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i will be there on time?为什么要在will后加be

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i will be there for you是什么意思?

  i ll be there for you  [释义]我将在那里为你  《I"ll Be There for You》(Bon Jovi乐队单曲)  是美国摇滚乐队Bon Jovi的代表作之一,由乐队主唱Jon Bon Jovi和吉他手Richie Sambora共同创作,收录于他们的第四张录音室专辑《New Jersey》(1988)中,是其中的第三支单曲,于1989年4月正式在世界范围内发行 。由于当时的Bon Jovi乐队正如日中天,此曲一经发行便迅速登上美国Billboard Hot 100排行榜榜首,成为他们的第四首冠军单曲,并在Billboard的Mainstream Rock榜单上斩获第5名的成绩。  歌词与翻译:  I guess this time you"re really leaving  我猜这次你是真的要走了  I heard your suitcase say goodbye  连你的行李箱也说着再见  And as my broken heart lies bleeding  而当我破碎的心不住地流血  You say true love it"s suicide  你告诉我真爱就是自寻毁灭  You say you"ve cried a thousand rivers  你说你已泪流成河  And now you"re swimming for the shore  现在正游向岸边  You left me drowning in my tears  你任我被泪水淹没  And you won"t save me anymore  而你再也不会来救我  Now I"m praying to God you"ll give me one more chance, girl  现在我向上帝祷告,愿你能再给我一次机会,女孩  I"ll be there for you  我会在你身边  These five words I swear to you  我许下这誓言  When you breathe I want to be the air for you  当你呼吸时,我想成为你的空气  I"ll be there for you  我会在你身边  I"d live and I"d die for you  为你生死我都甘愿  Steal the sun from the sky for you  盗下天边的艳阳为你而献  Words can"t say what love can do  言语道不清爱的力量  I"ll be there for you  我会在你身边  I know you know we"ve had some good times  你也知道我们有过那美好时光  Now they have their own hiding place  现在它们藏在不为人知的地方  I can promise you tomorrow  我可以许你明天  But I can"t buy back yesterday  但我无法买回昨天  And Baby you know my hands are dirty  亲爱的,你知道我的双手污迹斑斑  But I wanted to be your valentine  但我曾想成为你的另一半  I"ll be the water when you get thirsty, baby  我会是那水,当你口渴时,宝贝  When you get drunk, I"ll be the wine  当你喝醉了,我会是那酒  I"ll be there for you  我会在你身边  These five words I swear to you  我许下这誓言  When you breathe I want to be the air for you  当你呼吸时,我想成为你的空气  I"ll be there for you  我会在你身边  I"d live and I"d die for you  为你生死我都甘愿  Steal the sun from the sky for you  盗下天边的艳阳为你而献  Words can"t say what love can do  言语道不清爱的力量  I"ll be there for you  我会在你身边  And I wasn"t there when you were happy  而当你快乐时,我不在  I wasn"t there when you were down  当你失落时,我不在  I didn"t mean to miss your birthday, baby  我不是有意错过你的生日,宝贝  I wish I"d seen you blow those candles out  我真希望曾看着你将蜡烛吹灭  I"ll be there for you  我会在你身边  These five words I swear to you  我许下这誓言  When you breathe I want to be the air for you  当你呼吸时,我想成为你的空气  I"ll be there for you  我会在你身边  I"d live and I"d die for you  为你生死我都甘愿  Steal the sun from the sky for you  盗下天边的艳阳为你而献  Words can"t say what love can do  言语道不清爱的力量  I"ll be there for you  我会在你身边

i will be there for you 啥意思?


请问谁有六人行主题曲I will be there for you 的歌词?

[ti:I"ll be there for you][ar:Bon Jovi][al:Cross Road][by:音乐红茶馆(Musictea.com)][00:19.37]I guess this time you""re really leaving[00:26.11]I heard your suitcase say goodbye[00:32.16]And as my broken heart lies bleeding[00:38.75]You say true love in suicide[00:45.35]You say you""re cried a thousand rivers[00:51.84]And now you""re swimming for the shore[00:58.26]You left me drowning in my tears[01:04.41]And you won""t save me anymore[01:11.60]Now I""m praying to God you""ll give me one more chance, girl[04:49.28][04:27.34][04:23.29][04:01.46][03:01.96][02:49.22][02:40.55][01:36.59][01:23.92][01:15.35]I""ll be there for you[04:29.82][04:03.92][02:42.89][01:17.63]These five words I swear to you[04:32.48][04:06.70][02:45.84][01:20.72]When you breathe I want to be the air for you[04:40.36][04:14.47][02:53.49][01:27.41]I""d live and I""d die for you[04:42.81][04:17.01][02:56.03][01:30.43]Steal the sun from the sky for you[04:46.35][04:20.09][02:59.39][01:33.70]Words can""t say what a love can do[01:45.76]I know you know we""re had some good times[01:51.76]How they have their own hiding place[01:57.85]I can promise you tomorrow[02:04.71]But I can""t buy back yesterday[02:10.41]And Baby you know my hands are dirty[02:18.06]But I wanted to be your valentine[02:24.69]I""ll be the water when you get thirsty, baby[02:29.40]When you get drink, I""ll be the wine[03:15.98][03:30.16]And I wan""t there when you were happy[03:37.85]I wasn""t there when you were down[03:44.27]I didn""t mean to miss your birthday, baby[03:49.67]I wish I""d seen you blow those candles out[04:36.33][04:10.15]I""ll be there for you

句型转换you will succeed one day if you work hard


If she___to write a real book one day, I will absolutely be the first to read it?

