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oliver twist《雾都孤儿》里面的好句和经典段落有吗?要英文的

分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 急用!!!! 解析: 1.‘“Please, Sir, I want some more.”" … Oliver, asking the cook at the workhouse for more gruel. Pg. 12 2. ‘“Good-bye dear! God bless you!”" …Dick told Oliver on his way to London, which warmed Oliver"s heart and gave him courage. Pg. 54 3. “As he spoke, he pointed hastily to the picture above Oliver"s head; and then to the boy"s face. There was its living copy. The eyes, the head, the mouth; every feature was the same. The expression was, for an instant, so precisely alike, that the minutest line seemed copied with startling accuracy” …from the moment when Mr. Bumble realizes who Oliver is. Pg. 904. ‘“Am I," said the girl [Nancy] ‘Take care I don"t overdo it. You will be the worse for it Fagin, if I do; so I tell you in good time keep clear of me"”…Nancy protecting Oliver from Fagin"s beatings. This line foreshadows the downfall of the Jew brought about by Nancy"s hand. Pg. 126 5. “the mother, when the pains of death first came upon her, whispered in my ear that if her babe was born alive, and thrived, the day might e when it would not feel so much disgraced to here it"s poor young mother named…whether it be a boy or girl, raise up some friends for it in this troubled world; and take pity upon a lonely and desolate child, abandoned to its mercy.” …the old nurse sally told Mrs. Corney when she was dying. Pg. 189-190 6. “ ‘When the boy is worth a hundred pounds to me, am I to lose what chance threw me in the way of getting safely, through the whims of a drunken gang that I could whistle away the lives of! And me bound, too, to a born devil, that only wants the will and has the power"”…Statement by Fagin to Nancy that shows the depth of his greed and exploitation of the people around him. Pg. 201-202 7. ‘But even if he has been wicked," pursed Rose, ‘think how young he is, think that he may never have known a mother"s love, or the fort of a home; and that ill-usage and blows, or the want of bread, may have driven him to herd with men who have forced him to guilt. Aunt, dear aunt, for mercy"s sake, think of this, before you let them drag this sick child to a prison, which in any case must be the grave of all his chances of amendment."”…The powerful speech by Rose that saves Oliver from going to prison. This speech is also a statement by Dickens about the effectiveness of the prison system in saying that it does not reform people. Pg. 231 8. “If I had been less- less fortunate, the world would call it; if some obscure and peaceful life had been my destiny; if I had been poor, sick, helpless; would you have turned from me then? Or has my probable advancement to riches and honour, given this scruple birth?”…Harry during his proposal to Rose wondering if he had a different station life, would she accept his offer. Dickens says here that love need not have money to be happy, and actually states that the lesser the money or station in life, the happier o people may be, because money corrupts people. Pg. 280 9. “…raising herself with difficulty, on her knees, drew from her bosom a white handkerchief –Rose Maylie"s own, and holding it up, in her folded hands, as high towards heaven as her feeble strength would allow, breathed one prayer for mercy to her maker” …A powerful passage, Dickens illustrates that Nancy, with her final act of good helping Oliver that she too, like Rose Maylie, was not evil any longer. Pg.383 10.“ ‘Not Aunt,” cried Oliver, throwing his arms about her neck: ‘I"ll never call her aunt –sister, my own dear, sister, that something taught my heart to love so dearly from the first! Rose, dear, darling Rose!"” Oliver"s joy at finally having a loving family member who will love him es through, because his story is all about his search for a family and love. Pg. 424 novelguide/oliverist/toptenquotes quotableonline/OliverTwist


《Oliver Twist》(Charles Dickens)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-2cuyiQyHBDAKPTpgRhg2A 提取码:JJBH书名:Oliver Twist作者:Charles Dickens豆瓣评分:8.3出版社:Wordsworth Editions Ltd出版年份:1997-9-1页数:400内容简介:查尔斯·狄更斯,十九世纪英国最著名的现实议作家,一生写有十多部长篇小说。他写作《雾都孤儿》时,年仅二十五岁。这部小说曾被改编、拍摄成多种电影、电视片,放映和播映,影响广泛、深远。他一生写有十多部长篇小说,被称为杰出的语言大师。他擅长运用讽刺、幽默和夸张的手法,他笔下的人物风貌和语言风格,都富有浓厚的浪漫主义特色。《雾都孤儿》(即《奥立弗·退斯特》)是狄更斯的一部伟大的社会小说,在世界文学史上占有重要的位置。《雾都孤儿》是狄更斯的第一部社会批判小说。富人的弃婴奥利佛在孤儿院里挣扎了9年,又被送到棺材店老板那儿当学徒。难以忍受的饥饿、贫困和侮辱,迫使奥利佛逃到伦敦,又被迫无奈当了扒手。他曾被富有的布莱罗先生收留,不幸让小扒手发现又入贼窝。善良的女扒手南希为了营救奥利佛,不顾贼头的监视和威胁,向布莱罗报信,说奥利佛就是他找寻已久的外孙儿。南希被贼窝头目杀害,警察随即围剿了贼窝。奥利佛终于得以与亲人团聚。卓越亚马逊为您带来英文原版《雾都孤儿》。

oliver twist为什么译作雾都孤儿?

书名的翻译不一定要按照原来的意思。一是可以直接照字面翻译,这样的例子很多,就不举了。还有一种情况是按照输的内容和主题来翻译,比如 gone with the wind既可以说成《飘》,也可以说是《乱世佳人》。采取哪种方式一般不会限制的太死,大多情况下和读者的接受程度有关。比如oliver twist的译者翻译成《雾都孤儿》的时候比较受到欢迎,因而这一译法深入人心罢了。

oliver twist 主要内容 中文

三个主要人物:Oliver Twist- The main character of the story, Oliver is an affection-starved little boy who will not commit crimes. He was abused as a young child, and only wants to be loved. His adventures make him the best of friends and the worst of enemies. (他是本文的主人公。Oliver是一个急切渴望得到关爱的小男孩,他并没有触犯法律。他被当作无助的小孩受到了欺凌,可是他却对世界还是充满希望,盼望能得到珍爱。他的遭遇使他获得了最珍贵的友谊也让他遇见了最卑鄙的敌人)Fagin- The main antagonist in the story, “The Jew” takes Oliver under his wing and tries to make a pickpocket out of him. He is a powerful crime leader who has an affection for only money and will kill anyone who stands in his way. (故事中的反面人物。这个犹太人让Oliver生活在他的羽翼之下并且尽力把他培养成扒手。他是个作恶多端的犯罪头目,他唯利是图而且心狠手辣,他会把他的人都杀掉。)Nancy- A woman who works for Fagin and tries to help Oliver which eventually leads to her death. She is passionate, caring, and loves Sikes, who eventually kills her. (一个为Fagin服务的可怜女人,她尽全力去帮助Oliver也是由于此导致了她的死亡。Nancy是个热情乐于助人的女人,她最终被自己所爱的人Sikes杀死)

