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power grounds 是什么酒?


abrogated on other grounds 什么意思

abrogated on other grounds 废除其他理由abrogated v. 取消; 废除(法律等)( abrogate的过去式和过去分词 ); 去掉; 抛开; [例句]This law has been abrogated.这项法令今已取消。

witha dish the size of 30football grounds 中文意思?


give some grounds of/for optimism有什么区别?

一.好像只有give some grounds for optimism这种用法.二.意思是,给出乐观的估计看法和理由。三.详情见下图

on the grounds that 怎么用,可以用在句首吗

这词组的意思是“基于某某理由、理据、基础。。。”而跟着作出一些判断、结论等等。是可以用在句首的,举一两个例子如下:1. On the grounds that the Police had withheld crucial evidence, the court overturned that decision.(基于警方隐藏、扣起了关键证据,法院以此为由撤销了那项判决。)2. On the grounds of excessive spending, the headmaster was against the redecoration of the school. (基于装修费用可能严重超支,校长对此表示反对。)当然,这句话也可以反过来放在句子后面,“The headmaster was against the redecoration of the school on the grounds of excessive spending.”意思是一样的。 希望帮到你。

on the grounds that是什么意思

on the grounds that其理由是例句:1.Pro-life conservatives oppose embryonic stem-cell research on the grounds that itdestroys life. 反对堕胎的保守派反对胚胎干细胞研究,因为他毁灭生命。 2.Notaries have commonly escaped eu rules liberalising other professions on thegrounds that they are government officials. 公证员常常逃避欧盟职业自由化的规则,理由是他们是政府官员。



咖啡机cleam maching、empty tyay、empty grounds

拼写有错误: clean是清洗机器 empty tray是把滴水盘的水倒掉 empty grounds是把接咖啡渣的容器倒掉


The Choking Grounds沿着地图指引前进,War会遇到另一个Tormented Gate。用唤土将它叫醒后,它表示自己被诅咒束缚于此,需要将此处暗影界(Realm of Shadow)的恶魔杀光才能破解束缚、离开此地。 Tormented Gate给予War暂时看见暗影界入口的能力,War得成功完成四个暗影界的挑战(地图上亮红色的图示)才能解放Tormented Gate,前往下一个区域。暗影界的四个挑战各有不同的过关条件,玩家必须达成各个挑战的要求才行。挑战内容如下:东北,Aerial Brawl:时限内用空中攻击打倒5个敌人。用长压X键的浮空攻击将敌人往上打飞(浮空攻击后如果仍按住X键不放,War会自动跟着敌人跳起),再跟着跃入空中进行连击。西北,Speed Brawl:时限内打倒40个敌人。西南,Venomous:在中毒状态(持续扣血)下存活并杀死50个敌人。东南,The Gory End:时限内用处决技杀死30个敌人(以跳跃处决的方式连杀5只飞蝠可解除一个成就)。成功完成四项挑战后,War会自动取得防御反击的能力,在敌人即将击中War的瞬间按下RB键格挡,就能弹开攻击并取得反击的机会。接下来,只要回去原本Tormented Gate的所在并再度唤醒它,就能继续前往下个区域,the Broken Stair。顺带一提,the Choking Grounds零星散布着十字状的墓碑(见下图),将这些墓碑全部捣毁可以解开一个隐藏宝箱。将the Choking Grounds里的十字墓碑全部粉碎,就能解开隐藏的宝箱。



base his argument on sufficient grounds 意思

这是 base A on B 句型 以乙作 甲的基础 base his arguments on sufficient grounds 以足够大理由作辩论 的根据 如果选B 的 话 应该是The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds to base his arguments on in favor of the new theory. 这是 动词不定式 作定语 与所修饰词 是动宾关系 但是 本句 on的位置不对 所以 答案是 D 其实也是不定式作定语 只不过 前面加了on which 相当于一个定语从句 =on which he based his arguments

on grounds that 怎么解释


reasonable grounds是什么意思

字面:理由。用法:on reasonable grounds,依据合理的判断(分析,推论)例句:The court held against the defendant based on reasonable grounds. 法院基于合理的分析判决被告败诉。仅供参考。