不用去管句子意思,后面是 will 前面就是 is后面是 would 前面就是 were后面是 would have done 前面就是 had done


Wewill goswimmingintheocean week我们将在海洋周去游泳你的采纳我的动力很高兴能够帮助你

求一首日文歌 歌词中隐约听到 I WILL LOVE YOU wu wu,其他都是日语,很萌,挺好听的一首歌。


I will swim in the ocean blue,blue为什么放后面?

形容词修饰名词应该放在名词前 I will swim in the blue ocean.

we will be happiness.什么意思

we will be happiness.我们会幸福的。例句:1.But your attitude towards life that will bring happiness. 而是你对生活的态度才会带来快乐。

I dropped a tear in the ocean, and when i find it thats the day i will stop loving you. 出自哪里

出自Brutha - One Day On This Earth 的歌词I dropped a tear in the oceanAnd when you find itThat"s the day I"ll stop loving you, come on满意请采纳

if one day i die, will you cry?是什么意思


If one day i died,who will remember me?这句话对吗


you will rule the world罗马音

「黒执事II」キャラクターソング01 「黒执事、热唱」歌词翻译。「You will rule the world」歌:セバスチャン·ミカエリス(小野大辅)今宵も虚ろな瞳 镜に映しだされる踌躇いの翳はまたいたずらに浓くなって 灰色な息をつく今夜亦是空虚的眼眸 在镜中映出迟疑的神色阴霾却愈加浓厚 只剩一声灰色的叹息さあ抗って これは沈殿する世界违うでしょう?贵方立つ场所は……那么就应该反抗 这个沉淀的世界不对吧?您的立足之地是……装饰过多な嘘には舌打ちして 裸足のまま飞びあがるしがらみ脱ぎすて 残られたもの愚かしくて滑稽でなお 揺るぎのない强さ粉饰太平的谎言令人咋舌 赤裸双足飞身一跃跨越层层障碍 依然残存的是愚蠢而又滑稽 以及不可撼动的强韧いたらないほど胸が疼きだして 夜の窓をこじ开けるそうすべては贵方次第 You will rule the world胸口在隐隐作痛 陡然推开夜晚的窗扉一切都由您决定 You will rule the world梦壊すなら梦 胸元の细いリボンほどいたらくだらない自分を缚りつけて 床の上転がして梦想破坏梦想 胸前纤细的丝带如果弃之不顾便会将无聊的自己束缚 摔倒在地さあいざなって それは反転する世界见えるでしょう?白く光る黒が……那么到了关键时刻 这个反转的世界能看见吧?散发出纯白光芒的黑暗……暧昧模糊な现実なら蹴り飞ばし 裸足のまま走りだす割れた爪にじむ 鲜やかな赤その痛みを饮み干したら 刻は加速する踢开暧昧模糊的现实 赤裸双足一路飞奔割裂的指甲渗透出 鲜艳的红色将这份痛苦一饮而尽 时光已然加速はしたないほど胸が暴れだして 朝の窓を叩き割るもうすべては贵方次第 You will rule the world胸口狂乱到卑劣 敲碎清晨的窗扉一切都由您决定 You will rule the world急転直下する空 揺れる花についた名前消し去ってそして新しい名前をつけるひとつひとつ世の理 贵方が选び取る急转直下的天空 消除了摇曳花朵的名字再为它重新命名每一个世间之理 都任由您选择とめどないほど胸が震えだして 别の风が頬抚でるそうすべては贵方次第 You will rule the world胸口不停的颤抖 清风吹拂过脸颊一切都由您决定 You will rule the worldSebastian 01 – You Will Rule The World:今宵も虚ろな瞳 镜に映しだされる踌躇いのKoyoi mou utsuro na hitomi kagami ni utsushi dasareru tamerai no翳はまたいたずらに浓くなって 灰色な息をつくKage wa mata itazura ni koku natte hai iro na iki wo tsukuさあ抗って これは沈殿する世界Saa aragatte kore wa chinden suru sekai违うでしょう?贵方立つ场所は……Chigau deshou? Anata tatsu basho wa……装饰过多な嘘には舌打ちして 裸足のまま飞びあがるSou shoku katana uso ni wa shita uchishite hadashi no mama tobi agaruしがらみ脱ぎすて 残されたものShigarami nugi gisute nokosareta mono愚かしくて滑稽でなお 揺るぎのない强さOrokashikute kokeide nao yurugi no nai tsuyousaいたらないほど胸が疼きだして 夜の窓をこじ开けるItaranai hodo mune ga uzukidashite yoru no mado wo koji akeruそうすべては贵方次第 You Will Rule The WorldSou subete wa anata shidai You will rule the world梦壊すなら梦 胸元の细いリボンほどいたらYume kowasu nara yume muna moto no hosoi RIBBON hodo itaraくだらない自分を缚りつけて 床の上転がしてKudaranai jibun wo shibaritsukete yuka no ue korogashiteさあいざなって それは反転する世界Saa izanatte sore wa hanten suru sekai见えるでしょう?白く光る黒が……Mieru deshou? Shiroku hikaru kuro ga……瞹昧模糊な现実なら蹴り飞ばし 裸足のまま走りだすAimai moko na genjitsu nara keri tobashi hadashi no mama hashiridasu割れた爪にじむ 鲜やかな赤Wareta tsume nijimu azaya kana akaその痛みを饮み干したら 刻は加速するSono itami wo nomi hoshitara kuchiba kasoku suruはしたないほど胸が暴れだして 朝の窓を叩き割るHashitanai hodo mune ga abaredashite asa no mado wo hataki waruもうすべては贵方次第 You Will Rule The WorldMou subete wa anata shidai You will rule the world急転直下する空 揺れる花についた名前消し去ってKyuutenchokka suru sora yureru hana ni tsuita namae keshisatteそして新しい名前をつけるSoshite atarashii namae wo tsukeruひとつひとつ世界の理 贵方が选びとる {foi aqui o erro}Hitotsu-hitotsu yo no kotowari anata ga erabitoruとめどないほど胸が震えだして 别の风が頬抚でるTomedonai hodo mune ga furuedashite betsu no kaze ga hoho naderuそうすべては贵方次第 You Will Rule The WorldSou subete wa anata shidai You will rule the world

