌 我送给你Dear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 everNow listen....Dear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 everHave u ever try to touch da skykeep ya head up with smileMaybe it"s a kind of energy we call it as lifen it"s about da timeda time we gonna fightU"ll be all right cuz Mama lookin up high当花儿静静绽放还有多少孩子在外流浪他们比别人坚强因为他们不一样靠自己单薄的力量握住手中的希望背负着自己的理想寻找生活的方向表面的倔强是因为内心受过的重创比别人强壮是因为承载着母亲的寄望不知是时间过得太快还是已经习惯独自在外她等待有那么一天妈妈还会回来她一直想写一封信给在天堂的母亲她希望她能够看见 她寻找她的背影她常和我说有一天她也要做妈妈当孩子长大那一天他还会想念她吗Dear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 everNow listen....Dear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 everhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10404603

witness to do还是doing

witness sb doing为:见证某人做某事,一般都是在法庭上见证see/watch sb doing为:看见某人做某事,可用于任何地方

witness 圆领衫 来历

圆领衫的历史可以追朔到亚述帝国时代,闪米特人即已经身穿圆领衫。随着文化交流的繁荣,圆领衫逐渐从中东地区向东传入波斯,向西传入欧洲,古希腊时代,欧洲已出现圆领服饰,到罗马帝国时代,圆领服饰在欧洲已经相对普及古罗马的圆领长衫圆领形制的服装,向东传入波斯后,产生了古波斯著名的服饰--卡弗坦。正是经由波斯,阿拉伯地区和中亚地区亦深受影响,今天的阿拉伯大袍,正是这种文化交流下的典型产物阿拉伯圆领长袍随着中亚游牧民族的东进,在中国魏晋时期,圆领衫开始传入中原。但是直到南北朝时期,在胡人文化的影响下,汉族王朝开始接受这一西来服制,并成功地将其融入汉服体系,成就了深切影响隋唐宋明各朝代的圆领长袍。汉服圆领袍圆领衫在历史上,广泛的分布于各大陆主要民族,例如美洲大陆的印第安人,也发明了属于自己的圆领衣北美印第安南美洲印加人的圆领衫东亚的圆领衫历史:圆领式样的服饰,在中国服饰历史上从隋唐开始盛行,最开始由西北胡人作为文化桥梁,和翻领形制一起从西方传入。后成为官式常服。这种服装延续了唐,五代,宋,明,并对日本,高丽等国产生了很大的影响。裹幞头、穿圆领袍衫是唐代男子的普遍服饰,以幞头袍衫为尚。唐代以后,人们又在幞头里面增加了一个固定的饰物,名为“巾子”。巾子的形状各个时期有所不同。除巾子外,幞头的两脚也有许多变化,到了晚唐五代,已由原来的软脚改变成左右各一的硬脚。[1] 唐代圆领衫是男子重要服饰之一,那时候圆领衫多是窄袖。到了宋朝,圆领衫出现方袖,由于当时崇尚节俭,所以那时圆领衫色彩比较单一。相比之下唐朝圆领衫较为华丽一些。到了明朝圆领衫更进一步,在肩膀上出现了代替系带的铜纽扣。明制圆领衫还有部分琵琶袖。且穿圆领衫、戴乌纱帽、着长筒靴、束腰带成为明朝官员正式上朝服饰。这时官员的圆领衫出现了表示等级的禽鸟走兽图案。明朝时圆领衫已经不是主要的男子常服了,由于明朝新郎在结婚时穿九品圆领衫,所以新郎被称为新郎官,这一称呼一直留到现在。

view witness区别

view witness区别:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同view:英 [vjuu02d0]     美 [vjuu02d0]。    witness:英 ["wu026atnu0259s]     美 ["wu026atnu0259s]。    2、意思不同view:n. 视野;见解;风景;方法;检查;v. 考虑;看;把 ... 视为。witnes:n. 目击者;证人;vt. 目击;经历;见证;出席;观察;vi. 证明;为(宗教信仰)做见证。3、用法不同view后接介词of,既可引出看的逻辑主语,也可引出看的逻辑宾语。view作“意见,观点,见解”解时多用于复数形式。witness的基本意思是“亲眼看见”“目击”某事件的发生,也可表示“作证”“证明”,还有“表示”“说明”的意思。