Such being the case,there are no grounds to justify your complains.其中为什么用being?谢谢


The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds on which to base his arguments in favor of the

您好!很高兴为您解答!翻译:这位教授很难找到足够的理由和依据的理论来支撑他的论点be based on the grounds,中be based on 是一个固定的搭配,which是修饰先行词grounds,所以用on which希望可以帮到您,祝您成功!


on the ground在地上,当场,在决斗;席地;地下1. Kevin was always level-headed with both feet on the ground. 凯文总是头脑冷静,脚踏实地。2. Forty or fifty women were sitting cross-legged on the ground. 四五十个女人盘腿坐在地上。on the grounds由于…的原因1. Owen was against it, on the grounds of expense. 欧文因费用问题对此表示反对。2. Discrimination by employers on the grounds of race and nationality was illegal. 雇主以种族或国籍为由歧视员工是非法的。3. She is going to divorce him on the grounds of adultery. 她以丈夫搞婚外情为由要求离婚。

定语从句几道题The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds on w?

The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds on which to base his argument in favor of the new theory.在这句话是关系副词引导的状语从句,期中 grounds是先行词,是抽象的地点名词,on which充当地点状语,翻译成在什么的上面是“介词+which”的形式 你打错了,应该是The minister was the person in whose honor the state dinner was given. person先行词,这里是“介词+whose+n”关系代词引导的定语从句。 This is an exciting area of study, and one in which new applications are being discovered almost daily.先行词应该是one所指代的area,in which相当于where对area进行修饰,是关系副词引导的定语从句。 When the work is well done, a climate of accident-free operations is established where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum. operations是先行词,where引导的从句修饰它 ,0,定语从句几道题 The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds on which to base his argument in favor of the new theory.Tminister was the person in whose honor the state dinner was given.This is an exciting area of study, and one in which new applications are being discovered almost daily.When the work is well done, a climate of accident-free operations is established where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.请讲解这几道题,并把这几题的先行词还原到从句中谢谢~!

on the ground 和 on the grounds 的区别

前者 :在地上后者:在。。。基础上

请问on these grounds 是什么意思?


The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds( ) his arguments in favor of the new theory.

选D.on which to base句意: 这位教授几乎找不出充分的论据来支撑他赞同新理论的观点.此题考查定语从句的缩略形式: on which to base his argument=on which he would base his argument (which指代sufficient grounds)当从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,可以用不定式缩略定语从句.因此就变成了on which to base his argument.根据句意,on应放在关系代词which之前,构成: to base his argument on sufficient grounds. (base为及物动词)如选C, 则成了: sufficient grounds to base on his argument. 这不合句意.因此C不正确.同理,A和B.都是base on his argument.所以AB也不对.

on the ground 和 on the grounds 的区别


The professor could hardly find necessary grounds_______his arguments in favour of the new theory.



1. ground 做名词讲时:[COUNTABLE] [USUALLY PLURAL] a reason for what you say or do, or for being allowed to say or do something (可数名词,经常用做复数,指的原因是:允许你做或说的原因,也就是你做一件事的依据)如:The court overturned that decision on the grounds that the prosecution had withheld crucial evidence.法庭以起诉方拒绝出示关键证据为由推翻了那个判决。【即:法庭推翻判决的依据是....】2. reason 指: a fact, situation, or intention that explains why something happened, why someone did something,or why something is true 即:解释为什么发生了一些事情,为什么有人这样做,或为什么这个事情是正确的~如: There is a reason for every important thing that happens.发生的每一件重要事情都是有原因的。 【这里不可以用ground的】体会一下哦在很难辨析词语意思时,查英语词典可以很好的帮助你哦·希望帮到你,不懂欢迎追问

show grounds是什么意思

show grounds展览会场Now that you"ve seen the house, I"ll show you the grounds.屋子你已看过了,我领你参观一下庭园。

sth be grounds for doing是什么意思?


on the grounds of 与on the gruonds that有什么不同

of 有所属的意思 介词后面加的是名词 也就是 of+名词 一起构成grounds的定语 而that 是引导一个定语从句 that 后面加的是一个句子 也就是 that+句子 一同构成grounds的定语