i will be fucked up if you是什么歌


求歌词里有ifyou.....if you.......或者if you will....的英文歌

One direction的《perfect》

I hople you will be happines if you are happines I will be happy 谁帮我翻译这句话?


If you are happy what will you do?怎么回答?

如果你很开心,你会做些什么,listen music,sing,dance都行

请回答:如果你快乐,你会怎么做?(If you are happy,what will you do)用英语回答

i will walk in circle XD

If You Love Me I Will Love You 歌词

歌手名:Brenda Lee专辑名:If You Love MeBrenda LeeIf the sun should tumble from the skiesif the sea should suddenly run dryIf you love me really love melet it happen I won"t careIf it seems that everything is lostI will smile and never count the costIf you love me really love melet it happen darling, I won"t careShall I catch a shooting starshall I bring it where you areif you want me to I willYou can let me any testI"ll do anything you askif you only say you love me stillWhen at last the life on earth is throughI will share each other tear will youIf you love me really love melet it happen I won"t careIf you love me really love mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/22000760

say you will never这首歌曲的歌词发给偶下?

Ohhhhhhhh, ohhh ohhh, oohhhhhhhhhOhhhhhhhh, ohhh ohhh, oohhhhhhhhhI never met a guy so sweetSomeone who knocks me of my feetI never knew that it could be, not until I met you babyYou never met a girl like me, i only wanna make you happyI never knew that i could be free,not until I met you baby[Bridge](all i wanna do)likely all that i wanna do is..(is spend all my time with you)Every second,every minute,every hourI can"t let you get away, ain"t gon nowhere,I need your loving everyday..Ooooh yes i do.....[Chorus]Say you could feel the way i feel for you (yeaaaaaah)Say you will do the things you promised to (yeaah)Say you love me the way that i love you (saay)Say you will , say you willOhhhhhhaa, yesssNever knew a love like you (to do the things that you do)You never seem to lose your touch,That"s why i love you babyyyI travel around the whole wide world ,and i say that I"m your girlNever had these feelings,not until I met you baby[Bridge](all i wanna do) lately all that i wanna do..(is spend all my time with you)Every second,every minute,every hourI can"t let you get away, i ain"t gon let you go no ,I need your loving everyday..Baby sayyy ..... [Chorus]Say you could feel the way i feel for you ( Do you feel me)Say you will do the things you promised to (baby say you will)Say you love me the way that i love you (ohhhhh baby)Say you will (ohhhh ohhhhha), say you willOhhhh wohhha[Bridge]Baby all i wanna do , is spend all my life with you Have three four kids like you, and have some more if you want me toI done gave up everything ,so now it"s time to give me that ringSo baby say what you feel about me ,say[Chorus]Say you could feel the way i feel for you ( ohhh i need you to tell me)Say you will do the things you promised to (i need you to do it)Say you love me the way that i love you (please baby please)Say you will , say you will (say you will)Ohhhhhhhh, ohhh ohhh, oohhhhhhhhhOhhhhhhhh, ohhh ohhh, oohhhhhhhhh

I will be the one if you want me to. I will be the one if you want me too.


前几天听见一首英文歌歌词中有if you wanna be with me , I will manke your dream cometrue.大家帮忙找找

Genie in a Bottle -----Christina Aguilera

I will tell her a story


I will tell her a story改为一般疑问句?

will i tell her story?

Bury Me Under The Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Bury Me Under The Weeping Willow歌手:Rosanne Cash专辑:The ListRosanne Cash - Bury Me Under the Weeping Willowmy heart is sad and I am lonesomeFor the only one I loveWhen shall we meet?Oh no, never, till we meet in heaven aboveSo bury me underneath the willowUnder the weeping willow treeSo that he may know where I am sleepingAnd perhaps he"ll weep for meWell, he told me that he dearly loved meOh, how could it be untrue?Until the angels softly whispered"He will prove untrue to you"So bury me underneath the willowUnder the weeping willow treeSo that he may know where I am sleepingAnd perhaps he"ll weep for meTomorrow was to be our wedding dayBut oh my God, where can he be?He"s out a courting with anotherAnd no longer cares for meSo bury me underneath the willowUnder the weeping willow treeSo that he may know where I am sleepingAnd perhaps he"ll weep for mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/3492507

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Sebastien Schuller专辑:City LoungeWhen morning breaksWe hide our eyes and our love"s achingNothing"s strangeIt was in our hands from 6 to 10It slipped right out againThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you see what I seeI hope you feel like I feelAnd the world don"t stopThere is no time for cracking upBelieve me friend"Cause when freedom comesI"ll be long goneYou know it has to endThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you feel what I feelSomeone to stand beside meBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside meWeeping willowThe pills under my pillowWeeping willowPills under my pillowWeeping willowThe Gun under your pillowWeeping willowBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/59444690

