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为什么是with ten minutes remaining?


开头是:Jack lives with his mum.They have a cow.......


take 2 capsules a day with a meal,or as professi0


compared with

首先,这句话不是独立主格结构. 独立主格结构是说主句与从句有两个不同的主语,但是这里的主语相同. 然后,Compared with这里是一个从句,是比较状语从句.

applicable taxes指什么税 withholdings指什么?


lead in to a request with a quesrion

lead in 后面是可以直接接名词,那样意思就是“导入.”,这个地方必须加上to,表示“引入到.上”

a nut with a lead-in thread 是什么意思


with the girl lead the way 还是 leading ?

leading.with短语充当状语,而lead是谓语动词,所以只能用其现在分词形式充当定语修饰the girl

With a girl leading the way,he started towards the house. 为什么用leading而不用led?

1.从语法上看:with是随着的意思,作为伴随状语,一般用动词ing的形式,表示伴随的状态,不受后面主句的时态影响. 2.一般来说,doing表示主动,ed表示被动. leading 分词和逻辑意义上的主语 a girl 是主谓关系,即主动关系,所以用leading;如果用 led ,就成了被动关系,实际上没有被动关系,所以不用led.

求英文歌 男声 里面有很多Shake your hands with your friends

是不是Shake your body(Michael的?)

读诗感悟:What can I hold you with?

又重新读了这首诗,真的是感触万千。几乎读每句诗都有自己的理解,也有可能是与作者的共鸣吧,毕竟作者博尔赫斯是一个胆怯、懦弱、孤独、内向的人,跟独处时的自己也类似,这样的人追求爱情热烈而又卑微。就找一个地方抒发一下情感吧,接下来的每句诗我都想写上自己的理解感悟。写诗背景:博尔赫斯40多岁时,终于能和一位女性有多一些交流,于是孤独大半辈子的博尔赫斯向那位女性表达了狂热了追求,可那位女性,同时是一位女作家,嫌弃博尔赫斯性格郁闷、不懂情趣,以及贫穷。这首诗是博尔赫斯唯一一首用英文写的诗。(他很喜欢也痴迷于英语,可是他因为害怕,所以都是在用西班牙语写作,他想把他的爱以及他自己最喜爱的语言也献给那位他深爱的女性)What can I hold you with?我用什么才能留住你?I offer you lean streets, desperate sunsets, the moon of the ragged suburbs.我给你瘦落的街道、绝望的落日、荒郊的月亮。 (我的内心解读:我用什么才能留住你?每当我思考这个问题时,我脑海中首先浮现的是这瘦落的街道、绝望的落日、荒郊的月亮。这是单调的工作之余陪伴我时间最长的事物,他们虽然暗淡但是夹杂着美感,这是在我的灰色的生命中唯一谈得上美的东西,你能接受他们吗?)I offer you the bitterness of a man who has looked long and long at the lonely moon.我给你一个久久地望着孤月的人的悲哀。(我也经常独自凝望着寒月,很孤独悲凉,但这是我拥有的最多事物,我不知道将来你是否会来到我身边,同我一起驱散。)I offer you my ancestors, my dead men, the ghost that living men have honoured in marble: my father"s father killed in the frontier of Buenos Aires, two bullets through his lungs, bearded and dead, wrapped by his soldiers in the hide of a cow; my mother"s grandfather –just twentyfour- heading a charge of three hundred men in Perú, now ghosts on vanished horses.我给你我已死去的祖辈,后人们用大理石祭奠的先魂:我父亲的父亲,阵亡于布宜诺斯艾利斯的边境,两颗子弹射穿了他的胸膛,死的时候蓄着胡子,尸体被士兵们用牛皮裹起;我母亲的祖父——那年才二十四岁——在秘鲁率领三百人冲锋,如今都成了消失的马背上的亡魂。 (我幻想想着,我跟你欣赏明月时,或者同你观望日落时,我能与你交谈什么?我祖辈的事迹,也许是我唯一的、能拿出向你炫耀的事物了吧。)I offer you whatever insight my books may hold, whatever manliness or humour my life.我给你我的书中所能蕴含的一切悟力,以及我生活中所能有的男子气概和幽默。(我知道我一无所有,可我多么渴望,那我拥有的,却只有我自己引之为豪的学识能吸引住你。我多么渴望,藏在内心中的男子气概和幽默感,能有一天在你面前展现。)I offer you the loyalty of a man who has never been loyal.我给你一个从未有过信仰的人的忠诚。(你知道吗,我生活中充满迷茫与绝望,可是你的出现给了我信仰。你是我生命中的唯一,我对你又是多么地热爱,我对你的爱是至死不渝的。)I offer you that kernel of myself that I have saved, somehow – the central heart that deals not in words, traffics not with dreams and is untouched by time, by joy, by adversities.我给你我设法保全的我自己的核心——不营字造句,不和梦交易,不被时间、欢乐和逆境触动的核心。 (我希望我给你的心是纯粹的,为了保证他的纯粹,我试图割舍那美丽的字句、那美好的梦、那一切美丽的事物。我希望我给你的心,不为他物所触动,只因为你。我尽力使我的心变得你所希望的那样纯粹。)I offer you the memory of a yellow rose seen at sunset, years before you were born.我给你早在你出生前多年的一个傍晚看到的一朵黄玫瑰的记忆。 (因为我爱你爱得痴狂,所以我想把我所拥有一切的事物都给你,包括那段没有你的记忆。)I offer you explanations of yourself, theories about yourself, authentic and surprising news of yourself.我给你关于你生命的诠释,关于你自己的理论,你的真实而惊人的存在。 (你的存在让我感知,给我第一次触碰到“真实”,我为这“ 真实 ”感到惊讶。)I can give you my loneliness, my darkness, the hunger of my heart; I am trying to bribe you with uncertainty, with danger, with defeat.我给你我的寂寞、我的黑暗、我心的饥渴;我试图用困惑、危险、失败来打动你。 (你是多么美丽的存在,可我真的什么都没有了。我只剩下我的寂寞、我的黑暗、以及我心的饥渴。我痴狂而笨拙地用这些东西包融你,我付出了我所拥有的一切,可你最后只给我留下defeat。 我用什么才能留住你?而你什么时候才愿意来把我救赎。)翻译: 王永年

