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Mary Lou Williams的《Nicole》 歌词

歌曲名:Nicole歌手:Mary Lou Williams专辑:30 Years North Sea Jazz FestivalNico - Lucy van Pelt目を覚ましたら 闻こえてくる雨音に耳をすます明けない夜に 升るはずの阳の位置を思い浮かべるふつりあいな程大きな黒い伞薄明るい空に手を伸ばしさしたら小さな闇になった近すぎた影 远い嘘静かすぎる部屋は嫌い确かめる间も ないままになぜ急いで沈むのだろう何も见えない夜は见失わないように苛立ちと愿いをろうそくに 灯せば寂し気な天体になったもしも言叶が星よりも数え切れない程あるなら伝えられるかもしれないけどそんな大切なものではないと思うそこまで 歩いてゆこう雨が降りやんだら穏やかな朝焼けが眩しいだろうhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10259107



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william wordsworth代表作

william wordsworth代表作:《抒情歌谣集》、《丁登寺旁》、《序曲》、《她住在人迹罕至的地方》、《水仙花》。华兹华斯是英国浪漫主义诗人,曾当上桂冠诗人。其诗歌理论动摇了英国古典主义诗学的统治,有力地推动了英国诗歌的革新和浪漫主义运动的发展。他是文艺复兴运动以来最重要的英语诗人之一,其诗句“朴素生活,高尚思考”被作为牛津大学基布尔学院的格言。华兹华斯写了许多以自然与人生关系为主题的诗歌,中心思想是大自然是人生欢乐和智慧的源泉。1803年华兹华斯游苏格兰,写了《孤独的收割人》。1807年他出版了两卷本诗集,这部诗集的出版,总结了从1797至1807年他创作生命最旺盛的10年。风格特点华兹华斯的小诗清新,长诗清新而又深刻,一反新古典主义平板、典雅的风格,开创了新鲜活泼的浪漫主义诗风。他的十四行诗雄奇,他的《序曲》(1805年)首创用韵文来写自传式的“一个诗人的心灵的成长”,无论在内容和艺术上都开了一代新风。华兹华斯关于自然的诗歌,优美动人,他的这类诗歌的一个突出特点就是——寓情于景,情景交融。这种风格,是作者通过对诗歌的题材、诗歌所用的语言,以及对诗歌所用的格律、诗体和作诗歌词汇的选择体现出来的。以上内容参考自百度百科-William Wordsworth

William Orbit的《777》 歌词

歌曲名:777歌手:William Orbit专辑:Strange Cargo Ii「777」作词∶みーちゃん/K作曲∶草野よしひろ编曲∶草野よしひろ歌∶みーちゃん(瀬戸由宇真)CRAZリールをまわせフルスロツトルだ 地球をひとっ飞び人生最高のボーカーゲームサイコロ振った 裏と表金と女とワインの薫り溺れ好きとか嫌い 暧昧な感情论でむき出しの欲望にちょっとだけのSPICEやきもちは极上のKISSをすれば ほら新しいGAMEが始めるCRAZリールをまわせフルスロツトルだ 地球をひとっ飞び人生最高のボーカーゲームサイコロ振った 裏と表ボダンひとつで世の中を済ましてる部屋から行ける无限大のラビリンス笼の中に饱きたらDRIVEへと行こう车じゃ足リないから全て壊せる さあ戦车で 今飞び出せCRAZリールをまわせフルスロツトルだ 地球をひとっ飞び人生最高のボーカーゲームサイコロ振って 笑えよENDLESS GAME な777まだまだ欲しい もっと足リない人生最大のボーカーフェースココロの底の 裏と表银河 彼方大気圏を 超えてはるかに天王星 远くJACPOT 数字がならぶ礼束が宙を 舞い上がってく人生最高の日々に尽きることない欲望CRAZリールをまわせフルスロツトルだ 地球をひとっ飞び人生最高のボーカーゲームサイコロ振った 裏と表収録∶圣smiley学园~Ver.理系~Vol.2 -777/瀬戸由宇真/発売日∶2011/06/15LRC to make By∶Yoho888(Vine)终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2660583





Ludwig Donath&Ralph Williams的《Try Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Try Me歌手:Ludwig Donath&Ralph Williams专辑:She Loves MeLolita - Try MeSuper Eurobeat - Vol.60Lyric - ps2maxTake up my lifeCause the taste of your love has got meDo you know, my honey?Looking your way nowA kind of good treat in your armsI can try my loveYou can fly with meWith joy and delightJust believe me, I"m ready nowWatching all your loveGo, feel up the sky tonightNow you can try meForever I"m your loverMaking a part of me yeahCause you can try meForget about your othersTake all your time with meNow you can try meForever I"m your loverMaking a part of me yeahCause you can try meForget about your othersTake all your time with me yeahTalk in my mindJust stop looking around in your lifeDon"t give up my honeyTake all my heart nowJust beating for you all the timeYou can try me loveYou can fly with meWith joy and delightJust believe me, I"m ready nowWatching all your loveGo, feel up the sky tonightNow you can try meForever I"m your loverMaking a part of me yeahCause you can try meForget about your othersTake all your time with meNow you can try meForever I"m your loverMaking a part of me yeahCause you can try meForget about your othersTake all your time with me yeahNow you can try meForever I"m your loverMaking a part of me yeahCause you can try meForget about your othersTake all your time with meNow you can try meForever I"m your loverMaking a part of me yeahCause you can try meForget about your othersTake all your time with me yeahYou can fly with meWith joy and delightJust believe me, I"m ready nowWatching all your loveGo, feel up the sky tonightYou can fly with meWith joy and delightJust believe me, I"m ready nowWatching all your loveGo, feel up the sky...http://music.baidu.com/song/10244630

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《Othello - William Shakespeare》(Bloom, Harold)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ahNFlS_quNMtQQ8FGpM32A 提取码:r3bj书名:Othello - William Shakespeare作者:Bloom, Harold页数:235

william shakespeare 是什么意思


William Shakespear英文内容简介

No more be grieved at that thou hast done:Roses have thorns, and silver fountains mud.Clouds and eclipses stain both moon and sun,And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud.All men make faults, and even I in this,Authorizing thy trespass with compare,Myself corrupting, salving thy amiss,Excusing thy sins more than thy sins are;For to thy sensual fault I bring in sense—Thy adverse party is thy advocate—And" gainst myself a lawful plea commence.Such civil war is in my love and hate,That I an accessory needs must beTo that sweet thief which sourly robs from me.

william shakespeare的十四行诗中怎样理解最后两句

莎士比亚-十四行诗(节选)SONNET #1by: William ShakespeareFROM fairest creatures we desire increase,That thereby beauty"s rose might never die,But as the riper should by time decease,His tender heir might bear his memory;But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes,Feed"st thy light"s flame with self-substantial fuel,Making a famine where abundance lies,Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel.Thout that are now the world"s fresh ornamentAnd only herald to the gaudy spring,Within thine own bud buriest thy contentAnd, tender churl, mak"st waste in niggarding.Pity the world, or else this glutton be,To eat the world"s due, by the grave and thee.对天生的尤物我们要求蕃盛,以便美的玫瑰永远不会枯死,但开透的花朵既要及时雕零,就应把记忆交给娇嫩的后嗣;但你,只和你自己的明眸定情,把自己当燃料喂养眼中的火焰,和自己作对,待自己未免太狠,把一片丰沃的土地变成荒田.你现在是大地的清新的点缀,又是锦绣阳春的唯一的前锋,为什么把富源葬送在嫩蕊里,温柔的鄙夫,要吝啬,反而浪用?可怜这个世界吧,要不然,贪夫,就吞噬世界的份,由你和坟墓.

William Shakespeare 英文简介

William Shakespeare was born to John Shakespeare and mother Mary Arden some time in late April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. There is no record of his birth, but his baptism was recorded by the church, thus his birthday is assumed to be the 23 of April. His father was a prominent and prosperous alderman in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon, and was later granted a coat of arms by the College of Heralds. All that is known of Shakespeare"s youth is that he presumably attended the Stratford Grammar School, and did not proceed to Oxford or Cambridge. The next record we have of him is his marriage to Anne Hathaway in 1582. The next year she bore a daughter for him, Susanna, followed by the twins Judith and Hamnet two years later. Seven years later Shakespeare is recognized as an actor, poet and playwright, when a rival playwright, Robert Greene, refers to him as "an upstart crow" in A Groatsworth of Wit. A few years later he joined up with one of the most successful acting troupe"s in London: The Lord Chamberlain"s Men. When, in 1599, the troupe lost the lease of the theatre where they performed, (appropriately called The Theatre) they were wealthy enough to build their own theatre across the Thames, south of London, which they called "The Globe." The new theatre opened in July of 1599, built from the timbers of The Theatre, with the motto "Totus mundus agit histrionem" (A whole world of players) When James I came to the throne (1603) the troupe was designated by the new king as the King"s Men (or King"s Company). The Letters Patent of the company specifically charged Shakespeare and eight others "freely to use and exercise the art and faculty of playing Comedies, Tragedies, Histories, Inerludes, Morals, Pastorals, stage plays ... as well for recreation of our loving subjects as for our solace and pleasure."

