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with reviewers和under reviewers的区别

with reviewers和under reviewers的区别这时投稿时的两种状态under reviewers系统已经接受,正在审核中,with reviewers是已经有人介入,还需要其他评审人员继续审核


Wewill goswimmingintheocean week我们将在海洋周去游泳你的采纳我的动力很高兴能够帮助你

求一首日文歌 歌词中隐约听到 I WILL LOVE YOU wu wu,其他都是日语,很萌,挺好听的一首歌。


with reviewers是什么状态

with reviewers评论家 拼音 双语对照 双语例句1Connecting ideas with writers, writers with reviewers, and ultimately writers with readers. 他们连接作者之间、作者和评审人员、最后的作者和读者的想法。

I will swim in the ocean blue,blue为什么放后面?

形容词修饰名词应该放在名词前 I will swim in the blue ocean.


If one day I fall in love with you 可以替换为: If I fall in love with you one day. 此句正确.句意为:如果有一天我爱上你(用陈述语气,可表达很可能发生的事).

we will be happiness.什么意思

we will be happiness.我们会幸福的。例句:1.But your attitude towards life that will bring happiness. 而是你对生活的态度才会带来快乐。

以one day without computers为题的英语作文 急急急急急!!!! 我先开

The computer is just a tool to the people .Many years ago , we havenot computer in our lives ,but people"s life is still good . Now ,it is convenient for us to have computer .If one day , there is no computer in the world , i belive we can live as before .It will not affect our communication if we have not this kind of tool . Perhaps , we can spend more time on rest . Students can learn seriously not to think how to play games on the computer . Less quarrels will happen between our life . Of course , we may can see newspaper , magazine everywhere .

一首纯音乐,就几句词,什么who am i without you,see you in the ocean男声 求

歌词中间高潮部分“La la la la”,节奏越来越快的男声版,出自Hermes House Band乐队翻唱的《Those were the days》。这是一支犹太民谣,最早是1926年由一位叫做亚历山大·沃廷斯基(Alexander Vertinsky)的俄罗斯人用俄语演唱的《Дорогой длинною》(路漫漫)(历史上不少犹太人迁徙到俄罗斯居住,已成为俄罗斯民族的一部分)。1968年,威尔士民歌手玛丽·霍普金演唱了这首歌的英文版《Those were the days》,成为欧美流行音乐史上难以忘怀的经典之作。这首非常怀旧的歌曲讲述了一个往日时光的美好故事,而曲调中又明显透露出犹太民族离乱中坚毅自强的可贵品格。90年代初,列宁格勒牛仔乐队和俄罗斯红军乐团在演唱会中分别用英语和俄语演唱了这首伟大的作品,场景壮观,气势雄浑,似乎在向人昭示新俄罗斯自强不息的精神风貌。歌名:Those Were The Days歌手:Hermes House Band原唱:Mary Hopkin作词:Gene Raskin作曲:Boris Fomin所属专辑:Champions!-the Greatest Stadium Hits发行时间:2010-01-01中英歌词:Once upon a time there was a tavern很早以前有一家酒店Where we used to raise a glass or two在那儿我们举杯换盏Remember how we laughed away the hours是否仍记得如何用笑声消磨时光And think about the great things we would do把愿做的件件大事来梦想?Those were the days my friend往日的情怀啊,朋友We thought they"d never end我们想永不终断We"d sing and dance forever and a day我们要唱啊跳啊跳一整天We"d live the life we choose我们按自己的方式生活We"d fight and never lose我们奋斗,从不服输For we were young and sure to have our way.因为我们年轻,肯定会获胜La la la la啦,啦,啦..Then the busy years went rushing by us后来忙碌岁月从身旁飞过We lost our starry notions on the way我们在路上丢失了星光般的理想If by chance I"d see you in the tavern如果碰巧我见你在酒店We"d smile at one another and we"d say我们相视而笑并且说Those were the days my friend往日的情怀啊,朋友We thought they"d never end我们想永不终断We"d sing and dance forever and a day我们要唱啊跳啊,跳一整天We"d live the life we choose我们按自己的方式生活We"d fight and never lose我们奋斗,从不服输Those were the days, oh yes those were the days往日的情怀啊 啊,往日的情怀La la la la啦,啦,啦..Just tonight I stood before the tavern就在今夜我站在酒店前Nothing seemed the way it used to be没什么看来与以前一般In the glass I saw a strange reflection在镜子里我看到一个陌生的影子Was that lonely woman really me那孤独的女人真的是我?Those were the days my friend往日的情怀啊,朋友We thought they"d never end我们想永不终断We"d sing and dance forever and a day我们要唱啊跳啊,跳一整天We"d live the life we choose我们按自己的方式生活We"d fight and never lose我们奋斗,从不服输Those were the days, oh yes those were the days往日的情怀啊 啊,往日的情怀La la la la啦,啦,啦..Through the door there came familiar laughter从门里传出熟悉的笑声I saw your face and heard you call my name我看见你并听你在叫我Oh my friend we"re older but no wiser朋友们,我们变老但没变聪明For in our hearts the dreams are still the same因在我们心里梦想依旧Those were the days my friend往日的情怀啊,朋友We thought they"d never end我们想永不终止We"d sing and dance forever and a day我们要唱啊跳啊,跳一整天We"d live the life we choose我们按自己的方式生活We"d fight and never lose我们奋斗,从不服输Those were the days, oh yes those were the days往日的情怀啊 啊,往日的情怀La la la la啦,啦,啦..

I dropped a tear in the ocean, and when i find it thats the day i will stop loving you. 出自哪里

出自Brutha - One Day On This Earth 的歌词I dropped a tear in the oceanAnd when you find itThat"s the day I"ll stop loving you, come on满意请采纳

swim in the ocean与swimming in the sea 区别?


He likes ____(swim)in the ocean.答案是swimming吗?可不可以用to swim,请做详细解释


winter is in the ocean为什么用the?


