
阅读 / 问答 / 标签

He will____hungry later on . A. is B. am C. are D. was

be hungry, so no correct answer

英语问题求助,谢谢! I must have slept right through it. Later on it will be a lot tougher for you.

must have done 这种表达方式在情态动词中非常常见,一般表示一种虚拟的或对过去的推测用法,本句的意思就是“一定已经”,表示对过去的肯定推测,而must do表示现在或将来2 就是比较啊,“比以前更加艰难”,a lot用于前面表示程度

There will be______(snow/snowy)later on.

snow 用动词有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步! (*^__^*)

It will be----------(cold) later on.

colder 比较级,会更冷

找一首英文歌,女声,歌词中有I will see you later on

Iloveyou3000 - 葵因歌名就是没有空格的,里面有这句歌词,不知道是不是你想找的那首。推荐一下这首歌,喜欢钢铁侠的话,也许就会觉得这歌还不错。(无意间路过这个问题 答一下)I will love you forever more.(我会永远爱你)We will make it through the storm.(我们会度过风雨)This is what I"m fighting for.(你就是我奋战的理由)I love you three thousand.(我爱你三千遍)I will see you later on.(我们以后再见吧)Will you miss me when I"m gone?(我离开后你们会想念我吗?)So long.(再会了)Will you say?(你会留恋我吗?)So long.(再会了)Do I have a heart inside?(我是否拥有一颗善良的心?)It doesn"t matter if I"ve tried.(我的努力是否存在意义)I"m just a human in your eyes.(在你眼里我只是个普通人就够了)I love you three thousand.(我爱你三千遍)When I am all up in heaven.(即使我归去天堂)See the days go on and on(俯瞰时间流逝)Goodbye then,will I be forgotten?(离开后我会被遗忘吗?)I love you three thousand.(我爱你三千遍)Now do I deserve to be forgiven?(你们会原谅我吗?)How will I remember us(我会如何回忆我们的过往)After all these crazy moments? (一同经历过暴雨风霜)Pepper:“Tony, look at me.”(小辣椒:看着我,托尼。)“We"re gonna be ok.”(我们都会好的。)“You can rest now.”(你可以安心休息了。)托尼:我想我最好还是提前录下这些以免我不幸身亡,毕竟对我来说,死亡不是什么意外的事儿。I love you three thousand.(我爱你三千遍)I will love you forever more.(我会永远爱你)We will make it through the storm.(我们会度过风雨)This is what I"m fighting for.(你就是我奋战的理由)I love you three thousand.(我爱你三千遍)When I am all up in heaven.(即使我归去天堂)See the days go on and on(俯瞰时间流逝)Goodbye then,will I be forgotten?(离开后我会被遗忘吗?)I love you three thousand.(我爱你三千遍)Now do I deserve to be forgiven?(你们会原谅我吗?)How will I remember us(我会如何回忆我们的过往)After all these crazy moments? (一同经历过暴雨风霜)Tony:“I love you tons.”(托尼:我非常爱你)Morgan:“I love you three thousand.”(摩根:我爱你三千遍)Tony:“Three thousand, that"s crazy.”(托尼:三千遍,太疯狂了)谨以此曲致敬永远的钢铁侠Tony Stark。I love you three thousand.我们爱你三千遍。

My heart will go on的中文歌词




泰坦尼克号的主题曲《my heart will go on》的歌词


《my heart will go on》歌词中文翻译


My Heart Will Go On 英文歌词


my heart will go on 的中文歌词


《my heart will go on》歌词

My Heart Will Go On(我心永恒) 歌手:Celine Dion 我心永恒电影《泰坦尼号Titanic》主题曲Every night in my dreamsI see you,I feel youThat is how I know you go onFar across the distanceAnd spaces between usYou have come to show you go onNear...far...Wherever you areI believeThat the heart does go onOnce more you open the doorAnd you"re here in my heartAnd my heart will go on and onLove can touch us one timeAnd last for a lifetimeAnd never let go till we"re oneLove was when I loved youOne true time I hold toIn my life we"ll always go onYou"re hereThere"s nothing I fearAnd I knowThat my heart will go onWe"ll stay forever this wayYou are safe in my heartAnd my heart will go on and on我心永恒 夜夜在我梦中 见到你 感觉你 我的心仍为你 悸动 穿越层层时空 随着风 入我梦 你的心从未曾 不同 你我 尽在不言中 你的爱拌我航行 始终 飞翔 如风般自由 你让我无忧无惧 永远的活在爱中 只是一见钟情 两颗心 已相通 刹那化成永恒 情浓 怨命运总捉弄 缱绻时 太匆匆 留我一世一生 的痛 你我 尽在不言中 你的爱伴我航行 始终 飞翔 如风般自由 你让我无忧无惧 永远的活在爱中 记得 所有的感动 星光下我们紧紧 相拥 无论 是否能重逢 我的心永远守候 只盼来生与共