william Shakespeare的英文简介带汉语

莎士比亚(W. William Shakespeare;1564~1616)英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。莎士比亚的代表作有四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》(英:Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(英:Othello)、《李尔王》(英:King Lear)、《麦克白》(英:Mac Beth)。著名喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》《威尼斯商人》《第十二夜》《皆大欢喜》(《As you like it》)。历史剧:《亨利四世》《亨利五世》《查理二世》。正剧、悲喜剧:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。还写过154首十四行诗,二首长诗。本·琼森称他为“时代的灵魂”,马克思称他和古希腊的埃斯库罗斯为“人类最伟大的戏剧天才”。虽然莎士比亚只用英文写作,但他却是世界著名作家。他的大部分作品都已被译成多种文字,其剧作也在许多国家上演。儒略历1616年4月23日(公历1616年5月3日)病逝,出生日期与逝世日期恰好相同。莎士比亚和意大利著名数学家、物理学家、天文学家和哲学家、近代实验科学的先驱者伽利略同一年出生。被人们尊称为“莎翁”。初中选文《威尼斯商人》.高中选文《哈姆莱特》《罗密欧与朱丽叶(节选)》。The English poets, playwright Sha Shibiya was born in 1564 in England"s Stella luck city. He has the strong cultural base, but has not read the university. When 18 years old marries with 26 year old females, when not reach 21 years old had three children; After 3 years went to London to become the actor, the playwright; When 30 years old starts to be lucky; When 34 years old the family is well-to-do, art obtains the success, is recognized as the playwright which rises newly. Sha Shibiya alone lives in London"s 20 years, his wife lives continuously in the Stella luck. When nearly 40 years old, Sha Shibiya only then returns to the Stella luck until to die. 27 year old of that year, he wrote the historical drama "Henry Six Th" the trilogy, after the script performance has been welcome greatly the audience, and has won the very high prestige for him, let him come to a stop gradually in the London theatrical circle the heel. In 1595, Sha Shibiya has written a tragedy "Romeo And Juliet", after the script performance, Sha Shibiya famous tyrant London, the audience wells up generally like the tide to the theater looked this play, and moves has flowed off the tears. In 1599, Sha Shibiya poured into wrote the script with all one"s strength "Hamlet", also has obtained the huge success. In later several years, Sha Shibiya has written "Austria Xylenum", "Li You King" and "Mike Is white", they and "Hamlet" is called together Sha Shibiya"s four big tragedies. In 1616, Sha Shibiya because fell ill left the world, has lived 52 years old. In these 52 years profession, he has left behind 37 scripts for the common people, as soon as curls 14 lines of poems and two narrative 长诗. His script also performs until now in world each place. In his birthday that day, has many countries to perform his script every year to commemorate him. Sha Shibiya is on Europe Renaissance time England dramatic world"s "the giant". He inherits and develops the ancient Greece Rome play and the English folk play outstanding tradition, does not give a thought to "the unity of action" and so on the rules and regulations, the breakthrough comedy and the tragedy boundary, carries on the creative from the content to the form innovation. In view of the middle ages feudalism and asceticism fetter, he respects the woman, eulogy love, molds a series of idealizations the bourgeoisie new feminine lovable image. In the historical drama and the tragedy, he engraved has delimited a series of feudal tyrant"s image, heartlessly exposition and critique feudalism tyranny. He also in the play advocated the humanity by opposed the Middle Ages lively, compare with the human the deity, emphasized human great and strength, said the human is "the universe essence, the myriad things spirit is long". He also frequently exposes religious in the play the hypocrisy. The Sha Shibiya dramatic art characteristic, is the fantasy and the real ingenious union. Marx after 1848 in order to "wants to enable own English knowledge to achieve the consummation the region", once "all searched for the Sha Shibiya special style words and phrases performs to classify", carried on the study. His grave now nearby a his hometown chapel, every year has the photograph which ten million counts to go on a pilgrimage looks at reverently generally. Is engraving such inscribed text on his tombstone: "Looks on God"s surface, Please do not have to move my grave, The rash action will encounter the curse, The protector will receive the blessing."



Robbie Williams的《Millennium》 歌词

歌曲名:Millennium歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:Tony Fenton"s 50 Favourite No. 1sMillenniumTaken From "I"ve Been Expecting You"(Robbie Williams/Guy Chambers/L. Bricusse/J.Barry)Notes: "Some say that we are players, some say that we are pawns"..Rob openly admits he has no idea what this means, "it just sounded good".With a song of this title it was bound to be a success with the up and coming turn of the century.Luckily enough the song lived up to it"s a name, it"s pretty good! It became a number one hit.We"ve got stars directing our fateAnd we"re praying it"s not too lateMillenniumSome say that we are playersSome say that we are pawnsbut we"ve been making money since the day that we were bornGot to slow down, cause we"ll low down.Round and round in circles live a life of solitude"till we find ourselves a partner someone to relate toThen we slow down, before we fall down.We"ve got stars directing our fateAnd we"re praying it"s not too late"cause we know we"re falling from graceMillenniumLive for liposuction, detox for your rentOverdose for Christmas and give it up for LentMy friends are all so cynical refuse to keep the faithWe all enjoy the madness "cause we know we"re gonna fade away.We"ve got stars directing our fateAnd we"re praying it"s not too late"cause we know we"re falling from graceMillenniumCome and have a go if you think you are hard enoughCome and have a go if you think you are hard enoughMillenniumMillenniumWe"ve got stars directing our fateAnd we"re praying it"s not too late"cause we know we"re falling from graceMillennium(Sometimes you know)And when we come we always come too lateI often think that we were born to hateget up and see the sarcasm in my eyes.And when we come we always come too lateI often think that we were born to hateGet up and see the sarcasm in my eyes.We"ve got stars directing our fate (Millennium)and we"re praying it"s not too late (Millennium)"cause we know we"re falling from grace (Millennium)(And we won"t stop)We"ve got stars directing our fateand we"re praying it"s not too late"cause we know we"re falling from graceMillenniumhttp://music.baidu.com/song/29761101

Robbie Williams的《Millennium》 歌词

歌曲名:Millennium歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:Now That"s What I Call ChillMillenniumTaken From "I"ve Been Expecting You"(Robbie Williams/Guy Chambers/L. Bricusse/J.Barry)Notes: "Some say that we are players, some say that we are pawns"..Rob openly admits he has no idea what this means, "it just sounded good".With a song of this title it was bound to be a success with the up and coming turn of the century.Luckily enough the song lived up to it"s a name, it"s pretty good! It became a number one hit.We"ve got stars directing our fateAnd we"re praying it"s not too lateMillenniumSome say that we are playersSome say that we are pawnsbut we"ve been making money since the day that we were bornGot to slow down, cause we"ll low down.Round and round in circles live a life of solitude"till we find ourselves a partner someone to relate toThen we slow down, before we fall down.We"ve got stars directing our fateAnd we"re praying it"s not too late"cause we know we"re falling from graceMillenniumLive for liposuction, detox for your rentOverdose for Christmas and give it up for LentMy friends are all so cynical refuse to keep the faithWe all enjoy the madness "cause we know we"re gonna fade away.We"ve got stars directing our fateAnd we"re praying it"s not too late"cause we know we"re falling from graceMillenniumCome and have a go if you think you are hard enoughCome and have a go if you think you are hard enoughMillenniumMillenniumWe"ve got stars directing our fateAnd we"re praying it"s not too late"cause we know we"re falling from graceMillennium(Sometimes you know)And when we come we always come too lateI often think that we were born to hateget up and see the sarcasm in my eyes.And when we come we always come too lateI often think that we were born to hateGet up and see the sarcasm in my eyes.We"ve got stars directing our fate (Millennium)and we"re praying it"s not too late (Millennium)"cause we know we"re falling from grace (Millennium)(And we won"t stop)We"ve got stars directing our fateand we"re praying it"s not too late"cause we know we"re falling from graceMillenniumhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59112286

Robbie Williams的《Millennium》 歌词

歌曲名:Millennium歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 2MillenniumTaken From "I"ve Been Expecting You"(Robbie Williams/Guy Chambers/L. Bricusse/J.Barry)Notes: "Some say that we are players, some say that we are pawns"..Rob openly admits he has no idea what this means, "it just sounded good".With a song of this title it was bound to be a success with the up and coming turn of the century.Luckily enough the song lived up to it"s a name, it"s pretty good! It became a number one hit.We"ve got stars directing our fateAnd we"re praying it"s not too lateMillenniumSome say that we are playersSome say that we are pawnsbut we"ve been making money since the day that we were bornGot to slow down, cause we"ll low down.Round and round in circles live a life of solitude"till we find ourselves a partner someone to relate toThen we slow down, before we fall down.We"ve got stars directing our fateAnd we"re praying it"s not too late"cause we know we"re falling from graceMillenniumLive for liposuction, detox for your rentOverdose for Christmas and give it up for LentMy friends are all so cynical refuse to keep the faithWe all enjoy the madness "cause we know we"re gonna fade away.We"ve got stars directing our fateAnd we"re praying it"s not too late"cause we know we"re falling from graceMillenniumCome and have a go if you think you are hard enoughCome and have a go if you think you are hard enoughMillenniumMillenniumWe"ve got stars directing our fateAnd we"re praying it"s not too late"cause we know we"re falling from graceMillennium(Sometimes you know)And when we come we always come too lateI often think that we were born to hateget up and see the sarcasm in my eyes.And when we come we always come too lateI often think that we were born to hateGet up and see the sarcasm in my eyes.We"ve got stars directing our fate (Millennium)and we"re praying it"s not too late (Millennium)"cause we know we"re falling from grace (Millennium)(And we won"t stop)We"ve got stars directing our fateand we"re praying it"s not too late"cause we know we"re falling from graceMillenniumhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59423244

Andy Williams的《Emily》 歌词

歌曲名:Emily歌手:Andy Williams专辑:16 Most Requested SongsArtist:Brian MeloAlbum:Livin ItTitle:EmilyLRC-Maker:594-KingI look in my eyesSearching for signs of lifeDigging through darkness trying to seePity the sightTry to wipe up last nightThat"s not the kind of guy I want to beSweeping the city streetsOh picking up the piecestorn and scattered at my feetI"m down here on my knees asking for forgivenessHoping hard and begging pleaseEmily...music...It"s not that I liedOh no, when I stopped tryingWas so sure you were mineTurned my back to youCos, I never believed you could just up and leave meDon"t know what I should doI"m not losing you againSweeping the city streetsOh picking up the piecesTorn and scattered at my feetI"m down here on my knees asking for forgivenessHoping hard and begging pleaseYou"re the one ( X4 )Sweeping the city streetsOh picking up the piecesTorn and scattered at my feetI"m down here on my knees asking for forgivenessHoping hard and begging pleaseEmily ( X4 )〖...Over...〗http://music.baidu.com/song/1513708



求歌曲Lullaby - R3hab/Mike Williams百度云


:《勇敢的心》中William Wallace说的一句震撼人心的话,英语怎么说阿?

You can take my life ,but you can never take my free.Every one will die ,but not every one have real alive.