急!写《Oliver Twist》1-8章按顺序发生的事情。

  故事发生在19世纪30年代,一个叫奥利弗·特维斯特的孤儿一直住在济贫院,9岁被买到一家棺材店做学徒,由于无法忍受店主巴姆鲍非人般的对待,逃到了雾都伦敦。  后来他被一个叫杰克的男孩儿骗入一家“孩子盗窃集团”。首领是一个老头,名叫费金,虽干尽恶事,但对奥利弗很好。这个集团想将奥利弗训练成一个小偷,但正直善良的奥利弗始终坚定立场。奥利弗多次想告密,这也引起二号首领赛克斯的极大反感,多次想至他于死地。  盗窃集团的另一成员南希被奥利弗的为人打动,于是良心发现,向书店老板布朗洛老先生告了密,一心想救出奥利弗。可是被凶残的二号首领赛克斯发现,将南希暴打至死。最终在警察追击赛克斯的路上,赛克斯不慎吊死。  第一章  讨论奥立弗·退斯特的出生地点,以及有关他出生  的种种情形。  第二章  介绍奥立弗·退斯特的成长教育以及衣食住行情况。  第三章  叙述奥立弗·退斯特差一点得到了一个并非闲差的职务  第四章  奥立弗得授新职,初次踏进社会。  第五章  奥立弗结识新同事,平生第一次参加葬礼就冒出了一  些和他主人的买卖颇不适宜的想法。  第六章  叙述奥立弗被师兄诺亚的辱骂所激怒,奋起自卫,  诺亚吓了一大跳。  第七章  奥立弗继续反抗。  第八章  奥立弗徒步去伦敦,途中遇见一位颇为古怪的小绅士。  这个网站有http://www.yifan.net/yihe/novels/foreign/wuduguer/wtge.html  你可以去看看

oliver twist 简析及人物赏析

中心思想:雾都孤儿描写了资本主义社会穷苦儿童的悲惨生活,揭露了贫民救济所和学校教育的黑暗。 人物赏析:在这本书中,奥利弗、南希、罗斯小姐都是善良的代表,他们都出生于苦难之中,在黑暗和充满罪恶的世界中成长,但在他们的心中始终保持着一偏纯洁的天地,一颗善良的心,种种磨难并不能使他们堕落或彻底堕落,反而更显示出他们出污泥而不染的光彩夺目的晶莹品质。最后,邪不胜正,正义的力量战胜了邪恶,虽然南希最后遇难,但正是她的死所召唤出来的惊天动地的社会正义力量,正是她在冥冥中的在天之灵,注定了邪恶势力的代表——费金团伙的灭顶之灾。因此在小说中,南希的精神得到了升华,奥利弗则得到了典型意义上的善报。而恶人的代表——费金、蒙克斯、邦布尔、塞克斯无不一一落得个悲惨的下场。

《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist)时代背景


Oliver Twist中的主要人物及特点,中英文都要

三个主要人物:Oliver Twist- The main character of the story, Oliver is an affection-starved little boy who will not commit crimes. He was abused as a young child, and only wants to be loved. His adventures make him the best of friends and the worst of enemies. (他是本文的主人公。Oliver是一个急切渴望得到关爱的小男孩,他并没有触犯法律。他被当作无助的小孩受到了欺凌,可是他却对世界还是充满希望,盼望能得到珍爱。他的遭遇使他获得了最珍贵的友谊也让他遇见了最卑鄙的敌人)Fagin- The main antagonist in the story, “The Jew” takes Oliver under his wing and tries to make a pickpocket out of him. He is a powerful crime leader who has an affection for only money and will kill anyone who stands in his way. (故事中的反面人物。这个犹太人让Oliver生活在他的羽翼之下并且尽力把他培养成扒手。他是个作恶多端的犯罪头目,他唯利是图而且心狠手辣,他会把他的人都杀掉。)Nancy- A woman who works for Fagin and tries to help Oliver which eventually leads to her death. She is passionate, caring, and loves Sikes, who eventually kills her. (一个为Fagin服务的可怜女人,她尽全力去帮助Oliver也是由于此导致了她的死亡。Nancy是个热情乐于助人的女人,她最终被自己所爱的人Sikes杀死)

英语简介oliver twist

Oliver Twist网络释义Oliver Twist:雾都孤儿|孤雏泪|奥利弗u2022特维斯特(雾都孤儿)Oliver"s twist:雾都孤儿Oliver Twist Charles Dickens:雾都孤儿》 查尔斯.狄更斯http://www.google.cn/search?q=%E9%9B%BE%E9%83%BD%E5%AD%A4%E5%84%BF%E8%8B%B1%E8%AF%AD%E7%AE%80%E4%BB%8B&sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B2GGFB_zh-CNCN285CN286


可能是根据剧情来订的中文名吧,其实这个不能算是翻译了。只能说是电影名叫《Oliver Twist》,中文版的剧名称为《雾都孤儿》。

Oliver Twist

书名Oliver Twist主要人物:Oliver奥利弗 ,Mr Bumble执事班布尔, Fagin 费金,Mr Brownlow好心的布朗洛先生,Mrs Bendwin 慈母一样的女管家贝德温太太。Nancy最后解救奥利弗的南希。Mrs Maylie善良的 梅利太太。Mr Sowerberry.棺材店老板索尔贝里先生。Noah Claypole。诺厄·克莱普尔。 书本的主要内容: 这本书主要讲了一个叫奥利弗的孩子在他成长的路上尽管经历了那些苦难不幸与贫穷痛苦,但他的心里依然有些善良和正义。 奥利弗的出生是在一个济贫院,他的妈妈在逃离的行走过程中在济贫园中生下了他,生下奥利弗后她就死了。奥利弗从此就成长在济贫院附近的育婴堂。在那里他受尽曼太太的折磨和虐待。因为奥利弗在育婴堂被班布尔执事说他是一个不懂感恩叛逆的孩子,他被送去了棺材店老板索尔贝里先去的家里去干活。在那里奥利弗依然被索尔贝里太太和慈善学校的男孩诺厄·克莱普尔欺负,尽管索尔贝里先生不是心狠的人,但他没有别的办法,如果他不惩罚奥利弗,他的老婆是不会饶过他的。 在被痛打一顿以后,奥利弗在那个晚上离开了棺材店老板的家,他一个人走了二十公里去到伦敦,只吃了身边的面包,喝了点从路边人家讨来的水。他在伦敦遇到了盗窃团伙的老大,费金。他们想办法把奥利弗训练成一个神偷。但奥利弗不想成为一个神偷并且害怕成为一个神偷。在一次偷一个站在书店的老先生的案件中,奥利弗被误认成小偷,被抓住关进了警察局。后来被证实奥利弗不是小偷后,奥利弗已经受伤严重,躺在了街边。好心的老先生布朗洛先生可怜奥利弗,就把他带回家治疗休养。在那里他收到了很好的照顾,并且很感谢布朗洛先生。有一次奥利弗在去帮布朗洛先生还书给书店老板的路上被费金那一团犯罪团伙抓了回去。他又开始过上可怕的日子。他被安排到一次偷盗行动,在那里受了伤,他在荒郊野地里像死了一样躺着。下起大雨后奥利弗睁开了眼睛,胳膊上都是血,虚弱的几乎站不起来,但他明白如果呆在那里,他会死去的。他强迫自己站了起来。走到小路上,看到一处房子。正好是他们昨晚决定偷盗的房子,他觉得害怕但又没有办法,就爬过小径拉响门铃,随后便精疲力尽地瘫倒在台阶上。房里的仆人和厨娘出来看到奥利弗斗害怕和恐惧,但男仆人随后很兴奋,因为他骄傲的发现奥利弗就是他昨天开枪打中的那个孩子。房子里的女主人梅利太太和她的侄女罗斯小姐在等着罗斯伯恩医生的到来,等待着他来就那个可怜的孩子。他们三个人可怜奥利弗并且相信奥利弗不是盗窃的人,就想办法不让奥利弗被警察带走,然后奥利弗就在这座房子里好好休养,变得强壮起来了,他每天都跟他的救命恩人们说他是多么感恩戴德。他还想去找到那个好心的布朗洛先生,医生带他去了,可是去到那里布朗洛先去已经在六个星期前迁到西印度群岛去了。奥利弗非常痛苦和失望,但他的好朋友们还是对他友好如初。奥利弗在开始了新的生活 这个故事是关于奥利弗的。奥利弗的一生坎坷,命运多舛,他出生的时候母亲便死了,他生活在贫苦的地方,过着鲜为人知的苦难生活,他遇到过粗暴的人,遇到过神偷费金,也遇到过好心的布朗洛先生和善良待他的梅丽太太。他的心里有自己的正直善良和勇敢,也有感恩更有单纯的心,他坚持着自己的道德,不去成为一个神偷,用自己的努力去改变自己的命运。

oliver twist 的内容系咩??(要中文)!急!!

