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如何在Windows Server 2012中安装RDS


I have processed a wire transfer request for $1,100.00 for Invoice 2010

and thirdly your banking details. Before i have not received that from 亲爱的卖主, 谢谢寄发所有信息到我。 为我进行 电汇到您的银行帐户, 我

payment will be made in full by T/T Wire Transfer within 65 days of bill of lading


TT Wire Transfer in Advance 什么意思?

TT 是 Telegraph Transfer = 电汇那是说 提前、事先以电汇方法汇款、过帐

wire transfer information是什么意思

wire transfer information电汇信息双语例句1Pay by Wire Transfer and verify your company bank information.用银行电汇方式支付,并确认贵公司的银行资料。

Wire Transfer 和 T/T 都是指电汇的意思吗? 有何区别?

都是电汇的意思,美国人习惯说WIRE TRANSFER,而在英国普遍说T/T。1、电汇(T/T),指汇出行应汇款人的申请,采取电报或SWIFT形式给汇入行指示向收款人解付一定金额资金。2、国际货款结算的基本方式有三种,即信用证、汇付(remittance)和托收。电汇(telegraphic transfer,T/T)属于汇付的一种。3、T/T属于商业信用,也就是说付款的最终决定权在于客户。T/T分预付,即期和远期。现在用的最多的是30%预付和70%即期。这一种对第一次做且货量不大时可以用此种付款方式。但对于有些国家,请尽量不要用到此种付款方式,只能用L/C即期。扩展资料:在采用电汇收款时要注意:1、约定付款期限。签订合同时,一等要在合同中注明付款期限。如“签订合同后5日内支付定金”;或者收尾款时,约定“见提单传真件/扫描件3日内支付”等等。虽然这类约定在执行起来没有多大的约束力,但一旦出现纠纷或仲裁,那么此类约束就显得重要了。2、付款水单不可信。有时候货物到港了,客户着急提货,但提单还在出口商手中,于是客户会去银行付款后给出口商扫描个付款水单,然后催出口商电放或邮递提单正本。如果有遇到这类情况的企业需要注意了:老外的付款水单上一般都会有一个日期,叫“起息日”(value date),该日期一般会晚于付款日期2-3天,甚至有一些晚于5天。这表示虽然客户把钱支付给了银行,但银行并未把资金支付出去,而是要等到起息日这天才会支付。如果此时出口商直接见到水单就放货的话,很可能客户会提货后去银行把该笔付款撤销,因此一定要等资金安全到账才可以放货3、货款要到公司账户才算收到。这个问题在实务中也经常遇到,客户付款时,有时候会写错出口商公司的名称,或者账号,这时付款报文虽然到了收款银行,但由于银行信息是错误的,银行不可能给出口商解付入账,必须要等付款方重新发更正报文更正信息后才能入账。4、美国/联合国制裁国家。尤其是美国制裁,OFAC法案下的SDN名单,如果你的客户所在国家或客户被列入了SDN名单,那么你是没法收汇的,因为银行不给这些SDN名单内遭受制裁的国家或客户操作结算。参考资料来源:百度百科—T/T参考资料来源:百度百科—信用证

wire transfer fee 我在美国银行开账号,国内电汇一笔钱,银行每个月还要扣费用吗


请问wireless transfer 这个是什么汇款方式啊,跟TT汇款有什么区别啊


询问有关美国电汇表的问题,wire transfer form

完全搞不懂状况 sorry 飘过

客户的款wire transfer 到个人私人银行中国银行账户为什么款一直收不到?


Withdrawal by Bank Wire Transfer是什么意思

Withdrawal by Bank Wire Transfer通过银行电汇提款Minimum payouts for check and bank/ wire transfer is 500 usd and 100 usd for paypal. 最低支付额度为:支票和电汇为500$,paypal为100$。祝你英语学习成功!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!



询问有关美国电汇表的问题,wire transfer for。。。


商务英语“ABA Wire Transfer”是什么意思


wire transfer 和electronic funds transfer有什么区别? 请大家帮帮忙!!!谢谢!!

我的理解:wire transfer 你委托银行帮你异地付款,收点手续费。electronic funds transfer 资金从一个帐户到另一个帐户,可以自己搞,也可以去银行柜台,同城的就没手续费啊

Bank Wire Transfer 是什么意思

bank wire transfer翻译bank wire transfer 银行电汇; [例句]PARTY BANK FEES often pop up in wire transfer payments.第三方银行费用经常会在转帐时发生。

wire transfer information是什么意思

wire transfer information电汇信息例句:1、The future communications are featured by a digital mixture of wire and radio media to transfer various types of traffic information.未来通信的特征是传送各种业务信息的有、无线介质的数字混合体。2、When entering your wire information there are two very important pieces of information that will ensure that your wire transfer is successful, the routing code and the bank address.在您输入电汇信息过程中,有两项关系到您的电汇是否成功的非常重要信息&银行代码和银行地址。3、The transfer medium between the host and slave processors is twisted-pair wire, and the information exchange is accomplished according to the RS-485 serial bus standard and the interface technology.主、从机之间传输介质为双绞线,按RS-485串行总线标准及接口技术实现信息交换。

请问Wire Transfer是要怎么汇款?我要汇款给美国的化妆刷公司~

wire transfer(T/T) 全称为telegraphic transfer,电汇,动词有对方的帐号吗,拿着帐号和你的证件,直接去银行办理就可以了,如果你不在中国,办起来更容易(比如在欧洲和北美国家)。你的截图中根本没有对方的帐号,你怎么付款?



为什么美国银行用不了wire transfer

美国银行是可以用wire transfer。是一种从某个人或某个实体(公司)通过电子线上转账的方式转给另外某个人或某个实体的转账方式。在交易中,没有实体的现金流动,汇款方向机构支付汇款金额以及收款人信息,收款机构收到交易信息之后,直接存入收款人的银行账户或者通知收款人取现。电汇主要适用于大额境内汇款和境外汇款,时效性高。电汇既可以由银行发起,也可以由非银行机构。



wire transfer和ach号一样吗

Because a wire transfer requires the individual bank to bank process, it is usually more expensive than an automated clearing house, which requires minimal involvement by individuals at financial institutions. Many ACH transactions come with only a small fee, or even no fee at all, since they are run with more efficiency. However, if you want a better guarantee that your money will arrive on time, it might be worth it to pay the wire transfer fee.With both cases, it is possible for errors to be made. However, since you often get to review the information before it is sent with a wire transfer, the method is a little more secure. Also, because identities are verified with wire transfers that take place between bank accounts, there is less chance of fraud. Wire transfers that take place between financial institutions are generally considered quite secure.

wire transfer 和electronic funds transfer有什么区别


wire transfer是什么意思


wire transfer是什么意思

wire transfer on receipt收货的电汇receipt 英[ru026au02c8si:t]美[ru026au02c8sit]n. 收据,发票; 收入;vt. 开收据; [美国英语] 给…开收据,承认收到;[网络] 收据; 收到; 发票;[例句]I wrote her a receipt for the money.我给她写了一张收钱的收条。[其他] 复数:receipts 形近词: receive

Wire Transfer 和 T/T 都是指电汇的意思吗? 有何区别?

其实是一个意思,都是指电汇;一个是指wire transfer,另一个是指telegraph transfer。

stay wide awake的中文意思


With trees and grass( )百分之39.6 of the area,the city of Weifang has taken on a new look.


g.DrawImage循环 参数无效 求C#大牛~~~~~~~




我的小黄蜂开不了机,想恢复出厂设置,但进入Recovery 没有Wipe date 只有full phone test请问怎么弄?