Compatible with Q2612a怎样装粉?




be compatible with是什么意思

一致;适合;与…相配Be fully compatible with 全面兼容to be compatible with 与……一致 ; 相合Be compatible with current systems 与当前的系统匹配How do you know if a fix will be compatible with your environment? 跟读如何知道修复程序是否与您的环境兼容?双语例句 权威例句1.I am always here to plan with you. 我总是在这里和你计划。2."I"m Katim," he said. "I am always here." “我是卡蒂姆,”他说,“我一直在这儿。”3.Please know that I am always here to love you! 请记住我总是在这里,爱着你!*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************







be compatible with是什么意思


attempt to insert duplicate key row in objet"cashrep"with unique index "indel"是什么意思?

好像是:“尝试以独特索引在 objet" cashrep" 中插入复制键列”indel”

imagine me without you歌词翻译成中文

as long as 好象是只要的意思,直到一般翻的是till的意思吧

I am ready to go i am ready to run come to with alone 歌词是啥歌?

来自OH WONDER 的"White Blood"I"m ready to go, I"m ready to go Can"t do it alone, can"t do it alone I"m ready to run through the heat of the sun Can"t do it alone, can"t do it alone I"m ready to fall, so tired of it all Down deep in a hole, can"t do it alone I"m ready to climb this mountain inside Impossible heights Said you"d always be my white blood Circulate the right love Giving me your white blood I need you right here with me Said you"d always be my white blood Elevate my soul above Giving me your white blood I need you right here with me Here with me I"m ready to go, I"m ready to go Can"t do it alone, can"t do it alone I"m ready to run through the heat of the sun Can"t do it alone, can"t do it alone I"m ready to hope, swing me out of the low Wide awake in the glow, can"t do it alone I"m ready to fly, uncover the light Impossible heights Said you"d always be my white blood Circulate the right love Giving me your white blood I need you right here with me Said you"d always be my white blood Elevate my soul above Giving me your white blood I need you right here with me I need you right here with me Here with me Said you"d always be my white blood Circulate the right love Giving me your white blood I need you right here with me Said you"d always be my white blood Elevate my soul above Giving me your white blood I need you right here with me I need you right here with me