William Orbit的《Scorpion》 歌词

歌曲名:Scorpion歌手:William Orbit专辑:Strange CargoScorpio ----- The TRAXI don"t give a chance, if they wanna fault"Cause there"s nothing left to crackI wanna make a ridewe"re gonna run to forthConnect the dots, disconnect the lineLet"s shine like Scorpio in the skyYeah! Come on! Rock~

Robbie Williams的《Blasphemy》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Blasphemy歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:Reality Killed The Video StarRobbie Williams - BlasphemyThe Egyptians built their pyramidsThe Romans did what they didNow everything"s come down to thisit"s just you and I, our kin!!!We could send a million to the moonBut why can"t I get on with you?Cellophane around my mouthStops the anger sipping outOur deaf and dumb dinnersGravy in the mudNo singles, just fillersSometimes I wish I couldBut I can"t behaveI know it"s not the heathen in meit"s just that I"ve been bleeding lately, Internallydon"t turn to me,Bite your tongue, the torrid weaponYou could learn a useful lessonWhat"s so great aboutthe Great DepressionIs it a blast for you? BlasphemyWords cut like a knife throughVaselineYou can"t really mean what you meanWhen you say what you saySo tourettes make them come out that way,Wish I was here well I wish you weren"tYour gift of anger"s better burntIf nothing"s said then nothing"s learntI though I wasn"t but I"m really hurtingOur deaf and dumb dinners,there"s gravy in the mudAnd I can"t behaveNo, it"s not the heathen in meit"s just that I"ve been bleeding lately, InternallyDon"t turn to meBite my tongue, the torrid weaponWe could learn a useful lessonwhat"s so great aboutthe Great DepressionWas it a blast for you, BlasphemyA great adventure Christmas in the snowSenile Dementia maybe, what a way to goI can"t behaveI know it"s not the heathen in meit"s just that I"ve been bleeding lately, InternallySo turn to meBite your tongue, your torrid weaponWe could learn a useful lessonIn a greatness great depressionit"s not a blast for me,it"s blasphemyhttp://music.b***.com/song/2972827



Deniece Williams的《Waiting》 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting歌手:Deniece Williams专辑:Love SongsNe-Yo - Waiting(Mm,Mm)(Mm,Mm)Six o"clockSeconds feel like hoursAs I sit hereAnd watch them tick awayAnd just the thoughtOf seeing you againI wanna danceI"ve longed for this day(Mm)So I"ll be waitingCuz I can"t smileUntil I see your smileI"ll be waitingThere"s nothing else thatI would rather doI"ll be waitingCuz I can"t sleepUntil I feel your touchI"ll be waitingPatiently I"ll wait right here for you(Mm) waiting for you (yeah)Twelve a.m,Crowd is getting thinBut that"s okayCuz I"m not here for them, noI refuse,To move from this spotUntil I feel your heartPressed against mine again(Oh baby)So I"ll be waitingCuz I can"t smileUntil I see your smileI"ll be waitingThere"s nothing else thatI would rather doI"ll be waitingCuz I can"t sleepUntil I feel your touchI"ll be waitingPatiently I"ll wait right here for youI don"t care how long it takesI don"t mind, I"ll sit and waitTill the sun goes downAnd comes back up againCuz you"re the best thing in my lifeWithout you it just ain"t rightSo take as long as you likeI"ll still be waitingSo I"ll be waiting (waiting)Cuz I can"t smileUntil I see your smileI"ll be waiting (waiting)There"s nothing else thatI would rather doI"ll be waiting (waiting)Cuz I can"t sleepUntil I feel your touchI"ll be waiting (waiting)Patiently I"ll wait right here for youI"ll be waiting (waiting ooh)I"ll be waiting (waiting ooh)I"ll be waiting (waiting ooh)I"ll be waiting (waiting ooh)Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8714428


没有听过,评论不了 呵呵!






不会啊,英国王子也叫这个名字.——维视课堂英语小编 :) 维视课堂 外教兴趣分享 在线学习





吴翔威个人资料曝光 william吴翔威多大是什么星座

  真人秀《心动的信号第二季》中,几名素人嘉宾各有特点。william吴翔威成熟稳重,很有霸道总裁范儿,面对喜欢的女生,他第一时间宣示主权,面对不来电的女生,他从不释放错误信号。吴翔威的个人资料曝光,网友等不及了解他多大,是什么星座。下面,来看看详情!   网上的资料介绍,吴翔威出生于1991年,是一名九零后,星座为双子。2019年,他二十八岁,正是一个男人最有魅力的时候。开头提到的william是吴翔威的英文名,它音译过来是威廉,英国的一位王子和吴翔威同名。吴翔威本身很有贵族气质,给人一种偶像王子的既视感,威廉这个英文名和他很配。   和众多社会精英一样,吴翔威有海外留学的经历,他曾经在瑞士酒店管理大学读国际酒店项目管理。现今,吴翔威已经是一名优秀的品酒师,某香槟品牌中国区的品牌大使就是他。   私底下,吴翔威兴趣爱好广泛,在很多方面都很厉害。别看他瘦瘦的,一副文质彬彬的样子。其实,他是一名运动达人。网球、斯诺克(障碍台球)、箭术、滑雪等运动项目,他都很擅长。   《心动的信号第二季》中,吴翔威是最成熟稳重的一名男嘉宾,他对女嘉宾杨凯雯似乎很有好感。第一期节目,杨凯雯和吴翔威在厨房做饭,吴翔威贴心帮杨凯雯系围裙,很像是在宣示主权。后来,在厨房的女嘉宾换成张天,吴翔威的反应大大不同,他绅士和张天保持距离。观众很欣赏他不乱搞暧昧,胡乱释放错误信号这一点。之后,第二期的投票环节,吴翔威投给杨凯雯,杨凯雯也选择投票给他,两人之间的小火花变明显。观众一致希望吴翔威能抱得美人归。










有决心, 果断的

william这个 词怎么读?谢谢

参考答案:William[英][ˈwɪljəm][美][ˈwɪljəm]n.威廉(男子名,涵义:强而有力的战士); William[男子名] [英格兰人姓氏] 威廉来源于古法语人名的诺曼底形式+日耳曼语,含义是“意愿+头盔,保护”(will,desire+helmet,protection) 昵称Bill,Billie,Billy,Will,Willie; 如果我的回答对您有帮助,还望及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助。祝您生活愉快!


威廉(男子名,涵义:强而有力的战士) ,是外国人的名,不是姓。1、William Shakespeare 威廉 莎士比亚2、William Fichtner 威廉·菲德内尔3、William Ouchi 威廉·大内4、William Fox-Pitt 威廉·福克斯-皮特 5、William Tell 威廉 退尔



william wordsworth 介绍中文

  他是我很喜欢的诗人呢 给你介绍吧~  威廉 华兹华斯  (1770~1850)  Wordsworth,William  英国浪漫主义诗人。1770年4月7日生于北部昆布兰郡科克茅斯的一个律师之家,1850年4月23日卒于里多蒙特。8岁丧母。5年后,父亲又离开了他。亲友送他到家乡附近的寄宿学校读书。1787年进剑桥大学,曾在1790年、1791年两次访问法国。其间与法国姑娘阿内特·瓦隆恋爱,生有一女。1795年从一位朋友那里接受了一笔遗赠年金,他的生活有了保障,也有了实现回归大自然夙愿的可能,便同妹妹多萝西移居乡间。1797年同诗人柯尔律治相识,翌年两人共同出版《抒情歌谣集》。1798~1799年间与柯尔律治一同到德国游历,在那里创作了《采干果》、《露斯》和组诗《露西》,并开始创作自传体长诗《序曲》。1802年与玛丽·哈钦森结婚。此时开始关注人类精神在与大自然交流中得到的升华,并且发现这一主题与传统的宗教观实际上并行不悖,因此重新皈依宗教。同时,在政治上日渐保守。  华兹华斯诗歌创作的黄金时期在1797~1807年。随着声誉逐渐上升,他的创作逐渐走向衰退。到了1830年,他的成就已得到普遍承认,1843年被封为英国桂冠诗人。由于他与柯尔律治等诗人常居住在英国西北部多山的湖区,1807年10月的《爱丁堡评论》杂志称他们是湖畔派的代表诗人。18世纪末、19世纪初在英国西北部的湖畔有一些诗人聚集,其诗作多描写湖区,故称他们为“湖畔派”。  早期诗歌《晚步》和《素描集》中,对大自然的描写基本上未超出18世纪的传统。然而,从《抒情歌谣集》开始,一反18世纪的诗风,将一种崭新的风格带到诗歌创作中,开创了英国文学史上浪漫主义诗歌的新时代。他为《抒情歌谣集》的再版所写的序言被认为是浪漫主义文学的宣言。他的作品还有《不朽的征兆》以及由《序曲》和《漫游》两部分组成的哲理性长诗《隐者》等。  1770年4月7日,威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)出生在英国坎伯兰郡的考克茅斯。华兹华斯排行第二,上有一个哥哥,下有一个妹妹和两个弟弟。其父是个律师。华兹华斯8岁丧母,13岁丧父,少年时期一直在几家亲戚的监护之下,住在寄宿学校中,与兄弟姐妹们分开生活。五个孩子从父亲那里继承的遗产主要是对一位贵族的8500镑的债权。但这贵族在1802年去世之前,一直不愿偿还这笔钱,可以说,华兹华斯青少年时期的生活是十分贫寒的。但是他生活地区的美丽自然风光,疗救和补偿了他在物质与亲情上的缺失,因而华兹华斯的对早年的回忆并不觉得贫苦。他对自然有着“虔诚的爱”,将自然看成是自己的精神家园。受学校老师的影响,开始写诗。华兹华斯的第一首诗歌完成于1784年。  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  1787年他进入剑桥大学圣约翰学院学习,熟读了希腊拉丁文学,学习意大利文、法文和西班牙文。1790年和1791年两次赴法。当时正是法国大革命的年代,年轻的华兹华斯对革命深表同情与向往。回国后不久,局势剧变,华兹华斯对法国大革命感到失望。1795年,他和妹妹多萝茜以及诗人柯勒律治居住在北部山地的湖区,并在此消磨了一生。1798年华兹华斯与柯勒律治共同发表了《抒情歌谣集》,1800年这部诗集再版时华兹华斯写了序言。  《抒情歌谣集》出版时,华兹华斯并未受到重视,《序言》出版后,更遭到批评家的反对。1807年他的两卷集出版时仍受到批评界的攻击。但从19世纪初叶起,他在诗歌上的成就逐渐得到承认,激进派诗人如利·亨特也称他为颂扬大自然的新型诗歌的开创者和领袖,说他的诗取代了18世纪矫揉造作的诗风。人们认为《抒情歌谣集》宣告了浪漫主义新诗的诞生。在艺术上华兹华斯对雪莱、拜伦和济慈都有影响。  1843年被封为英国“桂冠诗人”,为宫廷写了不少应景诗,艺术成就大不如前。  1850 年4月23日去世。  增加部分:  The poet Robert Southey as well as Coleridge lived nearby, and the three maen became known as“Lake Poets”.骚塞,柯勒律治也居住在同一地城,三人并称为“湖畔诗人”。  In 1842  希望对你有帮助~




