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《飘》的翻译是Gone with the wind,这里为什么要用go的过去分词gone


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求电影《Gone With The Wind》的歌词

Gone With The Wind - Herb Magison / Ally RubelSnow is softly falling, From the old Magnolia treeAnother cold winter comes calling, I can"t believe you"re leaving meI watch you from the window, Of a mansion with just two roomsSome peaches grow wild in Georgia, I guess you"ve got some growing to doAnd you"re gone with the wind, You keep blowing in and out of my life againOur neverending love just ended again, Like a sweet Southern breeze, You"re gone with the windI guess you"ll capture Atlanta, I bet you"ll put that town on fireA southern belle without a ring, Is every gentleman"s desireBut there"s time to turn around, And take me for what I amBefore the rebel in me, Sets you free and says, "I don"t give a damn!"And you"re gone with the wind, You keep blowing in and out of my life againOur neverending love just ended again, Like a sweet Southern breeze, You"re gone with the windOh the cotton fields are calling, The willows weep for youDarling my tears are falling, They cover Dixie like the dewAnd you"re gone with the wind, You keep blowing in and out of my life againOur neverending love just ended again, Like a sweet Southern breeze, You"re gone with the wind

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gone with the wind 简介

  影片开始于1861年美国南北战争爆发前夕,佐治亚州一个名叫塔拉(Tara)的庄园。斯佳丽·奥哈拉(Scarlett O"Hara)是庄园主爱尔兰移民杰拉尔德·奥哈拉(Gerald O"Hara)和妻子埃伦(Ellen)的三个女儿中的长女。她爱上了阿希礼·威尔克斯(Ashley Wilkes),而阿希礼却选择了表妹玫兰妮·汉密尔顿(Melanie Hamilton),并定于次日在12棵橡树庄园举行烧烤,同时宣布两人订婚。  在12棵橡树庄园,她遇见了瑞德·巴特勒(Rhett Butler)。在一场关于战争的讨论中,瑞德说南方没有机会战胜北方。当斯佳丽和阿希礼单独在一起的时候,她向阿希礼表明了自己的爱慕。阿希礼承认斯佳丽很吸引人,但是玫兰妮更适合自己,斯佳丽给了阿希礼一个耳光。当她发现瑞德在边上偷听的时候,说,“先生,你不是一个绅士!”(“Sir, you are no gentleman!”)而瑞德予以反击:“而你,小姐,不是一个淑女!”(“And you, miss, are no lady!”)  当晚,战争爆发了,男人都纷纷入伍。阿希礼和玫兰妮结婚,而斯佳丽为了报复,也嫁给了玫兰妮的弟弟查尔斯(Charles)。阿希礼和查尔斯作为征兵上了前线,不久查尔斯在军队中因肺炎去世,她也就成为寡妇。  斯佳丽的母亲为了让斯佳丽高兴,将她送到亚特兰大汉密尔顿的家里。斯佳丽和玫兰妮参加了一个慈善舞会,在那里她和瑞德再次相遇。瑞德已经成为一个英雄般的人物,斯佳丽当时还在服丧期间,她接受了瑞德的邀请,与之共舞。在跳舞的时候,瑞德告诉斯佳丽他决心得到她,而斯佳丽说永无可能。  在战争中,美国南方军遭到失败,亚特兰大城里挤满了伤兵。斯佳丽和玫兰妮自愿加入护士行列照顾伤兵。目睹战乱带来的惨状,任性的斯佳丽成熟了不少。这时,从前线传来消息,北方军快打过来了,不少人家惊惶地开始逃离家园,斯佳丽十分想要回去塔拉庄园,回到敬爱的母亲身边。不巧玫兰妮要生孩子了,斯佳丽只好留下来照顾她。  在北方军大军压境之日,斯佳丽哀求瑞特帮忙护送她和刚生下孩子的玫兰妮回塔拉庄园。瑞特告诉斯佳丽他不能目睹南方军溃败而不去助一臂之力,他要参加南方军作战,他留下一把手枪并和斯佳丽拥吻告别。斯佳丽只好独自勇敢地驾驶马车回到塔拉庄园,这时家里已被北方军士兵抢先洗动一空,母亲已在她回到家的前一天病逝,而父亲因为受到太大打击而精神错乱。  8个月后,南部军队大败,亚特兰大挤满了受伤的军人。而同时玫兰妮早产,斯佳丽在一旁协助。瑞德骑马出现,并将她们送出城,他将她们留在去塔拉的路上,自己则选择了参军。  在回家的路上,她发现十二橡园已经焚毁,塔拉庄园还在,她的母亲刚刚去世,而她的父亲由于过度悲伤而神经错乱。塔拉庄园被军队洗劫一空,她成为一家人的支柱,斯佳丽发誓要让家人不再挨饿,“上帝为我作证,我将不再饥饿。”(“As God is my witness, I"ll never be hungry again.”)  斯佳丽带领仆人采摘棉花来维持生活。她甚至射杀了一个企图偷窃的北方逃兵,并从他的背袋里找到了金币。战争结束了,北方获得了胜利。阿希礼回到了家乡,和玫兰妮团聚。垂头丧气的阿希礼发现自己对塔拉庄园没有任何帮助,当斯佳丽要求他带自己离开的时候,他却拒绝了,斯佳丽吻了他,但是最后他说自己不能离开玫兰妮。  杰拉尔德奥哈拉在骑马驱逐一个窥视他财产的人的时候不幸从马上摔落身亡。斯佳丽继续照顾整个家庭,她发现自己难以支付庄园的重税。因此她精心打扮自己,去亚特兰大找瑞德求助。然而瑞德告诉她自己的外国银行账户已经被冻结了,不能给她以帮助。在返回的途中,斯佳丽遇上了她妹妹苏伦(Suellen)的未婚夫弗兰克·肯尼迪(Frank Kennedy),弗兰克成功地经营者一家商店和木材工厂。  斯佳丽很快成为了弗兰克肯尼迪夫人,她变为一个讲究实际的商人。有一天,斯佳丽经过一个贫民窟的时候遭到攻击。弗兰克、阿希礼和其他三K党成员在夜晚袭击了贫民窟,阿希礼在混乱中受伤,而弗兰克则不幸身亡。斯佳丽再度成为寡妇。  弗兰克的葬礼结束时,瑞德再次出现在斯佳丽面前向她求婚。斯佳丽被瑞德糟糕的样子吓坏了,但是被他的真诚打动。在新奥尔良度过蜜月后,瑞德答应帮助斯佳丽重振塔拉庄园。不久,他们的女儿邦妮(Bonnie)出生,瑞德把全部感情投在邦妮身上。斯佳丽,却依然对阿希礼旧情难忘。  有一天,斯佳丽审视完工厂,听到阿希礼说希望回到过去简单的生活,她拥抱了阿希礼给他以安慰。而他们的对话被阿希礼的姐姐英蒂安·威尔克斯(India Wilkes)听到。英蒂安一向对斯佳丽不满,这个事件更是使斯佳丽名誉受辱。但是玫兰妮不相信流言,并邀请斯佳丽参加阿希礼的生日晚会。瑞德喝醉了,将斯佳丽拖上楼梯,并警告说,“这个夜晚只属于我。”(“This is one night you"re not turning me out.”)次日早晨,当斯佳丽醒来准备和瑞德重新开始的时候,瑞德却向她提出了离婚,并带着邦妮去了伦敦。当他们回来的时候,斯佳丽告诉瑞德她再次怀孕,瑞德显得很冷漠。瑞德走出房屋,斯佳丽冲过去追他,却不慎从楼梯摔落流产。  斯佳丽慢慢恢复了身体,瑞德准备与她重修旧好,小邦妮,和她的祖父一样,从她的小马上摔落身亡。斯佳丽和瑞德互相指责,玫兰妮前来安慰她们。不久玫兰妮由于在怀孕期间过度操劳而病倒。在她临终前,她要求斯佳丽帮助她照顾阿希礼,并告诉斯佳丽瑞德是多么地爱她。门外,阿希礼泪如雨下,而斯佳丽终于认识到她对于阿希礼是无足轻重,她的对阿希礼的其实是不存在的,她真正需要的是瑞德。  斯佳丽跑回家,却发现瑞德正在收拾行李准备离开她,并说现在才想起挽救他们的婚姻已经为时已晚。斯佳丽哀求瑞德不要离开她,并说其实她一直爱的是瑞德,她从来没有爱过阿希礼。瑞德说当邦妮逝世时,他们曾有机会复合,现在机会已经没有了。  当瑞德迈出大门的时候,斯佳丽问:“瑞德,如果你走了,我将去哪里?我该做什么?”(“Rhett, if you go, where shall I go? What shall I do?”)瑞德说,“坦白讲,亲爱的,我一点也不在呼。”(“Frankly, my dear, I don"t give a damn.”)  斯佳丽站在台阶上,在绝望之余又燃起了希望:“塔拉庄园,我的家!我要回家。总有一天我会让他回来的!毕竟,明天又是新的一天!”(“Tara! Home. I"ll go home, and I"ll think of some way to get him back! After all, tomorrow is another day!”)