If one day you feel like crying....call me I do not promise that I will make you laugh But I can cr


if one day i die, will you cry?是什么意思


求一首歌的歌名 歌词 we rule the world together forever wit


you will rule the world罗马音

「黒执事II」キャラクターソング01 「黒执事、热唱」歌词翻译。「You will rule the world」歌:セバスチャン·ミカエリス(小野大辅)今宵も虚ろな瞳 镜に映しだされる踌躇いの翳はまたいたずらに浓くなって 灰色な息をつく今夜亦是空虚的眼眸 在镜中映出迟疑的神色阴霾却愈加浓厚 只剩一声灰色的叹息さあ抗って これは沈殿する世界违うでしょう?贵方立つ场所は……那么就应该反抗 这个沉淀的世界不对吧?您的立足之地是……装饰过多な嘘には舌打ちして 裸足のまま飞びあがるしがらみ脱ぎすて 残られたもの愚かしくて滑稽でなお 揺るぎのない强さ粉饰太平的谎言令人咋舌 赤裸双足飞身一跃跨越层层障碍 依然残存的是愚蠢而又滑稽 以及不可撼动的强韧いたらないほど胸が疼きだして 夜の窓をこじ开けるそうすべては贵方次第 You will rule the world胸口在隐隐作痛 陡然推开夜晚的窗扉一切都由您决定 You will rule the world梦壊すなら梦 胸元の细いリボンほどいたらくだらない自分を缚りつけて 床の上転がして梦想破坏梦想 胸前纤细的丝带如果弃之不顾便会将无聊的自己束缚 摔倒在地さあいざなって それは反転する世界见えるでしょう?白く光る黒が……那么到了关键时刻 这个反转的世界能看见吧?散发出纯白光芒的黑暗……暧昧模糊な现実なら蹴り飞ばし 裸足のまま走りだす割れた爪にじむ 鲜やかな赤その痛みを饮み干したら 刻は加速する踢开暧昧模糊的现实 赤裸双足一路飞奔割裂的指甲渗透出 鲜艳的红色将这份痛苦一饮而尽 时光已然加速はしたないほど胸が暴れだして 朝の窓を叩き割るもうすべては贵方次第 You will rule the world胸口狂乱到卑劣 敲碎清晨的窗扉一切都由您决定 You will rule the world急転直下する空 揺れる花についた名前消し去ってそして新しい名前をつけるひとつひとつ世の理 贵方が选び取る急转直下的天空 消除了摇曳花朵的名字再为它重新命名每一个世间之理 都任由您选择とめどないほど胸が震えだして 别の风が頬抚でるそうすべては贵方次第 You will rule the world胸口不停的颤抖 清风吹拂过脸颊一切都由您决定 You will rule the worldSebastian 01 – You Will Rule The World:今宵も虚ろな瞳 镜に映しだされる踌躇いのKoyoi mou utsuro na hitomi kagami ni utsushi dasareru tamerai no翳はまたいたずらに浓くなって 灰色な息をつくKage wa mata itazura ni koku natte hai iro na iki wo tsukuさあ抗って これは沈殿する世界Saa aragatte kore wa chinden suru sekai违うでしょう?贵方立つ场所は……Chigau deshou? Anata tatsu basho wa……装饰过多な嘘には舌打ちして 裸足のまま飞びあがるSou shoku katana uso ni wa shita uchishite hadashi no mama tobi agaruしがらみ脱ぎすて 残されたものShigarami nugi gisute nokosareta mono愚かしくて滑稽でなお 揺るぎのない强さOrokashikute kokeide nao yurugi no nai tsuyousaいたらないほど胸が疼きだして 夜の窓をこじ开けるItaranai hodo mune ga uzukidashite yoru no mado wo koji akeruそうすべては贵方次第 You Will Rule The WorldSou subete wa anata shidai You will rule the world梦壊すなら梦 胸元の细いリボンほどいたらYume kowasu nara yume muna moto no hosoi RIBBON hodo itaraくだらない自分を缚りつけて 床の上転がしてKudaranai jibun wo shibaritsukete yuka no ue korogashiteさあいざなって それは反転する世界Saa izanatte sore wa hanten suru sekai见えるでしょう?白く光る黒が……Mieru deshou? Shiroku hikaru kuro ga……瞹昧模糊な现実なら蹴り飞ばし 裸足のまま走りだすAimai moko na genjitsu nara keri tobashi hadashi no mama hashiridasu割れた爪にじむ 鲜やかな赤Wareta tsume nijimu azaya kana akaその痛みを饮み干したら 刻は加速するSono itami wo nomi hoshitara kuchiba kasoku suruはしたないほど胸が暴れだして 朝の窓を叩き割るHashitanai hodo mune ga abaredashite asa no mado wo hataki waruもうすべては贵方次第 You Will Rule The WorldMou subete wa anata shidai You will rule the world急転直下する空 揺れる花についた名前消し去ってKyuutenchokka suru sora yureru hana ni tsuita namae keshisatteそして新しい名前をつけるSoshite atarashii namae wo tsukeruひとつひとつ世界の理 贵方が选びとる {foi aqui o erro}Hitotsu-hitotsu yo no kotowari anata ga erabitoruとめどないほど胸が震えだして 别の风が頬抚でるTomedonai hodo mune ga furuedashite betsu no kaze ga hoho naderuそうすべては贵方次第 You Will Rule The WorldSou subete wa anata shidai You will rule the world

Gin Wigmore的《If Only》 歌词翻译

If Only - Gin Wigmore Help me, I"m losing 帮助我,我失败着To the ghosts in my head I am fighting 正和我脑中的魔鬼在斗争Waiting on answers 等待答案I can"t win this on my own 我自己不能赢Oh, but I bleed 噢,我流血了For someone to believe me 有人相信我And see what I see 看到我所看到的If only, if only my head would let me free 如果,如果我的脑可以让我自由Then would you take a chance on me 然后你可以给我一次机会If only your story was who I wanna be 如果我想变成你的故事If only you would roll it all on me 如果你将它卷起来Fall into me 掉进我I am golden if you let me 如果你让我,我会变为金色的Hear me, I"m dying 听,我正在死Just to stand here on my own 只需要站在我这里Oh, but I bleed 噢,我流血了For someone to believe me 有人相信我And see what I see 看到我所看到的If only, if only my head would let me free 如果,如果我的脑可以让我自由Then would you take a chance on me 然后你可以给我一次机会If only your story was who I wanna be 如果我想变成你的故事If only you would roll it all on me 如果你将它卷起来You would roll it all on me 如果你将它卷起来You would roll it all on me 如果你将它卷起来You would roll it all on me 如果你将它卷起来You would roll it all 你将它卷起来If only, if only my head would let me free 如果,如果我的脑可以让我自由Then would you take a chance on me 然后你可以给我一次机会If only your story was who I wanna be 如果我想变成你的故事If only you would roll it all on me 如果你将它卷起来You would roll it all on me 如果你将它卷起来You would roll it all on me 如果你将它卷起来You would roll it all on me 如果你将它卷起来You would roll it all 你将它卷起来