派生是构词法的一种,是在词的基础上加上前后缀构成新词的方法。eg: nation加形容词后缀-al构成新词natioanl,national就是nation的派生词。再比如beautiful是beauty的派生词,generally是general的派生词,ability是able的派生词,unhappy、happiness是happy的派生词,等等。所以从形式上看,bill应该不是William的派生词。






william英文名寓意专心,认真的。william来自日耳曼语的Willahelm,意思是“意志头盔”,由wil“意志,欲望”和helm“头盔,保护”组成。这个名字在诺曼人中很常见,在11世纪征服者威廉被公认为英格兰第一位诺曼国王后,从那时起直到现代,它一直是最常见的英文名字之一。william的名字印象是专心认真。数学方面成绩突出,适合需要耐心和独立思考的工作。与人交流时有时会造成误解。有时会让人觉得你孤傲淡漠,而实际上你渴望爱和理解。叫做william的名人中国内地影视男演员、流行乐歌手吴文璟的外文名为William Wu。中国大陆男演员冯绍峰的外文名为William Feng。华语影视男演员、歌手、主持人陈伟霆的外文名为William Chan。英国小说家,诗人威廉·戈尔丁的外文名为William Golding。英国王子威廉·亚瑟·菲利浦·路易斯的外文名为William Arthur Philip Louis。巴西足球运动员威廉·博格斯·达·席尔瓦的外文名为William Borges Da Silva。动画《黑执事》中威廉·T·史皮尔斯的外文名为William·T·Spears。




william中文为:威廉,含义:意愿,头盔,保护。1、读音:英[u02c8wu026alju0259m] 美[u02c8wu026alju0259m] 2、名字寓意:专心,认真的3、名字印象:数学方面成绩突出。适合需要耐心和独立思考的工作。与人交流时有时会造成误解。有时会让人觉得你孤傲淡漠,而实际上你渴望爱和理解。畏缩不前,有时感觉孤独,很难轻松的和别人交流。4、例句:He underrated the seriousness of William"s head injury.他低估了威廉头部伤势的严重性。扩展资料:使用 William英文名的人:1、WilliamⅠ威廉一世:(1027~1087),率诺曼征服英国(1066),成为英国国王。2、WilliamⅡ威廉二世:(约1060~1100),英格兰国王(1087~1100),威廉一世之子,人称“红脸威廉”。3、威廉·亨利·哈里森(WilliamHenryHarrison,1773—1841),出身于弗吉尼亚种植者贵族家庭。他生于1773年(癸巳年)伯克利,是美国第九任总统。4、威廉·亚瑟·菲利浦·路易斯(WilliamArthurPhilipLouis),1982年6月21日出生于英国伦敦伯丁顿,是王储威尔士亲王查尔斯与原配妻子戴安娜王妃的长子,英女王伊丽莎白二世与菲利普亲王的孙辈。仅次于自己的父亲,威廉王子英国王位第二号继承人。

william怎么读 william的意思

1、William的读音:英[u02c8wu026alju0259m],美[u02c8wu026alju0259m]。 2、n.威廉(男子教名,亦作姓用,源于古日耳曼语教名Willahelm;昵称Will、Bill和Billy;在爱尔兰语的昵称是Liam;它的法语变体是Guilielm和Guillaume)。 3、名字印象:专心认真。数学方面成绩突出,适合需要耐心和独立思考的工作。与人交流时有时会造成误解。有时会让人觉得你孤傲淡漠,而实际上你渴望爱和理解。畏缩不前,有时感觉孤独,很难轻松的和别人交流。






谁可以提供一下William Faulkner的作者简介。

  你要中文的版本还是英文的?  先提供中文的:  不管在什么地方,只要谈到美国文学,人们都认为威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner)是二十世纪最伟大的作家之一。他是美国“南方文学”派的创始人,也是整个西方最有影响的现代派小说家之一。他的代表作品有《喧哗与骚动》、《八月之光》等等。  福克纳(1897~1962)Faulkner,William  美国作家。1897年9 月25日生于密西西比一庄园主后裔家庭,1962年7月6日卒于密西西比贝克斯福。  福克纳从小生长在美国南方,年轻时曾在当地邮政局做过一阵不太负责任的局长,后因玩忽职守而被辞退。他游历过许多地方,但最终依然回到美国南方,并且所有的作品都以南方为背景。1949年,因为“他对当代美国小说作出了强有力的和艺术上无与伦比的贡献”,福克纳获诺贝尔文学奖。  生平  第一次世界大战时他在加拿大空军学校学飞行,战后在密西西比大学肄业。1925年出版第一部小说《士兵的报酬》,写参加第一次世界大战的青年的痛苦与幻灭感。后去欧洲游历,回到家乡后靠干各种杂活为生。1929年出版的《沙多里斯》是以自己虚构的约克纳帕塔法县为背景的小说。30年代初,福克纳的几部代表作已经出版,在美国文学界受到一些作家与批评家的高度推崇,但是除了《圣殿》之外,他的书销路都很差。为了维持生活,他不得不去好莱坞为电影公司写电影脚本。  1946年马尔科姆·考利编辑的《袖珍本福克纳文集》出版并附有考利所写长序,这使人们开始认识福克纳是个兼有深度、广度、历史感、乡土气与现代意识的大作家。以萨特、加缪为代表的法国文学界对福克纳的高度评价引起了诺贝尔文学奖评委们对这个蛰居美国边远南方的作家的注意,福克纳在1950年获得了1949年度的诺贝尔文学奖。此后,他多次接受美国国务院的委派,出访日本、瑞典、委内瑞拉等国。1962年6 月福克纳在家乡骑马坠下受伤,7月6日因心脏病发作而卒。  英文:  William Faulkner (1897-1962), American novelist, known for his epic portrayal, in some 20 novels, of the tragic conflict between the old and the new South. Although Faulkner"s intricate plots and complex narrative style alienated many readers of his early writings, he was a literary genius whose powerful works and creative vision earned him the 1949 Nobel Prize in literature.  Faulkner was a towering figure in American literature during the first half of the 20th century. With Ernest Hemingway, he is usually considered one of the two greatest American novelists of his era. Faulkner was particularly noted for the eloquent richness of his prose style and for the unique blend of tragedy and humor in his works. His novels have a stunning emotional impact and his characters are highly memorable. The dramatic force and vividness of Faulkner"s best work is unsurpassed in modern fiction.  Using the decay and corruption of the South after the American Civil War (1861-1865) as a background, Faulkner portrayed the tragedy that occurs when the traditional values of a society disintegrate. Some of his chief concerns were the nature of evil and guilt and the relationship between the past and the present. Despite his preoccupation with depravity and violence, however, Faulkner also wrote of people"s capacity to perform acts of nobility and goodness.  Among Faulkner"s most remarkable short stories is “A Rose for Emily” (1931), which contains elements of the author"s common theme of the decline of the old South. Go Down, Moses, a volume of stories about the McCaslin family, includes the author"s well-known novella “The Bear.” Another story that would later be anthologized as a Faulkner classic is “That Evening Sun” (1931), which also features the Compson family.  "A Rose for Emily" recounts the story of an eccentric spinster, Emily Grierson. An unnamed narrator details the strange circumstances of Emily"s life and her odd relationships with her father, who controlled and manipulated her, and her lover, the Yankee road worker Homer Barron. When Homer Barron threatens to leave her, she is seen buying arsenic, which the townspeople believe she will commit suicide with. After this, Homer Barron is not heard from again, and is assumed to have returned north. Though she does not commit suicide, the townspeople of Jefferson continue to gossip about her and her eccentricities, citing her family"s history of mental illness. She is heard from less and less, and rarely ever leaves her home. Unbeknownst to the townspeople until her death, in her upstairs room she hides all day with the corpse of Homer Barron, which explains the horrid stench that emits from Miss Emily"s house.  The story"s complexities have inspired critics while casual readers found the work one of Faulkner"s most accessible (and shortest) works. The popularity of the story was due in no small part to its gruesome ending.  The story explores many themes, including the society of the South at that time, the role of women in the South, and extreme psychosis.

Andy Williams的《Spooky》 歌词

歌曲名:Spooky歌手:Andy Williams专辑:The Essential Andy WilliamsSpookyDoktor ZoilDoktor Zoil--SpookyIn the cool of the eveningWhen everything is getting kind of GroovyYou call me up and ask meWould I like to go with you and see a movie?First I say no, I"ve got some plans for tonightAnd then I stop and say all rightLove is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like youYou always keep me guessingI never seem to know what you are thinkingAnd if a girl looks at youIt"s for sure your little eye will be a-winkingI get confused, I never know where I standAnd then you smile and hold my handLove is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you SpookyIf you decide some day to stop this little game that you are a playingI"m gonna tell you all the things my heart"sJust like a ghost you"re a haunting my dreamsLove is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you Spookyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7986389