【乱世佳人】【GONE WITH THE WIND】日语翻译为【风と共に去りぬ】请问【去りぬ】怎么理解?

ぬ是书面语 这里指完了,结束例:日は暮れ~/天已暮

Gone With The Wind (Gone With The Wind) 歌词

歌曲名:Gone With The Wind (Gone With The Wind)歌手:Stan Getz专辑:Complete Roost RecordingsGone With The Windby Blackmore"s nightalbum:"Under a voilet moon"Twisting turningAll the winds are burningLeaving me without a nameHow will we ever find our way...Snow was fallingI could hear the frightened callingFear taking over every manLife meaning nothing more than sand...Wind will sweep awayThe traces I was hereA story in a teardropThat"s all I have to give...Rage inferno swallowing the life that I knowStrength is the only way to fightYou must look up to see the light...Gone With The Wind...Gone With The Wind...Gone With The Wind...(solo)Take all I knowTurn it into darkened shadowsThey"ll disappear in the sunWhen a new story has begunShe survived the nightmareBegan a whole new life hereBut I can see behind those eyesShe still sees those fires in the night...Twisting and turningOh, the winds are burningLeaving me without a nameHow will we ever find our wayah....the Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2748383





急:电影【gone with the wind 】历史背景 要英文

Gone with the Wind Scarlett is a woman who can deal with a nation at war, Atlanta burning, the Union Army carrying off everything from her beloved Tara, the carpetbaggers who arrive after the war. Scarlett is beautiful. She has vitality. But Ashley, the man she has wanted for so long, is going to marry his placid cousin, Melanie. Mammy warns Scarlett to behave herself at the party at Twelve Oaks. There is a new man there that day, the day the Civil War begins. Rhett Butler. Scarlett does not know he is in the room when she pleads with Ashley to choose her instead of Melanie. Scarlett is a woman who can deal with a nation at war, Atlanta burning, the Union Army carrying off everything from her beloved Tara, the carpetbaggers who arrive after the war. Scarlett is beautiful. She has vitality. But Ashley, the man she has wanted for so long, is going to marry his placid cousin, Melanie. Mammy warns Scarlett to behave herself at the party at Twelve Oaks. There is a new man there that day, the day the Civil War begins. Rhett Butler. Scarlett does not know he is in the room when she pleads with Ashley to choose her instead of Melanie. Gone With the Wind, an all-time best-seller by Margaret Gone With the Wind, an all-time best-seller by Margaret Mitchell, is a legendary recollection of the last brilliance of the Old South. The writer"s debut novel was an instant success. And the story has been bestowed an even further reaching popularity since Vivian Leigh presented a vivid translation to the screen of Katie Scarlett O"Hara, a southern belle raised in her father"s white-pillared plantation Tara. A climax of Hollywood, from Director Victor Fleming for MGM, Gone with the Wind is more than a vicissitude, it is also an old, lost culture revisited. Mitchell, is a legendary recollection of the last brilliance of the Old South. The writer"s debut novel was an instant success. And the story has been bestowed an even further reaching popularity since Vivian Leigh presented a vivid translation to the screen of Katie Scarlett O" Hara, a southern belle raised in her father"s white-pillared plantation Tara. A climax of Hollywood, from Director Victor Fleming for MGM, Gone with the Wind is more than a vicissitude, it is also an old, lost culture revisited. It is Old South, which today is no more than a dream remembered. People were once there, living with the high strong slaves" songs in the quarters, in security, peace and eternity. Here, Scarlett spends her young maiden years. She is well disciplined by her mother, but her blazing green eyes always betray her covert capricious self; the one who enjoys parties and the surrounding ofbeaus. She dreams to marry the noble Ashley Wilkes. The impending war shatters the golden peace of the South, and leaves many lives permanently changed. Plantations, treasures, and honor are ruined. Scarlett is made a most peculiar widow by the war, and then compelled into a second marriage in continuation of her struggle for the salvation of Tara. And her third marriage to Rhett Butler is also jeopardized because of her secret, stubborn ardency It is Old South, which today is no more than a dream remembered. People were once there, living with the high strong slaves" songs in the quarters, in security, peace and eternity. Here, Scarlett spends her young maiden years. She is well disciplined by her mother, but her blazing green eyes always betray her covert capricious self; the one who enjoys parties and the surrounding ofbeaus. She dreams to marry the noble Ashley Wilkes. The impending war shatters the golden peace of the South, and leaves many lives permanently changed. Plantations, treasures, and honor are ruined. Scarlett is made a most peculiar widow by the war, and then compelled into a second marriage in continuation of her struggle for the salvation of Tara. And her third marriage to Rhett Butler is also jeopardized because of her secret, stubborn ardency for Ashley for Ashley