the universe began with a Big Bang哪位大哥大姐帮忙用英文写一段关于宇宙大爆炸的作文

Big Bang theory of the main opinion is that our universe had a period from hot to cold evolutionary history. During this period, the universe is not a static system, but are constantly expanding, so that the density of matter from the dense to dilute to evolve. This from hot to cold, from dense to dilute the process as the outbreak of an enormous scale. According to Big Bang cosmology opinion, the big bang the whole process are: early in the universe, the temperature is extremely high at 10 billion degrees. Material density is likely to be considerable, the whole system of the universe balanced. The universe only neutrons, protons and electrons, photons and neutrinos and other elementary particles form the material. However, because the whole system continues to expand, the results of the temperature dropped quickly. When the temperature dropped to around one billion degrees, neutrons begin to lose the freedom of the conditions exist, it either happened decay, or with protons into deuterium, helium and other elements; chemical element is formed from the beginning of this period. Temperature further dropped to one million degrees, the early formation of chemical elements in the process of The End (see element synthesis theory). The universe"s material is mainly of protons and electrons, photons, and some of the more lighter nuclei. When the temperature is reduced to several thousand degrees, the radiation diminishes, the universe is mainly gaseous material, the gas gradually unite into a gas cloud further the formation of various star systems, to become the universe we see today. Gamow in 1948 from the hot set up since the concept of the Big Bang, through decades of efforts, the universe, scientists outline for us the history of such a universe: Big Bang beginning about 137 million years ago, a very small volume, high density, high temperature. Big Bang 10 ~ 43 seconds ago the universe emerged from the quantum background. Big Bang the first 10 ~ 35 seconds with a broken down into strong, weak electric and gravitational force. Big Bang 10 ~ 5 second 10 trillion degrees, the formation of protons and neutrons. 0.01 seconds after the Big Bang one hundred billion degrees, photon, electron, neutrino mainly accounted for only 10 billionths of a proton neutron, thermal equilibrium state, the rapid expansion of the system, temperature and density continues to drop. 0.1 seconds after the Big Bang 30 billion later, the neutron proton ratio dropped to 0.61 from 1.0. One second after the Big Bang 10 billion later, the neutrinos escape outward, electron-positron annihilation reaction, nuclear power is still less than the neutron and proton bound. 13.8 seconds after the Big Bang 30 billion kwh, deuterium, helium nuclei stability category (chemical element) form. 35 minutes after the Big Bang, after three hundred million degrees, nuclear process to stop, can not form a neutral atom. Big Bang 30 years after 3000, the chemical combination of the role of neutral atoms so that the formation of the universe, the main components of gaseous substances, and gradually the gravitational effect of self-cohesion, high-density gas into the clouds, until the stars and stellar systems. According to the Hubble constant can be estimated around 150 million years ago, the universe began in a singular point. Wenger. Wave Miao said: "The explosion 1 / 100 second when the temperature was 100 billion degrees Celsius, the universe at its most simple state of thermal equilibrium. From a purely energy generated by the photon and electron-positron blend together, even the mirage-like micro - This son also soak in hot soup pots (what we call soup of elementary particles) Lane. photon and proton ratio of 10 to 1. exploded one second after the temperature has dropped to 10 billion degrees Celsius, neutrinos begin to escape from the heat balance extricate . 3 minutes is a epoch-making time, the temperature has dropped to one billion degrees Celsius, electron-positron annihilation finish. the universe, mainly by light, positive and negative component neutrino, nuclear particles represents a very small share of one of the ratio of hydrogen and helium for 73 : 27. The other is by the annihilation of many particles with the same nuclear electron scarce. since there is no major event happened 70 million years, until the temperature has dropped to 3000 degrees Celsius, the free electron gradually have their own owners, and nuclear form of hydrogen and helium, material was hot out of radiation balance, beginning the universe transparent.

If they agree with us,weuff08carry outuff09___________the

will carry out

be popular with与be popularity with的区别

be popularity with 是错的be popular with 是一个词组,意思是“受欢迎”、“受喜爱”、“被欣赏”,例:He is not very popular with her.(她不怎么喜欢/欣赏他.)

with popularity of the Internet.