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Blood Has Been Shed专辑:SpiralsWhen morning breaksWe hide our eyes and our love"s achingNothing"s strangeIt was in our hands from 6 to 10It slipped right out againThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you see what I seeI hope you feel like I feelAnd the world don"t stopThere is no time for cracking upBelieve me friend"Cause when freedom comesI"ll be long goneYou know it has to endThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you feel what I feelSomeone to stand beside meBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside meWeeping willowThe pills under my pillowWeeping willowPills under my pillowWeeping willowThe Gun under your pillowWeeping willowBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7899415

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Anthony B专辑:Rise UpWhen morning breaksWe hide our eyes and our love"s achingNothing"s strangeIt was in our hands from 6 to 10It slipped right out againThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you see what I seeI hope you feel like I feelAnd the world don"t stopThere is no time for cracking upBelieve me friend"Cause when freedom comesI"ll be long goneYou know it has to endThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you feel what I feelSomeone to stand beside meBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside meWeeping willowThe pills under my pillowWeeping willowPills under my pillowWeeping willowThe Gun under your pillowWeeping willowBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/5495673

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Jamie Scott & The Town专辑:I-Tunes Festival EpThe snow won"t stick to the weeping willowsthe cold air won"t blow open the windowsYou"ve made it through the storm this farYou can do this, dear, it won"t be hardThe snow won"t stick to the weeping willowsThere will be tomorrowthe sun will light a sea of sorrowTonight it set and took our friendIf I could do one thing, I"d bring him backSnow won"t stick to the weeping willowsSummer was painted on our skinand those secrets hidden in our childish lipsthey would die for a kissFall was always left in your eyesjust a fleck of yellow lightlike the sunriselike the twilighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/8226567

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Sebastien Schuller专辑:Nova Tunes Vol.8When morning breaksWe hide our eyes and our love"s achingNothing"s strangeIt was in our hands from 6 to 10It slipped right out againThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you see what I seeI hope you feel like I feelAnd the world don"t stopThere is no time for cracking upBelieve me friend"Cause when freedom comesI"ll be long goneYou know it has to endThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you feel what I feelSomeone to stand beside meBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside meWeeping willowThe pills under my pillowWeeping willowPills under my pillowWeeping willowThe Gun under your pillowWeeping willowBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15259016

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Jamie Scott & The Town专辑:Park Bench Theories + I-Tunes Festival Ep - SetWhen morning breaksWe hide our eyes and our love"s achingNothing"s strangeIt was in our hands from 6 to 10It slipped right out againThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you see what I seeI hope you feel like I feelAnd the world don"t stopThere is no time for cracking upBelieve me friend"Cause when freedom comesI"ll be long goneYou know it has to endThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you feel what I feelSomeone to stand beside meBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside meWeeping willowThe pills under my pillowWeeping willowPills under my pillowWeeping willowThe Gun under your pillowWeeping willowBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10273524

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Stefan Grossman专辑:How To Play Blues GuitarWhen morning breaksWe hide our eyes and our love"s achingNothing"s strangeIt was in our hands from 6 to 10It slipped right out againThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you see what I seeI hope you feel like I feelAnd the world don"t stopThere is no time for cracking upBelieve me friend"Cause when freedom comesI"ll be long goneYou know it has to endThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you feel what I feelSomeone to stand beside meBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside meWeeping willowThe pills under my pillowWeeping willowPills under my pillowWeeping willowThe Gun under your pillowWeeping willowBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15220969

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Scott Joplin专辑:Rag Time Piano RollWhen morning breaksWe hide our eyes and our love"s achingNothing"s strangeIt was in our hands from 6 to 10It slipped right out againThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you see what I seeI hope you feel like I feelAnd the world don"t stopThere is no time for cracking upBelieve me friend"Cause when freedom comesI"ll be long goneYou know it has to endThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you feel what I feelSomeone to stand beside meBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside meWeeping willowThe pills under my pillowWeeping willowPills under my pillowWeeping willowThe Gun under your pillowWeeping willowBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7775676

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Spencer Day专辑:VagabondThe snow won"t stick to the weeping willowsthe cold air won"t blow open the windowsYou"ve made it through the storm this farYou can do this, dear, it won"t be hardThe snow won"t stick to the weeping willowsThere will be tomorrowthe sun will light a sea of sorrowTonight it set and took our friendIf I could do one thing, I"d bring him backSnow won"t stick to the weeping willowsSummer was painted on our skinand those secrets hidden in our childish lipsthey would die for a kissFall was always left in your eyesjust a fleck of yellow lightlike the sunriselike the twilighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/8368464


wear the willow 服丧

will do 和will be doing 的区别

第一个我将要干什么第二个我将正在干什么i will work hard。i will be doing my homework at 9"clock.(我今完9点将会正在写作业)

just because he failed once,it dose not ---that he will fail every time


i will show the life how its beautiful

中文意思是:我将展示它美丽的生活也可以读作:I will show its beautiful lifewill英 [wu026al] 美 [wu026al] n.愿意;意志(力);[法]遗嘱vt.决心要;将(财产等)遗赠某人;用意志力驱使(某事发生)vi.愿意, 希望, 想要aux.将,将会;会,要第三人称单数: wills 复数: wills 现在分词: willing 过去式: willed 过去分词: willedshow英 [u0283u0259u028a] 美 [u0283ou028a] vt.& vi.表现出;给…看;显露出;上演vt.表明;说明;指示;演示n.显示;表演;展览;外观vi.被人看见,显现,显而易见第三人称单数: shows 现在分词: showing 过去式: showed 过去分词: shown showedlife英 [lau026af] 美 [lau026af] n.生活,生计;生命,性命;一生,寿命;人生,尘世复数: livesbeautiful英 [u02c8bju:tu026afl] 美 [u02c8bjutu0259fu0259l] adj.美丽的,美好的;极好的比较级: more beautiful 最高级: most beautiful

