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商务英语中, in accordance with是什么意思?

We manufacture in accordance with the artwork files received. Although we may match the artwork files, you will be accustom to cards from the market that are slightly darker which is what we need to meet understandably.释义:我们会依据收到的图稿生产。我们既会按照图稿生产,也会自然满足你们已经习惯的市面上颜色略微深点的卡的要求.赏析一:in accordance with “按照;根据;与…一致”In accordance with the university by-law依照大学章程赏析二:Accustom“习惯于”He had to accustom himself to the cold weather.他不得不使自己习惯于寒冷的天气。赏析三:Understandably ”自然地,可理解地;理所当然地” 之意例 The duke is understandably proud of her.公爵自然会为她感到自豪。

商务英语中,in accordance with 是什么意思?

In accordance with international standards and national laws and regulations, Business Partners will provide a healthy and safe working environment. 释义:根据国际标准和国家法律法规,业务合作伙伴将提供健康安全的工作环境。赏析: in accordance with”一致”之意。书面用语,表示两者具有一致性例如:In accordance with Article 72 of the Act, employees of the Company have the right to form a representative body.根据该法第72条,公司雇员有权成立代表机构。语言·翻译 文学创作 萌宠 

according to 和 in accordance with 有区别么

according to和in accordance with的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.according to意思:prep.据(…所说);按(…所报道);依照;按照;根据2.in accordance with意思:符合;依照;和…一致二、用法不同1.according to用法:基本意思是“按照”,指按照某人所说或发生的事而采取相应的措施,在句中常用作状语,修饰谓语动词。例句:Philip stayed at the hotel, according to Mr Hemming.据亨明先生所说,菲利普住在旅馆里。2.in accordance with用法:常用于短语in accordance with中,表示“与…一致,依照,根据”。其中的with在美式英语中可换为to。例句:He acted in accordance with his beliefs.他按照自己的信念行事。三、侧重点不同1.according to侧重:通常在你要重述你从某人那儿听到的内容、你听说的内容或者在某处读到的内容时使用。这个短语通常用于新闻报道。2.in accordance with侧重:用于更为正式的情景,引入依据内容。在法律文本中,这个短语用于说明与法律或合同一致的内容。这个短语不得用于引入可能并不真实的信息。

逗号后接in accordance with是翻译为依据什么什么还是与什么一致?

in accordance with…… 依照,与……一致You should play the game in accordance with the rules. 你们应按照规则进行比赛。

be in accord with与be in accordance with有什么不同

1.in accord with 同…相符合;与…一致例:Such an act would not be in accord with our policy.这种做法不符合我们的政策。在强凋“与(agreement)一致"的时候,用in accord with2.in accordance with 按照/根据,与 ... 符合,例:She was dismissed in accordance with the company"s usual displinary procedures.按照公司一般纪律程序,她被解雇了.在强调“服从”或“遵照执行”(obeying or following)的涵义时,用 in accordance with。

商务英语中,in accordance with 是什么意思?

In accordance with international standards and national laws and regulations, Business Partners will provide a healthy and safe working environment. 释义:根据国际标准和国家法律法规,业务合作伙伴将提供健康安全的工作环境。赏析: in accordance with”一致”之意。书面用语,表示两者具有一致性例如:In accordance with Article 72 of the Act, employees of the Company have the right to form a representative body.根据该法第72条,公司雇员有权成立代表机构。

“According to”和“in accordance with”的区别

in accordance to 依照,根据,与…一致 In accordance to your request,I am sending you sample pages of the dictionary.in accordance with adv.与…一致,依照 according to比较随意,in accordance with则多用于比较正式的问题,比如法律文件.

according to 和 in accordance with 有区别么


固定搭配前面为什么不加in? He actions accord with his words.

he要改为his噢,accord with是作动词用.“his actions”指他的行为,如果写成he actions那就是把action当成动词用,一个句子不能出现两个动词作谓语噢。His actions accord with his words. 他言行一致。固定搭配:accord with 与…相一致;与…相符合out of one"s accord with 与…不一致;与…不符合with one accord (=with everyone agreeing) 一致地in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照;依据

in accordance with和according to有什么区别

in accordance to 依照,根据,与…一致 In accordance to your request,I am sending you sample pages of the dictionary.in accordance with adv.与…一致,依照 according to比较随意,in accordance with则多用于比较正式的问题,比如法律文件.希望采纳哦!