i will be on my way什么意思

Tomorrow I will be on my way 明天我将在路途上 (明天我将踏上我的路) on my way 在路途上

有没有一首英文歌,歌词的一句是and the morning i will on my way的歌

Boyce Avenue - On My WayI wasn"t there the momentYou first learned to breatheBut i"m on my way, on my wayI wasn"t there the momentYou got off your kneesBut i"m on my way, on my wayLay downAnd come alive in all you"ve found,All you"re meant to beFor nowWait until the morning lightClose our eyes to seeJust close your eyes to seeA tear must have formed in my eyeWhen you had your first kissBut I"m on my way, on my waySo leave a space deep insidefor everything I"ll missCuz I"m on my way, on my wayLay downAnd come alive in all you"ve foundAll you"re meant to beFor nowWait until the morning lightClose our eyes to seeJust close your eyes to seeAnd when you feel no saving graceWell I"m on my way, on my wayAnd when you"re bound to second placeWell I"m on my way, on my waySo don"t believe it"s all in vainCuz I"m on my way, on my wayThe light at the end is worth the painCuz I"m on my way, on my wayI"ll be there the morningyou come out and waitCuz I"m on my way, on my way

犬夜叉片尾曲my will的歌曲连接地址




You will always be my one and only什么意思


we hope will meet with your approval.这句话对吗


You may rely on _ everything will be ready by Fri


求 Life Story by Tennessee Williams的翻译

Life Story(by Tennessee Williams)After you"ve been to bed together for the first time,这是你们第一次一床同眠,共剪西窗烛without the advantage or disadvantage of any prior acquaintance,而事先没有相互之间带有偏爱或偏见的相知相识the other party very often says to you,你们一中的一个伙伴总是会和你说Tell me about yourself, I want to know all about you,和我聊聊你自己吧,我对你的一切都有浓厚兴趣what"s your story? And you think maybe they really and truly do你的经历是什么呢?然后你觉得他们可能真的真的想要了解你的往事sincerely want to know your life story, and so you light up既然他们这么真诚地想要了解你的生命历程,所以你就点燃a cigarette and begin to tell it to them, the two of you一支烟然后开始向他们讲述你的故事lying together in completely relaxed positions你和你的伙伴翻身调整到了一个特别舒服的位置like a pair of rag dolls a bored child dropped on a bed.你们就像一个身处无聊的小孩扔在床上的一对布娃娃You tell them your story, or as much of your story你告诉他们你的往事,或者说你的整个过去as time or a fair degree of prudence allows, and they say,出于时间的流逝或者一种彬彬有礼,谨慎处事的教养,他们说 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, 嗯,嗯,嗯,嗯,嗯each time a little more faintly, until the oh回应一次比一次渐微渐弱,直到这个“嗯”字is just an audible breath, and then of course完全变成了听得到的鼾声,然后,理所当然地there"s some interruption. Slow room service comes up总会有些干扰突然出现。比如说缓慢的客房服务送来了with a bowl of melting ice cubes, or one of you rises to pee一碗融化的糖浆,或者你们中的一个突然想要起夜and gaze at himself with the mild astonishment in the bathroom mirror.面对盥洗室的镜子时,他略带吃惊的凝视着自己的镜像And then, the first thing you know, before you"ve had time然后,你所知道的第一件事,在你有时间to pick up where you left off with your enthralling life story,再去陈说你那没有讲完的迷人生命历程前they"re telling you their life story, exactly as they"d intended to all along,他们开始对你讲说他们以前的故事,这是他们期待已久的倾诉and you"re saying, Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,你开始对他们的言语回应,嗯,嗯,嗯,嗯,嗯each time a little more faintly, the vowel at last becoming每一次声量都减弱一分,最后这种应答no more than an audible sigh,成为了清晰可辨的鼾息as the elevator, halfway down the corridor and a turn to the left,这种鼾声如同一台出门需要左行却早已卡在半层的电梯,draws one last, long, deep breath of exhaustion让某人呼尽最后的、精疲力竭的、长而深的气息and stops breathing forever. Then?便再也没有了呼吸。然后呢?Well, one of you falls asleep其实,当你们中的一个人进入了永恒的梦乡and the other one does likewise with a lighted cigarette in his mouth,其他人则继续叼着一支点燃的香烟,开始讲述他们的故事,无可厚非地and that"s how people burn to death in hotel rooms.这就是人们怎样在一家旅馆中,燃尽自己的生命

