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keep up with与catch up with作“跟上”讲时有什么区别?


catch up with /keep up with /keep pace with 这几个词有什么区别?

catch up with 强调开始是落后的,从后面追上. v. 赶上,逮捕,处罚 keep up with 强调始终保持跟在后面,不掉队 v. 跟上 keep pace with 强调保持并列的状态 v. 并驾齐驱

keep up与with搭配吗?谢谢了

keep up 保持,继续,维持,跟上(时代)keep up with1. 跟上,不落在…后面:还是有点差别。通常如果想要表达"跟上"的含义,要用keep up with.



keep up to与keep up with的区别

keep up (to date) 没有keep up to 这个词组吧keep up with 跟上

keep up with的意义及用法

1,跟上,赶上,反义词fall behind.e.g.He worked hard so that he could keep up with his classmates.2,与...保持联系.e.g.She has been keeping up with her Tom since she came to Shenzhen last year.



keep up with什么意思

keep up with的意思是跟上,不落人之后; 齐肩并进; 紧跟。This reform effort is failing to keep up with its recovery.而美国政府这次的改革措施也未能跟上复苏的步伐。Who can keep up with that?谁与赶得上这变化呢?He lengthened his stride to keep up with her.他迈大步追上她。The two saleswomen were busily trying to keep up with the demand.那两名女售货员正忙着接待顾客。She did not bother to keep up with the news.她不愿花时间去了解最新消息。She was skipping to keep up with him.她连蹦带跳地走着,好跟上他的步伐。She is struggling to keep up with her schoolwork.她在努力完成作业。





keep up with是什么意思






come up with 等于keep up with和catch up with吗

come up with是想出。如:I come up with a good idea.keep up with sb------与某人保持一致catch up with sb -----强调赶上或超过

keep up with与catch up with


keep up with 和 keep up on 什么区别?

keep up with 与什么保持联系,keep up on 多指跟上。

keep in touch with和keep up with有什么区别?

keep in touch with 与某人保持联系联络keep up with 与。。。保持着同样的速度、跟上。。。、 表示不落在后面。

keep up with 和catch up with 有区别吗

keep up with 和catch up with 的区别:keep up with sb------与某人保持一致。catch up with sb -----强调赶上或超过。

keep up with 与 come up with 有什么不同

keep up with 是跟上的意思ex: It"s really hard to keep up with this class.come up with 是想出, 提出的意思ex: Can you come up with a good idea?

fall behind,keep on with,keep up with,catch up的区别

fall behind: 落后、退后、逾期(付款等) keep on with: 继续(做某事) keep up with: 跟上 catch up: 追上、吹起等

"keep up with the joneses"是什么意思


keep up with造句


come up with 与keep up with 有何不同

ing of a severe headache. A change had come

fall behind,keep on with,keep up with,catch up的区别

fall behind: 落后、退后、逾期(付款等) keep on with: 继续(做某事) keep up with: 跟上 catch up: 追上、吹起等


见下文:Keepingup with the Joneses是一个有一百多岁的美国英语成语,意思是“赶时髦,比阔气”。1913年,在纽约市有一个23岁的年轻人叫亚瑟·毛蒙德(Arthur Momand)。当时,毛蒙德一周能赚125美元。那可是一大笔钱。于是,他和妻子就搬出纽约的单元房,来到纽约的富人街生活。他看到邻居们每天都在骑马,他也要骑马。他看到一些富人家有佣人,他也请了佣人。不仅如此,他还在家开派对,请邻居们来吃,来喝,来玩。实际上他是在炫富。他在进行一场无休无止的竞争。那场竞争持续到他钱财耗尽,再也支付不起富人的生活开支为止。结果,不久后,毛蒙德就退出了富人街,又重新拾起了他原来的创作行业。他以Arthur R. "Pop" Momand的署名,在报纸上发表系列连环漫画,漫画中的主人翁是琼斯(Jones)。在当时的纽约,琼斯是一个常见的人名。这一组连环画一发便是五年一直到1918才结束。他的连环画的其中一个主题就是Keeping up with the Joneses。由于他的漫画深受大家的喜爱,而且Keeping up with the Joneses一语道破了多数纽约富人的心机,于是这一表示“赶时髦,比阔气”的成语便很快地流传开来。这便是Keeping up with the Joneses这一成语的起源。

keep up与with搭配吗?是必须得还是可以不

这是两个词组:1、keep up 的意思是:保持;继续;不低落;不落后Keep up the struggle till you succeed. 继续战斗直到你们取得胜利。2、keep up with 赶得上;和…保持联系You try to keep up with the latest and make the smartest choices—but are they as healthy as you think? 尝试去保持最新的营养观念和做出最精明选择,但是你觉得它们带来的是你所认为的健康吗?