the+名词是固定搭配,the叫定冠词,题目中表示特指举例:the peace of china中国的和平,the+名词+of + the+名词with介词:带有, popularity :ity结尾是名词,the Internet.the叫定冠词,其用法如下:1.表示特指的人或物The boy in red is her brother.穿黑衣服的那个男孩是她哥哥。I like the music of the film. 我喜欢这部电影的音乐。 2.和单数名词、形容词或者分词连用,表示一类人或事物。the tiger老虎 the old老年人 the living生者3.指世界上独一无二的事物The sun is shining.阳光普照。4.特指再次出现的人或事物。He told us a story ,but I was not interested in the story.他给我们讲了一个故事,但是我对这个故事不感兴趣。5.指谈话双方都知道或心中明白的人或物We went the station to see the friend off.我们去车站送朋友。6.表示某一国家的人时,其前用the。Yesterday the Singaporean came to visit our school.昨天有新加坡人来我校参观。7.用在序数词、形容词最高级前She was the first person to know that news.她是第一个知道那个消息的人。He is the strongest boy in our class. 他是我们班最强壮的男生。8.在发明物的单数名词前The washing-machine was invented by that old scientist.洗衣机是那位年老的科学家发明的。9.用于时间、重量等单位名称前,表示每一个单位。The oranges sell at 2 yuan by the kilo.橘子每公斤两元钱。They are paid by the month. 他们是按月份得到报酬的。10.用于表示方位的名词前There is a beautiful park in the east of our city.在我们的城市东面有一个美丽的公园。 11.用在江河、海洋、湖泊、群岛、山脉的名称前the Great Wall长城 the Changjiang River长江 the West Lake 西湖12.用在乐器名词前play the violin演奏小提琴 play the guitar弹吉他13.用于固定的短语中come to the point转入正题 in the distance在远处in the morning 在上午 on the air广播 in the end最后



Having lived through it,i can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when deaty......

句子的主干就是 i can now say this to you这句话有省略when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept.这句话是一个完整的状语从句,than后面省略了跟前面相同的主谓结构这里比较的是时间 是now和when从句的比较!因为主谓结构都相同,所以省略了还原之后如下i can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than (i can say this to you) when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept翻译:度过这次死亡之旅后,相比于以前只知道死亡有用,但纯粹是思想概念时, 我现在可以更自信地和你们说这些。这里理解的关键就是对than 的比较对象的理解!注意体会!

哪位亲能把辉星的with me 翻译成罗马音发给我,谢谢了拜托了各位 谢谢

With Me yo uh huh! This song is dedicated to all the broken heart.. ni sonjishana boneunge nan joh-eunde ni mogsolileul deudneungeosdo joh-eunde wae neon naema-eum-eun mudjido anhgo na nimamdaelo tteonalaneunji nal miwohaedo salanghal su issneunde nan neoman bomyeon haengboghalsu issneunde geuleonnaemamkkaji apeulaneungeonji wae gagisilh-eun nal tteomineunji salang-ilkkeolago midgoiss-eo (midgoiss-eo) nimam-i aningeol algo iss-eo (aningeol) deomanh-i salanghal salam chaj-agalanmal apeun nimamdo da alsu iss-eo (alsu-iss-eo) deo himdeul-eodo cham-eulsudo issneunde nal salanghaneun nima-eum boyeojumyeon ajig neoleul wihae haedugo sip-eun ildeul-i neomu manh-i issneunde salang-ilkkeolago midgoiss-eo nimam-i aningeol (mam-i aningeol) algo iss-eo (nan-algo issneunde) deomanh-i salanghal salam chaj-agalanmal apeun nimamdo da alsu iss-eo (alsu-iss-eo) rap) jigeum eojjihal suga eobsneun neoui apeum-eun ne gyeot-eul jikyeojulan haneul-ui tteus geuge nae mid-eum nae gaseum sog gip-eun gos saegyeojin neoui ileum neol gakkaiseo jikyeobol su issdaneun ge ojig gippeum na eobs-ineun haludo sal su eobsdaneun geol al-eo ije tteonalan mal geuleon mal haji mal-a cuz you"re the one for me and i"m the one for you ne ma-eum i sesang geu nuguboda nan jal al-a salang-ilagoman kkog mid-eojwo(kkog mid-eojwo) neoleul gadwoduneun naema-eumdo neoman-eul salanghal jasin ajigkkaji na neoui salangmankeum nam-assdago salang-ilkkeolago midgoiss-eo nimam-i aningeol algo iss-eo deomanh-i salanghal salam chaj-agalanmal(neol apeuge mandeulji anh-a) apeun nimamdo da (yo listen) alsu iss-eo(here with me)

Computer Graphics with OpenGL Third Edition 求本书源代码。


15’’ macbook Pro with retina display (Late 2013)的 late 2013表示什么?