gone with the wind中对Scarlett的英文评论

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: Scarlett is only for those who want a cheap,false happy ending to GWTW. Ripley makes crude the name of Gone With the Wind. She severly lacks the charm and captivating writing ability of Margaret Mitchell. It pains me to call this book even mediocre. The situations set in this book are absurdly ridiculous and far-fetched. GWTW was a love story that was not only about Rhett and "My Dear, I don"t give a damn," (718) Rhett Butler says this infamous quote to Scarlet O"Hara at the end of Gone With the Wind (1934), when the woman has finally poured her soul to him. The novel Gone with the Wind (1934) by Margaret Mitchell is a classic about the hard times suffered during and after the Civil War. Scarlet lives in the Confederacy and everyone there is for fighting for his or her noble Cause. The young southern belle Scarlet O"Hara is forced to do things she never thought a girl of her class and nature would have to do. All throughout the novel, she is faced with serious problems. Scarlet plainly states, I"ll not think of that today, I"ll think of it tomorrow, for tomorrow is another day, which of course she never does. It is this thought however, that makes her character stay strong, although sometimes living in a daydream. Without telling herself this, Scarlet would have broken down in the very beginning after the war had started. Scarlet lives for the future and not the past. It"s this about her that makes ... Scarlett but about the whole South and the undying devotion and pride that southerners felt toward their culture and land. Ripley shatters all of this in her book. She not only sends Scarlett to Ireland and has her have an affair with a lord, but includes a mad love scene in which Scarlett and Rhett roll around on the beach. Although Ripley deserves a curt nod for attempting to write a sequel to GWTW, GWTW was not meant to have a sequel and Scarlett is only a cheap trashy paperback replacement. True lovers of GWTW know this.