这句话里的waiting 为什么用ing形式 还有为什么witness后面要用to

英文标准句型是: 某人...作某种动作...东西(被做动作的东西)....一个句子里只能有一个动词。在有别的动词就要加to或改为ing型当作名词用。这句翻译,(不过你想问的集中在前半句....下半句 "even though i had been working seven days a week" 我就不翻了): 那堆纸(主语,某人)The stacks of paper 带出(动词,作某个动作)bore 见证(东西,被做动作的东西)witness至於以下 to部分是多加的补充,继续形容 witness(见证)witness (对於) (极多的) (工作) (等著完成)to a huge amount of work waiting to be done以上是按照英文语法的顺序,中文语法顺序是(对於) (极多的) (等著完成的) (工作的) (见证)总结 work + ing 是因为还在同一句里,已经有了动作 bore (背负,带出)。 不能有第二个动词,於是加ing 成名词用再来 to (对於,面向) 这里是补充 witness (见证) 到底是见证什麼东西在这句里,被见证的东西就是 "a huge amount of work waiting to be done" (极多等著完成的工作)目前为止 我被采用总共X1 而已求采用.... 我哭著等著升二级.....

[Witness仿真软件在物流专业教学中的应用] 物流仿真软件

  摘 要:物流专业是一个实践性很强的学科,要求学生掌握生产、经营、管理、服务等知识和技能。Witness软件可以模拟真实生产和生活实例,通过软件的模拟可以分析生产和生活中各个环节,通过多次模拟、参数修订和报表分析最终给出最优的解决方案。因此,Witness可以帮助教师提高教学质量和提示学生的综合能力。   关键词:物流;仿真软件;实例教学   Application of Witness simulation software in logistics teaching   Li Yali   Beijing union university, Beijing, 100023, China   Abstract: As a major with strong practicality and applicability, the logistics management major requires students to acquire the knowledge and skills in production, business operation, management, and service, etc. Witness simulation software can be used to simulate the real production workflow, and thus the user may analyze each step in process of production via the simulation results. That is to say, Witness simulation software can help teachers to improve their quality of teaching and develop students" integrating skills.   Key words: logistics; simulation software; example teaching   物流管理专业在高校已经经历6~10年的发展,无论从理论教学还是实训实操方面都取得了很大提高。但是随着国家和企业物流设备与技术的日益发展,高校物流管理专业在实际教学过程中也存在各种问题。第一,传统的理论教学,学生不能置身在真实的环境中,失去主动思考和学习兴趣。第二,学生学的理论知识太落后,跟实际的物流应用脱轨;有些知识又是从国外引进,跟国内的情况不相符。第三,只是讲解大家都知道的案例,不能提供企业中真实发生的案例。第四,学生很少有实验实训基地或者真实的企业环境中的学习和实操经历,学生走入社会还要重新学习新的知识。因此,如何提高实践教学质量,全面培养学生的综合能力,显得尤为重要。   1 Witness仿真软件简介   Witness是由英国Lanner公司推出的功能强大的仿真软件系统。Witness仿真软件主要应用在流程仿真,如零部件生产加工模拟、排队倒班机、统计分布、离散事件的模拟。Witness内置Part,Machine,Buffer,Labor,Transport,Liquid,Pipe,Tank,Proccesor等30多种部件,同时可以设置机器故障和修复时间,通过其内置的仿真引擎,可快速进行模型运行仿真,展示流程的运行规律。Witness是采用面向对象的建模机制,还可以建立和描述自己的模型和行为,用户可以自己定义复杂的RULE或者公用的函数(或用户自定义函数)实现复杂的行为。Witness可以与外部数据(Excel ODBC)相连接,同时也可以导入自己定义的图形。Witness可以通过动态模拟,根据不同阶段的仿真结果,随时修改模型中的参数和部件,得到最佳的解决方案。   Witness Optimizer优化模块通过先进的优化算法计算出仿真模型最优的解决方案。在Witness Optimizer里可以设定自己的模型考核指标,设定系统控制参数的取值大小和约束条件。计算出来的实验结果用图表的形式显示给决策者,该模块可以有效地帮助建模者和决策者优化、改善绩效指标。任何在Witness里建立的模型都可以使用Witness OPT进行优化,Witness OPT也是界面化模块,它可以跟Witness软件无缝结合,集成后可以在Witness的菜单中直接调用。   Witness OPT提供了丰富的实验设计报表选项、标准函数的定义、算法终止条件设定、随机流设定、仿真时间长度设计、控制变量取值和约束设计、优化算法选择。这些都可以应用于实际生产运作的绩效指标、服务水平、产出率或者利润率,给决策者提供丰富的报表。   Witness VR现实虚拟模块集成了先进的仿真技术和3D图形显示效果,Witness二维的流程仿真模块可以快速地生成具有真实比例缩放尺寸的生产场景,可以实现逼真的仿真效果。在Witness VR先进的仿真引擎驱动下,模型中生产部件和生产机器,根据系统布局设计运动流程在三维场景中实时运动,从而实现跟真实场景中生产运作过程一样的效果。   Witness Documentor是Lanner集团开发出来的一个集成插件模块,它是一个非常有用的报表工具,用它可以创建模型逻辑、模型细节和模型结构等一系列定制化的报表。Witness Documentor可以创建跟模型相关的各式各样的报表,这些报表可以包括元素的名称和类型、设备故障和调整细节、物料信息流、运动和生产活动。报表存储格式为.rft,这种格式方便很多文字处理软件编辑加工。      2 Witness仿真实例的应用   Witness提供了直观的流程运行的动态的动画展示,使用户清楚和直观地了解系统的运行过程,通过其Quick3D功能,可快速生成系统模型元素的三维立体表示,可展示系统模型在三维空间的运行效果。通过图表的统计报告,可以迅速对运行结果做出分析和对比,给出最佳的解决方案。