keep up with的意义及用法

keepupwith动词词组,跟得上,不落后的意思。Youarewalkingtoofast.Icannotkeepupwithyou.你走得太快了,我跟不上你。We havetoworkhardtokeepupwiththepaceoftheage.我们必须努力,才能跟上时代的脚步。

keep up with是什么意思


keep up with是个什么意思?

牛津高阶字典:keep up (with sb/sth), to move, make progress or increase at the same rate as sth/sb.(与……)齐步前进,并驾齐驱;跟上。keep up with sb ,to continue to be in contact with sb 与某人保持联系keep up with stn,1. to learn about or be aware of the news, current events,etc.熟悉,了解(消息,形势等)。2. to continue to pay or do sth regularly.继续支付,继续做。

keep up with什么意思


keep up with是什么意思?


keep up with是什么意思


keep up with什么意思

keep up with跟上;赶上


with you and me与你和我有你和我双语对照例句:1.Wait, what does that haveto do with you and me? 等下这和我们有什么关系?2.You"re cool with you and me just being friends, right? 你不介意我们当普通朋友吧对吧?



i will always with you是那什么意思

正确的说法是:i will always be with you我会永远和你在一起双语对照例句:1.I will always be with you, denny colt. 我会一直跟你一起的,丹尼柯尔特。2.But you will always be my child. 但你始终将是妈的孩子。

英语without feeding the fires of war怎么翻译?


The White House is an important 。。。。为什么用with?

介词in,on,by都有“用,靠”的含义,区别如下,in后面用抽象名词(不可数名词),with后接具体名词(可数名词),by后常接 v-ing,有“靠…手段”的意思,例如:1 Please do your homework in ink.2 Please do your homework with pens.3 I make a living by teaching.


Let it out, let it out 灵感出来吧,出来吧 Fill the empty space 将这空白的纸页赋予内容 So insecure 烦躁难忍 Find the words 我要组织好语言 And let it out 然后写出来 Staring down, staring down 低眼凝视,我低眼凝视着 Nothing comes to mind 头脑仍旧空白一片 Find the place 我要在脑海中找个地方 Turn the water into wine 让这坛水化为美酒 But I feel I"m getting nowhere 依旧没有任何进展 And I"ll never see the end 头脑的干涸仿似永无尽头 So I wither 我在凋零 And render myself helpless 向绝望低下了头 I give in 我屈服了 And everything is clear 一切都变得如此明了 I breakdown 我倒下了 And let the story guide me 让事情顺其自然吧 Turn it on, Turn it on 头脑动起来吧,动起来吧 Let the feelings flow 让灵感的小溪流动 Close your eyes 闭上你的双眼 See the ones you used to know 回顾曾经相识的种种 Open up open up 睁开吧,睁开双眼 Don"t struggle to relate 不要再痛苦地去联想 Lure it out 引诱它 Help the memory escape 引诱记忆流入脑海 Still this barrenness consumes me 头脑的贫瘠吞噬着我 And I feel like giving up 我想要放弃了 So I wither 我在凋零 And render myself helpless 向绝望低下了头 I give in 我屈服了 And everything is clear 一切都变得如此明了 I breakdown 我倒下了 And let the story guide me 让事情顺其自然吧 I wither 我在凋零 And give myself away 我已遗弃了我自己 Like reflections on the page 就像纸上的一笔一划 The world"s what you create 你的世界就是你的创作 I drown in the hesitation 犹豫中我踌躇不前 My words come crashing down 组织好的语言又被拆分 And all my best creations 那些最好的创作 Burn into the ground 也化为灰烬 The thought of starting over 又要重新再来吗? Leaves me paralyzed 我已麻木疲累 Tear it out again 撕掉吧 Another one that got away 又一份撕毁的创作 So I wither 我在凋零 A nd render myself helpless 向绝望低下了头 I give in 我屈服了 And everything is clear 一切都变得如此明了 So I wither 我在凋零 And render myself helpless 向绝望低下了头 I give in 我屈服了 And everything is clear 一切都变得如此明了 I breakdown 我倒下了 And let the story guide me 让事情顺其自然吧 I wither 我在凋零 And give myself away 我已遗弃了我自己 Like reflections on the page 就像纸上的一笔一划 The world"s what you create 你的世界就是你的创作