Love Will Tear Us Apart 歌词

歌曲名:Love Will Tear Us Apart歌手:Nouvelle Vague专辑:Aula Magna 07.12.07Love Will Tear Us ApartNouvelle VagueWhen the routine bites hardAnd ambitions are lowAnd resentment ridesBut emotions won"t growAnd we"re changing our waysTaking different roadsThen love, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart againWhy is the bedroom so cold?When it turn away on your side?Is my timing that flawed?Have the feelings run so dry?Yet there"s still this appealThat we"ve kept through our livesThen love, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart againYou crying too in your sleepJust something so goodJust can"t function no more?And love, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart againYou crying too in your sleepI"m feeling exposedI"m feeling exposedThen get a taste in my mouthThen get a taste in my mouthAs desperation takes holdJust something so goodAs desperation takes holdJust can"t function no more?And love, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52529474

Love Will Tear Us Apart 歌词

歌曲名:Love Will Tear Us Apart歌手:Nouvelle Vague专辑:Departure Lounge: World Love/WhateverLove Will Tear Us ApartNouvelle VagueWhen the routine bites hardAnd ambitions are lowAnd resentment ridesBut emotions won"t growAnd we"re changing our waysTaking different roadsThen love, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart againWhy is the bedroom so cold?When it turn away on your side?Is my timing that flawed?Have the feelings run so dry?Yet there"s still this appealThat we"ve kept through our livesThen love, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart againYou crying too in your sleepJust something so goodJust can"t function no more?And love, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart againYou crying too in your sleepI"m feeling exposedI"m feeling exposedThen get a taste in my mouthThen get a taste in my mouthAs desperation takes holdJust something so goodAs desperation takes holdJust can"t function no more?And love, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart againLove, love will tear us apart againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/62089644

求..Will Smith的Just the Two of us的歌词..

Just The Two Of Us歌词:(Now dad this is a very sensitive subject)(Just the two of us, yeah)Just the two of us (Just the two of us)Just the two of us (Just the two of us)From the first time the doctor placed you in my armsI knew I"d meet death before I"d let you meet harmAlthough questions arose in my mind, would I be man enoughAgainst wrong, choose right and be standing upFrom the hospital that first nightTook a hour just ta get the car seat in rightPeople driving all fast, got me kinda upsetGot you home safe, placed you in your bassinetteThat night I don"t think one wink I sleptAs I slipped out my bed, to your crib I creptTouched your head gently, felt my heart meltCause I knew I loved you more than life itself (life itself)Then to my knees, and I begged the Lord pleaseLet me be a good daddy, all he needsLove, knowledge, discipline tooI pledge my life to youJust the two of us, we can make it if we tryJust the two of us, (Just the two of us)Just the two of us, building castles in the skyJust the two of us, you and IFive years old, bringing comedyEvery time I look at you I think man, a little meJust like me Wait and see gonna be tallMakes me laugh cause you got your dads ears an allSometimes I wonder, what you gonna beA General, a Doctor, maybe a emceeHa ha I wanna kiss you all the timeBut I will test that butt when you cut out of line, tru datUh ah why you do thatI try to be a tough dad, but you be making me laughCrazy joy, when I see the eyes of my baby boyI pledge to you, I will always doEverything I canShow you how to be a manDignity, integrity, honour andAnd I don"t mind if you lose, long as you came with itAnd you can cry, ain"t no shame it itIt didn"t work out with me an your momBut yo push come to shove You was conceived in loveSo if the world attacks, and you slide off trackRemember one fact, I got your backJust the two of us, we can make it if we tryJust the two of us, (Just the two of us)Just the two of us, building castles in the skyJust the two of us, you and IJust the two of us, we can make it if we tryJust the two of us, (Just the two of us)Just the two of us, building castles in the skyJust the two of us, you and IIt"s a full-time job to be a good dadYou got so much more stuff than I hadI gotta study just to keep with the changing times101 Dalmations on your CD-ROMSee me I"mTrying to pretend I know On my PC where that CD goBut yo, ain"t nothing promised, one day I"ll be goneFeel the strife, but trust life does go wrong (life goes on)But just in caseIt"s my placeTo impartOne day some girl"s gonna break your heartAnd ooh ain"t no pain like from the opposite sexGonna hurt bad, but don"t take it out on the net, sonThroughout life people will make you madDisrespect you and treat you badLet God deal with the things they do (things they do)Cause hate in your heart will consume you tooAlways tell the truth, say your prayers (prayers)Hold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swearsYou"re living proof that dreams do come trueI love you and I"m here for youJust the two of us, we can make it if we tryJust the two of us, (Just the two of us)Just the two of us, building castles in the skyJust the two of us, you and I-repeat-Taking on the world taking on the world(I"m always here for you)Look over your shoulder I"ll be there(Whatever you need just call on me)We gonna rise we gonna shine(Whatever you need I"ll be there for you any time)Just the two of us, we can make it if we tryJust the two of us, (Just the two of us)Just the two of us, building castles in the skyJust the two of us, you and IDaddy loves you daddy loves you for the rest of your life(This is a really good song dad, how much am I getting paid for this)

If you can see the invisible, God will do the impossible.