美国浪漫主义诗人William cullen bryant 《死亡随想录》。

如果你热爱自然,与其间万象倾心交流,就会领会它的多变的语言:用欢快的声音、微笑和美点缀着你的幸福时光;她用温存和怜悯抚平你的忧伤和哀思,使你未曾体会过刺骨的痛楚。当死亡的阴影笼罩了你的心灵,当恐惧、寿衣、棺罩、令人窒息的黑暗和狭窄的墓冢令你不寒而栗,心理恶心,去投入到大自然的怀抱吧,去聆听她的谆谆教导,每寸土地、每方水域、每缕空气,都闪耀着她的智慧,而周围,陆地上、水里、空中、回荡着静静的声音----然而几天后,你能看见一切的太阳在他的行程中再也看不见你;也不会为躺在冰冷墓穴的你悲伤垂泣,广阔的海洋也未留你丝毫踪影。你将重新回归哺育你的大地;零落成泥又化作土,形骸散尽融入自然,相伴顽石再无转移。日久轮作待垦之地,遭人无情翻耕践踏。橡树根须伸及四方,终会刺穿你的安息之地。你不会感到孤独寂寞,也无需希冀你的床体面堂皇。皆因比邻不乏风云人物、英雄豪杰----国王权贵、有识之士,倾城美女、古代先知,同处一室无分别。苍山幽谷,密林长河,呜咽山泉,青青芳草,碧海深洋,忧郁荒原,----皆为其天然墓室,肃穆又庄严。金色太阳,宇宙天体,斗转星移不离弃。昔日风流人物,今日无声也无息。岁岁年年,天涯海角,人生长河不复还,死神漠然永伴你。芸芸众生,古往今来,重要托体同山永长眠。人固一死,何谈亲朋好友不再悲伤将你忘?歌者自亦歌,悲者亦悲,各自须寻各自门,终然有别离红尘时,如约将你来相伴。任时光流逝,看人生百象,良辰美景,青春容颜,新生婴儿,迟暮之年,----皆待死神来召唤,生生不息共轮回。故直面人生无需怕,一朝踏上黄泉路,匆匆过客皆相伴。摒弃胸中怒与怨,平心静气信念足。恰似人生舞台已谢幕,面带微笑归圆梦。热爱自然的人与世间万象  有着心神的交流,对他  她可说各种各样的语言  他高兴的时候,她声音喜悦  微笑里透着高贵的美丽  她潜入他隐秘的思索,带着  温柔和抚慰的关切,未及他明白  她就将痛苦带走,当最后的  思想如灾难降临你的精神  悲痛的哀影,寿衣,棺罩  令人窒息的黑暗,以及促狭的房屋  使你瑟瑟发抖,并心生憎恨——  去开阔的田野吧,去听听  自然的教诲,听听那从四野里——  大地、河川和新鲜的空气中——  传来的静谧而寂寥的声音——  然而几天后,普照大地的太阳  在它的行程里,也不见你的  踪影;也不在冰冷的大地  你含泪苍白的形体停放之处  也不在大海的怀抱存你的形象  养育了你的大地要将你召回  复归为尘土,消除人的痕迹  你的个体将臣服于此,你将  永远与自然之中的万物共处  去做无情的草木和磐石的兄弟  掩藏在坚硬的泥土下,任由  那粗野的情郎翻犁和践踏  橡树伸展的根须将刺穿  你的躯体。不过,在你永恒的栖所  你并不会独处,你也不能企望  更多的奢华。你将与幼稚世界的  尊者们并卧,——有国王,  地上的强者,——有智者、善者  仁者,以及远古时代的先知,  在同一个墓室里。山峦  如太阳一样固执且陈旧,河谷  平静的沉思在原始的树林间  伸展蜿蜒——江河在尊贵里  前行,而浇绿草原的溪流  却带着汩汩的怨言,灌注  世间的一切,古老的海洋  是苍凉孤凄的荒原——  而这一切不过是人类伟大坟冢的  威严的装饰。金色的太阳  众多的行星,一切天界无限的居所  都照耀着死亡之悲戚的归处  历经千秋万代的静逝。一切  行在世间的血肉也不过是  安睡在其胸间的部族的一撮。——  攀上清晨的翅膀,穿越巴肯荒漠  或自弃于绵延的丛林,俄勒冈河奔流  不息的水声充溢双耳——尽管亡者  齐聚,万千魂灵在那孤寂里隐身  自打这多年的飞行肇始,他们就卧在  最后的睡眠里——那里亡者独自统治。  你也将这般歇息;假若你从生撤入  沉寂,而无一亲朋注意到你的离去  所有呼吸的人都将分享你的命运  乐观的在你不在的时候欢笑  严肃而关切的艰难前行。每个人  都将一如既往地追求他们  最心仪的幻影;尽管他们都将  离开一切欢愉和觊觎,而前来  筑榻于你之侧。随着生命的列车  慢慢滑远,人类的子孙  生命之春的青年,历经沧桑的  中年、垂垂老妪和娇娇少女  呀呀学语的孩童,以及两鬓苍苍的老人——  都将一个个地来到你的身边  更多的人也将追随他们而来  所以活着,直到被召唤去加入  那庞大的篷车旅行的队伍,向着  神秘的王国前进,人人都将在死亡  沉寂的殿堂里找到自己的房间  不要像矿场的奴隶一样在深夜  被鞭笞进黑暗的地牢;而要带着  平静的抚慰和永恒的信仰,走进  你的墓穴,打开你华丽的铺盖  躺下去,进入甜美的梦乡。 两个翻译版本,第一个使用异化比较多一点

talkbox: williamWANG是什么意思?

William Wang 一般是男生的名字,姓王,英文名为William

翻译 Poet William Stafford once said that we are de


请问William M. Mercer 公司是什么来头?

  美世人力资源咨询公司(William Mercer)是世界上分布最广的人力资源管理咨询机构,总部位于美国纽约。其历史可以追溯到1937年的美国威达信集团公司(Marsh & McLennan Company,MMC)的一个部门。1959年,威达信集团兼并了William M. Mercer有限公司(这是一家由William Manson Mercer于1945年在加拿大成立的公司)后,开始采用“伟世”(William M. Mercer)这个名字。1975年起,伟世正式成为威达信集团的全资子公司。2002年,公司更名为美世人力资源咨询公司。换名话说,美世咨询是美世咨询集团的一分子,而美世咨询集团则是共同隶属于威达信集团(MMC)的四个实体之一。MMC是一家每年营业收入达到100亿美元的国际专业服务公司。除MMC和美世以外的另外两个实体是达信保险顾问公司——全球风险管理与保险咨询服务业的龙头企业和Putnam投资管理——全美最大的投资管理公司之一。  美世人力资源咨询与美世管理咨询、投资咨询和领导力与组织变革咨询的内部共享机制,使我们可以为客户提供提供一体化的战略、组织、变革管理和微观经济咨询等多方面的增值服务。  美世拥有13,000多名员工,遍布全球41个国家和地区的150个城市。美世的顾问遵循全球统一的标准,为世界各地的客户提供有关人力资源、薪资福利以及投资咨询方案。  美世规模的持续扩大和服务能力的不断提高,依靠严格的员工甄选制度和一系列与其他顶尖咨询公司的并购合作(如1998年与Corporate Resources Group公司的合并在很大程度上提升了美世的核心竞争力)。美世人力资源咨询是目前世界上最大的人力资源管理咨询机构。  作为全球最大的人力资源管理咨询公司,美世咨询一直致力于帮助客户了解、开发、实施并准确评估其人力资源系统和政策的有效性。在全球41个国家和地区的190余家分公司,拥有超过15,700名顾问。  J.D.Power业务的业务范围包括市场调查、预测、咨询、培训和客户满意度调查,他们所发布的产品质量和客户满意度评估报告,以独立性和客观性著称于世,在全球工商界获得了较高认同。  摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)是一家成立于美国纽约的国际金融服务公司,提供包括证券、资产管理、企业合并重组和信用卡等多种金融服务,目前在全球27个国家的600多个城市设有代表处,雇员总数达5万多人。  摩根士丹利原是JP摩根中的投资部门,1933年美国经历了大萧条,国会通过《格拉斯—斯蒂格尔法》(Glass-Steagall Act) ,禁止公司同时提供商业银行与投资银行服务,摩根士丹利于是作为一家投资银行于1935年9月5日在纽约成立,而JP摩根则转为一家纯商业银行。  1941年摩根士丹利与纽约证券交易所合作,成为该证交所的合作伙伴。公司在1970年代迅速扩张,雇员从250多人迅速增长到超过1,700人,并开始在全球范围内发展业务。1986年摩根士丹利在纽约证券交易所挂牌交易。  进入1990年代,摩根士丹利进一步扩张,于1995年收购了一家资产管理公司,1997年则又兼并了西尔斯公司下设的投资银行迪安·威特公司(Dean Witter),并更名为摩根士丹利迪安·威特公司。2001年公司改回原先的名字摩根士丹利。 1997年的合并使得美国金融界两位最具个性的银行家带到了一起:摩根士丹利的约翰·麦克(John Mack)与迪安·威特的裴熙亮(Philip Purcell),两人的冲突最终以2001年7月约翰·麦克的离职结束,从此之后裴熙亮就一直担任着摩根士丹利主席兼全球首席执行官的职务。在他的带领下摩根士丹利逐渐发展成为全方位的金融服务公司,提供一站式的多种金融产品。 在2001年的911事件中,摩根士丹利丧失了在世界贸易中心中120万平方英尺的办公空间。公司已经在曼哈顿附近新购置了75万平方英尺的办公大楼,目前是摩根士丹利的全球总部。  摩根士丹利总公司下设9个部门,包括:股票研究部、投资银行部、私人财富管理部、外汇/债券部、商品交易部、固定收益研究部、投资管理部、直接投资部和机构股票部。涉足的金融领域包括股票、债券、外汇、基金、期货、投资银行、证券包销、企业金融咨询、机构性企业营销、房地产、私人财富管理、直接投资、机构投资管理等。

Deniece Williams的《God Knows》 歌词

歌曲名:God Knows歌手:Deniece Williams专辑:When Love Comes CallingGod Knows-Debby BooneOut of the pages of books that I readI can recall that somewhere someone saidIf you don"t succeed try againSo I"m comin" to you with my heart in my handsUsin" every ounce of strength I canDon"t turn me awayCuz I live and breathe youGod knows how much I need youAnd I"ll never leave youGod knows I love youToo insecure as lovers we failedThe princess and the white knight lived in fairy talesOr so that story goesWe read so right from the very startNow here we are both with broken heartsLet"s not part this wayCuz I live and breathe youGod knows how much I need youAnd I"ll never leave youGod knows I love youTime ran awayAnd took you by the handIf I can"t bring you backMaybe time canCuz I live and breathe youGod knows how much I need youAnd I"ll never leave youGod knows how much I need youGod knows how much I need youGod knows how much I need youGod knows how much I need youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/20342752

Robbie Williams的《Supreme》 歌词

歌曲名:Supreme歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:In And Out Of Consciousness: The Greatest Hits 1990 -2010SupremeTaken From "Sing When You"re Winning"Oh it seemed forever stopped todayAll the lonely hearts in LondonCaught a plane and flew awayAnd all the best women are marriedAll the handsome men are gayYou feel deprivedYeah are you questioning your size?Is there a tumour in your humour,Are there bags under your eyes?Do you leave dents where you sit,Are you getting on a bit?Will you surviveYou must surviveWhen there"s no love in townThis new century keeps bringing you downAll the places you have beenTrying to find a love supremeA love supremeOh what are you really looking for?Another partner in your lifeto abuse and to adore?Is it lovey dovey stuff,Do you need a bit of rough?Get on your kneesYeah turn down the love songs that you hear"Cause you can"t avoid the sentimentThat echoes in your earSaying love will stop the painSaying love will kill the fearDo you believeYou must believeWhen there"s no love in townThis new century keeps bringing you downAll the places you have beenTrying to find a love supremeA love supremeI spy with my little eyeSomething beginning with (ah)Got my back upAnd now she"s screamingSo I"ve got to turn the track upSit back and watch the royalties stack upI know this girl she likes to switch teamsAnd I"m a fiend but I"m living for a love supremeWhen there"s no love in townThis new century keeps bringing you downAll the places you have beenTrying to find a love supremeA love supremeCome and live a love supremeDon"t let it get you downEverybody lives for loveCome and live a love supremeDon"t let it get you downEverybody lives for loveCome and live a love supremeDon"t let it get you downEverybody lives for loveCome and live a love supremeDon"t let it get you downEverybody lives for loveCome and live a love supremeDon"t let it get you downEverybody lives for loveby Sheen Law 2000/12/03http://music.baidu.com/song/52593913