这几个选项是测试用的full phone test(全电话测试)view phone test result(浏览电话测试结果)item test(项目测试)BT EUT(英国电信的)Exit(退出)没有恢复,解不开最后那个是退出的,你进的是测试页面,格不了机告诉你个不幸的消息,没有一个是恢复出厂,CPU型号不支持恢复,机子如果有问题开不开机的话就只能去售后了。





replace the old one with the new one

replace A with B用B来换A或者把A换成B

buy will i you a one new 连词成句

I will buy you a new one.The green bag is heavy.Where can you fing out about animals?She danced in lots of Chinese cities.How about a dragon kite?希望采纳,谢谢

荣耀3c畅玩开机提示full test好几个test选项,然后重启手机,wifi、gps、蓝牙按钮都自动亮起来,下拉菜单


Within Temptation的Paradise (What About Us)歌词

Within Temptation - ParadiseThere"s no sense, the fire burnsWhen wisdom fails it changes allThe wheel embodies all that keeps on turningBlood red skies, I feel so coldNo innocence, we play our roleThe wheel embodies all where are we goingAll in all you"d expect the wise to be wiserFallen from graceAll and all I guessWe should have known better, "cause...What about us?Isn"t it enough,No we"re not in ParadiseThis is who we areThis is what we gotNo, this is not our ParadiseBut it"s all we want,And all that we"re fighting forThough it"s not paradiseYou and us, or I and themThere comes a time to take a standThe wheel is watching all, it keeps on burningThe venom works, it"s like a curseA Trojan horse, when will we learn?The wheel embodies all, that keeu1e57s returning

帮忙找下within temptation的《Say my name》的歌词

Say my name 叫我的名字 So I will know you"re back you"re here again 这样我就知道你又回来了 For a while 仅是一会儿 Oh let us share 哦 让我们分享 The memories that only we can share只有我们才能分享的记忆 Together 在一起 Tell me about 告诉我 The days before I was born 那些我诞生之前的日子 How we were as children 我们的童年是怎样的 You touch my hand 你触摸我的手 These colors come alive 那些色彩变得鲜活 In your heart and in your mind 在你的心中和你的思想里 I cross the borders of time 我跨越时间的边境 Leaving today behind to be with you again 抛弃现在与你在一起 We breath the air 我们呼吸着空气 Do you remember how you used to touch my hair? 你还记得你过去如何触摸我的头发么 You"re not aware 你意识不到 Your hands keep still 你不为所动 You just don"t know that I am here 你只是不知道我就在这里 It hurts too much 这深深地伤害了我 I pray now that soon you"re released现在我祈祷你很快获释 To where you belong 去你属于的地方 You touch my hand 你触摸我的手 These colors come alive 那些色彩变得鲜活 In your heart and in your mind 在你的心中和你的思想里 I cross the borders of time 我跨越时间的边境 Leaving today behind to be with you again 抛弃现在与你在一起 Please say my name 请叫我的名字 Remember who i am 永远记得我是谁 You will find me in the world of yesterday 你会在这个世上找到曾经的我 You drift away again 你又一次地飘走了 Too far from where I am 离我是如此遥远 When you ask me who I am 当你问我我是谁 Say my name 呼唤我的名字 These colors come alive 那些色彩变得鲜活 In your heart and in your mind 在你的心中和你的思想里 I cross the borders of time 我跨越时间的边境 Leaving today behind to be with you again 抛弃现在与你在一起 Say my name 呼唤我的名字.......

哪位高手翻译一下within temptation的memories中文歌词

Memories 回忆In this world you tried 在这个世界上你努力着Not leaving me alone behind 不把我丢下There"s no other way 除此没有其他的选择I"ll pray to the Gods let him stay 我将祈求上苍让他留下The memories ease the pain inside 那回忆抚平我内心的伤口Now i know why 现在我终于知道为什么了All of my memories 我所有的回忆Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁It"s all about us 那是我俩的(回忆)I magine you"d be here 我想象你就在那All of my memories 我所有的记忆Keep nou near 让你在我身边The silent whispers 那些喃喃私语The silent tears 那些无言的泪滴Made me a promise i"d try 给我一个承诺我会尽力To find my way back in this life 回到今生I hope there is a way 我希望有人能指引To give me a sign you"re okay 给我你还平安的讯号Reminds me again 再一次提醒我It"s worth it all 那是无价之宝So I can go home 这样,我就能回家了。Together in all these memories 在我所有的记忆中I see your smile 我都看见你的笑容 All the memories i hold dear 亲爱的,我所拥有的记忆,Darling you know i love you till the end of time 亲爱的你知道,我爱你,直到海枯石烂。好多哦,好晚哦,我觉得我翻译的没得文采,没的灵感了,我先睡觉了。明天硬到头皮翻完。。。今天翻完了,不好。。。有空来修改。。。

with temptation不少人会知道吧?能否详细介绍下他们呢?

Within Temptation成立于1996年,自从荷兰的美声歌德金属乐团The Gathering,约莫于95、96年开始,在欧洲大放异彩之后,使得这样的美声式柔美金属乐型式,逐渐受到愈来愈多乐迷的喜爱。 The Gathering的音乐风格也对相当多的新生代乐团产生启发和影响,而The Gathering的影响力有多大,从同为荷兰乐团的后生晚辈Within Temptation和After Forever身上就能听得到! 1996年,吉他手Robert Westerholt离开其原属的乐团The Circle[后来更名为Voyage],希望另组新团以展开全新的开始,首先他找来他的女友Sharon den Adel担任主唱,接着他又邀请The Circle的前团员加入,于是bass手Jeroen van Veen和吉他手Michiel Papenhove两人决定跳槽来新团,最后,他们再找来一位鼓手Dennis Leeflang,Within Temptation就这样正式成军。不过此时他们仍缺一名keyboard手,很快地这个位置就由Robert的弟弟所补上,WT的阵容也终于抵定。不久后,他们想方设法联络了不同的唱片机构,WT录制了一卷4曲的demo tape,并寄发给多家唱片公司,希望争取唱片合约,而这张demo也引起多家厂牌的注意,Within Temptation 最后决定与 DSFA Records签约。与DSFA签约之后,一切进入正轨。时隔四年 Within Temptation第三张大碟《The Silent Force》仍然依循着华丽的管弦乐合奏、明亮丰富的乐器层迭包裹、唱诗班的合音歌咏为主导 主音Sharon den Adel非常具有张力的声音 给人神秘、深远、辽阔的感觉 总之是我非常喜欢的一类声线 其实也正是因为当时接触到他们的音乐才让我对歌德金属有了兴趣 更确切的说是对荷兰的乐队非常感兴趣 之后更是进行了一系列的搜索 希望*自己仅存的一点勤劳意识 把荷兰优秀乐队翻个底朝天 。我觉得Memories很好听很好听很好听!!!!!!


Win 7系统:1、win7系统安装字体最方便了,解压好你下载好的字体压缩包(一般都是压缩好的),得到的TTF文件2、右键点击字体文件,选择“安装”即可3、我们打开我们的软件,我这里就用word吧,这里可以看到我安装好的字体XP系统:1、也是很简单的,首先就是把字体解压出来,复制得到字体文件TTF2、粘贴到C:WindowsFonts就可以了