taylor Swift Love Live歌词

是新专辑《speak now》中的 long live吧Taylor Swift - Long Live I say remember this moment In the back of my mind The time we stood with our shaking hands The crowds in stands went wild We were the kings and the queens And they read off our names The night you danced like you knew our lives Would never be the same You held your head like a hero On a history book page It was the end of a decade But the start of an age Long live the walls we crashed through All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you I was screaming, "long live all the magic we made" And bring on all the pretenders One day we will be remembered I said remember this feeling I passed the pictures around Of all the years that we stood there on the sidelines Wishing for right now We are the kings and the queens You traded your baseball cap for a crown When they gave us our trophies And we held them up for our town And the cynics were outraged Screaming, "this is absurd" "Cause for a moment a band of thieves in ripped up jeans got to rule the world Long live the walls we crashed through All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you I was screaming, "long live all the magic we made" And bring on all the pretenders I"m not afraid Long live all the mountains we moved I had the time of my life Fighting dragons with you I was screaming, "long live the look on your face" And bring on all the pretenders One day we will be remembered Hold on to spinning around Confetti falls to the ground May these memories break ??? And you take a moment Promise me this: That you"ll stand by me forever But if God forbid fate should step in And force us into a goodbye If you have children someday When they point to the pictures Please tell them my name Tell them how the crowds went wild Tell them how I hope they shine Long live the walls we crashed through I had the time of my life with you Long, long live the walls we crashed through All the candlelight shined just for me and you And I was screaming, "long live all the magic we made" And bring on all the pretenders I"m not afraid Singing long live all the mountains we moved I had the time of my life Fighting dragons with you And long, long live the look on your face And bring on all the pretenders One day we will be remembered

MY Greatest Wish 60字

We immersed ourselves in greatest merriment all time during the childhood .However such time passed far away ,as we grow up year after year .Instead, we have to face challenges and changes in our lives now and then .More and more intense social competitions and the expansion of material desires .As a result ,we enjoy less time sharing with our friends .So that ,I wish I could build a house with my bosom friends before I`m too far from my ideal life .Here, let me take you into it.It is a white house surrounded by sunflowers, with a sky-blue roof and windows.On bright spring mornings ,we will open all the doors and windows to smell the pleasing frangrance and feel the warm greetings from the sun.On sunshine summer noons, we will swim in the pool while receive the blessings from the wind and share our cool happiness with the wind.On peaceful autumn afternoons, we will watch the rosy sunsets sifting through the branched maple trees outside the high windows.On warm winter nights, we will sit face to face at the hearth and talk about our trivial lives ,with the deepest sense of friendship hidden in the house.In addition ,I will do these with you together. That is, finding the lost binds in winter and let them singing the most cheerful songs over the windows on Indian summers; chatting over the tea cups together in the yard on hot summers, stepping on the soft leaves ,listening to the voice of fallen flowers on warm autumns and taking the dog for a walk until the dawn in winters.Do you feel the warmth in my wish?This is my greatest wish, simple but real .Some people may say it`s idealistic and enve naive.However, believe it or not, this is the most shining light to the bottom of my soul.I hope you can feel it the way I do.

谁有孙丹菲的twice too mang time的歌词

《Twice Too Many Time 》——Son Dam Bi(孙丹菲)Was it true? I guess my heart was naive 这是真的?看来我还是太幼稚Stuck on you and now I can"t believe 我不相信我被你难住了How I trusted, and let you deceive 我那么可信,而且相信你的谎言Twice too many times 两次就够了I was fooled, but now I"m glad to be free我的确很蠢,但我却无忧无虑 Thanks to you, now I finally see 感谢你让我终于看见Those broken promises meant nothing to me那些无法兑现的承诺对我毫无意义Twice too many times 两次就够了Chorus (合唱)I want to know我想知道 Is there something that you want to say? 你想说什么im moving on 我要开始了now you`re loosing the game that you play请你抛开你耍的那些把戏 Before I go I just want you to know在我走之前我只想让你知道 I loved you 我爱上你Twice too many times 两次就够了Vers2 Was it good? Was it worth all the pain? 什么是好的?这就是痛苦的价值?You think you"ve got the right to complain? 难道你以为你有抱怨的理由?You should have known, it"s too late to explain 你要知道,现在解释已经太晚了Twice too many times 两次就够了Chorus (合唱)I want to know我想知道 Is there something that you want to say? 你想说什么im moving on 我要开始了now you`re loosing the game that you play请你抛开你耍的那些把戏 Before I go I just want you to know在我走之前我只想让你知道 I loved you 我爱上你Twice too many times 两次就够了I loved you 我爱上你Twice too many times 两次就够了Bridge It`s too late, I won′t come back to you this time 已经太晚了,我现在不想回你身边you can`t change, no matter how you try 不管你怎么尝试 你都无法改变you`re on your own, this time 你只剩下了自己 现在(Twice too many times (两次就够了I wanna know 我想知道Twice too mant times) 两次就够了)Chorus (合唱)I want to know我想知道 Is there something that you want to say? 你想说什么im moving on 我要开始了now you`re loosing the game that you play请你抛开你耍的那些把戏 Before I go I just want you to know在我走之前我只想让你知道 I loved you 我爱上你Twice too many times 两次就够了

i will be fucked up if you是什么歌


it would threatened the city with destruction."with destruction在句中做什么?

顶一下一楼,顺便给你of的用法:介词 prep. 1....的,属于One of the legs of the table is broken. 桌子的一条腿坏了。 Mr. Brown is a friend of mine. 布朗先生是我的朋友。 2.用...做成的;由...制成The house is of stone. 这房子是石建的。 3.含有...的;装有...的4....之中的;...的成员Of all the students in this class, Tom is the best. 在这个班级中,汤姆是最优秀的。 5.(表示同位)He came to New York at the age of ten. 他在十岁时来到纽约。 6.(表示宾格关系)He gave a lecture on the use of solar energy. 他就太阳能的利用作了一场讲演。 7.(表示主格关系)We waited for the arrival of the next bus. 我们等待下一班汽车的到来。 I have the complete works of Shakespeare. 我有莎士比亚全集。 8.来自...的;出自He was a graduate of the University of Hawaii. 他是夏威夷大学的毕业生。 9.因为Her son died of hepatitis. 她儿子因患肝炎而死。 10.在...方面My aunt is hard of hearing. 我姑妈耳朵有点聋。 11.【美】(时间)在...之前12.(表示具有某种性质)It is a matter of importance. 这是一件重要的事。