“According to”和“in accordance with”的区别

in accordance to 依照, 根据, 与…一致 In accordance to your request, I am sending you sample pages of the dictionary. in accordance with adv. 与…一致,依照 according to比较随意, in accordance with则多用于比较正式的问题,比如法律文件。————————————————希望采纳,你的支持是我们的动力!

“According to”和“in accordance with”的区别

“According to”和“in accordance with”都是根据的意思。区别:accordance to 依照,根据,与…一致 用法多一些。1. 根据某人 如: According to the police, his attackers beat him with a blunt instrument. 2. 根据一个情况 如: You will be paid according to the amount of work you do.3.根据计划,规则 如: Everything went according to plan, and we arrived on time.例如:In accordance to your request,I am sending you sample pages of the dictionary.in accordance with 多用于根据一条规矩,系统。adv.与…一致,依照 相比according to比较随意,in accordance with则多用于比较正式的问题,比如法律文件.如: Article 47 may only be used in accordance with international law./Use this product only in accordance with the manufacturer"s instructions.

in accordance with什么意思


in accordance to 和 in accordance with 有什么区别

没听说过有in accordance to

“in accordance with”和“according to”有什么区别?

accordance to [英][əˈkɔ:dɪŋ tə][美][əˈkɔ:rdɪŋ tə]na.根据,按照; 据…所说; 如; 比照; in accordance with [英][in əˈkɔ:dəns wið][美][ɪn əˈkɔrdns wɪð]adv.与…一致,依照; 禀承; 秉承; 因; 多用于根据一条规矩,系统,法律。这两个短语都有根据的意思,但词性不同,虽然在英文中可以互换,但是在用法上还是有些许不同的。“According to…”通常在你要重述你从某人那儿听到的内容、你听说的内容或者在某处读到的内容时使用。这个短语通常用于新闻报道。例如:According to the clerk we spoke to when we telephoned the supervisory authority this morning, the application was filed last week.据我们今早打电话给监管部门的职员说,上周已经提交了申请。这个短语可以用于引入可能并不真实的信息:According to the state news agency, the number of demonstrators did not exceed 1,000. However, the organisers of the protest say there were at least 100,000 people on the march.据国家新闻机构报道,示威者人数不超过1000人。然而,抗议活动的组织者表示,游行队伍中至少有10万人。这个短语也可以用于引入传闻:According to Annabel, Tom wants to dump Sarah because he really fancies Emma.据安娜贝尔说,汤姆想甩了莎拉,因为他真的很喜欢艾玛。而“In accordance with…”用于更为正式的情景,引入依据内容。在法律文本中,这个短语用于说明与法律或合同一致的内容。这个短语不得用于引入可能并不真实的信息。简而言之,如果根据的是一般的信息而非法律规定等极为正式的信息,用according to;如果根据的是法律规定等极为正式的信息,用in accordance with。

according to 和 in accordance with 有区别么

according to和in accordance with的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.according to意思:prep.据(…所说);按(…所报道);依照;按照;根据2.in accordance with意思:符合;依照;和…一致二、用法不同1.according to用法:基本意思是“按照”,指按照某人所说或发生的事而采取相应的措施,在句中常用作状语,修饰谓语动词。例句:Philip stayed at the hotel, according to Mr Hemming.据亨明先生所说,菲利普住在旅馆里。2.in accordance with用法:常用于短语in accordance with中,表示“与…一致,依照,根据”。其中的with在美式英语中可换为to。例句:He acted in accordance with his beliefs.他按照自己的信念行事。三、侧重点不同1.according to侧重:通常在你要重述你从某人那儿听到的内容、你听说的内容或者在某处读到的内容时使用。这个短语通常用于新闻报道。2.in accordance with侧重:用于更为正式的情景,引入依据内容。在法律文本中,这个短语用于说明与法律或合同一致的内容。这个短语不得用于引入可能并不真实的信息。

帮忙分析一下这个英语句子:Likewise, build a relationship with?



bandwidth is a correct term referring to communication capacity as in IT or frequency range as in telecommunication. I don"t know what bandwith is! I have never seen bandwith as a single word.

Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards翻译中文

Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards 翻译为 :没有规矩不成方圆

Nothing in the world is accomplished without passion是什么意思


流亡黯道 deal with the bandits 这个任务怎么做,求全中文流程……谢谢

Kraityn:协助任务奖励普通: 永久基础元素抗性 +8% (不含chaos)CRUEL: 永久功速 +4%MERCILESS: 永久 +1 最大Frenzy Charge.Alira:协助任务奖励NORMAL: 永久加 30 点魔力CRUEL: 永久加 4% 施法速度MERCILESS: 永久 +1 最大 Power Charge.Oak:协助任务奖励NORMAL: 永久加 45 点生命CRUEL: 永久加 12% 物理攻击MERCILESS: 永久 +1 最大Endurance Charge.三只全杀: 三只全杀并缴回任务道具,则获得 1 Passive Skill Point每种难度,四种奖励选一种,帮助其中一个盗贼,就不能选其他盗贼和杀三盗贼任务无论帮忙或杀掉都会解掉任务,进入下一个任务。囧选好一个任务,把另外两个人杀掉就行了、、、、、、、、比如我选择帮助KRAITYN,杀掉另外两个人就行

无主之地2中:kill bandits with E-tech guan什么意思




Really want to have a long long future with you, accompanying you for the whole life with full h


accompany with sb

用法 accompany sb.to someplace陪同...去... keep sb.company陪伴 和某人做伴 in the company of在...陪伴下 accompany sb at/on sth给某人伴奏 accompany vt. 陪伴,伴奏 accompany vt. 陪,伴,陪着; 陪衬,伴随 给...伴奏 补充 an accompanying letter 附函 He -nied his friend to the film. 他陪他的朋友去看电影. Thunder -nies lightning. 雷随闪电而来. 习惯用语 (be)-nied by 附有,伴随 be -nied with (a thing) 带着,带有,兼有 参考词汇 accompany attend escort convoy 意思都含“与人结伴同行”或“伴随某物”. accompany 指“与人结伴,做伴”,常含有彼此之间关系平等之意,如: He -nied her to the theater. 他陪她去剧院. attend 意为“随侍”、“随从” 等解,如: Some students attended Prof.Jones on a field trip. 一些学生随琼斯教授去野外郊游. escort 和 convoy 意为“以警卫等身份陪伴”,如: This merchant ship was convoyed by a destroyer. 这艘商船由一驱逐舰护航. escort 还指礼节上的”尊重或献殷勤”,如: He escorted a lady to a party. 他陪一位女士赴宴. accompany=go with,是可以的 但是go with sb to do sth用法不对

相伴到黎明可以说 Accompanying each other till dawn吗?还是 Accompanying with each other till dawn

accompany with 这是固定搭配

关于信用证的available with by


i was filled with the f

1. anger 2.curiosity 3. behavior 4. attractions 5. homeless 6. content 7. approaching 8. devoted

高二英语适当形式填空1.i was filled with ____(angry) when i saw kicking?

1. anger 2.curiosity 3. behavior 4. attractions 5. homeless 6. content 7. approaching 8. devoted,5,高二英语适当形式填空 1.i was filled with ____(angry) when i saw kicking the dog.2.children "s_____(curious )with everything plays an important part in their study .3.thrir _____(behave)towords me shows that they do not like me.4.one of the main _____(attract)of the job is the high salay .5.after the war many children became h_____.6.the mother was c_____with her daughter"sprogress.7.with winter a____,the days are getting colder and colder.8.the play was written and d_____by two young writers.

someone with an area of expertise中文什么意思?