let me always be with you中文翻译

Come , let me love you , let me give my pfe to you , let me drown in your arms , let me lay down beside you , let me always be with you 让我来爱你吧,让我将一生托付给你,让我沉浸在你的欢笑中,让我陶醉在你的臂弯里,让我偎依在你的身旁,让我们生死相随。 Come , let me love you , let me give my pfe to you , let me drown in your laughter , let me die in your arms , let me lay down beside you , let me always be with you 让我来爱你吧,让我将一生托付给你,让我沉浸在你的欢乐中,让我陶醉在你的双臂弯里,让我偎依在你的身旁,让我们生死相随 Come , let me love you , let me give my pfe to you , let me drown in your laughter , let me die in your arms , let me lay down beside you , let me always be with you 让我来爱你吧,让我将一生托付给你,让我沉浸在你的欢乐中,让我陶醉在你的臂弯里,让我依偎在你的身旁,让我们生死相随。 Come , let me love you , let me give my pfe to you , let me drown in your laughter , let me die in your arms , let me lay down beside you , let me always be with you 让我来爱你吧,让我将一生托付给你,让我沉浸在你的欢笑中,让我陶醉在你的双臂弯里,让我偎依在你的身旁,让我们生死相随。

do an interview with和do interviews with是一个意思么?

do an interview with 和 do interviews with 都不是 “采访 ...”,但其中指一次采访,或者指多次采访。

interviews with什么意思



with 应该换成about 因为后面是interviews的对象(受众)或内容。一家之言仅供参考。

Please proceed with sample?proceed order?是什么意思。proceed ,常指什么意思。

请查看样品。Proceed order 下订单。

Draw Something – Experiencing issues with the game? Update to the latest version

Dear Players,We"ve recently released a new version of Draw Something on both Android (v 2.400.059) and iOS (v 3.1.60). This update has an improved sign-in flow and is aimed at making the game performance better.If you have been experiencing any issues with the game or if you are unable to reset your password, please update to the latest version by clicking on the links below: iPhone/iOS App Store Android/ Google Play Please follow the below steps to request a new password for your account:1. If prompted, please enter the email address associated with the game and tap on Submit to receive a secret code to reset your password. Please note: You will receive instructions to reset your password only if you have updated to the latest version of game. If you"ve been experiencing any issues, please update the game and try again.2. Copy the secret password reset code from your email and return to the game screen. PS: If you haven"t received a code, you might still be on the old version of the game. Please update the game to the latest version and try again. 3. Use the password reset code to select a new password for Draw Something:Please contact us if you continue to experience any issues. Draw Something Support Team

go ahead with和proceed的区别

go ahead with 继续进行;proceed 一边...一边...同时进行。或者同意某人“尽管往前做”,可以说You may proceed (with...);如果对方征求你的意见,询问是否可以继续,而你表示同意说的话,可以用Please go ahead。