内容: 奥利弗.特威斯特是一个孤儿,出生在伦敦郊区的一个贫民救济所里。在他满九岁后不久,救济所把他送到一家棺材店当学徒。在棺材店里,奥利弗遭到其他人的排挤与虐待,使他毅然逃出棺材店,一人前往伦敦谋生。到了伦敦,他落入一群扒手惯窃的手里,身边全是小偷、强盗和骗子。此时的奥利弗并不知道他还有一个同父异母的哥哥。这个哥哥和犹太人费根相互勾结,准备把奥利弗一步步推向罪恶的深渊。幸而奥利弗有颗善良的童心,并没有因此泯灭,他在众多好心人士的帮助下逃出贼窟,找到了幸福,身世之谜也真相大白。 参考: *** 孤雏泪(呢个系电影既名----2007年) 亦都有另一个名----雾都孤儿(都系电影既名----1948年)

雾都孤儿的英文名Oliver Twist是什么意思啊?




oliver twist英文简介内容

  《雾都孤儿》,长篇写实小说,以雾都伦敦为背景,讲述了一个孤儿悲惨的身世及遭遇。下面是我为你整理的oliver twist英文简介,希望对你有用!  oliver twist简介   "oliver twist" is the British writer Dickens published in 1838 long realistic novel.   The fog is London as the background, tells an orphan tragic life experience and encounter. The hero Oliver grew up in the orphanage, experienced apprenticeship, hard to flee, mistakenly into the thief nest, and forced to vicious and the culprit, went through numerous bitterness, and finally with the help of good people, find life experience and get happiness.   The book exposes many of the social problems at the time, such as relief homes, child labor, and gangs to attract young people to participate in crime. The book has been adapted several times for film, television and stage play.   oliver twist内容简介   The hero of the novel, Oliver Drizzer, is an orphan who is born in the workhouse, hungry and bullying, and fled to London alone because of the abuse of the coffin shop owner, Just one arrived on the cheated into the thief cave. The leader of the thieves" group, Felkin, did everything possible to train Oliver as a pickpocket for him. Oliver followed the thief partner "ghosts" and Bates took to the streets when he was mistaken for him to be stolen by a policeman who called Brown"s gentleman (who happened to be his father"s friend). After the bookstore boss proved his innocent, that thief another person, he was released. Because he was seriously ill, and looks like a friend left a portrait of a young woman left behind, Browno admitted him at home for treatment, get Browno and his stewardess than the gentleman care for everyone, the first time to feel the world The warmth. The thief gangs were afraid that Oliver would reveal the secrets of the gangs, and at the point of the feathers, Sikes and Nancy were exhausted, and when Oliver went out to repay the books of the bosses for Browns, he was reintroduced into the thief. But when Felic tried to punish the beaten Oliver, Nancy came forward to protect Oliver. Fee gold with a threat, inducement, indoctrination and other means attempt to force Oliver to become a thief, as the money of the money tree.   One night, Oliver took a burglary of a mansion under the squeak of Skex. While Oliver was prepared to take the opportunity to climb into the window to report to the owner, was stabbed after the steward found. When the thief fled, the Oliver was thrown into the ditch in the roadside. Oliver crawl in the rain and snow, inadvertently back to the house, faint to the door. The majestic master, Mrs. Meri and her daughter, Miss Rose, shelter and shelter him. It was Oliver"s aunt, but neither of them knew it. In the family of Meri, Oliver really enjoy the warmth and beauty of life. But the fee gold gang can not let Oliver. One day a man named Monks came to Fagin, who was Oliver"s half-brother, and because of his filial piety, his father gave all of his legacy to Oliver in his will, unless Oliver and Monks were The same filial children, inheritance can be inherited by Monks. For this reason, Monks bought a high price, asking him to turn Oliver into an incurable criminal, in order to occupy all the legacy of Oliver"s name, and to vent his own father"s resentment. While Monks was triumphantly talking about how he and the Bumble husband and wife were dismayed and destroyed the only evidence to prove Oliver"s identity, he was heard by Nancy. Nancy was brave, sympathetic to Oliver"s encounter, risking his life, and secretly finding Miss Ross, and told her all about it.   While Miss Ross thought about how to act, Oliver told her that he had found Mr. Brownlow. Miss Ross and Brownlo discuss the handling of the method. Miss Ross was next to Bruno to meet again with Nancy, and Brownlo was informed that Monks was his uncle"s friend, Edwin Lever"s filial son, who decided to find Monks in person, but their conversation was The charges sent by the spies. Sussex murdered Nancy. The death of Nancy made the fugitive gang a disaster. Fagin was arrested, after the gallows, Sikes in the escape in the stumbled by their own rope strangled. At the same time, Monks was hijacked at home by Browns, forcing him out of everything, the truth of the matter, Oliver was Browno for the adopted son, from the end of his suffering childhood. In order to give Monks a new opportunity to give all the inheritance of Oliver inherited half to him. But Monks inferior does not change, the family wealthy exhausted, continue to do evil, was finally jailed, died in prison. Bombour had a great deal of evil, had all the duties, and had been living in poverty and for the rest of his life.   oliver twist艺术特色   "The fog is orphan" in the hero"s English name for the Oliver Twist, and Twist its English meaning "twisted, twists and turns, to distress", which implies the hero Oliver"s life is very rough, to go through a lot of pain. In this novel plot of protest against the community, Oliver is regarded as a hero, whose purpose is not to touch our literary sensitivity, but to impress our emotions.   "Fog orphans" in the characters can be divided into two camps - angel camp and devil camp, the whole novel in the confrontation between the Bodhisattva characters started. Orphans Oliver was born poor but good nature, not received formal education but polite, very educated. And such a lovely boy is born with hunger, poverty, loneliness, and the wicked. In the nursery, the child can not bear the whole day of eating, but also bear all kinds of abuse; in the poor people, Oliver lived a hungry and cold life, just because a little porridge was a blessing of the diocese In the coffin shop, Oliver by apprentice Noah"s jealousy and insult; in London thief cave, Oliver was thief"s first fee gold and other people framed, almost killed. Just as the positive characters in the fairy tale are always persecuted by the witches, the wicked, and the demons, Oliver in the novel has always had the wicked relative. And this unfortunate child after suffering but metamorphosis, and always retain the kindness of nature, wholeheartedly, and finally hard to come, with the help of good people ushered in a new life. "Fog orphans") succeeded in shaping the image of a group of wicked people, including the proprietor of the parish of the bureaucrats bumbles, jealous of the arrogant coffin folks Noah, sturdy and vicious sikes, Sweet fallen thieves, and inferiority of the Monks and so on. At the same time, the novel also shaped a number of good people to teach difficult to teach: warmth of the old gentleman Brown Lou, enthusiastic Mrs Merry, beautiful good Miss Ruth, helpful doctor, young enthusiastic Mr. Harry Conscientious girl Nancy and so on. In the novel, good and evil people camp clear, against the fierce sharp, as the fairy tale to help the angel and the devil"s contest, is a war of justice and evil.   Dickens on the protagonist Oliver"s image to create a clear fairy tale. Little Oliver lived in the workhouse, and was not well educated, but he did not have any abuse, but with good kindness and good education, even in the thief library he can sell themselves, Not dyed. This is obviously illusory and unreal, and the novel in the bourgeoisie image of the shape is full of fantasy. Mrs. Brownlie, Mrs. Meri, and Miss Ruth, who has an angelic face and soul, save Oliver with a generous love to make the orphans in danger come again and again. There is no bourgeois selfishness and greed, some of the poor orphans of the savior, the human virtue in a perfect character.   In the plot settings, "fog orphans" have too many surreal logic adventures and coincidence, showing a strong fairy tale color. Oliver for the first time with the thief took to the streets, stolen people happens to be his father"s friend Brown Lou Lou. In the house of Brown Lou, the portrait of a young woman left by her friend resembles Oliver, and the portrait is his mother. Oliver was lucky to be taken by Brown Lou, and his handling of the broken clothes just fell to the hands of the thief"s first fee, so that the whereabouts of the fall so that he once again fall into the thief. Oliver was stolen in the hijacking of the bandits, and was unlucky to be wounded and seized by Sikes in the wild, struggling to climb to the door of a family, and the house was just going to burglary. Even more surprising is the stolen person happens to be his aunt Ruth Meili home. Oliver"s mother left his belongings to the hands of the woman, Mrs. Koenig, who later became Mrs. Faber. When Sikes went to Oliver"s birthplace, he met Mr. Faber of the bar, so he had successfully bought and destroyed the items that had been claimed by Mrs. Fabre. Some of these episodes coincide in the novel is too numerous to mention, obviously from the reason is difficult to speak in the past, it is precisely because of this adventure to make the orphan story twists and turns, ups and downs.   "Fog orphans" ending by the sad to hi, good and evil have reported. Oliver is suffering and humiliated, regardless of where he is always good tolerance, loyalty and love, to maintain a pure nature and good soul. Finally hard to get happiness. Good and beautiful Miss Ruth also broke the identity of the trip and the happiness of the combination of happiness. For the wicked people in the novel, the author gave them a miserable fate: the thief"s first fee paid by the justice of the trial, on the gallows; Sussex in the escape was stumbled by the rope strangled, and ultimately escape : The thief "can not catch" in order to steal a snuff bottle was sentenced to life extinguished by the court; Monks bad line hard to change, holding family wealthy, and eventually jailed in prison; diocese officer Faber was leather Duties, poverty, in the workhouse for the rest of his life. Although the outcome of such a story has been far from the real life, but the author"s good wishes, but it has reached the evil, the purpose of education. "Fog orphans," this kind of good and evil have reported the outcome and punish evil and good writing intentions and fairy tricks coincide. oliver twist相关 文章 : 1. 《雾都孤儿》英文读书笔记 2. 关于《雾都孤儿》英文读后感范文 3. 《雾都孤儿》英文读书笔记 4. 成功者必看十大励志电影 5. 精彩文章大学即将毕业