Jerry Williams的《Teddy Bear》 歌词

歌手:Toy-Box歌名:Teddy bearTonight it"s the nightMon cheri, babyLet us light a candlelightVoulez-vous couche"cause it"s cozy here tonightAha you"re wearing calvin kleinAnd i am not a foolThere must be something in the wine"cause i think i love youKiss me here, and kiss me thereI wanna be your little teddybearKiss me here, and touch me thereCome on and show me that you really careMon cheri babyI am burning for your touchJe ne sais pas pourquoiBut i really missed you muchMy god, you"re wearing calvin kleinIs this a deja-vu?There must be something in the wine"cause i feel for you...Kiss me here, and kiss me thereI wanna be your little teddybearKiss me here, and touch me thereCome on and show me that you really careBaby, i"ll never let you down"cause the first time i saw youI was like ,wow ,So don"t talk, just kissKiss me here, and kiss me thereI wanna be your little teddybearKiss me here, and touch me thereCome on you sexy little teddybearKiss me here, and kiss me thereI wanna be your little teddybearKiss me here, and touch me thereCome on you sexy little teddybearjust kiss, oh magickiss mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8066666

谁是ROSA Nicholas William?

ROSA Nicholas William先生,自二零零七年起担任大成食品(亚洲)有限公司非执行董事,亦为Continental Capital Limited及Conti Chia Tai International Limited董事。Rosa先生从事农业,尤其是家禽业务逾30年,于一九七五年加入Continental Grain Company的动物饲料部,在伊利诺州芝加哥Wayne Feed部门担任副总裁及总经理前,彼担任信贷、市场推广及销售的管理职务。于一九九七年,彼担任纽约Continental Grain Company国际工业部副总裁。彼于二零零七年迁居中国北京,并于ContinentalGrain Company的康地亚洲担任高级副总裁及董事总经理。Rosa先生于一九九七年至二零零零年任American Feed Industry Association执行委员会董事兼成员,在欧洲和南美洲多家家禽公司任董事职务。Rosa先生于一九七四年在亚利桑那州立大学获得经济学学士学位及于一九七五年获得工商管理硕士学位。

威廉·夏普(William Sharp)的个人资料

威廉·夏普个人简介 威廉·夏普(William Sharp),1934年6月16日生于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥。资本资产定价模型的创始人。由于他对金融经济学的贡献,他与默顿·米勒(Merton Miller)和哈里·马克维茨(Harry Markwitz)一起于1990年获得了第13届诺贝尔经济学奖。 威廉·夏普主要贡献 Sharp对经济学的主要贡献是根据有价证券理论对不确定性下的金融决策进行规范分析,以及以资本市场理论为特征的金融市场经验均衡。理论。 在1960年代,他将Markowitz的分析方法进一步发展为著名的“资本资产定价模型”,以说明如何确定反映金融市场潜在和潜在利益的证券价格。在模型中,夏普进一步将Markowitz的选择理论中的资产风险分为两部分:资产的“系统”(市场)风险和“非系统”风险。前者是由于整体股价变化引起的资产价格变化,后者是由于某些影响股价的特殊因素引起的资产价格变化。夏普提出了一个重要理论,即投资多元化只能消除非系统性风险,而不能消除系统性风险。投资任何种类的证券必须承担系统性风险。 假定有两个具有相同贝塔系数的证券投资组合,一个由非系统性风险的股票组成,另一个由非系统性风险的股票组成。 “风险”证券投资组合是否比“安全”证券更有利可图?夏普的资本定价模型给出了否定的答案。两种证券投资组合的系统性风险(即不可避免的风险)相同,风险较高的股票对理性投资者没有影响。 从资本资产定价模型的实际应用来看,夏普早在1960年代初期的研究一直是激烈辩论的焦点。人们的注意力最近已经从系统性风险的测量方法转移到了更为复杂的风险划分方法。但是,资本资产定价模型在金融经济学中的重要性不容忽视。 威廉·夏普最新消息 威廉·夏普:将资产配置理论付诸实践 1990年,马克维茨,威廉·夏普和默顿·米勒被授予第22届诺贝尔经济学奖,以表彰他们对资本市场理论研究的杰出贡献。其中,如果马克维茨(Markwitz)打开资产配置之门,他的学生威廉·夏普(William Sharp)的成就标志着该领域理论的成熟。 威廉·夏普经常说:“我对马克维兹的欠债太多了”,这主要是因为马克维兹帮助他站在了研究的高起点上。他曾就读于加州大学伯克利医学院,并于一年后失去了转读加州大学洛杉矶分校经济学和金融专业的兴趣。从硕士学位毕业后,他在兰德公司从事经济研究工作,并获得博士学位。在撰写博士论文时,他的导师建议他向兰德公司的马克·威特斯咨询,因此,他成为了马克维茨的学生。马克维茨(Markwitz)鼓励夏普(Sharp)在其理论的基础上研究简化的计算问题,因为他的理论为投资者提供了一种配置最优资产组合的方法,但由于计算成本高而未能付诸实践。马克·威茨的指导不仅帮助他确立了对论文感兴趣的方向,而且使他站在了巨人的肩膀上。 Sharp的主要贡献之一是提出一个单因素模型,改进投资组合理论并提高其实用性。他假设每种资产的收益都随着一般因素的波动而波动,这可能是政治因素,例如英国退欧。它也可以是经济的,例如资金短缺;当然,它可以是国际性的。诸如欧佩克减产等因素。他借鉴马克·威茨的理论,将影响证券收益的机制分为两种类型。首先是微观因素对证券收益的影响。例如,公司的管理层变动导致股价波动。在这方面,他认为类似的因素没有普遍影响,只有一个作用。第二种机制是宏观环境变化对证券收益的影响。他的发现是,当市场指数上涨时,市场上大多数股票的价格都会上涨。相反,当指数下跌时,股价处于下降趋势。当市场指数与证券收益率的相关性大于1时,证券将比市场指数更加不稳定;当相关性等于1时,证券的风险程度与市场指数同步;当相关小于1时,这些证券比市场更稳定。尽管该理论模型简化了影响现实世界中证券收益率的不确定性因素,但它为投资者提供了有关证券收益率弹性的直观参考,这也为子孙后代的研究奠定了基础。 Sharp的贡献是建立了资本资产定价模型(CAPM模型)和Sharpe比率,在此基础上,Sharp比率回答了如何确定资产风险和潜在收益价格,而后者则有效地衡量了融资。以其性能而闻名。 根据马科维茨的理论,通过资产配置,可以分散非系统性风险,因此投资者仅面临市场风险。 CAPM模型进一步分析了资产收益率与市场风险之间的关系。资产的回报取决于资产对市场的敏感程度,夏普使用贝塔系数来衡量单个资产的市场风险。当beta系数为0时,资产是无风险资产,收入是无风险利率,例如国债;当贝塔系数为1时,资产的预期收益是市场投资组合的平均预期收益;系数大于1表示投资于此类资产的风险高于市场风险,因此投资者应获得相应的高回报;相反,当beta系数小于1时,资产的投资回报率将小于。投资市场投资组合的回报率表明高风险和高回报率是合理的。这一发现不仅将投资者(尤其是基金经理)的注意力集中在系统性风险上威廉·夏普简介,而且还改善了投资管理。它还为投资者提供了一份行动指南,以评估资产是否正确定价并制定定投融资策略。 夏普比率是从CAPM模型得出的,可以理解为风险价格,也就是说,投资者可以为每个风险单位承担一个以上的风险单位。它是衡量资产组合绩效的经典指标,也为投资者提供了不同的选择。提供了资产的比较标准。 尽管在学术领域取得了许多成就,夏普并没有止步于此。在斯坦福大学任职期间,他在美林(Merrill Lynch)和富国银行(Wells Fargo)担任投资顾问,将其理论付诸实践。 1986年,夏普-罗素研究所成立,旨在为养老基金和基金会提供研究和咨询服务。 1996年,他创立了Financial Engines,Inc.(于2010年上市,股票代码:FNGN),致力于为客户提供投资组合管理服务,帮助投资者根据自己的个性化投资解决方案调整其养老金。养老金收入的需求。正如他所说:“我一直在学术和实践领域努力工作,希望这两个领域能够相互补充并保持平衡。” 威廉·夏普(William Sharp)将资产分配理论付诸实践,以其命名的夏普比率是基金投资中最常用的量化指标之一。在研发和评估南方基金FOF投资策略的过程中,我们广泛使用该指标威廉·夏普简介,以期在可承受的风险基础上寻求更好的投资回报。

Larry Williams的《Slow Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Slow Down歌手:Larry Williams专辑:Specialty Profiles: Larry WilliamsMorcheeba - Slow downTake your time nowFeel like standing stillGet your baringsUntilWhen the day is throughAll you got to do is slowdownWhen the day is hereAll you got to do is slowdownFull of tension"Cause you love the chaseYou just need yourOwn spaceWhen the day is throughAll you got to do is slowdownWhen the day is hereAll you got to do is slowdownwhen you had enoughOf the fastest stuff to slowdownWhen you see from spaceMust be a mess slowdownWhen the day is hereAll you got to do is slowdownWhen the day is hereAll you got to do is slowdownWhen it"s hard out thereAnd you gonna bail, slowdownYou just seem sometimesTo forget your mind slowdownDown down down down downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1758274

谁能提供William Wordsworth (华兹华斯)《水仙花》的英文赏析?