Cyndi Lauper的《Witness》 歌词

歌曲名:Witness歌手:Cyndi Lauper专辑:She"S So UnusualBlessthefall - Witness(Look into my eyes,Tell me you"re alive.Look into my eyesCan you hear me now?)Can you hear us now?Speaking the words thatWould never cross your mind.Can you see us now?Hope you fail,Once you bury the bodies.And you can live without it.(I"m in your head, I won"t forget!)(Your love is dead!)And you got nothing left.We"ve all been broken.(Sorry to say!)We"re so better off.You"re wrong.(Yet you can"t breathe without it!)(Yeah!)Don"t talk so much.(You"re a liar,You don"t need to breathe!)(You said, you said!)(You said we"re done!)We see right through you.Would never cross your mind(And you can"t breathe without it!)http://music.baidu.com/song/8011525



Cyndi Lauper的《Witness》 歌词

歌曲名:Witness歌手:Cyndi Lauper专辑:Discover MoreTori Amos - WitnessThought I had a witness C"mon...Thought I had a witness to this crimeThought I had a witnessThought we were on the same side of becomingThen the judges called in a witness C"mon...So then when did you then begin your cravin for white powderExotic matter that cells divide arresting timeSo in your furnace thenYou drank my tendernessFeldspar and Mica thenYou thought that you would own my temple of goldGotta rise in the nightPick myself off the floorI know now that it"s overHad a life beforeYou left me burnin" inYour petrol emotionYour petrol emotionWanting moreThought I had a witness C"mon...Thought we had a friendship C"mon...Thought I heard you whispering murderThought this witches brew was more than bullet-proofBut words are like guns when you shoot the moon"Cause everybody whispers C"mon...So then when did you then begin your cravin for white powderExotic matter that cells divide arresting timeSo in your furnace thenYou drank my tendernessFeldspar and Mica thenYou thought that you would own my temple of goldGotta rise in the nightPick myself off the floorI know now that it"s overHad a life beforeYou left me burnin" inYour petrol emotionYour petrol emotionWanting moreIs there anyone? Is it any wonder...Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...I"m out the doorIs there any way? Is there any way forward?Is there any way? Is there any way forward?Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...Thought I had a witnessThought you were youThought I was a witnessYou could turn to, not inThought I had a witnessThought I had a witness C"mon...http://music.baidu.com/song/7455806


witness意思如下:1、目击者。举例:The witness was telling about the whole accident.目击者正在讲述整个事故的过程。2、证人。举例:The lawyer examined the witness.律师讯问了证人。3、目击。举例:Did anyone witness the traffic accident?有谁目击了这场交通事故?4、经历。举例:It was an extraordinary experience to witness the first sunrise of the new millennium.亲眼目睹千禧年的第一缕曙光是一种与众不同的经历。5、证明。举例:The empty cupboard was a witness of his poverty.空的食橱就是他贫穷的证明。