谁能给一个美国作家Tennessee Williams 的简介,就是欲望号街车的作家

  威廉斯就是美国最有名的剧作家田纳西·威廉斯(Tennessee Williams)。威廉斯是著名的同性恋者,纵欲无度,但是在认识法兰克·梅格之后,却共同生活了十四年之久,直到1962年法兰克死于癌症。生离死别后的田纳西说"自己的一部分生命也随法兰克消逝了"。而介绍法兰克认识田纳西的美国作家图鲁门·卡波提(他本人也是同性恋者)说,田纳西就是他自己笔下的布朗许,即「欲望号街车」的女主角。  「欲望号街车」是田纳西最好的作品,他自己表示,除了卡山外,他不接受任何人改编这个剧本。而卡山则一定要求好莱坞让当时藉藉无名的马龙·白兰度(Marlon Brando)来扮演男主角。这样,卡山给了白兰度20美元,让他搭火车去见田纳西;但是白兰度先把20美金化光了,改坐便车去,花了三天才见到田纳西。也许就是白兰度身上那种满不在乎的气质吸引了田纳西,也许是马龙潜在的同性恋倾向让田纳西很倾倒,反正,威廉斯对白兰度满意至极。而事实上,白兰度身上日后彰显出来的同性恋倾向确实成了「欲望号街车」成功的隐性要素。在戏中,男主角史丹利不但不同情女主角布朗许,反而相当粗暴地和旁观者一起嘲笑这个患有点神经质的女子。而布朗许在戏中的台词――不管你们是谁,我总是依赖陌生人的好心――被卡波提认为是"满腔悲哀,满腔情欲",说出了田纳西自己的爱恨心酸。  Tennessee Williams  IMDB编号:0931783  曾经作为: / 编剧 / 演员  编剧:  1. Akale AS …… play Glass Menagerie (2004)  2.斯通夫人的罗马春天 The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone AS …… novella (2003)  3.欲望号街车 A Streetcar Named Desire AS …… play (1995)  4. The Glass Menagerie AS …… play (1987)  5. Hablame como la lluvia AS …… play (1976)  6.玫瑰梦 The Rose Tattoo AS …… (screenplay) (1970)  7.富贵浮云 Boom AS …… also play The Milk Train Doesn"t Stop Here Anymore (1968)  8.蓬门碧玉红颜泪 This Property Is Condemned AS …… (play) (1966)  9.巫山风雨夜 The Night of the Iguana AS …… (play) (1964)  10. Period of Adjustment AS …… play (1962)  11.罗马之春 The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone AS …… novel (1961)  12.漂泊者 The Fugitive Kind AS …… (play Orpheus Descending) (1959)  13.夏日痴魂 Suddenly, Last Summer AS …… play Suddenly, Last Summer (1959)  14.朱门巧妇 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof AS …… play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)  15.娃娃新娘 Baby Doll AS …… screenplay (1956)  16.战国妖姬 Senso AS …… (dialogue contibutor) & (1955)  17.欲望号街车 A Streetcar Named Desire AS …… (play A Streetcar Named Desire) (1951)  演员:  1.玫瑰梦 The Rose Tattoo AS …… Man at Mardi Gras Club (uncredited) (1970)