be inconsistent with是什么意思


Sth. is well within my area of expertise. 翻译


eminem without me 歌词。

Without MeEminemTwo trailer park girls go round the outsideround the outside round the outsideTwo trailer park girls go round the outsideround the outside round the outsideGuess who"s backBack againShady"s backTell a friendGuess who"s back, guess who"s backguess who"s back, guess who"s backguess who"s back, guess who"s backguess who"s back,I"ve created a monstercause nobody wants to see Marshall no moreThey want Shady, I"m chopped liver (huh)Well if you want Shady,this is what I"ll give yaA little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquorSome vodka that"ll jump start my heart quickerthan a shock when I get shocked at the hospitalby the doctor when I"m not co-operatingWhen I"m rockin the tablewhile he"s operatin (hey)You waited this long, now stop debatingCause I"m back, I"m on the rag and ovu-latingI know that you got a job Ms. Cheneybut your husband"s heart problem"s complicatingSo the FCC won"t let me beor let me be me so let me seeThey try to shut me down on MTVBut it feels so empty without meSo come on and dip rum on your lipsFuck that cum on your lipsand some on your titsAnd get readycause this shit"s about to get heavyI just settled all my lawsuitsFUCK YOU DEBBIENow this looks like a job for meSo everybody just follow meCause we need a little, controversyCause it feels so empty, without meI said this looks like a job for meSo everybody, just follow meCause we need a little, controversyCause it feels so empty without meLittle Hellions, kids feelin rebelliousEmbarrassed their parentsstill listen to ElvisThey start feelin like prisoners helpless"til someone comes along on a missionand yells BITCHA visionary vision of scaryCould start a revolutionpollutin the airwavesA rebel so just let me revel and baskin the fact that I got everyoneAnd it"s a disaster, such a castastrophefor you to see so damn much of my ass;you asked for me?Well I"m back na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-naand then I"m gonnaenter in, in the front of your skinlike a splinterThe center of attention, back for the winterI"m interesting, the best thing since wrestlingInvesting in your kid"s ears and nestingFeel the tension, soon as someone mentions meHere"s my ten cents, my two cents is freeA nuisance who sent You sent for meNow this looks like a job for meSo everybody just follow meCause we need a little, controversyCause it feels so empty without meI said this looks like a job for meSo everybody, just follow meCause we need a little, controversyCause it feels so empty, without meA-tisket a-tasket, I go tit for tat withanybody who"s talkin this shit that shitChris Kirkpatrickyou can get your ass kickedworse than them little Limp Bizket bastardsAnd Moby You can get stomped by ObieYou thirty-six year old baldheaded fagblow meYou don"t know me, you"re too old let goIt"s over nobody listen to technoNow let"s go, just gimme the signalI"ll be therewith a whole list full of new insultsI been dope, suspenseful with a pencilever since Prince turned himselfBut sometimes the shit just seemseverybody only wants to discuss meSo this must mean I"m dis-gus-tingBut it"s just me, I"m just obsceneNo I"m not the first king of controversyI am the worst thing since Elvis Presleyto do black music so selfishlyand used it to get myself wealthy(Hey) There"s a concept that worksTwenty million other white rappers emergeBut no matter how many fish in the seaIt"ll be so empty, without meNow this looks like a job for meSo everybody just follow meCause we need a little controversyCause it feels so empty without meI said this looks like a job for meSo everybody just follow meCause we need a little, controversyCause it feels so empty without meChem-hie-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-laLa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-laChem-hie-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-laLa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-laKids!