有首英文歌,女的唱的,歌词中貌似有连着三个i will,挺高亢的

你看看是不是Shedaisy的I will be your everything?

Willie Valentin的《My Lady》 歌词

歌曲名:My Lady歌手:Willie Valentin专辑:Freestyle New Generation Megamix Vol.2Unknown - My LadyAh la la la la laAh la la la la laAh la la la la laAh la la la la laAh la la la la laAh la la la la lammmmm, ohhhhthe days have come and gone so fastwho knew that this love was gonna lastgod knows we"ve been though some very bad timesbut baby everytime i see you smileit always take me back girl its been awhilethe first time i held you close and looked in your eyesmy baby, my ladyeverything that drives a man crazymy true lovethe one i hold so tightmy baby, my ladyyou open my heart and saved memy bestfreindthe one i kiss goodnightthose days are gone but youre still by my sidewhat a joy its been to have you in my lifeim so proud to say that youre my, my girlyouve change my life in so many waysyoure the reason why im here todayyoure the sun that shines on, on my high worldmy baby, my ladyyoure everything that drives a man crazymy true lovethe one i hold so tightmy baby, my ladyyou open my heart and saved memy bestfreindthe one i kiss goodnightbaby, i can never tell you how muchyou mean to me, huhbut everytime you hear this songi want you to be remindedof how much i truly love youmy baby, my ladyyoure everything that drives a man crazymy true lovethe one i hold so tightmy baby, my ladyyou open my heart and saved memy bestfreindthe one i kiss goodnightmy baby, my ladymy true lovemy baby, my ladymy bestfreindi love youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2660341

i will always with you是那什么意思

正确的说法是:i will always be with you我会永远和你在一起双语对照例句:1.I will always be with you, denny colt. 我会一直跟你一起的,丹尼柯尔特。2.But you will always be my child. 但你始终将是妈的孩子。

We Will Rock You 翻译中文




we will rock you 的音译歌词


we will rock you的中文是什么意思?


We Will Rock You中文的和时代背景

wewillrockyou我们将震撼你buddy,you"reaboy 老兄,你是个小孩makeabignoiseplayinginthestreet大声嚷嚷的在街头gonnebeabigmansomeday如果有一天能成为大人yougotmudonyourface你脸上沾着泥土youbigdisgrace你太丢脸了 kickingyourcanallovertheplace 把铁罐踢来踢去singingwewill,wewillrockyou 唱吧,我们将要震撼你wewill,wewillrockyou 我们将要震撼你buddy,you"reayoungman老兄,你是个年轻人hardmanshoutinginthestreet 是一条硬汉,在街头叫嚣gonnetakeontheworldsomeday总有一天要接管这个世界yougotbloodonyourface 你脸上流着鲜血youbigdisgrace 颜面尽失wavingyourbannerallovertheplace 到处挥舞著旗帜wewill,wewillrockyou 我们将要震撼你singingwewill,wewillrockyou 唱吧,我们将要震撼你buddy,you"reanoldman老兄,你老了poormanpleadingwithyoureyes 穷光蛋一个,眼里祈求著宽恕gonnemakeyousomepeacesomeday 总有一天可以使你得到平静yougotmudonyourface 你搞得灰头土脸bigdisgrace 狼狈至极somebodybetterputyoubackintoyourplace 最好有人能把你带回从前wewill,wewillrockyou 我们将要震撼你singingwewill,wewillrockyou 唱吧,我们将要震撼你everybodywewill,wewillrockyou 每一个人,我们将要震撼你wewill,wewillrockyou我们将要震撼你----------------是这个吗00

We Will Rock You Houseboys歌词



本想自己翻译的结果正好搜到的是正版,希望能帮到楼主Buddyyou"reaboymakeabignoise伙计,你只是个会大声嚷嚷的孩子 Playinginthestreet,gonnabeabigmansomeday在街道里玩耍,总有一天会成为一个大人物 You"vegotmudonyourface.你搞得灰头土脸 Yourbigdisgrace丢人现眼 Kickingyourcanallovertheplace.把铁罐到处踢来踢去 Singing唱吧(主唱) Wewillwewillrockyou.我们将震撼你(合唱) Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱) Buddyyou"reayoungmanhardman老兄,你是个年轻人,一条硬汉 Shoutinginthestreet,gonnatakeontheworldsomeday在街头大喊,总有一天要接管这个世界 You"vegotbloodonyourface.你脸上流着鲜血 Yourbigdisgrace颜面尽失 Wavingyourbannerallovertheplace到处挥舞着旗帜 Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱) Singing唱吧(主唱) Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱) Buddyyou"reanoldmanpoorman兄弟,你老了,穷人一个 Pleadingwithyoureyes,gonnamakeyousomepeacesomeday眼里充满了祈求,希望有一天能得到平静 You"vegotmudonyourface.你搞得灰头土脸 Yourbigdisgrace狼狈至极 Somebodybetterputyoubackintoyourplace最好有人能把你赶回去 Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱) Singing唱吧(主唱) Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱) Everybody每个人(主唱) Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱) Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱) Alright好极了(主唱)

We will rock you 的中文翻译


we will rock you 的原唱


英文歌词中找女声英文歌,高潮Time will never give me one more try.