tennessee williams的名言翻译

1. Don"t look forward to the day you stop suffering, because when it comes you know you will be dead不要指望有一天你能解脱,因为你知道等那一天到来的时候你会死去。生於忧患,死於安乐。 2. A dog starving at his master"s gate predicts the ruin of the state看主人家门口的饿狗就知道家境的衰败。树死先从叶子黄。 3. I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by custom.我宁愿好奇心来打开我的思想也不要让传统习俗关闭它。我宁可因为好奇而使自己虚怀若谷,而不愿因为习俗而使自己墨守成规。 宁愿创新,不愿陈腐。 4. Gather you rosebuds while you may, old time is still a-flying, and this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying.可以采花的时候,别错过,时光老人在飞驰,今天还在微笑的花朵,明天就会枯死。未雨绸缪。 5.However big the fool, there is always a bigger fool to admire him.不管一个笨蛋有多笨, 总有更笨的人欣赏佩服他。天生我材必有用。/ 比上不足,比下有余。 6. Belief, then, is the great guide of human life信仰是人生的伟大向导。/ 信念是人生的重要处事指南。 7. Other people"s harvests are always the best harvests,but one"s own children are always the best children别人的收获总是最好的,自己的孩子总是最乖的。 8. There is no feasts on earth that does not end in parting天下无不散之宴席。 9. Everyone has some tricks they can do, but each has his own way of doing them.每个人都有他们可做的一些技巧,并且每个人都有自己的做法。八仙过海,各显神通。 10. Those who can lose shall gain, those who wish gain shall lose输得起,才能赢;只想赢,就会输。有意栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫。/ 阴差阳错。

出现no software will be installed or removed 怎么解决?

因为你没有删除干净,你再仔细检查一下,再删一遍,你可以在我的电脑里面搜索 national instruments,把它删除掉,如果还不行,就点开始--运行---regedit-然后搜索multisim,把它们全部删掉再装就行啦

you will not get hurt 怎么读

油 为儿 闹特 盖特 哈特

有will i和must i这样的词吗

问句中使用will I 1、What will I tell them? 我将对他们作何解释?2、Who will I serve? —— 我将为谁服务?3、What new or better business capability will I get from the project? 我将从该项目中得到哪些更新、更好的业务能力呢?must I1、Why must I have mercy on him?Tell me that! 为什么我必须宽恕他呢?告诉我为什么。2、What must I do? 我必须做什么?3、Naked came I into this world, and naked must I go out. 我赤裸裸地来到这个世界,也要赤裸裸的离去。

凤凰传奇 郎的诱惑的英语youwillnotgethurt怎么读?


you will not get hurt用中文怎么说不是翻译是发音


you will not get hurt 用中文怎么说(不是翻译是发音)


you will not get hurt是什么意思?


you will not get hurt用中文怎么说不是翻译是发音


狼的诱惑中You will not get hurt 是什么意思?

You will not get hurt 你不会受伤的意思是:狼不会攻击你

you will not get hurt是什么意思


will be built与is being built的区别

will be built 是一般将来时的被动语态。is being built 是现在进行时的被动语态。

will be built和to be built有区别吗?

"will be built" 和 "to be built" 都表示将要建造或正在建造的意思,但它们在语法上略有不同。"will be built" 是一个将来时态的被动语态,强调在未来某个时间会完成建造。例如:The new hospital will be built next year.(新医院将于明年建成。)"to be built" 是一个不定式的被动语态,表示正在进行的建造活动。例如:The bridge is going to be built across the river.(这座桥正在河上建造。)

Will one of you get off? 这句英语是什么意思?


I will take one和I will take them有什么区别?

Iwilltakeone.意思是:我带走一个;Iwilltakethem.意思是:我把它们都带走。one只是它们中的一个。take意思是:拿走、带走、取走等。  takevt.拿,取;采取;接受(礼物等);耗费(时间等)。例如:  1.Thesefileshavebeenzippeduptotakeuplessdiskspace.  这些文档已经进行了压缩,以节省磁盘空间。  2.Youhavetotakecapitalappreciationofthepropertyintoaccount.  你必须将该处房产的资本增值考虑在内。

it will rains within one week ,可否换成in one week,为什么


Only Time Will Tell 歌词

歌曲名:Only Time Will Tell歌手:Charlie"s Magazine专辑:Sweet Alibi (Digital)曲名:Only time will ell词曲:F. Schubert-Arrgt R. Loubet /B.Jamer-S.JamesLove changed our loney livesCaught us by surpriseOpened up our eyesSomehow we both knewSomething rare and trueSomething bright and newCould be ours foreverBut loveLove can not be plannedMore you try to learnLess you understandWords could not dispellWhat we know so wellO nly time will tellLike a treeAs it growsWe will reachFor the skyLike a breezeGently blowsWe"ll be freeYou and IFor we knowTime aloneHolds the keyLove cnanged our loney livesCaught us by surpriseOpened up our eyesSomehow we both knewSomehting rare and trueSomehting brightand newCould be ours foreverBut loveLove can not be plannedMore you try to learnLess you understandWords could not dispellWhat we know so wellOnly time will tellOnly time will tellAhOnly time will tellhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8158360