wiat wiat wiat歌词

Wait Wait Wait - 蔡徐坤作词:蔡徐坤作曲:蔡徐坤和声编写:蔡徐坤和声:蔡徐坤制作人:蔡徐坤Wait Wait Wait等等等All I do is wait wait wait我能做的只是不断等待You"re the one I"m waiting for而你就是我等待的那个人Weight weight weight沉重重量Carrying the weight weight weight我愿意承载这沉重的重量Is better than to let you go比起让你离开This space, our place这空间,我们的曾经This room is never gonna feel the same这个房间永远不再有当初的感觉Up late, Too late又熬夜 又失眠To say I shoulda done it differently我妄想改变这一切I hate that I miss you开始讨厌不停止的想念你I"d stop if I could如果可以我只想停止想你All our nights, Were spent in ecstasy曾经的夜晚我们在欢笑声中相依So I can"t forget you我还是无法忘记你As much as I should用尽力气All my days… I miss you next to me所有的日子...我好想念依靠在我身旁的你Wait Wait Wait等等等All I do is wait wait wait我能做的只是不断等待You"re the one I"m waiting for而你就是我等待的那个人Weight weight weight沉重重量Carrying the weight weight weight我愿意承载这沉重的重量Is better than to let you go比起让你离开Two feet, One dance双脚,独舞Distance, The devil walked in between距离,魔鬼一直徘徊之间Woke up, Broke down清醒,又心碎Oh how"d you"d ever do that to meOh 为何忍心这样对我I hate that I miss you开始讨厌不停止的想念你I"d stop if I could如果可以我只想停止想你All our nights, Were spent in ecstasy曾经的夜晚我们在欢笑声中相依So I can"t forget you我还是无法忘记你As much as I should用尽力气All my days… I miss you next to me所有的日子...我好想念依靠在我身旁的你Wait Wait Wait等等等All I do is wait wait wait我能做的只是不断等待You"re the one I"m waiting for而你就是我等待的那个人Weight weight weight沉重重量Carrying the weight weight weight我愿意承载这沉重的重量Is better than to let you go比起让你离开Wait Wait Wait等等等All I do is wait wait wait我能做的只是不断等待You"re the one I"m waiting for而你就是我等待的那个人Weight weight weight沉重重量Carrying the weight weight weight我愿意承载这沉重的重量Is better than to let you go比起让你离开Love, This love爱,这爱Is killin me to carry the weight of这爱我已无法负荷Us, This love爱,这爱Is killin me to carry the weight of这爱我已无法负荷Us, This love爱,这爱Is killin me, But it"s better than to let you go这场爱我已无法承担只希望不再让你离开Love, This love爱,这爱Is killin me to carry the weight of这爱我已无法负荷Us, This love爱,这爱Is killin me to carry the weight of这爱我已无法负荷Us, This love爱,这爱Is killin me, But it"s better than to let you go这场爱我已无法承担只希望不再让你离开Is better than to let you go只希望不再让你离开Wait Wait Wait…等等等资料来自网络


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 软件 问题描述: windows下的哪里文件可以删除,system32下的哪里文件可以删除??谢谢 解析: 能不删除都不要删除。 在Windows 文件夹下有很多字文件夹,其中很多都不是系统正常运行必须的,可以删除或者清空。 1, c:windowscursors ,这个文件夹中包含了所有的鼠标指针,如果你只打算使用Windows默认的鼠标指针,那就可以删除这里的所有文件。2, c:windowsinf ,这个文件夹中包含了大量的Windows下的硬件驱动程序,如果你确信已经不会再增添新的硬件设备以及所有硬件都可以正常工作,那么这里的所有文件就都可以删除。 3, c:windowssrchasst ,这个文件夹中保存了Windows XP的搜索助理,也就是你搜索文件时出现的小狗或者其他什么人物造型。你可以直接删除这个文件夹,这样你将会使用Windows 2000模式的经典搜索方式,而不是XP那样询问你是要搜索照片还是音乐等。 4, c:windowsdownloaded installations ,这个文件夹中保存了一些程序的安装文件(主要是使用Windows Installer技术安装的程序),这样如果以后这个程序需要修复或者进行其他操作,就可以直接通过保存在这里的安装文件进行。不过通常把这个文件夹清空对系统的使用也没有什么太大的影响,所以建议删除。 5, c:windowsmedia ,这里是用来保存Windows的系统声音(例如双击、系统登录等声音)的,如果不需要,可以直接删除它们。 6, c:windowssystem32 estore ,这个文件夹保存的是系统还原的可执行文件,如果你根本不打算使用系统还原功能,那就可以把这里的文件全部删除。不过要注意,删除之前最好先关闭系统还原,并运行Services.msc关闭System Restore Service 服务,然后再删除所有的还原点。 7, c:windowssystem32u *** t ,这个文件夹中是文件和设置转移向导的相关文件,如果你不使用这个功能,也可以清空该文件夹。 8, c:program filesmsn ,c:program filesmeeting ,这两个文件夹中是MSN Explorer 和Netmeeting的可执行文件,不需要的话可以清空。 9, C:windowssystem32oobe ,这里保存了你安装好XP第一次登录时的向导,还有Windows XP 产品激活的一些程序,如果你使用的XP是不需要激活的企业版,那就可以清空这个文件夹(是清空而不是删除文件夹);而如果你的Windows XP是零售版或者OEM版,那最好不要动它。 10, c:windowsmsagent ,这里保存了Agent的所有文件,这里的Agent就跟微软Office 应用程序中的Office 助手一样,是一些动态的卡通形象,通常我们用不到这些东西,所以可以删除。 11, c:windowsjava ,微软的JAVA虚拟机。如果你已经安装了Sun 的虚拟机或者根本不会使用到JAVA程序(这个可能性很低,因为很多网页中也使用了JAVA),就可以删除这个文件夹。

电脑是WIN7 32的安装完GX developer后点击GX simulator7.16英文版点击安装没反应,这是怎么回事

gx developer安装教程方法:1、下载解压到英文路径,如C:gx developer;2、将得到3个文件夹分别为Melsec、My Installations、SW8D5C-GPPW-C;3、首先安装通用环境,进入SW8D5C-GPPW-CEnvMEL,点击“SETUP.EXE” 安装;4、再进入SW8D5C-GPPW-C,点击“SETUP.EXE”安装主程序;5、输入个人信息的对话框,可以随意填写;6、输入gx developer序列号:570-986818410 或 998-598638072;7、接着出现选项“结构化文本(st)语言编程功能”,建议勾选;8、注意“监视专用”这里不能打勾 ,否则软件只能监视(重要的一步);9、这两个选项可以勾选;10、最后点击“下一个”即可成功安装。


许多用户升级到win10系统之后,想要玩蜘蛛纸牌游戏,可是却一直找不到蜘蛛纸牌在哪里,其实win10系统中默认并没有自带蜘蛛纸牌,那么win10如何打开蜘蛛纸牌呢?现在随小编一起来看看具体的打开方法吧。具体解决方法如下:1、首先我们在Win10搜索框输入应用商店;2、然后我们点击打开Microsoft Store应用商店;3、我们在应用商店搜索纸牌游戏;4、然后我们在应用商店选择自己喜欢的纸牌游戏,这里以蜘蛛纸牌为例;5、我们点击蜘蛛纸牌,然后获取下载纸牌游戏;6、获取纸牌游戏后,在win10搜索框输入自己下载的纸牌游戏名字;7、最后我们打开纸牌游戏就可以玩了。关于win10系统的蜘蛛纸牌在哪里就给大家介绍到这边了,有需要的用户们可以参考上面的方法来进行添加吧,希望可以帮助到大家。

win8.1 sql server 2012 安装问题

错误安装SQL服务器数据库引擎服务实例的特征SQL Server的功能sql_engine_core_inst"是不支持的状态维修,因为它从来没有成功地配置。只有从成功安装特点可以修复。继续,删除指定的SQL服务器的特征。