witness意思如下:1、目击者。举例:The witness was telling about the whole accident.目击者正在讲述整个事故的过程。2、证人。举例:The lawyer examined the witness.律师讯问了证人。3、目击。举例:Did anyone witness the traffic accident?有谁目击了这场交通事故?4、经历。举例:It was an extraordinary experience to witness the first sunrise of the new millennium.亲眼目睹千禧年的第一缕曙光是一种与众不同的经历。5、证明。举例:The empty cupboard was a witness of his poverty.空的食橱就是他贫穷的证明。


witness意思如下:1、目击者。举例:The witness was telling about the whole accident.目击者正在讲述整个事故的过程。2、证人。举例:The lawyer examined the witness.律师讯问了证人。3、目击。举例:Did anyone witness the traffic accident?有谁目击了这场交通事故?4、经历。举例:It was an extraordinary experience to witness the first sunrise ofthe new millennium.亲眼目睹千禧年的第一缕曙光是一种与众不同的经历。5、证明。举例:The empty cupboard was a witness of his poverty.空的食橱就是他贫穷的证明。短语搭配bear witness 证明,作证as witness 以…为证明in witness whereof 以资证明;作为其证据expert witness 鉴定证人material witness 重要证人with a witness [古语]极端地;毫无疑问地star witness 主要证人eye witness 目击者,见证人witness stand (法庭上的)证人席witness box 证人席



barn raising scene in Witness.怎么翻译?raising在这里什么意思?Witness什么意思?

这句话是电影《目击者》中的一句话译为: 在现场目睹了谷仓建起来的情景raising 原意为“升起”,这里译为“建起”Witness 见证,目睹



eyewitness 与 witniss有区别吗

witness sb doing对不对


witness与 witness to 的区别?


witness sth还是witness to sth?




黄崇旭Witness的《麦假肖》 歌词

歌曲名:麦假肖歌手:黄崇旭WitnessBy:德库拉伯爵作词:黄崇旭/J.Wu/Mchotdog/大支 作曲:J.Wu不用怀疑你 你所看的你所听的人和声音不用害怕 因为我站在这就像在美国的Wu Tang Clan我的嘴 就是他们歌词里面 那一把剑I aint a igga,not a fake ass figga,ABC from the Dirty讲台语也可以通 注意注意Sucka MCs 遇到我们 准备吓着等若是抓起麦克风你只会说怎么办Yo eck it out 想让你知道你从国外回来并不表示你有比较屌什么人最厉害请你不用回头站在前面这个人真正是不得了说的好 尊重不够 Yo 说的妙 这就是台湾人的style 了不了 别装疯Witness 看不下去 而我是看太多 ABC 的水准 (越来越低~~)Witness 是ABC 也是 ㄅㄆㄇ 他说 Witness 跟我都说台语 对吗从台湾到美国 没有人比我们更冲 SWED 比你每天 Stoned 还要爽So get down, down with the Dirty sound我们站在这 你最好不要跟我装疯街头VIP 饶舌MVP 大马戏团homies 我们都在这里So get down, down with the Dirty sound我们站在这 你最好不要跟我装疯街头VIP 饶舌MVP 大马戏团homies 我们都在这里The beat goes on 就像是我一样介绍我大马戏团的兄弟 黄崇旭 登场 亮相他给你什么样的形象 好阳光但是他的饶舌轨道像月亮 初一十五不一样呛 我当然帮他站台讲 你怎么想 与你分享的饶舌Witness 用生命串联起来的歌不会 OVER 他的麦克风乾坤莫测说的比唱的好听 所以不好听的现在都在唱歌 麦克风 eckaCheck eck ayo anybody who can rap?你真的会饶舌吗 Witness 你还在想什么 Yo跟我们一起回去台南 那里比 LA 更多黑人 挺你而已 没有别人漂洋过海 Witness 要做 Hip Hop 哥伦布这就是新地图 华人饶舌新大陆So get down, down with the Dirty sound我们站在这 你最好不要跟我装疯街头VIP 饶舌MVP 大马戏团homies 我们都在这里So get down, down with the Dirty sound我们站在这 你最好不要跟我装疯街头VIP 饶舌MVP 大马戏团homies 我们都在这里So get down~我不像一般的 ABCs 一样来台湾 自以为是个Hip Hop 偶像 Aint it funny?在美国早就认识你 说你来自 streets但你明明是个家里很有钱的 babyBut with me 你只会听到 honesty homies who I be? (黄崇旭)W-I-T-N-E-double S oh yes I must confess this aint no guess your wack asslyrics are a big ol"mess把车窗摇下 喇叭开到最大 So get down 谁的音乐让你听了心情上上下下就好像要你举白旗投降 声音叫哑 要吃喉糖 这盘棋 我将军D O double G 粉墨再登场 请你放心 从没忘记 我是一个 MC 来自 UndergroundSo get down 让我教你饶舌应该怎么唱So get down, down with the Dirty sound我们站在这 你最好不要跟我装疯街头VIP 饶舌MVP 大马戏团homies 我们都在这里So get down, down with the Dirty sound我们站在这 你最好不要跟我装疯街头VIP 饶舌MVP 大马戏团homies 我们都在这里So get down~So get down~大马戏团homies 我们都在这里So get down~So get down~大马戏团homies 我们都在这里http://music.baidu.com/song/10404610