经典英文电影台词之乱世佳人Gone with the Wind

Gone with the Wind 乱世佳人 【获奖奖项】 八项奥斯卡奖(影片、导演、女主角、女配角、剧本、艺术指导、摄影、剪辑) 【剧情导读】 风华正茂的南方美女郝思嘉,自小受到母亲严格管教,但她正如自己那迷人的绿眼睛一样难以安分守己。思嘉梦想嫁给艾希礼,但艾希礼却要和纯洁的表妹媚兰结婚。随后内战爆发了,南方局势动荡不安,思嘉在战争中成为了寡妇,而坚强的性格使她为家园德园不懈的奋斗着。 后来思嘉嫁给战争投机商白瑞德,但她对阿希礼一直念念不忘让白瑞德终于伤心离去。 最后思嘉才发现真爱是谁,并了解到了父亲的话——土地永恒。 乱世佳人 Gone With the Wind 【鼎力星阵】 导演: 维多克·弗莱明(Victor Fleming); 乔治·库克(George Cukor) 剧本: 由格丽特·米契尔同名小说《乱世佳人》改编而成 主演: 费雯丽(Vivien Leigh) 克拉克·盖博(Clark Gable) 出品: 塞尔之尼克国际影片公司 精彩对白: (艾希礼走出餐厅时,思嘉一声不响地下了楼梯跟在他后面,来到了藏书室的门前。她站在门口,在后面叫阿希礼。) SCARLETT: Psst! Psst! Ashley ... Ashley... 思嘉:(轻声地)喂!喂!艾希礼……艾希礼…… (思嘉抓住他的袖子,将他拉进房间,关上房门。) ASHLEY: Scarlett! Who are you hiding from in there? 艾希礼: 思嘉!你在躲谁呢? *************************************************************** hide from 躲藏,隐瞒 如 :My husband never hides anything from me. 我丈夫从不对我隐瞒什么。 *************************************************************** ASHLEY: What are you up to? Why aren"t you upstairs resting like the other girls? What is it, Scarlett… A secret? 艾希礼:你怎么了?为什么不像别的姑娘一样在楼上休息?有事吗,思嘉?……是秘密? *************************************************************** What are you up to? 是一句非常口语化的句子,意思是你现在在做什么。与其意思相近的用法有:What are you doing; What"s going on; What happened to you。 *************************************************************** SCARLETT: Oh, Ashley... Ashley... Ashley, I love you. 思嘉:哦,艾希礼……艾希礼……艾希礼,我爱你。 ASHLEY: (in a predicament, distressed) Scarlett! 艾希礼:(神情尴尬而苦恼)思嘉! SCARLETT: I love you. l do. 思嘉:我爱你,真的。 ASHLEY: Well, isn"t it enough to have gathered every other man"s heart today? You"ve always had mine. You cut your teeth on it. 艾希礼:好了,今天来这的所有男人都被你迷住了,你还不满足?你一向占据了我的心,你可是老手了。 *************************************************************** cut one"s teeth on sth 从中获得经验 如 :There is a task for you to cut your teeth on. 这有个任务可使你增加经验。 *************************************************************** SCARLETT: Oh, don"t tease me now. Have I your heart, my darling? I love you! I love you! 思嘉:哦,别逗我了。你的心给了我吗,亲爱的?我爱你!我爱你! ASHLEY: You mustn"t say such things. You"ll hate me for hearing them. 艾希礼:别说这些。你会恨我听而不闻的。 SCARLETT: Oh, I could never hate you! And... and l know you must care about me,because... Oh, you do care, don"t you? 思嘉:哦,我决不会恨你!而且我知道你肯定喜欢我,因为……哦,你确实喜欢我,不是吗? *************************************************************** care about/ for 在意,喜欢 All she care about is her personal feeling. 她只关心她个人的感受。 Would you care for a drink? 你愿意喝点酒吗? 从上面两个句子中可比较出“care about”和“care for”意思大同小异。此外“care about” 还含有一层“忧虑”的意思。 *************************************************************** ASHLEY: Yes, I care. Oh, can"t we go away and forget that we ever said these things? 艾希礼:是的,我喜欢。哦,我们还是走吧!忘掉我们刚才说的话行不行? SCARLETT: But how can we do that? Don"t you want to marry me? 思嘉:但我们怎么能那么做,难道你不想娶我吗? ASHLEY: I"m going to marry Melanie. 艾希礼:我要娶媚兰了。 SCARLETT: But you can"t. Not if you care for me. 思嘉:你不能娶她,不管你喜欢不喜欢我。 ASHLEY: Oh, my dear, why must you make me say things that will hurt you? How can l make you understand... you"re so young and unthinking【欠考虑的】.You don"t know what marriage means. 艾希礼:哦,亲爱的,你为什么一定要让我说些让你伤心的话?我怎么才能让你明白呢……你太年轻了,遇事又不加考虑,你还不知道什么是婚姻。 SCARLETT: I know that l love you and l want to be your wife. You don"t love Melanie! 思嘉:我知道我爱你,我想做你的妻子,你不爱媚兰。 ASHLEY: She"s like me, Scarlett... She"s part of my blood... and we understand each other. 艾希礼:她就像我一样,思嘉,我们有很多共同之处……我们能够相互理解。 *************************************************************** blood 原意是“血液” 在此引申为“脾气,性格”。She"s part of my blood 也可译为“我们有相似的性格特征”。 *************************************************************** SCARLETT: But you love me! 思嘉:可你爱的是我! ASHLEY: How Could I help loving you? You, who have all the passion for life that l lack【缺少】! But that kind of love isn"t enough to make a successful marriage if two people are as different as we are. 艾希礼:我怎么能不爱你?你对生活充满热情,而这正是我所缺的!但是我们俩的性格差异太大了,这种爱根本就不能使婚姻美满。 *************************************************************** 这是一段非常精彩的表白,充分地表露了艾希礼成熟的爱情观点。其中也不凡一些超额成就词汇。 如 : passion 激情,爱慕 I may have a passion for her, but it isn"t love. 我也许对她怀有一种强烈的爱,但这并不是爱情。 lack缺少,可用作动词和名词 The project had to be given up for the lack of funds. 工程因资金匮乏不得不放弃。 marriage 婚姻 Marriage is a fundamental social institution. 婚姻是社会的一个基本制度。 *************************************************************** SCARLETT: Well, why don"t say it, you coward【懦夫】! You"re afraid to marry me! You"d rather live with that silly little fool who can"t open her mouth except to say "yes" and "no" and raise a passel【一堆,甚多】 of mealy-mouthed brats【小捣蛋】just like her! 思嘉:你干吗不说出来,你这个胆小鬼!你不敢跟我结婚!你倒情愿和那个傻丫头过日子,她只会唯唯诺诺,别的什么都不会说,过几天养出一窝小鬼来也和她一样百依百顺! 愤怒的斯嘉一口气说出了好几个污蔑的字眼,这一段展现了她敢爱敢恨,倔强的性格。在英语口语中类似这样亵渎的单词时常出现,这些单词往往也是影响听力的一个不可忽视的因素,所以不妨也拣几个学学,不过你可要小心点用。 ASHLEY: (with a sharp tone) You mustn"t say things like that about Melanie. 艾希礼:(声音严厉地)你不该这样说媚兰的坏话。 SCARLETT: Who are you to tell me I mustn"t ? You led me on... you... you made me believe you wanted to marry me... 思嘉:你是谁,敢来教训我该不该!你引诱我……你……你让我以为你要和我结婚。 *************************************************************** lead on 引诱上当 Tom claimed that he had been led on by his criminal companions. 汤姆说他是上了罪犯同伙的当。 *************************************************************** ASHLEY: (shocked) Now, Scarlett! Be fair. I never at any time... 艾希礼:(呆住了)思嘉!说话要公平,我从来没有…… SCARLETT: You did! It"s true. You did. And I"ll hate you till I die! I can"t think of anything bad enough to call you... 思嘉:你有过!这是事实,你有过。我到死都恨你!我想不出更坏的词来形容你…… (她使足劲打了他一个耳光。艾希礼呆站了一会儿,又震惊又痛苦;接着他向她鞠了个躬,走了出去。思嘉拿起一只花瓶,狠命朝屋子那头的壁炉扔去。这时瑞德从一张面对壁炉的沙发上站起来,让思嘉大吃一惊。) RHETT: Has the war started? 瑞德:是不是仗打起来了? SCARLETT: Sir, you... you should have made your presence known! 思嘉:先生,你……你在这儿应该说一声! RHETT: In the middle of that beautiful love scene? That wouldn"t have been tactful【机智的】, would it? But don"t worry, your secret is safe with me. 瑞德:在你上演爱情表白的好戏时说一声吗?那可不是聪明之举,不是吗?不过请放心,我会为你保密的。 SCARLETT: Sir, you are no gentleman! 思嘉:先生,你不是绅士! RHETT: And you, Miss, are no lady. 瑞德:你呢,小姐,也不是淑女。 SCARLETT: Oh! 思嘉:哦! RHETT: Don"t think I hold that against you. Ladies have never held much charm【魅力】 for me. 瑞德:不要以为我在和你作对。要知道淑女对于我毫无吸引力。 *************************************************************** hold sth against sb 和某人作对,对某人持不好的看法 I don"t hold it against him that he votes Conservative. 我并不因为他投了保守党的票而对他另有看法。 *************************************************************** SCARLETT: First you take a low, common advantage of me, then you insult me! 思嘉:你先是不光彩的占我的便宜,接着便来侮辱我! *************************************************************** take advantage of sth/sb 充分利用,占某人便宜 如:They took full advantage of hotel"s facilities. 他们充分利用酒店的设施。 She is the woman that keenly take petty advantage of people. 她是个爱占小便宜的女人。 *************************************************************** RHETT: I mean it as a compliment【赞美】... and I hope to see more of you when you"re free of the spell【着魔,入迷】of the thin-blooded Mr. Wilkes. He doesn"t strike【给……以印象】 me as half good enough for a girl of your... What was it?... Your passion for living. 瑞德:我看这是对我的赞美……在你从那个缺少激情的韦尔克斯先生的魔力中解脱后,我还真希望能和你多见面。他根本不配你这样一个……他怎么说的?……对生活充满热情的姑娘。 *************************************************************** 这段话比较难理解,句子中出现了几个常见单词的另一层意思的用法,如spell,本意是“拼写”,这里的意思是“着魔,入迷”;strike 的原意是“打,敲”,在句中的意思是“给……以印象,造成某种看法”, 后常接介词“as”。 free of 摆脱,免除 She is free of responsibility for the damage. 她免除了承担损坏的责任。 *************************************************************** SCARLETT: How dare you! You aren"t fit to wipe his boots! 思嘉: 你怎么敢这样说!你给他擦靴子都不配! RHETT: And you were going to hate him for the rest of your life! 瑞德:而你却要一辈子恨他了! (最终斯嘉发现自己爱的并非艾希礼而是瑞德,但瑞德此时已对她心灰意冷了) SCARLETT: Rhett, Rhett, where are you going? 思嘉:瑞德,瑞德,你去哪儿? RHETT: I"m going to Charleston.Back where l belong【属于】. 瑞德:我要去查尔斯顿,去应该属于我的地方。 SCARLETT: Please, please take me with you. 思嘉:请你带我一起去吧! RHETT: No. I"m through with everything here. I want peace. I want to see if somewhere if there is something left in life with charm and grace. Do you know what l"m talking about? 瑞德:不,我对这儿的一切都厌倦了。我想要安静,我想看看生命中还有什么有高尚和美丽。你知道我在讲什么吗? *************************************************************** through with 除在上句中表示“厌倦”的意思外,还有“完成”的意思。 如: Are you through with your letter? 你写完信了吗? *************************************************************** SCARLETT: No. I only know that l love you. 思嘉:不,我只知道我爱你。 RHETT: That"s your misfortune【不幸,灾难】. 瑞德:这是你的不幸。 SCARLETT: Rhett! If you go, where shall I go? What shall I do? 思嘉:瑞德!你要走,我去哪里?我该怎么办? RHETT: Frankly【坦白地】my dear, I don"t give a damn. 瑞德:坦白说,我亲爱的,我一点也不关心了。 *************************************************************** give a damn 是俗语,意思是“毫不关心”,相近的短语还有not care a damn,当说一个人时表示“不值一提”。 如:I don"t give a damn what you say. I"m going. 不管你怎么说,我要走了。 *************************************************************** SCARLETT: l can"t let him go. l can"t. There must be some way to bring him back. Oh, l can"t think about that now, l"ll go crazy if l do, I... I"ll think about it tomorrow. I must think about it. I must think about it. What is there to do? What is there that matters? 思嘉:我不能让他走,不能!一定有办法让他回来。噢,现在我想不了这些,不然我要想疯了。明天,明天再想。我一定要想清楚.一定!现在干什么呢?什么才重要呢? (父亲和希礼的话在她耳边回响起来。) Mr. O"HARA: You mean to tell me, Katie Scarlett O" hara, that Tara doesn"t mean anything to you? That land is the only thing that matters. It"s the only thing that lasts. 奥哈拉:你想告诉我,凯蒂·思嘉·奥哈拉,德园对你毫无意义吗?土地是重要的东西,是永恒的东西。 *************************************************************** mean 意味着,有……意义。 后面可以接“nothing,everything,so much,a lot”等表示“意义的程度”。 如 :"You mean everything to me", the man said tenderly to her. 男人温柔地对她说:“你是我的一切”。 I bought a new dress yesterday, but I don"t think it means so much to a girl like you. 我昨天买了一件新衣服, 但我想对你这样的女孩来说这并不算什么。 *************************************************************** ASHLEY: Something you love better than me, though you may not know it. 希礼:有些东西你爱它胜过爱我,只是你不知道。 Mr. O"HARA: Tara, it"s this from where you get your strength【力量】. 奥哈拉:德园,你从这里汲取力量。