1、从CPU具体型号就能判断新旧款,CPU是酷睿i7 4850就是2013年旧款,是酷睿i7 4770或4870就是今年新款;你先看看CPU具体型号是什么

30.With her yellow hair, Mary is ____ girl as a fairy.


the Great wall前边加什么about on 还是with?

an interesting Chinese saying意思是:一句中国的谚语,此处应该填about,表示这句谚语是关于长城的,符合语境。

如何理解:I booked a tour with the lady who runs the guest house……


Then you can join with me.有没有语法错误


《Get Programmingwith Go》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Get Programming with Go》(Nathan Youngman)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/185xQk2EO73nX0pKZzsceBA 提取码: rund书名:Get Programming with Go作者:Nathan Youngman豆瓣评分:7.9出版社:Manning Publications出版年份:2018-9-30页数:360内容简介:Hobbyists, newcomers, and professionals alike can benefit from a fast, modern language; all you need is the right resource! Get Programming with Go provides a hands-on introduction to Go language fundamentals, serving as a solid foundation for your future programming projects. You"ll master Go syntax, work with types and functions, and explore bigger ideas like state and concurrency, with plenty of exercises to lock in what you learn.作者简介:Nathan Youngman organizes the Edmonton Go meetup and is a mentor with Canada Learning Code.Roger Peppé contributes to Go and runs the Newcastle upon Tyne Go meetup.

up with词组都有哪些?要十个以上,谢谢


up with词组都有哪些?要十个以上,谢谢


if you can,i would like to start over from the beginning,fall in love with you什么意思


TEAR DROPS with KG-——后藤真希歌词中文意思

TEAR DROPS with KG作词∶Kaori Moriwaka作曲∶KG/SHIKATA/AILI歌∶后藤真希寂しいかれ 笑っていたんだSabishii kare waratte itandaあなたの声が闻こえる场所でAnata no koe ga kikoeru basho te私は谁かと平気なふりWatashi wa dare kato heiki na furi気づいてほしいけれどKiduite hoshii keredo仆といるよりも楽しげなBokuto iru yori mo tanoshi gena君を见つけ なぜか伤つきKimi wo mitsuke nazeka kizutsuki君の幸せ祈れなくて 嫌になるKimi no shiawase inore nakute iyani naru爱されたいだけAisa retai dakeあなたもそうAnata mo sou私と同じように せつないほどWatashi to onaji youni setsunai hodoなのにねえ なぜNano ni nee naze爱し合えないAishi ae naiだからいつまでもそう ひとりDakare itsuma demo sou hitoriGive me ちょっとだけ勇気Give me chotto dake yuuki理想より リアルにRisou yori riaru ni祈るより言叶 届けてInoru yori kotoba todokete必ずどさらか 伤つく恋ならKanarazu dochira ka kizutsuku koi nara私が伤つこうWatashi ga kizutsu kou君を连れ去りたい欲望Kimi wo tsuresari tai yokubou言叶 隠す歪むプライドKotoba kakusu yugamu puraido仆は何を恐れこんなにBoku wa nani wo sore konna ni素直になれないんだSunao ni nare nainda爱してるほどAishi teru hodo苦しくなるKurushiku naru重すぎるなんて言われちゃうのかなOmo sugiru nante iware chau no kanaなのにねえ まだNanoni nee mada爱が足りないAi gatari naiどこまでも欲しくて 悲しいDoko made mo hoshiku te kanashiiSweet Sweet my TeardropsSweet Sweet Your TeardropsSweet Sweet Our TeardropsSweet Sweet… Yeah…爱されたいだけAi sare tai dakeあなたもそうAnata mo sou私と同じように 泣きたいほどWatashi to onaji you ni naki tai hodoなのにねえ なぜNanoni nee nazeわかり合えないWakari ae naiだからいつまでもそう ひとりDakara itsuma de mo sou hitoriYeah…怖くないよ (Oh My Teardrops)Yeah.. Kowaku nai yo (Oh My Teardrops)もう ここから先へ (Oh Your Teardrops)Mou koko kara saki e (Oh Your Teardrops)もう 涙拭いて (Oh Our Teardrops)Mou namida fuite (Oh Our Teardrops)爱し合おうAishi aou

The girl ________ pink is my sister..on B .in C.with

B. in后面加一个颜色表示穿着某种颜色衣服的人,做定语修饰the girl,表示那个穿粉红色衣服的女孩.

The girl ________ pink is my sister.(选择题)A .on B .in C.with


a box of chocolates为什么后面是of,不是with,in,for

这是一种固定表达,类似于汉语的量词,a box of 一盒...