eminem的Without Me歌词

Two trailer park girls go round the outside; round the outside, round the outside *scratches* Two trailer park girls go round the outside; round the outside, round the outside *scratches* Guess who"s back Back again Shady"s back Tell a friend Guess who"s back, guess who"s back, guess who"s back, guess who"s back guess who"s back, guess who"s back, guess who"s back.. {*Eminem hums*} I"ve created a monster, cause nobody wants to see Marshall no more They want Shady, I"m chopped liver (huh?) Well if you want Shady, this is what I"ll give ya A little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor Some vodka that"ll jump start my heart quicker than a shock when I get shocked at the hospital by the doctor when I"m not co-operating When I"m rockin the table while he"s operatin (hey!!) You waited this long, now stop debating Cause I"m back, I"m on the rag and ovu-lating I know that you got a job Ms. Cheney but your husband"s heart problem"s complicating So the FCC won"t let me be or let me be me, so let me see They try to shut me down on MTV But it feels so empty, without me So, come on and dip, rum on your lips Fuck that, cum on your lips, and some on your tits And get ready, cause this shit"s about to get heavy I just settled all my lawsuits, FUCK YOU DEBBIE! Now this looks like a job for me So everybody, just follow me Cause we need a little, controversy Cause it feels so empty, without me I said this looks like a job for me So everybody, just follow me Cause we need a little, controversy Cause it feels so empty, without me Little Hellions, kids feelin rebellious Embarrassed their parents still listen to Elvis They start feelin like prisoners helpless "til someone comes along on a mission and yells BITCH!!! A visionary, vision of scary Could start a revolution, pollutin the airwaves A rebel, so just let me revel and bask in the fact that I got everyone kissin my ass {*smak*} And it"s a disaster, such a castastrophe for you to see so damn much of my ass; you asked for me? Well I"m back, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na {*bzzt*} Fix your damn antenna tune it in and then I"m gonna enter in, in the front of your skin like a splinter The center of attention, back for the winter I"m interesting, the best thing since wrestling Investing in your kid"s ears and nesting {*bzzt*} Testing, attention please Feel the tension, soon as someone mentions me Here"s my ten cents, my two cents is free A nuisance, who sent? You sent for me? Now this looks like a job for me So everybody, just follow me Cause we need a little, controversy Cause it feels so empty, without me I said this looks like a job for me So everybody, just follow me Cause we need a little, controversy Cause it feels so empty, without me A-tisket a-tasket, I go tit for tat with anybody who"s talkin this shit, that shit Chris Kirkpatrick, you can get your ass kicked worse than them little Limp Bizket bastards And Moby? You can get stomped by Obie You thirty-six year old baldheaded fag, blow me You don"t know me, you"re too old, let go It"s over, nobody listen to techno Now let"s go, just gimme the signal I"ll be there with a whole list full of new insults I been dope, suspenseful with a pencil ever since Prince turned himself into a symbol {*knife slices*} But sometimes the shit just seems everybody only wants to discuss me So this must mean I"m dis-gus-ting But it"s just me, I"m just obscene No I"m not the first king of controversy I am the worst thing since Elvis Presley to do black music so selfishly and used it to get myself wealthy (Hey!!) There"s a concept that works Twenty million other white rappers emerge But no matter how many fish in the sea It"ll be so empty, without me Now this looks like a job for me So everybody, just follow me Cause we need a little, controversy Cause it feels so empty, without me I said this looks like a job for me So everybody, just follow me Cause we need a little, controversy Cause it feels so empty, without me {*Eminem sings this twice: "Chem-hie-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la"*} "Chem-hie-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la"*} Kids!

then,with his left arm,he bandaged himself是什么句子成分?

then ,with his left arm, 状语he 主语 bandaged 谓语 himself 宾语主谓宾结构

hold the bandage in place with tape

答案:in place 解析:"把绷带固定好"即"用胶带使绷带处于适当的位置",故根据所给横线数量可知本题实际考查in place"在对的位置;准备就绪"这一固定短语.另外本题中的in place 是介词短语作宾语补足语.

then,with his left arm,he bandaged himself是什么句子成分?

答:Then,with his left arm,he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood. 然后,为了不会流出过多的血,他用自己的左手把绷带包扎好。这句话中是含有目的状语从句的复合句。其中副词then和介词短语with his left arm都是用作状语;即so that 引导的目的状语从句so that he would not lose too much blood也是用作状语的。这个句子主句中的he 是主语;bandaged 是及物动词,用作谓语;himself是用作宾语的。