《飘》的英文为什么是《Gone with the wind》?


为什么 “Gone with the wind” 要被翻译为“飘”


gone with the wind是什么书?

他不是什么节日 《乱世佳人》(Gone With The Wind),是一部根据小说家玛格丽特·米切尔的英文同名小说《飘》(Gone With The Wind)改编的美国电影。男女主角分别由克拉克·盖博和费雯丽扮演。另有同名中国电影。

Gone with the wind中文是什么意思?


我七岁时不会游泳。 I () () ()swim when I was sewen.

我七岁时不会游泳。I can"t swim at the age of seven.

飘的英文名 gone with the wind 求理解????


gone with the wind是什么意思

gone with the wind英语翻译成中文: 破灭,化为泡影,一去不复返,不知去向英语句子x09 The classic film Gone with the Wind 经典电影《飘》 Like the candle before the wind or the frost on the grass—...

电影《飘》片名 Gone with the Wind 有什么来历和含义?

《飘》是美国女作家玛格丽特·密西尔在三十年代写就的长篇小说。据此改编的电影曾引起很大的轰动,成为二十世纪文化生活史上不可忽略的一页。飘》的故事跨度十二年,以美国南北战争为背景,着重刻画了庄园主女儿郝思嘉的形象。《飘》的故事就是郝思嘉的故事。我觉得飘的名字主要还是根据小说内容来看的,Gone with the Wind也可以翻译为随风飘逝,建议去看一下小说,这样会对飘有更深的理解。人生就是这样,随风飘逝Gone with the Wind,也算是郝思嘉一生的反应,也是对人生的反应。女主郝思嘉先是喜欢上一个人,而且那个人也喜欢她,但是那个人不得已娶了别人,然后她因为赌气嫁给了另一个人,不久后她遇上了自己的真命天子白瑞德,她慢慢对白瑞德有好感,后来自己的丈夫死后由于经济困难她要保住爸爸的庄园,她想去和白瑞德结婚来挽救庄园,但是当时白瑞德被警方关押,一旦拿出财产就完了。郝思嘉不得已嫁给了另外一个人,白瑞德很懊恼。后来那个人死了,又因为其他原因她终于和白瑞德结婚,但是那时候他们之间有些误会,又死了一个孩子,再加上初恋又回来了,她就更纠结。最后,初恋的老婆死了,她发现初恋其实是不喜欢她的,这种初恋就好像是幼年时期对理想异性的向往,对方不一定是自己真正喜欢的,自己也是一样。她发现自己喜欢的是白瑞德,她跑去找白瑞德,但是白瑞德说自己累了,要孤身一人去教堂孤独一辈子。于是郝思嘉决定回爸爸的农庄休息一段时间,她对自己说:明天又是新的一天。。

gone with the wind是什么意思


为什么 “Gone with the wind” 要被翻译为“飘”?