求歌词里有ifyou.....if you.......或者if you will....的英文歌

One direction的《perfect》

ieee802.3u标准是指 802.11u让Wi-Fi可运营

  在机场、酒店、广场以及众多休息场所,运营企业为用户提供802.11接入服务已成为一种普遍现象。然而,在公共场合使用Wi-Fi网络时,我们却常常会碰到这样的状况:虽然有时能搜索到附近的十几甚至几十个可提供免费应用的Wi-Fi设备,但却没有几个信号很好或是可以联接上去的。造成这种状况的原因,正是公共场所提供的各类Wi-Fi应用过多,彼此形成了干扰,反而使任何一个连接都无法保障用户的使用。   但在不久的将来,我们可能就不会再碰到上述这类问题了。不仅如此,使用Wi-Fi网络的体验还会变得和使用手机蜂窝网一样。因为,802.11u标准已经落地开花。   Wi-Fi市场进入转折期   今年2月,IEEE标准委员会正式发布了802.11标准的另一个扩展标准802.11u,该标准定义了不同种类无线网络之间的互连功能,规定了Wi-Fi接入网络与运营商移动广域网或蜂窝网络之间的互连标准。它不仅能够让802.11a/b/g/n网络访问蜂窝网络或WiMAX等其他无线网络,也能让Wi-Fi设备搜寻到更多的外部网络信息,比如该网络是否收费等。该标准面世的最大意义是,它不仅为Wi-Fi网络与运营商网络的无缝整合提供了可能,也使以运营商为主体服务商的Wi-Fi网络运营成为可能。这意味着,在运营商的推动下,未来人们所使用的Wi-Fi网络将脱离过去混乱无序的局面,渐渐变为一张真正意义上的公共网络,基础设备提供商期待已久的市场爆发局面即将由此而生。    事实上,无线网络市场正在因为新标准的落地而发生巨变。Wi-Fi市场的重要认证组织Wi-Fi联盟在802.11u 的基础之上,又推出了与运营商网络结合度更高的认证标准Hotspot 2.0。目前,802.11u和Hotspot 2.0正同时冲击着市场。   与此同时,无线连接需求的日益膨胀也推动了Wi-Fi热点的扩展。In-Stat近期发布研究报告,预计全球提供“热点”的场所在2015年将超过120万个。与之一同增长的还有Wi-Fi的使用量,将从2010年的40亿次连接增至2015年的1200亿次。正如Ruckus工程副总裁Steve Martin所说:“Hotspot 2.0和802.11u的出现使Wi-Fi行业进入转折期,Wi-Fi将不再被视为移动运营商网络的附属品。Wi-Fi将成为蜂窝移动网络应对重大容量问题的一个完整补充,而且这一设想也正在迅速成为现实。”   如今,为Wi-Fi网络提供基础设施和相关设备的厂商,也开始着手把新标准应用到产品中。据悉,Ruckus已经成功实现了对Hotspot 2.0的支持,而且当前正在参与Wi-Fi联盟的Hotspot 2.0认证开发项目,还将加入无线宽带联盟赞助的初始运营商试验,研究其“下一代热点(NGH)”交互性问题。Ruckus方面表示,预期在2012年就可以提供针对802.11u和Hotspot 2.0的免费接入点与控制器软件升级。   企业市场呼唤运营商级Wi-Fi   移动互联网应用的爆发式增长,推动着Wi-Fi从企业内部的应用向公共服务应用扩展,而运营商也寄希望于利用Wi-Fi网络降低承载数据流量的成本。在Wi-Fi应用需求快速转变的过程中,企业级Wi-Fi应用的需求也在发生变化。   Ruckus中国区技术总监宣文威告诉记者,早期Wi-Fi技术的演进一直在关注解决带宽的问题,现在Wi-Fi网络的带宽能力已经超越了有线网络,但很多问题依旧存在。在企业级应用中,当用户密度较大时如何保障网络质量,如何对热点进行统一管理、控制等都是现在用户所关心的问题。当前,市场甚至已经出现了接近运营商等级的需求,用户希望通过控制器就能实现对Wi-Fi设备的统一管理、统一配制,通过控制器的信道自动调整功能应对高密度用户问题,实现用户分流以及负载均衡等。其次,Wi-Fi网络的可扩展性和经济性也越来越重要,用户越来越关注在同等价格下控制器可以支持多少AP、多少客户端、多少WLAN。此外,Wi-Fi网络变得越来越复杂,能否通过简单的管理、配置方式管好整个网络,也是用户所关心的问题。   如今,市场上已经出现了一些应对企业级市场新需求的新产品。比如Ruckus刚刚推出的ZoneDirector 5000控制器和全新版本的ZoneFlex软件(v9.2)就更关注于网络的可扩展性、管理的简化性以及网络的安全性等问题。ZoneDirector 5000控制器能够灵活进行在线或数据路径外部署,可支持2万个客户端、1000个接入点以及2048个WLAN。作为一款经济型产品,这样的支持性能过去在企业级市场是不多见的。但Ruckus方面表示,现在中高端企业级市场对这种性能的产品出现了更强烈的需求,这也是他们适时推出ZoneDirector 5000的原因之一。

执行arch-chroot /mnt 时报错,这是怎么回事,完全按照wiki装的

在终端中su到root,并cd 到squashfs4.2.tar.gz所在目录2tar -zxvf squashfs4.2.tar.gzcd squashfs4.2/squashfs-toolsmakemake install这样就可用unsquashfs命令了如果cpu架构是x86-64,则到系统镜像中的/arch/x86-64/中将airootfs.sfs解压到/mnt/arch-root中。可百度cpu的品牌型号版本名,确定是x86-64还是i686mkdir /mnt/squashfsunsquashfs -d /mnt/squashfs /mnt/arch-root/airootfs.sfs这样 ,mnt/squashfs 下就有airootfs了mkdir /mnt/archmount -o loop /mnt/squashfs/airootfs /mnt/arch这样,mnt/arch/ 下就有了一个基本根文件系统,接下来我们就要chroot到该文件系统中通过网络将archlinux安装到硬盘上mount -t proc none /mnt/arch/procmount -t sysfs none /mnt/arch/sysmount -o bind /dev /mnt/arch/devmount -o bind /dev/pts /mnt/arch/dev/pts这样,就完成了基本的挂载及基本文件系统环境搭建工作cp -L /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/arch/etc 这样,chroot之后,就可用网络了chroot /mnt/arch /bin/bash这样,就chroot到了/mnt/arch 这个文件系统中在安装之前,要先执行以下命令,以确保安装能顺利完成pacman-key --initpacman-key --populate archlinux接下来就是安装了首先要分区用cfdisk完成分区工作,并记住分区名,如/dev/sda7quit之后,mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda7 将分区格式化为ext4mount /dev/sda7 /mnt 将分区挂载到/mntnano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist 后,将china的镜像源前的#去掉,保存后退出pacman -Syy 更新包数据库安装开始pacstrap /mnt base base-devel net-tools 安装基本系统及网络配置工具chroot /mnt /bin/bash chroot到刚刚安装好的系统中,对该系统进行配置nano /etc/locale.gen 将en_US.UTF-8,zh_CN.GBK,zh_CN.GB2312,zh_CN.GB18030,zh_CN.UTF-8前的#去掉echo LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 >> locale.conf nano vconsole.conf 写入KEYMAP=us FONT=locale-gen这样,就完成了语言的配置

用be satisfied with造句

be satisfied with be pleased with都有满意高兴之意,with为介词,后面跟宾语,sth或doing sth

If you are happy what will you do?怎么回答?