Only Time Will Tell 歌词

歌曲名:Only Time Will Tell歌手:Poison专辑:Best Of Ballads & BluesI just needed someone to holdWhen the bottle was emptyand the nights grew coldIn my hour of darknessIn my time of needYou were my angel of mercyAnd helped me to believeYou touched my soulWhen I was lonelyYou held me upwhen I couldn"t flyThere"s no words could explainHow I feel insideAnd this I tell youPoisonIn a world full of angerand times gone strangeYou held me closeYou held me close to youLay my head on your shoulderI finally let it all outIt felt good for a momentNot living in a shadow of doubtBut everybody needs a little somethingTu pull them throughI gave one for the otherAnd God know that the other was youChorus:Now only time will tellOnly time will tellIf our love is scratched in sandOr if it"s etched in stoneOnly time will tellOnly time will tellOr walk the road alongMy angel of mercyPulled me through somehowI just hope you knowI need you nowSoloYou"re the oneThat touched my very soulThe one who held on tightGod knows you never let goAngel of mercyIt"s time we closed the doorPut out the lightsAnd burn the fireBurn the fire insideAngel of mercyYou pulled me throughAnd this I tell to youGod know I"d tell it to youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/53901659

Only Time Will Tell 歌词

歌曲名:Only Time Will Tell歌手:Nelson专辑:The Best Of Nelson 20Th Century Masters The Millennium Collection曲名:Only time will ell词曲:F. Schubert-Arrgt R. Loubet /B.Jamer-S.JamesLove changed our loney livesCaught us by surpriseOpened up our eyesSomehow we both knewSomething rare and trueSomething bright and newCould be ours foreverBut loveLove can not be plannedMore you try to learnLess you understandWords could not dispellWhat we know so wellO nly time will tellLike a treeAs it growsWe will reachFor the skyLike a breezeGently blowsWe"ll be freeYou and IFor we knowTime aloneHolds the keyLove cnanged our loney livesCaught us by surpriseOpened up our eyesSomehow we both knewSomehting rare and trueSomehting brightand newCould be ours foreverBut loveLove can not be plannedMore you try to learnLess you understandWords could not dispellWhat we know so wellOnly time will tellOnly time will tellAhOnly time will tellhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8529653

“only time will tell”是什么意思?

only time will tell只有时间会告诉我们双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 只有时间会证明例句:1.Only time will tell, but big oil is capable of change. 只有时间能告诉我们他所说的是否属实。2.Only time will tell, and perhaps we won"t know even then. 只有时间会告诉我们答案,甚至可能到时候我们也不知道。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

will you help me?(作肯定回答)

Of course.Certainly, I will.I"m glad to.With pleasure.

“only time will tell”是什么意思?


Subtlety may deceive you; integrity never will 它的中文是什麼?


一首英文歌女生唱的开头是说唱,高潮经常有i will ,在五星体育放广告的时候也出现过

Idé Weré Weré - Deva PremalIde were were nita ochunIde were wereIde were were nita ochunIde were were nita yaOcha kiniba nita ochunCheke cheke chekeNita yaIde were wereIde were were nita ochunIde were wereIde were were nita ochunIde were were nita yaOcha kiniba nita ochunCheke cheke chekeNita yaIde were wereIde were were nita ochunIde were wereIde were were nita ochunIde were were nita yaOcha kiniba nita ochunCheke cheke chekeNita yaIde were wereIde were were nita ochunIde were wereIde were were nita ochunIde were were nita yaOcha kiniba nita ochunCheke cheke chekeNita yaIde were wereIde were were nita ochunIde were wereIde were were nita ochunIde were were nita yaOcha kiniba nita ochunCheke cheke chekeNita yaIde were wereIde were were nita ochunIde were wereIde were were nita ochunIde were were nita yaOcha kiniba nita ochunCheke cheke chekeNita yaIde were wereIde were were nita ochunIde were wereIde were were nita ochunIde were were nita yaOcha kiniba nita ochunCheke cheke chekeNita yaIde were wereIde were were nita ochunIde were wereIde were were nita ochunIde were were nita yaOcha kiniba nita ochunCheke cheke chekeNita yaIde were were

能不能说Our home will be as sweet as honey.