“Gone with the Wind”的原意是主人公的故乡已经“随风飘去”了。“飘”的好,好在意境。这个字的画面感很强:一方丝帕被风轻轻卷起,飘在空中,越飘越远,直到淡出视线。正如傅东华的释义,gone和wind都融于这一个字,而且又没有随风而去的伤感。虽然主人公失去了很多,但是,坚韧的个性让她总是对未来充满希望。“飘”可以去也可以来,有飘走的,也有飘来的。英语中的go并非一定是离开,可以是没有方向的走动,而“去”基本就是远离了。剧情简介小说以亚特兰大以及附近的一个种植园为故事场景,描绘了内战前后美国南方人的生活。作品刻画了那个时代的许多南方人的形象,占中心位置的斯嘉丽、瑞德、艾希礼、梅兰妮等人是其中的典型代表。他们的习俗礼仪、言行举止、精神观念、政治态度,通过对斯嘉丽·奥哈拉与白瑞德的爱情纠缠为主线,成功地再现了林肯时期的南北战争以及美国南方地区的社会生活。

Gone with the wind 翻译成中文是什么意思?


gone with the wind是什么意思

以人工智能将怎样影响我们的生活?“How will AI Affect our lif

Google Go Alpha computer (AlphaGo) and Lee Sedol,who is the world"s top player,started a compelling and enduring man-machine war on March 9th.It can not be denied that this crew war lets us see the advancement of technology,and AI(artificial intelligence) enables more "impossible" to become "possible",it will force more and more impact on our daily lives and the division of social labor.On one hand,AI may make human have a eternal life.AlphaGo defeated Lee Sedol,which makes people have more cognition to artificial intelligence and more confusion to intelligent life.Scientific studies predict that,with the current developing pace of human technology,artificial intelligence would surpass human intelligence fully in 2045.Death would be meaningless to people if human intelligence could be transferred into the hardware completely.On the other hand, whether the development of artificial intelligence can be controlled, makes people feel worried.The superb athletic level of AlphaGo makes people stunned,or even anxious and fearful.The pessimistic fear of technology continues to heat up and intensified with the increasing reliance on AI technology of all sectors.But the winners are all human beings no matter what the result is.In my opinion,the development of AI will be an inevitable trend.Human needs to improve the cognition and behavior norms of technological development, so that AI maintains a friendly development.The future of artificial intelligence in human society will be bright.

我在Windows下用svn查看log的时候,窗口最上面的时间范围变成From 1970-1-1 To 1970-1-1,并且修改不了。


Lewin, Kurt

勒温[Lewin, Kurt] (1890.9.9,德国 莫吉尔诺~1947.2.12,美国 马萨诸塞州 牛顿维尔) 心理, 人物小传 德国出生的美国社会心理学家。曾在柏林学习和任教,后移居美国,在艾奥瓦大学任教(1935~1945),后任麻省理工学院团体动力学研究中心主任(1945~1947)。以其行为场的理论最为著名,认为人类的行为是个体心理环境的作用。按照勒温的理论,为了充分认识和预言人的行为,必须考虑一个人的心理场或“生活空间”中所有事件的整体。他的著作包括《个人动态理论》(1935)和《社会科学场论》(1951)。 Biography In 1890, he was born into a Jewish family in Mogilno, Poland (then in County of Mogilno, province of Posen, Prussia). He served in the German army when World War I began. Due to a war wound, he returned to the University of Berlin to complete his Ph.D., with Carl Stumpf (1848 - 1936) the supervisor of his doctoral thesis. He died in Newtonville, Massachusetts of a heart-attack in 1947. He was buried in his home town. Lewin had originally been involved with schools of behavioral psychology before changing directions in research and undertaking work with psychologists of the Gestalt school of psychology, including Max Wertheimer and Wolfgang Kohler. Lewin often associated with the early Frankfurt School, originated by an influential group of largely Jewish Marxists at the Institute for Social Research in Germany. But when Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933 the Institute members had to disband, moving to England and then to America. In that year, he met with Eric Trist, of the London Tavistock Clinic. Trist was impressed with his theories and went on to use them in his studies on soldiers during the Second World War. Lewin emigrated to the United States in August 1933 and became a naturalized citizen in 1940. Lewin worked at Cornell University and for the Iowa Child Welfare Research Station at the University of Iowa. Later, he went on to become director of the Center for Group Dynamics at MIT. While working with at MIT in 1946, Lewin received a phone call from the Director of the Connecticut State Inter Racial Commission requesting help to find an effective way to combat religious and racial prejudices. He set up a workshop to conduct a "change" experiment, which laid the foundations for what is now known as sensitivity training [2] . In 1947, this led to the establishment of the National Training Laboratories, at Bethel, Maine. Carl Rogers believed that sensitivity training is "perhaps the most significant social invention of this century." [3] Following WWII Lewin was involved in the psychological rehabilitation of former occupants of displaced persons camps with Dr. Jacob Fine at Harvard Medical School. When Eric Trist and A T M Wilson wrote to Lewin proposing a journal in partnership with their newly founded Tavistock Institute and his group at MIT, Lewin agreed. The Tavistock journal, Human Relations, was founded with two early papers by Lewin entitled "Frontiers in Group Dynamics". Lewin taught for a time at Duke University. [4] [edit] Work Lewin coined the notion of genidentity, [5] which has gained some importance in various theories of space-time and related fields. He also proposed Herbert Blumer"s interactionist perspective of 1937 as an alternative to the nature versus nurture debate. Lewin suggested that neither nature (inborn tendencies) nor nurture (how experiences in life shape individuals) alone can account for individuals" behavior and personalities, but rather that both nature and nurture interact to shape each person [6] . This idea was presented in the form of Lewin"s Equation for behavior B=(P,E). Prominent psychologists mentored by Kurt Lewin included Leon Festinger (1919 - 1989), who became known for his cognitive dissonance theory (1956) [7] , environmental psychologist Roger Barker, Bluma Zeigarnik, and Morton Deutsch, the founder of modern conflict resolution theory and practice. [edit] Force field analysis Force field analysis provides a framework for looking at the factors (forces) that influence a situation, originally social situations. It looks at forces that are either driving movement toward a goal (helping forces) or blocking movement toward a goal (hindering forces). The principle, developed by Kurt Lewin, is a significant contribution to the fields of social science, psychology, social psychology, organizational development, process management, and change management. [8] [edit] Action research Lewin, then a professor at MIT, first coined the term “action research” in about 1944, and it appears in his 1946 paper “Action Research and Minority Problems”. [9] In that paper, he described action research as “a comparative research on the conditions and effects of various forms of social action and research leading to social action” that uses “a spiral of steps, each of which is composed of a circle of planning, action, and fact-finding about the result of the action”. [edit] Leadership climates Lewin often characterized organizational management styles and cultures in terms of leadership climates defined by [10] (1) authoritarian, (2) democratic and (3) laissez-faire work environments. Authoritarian environments are characterized where the leader determines policy with techniques and steps for work tasks dictated by the leader in the division of labor. The leader is not necessarily hostile but is aloof from participation in work and commonly offers personal praise and criticism for the work done. Democratic climates are characterized where policy is determined through collective processes with decisions assisted by the leader. Before accomplishing tasks, perspectives are gained from group discussion and technical advice from a leader. Members are given choices and collectively decide the division of labor. Praise and criticism in such an environment are objective, fact minded and given by a group member without necessarily having participated extensively in the actual work. Laissez faire environments give freedom to the group for policy determination without any participation from the leader. The leader remains uninvolved in work decisions unless asked, does not participate in the division of labor, and very infrequently gives praise. (Miner 2005: 39-40) [11] [edit] Change process An early model of change developed by Lewin described change as a three-stage process. The first stage he called "unfreezing". It involved overcoming inertia and dismantling the existing "mind set". Defense mechanisms have to be bypassed. In the second stage the change occurs. This is typically a period of confusion and transition. We are aware that the old ways are being challenged but we do not have a clear picture as to what we are replacing them with yet. The third and final stage he called "freezing". The new mindset is crystallizing and one"s comfort level is returning to previous levels. This is often misquoted as "refreezing" (see Lewin K (1947) Frontiers in Group Dynamics). [edit] Lewin"s equation The Lewin"s Equation, B=(P,E), is a psychological equation of behavior developed by Kurt Lewin. It states that behavior is a function of the person and his or her environment [12] . The equation is the psychologist"s most well known formula in social psychology, of which Lewin was a modern pioneer. When first presented in Lewin"s book Principles of Topological Psychology, published in 1936, it contradicted most popular theories in that it gave importance to a person"s momentary situation in understanding his or her behavior, rather than relying entirely on the past. [13] 维基百科全书查德