With Ray Noble And His Orchestra的《Linda》 歌词

歌曲名:Linda歌手:With Ray Noble And His Orchestra专辑:16 Most Requested Songs曲:片山圭司 词:何启弘 编:卢东尼呜。。。。。。一脸的醉意让我们更亲密给你所有最浪漫的消息谁都不可以想要将你代替为了你我什么都愿意是什么道理坦白也要勇气对你的爱已经无法言语只要一接近就会开始心惊怕太早从我怀里离去LINDA LINDA LINDA LINDA你不要不说话你的沉默仿佛是种惩罚怪我让你也有一点挣扎LINDA LINDA LINDA LINDA你不要太害怕有多爱你我还不会表达没说的你都懂吗是什么道理坦白也要勇气对你的爱已经无法言语只要一接近就会开始心惊怕太早从我怀里离去LINDA LINDA LINDA LINDA你不要不说话你的沉默仿佛是种惩罚怪我让你也有一点挣扎LINDA LINDA LINDA LINDA你不要太害怕有多爱你我还不会表达没说的你都懂吗LINDA LINDA LINDA LINDA你不要不说话你的沉默仿佛是种惩罚怪我让你也有一点挣扎LINDA LINDA LINDA LINDA你不要太害怕有多爱你我还不会表达没说的你都懂吗有多爱你我还不会表达没说的你都懂吗http://music.baidu.com/song/8789313

at lease within 3 months什么意思

at lease within 3 months的中文翻译at lease within 3 months 在租赁3个月内


它们都可作“面临、面对”,但face with 更常用于"sb + be + faced with sth"结构中。如:The biggest problem facing us /that faces us is pollution.We are faced with the biggest problem -- polution.No matter what difficulty we are faced with,we should not give up.The company is facing a financial crisis. She"s faced with a difficult decision.



link A to B 和 connect A with B 的 意思


come across with是什么意思


come across with是什么意思

come across with偿付[网络短语]come across with 偿付,吐露真情come across with 偿付I come across with you 与你相逢

link to和link with的区别?

楼主您好:一般用法是link...to或是link up with...link做动词用时,有这样的模式:Link A with B/ Link A and B (together); link sth (up)解释为:将人或物件连接或联系起来例如:The crowd linked arms to form a barrier.(群众臂挽着臂组成人墙)Television stations around the world are linked by satellite.(全世界的电视台通过卫星联系一起)The newspapers have linked his name with hers.(报纸报道把他和她的名字联系在一起<暗指他们有染>)a new road to link (up) the two motorways(连接两条高速公路的新路)另外link还有短语动词用法:link up (with sb/sth)连接,结合例句:The two spacecraft will link up (with each other) in orbit.(两艘宇宙飞船将于轨道上互相连接)祝楼主学习进步

请帮我解释一下link by,link with,link to 的区别.

link没有link by 和link to的说法 只有be linked by或者link .. to的用法be linked by用在被动语态里,link ... to就像help sb. to do sth一样 link做动词用时,有这样的模式: Link A with B/ Link A and B (together); link sth (up) 解释为:将人或物件连接或联系起来 例如:The crowd linked arms to form a barrier.(群众臂挽着臂组成人墙) Television stations around the world are linked by satellite.(全世界的电视台通过卫星联系一起) The newspapers have linked his name with hers.(报纸报道把他和她的名字联系在一起<暗指他们有染>) a new road to link (up) the two motorways(连接两条高速公路的新路)另外link还有短语动词用法: link up (with sb/sth)连接,结合 例句:The two spacecraft will link up (with each other) in orbit.(两艘宇宙飞船将于轨道上互相连接)

请帮我解释一下link by,link with,link to 的区别.