Home 最好用family其他的没问题

Who laughs best who laughs last和give him an inch and he will take a mile是什么意思?


Give him an inch,and he will take a mile




will be contacted by us by February 2012。翻译。



被动语态 be +过去分词 contacted 为该单词的过去分词

Will Young的《Over You》 歌词

歌曲名:Over You歌手:Will Young专辑:From Now OnWill Young - Over YouAnd I do like a little conversationAnd it"s true I don"t like to be keptBut with you it"s a dangerous combinationAnd I know I"d be out of my depthIt"s that time, ooh, to let it outI"ve got a ruse to get me by yeahA little bit of loving girl is all I can giveLots of pretty faces suit the way that I livePull yourself together girlAnd get on over hereTime after time, it"s not right but I"veSeen the signs now I"m over youOver youNow I know I"ve been feeling kinda kookyWith sigh you"ve fallen in loveI won"t lie, it"s an awkward situationBut I"ll try to tell you againOver youYeah, yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, it"s that time, ooh, to let it outI"ve got a ruse to get me by yeahOver youOver youOver youYes, it"s truehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8749242

“everething will be ok”是哪首歌的词?是谁的?


红辣椒乐队歌词 i will be there 哪首歌?

Don"t Forget Me I"m an ocean in your bedroomMake you feel warmMake you wanna re-assumeNow, we know it all for sureI"m a dance hallDirty break beatMake the snow fallUp from underneath your feetNot alone, I"ll be thereTell me when you wanna goI"m a meth lab, first rehabTake it all offAnd step inside the running cabThere"s a love that knows the wayI"m the rainbowIn your jail cellAll the memories ofEverything you"ve ever smelledNot alone, I"ll be thereTell me when you want to goOohSideways falling, more will be revealed my friendSideways falling, more will be revealed my friend(Don"t forget me, I can"t hide it)(Come again, get me excited)I"m an inbred and a potheadTwo legs that you spreadInside the tool shedNow, we know it all for sureI could show youTo the free fieldOvercome and moreWill always be revealedNot alone, I"ll be thereTell me when you wanna goOohSideways falling, more will be revealed my friendSideways falling, more will be revealed my friend(Don"t forget me, I can"t hide it)(Come again, get me excited, ooh)Sideways falling, more will be revealed my friendSideways falling, more will be revealed my friend(Don"t forget me, I can"t hide it)(Never met now, let me light it)I"m the bloodstainOn your shirt sleeveComing down and more are coming to believeNow, we know it all for sureMake the hair standUp on your armTeach you how to danceInside the funny farmNot alone, I"ll be thereTell me when you wanna goI"ll be there butTell me when you wanna goCome again andTell me when you wanna goMore will be revealed my friend

If you put a buzzard(秃鹰) in a cage without a roof(顶棚), the bird will be a prisoner. Even thoug

小题1:B小题2:D小题3:A小题4:C 试题分析:这篇短文介绍了秃鹰,蝙蝠和蜜蜂在困境中只认一种逃生方式,从而错过了逃生的机会.由此告诉我们,在困难面前我们应该尝试各种方法来解决问题.小题1:根据短文第一段The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of 3 or 4 meters.描述,可知选B.小题2:根据短文第二段描述,可知蝙蝠只有在高处才能起飞,故选D.小题3:根据第三段but keeps trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom.描述,可蜜蜂只是尝试从杯子的底部寻找一个逃生的出口,故选项A描述错误.小题4:这篇短文介绍了秃鹰,蝙蝠和蜜蜂在困境中只认一种逃生方式,从而错过了逃生的机会.由此告诉我们,在困难面前我们应该尝试各种方法来解决问题.故选C.点评:本文浅显易懂,层次分明,学生很容易把握文章中心内容。答题中注意带着问题阅读短文,一般就能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案。