小词大用 第十五期 on the grounds

人类和大地,有着密不可分的关系。在一定程度上,我们可以说大地是人类生命的基础。 因此,在英语中,“ground”也可以表示“基础”。我们来看一个来自《经济学人》(The Economist)杂志中的例子: Politicians, for the most part, have refused to raise taxes on fossil fuels in recent years, on the grounds that making driving or heating homes more expensive would not only annoy voters but also hurt the economy. 句中,“on the grounds”自然不是“在地上”的意思。上面说过,“ground”可以表示“基础”。因此,“on the grounds”的意思就是“基于,由于,因为”,相当于“because”,当然也可以解释为“be based on; on account of”。 这样一来,上面那句话就应该翻译为:政客们近年来大都拒绝提高化石燃料税,原因在于提高驾驶或室内暖气的费用既会惹怒选民,也会伤及经济。 知道了“ground”作“基础”的用法之后,我们来看看“ground”在表示“地面”时,有没有什么好用的习惯用语。 走在路上,和地面接触最多的是人们的双脚。我们常说,成功没有捷径,需要一步一步脚踏实地地走出来。这个道理放之四海皆准,因此英文中也有“脚踏实地”的说法:keep one"s feet on the ground。 但是,“keep one"s feet on the ground”的意义要比“脚踏实地”广泛”一些。我们来看它的英文解释:to be and remain in a calm, stable, sensible, and pragmatic state or condition。可见,“keep one"s feet on the ground”还可以表示“讲究实际““实事求是”,或是“坚定自己的立场”。 例如,It"s great that you are so intrepid in your entrepreneurship, but you have to keep your feet on the ground or you could end up losing everything. 想要创业成功,确实需要“脚踏实地”,但同时,我们也要“keep one"s ear to the ground”。 与“双脚走在地面”相比,“双耳贴在地面”可能更少见。但是对于一百五十多年前的美国拓荒者来说,这个动作相当重要。 当时,美国到西部开荒的人从当地印第安人那里学到了一个诀窍,那就是把耳朵贴在地上。这样,拓荒者们就可以听到几英里以外马匹或野牛奔跑的声音。这对拓荒者来说是非常重要的,因为他们听到的声音可能是印第安人骑着马来攻打他们的声音,也可能是几千头受惊的野牛正向他们奔驰而来。如果躲避不及时,他们可能会死伤惨重。 如今,印第安人和野牛的威胁已不复存在。但是,把耳朵贴在地上这个诀窍已经成为了一个习惯用语,也就是“keep one"s ear to the ground”。 从上面那个故事,我们应该可以猜到“keep one"s ear to the ground”是什么意思。的确,它表示“保持高度警惕”或“集中注意力”,用英文解释就是“to devote attention to watching or listening for clues as to what is going to happen”。 例如,一个想要取得成功的企业家,可能会经常对他的下属说:You should keep your ear to the ground so that you"d be the first to know of a new idea.

proving grounds是什么意思

试验场 的意思


您好,"on the grounds of"中的"grounds"何时使用复数形式取决于其所指的地点或物业是否包括了多个具体区域或场所。如果是指某一大型物业内部的特定区域或多个不同的场所,那么就需要使用复数形式。例如:"学校的庆祝活动在校园内的各个区域举行"。在这种情况下,"grounds"就需要用复数形式来表示不止一个具体的区域。

grounds on which to base

答案选 D.on which to base 句意:这位教授几乎不可能找到必需的理由,以此来支持新学说. 固定短语:base sth on sth. 原句剖析:The professor could hardly find necessary grounds( on which to base his arguments) in favour of the new theory.划线部分为定语从句,正常语序应该是which he base his arguments on介词提前可以得到on which he base his arguments ,大家都知道宾语从句中what to do=what we should do ,类比可得,此句可改成on which to base his arguments 答案:D

on the ground 和 on the grounds 的区别


grounds和reason作原因的区别 知道里其他的问题都看过了还不是很明白.