如果你很开心,你会做些什么,listen music,sing,dance都行

请回答:如果你快乐,你会怎么做?(If you are happy,what will you do)用英语回答

i will walk in circle XD

If you are fine,it will be a sunny day.If you are happy,it will be the end.求翻译



If 如果 you are happy 你幸福 and 而且 you know 你知道 it 它,指你幸福这件事 如果你幸福而且你知道你幸福的话,就拍拍手...

8月25日音乐之声自在音乐在10点半左右放了一首英文歌 女生唱的 歌词有“if you wanna be with me”求歌名~

歌名:wanna be with meWant to be with meWant to be with me(Wanna be with me)Night fallsEverybody change their attitudeAnd they start to runThey wanna be the first in line again, oohI go, stepping on the gas to a fortuneI don"t know if I winBut Saturday"s bringing the magic inWanna be with me?Let me show youThat I love you, oh yeahWanna be with me?You"ll be strongerI will hold youIf you wanna be with me(Wanna be with me)Standing hereListen to a voice I don"t knowThen we start to danceFeel his body moving closer now, oh yeahMy feet, take a step around I feel so goodI don"t know if I winBut Saturday"s bringing the magic inWanna be with me?Let me show youThat I love you, oh yeahWanna be with me?You"ll be strongerI will hold youIf you wanna be with meWant to be with meWant to be with meOne is for the musicTwo is for the moves you"re makingThree is for emotionsDo you, do you love me?Wanna be with me?Let me show youThat I love you, oh yeahWanna be with me?You"ll be strongerI will hold youIf you wanna be with meLet me show youThat I love you, oh yeahWanna be with me?You"ll be strongerI will hold youIf you wanna be with meIf you wanna be with me

Laugh , and the world laughs with you. But weep , you can weep lone me . If you want ... 翻译成中文


歌词中有if you want to be with me.want to be with you 。come on baby.come on girl

是不是这首歌?Dale Arden - Come Baby Come You can call my name anytime you want You can talk to me when there"s something wrong You can touch my soul, you can break my bones But there"s a thing you can do for me baby You can make me cry and dry all my tears You can be the light, you can be the dark You can catch my mind with your magic sound But there"s a thing you can do for me baby Come baby come baby come baby (Darling come to me) Come baby come baby come baby (I"m in ectasy) Come baby come baby come baby (When is no more surroundings) Come baby come baby come baby You can call my name anytime you want You can talk to me when there"s something wrong You can touch my soul, you can break my bones But there"s a thing you can do for me baby You can make me cry and dry all my tears You can be the light, you can be the dark You can catch my mind with your magic sound But there"s a thing you can do for me baby Come baby come baby come baby (Darling come to me) Come baby come baby come baby (I"m in ectasy) Come baby come baby come baby (When there"s no one else around) Come baby come baby come baby Shalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala Shalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala

If You Love Me I Will Love You 歌词

歌手名:Brenda Lee专辑名:If You Love MeBrenda LeeIf the sun should tumble from the skiesif the sea should suddenly run dryIf you love me really love melet it happen I won"t careIf it seems that everything is lostI will smile and never count the costIf you love me really love melet it happen darling, I won"t careShall I catch a shooting starshall I bring it where you areif you want me to I willYou can let me any testI"ll do anything you askif you only say you love me stillWhen at last the life on earth is throughI will share each other tear will youIf you love me really love melet it happen I won"t careIf you love me really love mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/22000760

有歌词是you went win 的劲爆歌曲吗

Alicia Keys - Put It In A Love Song (featuring Beyonce)Hey yo BWhat up AWhat we want?Want them to saySay you love me, Say you love meThen put it in a love song (Put it in a love song)Say you need me, Say you need meThen write it in a letter for me (Oh oh oh)Say you want me, Say you want meThen text me on the cell phone (Text me on my cell phone)Say you love me, Say you love meThen put me in a love song (Oh)If you say you want me, yeah,You say you want meIf you do the right thing, we can be togetherI'm not easy, yeah, you gotta work for itI'm the real thing, yeah, you gotta please meAll that talk, and boy you better walk itAll that front and thats not how you do itIf you really need me like you say you need meBaby better show me, baby better come and saySay you love me, Say you love meThen put it in a love song (Put it in a love song)Say you need me, Say you need meThen write it in a letter for me (Oh oh oh)Say you want me, Say you want meThen text me on the cell phone (Text me on my cell phone)Say you love me, Say you love meThen put me in a love song (Oh)What you gonna do when somebody commencesBelieve that he can do it betterSend me gifts and show me the romanceAll this this and that, can you do better?All I'm saying is love is what I'm looking forIf you wanna keep me, baby gotta love me moreIf you really want me, like you say you want meIf you really need me, baby better come and saySay you love me, Say you love meThen put it in a love song (Put it in a love song)Say you need me, Say you need meThen write it in a letter for me (Oh oh oh)Say you want me, Say you want meThen text me on the cell phone (Text me on my cell phone)Say you love me, Say you love meThen put me in a love song (Oh)Gotta work it baby, work it outIf you want me baby, Work it outIf you need me baby, Work it outGotta work it out, Work it outIf you love me baby, Work it outGotta work it baby, Work it outIf you want me baby, Work it outGotta work it out, Gotta work it outIf you want me love and all my timePart of my plans and part of my mindAll of the things that you wanna doBut make sure your love for me's true to youIf you show me baby believeSo many possibilitiesWe can look to infinityIf you wanna be with meSay you love me, Say you love meThen put it in a love song (Put it in a love song)Say you need me, Say you need meThen write it in a letter for me (Oh oh oh)Say you want me, Say you want meThen text me on the cell phone (Text me on my cell phone)Say you love me, Say you love meThen put me in a love song (Oh)Gotta work it baby, work it outIf you want me baby, Work it outIf you need me baby, Work it outGotta work it out, Work it outIf you love me baby, Work it outGotta work it baby, Work it outIf you want me baby, Work it outGotta work it out, Gotta work it out

say you will never这首歌曲的歌词发给偶下?