they are screwing with the wrong people.谁知道这句英文出自什么美剧

字幕错了,应该是fucking with


they are screwing with the wrong people和错误的人死磕

roll with "em 歌词

歌曲名:roll with "em歌手:Juvenile专辑:solja ragsIt"s enemy turf that I"m on, so I"ma play it how it goCock the hollow points into my black calicoHit the coat with some of grams of that dope fo" sho" it"s bout to goNiggaz graduated from sellin" dope to snortin" dopeGangsta be bustin" headsLil Reggie be bustin" headsK.C., he be bustin" headsThink I ain"t "bout nustin" headsBoddies bled, I"ll put infrared up in your CutlassYou play with 226, that"s my clique so I say fuck itRuckus, war deep, World War III in the mix5 Hot Boy$ runnin", bringin" G"s to they cliqueWith them hundred round tip-tips, to make sure niggaz ain"t breathin"You recievin", a punishment for not believin"Curly head lookin" for me, cause I"m hot and word don" got looseBundles of dope fronted, from the Magnolia to the GooseSnitches wanted to testify the shit that they knowSet a bomb on the front door, put a key in the door and the place blowLook I been walkin" way mo", with a coat full of yeh-yoNothin" but clientele, from 11-5, saleYou don"t think it"s legal, nigga we can take it to the scaleYou gon" double your money, gon" get credit make your bailWith that iron, I"ma roll wit" "em, momma don"t pray for meI don"t back down frome no nigga, they got a place for meMy biological father, was a sperm donor, around the cornerWas the man that killed lil Lanny, who knew we"d understand itThat way that, my mother was heartless to her kidsSo he took us in his home, and he raised like his ownNow we grown, and we learned responsibility,The devil tryed to get wit meTo affect all of my dickin" inabilityBut it"s gon" be some shit, when a collision is occurin"Asurin", of me bein" a factor, through "97 and afterAnd I"ma have to, get my ten percentOr I"ma get punished, like the rest of these niggaz and there"s evidence"Cause ever since all these cars and all these mansions, and all theseluxuries was givin"You wasn"t givin" no thanks, to the reason you was livin"So I"ma keep an open mind and make the right decisionAnd ain"t tell you niggaz shit, and put my self in a positionThat"s unescapable, "cause you capable, of puttin" my life in dangerAnd it"s causin" confusion, confusion draw conclusionAnd shootin" up some niggaz that pose a threatUntil somebody warns you that you"re close to deathDon"t love ya, don"t need ya, so why the fuck would I feed yaYou bitches want my riches, delete yaCause it"s movin", it"s shakin" number one spot takin"Rap shite tight and money we be makin"Clock six figures, with brown beats and triggersDrinkin" from the riggers, poppa said the gon" fig usEverything I make, and everything I driveEverything I scratch and everything I rideTouch it, , live for it, you niggaz kill for itThe new Juve tape, got you hoes loosin" weightCan"t get your life straight, music to masturbateTest a, nigga like me boy and you betterHave on your bulletproof sweater, ridin" in an armored JettaBeware of these, thugs in E"sEverytime you breathe you recievin" a part of meLook, my lyrics be combustable like gasesWhen I"m grabbin" for the mic and performin" for your massesI"m never found on the ship that"s steady sinkin"Total control and all about self my way of thinkin"Bankin", off top, runnin" with them boys from the blockTotin" glocks that we only use when we put on the spotNow I got, a reason to live for than to dieKeepin" a tight inventory on my supply, of gettin" highKnow when to stop, don"t wanna be it, can"t even see itNot even them little niggaz that I be wit"I"m gettin" tired, of this bulshit that we hearin"I"m gettin" tired, "bout to get my iron ready to rideReady to rideReady to rideReady to ride, lil wodieMomma don"t pray for me, I don"t back down frome no niggaMomma don"t pray for me, I don"t back down frome no niggaMomma don"t pray for me, I don"t back down frome no niggahttp://music.baidu.com/song/14496552

be seasoned with 和accommodate有什么区别啊?


accommodate sb with sth是什么意思及反义词

回答和翻译如下:Accommodate sb with sth.为某人提供某物。

calcium plus with vitamin d3 KIRKLAND


calcium with vitamin是钙吗?


accociated with 是表格中是什么意思?