Spend My Life With You (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Spend My Life With You (Album Version)歌手:Eric Benét专辑:A Day In The LifeEric Benet (Feat.Tamia) - Spend my Life With YouBy TinaI Never Knew Such A Day Could ComeAnd I Never Knew Such A LoveCould Be Inside Of OneAnd I Never Knew What My Life Was ForBut Now That You"re Here I Know For SureI Never Knew Till I Looked In Your EyesI Was Incomplete Till The Day You Walked Into My LifeAnd I Never Knew That My Heart Could FeelSo Precious And PureOne Love So RealCan I Just See You Every Morning WhenI Open My EyesCan I Just Feel Your Heart Beating Beside MeEvery NightCan We Just Feel This Way TogetherTill The End Of All TimeCan I Just Spend My Life With YouNow Baby The Days And The WeeksAnd The Years Will Roll ByBut Nothing Will Change The Love InsideYou And IAnd Baby I"ll Never Find Any WordsThat Could ExplainJust How Much My Heart My LifeMy Soul You"ve ChangedCan You Run To These Open ArmsWhen No One Else UnderstandsCan We Tell God And The Whole WorldI"m Your Woman, And You"re My ManCan"t You Just Feel How Much I Love YouWith One Touch Of My HandCan I Just Spend My Life With YouNo Touch Has Ever Felt So Wonderful (You Are Incredible)And A Deeper Love I"ve Never Known (I"ll Never Let You Go)I Swear This Love Is True (Now And Forever To You)Only For You (To You)Can I Just See You Every Morning WhenI Open My EyesCan I Just Feel Your Heart Beating Beside MeEvery NightCan We Just Feel This Way TogetherTill The End Of All TimeCan I Just Spend My Life With YouCan You Run To These Open ArmsWhen No One Else UnderstandsCan We Tell God And The Whole WorldI"m Your Woman, And You"re My ManCan"t You Just Feel How Much I Love YouWith One Touch Of My HandCan I Just Spend My Life With YouCan I Just Spend My Life With You(Forever Here With You)Can I Just Spend My Life With YouCan I Just See You Every Morning WhenI Open My Eyeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/655251

faciltate sth 和facilitate with sth 是一样的吗?

facilitate 是促进的意思 The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism. 新机场将促进旅游业的发展。facilitate with 使变得容易用 Mobile phones have many advantages, can facilitate with parents and friends, also can give us pleasure.手机的优点有很多,手机能便于与父母和朋友联系,也能给我们增加乐趣。

proceed to do sth和proceed with sth的区别

proceed是“继续,接着”的意思,proceed不能作名词,proceed to do sth。process一般我们指的是“ 过程” “进程”. Process可作名词,可做动词。拓展资料proceed1、Heproceededtotellmeofmybirth .他接着给我讲我出生的事。2、Theideaswerenotnew.Theirdevelopmenthadproceededsteadilysincethewar .这些并不是什么新思想,自从战争开始就一直稳定地发展演变。3、Sheclimbedthestepsandproceededalongtheupstairshallway .她爬上楼梯,顺着楼上的走廊走去。4、Heaskedforiceforhiswhiskeyandproceededtogetcontentedlydrunk.他要求在威士忌里加冰,接着心满意足地喝了个酩酊大醉。5、ThetrialhasbeendelayeduntilNovemberbecausethedefenceisnotreadytoproceed.因为被告方没有做好应诉的准备,审判已经被延期至11月份。process1、(为达到某一目标的)过程;进程a series of things that are done in order to achieve a particular result.a consultation process磋商过程to begin the difficult process of reforming the education system.开始进行教育制度改革的艰难历程I"m afraid getting things changed will be a slow process.做任何改革恐怕都会是个缓慢的过程。mental processes思维过程Coming off the drug was a long and painful (= difficult) process for him.戒毒对他是个漫长、痛苦的过程。Find which food you are allergic to by a process of elimination .用排除法找出你对哪种食

process 和deal with的用法有什么不同 ?

process 主要是名词性的词汇. [释] 作用, 工序 , 手续. 也可以作为及物动词 [释] 加工 , 处理 办理等 . 极少也可用作形容词 [释] 经过特殊加工的, 有幻觉效果的等.deal with 是动词短语 [释] deal 可以广泛地组成 deal with 处理, 研究 与...交涉 与...交往 与...交易等, deal by (with ) deal in 参与 等 .两者应适当选用

provide for和provide with有什么不同?

“Provide to”和“provide for”的区别是:provide for+sb,意思是:提供给谁。(provide sth for sb)provide with+sth,意思是:提供的东西。(provide sb with sth)Provide for造句:1、They provided some necessary support for the sufferers. 2、Can you provide some foods for us.Provide with造句:1、Internet provide us with all the information we need.2、The book will provide you with all the information you need .