win7旗舰版 中如何删除htri计算过程

1、打开资源管理器,定位到“C:WindowsHelp”,此处一般是windows的帮助文件,可以删除里面的所有文件,右击help文件夹,在出现的右键菜单中选择“删除”。2、打开资源管理器,定位到“C:WindowswinsxsBackup”,此处一般是windows的备份文件,可以删除里面的所有文件,右击Backup文件夹,在出现的右键菜单中选择“删除”。3、其他要进行删除的话,可以了解一下C盘中文件夹的意思,并可以根据以下相关信息知道哪些文件可以删,哪些不能删。├-WINDOWS│ ├-system32(存放Windows的系统文件和硬件驱动程序)│ │ ├-config(用户配置信息和密码信息)  │ │ ├-systemprofile(系统配置信息,用于恢复系统)  │ │ ├-drivers(用来存放硬件驱动文件,不建议删除)  │ │ ├-spool(用来存放系统打印文件。包括打印的色彩、打印预存等)  │ │ ├-wbem(存放WMI测试程序,用于查看和更改公共信息模型类、实例和方法等。请勿删除)  │ │ ├-IME(用来存放系统输入法文件,类似WINDOWS下的IME文件夹)  │ │ ├-CatRoot(计算机启动测试信息目录,包括了计算机启动时检测的硬软件信息)  │ │ ├-DllCache(用来存放系统缓存文件。当系统文件被替换时,文件保护机制会复制这个文件夹下的文件去覆盖非系统文件)  │ │ ├-GroupPolicy(组策略文件夹)  │ │  │ ├-system(系统文件夹,用来存放系统虚拟设备文件)  │ ├-$NtUninstall$(每给系统打一个补丁,系统就会自动创建这样的一个目录,可删除)  │ ├-security(系统安全文件夹,用来存放系统重要的数据文件)  │ ├-srchasst(搜索助手文件夹,用来存放系统搜索助手文件,与msagent文件夹类似)  │ ├-repair(系统修复文件夹,用来存放修复系统时所需的配置文件)  │ ├-Downloaded Program Files(下载程序文件夹,用来存放扩展IE功能的ActiveX等插件)  │ ├-inf(用来存放INF文件。INF文件最常见的应用是为硬件设备提供驱动程序服务,不建议删除其中文件)  │ ├-Help(Windows帮助文件,可以删除)  │ ├-msagent(微软助手文件夹,存放动态的卡通形象,协助你更好地使用系统。若觉的没有必要,可直接删除)  │ ├-Mui(多语言包文件夹,用来存放多国语言文件。简体中文系统中这个文件夹默认是空的,但不建议删除此文件夹)  │ ├-java(存放Java运行的组件及其程序文件。不建议删除其中文件)  │ ├-addins(系统附加文件夹,用来存放系统附加功能的文件)  │ ├-Connection Wizard(连接向导文件夹,用来存放“Internet连接向导”的相关文件)  │ ├-Driver Cache(驱动缓存文件夹,用来存放系统已知硬件的驱动文件)  │ │ └-i386(Windows操作系统自带的已知硬件驱动文件,可删除,以节省空间)  │ ├-TEMP(系统临时文件夹,其中内容可以全部删除)  │ ├-twain_32(扫描仪相关)  │ ├-AppPatch(应用程序修补备份文件夹,用来存放应用程序的修补文件)  │ ├-Debug(系统调试文件夹,用来存放系统运行过程中调试模块的日志文件)  │ ├-Resources(系统资源文件夹,用来存放系统SHELL资源文件,就是我们在桌面上所看到的主题)  │ │ └-Themes(桌面主题都存放于此,可删除无用主题)  │ ├-WinSxS(存储各个版本的Windows XP组件,减少因为DLL文件而引起的配置问题)│ ├-ime(输入法信息)  │ ├-PCHealth(用来存放协调、配置和管理计算机正常运行的文件)  │ ├-Prefetch(预读取文件夹,用来存放系统已访问过的文件的预读信息(此信息是系统在访问时自动生成的新信息),以加快文件的访问速度,其扩展名为“PF”。可以将此文件夹中的文件删除)  │ ├-pss(用来备份系统启动配置文件的,一般对“Boot.ini”、“System.ini”和“Win.ini”三个文件进行备份,扩展名为“backup”。如果系统原有的这三个文件损坏的话,可以从这里进行恢复。不建议删除)  │ ├-Registration(注册文件夹,用来存放用于系统COM+或者其他组件注册的相关文件。不建议删除这里的文件)  │ └-Downloaded Installations(存放一些使用Windows Installer技术的安装程序,主要用来对程序进行修复等操作)  ├-Documents and Settings  │ ├-Default User  │ │ ├-Application Data(通用应用程序数据文件夹。此处存放着已经安装的一些应用程序的专用数据)  │ │ └-Temp(临时文件目录。在系统和软件的运行过程中产生的临时文件就存放在于此。需定期清理)  │ │ └-Temporary Internet Files(Internet临时文件夹。需定期清理)  │ ├-All Users(所有用户文件夹,这里的更改对所有用户有效)  ├-Program Files  │ ├-WindowsUpdate(用于Windows的升级,可删除)  │ ├-Uninstall Information(存放软件反安装信息,删除后可能导致部分软件无法卸载,所以不可删除)4、如果觉得自己手动逐一删除麻烦的话,可以利用优化软件比如魔方大师软件中,找到“清理大师”工具,然后切换到上方的“系统瘦身”选项卡中,然后点击界面左下角的“系统盘分析”按钮开始分析系统盘。待分析完毕后你可以勾选复选框选择要删除的项目。


可删除的文件有:1、C:WindowsWebWall*** (Windows自带墙纸)。2、C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepository 下搜索输入 ati*.inf (14.6M) nv*.inf(94.9M) (A卡用户删N、N卡用户删A)搜索输入 mdm*.inf (21.6M) 现在早已没人用的东西。搜索输入 prn*.inf (781M) prn 开头的全部都是打印机驱动,相信大多数人都是用不上的。就是有打印机,买的时候也会带有驱动,删除。注意:prnms001.inf/prnoc001.inf/prnms002.inf 这三个并不是打印机驱动,建议保留。3、C:Boot (13.3M) 这个里面是不同语言的Windows启动界面,除zh-CN外均可删除。4、C:perflogsSystemDiagnostics (9.39M) 这个是系统测试之后的测试记录文件存放处,删。5、C:WindowsDownloaded Installations 有一些程序(Dreamweaver……)安装的时候会把安装文件解压至此文件夹里面。可以安全删除,几十M到几百M不等。6、C:WindowsHelp (66.7M) 全部咔嚓。7、 C:WindowsIMEIMESC5 微软拼音输入法(74.5M)可留。C:WindowsIMEIMEJP10 日文输入法(37.8M) 删。C:WindowsIMEimekr8 韩文输入法(2.86M) 删。C:WindowsIMEIMETC10 繁中输入法(21.6M) 删。8.、C:WindowsInstaller 已安装程序的卸载修改时所需程序,如果你删除了,有些程序卸载和修改就会有问题。9、C:WindowswinsxsBackup(备份文件,占用354MB); 删除 放心吧,用不到的。

我安装Step7 Micro/Win V4.0 SP9报错!

1) Contact Siemens customer support and obtain access to both upgrade installations from a Siemens FTP server.2) Run either the STEP 7- Micro/WIN V4.0 SP9 upgrade or the S7-200 PC Access V1.0 SP6 upgrade.3) Uninstall STEP 7- Micro/WIN.4) Uninstall S7-200 PC Access.5) Run STEP 7- Micro/WIN V4.0 SP9 upgrade.6) Run S7-200 PC Access V1.0 SP6 upgrade.


许多用户升级到win10系统之后,想要玩蜘蛛纸牌游戏,可是却一直找不到蜘蛛纸牌在哪里,其实win10系统中默认并没有自带蜘蛛纸牌,那么win10如何打开蜘蛛纸牌呢?现在随小编一起来看看具体的打开方法吧。具体解决方法如下:1、首先我们在Win10搜索框输入应用商店;2、然后我们点击打开Microsoft Store应用商店;3、我们在应用商店搜索纸牌游戏;4、然后我们在应用商店选择自己喜欢的纸牌游戏,这里以蜘蛛纸牌为例;5、我们点击蜘蛛纸牌,然后获取下载纸牌游戏;6、获取纸牌游戏后,在win10搜索框输入自己下载的纸牌游戏名字;7、最后我们打开纸牌游戏就可以玩了。关于win10系统的蜘蛛纸牌在哪里就给大家介绍到这边了,有需要的用户们可以参考上面的方法来进行添加吧,希望可以帮助到大家。


找到win8系统中的蜘蛛纸牌方法如下: 1、打开电脑,显示桌面状态; 2、用鼠标左键点击桌面左下角的“开始”,用鼠标指向“所有程序”; 3、出现一个下拉菜单,在里面找到“游戏”,用鼠标指到“游戏”时,自动出现四个游戏:空当接龙、扫雷、蜘蛛纸牌、纸牌; 4、点击“蜘蛛纸牌”即可进入游戏。