win7无法激活 很抱歉 系统无法再非MBR引导的分区上进行激活怎么办














开机时提示c:Program fileswindowsapps.....vcruntime140.dll没有被指定在windows上运行?

这是由于Windows 10近期更新所造成的部分App工作不正常。 看路径的话,只需要到开始菜单里面找到 爱奇艺 APP,右键卸载,重启后再到Windows Store里面重新安装即可。

Prokid的《Wild West》 歌词

歌曲名:Wild West歌手:Prokid专辑:DnaStepping out to Angellucci"s for my coffee beansChecking out the movies and the magazinesWaitress she watches me crossing from the Barocco BarI"m getting a pickup for my steel guitarI saw you walking out Shaftesbury AvenueExcuse me talking I wanna marry youThis is seventh heaven street to meDon"t be so proudYou"re just another angel in the crowdAnd I"m walking in the wild west endWalking with your wild best friendWalking with your wild best friendPink toenails and hands all, dirty with moneyGreasy Greasy Greasy hair, easy smileMade me feel nineteen for a whileAnd I went down to, Cha, Cha, uh, uh, ChinatownIn the backroom it"s man"s worldAll the money go downDuck inside the doorway, duck to eatJust ain"t no way,You and me, we can beatWalking in the wild west endJust ain"t no way,Walking in the wild west endWalking with your wild best friendNow eh, a gogo, dancing girl, yes I saw herThe deejay, he says, here"s Mandy for yaI feel alright, saying now, Do that stuffShe"s dancing high I move on byThe close ups can get roughWhen you"re walking in the wild west endWalking in the wild west endWalking in the wild west endWalking with ya"cha wild best friendWalking it, Walking ithttp://music.baidu.com/song/10221220

谁有Stick With You 的歌词赏析?

曲名:Stickwitu 歌手:The Pussycat Dolls 专辑:Pcd The Pussycat Dolls - Stickwitu I don"t want to go another day So I"m telling you exactly what is on my mind Seems like everybody is breaking up Throwing their love away I know I got a good thing right here That"s why I say (Hey) Nobody"s going to love me better I must stick with you Forever Nobody"s going to take me higher I must stick with you You know how to appreciate me I must stick with you My baby Nobody ever made me feel this way I must stick with you I don"t want to go another day So I"m telling you exactly what is on my mind See the way we ride In our privated lives Ain"t nobody getting in between I want you to know that you"re the only one for me And I say Nobody"s going to love me better I must stick with you Forever Nobody"s going to take me higher I must stick with you You know how to appreciate me I must stick with you My baby Nobody ever made me feel this way I must stick with you And now Ain"t nothing else I can need And now I"m singing "cause you"re so, so into me I got you We"ll be making love endlessly I"m with you Baby, you"re with me So don"t you worry about People hanging around They ain"t bringing us down I know you and you know me And that"s all that counts So don"t you worry about People hanging around They ain"t bringing us down I know you and you know me And that"s why I say Nobody"s going to love me better I must stick with you Forever Nobody"s going to take me higher I must stick with you You know how to appreciate me I must stick with you My baby Nobody ever made me feel this way I must stick with you Nobody"s going to love me better I must stick with you Forever Nobody"s going to take me higher I must stick with you You know how to appreciate me I must stick with you My baby Nobody ever made me feel this way I must stick with you






1、As time goes by 是否等于 with time going by(随着)?答:从理论上来说应该可以这样说,但实际上很少见到有人这样说,如果改用with 来表达,更常用的表达是:with the passage of time。如:Memories fade with the passage of time. 随着时间的流逝,记忆会慢慢褪去。With the passage of time, things began to look more hopeful. 随着时间的流逝,事情开始显得更有希望。Most of the old traditions have died out with the passing of time. 随着时间的推移大多数古老传统都已消亡。2、As he grows up 是否等于 with him growing up 还是 with his growing up,或者 with his growth?答:同上面的问题一样,从理论上来说应该可以这样说,但实际上很少见到有人这样说,如果改用with 来表达,更常用的表达是直接用:with age。如:Perhaps he has grown wiser with age. 可能随着年纪增长,他变聪明了。Her temper hasn"t improved with age! 她的脾气一点没有随着年龄增长而变好!The flexibility of the lens decreases with age. 眼球晶状体的柔韧性随着年龄增长而减退。

Bebe Neuwirth是谁?


with time going by的同义词。急求

as time goes by

with the time goes 是病句吗

As time goes by.

as time goes by ...with time going by为啥as和with的用

简单的说 as后面接一个完整的句子 而 with后接的不是一个完整的句子

with the time goes by是什么意思

with the time going by随着时间的推移双语对照例句:1.And with the time goes by, the trace will be clearer and clearer. 可以肯定随着时间的淘沙,这道痕迹会越加清晰。2.As time goes by, the young trees grow stronger. 随着时间流逝,小树茁壮成长。

as time goes by ...with time going by为啥as和with的用


as time goes by 和 with time going by(注意问题补充!)求大神解答

3 weeks later(ago) 这样才行

为什么as time goes by 而不能用with time goes by




翻译句子: As time goes by,he will be much stronger.