the rubber duck likes swimming.改为否定句

The rubber duck doesn"t like swimming.


新目标英语八年级下册单词表Unit 1will 将;会robot 机器人won"t = will notthey"ll = they willeverything 每件事物paper 纸;纸张fewer(few的比较级)较少的pollution 污染tree 树she"ll = she willbuilding 建筑物astronaut 宇航员rocket 火箭space 太空space station 太空站fly 飞行took 动词take的过去式moon 月亮;月球I"ll = I willfall 落下fell 动词fall的过去式fall in love with 爱上(某人或某物)alone 单独地pet 宠物parrot 鹦鹉probably 大概go skating 去滑冰suit 一套衣服able 能够be able to 有能力做某事dress 穿衣casually 随意地which 哪个even 甚至the World Cup 世界杯wrote 动词write的过去式myself(反身代词)我自己interview 面试predict 预言prediction 预测came 动词come的过去式come true (希望等)实现sound 声音company 公司thought动词think的过去式strategy 策略fiction 小说unpleasant 使人不愉快的scientist 科学家in the future 未来hundreds of 大量already 早已made 动词make的过去式factory 工厂simple 简单的such 这样的bored 厌烦的everywhere 各地;到处human 人类shape 外形huge 巨大的earthquake 地震snake 蛇possible 可能的electric 导电的toothbrush 牙刷seem 似乎impossible 不可能的housework 家务rating 级别Alexis 亚历克西斯(女名)Unit 2keep out 不让...进入play 播放argue 争论wrong 错误的What"s wrong? 怎么了?style 风格out of style 不时髦的could 可以call sb. up 打电话给...ticket 票surprise 使惊奇on the phone 用电话交谈What"s the matter? 怎么了?pay for 付...账part-time job 兼职工作okay 好的either 同样的(不...)bake 烤bake sale 面包或糕饼的售卖活动 Teen Talk 青少年论坛(节目名称)tutor 家庭教师original 新颖的the same as 与...同样的in style 时髦的haircut 理发except 把...除外upset 心烦的fail 失败get on 相处didn"t = did notcouldn"t = could notreturn 归还football 足球until 到...为止fit 适合fit...into... 找到时间(做某事)as...as possible 尽可能...pressure 压力complain 抱怨include 包括pushy 固执己见的 push 推动send 派遣all kinds of 各种各样的compare 比较crazy 疯狂的themselves (反身代词)他(她,它)们自己adult 成年人on the one hand (在)一方面organized 有组织的on the other hand (在)另一方面freedom 自由Eve 伊夫(女名)Erin埃尔伦(女名)Nicole 尼科尔(女名)Emilio 艾米利奥(男名)Alice 艾丽丝(女名)Unit 3UFO (=unidentified flying object) 飞碟barber (为男子服务的)理发师barber shop 理发店bathroom 浴室bedroom 卧室kitchen 厨房get out 出去alien 外星人bought 动词buy的过去式land 着陆got 动词get的过去式take off 起飞while 当...的时候experience 经历imagine 想象strange 奇怪的follow 跟随amazing 令人惊异的kid 开玩笑scared 恐惧的climb 攀登jump 跳跃shout 呼喊rode 动词ride的过去式train station 火车站ran 动词run的过去式run away 逃跑anywhere任何地方met 动词meet的过去式come in 进来happen 发生accident 事故Beijing International Airport 北京国际机场plane 飞机heard 动词hear的过去式modern 现代的kill 杀死Memphis 孟菲斯(美国田纳西州西南部一城市)murder 谋杀hear about 听说bright 明亮的playground运动场bell 钟rang 动词ring的过去式told 动词tell的过去式close 关闭silence 寂静take place 发生recent 最近的World Trade Center 世界贸易中心destroy 破坏terrorist 恐怖分子meaning 意思as...as... 像...(一样)became动词become的过去式flight 航班earth 地球hero 英雄flew 动词fly的过去式Davy 戴维(男名)Martin Luther 马丁u2022路德u2022金Allen 艾伦(男名或姓)Unit 4made 很生气的anymore 再也(不)direct speech 直接引语reported speech 间接引语first of all首先message 消息pass on 传递suppose 假定be supposed to 被期望或被要求...hard-working 努力工作的do well in 在...方面做得好in good health 身体健康report card 成绩单nervous 神经紧张的envelope 信封semester 学期true 真实的disappointing 使人失望的lucky 幸运的copy 复制own 自己的get over 克服poor 贫穷的village 村庄Peking University 北京大学graduate (大学)毕业生volunteer 志愿者the Ministry of Education 教育部Chinese Young Pioneer 中国少年先锋队rural 乡村的area 地区meter 米sea level 海平面thin 稀薄的ate 动词eat的过去式fortunately 幸运地decision 决定husband 丈夫dormitory 宿舍senior high school 高中open up 打开start 开始influence 影响return 回来hometown 家乡Greenpeace "绿色和平"组织care for 照料border 边界UNICEF 联合国儿童基金会(=United Nations InternationalChildren Emergency Fund)WWF(=World Wildlife Fund) 世界野生动物基金会danger 危险Lana 拉娜(女名)Marcia 马西娅(女名)Unit 5have a great time 玩得愉快organize 组织take away 拿走clean-up 清除flower 花agent 代理人around the world 在世界各地make a living 谋生against 反对charity 慈善事业chance 机会all the time 一直injured 受伤的sincerely 真诚地lawyer 律师tonight 今晚mobile phone 移动电话Andrea 安德烈娅 (女名)Mark 马克(男名或姓)Michael 迈克尔(男名或姓)Review of units 1-5What"s the problem? 怎么了?fat 肥胖的window 窗户play football 踢足球consequence 结果explain 解释following 下列的Harry 哈里(男名)Unit 6collect 收集shell 贝壳marathon (体育比赛中)马拉松比赛pair 一对skate 溜冰鞋since 自从Hilltop School 一学校名称, 可译为山顶学校raise 筹集several 几个的skater 溜冰者stamp 邮票kite 风筝monster 怪物globe 球状物anyone 任何人run out of 用完store 储存cake 蛋糕particularly 特别collector 搜集者by the way 顺便一提common 共同的extra 额外的coin 钱币topic 话题been 动词be的过去式be interested in 对...