歌曲名:Witness歌手:SARAH MCLACHLAN专辑:Mirrorball: The Complete ConcertTori Amos - WitnessThought I had a witness C"mon...Thought I had a witness to this crimeThought I had a witnessThought we were on the same side of becomingThen the judges called in a witness C"mon...So then when did you then begin your cravin for white powderExotic matter that cells divide arresting timeSo in your furnace thenYou drank my tendernessFeldspar and Mica thenYou thought that you would own my temple of goldGotta rise in the nightPick myself off the floorI know now that it"s overHad a life beforeYou left me burnin" inYour petrol emotionYour petrol emotionWanting moreThought I had a witness C"mon...Thought we had a friendship C"mon...Thought I heard you whispering murderThought this witches brew was more than bullet-proofBut words are like guns when you shoot the moon"Cause everybody whispers C"mon...So then when did you then begin your cravin for white powderExotic matter that cells divide arresting timeSo in your furnace thenYou drank my tendernessFeldspar and Mica thenYou thought that you would own my temple of goldGotta rise in the nightPick myself off the floorI know now that it"s overHad a life beforeYou left me burnin" inYour petrol emotionYour petrol emotionWanting moreIs there anyone? Is it any wonder...Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...I"m out the doorIs there any way? Is there any way forward?Is there any way? Is there any way forward?Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...Thought I had a witnessThought you were youThought I was a witnessYou could turn to, not inThought I had a witnessThought I had a witness C"mon...http://music.baidu.com/song/9647921



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witness wit.ness[`wItnIs; ˋwitnis]《源自古英语“知道”的意思》名词1 (C)目击者[of, to]→ eyewitnessHe is the only ~ of [to,in] the accident.他是那桩意外事故的唯一目击者2 (C) [审判记录等有时为(U)] (出庭当) 证人a ~ against [for] aperson对某人不利[有利]的证人3 (C) [文件、契约、结婚等的] 连署人,见证人[to]a ~ to a will遗嘱的见证人4 (U)证据,证言; 证明,作证bear a person ~当某人的证人,证实某人说的话give ~ on behalf of? 为…作证5(C)证物[人][of, to]The empty cupboard was a~ of [to] his poverty.空的食橱就是他贫穷的证明He is a living ~ to myinnocence.他是证明我清白的活证人as God is my witness神明为证,绝对没错,我发誓bear witness to[of]?为…作证; 做…的证人,成为…的证据His fingerprints bore ~to his guilt.他的指纹成为他有罪的证据I bear ~ to having seenit.我作证我曾看到它The gun bore ~ of use.那支枪有用过的痕迹及物动词1 目击到…,看见…(see)Many people ~ed theaccident.很多人目击到那件意外事故2 在…签名作证The two servants ~ed Mr.Clark"s will.那两个佣人在克拉克先生的遗嘱上签名作证3 <事情>表明…,成为…的证据His pale looks ~ed hisagitation.他苍白的脸色表明他很激动不及物动词1 a. <人> (举证)作 [对…有利的] 证言[for];作 [对…不利的] 证言[against]~ against [for] anaccused person对被告作不利[有利]的证言b. <人>作证[…][to]~ to a person"s conduct对某人的行为作证He ~ed to having seenthe accident.他作证曾目击那件意外事故2 <事情>证明[…]; 成为[…的]证据[to]This act ~es to hiskindness.这行为证明他的仁慈(as) witness?(文语)作为证据的是…,如…可证明,例如由…可知Some hybrids arestronger than either parent.─ (as) ~ the mule.有些杂种较其父母 [上一代] 中任一方强壮,例如骡即可证明


witness美 ["wu026atnu0259s]英 ["wu026atnu0259s]n.证人;目击者;见证人;连署人v.见证;当场看到;是发生…的地点(或时间、组织等)没有反义词吧