只有be linked by或者link ..to的用法be linked by用在被动语态里,link ...to就像help sb.to do sth一样 link做动词用时,有这样的模式: Link A with B/ Link A and B (together); link sth (up) 将人或物件连接或联系起来

be linked with 和be associated with有什么区别


The New World Orchestra With Merv Young的《Angels》 歌词

歌曲名:Angels歌手:The New World Orchestra With Merv Young专辑:Pure Acoustic ChilloutJudas Priest----AngelJudas Priest----AngelAngel,put sad wings around me nowProtect me from this world of sinSo that we can rise againOh angel - we can find our way somehowEscaping from the world we"re inTo a place where we beganAnd I know we"ll findA better place and peace of mindJust tell me that it"s all you wantfor you and meAngel won"t you set me freeAngel remember how we"d chase the sunThen reaching for the stars at nightAs our lives had just begunWhen I close my eyesI hear your velvet wings and cryI"m waiting here with open armsoh can"t you seeAngel shine your light on meOh angel will we meet once more - I"ll payWhen all my sins are washed awayHold me inside your wings and stayOh! Angel take me awayPut sad wings around me nowAngel take me far awayPut sad wings around me nowSo that we can rise againPut sad wings around me nowAngel take me far awayPut sad wings around me nowSo that we can rise againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2779234

be linked to , be linked with , be connected to ,

首先从意思上看,be linked to 连接到... be linked with 和....连接 这两个词组都是连接具象的物体其次存在一种关系,我们来看一下例句A is linked to B---- A被连到B上。(强调A为主体)A is linked with B---- A与B连在一起。(2者是对等关系)然后是be connected with ,和 be related to ,这两个词组一般指事情或者人之间的关联性be related to 与...相关be related to强调前后两件事(物)的相关性.后面一般接人, 抽象的概念等等;be connected with强调 涉及到...;与...有干系; 与...有染,后面一般接某种事件或者组织.最后是be associated with这个强调主观上把某两件事情联系起来,是自己认为的

请帮我解释一下link by,link with,link to 的区别.

link没有link by 和link to的说法只有be linked by或者link .. to的用法be linked by用在被动语态里,link ... to就像help sb. to do sth一样link做动词用时,有这样的模式:Link A with B/ Link A and B (together); link sth (up)解释为:将人或物件连接或联系起来例如:The crowd linked arms to form a barrier.(群众臂挽着臂组成人墙)Television stations around the world are linked by satellite.(全世界的电视台通过卫星联系一起)The newspapers have linked his name with hers.(报纸报道把他和她的名字联系在一起<暗指他们有染>)a new road to link (up) the two motorways(连接两条高速公路的新路)另外link还有短语动词用法:link up (with sb/sth)连接,结合例句:The two spacecraft will link up (with each other) in orbit.(两艘宇宙飞船将于轨道上互相连接)

be linked to 和 be linked with 有什么区别?

首先从意思上看,也就是楼上所说的 be linked to 连接到... be linked with 和.连接 其次存在一种关系,我们来看一下例句 A is linked to B---- A被连到B上.(强调A为主体) A is linked with B---- A与B连在一起. (2者是对等关系)

be linked to 和 be linked with 有什么区别?

首先从意思上看,也就是楼上所说的 be linked to 连接到... be linked with 和.连接 其次存在一种关系,我们来看一下例句 A is linked to B---- A被连到B上.(强调A为主体) A is linked with B---- A与B连在一起. (2者是对等关系)

be linked to 和 be linked with 有什么区别?


be linked to 和 be linked with 有什么区别

首先从意思上看:be linked to 连接到... be linked with 和....连接 其次存在一种关系,我们来看一下例句A is linked to B---- A被连到B上。(强调A为主体)A is linked with B---- A与B连在一起。(两者是对等关系)

link to 和link with有何区别

link...to...与...连接起来link sth.with把……和……结合起来link up with与……连接起来、联系着

link A to B和link A with B区别

把A连接到B ; 用B连接A。

link to/link up with/be linked to的用法和区别

link to 是将A接到B上;link up with 是将A与B连接到一起;be linked to是A被接到B上;一般用法是link...to或是link up with...link做动词用时,有这样的模式:Link A with B/ Link A and B (together); link sth (up)解释为:将人或物件连接或联系起来例如:The crowd linked arms to form a barrier.(群众臂挽着臂组成人墙)Television stations around the world are linked by satellite.(全世界的电视台通过卫星联系一起)The newspapers have linked his name with hers.(报纸报道把他和她的名字联系在一起<暗指他们有染>)a new road to link (up) the two motorways(连接两条高速公路的新路)另外link还有短语动词用法:link up (with sb/sth)连接,结合例句:The two spacecraft will link up (with each other) in orbit.(两艘宇宙飞船将于轨道上互相连接)