Notes about this poem: 1. Wordsworth made use of the description in his sister"s diary, as well as of his memory of the daffodils in Gowbarrow Park, by Ullswater. Cf. Dorothy Wordsworth"s Journal, April 15, 1802: "I never saw daffodils so beautiful. They grew among the mossy stones . . .; some rested their heads upon these stones, as on a pillow for weariness; and the rest tossed and reeled and danced, and seemed as if they verily laughed with the wind, that blew upon them over the lake; they looked so gay, ever glancing, ever changing." 2. "They flash upon that inward eye... ": Wordsworth said that these were the two best lines in the poem and that they were composed by his wife. Biography and Assessment: Wordsworth was born in the Lake District of northern England[...]The natural scenery of the English lakes could terrify as well as nurture, as Wordsworth would later testify in the line "I grew up fostered alike by beauty and by fear," but its generally benign aspect gave the growing boy the confidence he articulated in one of his first important poems, "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey . . . ," namely, "that Nature never did betray the heart that loved her." [...] Wordsworth moved on in 1787 to St. John"s College, Cambridge. Repelled by the competitive pressures there, he elected to idle his way through the university, persuaded that he "was not for that hour, nor for that place." The most important thing he did in his college years was to devote his summer vacation in 1790 to a long walking tour through revolutionary France. There he was caught up in the passionate enthusiasm that followed the fall of the Bastille, and became an ardent republican sympathizer. [...] The three or four years that followed his return to England were the darkest of Wordsworth"s life. Unprepared for any profession, rootless, virtually penniless, bitterly hostile to his own country"s opposition to the French, he knocked about London in the company of radicals like William Godwin and learned to feel a profound sympathy for the abandoned mothers, beggars, children, vagrants, and victims of England"s wars who began to march through the sombre poems he began writing at this time. This dark period ended in 1795, when a friend"s legacy made possible Wordsworth"s reunion with his beloved sister Dorothy--the two were never again to live apart--and their move in 1797 to Alfoxden House, near Bristol. There Wordsworth became friends with a fellow poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and they formed a partnership that would change both poets" lives and alter the course of English poetry. [...] Through all these years Wordsworth was assailed by vicious and tireless critical attacks by contemptuous reviewers; no great poet has ever had to endure worse. But finally, with the publication of The River Duddon in 1820, the tide began to turn, and by the mid-1830s his reputation had been established with both critics and the reading public. Wordsworth"s last years were given over partly to "tinkering" his poems, as the family called his compulsive and persistent habit of revising his earlier poems through edition after edition. The Prelude, for instance, went through four distinct manuscript versions (1798-99, 1805-06, 1818-20, and 1832-39) and was published only after the poet"s death in 1850. Most readers find the earliest versions of The Prelude and other heavily revised poems to be the best, but flashes of brilliance can appear in revisions added when the poet was in his seventies. Wordsworth succeeded his friend Robert Southey as Britain"s poet laureate in 1843 and held that post until his own death in 1850. Thereafter his influence was felt throughout the rest of the 19th century, though he was honoured more for his smaller poems, as singled out by the Victorian critic Matthew Arnold, than for his masterpiece, The Prelude. In the 20th century his reputation was strengthened both by recognition of his importance in the Romantic movement and by an appreciation of the darker elements in his personality and verse. William Wordsworth was the central figure in the English Romantic revolution in poetry. His contribution to it was threefold. First, he formulated in his poems and his essays a new attitude toward nature. This was more than a matter of introducing nature imagery into his verse; it amounted to a fresh view of the organic relation between man and the natural world, and it culminated in metaphors of a wedding between nature and the human mind, and beyond that, in the sweeping metaphor of nature as emblematic of the mind of God, a mind that "feeds upon infinity" and "broods over the dark abyss." Second, Wordsworth probed deeply into his own sensibility as he traced, in his finest poem, The Prelude, the "growth of a poet"s mind." The Prelude was in fact the first long autobiographical poem. Writing it in a drawn-out process of self-exploration, Wordsworth worked his way toward a modern psychological understanding of his own nature, and thus more broadly of human nature. Third, Wordsworth placed poetry at the centre of human experience; in impassioned rhetoric he pronounced poetry to be nothing less than "the first and last of all knowledge--it is as immortal as the heart of man," and he then went on to create some of the greatest English poetry of his century. It is probably safe to say that by the late 20th century he stood in critical estimation where Coleridge and Arnold had originally placed him, next to John Milton--who stands, of course, next to William Shakespeare. Some comments: 1.We often go through life as if we were unconscious of what is going on around us - like clouds. We notice many things some of which are beautiful and some ordinary. But being distracted - not poets, who would naturally notice and be gay at the sight - we fail to be lifted by the simple but awesome beauty that surrounds us. WW was not being a poet at the time and so he "little thought what wealth to him the show had wrought." He was forced to try to re-experience it from memory - his inward eye - in order to fill his heart with the pleasure he missed when he actually saw the daffodils. To me, the poem serves as a reminder that our happiness is best served if we live our lives as poets and notice the simple beauty that nature gives us daily. Where ordinary people see flowers, the poet sees stars, dancers, happy celebrations of nature"s miracles and is pleasured. Live as a poet!!!!! 2.I always thought of the poem as a simple poem of yellow gay springtime. Having really looked at the poem something clicked and I have a profound understanding that I had overlooked - The word "DANCE" is in every stanza - Dance the cosmic creative energy that transforms space into time, is the rhythm of the universe. Round dancing, was a dance that imitated the sun"s course in the heavens and enclosed a sacred space. The round, yellow, golden cups of the daffodil can easily symbolize the sun, the sacred sun of incorruptibile wisdom, superior and noble. Dancing as the Dance of Siva is the eternal movement of the universe the "play" of creatio, or the "fluttering" frenzy emotional chaos of Dionysian/Bacchic. The stars, messengers of the gods, the eyes of night, and hope, toss their "head," the seat of both our intelligence and folly, honor and dishonor. Lying on a couch in a vacant pensive mood could easily be a way to discribe a meditative state where the forces of the universe and our connection with the ceaseless movement, the ebb and flow of life as a wave dances could be pondered. That last line "And dances with the Daffodils." could it be the dance of angels round the throne of God. If this is a poem of the cycle of existence and the circling of the sun/God of course what wealth and glee. 3.A poem can stir all of the senses, and the subject matter of a poem can range from being funny to being sad.

The Others的《William》 歌词

歌曲名:William歌手:The Others专辑:The OthersAlbum:BroadcasterTitle:WilliamBy:白兰都林柏格Your magnetizing colors are starting to fadeAnd you look as if you"re tired from all the stars you"ve chasedYou"ve become attracted to a well-disguised escapeDriving without headlights down a crowded interstateWilliam please comes homeIt hurts too much to see you goWilliam please just stopYou don"t have to do this anymore you know?William please comes homeHeaven sent an angel to hand you a new lifeBut you were dancing with the devil in the pail moonlightSteady for a moment and you caught a glimpse of the sunBut there were too many distractions and now your hour has comeWilliam please comes homeIt hurts too much to see you goWilliam please just stopYou don"t have to do this anymore you know?William please comes home(solo...)William please comes homeIt hurts too much to see you goYou don"t have to do this anymore you know?...http://music.baidu.com/song/432569



Love poem with toast by miller williams 的中文意思


请问william wordsworth 的简介及创作the daffodils 这首诗的背景,,如何对这首诗进行分析

Notes about this poem:1. Wordsworth made use of the description in his sister"s diary, as well as of his memory of the daffodils in Gowbarrow Park, by Ullswater. Cf. Dorothy Wordsworth"s Journal, April 15, 1802: "I never saw daffodils so beautiful. They grew among the mossy stones . . .; some rested their heads upon these stones, as on a pillow for weariness; and the rest tossed and reeled and danced, and seemed as if they verily laughed with the wind, that blew upon them over the lake; they looked so gay, ever glancing, ever changing."2. "They flash upon that inward eye... ": Wordsworth said that these were the two best lines in the poem and that they were composed by his wife.Biography and Assessment: Wordsworth was born in the Lake District of northern England[...]The natural scenery of the English lakes could terrify as well as nurture, as Wordsworth would later testify in the line "I grew up fostered alike by beauty and by fear," but its generally benign aspect gave the growing boy the confidence he articulated in one of his first important poems, "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey . . . ," namely, "that Nature never did betray the heart that loved her." [...] Wordsworth moved on in 1787 to St. John"s College, Cambridge. Repelled by the competitive pressures there, he elected to idle his way through the university, persuaded that he "was not for that hour, nor for that place." The most important thing he did in his college years was to devote his summer vacation in 1790 to a long walking tour through revolutionary France. There he was caught up in the passionate enthusiasm that followed the fall of the Bastille, and became an ardent republican sympathizer. [...] The three or four years that followed his return to England were the darkest of Wordsworth"s life. Unprepared for any profession, rootless, virtually penniless, bitterly hostile to his own country"s opposition to the French, he knocked about London in the company of radicals like William Godwin and learned to feel a profound sympathy for the abandoned mothers, beggars, children, vagrants, and victims of England"s wars who began to march through the sombre poems he began writing at this time. This dark period ended in 1795, when a friend"s legacy made possible Wordsworth"s reunion with his beloved sister Dorothy--the two were never again to live apart--and their move in 1797 to Alfoxden House, near Bristol. There Wordsworth became friends with a fellow poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and they formed a partnership that would change both poets" lives and alter the course of English poetry. [...] Through all these years Wordsworth was assailed by vicious and tireless critical attacks by contemptuous reviewers; no great poet has ever had to endure worse. But finally, with the publication of The River Duddon in 1820, the tide began to turn, and by the mid-1830s his reputation had been established with both critics and the reading public. Wordsworth"s last years were given over partly to "tinkering" his poems, as the family called his compulsive and persistent habit of revising his earlier poems through edition after edition. The Prelude, for instance, went through four distinct manuscript versions (1798-99, 1805-06, 1818-20, and 1832-39) and was published only after the poet"s death in 1850. Most readers find the earliest versions of The Prelude and other heavily revised poems to be the best, but flashes of brilliance can appear in revisions added when the poet was in his seventies. Wordsworth succeeded his friend Robert Southey as Britain"s poet laureate in 1843 and held that post until his own death in 1850. Thereafter his influence was felt throughout the rest of the 19th century, though he was honoured more for his smaller poems, as singled out by the Victorian critic Matthew Arnold, than for his masterpiece, The Prelude. In the 20th century his reputation was strengthened both by recognition of his importance in the Romantic movement and by an appreciation of the darker elements in his personality and verse. William Wordsworth was the central figure in the English Romantic revolution in poetry. His contribution to it was threefold. First, he formulated in his poems and his essays a new attitude toward nature. This was more than a matter of introducing nature imagery into his verse; it amounted to a fresh view of the organic relation between man and the natural world, and it culminated in metaphors of a wedding between nature and the human mind, and beyond that, in the sweeping metaphor of nature as emblematic of the mind of God, a mind that "feeds upon infinity" and "broods over the dark abyss." Second, Wordsworth probed deeply into his own sensibility as he traced, in his finest poem, The Prelude, the "growth of a poet"s mind." The Prelude was in fact the first long autobiographical poem. Writing it in a drawn-out process of self-exploration, Wordsworth worked his way toward a modern psychological understanding of his own nature, and thus more broadly of human nature. Third, Wordsworth placed poetry at the centre of human experience; in impassioned rhetoric he pronounced poetry to be nothing less than "the first and last of all knowledge--it is as immortal as the heart of man," and he then went on to create some of the greatest English poetry of his century. It is probably safe to say that by the late 20th century he stood in critical estimation where Coleridge and Arnold had originally placed him, next to John Milton--who stands, of course, next to William Shakespeare. Some comments:1.We often go through life as if we were unconscious of what is going onaround us - like clouds. We notice many things some of which are beautifuland some ordinary. But being distracted - not poets, who would naturallynotice and be gay at the sight - we fail to be lifted by the simple butawesome beauty that surrounds us. WW was not being a poet at the time andso he "little thought what wealth to him the show had wrought." He wasforced to try to re-experience it from memory - his inward eye - in order tofill his heart with the pleasure he missed when he actually saw the daffodils.To me, the poem serves as a reminder that our happiness is best served if welive our lives as poets and notice the simple beauty that nature gives usdaily. Where ordinary people see flowers, the poet sees stars, dancers,happy celebrations of nature"s miracles and is pleasured. Live as apoet!!!!!2.I always thoughtof the poem as a simple poem of yellow gay springtime. Having reallylooked at the poem something clicked and I have a profound understandingthat I had overlooked -The word "DANCE" is in every stanza - Dance the cosmic creative energythat transforms space into time, is the rhythm of the universe. Rounddancing, was a dance that imitated the sun"s course in the heavens andenclosed a sacred space. The round, yellow, golden cups of the daffodilcan easily symbolize the sun, the sacred sun of incorruptibile wisdom,superior and noble.Dancing as the Dance of Siva is the eternal movement of the universe the"play" of creatio, or the "fluttering" frenzy emotional chaos ofDionysian/Bacchic.The stars, messengers of the gods, the eyes of night, and hope, tosstheir "head," the seat of both our intelligence and folly, honor anddishonor.Lying on a couch in a vacant pensive mood could easily be a way todiscribe a meditative state where the forces of the universe and ourconnection with the ceaseless movement, the ebb and flow of life as awave dances could be pondered.That last line "And dances with the Daffodils." could it be the dance ofangels round the throne of God. If this is a poem of the cycle ofexistence and the circling of the sun/God of course what wealth andglee.3.A poem can stir all of the senses, and the subject matter of a poem can range from being funny to being sad.