翻译句子:As time goes by,he will be much stronger.随着时间的流逝,他会强壮得多。



as time goes by和with time going by?

as time goes by的意思是“随着时间的流逝”with time goes by没有这样的用法,不符合语法。with time going by= as time goes by 意思都是“随着时间的流逝”由于with + sth + doing 是语法上的独立主格结构,而且with是介词,因此with后面不能直接接动词原型,而应接不定式或者现在分词或者过去分词。as time goes by是时间状语从句,而with time going by是介宾短语作状语。


1.“开始”->“运行”,输入“services.msc”然后点击“确定”,打开 Windows的服务列表:在服务列表中找到并双击Wireless Zero Configuration将启动类型改为“自动”,点击“应用”再点击服务状态下面的“启动”,然后点击“确定”2..“开始”->“控制面板”->“网络连接”(右下角那个网络连接也能进,网上邻居上右键也可以打开的)右键单击“无线网络连接”,图框中有三个选项卡,分别是“常规”、“无线网络配置”和“高级”,进入“无线网络配置”选项卡,在“用Windows配置我的无线网络设置”前的框中打勾,然后点击“确定”。3.“开始”->“控制面板”->“网络连接”,右键单击“无线网络连接”,选择“查看可用的无线连接”。















as time goes by与with time goes by的区别

as time goes by的意思是“随着时间的流逝” with time goes by没有这样的用法,不符合语法. with time going by= as time goes by 意思都是“随着时间的流逝”由于with + sth + doing 是语法上的独立主格结构,而且with是介词,因此with后面不能直接接动词原型,而应接不定式或者现在分词或者过去分词. as time goes by是时间状语从句,而with time going by是介宾短语作状语.

我的笔记本是HP的CQ41 用的XP系统 下了WIFI共享大师,做的WFI热点手机却收不到,求大神指点

您好,感谢您选择惠普产品。一、您的这款电脑出厂的时候是针对win7平台设计的,官方没有针对xp系统进行过测试,建议您最好是使用win7系统,以获得最佳的性能及稳定性。另外,即使安装上XP系统,也很可能由于没有合适的驱动安装而影响使用的。二、如果您非常需要使用XP系统,但是创建的无线热点无法使用,请您参考以下建议:1、请您首先查看这台机器是否支持创建无线热点,查看方法如下:您点击开始--运行—输入:cmd ,点击确认,输入命令:netsh wlan show drivers,点击回车,然后查看“支持的承载网络”后面是 “是” 还是“否”。如果看到“是”,就是支持创建wifi;如果看到“否”,就是不支持wifi。2、如果您机器支持创建无线热点,那么请您开启无线开关,然后建议您参考下面的方法来进行创建无线热点试试。(1)右键网络邻居进入到网络属性中,点无线网络连接,右键点击属性。(2)点第二个选项卡,无线网络配置。(3)点击添加按钮。(4)创建网络名(SSID)这里用123(随意填写),数据加密可以选择禁用,连接就不需要密码了。(5)创建完成之后,到第4步的选项中,选择查看无线网络,就可以看到123网络了。(6)右键本地连接然后选择属性再选择高级。(7)在Internet共享的地方勾选 允许其他的网络用户通过此计算机的Interenet连接来连接,点击确定就可以完成wifi共享了。希望以上回复能够对您有所帮助。

as time go by与with time go by的区别

as time went/goes by 随着时间流逝 as在这里只能作连词引导时间状语从句 with time going by 这是独立主格结构

mage, magician, sorcerer, wizard, warlock, philosopher这几个单词在西方魔幻小说中分别是什么意思?



买个路由器 就OK了 热点软件全是坑爹的



学校用的校园网 锐捷联网后,用wifi共享大师开了wifi 安卓手机可以连上



一般电脑都支持宽带拨号上网 故无需用第三方热点软件或笔记本自带热点功能来使用wifi






第一步:点Wifi热点把IP改下。IP地址:子网码:首选DNS: 218.29.200.XXX(这个是我的DNS)你的DNS你可以打开百度输入IP,然后就可以看到你的DNS是多少了。然后你就输入你正确的DNS就可以了热点IP只要设置这三个就行了。其它都是空第二步:设置手机IP地址:这个不用给你说吧,只要不跟热点的IP一样,254内都可以了)子网码:路油器:热点IP)DNS:跟你的热点DNS一样,也就是在百度里输入IP查到的那个

there are four seasons in a year.they are spring,summer,fall and winter.Spring is warm and sunny.th









很简单,右下角,网络连接那个图标,左键或者右键,打开和共享中心。点左边,更改适配器设置,其中的无线网络连接(有的叫WLAN),右键,属性在里面可以看到一个liebao wifi nat driver。选中这个,点下面的卸载。卸完了,一般就大功告成了。试试连接无线网络吧。


1,断开连接wifi热点, 在电脑的右下角右击wifi共享大师托盘,选择关闭热点并退出。  2.检测pc端防火墙是否关闭,如果没有关闭,将其关闭。  ①windows防火墙关闭方法:  在电脑右下角右击小电脑图标,选择打开网络和共享中心,然后点击windows防火墙。  选择打开或者关闭防火墙,将防火墙关闭即可。  ②Eset防火墙关闭方法  方法一:设置成学习模式  打开它后,找到右边工具栏的设置按钮  打开设置后,然后再找到高级设置,下图红框处,然后再点进去选择个人防火墙,然后把模式设置成学习模式即可,同理除了默认的自动默认外,其它的两款模式也是一样的,然后确定后,就完事了!  方法二:手动关闭防火墙  右键它下右角的ESET托盘图标,弹出下面截图:  或者在设置里面找到网络下面的个人防火墙,然后左边的已启用中点一下可以选择禁用模式。  ③麦咖啡Mcafee防火墙关闭方法  1、关闭防火墙保护,如下图所示:  或者如下图所示关闭防火墙。  3.在重新打开wifi共享大师,wifi热点创建成功之后,使用手机重新输入密码连接wifi热点。






第一个原因首先是确定您的电脑是否有无线网卡,如果没有就需要购买,如果您有插入无线网卡就需要检查是否插好,是否完好。 如果您的无线网卡驱动不适,就需要更新无线网卡驱动,建议您使用驱动精灵等驱动软件检测并更新驱动软件。3有可能其他驱动或相关的软件占用了无线网卡,将其他相关软件关闭,并设置不随开机启动,然后重启电脑。
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