be linked to 和 be linked with 有什么区别


be linked to , be linked with , be connected to ,

belinkedto连接到...belinkedwith和...连接 beconnectedto与…有联系,与…有关联;与…连接;connect连接,联系作“连接”意思时,是come&bringtogether,并一定程度上等于join。例:twostreamsconnectedtobeoneriver.两条小溪汇成一条大河。link一般是一串,一系列的东西的互相关联。作“连接”意思时,是conecttwoormorewithalinkorasifwithalink常与together,to,with连用。例:Thetwotownsarelinked/connectedbyarailway.这两个城镇由一条铁路连接起来。

be linked to 和 be linked with 有什么区别


when i was young i什么play with my friends

D Used to do 过去曾经做 …( 但现在不做了 ) 。

pure oil lip protection with grapefruit什么意思

应该是由纯葡萄柚油做成的唇膏pure纯的;单纯的;纯真的;干净的;清晰的;纯正的oil石油;原油;燃油lip嘴唇;口;边缘;grapefruit葡萄柚;西柚;葡萄柚树1、葡萄柚为甜橙和柚的天然杂交种,是重要的柑桔类果树。果实既可鲜食,又可加工果汁,并别具风味。在柑桔类中,其产量仅次于甜橙和宽皮柑桔居第三位。2、由葡萄柚萃取的植物油或白油是膏霜和乳液等护肤品的常用基质原料,主要起滋润和柔滑皮肤的作用,能在皮肤表面形成疏水薄膜,使皮肤柔滑湿润,保护皮肤,抑制皮肤表面的水分蒸发,促进护肤品有效成分的吸收。例句:1、Once the pureoillipprotectionwithgrapefruit contain over lead, itwouldbe so dangerous as the lipstick arethe daily used necessaries in cosmetics. 由纯葡萄柚油做成的唇膏作为化妆品中的一种必备日常用品,一旦含铅量超标是非常危险的。2、My mom wouldgetalittle dressed upand put on some pureoillipprotectionwithgrapefruit. 我妈会打扮一下,涂些由纯葡萄柚油做成的唇膏。3、Thepureoillipprotectionwithgrapefruitcanprotectthelips. 由纯葡萄柚油做成的唇膏可以保护嘴唇。4、So you are sunbathing, then do not forget apply some pureoillipprotectionwithgrapefruit balm to protect your lips from the heat and the damage of thesunrays. 所以当你在享受日光浴时,别忘了擦润 由纯葡萄柚油做成的唇膏保护嘴唇不受高温和紫外线的伤害。5、Pureoillipprotectionwithgrapefruitismadeupof grapefruit. 纯葡萄柚油做成的唇膏是由葡萄柚做成的。

Graduation with Distinction 是什么意思,完形里见到的


the way of share opinion with each other


friends with benefits是什么意思啊???


friends with benefit什么意思


谁能帮忙写篇英语作文啊the benefit of traveling with friends

There are many good reasons for travelling with your friends ,the reasons as following .To begin with ,you can learn a lot of knowledge that cant be got in the classroom , you can apply what you have learnt ,which is very good .second you can travel a lot of tourist spots and enjoy the view . the last but not the least you can enrich your knowledge ,which may help your future study .so I "d love to travel with my friends ,everytime we enjoy it and our friendship will long and lasting

姐姐想看电影《Friends with benefits》,求免费百度云,谢谢

同求百度云链接T_T 想看!!呜呜呜

关于电影朋友也上床 (Friends with benefits)


friends with benefits和情侣本质上的区别是什么?


friends without benefits 是什么意思?


女人说friends with benefits怎么回答?

翻译成为中文就是: 益友。互相之间有利益关系的朋友。可以回复: we are the same.同感。有情人终成眷属!开心快乐每一天!哈哈哈!

friends with benefits什么意思,请勿用翻译软件


英文语境里所谓"friends with benefit"应该怎么理解?

两个人可以像普通朋友一样一起出去玩,有需要了可以have sex,但是并不是对方的唯一,不需要受relationship的束缚。Benefit,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“有益于,对…有益”。作不及物动词时意为“受益,得益”。作名词时意为“利益,好处;救济金”。双语例句I have done it for his benefit.我为了他的利益才做那件事情。It is there for your benefit whether you feel it or not.这都是为了你们的利益,不论你们是否感受到了。It is not his fault. He did it for your benefit.这不是他的错误。他是为了你的好处才这样做的。
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