Millennium - Time试听:http://www.56.com/u71/v_Mzc3NzIyNjE.html下载:http://cgi.music.soso.com/fcgi-bin/m.q?w=Millennium++-+Time&p=1&source=1&t=0

One Day I Will 歌词

歌曲名:One Day I Will歌手:李闰珉专辑:Prenatal Education MusicPriscilla Ahn - One day i will do.I""m so confused""Bout what I""m supposed to doLife can throw many options to choose fromShould I go leftOr should I go down?Will I find what I""m looking forRight here?.I know I can do all that my heart wants toLike running awayBut I just can""t seem to.Time seems to goSo fast that I don""t knowWhat I""ve done with myself in a day like todaySo many plans to makeToo many I will breakIt""s easy to get down on myselfThis way.I know I can do all that my heart wants toLike ending this raceBut I just can""t seem to.One day I knowOne day I""ll beLooking back on meLooking back on meLooking back on me.This I promise youOne day I will doEverything so perfect and goodI swear, I swearhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15642472

If you find a job you love, you will never work a day in your life什么意思


有首英文歌歌词是什么will we fly.....,是一个男的唱的 很抒情的一首歌,高潮声,就像魔力红队伍里主唱

Tyrone Wells的《sink or swim》Caught in the middle of a crossfireLost my balance on a high wireTrying to figure out what to doPushed to the edge of my reasonEverywhere around me it"s treasonI don"t want to do that to youKamikaze airplanes in the skyAre we going down or will we fly?This could be a shipwreck on the shoreOr we could sail away forevermoreThis time it"s sink or swim, sink or swimHearing the song in your laughterA melody I chase afterNo one else has done this to meKamikaze airplanes in the skyAre we going down or will we fly?This could be a shipwreck on the shoreOr we could sail away forevermoreThis time it"s sink or swim, sink or swimTake a deep breathNo more time leftThis is what I thought I wantedWhy am I afraid?Kamikaze airplanes in the skyAre we going down or will we fly?This could be a shipwreck on the shoreOr we could sail away forevermoreKamikaze airplanes in the skyAre we going down or will we fly?This could be a shipwreck on th望楼主采纳。

有首英语歌曲中有句歌词是i will never fall in love again是什么歌的名字


Every person need a friend to make them laugh when they think they will never smile again.求翻译


The willing suspension of disbelief什么意思


supension will lift when system cooled 什么意思

  supension will lift when system cooled  经过将当系统冷却  suspension  英 [su0259u02c8spenu0283n] 美 [su0259u02c8spu025bnu0283u0259n]  n.  悬浮; 悬架; 悬浮液; 暂停  复数: suspensions 形近词: outpension suspensive  双语例句  A strike by British Airways ground staff has led to the suspension of flights between London and Manchester.  英国航空公司地勤人员的罢工已经造成伦敦至曼彻斯特的航线停运。

The willing suspension of disbelief什么意思


A fashion show _______next Saturday at our school hall. A.hold B.will hold C.held D.will

D 试题分析:句意:下周在我们学校的大厅里面要举行一次时装表演。结合语境可知下文描述的是将来发生的动作,故用一般将来时态,主语是动作的对象,故用被动语态。选D。点评:英语中的时态主要是借助于时间状语与上下文语境来进行判断。解答此类题型,首先要注意句子中的时间状语,如果没有则要通过分析上下文,结合语境来判断句子的时态。语态的判断主要是确定句子主语与谓语动词的关系。如果是主动关系则用主动语态,反之如果是动宾关系,则用被动语态,尤其要注意一些特殊动词的用法。

Willie Dixon的《Spoonful》 歌词

歌曲名:Spoonful歌手:Willie Dixon专辑:Poet Of The Blues (Mojo Workin"- Blues For The Next Generation)作词:河村隆一作曲:河村隆一编曲:河村隆一I Say 仆らは鲜やかなキラメキをずっと 眺めていたんだI Say 振り返る时间さえ忘れる様に めくるめくページは进んだ揺らいでた 动き出した 胸の奥で手を 伸ばして 掴みかけてまだ満たされぬまま饰り気のない 想いだけを 探してた仆らは 求め続け 刻み続けてあてのない この旅の何処かで见失った ohもっと深く えぐるスプーンで埋め尽くせない足迹に心から歌う 饰らない 言叶でI Say 引き返す勇気もなくはしゃいだフリ 向き合う事もしないでI Say すれ违う时间さえ取り戻せない ごめんねルーズな瞳で君の声 君の音 胸の奥で目を闭じて 思い出して街のノイズにじゃまされ逢いたいって ふっと思った 今さらだね仆らは 违う空を 描いたけど谁もいない 一人きりの部屋は広すぎて oh拭いきれない孤独からさぁ 抜け出そう 今闇を越えてまた会えたら oh色褪せくすぶっている时间を勇気をもって 壊せるはず埋め尽くせない爱しさをありのまま歌う 饰らない言叶で仆がともるように 君だけに歌う変わらない 想いを终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8717752

I Will survive这首歌我原唱是谁?