许多用户升级到win10系统之后,想要玩蜘蛛纸牌游戏,可是却一直找不到蜘蛛纸牌在哪里,其实win10系统中默认并没有自带蜘蛛纸牌,那么win10如何打开蜘蛛纸牌呢?现在随小编一起来看看具体的打开方法吧。具体解决方法如下:1、首先我们在Win10搜索框输入应用商店;2、然后我们点击打开Microsoft Store应用商店;3、我们在应用商店搜索纸牌游戏;4、然后我们在应用商店选择自己喜欢的纸牌游戏,这里以蜘蛛纸牌为例;5、我们点击蜘蛛纸牌,然后获取下载纸牌游戏;6、获取纸牌游戏后,在win10搜索框输入自己下载的纸牌游戏名字;7、最后我们打开纸牌游戏就可以玩了。关于win10系统的蜘蛛纸牌在哪里就给大家介绍到这边了,有需要的用户们可以参考上面的方法来进行添加吧,希望可以帮助到大家。


1、Windows自带墙纸,推荐转移。 C:WindowsWebWall*** 2、用不到的东西 C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepository 中ati*.inf 、nv*.inf 、mdm*.inf 、 rn*.inf (781M) prn 注意:prnms001.inf/prnoc001.inf/prnms002.inf 建议保留。3、不同语言的Windows启动界面,除zh-CN外均可删除。 C:Boot 4、系统测试之后的测试记录文件 C:perflogsSystemDiagnostics 5、有一些程序(Dreamweaver……)安装的时候会把安装文件解压至此文件夹里面。 C:WindowsDownloaded Installations6.帮助文件 C:WindowsHelp (66.7M) 7、比较少用的输入法,依次为微软输入法、日文输入法、韩文输入法、繁体输入法 C:WindowsIMEIMESC5 C:WindowsIMEIMEJP10 C:WindowsIMEimekr8 C:WindowsIMEIMETC10 8、备份文件 C:WindowswinsxsBackup

windows7 中哪些文件可以删

1、Windows自带墙纸,推荐转移。C:WindowsWebWall*** 2、用不到的东西C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepository 中ati*.inf 、nv*.inf 、mdm*.inf 、rn*.inf (781M) prn注意:prnms001.inf/prnoc001.inf/prnms002.inf 建议保留。3、不同语言的Windows启动界面,除zh-CN外均可删除。C:Boot 4、系统测试之后的测试记录文件C:perflogsSystemDiagnostics 5、有一些程序(Dreamweaver……)安装的时候会把安装文件解压至此文件夹里面。C:WindowsDownloaded Installations6.帮助文件C:WindowsHelp (66.7M) 7、比较少用的输入法,依次为微软输入法、日文输入法、韩文输入法、繁体输入法C:WindowsIMEIMESC5C:WindowsIMEIMEJP10C:WindowsIMEimekr8C:WindowsIMEIMETC10 8、备份文件C:WindowswinsxsBackup


可删除的文件有:1、C:WindowsWebWall*** (Windows自带墙纸)。2、C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepository 下搜索输入 ati*.inf (14.6M) nv*.inf(94.9M) (A卡用户删N、N卡用户删A)搜索输入 mdm*.inf (21.6M) 现在早已没人用的东西。搜索输入 prn*.inf (781M) prn 开头的全部都是打印机驱动,相信大多数人都是用不上的。就是有打印机,买的时候也会带有驱动,删除。注意:prnms001.inf/prnoc001.inf/prnms002.inf 这三个并不是打印机驱动,建议保留。3、C:Boot (13.3M) 这个里面是不同语言的Windows启动界面,除zh-CN外均可删除。4、C:perflogsSystemDiagnostics (9.39M) 这个是系统测试之后的测试记录文件存放处,删。5、C:WindowsDownloaded Installations 有一些程序(Dreamweaver……)安装的时候会把安装文件解压至此文件夹里面。可以安全删除,几十M到几百M不等。6、C:WindowsHelp (66.7M) 全部咔嚓。7、 C:WindowsIMEIMESC5 微软拼音输入法(74.5M)可留。C:WindowsIMEIMEJP10 日文输入法(37.8M) 删。C:WindowsIMEimekr8 韩文输入法(2.86M) 删。C:WindowsIMEIMETC10 繁中输入法(21.6M) 删。8.、C:WindowsInstaller 已安装程序的卸载修改时所需程序,如果你删除了,有些程序卸载和修改就会有问题。9、C:WindowswinsxsBackup(备份文件,占用354MB); 删除 放心吧,用不到的。


分类: 电脑/网络 问题描述: 请问,windows下的RegisteredPackages文件夹能删除吗? 解析: 5.C:WINDOWSRegisteredPackages 可以直接删除,但不建议删除。这个文件夹里面存储的应该是和Windows Media Player相关的一些系统文件(删除过2次,没有问题) C:WINDOWSCursors 鼠标光标. C:Windowsdownloaded installations 一些程序的安装文件,建议删除C:WINDOWSDownloaded Program Files 网上下载的 ActiveX 控件以及 Java 小程序 C:WINDOWSmui 多国语言用户界面. C:WINDOWS repair 注册表备份文件. C:WINDOWSSofareDistributionDownload 自动更新所使用的临时存储文件夹 C:Windowssrchasst Windows XP的搜索助理 C:WINDOWSTwain_32. 用于扫描仪的图像 C:Windowssystem32u *** t 文件和设置转移向导的相关文件,清空该文件夹。 C:Windowssystem32 estore 系统还原的可执行文件 WMP10 用不到以下文件. mp43dmod.dll ...(文件版本: Windows Media MPEG-4 视频解码器 mp4sdmod.dll ..(文件版本: Corona Windows Media 视频解码器 wmerror.dll ....Windows Media 错误定义 (英文版) wmpencen.dll ...Windows Media Player 编码模块 wmpsrcwp.dll ...WMPSrcWp Module wmsdmoe2.dll ...Corona Windows Media 屏幕编码器 wmspdmod.dll...Windows Media Audio 9 语音解码器 wmstream.dll ...(文件版本:


有不少网友反映,在电脑上打开程序时会弹出“无法定位程序输入点于动态链接库上”的提示框,让网友非常烦恼。经过分析,我们总结出了以下解决方案,可以彻底解决“无法定位程序输入点于动态链接库上”。  当无法定位动态链接库时,一般会出现什么现象?  现象一:电脑开机启动时,会弹出“无法定位动态链接库”提示框。  现象二:运行网络游戏或单机游戏时,会弹出“无法定位程序输入点于动态链接库上”提示框。  现象三:运行某个软件时,显示无法定位程序输入点。  什么是动态链接库?  动态链接库英文缩写为DLL,它并不是可执行的文件,它是能向多个程序提供公用代码函数和数据的封装库,程序所需要的一些函数和数据被事先封装在DLL文件中,当程序运行时可以主程序需要调用这些DLL动态链接库。  无法定位程序输入点于动态链接库上是什么原因造成的?  一、电脑感染木马病毒导致的  现在很多木马病毒都会替换系统文件,将真正的系统文件改名,比如WININET.dll、Msvcrt.dll、usp10.dll、midimap.dll、lpk.dll等都会被木马重命名。很多杀毒软件将木马清除后却没有将被修改的系统文件名改回来,这样打开程序调用系统文件时就会出现“无法定位程序输入点于动态链接库上”的提示框。  比较典型的病毒是绑架类木马,它是一种新型破坏性极强的木马,与传统病毒不同,它是通过绑架系统文件dll实现开机启动。  该木马病毒主要表现:  电脑运行非常慢。  开机很长一段时间才能进入桌面。  程序运行很缓慢。  主流杀毒软件无法正常打开,并且重装系统也无法解决问题。  虽然现在绝大多数杀毒软件已经趋于人性化,一旦发现某些木马病毒绑定系统程序,还是有不少杀毒软件采用一刀切的方式,直接将这些被恶意绑架的系统程序删除(其中就可能包含DLL动态链接库文件),导致系统或应用程序缺少了必要的DLL动态链接库,从而出现“无法定位程序输入点于动态链接库上”的问题。  解决方案(修复方法)  (一)、软件修复方法:  1、金山卫士  进入金山卫士主界面,选择“查杀木马”,然后点击“快速扫描”即可。通过金山卫士对木马病毒的查杀,而且还可以修复相关dll组件。  2、巨盾木马专杀工具  利用巨盾的内存扫描就可以将这些问题解决。巨盾内存扫描不但会清除木马文件,还会将被木马修改的系统文件还原回来,这样大家在打开程序是就不会出现无法定位程序输入点于动态链接库上的问题了。  3、下载安装主流杀毒软件(NOD32、卡巴斯基、小红伞、Avast、McAfee、诺顿、瑞星、金山毒霸、360安全卫士等),更新病毒库之后全盘杀毒。  (二)、手动修复方法:  记住弹出的“无法定位程序输入点于动态链接库上”提示框中提到的dll文件,将系统提示缺少的*.dll记录下来。重点检查该文件是否有异常,重新复制一份该dll文件到相应的目录(文件夹)下基本就可以解决问题。  1、下载需要的dll文件  通过百度搜索需要的dll文件,把你需要的*.dll(加上DLL后缀,比如WININET.dll)输入到搜索框中,点击“百度一下”按钮,从列出的网页中,选择你要下载dll的网站,进入并下载需要的*.dll文件。  注意:搜索时一定要安装杀毒软件,并打开防火墙,以免因无法定位程序输入点的问题导致进入钓鱼网站或挂马网站,引起电脑中毒。  2、重新启动电脑,按F8键,进入安全模式。  3、将下载的*.dll文件拷贝到C:windowssystem32文件夹(目录)下。  4、再重新启动电脑,便可以解决此问题。  注意:如果是游戏程序缺少DLL,下载之后需要将DLL复制到该游戏目录下的指定位置(由于游戏分类众多,所需DLL和位置各有不同,这需要您在实践中摸索)。  二、更新程序,升级某个软件(或游戏)导致的。  在软件或游戏在线更新时,本该被正常写入或覆盖的DLL动态链接库文件因为意外的断电、重启、写入错误等原因没有下载更新成功,导致软件或游戏在运行过程中缺少必要的DLL动态链接库文件而报错。  解决方案(修复方法):一般来说,重新覆盖安装,即可解决问题。  三、随意删除系统文件,用户自己操作失误造成的。  用户误操作,不小心将程序安装目录中的动态链接库DLL文件删除了,导致程序启动时无法找到相应的文件而报错。  解决方案(修复方法):出现这种情况,需要大家仔细回忆出现问题之前进行过哪些操作,重新下载软件覆盖安装或者到别的电脑上复制一份同名的系统文件,通过这些处理也可以解决问题。  如果以上方法无法解决“无法定位程序输入点于动态链接库上”的问题,请重新安装系统、软件或游戏

电气 - LV switchboard中测试项目

Ductor Test 图片参考:imgcld.yimg/8/n/HA00045281/o/700912300022813873389060 Ductor Test 是用来量度 contact resistance. 即是contact 同contact 之间接属的电阻. 例如 Bu *** ar 之间的 joint 位 circuit breaker 关闭后的上下contact 电阻是越少越好. 通常以 micro ohm 作单位. 使用方法好简单 好像万用表一样 两支针碰在一头一尾 然后量度. en. *** /wiki/Contact_resistance megohmmeterstore/crm_uploads/aemc_sd_5600.pdf Pressure Test Pressure Test 有分 AC pressure test 和 DC pressure test. 主要是 AC pressure test 主要测试 switchgear (制). DC pressure test主要测试 cable (电线) Pressure Test 是注入一个 “50Hz AC” or “DC” 高电压 (相对地) 维持 1- 5分钟 而量度它的 leakage current in (micro Amp). Leakage current 越少越好. 证明 switchgear and cable 能够抵受 high voltage.以下图解释测试方法: 图片参考:imgcld.yimg/8/n/HA00045281/o/700912300022813873389072 PS: Pressure Test 是一个相害性的测试. 通常只会在新装的装置使用. Ductor Test 参考: shrinke.im/a8mFV 如果有埋合格标准就好了! 任何电力装置需要测试其目的就系为佐安全操作 如果未经过测试就可能有危险 家用电器有规格局测试 但系工业电器就好难讲 以下就提供部分工业电器既测试 仲有好多未能一一介绍 如何测试系要学过既 并唔能够三言两语就可以解析 或者你购买仪器时供应商会提供测试指南 除非你自己有读过有关课程 你至可以自己制造仪器 但系有边个帮你校准呢? testing and missioning The testing and missioning of high voltage electrical equipment is a highly specialised activity with each and every installation being tested by a trained engineer to exacting standards. Powersystems testing capability covers an extensive range of disciplines. Cable installations 1kV and 5kV Insulation tests DC pressure tests up to 60kV VLF cable testing up to 80kV Trformers HV & LV winding Insulation tests Winding ratio checks Bucholz testing Oil sample and testing (electrical breakdown acidity water & PCB content Disolved gas *** ysis) Switchgear AC pressure testing Ductor testing CT"s – Ratio & flick tests Mag curves VT"s – Ratio & polarity checks Functionality checks Protection testing Protection Primary and secondary injection Timing tests Overcurrent and earth fault relays Directional Overcurrent and earth fault relays Differential trformer protection Trlay and Solkor feeder unit protection Restricted and standby earth fault relays Generator loss of mains and G59 protection Neutral voltage displacement Trformer auto tapping relays Intertripping schemes Earthing Soil resistivity measurements Final earth electrode resistance Underground fault location Digital pulse echo


1、桌面状态下,点击电脑左下角的菜单。2、在菜单栏里往下翻,一直翻到字母M。3、找到“Microsoft Solitaire Collection”,点击打开。4、进入到纸牌游戏的界面,点击左下角的纸牌的图标,即可进入游戏。5、最后打开蜘蛛纸盘即可。


许多用户升级到win10系统之后,想要玩蜘蛛纸牌游戏,可是却一直找不到蜘蛛纸牌在哪里,其实win10系统中默认并没有自带蜘蛛纸牌,那么win10如何打开蜘蛛纸牌呢?现在随小编一起来看看具体的打开方法吧。具体解决方法如下:1、首先我们在Win10搜索框输入应用商店;2、然后我们点击打开Microsoft Store应用商店;3、我们在应用商店搜索纸牌游戏;4、然后我们在应用商店选择自己喜欢的纸牌游戏,这里以蜘蛛纸牌为例;5、我们点击蜘蛛纸牌,然后获取下载纸牌游戏;6、获取纸牌游戏后,在win10搜索框输入自己下载的纸牌游戏名字;7、最后我们打开纸牌游戏就可以玩了。关于win10系统的蜘蛛纸牌在哪里就给大家介绍到这边了,有需要的用户们可以参考上面的方法来进行添加吧,希望可以帮助到大家。


可删除的文件有:1、C:WindowsWebWall*** (Windows自带墙纸)。2、C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepository 下搜索输入 ati*.inf (14.6M) nv*.inf(94.9M) (A卡用户删N、N卡用户删A)搜索输入 mdm*.inf (21.6M) 现在早已没人用的东西。搜索输入 prn*.inf (781M) prn 开头的全部都是打印机驱动,相信大多数人都是用不上的。就是有打印机,买的时候也会带有驱动,删除。注意:prnms001.inf/prnoc001.inf/prnms002.inf 这三个并不是打印机驱动,建议保留。3、C:Boot (13.3M) 这个里面是不同语言的Windows启动界面,除zh-CN外均可删除。4、C:perflogsSystemDiagnostics (9.39M) 这个是系统测试之后的测试记录文件存放处,删。5、C:WindowsDownloaded Installations 有一些程序(Dreamweaver……)安装的时候会把安装文件解压至此文件夹里面。可以安全删除,几十M到几百M不等。6、C:WindowsHelp (66.7M) 全部咔嚓。7、 C:WindowsIMEIMESC5 微软拼音输入法(74.5M)可留。C:WindowsIMEIMEJP10 日文输入法(37.8M) 删。C:WindowsIMEimekr8 韩文输入法(2.86M) 删。C:WindowsIMEIMETC10 繁中输入法(21.6M) 删。8.、C:WindowsInstaller 已安装程序的卸载修改时所需程序,如果你删除了,有些程序卸载和修改就会有问题。9、C:WindowswinsxsBackup(备份文件,占用354MB); 删除 放心吧,用不到的。



windows xp系统问题







When will it be very cool in NewYork?在纽约什么时候变得很冷了?回答:In the December.