Start With Love 歌词

歌曲名:Start With Love歌手:Paul Brandt专辑:Give It AwayPaul Brandt - Start With LoveWell your mom and me, we think it"s pretty neatHow our love turned out this wayWhen we heard your heartOh, right from the startBoth of us were changedWatchin" love grow a little more each dayIf I could show you everything I"ve ever learnedI"d start with loveSum life"s meaning up into just one wordI"d start with loveOh and this can be a complicated lifeBut I"ve seen how everything will turn out rightWhen you start with loveIt"s the ABC"s and then 1 2 3And daddy play with me right nowAll these tiny things they add up pretty bigAnd that"s got me thinkin" about how life"s too shortAnd how I wish time would slow downIf I could show you everything I"ve ever learnedI"d start with loveSum life"s meaning up into just one wordI"d start with loveOh and this can be a complicated lifeBut I"ve seen how everything will turn out rightWhen you start with loveAnd the storms may come and the winds may blowBut if you"ll just remember this it"s all you"ll need to knowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17656163

short sleepers would be better off with more rest中off什么意思

better off

求动漫歌词!!歌名:with you

歌名:From way before歌手:valentine补充:完整版歌词: take my hand right nowjust slowly open your eyesremember me from way beforeon and on way gountil we find what we are searching forif you can just believein you and me to seeIt"s no need for you to hidecry alone anymore "cause I will share my life with youthis world can be too tough when you are aloneBut you seem to be so far ,Oh tell mewhy you are crying now I"m standing by your sidetell me why your tears are blue and how to stop them ,tootell me what you want from me I will do it just for youjust because I wanna see you smile againwe can make it throughbefore we hold on to our songswhen times are hard you have my shouderI have believe in youbecause I know you were there,from way beforepopoif you can just believein you and me to seeIt"s no need for you to hidecry alone anymore "cause I will share my life with youthis world can be too tough when you are aloneBut you seem to be so far ,Oh tell mewhy you are crying now I"m standing by your sidetell me why your tears are blue and how to stop them ,tootell me what you want from me I will do it just for youjust because I wanna see you smile againwe can make it throughIF we hold on to our songswhen times are hard you have my shouderI have believe in youbecause I know you were there,from way before这个?

After the fashion show, she was always ________ the beautiful clothes. A.obsess with B.obse.

B 短语辨析。Obsess with沉迷于,后面接名词或者名词性短语;没有obsess to这种说法。obsess by被……缠住。句意:时装表演以后,她总是沉迷于这些漂亮的衣服。结合语境可知本句描述的是过去的动作,故用过去时态。选B。

Curl error - Operation timed out after 3 seconds with 0 bytes received是什么意思?

3秒后系统超时 收到0字节

___the fashion show 用at,in,on,还是with

at a fashion show 例如 models display clothes on it at a fashion show 模特在时装展示会上会用到它

Provide for 和provide with 分别是什么意思 。

1、provide for后面加人,sb,指提供给谁。provide with后加物,sth,指提供的东西2、她很高兴地发现懂足够英语的人们能够理解她所想的是什么。她已经在附近的另一个村庄发现了一些漂亮的蘑菇而且觉得那些蘑菇尝起来味道会很好。

provide to 和 provide with 区别

一、provide作"提供;供给"讲时,常用于以下结构: 1.接名词作宾语. It is said that the management will provide food and drink.据说管理部门将供应饮食. 2.用于provide sth.for sb.结构,即"向某人提供某物",也可用provide sb.with sth.结构.这两者意思相同,可互换,但介词不可混淆. They provided some necessary support for the sufferers.他们为受难者提供了一些必要的援助. 二、provide作"规定"讲时,其后通常接从句作宾语. The local law provides that valuable ancient buildings must be protected by the government.当地法律规定,政府必须保护那些有价值的古建筑. 三、provide常用的习语结构: 1.provide against...为.作好准备;预防. We should try our best to provide against the return of bird flu.我们应该尽最大努力来预防禽流感的再次发生. 2.provide for 提供生活费,养活. He provided for his family by selling newspapers.他靠卖报来养活他的家人. 四、provide的过去分词形式provided和V-ing形式providing均可作连词,用来引导条件从句,意为"如果.的话;只要.".可直接接从句,也可加上that,二者可互换,但在正式文体中多用provided. I will agree to go providing (that) my expenses are paid.只要为我负担费用,我就同意去.