意思是 与。。。相关联 表格是让你 填写 专业相关吗?

accodnt with bank是什么意思

account with bank收款行

plural with a /s/ sound

复数的s以 /s/ 发音, 复数的s以/iz/ 发音.

we operate from our headquarters in Rochester New York State in 160 countries with 55000 employees.

是不是operate formly 正式运营

hit my thumb with the hammer accidentally是什么简单句结构?


employees do not have to live with the constant fear that their boss may look over their shoulder,a

雇员们没有必要忍受经常性的恐惧,即他们的老板可以从后面看着他们,如同在远距离监视他们一样live with基本翻译忍受shoulder肩膀,这里只从他们都肩膀后面 这句话是不是关于办公卡位布局的?

努力到底是用with effort 还是with efforts

你好!effort可数名词,用with efforts百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~

h1b 状态withdraw是什么意思

词典结果:withdraw[英][wɪðˈdrɔ:][美][wɪðˈdrɔ, wɪθ-]vt.撤走; 拿走; 撤退; (从银行) 取 (钱); vi.撤退; (从活动或组织中) 退出; 第三人称单数:withdraws过去分词:withdrawn现在进行时:withdrawing过去式:withdrew以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.If it is forced to withdraw suddenly, then the entire bailout mechanism would collapse. 如果德国突然被迫撤出,整个欧洲稳定机制的救助机制将轰然倒塌。

Mother often makes dumpling filling with cabbage. 妈妈常用卷心菜做饺子馅。 cabbage的用法,我糊涂了

用作不可数的时候表示这种蔬菜,而不关心作为植物的一株株的样子。毕竟摆在餐桌上的时候不是整颗的,而都是切碎的。这时候把这种东西看作物质名词,类似bread。 cabbage和lettuce作为植物是可数名词,表示蔬菜是不可数名词.名词cabbage作可数名词与不可数情况例析作为植物的“卷心菜”,指“一棵洋白菜”“一棵卷心菜”,通常可数。如:The cabbages germinated within a week. 白菜一星期内就发芽了。He planted a row of cabbages. 他种植了一行洋白菜。The cabbages were stored in the basement. 包心菜储藏在地下室里。The leaves of a cabbage can be green, white or purple. 卷心菜的菜叶有绿色、白色或紫色的。 Two cabbages, three pounds of tomatoes and twelve oranges. 两棵白菜,3磅西红柿,12个桔子。Given better attention, the cabbages could grow even faster. 白菜如照管得好会生长得更快。作为疏菜吃的(尤指切碎的或煮熟的)“卷心菜”“卷心菜叶”,不可数。如:Mother often makes dumpling filling with cabbage. 妈妈常用卷心菜做饺子馅。Finely chop the cabbage and cook it in boiling salted water. 把卷心菜切碎,放进沸腾的盐水中煮。Coleslaw is a kind of salad made of finely chopped cabbage and mayonnaise. 克思罗沙拉是用切碎的圆白菜和蛋黄酱做成的。【谚语】Some persons like to eat radishes, others prefer cabbages. 萝卜白菜各有所爱。

the South could not afford to part with its slaves帮忙翻译下


英语with absolutely no people怎么翻译?

with absolutely no people绝对没有人

出处“Without grammar, very little can be conveyed;without vocabula

英国语言家David Wilkins, 书名Linguistics in Language Teaching. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.,1972年 第111页

威尔金斯 Without grammar, little can be conveyed; Without vocabulary这句话他在哪本书中写过?

Notional Syllabus

without grammar little can be

原文:"Without grammar very little can be conveyed; Without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed." 作者:Wilkins,David A.(1972).(1972年出版的) 书名:Linguistics in Language Teaching.(翻译过来是《语言教学理论》) 出版社所在城市:Cambridge 出版社:MA:MIT Press. 这句话首次出现在该书的第111页.

absent with leave中absent的词性是什么


be formulated with的意思及造句是?