witness的读法是英[u02c8wu026atnu0259s],美[u02c8wu026atnu0259s]。一、释义witness作名词时,意为目击者;证人;见证人;连署人;见证。作动词时,意为当场看到,目击(尤指罪行或事故);是发生......的地点(或时间、组织等);(为正式文件的签署)作证,连署;是......的迹象;(摆证据)就是证据,看......就知道;(为宗教信仰)做见证。二、短语搭配1、in witness of:作为......的证据。2、witness to:为......证实;为......做证。3、witness for:对......作有利的证明;做证为......辩护。三、造句1、The police need a witness to make a positive ID.警方需要有目击者加以确认。2、He was one of the witnesses at our wedding.他是我们婚礼的证婚人之一。3、The other witnesses will bear out what I say.其他证人将会证实我的话。

请问Parting line,Split line 和 Witness line 有何区别?

parting line 分界线; 分型线split line 拼合线; 分模线witness line 证示线

Can I Get A Witness 歌词

歌曲名:Can I Get A Witness歌手:Marvin Gaye专辑:GoldGive me the sense to wonderTo wonder if Im freeGive me a sense of wonderTo know I can be meGive me the strength to hold my head upSpit back in their faceDont need no key to unlock this doorGonna break down the wallsBreak out of this bad placeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeI screamed aloud to the old manI said dont lie dont say you dont knowI say youll pay for your mischiefIn this world or the nextOh and then he fixed me with a freezing glanceAnd the hell fires raged in his eyesHe said do you want to know the truth son- Ill tell you the truthYour souls gonna burn in the lake of fireCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/314588

Can I Get a Witness 歌词

歌曲名:Can I Get a Witness歌手:Stevie Wonder专辑:i was made to love herGive me the sense to wonderTo wonder if Im freeGive me a sense of wonderTo know I can be meGive me the strength to hold my head upSpit back in their faceDont need no key to unlock this doorGonna break down the wallsBreak out of this bad placeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeI screamed aloud to the old manI said dont lie dont say you dont knowI say youll pay for your mischiefIn this world or the nextOh and then he fixed me with a freezing glanceAnd the hell fires raged in his eyesHe said do you want to know the truth son- Ill tell you the truthYour souls gonna burn in the lake of fireCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/26681414



have witness造句

the past few years have witnessed that the trend is lasting


Shanghai has witnessed great changes in the later half of 20th century.

这个句子的成分如何分析? Recent years have witnessed a growing social mobility.

(Recent) years 是名词作主语in recent years 才做状语

the past ten years has witnessed为什么用has

现在完成时 has done witness不可以用被动

英语翻译 我们这一代人见证了中华民族的崛起.(witness)

翻译如下 【Our generation has witnessed the rising of the Chinese nation.】 注意Our generation 后跟三单的动词 Our generation has dreams of its own,and we also go forward with confidence. 我们这个时代也有自己的梦想,我们信心百倍地向前迈进.


其主语可以是物,也可以是人 人主语:意思是证明、亲眼目睹 I can witness that he wasn"t at the scene of the crime. 我可以证明他不在案发现场. 物作主语:意思是作为…的见证;作为…发生的地点(或年代等): the years that witnessed the war 战争年代


其主语可以是物,也可以是人 人主语:意思是证明、亲眼目睹 I can witness that he wasn"t at the scene of the crime. 我可以证明他不在案发现场. 物作主语:意思是作为…的见证;作为…发生的地点(或年代等): the years that witnessed the war 战争年代

英语。Recent years have witnessed a growing social m



witnessKK: []DJ: []n.1. 目击者;见证人[C][(+of/to)]I was a witness to the argument.我是那场争论的见证人。2. 【律】证人;证物;连署人[C]He was called as a defense witness.他被传唤作被告的证人。3. 证词[U]She was punished for giving false witness.她因作伪证受到惩处。4. 证据,证明[C][(+to)]vt.1. 目击I witnessed the traffic accident.我目睹了那次交通事故。2. 作...的证人;连署The two servants witnessed Mr. Smith"s will.两个仆人在史密斯先生的遗嘱上签名作证。3. 为...作证,证明4. 是...的发生地点The year 1849 witnessed a great war in Hungary.一八四九年匈牙利发生了一场大战。vi.1. 作证,证明Several people witnessed against the accused.几个人作了不利于被告的证明。2. (宗教)作见证


witness表见证的用法。前面跟的是时间或地点,也可以是人.如:I witnessed the accident.He witnessed a change in her.The park witnessed a number of duels.The 1980s have witnessed increasing unemployment.