From Sarah With Love - Radio Version 歌词

歌曲名:From Sarah With Love - Radio Version歌手:Sarah Connor专辑:From Sarah With LoveFor so many years we were friendsAnd yes I always knew what we could doBut so many tears in the rainFelt the night you saidThat love had come to youI thought you were not my kindI thought that I could never feel for youThe passion and love you were feelingAnd so you leftFor someone newAnd now that youre far and awayIm sending a letter todayFrom Sarah with loveShed got the lover she is dreaming ofShe never found the words to sayBut I know that todayShes gonna send her letter to youFrom Sarah with loveShe took your picture to the stars aboveAnd they told her it is trueShe could dare to fall in love with youSo dont make her blue when she writes to youFrom Sarah with loveSo maybe the chance for romanceIs like a train to catch before its goneAnd Ill keep on waiting and dreamingYoure strong enoughTo understandAs long as youre so far awayIm sending a letter each dayFrom Sarah with loveShes gotta know what you are thinking ofCause every little now and thenAnd again and againI know her heart cries out for youNever found the words to say, ahhBut today, but today...From Sarah with loveShe took your picture to the stars aboveAnd they told her it is trueShe could dare to fall in love with youSo dont make her blue when she writes to youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/54255767

the cat is andry with the mouse中with是什么意思?

be angry with对(某人)生气 生……的气;对生气;对…发怒;对发脾气这是一个词组,不能分开用

comes with the territory怎么翻译啊

刚刚看了一下网页翻译,学习到了意思是:自然而然地来 come with the territory: 理应如此1. Sorry, you might not like it, but it comes with the territory.抱歉,你也许不喜欢它。但是它本应如此。2. In school, hard work comes with the territory.在学校里,本来就应该用功读书。

She was becoming annoyed with me. 一直纠结,瞬间动词的进行式!! 这是将来时态把

纠结在哪里呢?瞬间动词也可以有进行时态啊。 如果把becoming 去掉,那就变成一种持续的状态,是说她生我的气了,或者她很恼我。 而把瞬间动词加进去 表达的是 之前没恼,有可能因为我说了某句话,她变的有点恼。She was becoming annoyed with me 表述的恰好是她情绪变化的这个点。


compare with

compare to/with 放在句子开头都是用被动形式吗


compare sb后面加TO还是AS还是with


compare to 和 compare with 和 compare as 的区别


compare to 和compare with放在开头的意思



compareto和comparewith的区别如下:1、comparewith意为“把~与~~相比”,侧重指两者间的区别。如:Compare this car with that one, and you will find the differences between them.把这辆汽车与那辆汽车相比较,你就会发现它们之间的区别。2、compareto意为“把~~比作~”,着重注意两者间的相似点。如:This song compares our country to a big family.这首歌把我们的国家比作一个大家庭。例句:1、The police compared the forged signature with the original.警察将伪造的签名与原来的作比较。2、You should only compare like with like.只应在同类事物中作比较。3、He compared her to a summer day.他将她比为夏天。4、You just can"t compare Hawaii and Alaska.你压根儿没法把夏威夷同阿拉斯加相比。5、This one cannot compare with that one.这个与那个无比较。