WINDOWSDownloaded Installations里面的残余文件可不可以删除?


Windows10 无法定位程序输入点 于动态链接库 怎么解决?


C:WINDOWSDownloaded Installations里面是什么文件啊?可以删除?


无法打开C:WINDOWSDownloaded Installations文件夹

找到此文件夹 右键点属性-安全 (如果没有就进入安全模式)里面设置


在微软Windows10中纸牌游戏集成到了一个Microsoft Solitaire Collection【微软纸牌合集】的应用中,我们打开即可我们点击windows10的开始菜单,然后在开始菜单的开始屏幕打开纸牌合集。打开纸牌游戏,用微软账号登录,没有微软账号,点击以来宾身份玩即可。打开以后,我们就可以玩我们熟悉的经典纸牌游戏了,比如空当接龙【freecell】,蜘蛛纸牌【spider】等,点击即可打开,非常简单。如果没有找到,点击开始菜单-所有应用-Microsoft Solitaire Collection。还有一种情况就是我们的windows10系统没有默认安装纸牌合集,这时候点击开始菜单中的应用商店打开。打开以后,搜索Microsoft Solitaire Collection,然后安装即可。

windows系统下的Downloaded Installations,按的是什么啊。是插件吗

不是插件,是Window的一个系统程序文件WINDOWSDownloaded Installations部分软件安装程序下的文件删除会造成某些软件无法卸载。


1、若错误提示为:“无法定位程序输入点于 动态链接库KERNEL32.DLL”,那么一般是kernel32.dll文件有问题。2、首先我们需要在网上搜索kernel32.dll文件。3、找到适合自己电脑的kernel32.dll文件,并下载,把电脑上的kernel32.dll文件改名,把下载好的文件拷贝到system32目录下面替换

Docker: Windows容器能运行在Linux上吗

这是我的一大疑惑,就是不知道怎么表述,我搜索“why docker for windows can run on linux”,没找到什么信息。 windows毕竟和linux有完全不同的内核,我不清楚为什么可以在Windows上调试Container,这样的Container岂不是只能运行在Windows内核上吗,也就没有平台无关和可迁移的特性了。我觉得没什么人想把Container部署在Windows机器上吧。 我按图索骥,先找到一些Docker和VM对比的问题: Docker frequently asked questions (FAQ) | Docker Documentation containers - How is Docker different from a virtual machine? - Stack Overflow 接着顺着高票的相关问题,找到了我想要的问题页面。 docker - Can Windows Containers be hosted on linux? - Stack Overflow 接着找到这篇非常非常棒的文章: Docker u2764ufe0f WSL 2 - The Future of Docker Desktop for Windows - Docker Blog 最终我的疑惑终于解决了: 在安装Docker for windows软件的时候,可以选择Linux Container或Windows Container,默认我们会使用Linux Container。 这个时候,Docker就会利用上文描述的WSL 2,将Container启动在Windows提供的Linux内核上。所以我安装的时候需要把windows功能里的WSL 2选项打开。 而在此之前,Docker自己写了个虚拟机去跑Container,现在有了WSL,就不需要自己写虚拟机了。 如果选择Windows Container,那么所创建的image就不能跑在Linux上了。 Docker for mac only have "Linux Container" option, there is no such thing as mac container. you can run Linux containers on your Mac using Docker for Mac. This works by seamlessly running your containers inside of a lightweight Linux VM on your Mac.

The Way You Look Tonight (Swing Time, 1936) (1996 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:The Way You Look Tonight (Swing Time, 1936) (1996 Digital Remaster)歌手:Barry Tuckwell&Sir Richard Rodney Bennett&Ensemble&Neil Richardson专辑:Gershwin: SongsSome day, when I"m awfully lowWhen the world is coldI will feel a glow just thinking of youAnd the way you look tonightYes you"re lovely, with your smile so warmAnd your cheeks so softThere is nothing for me but to love youAnd the way you look tonightWith each word your tenderness growsTearing my fear apartAnd that laugh that wrinkles your noseIt touches my foolish heartLovely,don"t you ever changeKeep that breathless charmWon"t you please arrange it"cause I love youJust the way you look tonightLovely,don"t you ever changeKeep that breathless charmWon"t you please arrange it"cause I love youJust the way you look tonightMm mm mm mmJust the way you look to-nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2810935



Taylor Swift - Welcome to New York 霉霉的这首歌现在能下载吗



许多用户升级到win10系统之后,想要玩蜘蛛纸牌游戏,可是却一直找不到蜘蛛纸牌在哪里,其实win10系统中默认并没有自带蜘蛛纸牌,那么win10如何打开蜘蛛纸牌呢?现在随小编一起来看看具体的打开方法吧。具体解决方法如下:1、首先我们在Win10搜索框输入应用商店;2、然后我们点击打开Microsoft Store应用商店;3、我们在应用商店搜索纸牌游戏;4、然后我们在应用商店选择自己喜欢的纸牌游戏,这里以蜘蛛纸牌为例;5、我们点击蜘蛛纸牌,然后获取下载纸牌游戏;6、获取纸牌游戏后,在win10搜索框输入自己下载的纸牌游戏名字;7、最后我们打开纸牌游戏就可以玩了。关于win10系统的蜘蛛纸牌在哪里就给大家介绍到这边了,有需要的用户们可以参考上面的方法来进行添加吧,希望可以帮助到大家。

Can we build AI without losing control over it?