感兴趣writer 作家dynasty 朝代character (著名的)人物capital 省会European 欧洲的Russian 俄罗斯的Australian 澳大利亚的Jewish 犹太人的Jew 犹太人thousand 一千emperor 皇帝foreigner 外国人quite 相当certain 确实的the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会far away 在远处miss 思念Alison 艾利森(女名或男名)Celia 西莉亚(女名)Liam 利亚姆(男名)Ellen 埃伦(女名)Leo 利奥(男名)Unit 7not at all 一点也不turn down 把...调低yard 院子right away 立刻task 任务poster 海报waitress 女服务生brought动词bring的过去式solution 解答line 排wait in line 排队等候annoy 使恼怒annoyed 恼怒的polite 有礼貌的perhaps 或许door 门cut in line 插队hasn"t = has notterm 术语etiquette 礼节normal 正常的behavior 行为at first 首先Asian 亚洲的uncomfortable 不舒服的impolite 无礼的allow 允许keep...down 控制voice 声音public 公众take care 小心cough 咳嗽sneeze 打喷嚏break 打破break the rule 违反规则politely有礼貌地smoke 抽烟put out 扑灭cigarette 香烟criticize 批语careful 小心的drop 落下litter 垃圾pick 采;摘pick...up 捡起behave 举止Nick 尼克(男名)Harris 哈里斯(女名)Unit 8comment 评论album 相片薄personal 私人的special 特别的receive 收到gave 动词give的过去式guy 家伙spider 蜘蛛mouse 老鼠snake 蛇hamster 仓鼠turtle 海龟child 孩子pot-bellied 大腹便便的pig 猪advantage 优点disadvantage缺点perfect 完美的rabbit 野兔company 伙伴cost 价值asleep 睡着的fall asleep 入睡choose 选择present 礼物open 打开later 稍后given 动词give的过去分词give away 分发bench 长凳rather than 而不是Sweden 瑞典instead 代替the Olympics =the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动enter 参加nearly 几乎sang 动词sing的过去式clearly 清楚地stage 舞台native 本地的native speaker 以某种语言为母语的人winner 胜利者modest 谦虚的interested 感兴趣的encourage 鼓励progress 进步make progress 取得进步the Olympic competehear of 听说suggest 建议Beijinger 北京人take an interest in 对...感兴趣besides 除...之外make friends with 与...交友statement 声明mention 提及driveConnie康妮(女名)Unit 9amusement 娱乐neither 二者都不(的)Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园Mickey Mouse 米老鼠Donald Duck 唐老鸭character ( 在小说、戏剧等中出现的)人物;角色seen 动词see的过去分词 theme主题attraction 有吸引力的事物(或人)roller coaster 过山车cruise 巡游board 甲板on board 在船上route 路线end up 以...结束island 岛屿especially 特别exchange student 交换生attendant 服务员flight attendant (飞机上的)空中服务员discover 发现requirement 要求guide 导游tour guide 导游film 电影southeast 东南部wonderful 极好的holiday 假日quarter 四分之一three quarters 四分之三population 人口simply 简单地Putonghua 普通话fear 害怕;担心brave 勇敢的excellent 极好的Indian 印度的Night Safari (新加坡) 夜间野生动物园dark 黄昏;黑暗daytime 白天wake 醒来wake up 睡醒fox 狐狸natural 自然的environment 环境temperature 温度all year round 一年到头equator 赤道whenever 无论何时spring 春天autumn 秋天season 季节type 类型awake 醒着的Claudia 克劳迪娅(女名)Harvey 哈维(男名)Leonardo 里昂纳多(男名)Unit 10Franklin Lake 富兰克林湖noon 中午sandy 含沙的goodbye 再见look through 浏览bookstore 书店cross 穿过elevator 电梯low 低的slow 缓慢的fan 迷note 短信;笔记come along (意外地)出现get along 相处baby 婴儿at least 至少traffic 交通least 形容词和副词little的最高级Andy 安迪(男名)Rita 丽塔(女名)Review of units 6-10review 复习;回顾Erhu二胡(乐器名)Janet 珍妮特(女名)Jay 杰伊(男名)Additional Materialsubtitle (电影或电视上的)字幕web page 网页



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使用WinXP出现系统故障,病毒感染,卡机等问题时,第一时间关注的“三大件”就是——自启动程序、当前活动进程和服务。管理这“三大件”必须执行好多个程序,xp系统没有一个将它们进行统一管理的工具,因此我们只能使用一个更好的第三方软件来管理它们,那就是Starter,Starter不但能将“三大件”统一整合,还能帮你找到系统故障时的问题所在。下面小编将详细介绍WindowsXP下如何用Starter更好的管理系统进程。推荐:笔记本ghostxpsp3系统下载一、超越MSConfig的自启动管理1、木马、病毒通常借助自启动来危害电脑,因此在怀疑自己感染病毒时,通常要逐一查找系统所有自启动位置。不过系统的自启动位置有很多处,手工查找并不方便,而用MSConfig则只能禁用不能删除。2、比如中招的“超级密码杀手(I-Worm/Supkp.z)”就在[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun]、[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion unServices]等9个位置添加了自启动键值。启动Starter后单击“启动项目”,在左侧列表可清晰地看到病毒所有的自启动项目,而且不同启动项目按照用户和启动位置分别排列。现在按住Ctrl键依次选中这9个自启动键值,然后右击选择“删除”就能一次性清理这些自启动键值。二、一键终止所有可疑进程1、现在木马越来越狡猾,它们常常通过多个进程的互相监护,比如“FallingStar”木马就采用“internet.exe”和“systemtray.exe”双进程保护模式。系统自带的“任务管理器”终止其中一个进程后,另一个监视进程就会马上让其再生。2、Starter则可以批量结束多个恶意进程,现在单击程序窗口的“当前进程”标签,同样用Ctrl键选中上述两个进程,然后通过右键菜单的“终止”将所有恶意进程全部终止。三、服务管理一步到位1、伪装成系统服务的恶意程序也不少,比如,灰鸽子就会在注册表[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices]添加“Gray_Pigeon_Server”服务,我们以前一般通过查看注册表服务键值和系统搜索来完成病毒查杀。2、现在只要在Starter窗口中单击“服务”标签,在服务列表右击“Gray_Pigeon_Server”选择“浏览文件目录”,可以直接打开可执行文件所在目录快速找到木马文件,选择“浏览服务的注册键”,3、直接定位到服务注册表键值,快速删除服务键值修复系统。此外,还可以选择“搜索于因特网”,启用搜索引擎搜索网上对该服务的描述,对于常见的病毒一般通过搜索就能找到解决方法了。Widnowsxp系统使用Starter软件管理软件进程的方法介绍到这里,系统遇到故障问题可以使用Starter来应对。