英语翻译,杭州见证我的出生。我写Hangzhou has witnessed my birth.我


past 30 years have witnessed为什么用have



At the turn of the century, the world has witnessed China"s economic growth and stability of large-scale


witnessn. 证人;目击者;证据vt. 目击;证明;为…作证vi. 作证人n. (Witness)人名;(津)威特尼斯有及物动词词性,就可以直接跟宾语从句,意思取 目击;证明;作证

the last decade witnessed

选了A从语义及语法上也过得去; 但这里更是纯粹对过去事件的一种陈述,严格来讲,用一般过去时显得更合适

英语。Recent years have witnessed a growing social m


the past few years have witnessed

用第二个:the past several years have witnessed the phenomenon that ... 原因:在句子中,把the past several years 拟人化,而这些年是一直在见证这个现象,故用完成时和复数.



recent years have witnessed分析

从语法的角度来人说,这个表达是错误的,Recent years作主语,谓语动词应该是单数,所有正确的说法应该是:Recent years has witnessed…

The boy witnessed___the young man enter the building.

B, 答案应该是B哦,首先分析两个动词作,一个witness, 一个see,see发生在witness之前,所以用完成时态,其次,witness to doing 是个固定结构。意为“证明什么”。

can i get a witness qba 歌词

歌曲名:can i get a witness qba歌手:dj小胖Give me the sense to wonderTo wonder if Im freeGive me a sense of wonderTo know I can be meGive me the strength to hold my head upSpit back in their faceDont need no key to unlock this doorGonna break down the wallsBreak out of this bad placeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeI screamed aloud to the old manI said dont lie dont say you dont knowI say youll pay for your mischiefIn this world or the nextOh and then he fixed me with a freezing glanceAnd the hell fires raged in his eyesHe said do you want to know the truth son- Ill tell you the truthYour souls gonna burn in the lake of fireCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/64619938

Mr. Smith was the only witness who said that the fire was ________.

B) deliberate

Can Get a Witness 歌词

歌曲名:Can Get a Witness歌手:Brian Auger专辑:The Mod Years 1965 - 1969Give me the sense to wonderTo wonder if Im freeGive me a sense of wonderTo know I can be meGive me the strength to hold my head upSpit back in their faceDont need no key to unlock this doorGonna break down the wallsBreak out of this bad placeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeI screamed aloud to the old manI said dont lie dont say you dont knowI say youll pay for your mischiefIn this world or the nextOh and then he fixed me with a freezing glanceAnd the hell fires raged in his eyesHe said do you want to know the truth son- Ill tell you the truthYour souls gonna burn in the lake of fireCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at meCan I play with madness - he said youre blind too blind to seeCan I play with madness - the prophet stared at his crystal ballCan I play with madness - theres no vision there at allCan I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laughed at mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/54492973


witness用法固定搭配如下:witness作名词讲是可数名词,有目击者,证据等含义。可用作及物动词和不及物动词,有为...作证,证明等含义。一.用作名词1.目击者 固定词组 witness ofwitnesses(at the scene) of the accident 事故(现场)的目击者I was a witness to their quarrel.我是他们吵架时的目击者。2.证人a defence/prosecution witness 被告的/原告的证人a witness for the defence/prosecution 被告的/原告的证人(注: witness for也不是词组,只是一般后面跟for)3.证明,证据give witness on behalf of an accused person 为被告方作证His ragged clothes were (a) witness to his poverty. 他的破烂衣物可以证明他很贫穷。二.用作动词1.目击(当场见到某事物)witness an accident, a murder, a quarrel目击一事故、 谋杀事件、 一场争吵We were witnessing the most important scientific development of the century.我们亲眼见到本世纪最重要的科学进展。2.为别人签署(文件)时作证(尤指自己也同时签字者)witness the signing of a contract在一份合同签署时作证