I"m going to talk about a failure of intuition直觉 that many of us suffer from. It"s really a failure to detect a certain kind of danger. I"m going to describe a scenario that I think is both terrifying and likely to occur, and that"s not a good combination, as it turns out. And yet rather than be scared, most of you will feel that what I"m talking about is kind of cool.I"m going to describe how the gains we make in artificial intelligence could ultimately destroy us. And in fact, I think it"s very difficult to see how they won"t destroy us or inspire us to destroy ourselves. And yet if you"re anything like me, you"ll find that it"s fun to think about these things. And that response is part of the problem. OK? That response should worry you. And if I were to convince you in this talk that we were likely to suffer a global famine饥荒, either because of climate change or some other catastrophe灾难, and that your grandchildren, or their grandchildren, are very likely to live like this, you wouldn"t think, "Interesting. I like this TED Talk." Famine isn"t fun. Death by science fiction, on the other hand, is fun, and one of the things that worries me most about the development of AI at this point is that we seem unable to marshal an appropriate emotional response to the dangers that lie ahead. I am unable to marshal this response, and I"m giving this talk. It"s as though we stand before two doors. Behind door number one, we stop making progress in building intelligent machines. Our computer hardware and software just stops getting better for some reason. Now take a moment to consider why this might happen. I mean, given how valuable intelligence and automation are, we will continue to improve our technology if we are at all able to. What could stop us from doing this? A full-scale nuclear war? A global pandemic? An asteroid impact? Justin Bieber becoming president of the United States? (Laughter) The point is, something would have to destroy civilization文明 as we know it. You have to imagine how bad it would have to be to prevent us from making improvements in our technology permanently, generation after generation. Almost by definition, this is the worst thing that"s ever happened in human history. So the only alternative, and this is what lies behind door number two, is that we continue to improve our intelligent machines year after year after year. At a certain point, we will build machines that are smarter than we are, and once we have machines that are smarter than we are, they will begin to improve themselves. And then we risk what the mathematician IJ Good called an "intelligence explosion," that the process could get away from us. Now, this is often caricatured, as I have here, as a fear that armies of malicious robots will attack us. But that isn"t the most likely scenario场景. It"s not that our machines will become spontaneously malevolent自发地恶意. The concern is really that we will build machines that are so much more competent than we are that the slightest divergence差异 between their goals and our own could destroy us. Just think about how we relate to ants. We don"t hate them. We don"t go out of our way to harm them. In fact, sometimes we take pains not to harm them. We step over them on the sidewalk. But whenever their presence seriously conflicts with one of our goals, let"s say when constructing a building like this one, we annihilate them without a qualm. The concern is that we will one day build machines that, whether they"re conscious or not, could treat us with similar disregard漠视. Now, I suspect this seems far-fetched to many of you. I bet there are those of you who doubt that superintelligent AI is possible, much less inevitable. But then you must find something wrong with one of the following assumptions假设. And there are only three of them. Intelligence is a matter of information processing in physical systems. Actually, this is a little bit more than an assumption. We have already built narrow intelligence into our machines, and many of these machines perform at a level of superhuman intelligence already. And we know that mere matter can give rise to what is called "general intelligence," an ability to think flexibly across multiple domains, because our brains have managed it. Right? I mean, there"s just atoms in here, and as long as we continue to build systems of atoms that display more and more intelligent behavior, we will eventually, unless we are interrupted, we will eventually build general intelligence into our machines. It"s crucial to realize that the rate of progress doesn"t matter, because any progress is enough to get us into the end zone. We don"t need Moore"s law to continue. We don"t need exponential指数 progress. We just need to keep going. The second assumption is that we will keep going. We will continue to improve our intelligent machines. And given the value of intelligence -- I mean, intelligence is either the source of everything we value or we need it to safeguard everything we value. It is our most valuable resource. So we want to do this. We have problems that we desperately拼命地 need to solve. We want to cure diseases疾病 like Alzheimer"s and cancer. We want to understand economic systems. We want to improve our climate science. So we will do this, if we can. The train is already out of the station, and there"s no brake to pull. Finally, we don"t stand on a peak of intelligence, or anywhere near it, likely. And this really is the crucial insight.关键洞察 This is what makes our situation so precarious不安的, and this is what makes our intuitions about risk so unreliable. Now, just consider the smartest person who has ever lived. On almost everyone"s shortlist here is John von Neumann. I mean, the impression that von Neumann made on the people around him, and this included the greatest mathematicians and physicists of his time, is fairly well-documented. If only half the stories about him are half true, there"s no question he"s one of the smartest people who has ever lived. So consider the spectrum光谱 of intelligence. Here we have John von Neumann. And then we have you and me. And then we have a chicken. (Laughter) Sorry, a chicken. (Laughter) There"s no reason for me to make this talk more depressing than it needs to be. (Laughter) It seems overwhelmingly压倒性地 likely, however, that the spectrum of intelligence extends much further than we currently conceive, and if we build machines that are more intelligent than we are, they will very likely explore this spectrum in ways that we can"t imagine, and exceed us in ways that we can"t imagine. And it"s important to recognize that this is true by virtue of speed alone. Right? So imagine if we just built a superintelligent AI that was no smarter than your average team of researchers at Stanford or MIT. Well, electronic circuits function about a million times faster than biochemical ones, so this machine should think about a million times faster than the minds that built it. So you set it running for a week, and it will perform 20,000 years of human-level intellectual work, week after week after week. How could we even understand, much less constrain, a mind making this sort of progress? The other thing that"s worrying, frankly, is that, imagine the best case scenario. So imagine we hit upon a design of superintelligent AI that has no safety concerns. We have the perfect design the first time around. It"s as though we"ve been handed an oracle that behaves exactly as intended. Well, this machine would be the perfect labor-saving device. It can design the machine that can build the machine that can do any physical work, powered by sunlight, more or less for the cost of raw materials. So we"re talking about the end of human drudgery. We"re also talking about the end of most intellectual work. So what would apes like ourselves do in this circumstance? Well, we"d be free to play Frisbee and give each other massages. Add some LSD and some questionable wardrobe choices, and the whole world could be like Burning Man. (Laughter) Now, that might sound pretty good, but ask yourself what would happen under our current economic and political order? It seems likely that we would witness a level of wealth inequality and unemployment that we have never seen before. Absent a willingness to immediately put this new wealth to the service of all humanity, a few trillionaires could grace the covers of our business magazines while the rest of the world would be free to starve. And what would the Russians or the Chinese do if they heard that some company in Silicon Valley was about to deploy a superintelligent AI? This machine would be capable of waging war, whether terrestrial or cyber, with unprecedented power. This is a winner-take-all scenario. To be six months ahead of the competition here is to be 500,000 years ahead, at a minimum. So it seems that even mere rumors of this kind of breakthrough could cause our species to go berserk. Now, one of the most frightening things, in my view, at this moment, are the kinds of things that AI researchers say when they want to be reassuring. And the most common reason we"re told not to worry is time. This is all a long way off, don"t you know. This is probably 50 or 100 years away. One researcher has said, "Worrying about AI safety is like worrying about overpopulation on Mars." This is the Silicon Valley version of "don"t worry your pretty little head about it." (Laughter) No one seems to notice that referencing the time horizon is a total non sequitur. If intelligence is just a matter of information processing, and we continue to improve our machines, we will produce some form of superintelligence. And we have no idea how long it will take us to create the conditions to do that safely. Let me say that again. We have no idea how long it will take us to create the conditions to do that safely. And if you haven"t noticed, 50 years is not what it used to be. This is 50 years in months. This is how long we"ve had the iPhone. This is how long "The Simpsons" has been on television. Fifty years is not that much time to meet one of the greatest challenges our species will ever face. Once again, we seem to be failing to have an appropriate emotional response to what we have every reason to believe is coming. The computer scientist Stuart Russell has a nice analogy here. He said, imagine that we received a message from an alien civilization, which read: "People of Earth, we will arrive on your planet in 50 years. Get ready." And now we"re just counting down the months until the mothership lands? We would feel a little more urgency than we do. Another reason we"re told not to worry is that these machines can"t help but share our values because they will be literally extensions of ourselves. They"ll be grafted onto our brains, and we"ll essentially become their limbic systems. Now take a moment to consider that the safest and only prudent path forward, recommended, is to implant this technology directly into our brains. Now, this may in fact be the safest and only prudent path forward, but usually one"s safety concerns about a technology have to be pretty much worked out before you stick it inside your head. (Laughter) The deeper problem is that building superintelligent AI on its own seems likely to be easier than building superintelligent AI and having the completed neuroscience that allows us to seamlessly integrate our minds with it. And given that the companies and governments doing this work are likely to perceive themselves as being in a race against all others, given that to win this race is to win the world, provided you don"t destroy it in the next moment, then it seems likely that whatever is easier to do will get done first. Now, unfortunately, I don"t have a solution to this problem, apart from recommending that more of us think about it. I think we need something like a Manhattan Project on the topic of artificial intelligence. Not to build it, because I think we"ll inevitably do that, but to understand how to avoid an arms race and to build it in a way that is aligned with our interests. When you"re talking about superintelligent AI that can make changes to itself, it seems that we only have one chance to get the initial conditions right, and even then we will need to absorb the economic and political consequences of getting them right. But the moment we admit that information processing is the source of intelligence, that some appropriate computational system is what the basis of intelligence is, and we admit that we will improve these systems continuously, and we admit that the horizon of cognition very likely far exceeds what we currently know, then we have to admit that we are in the process of building some sort of god. Now would be a good time to make sure it"s a god we can live with. Thank you very much.
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