制定与 our nowadays education should be formulated with the heart of generous and the wise of our ancestor .

be formulated with怎么翻译?



formulated without全部释义和例句>> 没有规划formulate 英 [ˈfɔ:mjuleɪt] 美 [ˈfɔ:rmjuleɪt] vt. 构想出,规划; 确切地阐述; 用公式表示; 全部释义>>[例句]Our American partners, unlike what was happening in recent years have taken a pause and now they will formulate and take a final position.我们的美国伙伴,与过去几年的做法有所不同的是,他们已经暂停下来。现在他们将重新规划,并确定最后的立场。更多例句>>过去式:formulated 现在分词:formulating 过去分词:formulated 第三人称单数:formulates

he turned out to be a man with an abrupt manner咋翻译

最终人们发现他是个行为鲁莽的人。turn out to be 结果是,竟然是,最终是(往往表达出乎意料的结果)

He tried to run away from the police and was charged with ____ arrest. A.resisting B.abrupt.

A 句意思:他设法从警察局逃脱,并因拘捕而遭到指控。resisting意思为 “抵制的;抗拒的”,与charged相吻合。

without doub的同义短语?

同义短语no doubt两者都是毫无疑问的意思望采纳

bridge a with b 是什么意思?

联系 建立

知道桥牌专业用语的来,翻译一下,south starts with four potential

南家开始有4个可能输张:3副红心和一副梅花。他有9副赢张:5副黑桃,三副方块和一副梅花。(it is wins不通,请查原文)。 庄家试图超墩,但如果输了(此轮)会如何?除非西家不明智地换攻红心,南家应会丢三副红心而下一。飞梅花应当避免。取而代之的是:第二轮庄家应当向明手的Q出黑桃。此套不是4-0分,南可以清将,兑现剩下的两副方块赢墩和梅花A,接着出梅花Q。西家赢进,但被投入。如换攻红心,庄家从明手(第二家)出小,在该套只丢两副。否则,如西家出方块,在庄家在明手将吃(赢第6轮将牌),从自己手上垫掉一张红心。

keep abreast of with什么意思及同义词

keep abreast of with与...并进, 跟上, 不落后于

within a few leagues


齐B小短裤的齐B是翻译成“Together with vaginal orifice”还是“Abreast vaginal orifice”呢?

camel toe

keep abreast with是什么意思

keep abreast with英 [ki:p əˈbrest wið] 美 [kip əˈbrɛst wɪð] (使)保持与…并列,了解…的最新情况双语例句1You should keep abreast with the science. 你们应当赶上科学的发展。2As a multinational corporation, we must keep abreast with the latest development of the international market. 作为一家跨国集团企业,我们必须跟得上国际市场的最新发展

审稿结论Revision with justification of criticisms是什么意思

Revision with justification of criticisms批评的修正The electronic office will mean a revision of existing office procedures and job role.电子化高科技办公室意谓著现有的办公方式和角色的变更。

Case:Please don"t touch with sharp abjects and chemicals. 其中的abjects是何意?应该是objects么?

Please don"t touch with sharp objects and chemicals.请不要触摸锋利的物体和化学物品。sharp objects 泛指像刀类的锋利物品若有疑问及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

You are uneasy with a bad guy.

bad guy 英 [b?d ɡa?] 美 [b?d ɡa?] n. (多指小说或电影中的)反角,坏人,恶人复数: bad guys 双语例句 1 In the end the "bad guys" are caught and sent to jail. 最后,“坏人”都被抓住送进了监狱。 2 You are uneasy with a bad guy. 和坏人在一起你会不舒服的。

normality plots with tests是什么意思

normality plots with tests正规小区试验双语对照例句:1.It revealed tests with marines have already begun. 美国国防部披露关于海军的测试也已经开始。

翻译成汉语:l entirely agree with you


the mountain was covered with

你这个句子的意思是山上到处都是雪. 句子中 entirely 是副词,但是它是修饰山的,按照语法这个句子应该是 The entirely mountain was covered with snow. 但是在日常用语中,把entirely放到句子的动词前面,那个的用法是正常的,叫做 后置

entirely disagreed with什么意思


The old lady____his greeting with a friendly smile. A.returned B.gave C.sent D.replied



上with。大概意思就是“被带着怎么样的态度对待”,我给你举个例子:If you strive for excellence,y
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