Ohhhhhhhh, ohhh ohhh, oohhhhhhhhhOhhhhhhhh, ohhh ohhh, oohhhhhhhhhI never met a guy so sweetSomeone who knocks me of my feetI never knew that it could be, not until I met you babyYou never met a girl like me, i only wanna make you happyI never knew that i could be free,not until I met you baby[Bridge](all i wanna do)likely all that i wanna do is..(is spend all my time with you)Every second,every minute,every hourI can"t let you get away, ain"t gon nowhere,I need your loving everyday..Ooooh yes i do.....[Chorus]Say you could feel the way i feel for you (yeaaaaaah)Say you will do the things you promised to (yeaah)Say you love me the way that i love you (saay)Say you will , say you willOhhhhhhaa, yesssNever knew a love like you (to do the things that you do)You never seem to lose your touch,That"s why i love you babyyyI travel around the whole wide world ,and i say that I"m your girlNever had these feelings,not until I met you baby[Bridge](all i wanna do) lately all that i wanna do..(is spend all my time with you)Every second,every minute,every hourI can"t let you get away, i ain"t gon let you go no ,I need your loving everyday..Baby sayyy ..... [Chorus]Say you could feel the way i feel for you ( Do you feel me)Say you will do the things you promised to (baby say you will)Say you love me the way that i love you (ohhhhh baby)Say you will (ohhhh ohhhhha), say you willOhhhh wohhha[Bridge]Baby all i wanna do , is spend all my life with you Have three four kids like you, and have some more if you want me toI done gave up everything ,so now it"s time to give me that ringSo baby say what you feel about me ,say[Chorus]Say you could feel the way i feel for you ( ohhh i need you to tell me)Say you will do the things you promised to (i need you to do it)Say you love me the way that i love you (please baby please)Say you will , say you will (say you will)Ohhhhhhhh, ohhh ohhh, oohhhhhhhhhOhhhhhhhh, ohhh ohhh, oohhhhhhhhh

用vc+6.0出现error spawing怎么办?

方法1: 启动VC时不要用图形界面通过在命令提示符下输入:Msdev /useenv运行(注意啦/前面有个空格).它会强制使系统环境变量全高设置成正确值.而且,只需要使用一次这样的方式运行VC,以后再次通过双击图标的方式启动也不会有问题。方法2:使用你的VC安装盘修复一下。方法3:在VC中点击“Tools”—>“Option”—>“Directories”,发现路径有误,重新设置“Excutable Fils,Include Files,Library Files,Source Files”的路径。要是显示“找不到mspdb60.dll”,去能正常运行VC++的电脑中搜索mspdb60.dll文件,拷贝到你的机器上Microsoft Visual CommonMSDev98Bin下。缺失其他文件类似操作。方法4:安装VC 6.0后有过点击“Compile”或者“Build”后被出现的“Compiling... ,Error spawning cl.exe”错误提示。实际上这个问题很多情况下是由于路径设置的问题引起的,“CL.exe”是VC使用真正的编译器(编译程序),其路径在“VC根目录VC98Bin”下面,你可以到相应的路径下找到这个应用程序。

I will be the one if you want me to. I will be the one if you want me too.


前几天听见一首英文歌歌词中有if you wanna be with me , I will manke your dream cometrue.大家帮忙找找

Genie in a Bottle -----Christina Aguilera


估计是激活软件有问题建议重新下载一个看看,用KMSpico_setup激活系统1、首先使用KMSpico_setup破解,双击KMSpico_setup.exe程序,进入安装界面,点击”Next“。2、同意协议,点击”I accept the agreement“,然后再点击”Next“,进入下个界面。3、选择安装目录,建议安装在C盘以外。在这里我安装到D:KMSpico目录中,然后点击”Next“。4、进入安装目录,我在这里进入的是D:KMSpico目录,双击名为KMSELDL的红色小图标。5、在出现额程序主界面中,点击左下角的”红色大按钮“,等待一会儿,你会发现左上角的win图标背景变成了绿色。此时激活就成功了。

with a credit card是什么意思


win8.1 安装KMSpico v9.2.3激活后,过一段时间在使用过程中,360弹出拦截说是KMSpico在修改驱动程序

嗯 这个工具会修改系统的文件,以确保激活程序的执行,比如劫持映像等。不放心的话,还是卸载了,换kms神龙版进行激活吧。绿色的,还可以获取最新密钥。总之,系统还是干净点比较好的。


在开头写一句#include <stdafx.h>——如果编译出错或者蔽纳加不加都一样就铅尺删除这一句,只好找别的原因。槐并高




关于vc++6.0软件编程时出现“Error spawning cl.exe”“ cannot open file "Debug/sad.exe"(其中sad是文件名)”和“计算机丢失mspdb60.ll”等类似问题时; 主要可能存在以下问题。(本人经很长时间的实验结果,绝对有用) 1.以前安装过vc++6.0,但是卸载不彻底,或者重装系统后,原来安装软件不能正常使用。解决方法:卸载原软件。 2,vc++6.0与windowxpsp3兼容,在window7下计算机会提示软件不兼容,这时不用修改成兼容模式,否者就不能使用了,直接安装就可以了,不用考燃兆虑兼容性问题, 还用如果是从网上下载的软件,安装时的注册码一般输入111-111111就行。另外,下载的破解版软件可能被杀毒软件截获,安装前最好先关闭杀毒软件,然后按提示进行安装。 3.在排除前两个问题的前提下,出现上述问题时,很可能的问题是软件中的设置出现错误。可以按下述方法进行调试即可: 打开vc界面 点击VC“TOOLS(工具)”—>“Option(选择)” —>“Directories(目录)”重新设置“Excutable Fils、Include Files、 Library Files、Source Files” 的路径。很多情况可能就一个盘符的不同 (例如你的VC装在C,但是这些路径全部在D),改过来就OK了如果你装在其他盘里,则仿照其路径变通就行(我就是装在D盘)。 关键是microsoft visual studio\ 后面的东西要相同。 如果你是按照初始路径安装vc6.0的,路径应为: executatble files: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\TOOLS C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\TOOLS\WINNT include files: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\INCLUDE C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\INCLUDE C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\ATL\INCLUDE library files: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\LIB C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\LIB source files: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98裤咐MFC\SRC C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\INCLUDE C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\ATL\INCLUDE C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\CRT\SRC 更改完成后,关闭软件,重新打开,再进行编程。 4,如果按第三步操作后,编程时仍然提示错误,就在建立工程时,将存储路径改为你自己建立的文件夹(随便在那个盘建一个都行,只要自己能找到皮纯租就行), 以避免编译时文件不能打开的问题。 5,经过以上四步调试,一般情况下就可以使用了,如果还不能使用的话,可以尝试一下三种方法。 一,卸掉现有版本,更换版本重新安装,然后再按以上步骤进行调试。 二,直接将别人计算机中安装好的软件从安装盘中复制的自己的电脑上,(这样做有时也要按第三步和第四步进行调整,),找出文件中的图标即可运行。 三,最后一个办法,重装系统,系统重装后,一定要先装vc++再装补丁,不然的话还可能错误。