witness用法如下:witness ["wu026atnu0259s]n. 证人;目击者;证据vt. 目击;证明;为…作证vi. 作证人它有如下用法及意义:1) 名词意义:1. 目击者 ; 固定词组 witness ofwitnesses(at the scene) of the accident 事故(现场)的目击者I was a witness to their quarrel. 我是他们吵架时的目击者.(注意,后面这个witness to 不是词组.但常用)2. 证人a defence/prosecution witness 被告的/原告的证人a witness for the defence/prosecution 被告的/原告的证人(注: witness for也不是词组,只是一般后面跟for)3. 证明,证据give witness on behalf of an accused person 为被告方作证His ragged clothes were (a) witness to his poverty. 他的破烂衣物可以证明他很贫穷. (他的破烂衣服是他贫穷的一个证明)2) 动词意义1. 目击(当场见到某事物)witness an accident, a murder, a quarrel目击一事故、 谋杀事件、 一场争吵We were witnessing the most important scientific development of the century.我们亲眼见到本世纪最重要的科学进展.Weather forecasters are not always right: witness (ie look at the example of) their recent mistakes.天气预报并非一贯正确--就看看他们最近的预报错误吧.2. 为别人签署(文件)时作证(尤指自己也同时签字者)witness the signing of a contract在一份合同签署时作证witness a signature, treaty, will为一签字、 条约、 遗嘱签字作证.3 . ~ to sth (在法庭等上)作证witness (ie testify) to the truth of a statement.(witness to不是词组)固定词组只有witness of,经常与to,for接.但不是固定.witness是个比较特别的词汇,注意其意思及用法。

witness 的用法两问

1 There were no witness to the accident.那起事故没有目击者.2 a witness for the prosecution原告一方的证人


witness作名词讲是可数名词,有目击者,证据等含义。可用作及物动词和不及物动词,有为...作证,证明等含义。 一.用作名词 1.目击者 固定词组 witness of witnesses(at the scene) of the accident 事故(现场)的目击者 I was a witness to their quarrel. 我是他们吵架时的目击者。 2.证人 a defence/prosecution witness 被告的/原告的证人 a witness for the defence/prosecution 被告的/原告的证人 (注: witness for也不是词组,只是一般后面跟for) 3.证明,证据 give witness on behalf of an accused person 为被告方作证 His ragged clothes were (a) witness to his poverty. 他的破烂衣物可以证明他很贫穷。 二.用作动词 1.目击(当场见到某事物) witness an accident, a murder, a quarrel 目击一事故、 谋杀事件、 一场争吵 We were witnessing the most important scientific development of the century. 我们亲眼见到本世纪最重要的科学进展。 2.为别人签署(文件)时作证(尤指自己也同时签字者) witness the signing of a contract 在一份合同签署时作证


witness的用法如下:一.用作名词1.目击者固定词组witnessofwitnesses (at the scene)of the accident事故(现场)的目击者2.证人adefence/prosecution witness被告的/原告的证人a witness for the defence/prosecution被告的/原告的证人二.用作动词1.目击(当场见到某事物)witnessanaccident,amurder,aquarrel目击一事故、谋杀事件、一场争吵例句:We were witnessing the most important scientific development of thecentury.我们亲眼见到本世纪最重要的科学进展。2.为别人签署(文件)时作证(尤指自己也同时签字者)

evidence witness testimony 有什么不同啊.?

testimony是目击者在法庭上所提供的“证词”,但也可以表示广义上的“证据”. There is a widespread testimony that this ominous fact is due to inherent biological defects in the crowded life of cities. 有一个普遍的证据可以说明这种不吉利的事实归咎于城市拥挤生活中的固有的生态缺陷. A witness gave testimony that the accused was drunk. 一个证人提供的证据说被告当时喝醉酒了. evidence是通用词,可以表示上述三个词的一般含义,常常可以不用作法律术语,只表示一般的“证据”. However,as evidence began to accumulate,experts felt obliged to investigate. 然而,由于证据开始增多了,专家们感到必须进行调查了. witness [u02c8witnis] n. (=eyewitness)目击者; (在法庭上经过宣誓的)证人 [主要用于give witness,bear witness]证据,证明; 证词 [常省略定冠词]【律】连署人,证人 a witness of the accident 事件的目击者 These facts are a witness to his carelessness. 这些事实证明了他的粗心. She gave witness on behalf of the accused person. 她替被告作证.,6,Evidence证据 withness证人 testimony证词(证人讲的),2,evidence ["evidu0259ns] n. 根据,证据 vt. vi. 证实,证明 witness ["witnis] n. 目击者,证人 v. (为...)作证,目击 vt. 目击 testimony ["testimu0259ni] n. 证言,证据,1,evidence证据证词 witness目击者 testimony(法庭上的)证词,1,evidence witness testimony 有什么不同啊. 一篇课文里有好多这三个单词,可都是证词的意思,准确指什么意思呢?
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