“I Will Survive”这首1979年蝉连6周冠军白金曲,成为当时70年代Disco必备歌曲,法国世界杯足球队开赛歌选用此曲;此曲更是被滚石评为100首最伟大的作品之一。gloria gaynor(葛罗莉亚·盖罗)  1949年生于纽泽西州的一个小镇,少女时代就决心闯荡歌坛,1974年以一首Never Can Say Goodbye成为唱片史上最早发行以迪斯科舞厅为对象的舞曲艺人,专辑中的歌曲没有分段以连续的方式发行以方便舞厅唱片骑师(DJ)播放,也造成了一股轰动,由于这张专辑里结合了"Honey Bee" 、"Never Can Say Goodbye" 、"Reach Out (I"ll Be There)"大为轰动、在 1975年三月,全美迪斯科舞厅DJ联盟在纽约举行的年度票选中,共同票选出"Gloria Gaynor"为迪斯科女王。  不久这个光环很快被Donna Summer给抢走。  更不幸的在1978年 春天"Gloria Gaynor"在欧洲登台时不小心跌落舞台,使得"Gloria Gaynor"脊髓受损并卧病在床达9个月之久,加上复健期间母亲又去世,这许多的打击几乎让她崩溃。康复后她努力振作,找来了两位制作人"Dino Fekaris"、"Freddie Perren"共同写下这首"I Will Survive"证明自己战胜了怯懦,这首"I Will Survive"的推出,便将"Gloria Gaynor"推上事业的巅峰就如同歌词所写到的"I"ve Got All My Life To Live,I Will Survive一样。但是一开始唱片公司并不是看好这首歌,只将他放在B Side,不料各地的DJ很快就注意到这首歌的潜力,纷纷的大力播放,也使的唱片公司不得不改变政策将这首歌改为主打歌,1978年12月这首歌开始进榜从87名一直窜升到6周冠军,1980年这首歌更是获得了葛莱美奖史上唯一的一座"最佳迪斯科录音"大奖,"I Will Survive"也从此成为经典,不但在各地迪斯科舞厅大受欢迎,也多次被电影收录为插曲其中包括1992年首映的德国电影走出寂静(Beyond Silence) 、1992年的神鬼战士(Gladiator)、1994年的你是我今生的新娘(Four Weddings & A Funeral )、1999年女狼俱乐部(Coyote Ugly)、1999年月亮上的男人(Man On The Moon )、2000 的十全大补男(The Replacements) 1994年的沙漠妖姬 (The Adventures Of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert)都曾经使用过这首歌曲来当作插曲。  2001年曾在流行天王迈克尔杰克逊的30周年现场演唱会做表演嘉宾,并演唱经典曲目I will Survive,个人感觉,现场比原声还棒!  2005年九月19日"Gaynor"更与"I Will Survive"一同被获选列入美国纽约的"舞曲名人堂Dance Music Hall of Fame"以表扬她的贡献!  2006德国世界杯比赛现场响起1978年美国黑人女歌手Gloria Gaynor(葛罗莉亚盖娜)主唱的名曲《I Will Survive(我会活下去)》,寄意比赛球队在最后阶段survive。

一首欢快的女声英文歌,歌词高潮是you can call me baby,everything I will do,everything you want to


谁有you will love again 的歌词?davide唱的

You will love againI will love again, though my heart is breaking I will love again, stronger than before I will love again, even if it takes a lifetime to get over you, heaven only knows I will love again note:男声部分不清楚 = =People never tell you how really true you feel I would die for you gladly, if I knew what loss for me So if all this talk sounds crazy Or if the words don"t come out right Does it really matter, if it gets me through this night I will love again... I will love again... I will love again... And do you know I will love again You can"t stop me from loving again Breathing again Feeling again I will love again.

I will never love Again。翻译成中文


i will be always loving you歌词???


求一首英文歌,开头是I will back love again

歌名:I Will Love Again歌词:I Will Love AgainDid I ever tell you how you live in me Every waking moment, even in my dreams And if all this talk is crazy And you don"t know what I mean Does it really matter, just as long as I believeChorus: I will love again, though my heart is breaking I will love again, stronger than before I will love again, even if it takes a lifetime to get over you, heaven only knows I will love againPeople never tell you how really true you feel I would die for you gladly, if I knew what loss for me So if all this talk sounds crazy Or if the words don"t come out right Does it really matter, if it gets me through this night(chorus 2x)I will love again... I will love again... I will love again... And do you know I will love again You can"t stop me from loving again Breathing again Feeling again I will love again.

i will be always loving you歌词???


求牧童笛谱I will be loving you


求i will be loving you链接。

就这: http://www.album.com.hk/d/235392-2/IWillBeLovingYou.mp3

陈柏宇I will be loving you的mp3的连接

kugoo://|Music|陈柏宇 - i will be loving you|4835756|1f04a54f10558602cfb1234c855bd0d1|/就是这个

高潮部分跟i will be loving you曲很像的一首歌 也是粤语的!不知道叫什么,谁答对了我还会给高分!谢谢


陈柏宇——i will be loving you


陈柏宇i will be loving you吉他谱

G D若有一天 没有你在身边给靠倚 C G缘路遇上困惑风雨 世事变迁时 Bb Dm 人越试怕软弱失意 欠焦点 C D狂雨风使我 乱了心事 G D没有画面 直至你伸出手那天 C G沿路为我抹掉黑暗 误会与纠缠 Bb C D人不懂得砌词 人只可祷告 将祝福告知 G G Am*I"ll be loving you 准我一生陪伴你的路C Am D 世界纵有太多样 变化假装的模样 G D 心知你最值得欣赏 G G Am I"ll be loving you 所有悲欢离合笑声中C Am D 爱对爱错到今日 对你感激难尽 G C D I"ll be loving you * G D我想一天 共你努力好好一辈子 C G眉目半带笑意咀角 说著某些年 Bb C D如果他朝可以 如果可终老相恋一世纪 Wo WoRepeat *Bb G 看你在天边海角 夜盼朝思 C Am原谅但是我执迷 Ha HaBb 爱我直到天荒老 世界未崩溃终结 C D也要共你闯天和地 这生延续Repeat *

i will be loving you 是哪个韩文歌中的歌词

歌手是 Brown Eyes 就是褐眼男子歌名是 一年后
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