1.ground 做名词讲时:[COUNTABLE] [USUALLY PLURAL] a reason for what you say or do,or for being allowed to say or do something (可数名词,经常用做复数,指的原因是:允许你做或说的原因,也就是你做一件事的依据) 如: The court overturned that decision on the grounds that the prosecution had withheld crucial evidence. 法庭以起诉方拒绝出示关键证据为由推翻了那个判决.【即:法庭推翻判决的依据是.】 2.reason 指:a fact,situation,or intention that explains why something happened,why someone did something,or why something is true 即:解释为什么发生了一些事情,为什么有人这样做,或为什么这个事情是正确的~ 如: There is a reason for every important thing that happens. 发生的每一件重要事情都是有原因的.【这里不可以用ground的】体会一下哦 在很难辨析词语意思时,查英语词典可以很好的帮助你哦· 不懂欢迎追问

on the ground 和 on the grounds 的区别

on the ground在地上,当场,在决斗;席地;地下1. Kevin was always level-headed with both feet on the ground. 凯文总是头脑冷静,脚踏实地。2. Forty or fifty women were sitting cross-legged on the ground. 四五十个女人盘腿坐在地上。on the grounds由于…的原因1. Owen was against it, on the grounds of expense. 欧文因费用问题对此表示反对。2. Discrimination by employers on the grounds of race and nationality was illegal. 雇主以种族或国籍为由歧视员工是非法的。3. She is going to divorce him on the grounds of adultery. 她以丈夫搞婚外情为由要求离婚。

国际商务谈判名词解释:1.speak on good grounds;2.negotiation agenda;3.oral quotation;要求要中文解释



《battlegrounds》指的是:《绝地求生:大逃杀》。绝地求生(Playerunknown"s Battlegrounds),是Bluehole与《H1Z1》、《武装突袭3》“大逃杀”模式制作人Playerunknown合作的一款开放世界策略射击游戏,采用虚幻4引擎制作。这款游戏是一款大逃杀类型的游戏,每一局游戏将有100名玩家参与,他们将被投放在绝地岛(battlegrounds)上,在游戏的开始时所有人都一无所有。玩家需要在岛上收集各种资源,对抗其他玩家,让自己生存到最后。 2017年11月22日,腾讯游戏宣布获得《绝地求生大逃杀(Playerunknown"s Battlegrounds)》在中国的独家代理运营权。2018年1月18日,由腾讯游戏频道主办的“2017中国游戏风云榜”颁奖盛典落幕,《绝地求生:大逃杀》获得十大最受关注客户端游戏。

playerunknowns battlegrounds进了游戏怎么什么都没

服务器还可以 只是游戏优化不尽人意 配置要求很高 如果你购买了绝地求生 正式版之后一般都不用再次购买

playerunknowns battlegrounds这游戏是什么啊,进去都是英文不说还没有开始

的这个网速绝对是没有问题的,,有可能是玩的时候有的程序联网升级造成的,比如音乐播放器啊,啊看了电影以后关掉了,其实他还是在占用很大的网络的。还有另外一些程序。 用360安全卫士,玩的时候弄成游戏模式,他会把所有无关联网程序关掉。我也是这样的。我是电信的2M 玩LOL从来不卡.电脑内存最少2G ,少于这个会卡。 其他的什么CPU啊,显卡啊,都是浮云,LOL 要求没那么高。 我相信楼主的电脑不是七八年前淘汰的电脑配置。

playerunknowns battlegrounds进了游戏为什么什么都没了?


breeding grounds是什么意思

breeding groundsn.滋生地( breeding ground的名词复数 );

咖啡机显示 insert grounds drawer是怎么回事

关闭咖啡机电源。从咖啡机中取出滤渣抽屉。滤渣抽屉通常位于咖啡机的正下方或侧面,可以轻松地拉出。检查滤渣抽屉是否已满。如果满了,请将滤渣倒掉并清洗抽屉。检查滤渣抽屉的传感器或触点是否有污垢或堵塞。如果有,用干净的布擦拭干净。将滤渣抽屉重新放回咖啡机,确保正确安装到位。打开咖啡机电源,检查是否仍然显示“insert grounds drawer”。