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并不是微软Windows 7操作系统包含了6个版本。这6个版本分别为Windows 7 Starter(初级版)、Windows 7 Home Basic(家庭基础版)、Windows 7 Home Premium(家庭高级版)、Windows 7 Professional(专业版)、Windows 7 Enterprise(企业版)和Windows 7 Ultimate(旗舰版)。你是不是对此感到有些困惑?以下列出了有关这六个版本的分析信息:Windows 7 Starter(初级版)缺少的功能:航空特效功能;同时运行三个以上同步程序;家庭组(HomeGroup)创建;完整的移动功能。可用范围:仅在新兴市场投放,仅安装在原始设备制造商的特定机器上,并限于某些特殊类型的硬件。忽略后台应用,比如文件备份实用程序,但是一旦打开该备份程序,后台应用就会被自动触发。Windows 7 Home Basic(家庭基础版)缺少的功能:航空特效功能;实时缩略图预览、Internet连接共享。可用范围:仅在新兴市场投放(不包括美国、西欧、日本和其它发达国家)。Windows 7 Home Premium(家庭高级版)包含功能:航空特效功能;多触控功能;多媒体功能(播放电影和刻录DVD);组建家庭网络组。可用范围:全球。Windows 7 Professional(专业版)包含功能:加强网络的功能,比如域加入;高级备份功能;位置感知打印;脱机文件夹;移动中心(Mobility Center);演示模式(Presentation Mode)。可用范围:全球。Windows 7 Enterprise(企业版)包含功能:Branch缓存;DirectAccess;BitLocker;AppLocker;Virtualization Enhancements(增强虚拟化);Management (管理);Compatibility and Deployment(兼容性和部署);VHD引导支持。可用范围:仅批量许可。Windows 7 Ultimate(旗舰版)包含功能:所有功能。可用范围:有限。其中,Windows 7家庭高级版和Windows 7专业版是两大主打版本,前者面向家庭用户,后者针对商业用户。微软声称,各种版本的Windows 7将能够运行在“非常广泛的硬件设施上,从小型上网本(netbooks)到台式机。”通过微软的电子升级功能,你可以将Windows 7从“瘦”版升级到“丰满”版。在已经安装了标准的Vista家庭普通版或家庭高级版的电脑上安装Windows 7不需要重新进行格式化。据Windows自身专家,新的Windows 7操作系统将位于Vista之上,二者不会发生冲突。但是,从已经安装了XP的电脑上安装Windows 7将需全新安装。听说过xp,听说过win7没听说xp7

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直接读是福瑞 崴尔,中文译名斯芬克斯



have unpleasant associations with

联想 .



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下面这句话中的“perhaps with relatives who are dead”在句中做什么成分我觉得这句话在句子中做的是定语成分


win7去掉打开文件安全警告的提示窗口方法:一、组策略法。单击“开始”菜单,再单击“运行”,在打开的对话框中输入“gpedit.msc”,点“确定”。打开组策略的界面,在左侧的控制台树依次展开“用户配置→管理模板→Windows 组件→附件管理器” 。然后在右侧窗口中双击“中等危险文件类型的包含类表” 。在出来的“设置”界面下选择“已启用”,并在指定高危险扩展名的框中添加.exe等要隐蔽安全警告提示的文件类型。(添加多个扩展名请用分号;隔开)最后单击确定以生效所作的设置。二、注册表法。点击左下角的“开始”菜单,打开“运行”窗口,输入regedit命令,打开注册表编辑器。在左侧的目录树里依次展开以下注册表项HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesAssociations。这里没有Associations项,则在Policies项上鼠标右键“新建-项”,并将其命名为“Associations”。右击新建的字符串值,重命名为“ModRiskFileTypes”。双击“ModRiskFileTypes”键值,打开“字符串值”对话框,在数据数值中输入“.exe”,单击确定。(如果想要添加其它格式的文件类型用;号分隔开就可以。如 .exe;.bat;.vbs )



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在桌面找到IE图标,左键单击,选择属性;点击【安全】-Internet-【自定义级别】;找到【下载未签名的Active X控件】,点选(提示);出现警告对话框,点击(是);5点击确定,完成;6重新下载插件,检测结果即可。


目前该公司并无公开发布的中文名称,FREY WILLE 是两任CEO 的姓氏组合在一起而成为该品牌名称。从1951年开始,该品牌专注于制作珐琅,至今已有60多年的历史。品牌的标志是根据埃及的狮身人面像斯芬克斯像演变而来的。目前在北京有四家直营店,其中三里屯Village北区地下一层的电话是64173196.






win7去掉打开文件安全警告的提示窗口方法:一、组策略法。单击“开始”菜单,再单击“运行”,在打开的对话框中输入“gpedit.msc”,点“确定”。打开组策略的界面,在左侧的控制台树依次展开“用户配置→管理模板→Windows 组件→附件管理器” 。然后在右侧窗口中双击“中等危险文件类型的包含类表” 。在出来的“设置”界面下选择“已启用”,并在指定高危险扩展名的框中添加.exe等要隐蔽安全警告提示的文件类型。(添加多个扩展名请用分号;隔开)最后单击确定以生效所作的设置。二、注册表法。点击左下角的“开始”菜单,打开“运行”窗口,输入regedit命令,打开注册表编辑器。在左侧的目录树里依次展开以下注册表项HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesAssociations。这里没有Associations项,则在Policies项上鼠标右键“新建-项”,并将其命名为“Associations”。右击新建的字符串值,重命名为“ModRiskFileTypes”。双击“ModRiskFileTypes”键值,打开“字符串值”对话框,在数据数值中输入“.exe”,单击确定。(如果想要添加其它格式的文件类型用;号分隔开就可以。如 .exe;.bat;.vbs )方法三:http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/8cdccae941c620315413cd3f.html

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be consistent with和consist with 都表示一致,相符,有什么区别吗?怎么运用?

前一个是be的改变,例如Determination of individual base pay should be consistent with the unit. 个人缴费基数的确定方法应与单位相一致. 后一个是动词consist根据句意改变,主动





associations with

翻译:最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感. have unpleasant associations with 对...没什么好感 associations 在这里是做词组使用




win7去掉打开文件安全警告的提示窗口方法:一、组策略法。单击“开始”菜单,再单击“运行”,在打开的对话框中输入“gpedit.msc”,点“确定”。打开组策略的界面,在左侧的控制台树依次展开“用户配置→管理模板→Windows 组件→附件管理器” 。然后在右侧窗口中双击“中等危险文件类型的包含类表” 。在出来的“设置”界面下选择“已启用”,并在指定高危险扩展名的框中添加.exe等要隐蔽安全警告提示的文件类型。(添加多个扩展名请用分号;隔开)最后单击确定以生效所作的设置。二、注册表法。点击左下角的“开始”菜单,打开“运行”窗口,输入regedit命令,打开注册表编辑器。在左侧的目录树里依次展开以下注册表项HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesAssociations。这里没有Associations项,则在Policies项上鼠标右键“新建-项”,并将其命名为“Associations”。右击新建的字符串值,重命名为“ModRiskFileTypes”。双击“ModRiskFileTypes”键值,打开“字符串值”对话框,在数据数值中输入“.exe”,单击确定。(如果想要添加其它格式的文件类型用;号分隔开就可以。如 .exe;.bat;.vbs )