win10最新激活工具用来激活windows10 kmspico v10.0.10安装版为什么

激活神器 -- KMSpico v10.0.3 KMSpico 是一款支持 Office2013、Win7、Win8/8.1/win10、Win2008/2012/R2的本地离线激活工具,不释放任何多余的文件,并且是全自动安装,无需联网状态即可全部激活,它由国外网友heldigard制作,小巧、简单,只需运行而不用去管它自动激活,能自动激活为180天无限循环。 KMSpico可以激活的产品: Windows Server Technical Preview Build 9841/9860 所有版本 Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 9841/9860 所有版本 Win 8.1 所有版本 Windows 8 所有版本 Windows 7 专业版/企业版 Office 2010 / 2013 所有版本 Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 标准版/数据中心版/企业版 Windows Server 2012/2012 R2 标准版/数据中心版/企业版 KMSpico Change Log: v10.0.3 - Fixed Vista Business bug. - Fixed watermark remover of TP 9860 upgrade from 9841. KMSpico 更新内容: v10.0.3 -固定的 Vista 商业 bug。 -固定水印去除从 9841 TP 9860 升级而来。 使用方法: 1、Win7需装 .NET 4.0,Win8以上系统无需NET; 2、关闭杀软或防火墙,系统管理员身份默认安装; 3、点击红色的按钮进行激活! 4、耐心等待(安装完即激活) 5、去桌面水印! a:在图形界面上勾选“Remove WaterMark”。 b:点红色的按钮,耐心等待,图形界面消失后重启! 文件校验信息: File : KMSpicoInstallv10.0.3.zip Size : 2.78 MB CRC32 : 2e6df307 MD5 : ae4cf40293c3139ec741237c69133f4e SHA1 : 3aeb36e9b1c334625e1b781a53c69091196badf4 File : KMSpicoPortablev10.0.3.zip Size : 2.47 MB CRC32 : cd603e70 MD5 : 44a3939b6d51e01784ecfaf977bc2025 SHA1 : f928142a92ae2c15031baed2080fad38e4997737 以上就是专题栏小编带来的KMSpico教程,更多教程请看“/zt/kmspicojihuogongju/”




下载文件:KMS_for_Windows8.1_20140421204339.rar|连不上去的,如果是win8.1专业版有软激活 望采纳


  1、百度搜索下载KMSpico激活工具,尽量下载好评度高的,防止下载的KMSpico工具携带病毒或流氓软件。  2、下载完成后,按下图流程进行安装。  3、安装完成后打开KMSpico。KMSpico可以同时激活win8以上的系统和office办公软件,打开KMSpico后,会发出英文机器声,点击大红色按钮即开始激活。激活完成,会发出完成的英文机器声。


kmspico激活win10教程点击“Next”。点选“I accpet the agreement”-->“Next”。点击“Next”。勾选“Don"t create a Start Menu Folder ”-->“Next”。正在进行激活...激活成功!




点击Win键+R,并输入Slui4回车,选择地区后进行电话激活 如果获取了密钥,可以输入密钥进行激活


那个就不要问它了,只要不提示你从新激活那么就是激活成功的,kms激活只是激活180天,180天后kms后台自动从新激活的。方法/步骤:1、首先打开文件夹KMSpico Install,准备安装激活工具;2、然后在文件夹中找到如下图中的一个红色的按钮形式的,即激活工具 KMSpico_Install_v8.7 ,并且右键使用管理员模式打开;3、接下来就是一路next的傻瓜式安装方式,虽然都是英文的,不必管它,直接点击next即可;4、进行到如下图所示的步骤时,安装路径不要变使用默认的安装路径;5、接下来系统会提示如图界面,意思是激活工具需要新建一个文件夹,是否同意,选择yes就好了;6、安装好之后,再次点击KMSpico,选择管理员身份打开工具,点击图中的Tokens Backup 可以备份当前激活信息,这样以后重做系统后直接点击右边的恢复激活就好了,然后点击红色的按钮即可完成激活的步骤,操作非常非常的简单。7、系统的激活信息显示已经激活;以上步骤完成之后我们的win8.1就彻底激活。

windows8.1激活工具kmspico 为什么360提示是病毒

那个就不要问它了,只要不提示你从新激活那么就是激活成功的,kms激活只是激活180天,180天后kms后台自动从新激活的。方法/步骤:1、首先打开文件夹KMSpico Install,准备安装激活工具;2、然后在文件夹中找到如下图中的一个红色的按钮形式的,即激活工具 KMSpico_Install_v8.7 ,并且右键使用管理员模式打开;3、接下来就是一路next的傻瓜式安装方式,虽然都是英文的,不必管它,直接点击next即可;4、进行到如下图所示的步骤时,安装路径不要变使用默认的安装路径;5、接下来系统会提示如图界面,意思是激活工具需要新建一个文件夹,是否同意,选择yes就好了;6、安装好之后,再次点击KMSpico,选择管理员身份打开工具,点击图中的Tokens Backup 可以备份当前激活信息,这样以后重做系统后直接点击右边的恢复激活就好了,然后点击红色的按钮即可完成激活的步骤,操作非常非常的简单。7、系统的激活信息显示已经激活;以上步骤完成之后我们的win8.1就彻底激活。

swiming pool与pool的区别

swiming pool是游泳池,是特定了的词语,专门游泳的。而poolpool 作名词是 水池; 石油层; (液体等的) 一滩; 共同储金; 作动词,使形成池塘或水洼; 淤积; 合伙经营; 采(煤等);

kmspico 激活win10 要多久

要不了多久 计算机运行速度快 几秒到十几秒完成。




1、使用 Windows + R组合快捷键打开运行命令框,然后运行几段命令即可,具体下图:2.运行:slmgr.vbs -dlv 命令可以查询到Win8.1的激活信息,包括:激活ID、安装ID、激活截止日期等。3.运行:slmgr.vbs -dli 命令可以查询到操作系统版本、部分产品密钥、许可证状态等。运行:slmgr.vbs -xpr 命令可以查询Win8.1是否永久激活,如下图所示:4.运行:Winver 命令可以查询系统内核版本,以及注册用户,如下图所示:二、win8.1未永久激活的解决办法一、win8/8.1激活工具(KMSpico) 永久激活版简介:win win8/8.1激活工具(KMSpico) 是一款最新win8/8.1激活工具!可成功激活win8/8.1系统,一些通过电话激活不成功的朋友也可以试一试喔!二、win win8/8.1激活工具(KMSpico)使用说明:1、下载之后首先运行 KMSpico_setup.exe 激活工具;2、安装完成后,会自动跳出操作窗口,点击红色的大按钮既可进行激活(点击Create可以备份激活文件);3、耐心等待片刻,win8/8.1系统就激活完成了;4、激活完成之后大家可以到win8/8.1系统属性中查看到激活状态。

kmspicowin8/win10/office2013一键激活工具 怎么使用










求taylor swift的American boy的歌词,不胜感激!