Robbie Williams的《Talk To Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Talk To Me歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:Rock DjTalk to me意淋Talk to meSpeak with meDon"t sink before you rise, babyDon"t fade awayYou hesitateYou seem to waitFor all the time we hadFeels like a world awayWho"s to say, well be okayWe will make it through the nightDon"t want to wake up in this stateI just want us both to smileCause were the sameAnd I know that will never changeLook, I bought your favorite ice creamI don"t want to see it melt awayIf you walk out nowI don"t know if we could be the sameBaby, just talk with meCause I want you to stay here with meThe memoriesThe things we didI locked inside my heartWhere I know I won"t forgetAnd now, who"s to say, well be okayWe will make it through the nightDon"t want to wake up in this stateI just want us both to smileCause were the sameAnd I know that will never changeLook, I bought your favorite ice creamI don"t want to see it melt awayIf you walk out nowI don"t know if we could be the sameBaby, just talk with meCause I want you to stay here with meI want you to stay here with mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2691793

翻译下Michelle Williams-- Last Dance中文歌词

Would you rather know the truth? ..你还是想要知道真相吗?Oh .. Even if it hurts you哦,即使那会伤害你So here we are我们在此Can"t believe out song is fading off不能相信我们的歌谣正在逝去Thought we would dance,like this forever还以为我们能像这样永远地舞动Now every single note is breaking down现在每一个音符都在瓦解Till there"s no sound直至无声无息When I"m checking on the thought of this每当我想起这些You broken up the next part of us你都在伤害我们For once,was it worth it?只为那一次,是否值得?Cus when the music ends因为当音乐停止You won"t be seeing me again, and then you know,你不会再见到我,你知道If it was worth it它值得You were innocent,till I prove you guilty直到我证明你的罪孽,你都还是清白无辜Even though it kills me,the truth is better then the lie即使它是致命的,真相也好过谎言No going back, I"ve reached my final verdict不再回来,我已完成最后的辩词You had my heart and hurt it,but I won"t let you see me cry你曾拥有我的心,但你伤害了它,我不会让你看到我哭泣This is our last dance ..这是我们的最后一舞Our last dance我们的最后一舞This is our last dance ..这是我们的最后一舞Our last dance我们的最后一舞So take my hand拉起我的手Follow me down to the floor right now今夜伴我走到舞池中央Only have half of a song left to go只剩下半支曲子And I"m not even angry for that you"ve done我并不你所作的一切感到生气I"m only sad I have to let go我只是伤心,因为我不得不放手When I"m checking on the thought of this每当我想起这些You broken up the next part of us你都在伤害我们For once,was it worth it?只为那一次,是否值得?Cus when the music ends因为当音乐停止You won"t be seeing me again, and then you know,你不会再见到我,你知道If it was worth it它值得You were innocent,till I prove you guilty直到我证明你的罪孽,你都还是清白无辜Even though it kills me,the truth is better then the lie即使它是致命的,真相也好过谎言No going back, I"ve reached my final verdict不再回来,我已完成最后的辩词You had my heart and hurt it,but I won"t let you see me cry你曾拥有我的心,但你伤害了它,我不会让你看到我哭泣This is our last dance ..这是我们的最后一舞Our last dance我们的最后一舞This is our last dance ..这是我们的最后一舞Our last dance我们的最后一舞Would you rather know the truth?你还是想要知道真相吗?Even if it was hurting you即使那曾伤害你Could you say goodbye, if you knew that it was right如果你知道那是正确的抉择,你能说再见么If you knew that it was right如果你知道那是正确的选择You were innocent,till I prove you guilty直到我证明你的罪孽,你都还是清白无辜Even though it kills me,the truth is better then the lie即使它是致命的,真相也好过谎言No going back, I"ve reached my final verdict不再回来,我已完成最后的辩词You had my heart and hurt it,but I won"t let you see me cry你曾拥有我的心,但你伤害了它,我不会让你看到我哭泣This is our last dance ..这是我们的最后一舞Our last dance我们的最后一舞This is our last dance ..这是我们的最后一舞Our last dance我们的最后一舞

威廉氏综合症的威廉氏综合症 (Williams Syndrome)

威廉氏症侯群发生率为低于两万分之一,常见特征为出生时过轻、婴儿成长率低、轻度弱智、先天性心脏病、高血压及高血钙。他们也有独特的面貌如: 杏仁眼、椭圆形耳、厚唇、细下巴、窄面及阔口。 大部份威廉氏综合症患者均为携带有遗传因子DNA的第七对染色体出现缺失,同时也包括弹力蛋白基因(弹力蛋白是蛋白质的一种,是我们身体弹力组织的主要成份)的缺失,导致心脏病的症状,以及可能影响病人的智力发展。

Robbie Williams的《Somewhere》 歌词

歌曲名:Somewhere歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:Reality Killed The Video StarRobbie Williams - SomewhereSomewhere there"s a place where you can goSomeplace you can lay your heavy head downEverybody needs somewhere to goWe don"t get high to get a come downYou take your chance in lifeGo out and find a wifeDon"t get stuck in the state I"m inSomeone Somewhere Is loving youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52569377

Lucinda Williams的《Honey Bee》 歌词

歌曲名:Honey Bee歌手:Lucinda Williams专辑:Little HoneyLucinda Williams - Honey BeeOh, my little honey beeI"m so glad you stung meYou"ve become my weaknessNow I"ve got your sweetnessAll up in my hairHoney bee, I swearWe make quite a pairOh, my little honey beeOh, my little honey beeI"m so glad you stung meBuzz around your hive nowYou"re in overdrive nowGive me such a thrillHoney bee be stillOh, my little honey beeOh, my little honey beeI"m so glad you stung meNow I"ve got your honeyAll over my tummyHoney bee, it"s heavenTwenty-four sevenOh.my little honey beeOh, my little honey beeI"m so glad you stung meYou"ve become my weaknessNow I"ve got your sweetnessAll up in my hairHoney bee, I swearWe make quite a pairOh, my little honey beehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2183740

Michelle Williams的《Unexpected》 歌词

歌曲名:Unexpected歌手:Michelle Williams专辑:UnexpectedMichelle Williams - UnexpectedDid you really think you could call the shots?I wouldn"t figure it out or connect the dotsAnd so many lies, what"s the meaning?Did you really think you could cause me pain?Stepped on the track right in front of the trainNow its only shame that you"re feelingSo unexpectedThe tables have turnedI"m laughing nowBecause the joke is on youAnd it"s so unexpectedThat you"re gettin burnedNow I can smile cuz all my pain is removedSo unexpected, unexpected, ohh ohhh ohhI was always a few steps aheadNow I"m movin on cuz you made your bedAnd you"re surprised that I"m leavingNow you barely hereHanging on a threadWishin I was nearBut I"m gone insteadNow you"re payin the priceFor your deceivingAnd I bet you didn"t see it comingSo unexpectedThe tables have turnedI"m laughing nowBecause the joke is on youAnd it"s so unexpectedThat you"re gettin burnedNow I can smile cuz all my pain is removedSo unexpected, unexpected, ohh ohh ohhhAnd the joke is on youMakes you laugh, now it makes you cryAnd now you know just what I went throughChose a different path, had to say goodbyeIs life so complicated?Look at all the love you wastedBoy you know you played me like a foolYes you did, and now it"s comin back on youSo unexpectedThe tables have turnedI"m laughing nowBecause the joke is on youAnd it"s so unexpectedThat you"re gettin burnedNow I can smile cuz all my pain is removed(Adlib)So unexpected, unexpected,heyyy, ohh ohh ohhh, so unexpectedI know it don"t feel good,but you shoulda knownIt would come back on youNow you know how it feelshttp://music.baidu.com/song/1031490

William Shakspere’s Small Latine & Lesse Greeke这个是莎士比亚的什么东西啊?高手求解!!

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