lana del rey的without you的歌词中文翻译。

Everything I want I have一切我想要的都会拥有Money, notoriety and rivieras.金钱,名誉和里维埃拉I even think I found God直至我想若是上帝与我交集In the flash bulbs of the pretty cameras,摄像机对着我,在闪光灯下Pretty cameras, pretty cameras.浮华的照相机Am I glamorous? Tell me am I glamorous?我迷人极致,对吧?Hello? Hello?嘿!嘿!C-can you hear me?你在听吗I can be your china doll我能成为你的消遣If you want to see me fall.如果你想要看我堕落Boy you"re so dope,宝贝你已被麻痹Your love is deadly.你的爱是对我的致命一击Tell me life is beautiful,告诉我生活很美They all think I have it all.他们都觉得我早已拥有I"ve nothing without you.没有什么与你无关All my dreams and all the lights mean我的梦与那些众所周知的Nothing without you.你我息息相关Summertime is nice and hot,夏日炙热并美丽着And my life is sweet like vanilla is.我的生活甜如香草Gold and silver line my heart 金钱束缚着我的心But burned into to my brain are these stolen images, 盗梦般的想象灼伤着我的思想Stolen images, baby, stolen images. 盗梦般的,亲爱的Can you picture it 你能想象吗Babe the life we could"ve lived? 我们真正活过吗We were two kids, just tryin" to get out, 我们曾是孩子,迫切地希望长大Live on the dark side of the American dream. 生活在晦涩的美国梦中We would dance all night, play our music loud, 夜夜歌舞升平When we grew up nothing was what it seemed. 当我们长大时,一切不会含沙射影All my dreams and all the lights mean 我的梦与那些众所周知的Nothing if I can"t have you. 一切如果失去你





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How Am I Supposed To Live Without You 歌词

歌曲名:How Am I Supposed To Live Without You歌手:Marie Carmen Koppel专辑:A Touch Of Gospel知行英语Listen and ShareMichael BoltonHow Am I Supposed to Live without YouI could hardly believe it,when I heard the news todayI had to come andget it straight from youThey said you were leaving,someone"s swept your heart awayFrom the look upon your face,I see it"s true.So tell me all about it,tell me "bout the plans you"re makingThen tell me one thing morebefore I goTell me how am I supposedto live without youNow that I"ve been loving you so longHow am I supposed to live without youHow am I supposed to carry onWhen all that I"ve been living foris gone.I didn"t come here for crying,didn"t come here to break downIt"s just a dream of mineis coming to an endAnd how can I blame you,when I build my world aroundThe hope that one daywe"d be so much more than friendsAnd I don"t want to know the pricei"m gonna pay for dreamingWhen even now it"s more thanI can takeTell me how am I supposedto live without youNow that I"ve been loving you so longHow am I supposed to live without youHow am I supposed to carry onWhen all that I"ve been living for is gone.And I don"t want to know the priceI"m gonna pay for dreamingNow that your dream has come true.重复歌词大意I could hardly believe it,when I heard the news todayI had to come andget it straight from youStraightget it straight fromget it straight from the horse"s mouthitthe horse"s ageget it straight from somebodyLet"s get it straightThey said you were leaving,someone"s swept your heart awaysweep awayI"ll get him to sweep awaythe broken glass.sweep awaytake awaysweep awayFrom the look upon your face,I see it"s true.So tell me all about it,tell me "bout the plans you"re makingThen tell me one thing more before I goTell me how am I supposedto live without youNow that I"ve been loving you so longHow am I supposed to live without youHow am I supposed to carry oncarry onWe must carry on till successin spite of the extremely difficult conditions.We carried on the discussionlate into the night.When all that I"ve been living for is gone.I didn"t come here for crying,didn"t come here to break downIt"s just a dream of mine iscoming to an endcome to an endThe summer vacationcame to an end at lastAll good things must come to an end.And how can I blame you,when I build my world aroundThe hope that one daywe"d be so much more than friendsAnd I don"t want to know the pricei"m gonna pay for dreamingpay forI paid £1,000 for this house.Pay forpriceYou will pay for your dishonesty.Pollution is the price we pay foran overpopulated, over industrialized planet.When even now it"s more than I can take谢谢收听知行提示http://music.baidu.com/song/2918925





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需要Windows xp3 安装序列号,有的能提供一下吗?谢谢了。

我有,我安装时就用的这个 CD-KEY(安装序列号): DG8FV-B9TKY-FRT9J-6CRCC-XPQ4G MRX3F-47B9T-2487J-KWKMF-RPWBYQC986-27D34-6M3TY-JJXP9-TBGMD CM3HY-26VYW-6JRYC-X66GX-JVY2D DP7CM-PD6MC-6BKXT-M8JJ6-RPXGJ F4297-RCWJP-P482C-YY23Y-XH8W3 HH7VV-6P3G9-82TWK-QKJJ3-MXR96 HCQ9D-TVCWX-X9QRG-J4B2Y-GR2TT 序列号对应以下版本的XP: zh-hans_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_vl_x14-74070.iso 如果上面的不行试试下面的: MH3WF-QQVVC-V777J-62MM4-2YTDH BX6HT-MDJKW-H2J4X-BX67W-TVVFG GFD4W-XWXMJ-37VYT-YYKQQ-V4VMY X6MDW-CMHFF-CVXYH-THKBG-6XBDR KKG6H-RHRCQ-D2WJK-4R6XY-XTVJT

我的电脑现在的系统是windows xp 的 ,但原来是me 的,如果我以后想自己安装系统,我应怎么办?

直接从硬盘启动光盘!!就可以装要是有GHOST系统``就可以自动安装 `有快`


该怎么读怎么读啊~~英 [twɪnz] 美 [twɪnz] Twins组合资料详见uj97iZ2sKq9gHTY0KCpzxvOrTE0UAbwvTecvSrBHAl0HBQoTC7UU3ZJxP0GVKVH3Tk5yB-XtVq#sub8547096


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WIN.INI的基本构成 WIN.INI文件包含若干小节,每一节由一组相关的设定组成。WIN.INI文件中小节和设定的格式如下: [小节名] 关键字名=值 其中:小节名必须用中括号([])括起,且左括号必须在屏幕的最左一列,文件中可以包含注释,每一行注释以分号(;)开始。 WIN.INI中的主要小节名及含义如下: [Windows]:影响Windows操作环境的部分,包括在启动Windows时执行哪一个应用程序,警告声音的设置、窗口边框的宽度、键盘响应的速度、鼠标器设置以及将文件定义为文档或程序等。 [Desktop]:控制系统界面显示形式及窗口和鼠标器的位置。 [Extensions]:联结特定的文件类型与相应的应用程序。 [Intl]:描述怎样为除美国外的其它国家显示有关的文件项目。 [Windows Help]:列出有关HELP窗口及对话窗的默认尺寸、布局、文本颜色等设置。 [Font Substitue]:列出Windows可识别的互换字体。 [TureType]:使用和显示TrueType字体的可选设置。 [Sounds]:为每个系统事件设计的声音文件列表。 [MCI Extensions]:把MEDIA控制接口设备同特定文件类型联系起来。 [Compatibility]:用于解决Windows 98和Windows 3.x之间的差异所引起的兼容性问题。 [Compatibility32]:用于解决Windows 98和Windows 3.X之间的差异所引起的32位磁盘存取兼容性问题。 [MCI Compatibility]:用于Windows 98中文版的MCI设备兼容性问题。 [Module Compatibility]:用于Windows 98中文版的模块兼容性问题。 [IME Compatibility]:用于Windows 98中文版的输入法与应用程序的兼容性问题。 [Pscript.Drv]:描述PostScrip打印机的ATM字库状况。 [Fonts]:描述Windows装入的屏幕字体文件。 Embedding:列出目标联接与嵌入(OLE)使用的服务器目标。 [Colors]:定义Windows的显示颜色。 [PrinterPorts]:Windows将要访问的激活或非激活的输出设备。 [Ports]:描述中文Windows 98的可用端口。 [Mail]:描述Microsoft Mail以及Microsoft Exchange的使用参数。 [Devices]:与旧版本Windows的应用程序兼容的激活输出设备。 [Programs]:当用户打开多个数据文件时,该段可为Windows查找相应程序文件提供附加的路径。 [Associated CharSet]:描述Windows 98中文版使用字符集状态和西文字体所对应的缺省中文字体。 [Windows Telephony]:描述Windows 98中文版的Microsoft Exchange的电话号码初始化日期和时间。 [Paintbrush]:描述Windows 98中文版的“画图”(PaintBrush)的省略图片格式。 [MAPI 1.0 Time Zone]:描述MAPI 1.0的时区设置参数.