American Boy lyricsAmerican boy, living life as it goesSittin" on the fence postsLiving in the lieAmerican boy, living in the real worldTrying just to get the girlTrying to surviveChorus:The simple things in life are always newgrowing up on Sam Hill avenueMama makes her cookies and daddy"s justthe greatest living hero that ever wasNothing in the world can ever once destroythe hope of an american boyLiving off of bar tips, trying for relationshipslooking for the loveSuddenly rise, an american beautysuddenly he cheats, sent from aboveChorus:The simple things in life are always newgrowing up on Sam Hill avenueMama makes her cookies and daddy"s justthe greatest living hero that ever wasNothing in the world can ever once destroythe dream of an american boyAmerican boy, raising little babieshearing daddy maybe, I"ll be like youSuddenly life, seems just like a new dawnthat"s grown up, american boyChorus:The simple things in life are always newgrowing up on Grandview avenueMama makes her cookies and daddy"s justthe greatest living hero that ever wasNothing in the world will ever once destroyNo, nothing in the world will ever once destroythe hope of an american boy



without anything init等于哪个词

with nothing

without anything同义句

I like Chinese tea without anything in it.(同义句) I like Chinese tea_____with____ _____nothing_____in it. 我喜欢什么都不加的中国茶. 倾情奉献, 不懂的话请追问.

fall in love with和fall in love意思相同吗?

它们的区别不大:1、意义侧重点不同。fall in love 强调爱上的动作。坠入爱河,陷入恋情。fall in love with 强调爱上了某人。与...坠入爱河,和...陷入爱恋。例句:They fell in love at first sight.他们一见钟情。He has fallen in love with her.他已经爱上她了。2、用法表现不同。fall in love后面不可以直接加人。fall in love with后面可以加人。这里的love是名词,例如fall in love with sb

I like Chinese tea without anything in it.

a 如果用with应该是without anythingeverything只能用作肯定



fall in love和fall in love with的区别?

它们的区别不大:1、意义侧重点不同。fall in love 强调爱上的动作。坠入爱河,陷入恋情。fall in love with 强调爱上了某人。与...坠入爱河,和...陷入爱恋。例句:They fell in love at first sight.他们一见钟情。He has fallen in love with her.他已经爱上她了。2、用法表现不同。fall in love后面不可以直接加人。fall in love with后面可以加人。这里的love是名词,例如fall in love with sb


你是用杀毒软件扫描出来的吧!但是每次杀的时候说重启后删除.重启又不行吧!那你按照这个方法来试试吧:1:先用杀毒软件把病毒扫描出来,别进行处理2:拿出任务管理器,找到Explorer.exe进程项,结束它(注意事项:不要把杀毒软件最小化),这时会出现异常现象,不要怕,进行第三步3:用杀毒软件把病毒杀掉.这时应该能删了吧4:点击任务管理器的文件/新建任务,输入explorer.exe点确定,电脑恢复正常.现在应该把病毒全都搞定了吧,而且不用重启.如果这个方法不行你就用这个方法吧:这个病毒在目前的杀毒软件是杀不了的,因为它一开机就启动拉(安全模式也一样)。虽然你在进程里看不到可疑进程,但它好像是在别的进程里运行。只能在dos里面杀毒。 杀毒方法如下: 1、用杀毒软件杀一下(肯定杀不了),不用急。先把其病毒文件的名称和路径用笔记下来。 2、重启。进入dos。(进入dos方法一:1、进入blos设置光驱启动。2、插入系统碟,进入dos,不是进入安装界面. 方法二:在网上下载一个vfoppy之类的虚拟软驱,安装后,重启,进入dos) 3、输入del 【盘符】【路径】【文件名】。例如:我中的毒是eqjtoh(发现这个病毒都是在C:windowssystem32drivers下有一个sys文件和在C:windowssystem32下有一个dll文件),那你就输入del C:windowssystem32eqjtoh.dll然后按回车(这是删除system32下的eqjtoh文件),再输入del C:windowssystem32driverseqjtoh.sys按回车.如果还有其它毒的话就如此类推。跟着是按ctrl+alt+del进行重启,用光驱启动的当然要设置回硬盘启动拉。 注意:在del和盘符之间有空格 4、重启系统之后它会显示加载eqjtoh(你的病毒文件名)出错,不用怕也不用急。点击开始-运行 输入regedit回车进入注册表,点击编辑-查找输入eqjtoh(病毒文件名),选中项、值、数据,去掉全字匹配,搜索。把搜索到的东西都删除掉,删不了的就在左边的项右击-选中权限,在完全控制里选中允许,不放心的话就先备份。 OK 其实还有一种更简单直接的方法是格式化系统盘,重装系统

fall in love with与be in love with有什么区别?

Fall侧重强调动作:坠入情网Be侧重强调状态:与 相爱

falling in love和fall in love with怎么区别?

它们的区别不大:1、意义侧重点不同。fall in love 强调爱上的动作。坠入爱河,陷入恋情。fall in love with 强调爱上了某人。与...坠入爱河,和...陷入爱恋。例句:They fell in love at first sight.他们一见钟情。He has fallen in love with her.他已经爱上她了。2、用法表现不同。fall in love后面不可以直接加人。fall in love with后面可以加人。这里的love是名词,例如fall in love with sb

fall in love和fall in love with有什么区别?

它们的区别不大:1、意义侧重点不同。fall in love 强调爱上的动作。坠入爱河,陷入恋情。fall in love with 强调爱上了某人。与...坠入爱河,和...陷入爱恋。例句:They fell in love at first sight.他们一见钟情。He has fallen in love with her.他已经爱上她了。2、用法表现不同。fall in love后面不可以直接加人。fall in love with后面可以加人。这里的love是名词,例如fall in love with sb

i fell in love with you at first sight中in love做什么成分

fall in love是固定搭配坠入爱河love是直接宾语you是间接宾语in和with是介词,不及物动词和宾语间的桥接

love sb 和 in love with sb的区别?


in love with是短语介词吗?



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