有句歌词是and i will love you till forever,是哪首歌,专辑封面是一个男歌手站立手放在脖子后面低着头

Baby stay foreverSay you"ll be right there to love me a lifetimeSay you"ll be mineAnd I promise you I"ll love you foreverTill the end of timeBaby make up your mind, one day you love meThe next day you don"tBaby quit playing games, you seem to like itBut baby I don"tOooh! I can see exactly what you do to meIt"s plain to see aaahNever ever thought that I would lose my mindI did this timeBaby stay, close to meSay you"ll be right there to love me a lifetimeSay you will, Say you will be mineFor all time and I promise you I"ll love you foreverI"ll be there till the end of timeLady why can"t you seeWe fit together we"re meant to beLady if you were mine I"d treat you gentlyYou"re one of a kindOooh! I can see exactly what you do to meIt"s plain to see aaahNever ever thought that I would lose my mindI did this timeBaby stay, close to meSay you"ll be right there to love me a lifetimeSay you will, Say you will be mineand I promise you I"ll love you foreverI"ll be there till the end of timeOh yes we are yes we are i wanna be the one for youNow oh yeah babeOh yes we are yes we are don"t wanna nobody else but youoh yeah yeahCause cause cause cause I need youGotta, gotta have youCause I need youGotta, gotta have youOh yeahSay I gotta, gotta haveSay you"ll be mineand I promise you I"ll love you foreverI"ll be there till the end of timeBaby staySay you"ll be right there to love me a lifetimeSay you"ll be mineand I promise you I"ll love you foreverI"ll be there till the end of time

tomorrow will have heavy rain

原句应该是:Beijing will have a heavy rain tomorrow. = Beijing is going to have a heavy rain tomorrow. = It will rain heavily/hard in Beijing tomorrow. = It is going to rain heavily/hard in Beijing tomorrow. = There will be a heavy rain in Beijing tomorrow. = There is going to be a heavy rain in Beijing tomorrow.

回答It will take后面直接加时间可以吗

可以。It will take three days to hook up our computer system to the university"s. 我需要三天把我的计算机系统与大学的计算机系统相连接。

关于诗人 叶芝 (William Butler Yeats )


翻译句子my favorable considerations will be greatly appreciated.这个句子没有错误吧?什么意思?


—I wonder if she will show up at the concert tonight.

too..to..意为太怎么样以至于不能怎么样比如 too tired wo walk即太累了以至于不能走 故排除A若BC均也可排除就选D

will to call 表什么时态

这个错了吧will后面直接带的是原型,to应该去掉will call将来时

I Will Follow You Into The Dark歌词翻译


急求一首歌的名字啊 其中有一句歌词大概是sixty nine will go to high high什么的吧 拜托了

One Sixty Nine Am

I Will Love Again 歌词

歌曲名:I Will Love Again歌手:Lara Fabian专辑:Lara FabianDid I ever tell youhow you live in meEvery waking moment,even in my dreamsAnd if all this talk is crazyAnd you don"t know what I meanDoes it really matterJust as long as I believeI will love againThough my heart is breakingStronger than beforeEven if it takes a lifetime to get over youHeaven only knows,People never tell youThe way they truly feelI would die for you gladlyIf I knew it was for realSo if all this talk sounds crazyAnd the words don"t come out rightIf it gets me through this nightIf I"m true to myself,nobody elsecan take the place of youBut I"ve got to move on,tell me what else can I doI will love again (I will love again)One day I know,You can"t stop me from loving againBreathing againFeeling againI know, one day, I"ll love againby lunehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1455962

I will travel to Beijing 同义句

I"m going to travel to Beijing.我要去北京旅行。

will shall+be+doing怎么解释


I will be right here 的汉语意思是什么?


I’m willing to be the one, and the angel that you love, With open arms, I’ll always be there什么


will will rock you 是哪一年世界杯的主体曲


We will be happy是什么意思?


will we live here forever为什么填live不填living?

因为will是情态动词,后面跟动词原形will do sth.

I disapprove of what you say,but I will defend to the death your right say it.的语法

不用改。在right后面省略了that..口语嘛 怎么简单怎么说

which one will you choose

either. either是两个中的一个,neither是两个都不. 这种情况下你可以说“I won"t choose either.”或是“I choose neither.” 因为neither是否定意义的,won"t已经做过一次否定了,所以不能选neither.

有say you love me and i will say i love you歌词的英文歌曲叫什么

I love U forever

求My love will get you home简谱


Life in the twenty-second century will be very different from life today. Between then and now many


what will you do和 what would you do 和真实条件句搭配有区别吗?


What would you do ------more cookies A.sell B. selling. C. will sell D.to sell


What would you do 请讲解一下为什么这里的would不用will谢谢

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