Windows 无法安装到这个磁盘问题


美国X音素第三季里13岁女生RION PAIGE唱的一首歌,有句词是“cause i will stand by you”,歌名叫什么啊

鄙视最快回答,误导楼主。这首歌叫 I won"t let go 原唱 Rascal Flatts顺便推荐一下Rascal Flatts有很多不错的歌曲,基本都是美国乡村音乐。个人比较喜欢的有"What Hurts the Most","Here Comes Goodbye","Bless the Broken Road"



but will you stand with us什么歌的歌词

歌曲名:I Will Stand By You歌手:High Valley专辑:High ValleyHigh Valley - I Will Stand By YouI will never back down from a good fair fightI will find my way through the darkest nightNo, I"ll never feel wrong for doing what"s rightI will stand by youI will never run from what I believeI am stronger still when I"m on my kneesI am ready as I"ll ever beAnd I will stand by youNow I can"t carry the world on my shouldersThis I know is trueBut if you need meI will be thereKnow that I will stand by youLet the walls fall down, I will shelter youWhen the seas rise up, I will rise up tooAnd no matter what happens I"ll know what to doI will stand by youNow I can"t carry the world on my shouldersThis I know is trueBut if you need meI will be thereKnow that I will stand by youI"m a man of faith that"s unshakeableI may bend but I"m unbreakableYou can count on meI will never back down from a good fair fightI will find my way through the darkest of nightsNo, I"ll never feel wrong for doing what"s rightI will stand by youI will stand by youI will stand...Now I can"t carry the world on my shouldersThis I know is trueBut if you need meI will be thereAnd I will, I will stand by youI will stand by you

I will always stand by you

我会一直支持你. Stand by sb.意为 支持某人.

安装WIN7 提示 Windows 无法安装到这个磁盘。

最好先确认一下光盘镜像为原版光盘镜像。然后,安装之前必须要用pqmagic格式化,并1.【设置为“主分区”和“活动分区”!】2.分区格式一定要是ntfs。3.格式化完后要重建分区表如果还不行,可能就是你的机器有硬盘保护,一般都是品牌机有,有的机型是在启动的时候按home键,你看一下说明书,或者咨询一下品牌的客服。 ==================================================不是硬盘格式的问题,因为你的分区已经是ntfs格式的了,正好,不需要转换,跟格式没有关系。 ==================================================我想起来了,可能是硬盘模式的问题,你把bios设置里的硬盘的模式从AHCI改成Compatibility 就行了。修改方法:开机进入bios(我的机器是按del键),进入configuration或config,bios的写法都不一样,你好好找找,进去后找到sata模式选项(类似serial ATA或者Configure SATA As),你看一下模式是不是AHCI,改成Compatibility,保存重启在安装看行不行,不行或者没有Compatibility的话就改成“IDE”再安装,推出的时候别忘了保存bios。安装完了win7再改回AHCI。

i will stand by you forever是什么意思


Whatever you do I will stand by you 这个句子对吗?

I will back you up no matter what you do

求, The Morningside - the wind 歌词

Just fly through this night fly as high to blow up the leaves just fly as fast to stop means to die some slow death some slow end the dawn and silence will take your soul away take my sorrow with you kill it and fly away fly through the time through the age to the place where everything seems to be another better just better the place where are we living We are we smiling together alive fly through the rain you will see in a split second that all that drops are falling down from land to sky fly through the rain to the place whehe are our dreams or something what we cannt deny fly through this rain and ill stay to wait for it to stop or all i"ve written or i""ve said would be erased all my dreams and thoughts all My embrased pain will stay with raindrops tears here with me fly through the rain 来自 http://www.justsomelyrics.com/1320298/The-Morningside-The-Wind-Lyrics

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nod32 3.0,应该可以的

是用in my winter holiday还是on my winter holiday?

这里是in my winter holiday正确。意为“在我的寒假”--- 因为 holiday 是个时间段, 不是某一天比较:on holiday 是习语“在度假”如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可如果有其他问题请采纳本题后另发点击向我求助,答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。祝学习进步

以MY Winter Holiday 为题写一篇60词的短文

there was full of fun in this winter holiday,i had a good time and will never forget in my life.before the Chinese new year,my mother and i went around the shopping centres there and brought clothes for each member of the family.that was a happy moment,because i can choose the clothes i like.i visited my grandparents who live far from my home.i missed them so much.i went fishing with my grandfather,that was an intersting thing for me.my grandmother cooked a table of tasty food which i like.the fifthe day of new year,i went and had a movie with my goodfriends,because it has been a long time we haven"t go to cinema and enjoy a movie. i really had a good time in this witer holiday这个春节给我带来啦很多乐趣。我玩的很开心并将不会忘记。在春节之前,我妈妈跟我去购物商场买衣服给家里的各个家庭成员。那是个很快乐的时光,因为我可以选择自己喜欢的衣服。我去探访我的祖父母,他们家离我家很远的,我很想念他们。我跟我的祖父去钓鱼,那是一件很有趣的事情。我的祖母会煮很多好吃的东西给我吃。大年初五,我跟我的朋友去看电影,我已经很久没有去过电影院看电影了。这个寒假我真的过的很开心。这样写应该可以~的

六年级winter holiday plan英语作文

Winter holiday is coming. I"m going to have a busy holiday. First, I"m going to finish my homework. Then, I"m going to visit my grandparents. My grandmother is sixty-six years old. So I"m going to buy some gifts for my grandma. I"m going to visit my relatives in order to send them my best wishes. I" m going to read some books in the holiday. I really want to learn more from books.I"m going to have a funny holiday.

英语作文带翻译:寒假计划plan for winter holiday

I"m looking forward to the coming of mywinter holiday. In order to have a good time in the vacation, I have made aplan for it. At first, my mother must ask me to do homework. If I don"t followher words, I wouldn"t have peace in the following days until I finish myhomework. So the first thing I will do in the winter holiday is to finish myhomework. And then I will take full use of my time to go out play with myfriends, because I will have to help my mother to prepare for the SpringFestival when it"s in the corner. Three days before Spring Festival, I will goto my grandmother"s home for a visit with my parents. After the Spring FestivalI am going to travel with my family. As for where to go, I don"t have any plannow. Maybe we will go to Harbin to thesnow. Being the southern local person, I have never seen snow and eager to seeit once. After the trip, I think I have to go back to school. This is my plan for the coming winter vacation. What"syours? 我期待寒假的到来。为了过一个愉快的假期,我制定了一个寒假计划。首先,我的妈妈肯定会叫我去写作业的。如果我不听她的话,在接下来的日子里我就不会过得安宁,除非我完成了作业。所以寒假里我要做的第一件事就是完成我的作业。然后我会充分利用我的时间去和我的朋友玩,因为在春节即将到来的时候我要帮我妈妈准备春节的事情。春节前三天,我会和爸爸妈妈去外婆家。春节后我打算与我的家人去旅行。至于去哪里,我还没有计划。也许为了看雪我们会去哈尔滨。作为南方本地人,我从未见过雪,很希望能看一次。旅行之后,我想我也该准备回学校了。这是我即将到来的假期计划。你的是什么呢?
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