i fell in love with yosemite 什么歌

是泰坦尼克号的曲 我心永恒 吧

有一首清新的英文歌里有一句 I wanna fall in love with U

lovely day

i am loving with you



你先采纳 哈哈哈哈

Falling In Love (With You) 歌词

歌曲名:Falling In Love (With You)歌手:Jeff & Sheri Easter专辑:My, Oh My!Falling in Love - TyreseHeyAll these years I have been wanting you in my lifeAnd now I finally have youI"m gonna do everthing in my strengthTo keep you nearI care about youI just wanna make you smileLet"s goAll the many days you were on my mindVisions of me with you all the timeYou wasn"t lookin for a man you made it clear (clear to me)And now I"m ever so glad that I have you nearHere in my life just you and IWe can do what ever we want toLiving my life with you by my sideOh one day I"mma make you my wife, babeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI do whatever puts a smile on my baby"s faceGirl you"re my best friendYou can never be replacedThere"s nothing in this world I wouldn"t do (do for you)You were one of my favorite dreams and I"m so glad that it came trueHere in my life just you and IWe can go any where we want to babyI"m living my life with you by my sideOne day I"mma make you my wife,yes I amI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (fallin in live with you)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh,I"ve gone beside myself)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (and it feels so good to me baby)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doSince I gave you all my trust (and you never take my trust for granted)And you given so much love (and you given me so much love baby)You"re everything I want and need (you are everything I want and I need baby)Girl, you got the best of me (oh, you got the best of me)Break it downOh,oh I was falling in loveI don"t know what to doI just love youWith every inch of my bodyFalling in loveWe"ll just take it one day at a timeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (I don"t wanna rush into romance)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh I just want you in my arms baby)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you(When I see you I wanna touch you )Now that I have fallen (And feel you )What am I gonna do (and hold you babe baby baby yeah)I was excited(oh, it feels so good )To be in love (now that I have fallen)And get love in return oh oh oh)I was excited cause I was falling (cause it feels real)Falling in love with you (oh cause it feels real)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doOh oh ohI was excited cause I was falling (yes it feels)Falling in love with you (so good)Now that I have fallen (having you on the whole)What am I gonna do (feeling so complete baby)http://music.baidu.com/song/3474508

IU的歌 里面有一句Make love with you


i love you和i am in love with you的区别

  i love you:我爱你  i am in love with you:我已经爱上你了;我爱上你;我深深地爱着你  例句:  1.Paul: Holly, I am in love with you.  保罗:霍莉,我爱上你了。  2.I am still in love with you  我依然爱著你  3.I am the worst thing in life is falling in love with you  我生命中最坏的事就是爱上了你  4.I am willing to fall in love with you, no matter how many times  无论与你坠入爱河多少次我也情愿


不完整,不过可以理解成与你相爱的意思in love with you 爱你的意思make love with you xxoo



求TFBOYS的新歌《Love With You》的歌词。

王俊凯:(Yes I"m in love with youJust listen to my worldYes I"m in love with you)王源:睡梦中醒来把眼睛睁开崭新的一天是什么色彩Open my heart充满了期待阳光也在对我召唤王俊凯:That"s Right看那窗外天空多么蔚蓝易烊千玺:跟我一同寻找憧憬的未来去吹一吹微风看一看大海王俊凯:哼着歌 骑着单车一路上 自由自在易烊千玺:( Yeah!Ha Ha Now! Let"s gonna fly)合:Yes I"m in love with youI"m so in love with you把快乐 一点一点 装进心里面发酵在 某年 某月 某天Yes I"m in love with youI"m so in love with you有你在 晴天雨天 都值得纪念把所有 好心情 带给你永远保持新鲜王俊凯:That"s Right全新的体验每天每天 这感觉 不会变我的心跳 要让你 听得见睁开双眼 就会有 新的发现我看见 你的画面Uh 用我的相机 轻轻地拍下王源:你每一张微笑的脸王俊凯:That"s Right印在我的脑海 永远不变易烊千玺:当一阵风吹来 带来了夏天空气也很甜 暖暖的感觉王源:幸福感 不会 冷却因为爱 没有 期限Yes I"m in love with you合:Yes I"m in love with youI"m so in love with you把快乐 一点一点 装进心里面发酵在 某年 某月 某天Yes I"m in love with youI"m so in love with you有你在 晴天雨天 都值得纪念把所有 好心情 带给你永远保持新鲜王源:青春像糖果 甜甜的味道(Fall in love )易烊千玺:Boom Boom Boom心跳 你能否听到(Fall in love)王源:要一起说说笑笑易烊千玺:要一起热热闹闹王俊凯:Follow me 未来 一同揭晓合:Yes I"m in love with youI"m so in love with you把快乐 一点一点 装进心里面发酵在 某年 某月 某天Yes I"m in love with youI"m so in love with you有你在 晴天雨天 都值得纪念把所有 好心情 带给你永远保持新鲜合:(Fall in love with you)I"m in love with you(Fall in love with you)I"m in love with you易烊千玺:I love youYeah求采纳


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